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Competently as written. Basics of proper beautiful speech

It is difficult to imagine the terms of modern reality without speech. Any action requiring contact with other people, we accompany words. A huge flow of information is collapsed for us daily, from which everyone chooses for itself what is suitable for him. The speech in a person's life occupies a significant position: it determines the possibility of any interaction and accompanies it in any activity. How poor would our life be without the opportunity to clothe the thought into a verbal form! The evolution of a person's speech took place gradually: from ancient times, so she developed, new meanings appeared, enriched vocabulary. If in former times it was possible to replace with gestures, images, just with a look, now almost any profession requires a person to own a language at the highest level. In the 21st century it is necessary to be able to not only correctly express their thoughts, but also to formulate intentions aimed at achieving better results. All this is impossible without speech activity.

Structure of speech

It is, as well as every other type of activity, consists of several elements.

Motivation - An important structural component, without which no interaction between people would take place. Before making any action associated with communication, the personality should experience the need for interaction. Motivation may concern both personal (internal) requests for a separate individual, and go beyond its needs.

Planning- second element in the structure of speech. Here, the ability to predict and the expected result comes to the fore. Personal interests of a person participate in the process of distributing their resources and opportunities. Competent planning It necessarily includes self-analysis and reflection. A person should know why he is going to spend his resource, which wants to achieve.

Sales - This is a process aimed at achieving the goal. When the task is formulated, the personality has a high motivation and carries out a competent approach to step by step actions. With the help of speech, information is transmitted from one person to another.

Control - an integral component of any successful activity, and it is no exception. To understand whether the task is solved correctly, you must periodically track the result. We can spend a surround seminar on some question, give people interesting informationbut this is not enough if there is a desire for great achievements. It is extremely important to get feedback from participants, hear their opinion, make sure of their usefulness.

Rech functions

Modern psychological science determines the speech as a higher mental function, a significant mechanism in the formation of intellectual activity, the process of transferring and sharing information. As any activity, it performs a number of important tasks.

Nominative function It is necessary to call, denote the subject of the word. Due to this, everyone is able to understand his opponent and not be confused in concepts. Communication between people is based on a predetermined model, which significantly simplifies the process of understanding.

Generalizing function Serves to detect general signs, properties of objects for further classification by groups. The word already denotes not one object, but calls a whole group of properties or phenomena. Here the strongest connection of speech with thinking is manifested, since such operations require tense mental activity.

Communicative functionit is the stage of transmitting information from one person to another. This feature can be manifested both oral and writing.

Types of speech

In psychological science, two ways of manifestation of speech are distinguished: external (conversation when contacting two and more people with each other) and inner.

Inner speech It is a special form of an expression of thoughts. Unlike external, it is characterized by sniffing and fragmentation, often chaotic and inconsistency. Such an internal dialogue occurs in a person's consciousness, often he does not go beyond its limits. If you wish, they can be controlled and controlled. However, the difficulty lies in the fact that inner speech Very strongly related to emotions and human feelings.

Features of human speech

Expression of emotional component

The way a person says has a significant impact on the perception of his words by the interlocutors. Voice timbre, intonation, pauses during pronunciation, speed give a peculiar color, individuality and uniqueness. Agree, it is much more pleasant to listen to a person with a mild voice voice, smooth intonation and, in addition, an interesting topic. In this case, there is a great interest in the material that is presented.

Speech will help the personality to defend their position in the dispute, to show sympathy for the person you like, to reveal the emotional component. For example, if the topic is sufficiently like an personality, then, without a doubt, it will strive to continue communication.

Transfer of accumulated experience

A child knows the surrounding reality with the help of sounding speech. At first, the parent shows him objects and calls them. Then the baby grows, begins to interact with other people, learns from them a lot of interesting things and important. Without words, it would be impossible for a child to learn new information nor the adult to convey it. Much here, of course, depends on the quality of the material feed, but the value of speech is the determining factor.

Transfer of knowledge and skills, achievements modern science It is an integral ring in the use of speech. Without it, teaching activities would be impossible. The work of the writer, the thinker, the researcher could not find its application. Only due to the living language, written and oral speech We read books, listen to lectures, have the opportunity to share our own experience with others.

