Repair Design Furniture

Is it possible to keep climbing plants at home. Indoor flowers that cannot be kept at home. Photo. What harm can indoor flowers bring

By equipping and landscaping our home, we hope to create our own unique world, where it is warm and cozy, and most importantly safe. It is no secret that we are surrounded by many objects that pose a health hazard, albeit implicit, but slowly and surely harming human health or affecting the psychological state. Houseplants can help us reduce our environmental impact. But, for this we need to know: what flowers should be kept at home?

When choosing flowers for your home, you first need to focus on plants that absorb harmful emissions from the environment and release oxygen into the air and create a favorable aura.

Near electronics

It is necessary to place cacti where TVs, computers, microwave ovens are located. It is believed that a large number of cacti can reduce or even completely eliminate the effects of radiation on the human body.

Dry rooms

In dry rooms, cyperus will help to make the air more humid. This moisture-loving plant grows right in the water. It is very good if cyperus grows in every room, then you will not have problems with low humidity throughout the house.

Air purification

Monstera and anthurium will help improve gas exchange in the room, and chlorophytum and ivy will help to make the air cleaner. Chlorophytum is generally the leader among indoor plants in air purification, as well as room energy. In a day, he can completely cleanse the air from harmful bacteria, and if you add a tablet of activated carbon to his pot, then the effectiveness of its action will significantly increase. We can say that chlorophytum is a natural air filter.

Rosemary, myrtle and all types of citrus fruits clean the air well. And asparagus fights well against the effects of heavy metal particles.

Onions and garlic, which are grown on the windowsill, also wonderfully cleanse the air from bacteria. By growing these plants, you will save yourself from insomnia and nightmares.

For freshness

Sometimes in a stuffy room there are no conditions for work or rest. In this case, conifers will be of great help to you: cryptomeria, cypress, thuja. Indoors, these plants will keep the air fresh and very comfortable.

Universal Plants

There are indoor plants that provide many benefits wherever they are located.


Dracaena is a truly versatile plant for the home. It awakens vitality, excites, creates a favorable climate, positive soft energy and harmonious relationships, protects the room. She is sensitive to the problems of her owners, and is a kind of energy barometer for your home. If suddenly your dracaena gets sick, then it would be nice to think about and remember what you and your household had to face not so long ago and try to get rid of the burden of the past. Dracaena are welcome everywhere and in the bedroom too.


Ficuses can be placed in any room of your home. They improve the energy of the home, lift the spirits and give the room a luxurious and respectable look.


Place balsam in the children's room (Roly wet). It will purify the air and help your child learn to care for plants, as he is not pretentious, but loves watering.


Make sure that there is at least one geranium in your house - then you will not have any flies or moths, and the air will be fresh and to some extent disinfected. Geranium kills streptococci and staphylococci with the substances it contains. In addition, geranium in the bedroom has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system. With stress and insomnia, this plant simply needs to be kept near you.

It is better to keep a plant with red flowers in the bedroom - they help strengthen the relationship between a woman and a man. But this is if you are not allergic. The same can be said about orchids - they cleanse the energy and improve the mood of everyone in the room who does not suffer from allergies.


A person spends about a third of his life in a dream and the quality of our sleep depends on what conditions are created in the bedroom. This issue must be approached extremely responsibly.


Any room in your house (especially a bedroom) will be happy with spathiphyllum. It will rid your home of the presence of harmful substances, provide a sound healthy sleep. It is also known as the flower of love. It is advisable to place an anthurium next to it (it is also called a male flower). The energy in the bedroom will be fueled by love, which will ensure a lasting relationship.


Feel great in the aloe bedroom. At night, it releases oxygen and absorbs carbon dioxide. This is an uncommunicative plant, guests are a burden for him, so if you grow aloe, it is best for him to be in the bedroom. In addition, aloe (its juice) heals wounds, abrasions, helps with coughs, colds, headaches.


