Repairs Design Furniture

Two-level pond. Artificial reservoir with their own hands. Mini reservoir

Own artificial pond at the cottage has already ceased to be luxury, now such a masterpiece can build each. Such a structure can carry aesthetic and functional character. Some ponds are designed to decorate the landscape, others are designed for bathing or breeding fish. Even a simple observation of water in the pond soothes and improves the mood. Make a pond on its plot simply, it is enough to understand the main nuances.


For some people, an artificial pond is not a decoration, but a necessity. If an annoying stream flows through your site or you have long been put up with wetlands, then the pond will thoroughly improve your position. It is best to construct water in the spring. For self-building a pond, there are many options that suggest the use of special expensive materials or affordable (even improvised) funds. This building does not require much time, effort and money.It will take only attention to the details and clear compliance with the recommendations.


Artificial pond in the country is built for various purposes. It is for this criterion that such types can be distinguished:

  • Small.Low-size reservoir becomes part of the landscape design. It is designed to decorate a certain zone in the garden. Near such a pond, you can read the book in the chair, but it does not imply an active rest.
  • Decorative. Deeper than the previous option. Such a pond has a fountain inside, highlighting the perimeter, openwork bridge and other decor elements. The purpose of decorative ponds is to attract all the attention. Such reservoirs are located near the gazebo or the open terrace.
  • For fish breeding. This reservoir will delight fishermen, children and cats. It is nice to watch beautiful fish, and many species will fit perfectly for dinner. It is important not only to launch fish, but also create them comfortable conditions for breeding.
  • For swimming. Own reservoir on the plot is a good alternative to the plain pool. Such a pond is not limited to aesthetic properties, but also benefits. A small reservoir will give the opportunity to refresh themselves in the heat, and deep and large will allow swimming and playing water games.

Such key questions as location, size, shape and stylistic design are solved on the basis of the type of water. Therefore, first put a clear goal in front of you, only then go to the following steps.


Modern manufacturers offer a large abundance of materials for self-making pond. It all depends on your goals and financial opportunities. For the correct choice, it is necessary to carefully examine all possible options. For a device of a swimming reservoir, a concrete bowl will be a good option.

Pouring the pond allows you to use it for a long time. This option is quite expensive, but reliable. A more suitable and affordable option - polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or fiberglass. The reliability of materials allows to exploit the bowl from 5 to 30 years, this directly depends on the work carried out and the type of material. Both options for creating a pond allow you to create the desired depth and shape.

Purchased forms are a simplified version. It's just enough to dig the pit, to build the shape and reinforce the design of the sand. Plastic bowls are rather durable and easily tolerated winter frosts. Polypropylene bowls are afraid of ultraviolet rays and come into disrepair due to their long-term exposure. The minuses of such structures are considered quite high price and difficult transportation.

The bowl under the big pond will be hard to bring to the destination without damage. Moreover, the elementary mounting skills of such structures will be needed, it is difficult for beginners to cope with such a task without damaging the bowl.

The most reliable film is boutilicochkoy, from rubber. The masters recommend applying such a material to those who have a pond of an impressive depth, the bottom with many stones and roots. Enjoying a pond with such waterproofing is possible for 50 years. The big advantage of the material is its favorable reaction to multiple freezing and defrosting. Specialized materials are the preferred option, but not the only one. Folk crafts offer such options:

  • Old bath. Such an object can be painted and installed on the surface, and you can and omit into the ground into an arbitrary depth. Together with the reservoir, you can easily install a small fountain.
  • Tires. Variatively use tires or wheels as a small pond frame.
  • Tazik. Mounting method is similar to the bathroom. The subject itself is so easy that such ponds often make children and women, whereas with the bathroom they can not cope. It is important to pay special attention to the decor so as not to overload the space details.
  • Plastic bottles. Such material makes it possible to create small reservoirs at maximum speed. It is enough to cut the eggmarket at the desired level and shop in the right place.

Keep in mind that it is from the material that the country pond will delight you. It is important to choose such materials that do not harm ecology. Otherwise, toxins are penetrated into the ground, and this will affect your crop.

The size

It is impossible to definitely declare that a large pond will be more expensive than a small one or will have the best aesthetic properties. Optimal options need to be selected, pushing out your goals. Key factors when choosing a size:

  • Dimensions. This parameter depends solely on the location of the water branch. It is believed that reservoir should cover no more than 3-10% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire country area. There are no clear boundaries, it all depends on your preferences.
  • Length and width.This criterion also largely depends on the dimensions of the site, the appointment of the water branch and on your capabilities. The latter concerns the digging of the pit - small can be shed independently, it will take a special technique for great.
  • Depth. The larger the pond, the deeper it can be done. So, the mini-design may have a depth of several dozen centimeters, and a reservoir for swimming - several meters.

  • Zoning is relevant for large reservoirs. Specialists in the field of design are recommended to divide the water to 3 zones. Coastal zone - 10-40 cm deep for approach to the pond and landing of decorative plants. The shallow water zone is from 40 cm to 1 m, at such a depth you can land the winter-hardy pit or nymph. If it is a watering for swimming, then this zone will give the opportunity to smoothly enter the water. Children can swim at a small depth. The deepwater zone is more than 1 meter of depth, adults can swim here, also at such depths are born.
  • Biodynamic equilibrium. It is necessary to take into account this factor if a different kind of livestock will dwell in the pond. Provide such a balance so that an artificial pond can be cleansed independently. Purification of water in a pond with fish or plants with chlorine or ozone is not provided.
  • Care. As a rule, the more water, the easier it is to clean it. Be sure to consider ways to care for plants, fish and behind the pond itself.


It is very important to correctly arrange a water. Especially when it comes to a large-scale structure that you will serve not one year. Important factors when choosing a place:

  • Plot size. This factor is closely associated with the size of the pond itself, and therefore with its location.
  • Relief. It is important to take into account the combination of land relief with the forms of the pond himself.
  • The composition of the soil and groundwater. This factor is directly related to the maximum pond depth. With adverse attitudes, additional troubles and expenditures on the material are waiting for you.
  • Illumination.Choose a shaded place. It is impossible that the sun falls into water more than 5-6 hours a day. Neglect of this factor leads to active evaporation of water and to the increased activity of bacteria. To select the desired location, monitor the sun-mode for 2-3 days. It is especially important to correctly evaluate this criterion for fish breeding. In the heated water, the amount of oxygen decreases, which can lead to the death of pets.
  • Visibility. Choose such a place so that the pond can be seen from the window or gazebo. The decorative pond will become the business card of your site, if noticeable at the entrance to the territory.

