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Make the right speech. How to develop a speech: simple exercises

Competent speech will never come out of fashion. People are always pleased to deal with those who not only shine inner beauty, but also knows how to most accurately give their thoughts with a speech form. In addition, the excellently set is not something like the gift of nature. It can be developed and needed.

Correct oral and written language

Each language has unique wealth, peculiar to him and sin not to take advantage of it. This is especially true of a language that is native to humans. When you hear a competent speech, or before your eyes lies perfectly decorated text, without a single error, then a positive impression of the author, the interlocutor immediately formed.

Develop a culture of written and oral speech - the duty of everyone. And it happens daily in the process of communication, learning. After all, it is not in vain that with a clever person is not something to talk nice, but also to be silent.

Criteria for competent speech

If you go to a more detailed consideration of this concept, it should be noted that under the speech culture implies:

  • relevance of said;
  • literacy written or uttered information;
  • accessibility in understanding the phrases of the interlocutor, clarity;
  • wealth, which consists in the use of various epithets, phraseologism, metaphors, etc.;
  • diversity, lack of tautology, unnecessary repetitions polluting the meaning of the said;
  • aesthetics.

Lack of competent speech skills

All these errors will noticeably cut the hearing and do not carry any valuable information about the speaker, do not create the image of competent.

How to develop a competent speech?

Quality of competent speech must be improved daily, bring to perfection. After all, even if the person is intellectually developed, read, has a deep inner world, but, alas, it is not able to express clearly, then what he says will be known only to him.

So, the development of competent speech requires the implementation of several uncomplicated rules:

Competent oral speech will very much help you in life when speaking in public or in a personal conversation, with the employment and protection of the diploma. Poor vocabulary and difficulties in a connected presentation of thoughts, on the contrary, can serve poor service.

Any skill, like the skill of competent conversation, can be purchased. This helps reading high-quality literature. It is not necessary to believe on a fiction consisting of one-day books. Their authors are sometimes sinful with illiteracy. It should be focused on reading the classics, on the works of the best world authors.

Purchase literacy of speech helps retelling books or films. Try to make retelling detailed and watch you listening to you so that they do not bounce. If this suddenly happened, then you failed to convey your impressions of the film. Perhaps the listener is confused in personal pronouns with which you are trying to set out the essence. He is already incomprehensible who "he" or "she" and why there are so many of them.

Trying spectacle words need to withdraw from everybody. They do not make any sense and do not carry useful information. Examples of such words and expressions are Tavolology: "A minute of time", "raise up", "not May month." After all, May cannot be an hour or year, why then do you use the unnecessary word "month"?

Tautology is an unnecessary repetition of loved ones in meaning or having one root of words. Bright examples of tautology: "Ask the question" and "oil oil". Try not to apply such expressions. Watch the speech of TV presenters, politicians or your closest familiar. Analyze their mistakes, try to replace them with unsuccessful turns. Then you will be easier to catch the speech incident in your conversation.

Try to avoid words, the meaning of which is incomprehensible to you. Otherwise, you look like Schukar, who considered that a modest girl is called "lampshade", and the girl of light behavior is called "Bordur". Excellently enrich the lexicone dictionary of foreign words and explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. But do not forget about the correct stress in the words!

Not always appreciated slang, both professional and youth. If at work or in the circle of friends, he will admit, then in official conversations they are unlikely to use.

Constantly watch your speech, and then it will gradually become beautiful and competent.


Nowadays, the correct speech is, unfortunately, gradually loses its meaning. It comes to a change of combinations of foreign words, neologisms and slang expressions, which appeared due to technical progress and development in the scientific sphere. The more expressive, brighter and richer will be your language, the higher your abilities and talents will be evaluated. And then it will be easier for you to communicate with people.

How important is the skill competently talk?

A modern person does not pay sufficient attention to the development of his speech. Even in schools, the formation of proper and competent speech in children has deployed to the background. The result is sad - we lose the speech skills that our compatriots owned. After all, before they demonstrated all the original beauty of the Russian language to those who are unfamiliar with his features.

The correct revolutions of the speech speak of a human culture and, undoubtedly, contribute to the creation of a good first impression.

This is a noble goal - learn to speak correctly. Clear and beautiful speech will help you stand out against the background of others, even if you do not dream.

It should be said that grammatically correct speech is not a talent, a person from birth. Start correctly talking easily can almost each of us. The main thing is the presence of your desire and free time, the opportunity to work and improve your skills.

"If you can't control your speech, then do not hope to control your mind." That is why the right speech is so important in everyday life.

