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How to put watermelons and melons correctly. Where it is better to put a melon on the plot. Basic varieties for open soil

Hello everyone! Last year, my neighbor in the country treated me with his watermelon and melon - tasty! Well ... I planted the seeds of watermelon and melon. Maybe grow? Found an interesting material, maybe who will come in handy ...

How to grow watermelons and melons in the garden plot? - Simply simple!

Often, people buy watermelons on the market ... and it becomes sad ...
Why not start growing them in the garden plot? How does this berry differ from raspberry or currants?
Complicated? Yes, it is not more difficult than growing tomatoes ... After half an hour you will learn how to grow and watermelons, and melons on your site!
Watermelons are of different flavors, completely different species and forms, but the fact that their watermelons are tastier - it is 100%!
Sing watermelons in mid-April is for those regions where it is cold, as we have in the Perm region.
From shoots before disembarking, approximately 20 days should pass. They should have two seedlines and two real leaves.
Watermelons, like peppers do not like transplants, so I recommend to air them in peat pills. And land them on permanent placeWhen only the first real leaf appears.

Types of Arbuzov

By type of watermelons there are:
Elongated and with yellow pulp

Yellow watermelon with red pulp

Green watermelon with yellow pulp

Long like torpedo

Triangular shape can grow any variety

Square watermelons brought the Japanese

Watermelon varieties are different, but I like the varieties of Chinese selection, such as: Beijing joy, delicious - very tasty and never let down.

Growing seedlings of watermelon and melon!

  • Soaking seeds - mid-April

Although they write on many bags at the end of April, but there it already happens that the heating is turned off and becomes cool, and watermelons gem at 25-30 degrees.

  • Do not like a transplant - comfortable pots
  • Cowing depth of melon - 1.5 cm, watermelons - 2 cm
  • Germination temperature 25-30 degrees
  • The age of seedlings is 20 days. - 1- 2 real leaves
  • Landing for 1.5 cm deeper than in a pot

Watermelon Care and Melons

  1. South side bed
  2. Wind
  3. Land in the well and cover
  4. Correctly form!
  5. Per month before harvesting cessation

If these rules do not comply with, the watermelon can increase and 15 kg, but it will be tasteless and watery.
From the beginning of the shoots of 30 watermelons grow, it is matte. Then he stops growing and begins to glisten - it matures.
When the shine appears - watering stop, exactly a month, we remove the harvest - it is ripe.

Agrotechnology of growing watermelov

Grow and early and leg

Landing - pit 40-50 cm

20 cm Grass, Plastic Bottles

20-25 cm soil: 1 compost bucket, 1/2 sand bucket

IN open soil aisle 70-80 cm, row 60 cm

Early varieties It is necessary to eat immediately, but layers are stored until late autumn. If you grow up about hundreds of early, then you just have to distribute them to someone - you will not be able to eat them, they do not lie for a long time.
Watermelons - Southern Plants - They love heat. If there is no heat, they will not grow.
What do you need to do for this? - Arrange warm beds!

Or do this:

Shoot a hole 40-50 cm about two shovels. Put the plastic bottles on the bottom to knock the cold. Or grow in a greenhouse where it is already warm.
Tightly put the grass so that it caught fire - on top fall asleep with soil, cover with observer material.
When the grass caught fire - prepare the ground. In no case do not go on a dung bug! Very nasty watermelons are obtained.
It is better to prepare sandy soil - on the bucket of the soil Paul a bucket of pure sand!
Watermelon has such a feature - it is steaming.

Formation of watermelon

  • The main stem is impossible
  • Pluck peresyki
  • Large varieties Leave 3-4 fetus
  • Small-shaped 4-6 fruits
  • We leave 6-7 leaves and pinned the top

On one plant, leave 1-2 escapes. And on it usually grows 7, and 8 stems.
There is a passage between the sheet and the main stem, like tomatoes or cucumbers, you pluck it up!

This seedlist is useless to plant - nothing will be good on it! It will be painful, it will be bad.
It is necessary to plant with only 1-2 present leaflets that appeared!
How many times I tried to land in a warm hole only the proceeding seed and it caught up with the growth of the seedlings, which a month stood on the window.
Someone grows watermelons in greenhouses, but you need to know that the whip must be released painlessly out.
I grow on the street my watermelons in the open soil, but under the shelter in cool days.
Watermelons love heat, so as soon as the fruit started and began to grow, be sure to put the heat batteries under the fruit.
It can be any plastic water bottles or bricks, lay them there where the root. Some wooden boxes. Watermelons will not rot both warmly.

This is how pollination occurs, but if this happens ... and how to understand it?
The size of the berry should be like an apple, if summer raw and pollination has not happened, then we tear the male flower and pollinate female. There is a berry on a female.

First, watermelons require frequent watering, otherwise they will stop growing. You can use drip watering.
When the berry starts to grow, be sure to be asleep with any grids, otherwise the thin stem of gravity will turn around:

So, planted seedlings, how to care for watermelons in the future?

Most importantly once a week to steening!

From the center of the bush go stems - we only leave two stems. The fruit rose - count 6 sheets and pinch the beach.
On one bush, we leave no more than 2 - 4 fruits. If they are still tied up, it is better to break them, otherwise you have no longer enough nutrition and new will not have time to grow.
Do not forget under the fruit to lay wood, any and the root of the root we look for heat with bricks or bottles with water.

This is what matte fruit looks like in the first thirty days:

But it looks like it, when it matures in the next thirty days, when you have to stop watering. It begins to glisten.

If you raised the watermelon, and it turned out to be unlucky, then do not be discouraged - dry it. It turns out an amazing delicacy that will go with a bang!
Cut with thin pieces and laying out on the grid, dry. Water dries, sugar will remain - fingers losing yummy!

Growing melon is even easier!

Melon is good because if they are ripped in green - they ripen in the process of lying!
We successfully grow a melon in cucumber, and especially in tomato greenhouse and infinitely enjoy the fragrant fruits during the year, starting from July of the month!

Our motto: less potatoes - more melons!

Melon varieties are also diverse: "Honey", "Fairy Tale", "Iroquais", "Caramel".
Start with "Zlato Scythians".
But do not mind growing a "collective farmer" - this is a fodder melon, it will turn out to be tasteless and not interesting ... Maybe she lacks something from us. But I did not like this variety ...
After it, you will not want to grow a melon more.
Try to grow any other varieties of melons with a large content of sugars, with a melon aroma. They are obtained fragrant, honey, exuded such a fragrance !!!
There are a mesh pattern, there are smooth.
Melon can eat when she starts smelling! When she smells - she slept.

Watermelon and Melon are associated with the taste of summer, and each gardener dreams of growing delicious fruits on its site. Watermelon has long been used as a healing diuretic medicine for cleaning the body. Muffin cultures are warmly loving and grow in warm climates, so for their cultivation and planting watermelons in the open ground need to own special knowledge.

It is necessary to know whether you can find it if you can plant a muddle if the cucumber, pepper, pumpkin or zucchini grows nearby.

Is it possible to plant watermelons and melons nearby?

Bacchis belong to the pumpkin family. Cultures are very helpful and contain a huge amount of vitamins. If you learn to correctly grow these plants, you can get a high yield of delicious fruits.

Melon is quite suitable for the "Neighborhood" with watermelon. Plants tend to grow. It is not recommended to land them together too close..

Bacchis are prone to infection with various identical diseases. Therefore, if you can sit nearby, you need to understand the risks of distribution of diseases from one culture to another.

