Repairs Design Furniture

How can you equip the courtyard. Arrangement of the local area of \u200b\u200bthe private house - create your design. Competent planning of the yard

If you are the owner of a country cottage or a private house located within the city, then you understand perfectly - it does not end in the arrangement of your housing. A lot of time, forces and means goes to an efficient and beautiful design of the area adjacent to home. Currently, the landscape design was heard even in the most deaf villages. But not all of our compatriots agree that it is time for the beds, broken throughout the residential area, passed, giving way to the Alpine slide, fountains and artificial ponds in eastern style.

Most of the owners of private houses (and in the city feature and beyond) choose the option to decorate the territory adjacent to the dwelling, but with a functional population. So that your works are embodied in a harmonious, beautiful and practical landscaped design, which will delight you and your family all year round, approach the planning is necessary with all seriousness. Fortunately, information on this topic is now more than enough. Set out private territory It is possible with a minimum of financial costs, but a lot of time and effort will have to spend a lot. To maintain the beauty of your site, it will be necessary to find the opportunity, and pay attention to plants, buildings, water bodies and even garden furniture.

We plan the beauty of the yard

The courtyard around the city private house or country cottage is an adjacent territory that meets not only the owners after a working day (or week, in the case of country possessions), but also their guests. We can safely say that the impression of homeowners begins to develop already at the first glance on the design of the household plot or the courtyard.

Before starting landscape design planning, decide what "means" beautiful courtyard"? How would you like to see him, is it important for you to hit your neighbors and guests the magnificence of the courtyard or in the chapter of the corner you put practicality and convenience? What is your lifestyle, are there children and pets, whether guests are often gathering on kebabs and barbecue, are evening gatherings in the fresh air? In many respects, the recruitment of the "scenery" of your private yard depends on these issues. Considering at the initial planning stage, the many nuances of the further operation of your site, you will save not only money, but also time for subsequent alterations, reconstruction and corrections.

Of course, the landscape design of your yard will depend on its size. If the territory is large, then the flight of your imagination will be limited to only the financial capabilities and features of the landscape of the territory, such as the soil and finding in relation to the parties to the light. But if we are talking about a small back courtyard of the city private house, then in this case you need to place clear priorities. On several square meters It will be difficult to place a playground, and a place for kebabs, and a patio for recreation, and a large flower bed with flowers.

Having worked out the optimal plan for creating landscape design - we move to the area and place the exact location of all objects (gazebo, flowerbeds, mountaineering, reservoirs and patio). Specialists are recommended for simplicity to break the entire area into squares. Each such segment will have a key figure - building or decorative element. Thus, it is easier to distribute evenly all the plans of landscape design objects and create a balanced appearance of the plot.

Before the beginning construction work (If such are scheduled) it is necessary to check the condition of the territory. If the segments of the water accumulation are detected - laid drainage. At the same stage, launching all the communications necessary for watering plants and the work of artificial reservoirs, fountains and waterfalls.

Tracks, steps and flowerbeds

Garden tracks are an integral part of any landscape design. In addition to the main goal, the organization of safe movement over the site, tracks perform the zoning and decoration of the territory.

Garden paths can be spread out of large, but flat stones, concrete slabs, clinker or ordinary brick, cobblestone, flood with small gravel or pebbles, fencing with special low borders. Combining the material of the tracks, you can get not only the necessary functionality, but also decorative decoration Garden or yard.

Landscape design and geometry are inextricably linked. For someone, harmony and the balance in the environment seemed in smooth lines, rounded forms, winding tracks and oval flowerbeds. Someone needs rigor and clarity - direct garden tracks, as satellites from point A to paragraph b, strict shapes of shrubs endured as called "under Lineberry" and absolutely even lawn. Only the owners are known which plants and shapes of trees will be able to caress their eyes and bring calmness and balance into the mood.

Looking out flowers in flowerbeds or garden tubs, pots, it is better to plan in such a way that the flowering of some replaced the flourishing of other varieties. In this case, your yard will be able to please you and your seven bright colors throughout the warm season (in most regions our country is about from mid-April to October).

If the landscape of your site assumes some hillyness, then instead of fighting nature, create artificial embankment and align the squeezes, can be succumbed to the natural arrangement of elevations and lowlands and build beautiful steps that can act as a focus center, attracting all attention.

Artificial reservoirs on the plot, fountains and cascades

Rarely Which East Landscape Design costs without a small artificial pond or a small source of water. And as we know, all European and American landscape designers, and our compatriots with you, draw inspiration from the founders of the skill of bringing beauty and harmony to the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory - the eastern peoples.

Japanese masters consider water not only the source of life, but also together with the earth - a symbol of harmony, the balance of all living things. It is not easy to organize an artificial reservoir on the site, it will be necessary to refer to the specialists, study the characteristics of the soil and landscape to choose the right place, to communicate and subsequently tirelessly take care of the health of the fountain or cascade. But all efforts, work and spent money will pay off when you can watch fish in your artificial pond or watch how water flows into a small tank.

Effective private courtyard lighting system

Lighting the territory of a private courtyard - the question is not only the possibility of extending the time of communication with the surrounding nature, but also a security priority. The well-thought-out and harmonious lighting system will allow you to calmly move around the site in the dark, being in the patio and enjoy the illumination of the objects of landscape design of the yard especially meaningful for you.

First of all, consider the functional lighting - the illumination of the facade of the house and additional buildings, the entrance to the garage or parking machine, the main entrance. Experts recommend placing lighting devices in such a way that the outlines of the perimeter of your yard can be viewed and possible ways of moving along the site are gardens, steps.

Next, you can proceed to the development of a decorative backlight plan. Create lighting can be near the flower beds, garden sculpture, alpine or water bodies. With the help of LED tapes, trees and shrubs are highlighted, the so-called "illuminated without lanterns".

In spaces between degrees, you can build a lamp, but this moment must be thought out at the initial stage of designing the location of landscape design objects. Currently, there are many lighting devices that work from miniature accumulative batteries dropping energy from sunlight. You do not have to spend money on electricity bills, the inadequate light of energy-saving lamps will be enough for safe movement along the track paths.

Even on a small area, you can find a corner for organizing a resting room with the possibility of cooking on an open fire. Agree to unjust refuse yourself to call friends on a kebab, living in a private house with a courtyard, even if it is located in the city center.

The round focus serves as an excellent focal point around which garden furniture (armchairs or small siquals) is located, and plants are embroidered. The ray layout system in this case will be the most advantageous.

The street fireplace or a large stove laid out of stone will not only be a functional embodiment of the preparation of various dishes on an open fire, but also form a resting place in which you can simply relax, watching the flame in the focus.

Open-air dining area or canopy

To install a dining group, it is quite a bit of space. You just need to purchase the table and chairs (or mini-chairs) to get the opportunity to make the way outdoors.