The camellia will perfectly fit in the bedroom. This is a very spectacular beautifully flowering plant. Throughout the cold season from November to May, she will decorate your bedroom with luxurious flowers. Camellia flowers (red, white, pink) have no smell, and will not interfere with sleep. But for those who have problems of an intimate nature, it is advisable to have a plant with red flowers.

Usambara violets

You can place uzambara violets in the bedroom - simple and cute plants. The most acceptable colors for this room are white and purple.


Lavender will help you overcome insomnia, calm down, relax, get rid of the burden of problems.

Chinese rose

The most favorable flower for the human aura is the Chinese rose (hibiscus). Try to find a place for it on the window in your bedroom. Hibiscus has the ability to attract a man, strengthens love relationships. And if you place lemon balm, mint, tarragon, basil not far from it, then the air in the bedroom will be useful, healing and unique.

Living room

White flowers soothe the nervous system and protect from nervous breakdowns, purple flowers create an atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding in the house, and pink and red flowers help a person feel a sense of self-satisfaction, create joyful feelings from communication with family and friends, so violets with red flowers can be placed in living room.

Do not keep lilies in the bedroom, in any case, as their rich thick aroma can cause headaches during sleep, and even suffocation.

It is better to place the pot of these luxurious flowers in the common room (in the dining room or living room).


If you have an office, then in it (in the eastern part of it) you can put a fat woman (money tree). She will testify to the well-being of the family. The better your financial affairs, the healthier and more luxurious the plant will be.

Zamiokulkas performs the same functions, but unlike the fat woman, it attracts more powerful amounts of money. Here you just need to observe moderation in watering, so as not to destroy the plant.


Let's move on to the kitchen. Here you need to place something from citrus plants. (To make your family's appetite better).

Then, geranium. For the kitchen, it is simply necessary, as it cleans the kitchen air well and has a positive effect on the energy of the room, and therefore on digestion.

Here you can also place uzambara violets and sansiveria. By the way, sansiveria is a versatile plant and will perfectly decorate any room, not just the kitchen.

Indoor plants protect the house, cleanse and heal the atmosphere in it, and most importantly, they are a wonderful decoration for your home. Of course, you can keep plants at home that you like, that you like, and that fit well into the size of your home and enliven its interior. And you can also place flowers where you like, but you should only take into account their natural predisposition to the sun or shady side.

Have you ever wondered why you can't keep climbing plants at home? If not, then we are in a hurry to tell you about it, but first, we will explain where this sign came from.

Sign history

  • For a long time, the people were afraid of all kinds of plants that curl. They were not planted either in their gardens, nor were they started at home. These plants were afraid because of their curly stems could get out of hell with Satan and one fateful night to capture the owner of the house or his relatives, or livestock, and carry them into the eternal heat.
  • They were afraid to approach these plants alone during the day, because the ancient people believed that with its tenacious and climbing branches the plant could grab someone and strangle them.
  • Since then, they began to be afraid of climbing plants at home and began to consider their appearance in their home bad luck.

Why not plant indoor plants that curl?

  • So why are climbing plants at home a bad omen? What is so bad they bring us? And the sign with climbing plants at home means that they take a lot of positive energy into themselves, leaving one negative.
  • Climbing plants in a spouse's bedroom can wreak havoc in a relationship. From them, suspicions may arise on the part of one of the spouses in the infidelity of the other, or the husband and wife may simply lose interest in each other. The more climbing plants in the bedroom they have, the worse their relationship will be, and the sooner the divorce will come.
  • It is highly undesirable to put any climbing plants in the children's bedroom, because they will absorb all the health of the kids into their long stems and many leaves. The child may have severe headaches, or the immune system may be seriously compromised.
  • In the kitchen, if there is a climbing plant, then conflicts will constantly arise there and the family will not be happy. The neighbors of this family will hear swearing almost every day and all this is due to a simple climbing houseplant.
  • But in the hallway, a climbing plant can delay the bad thoughts of those who enter the house. Therefore, you can put a small indoor flower with curly stems there.