And melons and watermelons tend to grow

Correct seed seeds at home

Seeds at seedlings are planted approximately 60 days before landing in open ground. So, in mid-March, seeds must be bought. You can buy them in any specialized store or ask those who have already managed to grow high-quality watermelon and melons.

From the seeds of last year's watermelon it is impossible to get good harvest. The best seeds to put 5 year old ago. It is important to understand that only any early grades with a maturity of up to 70-85 days are suitable for our climate. It is better to give preference hybrid varietieswhich are more adapted to unfavorable conditions.

When preparing seeds, you need to make sure that they are not empty. To do this, seeds are immersed in water container all that came up, you can safely throw away. Seeds of watermelon germinate slower than melon seeds. Therefore, watermelon seeds are recommended to scream with boiling water, for better germination and then sow.

Preparation for landing and soaking

  1. Soak. Each individual view of the seeds must be wrapped and soak into fabric rags and maintain in a wet environment to germination. You can soak in special napkins.
  2. If the seeds have already proceeded, but there is no possibility to plant them in a timely manner, you can leave seeds in the refrigerator.

Sustained seeds are planted at home in separate small pots with a diameter of 10 cm, better peat. The soil must be a mixture: humus, derdy land 3: 1, add peat, sawdust, humid 3: 1: 0.5.

Each pot is planted 2 semen depth 5 cm. Earth moisten the sprayer. From above, cover with a food film and put +25 degrees in a warm place.

For the cultivation of seedlings of watermelon, it will take 40-45 days, and for melon 30 days.

For growing seedlings of watermelon will need about 40 days

  • when the seeds are germinate, transfer them to sunlight At temperature +22 degrees. Film to remove;
  • the best place for seedling is a windowsill on the south side of the house;
  • a week after sowing, feed the seedlings with mineral fertilizers, after another week - the infusion of a cowboy with superphosphate.


When landing into open ground, you need to focus on climatic conditions, the selected variety of culture, the willingness of seedlings.

Choosing soil

Before planting a muddle in an open soil, you need to choose a landing space. Exotic plants love solar places where there is no shadow and wind.

Bahchy love nutritious primer and solar land

Melon and watermelons need rich soils, as well as those that are well withstanding moisture. Perfect option - Sand and sampling soil with a hydrogen indicator 6-7 units.

Preparation of the site is made in the fall. At Popile, 4-5kg manure is made on a square meter, superphosphate 40g., Potash salt 30 gr. and ammonium sulfate.

Preparation of seedlings of watermelov

When the seedlings appear 5-7 leafsShe is ready to transplant into open ground. Best timethe end of May. However, you need to focus on weather conditions so that at night the air temperature remained +15 degrees.

A week before the landing in open ground, the seedlings need to be taken out for the daily temperature of + 16 + 20 degrees.

Seedlings ready to transplant after 5-7 leaves

Landing Scheme in Open Soil - Depth and Distance

For landing in open ground, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. There should be a hole in the garden at a distance 0.5-0.7 meters from each other According to the scheme in a checker order. Between the rows leave the gaps in 70cm.
  2. Seedlings are placed in the wells so that the surface remains only a few top leaf. The soil should be accepted, and sprinkle with sand around to protect the plant from rot.
  3. Vintage after planting need to pour summer or slightly heated water.
  4. To protect a young plant from the scorching sun, you need to close the sprouts by the moistened caps of plastic or paper for 2-3 days.

10-14 days after landing, you need to bother with a crop solution ammonia Selitra 20g on a 2 liter bucket for each bush. During the appearance of buds, you need to feed the muddy infusion of a cow.

Saplings are planted in a checker order at a distance of about half a meter

Features of growing Bakhchyev

To ensure free oxygen access to roots, the soil must be constantly bare to a depth of 10 cm. With the development of lateral loops, culture is emphasized. In order for the plant to not spend all the forces on the set of mass during the growth period, you need to pinitate the main stem. For the full development of the Bakhchev, three shoots are enough.

With the appearance of fruit barriers, they leave 2-6 of the strongest and large instances on the bush. To reduce the load on the plea, the fruits are recommended to linet in the grid and hang on support. Fruits are placed on foil linings so that not appeared.

To reduce the load on the plea, the fruits can be suspended in the grid

If watermelons are later used for storage and transportation, it is better to take the berry not completely rissed.

Advantages of landing in open ground:

  • with warm weather you can achieve maximum ripeness fruits;
  • daily watering of culture is not required;
  • you can enhance the yield when complying with the basic rules for the selection and planting seeds for seedlings.

Grow watermelons and melons on cottage plot is quite real. Some even grown them in bags or greenhouses. If you follow all recommendations, then by the end of the summer you can enjoy sweet, sugar fruits. The main advantage of the cultivation of the Bakhchyev on his garden is the lack of chemicals.

The cultivation of watermelons and melons in the greenhouse and the open soil is not associated with great difficulties. Some daches refuse to plant a mud, considering it inappropriate to occupy a large area of \u200b\u200bthe plot. Meanwhile, these cultures get along well together and give an excellent harvest when complying with some rules. At a compact garden plot, it is not necessary to divert a separate place for melons and for watermelons, they can be placed nearby and enjoy juicy sweet fruits.

Seed treatment before landing

The seed material is planted in peat forms at the end of April. Before sowing seeds, it is advisable to warm up well in the room or near the heating instrument. It is also recommended to soak them in warm water and disappear in one of the solutions:

  • the hydrogen peroxide solution is prepared at the rate of 10 tablets per liter of water;
  • a weak solution of manganese or boron 0.05% concentration;
  • "Epin Extra", the stimulator is bred as follows: 6 drops of biooduddes per 100 ml of water;
  • "Zircon", the solution is prepared at the rate of 2-4 drops of fluid per liter of water.

Processing by biostimulants will not only destroy the pathogens of diseases, but also allow plants to adapt to temperature catastrophes, and also increases the yield of culture. Soaking is produced in a cotton bag, which is lowered into heated (approximately 60 °) water, give liquids dragging and leave for a day. During this time, the seeds should swell and crack a little. If this did not happen, it does not make sense to plant them in the ground: culture will be weak. When landing, 2 seeds are put on each mold, in the future it will allow to remove a weaker branch.

Simultaneous soaking and warming seeds is best preparation to seedlings. Puffed only water room temperatureAt the same time you need to follow, so that it does not irrigate the leaves. Seedling of mudflow crops rather capricious and requires good lighting, heat and neat watering.

Special soil is sold in stores, but you can cook it yourself. To do this, the mineral fertilizer "Kemira Universal" is added to the appropriate soil. On each pot there are enough 1 teaspoon, then the ground is well mixed. Seeds are buried at a depth of 2-3 cm and watered. For favorable conditions The first shoots appear on the 5-6th day, and in a week you can see the first sheet.

Growing Bakhchyev in Teplice

Bakhchyeva landing in the indoor ground is carried out at the end of May. By this time, the soil is already sufficient enough, and frosts will not damage the root system. Previously, young plants are recommended to harden, for this they are put on the street at a temperature of 13-15 degrees or cooled air indoors to these numbers. The best age seedlings for landing is approximately 25-30 days.

Soil before landing is tightened polyethylene filmwhich cut holes for peat tanks. This allows not only to protect the thermal-loving cultures from low temperatures, but also increases yield. Fertilizers additionally contribute to the wells: humid, ash or mineral supplements. From above, nutrient components are covered with a layer of land.

