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Itchies the nose before bedtime. Why nose itchs: Possible causes and signs

The bridge is a very sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Often this part of the body may be unfortunately disturbed. Such anxiety can manifest itself because of irritation, allergies, acne. But what is the nose with the nose, if there are no pimples, wound and redness on the skin? Our article will be devoted to this issue.

Negative meaning

Our ancestors revered each admission and treated her with extreme caution. What foreshadowed such a sign in the old days, let's find out:

  1. Itching in this zone foreshadows a bad event - he will have to visit the funeral. Perhaps it will be a funeral of close people or someone from familiar - neighbors, a distant acquaintance, etc.
  2. Another negative value of signs, when the nose is hidden - such a person is likely there is a lot of problems, a sign that he constantly thinks about how to solve them. This is a kind of body protest and a signal to a person about what you need to throw out all thoughts that destroy the brain and tranquility of the soul from the head.
  3. If you have a nasty nose - it means someone leads to your back gossip, peresya and trying to pump you in every way. Try to define such a person. In the future, try to stay away from such a person.

On this, the negative interpretation of folk signs ends. Subsequent interpretations of superstition will depend, in which place the bridges are drawn, at what days of the week and the time of day. Consider each value in detail.

Location itch

Important with deciphering such signs is the localization of itching:

  1. Itchies the nose closer to the wings of the nose - for a person it is a pleasant news. This means that soon the family will be replenished. Perhaps the birth of a child, grandchildren or the wedding of children. It is not excluded and such an option - you will baptize someone's children.
  2. Itchies the nose in the right wing area - wait for pleasant events. In this case, there can be anything - a meeting with an old friend, a fun and turbulent party, good news, meeting with long-range relatives, etc.
  3. Itchies the nose in the field of the left wing - you are waiting for pleasant surprises, or rather - acquaintance. What promotes such acquaintance is, the sign does not determine. Because many at the meeting will depend on you. You can get acquainted with a new colleague at work, with your beloved or just find a new friend. The way you presented at the first meeting will affect your future communication with these people. Therefore, try to put yourself in order and as they say not to fall into the dirt face.
  4. Modern predictors believe that the tip of the nose can also be attributed to the nose. Therefore, if you have worried this nose zone - wait for a stormy feast with alcoholic drinks.
  5. Another interpretation of signs when the tip of the nose is itching - wait for pleasant attention gestures from the opposite sex. It is possible that someone will seriously begin to care for you. Another option is possible when the tip of the nose is itching, "you will have an interest in the opposite sex representative. Of interest can grow into a serious relationship, and even - marriage.
  6. Itchies the whole of the nose - it means a person is concerned about some important issue and cannot find an answer to his decision. It is necessary to concentrate their thoughts to the right track as much as possible, calm down and then will certainly succeed.

Days of the week

On Monday, this part of the body can be shame. Perhaps on the weekend you made some kind of act, for which you now are ashamed and uncomfortable.

On Tuesday, itching in this part of the person warns a person that he remembers his bosses. An option is also possible that it is discussed by colleagues at work. Discussion is purely working.

On Wednesday, such a sign promises a person that something closer to the end of the week can happen something that you will think with a big annoying and bitterness.

On Thursday, the nose is sick - a sign of a meeting with old familiar and discussion with them common friends.

Friday is a sign of a good pastime in the evening. It is possible to have a noisy and cheerful party in a circle of close friends, after which the most pleasant impressions and memories will remain.

What is the nose?

Why and what is the nose?

In the evening itching the nose - the problems you can't solve, just do not give you peace. It is just necessary to let go of the situation, and the next day with fresh heads to take over their elimination.

Night itchs the nose - someone remembers you, and in good angle. Perhaps these are friends, relatives or a loved one.


Of course, the signs need to be considered, because they exist no longer one century. But do not forget about external factors. The nose can be made because of the runny nose, irritation of the mucous membrane or allergies. In this case, you need to seek help to a doctor.

If someone has a wonderful nose, doctors will say - this is a virus, friends - "drink!", And grandmothers and more - they spoke all. Therefore, it is worthwhile to figure out what the nose it is cleaned to know the next time you know for sure what you can expect or fear.

Run to the doctor!

If a person has something and it is a matter of her nose, it does not mean anything, except that it is necessary to go to the doctor. To accept only the situation, if the nose was wondering suddenly, and itching quickly passes. Otherwise, it may be a viral infection or allergic.