What plants are climbing?

  • The most famous climbing plant is Tradescantia... It has many varieties. There are tradescantia with small fluffy leaves that are colored green and purple. And there are tradescantia and just with smooth green leaves.
  • There is also a indoor climbing plant called Cissus or, as the people call it, Birch. This plant really has its leaves reminds birch.
  • Many people also plant Scindapsus in their apartment. This plant has yellow blotches on the leaves.

Now you know why you can't keep climbing plants at home.

Why can't climbing plants be grown at home?

    It is believed that it is undesirable to keep climbing plants such as ivy, birch trees at home, since there is a popular omen on this score that these plants seem to “survive”; from the house of men, they draw the energy of love from the owners and the family life of the hostess of such a flower garden either does not work out at all or it will be unsuccessful.

    I have only wild grapes on the shelf at home, it has been growing for many years and nothing, it is true that there is a lot of dust to wipe on it. A friend has ivy, she also has in her family like everyone else - a husband, children, it seems normal. In general, it is better if you are in doubt, then it is better not to get curly ones, get some other flowers that he will not accept, so that do not confuse .

    Who told you that vines cannot be grown in the house. It is very possible, only they are strongly woven and there are a lot of leaves, you have to arrange dust cleaning once a week, but there are a lot of leaves! But the liana pleases us with green leaves all year round. For the holidays, we cling to her jewelry. So I don't see anything wrong with Liana!

    There is such a judgment that in a house where, for example, ivy grows, a man will walk, get confused, drink and may even no one knows where - apparently, they judge by the nature of the plant itself, braiding everything around and knowing no restrictions.

    If we talk about energy, then these plants have it cold, so if passions boil regularly in the house, then the climbing plants are able to dim them slightly. But if everything is already cold, then it is better to look for other flowers.

    If you believe in signs, then there is one such that climbing plants at home lead to frequent quarrels and loneliness. I don't know where this belief came from.

    I also heard that all the climbing plants will not let a man into the house. They are popularly called muzhegons. Itself somehow even at one time got rid of all the climbing plants. The acquaintances have both plants and men. So, it's up to you whether to believe in such a sign or not.

Buying another flower, we do not even know about some of the harmful properties of indoor plants, and then suddenly we notice emerging health problems. If a small child or animals live in the house, then you need to pay special attention to the choice of indoor flowers and plants in order to protect their life. Some plant species contain poison in their juice or release harmful substances into oxygen.

In addition to plants that are not recommended to be kept at home, there is an adverse effect on the human body of some flowers. In this case, you need to correctly choose the location of the future green resident, without placing him in the bedroom or, conversely, in the kitchen.

There are a lot of disputes and disagreements about dangerous plants in the house. All sayings are mixed with various signs that can eventually confuse a novice gardener.
In this article, we'll take a look at the plants to be careful with and be aware of the likely effects on the body and energy.

List of poisonous plants

This group of plants includes those species that should not be kept at home, especially in the presence of animals or children due to extremely dangerous properties. A child, like a pet, is capable of poisoning with similar flowers or getting burns if handled carelessly.

If there are no children and animals in the house, then take precautions when caring for such plants. Be sure to wear gloves when handling these colors and rinse tools thoroughly. Do not under any circumstances cut these flowers with a knife intended for food in your kitchen.

Consider this group of plants:

  1. Dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia).

    A popular indoor plant that attracts flower growers with huge yellow-green leaves that form a fluffy crown. The flower is dangerous for its sap, which is released when the leaves or stem are cut. If a pet or child decides to chew any part of this flower, then the juice that gets into the body will cause severe poisoning. In addition, dieffenbachia juice causes burns and irritation to the skin.
  2. Oleander (Nerium oleander).