In the greenhouse, the optimal temperature and light mode should be maintained. Temperature should be 20-25 ° in the afternoon, and at night - 15-18 °. Water moderately and infrequent warm water. In order to prevent the appearance of condensate, the greenhouse needs to be periodically ventilated. Watermelons and melons are quite sensitive to excess moisture, their shoots may be subjected to rotting, and the fruits themselves grow watery and tasteless. If the street is cold, it is necessary to cover the soil and young shoots with film, cotton and paper or paper.

At the time of the landing of the Bakhchyevsky in the greenhouse, you can have time to collect a crop of young cabbage, early radish and greenery. This not only will additionally warm the soil, but will save place.

Ordering order

Landing scheme in open soil is the following. The distance between the plants should be 40-50 cm for watermelons and 50-60 cm for melons. With joint growing in the greenhouse, watermelons and melons are planted in a checker order. Peat tanks are burned into the ground shallow, between the leaves and the ground should be the gap of about 3 cm. This trick will continue to save the plant from diseases and posting.

When landing, the scheme and the distance between the rows are taken into account. Usually, it is recommended to plant in 2 rows, between which the land plot is left by 50 cm wide. The next landing of the Bakhchyev in the ground is carried out at a distance of 80 cm from the first rows.

Bakchev care in greenhouse

Caring for watermelons and melons are not associated with special difficulties and not too time-consuming. Young shoots can be covered with cropped plastic bottlesThis protective framework allows you to increase the harvest. As the plant grows, the bottle is removed or replaced with a higher shelter. When the stem increased in length in length, it is attached to a special support - a grid, you can bind the top with the thread to the ceiling part of the greenhouse. Heavy fruits are placed in the grid, cardboard boxes. The main thing is that they do not come into contact with the soil.

7-10 days after the disembarkation can be filled with a nitric fertilizer - urea or nitrate, for this, 20 grams of substance in 10 liters of water are bred.

Bakchev care is to loosen soil, watering and feeding. It is necessary to ensure that weeds do not appear after landing between the sprouts. Watering young plants 1 time per week, then allowed to do it twice a month.

Watermelons and melons - drought-resistant cultures, they germinate in the southern regions where the lack of rain for a long time It is considered a normal phenomenon. With the appearance of the first fruits, watering is stopped. Bahchyyeva should be careful, following the water, the water does not hit the root part of the stem. Otherwise, the culture may be damaged by rot.

Every 2-3 weeks the soil should be fertilized using infusion cowboat and minerals. During feeding to each well, you can make a small handful of ashes.

Artificial pollination in the greenhouse is carried out by a male flower, it is determined by the impressive size. The flower is broken and applied to female flowes. Before pollination should not water the culture, so that excess moisture does not affect the quality of pollen. Many gardeners attract the bees to pollinate: open the doors of the greenhouse, put a saucer with sugar syrup.

Plant formation

As the stalks are growing are bred in different directions. In the future, they are tied up to wooden or metal trellis.

To learn a good harvest, you need to follow the rules.

  • On melons they stop the top of the stem. This procedure will be enough for early grades. Late-weighted melon varieties will be stopped differently. In addition to removing the tops, the side parts are also examined, their thickness and power are estimated. Young vacuisers are removed, leaving 3-4 strong branches.
  • Watermelons will have to tinker. The cultivation of this culture is carried out in one stem, it is chosen by the presence of shoots in the leafy sinuses. The stalks on which there is no marking are removed, the rest are pinched. When the culture grows above the size of the cholerar, the reciprocity of the top vacuum is carried out at the level of the 4-5th sheet.

Features of growing in open ground

Before planting plants into open ground, you should decide on the place. Watermelons and melons prefer to grow into several sublime gentle areas that warmly warm and illuminated by sunlight. Here they grow better, fruitfully fruit and ripen early.

Care is carried out by loosening soil, removal of weed herbs and unnecessary weaves. In the process of growth, several inter-row soil treatments are carried out. The first - when young leaflets appear, to a depth of 6-8 cm, the second - when 5-6 of these leaves appear, the loosening can be combined with feeding.

Remove watermelons and melons as they are ripening. The ripeness of the watermelons is determined by the drying of the mustaches in the sneakers of the leaves, the disappearance of the mattiness and the appearance of shine, the clarification of the fetus peel. If you knock on the watermelon, a deaf sound appears, but to distinguish it, you need to have practical skills.

The ripeness of melon is determined by the dried fruit.

Are bumbish compatible?

Is it possible to plant watermelons and melons nearby? These cultures are consumed from soil similar chemicals and need approximately in the same processing methods. If you plan them near, it will significantly simplify the procedures of care: watering, garter, bait. However, the bulk cultures are very impoverished with the soil, and it is possible to plant them in the same place only a few years. To prevent this, watermelons and melons should be regularly picked up with mineral fertilizers.

Collect seeds from watermelons and melons with their joint landing is not recommended because mutual pollination occurs. The result of such a hybrid may not be quite pleasant to the taste.

If you are the owner of a large land, it is better to plant these cultures in open ground in different places Groomed. If the plot is small, then they can be planted nearby, nothing terrible will happen. On the yield, the neighborhood of Bakhchyeva will not affect each other.

Other records about Bakhchy

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See all materials

about Bakhcheva :

See all

  • Soil preparation, seeds, seedlings
  • Sowing seedlings on Bakhchu and to the greenhouse
  • Fertilizers and subordinate

Melon and watermelons love the sun and feel comfortable in the Krasnodar Territory, in the Caucasus, in the Astrakhan region, in the seaside region and other regions with a similar climate. They grow on the open ground in the fields, which are called mud, so these plants are called bahchy cultures. But the gardeners from the Urals, from Siberia and the North-Western part of Russia, are not lagging behind their colleagues from the south and can also grow watermelon or melon at home. They plant a muddle not in an open soil, but to the greenhouses. Fruits from the north, of course, are inferior to southern in size, but still very tasty.

Bahch cultures do not like transplants, so they plant them in the ground only after the appearance of the first real leaf.

Melon and watermelons are divided into different varieties. The choice of any of them depends on the climate at the site of planting seeds and preferences of the gardener. Bakhchyevy is used in food not only in the fresh form, but also boil jam and even salty for the winter.

Selection of seeds for different regions

The priority task, if you wish to grow any plant - buy high-quality seeds.

This rule also applies for watermelons and melons. It is best to acquire seeds in specialized stores or at fairs. It is not recommended to buy them from the hands of individuals or in the markets, since the change can and replace the cheapest and low-quality. Bakhchyev seeds differ among themselves by ripening time on early, secondary, medium-stage and late. The first ripen in mid-June, and the last - autumn.

Seeds are better acquired in specialized stores. Preference must be given the products of its region.

There are a great many variety of watermelon, which can be grown in the southern part of the country: Astrakhan, Madera F1, Climson Sweet, Galaxy, black prince, competitor, etc. (more than 100 types of varieties). Watermelons grow large, sweet, juicy, the mass of fruits from 7 to 20 kg. There are absolutely different things in the northern regions, where only a few species of the biggest berries can be planted. These include lights, sugar kid, early Kuban, Siberian lights. Fruits are usually not less than 5 kg, but juicy and tasty. The flesh of the watermelon is not only red or pink, but also yellow.

There are several dozen species of melons, the most famous copper, aikido, zlato Scythians, Altai, Cinderella, Kolkhoznitsa, Iroquat and others. In sunny regions, you can grow any variety, and in Siberia, in the Urals it is better to plant early varieties, for example, Altai or Barnaul. The mass of the fetus is from 0.50 to 3 kg. Melon flesh is very juicy and sweet, like watermelon, white or yellow.

