Repairs Design Furniture

Photo of the courtyard of a private house

Own estate requires much more effort from the owners than an apartment in the city. And a considerable part of these hassle is aimed at the environment of the house. Despite the fact that summer preferences are already beginning to forgot, when the main territory around the residential structure was given under the landing of edible plants - the garden and garden, and turning the country house to the village house with the beds and the sheds for breeding homelife, the owners also do not really want All the same the yard will not leave empty. Now in fashion, a solid mansion (or at least a cute mansion), surrounded by a picturesque area where it is so nice to relax. And watching well-kept country areas on the cinema screens or pages of magazines, many owners think, and is it possible to landscap the courtyard of the private house with their own hands.

Courtyard of the private house in general

Each of us has its own tastes and preferences. And they are most often not loud statements, but the surrounding situation. And any trifle, really pleasing our hearts, definitely gives an idea of \u200b\u200bus. Therefore, before we take for the improvement of the courtyard of a private house, try to see the common picture of the planned events before your mental look, whether it will coincide with your idea of \u200b\u200bconvenience and beauty. After all, you know - if one after a year some creative ideas, so enthusiasticly perceived today, make you curse the presence of a nice territory, then instead of rest you will receive an exclusively headache. By the way, we often often have such ideas of the courtyard of the private house photographed and placed on the Internet, and seeing such beauty, it is difficult to resist the temptation to try and at home.

However, let's go to more specific things. So what exactly do we want to have in the courtyard of our house? Options - mass, but some values \u200b\u200bare present almost always. These details include:

  • terrace or patio
  • garage, by the way, nearby can be made and parking for guests
  • balca - it is better to build it separately from a residential building
  • summer shower (though, it's more in a rustic style, but if you make it right, it can decorate even a modern villa)
  • summer kitchen, which has recently, more and more looks on skewer and is a platform with a hearth or a mangal.
  • economic buildings, in a simple - shed, for storing a different inventory that is not a place in the house
  • wolter for dog
  • playground
  • web tracks connecting all buildings into a single ensemble
  • various green plantings: trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawn and other floral thickets
  • decorative Elements: Garden Sculptures, Lanterns, Alpine Slides, Gardens Stones and Other Local Decorations

It seems to be a list and small, but if you begin to implement it, and even with your own additions of the type of arbors, fountains, ponds, or other landscape design tricks, the places for everything can not be enough. Therefore, you first play yourself with the courthouse of a private house, try everything on paper on paper (remembering the ravines, of course). And only after your area of \u200b\u200bthe private house's courtyard becomes the most optimal, it will be possible to start the courtyard markup and the construction of the homeshedral structures you have chosen. And he ever will have to do in the latter order when all objects are in their places with the subordinated communications.

This is how you can equip the private home courtyard - PhotoTragon:


It would seem that everything was said about the layout - to imagine, draw on the plan and do. But this is only sketch. In the same way about the birth of a child, you can say - to conceive, endure and give birth, nothing complicated ... And yet, even not yet born, the baby requires a non-saturated care and constant trouble, and we do not have to independently develop a new person's project, such duties take on Himself mother nature. And with the improvement of own yard, I will have to work a little demiurge - in a separate country household.

Of course, the best will be the best planning of the entire complex, ranging from a residential building and ending with thickets for the fence. But even if the mansion himself is already proudly shouted with facade finish, not all is lost. Given that in the end, we want to get something whole, then the entire interior of the private house must be set aside in a single style, it concerns buildings and decorative elements.

First of all, we will estimate our household plot - its magnitude and landscape. If the territory is not too large, it is not necessary to clutter it with a large number of business buildings. Select only the most needed or simply align multiple items with each other. Parking with a canopy may well replace a full-fledged garage, the union of the courtyard with a small brazier will also save the place, and it is recommended to attach an extra room to the bathhouse, which will store household accessories and firewood. For the extensive foundation there are no restrictions other than aesthetic.

And now a little about the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house - photos of various options:

Court registration of a private house - Construction rates

However, in any case, it is necessary to comply with the norms of construction, for example, the distance from the buildings to the road and other surplus elements. Residential buildings are upgraded at least 3 meters from ordinary roads and 6 meters from the motorway. We hope that your country site is in a rather remote place, because the proximity of the trunk highway adversely affects the ability to enjoy clean air and the sounds of nature. Housing and household buildings (sheds and garage) must be separated from each other at least 7 meters, the aviary of your dog is removed from home at least 4 meters, but the wells, individual toilets and compost pits (and suddenly you still decide To build them) you need to build no closer than 15 meters from the house. The fence must defend from any buildings on a meter-one and a half, or even more to be able to carry out various types of repair work as needed, and sufficiently high plants (bushes and trees) - depending on their height - at a distance from the meter to three .

Completely planing the arrangement of the courtyard of a private house with all the subsidized buildings, proceed to the markup of the tracks. They must already be 75 cm - this is again the requirement of building standards. If it allows the size of the territory, make a circular path along the entire site - it turns out a magnificent cycle shop for your children. And it is generally better to do these sidewalks with smooth rounded bends and turns, because such a house design of a private house will lead to a visually increase in the area and even smooth the sharp corners in family life. Although in different styles and trail tracks are distinguished by their own species and material, but a little later.

See what the interior of the court of a private house looks like - the photo wonderfully demonstrates all the details:

Landscaping of the courtyard of a private house

With the most dirty and fiscal stage, we coped - the construction was completed, all the buildings we need for a comfortable life in their places, to which the tracks are laid. And now it's time to deal with the territory of the territory itself, that is, becoming a landscape designer.

More convenient, of course, to work with a flat surface - here the flight of fantasies is simply uncure, because on a clean sheet you can depict anything. You want, put the park, breaking the flower beds, falling lawn lawn, install fountains or overgrown with a bias, for every taste and color. But if the area resembles Russian roads, where the ravine on Buaeka and seven bends on the vest, then there is also a necessary to turn all the flaws into the individual and original face of your territory. But - you can discard any doubts - no one can repeat such a design.