  • Reflection. As not strange, it is better to think about it in advance what will be reflected in your reservoir. If the toilet in the yard or barn will fall into the reflection, it can spoil the overall impression.
  • Degree of gardening. Make sure that the roots of trees will not be able to damage the bowl of the pond. Also note that the leaves and branches can fall in the pond, which will turn into il on the day. Renewable when choosing the desired location can lead to the difficulty of care of the pond. If you really want to decorate the perimeter of the pond by bushes, then consider the plants in the barrels (ads).
  • Power supply.Some decorative elements work from electricity. So, you can put an interesting fountain, make backlight and much more. The main thing is to carefully consider the supply of electricity to water. Think out this question better at the design stage. The most safe to place the wires under the ground in a reliable corrugation. For permanent access to them, equip the hatch.
  • Future expansions and improvements. Plan a perspective. You may want to expand the pond or to work in more detail a seating area near him. Provide free space at least on one side of the pond.


The waterproofing tone is of great importance affects the overall image. The bottom of the black color creates the illusion of the mirror. In such a reservoir, plants are perfectly reflected, the sky. The material of brown and black color allows you to create a natural soil imitation, which is usually located at the bottom of the reservoir.

Blue and cream reservoirs are not much reminded by the creation of nature, but are an excellent option when breeding the mothers of fishes. Also, blue and gray tones are great for the reservoir in which you are going to swim. Such colors mimic the bottom of the pool.

Thus, the color should be chosen based on the destination. The decorative pond approaches the natural form due to the dark bottom. For breeding, fish and swimming should choose light tones, up to white.


It is almost impossible to describe all the forms of ponds, because fantasy design masters does not know borders. It is possible to distinguish the correct geometric shapes and fantasy. Among the first most popular designs in the form of a circle, oval, rectangle. Fantasy forms are more bizarre, and in this charm. Such ponds are most like the creation of nature, which does not tolerate rigor. Among the popular forms it is possible to identify the natural form.

Style and Design

Design specialists responsibly declare that the country's pond can be performed in two versions, but they may have many modifications. Design options:

  1. Formal. The name speaks for itself. Such a cottage reservoir has clear geometric shapes. This option is well suited for modern sections, high-tech, minimalism, classic. Formal include not only rectangular, square and round ponds. This also includes broken figures, they can be both symmetrical and asymmetric. Registration of such ponds strict. Classic neutral colors are used. For a formal reservoir, a small number of additional decorative elements or their complete absence is characterized.
  2. Landscape.This option is more popular than the previous one. Such a pond has a fuzzy coastline, close to natural species. It is a landscape style that makes it possible to create a harmonious balance between the artificial reservoir and the nature itself. You can embody your most bold ideas. Before choosing a pond style, appreciate the relief of the plot. Smooth soil guarantees the embodiment of any fantasy form.

Rises and recesses in the ground require careful study, but make it possible to easily build a cascade or waterfall. On the intricate relief, bridges and slides look more naturally.

Create a suitable relief can be artificially. It will takes the use of more complex technologies when working with the foundation. Nevigabilities will lead to distortion due to the seeding of the Earth. The high pond (located above the ground) is also possible within the framework of landscape design. Pluses such a design a lot:

  • Easy to care.
  • Minimum volume of earthworks.
  • Safety of children and domestic animals.

The pond of the bath is the most vivid example of such a reservoir. On the walls, you can make painting in Japanese style, which is organic looks in the garden. Such an element will complement the overall landscape design of the site.

How to make your own hands?

The construction of the pond is worth performing for clear instructions. So you can dig the boiler and lay the waterproofing. The construction of a pond with the use of film Stepha:

  • Making a pond begins with a plan. Select a convenient scale and draw absolutely everything, including the depth of each zone. It is recommended to consider decorative design at the same stage. Especially relevant to do this if you plan to build a pond with a waterfall. A detailed plan will help you avoid mistakes.
  • Now it is necessary to make the markup of the future pit.You can do this with a rope, rubber hose or even sand stretched on the pegs (draw them the contour). It is important that the shores are at one height. Start digging the boiler based on the plan. Time to check their level.
  • It's time for earthworks. Drop the pit, the depth of which will correspond to the depth of the distinguished zone. Make marking, fix the plug line. Arrange the second tier and make a line for digging the deepest zone of the future pond. Perform earthworks are better together, but for a large pond and hire an excavator at all.

  • After the pit is dug, you need to measure the dimensions and depth. Make it with a cord. Add 50 cm to the resulting number on each side of the pit. Now you know how much PVC film needs to be purchased.
  • Tightly shy a waters. Geotextile can be laid under the bottom so that with the time of the roots of the trees did not damage the waterproofing. In addition, it is possible to strengthen the design using a rubberoid or linoleum. Strengthen the shore and the bottom can be with the help of tightly rammed sand. It is recommended to perform this procedure on a sunny day, so the film is heated and more tightly falls on all bends of the pit.
  • The edges of the film must be fed to the pre-prepared trench around the perimeter of the pond. Next, you must fall asleep trench with rubble or other stone. So you will ensure reliable filixation of the film.

  • Shore should be strengthened,in order for the Earth over time, it was not crumbling. The edge of the pond is strengthened by stone blocks or plastic pipes, they need to be knocked up to pegs. It is recommended to lay out the edge with natural stone and supplement the picture with large boulders.
  • At this stage it is necessary plant plantswho will decorate the pond, in special baskets and install them in the right places according to the plan. DOW PLAY LIVE FLOWER OR LEAVE.

  • It's time to pour water into the pond. The best helper will be hose for you. Wearing water in buckets is not convenient, especially if the reservoir is large. Standing water can bring a lot of problems, including an unpleasant smell. To eliminate this complexity, you can make a pond stream. To do this, simply raise the source slightly above the level of the pond, and feed water to it from the bowl itself with the pump. Such a device will relieve you from unnecessary trouble.
  • Installation of the submersible pump, Pipes to the source of the stream and the filter connection is the last stage of technical works. It is recommended to apply a pressure filter for water purification, it is more effective.

A more apparatus version of the pond from the old bath can be performed so that the old plumbing will be unrecognizable in the magic composition. The process of facing the pond can be performed by such instructions:

  • Drop the pit under the bathroom so that the depth of the pit was 40 cm above the tank itself.
  • Proceed the edges of the pit. On the perimeter, remove the Earth 35-45 cm.
  • Deliver these strips so that the height is equal to the bath height.

Be sure to close the bluing bath. You can use concrete or a film for waterproofing. After that, lower the bathroom into the pit.