You can grow a melon or watermelon on the outdoor soil or in a greenhouse.At the same time, the technology of cultivation of Bakhchyev in different conditions is very similar. Below is described in stages, how to grow a melon or watermelon in the garden.

Bahchoeva in Russia is not so common as vegetable growing. And yet, despite this, the cultivation of watermelons and melons in greenhouses and greenhouses are engaged in almost everyone who has appropriate conditions for this. If you create for basic crops optimal conditions, choose stable varieties and not lazy when care, even in middle lane You can get a very decent harvest.

The birthplace of watermelon is South Africa, as well as India and Egypt. From the Bible it is known that the watermelon was known for another 1500 years before. er, and from the poems Vergil - that he was known in Ancient Rome. Preserved image of watermelon in the ancient Egypt tomb. In China, a holiday was arranged in honor of the watermelon.

In the greenhouses, watermelon and melon are growing, albeit in small volumes, and in winter-spring, and in spring-summer revolutions. But in the open soil, the mudflows have gained great popularity.

The climate is changing, the range of crops in the household gardens is expanding. And maybe, on the basis of new achievements of breeding, improvement of agricultural equipment, the use of insulated soil is revived by mudflow.

Home watermelon is not only tastier imported, what are you convincing from year to year; Own products are safer for health. The fact is that watermelon is inclined to the accumulation of nitrates that entrepreneurs may abuse, growing products for sale in order to get ahead of competitors at least a week. Thus, watermelon and melon are able to accumulate up to 500-600 mg / kg of nitrates at permissible concentrations of 60-90 mg / kg. If we consider that it is redundant to the health of the human health over 6-7 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day, it becomes clear why there are so often there are cases of poisoning by purchased watermelons, especially early. After all, they are so tasty that you want to eat them more. Increased accumulation of nitrates in bulk products comes from excessive doses of fertilizers, pesticide processing.

To find out how to grow watermelons and melons in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, carefully read this article.

How to grow watermelons and melons in the greenhouse in the country: optimal conditions

The requirements of Bakhchykh cultures to the conditions of the medium are due to their origin: Watermelon is from South Africa, and Melon is from small and Central Asia. That is why they are so sensitive to light and heat and only in optimal conditions are typing high sugar and taste. Watermelon is the most heat-loving among the Bakhchyev, its seeds begin to germinate at a temperature of 15 ° C, which is 2-3 ° C higher than for zucchini and pumpkin. Optimal temperature conditions For cultivation of watermelons and melons in greenhouses - 25-35 ° C. Best conditions For flowering and fertilization - 18-20 ° C in the morning and 20-25 ° afternoon. When the temperature decreases to 20 ° C, growth is delayed. At temperatures below 15 ° C, the stil do not ripen, fertilization does not occur, buds and flowers are falling, and at 3-5 ° C plants suspend growth and may die.

Bakhchy cultures, especially watermelon, sufficiently drought-resistant thanks to a powerful root system, the fall of the leaves or the wax fall on them. The need for increased moisture refers to the seed swelling period, the beginning of the appearance of shoots and the beginning of the formation of fruits.

One of the secrets of growing watermelons and melons in the greenhouse - availability right soil. Under the bachic crops, it is best to remove the soils on the southern and southwestern slopes that are well warmed. The protection against winds is desirable. The soils of heavy mechanical composition are unsuitable, too moistened, with close running groundwater. The growth of watermelon and melon is more affected by the mechanical composition than soil fertility. The powerful root system allows you to extract a sufficient amount of nutrients even from comparatively poor soils. Melon is more than watermelon, demanding of the soil fertility and speaks well to making fertilizers. Self high yields Watermelon and melon in cultural work are obtained after perennial herbs. An important factor for growing the full fetus of watermelon and melon is the soil reaction. It must be neutral.

Watermelon and melon are grown mainly in film greenhouses. Their ripening in the film greenhouses on the solar heating in the forest-steppe zone begins on June 15-20, while the first fruits from the field come only at the end of the third decade of July - early August.

If we grow cucumbers and melons in the greenhouses, as it suggests proper technology, you can count on a good harvest. By the beginning of the ripening of fruits with 1 m2 of film greenhouses, it is possible to obtain 2.5-3.2 kg of melons and 4.6-6 kg of watermelon. The significance of these crops in film vegetable growing increases re-use Greenhouses after growing seedlings of thermo-loving crops for open soil. The profitability of growing melons after seedlings for massive timeline sitting (May 20) is 154%, while the recovery of cucumber and tomato during this period does not exceed 72-99%.

After seeing this video about the cultivation of watermelons and melons in the greenhouse, you can get additional recommendations on the cultivation of Bakhchykh cultures:

How to plant watermelons and cooling melons: seed preparation

The cultivation of seedlings of watermelon and melon has a lot in common with growing cucumber seedlings. Features of agrotechnics are caused by the fact that these cultures are stronger and more thermal-loving. In order to avoid the seedlings of seedlings, the germinated seeds are seeded 20-25 days before disembarking a pottery of 10 × 10 cm. The air temperature for the Bakhchyev is maintained by 2-3 ° C higher than for cucumbers. Plant seedlings in phase 2-3 of real leaves.

Before planting watermelons and melons, 10-15 kg / m2 hovering, 15-20 g / m2 of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g / m2 of superphosphate, 10-15 g / m2 of potassium sulfur, are in autumn.

Highly efficient such loose materials like peat, straw cutting. Special attention deserves sawdust, overwhelming the development of Fusarium genus fungi, very dangerous for watermelons in unheated greenhouses.

For landing, melons and watermelons take full-fledged seeds into the greenhouse. For 20 days before sowing, seed preparations are produced: wrap them for 16 hours at a 0.05% solution of potassium mangartage (5 g per bucket of water) with subsequent drying. To germinate the seeds of watermelon begin 2-4 days before sowing. Sow a pottery of 10 x 10 cm to a depth of 2-3 cm for 30-35 days before planning seedlings. To plant melons and watermelons to a greenhouse, it is best to use a mixture of 3 parts by humus and 1 part of the Earth.

During seed germination, the temperature should be 20-30 ° C. With the advent of shoots, it is reduced within 3-4 days to 16-18 ° C. In the subsequent period, the optimal temperature during the day 20-25 ° C, at night - 16-18 ° C. Water seedlings with moderately warm water (22-25 ° C). The seedlings are fed by a solution of mineral fertilizers (10-15 g of ammonia nitrate and potassium sulfate, 40-50 g of superphosphate in 10 liters of water by 70-100 plants).

Growing watermelons and melons in the greenhouse: planting seedlings (with video)

To grow melons and watermelons in the greenhouse, as it assumes the correct agricultural engineering, before planing, especially in unheated shelter, it is necessary to temper the seedlings. For this, the ventilation of the greenhouses and the temperature is reduced to 17-18 ° C. Seedlings are planted after the formation of the 3-4th leaflet in the film greenhouses, when the temperature of the soil at a depth of 10 cm in the morning clock rises to 15-16 ° C. Preferably in the first period to improve temperature mode Install inside the greenhouse tunnel shelters. To greenhouses with heating, depending on their power, seedlings are planted earlier.

Power area - 70 × 70 cm, 70 x 100 cm.

In the greenhouse, it is necessary to attract insect pollinators, arranging bouquets of aromatic cultures or spraying plants with sugar syrup. In cloudy weather, plants need to be pollinated manually. It is best to put in a greenhouse hive with bees.