Speech is correct and incorrect

Proper speech having a negative color means disregard for four types of malicious speech:

1. Lie

These are words that are told in order to distort the truth.

2. Rough speech

She is pronounced when they want to hurt the feelings of the interlocutor

3. Speech introducing discord

Pronounce with the intention of generating hostility between people.

4. Empty chatter

It said speech at all without any purpose.

Proper speech with positive color is possession of such a speech, which will be open, harmonious and comfortable for you. To your words, owning such a speech, will be more willing to listen to the surrounding. They are likely to answer your questions and suggestions.

For many of us, the difficult part of the practice of the right speech is our expression of a sense of humor. We used to joke with a share of exaggeration and sarcasm, which is wrong in speech. People get used to such a frivolous yumor and stop listening carefully what we are talking. Thus, we bring our own speech. But in fact, the world is saturated with irony and sarcasm. And we need to exaggerate things or be sarcastic. A good humorist is the one who can take a look at ordinary things from an unusual side.

When we show our sense of humor deliberately and reasonably, for which it will require much more effort, then it will be successfully appreciated by others.

Thus, pay attention to what you say and why do you say it.

Training proper speech

Now in many cities there are comradized courses. If you are possession of how to correctly put speech - sign up for them. There you can master the skills of cultural communication, get acquainted with the culture of the right speech and understand how to build suggestions to bring them in line with the norms of the Russian language. Attending these lessons of speech literacy can both adults and children. The child can improve his performance, improve self-confidence and gain respect among his peers. If your child has problems in speech, then explain to him that possession of the right speech is an important dignity of a person who helps him in life at work and in other areas of activity.

The lessons of the right speech will help you not only improve your knowledge, but also achieve success in a certain area. A man speaking beautifully and at the same time is understandable for others will always be heard by the interlocutors - whether business partners or.

After a couple of classes, you will see a positive result: the right Russian speech in your communication will be replaced by supermodic words, which tire the listener and do not cause respect for the speaker. As it consumes them too often, forgetting that a good selection of competent words is the key to the success of the speeches in the public.

1. Your answers must be laconic. It is better to answer "no", "yes" or "of course" than "yep" or "non-a". However, the single answer always seems too direct, so it was not bad to add a few more words.

2. Do not mumble or do not speak too fast. The manner of talking characterizes a person no less than what he says.

3. Learn to say words clearly. A man who mirkers under his nose produces not very good impression. Sometimes it is an indicator of the absence of knowledge and culture.

5. Listen, as people say, whose speech is competent and is considered the standard.

6. Welcome to the speech of proverbs, phraseologism, and sayings of the language.

7. Learn the origin of the words, thereby developing your vocabulary.

8. Reading fiction will also help you improve your speech.

Proper speech is one of the most important signs characterizing a brought up, cultural person. Unfortunately, it should be admitted that now the beautiful speech has passed its position. But if you wish to learn how to talk right and beautifully.

Brevity, simplicity, literacy

These are the foundations of the right speech and competent speech. People over time have learned to correctly speak due to a number of reasons, starting with the widespread decline of culture in the 90s. This must be learn again. At least because competent speech not only positively characterizes a person, but also helps in communicating with other people. Imagine: You are talking to a person who abuses vulgar, slang words. Would you like to continue communication with him? Unlikely.

Everyone can learn to talk beautifully. The wealth of language allows you to describe any items with the utmost accuracy. It is not necessary that the speech is vermin. After all, too long narration, even beautiful and figurative, very tires, and sometimes annoying. Therefore, it must be remembered that one of the main requirements for the faithful and beautiful speech is brevity. It is necessary to switch to the main essence of the question faster, not to delay the accession, do not be distracted by unnecessary little things. Then your story will make a proper effect.

Of course, we need to speak competently. A person who is often mistaken in stress or incorrectly uses words, absolutely does not have to him. For example, the whole business speech can be crossed by the word "lay down", instead of the right "put". In the same way, the head, incorrectly staging in words "Document", "Quarter", hardly calls the location and trust in business partners.

Techniques of proper speech

Those who want to speak beautifully, various techniques give all the possibilities in order to:

  • Proper breathing. Inhapping deeply, you will master the support of breathing when the pronunciation of vowels and consonant sounds at a slow pace, pronouncing every syllable and every word. It helps to use all the shades of the language.
  • Oratory. Smooth speech, the correct articulation, a clear sound forcing the listener to listen to the storyteller even more carefully. Competently delivered speech includes training with a patter, whisper, artificially fast pronunciation.
  • Brief, accurate presentation. Care out of thoughts concisely.
  • Logics. When communicating or speech, it is necessary to monitor the logic of the narration, causal relations. The logic of thinking and narrative is based on a general education and a broad horizon average.