The meaning of speech in a person's life

Training ability

Reading books, a person is improving, expanding its idea of \u200b\u200bthe world and about himself. Studying any item, he also accumulates knowledge. In this case, it is determining: because not knowing the language, without knowing how to communicate, absorb the material, the person would not have the opportunity to go to new level development and education. Without speech, it is impossible to imagine any work, not a single researcher, psychologist, teacher or politics. Even the one who considers himself a sufficiently mastered native language and speech must constantly study in order to achieve high results.

Education ability is an important component of any activity if it strives to succeed. Only constantly recognizing the new, improving the existing skills can be released to successful advancement. Speech is used everywhere, in all spheres of life. Wherever a person went to, whoever came into contact, he will need knowledge of the language as a tool of interaction.

Self improvement

Sometimes a person has a desire to correct the mistakes of the past, get new experience, significantly change your life. Such impulses are usually dictated by the desire for self-realization. In this case, we can use it as a reliable auxiliary. Study required material, reading books, conducting seminars or trainings - all this requires a certain preparation and moral forces. How personality is ready to make certain efforts to implement its intention, so completely in this difficult task is involved. Oral, written, facing himself and inside itself - she leads a person to new achievements, helps him achieve the goal.

Thus, the role of speech in a person's life is huge, has a paramount, most importantly important. Speech activities will apply everywhere: in communicating with friends and close, in the field of education, teaching work, trade, in any profession requiring contact with people. Language culture is closely connected with modern psychological science. If a person wants to buy skill effective communication, in their circles an intellectual, cultural and educated person, he must work a lot on himself, enough time to devote to the development of speech, the correct pronunciation of words and the construction of complex semantic designs.

Isn't it pleased to listen to the speakers of radio or leading television shows that bright correct speech? It turns out that everyone who is ready to work hard on their sound can become the same speaker. For a beautiful story, you will have to learn the rules of the language on which communication occurs. But only the capital truths about grammar, vocabulary, phraseology will be little. What is not enough right speech? How to make it improving?

Training speech breathing

Good speech (lamp) breathing - the guarantee of the correct placement of the pause in the story, the optimal duration of the progritted phrases. Training the muscles of the chest and abdomen increases endurance, charge vigor and even positively affect the vocal data. One of the most effective exercise This technique is made in this order:

  1. take a convenient pose lying;
  2. relax all the muscles, concentrate on your breath;
  3. try to draw inhale so that the chest does not raise - go to the abdominal type of breathing;
  4. exhale slowly;
  5. repeat actions until the feeling appears that it has become easier to breathe "belly" (and not a diaphragm).

"Configure" Volume

Speaker speaking from the stands, says loudly, Gulko. With everyday communication, the sound is different - more even, calm. If you change the situation in some places, it will be absurd. Nobody will hear a quiet rider. The listener at which suddenly began to raise the tone sharply, most likely will not understand such a change and offended.

In the usual conversation with friends, colleagues, closely used softer tone, without exaggeration of emotions. Story from the scene, on the contrary, it sounds a little theatrical, ringing. How to train a speech voice:

  • read prose or drama to the voice, trying to present the climax of the most bright, sonorous;
  • start talking a long phrase with almost a whisper, and end with almost screaming and vice versa;
  • trying to display the volume of the heard sounds;
  • experiment with timbre, parody votes of famous people.

Proper breathing described in the first Council also helps well in the volume of sound volume.

Follow the pace of speech

Speaker went on stage. He is dressed in a clean neat suit. On his face readiness is readiness to encourage action, determination. Litting confident. The hall hips his breath. Having stopped at the microphone, the speaker welcomes the audience. Everything goes according to plan, nothing should prevent success.

But it breaks the whole process one ill-conceived detail.

No, this is not a problem in the text of speech, not a sharp breakage of the microphone. The announcer suddenly begins to talk like a fifth-grader, not loving reclamation poems. He is a tarantor, "swallows" the endings of words, often stipulates. There is a feeling that he tries to get rid of the public as soon as possible. And the hall does not like it. Listeners do not even understand what this is speech. The speaker stubbornly does not notice the problem

In fact, everything is simple. Speech is stress. When a person is nervous, in its body all processes are instantly accelerated. The tempo of speech is not an exception. How to cope:

  • 10 minutes before the release on the scene began to speak very slowly, stretching phrases;
  • engage articulating gymnastics - It will help to clearly pronounce every word even in a stressful atmosphere;
  • during the speech to ask a question to a person from the hall, tune in to the pace of his answer, and better - for even slower;
  • at home, voice the story using the stopwatch and counting how much time it takes the playback of each block. At the event to take a stopwatch or a timer with you to check with him.