Overheating for watermelon is more dangerous than for melon, therefore ventilation of film greenhouses in the cultivation of watermelon pay more attention. The optimal temperature is 25-30 ° C. After landing in greenhouses, watermelons are watered not often, since abundant watering reduce sugar, contribute to the thickening of the crust and the appearance of fungal diseases. Feed every 2 weeks bird litter, alternating with mineral fertilizers. To do this, take 10-15 g of ammonium nitrate, 40-50 g of superphosphate, 20-30 g of potassium sulfate on 10 liters of water. Fruits cut off, and do not break. Common yield - 6-8 kg with 1 m2 in unheated greenhouses, 15-17 kg - in heated.

Growing melon has a lot in common with the cultivation of watermelon. A feature is that the seedlings are planted in the ground at the root cervical level. The stem, which turned out to be in the ground, boosts. On 1 m2, 2 plants are planted according to the circuit 70 x 70 cm.

Check out the video "grow watermelons and melons in a greenhouse", where the right landing of seedlings is shown:

How to care for watermelons and melons in the greenhouse: plant formation

When leaving for watermelons and melons, after planting to the greenhouse, the plants are tested to the grid, and the fruits are placed in the grid. Watermelon V. early age do not pinch, as the fruits grow at their ends; Remove only weak shoots. When forming watermelons in the greenhouse, the mandatory reception is the rationing of the amount of watermelon fruits. On one plant, 2-3 fetus leave. This operation is carried out when the ovary reaches 5-7 cm in diameter. Development details the maturation time. To accelerate the growth of the remaining fruits, the screens are plugged, leaving 5 sheets above the fetus.

The formation of melon bushes in the greenhouse is performed in the same way as for watermelon: they are tested for a high-rise height of 2-2.5 m, and the fruits are placed in the grid. As a rule, they are tied up to a 18-order shooter 3, and the rest are directed over them. During the care of Melok, special attention is paid to temperature. In the afternoon, it should be no lower than 20-30 ° C, after formation - 30-40 ° C, at night - not lower than 18 ° C. The optimal temperature of the soil is 24-26 ° C. Water melon regularly, necessarily warm water, every 3-4 days at the rate of 10 liters of water for 1 m2, in cloudy weather less often, in the sunny - more often.

To care for watermelons and melons in the greenhouse, as it assumes the right agricultural engineering, the plants are watered neatly, wetting only the ground, and the stalk leaving dry. It is convenient to water the furrows. After each irrigation, the soil is desirable to loose. During the ripening period, the amount of irrigation is reduced. During flowering it is useful to carry out refreshing watering. In hot weather it is advisable to water every other day.

During the care of watermelons and melons in the greenhouse systematically, once every 2 weeks, the plants feed. For this, 15-20 g of ammonium nitrates are dissolved in 10 liters of water, 40-50 g of superphosphate, 10-15 g of potassium sulfate. For the first feeding on the plant, 1 l of this solution is consumed, for subsequent - 1.5 liters. Effective twofold racking of plants with a nutrient mixture at the rate of 50 parts of humus, 50 delicate earth and 1-2 parts of a bird litter. Ripen fruit is better in dry air. Common crop melon - 4-6 kg with 1 m2 in unheated greenhouses and 8-10 kg - in heated.

The following section of the article is devoted to how to grow watermelons and melons in film greenhouses.

How to grow watermelons and melons in a film greenhouse

Optimize the conditions for growing watermelon and melon in the greenhouse can be due to the use of various shelters: from the simplest individual prior to group film. With small volumes of production over each hole, it is easy to put a plastic bottle with holes cut in half. This, on the one hand, increases the temperature of the air and soil for several degrees, on the other, provides protection against pests, in particular from the Kravika's beetle, which has been strongly activated in recent years and ruthlessly destroyed the shoots of vegetables and bug cultures. The use of primitive film shelters increases the temperature in comparison with the open soil and speeds up the maturation for 2-3 weeks, especially when using a seedlide.

Like, greenhouses for landing and caring for melons and watermelons can be different. Sometimes over each hole, the cross will install 2 arcs from the vine and are covered with film, sometimes instead of arcs, earth rollers are used as a frame for a film.

If there are bricks, you can build a "halabudki" (in the center of the fencing of four bricks put on a spoonful face, the fifth) is installed on the tonchka). You can replace bricks with plastic bottles with water, making a fence from them. Another bottle with water is installed vertically installed in the center. This optimizes the microclimate. Bricks or water, heating in the afternoon, will give heat at night.

If there is no way to grow in the country of watermelons or melon in the greenhouse, a tunnel shelter can be equipped, where the optimal microclimate is ensured.

The optimal period of sowing seeds of watermelon and melon is to establish a temperature of 12-14 ° C, to the time of germination of the soil should warm for melon to 14-16 ° C, and for watermelon - up to 16-18 ° C.

The critical period in the development of Bakhchykh cultures is the emergence of shoots and education 2-3 leaves, when plants need a lot of heat.

Under the optimal conditions, the seeds of the watermelon give germs in 8-10 days, melons - in 8-9 days. Sowing seeds in the cold soil not only increases the period of germination, but also causes the death of germs. Low temperatures cause the development of pathogenic microflora, which destroys seedlings. It is also known that low temperature During the appearance of shoots, the normal course of development violates and subsequently - the growing period.

That is why the use of film shelters, which increases the temperature by 10-12 ° C, so efficiently for basic crops.

1 tbsp. l. The ash, which is thoroughly stirred from the ground, and then, after a while, add 1-2 grinding grounding and 1 tsp. nitroammophos. Such a starting local application of fertilizers increases yields by 20% compared with its solid distribution. It is very important after sowing to climb the soil surface by humus.

The following watermelon and melon location schemes are adhered to: 100 x 50-70 cm, (140 + 70) x 50-60 cm. In each well, 3 pieces of seeds are placed on a depth of 3-6 cm for watermelon and 2-4 cm for melon, That 1-2 cm is smaller than in the open soil.

The ventilation of shelters should be paid to special attention so that there are no overheating. Under such shelters, the plants are growing, as a rule, until the beginning of June, the danger of frosts will not be afraid. The most responsible period is the removal of the film. Do it gradually, in cloudy weather, so that the plants are not burned under the influence of ultraviolet rays. The sharp change of the microclimate strongly weakens the plants, and they can hurt and be a source of infection for the main landings.

When growing under film shelters, the first flowers are pollinated manually. To do this, we break off the male flower from the plants, we cut the petals and the pollen on feminine is applied with a slight touch. To attract bees, it is good to land a numbling of the frost plants. One of the methods of attracting bees is a spraying of plants with a weak solution of sugar or honey.

During the period of cultivation under the shelters, the plants are watered when soil dried. After removal of the film, the watering is stopped.

There is such a law: The smaller the irrigation, the fastest Bakhcha. In an open wet soil, depending on the state of the soil of watering is stopped at the beginning of the fetus tying. Care lies in breakout of shoots, soil looser, weeding, the destruction of weeds, if desired, in the normalization of the harvest, conducting feeding.

In the hole, only one plant should be left, as the miracles are very light-sounded. The thicance leads to obtaining small fruits.

Soil processing is necessary not only to destroy weeds, but also to improve the soil aeration. The depth of loosening depends on the features of the development of the root system. By the time of the appearance of shoots, the main root of watermelon reaches a depth of 15-20 cm; The depth of the roots reaches 1.5 m in the tharmal phase, and their diameter is 60-70 cm. The first time loose to a depth of 12-14 cm, the second time - with the appearance of 5-7 leaves - to a depth of 10 cm, and in rows - 6 -8 cm. When you begin to lay off, the plants are preferably not disturbed. Effective increase in watermelon harvest - sprinkling of the lands for the formation of additional roots.