    Popular for its bright crimson flowers. The ingestion of oleander juice into the body causes blindness. The scent of a flowering plant contributes to dizziness and feeling unwell.
  3. Euphorbia (Euphorbia).

    This plant is represented by a huge number of species and various forms, therefore, it cannot be described unequivocally. Many representatives are similar in appearance to cacti and have thorns, the prick of which is also dangerous for a living organism. Euphorbia contains white sap in its stem and leaves, which causes burns and irritation to the skin. When ingested, it causes poisoning.

    By the way, on our website there is a large article about caring for this plant, so we recommend that you read it!

  4. Croton (Croton).

    If we talk about this plant, which belongs to the euphorbia family, it looks like a small tree with variegated leaves that have an elongated shape. Its flowers are inconspicuous, and it rarely blooms at home. The sap of this plant causes burns on the skin. If the juice gets into the bloodstream when cut or ingested, then the case can end in death or resuscitation.
  5. Azalea (Azalea).

    A common plant among flower lovers. It is famous for its lush and attractive flowering. The colors are very diverse: white, pink, red, yellow in azalea flowers. It is the Azalea of ​​Simsa (Indian Azalea) that is considered dangerous. Ingestion of the leaves of this flower causes intestinal colic and cramps.
  6. Mimosa bashful (Mimosa pudica).

    A bizarre plant that externally is represented by thin stems and small leaves. The leaves look fragile and delicate, and upon contact with an object, they curl up into a tube. Long-term human contact with these flowers leads to hair loss and loss. Sometimes it comes to complete baldness. The fact is that this plant emits harmful and toxic substances that poison the human body.
  7. Evergreen ivy (Hedera).

    This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. It is a shrub in the form of vines. Cats are very attracted to the bright green color of the leaves of this plant, but in ivy, the leaves and berries are poisonous, so the animal can die or be severely poisoned.
  8. Adenium (Adenium).

    A very beautiful plant, which is represented by a thick, obese stem in the form of a small tree trunk. At the top are sparse leaves and a large number of medium-sized pink flowers. The plant is very toxic, adenium juice is especially dangerous. On contact with the body, it causes poisoning and burns.
  9. Monstera.

    Monsterra is not a very dangerous plant, but still it is better not to start it at home.

    A spectacular plant with huge leaves and growing to impressive sizes. Usually, monstera can be found in public places or botanical gardens. Monstera juice can cause burns on the skin, upset the digestive system, and if it gets into the eyes, damage them.

  10. Philodendron (Philodendron).

    Belongs to the aroid family. The plant is represented by bushes, vines and lush greenery. Philodendron juice is poisonous. Contact with skin and eyes causes irritation and burns.
  11. Primula (Primula).

    The flower has gained such popularity due to the beautiful flowering of various shades, small size and velvety leaves. During flowering, the plant releases toxic substances that cause nausea and dizziness. The velvety leaves are covered with small villi, contact with which leads to burning sensation and allergies.
  12. Stellera dwarf (Stellera chamaejasme).

    In the photo, Steller is in natural habitat. This plant is known for its medicinal properties, but it can only be used for such purposes under the supervision of a doctor. The flower itself has a high stem on which the inflorescences are located. They consist of 20-30 small white flowers. The ingestion of the leaves of the plant in its raw form into the body leads to swelling of the vocal cords and even numbness.
  13. Nightshade (Solanum).

    This flower attracts attention with its bright orange fruits that adorn the evergreen shrub. It is these fruits that are very poisonous and dangerous. May cause poisoning. The bright color of the berries attracts children and animals, so you should not keep such a flower at home.
  14. Tulip Gesner (Tulipa gesneriana).

    This plant blooms very impressively. It has a medium-sized stem on which a large flower is located. The color is varied - from yellow to red. But being with this flower for a long time indoors leads to hair loss and baldness.
  15. Trichocereus (Trichocereus).

    This plant is a species of cactus. It has long and large needles and blooms with large white flowers with a pleasant aroma. The plant contains hallucinogens and toxins that cause paralysis of the nervous system.

