Repairs Design Furniture

Setting rafted with your own hands, their types and features. Different designs of the roofs of a log house wooden house from a log when making a roof

The roof of the log house is no less important than the foundation and walls. We simulate and implement the design of the roof of a log house - the task is not from the lungs and unable to homegrown masters, eliminating the small country-grade buildings with a simple single-sided type. The following describes the popular types of rafting systems that make a log object individually. Choice for the owner.

Several types of roofing structures are distinguished depending on the device, material and purpose:

  1. Straight scope;
  2. Double;
  3. Walm;
  4. Half-haired;
  5. Tent;
  6. Forcep and multiple;
  7. Mansard;
  8. Combined.

Read more about each below.

Straight scope roofing

To say, it is deprived of such a variant of wisdom. Yes, and the appearance leaves much to be desired. Used primarily on the housekeeping, garages. Relies on the walls of different height. To build this option is even an amateur. Cheap and angry.

The most practical option for a log structure. Not too heavy weight and simple design.

Depending on the dimensions of the object, such roofs of log houses are built using the strengthening of rafters, Mauerlat, skate runs and frontones collected on Earth and upwards raised. Under such a roof, you can arrange a full-fledged attic room for storing items or organize an area for other non-residential purposes.

Usually, the sling system uses sliding supports - the bar is attached not to the appropriate pairing, and using a special device that allows a massive house with a shrinkage not to deform the roof. Otherwise, such a system is called a sliding roof of a log house. Mera is invaluable in the construction of an object from scratch.

Representing the frontones of a simple bartal roof under the tilt to its center, the owner receives this option. There are auditory windows. The advantages of this type are a wide space inside, absolute resistance to non-beams, strong winds and seismic activity of the soil.

The device of the roof of a log house of this type is complicated in execution and should be given to the deposit professionals. As for the appearance - such a roof in combination with the beautiful roofing material looks great and impress the fortress than and is actually.

Semi-Walled roofing

Even more time-consuming option. Interesting with its appearance - the frontones are made in the form of a trapezium and covered with parts of the Valm. The attic room in this case is extensive and the side parts of the roof can become the walls of the room.

The perfect combination of the Röber is at one point. It is categorically recommended for buildings that have the right geometric shapes with the same lengths of the parties.

Advantages from other scanty options are resistance to shrinkage and external climate manifestations. This is one of the varieties of a hip roof, that is, it will require professional knowledge during the device.

Nipce and multi-way roofing

In the brusade or log house, the roof of the designer and the designer may become a work of art. Such a feature was obtained by forcec options used on objects representing complex forms - polygons, erkers, protrusions, turrets.

To cover them with one plane too problematic, and sometimes impossible. The construction of the rafter is not amenable to the forces of a home master who does not have basic knowledge about the features of construction.

Athenium roof

The most practical design of the roof and attic room. Otherwise, such options are called a log house with a broken roof. Practicality is to save material - whole whips - for the construction of the house, with the possibility of obtaining an additional living area.

Combined roofs

Different styles used in the construction of a log house should be covered by special roofs that combine all of the above species. So that it does not look at the dissonance, such a rafter system is determined by the design and computer simulation.

It will not be possible to make such a roof independently in principle, damage and overrun material. People choosing such a type of roof, in advance suggest spending or increasing the budget.

How to make a roof on a log house yourself

If for some reason the owners can not use the services of professionals, and chose a simple version of the system, then try to do the work independently, still it is worthwhile to leave the log house without a roof. So, a simple duplex system:

  • For rafters, a timing is used by a cross section of at least 150 mm. Related elements can be more modest bears - never.
  • The upper crown is removed and Maurylalat is installed in its place - the straining bottom timber.
  • Finished rafting legs, trimmed at an angle for the connection, are attached to the sliding supports and between themselves, if they do not use the skunk run. Go beyond the crowns, they must be 20 - 25 cm.
  • Fronttonons are going on Earth and rising to places in the form of shields.
  • A doomer is hampered for the insulation tab, heat and waterproofing is installed.
  • Roof queue. It is proposed to owners of private housing in numerous versions - soft, ceramic, metal. It all depends on the purpose, choice and purchasing power of the client.

The roof is the most important part of anyone ... Well, you also know that, so we lower the introductory overflows from the empty to empty. Speech in the article will go on roofs for log cabins, and especially - about the variants of the roofing device for log cabins with chopped frontones.

By the way, if we speak in strict terminology, the roof is the whole design in general, which is crowned house. And the roof is the roof flooring directly - slate, tile, and so on. Also: the fact that in everyday life is called a fronton, it is, strictly speaking, a forcepets - the continuation of the end wall of the house, that part of it, which is limited to the roofs. FRONTON is an architectural decoration, and it is usually separated by a cornice from the main facade.

And here is the frontoth.

What features may vary

  • In form.

Frams, as a rule, have scope roofs of various shapes. The most typical and simple for private houses is a divertile (or forcep). It is about her that we will talk in this article.

Also in low-rise construction are attached to the atticness of the attic, and, accordingly, roofs of roofs. However, for the attic it is not necessary to build a roof of a broken configuration. You can make the so-called "half-gang", if you raise the walls, approximately 1/3 or half the floor and put an ordinary batch roof. You can even get along the usual forcep (triangular) roof, if it is quite wide and high.

  • According to the degree of insulation.

In principle, it is possible to cover with a slate on the shelter, and ready. And to insulate the ceiling already - the overlap between the attic and the residential floor. This is, of course, the easiest and most brutal option. With the roof, even in progress, many prefer to tinker, especially now, when so many materials appeared, and according to the assurances of their manufacturers, it is impossible to steal without all sorts of steam, hydro and other insulation and insulation. But the key thought is such - that constructively insulate the attic overlap (ceiling) is much easier than the roof itself. Especially if we are talking about a fire with chopped frontons, and then it will be clear why.

On the other hand, you can make a warmed roof - for attic, or not to make a separate ceiling (for example, in the bath - in the rest room).

  • By the design of carrier elements:
  • Many know that the main carrier elements of the roof is rafters. But there is also ...
  • roofing on leather

  • mixed slightly rafter design.

The rafters can be toughly connected with the core house, or to be sliding ("floating") - an independent rafter design. Tight traditionally divided into:

  • hanging - render the sawing pressure on the walls when transferring the weight of the roof on the building; allowed with width between supports (external walls) to 6 - 6.5 meters;
  • current - associated with a tightening - beam - at the bottom ends, and thus the vertical pressure is rendered; Commitable in step between supports from 7 meters.