In everyday life plays the role of the interlocutor. Melancholics, phlegmatics love unhurried, long conversations. Choleric, Sanguins prefer to recognize everything as quickly as possible. Having caught up and having moved the call manner from a friend, you can better convey to the information before it.

Work with intonation

Fully neutral tone is acceptable only in the scientific report. In other situations, emotion transmission improves the story.

The correct change of intonation ensures a smooth transition between the semantic blocks of speech, creates an impressive effect of contrast, surprise. The liveliness of sound affects viewers better than the most reliable facts or arguments. For training an intonational background, as well as for voice, the work declaration is suitable.

Improve diction

"Waughty", "swallowed", insight sounds will not decorate a public speaker, nor a simple storyteller. Good dictation can be achieved in several ways:

  • to pronounce the patter, practicing machines, singing chastushki;
  • crowd complex ligaments of consonants (DBDI DBDE DBDA, RZH-RSH-SR-RR, SKRPO-SCPRO);
  • engage in gymnastics of the speech apparatus;
  • study dictionaries to identify right stakes in words;
  • read texts out loud with wine plug, ball or stone squeezed between front teeth.

You can use these methods separately, but in the complex they will raise a much greater effect.

Clear Language

  • vulgarism, rustic, especially - obscene vocabulary;
  • borrowed lexes where native language can be used;
  • aimless tautologies - repeats of the same words or phrases;
  • inappropriate terms, jargonis, professionalism, slang;
  • inversion is the wrong order of words.

Walk to one and a half before answer

This simply rule decides several problems at once. It allows you to make sure that the interlocutor finished his replica, which means it will not be interrupted by the answer. Politeness, knowledge of the rules of etiquette - as important as diction or literacy.

At the same time, the second zamanka gives the opportunity to get together with thoughts, start a new phrase clearly, organized, clearly. The brain is enough for only a second second to start building logical chains. The instantaneous answer has no such advantage. This pause will not be too long, but for the interlocutor, it is quite possible that it will remain unnoticed at all.

Ask for help

Sometimes it seems to cope with the task yourself. Ask for help in such cases - normally. To whom to contact?

To familiar. You can ask for friends to listen to everyday conversations or text of the performance and indicate errors. Speech defects, its poor, frequent repeats, departure from the main topic, not sufficiently honed sense of humor - that's what friends or relatives can identify.

To specialists. Executive courses, speech cultures, dictations will help develop communication skills. In addition, to speak beautifully visits:

  • coaching for personal development (a confident person speaks appropriately);
  • speech therapist;
  • neuropathologist (prescribes drugs to improve brain activity, blood circulation);
  • a psychologist or psychotherapist (as in the example with a coach, only everything is in a deeper level).

To the Internet. If you do not want to pay for success, you can try the option with youTube channels. Here will gather a large number of Bloggers who share their "recipes" to improve spoken skills. However, there is a minus - in the speech of these "specialists" sometimes skip serious mistakes. Therefore, it will be better to find the site of a recognized expert and search for a video in his blog. Sometimes online webinars are held at such sites.

Help can and good voice recorder. It will be enough to write down your declaignation, and then carefully listen to it, revealing errors, and then carefully worker.

Right speech Not put in minutes. To master the art of communication, you will have to do diligently and daily. However, after the time spent time and efforts, a worthy remuneration will come. The surrounding will listen to the stories of the speaker, greedy "swallowing" every word. Accelerate the course of thoughts. People will start more often listen to advice or suggestions. A good reputation will strengthen. Competent sound is a reliable attribute of success.

How to learn to speak beautifully

Brevity, clarity, literacy - the foundations of the right and beautiful speech

People have learned correctly and speak beautifully (for a variety of reasons, starting with the total decline of culture in the 90s of the last century). This needs to be learned again. At a minimum because such a speech not only positively characterizes a person, but also helps him communicate with other people, to succeed in work and personal life. Imagine this situation. You communicate with a person who uses vulgar, slang words. Do you want to continue the conversation with him? Of course not.

