Repairs Design Furniture

Furniture made of solid pine drawings. Country furniture with her own wood (47 photos): making stools, rocking chair and tables. How to avoid mistakes in the manufacture of furniture

In this article, we will tell you how to make simple practical furniture for the cottage from the tree with your own hands. Interest in independent manufacture of entourage is always high and it is not surprising. It is enough to go to any supermarket and see what the price seemingly cheap tables and plastic chairs and you will make sure that everything will be cheaper.

Of course, the best choice will be wood and there are a number of reasons for this, including:

  • low price of board and timber;
  • simplicity of machining, as you can cut and drill a tree using the simplest tool without the need for expensive equipment;
  • excellent appearance of the finished product due to the specific texture of the wood surface;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ability to process various decorative and protective paint materials.

Of course, this is an incomplete list of benefits, but immediately note some drawbacks. Lack of wood one is low resistance to the negative impact of environmental factors.

For example, lumber products with long-term accessing of sun rays are breathing and covered by cracks. With the long-term effects of atmospheric precipitation, the tree without special preparation rotates and loses its initial density and strength.

Tip: High resistance to excessive humidity is characterized by aspen. Wood such a breed is used everywhere in the interior decoration of washing and paired premises in the baths and saunas where it is not customary to use protective coatings from paints and varnishes.

If ordinary wood species are used instead of aspen, ready-made products are appropriate to impregnate with oil and coat with several enamels.

So, after we have decided on the choice of production material, consider what you can be made of wood.

Method of manufacturing country stools

Before getting to the manufacture, assimilate the fact that the country's country furniture, regardless of the modification, should be reliable, functional and easy to manufacture. That is why the stools that we produce will be folding and assembled - compact, and therefore convenient for temporary storage.

As the main materials will be used a t-shut-off board with a thickness of 20 mm, 60 and 90 mm width.

From the board we cut the following pieces:

  • length 470 mm and width 60 mm - 4 pcs;
  • length 320 mm and width 60 mm - 4 pcs;
  • length 320 mm and width 40 mm - 2pcs;
  • length 350 mm and width of 90 mm - 2 pcs;
  • length 350 mm and width 60 mm - 2 pcs.

In addition to the listed billets, hardware will be required for the manufacture of a bolted connection.

Assembly instruction as follows:

  • From cutting board, as shown in the scheme, collect the seat. All structural elements are fixed by screws whose heads are cutting off with the surface of the boards.
  • Next, the legs of the chair are made, which are bonded by crossbars and bolted centers.

Important: For greater aestheticism and at the same time the safety of the use of the chair, sharply protruding corners of the legs appropriately rounded, as shown in the diagram.

  • The collected legs are attached to the seat through a bolted connection.

The finished product is a stool that, if necessary, can be folded and it does not take a lot of free space during storage. For ease of use, all surfaces can be treated with fine-grained emery paper, to impregnate with olifa and paint the PF-115 or PF-116 LCM.

Making rocking chair

It is no secret that the cottage by many compatriots is used exclusively for gardening and garden work, but after all, and sometimes it is necessary to rest. For a rest in your free time, there is nothing better than the homemade rocking chair.

The design of the chair that we offer to your attention does not represent anything complicated, and you will certainly handle the assembly of this product with your own hands.

Materials will require a slat with a thickness of 10 mm and a width of 30 mm and a leaf of laminated multilayer plywood is not thinner than 15 mm. The tool will require an electrolovka and an electric train.

Manufacturing instructions Next:

  • On the plywood sheet, in accordance with the shown by the scheme, we draw the contours of the sidewall.
  • Cutting a plank to the width of the future chair. Length can be applied in accordance with the proposed scheme or selected, based on its own preferences.

Important: It is necessary to remember that with an increase in the length of the plank, it is necessary to increase its thickness.

  • Further, the prepared planks are securely by screws around the perimeter of plywood sidewalls. For greater strength, the plank can be attached not only from above, as shown in the diagram, but also from the bottom.

IMPORTANT: In order for the bar and plywood to do not give a crack, it is advisable to drill in advance for the holes of the hole slightly smaller diameter.

  • The finished product is advisable to clean the sandpaper, cover the oil, and after complete drying to handle with one or more layers of varnish.
  • Now it was left to consider how the wooden table is going to decorate both the traditional cottage and summer houses from the container block

Collect table

As already mentioned, the country's furniture should be simple and utilitarian, and in addition, reliable and inexpensive in the assembly. Such qualities are characterized by a table that is proposed in the scheme.

For assembly, the product will require a cutting board with a thickness of 40 mm and a width of 140 mm. For mounting, you will need self-tapping screws. From the tools you will need a hacksaw, an electric door with a screwdriver function, sandpaper with sandpaper, measuring supplies and a paintwork tool for coating the finished product with paint materials.

Instructions for holding assembly works as follows:

  • We make a table top, which is a cloth, collected from 7 boards and reinforced with 2 jumpers.
  • In jumpers, as shown in the diagram, holes for the bolted supports are dried.
  • Next, supports are made, the endings of which are trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees. In order to properly select the angle and trim the board on it, use the transport or stub.
  • We collect all the harvested components into a single whole and check the strength of the finished design.
  • The final stage of the manufacture of the wooden table is the grinding of the finished product and impregnating its surface using the oil.
  • Fully dried surface can be coated with a layer of paint or varnish.