What grandma will say

If you ask the older generation: "What is the nose?", Babuli will immediately say that he just grows. This is the proportion of truth, because Human nose and ears are growing throughout life. This can confirm any doctor.


Each person is rare when all the nose itch is completely. It is often happening with some one part of it - a bridge or tip. Thinking in what itchs the nose, first it is worth staying on itching nostrils. If you want to scratch at the same time two halves of the nose, signs say that it is worth waiting for the addition in the family or fast christening. According to one of the interproks, the left nostril itches to the troubles and problems, the right - to joy or happiness. According to the female magazine of the XIX century, if it was combed to left in the nose, a cavalier will fall, loving to drink and swear, if on the right - the lady be the first beauty on the nearest ball. And the vintage "businessmen" said this: "The nose to the right scratch - all my life of poverty do not know. If the left of the nose you want - the cattle in the forest will break. "


Takespraying in what the nose itch is to turn to this part of it like a bridge. Most interpretations are not too good in this case and speak only about negative sides. For example, if you scratch the bridge - to be drunkenness, troubles in the family, diseases and even the dead man. Modern interpretations are not as terrible, moreover, they are even positive, and they say that if he scratched the nose, it means that a person will find and buy goods at cost, significantly lower than the market.


Speaking about why the nose is itching, namely, his ending, it is worth knowing that it promises good news. Also, scribbled the tip itself, you can expect happiness in personal life or career growth. Well, where without feast? Scratching the tip of the nose, you can expect fun with the use of alcoholic beverages.

All next

But what does it mean if the nose and the area around it? This may mean that a person will soon expect either changes at work (unfortunately, these changes will be for the worst direction), or the emergence of new feelings.

Believe or not?

Many people often wonder if you believe in signs or not. There will be no unambiguous answer here. Of course, it is unlikely, scratching the nose, we can expect that someone close will die. But on the other hand, how not to believe the wise representatives of the older generation, who have many years of experience and trust all the above signs? Therefore, believing or not - you only need to decide, relying on your feelings and intuition.

There is a lot of acceptance and superstitions associated with those or other parts of the human body. For example, on how the nose, hand, ear or eye, our ancestors tried to determine what would happen in the foreseeable future.


So, if the head or the head is drawn - to be wrapped, "to hear it," the distance in the "Proverbs of the Russian People". But in the book of the Feroka and the Razumovskaya "Signs and Superstition" says: "The backstage itchs - to sorrow." Temeskko itches, if you believe the book of Kulmatov and Kulmaya "Russian folk signs and beliefs", "to the Things about family and related cases." But if other parts of the head come down - this is a quarrel with loved ones.


If the forehead is drawn - you will have to beat the person to someone nursing. Judit on the right side - beat a man with a man, with the left - a woman. According to Kulmatov, in some cases it foreshadowed a meeting with a person of the opposite sex.


It is squeezed or burning the cheeks means someone will pour tears. And it may be to Westm. If the right cheek is drawn - we will come from afar, and the left is from the closest places.


The right eyebrow itches to a meeting with a friend or to the fact that at the moment someone praises you. Left - you will meet with the enemy or a hypocritical person, or someone now scolds you.

In another interpretation of eyebrows, it is squealing to bonds. If the right eyebrow itches, you will have to go to a man left - a woman. Another interpretation, according to G.: "The right eyebrow is omitted - praise, left - fermented."

The Klumatov is pushing it like this: "You will look at the sweaty horses," that is, you will meet the guest who arrived from afar.


Itchies the nose to the dead man. Although the Kulmatov claims that it may be to a meeting with a marital couple.


Itchies left eye - to tears. To avoid this, it was recommended scratching both eyes at the same time and turn them three times. Right - you will look at any (or beloved) person. At the same time, the marrow and the Razumovskaya give the following interpretation: "If the right eye itchs, you will cry, left to rejoice." And the Kulmatov definitely determines: "Will you will be crying."


The ears will be scratched either to the speedy news, or to the change of weather. Opported in the ears - someone from acquaintances will be a newborn.


Fucked in the nose - expect joyful news. Nostril itches to christenings or childbirth. If the head of the left nostril is to the news. Right to be you broken. But the tip of the nose itches to drink alcohol - "to look in a glass." Kulmatov clarify: "Being to drink in honor and wine."

If itching under the nose - you either get into something failure, or come across someone's ingratitude.


It is scratched with a pawn and gums - someone condemns you, but you will not be able to determine the unfair. Teeth, according to Feroka and Razumovskaya, itching to a date.