Not all people are given oratorical skills. However, if you wish and zealfood, almost every person can learn to speak beautifully and correctly. Especially since the Russian language is extremely rich. It makes it possible to describe any item with extreme clarity and imagery, to characterize any person, express the attitude towards a particular event, the phenomenon of nature, the work of art, etc. With the help of its features, it is possible to emphasize the slightest nuances, shade one or another detail, a trait of character. In this regard, little language can be compared with the Russian.

It is not necessary to ensure that such a description or expression is vermin. After all, too long speech, even beautiful and shaped, tires the listeners, and sometimes may cause irritation. As a result, the expected effect of pronounced words will not be achieved.

Therefore, it should be remembered that one of the basic requirements for correct and beautiful speech- brevity. We must quickly move to the main essence of the question, without tightening the entry, without being distracted by extraneous details. Then you will listen carefully, and your arguments will be performed.

Of course, at the same time it is not necessary to hit the opposite extreme in the example of the ancient Spartans, glorified by their conciseness. She is also good in moderation

It is necessary to speak clearly and convincingly. Whatever we are talking about, the word speaking should be clear to any person, not even possessing high levels Intellect. The whole effect of speech will disappear if the listeners are trying to understand: "What does he mean?" Therefore, specific terms should not be used, who are familiar with only a narrow circle of specialists, for example. It is also necessary to refrain from too frequent consumption of foreign words. After all, in most cases they can be replaced by Russian counterparts.

And, of course, it is necessary to speak competently. A very unpleasant impression produces a person who makes mistakes in strokes or incorrectly using words. For example, the whole effect of convincing and beautiful speech can be spoiled by the word "lay down", said instead of the word "put". Similarly, the head of the firm making mistakes in stress when the words "Treaty", Kilometer, hardly cause respect and confidence in business partners.

Take a rule: as little as possible jargonis. They are quite acceptable when communicating in a narrow circle or in social networksBut not with public speech.

Especially try to avoid harsh, vulgar expressions in every way (not to mention obscene). They are not the best way characterize a person who consumes them

Sample beautiful correct speech - Russian classical literature

To learn how to speak correctly, figuratively and beautifully, you need to read as much as possible. classic works. Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Turgenev, Chekhov, Leskov ... This is not full list Masters of the artistic word, who perfectly owned by the Russian language and leaving us an invaluable creative heritage. In their works you will find countless examples of truly beautiful speech. Although some words in our days are outdated, and individual phrases may seem heavy, unnatural, Russian classics will help you learn to speak beautifully and right. Read the works of these masters and after a while you yourself will notice that your vocabulary has enriched, and you want to speak, imitating their heroes.

Attend the performances set by the works of the masters of classical literature, or watch them on TV. It will also help you learn the right and beautiful speech.

You can also read the explanatory Russian dictionary and write down the most younger words. But remember that some of them can be unfamiliar to your listeners, so try not to use them when communicating with opponents.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of competent speech. People with a well-set speech and a big vocabulary seek great success in any sphere of life. If a person does not know how to express his thoughts and speaks illiterately, most people will not perceive him seriously. In addition, bad speech can be very annoying. The following tips will help you learn to speak correctly.

If you are difficult to normally express your thoughts or express an opinion about something, start reading a lot. You can replenish your vocabulary, learn how to build phrases and improve the spelling. Select time reading daily. IN certain days Read out loud to learn to speak clearly. Select books that will bring you pleasure and development. Be sure to include on the list of books to read the classic literature - it uses a pure Russian language. After reading books to briefly, state the essence of your friends or relatives. A competent and living story will cause emotions and questions regarding the work. If you have problems with diction, you allocate time for pronouncing the patter every day. Start with simple phrases, and then proceed to more complex and long. When you master the patter, start correcting them with nuts in your mouth. If you regularly exercise, the problems with the diction will disappear. Take any word (tree, music, joy). For thirty seconds, think about it. And over the next minute, discover the idea of \u200b\u200bthis word, as you want. You can also always express your opinion about any quote of a great person, a film reading text or made a act. Try to find a person in front of which you could do so improvise. He carefully listens to you and indicate the main mistakes (if any).