To accelerate the formation of the harvest, melons carry out normalization, pouring the main beach over the 5-6th sheet, which leads to the acceleration of the lateral weeping, on which the harvest is formed.

Watermelon, on the contrary, the crop is formed primarily on the central escape, as well as on the first-order shoot. Therefore, the watermelon can add all the extra shoots, not the touch of the central and the shoots of the first order.

It is advisable to remove the wound and fruits that do not have time to ripe. During the season of vegetation, 1-2 feeders are carried out. The first is in phase 2 leaves after weeding a fermented chicken litter in dilution 1: 10-1: 12, the second - in phase 4 leaves with mineral fertilizers in doses taken for greenhouse culture. By one plant, 2-3 liters of solution are made. Fertilizers are brought at the first top dressing at a distance of 20 cm, and with the second - 40 cm from the plant.

To accelerate the ripening of watermelons and melons at the cottage in a greenhouse or a greenhouse, it is recommended to turn the fetus so as to turn to the sun lying on the ground. It is possible to do this only once, since two-threshold turning leads to a decrease in the harvest.

Diseases and pests, as well as measures to combat them, the watermelon and melon are mainly the same as the cucumber.

Now that you know how to grow melons and watermelons in the greenhouse, read how to remove the harvest.

Harvesting watermelons and melons

For local consumption, harvesting watermelons and melons are in a state of complete maturity. A ripe melon can be seen immediately: on the change in the color, the appearance of the grid, some varieties are separated by a fruit and a specific aroma appears.

With watermelon is not so simple. Most often look after the drying of the mustache, and experienced gardeners Notice a peculiar raid on the crust, changing the intensity of color. When you hit by clicking, the ripe watermelon makes a deaf sound, and when squeezed is a crack. It is important to remove the fruits into dry and clear weather, not less than 3-4 days after the rain.

The stain on the side of the mature watermelon should be yellow, not white. Ripe watermelon can easily remove upper layer Peel, slightly scratched her nail.

The crop melon under compliance with the agricultural engineering can be 3-4 kg, watermelon - 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bwith 1 m2.

In this video, it is described in detail about the cultivation of watermelons and melons in greenhouses and greenhouses:

The benefits of watermelons and melons

Reading the advice and watching the video about growing melons and watermelons in greenhouses, it will not be superfluous to learn about useful properties These crops.

Watermelon is a universal delicious leakage, and it is valuable that each gardener can arrange a home resort for two months or more.

Watermelon is useful to all, both healthy, and patients, as a source of magnesium, potassium, easily soluble iron, folic acid, and sugar-friendly sugars, a large number of biologically active water and other valuables. That is why it is useful for diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, salt exchange disorders, diabetes. On the content of iron is inferior only to the leaves of lettuce and spinach. That is why so high the use of watermelon for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Pectin substances with a small amount of fiber in watermelon are optimized by the intestinal microflora, without causing meteorism.

Melon is highly appreciated at all times. In antiquity it was called one of the fruits of paradise for a sweet fragrant and gentle flesh. Melon came to Europe in the XII - XIII centuries, and in Russia they began to grow in greenhouses under Peter I. We melon just love as a delicacy, but we know little about its high dietary and especially therapeutic properties. After all, it was no wonder in the diet of Muslims during the post before the great holiday of Ramazan, it was the main food product.

Medical properties Melon used another Egyptian pharaohs. By the number of sugars, vitamins and salts of potassium melon exceeds watermelon. It has a diuretic, soft laxative action.

It is valuable that in the fruits of melons, as well as watermelon, contains folic acid, which plays a very important role in the normalization of metabolic processes and the activities of blood formation bodies. The lack of folic acid leads to the development of anemia and malignant tumors. Modern medicine recommends consuming melon for the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Watermelons and melons in the open ground in our country are grown in regions with a faster climate. In July-August, residents of the middle strip are racking juicy fruits brought from the Krasnodar Territory and the Astrakhan region. It is in these areas that the Bakhchyevaya mature best, because there are optimal conditions for them: a hot climate and a long daylight.

Watermelons and melons in the open ground in our country are grown in regions with a faster climate

Many gardeners try to grow exotic cultures and in the middle strip. However, this experience is not always successful. Since the heat period is rather short, gentle cultures simply do not have time to ripen in the open soil. Therefore, if you want to get an unusual harvest, grow seedlings in advance.

Seed seeds for the seedlings of the Bakhchyev is necessary at the end of March or in early April. Saplings grow pretty quickly. From the moment of planting seeds, no more than a month passes before the formation of full seedlings. So that in the future seedlings brought a good harvest, it is necessary to take care of the right care and pay due attention to cultivation.

It is necessary to take into account the following:

  1. It is especially important to competently choose seed material. It is better if it is zoned for those regions in which watermelons and melons will grow in the future. Buy seeds with hands from unverified manufacturers is not recommended. Much more reliable to purchase them in specialized stores.
  2. Soil for planting seeds is better prepared independently. To do this, it is necessary to mix 1 part of the fertile land with 3 parts by humus. So that Bakhchyeva grew up healthy and strong, you can add complex fertilizers to the soil. It is desirable that they contain potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. If you do not want to spend time, in a specialized store can already be purchased ready sad For Bakhchyev.
  3. Seedling exotic crops is very fragile and gentle, so it is not recommended to dive it. It is better to immediately plant watermelon seeds into individual peat pots. If you neglect this recommendation and place several seedlings in one large container, they will interfere with each other during active growth. In the event that the containers are suitable for planting not at hand, it is possible to use cropped plastic bottles.
  4. Watermelons and melons are very warm-loving, so it is important to choose the right place for their content. It is better to make seedlings on the windowsill on the south side. It is desirable that young plants can have the opportunity to not sleep in solar rays During the entire day. It is necessary to take care of the room in the room where the bulbs grow, it was warm. Otherwise, grow strong and healthy seedlings will not work.
  5. No need to forget about the regular moistening of the soil. Watering is required as the upper layer of soil dries. It is important not to overdo it, because cultures are not big fans high humidity. Several times during the habitat on the windowsill, it is necessary to pour a solution of a cow.

Seed seeds for the seedlings of the Bakhchyev is necessary at the end of March or in early April. Saplings grow pretty quickly

Seedling is considered to be grew in the event that it has at least 5 real leaves. It is possible to plant gentle cultures into open ground after the threat of night frosts will disappear. As a rule, the optimal time is the end of May or the beginning of June.

Watermelons in the suburbs in the open soil (video)

Before starting the cultivation of watermelons in the open soil, you need to decide on the landing site. The most comfortable exotic cultures will feel on the plot, which is illuminated by the bright sun throughout the light day. At the same time, it is necessary to take care that the open soil in this place is reliably protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts.

The soil for Bakhchyev should be fertile and sufficiently easy. At the same time, it is desirable that she keeps the moisture well. Optimal option - Sand or sandy soil. If the cultivation of watermelons and melon will occur on such an earth, the fruits will be more juicy. Acidness should range from 6.5 to 7.0 pp.

Plant seedlings to open soil is recommended for a square-nesting method. If you have not heard about him, we recommend watching the appropriate video. The distance between the two seedlings should be about 0.5 m. The most suitable width of the parties is not less than 0.7 m.

Looking out gentle cultures in open ground can only after the threat of night frosts disappear

Melon in the open ground for the first time must be covered with plastic bottles with a sliced \u200b\u200bbottom. This will create a mini-greenhouse effect and speed up acclimatization. In addition, the fence will help in the event of an unforeseen decrease in temperature. A week later, when the plant goes to the acting growth phase, mini-greenhouses can be removed.

