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How to build a small gazebo in the country. Wooden gazebo do it yourself - instructions for construction. Marking of the base of the arbor

Hello everyone!

If you started to build a beautiful and simple gazebo on your garden plot, but do not know where to start, perhaps this article will help you.

Before starting construction, you need to resolve the question of what your gazebo will look. There are a lot of options for such designs. These are closed gazebos, both open, square and polygonal, single or double, tent and spherical, small and large, with a stove and without brick, wood or metal, glass or polycarbonate.

Option 1.

Option 2.

Option 3.

Option 4.

Option 5.

As you can see, there are a lot of different types of arbors. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the most optimal option that would correspond to your requests and capabilities.

Below, we will look at how to build a simple garden gazebo of wood with your own hands. For example, take another beautiful option:

Before proceeding with the construction, you will need to draw a sketch with all sizes, taking into account the type of roof. Therefore, instead of a single one, you can make a double or square.

According to the sketch made, acquire the necessary material in the required quantity.

When everything is ready, you can proceed to construction. Since the gazebo is stationary and sufficiently cumbersome, the foundation must be made under it.

We begin with the fact that in the selected place are placed with the help of pegs and rope perimeter.

After that, we pull a hole by 90 cm., I fall asleep with sand or stones and poured with a solution.

In advance, while the concrete is not frozen by installing anchors, for fastening vertical racks. After the foundation is completely dry, Freakim at the beginning of the racks themselves.

By installing the racks, collect the frame itself. It is starting to do it from the bottom strapping. To do this, we use a wooden bar, laying it every 40-50 cm. After that, we set all the other frame racks that must hold the upper strapping and roof. The number of such racks depends on the size of the arbor.

As soon as the frame will be ready, you can snatch the floor of the board. It is possible to fix it to the crate of both nails and self-drawing.

The next stage of construction is to install the roof. To do this, we do the top strapping at first. The material for it will serve as a bar, which is fastened with bolts or nails to supports. For greater strength, you can use the mounting corners.

The roof is directly done depending on the selected form. Mostly it is one, two or fourth roof. If you decide to make a four-tie roof, then installing its rafters will be somewhat different from that for a bartal roof. The main rafters are attached in pairs, and for the strength of the structure you can also add auxiliary, which are attached to both the upper strapping and to the main rafters.

After that, we are wearing the roof with the selected roofing material, as well as, we are sewn and the gazebo itself as it was provided in the sketch.

Gazebo do it yourself from girlfriend

A good gazebo is obtained not only from the construction, but also from the priest materials. The main thing that would be desire and fantasy. And what is a girlfriend. Generally can be said that this is all that you can not go anywhere. These are waste during construction, and old window frames, plastic bottles and much more that, sometimes, litter the country area. Of course, using such waste, you do not all equal and without special building materials. However, the conversation built in this way will be much more original, such as these

If you have many unnecessary tree trunks on your site, from which you can not get rid of, then they can go into business.

Pretty original products from plastic bottles are obtained. This "good" is enough to build from them even the house.

You can not bother at all with building materials, and use curly plants for a gazebo.

Finding the horn and old dry logs, perhaps will not be much difficult. The gazebo made from such material looks quite well.

If there is a reservoir next to you and there is a lot of reasons on it, it can also be used to create a gazebo.

In general, there would be a lot of options, as the desire says. Even the old car, which will never go, can also be consolidated.

Arbor from the profile pipe for cottages (photos and drawings)

Metal design, is after the wooden - the most common. Usually, a profile pipe and polycarbonate is used for its construction. But it can be tinted with a tree.

As with the construction of any other gazebo, you need to start with the drawing. For the design from the profile pipe, this is also important because you in the drawing indicate the dimensions for which the material will subsequently have to be cut.

A fairly simple and simple design of such a gazebos is a rectangular shape with dimensions of 2x3 m. It is not so cumbersome, and it can easily install a table and several chairs or benches.

The difference in the construction of the arbor from profile pipes compared to other materials is the set of the necessary tool. You will need to have a welding machine, level, grinder, drills with a drill and fasteners.

The foundation is not solid, but pits are digging by the number of supports. I will need to dig up to 60 centimeters depth. You can use the 80x80 mm profile and with a wall thickness of 3 mm. Racks need to weld the support heels, which will increase the rigidity of the structure.

Crushed stone falls into the dug holes, then put racks and poured concrete. At the same time, it is necessary as concrete solidification to check the verticality of the racks.

After the foundation hardens, the lower binding is made. For it, the profile of a smaller cross section is used than for racks. It is necessary to weld it to the supports at some height above the level of soil. Also from the profile is created a rafter system. With a bartal roof it is welded at an angle of 15 degrees. For the convenience of fasteners of roofing material, it can be made of a pipe with a pitch of 45 cm.

If you want to make more complex forms of arbors, you need to be patient, because the process will be more time-consuming.

But if you firmly intend to achieve the result, no difficulties will stop you. A gazebo created by your own hands will please not only you, but also your guests.

Before starting any construction, you need to prepare project documentation for it. Construction of the arbor do it yourself in the country - is no exception, it also needs schemes, sizes, sketches that in the complex will allow to get a complete picture of the future structure.

You will understand which materials are needed for construction, as well as where and how certain structural elements will be placed. The most important thing - it will be possible to make sure, in order to avoid unnecessary costs.

Country gazebo - it's simple and beautiful

To date, a lot of modern building and finishing materials appeared on sale. Consequently, it is possible to move away from the use of familiar construction materials and create unique designs of the arbors with their own hands. In the understanding of many people, the gazebo is just a place where you can relax. Indeed, this is. But now in arbors are created kitchens, beds, swings and even mangals.

Due to the fact that modern building materials have ease and elegance, you can collect arbors yourself. The complexity is determined only by their own ideas. On the Internet you can find a huge number of photos that will inspire you to create on our site a unique gazebo:

Arbor design at the cottage, photo:

Portable design

If we take into account the various characteristics of the arbors, then these buildings can be divided into groups. So, there is:

  • open arbors (simple in construction, are used mainly in the summer),
  • closed gazebos (design with walls, windows and doors),
  • portable gazebo (disassembled and going easy).

There is a huge variety of building materials that can be used to build arbors with their own hands. So, wooden, metal, glass and plastic objects are used. In addition, the stone is actively used. Popular recently steel arbors from stone. There can be even a raw material that no one uses at all: plastic bottles, pallets, trees, as well as others. It all depends on what fantasy the owner has.

Drawing of the arbor for a small area

As for the size of the future gazebo, everything is determined by the area of \u200b\u200bthe site itself. If there are not many square, then the gazebo is not worth creating very large. The configuration is square, rectangular, round, in the form of a hexagon, an oct. Sometimes they create gazebos in the form of oval.

Tip! If you first create a gazebo with your own hands, then you need to use photographs, drawings, councils of specialists. All information can be found on the Internet. This will allow in the future to avoid errors.

As roofing material for arbors, slate, professional flooring, flexible tile, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate are chosen. If we consider that many of these materials are very plastic, then not only single-table, but also multicate, as well as spherical, arched, dome and other forms of roofs can be made. Cuts are common in which curly green plants are as roof.

There are no particularly popular arbors in which summer kitchens are equipped. There are also embedded by mangals, fireplaces or barbecue sites. Remember that to create such structures, you will need to perform certain requirements. And again: it is necessary to have drawings, sketches and projects not only the entire gazebo, but also the furnaces, a fireplace, for example. This will help unmistakably cope with the work, as well as spend the minimum of funds.

Open mangal gazebo

Construction arbor do it yourself

How to create cottage gazebo do it yourself? On the Internet, as mentioned earlier, there are many projects and drawings of the arbors. If you are not sure that you can independently create your own project, it is strongly recommended to use the projects of those arbors that will be on the network.

Drawing of wood design with dimensions

So, the creation of a draft gazebo consists of several stages. First you need to create a sketch of the future building, make working drawings. Schemes and sketches will allow on this stage to plan the arrangement of the design, outline the equipment and furniture in it. If communication is needed in the gazebo, in addition to the light, their flow system is determined. There are clear recommendations that will enable the properly to prepare the project.

Scheme of open design

So, initially we are determined with the type of gazebo - open or closed. Then - think over the style of the country gazebos, which should be combined with other buildings on the site. The construction materials that will be used in the works are determined. Finally, on the site you need to highlight the place for the arbor. All sizes should be clearly reflected in the drawing and coincide with the area on the ground. If the gazebo in the country will have a closed type, then it is necessary to create a ventilation system. For massive arbor, the type of foundation is determined:

  • tape
  • columnar,
  • base from plates.

Now you can move to the description of the structural nodes. Here are placed places of installation of windows, doors and stairs. The roof circuit is a separate work. The technology of the construction of each of the design elements of country gazebos is determined separately, which should be reflected in the project. It is time notation of the wiring of electricity and water supply. The plan displays the place of installation of furniture, equipment, lamps. It should be noted that this is not all the work, the nuances that should be considered by making up the draft gazebo.

Photo of a rectangular projector project

The more carefully the project will be worked out, the more accurate the calculations of building materials will be made, the easier the construction itself will be carried out. The most important thing is that errors are practically leveled. The design will be strong and durable.

Video: Garden gazebo of wood, step-by-step instruction

Construction of a wooden arbor do it yourself

So, if we are talking about choosing a material for the construction of the arbor, then many people prefer to choose the tree. The fact is that this material allows you to create a gazebo for giving, inscribing in the interior of any site. In addition, the tree is an environmentally friendly material that is environmentally friendly, durable. The tree is easy to process and the bousing, logs, boards, other elements are used to build arbors.

Winter design arbors of wood, photo

Rectangular arbor

The easiest option for self-construction is to use a rectangular design. This is an outdoor building for summer use. There will be open support racks, roof and fencing. In the drawing, only the size of the design, height, and the sketch of the structure should be displayed.

As a rule, a drawing of the profile and frontal projection of the arbor is created. The foundation is displayed in a separate scheme. As a rule, preference is preferred. Here you need to specify the size of the columns, height and depth, to which they will be discovered.

Tip! In order for the work more convenient to perform, you can attach a detailed scheme of installation of technical nodes with an indication of the mounting options.

As for the drawing of the roof, it is appropriate to display the rafter systems here, indicating the mounting of the upper strapping, the bottom support for the rafted, and also specify the step between the rafters. Once all drawings are ready, you can directly start building work. So, prepare and place a plot for construction. Applied stakes lugged by rope. As soon as the perimeter is indicated, we begin to equip the foundation.

Drawing of a simple wooden arbor do it yourself for giving, sizes

To create a foundation, the drawing should dig the pitual. Although the pit is difficult to call a pit, if there is 80 centimeters depth in it. Nevertheless, everything should be called on the rules of construction. The layer of sand is laid out on the bottom. Supports are put, which then concrete. Be sure to check the level of flatness of all supports, the remoteness of them from each other, as well as the height level.

Photo of the initial stage of work

Now we go to the creation of the bottom strapping, we draw the floor from the lag. Used wooden bars. As soon as the frame of the floor is ready, you need to create flooring from boards or ready-made flooring (see site). Then fix the upper strapping, collect the frame of the roof. The frame is trimmed with a board and overlaps with roofing material.

Stages of construction

As soon as the design of the arbor will stand still, you can create fencing. Initially, fix the horizontal bars, which will be simultaneously railing. Then the vertical racks are installed. If the project provides a wooden grille, then you need to create a frame from a bar, and then the grille is stuffed inside it.

Design of wood, Dimensions for building

Gazebo with barbecue and mangal

Before you start creating a project arbor with a brazier, a fireplace or barbecue, you need to create a sketch that displays the location of the arbor on the site. The fact is that gas, water will be approached to such arbor. Consequently, the layout must be perfect. Take into account the direction of the wind, in which the smoke from the stove will not spread to other buildings.

Arbors from a tree with a brazier, a stove or fireplace, as a rule, replace summer kitchens. It is noteworthy that the construction can be an open or closed type. So, the closed gazebo can be used even in winter. Therefore, at the design stage, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of the room, as well as creating a high-quality ventilation system.

Note that create project Arbor with Mangal, barbecue or furnace is a pretty difficult job. There is not only the design of the arbor and the foundation, but also elements such as a furnace, a fireplace. Remember that furnace equipment is created from a stone that has a lot of weight. As a rule, a ribbon foundation is created, and under the furnace or fireplace - tile.

Tip! So that cracks do not appear in the concrete base, it is necessary to put the reinforcement under the brazier or the fireplace.

In the drawings you need to display the dimensions of the future gazebos, as well as the location in it the fireplace or mangala. Separately indicates the scheme of the foundation and chimney. The project will be included by the MANGAL, the frying form, the number of firepoints, laying the stone in the rows.

During the development of the arbor plan, it is necessary to carefully consider the zoning of the room. It is necessary to envisage the safest location of the table, provide a free approach to the fireplace or to the Mangalu. Do not forget that you have to clean the oven, fireplace, and so on. It is extremely important to designate the zone in the project, within which the fire-fighting material will be laid around the fireplace.

If your gazebo with a fireplace or brazier will be used as a summer kitchen, then it is necessary to bring water, light, gas. Therefore, in the project you need to provide appropriate communications, electrical wiring scheme, water, and so on.

Once again, we note that there is a challenging work not only when creating a project, but also during construction. Therefore, now it follows as much as possible to draw up a project so that it was possible to avoid unpleasant "surprises".

Very often, except for the tree for the construction of the arbors use metal. It can be aluminum or simple iron. The material is that it is good that it is not necessary to specially handle how the tree. Connections are created using a welding machine. It is noteworthy that the models of metal arbors may not only be stationary, but also prefabricated / collapsible. In the second case, bolts are used to connect structural elements.

Tip! In order for the metal design to serve as long as possible, it needs to be treated with anti-corrosion material, as well as occasionally paint.

When it is planned to create a metal gazebo, carefully choose a place on the plot. The fact is that the metal is very heated in the summer. Therefore, the metal designs of the arbors, as a rule, create an open type and in the garden.

Simple design from the profile pipe

Before you start creating a project, it is better to consider the structure of the structure that will correspond to the exterior stylistry. The dimensions that are laid in the drawings depend on the number of people who will presumably be inside the arbor. In addition, it is necessary to consider the number of furniture, equipment and so on.

Usually people use ready-made schemes for the construction of metal arbors. It is not difficult to find photos and projects on the Internet. The simplest design of the rectangular shape, which has 2.5 meters sizes. In this case, the gazebo will not be cumbersome. At the same time, it can easily install several seats and a table.

Due to the fact that the profile pipe has several advantages, many people use this particular material to build arbors. The construction is not only easy to build, but also easily to care for it. The fact is that the metal is not strongly affected by the environment and has relatively high durability. Profile pipes are not expensive, have a neat look. Before starting construction, you should decide on the type and form of the structure. In addition, drawings are preparing, the presence of materials and tools are checked, which will be involved in the work. So, you can create a rectangular, round, square, hex and other conversation form.

Tip! If you do not have enough experience with the welding machine or for the first time you create such structures as a gazebo, it is better to choose the simplest designs.

You can create your own drawing, sketch of the arbor. In the drawings, all sizes are indicated, the remaining calculations are as accurate as possible, since it depends on the further type and durability of the arbor.

So, to build your own hands a gazebo from profile pipes, such materials should be used: concrete, primer for metal processing, roofing material, as well as profile pipes. From the tools, there must be a welding machine, a level, bollard, drill with a drill, as well as fasteners. As soon as the place for the construction of the design will be chosen, you need to start the arrangement of the holes. Their number is determined according to the project - by the number of supports. Pits have a depth of 60 centimeters. The height of the racks is taken into account with this size. As a support, it is allowed to use a 80 mm profile, as well as with a wall thickness of 3 mm. Supporting heels weld up to racks. This will increase the degree of stiffness of the structure.

Crushed stone on the bottom prepared holes. After that litter, the litter is tamped, put racks and pour concrete. Here it is necessary to make sure to accurately follow the vertical of the racks. As soon as concrete begins to fit, the evenness of each rack is reused. After the work has been carried out, it is necessary to wait about two days until the concrete creates.

Now you can start creating the bottom belt strapping. It uses a smaller profile, welding material to supports at a certain height above the ground level. As a rule, the strapping is made at such a height so that you can easily go to the gazebo.

There is a step of creating a roof. The profile creates a rafter system according to drawings. If the form is a duplex, the profile is welded at an angle of 15 degrees. In order for the roofing material to be more convenient to attach, a profile pipe is welded on the frame as a shap, the step of which is 45 cm. That's all - the frame of the gazebo is considered collected.

Metal and Polycarbonate Design

The main advantage of polycarbonate is that it has a transparent structure. In addition, it combines well with other materials. Polycarbonate gazebos can decorate any courtyard. It is noteworthy that polycarbonate can be used not only for the roof, but also for the fence.

  • Forms of arbors

There is a huge number of forms of gazebo from polycarbonate. This can be explained by the plasticity of the material, low weight, as well as the simplicity of installation. The design is oval shape, round, rectangular and even spherical. The construction can be an open or closed type.

Polycarbonate must be closed from the ends. If you get into its honeycomb moisture, destruction begins.

The roof is single-sided or double, arched, tent and so on. Since all sorts of polycarbonate colors are sold, then inside the arbor you can create a unique atmosphere. The color of the material everyone picks up in accordance with its tastes. Polycarbonate is combined with any material: stone, metal profile, wood, plastic, and so on.

Any gift at its plot wants to have a beautiful spacious gazebo. It can arrange tea drinking, to invite guests on the summer barbecue, read your favorite book or just relax after a working day, enjoying nature.

To build a wooden gazebo with their own hands on its own land plot, the main thing is to stock the necessary materials and clearly follow the technology.

Features and advantages

For any gazebo, a number of utilitarian and decorative properties are characteristic. The practical function of the canopy is to save from rain and scorching sunlight. Decorative qualities include an attractive appearance, a harmonious combination with landscaped design and other buildings. It is worth building a hand from a tree with your own hands, considering all the above.

When choosing a building material for the construction of an object, it is worth considering the positive and negative sides of a particular material. So, the tree and gazebo from it have a number of benefits:

  1. easy design and ease of processing allow you to build a canopy or a more complex object alone;
  2. you can choose different projects on stylistics and execution;
  3. environmentally friendly material, safe for human health;
  4. compared to brick, wood - budget and affordable material;
  5. easy design does not require a reinforced foundation;
  6. with proper caring for wood, the gazebo will last for many years;
  7. any construction of wood has an attractive appearance and perfectly fits into any landscape design, combined with other materials (brick, stone, iron).

But such material has disadvantages. It is unlikely that their list can cause to abandon the construction of a wooden gazebo, but these features should be considered when erecting the construction and care for it:

  1. The tree is easily amenable to rotting, mold is often divorced, especially in a humid climate. To avoid the destruction of the material, even before the start of construction work, each wooden element is processed by antiseptics and special impregnations.
  2. This material is easily flammable and supports fire. Having equipped the street fireplace or barbell next to the gazebo, it is important to comply with the rules of fire safety technique on the plot: not to leave open fire unattended, always extinguish the coals after the end of cooking, even at the construction stage, limit the possibility of sparks on wood.


You can highlight various types of arbors. They differ in functionality and design. From a practical point of view, the gazebo can be given various additional options, which will allow to expand the functionality of the construction.

A gazebo and summer kitchen in one building is real, because the spacious canopy can be equipped with real cuisine.

Cutting table, electric stove, washing and refrigerator - the attributes necessary for arrangement. Directly for the feast will need a dining group that is better to choose from options for garden furniture. Such a building will provide a comfortable cooking in the fresh air, we can immediately assemble the family at the table. This option is beautiful for those who do not like to stand at the stove in a stuffy kitchen in the house.

In advance, you should take care of bringing to the construction of communication: light, water, drain for washing. Such an object is sufficiently massive, therefore it will be necessary to build a fortified foundation.

Another option for comfortable cooking in the fresh air - canopy with a street oven or fireplace. For those who like to organize a barbecue in any weather, this option will be likewise. The focus itself, of course, is laid out of refractory, heat-resistant bricks, but canopy in the form of a gazebo can be made from a wooden structure. For this type of construction, a general fortified foundation is desirable.

Gather in winter on the kebab in nature - what can be tempting? Insulated Barbecue Mangal Constructioninside will help make the idea of \u200b\u200bwarm and comfort, while staying in the fresh air. To merge with nature will help extensive glazing of the winter gazebo. Typically, such buildings have a hexagonal or octagonal design, a bracket of bricks or stone is built in the center, to equip a pipe for an exhaust pipe in the roof. Guests are cleared around the focus, fried meat, talk and warm.

For such an object, a strengthened, insulated and waterproof foundation is required. Heat the mineral wool follows the walls with the roof. The gazebo is designed for use all year round. In the warm season, you can open the windows and enjoy nature. Mosquito nets will get rid of mosquitoes and flies.

Arbor-Solarium It is a semi-closed summer garden space. The most popular type of similar arbors is pergolas. Such solariums first appeared in the south of France as a support for grape vines, so they served as peculiar corridors on plantations for farmers. The shadow from abundant foliage created a pleasant coolness, and, due to the ease of construction, the pergolas were distributed worldwide.

There are other types of solariums.

Powder can be created at the expense of additional drapes from the fabric or with the help of curly plants - help roses, hops, maiden grapes, honeysuckle, clematis and others.

Gazebo swing- This is a small architectural form with a narrow functionality, but, one way or another, every guest, and the owners will be pleasantly shown on a homemade wooden ride. Canopy protects from direct sunlight and small rain, pillows and mattresses will give a gazebo-swing comfort and comfort.

Form design

In addition to the functional diversity of buildings, there are different styles and shaped types of arbors. This includes objects made of wood, which were treated in different ways, and the possibility of designing the roof or structural features of the frame.

Square and rectangular Arbors are the simplest forms. Such a construction can be performed as an elementary canopy, without railing and trim, and even without flooring - it is enough to wear stable pillars, pour them with concrete, to build a roof. The structure looks almost transparently and weightless, but it also saves from the rain and sunlight.

A spacious square or rectangular arbor is better to erect in a classic representation - on the foundation, with floor and railings. Then it will have a finished look, as well as answer all the requirements from the practical side of the question.

Frame Hex or eight-marched The arbors are more durable than the simplest forms, because it is able to withstand the thickness of the snow and winter glazing. In addition, this space is much more compatible. The gazebo looks easily and ease. However, a large amount of material goes into waste, so this type of construction will cost more.

Gazons-Rotonda round shape Looks luxurious, often unusual. Due to the roof device, there is a rather complicated roofing technology. A real wooden gazebo in the form of a circle to meet in the country areas is not easy, mostly masters make hexagon or octagented canopies.

Tree - universal material to maintain any stylistic idea of \u200b\u200blandscape design. Various ways of wood processing and the ability to use paintworks will help create an object in a classic or any modern style, for example, High-tech, minimalism, country or rustic. In addition, it is possible to build an object with a different design of a roof frame - with a single-sided roof, flat, bantane, holm, dome, conical, tent or multi-cycle.

Arbors can be completely open or semi-open.

So, part of the walls or one wall of the canopy can be closed, and the rest leave open. It is important to first track the wind rose, and then set the deaf partition from the windward side. So it will be possible to avoid drafts.

Independent manufacture

Many firms carry out their own production of wood arbor. The finished design is established by the company's employees at the cottage or on the part of the country house. But making a wooden gazebo personally simple, the main thing is to step by step to follow the technology, not neglecting individual items. Considerable part of important work is accounted for by those steps that need to be performed to the immediate construction of the object.


As soon as the idea appears about the construction of the arbor, it is necessary to determine its type, functionality, style, place on the plot. For such a recreation area, it is better to choose a picturesque garden corner to be able to enjoy nature. In this case, the construction can have a free style of design. However, if the object is in close proximity to the residential house, then the construction must be harmonized between themselves, creating a single architectural ensemble.

The size of the arbor is determined by its functionality. For a short rest in the shade, you can restrict ourselves to miniature forms, for example, 1x1.5 m. The interior can be equipped with a bench, fixed on vertical supports, a small table. For feasts in a circle of family and friends, it is worthwhile about the spacious building of about 3x3 m. It is important that the dining group is placed under the canopy, and the guests had the opportunity to freely get out of the table, without disturbing anyone.

Options with oven and kitchen should be even more. It is necessary to ensure safety - not to place the table and chairs too close to the hot stove so as not to create a fire hazardous situation, and so that no one can burn. Size about 4x4 m and more will be optimal.

For buildings with elevated functionality, all communications should be laid in advance. To any gazebo, we should consider the organized version of the garden path. In the event that the object does not imply its own sexual coating on the project, the continuation of the track can be replaced.

So you can create unity on the plot.

Choosing materials

A gazebo from the tree can be performed in different ways. Each of them involves various versions of wood processing. There are several types of treated wood, from which you can build arbors:

  • From Srub. This is a massive construction made of thick and durable pine or birch trunks. Chopped arbors look fundamentally, can be the basis of the style of Rustic or Country. Decorations in the form of a thread on the breeding, subgene, railings and the lifting of the lower part will give Russian color. Best of all, such structures look in simple forms - square, rectangular.

  • Alcove from Bruusbuilt on frame technology. Such a building is much weightless, besides cheaper. Embodiment - instead of ready-made boards, use to cover the lower part of the unedged material, which can be processed independently, or used in the original, as it is, as a stylistic reception.

  • From stems. Unusual alternative to gazes from the cut. The difference is that on the material it is specially left for the knots, do not seek to treat the tree to the state of the perfect cylinder. Sometimes the trunks are used without removing the bark of the tree, or choose the material is deliberately curved shape. Forest style can be massive, if you choose bulk trees for the construction of arbor supports, but the construction can be elegant and fine if it is made of young plants.


Before making calculations and be taken for construction, it is necessary to make a project in the form of a drawing of the future object. A schematic drawing should display the size of the future construction on the scale. In some drawings, it should be depicted in more detail with complex structural work, for example, on the installation of supports for the roof. If the gazebo is with a street fireplace, then the device of chimney, fireboxes, the foundation is also depicted separately with a thorough drawing.

Consider on the example the drawing up the drawing for the frame arbor 3x3, as well as make calculations of the required number of building material.

Such a building is a budget option for a country house or a summer cottage, while it looks simple and beautiful.

So, the main technical features of the object:

  • size - 3 by 3 meters;
  • height is at least 2 meters, optimally 2.10- 2.30 m;
  • lightweight column foundation on brick or concrete blocks;
  • for the frame is used: as vertical angular supports - a ram 150x150 mm in an amount of 4 pieces, as the central supports around the perimeter - the ram 150x100 mm in the amount of 5 pieces;
  • the roof is a fetal fetal, stacked on rafters;
  • as a roof - soft tile;
  • paul - wooden (27 boards 6 meters, size - 25x150 mm), stacked on the ladder;
  • for genital lags, rafters, railing and strapping will need 25 boards 6 meters of 50 x 150 mm.

count cost estimates should also include such attributes of construction, like self-tapping screws, nails, corners, antiseptic impregnation for wood, terraced oil, cement costs, sand, and transportation of all materials.


Before proceeding with the direct erection of the object, it is worth preparing the necessary during work construction tools designed for wood processing:

  • circular electric saw that will help cut the tree so that the cuts will be smooth and beautiful;
  • lobzik and hacksaw will be useful for small saws;
  • the stub will help cut the tree under the desired angle exactly and neatly (circular saws only direct cuts);
  • electric drill and drill to it;

  • screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • construction roulette and level, plumb;
  • pliers, nippers;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • a stepladder or staircase.

Construction of foundation

For spacious, heavy buildings, such as winter arows with insulation and glazing, a strengthened foundation is best suited. The most common type is tape. If the future gazebo is also equipped with a stove or street fireplace for a barbecue, it is necessary to consider this type of foundation. For lightweight gazebo on frame technology, a column foundation is more appropriate.

It is less expensive and easy to install, does not require making formwork, allows for easy repair of sexual coating.

Installation instructions contain the following important items:

  1. There is a markup in the size of the object. To do this, you need to drive 4 kolaska and stretch between them a thick thread.
  2. In the perimeter at an equal distance, 8 pits are digging apart from each other, and 1 hole - in the middle, to the depth of the shovel. In the center of each fifth, except for the average, a long reinforcement rod is installed, which will be clutching the frame of the building with the foundation.
  3. The pits fall asleep with a sandy-gravel mixture, moisturized and trambed well.
  4. Next, the brick poles are laid out, the elements of which are fastened with cement mortar and are aligned relative to each other. It is important that the surfaces of the supports are lined up with regardless of the relief of the site, because this can be achieved so that both the sexual coating are smooth.
  5. The rubberoid sheet is placed on each pillar for waterproofing.

The height of the columns depends on the relief of the soil in the country area. Somewhere you have to build a pole in 4 bricks, and somewhere may have 2 elements. You should also take into account the desire and possibility of making a ladder.

It is important not to neglect the arrangement of a sand-gravel pillow - it is this stage that will make the construction not to settle. Worst of all, if the settlement occurs unevenly, that is why it is important to make a threshing pillow.

Wood preparation

While cement hardens, it is necessary to prepare a tree. With the help of a circular saw and a stouch according to the drawn scheme, cut down on the necessary sizes of wood. Next, it should be treated with special antiseptics, which prevent the appearance of mold, and impregnation from rotting.

If the construction will have additional options in the form of a street fireplace, it is not necessary to choose oil-based antiseptics - such a composition is more firewood, but a solution with antipirens will protect against fire. If the tree is wet, recently fired, the means are better suitable, which contains alcohol. It should also be borne in mind that there are antiseptics with pigments that can change the color of the tree. Formulations, depending on the manufacturer, are applied using a brush, sprayer, some elements can be pulled out in solution.

The impregnation is applied by a special brush by the location of wood fibers. It is important that at the time of applying there was no strong wind, rain, the scorching sun.

The weather should be moderate, then the solution will not dry prematurely and does not wash.

Neglecting Wood Protection Works, it is possible to wait for the gazebo to rot, collapse, the tree can start swelling, paint or lacquer on the surface can be cleaned and peel. So that the construction served longer, it is better to take care of it in advance.

Lower strapping

The hardening of the column foundation will leave 3-4 days, breathing impregnations and antiseptics - another 1-2 days. After that, you can start creating lower strapping.

For the bottom strapping, you need four bar 150x150 mm three meters long. At the end of each bar, the groove is cut, the size of about 75 mm is cut, for fastening the elements among themselves by the type "in Polterev". The bars are stacked on each other around the perimeter and are satisfied with the reinforcement bayonets, fasten with self-draws or nails.

Frame and top strapping

In the center of the base of BRUSIV, intended for the frame, from the end with a drill and thick drill, holes for the reinforcement rod are done. In the corners there are more massive bars (4 pcs.), Around the perimeter - thinner (5 pcs.). From the front side of the arbor, we should think over the opening for the entrance. It is formed using two bars at a convenient distance from each other. Therefore, 5 columns are allocated to the frame around the perimeter, and not 4.

Vertical framework elements are aligned with the building level and secure wood trimming. This is a temporary measure, because trimming is removed after installing the upper strapping. The latter is installed on top of the vertical supports "Vansel" from the BRUSEV 150х100 mm by analogy with the bottom strapping. All elements are fastened with self-draws or nails.


For the installation of lags, the bars of 150 by 50 mm will be required in the amount of 5 pieces. They are installed in short with lower strapping using special corners. Directly the surface of the floor is covered with 50 mm boards 150. It is important that the small slits of 2-3 mm in size remain between the elements for water drain. In places of floor joint with vertical supports, it is necessary to make slits to make the surface to become homogeneous.


For the roof, it is necessary to prepare a separate sketch, which will help create a reliable, stable design. The roof frame is a classic rafter hip four-tight system. For rafters, it is necessary to prepare a bar 150 by 50 mm.

The design should be collected in advance, on Earth, and then raise on top strapping and consolidate. Collect the roof frame immediately after the installation stage of the bottom strapping.

Due to the fact that the lower strapping is identical to the top, make the necessary slots in the rafters, guided by the dimensions of the finished design.

Four bars are collected together, forming 4 triangles of a holm roof. Each triangle is divided into three parts from top to bottom with three additional boards, which are necessary for laying roofing material. In places where the rafters intersect with the strapping are made of slots-grooves that help to take the design to the top of the strapping. The design is mounted upstairs.

After fixing the roof frame, triangles are trimmed with boards. For soft tiles, the trim must be done tightly, for a lighter material, you can leave considerable intervals, but it should be borne in mind that the roof should be tightly fit into the rafters.

Next, it is possible to cover the roof frame with membrane material, which will not allow moisture to leak inside the object. Attach it to the rafters can be equipped with a furniture stapler. Installation of roofing material depends on its type. The tile is laid out from the bottom up, the joints are covered with a ridge tile.

Decorative finish

Frame, roof and floor are ready. Such a canopy can already be used, but in order to complete the work and achieve an external attractiveness and completion of the object, it is necessary to install the railing, fencing, possibly make a crate and staircase.

The railing is made from thin boards that can be overtaken to a round or unusual form, and are installed below the middle of the frame. Rakes are also used as fences that can be laid on classic patterns - a rectangle, flower, triangle, pigtail. The railing can be tightly sewn with lining or have a combined pattern.

If the gazebo is high, the foundation should be hidden by boards, and to the entrance to the stairs. The coziness will add garden furniture and textiles. Curtains, pillows and even a rug in dry weather will become an excellent addition to rest in nature in such a gazebo.

Beautiful examples for inspiration

Wooden gazebos-solarium in the type of pergola look elegant and weightless. Textiles can be used to create shadows. The Mediterranean style in the garden of a country house will make pleasant thoughts about the sea, give a feeling of complete relaxes and bliss.

Eastern style is too demanding about clearance. For example, the Chinese gazebo should stand in the garden, which will fully answer all Eastern traditions - this is a mountaineering, which will support the idea, and paths paved in all the rules of the East, and the soothing water surface of artificial reservoirs.

But it is possible to give an oriental flavor to the European Country Manor: It is necessary to change the roof device with a slightly slightly and raise the lower parts of the rafter up the type of pagoda.

The ledge in the forest style appears in the form of a kind of shelter for a real hunter. For such a building, you can really use materials from the forest without buying ready-made bars or rounds. It looks like this building unusual and authentic.

Even making up its plot in a modern style, such as high-tech or minimalism, can be used wood material. The main thing is to correctly process the tree and find the necessary form of the future building.

The gazebo at the cottage or in the courtyard of the house is a place for tea drinking and sitting in the summer. In buildings a little more, it can be installed. Then you can think about glazing it: Zheblyk in winter is a rare pleasure, and the brazier will warm the air inside at the same time. It is usually beginning with models easier and cheaper: a gazebo is built with their own hands, it is most often not enough time. Hence such a choice. On how to do it correctly, about materials, methods, ways to build on.

A bit of theory: what are the arbors

Nothing difficult: let's talk about the types of arbors and materials from which they are built. First of all, the construction of this type is divided into open (summer) and closed (glazed). This does not mean at all that there are only two of these types: there are combinations with removable glazing, and there are still awnings from a transparent film that, if necessary, tensioned on the frame of the arbor. Another option is part of the walls closed, part is open. Choose the one that is closer to you.

With floor and without

Another gazebos can be divided into those with the floor and without it. Arbors without sex are put on the prepared platform from paving slabs, sputted concrete, lined with a parallery, etc. Although no one bothers to build straight on the grass. Only the frame must be processed accordingly: direct contact with soil requires enhanced protection measures. If we are talking about a wooden gazebo, it is impregnated from rotten and fungal lesions, if it is made of metal, are treated with rust composition.

Arbors with floors suggest the presence of a foundation. Most often make columns. They can be folded from brick or boot, pour from concrete, put the foundation blocks. If you have large boulders with a flat top, which you can get the construction, use them. But all this is if the construction is light - on a frame of wood or metal. Although there is a shallow embarrassment (20-30 cm below the level of the fertile layer).

This is also a gazebo of wood, but already with a wooden floor. That is why it is raised to the supports. It is originally finished the upper part - the binding from the treated thin boards looks great

If you want the floor in a gazebo to give a tile, you will have to concrete to fill the insulated plate, and it is already putting frost-resistant types of tiles. Moreover, the insulated stove must be at least 50 cm wider in all directions than the construction on it. And these 50 cm make under a slight bias to flow moisture. It's actually, which will not give to freeze the soil under the arbor. So the tile will not turn out and it does not crack.


Frame of garden or country gazebos make out of three materials:

  • wooden bursa or smooth diameter round;
  • steel pipe (from the profile more convenient);
  • polymer pipes (PVC).

The only material that does not require protection is polymers. They do not rot, do not amazed mushrooms. Some species carry freezing and defrosting without much harm. So they can stay wintering. That is only the gazebo for the giving from PVC pipes is durable, they need solid diameter and with a thick wall. And even in this case, it is not necessary to rely on the frame: it will have to put such furniture that will not be pressed on plastic. Well, the brazier will need to be put aside (if provided).

In order for the wooden garden gazebo to retain the attractiveness for a long time, all the wood that will be used during construction, it is necessary to pre-cover with a protective impregnation in one or two layers. The cheapest today is impregnation of Senez and the Manor, and the reviews about them and their protective properties are very good. These manufacturers have clarity formulations.

This is the whole theory in short. There may be some other particular cases: Materials are many, as well as the possibilities of their combination. The most interesting original arbors from non-standard materials will publish at the end of the article. And now - practice.

How to make a gazebo do it yourself

Most often, we build garden gardens from wood on their own. Second place in popularity - at metallic. All others do infrequently. Brick and from other building materials due to the fact that they are expensive, from PVC pipes - because there is no trust material.

We will analyze an example of the construction of a frame arbor from the tree. But even if you are going to do it from metal or PVC, the order of work will be the same. Another principle of the connection of the framework of the framework, and otherwise, everything is similar.

When working with a tree it is predeforeced to be treated with antibacterial and antipyen (decreasing flammability of the material) impregnations. Only after drying the compositions can work. If this is not done, the wood will dare very quickly and lose its attractiveness.


Two similar projects were implemented, one type: a quadrangular gazebo under the duplex roof, only with different sizes and were drawn up in different ways. Drawing one of them see the photo below.

A rectangular arbor with a four-tie roof (in one project roof is replaced with two-tie)

Step by step instructions with photos

It all starts with the site preparation. If there is a turf - it is removed, removed and the fertile layer. If this is not done, roots, greens and all the remnants will rot. On sandy or squealed soils in the pit, dropping, crushed stone or broken construction trash, all trambed, fall asleep with sand. On clay soils, on which the water comes out badly, it is better to fall asleep in the kittle and tamper your own soil (clay, but without a fertile layer). Otherwise, water will be accumulated in the pit, which will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Not at all what you need.

Choosing a type of foundation and lower strapping

If the time is a bit, faster on the rammed pillow to install ready-made concrete blocks. More time will have to spend if you fold the brick columns, even more - pour them out of concrete. The distance between the supports should be no more than 1.5-2 meters. More specifically depends on the thickness of the bar, from which you will do the strapping. Under the timber 100 * 100 mm distance - 1.5 meters, under the metal profile pipe 60 * 60 mm can be placed in 2 meters.

When all the supports are installed and exhibited (use pegs, stretched lace and construction level), waterproofing is stacked. This is a runneroid or only rolled in two layers, or bituminous mastic, which also impregnate the surface twice. Then the lower strapping of the arbor from the bar is stacked. Loaded all nails at least 150 mm of length or connected by wood screws. For greater strength, corners are used (if you find reinforced - as in the photo it will be wonderful). Although the gazebo is originally built as a summer, after some time most decides to glazing it. That's the reserve of strength and will need.

Installation of racks

At this stage, the construction of a garden arbor is important racks put strictly vertically. It is undesirable to use the construction level: he has a big error, especially in household models that developers usually use. Therefore, we take the old good plumb and exhibit it. Check the vertical from two adjacent sides so that the racks are not covered anywhere.

Fix the racks by bonds (in the photo you can see). If you continue to interfere with you, you can make a temporary option as on the photo on the left. If the trim below is opaque, do Capital: Put the timber under 45 ° (it is more convenient to use stousry) and reconnect the two-three nails of the male. Check did not come down after installing each hide. These small triangles give the rigidity of the whole structure and it ceases to stagger.

Two projects and two ways to set correctly corner bars. Left - Temporary bumps, after installing the strapping they will remove, right - permanent

Top strapping and floorboards

Next, after all racks are installed and secured, the upper block is mounted. There should be no problem here. To enhance the reliability of the connection, use the corners. Racks, by the way, can also fasten the sides. Especially if there are no permanent shusin. Otherwise, your design from lateral loads may arise.

After that, lay the floorboards. They are very desirable to handle from all sides by antibacterial impregnation for wood, directly in contact with the soil. There are two such composition at Sezheng. One of them is called "Sezhezh", another "Sezheng ultra". They differ in that the "ultra" does not color wood, and Sezhena gives her a greenish color. If you cover everything in a dark verse, the greens are inconspicable, it is not suitable for a light such composition.

After laying the floorboard, it is better to paint better, otherwise, while you finish the construction they will get dirty. Therefore, spend time, apply varnish or tinting oil-based paints - the best option for the tree on the street. Do not confuse with oil paints! These compositions are called more often oil for wood, because the base is the oil to which protective substances and coloring pigments have been added. As a result, the wood acquires another shade (at least pink or green, if you wanted so much), but the texture becomes clearer, and not painted.

Medium strapping

The next step is to install medium strapping if it is on the project. Under the rack in the racks, a quarter is removed - a slight recess, in this case, with a bar 100 * 100 mm, a quarter is 25 mm.

Making roof

While driving a frame of a wooden arbor, collect a rafter system. It is triangles (see the photo below).

They are installed on the frame. In this project, the sv, the roof is not provided. Therefore, they simply put strictly vertically and negleted directly to the topping brux. Such a roof is easy, but the rain will be strongly pouring inside even with a slight wind.

If you do with skes (the roof stands for the perimeter of the gazebo), then in the bar you will have to drink "seats" under the rafyled. They have the type of triangles (see photo).

The variant is shown two. In fact, they are more, but since the roof is small, then the first, simplest, will be enough. In order not to be born with each triangle, squeezing the wood upstairs, make a pattern. You take a piece of the board, drink the hole of the desired form, try on, check, customize. Then simply put alternately to all the rafters, blaming the finely sharpened pencil and cut out. What is more convenient cut? Electrolovka, but you can and manual saw. Prepare all the triangles, throw them upstairs and install (long nails of the painter with the spirit of the sides, can still be fixed). Before fixing, do not forget to check the vertical and horizontal.

After installing triangles, the crossbars are stuffed: two on both sides of the skate, and further with a step, which depends on the type and type of roofing material. Under, for example, in general, a solid doom is needed. Then the whole rafter system is painted. And after the roofing material is mounted (in this case, metal photographs).


The latter is nailed finishing the bottom. This project uses a lining, which is then painted with oil for wood.

This country gazebo from the category "simply, quickly, cheap." Having it as an example, you can do something your own, more, in your opinion, attractive. Here, for example, what happened on the same project, but in another performance: the covering of the verandas from the blockhaus, which is painted in a light color, and the frame - in the dark.

And yet - this option: County gazebos on this project are completely different.

Some more complex projects with drawings and sizes will be laid below, and even more interesting photos, but without drawings at the very bottom. Maybe someone will come in handy ...

Sketches of arbors with drawings and sizes

The existing dimensions can be proportionally increased or decreased. It is important that you understand that with a significant increase in dimensions, the frame is required more powerful. Do not forget about it, and everything will turn out: the gazebo made with their own hands will be beautiful and reliable.

Easy wood gazebo

Almost the same project, but with other sizes: above the top point of the roof is raised, which is why it seems easier. The gazebo is also a quadrangular, the roof is the tent.

When such a roof device, the most problematic are two places (node) marked with circles. How to do them, look in the photo below.

Gazebo in Chinese style (with drawings and sizes)

Project with all sizes, markup of the foundation, a rafter system of roofing, etc. Completed in photo gallery.

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The main facade - the height from the floor to the upper strapping of 2.160 M main facade without roof: vertical racks 150 * 150 mm Cross cut of a wooden arbor. In the photo on the right - how to make the raised roof ends setting overlapping beams (the numbers are the designation of the material from the specification) the detailing of the node 2 - how to install the racks how to make steps in the veranda - node 2 Fastening the rafter system to the upper strapping - on wooden pins

Big arbor on the foundation

Before building this gazebo is required. Its parameters depend on the soils, from the material you are going to use for the frame: metal or wood, and what is going to glater it. In general, the ribbon width is about 20 cm, the depth of occurrence is 20-30 cm deeper than the level of the fertile layer. On bunny soils it is better to make t.

Drawing of arbor-swing

The gazebo swing requires special attention: it is very firmly attached so that the loading variables emerging and did not turn over the design. To do this, you can extend the legs down, to drench the pit under them, fall asleep with rubble, tumble, and then pour into a liquid concrete solution. If the frame is made from the pipe, it does not occur questions, for wood you can use "P"-shaped mounts with a pin-mounted pin. Here it can be beaten and pour concrete.

For even greater reliability, the legs are attached to the legs that are glad slightly recessed in the ground. They are clogged by U-shaped brackets.

Stock Foto Original args from wood without drawings

This is an option - both stone and wooden. On the columns from the butte stone installed opres from the timber style - as the supports used dried trees

If you don't want to stay in the house on the street sunny weather, you don't want to stay in the house. The owners of summer cottages can only be in the room. But there is an alternative. You can relax on the street even in rainy weather, building a gazebo with your own hands. Such a design will be decorated with garden exterior and a pleasant pastime with family and friends.

Varieties of country arows

There are many arbors that are designed for cottages: small and spacious, outdoor and closed, roof with one or many faces. Designs of such structures are quite a lot and make a certain classification very hard. The choice of materials is also diverse. For one building, you can use the raw material of the same type (for example, concrete or tree) or combined building materials (wood and plastic). It all depends on the desired result and fancy of the master.

Wooden Altani for Recreation

To build a gazebo of wood, it will be necessary to spend some strength and energy. Its plus is the possibility of installation both on a concrete foundation and on the remedies, for example, small bars. Thanks to this wooden gazebos one of the most popular among the owners of private houses.

Moreover, such a structure can be made both stationary and mobile. Make a gazebo disassembled even better. This will allow you to install it only at a certain season, and to avoid the negative impact of precipitation. You can also install it every year in a new place. Such a structure can be made from solid and glue bars, rounded logs.

But besides a large number of advantages, the tree has substantial minuses:

  • Danger of fire. Therefore, the establishment of a manga or barbecue in such a design is not the best option.
  • Requires care. A tree can be contlected soon, so it is necessary to constantly process it with an antiseptic.

If you correctly approach the construction of a wooden structure, you can reduce all cons. It is only necessary to regularly take care of the arbor and protect against temperature drops.

Reliable brick designs

If you build a building from a brick, you must first take care of a strong and reliable foundation. To do this, a monolithic or belt base is often used. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully choose a place under the foundation, study the properties of the soil to avoid its shift in the subsequent.

Brick designs are built by the owners of Dacha not only as a canopy, but also used as a summer kitchen or veranda. You can put the fireplace in them, make a place under the barbecue and install the brazier. If you also put the windows with the doors, then you can make a real living room from such a facility. The only minus it is big labor costs.

Combination with polycarbonate

You can use such a material in conjunction with other, such as wood, metal, brick, stone. The main plus of polycarbonate is unpretentious to the framework of the product, as it is very easy and elastic, good is short. Therefore, building can be made from any girlfriend. Polycarbonate gazebo looks stylish and fashionable, and the space is always filled with a large number of light.

But such material has its drawbacks:

  • Raw materials are expensive. Even savings on the frame will not compensate for all the costs of polycarbonate.
  • In such a design, it will always be noisy during the rain. The material absorbs the noise badly and hear what the interlocutor says, it will be difficult.
  • Polycarbonate Although durable, but may crack from hail, for example.

If you plan to put such a design in the area with constant precipitation, this is not the best option.

If you believe the statistics, then the most popular material for country gazebo is metal and wood. The process can be simplified if instead of the wooden floor pour a concrete tie. If you still save on the roof, then such a subject of exterior will be able to put any owner of the country cottage.

Necessary materials and tools

On the Internet you can find a large number of different finished arbor schemes that will not be built by even the inexperienced owner of the country cottage. If you collect the design yourself, the price of the arbor will be half from the market. The simplest can be collected in 2-3 days of unhurried work.

The cheapest and simple option is a gazebo of a tree. Such structures look beautifully, and the material for the manufacture is easy to handle. If it follows it accordingly, it will last for many years. Moreover, a wooden gazebo can be built in three days, and this greatly simplifies the process.

Such an element of the exterior can be made of metallic. If the frame will be fully made of profile pipes and squares, he will be able to serve for many decades. Such a gazebo in the country, with your own hands, it is more complicated and a bit more expensive, but also reliable.

To build a gazeboo in the country, such tools are needed:

  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • twine;
  • pegs;
  • bar;
  • wooden planks;
  • a hammer;
  • crushed stone;
  • nails;
  • saws.

Place for the arbor, it is advisable to choose in the shade so that in hot weather it was nice to be in it. If you have a reservoir nearby, then you need to install a gazebo near it. This is guaranteed to add good mood.

First you need to decide on the size of the gazebo. Basically establish 2x3 meters designs. But if the garden space and financial condition allow, then you can make 2.5-3x4-5 meters. During the creation of a project, the arbor should be taken into account for the passage.

If the project is the bottom beams should be in the ground, they need to be treated with bitumen, and the rest of the wooden parts - an antiseptic. For pillars, bars from oak or larch are perfect.

The base of the arbor can be done in different ways. Alternatively, out of 9-12 sliced \u200b\u200bbars of cubic form, you can decompose a square on a flat ground, and already on them to put 4 long beams, which will serve as the basis. Of course, these 4 beams arrange the perimeter of the previously unfolded square of wooden cubes. Or, as a basis, you can take concrete blocks. You need to place them just like wooden cubes, along the perimeter of the square. On the level of earth it is necessary to proceed special pits under such blocks.

Montage with your own hands

In order to make a gazebo with their own hands in the country, you need to stick to the scene of the stages of work. This will not make mistakes when installing and get the expected result at the end.

Frame and floor

You need to start with frame and floor. If the construction is wooden, then the bars are suitable for the base. The floor will also be made of wooden boards. The basis for bars and sex is better to do from concrete. It is enough to fill the screed with a thickness of several centimeters. It will be optimal and reliable, and will last long. Before work, you need to carefully choose a place to install, think several times before making a solution. Also, the site must be cleaned and aligned under the fill of the foundation. In such a building, it is not recommended to combine metal and wooden parts.

As practice shows, even if we protect the wooden base with rubberoid or bitumen, when a tree contact with concrete, it reads you to rot with time. As a result - the subsequent destruction of the structure. Therefore, it is originally necessary to avoid.

To perform such a task it follows:

  • concrete a profile tube (it should be above 30 centimeters);
  • in the pipe drill holes for screws;
  • in the pipe, the wooden columns;
  • fix the scores of the column in the pipe.

On such supports, the design will have a lot of years.

If the owner plans to put a small light gazebo, it is not obligatory to install a brick fence for fence. You can do the fence from the Euromagle of 90 cm high. This is quite enough. Fasten the lining on the longitudinal bars. Such a design will help hide from the sun and blowing the wind. Fences for its walls are attached to the supports of screws.

As an alternative to the clap can be used polycarbonate. It is also easy to install, it is not afraid of high temperatures and wet weather. For the roof frame, it is better to use the timing of 50x50 centimeters. From such a bar, it is necessary to create a basis for which a doome will be installed, and then roofing material. You can use slate, metal tile and ondulin as the roof.

Roof setting

When designing the roof, it is necessary to calculate it in such a way that at the end of the roof it was not necessary to cut the last sheet. To do this, measure the height of the roof and take away the pisces of sheets to each other. Make a gazebo at home easy. It is enough to choose quality material.

For example, for slate, each sheet of which has 8 waves, the length of the gazebo will be a multiple 1 meter, and the length of the row is 1.75 m. Considering the coating options, you need to pay special attention to polycarbonate.

He has such advantages:

  • An excellent option for light arows, since it weighs a little, but is a very durable material.
  • From polycarbonate make fences.
  • It represents a translucent plastic of low weight.
  • With it together often use a metal profile.

Polycarbonate is a material that owns good elasticity. It can be bend with ease. Because of this property, it is often used when installing the arched roof. To create such a need to weld stripes from steel width 50 mm. First, they need to be installed on the support strips, and then drill holes for fixing sheets.

Also lick the arbors sometimes and metal tile. Under it is installed sheets of OSB. They perfectly perform the roof tiles hold role. Basically, such sheets have a thickness of 10-12 millimeters. Such material has pretty good strength and rigidity.

Advantages and disadvantages of simple facilities

The simplest gazebo for the cottage can be done without a frame frame. The foundation for it can be reinforced tie from concrete. Such a surface can be used for any purpose, even to install the mangala. The safety of such a structure is also high, as concrete is not afraid of fire and coal from the mangala. If the gazebo should be used in winter, then it is better to make the floor from a stream board, and around the mangala it is necessary to sew a tree with metal sheets. Such facilities in the winter look beautiful and practical.

Quite cheap it turns out a gazebo on a column foundation. To avoid overpayment when installing the arbor, you need to stock brick in advance. The foundation should be started to establish with the preparation of the PMs for the support pillars. After that, make brickwork, put the reinforcement and pour concrete. The laying also need to put anchor bolts whose thread should "look" up.

Supports are placed on such pillars. The frame of such a gazebo is better made of wood. Ideal the timber 50x100. If you install boards treated with antiseptic, it turns out a beautiful warm floor. Thus, in the construction you can ignore the open fire. In winter, this is a great place to stay.

To put in the country a simple gazebo is not a complex process, and everyone can build it without the help of professionals. First you need to draw a drawing of the arbor, and then accuracy with it to carry out construction work. It is necessary to correctly calculate the capacity of the arbor, its location and the necessary materials. In order to avoid errors, it is worth performing the correct calculations, as well as thoroughly approach the execution and mounting of each part.