Using learning exercises, you will automatically expand communication, gain confidence in the professional field, learn the art of belief and easy manipulation by listeners.

Exercises for the setting of the right and beautiful speech will be useful in the formulation of breathing, voices, in the management of resonators, in strengthening the power of voting and endurance will enrich intonation, will work out the right pace of diction. How to learn to speak perfectly? The answer is simple - patiently work out the technique.

Lessons for setting the right breathing

Lancture breathing is an important factor in the correctness of speaking. The diaphragm - muscle, which distinguishes the pectoral region with the abdominal and muscles, which leads the movement of the Ryube with breaths. The most natural position for comfortable breathing is lying on the back with completely relaxed muscles.

Cut more comfortably, lying on the back. One hand on the stomach, the second on the chest. Try to breathe so that the chest is left without movement, and the belly rose. Slowly exhale and repeat such an exercise until the abdominal breathing is easy and without tension. Such breathing must be introduced into the habit. Moreover, such an exercise is good at your sleep.

Of course, to achieve a dream about the beauty of the word just correct breathing is not all that you need. Most often, the problem lies on the psychological level. It may be a fear of the public, residual memories of visits to the speech therapist in childhood or just inability to interest the interlocutor.

With this, everyone can easily cope with the help of uncomplicated lessons of correct speech:

If there is an insecurity, communicate and relax in front of the interlocutor is quite difficult.

You need to take a few steps to exemplate from fear:

  • recognize the availability of difficulties and prepare for a long work on getting rid of experiences;
  • understand the cause (perhaps you will have to resort to a psychologist);
  • survive a difficult situation, forever let go of the past and enjoy the present;
  • to begin to communicate - only the methodological overcoming of their fears will allow learning to communicate with people (you can mentally invent plans, for example, 10 long conversations and 20 short conversations in public transport or in line);
  • if it is difficult to immediately start conversations in the company, you can first communicate by phone (at least there will be no external manifestations);
  • when training will be held without problems, you can take the initiative in the acquaintances with the opposite sex.

But still there are people who are modest from nature, and do not need to suffer because of this. Modesty - not vice! Work on yourself, over the development of the personality, improve the skills of the right speech when communicating, try to be open and sociable.

Poland Sex Kiev goes to speakers' courses for Veronica Selege. Alena Ponomarenko took a few lessons - and understood what caused the excitement.

I'm widely swollen my mouth, waiting for three seconds, while the muscles relax, and then stretch the lips to get a smile-grin. I have the first lesson at the school of spectacular skill "Aristotle", on the course of Veronica Celege, and I do an exercise "Open Pall" to warm up the muscles of the articulation apparatus. Muscles are only 21, and they work so-so. First, because in Slavic culture, unlike American, is historically not accepted to actively articulate. Secondly, with the age of muscles become more clamped. It imposes an imprint on how a person says, and, of course, on how his speech perceive others.

Veronica is confident that the articulation gymnastics is shown to everyone, especially those who often appear before the public, is on the air or simply wants to sound beautiful and convincingly. If you look behind the scenes of any talk show, it says, you can see how the muscles stretch with a weekly look - they make a "horse", "Medusa" (when the lower lip with the power is cleaned by the teeth), bite the language. "By the way, if during the performance he dryed into the mouth, then you can just bite the language - it will call the instant influx of saliva," she says. And this is just one of the hundreds of Lifehakov, which I have to learn in the next few days.

Among the Veronica clients are politicians, lawyers and other typical "speakers": wives diplomats, businessmen, people who have recently received an increase and so on. All of them need not just to speak beautifully, but also to know the etiquette, be able to find topics for conversation and serve themselves, choose the right audience and interlocutors, respond to uncomfortable, and sometimes on the Hamsk questions, elegantly leave answers. "Public speaking," explains Veronica, is an optional huge hall and a speaker with a microphone. It is a workshop, and a presentation of your project, and a toast on the bottom of birth, and explanation to children, what is good and what is bad. " Courses can not be attributed to the category of "Entertainment": it's still work (although very grateful) - with homework, exercises, reading additional literature. There are only 16 classes, and then people sometimes come back to improve skills - for example, "knock out" Russian sounds from Ukrainian speech.