In a clean version, hanging rafters are rarely found, they are often reinforced by rigels, additional racks, drives and other structural elements. All together the design of the pair of rafters with other elements is called a farm. In addition to the hanging and urban structures that are collected at the facility, there are rafter farms that are collected in the factory conditions and delivered in the finished form.

  • More, of course, the roofs differ in the type of roofing coating, but this is so understandable.

What roof you need to put on the log house?

For a roof of a chub with chopped frontons, an exceptional option with sliding rafters is suitable.

All this is due to a substantial shrinkage of a church. Now we are talking about forcep roofs. Everything is simple: if some part of the cut is higher than the other, then the geometry between these parts after the shrinkage will change. Each log loses in the process of shrinkage to 15% of the volume in the diameter, but it is quite large. For a pinned log standard - 6-8%.

Chopped Fronton is like this:

The logs in the forceny (fronton) parts are called "males".

If the log house is a flat box, then all its walls will fall in the same way. But if some parts (frontones) are higher than others (longitudinal walls), then the height difference between them will change, and if you build a roof on rigidly fixed rafters, then it will literally cut off the log cabin, the males can fall out ... In general, it is fraught with a serious emergency situation.

Here is how shrinking a chopped frontone:

For which log cabins are rigid rafter structures? For spontaneous! When the roof is put on a flat frame of the frame - for example, a hip roof. Or you can make a frame fronton (scored boards, blockhead, etc.) ... But this is no longer quite a log house in its pure form.

A full-fledged log house with a forcep roof can only be with a chopped fronton. Why? Because the fronton is also part of the house, and a lot of one. If you make it frame, it turns out that afternoon is a frame assembly. Maybe it is practical - because it is easier, but in this case, the whole house is based on framework technology. Frams put on their special advantages, and if you do, then - to do and without half-term.

When to put a roof on a log house?

Immediately after the construction of the walls and earlier than inserting windows-doors. Sometimes recommendations are found: wait until shrinkage goes, or make a temporary roof. It's all nonsense. The house without a roof is not even a house. The geometry of a cut in the process of shrinkage to shape with all loads, that is, the house should be completed and the roof too. Temporary roof is reasonable only if you have difficulty building a capital roof.

Technologies allowing to build a cut roof, which will survive the shrinkage, exist. Objective reasons to postpone the construction - no.

About attic and attic

It is clear that the attic - a residential premises, and the attic, usually no. Mansard requires capital insulation of the roof, there is no attic.

If we talk about the supporting structure of the roof in the cutters with chopped frontones, then it is much easier to make a attic. More precisely, there is a tangled roof. However, this does not mean that the attic room cannot be used as a residential. There you can equip a summer attic.

In the old days, the roofs did not do roofs, but the summer rooms arranged in the attic. This part of the house was called "Terem".

To arrange a warm, all-season attic, you will have to tinker with the roof. In this case, - if there is a need and the possibility, is it better to build another full-fledged floor?

What are the advantages of the house with a attic:

  • easier to build;
  • the attic becomes climatic buffer between residential premises and an external environment;
  • therefore, there are fewer problems with condensate, ventilating, etc., there are no zones of sharp drops of temperature and humidity in overlaps, due to which the durability of the roof increases;
  • the attic one can still be used - as a shop, or as a summer guest room;
  • it is easier to keep track of the condition of the roof, carry out current repair work and so on.

What are the advantages of the attic? Increases living area of \u200b\u200bthe house, but not for nothing you get it! To equip a spacious attic will cost much cheaper than to build another floor.

Anticoned Roof Design for Chopped Frontton

There are two fundamental solutions:

  • the roof on the leaks is close by technology to the traditional carious structures of the roof of traditional Slavic logberies;
  • installation of sliding rafters.

There is still a running-rafter system, but these are the same sliding rafters, only with the addition of side slightened.

In fact, it is an oil oil, because in the first embodiment, beams are horizontally, and in the second vertically. Both structures are powerful enough to withstand the most severe, for example, tiled roof. Duplicate them - no sense.

Another thing is that in addition to keeping the roof, and the frontoths are also rigidly connected. And when rafters are added to such a design, it makes it in two cases:

  • so that the vertical rafters fill the doom;
  • to make a thick cake of a warm roof for the attic.

Probably, engineering solutions are quite possible to arrange a warm roof on a burden basis, but they have not yet been developed yet, since so far the developers have enough sol. Therefore, if you planned to build a attic, the rafted installations are not to be avoided if there is no desire to experiment.

Rafters on sliding compounds

The rafters are attached above the skate beam (in the old manner: "Princess Snow", "Knes") to the upper vents of longitudinal walls by sliding compounds, so-called "sliding". It looks like this:

This attachment has two parts:

  • planck guide (mounted on a rafter foot);
  • support corner (attached to the upper crown).

The length of the guide strip can be different, the maximum will allow the rafter foot to move down 16 cm. This is more than enough to shrink the highest roof.

The guide bar is recommended to fix along the axis of the raftered, and it is correct. However, then one wonderful nuance arises. On most photos found on the Internet, you can see that the corner is installed and secured perpendicular to the bar. And so that the top of the loop of the corner is located on the oppressive to the upper edge of the guide. It is not right!

The fact is that when shrinking, the rafter will not only go down, but also the angle between the rafter and the horizontal line between the upper points of the walls (see above the dynamic shrinkage scheme). If the rafter relies on the log, then its part that comes back on the roof plumbing will rise relative to the wall, and will rise up the lower part of the fastening strip. And the position of the corner will not change, and the bar will die with one edge into the corner. As a result, the movable connections node is deformed.

True, if you cut the groove in the upper crown to raftered with a margin at an angle, to kill rafters, then there will be no skew, the plank, along with the rafter foot, simply go down the slightly lower, and will slide normally. But this moment needs to be remembered when installing rafters, and cut the groove with a margin to lay down raftered, or do not adjoin the close upward reference corner to the guide bar, and better do it.

Description of the dynamic scheme:
1. That will go raftered
2. That this part of the rafter raises, and with it the guide plank
3. That this is so descended by this part of the rafter and the guide strip, throughout the angle 3 ° -5 °
4. But this is enough so that the plane crashed into the corner loop here and began to pull the mount
5. Draft, if it was made, allowing a rafter foot in this direction, then there will be no problems

Another point: Clepping the corner on the support log closer inside the cut - so that the place is left for the board, which you will then close the space between the rafters.