But in any case, the design of the courtyard using landscape design requires special knowledge. And they are concluded not only in the ability to beautifully use all the features of the site. Much more often needed Botanical knowledge - which plants are best to plant in your area. So that the eyes are pleased, and the care of special did not require (you hardly want to hire a gardener or constantly bother green plantings), and in your climatic conditions felt excellently.

So, to start independent work on the landscape, it is necessary to clearly define all environmental factors affecting plants:

  • the amount of light that your green pets (this is both the general data on the exemplary insolation of this locality and the specific data of your site - some flowers are being sisted under the trees, in Thawing, on the north side, and some one is needed almost constantly lit by the Sun Polyanka)
  • environmental temperature (here you need data on the average temperature of the summer and winter period)
  • humidity - both land and air (that is, not only the average precipitation, but also the proximity of groundwater)
  • territory area
  • chemical composition of the soil (black soil, loam and other), water (acidity or alkalinity) and air

Knowing all the conditions, you can easily find those types of plants that will normally grow on your site without special additional investments. And from the full list you can take away the ones that you like or fit into the overall design of the court of the private house. Photos of plants in the encyclopedias or simply on the Internet will help you to make the right choice, but still need to be borne in mind that in such cases there are little shown in the pictures that the most successful copies, so also photographers are trying to pick up the most profitable perspective. So you will receive an idea, but on the same ideal result in your own yard it is still not worth it.

How to arrange the courtyard of a private house - various styles

You have already decided on all trifles, but something in the depths of the soul is presented with uncertainty - and everything is done correctly. Sometimes it happens. Some people suite only the ideal, which is asking for the pages of the magazine about the life of prosperous people. Well, the ideal is what each of us should strive for. Therefore, now we will slightly analyze the already recognized design styles of the courthouse of a private house, in the photo of which many look around.

So, the main separation of styles is on the classic (regular) or landscape (natural). Moreover, regular style implies strict lines and clear geometric forms of both construction tracks and landings. It is believed that such a style softens the storm of feelings from the citizens returned to the nature because of the more familiar to the city. But immediately warn, regular style requires constant and tireless learning to maintain the form, otherwise only the horns and legs will remain from your classic style in one year or two of your classic style. The natural style has everything much easier. Here you do not need to be able to "drive" the plants into the framework. Just on the contrary, the result of all efforts should be the visible naturalness of the landscape.

However, as you understand, the concept of naturalness has its own. It seems to someone that garden trees should be on the country site, someone likes more parking cultures, and someone prefers flower beds and shrubs. Therefore, the landscape style is divided into a few more (or even many) a variety of categories, mostly differing in nations, from where these styles come from. If you understand according to information about the style of the courtyard of a private house, you will see mainly such names:

  • french style (one of the varieties of regular)
  • english (or landscape) style, strict but natural
  • slavic style - slightly disassemble, but nothing is better for the environment of the wooden house
  • japanese style (elegance and ability to relax even on a tiny patch of stone garden)
  • the style of the European Country - somewhere echoes the Slavic, but more ordered
  • modern style - the last word landscape design and modern architecture, allows at the level of sensations to combine the inner space of the house with the surrounding nature

Of course, this is not a complete list - nations are a lot and styles too. You can add Chinese, and Mediterranean, and alpine, but we will not scatter. Why does a person living far from the sea Mediterranean style? Therefore, only those styles that can be useful in our conditions were listed. The choice is yours.

And I want to immediately warn - decide in advance for myself, please whether you want to live in your private estate to live and enjoy the delights of the surrounding landscape or you need to be the subject of the envy of the neighbors. Because in the latter case, a calm vacation does not threaten you - because you will need to constantly return to your yard, the very ideal view that everything around must eclipse. But even in this case, you will be completely able to do everything with your own hands. Good luck!

Depending on whether the house itself, an individual, or a guest, a huge or small, built in the village, cottage settlement, the historic part of the city or in the endless expanses of the land, measured by dozens of hectares, changes the design of the courtyard of the private house. Stripping from the location of the phasenda, relying on the possible use of the Earth and considering its own preferences to the layout of the landscape zada zero and the choice of objects adorning them.

Ways to implement the conceived:

  • independently;
  • by the masters of the company specializing in the implementation of landscape works;
  • forces of hired workers, which organizes and controls the owner of the house.

Every owner is your home

Luxury flower bed bench

The location of the household dictates the relevant requirements for the design of the surrounding territory.

BuildingsHouse in the cottage settlementHouse in the village.House in the historic centerEstateCountry House in Gardening
Features affecting design projectClosed territory


Regulated height, transparency and material manufacturing material (or absence)

Strict requirements for the appearance of secondary buildings on the site

You can choose a style according to your desires, but to build, be sure to comply with the technical standards

If the appointment of the land plot, then the utility buildings in the yard are allowed

It is forbidden to violate urban planning standards, urban development plan

Its species must correspond to the established image of the city.

The execution of any fantasy, limited only to the existing meansA plot of a small area intended for recreation and garden work. Because of the minimum space, the planning of mini-zone landscape

In addition to the above features, each type of private house has the characteristics affecting the main design solutions in the development of a zonal landscape project of the courtyard area.

Layout of private ownership zones

Styles, most commonly used in the yard design of any private house, is English landscape, Japanese kindergarten, French regular, Mediterranean, style of Russian estate, and free from all will take the time "domestic", i.e. Eclecticism, combination of a variety of elements. Implementing the landscape design of its possession, there is no need to withstand the style completely, you can restrict ourselves to several receptions, "throw" the stylistic flaple object.

No matter how you placed the house (the construction of the main building is recommended to plan so as not to shade the garden zone), it is still the center of the courtyard. The pedestrian walkways, the accession of the manor are tied to it, are tied by the rest of the estate. Each of the elements must correspond to the main structure on the plot, emphasize it, present the view of the guest by the author's office design of the private house in the best way.

All private ownership can be distinguished by three large areas, respectively, their destination. These include: the place of recreation, the territory, bordering the main house, the green area with economic buildings.