By families

The list of poisonous plants seems to be much longer, so when buying a flower, ask which family it belongs to. There are 4 main families of the most poisonous plants, namely:

  • The euphorbia family. The juice of many members of this class is poisonous and causes burns on the skin.
  • Aroid family. Most members of this group are toxic plants. Their juice is especially dangerous.
  • A family of kurtovs. This class includes the most dangerous plants for human and animal life. They attract with their bright and variegated appearance. Wear gloves when working with this family of flowers.
  • The nightshade family. In this class, far from all plants are poisonous, because the well-known potatoes and tomatoes belong to this family. But house flowers are most often toxic, and especially their fruits. Berries cause indigestion, nausea, vomiting.

Watch the video for details:

Sometimes indoor plants are not only beautiful, but also dangerous. For this reason, be sure to use protective equipment when working with flowers. If, in spite of everything, you decide to acquire such flowers, then try to protect them from possible contact with animals and children.

List of plants to be treated with caution

There are a number of indoor flowers that can harm the human body only if they are incorrectly positioned in the house. In addition, some plant species cause allergies or mild ailments. The list of these plants is as follows:

All flowers with a strong aroma should be placed in a well-ventilated area. Then there will be no problems with feeling unwell.

Folk signs: what is allowed, what is not?

To trust folk omens or not is everyone's personal business. At the same time, it is worth remembering that most often signs arise on the basis of long-term observations of ancestors. Consider what the appearance of some indoor plants in the house entails:

There are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I would like to mention the photos and names of these flowers in this article. We all subconsciously strive for unity with nature, someone has a summer cottage, and someone, for lack of it, seeks to create a green corner in their apartment. Sometimes we are impressed by the beauty, bright colors of the next flower, we strive to acquire it as soon as possible in order to decorate our home.

When buying a flower, we do not always think about the consequences and sometimes we start to feel bad or our pets suddenly fall ill. Among the inhabitants of the green world there are a lot of poisonous representatives, sometimes the most beautiful of them turn out to be absolutely unsuitable for home keeping.

What indoor plants cannot be kept at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe all of them here, but I would like to focus on the most common ones - those whose attractive appearance we admire in the windows of flower shops. Some varieties contain toxic compounds, emit poisons, harmful pollen into the atmosphere. Some flowers are not recommended to be planted where you sleep. If you have small children or curious four-legged pets who strive to taste everything, you should be doubly careful when choosing home colors.

What indoor plants cannot be kept at home?

The simplest safety rules are to use gardening gloves or regular latex gloves when in contact with green dwellers. If you are pruning or removing branches, foliage, then use a special knife. The tools you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with the plants. Hands and all cutting or auxiliary objects should be thoroughly washed at the end of maintenance work. Remember that individual flowers can actively release toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names

Oleander is very beautiful during flowering, but its scent can provoke dizziness, nausea, or even fainting. The sap of foliage, stems can cause allergies or burns to the skin. Do not let oleander juice come into contact with your eyes - the consequences can be very dire, up to loss of vision.

Potted spurge looks very exotic, thanks to its large, rich green leaves. In fact, the euphorbia family has many varieties: some resemble cacti, others resemble miniature palms. Certain types of milkweed have thorns, the prick of which poses a threat to the body, since they are very poisonous. Foliage, milkweed stalks contain juice, which, when it enters the esophagus, causes severe poisoning, and upon contact with the skin or mucous membranes leads to burns and irritation.


Dieffenbachia attracts the eye with its large decorative leaves with a variegated pattern. Its milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes; upon contact with the skin, it causes burns, redness, and itching. If it gets into the mouth or esophagus, it provokes a severe burn of mucous membranes, poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, you better not start this plant!