The lips are scratching - you will kiss. If the upper lip is drawn - with a man, if the bottom is with a woman or child. Burnt of both lips - to kiss with a married couple. It may still be to a visit to a visit or hotel.


Language itches - talking with "wind". Kulmatov explained that it is a conversation with a man who came "from the wind", a stranger.

The tip of the language itchs to the unkind over the intentions and intentions from other people. To prevent troubles, it is recommended to tie on something node, to prick the tip of the tongue with a needle or sprinkle with something sharp - for example, tobacco, salt or pepper. Then all the evil will return to those who plunder him.


A mustache is scratching - you will have hotels or some kind of delicacy, as well as to a date or kisses.


Neck itches - either to heat, or get bombed. It may also mean that you suddenly bring together on the road. If the neck of the Zudit from the occipital side, a close person will return with half anywood and you will have a conversation with him.


If a woman has a chest, it means that the beloved is twisted, they write the marrow and Razumovskaya. But the Klimatov assure that itching in the chest is promoting either grief or bad weather.


The shoulders will be kept - you will be gathered on the road. If the right shoulder itchs - you will leave for a long time. Left - not long.


The clavicle is scratching - you will be visiting or honorary meeting. If the cumshots are hidden - you have done.


Under the mouse itchs to the disease, but not too heavy. At the same time, if itching under the right mouse - you will be sick, if under the left - someone from loved ones.


The sides are scratching - or wait for the guests, or you will be returned.


If elbow itches - you will sleep in a new place, on someone else's bed. Also, the distance leads another accept - to the grief. According to Kulmatov, the right elbow is to the dispute, a quarrel or a fight, left - to a strange offer.

The marok and Razumovskaya, in turn, report that the right elbow itches to joy, left - to tears.


Right palm itches - to get money. But if the zudit is left, then the money will have to give or lose.


Soles are soles, go on the road. If the right foot is drawn - the road will be early, left - late. Began the knee - meet with an unpleasant person.

"The soles were born - to be boots behind the shoulders (hang out boots on the staff)," Dal writes. And "the knockers are squeezed - hearing the way." Heels are scratching - if in the summer, to the rain, in winter - to thaw. The fingers on the legs or corns on them will be cushed to the change of weather or bad weather, but it concerns only old men or patients.

Nose - some locator and lighthouse, which can be predicted by the future. It is only worth mentioning that the call is nose, so immediately colleagues or friends talk about a possible feast and drinking. In fact, the forecast is not so meager. In this article we will tell why the nose itch.

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, on the right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women, men: folk signs

Folk signs are talking about many. Moreover, itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose does not always talk about possible alcohol intake.

  • Around the nose. The unpleasant sensations and tingling in this area are talking about possible troubles. But we are unsoloning, this kind of problems is quickly solved.
  • Wings. It all depends on whether in or outside itch. If on the mucous membrane inside, then wait for good news from your loved ones. Of course, you should not rely only on signs, perhaps you managed to catch the virus. If itching is outside, then the unpleasant feeling of the left is the troubles of trouble. Just twist the fig and scratch the wing in this way. This will help prevent troubles.
  • Itching the tip is promoting profit or really taking alcohol. And it will be quite abundant. Also wait for success at work or in business.
  • Bridge. This part promises quarrels and trouble. Most likely, you can not find a common language with colleagues at work.

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, on the right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose in the morning and in the evening?

The value is not only the place that is to the zudit, but also time.

  • If itch is observed in the morning, then an unexpected guest will declare to you. You will be glad to see him, so run to the store for drinking.
  • If in the evening, after a few days wait for financial injections. Perhaps you will be given a prize or advance.

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women on Monday?

Itching on Monday always promises difficulties, which then remains to be solved all week.

  • If the tip itchs, then try not to be proud of the achievements at work and do not relax
  • If inside the mucous, then it is not the most pleasant things
  • If the nose wings are scratched, then wait for money that you should not spend immediately. Otherwise, by the end of the week, stay without finance

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, on the right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women on Tuesday?

Itching on Tuesday foreshadows the visit of an old friend or neighbor. Hurry up to prepare treats and invite guests. You will be able to spend the evening in a good company.

  • Itching on the tip says that you may be overwhelmed with alcohol
  • Itching wings foreshadows a frank conversation with the old friend. Maybe you will learn secrets or secrets
  • Itching bridges promises a quarrel with a close friend. Try not to frankly and not tell

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, on the right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women on Wednesday?

Wednesday foreshadows gifts.