Important: For the full use of the power tool when processing wood in a non-electrified country house, it may be necessary to purchase or rent a diesel generator for giving.


What conclusion can be made from the foregoing? First of all, if there are drawings of the country furniture with their own hands from the tree you can make a lot of useful and inexpensive things. Moreover, it does not need an expensive and hard-to-reach tool for working with the tree, since there are enough of those supplies that are in every domestic workshop or in the garage.

Finally, if you correctly approach the protective processing of finished products, you can count on the fact that homemade furniture will last for many years without the need for repair. If any questions remained more useful information, looking at the video in this article.

A huge number of furniture factories offer a wide range of products at the lowest prices. From the directories, you can choose any model from any material. But where is the price below, the quality drops there. The cheapest wood is used, which will not retain the freight look and breaks quickly.

To save significantly, however, get the quality and fully fitted the product under the interior, you can make furniture made of wood with your own hands. Making furniture at home can almost everyone, it does not require special equipment, special education. It is enough to purchase materials and be patient.

In addition, the subject made by their own hands is much more appreciated, especially if it is furniture made of natural wood. The manufacture of wooden furniture with their own hands can become a wonderful and useful hobby.

Simple steps in the furniture assembly

First of all, to create any product, it is necessary to determine its shape, design and sizes. Then the color, material, fittings are selected. And with all these moments, furniture drawings are created. It is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of error when assembling furniture made of natural wood, do not spoil the material and do not slow down the process. Drawings of cabinet furniture can be compiled independently or find ready-made options on the network.

It is worth remembering that the preparation of furniture drawings is a very important stage, so it is necessary to carefully calculate and think over everything.

Use of slab materials

The most common materials for self-making furniture are LDDD and LDP plates. They have an acceptable price and are available for retail purchase. However, for beginners can be a problem with the production of individual details.

Furniture business is a business that:

- does not require cash investments;
- has a profitability of 80 and up to 300%;
- the product of which is used by all civilized people of the earth;
- may exist and develop regardless of the technical equipment of your future enterprise;
- never end;
- Every year more and more develops.

Business who are already engaged in people and quite successfully ... Business that even a full-time student can do.

Furniture business can be dusty, heavy, and problematic, and maybe simple, profitable and interesting. It all depends on what approach to choose and how to deal with it.

If you are greedy, you will get a bunch of work if you do not be greedy, then earn good and fast money.

I will tell you about both approaches, but I will explain more about the last approach.

Everything is simple. We will analyze on a specific example, the manufacture of the most complex type of furniture - the kitchen. Why is the kitchen the most sophisticated look? Because the kitchen package includes more than various accessories and materials, this is the first, and the second is all the details are small, and even the smallest shortcomings are immediately striking.

Let us take this expensive kitchen as the basis:

What can I say about her? Big expensive kitchen ... Made of the most modern materials. It is relatively expensive, 48.000 rubles without taking into account household appliances, plates, ovens and microwave oven. Honestly, its price in the store will be above thousand by 15 for sure.

I did this kitchen myself personally, with my own hands. No worse than in the salons of the "Italian" furniture. The facade is made of Framework MDF, has built-in household appliances, backlight, deep retractable drawers, rails, long handles. The boxes are made of high-quality German chipboard and are sealed by the edge of PVC 2mm. All accessories installed in the kitchen, German, Hettish. The kitchen is no worse than Western counterparts or in quality, nor for the price.

Can you yourself make such a kitchen? Not? And what is the difficulty? Do not know how this is done? Well, I will try to convince you in the opposite.

Look once again carefully for this kitchen. Would you be able to betray her, with their own hands, if you were given everything in a disassembled form, with the articulated sketch of each piece of the locker or bedside tables and all the necessary bolts and nuts and nuts and nuts?

Thought? And if you were for the fact that you collect her, gave well, say 24,000 rubles?

And then on top of the installation of 8% of percent of the full cost, which equals 4,000 rubles?

Would it cost to work yourself for 5-7 days? Do you think no one will give so much kitchen assembly? Give! Only it will be necessary to think a little head. Of course, if you buy such a kitchen in the store, then you will receive no more than 3% of the cost for the assembly, and if you manufacture it yourself, then you will get at least 50% of its cost ...

Your task is to find and order on certain sizes or buy.

That is, at the first stage, you need to make a clear documentation for the product in which you will need to write out all the necessary materials and accessories necessary for the manufacture of cuisine and consider all possible costs of manufacturing the order.

What is the kitchen about?

And now a little more in detail about what the kitchen consists of and then what is your work in its manufacture.

1. Badge of LDSP

In any furniture there is a box that is made from the laminated chipboard. Whatever you have been made - the kitchen, an entrance hall, a children's room or what else, you need to buy LDSP, drink it and shove the edge.

Where the LDSP is sold is always provided for sawing services and costs this no more than 50 rubles per 1 meter square.