Dieffenbachia, photo:


Alocasia is an ornamental deciduous plant that is highly poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out wearing protective gloves, and not only the juice is poisonous, but even the fumes from the roots. In all thematic forums, experienced florists strongly recommend using protection when transplanting alocasia. If the root is disturbed (for example, by cutting it), you can smell a distinct cyanide odor, which is not recommended to inhale even for a long time. In case of contact with eyes, the juice of alocasia can cause loss of vision, even if inadvertently a child or animal licks a small drop of juice, long-term discomfort is guaranteed. All parts of alocasia are poisonous: they contain hydrocyanic acid, mercury, mercury.


Croton has very beautiful densely growing leaves, in appearance it resembles a small tree. It blooms very rarely at home, but it is often acquired precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very poisonous, if under some circumstances its juice gets into the blood (through a wound or cut when working with it), then even death is possible. In case of contact with skin, wash the area immediately with soap and water several times.


Azalea is very loved by many flower growers, it is simply luxurious, flowers have a wide palette of shades, it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and andromedotoxin, which, when ingested in a human or animal body, cause poisoning, nausea, and convulsions. The most poisonous is considered Azalea Simsa or Indian.


Evergreen ivy from the Araliaceae family is completely poisonous - berries, foliage, and also stems can be fatal to humans and animals. This liana-like plant is very attractive to cats, they also suffer from it more than others. It also poses a serious danger to humans.

Evergreen ivy, photo:

Ivy evergreen

Cyclamen is another pet with decorative flowers of an unusual shape. Its leaves look very attractive but are toxic at the same time. Of particular danger are cyclamen tubers, which contain the strongest poison, similar in strength to curare poison. When ingested, it causes a sharp deterioration in health, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, loss of consciousness.


Adenium attracts flower growers with its exotic look, which is given to it by thick aerial roots. From above it is decorated with multiple flowers of bright colors, different shapes. Adenium is very poisonous, its juice provokes poisoning, causes burns on contact with the skin. It should be borne in mind that all its parts contain toxins, this plant is especially harmful for asthmatics. Milky juice of adenium is able to penetrate the bloodstream through the skin, so think more than once before starting it at home.


Monstera can most often be found in offices, public institutions, but often flower growers settle it at home. It looks very impressive, grows to an impressive size, has large carved leaves. Monstera juice is very toxic, when it gets on the skin it causes burns, severe itching. If it gets into your eyes, it can significantly damage your eyesight. If a child or animal eats even a small part of the leaf, poisoning or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is inevitable.


Brovallia is very attractive, no wonder its full name is Brovallia Beautiful. This small bush gives flowers in all shades of blue, lilac and white. Alas, all parts of the brovallia are poisonous, so its contact with the skin or mucous membranes must be excluded. This flower attracts pets, but its sap is very dangerous for them.

Brovallia, photo:


Aglaonema amazes with the beauty of the leaves, they are large, dense, with an incredible pattern, differing in variety. Despite the fact that it has a positive effect on the air in the apartment, cleans, disinfects it, it is still poisonous. Juice is the main danger to humans and animals, although berries are also toxic. If the flower is damaged even a little (for example, breaking off a leaf or scratching it during transplantation), then the juice will be released immediately. Protective gloves should be worn for any planting or maintenance work with agla-mute.

Houseplants can be found in almost any home. They decorate the environment, make it livelier, and in winter they remind of the long-awaited summer. In addition, home flowers are considered useful, because they are able to saturate the air with oxygen. However, not all of them are useful. and some of them are even dangerous to human health.

Speaking about which flowers should not be kept at home and why, it is worth noting that there are several reasons why certain plants should be avoided:

  • the content in the juice of leaves and stems of poison;
  • the release of harmful substances into the air;
  • strong allergen;
  • suffocating scent causing headache.

In addition to scientifically sound reasons, there are also signs and superstitions about flowers in the house, because of which some housewives are afraid to grow certain plants.

If there are small children and animals in the apartment, then before starting to plant some kind of indoor flower, it is recommended to read the list and see photos of home flowers that cannot be kept at home due to the content of poison in their juice.