But if you have the opportunity to organize an indoor canopy for dining area On the plot, in this case, bad weather conditions will not be able to influence your plans. In hot weather you and your family or guests, you will be protected from the Sun, in the rainy - you can safely continue lunch or dinner.

How to equip a small back courtyard

Very often, urban private houses can not boast the presence of a large adjacent territory. Usually, in front of the house there is a place for the parking machine or the arrangement of the garage and all the recreation areas, games and cooking in the fresh air have to be transferred to the backyard, the dimensions of which are very limited.

In this case, the location of the wooden peak or deck will be effective as the basis for the furniture of the patio or the dining area outdoors. Perennial plants in bulk flower beds around the perimeter of the territory or near the fence will not only decorate your backyard, but also to hide your plot from an extraneous eye.

Further, you will only have to choose garden furniture, which will serve to organize a holiday destination or outdoor meal. Furniture for the street can be portable or stationary. Usually, a stone or wooden massive furniture protrudes as stationary furniture, but for small courtyards without canopies, this option is not the most successful. It is better to give preference to folding furniture, which you can hide in the pantry or in the attic with the onset of cold weather.

Currently there are many options for garden furniture for every taste and size of the wallet. The greatest popularity of our compatriots enjoys furnishings for the street made of plastic ( affordable price and ease of transportation) and artificial rattan (looks respectable and expensive). But there are a lot of wood models, forged metal, Stone and even bamboo. The choice of furniture for a private courtyard will depend on your financial capabilities, frequency of operation and the ability to care for furnishings. For example, plastic furniture can be washed from the hose, but the rathanes are very dependent on moisture. Forged chairs and tables need once every 2-3 years, and wooden furnishings need impregnation with oil and coating with varnish or protective antiseptics.

Decoration of your back courtyard can be an elevation. In addition to the main goal - the fencing of the territory and protection against the penetration of foreign, the fence can perform a decorative function. Its frame can serve as a basis for the location of fusing plants, forming a combined hedge, or the fence design itself can stand out on a general background of landscape design.

Unusual fence design or his bright color will bring positive mood Not only in the recreation area, but also on the entire territory of the rear yard. Furnishing or soft filling for it selected in the color of the fence, the harmonious patio of an attractive appearance will be created.

The platform of the backyard, in addition to the option with a wooden table, can be postponed with concrete or stone plates, fall asleep with fine gravel or decorative pebbles, out of the boundaries with low borders or metal (polycarbonate) limiters. But in the case of a bulk flooring, you need to be ready for constant damping of the material and align it in the site.

The organization of the dining area on a wooden platform is one of the most common options for using a small backyard area. What could be better meals in a family circle or in the society of friends and loved ones in the fresh air? In such a situation and appetite is better and the food is more tastier.

For the dining area on the street it is better to use light, but stable furniture that you can apply under a canopy or even to the room, folded in storage winter time. But in addition to the design and material of the garden furniture, it matters and product design, their color and texture. If the whole composition of the dining area is withstanding in close colors, a place to make food will delight and calm down, creating a peaceful atmosphere. If you decide to use bright, accent furniture or decorative items, then the decor of the dining area will become a tonic, charging optimism and a good mood. It all depends on the temperament of the hosts of the household and the result they want to get from their stay in the back.

In addition to organizing a place to relax or dining area, in the backyard you can place a segment for the preparation of kebabs and barbecue. Will this stationary hearth, a portable brazier, a real Russian oven or just a big grill - everything depends on your preferences and sizes of the courtyard. But in any case, you will need to take care of places for seating near the fire and a table that will perform many functions.

The happy owners of private houses face great concerns than the owners of the apartments, because the main part of the work falls on the extraction of the household plot. Beautifully arrange private courtyard Not so simple, here you need patience, work and a clear understanding of our desires.

The easiest to invite experienced designerWho will offer his ideas, and rely on his professionalism and taste, but it's not everyone on the pocket, and all people have different tastes. In addition, what is fashionable now, will not always be like the owners themselves, so it is quite realistic to do everything with your own hands, putting into operation a part of yourself.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Separation of the yard on functional sections

Planning the design of the courtyard of a private house, first of all, should be decided on the question of which functionality should have the courtyard. Need to take into account whether the cultivation is planned decorative cultures (i.e. need flower flower beds), rest in lounge chairs or breeding different breeds Fish in artificially created with your own hands the reservoir, device arbor. All these activities (even the construction of such a design as a skating rink to create a New Year's mood) require a certain place to be allocated, that is, dividing space on the zone, so layout and lighting is one of the most important stages of arrangement of such components of private ownership as a household plot , house and courtyard.

If you want to have a cozy and comfortable courtyard (it is impossible to just pour concrete, as was taken at the end of the last century), then it should be initially well thought out which specifically zones need to be done (for example, a playground - with children), which of them desirable, and which can not be created. In the case when the territory of the courtyard has a small area, optimal solution - This is the combination of some zones. For example, on the lawn you can place the folding chairs - they can be removed without any problems, thus turning a plot designed to relax family members in a glade, on which, for example, you can play golf or football, and fill the rink. With the help of a gazebo, cozy garden furniture and a fireplace, you can create a seating area from behind near the house, and in front of residential buildings to equip beautiful flower beds.

First you need to carefully consider the components that should be present in the yard. Previously, most of the territory was assigned to the planting of vegetables and fruits, now the trend towards creating a free territory for a variety of recreation is also traced. However, despite the fashion, each decides on their own, which elements should be present on the site.

It is necessary to think about where there will be:

  • economic buildings - even if there is no desire to keep farm animals, the barn will come in handy for storing things inappropriate in the house;
  • garage;
  • bath;
  • summer shower;
  • summer kitchen, which is now more often performed in the form of an overhaul of the mangal;
  • woller for the dog;
  • swimming pool or artificial pond;
  • children's game corner, if there are small kids in the family;
  • garden for growing vegetable crops and greenery;
  • tracks;
  • green spaces.

After it was decided which of the elements I want to create on the site, you need to estimate an exemplary plan for the courtyard design on paper, because it is often necessary to be quite difficult to accommodate it convenient, functionally and tastefully. And in order not to learn about the mistake made and not to spend the forces on its correction, it is better to work out all the options on paper, thinking about the arrangement in the trifles.

The number and sense load of the private house zones are completely dependent on the desire of the owners. What do you want to study - grow spicy greenery and vegetables, breed fish in own pond, swim in the pool, fry the meat outdoors, lie on the chaise lounge under the shadow of the trees or play golf? All wishes may affect the appointment of pieces of the territory, for this you should divide your yard to the functional sections.

If the area allows, each zone can take your own corner, but if the courtyard has modest sizes, then it is more logical to connect together several mutually complementary zones. For example, on the lawn you can install folding tables and chairs, so that if you wish to free a place for playing golf or football.