Here I get the most valuable advice in life on the Ukrainian pronunciation. It turns out that to talk like a TV presenter (or just a Kiev intelligent in the fifth generation), it is enough to pronounce "h" and "sh": h - always firm (literally - "chorus", "cheese"), which is formed by two sounds: "Sh" and "h". As soon as I tried to repulse the "shredder" and "sloe", everything changed - I realized that I could sound no worse than Catherine Sidel. By the way, its articulation ("big open mouth") and dictation (extremely clear sounds) are considered reference. And of course, they had to work aside over them. The editor-in-chief site of Natalia Vasura, who has worked as a chief editor of the "secular life" for several years, said that the stage speech was engaged in the Sidia, People's Artist of Ukraine Lydia Vakambun.

Classes are built so that simultaneously with the fascinating process of self-knowledge, quickly grasp the useful skills. Searega believes that when a person knows his ultra-conceit (for example, "chatting with the press"), the result comes quickly. "With those who simply feel that something is missing in his speeches, we first analyze the problems, then we develop a program of classes and determine the desired result."

Veronica asks simple complex questions like "When people love to listen to you?" ("When I understand well, I'm talking about"); "Why do you share information?" ("I love to share good"), "How much does your appearance have to communicate?" ("Probably it would be worth being more pretty"). The Veronica responses the thesis on the board - so it becomes clear, what will have to work, and that and so in order. Questions flow from one to another, periodically pop up new details. My main problem is the most common: speech in front of the audience. When my head is rapidly empty, and instead of the allocated for 30 minutes, I will cope in five, fucking everything in one fear and missed the main thing.

What is interesting, requests for high-speed speakers speak slower often meaningless. People are not able to control the pace of their speech longer than a couple of minutes. Perfectly helps reading out loud. It turns out that reading at a pace in which some simple things usually explain are not so easy. But even more complicated - the first speed when the pauses should be taken between all the words. I can only succeed with the second attempt. To do this, it is necessary to take a special pose: impose to sit down, throwing his leg to the leg, and put your hand on the back of the chair. The position of the body helps to speak quite differently - but I will learn about it a little later, in class with a bodily-oriented psychotherapist. In the meantime, Veronica opens another secret to me: to slow down speech and sound more impressive, it is necessary to clearly pronounce the consonants. And read more at first speed - this is exactly what they retrain those who have a tastorit.

For a clear, easy and free speech, there is another lifehak - like Eliza Dulittl in Pygmalion Bernard Shaw when she trained to speak with the full mouth of the nuts. Instead of Nuts, Veronica advises clamping a plug in the teeth - so as not to damage the enamel. I choose one of the champagne - and proceed: "Phtki, PKTU, PKTA, PKTO, PKTU, PKTU" - and other difficult-acting combinations. But it is worth removing the plug - and the magic happens: the sounds are easily jumping like a speaker. "It's like if you did exercises with dumbbells, and then postponed them," says Veronica.

I learned the secrets of sudden hangs when speaking - when suddenly you forget what I wanted to say. This will not happen if you give the brain a break and consciously "turn off" at least 2-3 seconds. Veronica gave me a key and telephone interview. It turns out that when you do not see the interlocutor, it is easy to confuse and forget the main thing. So that this does not happen, you need to go into a quiet room and focus as much as possible, otherwise it is not to avoid such a situation that has arisen with an interview with Radio "Aristocrats": I was in line at the "Mustetsky Arsenal", lil raining, Gallee the public, and I predict I forgot everything about what I wanted to tell on the air.

Then we played in the Association: Veronica called the Word, and I quickly spoke the first thing that came to mind. It was scary to blame something indecent, but it cost. It turns out that the game was needed to reveal the atavistic sounds like "EEE", "MMM" and "AAA", when people pull and voiced by pauses (I became one of those rare 10% that do not).

We also played to another game that helps expand the vocabulary and activate the passive stock. Veronica issued the word "point", and I had to add to him the others so that the correct combinations were obtained: "point of intersection", "point with a comma", "Point of support", "fatty", and so on. In such games, it first come to mind with obvious combinations, and only then the vocabulary reserve pops up. Veronica says that the words you want to enrich your speech, you must immediately "put in the tongue" - to say out loud, let them first be and not to the place. That is so intuitively children come when they learn to speak.

An occupation with a bodily-oriented psychotherapist for me has become a real revelation. Psychologist Elena Kozhezetskaya says that people communicate verbally only by 30%, and the remaining 70% of the information read through the body language. It matters literally everything: as a person is sitting, as the shoulders crawls, as he holds his back. "The tilt of the spine," she says, "plays a big role. It is worth a little lean forward - and everything will go wrong. " It turns out that the interlocutor may regard the slope as aggression or, worse, perceive the pose as asking. The posture of the interviewer, in which the body is thrown back, can be interpreted as a bored and khamskaya. But if this sits the interviewable - for example, a man-star, it is quite normal.