  • Plug the inner part of the bath with shallow tiles or paint its waterproof paint desired color. After that, cover the bathroom and leave until complete drying.
  • Perimeter Baths Cover the chain grid. This material is rightfully considered to be the best for reinforcement.
  • Cover the challenge with a mixture of sand and cement.
  • Spend decorative work. To do this, you can use stones, tiles, gravel and similar materials.

Required tools

The amount of inventory depends on how difficult and varied reservoirs you want to create. To build a simple pond, you will need:

  • Shovel.
  • Trolley for the Earth.
  • Building level.
  • Marking cord.
  • Pegs.
  • Water hose.
  • Film for waterproofing pond or any other base.

Such a minimum list is always needed. In addition to the listed, you may need fencing. So you will protect animals and children. Decorative fences significantly affect the overall appearance of the artificial reservoir.


To create a more complex composition, you must acquire additional techniques:

  • Water purification filter. This is especially important if you create a pond for breeding fish.
  • Water pump. Such an adaptation is used to download and pump water, filters, fountains and waterfalls.
  • Sterilizer. This device guarantees crystal clear water in the pond.
  • Aerator (compressor).The device saturates water with oxygen. Relevant in a pond with fish and plants. It is important to choose a model for a pond, the models for aquariums do not have the necessary power. Perhaps, for digging, it will have to use the excavator.

Plants and Additional Accessories

A decorative fountain can be installed in the pond. The design can be purchased in a finished form or to build yourself. The decorative pond is often complemented by bridges. Garden figures near the composition perfectly complement. Flowers and plants in the pond require special attention. Plants are divided into deep-water and shallow.

The first sit down at the bottom in special baskets. They should occupy no more than 30% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir, otherwise it will turn into a swamp.Such a bust can destroy other inhabitants of the reservoir, especially fish. Gently planted flowers on the save, consider that they will grow with time.

First of all, nymphi sledge in the pond, and then fall asleep with a decorative stone, ranging from the deep zone. On the terrace you can land the marsh blocker, AIR, Escock, Four, and Susak. On the water surface you can place water hyacinth, a rogue, writing or a shroud.

On the shore, you can arrange a variety of types of iris, reed, buzital, aruncut, muscantus. The composition can be supplemented with perennials: hosts, ottiki, primoses, astilbamas or bathing rooms.

Perfectly looks near the artificial pond Peltythillum, Verbaine, Rogers.

Do you need fish?

The reservoir can be populated with different fauna. Ducks and even swans can live on the pond, it all depends on you. Most often, fish live in dacha ponds. The selection of residents of the reservoir should be considered carefully. Most often inhabitants of ponds become karasi, goldfish, carps and lin. Consider that one fish up to 15 cm is about 50 liters of water space. Suitable types of fish:

  • Karp Koi.. Fish is characterized by intelligence and attachment to the owners. Pets may even eat from your hands. Fish colors are pretty interesting: yellow, blue, black, orange and white. In an artificial pond, they live about 20-30 years and grow up to 90 cm.
  • Gold fish.Such a fish will delight you up to 35 years old and grows up to 45 cm. The weight of the fish does not exceed 1.5 kg. Food portion of food is 3% of the mass of the fish. You can feed dry mixtures.

  • Caraiste colored. Golden crucian is a length of 50 cm and weighing from 3 kg, and silver grows up to 40 cm and weigh no more than 2 kg. For the winter period, it is necessary to provide a fish simple condition - a depth of 1 m.
  • Tench. On average, fish grow to 20-40 cm. Pisces are lazy on temperament and do not like to act. Take time at the bottom, near the plants, do not like bright colors. The main advantage is unpretentious. Lin lives where many fish are dying.

Experts and experienced hosts give such important recommendations:

  • Position the lower point of the reservoir below the ground freezing point. It is especially important to comply with this advice when building a pond for fish. So you will provide pets the opportunity to pass the winter.
  • Even the most landscaped pond must have 50% of the free space. It should be taken into account that the plants grow up with time.
  • Start the construction of the country's water branch in the spring. So you will win the time for the complete arrangement of the composition and the pond will have time to take care.
  • Want a fountain - build a high pond. So the composition will look more coordinated.

  • Earth from the boiler can be disposed of several ways. You can distribute the soil across the garden and lift the ground level. You can also use this soil to create artificial relief.
  • A high-quality filter for water will help to clean the water even in the most difficult situation. The combination of mechanical and biological filters and will at all deprive you trouble with water.
  • With the help of stones, you can not only decorate with water, but also fix flexible insulation. This option will add the design of durability and reliability.
  • Special design from the grid will help protect your pond from falling leaves and branches.

  • Stretch the black thread over shallow water to protect the fish from birds and domestic hunting. To protect against cats it is better to use an elevation.
  • Saccha helps to clean water from fallen leaves and garbage.
  • Follow the growth of algae at the bottom of the pond. Get rid of surplus on time.

During winter cold, we pay more attention to the water. Plants are better to cover from frosts. Ice from the surface can be deleted manually.

Beautiful examples and options

The decoration of the homemade reservoir can carry not only aesthetic character, but also functional. The construction of streams and fountains creates the effect of natural water flow. Such a reservoir can extend through the entire territory of the garden. The stream should be made from the same materials as the pond itself. So all the components are alive in a harmonious ensemble. Decorating the space around the reservoir can radically change the overall impression of the site.

Path to work with a decorative stone. An interesting result will give the use of fragments of different sizes.

So you can arrange all the trails in the country area. In this case, your pond will more harmoniously fit into the overall design.

An excellent option for a country house will be a fabulous garden. Lay out with colored plates. Pond place as a magical place. Plant with leaves of non-standard forms. Run in the reservoir of multicolored fish. Boulders around the pond can be painted with bright colors. With the help of decorative illumination or lanterns, an extremely interesting result can be achieved.

A pleasant light summer evening will create a special comfort and emphasize the unusual of the homemade pond. Lanterns of different color will help create a real fairy tale and the effect of magic. The backlight inside the pond looks especially impressive if interesting representatives of flora and fauna live in it. Such a pond will not leave you indifferent to you and your guests.

If your reservoir is intended for swimming, it is relevant to issue a zone around the perimeter as a sunny beach. Feed some space from the rest of the site using a fence. From the reservoir to the fence, scat out sand and place sun loungers, a table, an umbrella. Such a pleasant atmosphere has to rest. An excellent composition of the bridge, lanterns and waterfall will never bother.

Such a magical place in the middle of your garden will drastically change the general atmosphere. Near such a design, put a gazebo with soft rocking chairs. Near the pond will be pleasant to be in any weather. Multicolored fish or multicolored pebbles on the bottom of the pond will make it more fun and attractive. Such registration is especially advantageous for families with children. Small inhabitants of the house will definitely appreciate such a design.

Contemplation is a way to restore your domestic strength and removes the fuss. Loving the nature in any of its manifestation - whether it is a leaf, a blade or even a little pebble, we fall into a kind of trance, deepening in our "I" without binding to what is happening events. Probably, therefore, there is a massive "escape" of citizens away from noisy habitats, closer to Mother's nature, where on his own, even a very tiny piece of land, you can relax and relax the soul. How to create a relaxing atmosphere in his garden? There is nothing easier! Instead of a couple of three beds with potatoes and tomatoes, we break a small pond at your dacha - now you will have more time to rest and contemplation of water stroits - and this is, as you know, the best cure for stress and decline. Do you think that such a complex hydraulic design is not for you? With our recommendations, you will be the "Sea of \u200b\u200bKnee", not to mention a small pond, whose bookmark you will be quite alone.

So, you realized that life is more inconceivable without a cute lake, designed to please your eye and soothe nerves. How to create a pond in the country with your own hands so that it harmoniously supplemented the landscape of the garden and existed long enough, and did not become a problem zone requiring tireless care?

The original feature of a small pond, decorated with boulders, can be an unusual track of flat stones.

Let's start with the selection of a pond style and selection of space for its bookmark. Then, tell you how to technologically correctly make a pond and equip it. Selected in the right style and laid in compliance with all subtleties, an artificial pond will become a real pearl of your garden and an excellent destination for peace.

A small excursion

Special charm landscape pond give its smooth outlines and decorative vegetation adorning the water surface

The landscape pond with natural outlines will always be appropriate in the depths of the garden near the gazebo or near the terrace of the house - after all, you should be able to comfortably accommodate to watch the water stroke.

The design of the reservoir can be more restrained in the Japanese principle - boulders of various sizes, boys, no multicolor dispensing. Or in Chinese style - more lush and bright, with a mandatory focus in the form of a tree with a motley foliage and an arched bridge. The landscape pond can be created in the style of "Natur Garden", which assumes landing only local plants, characteristic of this region, and the absence of all sorts of plant exotic.

The most concise formal pond with rectangular outlines is the most concise

The formal pond of the geometric shape - a square or rectangular configuration is profitable next to the house, emphasizing its vertical and horizontal lines. It is not bad for such a pond with a patio or a patio, especially if straight flower beds are broken nearby or lanes are laid.

Unusual flavoring pond can give a walkway passing over its surface - either in the form of a bridge or separate stones or plates

An interesting technique that is widely used in modern landscape design is the laying of tracks laid out of a terrace board and thrown in the form of a bridge through a water-leak geometric shape. A similar path through a pond can also have a form of a concrete path or separate square plates, as if soaring over the water. The cascades of small, different-dimensional ponds look original, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls.

The system of cascade ponds in the country will not only give her landscape unusual, but also fill the garden with pleasant murmur

Round-shaped formal reservoirs will decorate a patio or a parade group of your summer cottage

Round reservoirs along with rectangular forms are also related to formal ponds and can be decorating a lawn or an open lawn, stylistically add the garden zone with pergola or close to the picturesque group of trees. Round in the form of mini ponds in the garden can be made with their own hands much easier than any other configuration, applying ready-made concrete rings, wooden tubs, plastic containers and even car tires.

Select location, size, material

The correctly chosen place for the reservoir is the key to its long functioning without seasonal "flowering" in spring and summer, when green algae is activated under the influence of ultraviolet. A certain period of the luminous day of the pond must be in the shadows so that the algae is not so intensely multiplied. On the other hand, the placement of the reservoir in the fully shadow zone will lead to a delay in the development of decorative plants. It is important to keep the gold middle of the middle.

Locating a rest area with a brazier in close proximity to the pond, you can always admire the beauty of the water stroit

It is important to know that the pond should be covered with the sun around 5 hours a day and be open from the southwest. It is undesirable to have a reservoir under shady trees - the fallen autumn foliage will pollute it.

As for the size of the pond, Ideally, the reservoir should take 3% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. When the garden is small - with a standard area of \u200b\u200b6 acres, not every dacket is ready to highlight 18 m2 under the pond. Of course, the smaller the dimensions, the easier it is to make a pond with their own hands - and the materials will not need much, and labor costs will be minimal. Therefore, by defined with the width and length of the artificial reservoir, take into account its physical capabilities and the harmony of the perception of the pond, as a composite spot on your site - that is, how much of its size is combined with other elements of the country landscape.

A ascetic solution in the design of a water branch using only stones is a specific feature of the celtic pond

The design of the pond with a waterfall flowing from a small wall of beige sandstone, perfectly fit into the landscape garden style

In depth, the pond is recommended to divide into three steps: a zone for coastal plants, a shallow water zone for the Queen of the Pond Nimifii - Winter Handspoints and Blowing for Winter Fish - If you assume them to breed.

It is not worth the pond to do too deep, it is enough just to pull the winter pit for fish with a depth of 150-180 cm (below the marking of the soil) so that it takes about 1/5 of the pond square.

A cute rectangular pond can be equipped on a small summer cottage, and the unusualness of the water will give edging from the terraced board

The highlight of the avant-garde pond can be an extravagant installation from a tree, resembling an exotic animal or a plant.

Continuous water supply to the pond can be equipped with an old column or a group of glady bottles of bright color

When with the location and approximate dimensions of the reservoir, you decided, it's time to think about what materials apply to make the pond was as simple as possible and faster. The most capital and expensive option to arrange a pond is a concrete basis that requires formwork and reinforcement. A less costly method for laying a water branch is the use of a finished plastic container.

Driven under the pond is formed by characteristic ledge - kurtins for plant landing

To ensure the circulation of water in the pond, the pump is installed on its bottom, from which water enters the cleaning filter and returns back to the reservoir

And finally, the most comfortable and budget way to make an artificial pond with your own hands - the use of a special moisture-resistant film, which is laid out the pond bowl. This method of bookmarking the pond we took the basis for a detailed description.

Page Technology for creating a pond with a film

1. Initially, it is necessary to draw a plan for the future artificial pond on scale with the indication of the depths and the width of the Kurtin (shelves for plant disembarking), and it is also desirable to draw an exemplary sketch of the decoration of the reservoir. Such an approach will help to avoid different alterations during the construction of a pond and at the plant disembarkation. At this stage, consider that it will serve as an emphasis in the composition of your lake - it can be an original stone, wood or sculpture.

Before starting the pond on its summer cottage, draw a reservoir plan with the depths and placement of the main elements of the arrangement

2. Using a conventional tap hose or scattering sand around the perimeter of the reservoir in the form of a line, outline the estimated contour of the pond. Be sure to check that the shores of your future lake be in the same level.

By placing the scene of the pond with the hose, dig up the housing according to the planned plan

Periodically measure the level of the shores of the pond in the process of forming a pit. If you do not have a water level of the desired length, you can adjust the usual long board and install a small 50-centimeter level to it.

3. Getting started to earthworks - we break down the cutlery to the depth of the coastal tier and place the line from which the pond is plunged into the next mark. Having received the second tier, lay the line for digging the deepest part of the pond and take out the last portion of the Earth.

The process of digging the pond is hard enough, so it is better to resort to the services of professionals for earthworks accompanied by a mini-excavator. However, if you, all the same, decided to fulfill this time-consuming part on our own, prepare for the fact that water can accumulate on the bottom of the pit and you will have to mess in dirty juicy. Water from the bottom of the pit will help you the pump, specially adapted for pumping water with impurities and solid inclusions. Nearby you can escape auxiliary pit and dump the water into it.

4. After the recovery is completely dug, with the help of a cord, we measure its dimensions, taking into account the depth, adding the allowance of about 50 cm on the sides of the bowl - it is necessary to purchase the film of the desired size.

The problem with which you will inevitably come across in the process of earthworks - is where to go to the ground, removed from the pit under the pond? A good version of solving such a task is to raise the level of the site, evenly distributing the soil through the garden. It is also possible to use the land of recovery as an embankment for a stream or as a base under the alpine slide.

5. The pond bowl is lined with a durable moisture-resistant film. As a rule, in order to protect the main film from damage to stones and roots of plants, an additional layer of geotextiles is laid under it. For this purpose, an old linoleum or ruleroid is also suitable, and you can simply fall asleep to the pit and tamper it.

When the recovery is formed, put a layer of geotextile, and then film, reflecting the edges of the cloth in a specially dug trench around the perimeter of the reservoir

So that the film for the pond becomes more elastic, it is better to choose a sunny day to lay it - then it will warm up a little and will be better reaching, with ease of rich all the ledges of the pit.

6. For the arrangement of the edge of the pond, an auxiliary trench is broken along its perimeter - to turn and secure the film. Having laid the edges of the film into the trench, sprinkle it with rubble - so it will be securely fixed.

7. Strengthen the edge of the pond by stone blocks or plastic pipes, brightened to the pegs, - so you will prevent the sickness of the Earth from the coastal zone into the pond bowl. Put the edge with a natural stone and decorate a beautiful lonely block or a group of boulders.

8. Place the prepared plants in special plastic containers and arrange them on the curtains, lay out the bottom of the pond with stones and rubble.

9. Now in the reservoir you can pour water. To make it more convenient to choose the pumping equipment in the future and the volume of hydrochemistry to care for the pond, do not be lazy to remove the water meter readings before and after filling the reservoir.

10. In order for water to the pond, it is better to equip a stream of stream - it will provide a constant circulation of water. For this, the source of the stream is raised above the level of the pond, and the water to it will be supplied from the pond bowl using the submersible pump. Be sure to think about how to decorate the mouth of the stream - use stones, plant landing, clay or glass containers.

Fill the pond with water, arrange the stream, install and connect the pump with the filter, fall out aquatic plants

11. Install the submersible pump at the bottom of the pond, stretch the pipes to the source of the stream and connect them to the filter for water purification. The cleaning filter is better to take a pressure (with a reverse purification system) - it is more efficient than the flow.

The material on the device of an artificial stream in the country will also be useful:

Your pond is ready, now you just need to carefully care for it - to cleanse from pollution, sometimes use preventive tools for the revival of water and prevent the spread of algae, and for the winter, pick plants in the basement at home.

Basic errors in the arrangement of ponds

By creating something with your own hands, it is difficult to avoid some errors, especially those like composite, so to make your pond correctly, consider some standard blunders inherent in our gardeners:

  1. The design of the banks of the pond from the equal diameter, why the pond acquires a somewhat boring look. Large stones are better to combine with smaller, but not to fill with them the entire coastal zone of the reservoir.
  2. Ponds digged very deeply, possess the walls and resemble a sort of stone bag. A small investigation has shown that deepest ponds are favorabled by landing companies, since they pay the number of cubes of the removed land. Pay attention to the depth of your pond - it is not necessary to do it too shrouded, especially if the fish breeding is not supposed.
  3. Link to container landscaping, which prevents the normal development of plants, and fear of fading a pond land for landing. On the one hand, the container landing allows you to quickly change the vegetable design of the pond by rearranging and regrouping plants. Probably gardeners also scare the prospect of a dirty species of a pond after the backfill of the Earth, but there is nothing to fear here - the soil for aquatic plants is a heavy mixture with a large clay content that is not washed with water, and over time, it will harden the root system of plants.

Having thoughtfully creating a pond with your own hands, do not forget that it is not easy - practice at first, forming a miniature pond at home.

If the dimensions of your site do not allow you to equip a pond in the country, create a miniature pond in the most ordinary cup

If it turns out, boldly proceed to a large-scale project based on a full-fledged pond in the country area. We are sure - you will handle!

Not at all difficult. It can be done any sizes depending on the space on the site that you would like to allocate for this. The rules for the arrangement of such a landscape design element will be about alone and the same regardless of the size. On a summer day, it is infinitely pleasant to relax nearby from the reservoir created by their own hands and with pride to demonstrate it to guests. Any owner of the country area can create a beautiful garden pond, to equip the coast, settle it with bright fish. Everything will depend solely from your imagination.

How to determine the location for the pond

In order for the pond on its own site, it is functional and attractive to appearance, try to define a convenient location for it.

Ideal will begin a pond device on a free plot, which is not under the scorching sun, but also not shaded with trees. If it seems to you that the suitable area is found, pay attention to how it is lit. Poor lighting does not allow you to safely develop ash plants, and this negatively affects the appearance of the reservoir.

It is not very good to build a pond on a completely open platform, where there will be real sun on hot days. Unicellular algae adore light, they will grow growing stronger and will cause water flowering. If you have got a shallow reservoir, livestock and plants in hot weather will feel no comfortable and can perish. And the owners are unlikely to relax on the sun. It is better to choose to create a pond site, not surrounded by trees, next to which there is a structure or fence. Then at midday time, the pond will be in the shadow dropped by them, and the sun's rays in the evening and in the morning are far from so hot and will not harm the construction.

Do not try to place the pond close to the trees. Their roots grow imperceptibly and after a while they can damage the bottom - to break the film or move the shape.

If the pond in the country you intend to decorate with your own hands, arrange lighting, filters, with the help of a pump, also take into account the proximity of the source of electricity.

Reservoir at the cottage from a special plastic form

If you want to create a beautiful landscape at the cottage with the addition of a reservoir, but there is no desire to mess with the right arrangement of the bottom, you can purchase a finished form for it. They are cast in conditions of production of fiberglass or plastic. Such a capacity is capable of listening to at least 10-12 years old, it has good resistance to temperature and sun rays. But when installing a form of plastic, all actions should be carried out carefully, otherwise there is a risk of damaging it. Cracks that appeared on the surface will not effectively close.

Fiberglass - more expensive material from which forms for a garden pond are also produced. It is extremely durable and is able to stop a lot of years. When using this option, the life of the reservoir will be twice as much longer than in the previous case.

The first step to arrange your own mini-pond - the choice and acquisition of the form for it. It will take it to arrange in the ground. To get a pit, the form of which exactly corresponds to the necessary, transfer the contours of the future pond to the surface of the Earth. It follows this way. Put the purchased plastic bowl on the ground, then start sticking around it the sticks, retreating from the outlines by about 15-20 cm. Between chopsticks stretch the rope. Then remove the plastic base to the side and dig a hole by trying to observe the outline. The edges of the pit should be higher than the height of the bowl, by 30 cm. It must be traced that the location of the pit was horizontal. To do this, use a smooth board or construction level.

At the bottom of the bottom, pour the sand layer - it will be the base of the pond. Place the shape in the prepared pit, pumped off the free space, the remaining between the plastic and the edges of the kittle. Then we swipe the sandy crowd with water from the hose to relieve shrinkage.

Fill fill with water. The shores can be decorated with stones. Taketing for the creation of a dacha pond with their own hands, the photo on the topic can be viewed in advance to decide on its appearance. You can equip beautiful stone shores, in appearance close to natural, planting plants.

How to create a water from the film

The pond in the country can be built from a waterproof PVC film or butyl rubber. The option is convenient because the shape and sizes of the site of the site are chosen independently. Polyvinyl chloride film is distinguished by resistance to the effect of ultraviolet, perfectly transfers temperature fluctuations, it does not lose color for a long time. It is capable of listening to 10-15 years. Butyluccule is somewhat stronger and more durable, but also more expensive. It is worth using it for water bodies that are planned to be made fairly deep. Buy material stands with a slight margin in order to thoroughly fix it along the edges.

Step-by-step reservoir will look like this:

  1. Creating a pit. If you are going to plant plants in the water, for them, on the edges of the pits, the shelves can be equipped - ledges with a depth of 15 cm.
  2. When digging, try to lead work so that the walls of the pits do not appear. If the soil site is clay or chernozem, you can make them vertical without fears. When working with sandy soils, the walls of the pit should be made by inclined.
  3. After digging, remove the roots, stones, any major formations that can interfere with the work. Film should be protected from possible mechanical damage and breaks. To do this, on the bottom, arrange the sand layer or cover it with geotextiles.
  4. Locate the film over the sandy layer and put stones for consolidation by its edge. If when digging out, ledges were created, step, and do it for them.
  5. It is possible to jump around the reservoir in addition to proceeding a shallow groove with a width of 20-30 cm. This will allow stones that fix the film, to be on the same level with the surface of the Earth. To enhance fixation, you can fill them with cement.
  6. When the capacity is fully ready, it's time to pour water and plant plants.

Decorative pond equipment from an old bath

Your pond in the country area can be made from anything. For example, if you have a bath that has come into disrepair, it can be used as a base for a reservoir.

In this case, it is boiled in this case depending on the size of the bath - it is added about 20 cm. When in the prepared pit, you will lower the bath, the edges should be lower than the surface of the soil. On the perimeter of the resulting pit, dig the groove - its height and width should be 30 cm. Place the bath in the pit and give it a strictly horizontal position using the level to determine it. Putting a soil or sand formed on the sides of the emptiness. At this stage, the base of the pond should be turned out in this form: the bath inserted into the pit with a small groove, a jamming perimeter.

The next step is mixed with water tile glue, which add a pigment of the desired shade. The glue should be applied to the inner surface of the blank for the pond. Do not try to align it well - the sides of the bath must purchase a dark, close to the natural color of the soil shade and a similar structure. Then cover the facility with the film and leave on one day alone - you have to wait until the glue is completely freezing.

At the edges of the bath for fixing to put a special metal grid. Cut fragments of the desired shape and lay on the perimeter of the bath, it is necessary to stream the edges and internal surfaces at about half of their depth. The bottom should remain open, and the walls of the tank and its edges - turn out to be covered with a grid.

Now you should prepare from cement, water and sand fastening solution. It is applied over the grid, not trying to especially align the surface. In addition to the thickness of the solution, stones are inserted from time to time - this will help further strengthen the grid, and the appearance of the pond will give a greater naturalness. It is necessary to carefully cement drain.

Where the grid closes the edges of the bath, it is appropriate to put large stones. They will be able to emphasize the shape of the pond and give the shores of naturalness. It is not necessary to observe a geometrically strict rectangular form - on the contrary, it is possible to lay fragments in the edges of fragments waveforming, in the form of steps, visually expanding the shores. It is interesting to look irregularities and hills that imitating natural relief. Somewhere instead of large stones, plug rubble. Press the pond beautiful outlines, focusing on your own taste.

Pour clay on the bottom of the bath, add water and knead the solution. It is smelted to the sides, closing cement, fill out the voids formed between the stones. Such a solution will dry pretty quickly - a few hours later you can already pour water inside. Plant aquatic plants in the grooves around the reservoir. Water in a few days a little linding, the appearance will be natural, it will be difficult to guess about the true origin of the pond. You can read more detail.

How can I revive an artificial pond

Creating your pond, many of the owners of the plots dream to have fish in it or at least decorate its vegetation. Then your home pond will turn into a real work of art. To pick up a beautiful appearance for your facilities, you can view the video on the topic.

When choosing plants to disembark, remember that some of them are capable of taking place only at a certain depth. If the water thickness is not more than 30 cm, you can plant a yellow iris, a marsh bow, a pontingry heart-shaped one. With a pond depth of 30-50 cm, you can choose a simultaneist ordinary, reed, violated violate. In the reservoir more than half a meter, squeeze the pita and lotuses, water hyacinths.

In a home pond, you can settle caras, voualehvostov, some varieties. These fish are most unpretentious and capable of living in conditions of such a reservoir. But you should know that when starting fish, it follows in the pond. Water without it will deteriorate, and it will quickly affect the decorative features, and the health of fish will suffer if they are swimming in dirty, muddy water with an unpleasant odor.

To make a lot of strength on the site, but the result is worth it. You can create a beautiful, decorated in full compliance to your tastes. Contemplation of the water stroit, which is fascinated by the taste of selected plants, acts as peaceful. Resting in the heat near the hand-made pond is surprisingly nice.

So that the pond is able to serve longer, it should be released from water for winter. The exceptions are water bodies from plastic forms: when they emptying them for the period of cold weather, you can get a fastened, sold form.

Answer, please, for one simple question: which object is able to transform the country area beyond recognition? Tip: This is not a garden and not a gazebo.

The answer is simple - this is an artificial decorative reservoir in the country, made by their own hands. The construction of the pool may be problematic: the large area and volume of water, the process of construction is expensive and painstaking. Another thing, if you build a small pond in the country. Anyone can afford to afford such a water. Moreover, the water in the garden does not require the help of specialists - all the works of the software are performed alone. Your desire and hard work will help achieve a good result!

You can build a design of any shape, decorate it with beautiful swamp plants, run inside bright Japanese.

What is necessary to know about decorative water bodies?

Have not yet decided on the place for the future pond? We recommend to do it first. A little secret: Choose it in such a way that it is not in the influence of direct sunlight with your own hands in the garden in the garden. Long stay under the sun promotes the reproduction of bacteria, the growth of algae - an unpleasant smell appears.

On the other hand, building water bodies in the garden next to the trees is also not recommended. Dry branches and leaves will swim in the water constantly standing nearby trees can destroy the design with their roots.

From the standpoint of Eastern Art Feng Shui, decorative reservoirs are always placed on the southern or east side of the site. So water will be able to bring energy benefits. But the territory, densely planted with fruit trees, is better not to use at all. It is desirable that the area of \u200b\u200bthe facility does not occupy more than 3% of the territory.

The next fact that you did not know exactly about the sizes of the pond. It turns out that the larger than the reservoir, the easier it is to take care of it. This is due to the fact that the solid volumes of water and the area contribute to the creation of a stable ecosystem between animals and plant worlds.

The basis for the reservoir is the ready-made capacity: a huge cast iron bath, a reinforced concrete bowl, a film from butyl rubber, polyvinyl chloride. Some craftsmen make a homely tire pond with their own hands. When there is a ready-made container, construction is simplified. You are elementary digging the pit, place this container in it. Although building a large reservoir will be already problematic.

The most convenient and at the same time the economical option is a film. In addition, it allows you to adjust the shape and depth. From using conventional polyethylene is better to refrain. Due to the short period of operation, it will give a flow after 2-3 years.

What does the construction process look like?

Now you will make sure that you build a step-by-step - almost elementary task. As evidence of the photo and a detailed description of the construction:

  • Preparation of the bottom. Drop the recess in the ground at least a meter, with an area of \u200b\u200b3-4 square meters. m. Kotlovan must be perfectly smooth, without any roots and stones, as well as protrusions. You do not want to damage the film that will become the basis, right?
  • Drainage. Put the film - it is only half. To immediately prevent the shrinkage, the sand layer is placed on the bottom. Of course, you can make a magnificent bottom of the pond, if you find it with concrete, lay out granite. These are solid financial investments, so it is better to do with simpler methods. Geotextile layer protects perfectly from rodents.

To achieve maximum film elasticity, stacking is best carried in a bright, sunny day. Under the influence of high temperatures, it reaches much better and easily envelopes the protrusions of the pit.

  • Laying the film and water fill. The edges of the film are fixed along the coast. To strengthen the decorative reservoir, as in the photo, use stones Hazard, plump with gravel or ordinary river pebbles. Well established already ready-made plastic containers, in which there are places for planting.

After filling out artificial capacity, we do not rush to cut the film. Wait a day so that the polyvinyl chloride material takes its final volume.

After that, you can cut the film, and in the pre-done trench lay the edges. They neatly convert and fall asleep with rubble. If the widths are not enough, you can connect several pieces with a spike.

  • Registration. Much will depend on your imagination. It may be all sorts of figures on the shore of the pond, beautiful plants, aids, of which water supposedly flows and so on. The bottom of the pond is littered with pebbles or rubble, plants are placed in containers.
  • Care of the reservoir. Without proper care, artificial reservoirs are quickly turning into a swamp. To this not happen, you should take care of whether to prevent stagnation of water. Buy a filtration system or plant plants that could regularly absorb carbon dioxide, saturating water useful for life oxygen.

Do not be afraid to experiment, actively combining several options at once.

In winter, the driver merges, plants go to wintering in a home aquarium or a natural reservoir located nearby. Plants are better to immediately disembark in the baskets, which are placed on the bottom of the pond. You can use lilies, cubes, as well as lilies as decor. You can carry out artificial lighting, additionally install the pump for high-quality water circulation. In the evening, the day the pond will delight you with beautiful illumination and pleasant murmur.

Made from the bath pond do it yourself

Let's look at the use of pig-iron baths as the base for the pond in more detail. Do not rush to hand over it on scrap metal or throw away the landfill. In a private house, it can be used for various purposes, including the creation of a decorative reservoir.

Make a depression and by filling it with sand, perform a cement screed. Thanks to such a simple way, groundwater will never be able to blur the design. Sand ratio with cement should be about 10 cm to 3-4 cm.

After 5-7 days, pour centimeters twenty gravel and lower the cast-iron bath. Side openings are also filled with gravel. Ensure that the edges of the vessel do not rise above the coast. It will look very and very unnatural. Lay out pebbles around the perimeter - it is desirable that it be flat.

The bathroom installed on the slope is strengthened by a large stone on one side and make a similar on. On this all - you can pour water and plant plants!

How to care for artificially created pond?

The construction of a water branch is half an end. Like any other object on the plot, it requires careful and attentive care. Without him, even the most beautiful pond will quickly turn into a dirty, swampy place, starts to disperse, making an unpleasant smell. In order to avoid this, experts are ready to give several tips.

In the spring, artificial reservoir look at their own hands as soon as ice comes. This is usually the middle or end of March. There are no better time - you have not started working in the garden and in the garden yet, you can inspect the pond is not in a hurry and very thorough. All comes into account, starting from the appearance and ending with the shores. Are they remained integer in what condition is the form?

The owners of deep water bodies often leave fish for wintering in a pond. Be sure to check their condition, pay special attention to the electrical pumps, filters. It will not be superfluous to check the bottom of the reservoir for integrity. With the appearance of cracks or leaks, they need to be embedded as quickly as possible, and in water fish - temporarily identify.

End of March, the beginning of April is a magnificent time to do plants. Last Year's Flora suits you 100%? Then land it for your previous place. Want something new? Purchase new plants. Do not forget about the nearby flower beds, creating a special atmosphere.