Zoning with the help of shirm, fences, arches

In order to distinguish between visual zones, create a beautiful courtyard best use the possibilities of landscaping. At the same time, the installation of the boundaries of the zones is determined using such elements as living hedges. It is possible to do this with the help of tightly growing shrubs, tall spanish crops who loving outdoor soil. The advantages of creating such hedges from the deressess set. In addition to ease of care, in the shade, which is formed by the thickets of the deresses, it is possible to relax in the summer in the garden bench or in a lounge chair in the hottest days when it is undesirable to be in the sun.

With the help of a squat fence-stakenik, it is possible to highlight the zone designed to relax, it is perfect for it for the borders of the football site. Making it with your own hands, it should be remembered that in this case the main rule is one thing - it is not necessary to make it heavy "overloaded". The fence must look harmonious, be "air", do not dominate in the overall design of the yard.

As a natural addition to such a fence, optimally use the arches, as well as pergola over the tracks that lead to one zone or another zone. Decoratively looks like the design when structures overgrown with pleate robes, clematis, eggs, and other lianas, which are abundantly and beautiful, are used. The inner courtyard of such a plan will be absolutely pleased with the owners, and guests of the dwelling - especially if we think artificial lighting In the evening day.

If you need to create a small shady corner, which will not be viewed by the neighbors, you can use the most simple designs - The installation of the cholera or such a design as garden trolls is relevant. If they see somehow a curly plant, It will be able to create a solid green wall, at the bottom of which is appropriate to create a flower bed from Spanish crops that prefer to grow in the shade. This will make the design of the territory especially cozy and closed.

Excellent option and decoration of any site - creating a shady corner on the territory beautiful garden. In order to protect the territory from drafts, the winds of the wind and enter direct sunlight, it is reasonable to use as a traditional fence lattice-sleeper. In the open area, when creating a limited area, experts recommend that to do with Garden Shirm, as well as special protective screens. In addition, this kind of construction helps to create a shadow and are able to additionally protect against wind gusts. The most popular in this regard are frames that have in their rail design, as well as a shield made of wood with carvings. Perfectly, from a visual point of view, it looks and very harmonious fit in virtually any design of the private house's courtyard such partitions, the material for the manufacture of which is the bamboo, rattan or vine.

If the overall landscape design of the yard is made in oriental style and flavor, then a reasonable solution is to install the screen, the material for which reed mats serve. At the same time, it is best to plant blooming cultures from hot countries and loving outdoor soil.

Depending on the feature of the zone, the type of barrier should be selected. If you need to reliably close unsightly vegetable gardens or economic buildings, it is perfect for a high hedge of plants or mastered empty shirma plants. Between the areas similar to each other, the low openwork stakenik can be installed, which will not overload the space. Examples of zoning are shown in the photo.

To create a cozy shaded corner for recreation, you can use trellis, trolls or pergolas, braided with plenty rose, Ipomey, girlish grapes and other weak crops. To emphasize the entrance to the courtyard and the track will help the arches with roses, and to decorate the beautiful form of paths will allow a hedge from plants along the elevation along them.

Features of creating tracks and paving the territory

In the field of central yard, professionals advise the use of materials such as a paving, tiles made of concrete, trimmed stone. A good option is such a solution: between the tiles should be left ground areas and fill them with one of the materials such as pebbles, sand, glass granules. You can still use such earthenware "pockets" to fill in low growth plants that do not require much care - to land in them with their own hands, for example.
By issuing an internal courtyard-patio, designers advise to equip the platform that is paved with the granite slabs having an uneven shape - you can not use clear structures. Unique appearance have tracks from round Spike. Woodscons are suitable for the pavement of unformal courtyards. At the same time, the space that is between the sleeves should be filled with one of these fillers as sawdust or crushed bark. Materials of this plan are as close as possible to nature, and therefore they look perfectly on the territory of the shady corners around the residential building, as well as on sites between shrubs and trees. Thus you can distinguish the flower beds that adorn the patio.

In addition, for the plots of land located between the sleeves, experts advise the use of small crushed stone, gravel or sand. This will give the appearance of the tracks of maximum elegance and restraint. In such a path, the track is recommended to use for the arrangement of the territory of the territory of the main flower beds, mixtures, as well as in close proximity to entrance door Residential building, and in winter - the entrance to the rink.


Over the past few years, among world landscape designers, the use of narrow boards is particularly popular with the pavement of tracks, which are most closely adjusted relative to each other. In this case, such wooden sidewalks must necessarily be repeatedly and carefully painted or covered with high-quality varnish for outdoor work.

It is possible to replace the usual boards in such a building material as the sections of the Garden Parquet - Decing, which is made in the factory and today is sold not only in traditional stores, but also on numerous specialized sites on the Internet. The main advantages of such a pavement is that the tracks that are created with the help of Decing are characterized by rapid installation and for long years do not require repair. Of course, it is impossible to the territory on which such paths are equipped, used under rink.

In the process of selecting materials with which there will be a pavement, it is necessary to draw an exemplary plan where future tracks and platforms will be located. It should be remembered by one rule that knows and uses every competent landscape designer in its work: the closer these elements of the private courtyard are located to the residential building (i.e. the cottage / house), the restraint they must look like. The packing of different "thematic" sites surrounding, for example, an improvised pond, bridge, mountaineering, stylized mixtures must be informal, disorderly. That is, both the material and the overall design may have incorrect forms.

Near private houses it is appropriate to make a plot with paving from concrete tiles, stone or paving. Such a coating will make it easy and easy to care for the purity of the courtyard. Also, often for tracks use boards styled in bulk. For convenience, instead of ordinary wood, you can apply laminate boards.

Consider creating tracks with your own hands. If free is used in the design of a private house natural stylethen you can use the spikes of a tree, the places between which fall asleep sawdues and pieces of the bark, such a paving looks very natural, beautiful and attractive, especially surrounded by trees. If the land between the sleeves is decorated with rubble, pebbles and sand, then such a track is suitable even for the courtyard in the classic style.

In addition, it can be done independently - it is enough to cut the logs into small chocks, to insert them into the place of the former track and spray areas between them. When choosing the foundation, specialists are recommended to focus on the location - paths next to the walls of a private house must be performed in a restrained style, and for tracks in the recreation area, near water sources and green plantings of their shape and materials are becoming increasingly free and intricate.

Gardening yard

Often the right choice and location of vegetable landings is the only tool with the help of which a beautiful courtyard is created with their own hands. To begin such a process should be with the choice and planting trees and bushes, which have the ability to make a variety, become a fundamental element in the Garden Geometry Plan, to form a naturally shaded territory, to protect against wind gusts. In addition, landscaping provides an opportunity to emphasize, allocate the most significant details of the courtyard.