One of these plants is Adenium (desert rose)... It attracts attention with its unusual bottle-like trunk and bright, lush flowers. But despite the original and beautiful appearance, the desert rose secretes poisonous sap, which causes poisoning, getting into the bloodstream through the skin and mucous membranes of a person.

Azalea- a very beautiful, luxuriantly flowering plant. The azalea flower looks like a lily. But its juice and nectar contain a poisonous substance that causes vomiting and watery eyes when swallowed. In addition, with a strong aroma, azalea can cause headaches and allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes.

Dieffenbachia- a common houseplant that attracts attention with large leaves that form a beautiful lush crown. Having the useful property of purifying and humidifying the air, dieffenbachia nevertheless belongs to the dangerous poisonous species. Its milky juice, in contact with the skin, can cause severe irritation and ulcers. But the most dangerous is getting the juice on the mucous membranes. If it gets into the eyes, the juice can lead to blindness, and if it gets into the mouth, it can cause severe swelling of the tongue and throat.

Clivia contains poison in the juice, ingestion of which can lead to vomiting, abdominal pain, drowsiness and even paralysis.

The next plant on the list of dangerous - spurge... The white sap of the plant contained in the foliage and stems, getting on the skin, leads to a burning sensation, the appearance of blisters. When the juice gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis develops. Milkweed juice causes poisoning with abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, poor circulation and seizures.

Monstera- an unusual plant with large leaves that have slits. The poisonous substance contained in the leaves, when it gets on the skin, causes burns, redness and blisters. If the juice gets into the eyes, it can lead to conjunctivitis and even temporary blindness.

Oleander- a beautiful plant with bright crimson flowers. The poison contained in its juice, when ingested, can lead to blindness, and the suffocating aroma provokes dizziness and a deterioration in general well-being.

Ivy evergreen strewn with glossy bright leaves. Both the leaves and the berries of the plant are poisonous, if accidentally swallowed, the substances they contain can cause clouding of consciousness, delirium and even cardiac arrest.

Very common ficus oddly enough, it is also poisonous. The juice contained in its leaves and stems, when in contact with the skin, causes burns and severe redness. In addition, ficus is a strong allergen.

Cyclamen- home flower, the tubers of which contain a strong poison, used in folk medicine.

If there are no babies or animals in the house, then such plants can be bred, caring for them with care, following several rules:

  • process plants only wearing gloves;
  • rinse the instruments thoroughly after processing;
  • do not use a kitchen knife for cutting.

House flowers are strong allergens

Some house flowers can cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, allergy sufferers should not rush to plant such flowers at home. More often others x cause allergies:

Plants that shouldn't be kept in the bedroom

There are also flowers that can be planted in the house, but it is contraindicated to put them in rooms where people sleep. So, it is not recommended to keep lilies in the bedroom. First, because of their tart aroma, which can cause insomnia. Secondly, this flower emits a large amount of carbon dioxide at night, which can lead to headaches and fatigue.

Another flower that should not be located next to the sleeping place is the orchid. In addition to the fact that the orchid can cause allergies, this flower excites the nervous system, therefore, being in the bedroom, it can cause sleep disturbances.

Folk omens

Folk omens can also tell you which flowers are best not to plant in the house. You can treat them in different ways, however, cases when signs and science do not advise the same plants are not uncommon, for example:

  • Dieffenbachia, by signs, takes health from its owners, which is confirmed by science, because the plant is poisonous.
  • fern signs are credited with the ability to take vitality from a person and are called an energy vampire; science says that all types of fern are the strongest allergens that can lead to chronic fatigue and poor health.

Among indoor plants, there is a separate category called "muzhegons". According to signs, they drive men out of the house, with their appearance in families, quarrels begin, often leading to divorces, and unmarried girls, having such flowers in their house, will never marry. The "muzhegon" includes:

Yet several will accept about plants unfavorable for the house:

  • the palm tree brings grief to the family;
  • sansevieria (pike tail) leads to loneliness;
  • the cactus turns the owner (man) into an alcoholic, and does not allow the girl to marry.