Learn more about Landscape Design Areas

The recreation area can be divided into place of the pastime of the active part of the family, the Summer Kitchen Sector and the Relaxation Corner, a relaxing holiday. The first includes a gazebo, a children's corner (sandbox, swing, ladder), a tree house, a sports field. The second is a barbecue, brazier, a furnace complex. The third brings together a reservoir, a bath complex, shady corners of the garden: openwork bench of booklers under a high tree, a summer house of creative privacy. They should be arranged with floral vases that support overall garden color. The combination of color, peace and aroma is a holiday in a country house.

The "green" zone includes a vegetable garden, a fruit garden, alive hedges of berry shrubs. It should be located away from entering the site to minimize the hit on the plants of roadside dust, exhaust smoke. Non-historical buildings can be solved in rural or fabulous styles. The most fashionable in the comprehensive city inhabitants of the most fashionable, the chicken coop for non-bumps, made according to the original project, will decorate the plot. And the cellar is the hobbit house Bilbo with an earthy herbal roof - will allow you to show creative fantasy.

Sometimes it is recommended to do a green roof "pseudotrayna", replace the freezing herbs, which require a significant earth layer, feeding, regular watering, drought-resistant succulents, low-spirited solids. These plants create a spectacular bulk carpet that does not require much care.

A house area consisting of a facade entry zone (entrance group, parking, a garage, gate) and a site adjacent to the home from the back side is a business card of owners. It is very important not only what is behind the fence, but also what they see, approaching the house. The paved driveway, an attractive fence, a beautiful mailbox on a gate or a stone fenced post, blooming baskets - everything creates an atmosphere of a benevolent, hospitable house, pleases the eyes of the neighbors, causes admiration for people passing by.

The private side implies exit from home to the garden, the presence of a patio, which contains groups of adhesive or wicker furniture, alpine slide or a manual fountain. Plan the design of the yard so that from the window of the living room, the central room in the house, has opened a beautiful view. Looking at the garden changing from the season to the season - snow-covered, blooming, bright autumn - you will admire the creation of your hands every time.

Special objects of large-scale estate

When designing a large space, the priorities of the owners, the direction of their activities, hobbies are taken into account. In the estate in special zones, stables are highlighted, having riding and walking alleys, a garden, a park with wood arrays connected by lawns. For hosts, their adult children, staffing staff envisaged several buildings away from each other. Other buildings - a garage where a collection of retro cars, pseudo-barn, as a place for picture gallery, Belvedere on an elevation, allowing to review the surroundings, an indoor pool, winter greenhouse - reflect the hobbies of the owners. The tennis court, a football field, a mini-golf course, a boat berth, extensive reservoirs, flaccated by canals, with and transitions, bonding separate corners of the estate can also be scheduled.

In addition to major objects, a large space must be saturated with "raisins", corners, much more interesting to look, and hitting there, it does not want to leave. A gazebo, seized by grapes, a white statue in thickets of a blooming jasmine, a chaise lounge behind a vegetable scene, where you can hide from home, feel the taste of privacy, merging with nature.

As a special decorator reception on the territory of a large estate it is interesting to use pointers with the names of routes, designed based on the style of general design. This is organizationally correct, and besides, will allow you to play with guests in "Find me."

Garden-garden fun

We will pay a little more attention to the design "Green" area of \u200b\u200bthe private house. In the garden design, the favorite of recent years was a regular garden, the replica of the French royal gardens. In addition to aesthetic impression, this version of the garden zone is convenient when leaving and working in it. Walkings with solid coating, high borders, barking beds, symmetry, clear lines, compliance with proportions make it almost perfect. Plant objects planted, as if on the line, necessarily ranked in growth, the configuration of the bushes, supported by the annual forming trimming, fruit trees on the sets - all this makes the garden mathematically harmonious, visible in different planes with a pronounced volume of parts. And the brown paints of garden vegetation smooth the impression of a soulless reference, bringing the rust of life.

Regular layout well organizes the garden of minimal dimensions. Clearly calculated space necessary for each plant, high or stepped beds, flat-distributed branches of fruit trees, occupying less space, compacted plantings of vegetable crops make it possible to realize all the desires, show an unlimited flight of fantasy on a limited area.

The complete opposite of the regular is a vegetable garden, where different plants are mixed, and their presence is determined only by desire. Following the principle of "my heart," here are located next door to pink bushes, decorative cabbage, velvets, potatoes. Garden garden is separated from another space and barbarism of pets. A fighter of a funny little man in a broadband hat can be a guard before the gate. An interesting reception is the landing on the hats fields in the thin layer of the substrate of succulents, which do not require a lot of land and moisture.

Lighting Plot - Spectacular Designer Reception

The landscape design of the yard does not appear without lighting in the dark. At night, the garden and houses acquire other outlines, underlined rays of lamps, selected in style and manufacturing material to the general design of the local area.

You can organize highlighting tracks by paving the network of electrical cables, drinking them from the main source of electricity, or provide for the use of absolutely free solar energy. When using the last option, enchanting bright lighting will not work, but its main function is to ensure the safe movement of people along the tracks of private ownership in the evening - the accumulative batteries will be performed properly.

Light you can beat a special object of the housespace. Thoughtful lighting groups will limit the recreation area, envelope the path, will allocate the pond with shining lights on the water stroit - a charming sight that attracts to itself as a magnet. Sit on the shores of a highlighted reservoir, looking at the stars - for the sake of this pleasure a country house is built, the design of its yard is thought out.

Private house is good because there is your yard. It is well resting, you can arrange as you want. But to do everything follows by certain rules - the landscape design of the yard, that's what it is called. The task is not so simple as it seems.

General principles

So that your yard is beautiful, harmonious and comfortable, it is desirable before starting work to create a plan, and then this plan is already incarnating into reality. And, by the way, in most cases, with independent development of landscape design, the result is very different from the project. They saw a new plant, which was not on the plan, did not like the fact that the "super" looked in the picture. Nevertheless, the landscape design of the yard of your house should be done according to the rules, otherwise you can get an uncomfortable courtyard and a non-primary look.

Preparing site plan

The first thing you need is a plan plan on a scale. You can draw it on a sheet into a cage or on millimeter paper. Take a certain scale, for example, one meter is one or two cells. In the second embodiment, it will be possible to draw small parts in more detail, but the plan will be big. The plan must be indicated:

With such an original plan, you can start planning the yard. In this regard, it is necessary to allocate shaded places (the sun appears only for several hours), the half (half a day is lit by the Sun) and the solar (shadow is not almost completely) zones. To do this, it is best to take color pencils and shaking zones with different colors.

A large parking area of \u200b\u200bcars, a little less - for a barbecue, swimming pool and summer holidays a large or small plot - no matter. Anyone can be cozy planting only around the perimeter of the site, the main area is free - under the lawns, flower beds

If there are lower and higher zones on the site, they should also be allocated. It is also necessary to designate sources, springs, retaining walls or alleged places of their installation, all other landscape features. All this information should be taken into account when developing the landscape design of the yard.

We are determined with the central object

Before starting the work on the improvement of the courtyard, it is necessary to decide what you would like to focus. This refers to a large object: pond, fountain, arbor with mangal or without, pergola. This object is placed on the central place, and all the rest, smaller, are placed. Moreover, if you chose a pond, does not mean that there will be no gazebo or fountain on the site, the pond will simply be the main object. It is the main "chip", and all other structures will only beat it, supplement.

In this case, the central zone is a platform for recreation and lawn

The same rule is preserved if you want to make the main "courtyard theme" area of \u200b\u200brecreation zone - a gazebo or pergola, just a platform with sofildles, benches, hammock, etc. Next to them can also be located and the pond, and the fountain, small architectural objects. The idea is that this zone is a highlight of your yard, and all other objects will beat it. Because, on a small usually space, two or three competing ideas are chaos and lack of harmony.

Find a place for everything

After deciding with the set of desired objects, we take a sheet of cardboard, cut out all objects out of it. Cut on a scale in which you painted the card, the form that is planned to build. You can paint, you can sign.

We take images and lay them on the plan. In the center of the composition put the selected "main object". This does not mean that its place is strictly in the center - maybe from the side of the site. Just this corner should be viewed from the windows and / or from the entrance side. After all, you must receive aesthetic pleasure from your yard.

When they found a place for the central zone, we begin to estimate where to put all the other objects more larger. Some can be located close one with another, others - at a certain distance. If all you want, you do not fit, you will have to sacrifice something or reduce the size. Here everyone decides that it is more important.

We deploy tracks and develop the lighting system

When all you want to see on the site is placed on the plan, it is time to put the tracks and think through the lighting system. Why do these two different systems need to be planned simultaneously? Because the tracks are usually covered, otherwise it goes too comfortable in the dark day. So pull the cables along them, feeding the tension on the lamps, and also - reaching the lighting to all key points of the yard - to the gazebo, the fountain, stream, etc.

When planning tracks, there are two main rules. First - if you need to visually bring the object, we deposit the straight track. This rule applies if the plot is large in size or long and narrow. Another possible area of \u200b\u200bapplication is the courtyard decorated in the style of minimalism. There are simply other forms unacceptable - only strict geometric shapes. Although, broken lines are also welcome.

In all other cases, straight tracks are trying to avoid. Too "loop" there is no need, but winding, smoothly turning tracks harmoniously fit into any other style of the courtyard.

When outlined on the plan, draw the lamps for the lighting of the yard. Along the tracks - through the meter one and a half or two, to illuminate arbors and sites - more often. It also looks beautifully illumination of water, if there are "water" objects.

Layout of a plot of girlfriend

How else other than the plan of the site on a millimeter and cardboard analogues of different landscape objects can be visualized your design project? There is an easy way - with the help of conventional plasticine or other remedies. Home and other buildings are better made from foam and cardboard, a gazebo of sticks. Put the tracks from the material similar to the planned "original". This will help assess the invented texture and color gamut. Everything else - benches, pond, fountains, trees, bushes, flowers - all this is damped from plasticine. For truth, trees and shrubs can be made from twigs, adjusted by the "foliage" about that shade. And yes, we do everything on scale (for example, 1 meter is 1 cm or 2 cm). This is already exactly a three-dimensional image of 3D, which will definitely give you and proportions, and the convenience and all other nuances created by the landscape design of the yard.

Plasticine Drop Design Project - Excellent 3 D Visualization

Landscape Design Programs

There are you are a confident PC user, the task of developing design will help simplify the programs for landscape design. Bad news is that they are paid, but to create a landscaped design of the courtyard of a private house will be easy and interesting. There are a dozen two programs, but here are the most popular:

  • Our garden. There is a large built-in plants library, paving planner, fences, wickets, etc. It is available to load missing materials or textures, plants.
  • Googl scatchup.. This is not a profile program, but it has a section of landscape planning, which is very good - fully lessons for working precisely with the creation of the landscape.
  • Punch. Lack of Program - There is no possibility Add your own objects. You can only use those that are in the software library. Another minus - there is no way to export the results, that is, you will not be able to use the created project in other programs. But it is simple, and almost does not require time for training.
  • Sierra Landdesigner 3D. Large base of plants, other objects. It is possible to make your own data and use them in work. Each possible action has a hint, so in the course of the case it is easy to figure out. The program indicates the type of soil and style in which you want to issue your yard. The program will automatically select suitable objects. At the end of the work, the project can be printed and get the estimate.

Examples of the planning of the local area

Independent landscape design of the courtyard of a private house - a difficult task. The difficulty is that often what looks good in the picture or "in the head", it turns out "not very" in the realities. Therefore, it is easier to be based on the photo of real objects. There is even visible what happened. The idea can be taken "entirely", and can be partly, adapting for your own desires or conditions.

Example of the first - with water bodies

For example, the center is. Want to have a gazebo, a fountain and a stream, flower beds, benches? In this case, this option will look good:

A variant with a "real" stream is easily implemented if there is at least a small height difference on the site. The fountain is then put in the highest point, the pond is in the lowest. Water with this arrangement runs gravity, it is only necessary to organize it from the pond to the fountain (using a pump of a certain power and pipe system).

Landscape design of the court of a private house with a swimming pool opposite the doors

If there is no height of the height, there are two exits - to make it artificially (very large amount of work and significant material costs) or make two autonomous water objects - a fountain and a pond, and the stream to make "non-secrecy", from stones. Another option is not to do the stream at all. Unrelated pond and fountain is also a very viable and beautiful option for the design of the local area.

Example of the second - in the center of the recreation area

If the pond is usually referred to from the entrance to the house for some distance, the recreation area is often done nearby. But the "recreation area" can be perceived differently. For someone, this is a comfortable sofas, benches that are convenient to read for someone - a playground with a gazebo and a table located near Mangal.

Recreation area - everyone understands in his own way

Depending on the wishes, the recreation area of \u200b\u200bany type can be not far from the entrance, and maybe in the opposite end of the site. And near the same gazebo, there may be a pond or fountain. But not a gazebo near the pond, and the pond near the gazebo. That's the difference. The track from the entrance leads to the gazebo, and from it you can get to the pond.

Near the gazebo, the indoor or open platform for recreation, can be located flowerbeds, mountaineering, rokaria. Along the tracks - flower beds, plants are higher - bushes and trees, in the shade of which wisely put benches. But whatever you sit down along the track, the main object should be visible in the future - a gazebo or sofas platform.

Photo ideas of beautiful corners of private courtyards

The landscape design of the yard is a difficult task even for professionals, and for lovers and suppressed. Too many nuances need to know. It is much easier to find a favorite design, and then photo to reproduce on your site.


The parisader is called a small part of the site between the facade of the house and the fence. I want to put the house close to the sidewalk, not everyone, as well as to move it away far into the plot. So it turns out in front of the house of the unwitting (in the meter-two) band of the Earth, which except as colors and shrubs no longer produce anymore.

As far as narrow, there is a strip between the fence and the house, it is desirable to smash it into two zones - a flower bed and a track. The track is optionally solid to the tile or other coating. It may be a lawn grass with tiles latains in random order (with gaps).

The track is desirable - you will need to care for plants once again not worrying about the cleanliness of the shoes

If the climate is hot, the plot is dry or not desire / possibilities to bother with, you can replace the grass with mulch or small gravel. Excellent composition is obtained from painted colored gravel and several beautiful plants.

Pay attention to the location of the plants - it depends on the type of fence. If the fence is solid, you need to develop a landing plan so that they look good from the windows. In this case, the highest plants are closer to the fence, the most shorter - closer to the house. If the fence is rare, more decorative, and I want to be a beautiful view to open from the street, we change the plan for the landings with an accuracy of the opposite: the highest plants - along the house, the most lowest - closer to the street.

If the "face" of the parisader is drawn towards the street flowers or plants of approximately the same height - if it is necessary to see everything from all sides, the most interesting option is decent - convenient, beautiful and unusually traditional design of the site before fence

If I want to be beautiful to be on both sides, there are two options. The first one is planted in a flower garden. Little and average varieties of flowers, greenery. The second is to break the parisader into several zones, we make separate flower beds or alpine hills / rocaries that look good from any point.

Entrance / entrance group

The entrance group is a zone near the porch, the entrance - near the gate. As you understand, the design is different, although there are general features: all "decorations" should not block the review. You should be clearly visible to those who go or drives to your territory. Therefore, they are used mainly, medium and low-voltage plants.

The traditional way to design a zone near the porch or gate - flower beds or flower beds. They can be a standard species - only plants of different types that create a constantly blooming or green carpet.

Dwarf trees - unusual and beautiful

You can also follow the latest trends in landscape design - to take a large part of the area with decorative rubble or mulch, falling off the plants from each other. In addition to the modern species, this option is good because the care of fewer plants is required less, and there will be less funds to buy. It really will help to do with "low blood" if you just started incarnating the landscape design of the courtyard of a private house in the reality. Too many plants at once buying and disembarkhing - a lot of money and time. And so, it is possible to gradually add plants, at the same time by adjusting the plan.

Making tracks

Planning the tracks, you still need to choose the material from which they will be made. Standard approach is the paving slabs, but it requires a lot of money, although the coating is reliable and convenient. If with finances tight, you can temporarily. Some of these money takes a little, and look great, and in operation are good.

On the edge of the tracks you can put a little shrub - to make a short. If you want to wait for the shrub once, fall out the lowest varieties of colors. They are different heights, colors and blossom terms.

The second is often an embedded version of the placement along the tracks - flower beds. And, again, they can be made "in modern" - against the backdrop of crushed or mulch. It is impossible to call such a rocarium, although the idea is taken from there.


All theoretical calculations about the landscape design of the yard were, in fact, how to equip the backyard. It is this part of the outlook that is closed from an extraneous eye and it is here that it is here that it was beautiful, cozy and comfortable. We will not speak about planning again, but we will tell about how and the better the area to climb.

If you are planned in the backyard, a paradise corner - you have no problems. Plants, lawns, tracks, everything will be painted, how and what to do is understandable. But if you want to make a recreation area here, so that you can and put the table for the summer, lounge chairs - in the sun lie down, can - install the pool? How then should be the coating of the backyard? Options are:

  • Lawn. This is an excellent option if the level of groundwater is low, the soils are well removed water or a good area is made. If not, there will be puddles, dirt, problems with grass.

    For someone, the comfort is a high grass area for the manga in the far end of the courtyard - reasonably in the backyard of a private house you can arrange a waterfall, and also - a brick brand that is the most natural landscape - perhaps this

  • To put the paving slabs or choose everything with a tile - a good option even for clay soils with a high level of groundwater, it is easy to care for. But too, he is "urban", hard and inexorable.
  • Combine the lawn with tiles. Very correct approach. And comfortable, and beautiful, and the dirt is not so much, and there is where to be barefoot.

As you can see, the variant three, but the ways of their implementation are thousands, or even more. Different design styles, various plants, combinations of materials, furniture, decorations, ponds / fountains / benches / swing. Just do not count. All this allows you to create exactly your yard. Individual and different from others.

Just a photo

Extinguish the recreation area - the perfect solution for many

Plant Selection Rules: The highest walls or fence, away - lower

Courtyard of a private house with a fountain and stream - stylish and beautiful

Beautiful walkways - not always difficult and expensive

Holiday flooring can be made of boards or plaque - polymer similar to wood

Retaining walls - difficult and expensive, but unusually and beautiful

Our house is our fortress. It is there that we spend most of the time. But, we are created so that the place in which we live should be beautiful. A man loves comfort, warmth, beauty and originality. Such moments are important not only for interior decoration, but also for the site from the outside.

Agree that on an abandoned house, which praise weeds, is cluttered with superfluous things and looks untidy looking is not as nice, like a well-kept, clean and neat house. It can be said that the construction itself and the plot personify the owner.

That your home is worthy, beautiful and spoke about you only good, you need to think seriously about the design of the site. Here you need an individual approach, advice of professionals and some rules to help perform the correct design of the courtyard of a private house. Let's find out how to make high-quality landscape design and transform your home. And visual photos will help you have an idea of \u200b\u200bwork.

The main thing is the layout of the site

Dvorik Private houses is a territory that is adjacent to your home. She meets not only you, but also other guests and neighbors. The general impression of the house will depend on its appearance outside. That is why it is so important to play the exterior as soon as possible. And to make it high quality, you need to plan your landscape.

But, before doing this, it is important to note that a beautiful design for everyone can be different, as the taste and color, as they say, there is no comrades. You must understand for yourself what, in your opinion, is expressed by beauty. There are many factors that affect the choice and preferences:

  1. Some prefer the convenience and practicality of the site, others create the design of the house so as to impress the neighbors.
  2. Lifestyle also plays a big role. Do you often at home? Or do you come there to spend the night?
  3. Do you have children? Then the design of the house and the layout will be performed so that the playground is for them, and the stay on the site was not attempting.
  4. Almost the same can be said about pet pets. If they are, then the planning of the yard will be a little different.
  5. Do you often invite guests to your barbecue or kebabs? Do you love to relax in the fresh air in the gazebo in the yard?

All these factors play an important role in the design of the courtyard in a private house. If you consider these nuances, you can speed up the work process itself and save money.

It is worth noting that the landscape design of the yard directly depends on the size of the site near the house. What he is more, the more diverse, practical, beautiful and richer can be arranged a house. Here your fantasy may not be limited. But what will need to say goodbye, so it's with finance. After all, the more you want to do in the yard, the more expensive everything will cost.

As for the design of a small courtyard, in this matter you need to properly arrange priorities, because everything you might want to do in the territory may simply do not fit. Here you will not make a large playground with a place for kebabs, rest and flower beds. In the photo you can see an approximate plan from which you can start when the site is cleaned.

Based on the plan, you need to make the markup on the ground, where all objects will be located. Among them are gazebo, flower bed, walkway, water, patio, mountaineering and other desired buildings. How professionals advise, the entire area can be divided into squares. In each of them, place one of the key figures (decorative element or structural building). So everything will look beautiful, organically, not naryapily and evenly. Such a balance in the interior of the site is very important. The photo shows how beautiful and correctly can be placed everything on the site near the house.

Note!Before starting construction work in the yard, check the status of the site. In the event that you find the cluster of water, it is important to make drainage. The same applies to the wiring of communications, especially when placed on the fountain section, irrigation systems or artificial reservoirs.

Arrangement of paths, steps and courtyard flower

Despite its invarrility, garden tracks are playing a very important role in the landscape design of the yard. Not only are they performing a practical function, which consists in a comfortable and safe movement on the site, so many tracks can zonate and decorate the territory in front of the house. What can you do tracks for the courtyard? Here are some options to you think about:

  • from wood;
  • from flat and large stones;

The borders themselves can also be different. It all depends on your desire and fantasy. Some even make them out of glass bottles, which looks pretty beautiful. And if you combine the material for the tracks on the site, you can also get a functional and practical coating that will be decorating the courtyard.

You may be surprised, but geometry in landscape design is very important. Someone, for example, sees harmony and balance in smooth lines of the yard, oval flowerbeds, round forms of structures and winding tracks. And someone prefers a strict and clear design, expressed in straight garden tracks, string string bushes and in a flat lawn closed for a ruler. And what is the perfect landscape of the yard for you? Think about it and embody everything.

What private house will cost without flower beds? It makes refinement in the design, dilutes it, decorates and transforms the site. If you need to make your own courtyard beautifully, you can't do without flower beds. At the same time, it is important to plant flowers not one type, but a variety of so that they replaced each other in bloom, differed by coloring and appearance.

It will be useful to plant perennial plants in the yard, which will bloom all year round. You can plant flowers not only in the ground. For this purpose, pots, kashpo, boxes near the house, etc., can be made in a variety of way. Here is one original idea of \u200b\u200bcreating flower beds on the site.

In the case when the landscape on the plot is hilly, do not hurry to take for the tools and align it. Such a struggle with nature may be superfluous, it is better to benefit from such a feature. For example, you can create beautiful steps on elevation or in lowlands. Such a decorative design in the courtyard will serve as a focal center and will be able to attract the attention of others.

Fountains, cascades and artificial reservoirs in the yard

If finance allows you, and the territory is quite large, then you can arrange the yard in a special way, placing a fountain or an artificial fountain on it. Such structures can often be seen in the landscape design of expensive places or cottages. Such a tendency is inherent in oriental style that does not do without natural stones, plants and water. No wonder the Japanese believe that water is a source of life and a symbol of harmony.

Immediately we want to say that the organization of the reservoir on the plot is not an easy thing, but it is worth it. You can not do without the help of professionals in this business. It is important to choose the right place, perform the wiring of communications and construct everything technologically correctly. Look at the photo, as a beautifully small reservoir fits into the design of the site.

May there be light

Equally important for site and lighting. This is a guarantee of your safety. Yes, and with the company to rest in the yard can be longer. The lights are able to make a big role in the overall perception of the site. Look at the photo to make sure that the beautiful house will not cost without high quality lighting.

Note!Thanks to the point lighting of the yard, you can allocate on the site significant decor items in landscape design.

To begin with, we should consider the functionality of the lighting. What is it about? It is the backlight of the facade of the construction, the illumination of the terrace, gazebos, trains to the garage, bath and the main entrance. And then you can decorate other elements. As the landscape design professionals advise, the lighting needs to be placed so that at night it is clearly visible to the outline of the perimeter of the courtyard, as well as ways to move on it. That is why some highlight the steps and garden tracks.

And where else can you install lights in the yard? Flowerbed, garden sculpture, reservoir, mountaineering, trees or shrubs - all this can be allocated. Lights, lamps, garlands, decorative lamps, etc. are used as lighting devices, or decorative lamps.

Beautiful private house yard with her hands photo.


As you can see, make your home and plot to it is not so difficult. It is important to adhere to the rules, decide on the planning of the yard and implement all your dreams. In addition, you can create a dining area on the site, a recreation area, a zone for children, install a brazier or barbecue, a gazebo, etc. All this decorate the courtyard near the house and makes it functional. Relieve yourself from free space on the territory and from your financial opportunities. Then you will have a beautiful house with the courtyard in which it will live even more pleasant.

The beauty and functionality of a private yard is one of the priorities of a good owner. Creating a comfortable space in the designated area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth, sometimes you have to apply efforts comparable to those required for home interior arrangement. However, this process is not only a professional designer.

The courtyard of this private house is provided for recreation

Clarify the purpose of our yard

First of all, you should think about what functions will be performed by land. Some owners of private houses do not pose their holidays without a shady garden, others certainly require an artificial pond with decorative fish, and in winter - a rink for children. All this requires additional space that should immediately take into account in the project improvement project. In the allocated territory, it is necessary to competently place the structures for economic needs. To facilitate the task, we have compiled a list from which you can choose, without which it is difficult to do:

  • bath and summer shower;
  • garage;
  • various economic buildings;
  • swimming pool or decorative pond;
  • summer kitchen, in which you can provide a BRAIN;
  • dog house;
  • playground for children;
  • fruit trees and shrubs;
  • garden;
  • tracks and green plantings.

By drawing up its own list, it is worth expressing on paper all the ideas of the territory of the territory so that the necessary structures are fit in the site - from the kitchen to the garage. This process allows you to consider the shortcomings of the scheme, as well as to realize, considering the composition from above. It is important to consider how convenient will move around the territory, as well as how it will look like it will look from different points of review.

When planning a site, we need to consider all the necessary buildings and plantations in detail

Delim the yard to the functions of functions

In order to increase the functionality of the household site, it makes sense to think through the separation of it on the zone. This technique allows you to highlight the place to relax, make a children's corner, and also separate the beds from the main territory with vegetables. To designate understandable borders, you can use several options for fences:

  1. For the separation of a sports, children's corner or a relax zone, a low fence-stakenik is suitable.
  2. Sometimes it is required to build a cozy corner that will not be visible from the street. In this situation, trellis or modern garden trils are suitable.
  3. The partition can be constructed conditionally - for example, with wrought-iron arches, braided roses or other curly plants. Such fences will serve as the basis for landscaping the site, they are easy to produce with their own hands.
  4. Some types of natural material partitions - bamboo, vines, rattan are perfectly harmonized with any buildings in the yard, and also serve as a wonderful element of the decor.
  5. Mat as fences will help in creating an oriental style of a private courtyard. In this case, in flower beds it is recommended to land plants that love the sun.
  6. The garden can be separated by a fencing of bricks, stones bonded by cement mortar, and other technicians.

The yard is divided by a helmer on the recreation area and the economic territory

Tracks for movement and decoration

The tracks are the necessary functional element of any yard. If they pay enough attention, they will become a real decoration of the territory. We note several options for arranging tracks:

  1. For improvement of the central part of the yard, it is best to build tracks made of stone, paving slats or concrete tiles. To make them unusual and spectacular, the lumens between the plates can be filled with fine pebbles or glass granules. Either these lumens land grass and other low-growing plants. It is important that the plantings are not too demanding in care.
  2. Decorate the courtyard of the tracks of wooden sleeps. They are fixed as close as possible to each other, and in the lumeges between the round elements, sawdust or bark. Such tracks are appropriate anywhere in the courtyard - they look good both in the center and between the trees.
  3. Modern landscape designers often offer to use wooden boards as base tracks. In this case, each element must be carefully adjusted to each other in order to get the most smooth surface. After the construction of such tracks, they need to paint or cover with varnish to increase the service life.
  4. The most simple tracks can be built in the garden - it is enough to sprinkle them with gravel.

Easy and nice to move along a beautiful walkway

Set and decor

Landscape landscaping of the land plot is an important component of its appearance. With the help of thoughtful and competently performed flowers, correctly selected shrubs and trees are simple and no noticeable courtyard easily turn into a cozy garden.


If the walls of the house lost the initial species, they can be hidden behind the curly plants. Vertical landscaping with their own hands is performed quite simple. Maximum unpretentious plants specimens should be selected: hop, ivy, grapes or wisteria. It is desirable to plant them under the wall that adds to the sun. Everything that needs to be needed is the land strip under the house, or long container boxes with a soil.

The second version of the vertical gardening is simpler. You need to start with fastening on the wall or fence of the same containers with the Earth, in which flowers and greens should be planted. You can use plastic bottles, milk canisters and another unnecessary material.

Vertical gardening of the house has its own characteristics. It is worth remembering that the walls of the house, seized by greens, are better preserved cool, as thick foliage delays the sun's rays. Probably, this method of landscaping is not suitable for whom the house has in the shadow part of the yard.

Garden is from stones

To arrange a garden of stones on its plot, besides, such a decor will cost quite inexpensive. Landscape design as a whole and landscaping the site, in particular, will be more original if you emphasize it with a stone composition. Note that such a solution has many advantages, most importantly of which are simple care.

With a competent approach to the question of the garden, the stones will be a highlight of any private area. For its construction, you will need large boulders, which should be placed on the selected area. Stones are better to pick up different colors and textures, harmoniously combining them among themselves.

Stone sellers have already thought out the stone garden

Gabions emphasize the stylish design of the site

Many dacms successfully apply unexpected materials, the purpose of which can be different. In the improvement of the site, landscape design specialists offer to use gabions. These are metal frame grids that are designed to create retaining walls. Such elements in the design of the site will not only give him a modern look, but will serve as a support.

Gabions can be filled with rubble, stone and even bottles. With their help, it is easy to equip a place to relax with the mangal, make a fencing by the reservoir, to build a small table. They are used to create fences, fences for high flower beds or beds, as well as as the basis for a long garden shop. As you can see, at a certain level of fantasy, it is easy to come up with your own application similar designs.

Gabions can perform a variety of functions.

Garden Claim concrete

Perhaps after construction, you have left unused blocks from the ceramzite concrete. You do not need to throw out, it is better to apply to the arrangement of the site. Thanks to the hollow construction, this material is great for the device of small flower beds, it is also used to fencing the beds. In addition, clay-concrete blocks can be used to create a manga, on the sides of which it is proposed to store firewood. An interesting example in the photo.

For the construction of the mangala, even one block can be enough on which you can cook vegetable mini kebabs

Create comfort from unnecessary things

Those who decided to issue a garden from the primary materials can be successfully used to decorate unnecessary furniture items, things, as well as any home apparer. See also: We will offer some simple ideas:

  1. Vertical landscaping of the courtyard with their own hands is much easier to perform at a ready-made basis. So, on the staircase-ladder you can comfortably place the drawers with flowers, and old chairs and the chest will serve as the basis for creating flower beds.
  2. Tin teapots, galvanized buckets, watering can serve a good service for the maternity owner. All these cast materials that can already be used for destination can revive the courtyard design. Just enough for each of them to pour land and plant your favorite plants.
  3. If you paint an old bike into a bright yellow, white or orange color, it can be sown under the roof of a barn or garage. Such a decor looks very unusual and stylish.
  4. You can also use wooden boxes in which apples are stored, potatoes. Boxes preferably paint, strengthen the open side parts, pour into them the soil and plant bright, unpretentious plants. All this will help create a special atmosphere - rustic coziness, naturalness and proximity to nature.

It is very easy to use an old umbrella, converting it into a bright and unique flower bed


Any plot will decorate a decorative mill. As it seems to us, such a decor of a private yard amazingly combines popularity and originality. The decorative mill is equally pleased with both adults and children. It can be easily and simply made with your own hands from a variety of materials. Just do not overdo it with the size: too big will seem inappropriate.

A simple mill enriches the landscape

All the bored tree trunk

It happens that in the courtyard there is a tree torn in his age. The first mastering of the owner is to turn it into firewood for kebabs so that it does not spoil the appearance of the garden. Landscape designers advise not to rush to get rid of this tree, and try to create element of the garden decor from it.

For example, if you cut branches and top, the tree can be used as a basis for a decorative house or lock. It is enough to build a roof of old boards, attach the doors, windows - and the house of the elf is ready. It is even easier to make a flower bed from Stump, or to arrange a flower garden in the exhaust trunk, putting it to the ground. The photo shows an interesting version of the decoration of the dried tree.

From the stump you can build an unusual flowerbed, it is enough to hollow in it the necessary hole, fall asleep the earth and plant flowers

Floral monument to the car

It happens that the owners of decades are stored by the old grandfather car, which has not been on the move for a long time. Designers offer to use its body under the decorative flowerbed. Some craftsmen plant plenty plants in such a way that they completely covered the car body, leaving only the windows. Landscape design offers another version of landscaping - filling the place under the hood and in the trunk of the earth in which plants can be planted. The housing itself should be painted with bright paint.

For such a flower bags, the car brand does not have

The need and charm of lighting and illumination

One of the key features of the beautiful courtyard is the presence of backlight. Today there are many ways to illuminate the territory. The backlight will help in the improvement of any land plot. It will allocate accents, strengthen the perception of a particular decor element. In addition, lighting will help to navigate in a large area and spend the evenings with comfort.

It's nice to watch, it is convenient to move with the correct backlight
  1. Landscape designers recommend special attention to the illumination of sculptures, fountains, tracks, as well as beautiful plants.
  2. Not too fiscal, but the LED elements mounted in tiled paths are incredibly spectacular. Using highlighted points, you can create a stellar panorama directly on the track. The project of such a composition can be performed without the help of a professional.
  3. Lamps-pitches are designed to illuminate the pond, or another artificial reservoir. They freely float, reflecting from the surface of the water, which creates the effect of dual light. It turns out a rather elegant spectacle.
  4. Poles with lanterns - the most practical solution. With vertical lighting, it is easy to find the path from the wicket to the house. It is also important to highlight the porch - here you can fix the decorative lamp in the medieval style.
  5. Lighting the site is the desired element of the design of celebrations. If a wedding or anniversary is planned, it is simply necessary to highlight the local territory. With the task of creating a festive mood, not only stationary lamps will be handy, but also garlands that can be decorated with trees, partitions, a live fence.

We have demonstrated affordable and popular ways to decorate the site. Our article is designed to give inspiration to those who dream to turn their garden into designer creation. If you are a novice in this matter, it is not worth it to restrain, fearing the lack of experience. Practically, any of us can implement the most outstanding and bold solutions. In fact, to landslide your possessions, it is important to have a hot desire and make a little effort.