Bakchev's care

How to plant pick-up cultures, understandable. Now you should talk about how to care for them in the future. In fact, it is quite simple. Just follow a few simple rules.

Like vegetables, melons and watermelons in the open soil experience the need for regular emphasis, soil looser and canopy. It should be remembered that the gentle meshs do not like weeds.

Special attention should be paid to watering. With the moisture of the Earth, it is necessary to be very neat so that the liquid does not fall on the leaflets. In a hot, dry weather, watering melons need not more often than once a week. In this case, moisturizing should be abundant. In the period when the formation of flowers occurs, the need of plants in water increases. But during the aging fruit, the need for watering, on the contrary, disappears.

Several times per season, the messengers fertile following the following scheme:

  1. The first feeder is carried out shortly after the landing and plants have taken place. The fertilizers are used, which includes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  2. Repeated feeder is carried out during the period of active growth of the weeping. This time apply organic fertilizers. Optimally fit manure and chicken litter. You can add potash salts.
  3. For the final time, the melon and watermelon indulge in fertilizers during the formation of the wound. The preparation for feeding can be prepared independently. To do this, in 1 bucket of water you need to dissolve 1 tsp. Superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. ammonium fertilizer and 1.5 tbsp. l. Potash salt. The composition is thoroughly stirred and poured under each bush in a volume of 1.5-2 liters. Preferably - at a distance of 16-18 cm from the stems.

Special attention should be paid to watering. With moisturizing the Earth, it is necessary to be very neat so that the liquid does not fall on the leaflets

If you decide to grow watermelons, do not forget to carefully care for growing weavers. They need to evenly distribute in the garden to prevent the interim and damage. Weak and fruitless shoots should be regularly deleted. And the fruits of melons and watermelons need from time to time to turn the ripening to occur evenly.

As can be seen, landing and care in the open ground is quite simple. The main thing is that the result costly spent effort.

Melon in open soil in Siberia (video)

Growing Bakhcheva Seeds

Residents of the South of Russia are much earlier to enjoy warm days than the inhabitants of other areas. Therefore, there are mesh, you can plant in open soil immediately by seeds. Grow watermelons in this case is extremely simple.

  1. Choose a place for landing melons and watermelons is necessary in compliance with the same conditions as when searching for a section for seedlings. The main requirement is abundant lighting throughout the day.
  2. Before planting seeds, they are recommended for several hours to soak in warm water. To grow watermelons it was even easier, you can add a growth stimulator to the liquid.

Landing and care in the open soil when using seeds practically do not differ from such actions when applying already grown bushes. In most cases landing seed material Made into small wells. In each hole, you can put 2 seed at once. As soon as germs appear, it is necessary to carefully distribute them into different directions. So the Bakhchyeva will not interfere with each other during active growth.

How to understand that melons and watermelons sucked

If the planting of watermelons and melons in open ground was correct, already in August, the messengers ripen. About the ripeness of watermelons say:

  • drying bracther;
  • glossy brilliance I. bright color peel;
  • the lack of hairs on the fruozca;
  • sound sound when tapping on the surface of the berry.

To properly determine what melon matured, it is necessary to inspect her sheets and lets. At ripe fetus, they fade and yellow. Also about the fact that melon can be disrupted, there are several signs.

The ability to grow unconventional culture for one or another zone has always been considered an indicator of the highest skill of gardener or a vegetable farm. Today is not often at all garden sites Moscow, Vladimirskaya, Smolensk and other areas of non-black earth can be found a cherry, apricot, grapes. In particularly severe winters (as, for example, this year), even modern winter-hardy varieties suffer, and all the efforts of the gardener are in vain. With "exotic" vegetable and melting cultures, the situation is a bit simpler: it annual plantswhich is much easier to create favorable conditions for growth. Nevertheless, watermelon and melon can be infrequently found in the plots.

Watermelon Fi Russian size. These berries grow from the "Russian Size" series seeds!

Nowadays, due to a detailed study of the biology of thermal-loving crops, the development of the technology of cultivation, the creation of cold-resistant varieties with a shorter period of vegetation (early and medium-internal) practically, each wishes can grow watermelon and melon, for example, in the suburbs.

Offer practical recommendationsthat will help you get the harvest of watermelon and melon even in the conditions of the middle strip, on the envy of all neighbors. The only thing that I would immediately want to pay attention is to fulfill all the items of the technology below (of course, their modification and adaptation to specific conditions are possible). If you do something until you allow the circumstances (for example, grow seedlings or build a film shelter), then with the cultivation of these crops it is better to postpone.

Optimal conditions

Watermelon and melon - light and thermal-loving cultures. Seeds germinate at a temperature not lower than 17ºС, the temperature is optimal 25 ... 35ºС. For growth, they need 25 ... 30ºС during the day, 18ºС at night. Both watermelons, and drin-resist melon, react negatively to high relative humidity of air, which contributes to the development of mushroom diseases.

Optimal air humidity - 60-70%. As we see, watermelon and melon make high requirements for air and soil temperature, the duration of the growing season. It is these factors that are limiting in the middle lane of Russia. The secret of success in the cultivation of these thermal-loving crops is the right choice of varieties and providing the necessary agrotechnology.

Medium strip varieties

Selective varieties need to pay special attention. For cultivation in the middle lane, Russia is suitable only early variety Watermelon and melon. No need to chase varieties with large fruits, they can only be implemented in favorable conditions, in the south. In the description of the variety you need to pay attention to the number of days from the tie of fruits to ripening (It is important that the feeding raises rapidly grow and ripen). It is better to give preference to varieties that manage to mature in the middle strip and at the same time have sufficiently tasty sweet fruits.

Watermelon Fi Pink champagne. The most juicy, the most delicious, brightest watermelon of the Delician series.

Such qualities as transportability, large-way, can be neglected. It is also not worth paying particular attention to the shape of fruits and their coloring (these qualities matter when implementing on the market).

Recommended varieties of watermelon for middle strip: F.1 gift to the north,F.1 pink champagne,F.1 Crimstar,F.1 near Moscow Charleston. Among all varieties and hybrids, melon is one of the best for the middle strip is Cinderellawhich matures every year and has quite sweet fruits.

Growing seedlings

In the middle lane, watermelon and melon can only be grown through seedlings, and the future harvest depends on its quality.

As with all pumpkin, the period of cultivation of seedlings of watermelon and melon is short-term - 30-35 days.

Seedlings are grown only in pots so that there is no damage to the root system when disembarking. We use pots with a diameter of 10 cm, they can grow 2 plants in them. Before sowing seeds, you can soak or germinate, which will reduce the period of shooting. To obtain good friendly shoots, it is necessary to provide a fairly high temperature, at the level of 27 ... 30ºС.

Temperature regime for growing seedlings - 20 ... 25ºС during the day (depending on the weather, on cloudy days the temperature is slightly reduced to prevent plant pulling), 18 ... 20ºС at night. Since seeds are seeded quite late (about mid-April), there is no need for plants. Nevertheless, seedlings need to provide the solar place in the apartment, the best south windows. The quality of seedlings will be higher if it will grow on a glazed and insulated balcony or loggia (in this case, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature is optimal).

During the cultivation of seedlings, 2 feeders are carried out by complex mineral fertilizers. The placement of plants is of great importance: it is desirable that they do not come into contact with the leaves, so the pots periodically need to spread. Ready to landed seedlings should have 3-5 real leaves.