And the third important nuance. The rafters as a result of the shrinkage will not just go down, the corners of the roof will also change, not much - by 3-5 degrees - but this is enough to create problems. One problem - in a sliding mount - already noted. The second - in the connection rafted on the skate. It must be definitely hinged.

In many photos on the Internet you can see this:

And this is an example of fastening a rafter pair in a sliding design! The angle of inclination at 3 ° at the shoulder of about 4 meters (the length of the rafted is not very wide roof) can seriously affect the roof geometry. Hard attachment rafted in the skate is unacceptable! Otherwise, there will be no sense from the sliding!

To fasten the rafter on the skate, you need either anklest, like this:

either in this way:

Look at this video to, as they say, "see once", about what we are talking about:

Roof on the outdoors - perfect for chopped frontons

End - horizontal log beams that connect and hardly fix the frontones of the cut; are not only a natural constructive, but also architectural element. For example, gorgeous fit into the design of the "Wild Floor" protruding long logs (Verkho) - you can put a wide console on them.

The burial design of the roof is, about it: so:

What is good in this decision?

  • Why rafters, if there is already the main supporting design for the roof? Additionally, nothing to be selected, it is not necessary to install. If you put to put it quite often, then they are a ready-made doom on which you can put, for example, tile, drank. In any case, sanding slate, or metal tile.
  • On End, you can put a solid doom (online boards), which is already almost ready roofing!
  • Slores are cut into the males, and, therefore, when shrinking, they descend along with the fRonon of the log house - do not need to make anything with sliding fasteners.

Generally speaking, the running construction has appeared much earlier.

All of the above merits are valid in the event that it is not hard to fix anything to them so that this fastening prevented the shrinkage. That is, if you are making the pendant to the fence with nails, then the shrinkage will become a problem - the runs will fall along with the males, and the doom and everything you knitted, attached - no.

But! On the outstand you can store the boards, without fastening them hard. Thus, we get either a doom, or a wooden - for example, a dwarf roof.

How to do it? It is possible, in principle, to nail the edge of the board with nails to the ski beam (Knesu) on one line, parallel to the axis of the Knesa, - so that with a small change in the angle, under which the boarded flooring will be lying, it does not break it. But even this is not necessary.

The old technology of Russian wooden architecture suggests a solution.

Roof "Without a single nail"

The chicken were swayed in several side slightly. The chicken themselves were cut down from spruce trunks, the hook was obtained from the root system. A stream was held on the chiches - the woven log, in which the boarded flooring was resting - the roofs of the roof. The upper part of the trees loosely laid on the skate beam in such a way that during the shrinkage the upper ends of the Tamns could freely converge. To do this, left a place when laying. Skating beam (KNZH) washed from two sides, so that the tosses were tightly faced.

If you leave 10 cm for the lifting of Tesnin on Knesu, then this is enough with interest, because the chicken will be lowered during the shrinkage, which means that they are tested on the outdoors. From above, they were tested to the skate beam in the ocher - a heavy wounded log. Thus, the dwelles were fixed in the top of the roof and on the plumb.

It is concurred, no one forces to follow the ancient technology now, where it is appropriate, you can use nails, self-tapping screws, etc. The main thing is to catch the principle. And what is he?

That's what:

In the same way, it is possible to attach a solid fit today on a running roof. If there is no desire to bother with chics (although it is not harder than with a rafter system), then you can lean the boards in the hollow-in waters. Moreover, you can vice versa - to mount the boards at the skate beam so that they are then dropped into the hollow in the upper crown. It is in this way when a warm roof device in the "Norwegian" technology, which I will briefly say below.

"Disadvantage" of the running structure

This is a very conditional "non-love". He is that since now in the fashion, the rafter system, driving engineering solutions for the arrangement of a warm roof on the leather did not develop. Although such decisions are undoubtedly possible.

However, if you are interested in the roof with a "cold" attic, or a summer attic, the burial roof is the optimal option. The roof in this case is better - traditionally dais.

A little about the wooden roof

It would seem: a wooden roof? She will rot!

This is not true. Roofing from Osinova (similar materials - shingles, lemheh), or Texa can serve 40-50, or even more than a year. Of the additional advantages, what kind of roof is easy and cheap to repair - you only need to replace the spoiled elements. In the case of capital update of the Tösov roof, only the upper layer of Tesnin will have to change, the subtesting remains, as a rule, intact.

What is a china roof? This is the first layer of trees boards, over the second layer. Between them can be laid Beresto ("Rock") for additional insulation, waterproofing and antiseptic effect. Beresta has powerful antiseptic properties, and distributes them to those materials that come into contact with it. It is not necessary to impregnate any such wooden roofs - the rain will still quickly wash, and there will be no special effect.

I recommend a very high-quality video about the roof in Russian wooden architecture :

Regarding the "warmth" of such a wooden - the roof counts themselves. This, of course, is not 20 cm of some "rokuell", but two layers of a tightly fitted tree overlooked by bark. In any case, the warmer of naked slate, tiles, or metal tiles, etc. That is, for quite protected from bodies and moisture, the attic, or summer attic - perfectly. Yes, this roof does not miss the water. She doesn't need vaporizolation (after all, it breathes, like the walls of the cut!). Therefore, by the way, it is unnecessary to pour a wooden roof bitumen, or to shove there rubed, as some strange people sometimes advise. Due to such attempts to "modernization", the roof can be driven on the contrary - because natural ventilation will be broken.

Similarly, the roof of dranco - has the same properties.

Simply and in the case about the aspen dranco:

The difference is close from the ordinary cutting board in the fact that when the logs are cut on the boards, the natural structure of wood is disturbed - the fibers are broken. In the production of Texa and drank, the split occurs along the fibers, due to which these building materials are better resisting aggressive effects of the medium.

Warm roof for attic on Norwegian technology

In this case, the case is not in this particular technology - I will not explain it in detail now, is the case in the principle of the device of such roofs. The general principle is the same everywhere.

As I said, if you want to make a attic, then you will have to tinker with a slightly rafting roof device. In addition, the broken roof and a chopped fondon of the cut - a bad combination. If the log house and samstyle tongs are better to build a half-gloom.