Elena watched me, and then, so that I was easier to appreciate myself from the side, "focused" my postures, gestures and facial expressions. It immediately became clear that I would lead myself as an excellent man who intends to move well: closed knees, straight back, closed shoulders. The psychologist advised to resemble socks, on the heels, on the inner and outer side of the stop. "The confidence in the body lives in the index muscles," she explains. - Feel them - it means firmly standing on the legs. " And advises to everyone who worries before a responsible meeting, a photo session or a lecture, go to the bathroom and to warm up a little - it really helps. There is something else. It turns out that one of the most important bodily markers - spin. It should be: a) strong ("because it carries all the values") and b) flexible ("to quickly respond to changes around and successfully adapt to them). Therefore, the back should be trained - on simulators with a slight weight, and stretch - doing yoga or pilates.

"The breast Department of the Spine," says Elena, "is responsible for how much we are confident." Breast muscles are often called Tarzan's muscles - it is in them that the males of chimpanzees are beaten when they want to strange the enemy. This trick can be repeated - and "Include" confidence. So that confidence does not turn off, workouts need. "With sad shoulders, you can quickly walk to the psychotherapist for years," says Elena, "but it is worth the new pattern - and life will go differently." I checked: if you pick up my shoulders and hold them with shovers, the voice sounds stronger and bolder, and therefore, it is very easy to impress self-confident and assertive person.

At school, a lot of time is devoted not only to articulation and diction, but also working with a voice (there is even a fondiatric director), respiratory techniques and the rules of preparation for speeches. One of the good proven recipes is on the eve of spoken your speech, and not in front of the mirror, and, for example, with colleagues, unexpected nuances and bikes will pop up, which then revive the speech. Veronica teaches responding to uncomfortable questions, to behave in front of the camera, journalists or just the public; Explains how it is better to dress in order to match the setting as much as possible. Soviets are so much, and they all are so lively that I started following them instantly. And an amazing thing: the first interview after the courses I had brilliantly. It remains to sign up for Pilates.

What to see and read on the topic

"The king says!"

Duke (Colin Firth) is preparing to take the throne and deals with the speaker-experimenter (Jeffrey Rush) to get rid of nervous stuttering and insecurity. Searega believes that this is the best film about rhetoric classes, and also "he is closest to the truth about the relationship of the student and the teacher."

"Society of Dead Poets"

John Ketting (Robin Williams) teaches students on the course of English literature to hear themselves and find their voice.

Conferences TED.

The American Non-Commercial Foundation TED (Technology Entertainment Design - Technology, Entertainment, Design ") became famous for its conferences, on which outstanding speakers share ideas relating to science, business, technology and so on. Lectures are available online - for example, on YouTube, you can find Slichon and Nobel laureates. "It is worth watching the speeches on the topics of interest and in parallel to analyze them," Veronica advises.

Textbook with Jainz Lemmerman Rhetoric Exercises

A peculiar Wikipedia for those who want to master the foundations of oratory skill.

13 exercises for easy speech

The articulation gymnastics takes only five minutes, but perfectly includes muscles, and then it is very easy to say. If there is little time, it is enough to make a "jellyfish" and "open fall" - right before the ether.

one. " Tube": Pull your lips, and then stretch them in a smile, not blurred.

2. " Tube tube": The same, only with the exposure of the teeth. The wider, the better it is not a smile, but a mechanical grind.

3. " Jellyfish"(See text): The mouth is worth opening the sewing.

four. " Upper Medusa": The same, only work the upper lip and upper teeth. Bonus: Exercise helps reduce nasolabial folds.

five. " Two jellyfish": The third and fourth exercises are performed simultaneously.

6. " Rotation": You need to rotate the language clockwise.

7. " Bites": Seel the language - from the tip to the root.

eight. " Shows": The tight tongue tightly touch the sky, the inside of the cheeks and lips.

9. L.: It is necessary to say out loud "l" sound, changing the position of the tip of the tongue (inward, then out).

10. " Toffee": The language sticks to the sky, and the tension is clicking. This exercise helps to activate the language center.

eleven. " Horse": Troop language to activate its tip, which is responsible for the beautiful correct letter" P ".

12. " Orekhi»: The mouth is closed, the lower jaw is fixed. The tongue of the tongue should be tried to get to the "six" - rear teeth.

13. " Open Pall"(See in the text).