For example, with the help of a growing peeling, a look at the garden bench, which is in the shade of this tree can be focused. Pink shrubs, if they plant them on the lawn, provide the possibility of bright nuances to dilute the monotonicity of green lungs. And with the help of juniper bushes, if they are tightly planted on different directions garden tracksYou can not only emphasize their outlines, but also create natural borders, especially if the installation of artificial borders is unacceptable. Mixborists, created from various coniferous crops, is an excellent alternative to flower beds (you can even plant a Christmas tree).

The application of colorful shades in the design of the household territory is impossible without the help of various flowering decorative cultures. Before you directly proceed to the process of creating a flower at a not very large area of \u200b\u200bthe area around the area, it is necessary to correctly choose plants, make such a set that the periods of their flowering followed each other continuously. Similar flowerbeds, if they are competently care for them, and not just pour water from time to time, will please bright inflorescences Various shades are not only throughout the spring summer season, but even late autumn. And on the big plot between the flower beds in the winter you can pour the indoor rink and install the elegant Christmas tree.

Via flower planting It is possible to reflect, make interesting and bright even the most boring courtyards on their territory heavyweight. These places around the residential building, which are literally immelled in colors, will always look attractive. Nevertheless, the original, but a more discreet appearance also has a plot on which various decorative deciduous plants prevail. Especially valuable among such grade crops having sculpturally outlined large leaves of unusual shades. For example, ferns with openwork and long foliage, hosts - with large corrugated leaves, geihans whose foliage is multi-colored.

Popular in the West lawn firmly occupies a leading position among living spaces, but do not think that once inserted lawn grass, You can forget about the year for a year, you will have to constantly hug the seeds, fighting out the plots, regularly water and cut it at least once every two weeks. Also varied and colorfully decorate the yard using vertical landscaping. Pleet roses, eggs, grapes, ivy landed near the arches, pergol, trolls, cones, pillars, choler or fences - a great addition of any site.

To colorfully arrange the courtyard, it is simply impossible to refuse to use flowering plants. With the proper use of these crops, you can perform both multi-colored and monotonous compositions.

Creating a basis for vertical landscaping with your own hands

Most of these designs are easy and easy to build on their own, having thought out the accommodation, size and type of structure in advance. The simplest is a troll, for this you need to take three long wooden bars and knock them down in the form of a triangle using several transverse short pars. Long ends of bars are immersed by the earth and the fast-growing light plant of the type of izhey falls around - and in a couple of weeks it will be ready for the yard flowering fence.

Lawn coating

If it was decided to shut down your courtyard stone, tile or paving - this is not a reason to abandon the plants, because it is the greens that gives the site of the private house special charm and beauty. Bushes and flowers in a mixed courtyard should be planted in vases, containers and pots, decorating the design of the site. In addition, this option is perfect for thermal-loving plants, which, with the arrival of cold weather, it will not be necessary to strengthen or replant - just put the vase into the warm room.

Creation of artificial reservoirs

Having your own pool is the dream of most modern owners of private houses. If the territory surrounding the house is quite large, then it is appropriate to create concrete structures This plan, especially if competently create lighting around them. At the same time, the bottom and walls of the pool are best decorated with a PVC film or a mosaic. The second, quite popular today, is the use of a finished rigid form, which is made of PVC or composite materials. If the site has a small area or is located near the cottage, then preference should be given to the use of inflatable pools - the installation of massive reservoirs is unreasonable, it is impossible to do a huge rink here winter time Or create excessive "heavy" lighting.

The competent landscape design implies that the pool must combine the beautiful appearance artificially created by its own handwritten and be in this functional.

Of course, the pools are more likely to the functional elements, unlike the other type of water sources - the pond, which is intended, first of all, in order to delight the eye. This is primarily the decoration of the territory of the yard, especially if you set it close to the arbor. The easiest option to create it with your own hands is the laid out of the bottom of the dumped pit with such material as the PVC film. Shallow ponds in winter can be used as a rink.

In the process of creating ponds in the style of "A la Naturel" of the coast, experts are recommended to execute with such natural materials such as pebbles and natural stones. On their perimeter should plant plants that love high humidity - Here is appropriate to the use of a cantham, sources, marsh iris and mint water. It is useful in this case and water crop production, i.e. the rules of landing on the bottom of the ponds, lisps, lotuses, cubes and bubbles. It should be remembered that there are such representatives of the green "residents" of water bodies, which will simply be in free swimming, that is, to plant them, in general, not required. Such cultures include a rogue, rod, salvinia.

In most such ponds, of course, it is impossible and simply impossible to swim, but they are perfectly suitable for the dilution of aquatic plants and fish.

The excellent addition of any pond is an artificial waterfall. The noise of water that flows from the stone rocks provides the possibility of complete immersion in this Relax - this is especially important about the recreation area. Fountains are characterized by falling water, which in modern design can be quite unexpected forms. The movement of water in the ponds made by their own hands is the easiest way to create precisely with the help of simple fountains, the installation of which today is the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of many companies.

If you wish, it is easy to make a swimming pool for swimming or an artificial pond in the yard. For the first it is best to use concrete or ready-made hard forms that you just need to bury into the ground. If the pool is only needed on a couple of warm summer months, it is better to give preference to collapsible frame or inflatable models, but for this reservoir you need to plan and prepare the corresponding area of \u200b\u200bthe yard.

Creation of artificial reservoir

For ponds it is recommended to use purchased hard forms, but you can completely create with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to dug the desired size of the desired size, the bottom and the walls to focus the PVC film, and at the edges to press it with stones and flood with sand, stones or land and plant moisture, stones. If you wish, you can decorate the pond with water plants, for this you need to land on the bottom of the reservoir of lotus seedlings, pita or cubes.

Competent lighting creation

Decorate your own yard is no less beautiful than modern professional wizards can make it allows the use of elements that form garden lighting. They can be both electric and powered by solar battery. How to correctly arrange the territory using artificial lighting, and why is it so important? In addition to its main purpose, i.e., the highlighting functions of the courtyard and the household plot, the lighting can add to each exterior special, amazing charm.

If we competently place garden lights, lamps and lamps, then almost any home and yard at night will look really fabulously and magnificently. At the same time, experts advise to focus on the highlighting of garden tracks, sculptures, plants, pools and ponds. Using small LED lamps, which are mounted in the pavement platforms, can be obtained as a result of the starry sky with his legs. And with the help of floating lamps that have a mood shape, you can create a feeling of flowering aquatic oases. Using lanterns on the pillars located along the garden tracks, will provide an opportunity to highlight the path from the gate / wicket to residential house. It is not bad in winter to highlight the perimeter of the site where it is planned to make a rink.

For convenience and beauty, it is necessary to highlight the main tracks, it is easier to perform lamp lighting with your own hands, and small solar lights are also suitable for these purposes, which are enough to stick along the track, and in the evening they will give light accumulated over the whole day.

It looks very beautifully illumination from the depth of reservoirs, as well as point lighting individual elements The courtyard, but in the absence of the necessary skills of working with electricity with their own hands, this front work is dangerous.

It is much more complicated by the traditional urban apartment. First of all, this applies to the household territory in need of competent and regular care of a caring hostess or host. And this is understandable, since during the stay in a private house in the country area or in country cottage The main time their owners are not carried out in residential premises, namely in the territory of the yard, therefore the improvement of this territory is a very important event.

Beautiful and conveniently equipped courtyard is the dream of every modern owner. However, not all of our compatriots have a financial opportunity in solving this problem, to seek help from a professional landscape designer, which could optimally design the courtyard of the house, think over its artificial lighting. In this case, we can decide on this issue yourself, to do everything with your own hands - for this you need to carefully examine and competently implement the recommendations of specialists. In this article, we reviewed the main stages of arrangement of space in front of the house.

It may be unusual and interesting to issue his yard, the main thing in this business is not to be afraid of labor and clearly decide on their desires before the start of work so that then the adraja admitted.

Own house requires more attention than ordinary apartment (even 2- or 3-bedroom). A considerable part of concerns is connected with the territory around the structure. In former times, all owners of their own residential real estate with the adjacent areas of the land carried out the arrangement of the courtyard of the private house with their own hands (the photo further shows the trends of the previous years). But what is it today?


Previously, the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house in the village with their own hands (the photo presented in the article illustrate this) was quite simple. Most of the territory assigned to vegetable crops, animal sheds. Small square planted flowers. Today, summer preferences are almost completely forgotten, and solutions that were used earlier are unpopular today. Nowadays a solid cottage or a cozy small mansion, surrounded by a picturesque landscape, flower beds, small architectural forms. Next, we will deal with what should be the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house. Photos of some solutions will also be presented in the article.

Territory in general

Each owner of his own cottage carries out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house in accordance with its personal preferences. Many seek help from specialists. Professional landscape designers make up projects, given not only the wishes of customers, but also the peculiarities of the locality itself. Many owners carry out the arrangement of the court of private house with their own hands (photos illustrate several options for designing the territory). Before working for work, it is necessary to make a plan, according to which certain designs on the ground will be erected.

Planning the territory

Arrangement of the courtyard of a private house begins with their own hands with the compilation of the scheme. There is a complex of objects that are present on the territory almost always. These include:

  • Domestic courtyard (terrace).
  • Garage with parking.
  • Summer shower. This element is usually used by building a private house in the village (a photo shows how organically you can enter this item in the landscape).
  • Children's playground.
  • Nozpostroy.
  • Decorative elements, small architectural forms. These include garden lanterns, stone compositions, sculptures, alpine slides, and so on.
  • Green plantings: flowerbeds with flowers, trees, lawn, shrubs, etc.
  • An integral element without which the courthouse of a private house is not done with their own hands - tracks. They not only create the convenience of movement, but also perfectly complement the landscape.

Undoubtedly, this list is not mandatory. Carrying out the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house, one should be guided by common sense and accurately understand what is useful in the territory, and what is not. In addition, there are a number of requirements that must be followed.

Location of objects

By organizing the courtyard of the private house (in a village or suburb of the metropolis), it is necessary to have elements at a certain distance relative to each other. For example, if there is an aviary for a dog, then it needs to be removed from a residential building at least 4 meters, the garage and economic buildings should be set at a distance of 7 meters from each other. Wells, a separate toilet should be built in removal from housing at least 15 meters. The fence is located on any buildings at a distance of 1-1.5 m, high plants - up to 3 m.


You can move to their markup after the arrangement of the courthouse is fully planned. When designing paths, you also need to follow certain standards. The width of the tracks should not be less than 75 cm. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe territory allows, you can make a circular path near residential facilities. This will be easily accessible to different areas of the house. In addition, it can become an excellent cycle for children.

Taking into account the characteristics of the territory

Of course, the easiest way to improve the courtyard of the private house, when the area is smooth: there are no hills, hills, and the surface itself is located horizontally, without slope. There is a wide space for the incarnation of a wide variety of ideas. The composition of the soil, climatic features of the area are of great importance. When arranging the territory you need to know not only the landscape design nuances, but also have "botanical" skills. They consist in the ability to competently position the plants on the ground.

Environmental factors

They are of particular importance in the distribution of plantations. The following factors affect the development of plants:

  • The amount in this case we are talking about the overall distribution of it on the ground and specifically on the household site. Some plants love sampled places, and some plantings better feel at the open illuminated clearing.
  • Air temperature. When planning plants planting, average rates of winter and summer periods are taken into account.
  • Earth and air humidity. In this case, the average atmospheric precipitation is taken into account during the year and proximity to the surface of the soil of groundwater.
  • Relief area.
  • Features of the composition of air, water (acidity / alkalin) and soil.

Given all these indicators, you can easily choose plants that will decorate the site and will feel comfortable.

Styles of design of the territory

How to equip the household plot - to solve each owner yourself. There are several fairly common landscape design styles:

  • Classical.
  • English.
  • French.
  • Japanese.
  • Slavic.
  • Country
  • Modern.

Japanese style is very attractive in terms of compactness. You can make even a small territory. Slavic style is perfect for a wooden structure. With it, it is possible to fully implement the arrangement of the courtyard of the private house with their own hands from the priest materials. The European Country is in some way echoes the Slavic style, but it is more ordered. Strict, but natural is considered the English registration of the plot. The last word in landscape design is considered to be modern. When used by its use, you can create a unique area design. Traditional is considered classic style. Consider it in more detail.

Landscape design in classic style

It is also called "regular." In the classic style everything is withstanding in strict symmetry. Lines of tracks and buildings should be clear. Are used geometric forms. It is believed that the classic style in the landscape is able to some extent to soften the storm of emotions arising from the city inhabitants dying in nature. It should be noted that such registration of the plot requires special and regular care. Otherwise, plantings will grow, and all the clarity and rigor will be lost.

What materials can be used in the arrangement of the territory?

When placing the area, you can apply various designs and elements. At the same time, the materials can be used as different. For example, the plastic is popular. It can be applied to the manufacture of plastic delimit the beds, flower beds, tracks. This material is resistant to moisture and temperature differences. In addition, plastic is distinguished by flexibility. It can be used for the manufacture of arched structures and other things. Universal Material The brick is considered. They are finishing the residential buildings, it looks great on the plot brick gazebo. The material can also be used to create flower bed fences. Successfully combined brick with tiles, metal, wood. It is often used and a rebunny material when designing a plot. For example, borders of plastic or glass bottles look original. During the arrangement of tracks, cutting boards, chips, chips are often used. In landscape design, metal is almost everywhere. It can be ordinary boots covered with paint for which decorative plants will be. Often, forged elements are installed on the plots. They give ease to the surrounding landscape. Metal perfectly harmonizes with other materials.


When arranging the site, there is a particular importance for recreation. The gazebo effectively complements the design, gives more territory comfort. The structure can be open or closed. In the gazebo, the barbecue stoves often build or install a portable or built-in brazier. Often this construction becomes a favorite place on the entire site.


This is an integral element of many household plots. When arranging the playground, you need to choose materials safe for kids. Today, the range of children's sports complexes is very wide. They are different sizeCollapsible or stationary. The playground can be an excellent continuation of the gazebo or located on an open clearing near the residential building.


If there is a car, then the parking place should be equipped for it. As a rule, the garage is attached to the house. Parking can be a simple canopy from profile pipes. Polycarbonate can be used as the roof. Better, of course, do the garage closed type. In this case, the car will be protected from bad weather. The room should be spacious enough so that you can repair or wash the vehicle.

Architectural forms

These elements are often used in the arrangement of the household site. Near the gazebos you can install a small fountain or to carry out the handle. Of natural stone Original compositions are created. They can also use a combination different materials. Extremely looks like small sculptures in flower beds. It can be the heroes of fairy tales or cartoons. Speeciously look at the original garden lights. They can be placed along the tracks, around the flower, near the arbor.

Landscape design created by a professional or the owner itself turns the usual house in the village in a real suburban estate.

Each owner of the site (regardless of the number of acres) is aware that it will be much more difficult to create a landscaped design of a private house than to make repairs, for example, in a standard apartment. And yet, the efforts spent will be more rewarded with the beauty that will delight you daily.

To date, the easiest way to equip a beautiful courtyard is to hire a professional landscape designer. However, this service is not cheap, and the guarantees that someone else's person will correctly understand your preferences and will create a dreamed site for you.

Given the abundance of information on this topic in free access, plan and create a heavenly corner in its yard can be independently. How to set up a plot near the private house, you can look at the photo in our photo gallery.

Such landscaped courtyard It will become not only a beautiful area near the house, but also a favorite place for meetings with friends, for gatherings with family, to relax on the lap of nature.

Preliminary preparation

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house is a very complex and responsible enterprise, so starting it yourself, you should spend a whole range preparatory work, Including on theoretical training.

Each owner understands that the landscape design near the house pursues two main objectives:

  • make a local area of \u200b\u200bthe most comfortable and practical territory;
  • to improve the plot, give him a gloss and emphasize the beauty.

To both these tasks have been successfully completed, in their work you need to take into account many factors that affect the overall result. So why start and that obligatory take account?

Construction norms

For many years of construction country houses And certain standards have been developed around them around them, which allow you to properly organize work and avoid errors in planning.

Main building standards relate to the distance between objects:

  • the residential building lags behind at least 3 meters from the usual road and 6 m from the motorway;
  • residential building and economic should be located not closer than 7 m from each other;
  • wolter dogs refers to 4 meters from home;
  • street toilet, compost Yama And even the well needs to be placed at a distance of 15 m from the main buildings;
  • the distance from the fence to the nearest building is 1-1.5 m, and large trees and shrubs should be planted no closer than 1-3 m from the territory of the territory.

Strict rules apply to the laying of all communications. Drank depth, distance from buildings, as well as cables from each other, the possibility of landing of certain plants near communications - all this needs to be considered before the actual arrangement of the site. Take the light to the gazebo, pave water to the pool or organize the drain from it is safe.

Thanks to the observance of these norms, in the future it will be pleasant to enjoy beauty and peace, it is convenient to spend repair work, To approach the house and move around the territory, in general, will be comfortable to live.

Individual features and preferences

With independent work on the design of the site of the private house, you will fully realize all your dreams, to make the surrounding territory unique and unique.

It is important to take into account not only your personal addiction, but listen to the wishes of all households. Agree, in the house where children live, may not be a playing platform, and avid lovers of gatherings by the fire will not be able to do without a gazebo and mangala. Professional design The courtyard of the private house and the photo of modern yards is confirmed.

Lifestyle, family composition, presence or absence of domestic animals - all this significantly affects the design of the household plot. And if you consider all the nuances at the planning stage, in the future you do not have to rebuild, redo and regret.

Climatic features of the region

To make a general idea that it will be located on the site, where and how the main objects will be located and, choosing your favorite plants, be sure to take into account the climate features.

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house in the photo you will find on our website proves that open street pools, for example, or huge fountains are difficult to design where winter lasts 9 months a year. And the closed unproduced gazebo with a huge stove will be completely inappropriate somewhere in the tropics.

Of course, those plants that you can land in the garden of your dreams depend directly from weather conditions.

Thus, the weather and temperature background during the year largely determine not only the flora on your site, but also dictate the possibility and features of the placement of certain objects.

Relief area

Many are confident that good plot - This is a smooth area. Therefore, often the owners are trying to attend incredible efforts and financial costs by all means cut off all elevations and fall asleep all the depressions. Nevertheless, it is most advisable to think over the landscape design of the yard, taking into account the relaxing features.

If the site near your home is initially more or less smooth, you can make anything on it: split the garden, plant the lawn, build a gazebo or pull out the pool.

The uneven plot allows you to equip various functional areas in different planes, separating them with decorative steps or terraces. On the hilly territory it will be appropriate to an alpine slide, and the depressions are perfectly suitable for the arrangement of the pond. Huge height differences also open space for creativity - the vertical layout is in themselves a lot of surprises.

So, the whole yard will play, gains difficulty and uniqueness. It will be your individual creation, which no one can reproduce.

Combination with buildings and structures

Very often, the planning of the yard landscape comes at the moment when the main buildings (including residential house) are already built. In this regard, it is important to think about the design so that the house is organically fitted into the environment, did not get out of the overall composition and combined in style with the surrounding area.

Given the scale, the cottage will play a dominant role on the entire site, so all other elements should emphasize its dignity. At the same time, household buildings can be hidden for greens.

The correct account of all the features of the site, norms and rules of construction, laying of communications, and also your taste will help create on the site that picture, which will be happy to please you and your loved ones.


From general representations and reasoning, it is time to move to more specific planning of your own site.

Adopting beautiful landscapes of private houses in the photo, many owners strive to embody everything that they saw. But you need to be able to keep yourself in your hands and with all the variety to choose exactly what, indeed, you need and appropriate in each case.

At the planning stage, it is necessary not only to draw a scaled sketch of the site and all objects available on it, but also to arrange those that will appear in the future. There are a number of "mandatory" attributes of any country household (not counting the residential building):

  • garden house (for inventory);
  • garage and parking place;
  • terrace or courtyard;
  • leisure gazebo (with a hearth);
  • tracks;
  • street lighting;
  • green spaces;
  • decorative elements.

Among the frequently found objects in the country areas can be allocated:

  • bath;
  • woller for the dog;
  • playground;
  • swimming pool, pond or fountain, etc.