Briefly focus on the main points of the general scheme:

  1. We have down and the skating key to the end, which is climbing to put on her cracked facets of the board.

  1. We have a lower crown with an extended groove, which includes boards (they are not fully included - a good stock is left for shrinkage; that is, this gentle will slide down).
  2. The boards are put on a checker order - so that the second layer overlap the joints of the first, and bonded with each other - it turns out a wooden shield. From above, it is a solid doom, from below - that is, inside the house - the ceiling of the attic.

So far, everything is very similar to the wooden roof on the outdoors, isn't it?

  1. The shield is put.
  2. Put rafters on sliding fasteners.
  3. Between the rafters laid minvatu.
  4. (It is interesting here - that it is possible that you can and the foam! And why not? Minvat is not more environmentally friendly and not "natural", and if it happens - the foam of condensate is not afraid, it means that it is not necessary for a fruit with isolation films. But for some reason more often We are talking about the recipes of such "pies".)
  5. On top of the insulation - waterproofing membrane.
  6. And here it makes sense in the rafters! They are still attached to the makeup.
  7. Finish roofing material is fixed.

The catch is the main idea: in the whole of this scheme, the sliding rafters appeared only because it was necessary to put the insulation, for example. Due to getting a "warm" roof for the attic. In any other case, it would be possible to put the root directly on the first makeup, or even immediately to the blind!

This is a general principle:

For the construction of roofs of log cabins with minced (male) frontons, if possible, and even the need to install powerful massive slightly, the setting of the rafter is needed only in the case of an arrangement of the attic.

In general, it is necessary to think creatively - in order not to fulfill bad, unnecessary work. And then now there is a strange and irrational faith for many that whatever roof is - it is necessary to rafters! And this is not so.

  • Do not strive to make a roof with a steep bias - they say so that the snow goes and the rain does not rain. The rain will still be drum down on the roof, and the snow is natural in winter. Without snow, the roof is colder. Remember if the snow does not fall on time, then winter frozen, from school biology.

The normal roof will be with a slope of 18-20 gr. For dranco and ace - from 28. The smaller the slope - the smaller the materials and work on the roof will leave.

  • Rafters, usually made from beams 50x150 (200) mm. Often you can take a width of 40mm. According to regulations, the roof design must withstand the weight of the roofing material plus 200 kg per square meter area.

  • The moving connection to the rafter is enough to attach on the one hand, if fixed from two - they will be in one place! - Перемольние rafter.
  • You can perfectly apply the unedged board in the construction of the roof, but it is important to remove the bark with it and to fool the swamp. Under the crust - the zone of the accumulation of moisture and posting.

Finally, the video about the manufacture of chickens - the structural elements of the "roof without nails" - not so difficult:

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Reading time: 5 minutes

In recent years, the popularity of houses from a log house is growing and this is not by chance. Such buildings, be it a house or a bath, amazed with your unique atmosphere, which brings people to their origins. Natural wood is distinguished by environmental safety, and this is not the only one plus. The microclimate in such houses is always healthy and pleasant, but it is necessary to remember the singularities of the logs. The designs of them differ in the instability of the size.

Humidity fluctuations can lead to certain linear type movies, which will be observed even after the construction is completed. It must be said that the greatest activity of the movement of the elements of the wooden structure is observed in the first few years. It then decreases to a large extent, but the shrinkage does not disappear completely. After construction, the forest is able to seek 20%, and when designing the house itself, as well as its individual elements, it must always be considered. Mostly changes the size across the logs, but the stem length itself dries slightly.

Build the roof over the loghouse built is not as easy as it may seem at first glance. Such work requires tremendous skill, knowledge of materials and carpenter skills. Before proceeding with work, it will be necessary to practice. In this article, we will look at the ways of the roofs of the roof over the loghouse and tell about the important stages of the installation. Let's hope that the information will be useful for masters and those who are first taken for such a job.

Impeccable installation can be achieved only when taking into account the shrinkage of the walls folded from log logs. The knowledge of the old technologies of the roofing and modern methods of installation can be needed. It should be understood that the accounting of the characteristics of the material is not enough in order to competently build a roof. There are nodes that it is important to pay high attention so that the roof is not deformed over time. It is necessary to choose the most rational way of construction. To do this, take into account the forces acting on each log, and choose the proper methods of deviations of these forces. Employees of our company will develop with all the features of this material and project.

It's no secret that houses from the cut are perfectly combined with such a roof that has two skates. Knowing what technologies usually apply, it is quite actually the installation of a solid system of a two-tie roof on a litter. Usually choose an angle of inclination of the roof, constituting from 45 degrees and even up to 65. In the figures below, the varieties of the roofs for cutters are clearly demonstrated. Roofing can be:

  • with insulation;
  • without using insulation;
  • black;
  • celebrate.

It is noteworthy that construction from logs retains old traditions, but includes new technologies that allow free to move wood without the risk of destruction of the structure. The fact is that the installation of the solo system of the two-tie roof on the Siruba implies two ways:

  • Installation occurs on males, namely on the fronstones of chopped logs. Bearing parts rest on the frontones. Then the lamp itself is stacked.
  • The roofs are based on the rafter system. They are erected in all the rules and regulations dictated by existing technologies. These roofs are hanging like, or inclined. The frontaths themselves may be seated with a board, while largely reduced by the construction budget.

In some cases, the halter system is aligned. In the middle of the roof of the males type in this case, a farm has a hanging look. Often the beam of the ceiling type fire itself - the translation - can act as a basis for mounting the rafter inclined type, and in some cases it acts as a tightening, which combines the elements in the triangle, referred to as hanging. The principle of the device can be understood only by reading the classic installation options. Consider some important points that can not be overlooked.

1. Main features of the manufacture of roofs on males

When it comes to a male scheme, here you can use the huge benefits provided by chopped boxes. They can be gathered, and it is also easily designed to understand. To do this, you need to remove the crowns from the places and install on the platform, which is ideal for these purposes. The playground must be smooth.

When work occurs on solid land, it is much more convenient. Gaskets made of aspen chocks are mounted under the crown itself. They will reproduce previous rows of the logs themselves. As a result, the top of the house from the logs, which converges is wedge. It is built, as usual, but it becomes much thinner than the width of the end walls. The edges of the frontones will resemble steps. The walls of the existing box themselves are stacked not long logs, but out. They should be cut off not in all rows, but only after 2-3 rows. Already on the fear will be mounted further the doom, then the material of the roofing type is used.

The end of the skate type will combine the vertices of the existing males. The log, which completes the fronton, always rehears on 2 Kant. At the same time, the protrusions resembling the steps that turned out from the male, it is necessary to sprinkle, or to gather in the form of a triangle. The remaining open areas are filled with short. Few people know, but old masters, carrying out the mount, never used the fasteners when installing the presented roof. This largely extended the life of wood, since inside it there was no metal rods, prone rust. Such structures could serve several hundred years.

2. How to combine running and rafters

In some cases, it is impossible to build a male roof. This may occur when the surplus was too diligently with a run or males, and at the same time climbed closed connections. In such a situation, the usual version should be supplemented from the top, while it disappears the need to put the hollows.

Alignment should occur at the very edges of the existing legs of the rafted. The lines themselves should be created strictly on the installed pattern, there are always no words, as well as leg lengths. It is not too important a high accuracy of cutting future compounds. It is better that the bowls were 5 cm more than Arbis the most outlines, as the log house will significantly settle and lose the former height. Behind the deposited box will see the bottom of the cutting raftering, the connection angle will decrease.

It is a wide wrestler who can guarantee complete safety when displaced. It is important that there is a small gap between the tops of the legs of the legs, leaving the beam. When the rafylans begin to gradually be back from the bottom, at the top they will gradually approach. After that moment when shrinkage occurs, the tops must be connected by the lining or a special tightening. Sometimes they are connected using a hinge assembly and do not wait for shrinkage.

So that the roof is reliable and was not demolished from the house, it is necessary to tie the rafyroids through one, it takes place in the 2nd crown on top, in which the studs are clogged, and twists from wire are used to connect. Gradually, the twist is weakened with shrinkage, then they are required to tighten.

3. Current rafters

The mount resembles the previous one, but in this variant do not follow out. The legs of the rafter are called the revolutions for the reason that they are their riding, as well as the bottom rests on the supports, which are completely independent. In this case, the heels below rest on the crown, and it serves as Mauerlat. If we consider the leaving of the top, then I must say that there are several options in such a situation.

  • Between the males can be laid a princess or a skating outlop. It is important that the top of the available rafalines, which are stacked in the earl, are not fasten, or they are connected to the use of a hinge.
  • Capital wall. Of course, there should be some gap on top of the Stropilin.
  • The matrices establishes a skating structure mounted under the beam. Do not need males. For reliable compensation for shrinkage, the reference pillars are necessary to install on devices that give the ability to regulate. We are talking about screw structures.

4. Scheme of a hanging type

Stropilin's legs were named with hanging, since they seem to hang over the box itself. They rest on the walls. As a support, the top will serve as part of the rafter. And the heels below are connected by the tightening method. As a result, the rafylans begin to resemble a triangle with equal parties. It is often called a farm or referred to as an arch. It is a tightening that is ready to take the space that is transmitted to the walls.

Run compensated, and this is a huge plus. A beam that is called ceiling may well be as a tightening. It is impossible not to note another advantage of the hanging option or the urban. The roof is going to the bottom, it is not necessary to rise up. In safe conditions, you can fit and rally all triangles rafters. But this system is not suitable for buildings with large spans. If the spans have more than 5 m, then the tightening for them will turn from their own weight.

It is necessary to understand that the sropling system of a two-tie roof on a log cabin is placed, taking into account all the important moments, otherwise it can collapse. The schemes and examples will help you choose the best option for construction. In any option you stop the choice, it is better to turn to the professionals of your business.

Intersiti is ready to offer you the best projects of houses from a log house and at a high level of professionalism to implement on a similar design. Any of the main versions of the company's best specialists will adapt to individual conditions. Cooperating with us, you do not have to come to the object in order to control the work. "INTERSITI" is a team of professionals, which can be implemented by any of your chosen project.

The main requirements for the roof of the house are reliability and tightness. The wooden house imposes additional restrictions on its device, which are associated with the special behavior of the structure of the structure. Permanent seasonal frameworks cause the need for a mobile roofing system. For this purpose, special attachments of the rafter feet are used.

Features of the roofing device for a wooden house

In Russia, the main building material was always considered wood. Princely termes, and churches, and the houses of simple people were erected from her. What is so attracting this building material? There are several determining moments here:

  1. Heat insulating properties. A wall of wood with a thickness of 35 cm holds heat as well as a brick thickness of 1.5 m.
  2. Environmental purity. Natural material does not distinguish any harmful substances into the environment. Moreover, wood evaporates in the atmosphere useful for a person's phytoncides.
  3. Unique drawing of treated wooden surfaces.
  4. High strength of wooden buildings. There are no cases when buildings have kept up to 100 years of operation with periodic repairs.

Photo Gallery: Examples of wooden houses and their roofs

Log cabins are 100 years old and more, demanding only regular care and cosmetic repair
Wooden houses like any other convey the traditions of ancient architecture
Modern roofing materials are harmoniously combined with wooden buildings and ensure their reliable protection against exposure to the external environment.
The soft roof is elegantly on a wooden brusade house and does not create a large load on its frame and foundation.

Specificity of wood structures

Features of wooden buildings are consisting in the properties of the material itself. The fact is that houses built from wood are unstable. They, albeit at a slight degree, are able to change their dimensions during operation, absorbing or giving out moisture depending on the time of year. Because of this, for example, modern metal fasteners (in particular, selflessness) during the construction of wooden houses is applied limited. Porous wood structure determines its low thermal conductivity. But it is also a cause of increased compared with other materials of hygroscopicity, due to which seasonal deformations of the building occur.

Wood has a porous structure, which is the cause of low thermal conductivity and high hygroscopicity of this building material.

How the rafter system of a wooden house is arranged

Roofing houses, regardless of the material of the frame, is an essential element that provides comfortable accommodation and duration of operation. However, if for most structures, the principle of the device of the roofing system is the same, then for wooden buildings there are features inherent in only it.

Wooden houses may have a different design of the skeleton of the rafter system, but in any case it should be durable and reliable, able to withstand all arising loads

Types of rafter systems

Slingers can be:

Application of sliding rafal

As already noted, a wooden building may be subject to deformations depending on the operating conditions. At the same time, in the case of a durable fixing of the rafter, cutting or tightering efforts occur both on the walls and on the rafter farms. As a result, long-term alternate loads are loosened by the compounds of the elements of the building.