Along with harmful plants, there are useful ones, their presence has a beneficial effect on human health.

When it comes to what kind of flowers to keep at home, the first plant that comes to mind is aloe. It can be a great help in the treatment of colds, throat ailments, gastritis, heartburn and inflammation. Kalanchoe, which is used to treat colds and stomach ulcers, is considered no less useful. It is also used to heal cuts and wounds.

Chlorophytum is a necessary plant that not only cleans the air of harmful impurities, but also fights against pathogenic bacteria and molds. Another flower that cleans the air well and also moisturizes it is chamedorea.

Those who are haunted by a bad mood and fatigue should definitely plant citrus fruits in the house. The essential oils they contain will promote relaxation, relieve fatigue and stress.

Indoor flowers decorate the house, bringing comfort and harmony into it. They purify the air and delight endlessly with luscious greenery and blossoming flowers. But there are plants that have no place next to people and pets. What plants are better to remove from the nursery and the bedroom and which flower should not be kept at home in any case?

What harm can indoor flowers bring?

Among the huge variety of indoor plants, there are those that flower growers avoid keeping in their home. There are three main reasons for this dislike: folk omens, incredible difficulty in care, the desire to protect pets from poisonous plants.

Legends of deep antiquity

Since ancient times, people believed in the close relationship between the animal and plant world, and continue to believe now. Psychics on TV, grannies at the entrance, colleagues at work talk about which plants cannot be kept at home so as not to trigger trouble. The anti-rating champion is a cactus. The arguments against it are strong:

Husband will not be

If there is a husband, he will get drunk

There will be no money, happiness, passion and love

Yes, what flower you can't keep at home is his. In justification of the thorn, it can be argued that cacti help to overcome shyness, improve sleep and absorb radiation from electrical appliances.

It can only grow among women, therefore it expels all men from the house without exception.

Generates lies and distrust in families

It sucks energy out of people at night

Poor ivy, of course, is to blame, but only you can't drive out a good wife of your husband with a stick, that he has some flowers.

Bronze winners - asparagus, ficus, cypress. Accused:

In vampirism

In bringing discord into strong families

That bring trouble

According to another version, ficus helps women get pregnant, protects against poverty, and helps to overcome stress.

Reasoningly, one can advise one: everyone should keep flowers at home that he really liked. And the suspicious ones should be thrown out!

Continuous whims

There are flowers that are enough to stick into the ground and water once a week. There are others - real tyrants who subordinate the whole house to their schedule and rhythm. What cannot be kept at home without providing them with ideal living conditions? Who are they, these beautiful sissies, whose care requires colossal dedication?

The top of capricious plants is headed by bashful mimosa. She loves the sun, but after several cloudy days, the direct hit of the rays causes her to burn. In winter, it must be kept at 15-18º, which is not very comfortable for the owners, especially at high (80%) humidity. Loves watering, but dislikes stagnant water. By the way, only settled water is suitable!

Needs constant feeding and spraying. And even if you create all the conditions for her, in gratitude for the work done, it can dry out safely by winter.

The tropical beauty Vanda, one of the most charming orchids, is very difficult. Its motto is: "No sun - no flowers!", But from 11 to 15 o'clock it must be shaded so as not to burn the leaves. She needs changes in day and night temperatures, and not sharp, but gradual. If the air is colder + 20º, it will not bloom.

What flower should not be kept at home for reasonable reasons? Any of the above. They are intended for the most sophisticated florists, true experts in their field.

We will ensure the safety of loved ones

There is a group of plants, beautiful and strong, that should not be started at home for very specific reasons. They are poisonous. You cannot risk the health of loved ones for the sake of a spectacular interior solution. Especially if there are children of any age and animals in the house, with the exception of fish:








