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Popular omen: why the cheeks are burning. If the left cheek is on, what does it mean

Each of us from time to time experiences such a state when it seems that "cheeks are burning". Why is this happening? If you have not been in the cold for a long time, if these are not manifestations of allergies, then it comes about such a phenomenon as the transmission of thoughts at a distance.

This explanation seems incredible, but remember, there is a Russian omen: if your cheeks are burning, at that moment someone thinks about you. Is this not a direct answer to the fact that our thoughts are not only material, but they can still be read by other people.

Let's take a closer look at our folk sign. So, although the omen also answers the question of why the cheeks are "burning", it is interpreted differently.

So, if you have two cheeks on fire, you now know what someone thinks of you. You can also find out what exactly they think of you at this moment. To do this, take Golden ring and run it across the cheek. Now look in the mirror at the color of the stripe left by the ring on the skin. If the line is dark, the person remembering you at that moment scolds, condemns and says unpleasant things about you.

If the strip from the ring leaves a light mark, the person who remembers you praises you, and perhaps even misses you and wants to see you.

But if the trace from the ring is red, the one who remembers you, thinks or speaks about you neutrally. Such a person just casually mentioned your name or thought of you.

The "burning" cheeks are also interpreted differently. If you feel heat on your left cheek, that's bad. The omen says that the one who thinks about you, behind your back, condemns your actions and weaves intrigues. The trouble is also that it can be your relatives and friends. It’s unpleasant, but you don’t need to immediately think bad of someone or create a scandal. The fact is that within three days the "conspiracy" will unfold by itself, and you will find out the truth.

If your right cheek is "burning", this is a sign that the person who loves you thinks or says about you. The thoughts of such a person are filled with goodness, joy and happiness.
It is at this moment that this person, thinking about you, wants to do something pleasant for you.
For example, yesterday a guest of our site said that for no reason, her right cheek began to burn. It turns out that the husband was thinking about the woman, who won at the casino here - - the jackpot. At first, the husband of our guest played for free, and then decided to gamble and put his entire salary on the line. Happiness smiled at him, and the man dreamed so much about his wife and what gift he would give her, that the woman felt it at a distance of five kilometers.

The most interesting thing is that if you do not have a husband or wife, then 100% have a secret admirer or admirer. Take a closer look at your surroundings, and you will see a person who cannot yet tell about his feelings.

And what does it mean if both cheeks are "on fire"? The omen also has an answer to this question. And, unfortunately, he is not very good. If both cheeks are on fire, you will soon be crying. It can be an indication of illness, failure in personal life, a strong resentment, that is, a nuisance that will cause tears. These tears will cool the burning face.

Fortunately, the popular omen "knows" and a way to avoid trouble. If you suddenly feel that both cheeks are burning, just wash your face with holy water. Then the heat will instantly disappear from the face and the omen will not come true.

If your cheeks are burning, then you should be alert. Popular wisdom says that this is a sign that someone is thinking about you at this moment. Cheeks are burning - an ambiguous omen and it is interpreted in different ways, depending on the case or day of the week. Let's find out what this folk omen means.

Cheeks are on fire: the meaning of omens

If your cheeks are burning, then someone remembers you. You may even find out what is being thought or said about you at that moment. To do this, you need to run a gold ring over your cheek and look at the color of the strip that remains after it. If the line is dark, then you are being scolded or your actions are being discussed. If the strip is light, then they speak well of you, perhaps praise. If the bar is red, then the person is speaking or thinking of you neutrally.

Many interpret this sign differently, taking into account the side of the cheek. In this case, the left and right cheeks burn for different events.

Why is the left cheek burning

The left cheek is on fire - a bad omen. This means that someone is intriguing behind your back. The most unpleasant thing is that most often the omen indicates close people or relatives. It is possible that the people you trusted are opposed to you and want to use your trust and naivety to their advantage. If your left cheek is burning, then, of course, you should not immediately run and deal with someone who, in your opinion, may be negatively disposed. It is better not to give a reason for conflict, not to succumb to provocations and do your best to stay calm. Time will pass, and a conspiracy of loved ones against you will reveal itself.

Why is the right cheek burning

The right cheek is on fire - a good omen. This means that your loved one thinks about you, and his thoughts are very positive and kind. Probably, at this moment he is thinking about how to please you and how to show you care. If your cheek is on fire, but you don't have a second half, then this is a reason to think about the fact that you have a secret admirer. Most likely, he has long dreamed of you, but something prevents him from opening his feelings.

If both cheeks are on fire

If your right and left cheeks are burning, then this is a very bad omen. It indicates that soon you will cry and your tears will cool your burning face. This omen can predict misfortune, illness, failure, resentment - anything that can cause harm and cause tears. But the execution of this folk omen can be easily avoided. To do this, you just need to wash your face with holy water. The fever will subside, and the omen will not come true.

Sign value by day of the week

Many interpret this folk sign on the days of the week.

  • If your cheeks are burning on Monday, then a new acquaintance or a meeting with an old acquaintance awaits you.
  • If your cheeks are burning on Tuesday, then you will face a serious conflict, scandal or even a fight.
  • If your cheeks are on fire on Wednesday, then you will be lucky in all your plans. It also indicates monetary gain.
  • If your cheeks are burning on Thursday, an unexpected incident awaits you that will bring pleasure and joy.
  • If your cheeks are burning on Friday, you will receive news from loved ones or the arrival of relatives.
  • If your cheeks are on fire on Saturday, there is unbridled fun in store for you.
  • If your cheeks are burning on Sunday, you will soon part with a loved one.

It is worth saying that this sign makes sense only if your cheeks began to burn completely by accident, and not from the heat on the street or due to an illness. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

What does it mean when your cheeks burn?

Blush in girls in the evening

And a passionate date.


  • The face may turn red
  • diabetes.
  • Redness can be caused by allergies.
  • Blush may show through.
  • Red cheeks - .
  • Among women .
  • to the content

    By days of the week

  • In Tuesday
  • V Wednesday
  • Burning face in friday
  • V saturday
  • V Sunday
  • Sign: what awaits a person whose cheeks are burning?

    According to legend, reddening of the cheeks and a sudden onset of fever is a sign that someone remembered you.

    What does it mean when your cheeks burn?

    It is believed that the right side of the body receives positive energy, while the left is associated with negative vibrations. Therefore, if one side of your face is on fire, it immediately becomes clear whether this is good or not.

    There is another explanation for the blush on the cheeks: if the right side of your face is on fire, then very soon you will have a pleasant surprise or surprise... It can also promise a meeting with a soul mate.

    The left cheek, according to the signs, burns if someone scolds you. If you want to get rid of the fever, then start going over in your head those who can remember you at this moment with an unkind word. If you guess right, the fever will stop.

    There is one more not the most positive value this sign: they speak badly about you, condemn your actions or even laugh at you. Also, gossip and intrigue can be the reason for the redness of the left cheek. that are being woven by ill-wishers.

    If you often notice redness on your left cheek, then this may be a sign of the evil eye.

    If both cheeks are on fire, the other person's thoughts about you are very emotional and powerful.

    With the help of gold jewelry, you can find out what is being said about you at that moment. Take any piece of gold (pendant, chain or ring) and run it over the burning face.

    If there is a dark streak, then you are being discussed in a negative context.... You are remembered without a special emotional color if a red stripe remains. A white streak, or lack thereof, indicates good people are talking about you.

    Blush in girls in the evening

    A good omen for girls is considered to be a pink blush that appears on the cheeks in the evening.

    If both cheeks are on fire at this time of day, it means that the beloved is remembering.

    This often indicates that the chosen one is bored and waiting for a meeting. For lonely girls, this belief bodes well for kisses. and a passionate date.


    If you do not trust omens, then you will be interested to know why the face burns from the point of view of medicine.

    Be sure to see your doctor if you have frequent apparent reason cheeks turn red and heat enters the face... This condition can be a symptom of a serious medical condition.

    • "Fire" on the cheeks may occur due to poor circulation.
  • The causes of redness of the cheeks can be vegetative dystonia and heart problems.
  • If you have a permanent burning blush on your cheeks, then it may be a symptom of lung disease, particularly pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • The face may turn red due to wrong work endocrine system ... If the thyroid gland is enlarged, then facial redness is considered a frequent occurrence.
  • Burning cheeks can be caused by diabetes.
  • Redness can be caused by allergies.
  • Blush can show through because of the drunk alcoholic drink.
  • Red cheeks - common with frostbite.
  • Among women during menopause, blood can often rush to the cheeks.
  • The most common reason sudden redness of the cheeks is stress, excitement, adrenaline rush.
  • to the content

    Why are cheeks and ears burning at the same time?

    Sometimes the heat covers not only the cheeks, but also the ears.

    By days of the week

    You can find out why the cheeks are burning by the days of the week. Each day of the week has its own energy and therefore the meaning of the omen can change depending on the day.

  • In Tuesday blush promises a quarrel with a loved one. Be careful with the people around you and try to control your emotions and words. Do not provoke conflicts and try to avoid talking in a raised voice.
  • V Wednesday flushed cheeks predict the imminent fulfillment of a cherished dream. It can also mean a sudden meeting or surprise. Be sure to make a wish on this day!
  • Burning face in friday- wait for guests or new acquaintances. You shouldn't sit at home on this day of the week - go to a meeting with friends, go to the cinema or to a cafe. If the cheeks lit up in the evening of this day, then this is the most lucky sign- very soon you will achieve your goal.
  • V saturday red cheeks mean fun, meeting friends and new experiences. On this day, you must definitely visit those with whom you have not seen for a long time or spend time with loved ones.
  • V Sunday cheeks burn to parting. Someone is likely to leave your life. If you don't want to lose anyone, wash yourself quickly. cold water to get rid of redness and heat.
  • Listen to omens if you trust them. They say that only what you believe in comes true.

    A sign of burning cheeks: what does it mean on different days of the week?

    Cheeks are burning: what is it for

    To save yourself from unpleasant sensations, try to list everyone who can discuss you in this moment, and after you guess your verbal abuser, your cheeks should cool down.

    There is a popular method that can help determine whether you are remembered well or not. Since burning cheeks can mean both, try taking wedding ring made of gold, slide it down the cheek, which is blazing, and look at the trace that remains after the ringlet.

    If, after identifying what your cheeks are telling you, you could understand that your cheeks are warning you about negative news and those who do not speak about you the best way, then there is no need to be upset in advance. On the network, you can find special conspiracies that will help neutralize the negative influence from those around you.

    It may be that those who you trusted one hundred percent do not treat you so well, and want to take advantage of your naivety and gullibility.

    But if the right cheek is on fire, this sign very positive. This suggests that your significant other thinks about you, and these thoughts are only positive and pleasant. Alternatively, he thinks about how to please you with something pleasant, to show warmth and care.

    Enough bad luck it is considered if at once two of your cheeks are burning together. So, the omen promises you long-term tears which should cool the burning skin. The same omen can promise a number of misfortunes, health problems, omissions, resentments and everything else that can ruin your life and bring tears into it.

    It is popularly believed that holy water can neutralize the negative effect of omens. Just wash yourself with it, the heat will go away, and negative signs will never come true.

    Sign value according to the day of the week

    The interpretation of this sign may differ depending on what day you felt your burning cheeks:

    Cheeks are burning in the evening: what does this mean?

    Signs are largely related to how a person can feel and perceive streams of various energies.

    So, the energy of positive and negative character can be felt even after a distance. We can react to such currents with anxiety, as well as heat on the cheeks, which is its manifestation.

    Another popular belief says that your cheeks burn clearly at a time when you have done either good or bad to someone of your loved ones. According to this criterion, you can guess the person whose energy is manifested through your cheeks.

    If tomorrow you have some important event ahead of you, this is not surprising, since the body reacts to stress and excitement in this way. Hence the sign that the cheeks can burn for some important event.

    Why are cheeks and ears burning at the same time?

    If both cheeks and ears are on fire, then the omen suggests that you are being discussed as actively as possible. And for sure everything here is not limited to a couple of gossips. Probably, at this moment a whole company is talking about you, for example, colleagues, relatives, neighbors. But no one says that they say something bad about you - this still needs to be determined.

    In addition, burning ears and cheeks can indicate that you are undergoing an energy attack... To save yourself from this, and to prevent damage or evil eye, try to wash yourself with holy water or read any prayer.

    It is worth noting other signs associated with burning sensory organs. So, if your lips are burning, this is a harbinger of kisses, moreover, hot, passionate and long. This omen was especially joyful for young girls who dreamed of meeting a prince. Modern ladies may not even notice this sign, but in vain, because its meaning is far from the worst.

    If your feet are on fire, get ready for the road. It can be both incredibly addictive and very boring. If, for example, you felt burning feet and met your boss, this may indicate a business trip. If you meet a friend with this symptom, then your trip should be fun.

    What does medicine say?

    They believe that a person's cheeks burn in certain emotional states. It could be intense excitement, anger, shame, embarrassment and so on. As a result of such moments, emotions lead to the fact that the temperature rises, blood vessels and capillaries expand - this leads to the fact that the face literally burns.

    Also burning cheeks can be a consequence usual hypertension... But in this case, the cheeks are constantly red, and suddenly this symptom does not arise. The complexion in this case can become dark crimson. Among possible reasons also allergies can be distinguished.

    As you can see, there can be many reasons for hot cheeks. And the signs interpret this phenomenon in different ways. Even if popular beliefs say that you are being discussed, and, moreover, far from one person, you should not worry. If they talk about you, then you deserve it.


    Also read:

    If you have any questions, leave them below, we will discuss together.

    They attach great importance to burning cheeks, but there is no unambiguous interpretation of such an event - it all depends on many side factors.

    In the article:

    Cheeks are burning - signs

    Redness in this area of ​​the face suggests that someone remembers you. It matters which cheek is burning - left or right, or both at once. Sometimes the ears turn red at the same time. From this article, you will learn in detail what this folk omen means, how to get rid of an unpleasant sensation and benefit from it.

    The people think so: “ Cheeks burn - people talk". With the help of a gold ring, you can find out who is saying what. Swipe it over the burning cheek and see what mark the ring leaves.

    If there is a dark streak, it means that something related to you is being discussed in a negative way, scolded or envied. The red bar indicates a neutral conversation, perhaps the person discussing you has not yet fully formed his opinion. A light streak or complete absence of a trace predicts that someone is praising or talking about you. Nice words, and there is no cause for concern. In some regions, it is believed that burning cheeks are only a sign of negative discussion behind the back.

    To find out who is talking about you, name in order the names of everyone you suspect. On whom the fever disappears, he discussed. There is a different opinion, according to which burning cheeks are the first symptom of an energy attack. Perhaps it makes sense to take protective measures, you will find reliable ones on our website. Old people are advised to wash with holy water in such cases. It is sometimes said that flaming cheeks portend trouble or tears that will cool them down.

    For unmarried girls who have a boyfriend in mind, this belief promises that the young man of interest remembers the moments spent together and wishes to meet.

    Why cheeks are burning - signs by day of the week

    Some popular beliefs interpret the burning sensation in this area differently, depending on what day of the week it appeared. It's up to you to decide how to interpret the sign - to consider that it is for the worse, to be happy with what the guy thinks of you, or to see what burning cheeks mean on a certain day of the week and draw a conclusion.

    • Monday- a new acquaintance.
    • Tuesday- a quarrel with a loved one.
    • Wednesday- a date or other pastime that is no less interesting for you.
    • Thursday- a wish will come true, most likely associated with a favorite pastime.
    • Friday- news.
    • Saturday- meeting.
    • Sunday- good incidents, pleasant surprises, fun in the company.

    These beliefs relate to both cheeks, and if one or all of them are on fire, the meaning changes.

    Sign - why ears and cheeks are burning at the same time

    Individually, these body parts, if they are uncomfortable in this way, mean that you are being discussed. Sometimes people say: “U shki - girlfriends, cheeks - friends”, Which answers the question of who is discussing.

    If both cheeks and ears are on fire, signs predict that they are talking about you quite actively, and this is far from a couple of gossips. Most likely, I had to become a subject for discussion by a whole company of acquaintances. Perhaps neighbors or colleagues.

    As with burning ears, this could be the first sign of an energetic attack. To protect yourself from the evil eye or damage, wash yourself with holy water, read or open on our website.

    Sign - the left cheek is on fire

    This is not the most good sign... You are not just discussed, but intrigued behind your back. Perhaps acquaintances or colleagues will take advantage of the trust and betray you. There is a possibility of revenge out of envy, as well as attempts by enemies to achieve their goal by using you.

    You should be on the lookout, but that doesn't mean you should be suspicious of everyone. Unfortunately, the belief usually points to people from the closest environment. Do not give a reason for conflict, try to be careful and stay one step ahead of your enemies. You can try to recognize them by saying aloud the names of the suspects. On the "right" person, the cheek should stop burning.

    On our website you will find defensive plots from enemies, which will help to avoid the troubles associated with envy, the use of trust. Try to remember who you crossed the road to so that it is clear who you are dealing with.

    There is no reason to worry, this is a good sign. Your loved one remembers you. He is bored and wants to meet. Thoughts about you are more likely to be positive. Maybe the reason for the burning right cheek lies in a meeting of classmates who decided to remember some pleasant events, or you are being taken as an example.

    Perhaps your boyfriend is preparing a pleasant surprise. If you're still single, expect a secret admirer. There is a likelihood of mutual sympathy, but something prevents you from opening your feelings.

    There is another sign that promises that soon you will have to feel awkward because of the praise. She portends pleasant words and pleasure, but one way or another, you have to blush.



    noun, f., uptr. Often

    Morphology: (no) what? cheeks what? cheek, (see) what? cheek and cheek, how? cheek, about what? on the cheek; pl. what? cheeks, (no) what? cheeks what? cheeks, (see) what? cheeks, how? cheeks, about what? about cheeks

    1. Cheek the part of the face from the cheekbone to the lower jaw is called.

    Right, left cheek. | Plump, thick cheeks. | Pale cheeks. | Shaved, prickly cheeks. | Dirty cheek. | Her cheeks turned pink. | Curling up into a ball and placing her hand under her cheek, she quietly fell asleep. | She looked at him again and gently, if slightly uncertainly, ran her hand over his cheek.

    2. If you are someone kissed on the cheeks, then this means that this person friendly, tenderly kissed you twice or three times on both cheeks.

    She kindly kissed him on the cheeks, and with mock joy he clung to her soft dark hand.

    3. If you are someone smack on the cheek then this means that this person quickly and easily touches your cheek with their lips.

    - I'll call, - he kissed Lenochka on the cheek patronizingly, ran away for one flight, - in a week.

    4. In Christianity, the call turn the other (right) cheek to the one who hit you on the left cheek means the wish that people do not take revenge on each other, do not return blow for blow, forgive their offenders.

    Christ, when he said "turn the other cheek", meant that God will avenge everything bad and unrighteous.

    5. If you turned their cheeks (for a kiss), then this means that you are sure that this person will kiss you, as it has become a habit with you.

    Jeanne turned her cheek to her husband and ran to the door.

    6. If your cheeks burn (with fire), then this means that you blushed a lot from excitement, frost, etc.

    Her cheeks burned with feverish fire, and her eyes shone with an unnatural glint.

    7. If you say that someone has sunken, sunken cheeks, then this means that this person has an unnaturally thin face.

    Peering into the face, he noted his regular and delicate features, which spoiled his overly sunken cheeks and a feverish blush, which made his eyes too large.

    8. If a person is said to have you can't see your eyes from behind your cheeks, then this means that he has abnormally thick cheeks, his whole face is swollen with fat.

    9. If someone puffs out cheeks, then this means that this person is taking in air and retaining it in his mouth with his lips closed.

    The trumpeter raised the bugle to his lips, puffed out his cheeks and played the wake-up call.

    10. If you have dimples, then this means that you have natural small depressions in the cheek area.

    When he smiled, on right cheek a lonely dimple appeared at the very lips of his.

    11. If someone pees on both cheeks then this means that this person eats food with great appetite, greedily.

    12. Phrase No tooth hurts behind someone else's cheek means that it is very difficult for a person to imagine the true position of another, to delve into his problems.

    13. Cheek called the lateral, usually flat surface of any part, part of a device, mechanism, etc.

    Shop box cheek. | Press cheek. | Grip cheek.

    cheek noun, f.

    Chubby cheeks.

    Dictionary Russian language Dmitriev... D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.


    See what "cheek" is in other dictionaries:

      Female the lateral part of the face, from the upper to the lower cheekbone, or this interval, limited by the arch of the upper cheekbone, ear, sled, chin and the bow of the lips; in animals, looking at their structure, the same part; fish cheek, goldfinch, shagla; bovine cheek, skin, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      Dial. also a steep rocky river bank, east. sib., steep cliffs squeezing the stream of the river on both sides, kolymsk. (Bogoraz), Ukrainian cheek, cheek, mouth, cheekbone, blr. pashcheka jaw, especially the lower, polish. szczeka, szczęka cheekbone, jaw ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

      Cheek, cheeks, cheek; blush all over; pee on both cheeks (eat with great appetite); stick it on the cheek; on the cheek; pl. cheeks, cheeks, (on) cheeks, (on) cheeks ... Russian verbal stress

      CHEEK, cheeks, pl. cheeks, cheeks, cheeks, wives. 1. Part of the face from the cheekbone to the lower jaw. "Her hair fell in long curls along her cheeks." A. Turgenev. Hit on the cheek. Kiss on the cheek. 2. Side, usually flat part of something (special). Block cheeks. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      - (buccal region, lat. bucca) paired lateral part of a person's face or an animal's muzzle, extending from the zygomatic arch to the lower edge of the lower ... Wikipedia

      To write on both cheeks .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. cheek grip; pocket, fat man, cheek Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

      CHEEK, and, wine. cheek, pl. cheeks, cheeks, cheeks, wives. 1. Lateral part of the face from the cheekbone to the lower jaw; the front side of the muzzle, head of the animal. Rosy cheeks. Kiss on the cheek. Eat on both cheeks, pee (greedily, with great appetite; colloquial). Per… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      On someone's cheek. Perm. Shuttle. About an emaciated person. Podyukov 1989, 234. Cheek eats someone's cheek. Narodn. Iron. About a very thin person. Gig. 1969, 253; SRGM 1980, 49. Call someone on the cheeks. Kar. Shuttle. Slap someone in the face SRGK 5, 30. ... ... A large dictionary of Russian sayings

      And, wine. cheek; pl. cheeks, cheeks, cheeks; f. 1. Part of the face from the cheekbone to the lower jaw. Right, left sch. Plump, rosy cheeks. Thin pale cheeks. With sunken cheeks. A scar on the cheek. Dirty cheek. Kiss on the cheek. Tears rolled down my cheeks. For both cheeks ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

      cheek- CHEEK, and, wine. cheek, mn cheeks, genus. cheeks, dates. cheeks, f The lateral part of a person's face or an animal's muzzle from the cheekbone to the lower jaw. Anna Ivanovna fell silent. Tears rolled down her cheeks like a hail (Paste). Feeling the man's gaze, the bird stopped ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


    • Turkish-Russian dictionary. About 30,000 words and expressions, Shcheka Yuri Vladimirovich. The dictionary contains about 30,000 words, expressions and phraseological phrases of the modern Turkish language and reflects the very active processes of updating the Turkish vocabulary that took place in ...