To avoid such a phenomenon, it is suitable for sliding compounds in the places of attachment of the rafter feet. The design of metal mounts allows the farm to move only in the longitudinal direction. In the vertical plane, it reliably holds the bracket. This is an irresistible remark, because with the hurricane wind on the leeward side there are loads directed up and reaching values \u200b\u200bof 630 kg / m 2.

It should be noted that timber in the state of natural humidity can change their dimensions by up to 6-8%. Obviously, there may be considerable efforts. Therefore, materials before installation must be dried to a moisture content of about 18% (the so-called construction humidity). With this moisture content, the maximum size change will occur already within 2-3%.

Photo Gallery: Features of the structure of the rafting system of a wooden house

Sliding fastening applies only for rafal systems of wooden buildings
Slip fastening compensates for seasonal shub deformations
The hinge on the rafters of a wooden house allows you to avoid stresses in this part during fire deformations
Installation of additional mounting elements in the form of metal plates and brackets enhances the rafter system

The rafting systems of wooden buildings are essentially "floating" and hold on the framework of the building only by their own weight. This is enough under normal weather conditions. With extreme weather, holding sliding fasteners enter work.

For the manufacture of roofing elements, the following materials are used:

  1. For the device of the rafter system in most cases, a timber segment is used with a cross section of 50x150 mm from wood of coniferous rocks. Traditionally purchase pine or firing lumber, but it is better to use larch in structural and strength characteristics. It is more expensive, but such material is more durable and healthier.
  2. For a small building buildings, a double rafter system can be built from a 50x100 mm bar, slightly increasing the number of subtairs and racks.
  3. An indispensable attribute of the rafter system is a doom. Its dimensions and installation pitch directly depend on the nature of the finish coating of the roof. So, for low-format coatings (all kinds of tile), there will be a solid lamb for which the boards 25x100 mm are often used, installed in no more than 5 cm. Currently, sheet materials are often laminated - DSP plates, CSP, OSP and other similarities. The pitch of the bugs from the board for the professional flooring and the metal tile can be from 30 cm to one and a half meters depending on the size of the finishing coating and the slope of the skate. It should be paid attention to the fact that the board is wider wider than 120 mm undesirable - it can deform the roof when charging.
  4. The controller to create a ventilation cavity in the roofing cake is usually made from bar 25x50, 40x50 or 50x50 mm.

All lumber used in the rafter system must be treated with antibacterial and fire impregnation.

Video: Slip fastening

How to calculate and build roofing system

Any serious construction involves a preliminary production of the work project. It is needed primarily to calculate the number of materials and costs necessary for its installation. This statement fully applies to the roof device.

The cost of making roofs depend on the task, which may differ depending on the nature of the use of the house:

  1. Build a cold roof designed only to protect the underpants space and the entire house from the weather becoming. It should be noted that heat losses through such a roof are up to 25% of the cost of heating. In localities with a long heating period, this may compile a solid amount.
  2. Create a warmed roof that will help to avoid unnecessary heating costs, so that savings on the payment of energy will quickly pay off all costs for the creation of roofing pie.
  3. Arrange an attic room in the underfloor space. Such a solution will be a logical step after the insulation of the roof. Costs here are considerable, but also winning in the useful area and comfortably accustomed to.

Of course, all the above options must be calculated in advance, because for each of them the materials will be required, the weight of which should be considered at the stage of design of the foundation.

Calculation of the roof area

Using the calculation of the roof area, you can determine the need for roofing material. At the same time, there is no need to scrupulously calculate the area of \u200b\u200bflue and ventilation pipes. It is enough to take into account the length of the rods from the scenes of at least 40 centimeters from all sides of the roof, which is needed in order to protect the wall of the building from flowing water. The length of the skates directly depends on the angle of inclination of their planes - the less the angle of converging rafters, the greater the length of the skate. Deciding with an inclination angle, the length of the skate can be calculated in two ways:

To determine the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate, it is necessary to multiply its length to the width: S \u003d L ∙ C, where C is the length of the skate taking into account the skes, S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe skate.

It is possible to calculate the required amount of roofing material according to the formula N \u003d S / S, where n is the required number of material elements, s Эл - the useful area of \u200b\u200bone such an element. Similarly, the pair-and waterproofing film calculation is made (as S el. You need to take the roll area with the departure of the flaws) and the insulation (here the value s will be equal to the area of \u200b\u200bone plate).

Calculation of the number and step rafters

The traditional material for the manufacture of rafter feet is a sequence of 50x150 mm. In addition to constant loads from roofing pie for rafters, the impact and variable loads from wind and snow are affected. To take into account the constant component, you need to immediately determine the material of the finish coating. Suppose that this will be a ceramic tile, the weight of which is up to 40-42 kg / m 2. It should be noted that the maximum permissible load is the value of 50 kg / m 2.

The step of the rafter feet is selected in the range of 60-150 cm. For its calculation, a certain sequence of actions are used, which we consider on the example of the skate of Dina 11 m:

  1. Select the pre-distance between the rafters. Suppose it is 65 cm.
  2. We consider the number of farms: n f \u003d 1100/65 \u003d 16.92. Since this number should be whole, round it up to 17.
  3. Calculate the actual distance between the axes of the rafter n f \u003d 1100/17 \u003d 64.7 (cm).

It should be remembered that this distance is not between rapid legs, but between their axes.

The step between the rafters is selected depending on the roofing material

Determination of the weight of the roofing cake

Modern roofing cake is formed from the following components:

  1. Finish coating roof. The easiest is a bulk or soft rolled roof or soft tiles, the most heavy is a ceramic tile.
  2. Dooming to install the finish coating.
  3. Control machine forming the required ventilation gap.
  4. Waterproofing film or outer membrane.
  5. Insulation rolled or slab.
  6. Far differed membrane.

For any of the listed materials, the weight of the square meter is indicated as the main characteristic of techniques.

Under the assumption that a solid drying of a 25x100 mm board is made (one of the most common options), an indicator of 21.5 kg / m 2 is used to calculate. This value is valid at the humidity of the material in 18%.

When using bitumen tiles, the proportion of which is about 3 kg / m 2, as a result we obtain the magnitude of the main load from the roofing pie, equal to the sum of 21.5 + 3 \u003d 24.5 kg / m 2. The weight of the remaining components of the roofing pie is insignificant and can be taken into account in the composition of the strength of the strength, which is usually taken equal to 20%. Thus, in the amount of load from the roof, you can take a value equal to 24.5 ∙ 1.2 \u003d 29.4 kg / m 2.

The composition of the roofing cake for the wooden roof depends on the type of finish coating only in the part of the device of the root

Video: Roof device - insulation, ventilation, board selection

Assembly and installation of farms of the rafter system

Work on the installation of the roof frame should be produced into a windless dry weather. The first operation should be the construction of temporary discharge on ceiling beams to ensure the safety of work.

The procedure for performing operations is as follows:

In the process of operation, each installed farm is fixed by temporary bodies to neighboring rafting legs and to Mauerlat. After installing the last farm, it is necessary to put runs and wind stops.

The fastening of the lower ends of the rafting farms of the wooden house is made using sliding stops. Winds stops are installed from the top corner of the frontal farms to the branches of the neighboring.

Sliding attachment of rafters to Mauerlat leaves them a little freedom of displacements in seasonal deformations of the building

Video: Simple installation of rafted for a bartal metal roof

Next actions are:

  1. Put the waterproofing film on the surface of the rafter foot with a small provision (2-4 cm) and secure it with a construction stapler.

    The waterproofing film is placed on the rafter lags, is fixed by the stapler, and then finally fixed by the barcles

  2. Along the rafted, fill the bars the counterbursters that are necessary to ensure ventilation of the underpants space.
  3. Install the doom for fastening the finishing coating from the boards of 25x100 mm. If the character of the finish coating (bituminous tile, corrugated flooring or ondulin at small angles of inclination, etc.) requires a solid base device, it can be used from plywood, OSP or chipboard sheets. The material of the dog must be treated with an antiseptic and fire makeup.
  4. If the project is laid in a warm roof or attic device, roofing pie can be formulated from above to the installation of the root. However, the insulation is easier to install from the inside, since it is possible to close the roof of the coating and avoid the consequences of unexpected precipitation.

    The insulation of the roof is easier to produce from the inside after the installation of roofing

  5. Place roofing. Installation is made from below from any of the corners. The cornice line is withstanding along the stretched cord. The installation of the coating is completed with the installation of skates.
  6. Collect and install the drain system and close the scenes. It is desirable to establish sophons to ensure ventilation of the underpantle.

    Sofits have perforation that provides ventilation of the underpantle

Each element of the roofing system must be thought out and is appropriate in the design. Therefore, upon completion of the project, you need to show it a qualified technician and take into account all his comments.

Selecting roofing

The importance of the right selection of the coating of the house is difficult to overestimate. Here, several factors play a role at the same time:

  1. Local traditions. Historically, they are due to the presence of materials in the construction region. Somewhere it is wood, and somewhere - ceramic tile or other coatings. The house, covered unusual for this terrain, may not be harmonized with the overall pattern of the landscape.
  2. Compliance with the general exterior of the site, including the type of roofing of other buildings and even the color of the fence.
  3. Financial opportunities. Sometimes it is necessary to take into account this factor, selecting the material at the ratio of price - quality.
  4. Roof shape. On the roofs of a complex configuration, sheet materials are usually not used because of the large number of waste. In such cases, low-format coatings are used in the form of bitumen or ceramic tiles.

In short, the roof for the house is like a headdress for a person. Even an expensive and superbly executed cylinder in our time may look just ridiculous.

What is taken into account when choosing a roofing material

The possibility of using one or another coverage is currently not much limited - the construction market offers many options. It should be guided by the following considerations:

  1. The power effect of the material on the rafter system. In addition to the weight of the actual roofing cake, the roof must withstand snow and wind load.
  2. Durability of the material. Overlapping the roof every few years and troublesome, and is expensive.
  3. The choice of material depends on the roof shape - not all coverage is suitable for complex roofs.
  4. The nature of the structure. For a residential building, the defining factor is reliability and durability, and for a shed or summer kitchen - manufacturability and low cost.
  5. Price. This indicator consists of the value of the material and the cost of its installation.
  6. Aesthetics - the roof should harmoniously fit into the exterior of the plot.

The most commonly used roofing coatings

Fliced \u200b\u200bcoatings for the roof are most technologically and in most cases are used for the roof of a simple form. Among them:

  1. Metal tile. These are profiled galvanized sheets with a protective coating of plastic or with paints and varnish coating. The relief of sheets resembles a roof of ceramic tiles. The material is universal, it is installed even on top of the old roof. The limiting parameter is the angle at the base of the skate must be more than 12-14 o. With the proper installation, the service life of such a coating is at least 12 years. The average price of metal tile is about 300 rubles per square meter.

    From the metal tile, you can create a beautiful and reliable roof, the main thing is that the angle of slope was more than 14 degrees

  2. Slate. It is the traditional and long-used roofing coating. It can be wavy or flat, painted in various colors or gray. Used on the roofs with a slope of at least 12 o. The price per square meter is about 150 rubles. The form of release - sheets of 1500x1000 mm.

    Slate is often used on the roofs of residential buildings and household buildings, but under it need a strong rafter system

  3. Ondulin. It is a wavy sheet material from cellulosic fibers impregnated with polymer-bitumen compositions. The front side is painted into a wide range of colors, so you can choose a material for any option design. By virtue of its properties, Ondulin is usually used to cover the auxiliary buildings. Installation of sheets is made on the shepherd or old coating. It is applied on the rods from 6 o and can serve up to 20 years. The advantages of Ondulin can be attributed to a small weight and a wide selection of colors. The disadvantage is the fading of the surface under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. The cost of the square meter is up to 250 rubles.

    When using ONDulin sheets of different colors, you can make an original roof for a wooden house.

  4. Professional flooring. Corrugated galvanized steel sheets, often with additional protection from plastic or paint. Very convenient in montage. The shortcomings can be attributed to low sound insulation, which, however, can be improved by paving the additional layers of the insulation, and not the most presentable appearance. The cost of the square meter is up to 200 rubles.

    The professional flooring is a reliable roofing material that serves for a long time and is quite simply fit, but it does not look very presentable and is very noise at rain

  5. Fold coating. It is manufactured from galvanized sheets connected without the use of nails with special metal fasteners. Work with folding roof requires the participation of highly qualified specialists. Such a roof is durable, reliable and does not let water. The disadvantages include noise and high thermal conductivity. The cost of the square meter comes to 300 rubles.