There you can ask to stick the edge - this service costs from 6 rubles per meter (price excluding the value of the edge). You can stick the edge yourself - then it will cost 1.5-20 rubles per meter.

This kitchen took the material of 18 sq.m. (3 sheets of 3500 * 1750 mm and edges are not more than 15 meters).

- sawing material will cost you 18 sq.m. * 55 rubles \u003d 990 rubles;
- Casting edges 100 m. * 6 rubles \u003d 600 rubles.

We bought the material on the usual warehouse. If you go for the material yourself, it will cost for you as much as for other specialized furniture workshops, well, can be 5% more expensive than for them. They may have a discount, like permanent buyers ...

That is, you are in equal terms with furniture firms. The only difference is that furniture firms are sawing materials at their production, and you are taking ready-made details, paying for sawmilling and pasting. Everything orders, no handmade !!!

Facades are also made at factories or in specialized workshops. All furniture makers ordered them. Little those who buy a machine worth 2 thousand euros and scores a warehouse with multi-colored raw materials in order to make facades for their production.

So you are again in equal conditions with any furniture office. And you, and other furniture makers will never do them yourself - just order.

3. Table top

Countertops are also done at huge plants, which in Russia there are only 5 pieces. In every city they have offices. So when buying countertops you are in equal terms with everyone.

The fact is that all the countertops are sold with cloths three meters, and its width in the standard version is 60 cm. But you can order any other size. Color too, you can choose anyone, more than 50.

The only problem is to sprinkle exactly, in the desired size. This problem is solved in the same place where you will be sent to LDSP. Sink up the required size of the countertop costs 20 rubles per one propyl.

4. Furnitura

Accessories include: handles, loops, edge, hits, self-tapping screws, ties, guides, chrome pipes, dryers, etc.

Fittings for sale any and in any quantities. It is only necessary to find a point where it is sold.

You can buy anything if not available, then brought under the order. All the same accessories will be available as furniture makers. They also buy everything in a specialized store selling furniture fittings.

Glass cut into glass workshops on your size. Given the application with the name of the glass and the size, the finished glass was obtained. Not difficult, right? All this know. But not everyone knows that I listed above ...

6. Luminaires

I think that each of you saw the departments for the sale of different lamps. Furniture lamps are sold there. All furniture makers use these departments.

I think you met the departments for the sale of different sinks. Probably even asked themselves the question: "Who are they needed, who buys them?" In most cases buy furniture makers.

8. Technique

Oven, false plates, hoods buy most often in Eldorado or other stores for the sale of household appliances.

The charm of the purchase in Eldorado is that the owner of future furniture can choose that technique, which he will like more regardless of the price, and of course to make a loan for it, which will make more affordable furniture. And he is cheaper, and you have fewer problems with the purchase.

As for the installation, there are special standards for embedded techniques. There is no difference who manufacturer is an external, installation envelope will always be the same. And always to such a technique is attached detailed instructions for installing and preliminary calculation of Tumb.

What then gets out of all this?

What is needed to build furniture

All you need is to drill holes for EuroStya to collect furniture, install all the necessary accessories, handles, loops, guides.

Do not think that this is a great difficulty, it's all done quickly and simply (literally - with your own hands). All modern fittings today meets the following rules - fast, easy installation, reliability, excellent regulation.

Today there are many factories for the production of furniture fittings and all of them are in the competitive struggle for the consumer, and the consumer is none other than the manufacturer of furniture. And what is the manufacturer of furniture, what is needed first? So that the fittings did not give trouble when it was installed and was reliable, so as not to spoil his reputation ... He would not buy another ... Therefore, they do it now not as in Soviet times ...

Fixed accessories easily and quickly. Speed \u200b\u200band quality is the key to a successful business.


- To install the loop on the facade, install the facade itself and adjust it, without preliminary preparation by drilling holes, you need to spend 2-3 minutes;
- To fasten the handle, you need to spend 1 minute (drill two holes and tighten the screws);
- place and drill holes, assemble the locker - 10-15 minutes;
- drill a hole for the lamps and insert the lamp - 1-2 minutes;
- Cut a hole in the tabletop under the sink - 15 minutes (put the sink, circling the contour with a pencil, cut the hole with a jigsaw and fix on special snap-down mounts.);
- cut off with a knife with a necessary piece of chrome pipes - 2-3 minutes;
- Secure the chrome pipe with the help of flanges - 3-5 minutes.

Well, all in such a spirit ... All this can be done in any garage, on the balcony or in general in the apartment.

Let's say, in order to collect the kitchen, which you have seen above, you need to spend at all a maximum of 5-7 days (or sacrifice the three output) - ranging from the material by ending the installation of the finished product.

If you wish to learn more about furniture production, then learn the free course "furniture with your own hands" on the site

In recent years, for the creation of an individual design of the dwelling, the interior is increasingly people are taking literally with their own hands. And if they start with accessories and items of the decor, the gradual transition to the manufacture of more complex things does not cause himself to wait. It can be furniture items for the kitchen, living room, hallway, in a nursery.