  • Itching bridges says that you will give gifts, and not you
  • If the wings are squeezed, you can get an unplanned monetary reward
  • The tip foreshadows gifts to colleagues. Perhaps you will choose gifts for colleagues

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, on the right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women on Thursday?

Thursday - a romantic day. Therefore, any itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nose foreshadows something good and pleasant.

  • The tip of the nose itches to kisses on a romantic date. You really like the guy
  • Wings getting time to spending time in a beautiful place. Perhaps you will be invited to an expensive restaurant
  • The bridge is promoting disorders in relationships with her beloved. But you will be able to settle them

What is the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women on Friday?

On this day, the standard sign is justified. You are waiting for a noisy and cheerful gulyan. You will have fun with friends and colleagues. It is not important to the localization of itching.

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women on Saturday?

Itching in this area promises you waste. And not the most pleasant. Perhaps you will acquire something not for yourself.

  • The tip talks about large spending. Perhaps you will break something at home and this item will have to replace
  • The wings of the nose foreshadow nice spending. Perhaps you will get a new clothes for yourself
  • Itching bridges speaks of a possible dispute accountable with loved ones

What itchies the nose outside, inside, the wings of the nose, on the right and left, the tip of the nose, under the nose of the girl, women on Sunday?

Wait for disputes and troubles on this day. Someone from loved ones will not agree with you, so get ready to defend your point of view.

  • The tip itchs to a serious quarrel. Do not smooth hands, and try to be calm
  • Wings on this day are due to possible discord with the second half. But you can find a common language.
  • The bridge is promulit a quarrel with colleagues or leader. Do not get hot, it can cost you work

Of course, take into account folk signs, but do not rely on them completely. After all, you can fix much of themselves.

Video: Signs relative to the title nose

Folk wisdom claims: the nose itches with front excuses: disagreements, quarrels, fights. They may arise with colleague, other, relative or with the second half. Watch out what others say: one careless statement can cost you a spoiled day, and even worse - broken nose.

To neutralize this prediction, ask any person who is near, click you on the nose.

Other interpretations Signs

  • The nose itches at the moment when a man is lying. Take care of your comrades and pass on yourself to not be in an unpleasant situation.
  • Nasal itching foreshadows a cheerful feast where you will be invited. It will be a celebration with an abundance of drinking and chic dishes. Do not forget about the sense of measure.
  • Signs prompts a favorable news or receipt of money.

What makes each other parts of the nose

The tip of the nose isked before positive changes in life: career takeoffs, increasing income, the appearance of new workers or a long-awaited romantic date.
Another interpretation option promises cheerful leisure and consumption of alcoholic beverages. Do not abuse alcohol.

Itching wings of the nose foreshadows troubles in the business and love spheres of life. Unfinels may be declared, which will prevent the intended working draft, or deteriorates relationship with a loved one.

Itchies the left wing - wait for the family quarrels. Less argue and do not be nervous: this sign promises also deterioration of well-being.
Another interpretation version foreshadows significant costs and losses. To weaken the action of signs, spend the nose three times at the same time, medium and nameless fingers of the right hand.

The right wing of the nose is bred on the eve of good events: joyful news from blood relatives, success in work and profitable undertakings. If immediately after scratching attacked, the prediction will come true soon.
Itching in this part of the nose also means an invitation to christening or adding in the family.

Itching left nostrils foreshadows troubles and quarrels. Businessmen such a sign promotes bankruptcy and losses.

The right nostril itches to pleasant emotions from bright meetings, good news from loved ones, realization of secret desires. People who are busy in trade, this sign promises significant profits and luck.

Both nostrils are squeezed to an unstable future: problems will replace the successful strip, and vice versa.

Itchies under the nose of single people to the emergence of a new obstacle object, with which happy marriage relationships may begin.

Bridal bridges to disease and trouble.
Sketches wears another meaning: successful investments and profitable purchases.

The area around the nose is itching in front of the rapid manifestation of feelings. You will hug or kiss with a native person.

What itchies nose on the days of the week

  • Monday - to conflicts.
  • Tuesday - to a meeting with the old friend.
  • Wednesday - to get gifts.
  • Thursday - to a meeting with narrowed.
  • Friday - to merry.
  • Saturday - to useless spending money.
  • Sunday - to the scandal in the family.

What itchies the nose in time of day

  • Morning - to visit guests.
  • Day - to profits.
  • Evening - to good luck in the money.

The nose does not always bope before the upcoming events. This phenomenon may also lie other reasons: allergies, beginning of respiratory diseases, metabolic disorders in the body that require attention to health.