All this needs to be properly placed so that the courtyard was not only beautiful, but also functional. Only after sketches and drawings on paper (or in special programs, where the design of household plots of private houses looks like in the photo), when the layout is optimal, you can start marking on the ground.


Even at the planning stage, the owners are determined with the functional load that their plot will later be carried. In accordance with this, the entire yard is divided into certain zones.

Among the main zones, which are found almost every country site, the following can be distinguished:

  • entry (front);
  • household household;
  • garden garden;
  • recreation area (quiet or active);
  • children's zone (with children).

If the territory is small, then often the functional zones are combined and not separated from each other. The main emphasis in this case is made on the design of the recreation area in a private house.

When the size of the site allows, it is convenient to isolate each of the selected territories to be sunbathing, for example, at the pond, you did not have to breathe the exhaust gases of the car.

To distinguish between each element of the site, such methods are used:

  • green plantings (alive hedges);
  • decorative fences;
  • tracks;
  • arches, pergolas;
  • top loaders, screen, screens, etc.

Planning the location of each of the zones, it is important to consider both how they look from above, for example, from the balcony or from the windows of the second floor at home. Watch the projects of the courtyards of private houses Photos that we picked up for you, and you will understand that you are not very romantic to admire the bedroom from the bedroom, but the playgrounds, on the contrary, should be in sight.

Choosing style

The landscape design of the courtyard of a private house looks solid and completed only when it is sustained in a common style with a house and others. capital buildings.

Style directions Great set. However, at the first stage of species gradation, they allocate:

  • regular (classic) style;
  • landscape (natural) style.

Regular park appeared in France in the Epoch of the Board Louis Xiv.Therefore, often such a website design is called French. It is enough to remember Versailles to understand the main features of a regular style:

  • large plot area;
  • strict geometry in everything (tracks, flower beds, haircut shrubs and trees);
  • order and pattern.

At such a park it is very difficult to care, so usually regular style is found only in large estates, where its beauty supports a whole team of professionals.

It is quite natural that the design of the private house landscape is more often created in natural (landscaped) style. Here care does not require such tremendous effort and quite on the shoulder to the host itself.

Basically, natural design is classified at the place of origin of a particular area of \u200b\u200bsection of the area around the house:

  • english (as close as possible to the natural landscape characterized by smooth lines, winding paths, cascades, artificial reservoirs);
  • slavic (natural materials, abundance of wood, stone, rural decor, abundance of perennials and lack of beds with the correct outlines) Even the design of the garden of the private house will be important here;
  • european Country (a little more ordered than Slavic, but in general the same "negligent", slightly launched in appearance);
  • japanese (discreet, strict, with artificial water bodies and a mandatory garden of stones, evergreen plants, mainly low);
  • mediterranean (ideal for relaxing in nature: patio, gazebos, fountains, shady corners, bright plants in clay kashpo);
  • moorish (in the center is always a small artificial reservoir surrounded by violent vegetation) and many others.

The choice of style depends on personal tastes, from climatic features, but the starting point is always a house, which sets the tone of the whole composition.

Registration of sites and tracks

On the plan of the household site, not only capital buildings are denoted by future functional zones, but also connect all objects with a network of tracks, paths and paved sites.

For maximum convenience Travel tracks are paced through the shortest trajectory. And at the same time, if you want to create something original and unique in the courtyard, you can make paths with winding, and sites (for example, under a car or for patio) uneven and asymmetrical.

Of course, paving paths and sites on outdoor territory Depends on the selected style of the design of the whole garden.

Judging by the photo of the landscape design of the country areas of private houses, often closer to the house designers try to choose a more discreet option, but in the thematic corners and various zones allow themselves to play with the form and choice of materials.

To date, there are plenty of money for laying tracks:

  • concrete tiles;
  • pavement;
  • tanestone;
  • woodwear;
  • crushed stone and gravel;
  • decing, etc.

Whatever option for your site you have chosen, the main thing is to properly plan the road trip the network so that it does not subsequently reduce the path on lawns; And also comply with all the installation rules so that the tracks for a long time performed their function.


Although the gardening of the court of a private house (the photo below) does not look so difficult, in fact it is the most problematic stage with independent design of the yard landscape. And all because there is a serious theoretical training (botanical knowledge allows you to correctly choose a plant depending on the conditions for their growing, flowering periods, combinations with each other, etc.).

And at the same time, looking at the landscape design of the country areas of private houses in the photo in our photo gallery, and I want to create something like this in your window. We will give the main tips on landscaping the site.


The fundamental element of landscaping around the house is the lawn. The platforms falling on special cereal herbs and serve as a background for all other plants, and frame the whole green composition.

Lawns are different.

  • The main type that is immediately submitted to the word "lawn" is the so-called leisure lawns. It is such as planning the territory around residential cottages, because they grow well and are able to withstand moderate loads (running animals, the game of children and even a picnic on the bedspread);
  • Decorative lawns are usually equipped in huge parks, where they create a smooth dense coating;
  • Blooming lawns (Mauritanian) are more similar not to a herbalist, but on the summer meadow, moving with all the colors;
  • Sports (for tennis courts and football fields).

The process of arrangement of lawn and subsequent care for it, the case is quite troublesome, despite the seeming simplicity. Prepare the soil, fall, water, loosen, leaving, regularly mowed - that's just the main types of work. To simplify the initial stage, you can use a rolled lawn, but here without the help of professionals is unlikely to do.

Modern design The private home in the photo does not happen without green lunas, which allow you to enjoy the surrounding beauty to the fullest.


Listful photos with the design of private houses of private houses on our website, first of all you pay attention to the flowers, without them it is impossible to submit any courtyard. When large-level plants (trees and shrubs) are already planted, you can engage in the organization of bright attractive views of the corners.

Flowers and decorative plants can be planted in different form:

  • flowerbed (Flower garden proper formconsisting mainly of annuals);
  • mixborror (composition of their perennials of complex shape);
  • border (flower framing tracks);
  • rocarium, mountainaries (compositions of stones and mountain plants), etc.


The design of the local area of \u200b\u200bthe private house (photos from our article), in addition to the lungs and the flower, implies artificial reservoirs. They strengthen the feeling of proximity to nature, and the noise of water relaxes and soothes.

Basically, the following types of water bodies can be found in the household plots:

  • pond;
  • creek;
  • waterfall;
  • fountain;
  • pool.

Artificial ponds are not created for swimming, but to love nature. There you can land special aquatic plants and breed fish.

Creek can be as an independent element of the water structure of the garden, and supplement, for example, a pond. Here the water must be deferred and not stammer. That is why the equipment of the stream requires pumps and pipes.

Waterfalls and fountains are also often additional objects and require considerable effort and costs for their arrangement.

But the pool on the street is a real luxury. After all, it needs to be thoroughly thought out and correctly construct that later it was possible to be placed cool water on a hot day.

The murmur of water, lightweight splashes and a mirroring of the reservoir are the best antidepressant in the world, relieve stress and allow you to relax. The design of the private house with reservoirs even in the photo looks like a peaceful. Therefore, the reservoir in the recreation area is the best solution for the owners of household plots.


To date, the coverage of the courtyard of a private house can be divided into two categories:

  1. functional light (i.e. one that allows you to safely and comfortably move around the site in the dark);
  2. decorative Light (It is intended to allocate the most interesting sites and objects on the territory and allow everyone to enjoy this aesthetic appearance).

In obligatory light is carried out:

  • to the entrance porch at home
  • to the parking lot,
  • nozpostroy.

The second stage of lighting is aesthetic light. Sculptures, big trees, original flowerbeds at night will play new shades in the rays of spotlights, and the pond and the pool will be enchanting flashlights on water stroit.

It is necessary to think over the location of all lighting devices before the vanishing works, because each lantern and lamp requires wiring. Fortunately, now there are many solar panel lamps, which greatly facilitate work.


The final stroke in the creation of a garden of dreams is the decorative elements that not only emphasize the stylistic solution of the local area, but also make a variety in the surrounding picture. Best options Courtroom decoration of a private house in the photo you will find on our site.

The decor includes small architectural forms (arches, fountains, sculptures, garden furniture). With their help, they distinguish between the functional zones on the site, create a dynamics and make the necessary accents.

Small decorative elements (such as animal figures and fabulous characters) give the yard touching and unique charm. Only here you need to know the measure to not turn your plot into the playground.

In modern landscape design, the combination of decorative and utilitarian functions is welcomed. For example, reversed by trellis, a waste box decorated with flower arrangements of a hatch or a fun and an unusual bird feeder besides its original destination will serve and decorate your garden. This design near the house photo can be found in our gallery.

Modern private house is no longer old village hibark with garden garden and a sweatshirt for cattle; This is a cozy cottage with a refined and well-groomed household territory.

Of course, create a dream garden in my site - the task is not from the lungs and will require a lot of effort. After all, only the landscape design of the yard created by their own hands will always please you and never get bored.

Photo Gallery

In the improvement of the section of the country house, projects in our photo gallery will help you.

When a private house is already built, it remains only to reflect the territory itself. We will tell the ideas, how to carry out the improvement of the courtyard of a private house and arrange a country area interesting, beautifully and without extra costs.

Create a beautiful courtyard with floral compositions

Which of us will remain indifferent to the colors? Flowers - one simple way to give the yard of bright colors and at the same time comfort. In case, how to decorate the courtyard, flowers are simply indispensable.

To put flowers, making a bright composition from them, maybe each, but to do something more original, it is necessary to show a fantasy.

It will be very unusual to look a floral motorcycle or a bike. I think for those who previously had such a "friend" problems with this should arise. Make a flowerbed from a bike in two ways:

We take the basis of this "miracle of technology" and cover horizontal and partially vertical surfaces with a grid filled with nutrient soil.

Install ready-made caspo. If you have chosen suspended porridge for colors with coconut chips, then below, you can put a children's diaper so that the water during watering immediately has completely flowed, and remained inside.

Next, proceed with decoration. In order for the creation to look more original, it is best to decorate it with curly one-year plants, low soil colors. In such cycling flower beds live well:

  • petunia
  • marigold,
  • viola,
  • geranium.

If you are preparing to the flower exhibition, then the entire bicycle body can be asleep. A flower arrangement will look very impressive if the flowers are the same color.

Very well decorate the country house curly flowers. To do this, you can use both the simplest, unpretentious plants, such as egg or maiden grapes, and more noble flowers - plenty roses or clematis. These plants are able to create a real paradise in the country site.

Pleet roses can be so decorated with the courtyard that it will just drown in colors, especially if you pick up the plenty roses blooming all summer.

Do not forget that even unnecessary old shoes It can become an original decoration of the site. Take a couple of bright children's rubber boots, make holes in the sole, pour drainage there, then soil and put flowers. It turns out excellent garden porridges for street colors. And it is especially nice that we decorate the yard do it yourself without excess costs.

To make the original garden flower vase, you can use not only shoes, but also old broken jugs, garden watering cans, old kitchen utensils, basins, buckets, bans, cars, baths, barrels.

In old stumps you can also arrange beautiful garden flower beds with your own hands. They are very simple, and elegant. Such an eye decoration with your own hands can be seasonal, if you put in the stump tulips

Old logs will help us to decorate the patio in the country. If there are bothering logs, you can hollow in them, put the soil and create a beautiful floral composition.


Another good way Make a beautiful yard and give a highlight area - it is an unusual unusual to the bushes. This technique is very often the experienced owners of country houses, creating stunning Topiaria and a beautiful private house.

Some of them can even turn their yard into a real zoo, cutting out the shape of different animals with the help of a secaterator, which revive the court of a private house.

Waterfall, Fountain, Swimming pool - Main jewelry in the summer season

If you think how to landscaping the courtyard of the private house with your own hands, then be sure to create a fountain or pond on the country site. How will be nice to the fly heat to be near the water.

The splashes of water from the fountain will protect plants from dryness, and the pool - will be a real rescue from sunlight, the children who love to splash in the water will be specially known to him.

Looking at the waterfall, you imagine yourself somewhere far from home. Improvement of the courtyard of a private house Even the smallest fountain is very relaxing.

Make such beauty with your very simple. Surely after construction, many have pieces, tiles, stones. River stones will look more realistic.

A fountain mounted in the depths of the garden will look very harmonious. There you can also put shops and swings for children. Thus, the garden will turn into a real park, where it will be possible to relax the whole family and the courtyard arrangement will be completed.

Stone garden - beautiful and mysterious

For those who want to stand out, we propose to do on your household plot stone garden. It can consist only of stones and sand, but it is better to dilute it different colors, green plants, as well as a small pond or waterfall. This is a very unusual courtyard decoration.

Stone elements can become a decor of the track. From stones or bricks you can make incredibly cozy holidays for recreation - patio, which are able to decorate any courtyard of the private house.

From this, we can conclude that if you have at least small skills on earth and show fantasy, you can turn the usual yard into the work of art!

Gazebo in the courtyard of a private house

One of the most obligatory things in the case of the decoration of the courtyard of a private house with their own hands is a gazebo. Arbors can be different - open, closed attached to the house. It can be awnings and tents, tents.

The most practical gazebos in the courtyard of a private house with their own hands - from polycarbonate.

The most romantic gazebos in the yard are the tents in which the fabrics are waving and a lot of beautiful cottage furniture. Improvement of the courtyard of a private house So Shatter is one of the most pleasant lessons!

The classic deployment of the court of a private house usually includes wooden gazebo, with carved elements. To equip the courtyard of the private house with the help of a gazebo easier!