To do this, you need to understand the general principle of the process of creating interior items. Basis base is a good sketch. If the drawing skills are not perfect, it is better to watch furniture sketches on the Internet or specialized magazines. It is not necessary to repeat exactly in exactly, you can transform one or another subject to your requests.

Consider performing measurements on the example of creating a kitchen headset with your own hands.

Strengths have their own laws, because the drawings are based on exactly the extinted parameters:

  • If you do a kitchen set, or some thing for the kitchen, you need to know the length of the walls.
  • Then the height of the room walls is measured.
  • If the standard sizes of kitchen cabinets are taken as the basis, they will be the following: the height of the floor cabinet - 85 cm, the depth is about 50 cm, the width is from 30 to 80 cm.
  • Hinged cabinets are made either according to the same parameters or in a reduced version.
  • The distance from the hinged cabinet to the floor - 65 cm.

All numbers are only a standard, averaged size, which can be changed under the features of the kitchen and the growth of the hostess. The next time is the size of the home appliance, which is filled with the kitchen.

Now these sizes need to be transferred on paper. Today it can not be done manually, the drawings are often compiled in special graphics programs.

Library of furniture drawings (video)

Correct calculation of sizes

Each piece of kitchen headset is calculated separately. All items are detailed, samples are composite parts. For instance, the kitchen cabinet is written as follows.:

  • Rear panel - size;
  • Side walls - size;
  • Doors - size;
  • Shelves - size.

Retractable boxes are detailed separately. Indicate the fastening places of fittings. All dimensions are indicated with strict accuracy so that the drawings are without errors.

Upholstered furniture do it yourself drawings

To create upholstered furniture tedious not only to create a drawing with your own hands, but also to choose the case. And the list of desired materials includes:

  • Boards
  • Bars
  • Filler,
  • Upholstery fabric
  • Sheets of fiberboard and chipboard,
  • Bars
  • Twine,
  • Sharp knife
  • Drill,
  • Screwdriver
  • Stapler
  • Sewing machine
  • Threads
  • Self-tapping screw
  • Screwdriver
  • Pliers,
  • Glue,
  • Stub
  • Keys in the set,
  • Manual saw.

Having even small skills to create simple designs and using these tools, you can figure it out in a more complex technology. The success of the enterprise will depend on how high-quality materials you use.

Upholstered furniture requires filler, syntheps fit for this purpose perfect. A good alternative to his horse hair, but the cost of the latter seriously exceeds the costs of a synthetic procession. Porolon will also fit the only remark - choose the foam sheets of medium elasticity.

Work begins with the creation of a frame. When individual elements are created, and drawings will be required. Marking of parts is applied to the material, after which the blanks are cut.

The first fitting will show whether the design and drawings are coincided - the details must be docked with each other. If there are no matches, it is necessary to adjust the details immediately.

Kitchen corner do it yourself (video)

The advantages of furniture made with their own hands

For the kitchen, or for another room, interiors, items, such structures have undoubted advantages:

  • High quality - Since you yourself choose material, accessories, control all stages of the creation process;
  • Significant savings - Purchase of materials, here all expenses;
  • Creating a single interior ensemble - the furniture created with its own hands is easier to make the interior harmonious;
  • Acquisition of experience and moral satisfaction from the work done.

In addition, non-standard size of the room, corners and protrusions require appropriate furniture.

Special design programs

These programs greatly simplify the design process. They help produce the right size calculation and not only. Using programs you can:

  • Create a sketch a certain thing;
  • Create design project, for example, a headset for the kitchen;
  • Narrow selection of materials up to a certain category;
  • Choose decor options, finishes, fittings;
  • Build 3.D. model future design;
  • Optimally placing parts on a sheet - precise cutting of sheet material;
  • Drive the cutting process material.

In a word, you can computerize the entire process, thereby guaranteed to avoid errors, and everything that is difficult to do with your own hands, perform on the computer.

Creating a kitchen project with Kitchendraw on a computer (video)


The creation of any interior items is a difficult matter, but quite satisfying and unprofessional. The accuracy of measurements, drawings, weapons with modern computer design programs will simplify this process and will create a really high-quality, original thing that will last the owners for a long time.

If you have long dreamed of learning how to work with a tree, you should not pull the time. Start today. After all, simple furniture and crafts made of wood with their own hands (see drawings and photos) can be made without having joinery skills. There would be a desire.

Tools for working with wood

For the manufacture of most products it is not necessary to acquire special equipment. In most cases, you can do the standard set of tool.

As a rule, to work on a tree at home does not need to buy special equipment

So, we will need:

For the connection of the parts will be needed wood screws. To obtain a stronger connection, screws or bolts with nuts will be needed. Wonderful if there is a circular saw in the garage.

In principle, for cutting a small number of parts is enough and an arid saw. If you wish, you can contact any carpentry workshop and order there the workpiece of the required size.

In the absence of a screwdriver, prepare small holes with a diameter of twice as smaller than the screws themselves. To turn them manually will be much easier.

In the future, if working with wood is inhabited, for the manufacture of complex parts and round blanks, you can purchase an inexpensive lathe - it will cost 7-12 thousand rubles. If there is an old electric motor in the house, for example, from a washing machine, it will be easy to make such a machine.

It is not necessary to work with a tree, just brought from the cold. It must be searched for a day.


Complex types of furniture at home are problematic. But here is the usual stool, a bench, a shelf, bed and even a wardrobe from a tree using a photo and drawings, make it quite forces even novice joiner.


This type of furniture is always useful in the workshop, garage, in the kitchen or dacha. The stool can be stationary, foldable, have a different length of the legs, the form of seating, etc.

The design of the toaster can be complicated by making it the top in the form of a box for storing small things. The house will be useful and the folding stool stool. Extending the legs of an ordinary toaster, you get a bar stool.

We will start work with the manufacture of the simplest product.

For its manufacture we will need:

  • brokes for legs, CARG (brucks under the seat) and prodesk cross section 35-50 mm
  • several boards for the manufacture of seats or plywood; Its standard size 350-430 mm
  • selfless
  • metal corners (crackers) to enhance the design, we will be secured under the seat

We describe the main stages of the work:

1 Pay attention to the photo above. Taberet's assembly is easy. The four legs of the tokevet first are connected with the help of pride and the CARG (bars located right under the seat). Then the seat itself is attached.

2 Standard leg length - 45-50 cm. You can buy a bar or cutting a 200mm-millimeter board. Such a size is most convenient - it will turn out 4 brus 50 mm.

3 Cooking several sites for seating.

4 In order for the design to be stable, they are cut strictly under 90 degrees.

5 When cutting the CARG and pride, be sure to take into account the length of spikes.

6 Processing every detail at the beginning of the sandpaper No. 40-60, and then we pass on them more small emery.

7 Fastening the Tsarg and prodesk on the self-tapping screw will be unreliable - the product is covered. For the connection, rectangular spikes and grooves are used. To do this, place their location. Ship width - 1/3 of the thickness of the Tsarg or the progress. Length - 80% of thickness.

8 work is starting with the preparation of grooves - it will be easier to adjust the spikes. To obtain a groove in the leg, it is better to drill a few holes in a row drill. The rest of the tree is chosen by a manually by the chisel.

9 In the absence of a milling machine, the spikes are made using a rashpil and jigsaw.

10 We connect the stuffing legs pairwise (two) with kings and prodes. If everything is right, we drip in the grooves glue and insert billets with spikes in them.

11 To glue the seat board among themselves, we scroll them on the sides and tighten the seat of the clamp.

12 After drying the glue, additionally strengthen the legs with the kings using metal corners.

13 To the legs and kings, screw the seat self-stakes. Stool is ready.

Joiner's glue dries at least a day. When working in a cold garage, this time increases.


Make a shop or a tree bench is even easier. This design is largely reminiscent of the stool. The only new detail is the back. For its mount, a couple of leg benches will need to lengthen.

1 The greatest complexity represents the manufacture of the rear legs. Their upper part is made with a slight inclination for the convenience of fastening the back. But since there are only two such parts, it is possible to cut them without using special equipment using an ordinary arctic saw.

2 If you mess up with the drinking complex blanks of desire no, the rear legs can be made inclined. Do not forget only that to ensure the stability of the bottom of the legs, it is necessary to cut under the same angle.

3 For greater sustainability, the prodes is better to position not in the center, but at the bottom.

4 To enhance the design of them, as shown in the photo, can be combined between the transverse bar.


Since the manufacture of a conventional chair with a back, in principle, it differs little from the build of stools and shops, and with it you will cope with yourself, complicate the task and make a folding chair from the tree.

1 It will not take much space in the car, and it can always be captured with me on a picnic or fishing.

2 To not be mistaken in the calculations, make a smaller sample from cardboard. Measure each of the details. If the design is sustainable, you can start manufacturing the product.

3 First we prepare 2 wooden frames. At the top of one of them, we screw a couple of rails that will be the back. At the bottom of the frame, we fix the piano on the self-tapping screw or the spike-groove compound (we described it slightly above).

4 second frame we make a little less length. To the bottom also secure a pod. At the top we attach 3-4 seats racks.

5 Since the legs of the chair will be inclined, the cutting angle will be equal to 90, as usual, and 45 degrees.

6 To obtain a durable seat and the back also focus not with self-draws, but a spike-groove compound.

7 Replace the back and seat with a durable sail, stretched on the frame.

8 To in the unfolded form, our stools did not go away, install four restrictive pairbars under the seat. They will not let him fully work out.

9 If the back and the seat are tightened with a tarpaulous, the narrow band from the tissue is stretched between the lower jumpers. She will serve as a limiter and will not give a chaul to work out.

10 cutting over metal cut the axial bolts along the length. Fix them on the legs of the chair closer to the seat. If you install them in the center of the legs, the design will be less stable. At the ends, screw the cap nuts.

11 In order for the frame tightly closed, the nuts need to be dried in a tree.

12 Replace the tree can be plywood. To cut out of it even curvilinear details with an electrolybiz will not be a lot of work. Straight cuts make ordinary hacksaw. The design of such a chair will be a little different. For its assembly, the grooves are peeling into the plywood.

Simple wood shelf

We will proceed to the manufacture of another product - wood shelves. In the future, on their basis, you can make more complex products.

1 After cutting the boards, their ends are open at the beginning of a large, and then shallow sandpaper.

2 Grind and cover the medilica product before the completion of the assembly. After all, even small junctions are always clear.

3 Crushing the vessels better than the perfectly polished tree - on the dark surface any scratches and chips will rush into the eyes.

4 On sale there is a storm of different shades: under dark or light oak, nut, cherry, hazelnut, etc. Learn that after drying it is a little brighten. When applying new layers, the tree becomes darker. More than two layers should not be applied, otherwise the surface will become spotted.

5 ends due to the orientation of the fibers after staining by the mourn, they always look darker. To reduce absorption, they are better preloaded.

6 Drying time - about 12 hours. Then the product is covered on top of varnish.

7 After the blanks are finally dried, on the sidewalls of the future shelf we make marking for fastening horizontally located planks.

8 In the absence of a screwdriver, drill small holes under fasteners. Their diameter should be twice as smaller than the diameter of the screws.

9 Originally too tightly screw them out. We do it only after checking the correctness of the assembly.

10 Close the place of attachment of self-tapping screws under the color of our tree. They can be purchased in any furniture store.

11 On the same principle, you can make a shoe from a tree (photos and drawings can be found on the network). Its rear wall closes the plywood, screwing it to the ends of the shelf with self-draws.

12 If jumpers should be made in the product, they are fastened with horizontal shelves using round wooden spikes (waders) inserted into pre-prepared holes, or screws. For fastening the board, 1-2 spikes are sufficient, which are pre-wedged with glue.

13 For hanging a small shelf weighing 3-5 kg, purchase fastening loops and dowel screws 6x30. Heavy structures are fixed with metal anchors in the form of the letter "g".

14 Teach that fastening the shelves to the plasterboard wall in the usual way will not work. They are fixed only through the mortgage bars that are embedded in the wall in advance.

Do not overdo it with glue - it is applied with a thin layer drops or a thin flowing. When it snacks, remove the surplus. It is more convenient to do this with a clean scraper for paint.


Garden table

By building a table from a tree, you can install it in the kitchen, in a bath or garden house.

1 Stopper length depends on the number of seats. One person is enough 50-60 cm.

2 Standard table height - 165 cm.

3 Initially, a substole is made - a frame consisting of legs and the Tsarg - connecting elements for fastening the table top and legs.

4 According to standards, only thickening connections use for the assembly. However, even furniture factories recent years use less durable compounds in the form of ducts (inserted cylindrical rods, called choppers) and self-tapping screws. If you do not want to mess with the cutting of spikes, be sure to reinforce the corners of the substregnation "crumbs" - metal or wooden fasteners.

5 But still, a stronger compound for the legs and the Tsarg are spikes with semi-beams, when a portion of the spikes in the upper part is cut in half. They are sure to sit on glue.

6 The countertop is collected from the boards, paying attention to the direction of the fibers so that when drying the tree, there were no problems with distortion. Pay attention to the texture of the boards. With a successful combination of wood pattern, the product will turn out to be more original, and the jokes will rush less.

7 Countertops Boards are connected to among themselves ducts and brazers (wooden choppers). For this purpose, 8-12-millimeter holes are prepared in the ends. They need to drop a little glue, carefully distribute it with wooden rays and insert inside the wanks. The finished tabletop is tightly tightened and left until complete drying.

The design of the garden table may be somewhat different. To strengthen its legs, they are tightened by transverse bars, as shown in the diagram below.

It will be a great disappointment if, when assembling, the prepared parts do not fit perfectly with each other. Always check any connection immediately.


Cabinet furniture is more complex in manufacturing. Learn to collect it from a tree Let's start with the hallway. It is possible to make it from furniture shields that remain from old furniture, tipped boards, chipboard or plywood.

Furniture option for hallway

Stocking and accessories. Depending on the design, we may need door loops, screeds, metal rods for hanging the shoulders, etc.

1 The design of the hallway can be any. Below we provided only one of the possible drawings. If you wish in the network, you can find a variety of configurations.

2 The simplest screed used to assemble the housing is metal corners and self-tapping screws. It will take 3-4 fastenings on each of the sides.

3 more expensive, but also the most durable fasteners are special furniture ties, for example, extraction. It completely blends into the tree and does not cling to stored things.

4 When cutting the parts of the case, do not forget at the bottom to write corners under the plinths.

5 Rear wall of plywood, adjacent to the wall, fasten the folding or a quarter of ordinary screws. The last method gives a stronger connection.

6 Power holders are used to install the shelves. The simplest of them is a metal or plastic pin.

7 The doors are hung on any kind of loops. Initially, the pencil through the holes make markup. So that the door does not break quickly, from the top and bottom, retreat at least 10 cm. It is better to use 2 for heavy sash 2, and 3-4 loops.

8 To pencil graphite does not erase, after checking the correctness of the connection, make a nail or selection of the place of future holes.

9 Be sure to check that the loops do not occur at the level of the shelves - they will not allow the door to completely closed.

10 After hanging the sash, it will take its adjustment.


Drawings of a tree of wood for assembly are not so complex. We describe only her principles.

1 In order not to be mistaken with the size of the sleeping bed, before proceeding with the assembly of the bed, take the mattress.

2 Do not make the frame of Rama. After all, the mattress over time slightly "sprawling" on the sides. Therefore, add 1 cm to the frame on each side.

3 For the manufacture of the housing, old furniture shields or planed boards will be needed. Use a better stronger tree of coniferous rocks.

4 Initially, the frame is assembled with metal corners or special furniture screys and screws.

5 For laying a mattress, a frame is necessary to install several jumpers from durable boards. After assembling the frame on them, 12 mm thick is placed on them.

6 Another option to fasten the mattress - wooden lining at the bottom of the frame that the transverse rails are stacked.

7 If you wish in the headboard, you can make a storage box in the shape of the letter "P" with a folding upper lid.

Bed making options There is a lot.

Crafts for dacha

To purchase expensive products for the cottage area does not always make sense. It is much easier to assemble the table, chairs, shops and benches from old furniture or planed boards left after construction. From them you can also build a swing, a gazebo, and from the bubble wooden material - a birdhouse.


It turns out that one-only bird is able to destroy a thousand harmful larvae insects per season. Therefore, the birdhouse in the country, manufactured personally, will be here as it is impossible.

1 His width is always standard - 10-12 cm. The height is selected depending on the type of feathery, which you want to attract to your site. So, for the starvation, a house is required by 60 cm high, but for the sinicles, flies, the horikhvostok it should be low - up to 26 cm.

2 Dyatlam will need a dwelling in the form of a triangle. The birdhouse for the shaking is always laid by the side and attach to a trap. The mukholovka requires a birdhouse with a velocity in the form of a gap, and the crowns are a lodge with a dutched front wall.

3 For the manufacture of a house for birds, only tes are used. After all, the inner sides of their dwellings and the facade must be rough. On the smooth surface of the chicks will be difficult to get out. For the same reason, the house is never painted and not olifyat. If there is no tone at hand, you can use the planed board to which notches are applied manually.

4 Never use for the creation of housing for feathered wood conifers. Wings smeared in the resin, for birds - faithful death.

5 drafts are dangerous for chicks, so we saw the boards at 90 degrees so that when they are connected, the slots are not formed. Starter never glue, but only knocked down by nails or twisted with self-draws. After all, glue will scare sensitive feathery. For the same reason, you should not take a DSP or Faner house for the construction of a house.

6 For the dwelling for birds to be conveniently cleaned, refer to the removable lid. It is better to fill the workpiece on it equal to the internal sizes of the birdhouse. Such a dense cover will never sway with the wind.

7 You can hide the lid and on ordinary loops. In this case, be sure to hook or latch.

8 4-centimeter jerry is attached to glue. Its diameter is 1 cm.

9 To the back of the nesting, a long pole is nailed.

10 Place Moss, Dad or sawdust. To protect against drafts and bad weather, wake all the slots thoroughly.

11 Fasten a birdhouse at an altitude of 3 m pilot to the east or southeast. It requires a high height for the starring, up to 8 m. For the raining drops do not fall inside, it is better to tilt it better. For cats could not get to the dwelling, when hanging it on a tree, remove large neighboring branches.

The birdhouse is always located in the shade - in the summer, in the open sun, the chicks will be uncomfortable.

Never make a birdhouse more than standard size. It will stimulate birds to postpone the larger than they can fade, the number of eggs. As a result, part of the chicks will just perish.


Plastic Chinese swings are not too durable, there are enough of them from the strength for one or two seasons. It makes no sense to spend extra money for expensive products if there are sawn timber left after repair or construction. Good wooden swing from wood will delight children and adults.

For the racks and crossbars swing, use durable wooden bars with a cross section from 100 mm.

We will also need:

  • board for the manufacture of a seat thick from 3 cm
  • metal chains or thick rope
  • several carbines for hanging it; Replace them with bolts and studs
  • sand and cement for pouring pillars in the ground
  • metal corners and screws

It should not be installed on the concrete surface - because when you fall, the probability of injury will be very high. Choose a place on the lawn or soft sand for them.

Take care so that there is no sticking fittings, large stones and branches of trees.

1 Height of children's swings - from 2 m. If they are used and adults will be used, increase it to 3.5 m or slightly higher.

2 Swing support can be p- or a-shaped. In the latter case, the pillars can not be gluable into the ground.

3 When connecting the bars at an angle in the form of the letter "A", referred to the crossbar between them. It is tightened with metal corners and screws. For fasteners in a bar, feeds are made in which the studs are installed.

4 Do not tighten fasteners too tight. First, adjust the support by the construction level, and only then turn the screws to the end.

5 According to GOST, the frame should be wider than half the seats. Its size is selected at its own discretion. Seating can be made with a back or without it. With a length of 50 cm, adults will be able to use swings.

6 After cutting parts, be sure to treat the planed weapons of sandpaper.

7 When installing supports for P-shaped swings, process the lower part of the columns by bitumen and wrap the ruberoid. So you protect the tree from premature rotting. The rest of the wooden parts of the swing cover the antiseptic, olphoua, varnish or paint.