Most likely, there will be many leaves in the water, which in the autumn brought the wind. In the spring they are cleaned to prevail to eliminate the processes of rotting and not spoil the water. The walls of a small reservoir are cleaned through a conventional brush, dirty water is pumped up, and a new one is poured instead.

In the summer, the main worries are associated with the maintenance of water at the proper level. In too hot days, when the moisture evaporates in front of the eyes, the water rushes additionally. To saturate liquid with oxygen, it is recommended to create an artificial shadow and turn on compressors from time to time.

Plants that grow around the pond are trimmed in time, as shown in the photo. The arranged weeds are removed in a timely manner. This applies to the remnants of the feed, which remains after the meal of fish. If you do not get it, the quality of water can worsen.

With the onset of the first colds, the initial task of the dacket is to minimize garbage and leaves in the pond. Plants on the shore are trimmed, the leaves are cleaned. You can hang over the pond a small grid to protect against leaves in the water. Some representatives of the flora can be removed into the warm room until spring. Fish feeding can be strengthened - it must be equipped with nutrients for the winter.

If the pond is small and winter freezes to the bottom, completely throw away the water, and take fish to the home aquarium until spring. From the deep reservoir, fish can not be taken. Take care so that the gunpiece had a wormwood to provide living beings with oxygen.

Many daches want to somehow diversify their summer accommodation. They create beautiful ponds in the yard. The pond is artificially created by water, for breeding fish or irrigation. Created by their own hand in the garden - this is art.

How to make a little pond in the country do it yourself

How to create a little pond in the country? Before you need to choose a place for the future reservoir. Correctly chosen place for the future pond will save you from every problem. The right plot for the pond should look like this:

  • there will be no trees on it, since the leaves are creepy, and the roots germinate so that it is possible to damage the bottom;
  • a large amount of the sun should fall on the surface, and for quite a long time, as it contributes to the development of plants;
  • there must be an additional space, because over time you can expand it, so it is better to consider this option in advance;
  • the surface is needed smooth.

And, most importantly, remember that the pond cannot and should not occupy more than 3% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe cottage! From various sources, we found out that Fengshui specialists offer the best way to place a reservoir in front of the house so that they can be admired from the window. In order for the plants to feel good, it is necessary to make steps.

Sleeping ponds in shallow water, and at the lower level of the pond winter fish. Also should not make a pit of more than 2 meters deep. In size, a small pond is about 3 square meters. A small pond is a profitable solution. Materials and forces to create such a masterpiece will leave less.

By the way, a small pond will have to be cleaned much more often, because there is little space for the inhabitants who could clean it.

How to make a big pond in the country do it yourself

How to create a large reservoir on the site? The layout of the pond will be the same as for the small one, they do not differ in this. If the area of \u200b\u200bthe plot is small, then you should not do the pond big. When choosing a water area, it is important to relate the following: your own desires or opportunities.

If still, the reservoir turned out to be huge for the site, then a small island will help to get out of this position - it looks very cute and interesting. Also consider both the next criterion, the plot is large and it will be better to look at the composition of a small amount of water bodies that can be connected to the stream. You can also finish the masterpiece by bridge, throw it through the reservoir and decorate with flowers.

How to make a decorative pond in the country do it yourself

How to make a decorative pond? Such ponds are deeper than others. They decorated with an amazing way with the help of fountains, bridges. Decorative reservoirs usually create near the house, terrace or arbors. They become in this case a seating area. The great saying of Jerome K.Jerom: "A person can look at the water for a long time."

The depth of the pond determines the intensity of water flowering. Plants causing this process multiply in shallow water. The bottom of the pond can be of different shapes. It should be known that the zone of planting shallow depth (25-50 cm) and deep-water, depth of more than 50 cm, plants. The depth of the pond determines the slope of the underwater coast. Natural is the slope of less than 30 °.

Types and ideas for the pond

The next stages of creating a pond on the plot will be the choice of a pond style. Landscape pond looks very natural. With the correct creation of such a reservoir, it seems that he has been here for a long time. It is important to remember the following: if the pond is small, then the coastline should be smooth. If, on the contrary, large size, then with its borders you can do in every way.

Such ponds are better to have away from prying eyes, in silence and alone with nature. This pond is drawn up in different ways: you can decorate with boulders, plant shrubs or place under any lush tree. The advantages of such water bodies: Budget and Earthworks are not particularly required. Formal pond - reservoir with strict geometry. It can be a circle or square, how your fantasy will play. If there are flower beds near the house, then boldly place it nearby.

Just do not overdo it with the size - the boundaries must be visible entirely.

If you decide to make a round pond, then his soft lines will be very profitable to look at the arbor. Such a reservoir will make the composition softer and tender. A regular manner is ideal for a small area. Cascade pond is also not inferior in its beauty and originality. The raised pond is a very interesting element of landscape design. Lifting over the ground, it becomes predominant. Care for such a reservoir is simple and pleasant. Such an option suits people no longer young.

To the note dacnis - The height should not exceed 30-40 centimeters. The raised pond has several advantages: digging the pit for its creation is not necessary; It is easy to clean it, you just need to pull the water, it is less dangerous for children. However, there are disadvantages: a big pond looks cumbersome; Water is very hot in the summer, and in the winter, on the contrary.

If natural reservoirs creates a matushka nature, then artificial people have to do. To begin with, you need to dig a pit, the form of which will depend on which pond you want to create; Walls of the reservoir create a step or stronger; When creating it is better to avoid straight lines; Also dackets use ready-made forms. Such cups have plenty of benefits: availability, quick installation, long service life, easy reconstruction option, simple operation. There are also several minuses in the use of such materials:

  • the form is no longer changing;
  • dependence on the weather;
  • it is easy to damage, since the product is made of plastic;
  • in such tanks it is hard to breed fish;
  • form prices bite than it is more, the more expensive.

Let us turn to the pros and cons of the pond, which people are digging themselves. The following are the following: any form and size, the creation of it from the film is cheap, resistant to weather conditions, normally living organisms can live. Disadvantages are: work from the very beginning, materials and tools are purchased separately.

Required materials for the construction of a pond in the country

The most expensive material from which the ponds are concrete. But it is in its qualities and characteristics durable, reliable. Working with concrete is very complex, compared with other materials. It will be impossible to redo it over time, you will have to re-completely destroy and start with "zero". The cost of work is high. But this material steadily tolerates climatic conditions.

Usually such material rarely use dackets. Such reservoirs are more in the parks or squares in the city. Polyethylene is used to produce plastic ponds. They have different lengths, color, shape, volume. Pros in the use of this material is that it is light, unpretentious in caring, durable. Differences of fiberglass reservoirs from others: high strength, environmentally friendly material, it can be repaired.

How to make a pond from the bath