About a week before disembarking, seedlings are hardened. The daily temperature is reduced to 15 ... 17 ° C, night - up to 12 ... 15ºС, reinforce the ventilation of plants.

In the cultivation of seedlings of watermelon and melon there is one difference. The fact is that watermelon plants form women's flowers, of which the fruits subsequently develop, both on the main stem and side. But on plants, melon women's flowers on side shoots are formed earlier than on the main thing. This feature caused such an operation as paging the top of the plants melon over 3-5 sheet. As a rule, it is carried out in a repentance.

Growing conditions

In the middle lane, watermelon and melon can only be grown in a greenhouse or under temporary film shelter.


There may be any form and square, the main thing is that its height is at least 170-200 cm (watermelon and melon in the greenhouse are grown with a garter of plants to the grinder). As a rule, greenhouses are used on solar heating.

Of course, most of the vegetable breeds will not occupy all their greenhouse by watermelon and melon, usually pepper, eggplant, tomato, cucumber are grown in it. In this case, the seedlings of watermelon and melon are sitting in a greenhouse with the main culture.

Some vegetable breeds have 2 greenhouses on the plot: in one they plant grain cultures (tomato, pepper, eggplant), to another - cucumber. This approach is absolutely true, since the requirements of tomato and cucumber to the conditions of cultivation are different. In this case, watermelon and melon is better to land in a greenhouse with a tomato, where more supported low humidity air.

Greenhouses are preparing for standard scheme. At the end of March-early April, snow purifies and covered with a film. After thawing the soil, cold-resistant early cultures are sown. Upon completion of their cleaning, seedlings of thermo-loving crops are planted, including watermelon and melon. During the cultivation of green crops, the soil the greenhouse warms well. It should be remembered that in the greenhouse, watermelon and melon grow to the solar (the height of the plants is approximately 2 m). Therefore, if these cultures are grown together with pepper, tomato or eggplant, it is better to plant them at the northern wall (otherwise they will shade the main culture).

Temporary film shelter

The easiest way to grow watermelon and melon is the use of temporary film shelters. Their design and streakable material may be different, but width and height should be approximately 70 cm. The timing and procedure for the preparation of shelters are the same as for film greenhouses.

Since watermelons and melons are heat-loving cultures, it is impossible to hurry with the seedlings. In some years, in the middle lane of Russia, by the end of April-beginning of May, pretty warm weather is established (daytime temperatures reach 15 ... 20ºС, night - 5 ... 10º C). Under the film on such days, the temperature rises above 30ºС. At this time, inexperienced vegetables starts to plant heat-loving cultures under the film. However, often by mid-May the weather is worsened, sometimes freezing. And if the tomato, for example, withstands even a long cooling (but without frosts), then watermelon and melon can die under these conditions. Therefore, as a long-term practice shows, it is possible to plant seedlings of these heat-loving crops under the film. May 15-20 (Before disembarking, it is better to ask the long-term weather forecast).

If after some time after the disembarkation still a cooling comes, the film shelter for the night should be covered with an old film, paper, rags, etc. (The second layer of the film can be left for a day). In the film greenhouse, when cooling the plants additionally install the simplest frames and are covered with different utility materials.

Technique landing

The seedlings of watermelon and melon in the greenhouse are planted according to the circuit approximately 70x50cm. In film shelters, plants are placed in 1 row in the center of the shelter with a distance between them 50 cm.

When growing in film shelter in 1 hole, you can land 2 plants in the future, send them into opposite sides.

Before disembarking into each well, it is desirable to make 1.5-2 kg leveling or compost and well pour it with warm water. In the resulting cleaner, the seedlings are planted, pouring dry soil into the well from the sides, so that the crust is not formed. If the seedlings grew in peathed pots, then it is planted with a pot; If in plastic - the plant is neatly removed from the pot, trying not to damage com. When disembarking, seedlings can not be discharged, on the contrary, the seaside committee should be 1-2 cm to perform above the garden surface (the sublimated knee can be dried).

If the seedlings are planted under the film shelter, then immediately after planting it is covered with a film.

Care of plants

As a rule, at 1 week after planting behind plants, no care is required, except for airing into solar warm weather. It is necessary to ventilate with an increase in temperature above 30ºС. To this opening the windows of the greenhouse, or they are separated by the film on the ends of the film shelter.

After about a week, after drying the soil, watering plants with warm water, combining it with feeding nitrogen fertilizers (20 g of ammonium nitrate for 10 liters of water; 2 l of a solution on the well). Watering very carefully, trying not to make the heating knee of plants and leaves. IN further care Behind plants in the greenhouse and under film shelter is slightly different. Consider them separately.

In Teplice

About 7-10 days after the disembarkation is carried out a garter of plants. The system of garters is similar to the cultivation of cucumber.

Watermelon plants are grown in 1 stem. With side shoots formed in the sneakers of the leaves, they come as follows: the shoots on which there are no strings are removed; The shoots with the tied fruits pinch, leaving 2-3 sheets over the urging. When the plant reaches the trellis, it is plugged.

It must be remembered that with formation 2, a maximum of 3 fruits of approximately with egg, all the other wounds are removed, as the plant will not be able to form morethe number of fruits and they will not have time to grow.

Melon plants are configured as follows. After pinching the top of the plant in the repent period, it is formed by several side shoots. It is necessary to choose 1-2 of them the strongest and lead them as the main one (taking each other to the sleeper), and the remaining remove. In the future, the formation is the same as the watermelon.

In addition to the formation of plants, it is raised about 1 time per week; During the ripening of fruits, watering is reduced. In addition to the first feeding of nitrogen fertilizers (about a week after disembarkation), it is carried out at least 2 feeders with complex fertilizers with an interval of about 2-3 weeks.

Sometimes one of the fruits begins to grow hard, and the rest are yellow, - this indicates insufficient nutrition of plants.

When growing in the greenhouse, you need to pay attention to pollination of plants. As a rule, insects fly to a greenhouse through open vents, but if pollination does not occur, then it is necessary to carry it out artificially (transfer pollen from a male flower on a pistil of a female flower).

One of important moments When growing watermelon and melon in the greenhouse - the bundle of fruits. Usually, the wounds that have grown to the size of a large apple are placed in the middle of a square piece of the grid, the edges of which are binding and tied with twine to the grind ( see photo). In this way, every fruit is tied.

Under film shelter

The film on the shelters is not removed in about the middle-end of June (depending on weather conditions). By this time, the plants be blossoming, and insect access to pollination is necessary.

After the film is removed completely, the beds are stolen and loosen. The shoots are evenly distributed over the garden surface. As in the greenhouse, after the formation of 1-3 fruits on each plant periodically removes all other wounds and pinch the tops so that all their strength plant uses the fruit for pouring. Side shoots on which there are no fruits, cut out the plants to be better illuminated. The feeders are carried out in the same way as when growing in a greenhouse. In the open soil under the wound, it is desirable to put a plank so that the growing fruits do not bother.


The latter, no less important stage of growing watermelon and melon - the cleaning of fruits. In no case can not rush with cleaning, often even reached the impressive fruit sizes are unreasonable.

Power fruits are very fond of robust crows, especially in hot and dry summer. Therefore, in bed with melons and watermelons you need to install frightened timely.Determine the maturity of melon fruits relatively simple: they acquire a characteristic color, they begin to exhibit the aroma of mature melon. The maturity of watermelon fruits is much more complicated, especially inexperienced. It is necessary to focus on the following signs: the drawing of the cortex becomes clearer and bright, the wax flare weakens, when tapping, the fruits make a deaf sound.

V.A.Vasilevsky, Cand. S.-H. Science