8 Supports are plugged into the ground by 1 m and necessarily poured with cement-sandy mortar. To protect against underground moisture and frosty, pumped the bottom of the pit with rubble by 20-30 cm. Turning the swing only after the cement gains strength - no earlier than in a week.

Arbor with 4-pitched roof

The landing and the main watering approached the end? It's time to do the arrangement on the area of \u200b\u200bthe arbor from the tree with a four-piece roof.

1 place to rest is better to choose in the shade of trees, among the greenery or environment of decorative shrubs. They will be able to protect the gazebo from the penetrating wind. Wonderful if the neighborhood is located in the neighborhood. It is not necessary only to have a structure in the lowlands - wastewater will be added it.

2 After clearing the site and its alignment, mark the location of the arbor with the twine and pegs. It must be 1.5 m more than the size of the design itself.

3 Powerful foundation Easy building will not require. It is enough to build a concrete support from concrete or brick.

4 For the gazebo, 3x3 m will need concrete or brick 9 supports. They are plugged into the ground by 30-40 cm. When using bricks, they are placed on a solution of 5-6 rows so that the last row is towered above the Earth.

5 With concreting or masonry of bricks in angular supports, metal 10 mm rods with a length of 40 cm are laid so that half of their length (20 cm) is recessed into support.

6 Now we are preparing the basis of the arbor from BRUSEV. Their optimal cross section is 100x100 mm. Brus are combined with each other "hardwood". To enhance such a square or quadrangular base, refer to it 1-2 crossbars.

7 in the corners in both bars drill holes for rods (as you remember, we have already laid metal rods in extreme supports). Make the same holes and at the bottom of the support pillars.

8 At the top of the supports immediately prepare rectangular rods for fastening the roof rafters.

9 After installing the poles and their leveling by the construction level, the strengtheaves are at the angle of 45 degrees.

10 to 4 sides of the collected framework Install the horizontally running bars - the strapping. The strapping located in its lower third, at an altitude of about 1 m from the ground, will serve the periods of the arbor.

11 To improve the roof, you will need horizontal crosses. To do this, choose a rectangular removal for a bundle "in dragged" in the center of bars. To enhance such an attachment, screw in each of the cross corners of the wooden bars.

12 At the top of the support pillars, we have already prepared propuls. Now at the ends of the cross, prepare cutouts so that their dimensions coincided with propilation supports.

13 The collected cross is attached to 4 columns.

14 To create a rafter, we will need a wooden octahedron, fixed in the center, which will rely on the cross. Its length is 80 cm.

15 In the upper part of the oct, we prepare the rectangular propyl, to which the first pair of rafters will be attached. Such a fastening is enhanced by self-draws. The second pair of rafters will be mounted on top of the first pair. When trimming rafters do not forget to leave a small 30-centimeter departure over the roof.

16 four more raftered the bottom ends will fall on the support poles. They are screwed to the octarantee by self-draws.

17 So that the roof does not have snow, you can install a few more support pillars that will rest on the beam rafters and strapping.

Beautiful wicket from a tree, handmade with carvings

We will need:

  • support Poles from Bruus 10x10 mm or Log
  • wooden timber for frame 3x4 or 4x4 mm
  • stakenatnik, plywood or board (if you make a cloth wicket solid) for trim
  • galvanized selflessness and tie
  • loop for hanging wicket
  • metal or wooden handle
  • catch or invoice lock if you plan to close the wicket to the key

It's time to start work:

1 The height of the wicket choose to their own discretion. She can go to a closure with a fence, be lower or above it.

2 The principle of its manufacture is easy. The framework is made first, then the lamp is stuffed.

3 The simplest frame for fastening the stakenice - in the form of the letter Z or X. The framework has a shape of a rectangle with a blackboard-acorder (troops) and packed on it horizontally or diagonally boards.

4 Old rotten supports dismantle. If they are strong enough, you can hide the wicket on them.

5 Concretion will increase the service life of the supports 2-3 times. For them, pits 0.5-1 m depth, on the bottom of which crushed stone. It will be able to protect the construction from frosty and excess moisture. On the sublinks, the posts are plugged on 1 m, 0.5 m is enough on the sandy ground.

6 Strengthen the concrete structure using the fittings or butt stones tab.

7 The bottom of the supports burn on the bore or impregnate bitumen. Then it is turned around to rubberoid.

8 Standard distance between columns - 1-1.2 m.

9 After installing the supports in the pit, they are aligned with the construction level. Cement mortar is poured into the gap between them and the ground. Do not forget to stack it with a shovel to remove emptiness.

10 continue to work only in a week - cement must fasten well.

11 The gate is started to make it only after installing the supports - it is necessary to precisely measure the distance between them. The width of its frame is 1 cm less than the distance between the columns. It is collected on a flat site. This will avoid distortion.

12 The framework of the frame is attached to the self-tapping screw. It can be the most different: solid, have windows or be sparse, located in the form of a Christmas tree or semicircle. Very decorative design with carved planks.