Start writing reviews on movies or essays on any works. You can also start holding a personal diary in the form of dialogues and detailed stories about all events. As an alternative, short invented stories are suitable. You will learn how to make thoughtful, competent and complex sentences. Many specialists in oratorical art They believe that you must first learn to express your thoughts through the text. After that, you will be much easier to apply the surveyed skills in communication. If you hear a new unfamiliar word, write it down and find out the value and origin. But do not abuse too smart and long words In everyday speech. Better apply them at the right moment. IN ordinary life Use simple and clear words that said competently.

How much in our life means. It is she forms second, after appearance, the impression of the interlocutor. Sometimes, you look at a well-dressed person, his neat hairstyle, ambitious behavior, and you think, probably speech is also beautiful, like his appearance. And it is worth saying the first words to him, I already want this subject to be silent. Another, on the contrary, does not produce mental vibration in you, but listen to him are ready for hours. So beautiful he says.

What is the reason for dissonance between a person's speech and his visual way?

People are born with their individual set of qualities. Someone will not be a lot of work to speak in public without any preparation. Moreover, it will be confident, competently and essentially.

And someone in a relaxed atmosphere - in a narrow circle of friends, leads a conversation, the meaning of which is not clear to anyone. So many confused and chaotic expressions in it. The most interesting thing is that such a person seeks to overcome his own kosonaschiya by all means: he reads a lot, teaches the whole poems, writes writings. But all his efforts are reduced to zero.

Do not ori in your ear!

Key reason speech deficiency May lay deep in childhood. Noisy sometimes annoy parents their impulsive behavior and stormy emotions. They speak loudly, thereby causing adult discontent. Children constantly hear in their address: "quieter", "not Ori", "silent". These words accumulate in the subconscious. Adult, comes a turn to obey these teams. And starting the conversation, such people lose and without that unstable self-confidence.

How to help grief-orator?

Many are hard to maintain spontaneous speech. They painfully pick up suitable words. They have to constantly think what to say next. So that this does not happen, it is definitely necessary to expand the vocabulary, reading the classics and modern high-quality works, listen to audiobooks and learn from famous speakers.

The fear of being commemorated, the man does away and therefore, he is lost and can not utter a word. To avoid such a situation and learn to speak beautifully, you can practice on speech exercise.

Charging for language

Well, let's try. First, select any item located next to you, and begin to describe its characteristics, facts, methods of use. Say everything that comes to your head - any association.

At first it will be difficult to say a lot about this subject. But gradually, the day of the day speaking as a speaker, just antique thoughts associated with the chosen word will come to mind.

For example, take the word "table". And begin your story.

« It - wooden tableHe has 4 legs and a square table top, it is painted in black, which gives it a matte shade. If you look at it from above, it looks like a black square Malevich. Maybe the table served as an artist in the stimulus to write his famous work.

The table is light and therefore, it can be transferred to another room. You can write, make crafts, work with a laptop, and he can act as kitchen furniture. My table resembles the subject of Japanese decoration (it seems, it is calledkotatsu) : Low, compact and for him you can sit, setting up right on the floor.

The table is very convenient, because it can be disassembled and take with you on nature. It is wooden, and the tree is an eco-friendly material. Therefore, this subject does not cause harm to our health. He is inexpensive, and therefore it is not a pity if he breaks, or the child will spoil his surface with his leprosy.

You can choose the same inexpensive chairs to the table, or buy wooden blanks and paint them in black. Thus, you can collect a mini headset. This is the necessary piece of furniture. I constantly use it: I put books on it, magazines. Sometimes it serves me with a support for tired legs (a kind of alternative to the otfika).

Summarizing all of the above, my little black table is a universal thing in our house. It is multifunctional, compact and does not require care. "

And this is just the beginning. Believe me, then you will cover the wave of ideas, and the words are plugged, both from the horns of an abundance. Fear will disappear. You can easily support any topic. The main thing is not to throw this occupation. Believe in yourself. Do not be lazy, and every day give a little attention to your speech. Check for a language, and he will be grateful for it. :)

And in the following articles we will continue to develop competent speech With the help of other interesting speech exercise.