    The most reliable roof is folded - made from sheet metal with protective coating

Currently, piece roofing coatings are increasingly used, such as:

  1. Ceramic tile. It is made of clay solution with molding and subsequent annealing at high temperature. As a result, high-strength products are obtained for up to 150 years. This material is very durable, has a low thermal conductivity, not a fuel, has noise protection properties. In addition, it is very beautiful. Of the disadvantages, you can mark high weight and high cost - up to 1000 rubles per square meter. The rafter system under the tile should be very powerful.

    Natural tile is an elite roofing material with a long service life, but under it you need to build a very powerful rafter system.

  2. The cement-sand tile is very similar to ceramic in all respects, but is made of a solution without annealing. It weighs about the same amount and looks like the appropriate dyes in the same way. The price is also quite high - up to 600 rubles per square meter. The minimum slope angle for both types of tiles is 20 o.

    Cement-sand tile looks almost the same as ceramic, but costs almost twice cheaper

  3. Shale tile. This is a very popular roofing material in Europe, which is used today as elite. Known buildings operating to this day, the age of which exceeds 200 years. This coating can be used with any kind of roof. The value of the material is very high - from 200 rubles per tile of less than 40 centimeters.

    Shale roof looks prestigious and very beautiful, but it is expensive

  4. Composite tile. It is made of steel sheet with zinc or aluminum coating, on the outer side of which the marble or basalt decorative layer is applied in the form of crumbs. This attaches a presentable appearance, and a small format of individual elements allows you to use it on the roofs of any form. Manufacturers declare the life cycle of such a coating at 100 years, although it will be possible to check this statement soon, since the material began to be issued relatively recently. The cost of the square meter of composite tile is from 500 to 700 rubles.

    Composite tile refers to the best modern materials for the device of the elite roof of a country house

  5. Tiles soft bituminous. This is small-format fiberglass products covered on both sides by a polymer-bitumen composition. From the outside, basalt crumb is applied to them, which gives the coating elegant look. Such material covers the roofs of any degree of complexity with a minimum slope of 12 o. Located with overlapping, individual plates are sintered into a monolithic canvas, which guarantees high tightness of the roofing material. Stacking technology is simple and does not require the use of special equipment. The material is placed on a solid peel and has a mass of positive qualities, such as the minimum amount of waste, low weight, excellent heat and sound insulation, resistance to the atmosphere, including acid rains, as well as immunity to the effects of fungi and bacteria. By decorative characteristics, such a tile is not inferior to a ceramic analogue. The disadvantages can be conditionally attributed to the need to strict implementation of technological requirements for sintering, as well as difficulties with the need to perform local repairs. The cost of the square meter of the roof of soft bitumen tiles is about 250 rubles.

    Soft tile shings after laying sintered in a solid monolithic coating, which serves several decades

Key options when choosing a finishing roofing

Based on the foregoing, you can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Scope roofs can be coated any of the materials above. The differences consist only in the requirements in the corners of the slope. The exception can be considered a bitumen tile, which is installed on surfaces from 6 to 90 o.
  2. The most expensive materials are ceramic and shale tile. However, their value is justified by a long service life. What is called - did and forgot.
  3. Budget can be considered such coatings such as Ondulin and galvanized professional flooring. They are most often used to cover the roofs of auxiliary buildings - garages or sheds.
  4. For residential buildings with the most suitable coatings are metal tile or single-layer bituminous roof.
  5. Aesthetics - the concept of subjective, but it can be argued that such can be considered the roofs from any material, except for the professionalist and slate.
  6. Wanting to get a beautiful roof with an average budget, you can stop your choice on bitumen or composite tile.

Video: Roofing Materials

The device of the sliding rafter system is not associated with any structural difficulties. For a long time, it is developed and successfully applied ways to install it and fixture for this. Moreover, they do not depend on the material of the finish coatings and the characteristics of the roofing cake - the rafter system works successfully with their own species.

It is said that the roof of the house is the fifth facade. Any owner of a country cottage knows well that how well the roofing coating is selected, the overall perception of the structure depends.

We have already told the users of our site about the peculiarities of the choice of roofing.

But the roof is only the visible part of the complex system called the roof. The basis of any roof is a reliable and properly designed sling system.

In this material, Forumhouse experts will tell about the main nuances of the construction of a rapid system of a wooden and stone house.

From this article you will learn:

  • Where the construction of the rafter system begins;
  • What nuances should be taken into account when installing the rafter system of the stone and wooden structure;
  • What structural elements of the rafter system compensate the shrinkage of a wooden house;
  • What features there is a rafting system of a chopped house;
  • What is Mauerlat, and why he is needed in a stone structure;
  • What requirements are presented to the materials of the wooden rafting system;
  • What is a rafter system built according to LSTK technology.

General principles for choosing a rafter system for a stone and wooden cottage

Often, novice developers believe that the choice of the construction of the rafter system can be left "for later" when the walls will be erected. Practice shows that this is rooted incorrectly. The roof of even a cottage house is a complex system consisting of a variety of elements. The construction of the rafter needs to start at the design stage of the house.

Managing company "DDM-STROY" Vera Vavilova, Moscow:

- The rafter system is the base (skeleton) of the roof of the house. From how correctly it will be performed, the quality and durability of the roof directly depends. Production of this design, especially difficult, must begin with its design. This is the only way that will allow you to take into account all the nuances and to mount it efficiently.

From how correctly this design is chosen and mounted, the service life of the roof depends largely. It is also necessary to observe the balance between functionality and designer research.

Director of company " Smart Stroy » Pavel Orlov:

- The design of the rafter system begins with the choice of the type of roof - an attic or cold attic. For the attic roof, the angle of inclination rafters is made from 35 degrees and above. For a cold attic, the base value of the inclination of the rafter is 25 degrees.

The easier the roof form, the easier the design, the faster it is in the manufacture, and the builders have less likely to make a mistake. Therefore, it is cheaper to erect and easier to operate the roof having a simple form. The large area of \u200b\u200bthe roof, the presence of erkers, the complex polygonal form of the building complicates significantly and increase the construction of the charter system - it requires competent design and calculation.

The most economically advantageous rafter system is a simple twinkal roof with an angle of inclination at least 25 - 30 degrees.

The main factors affect the complexity of manufacturing and the final price of the structure:

  • Type of finishing roofing. The selection of one or another coating determines the composition of the roofing pie, the type of doom and the load on the rafter system. The most popular roofs are metal tile, soft roof, CPC (cement-sand tile), ceramic or folding roof;

  • The angle of inclination of the roof. It determines the load, and this is the main factor in the design of the design;

  • Will the elements of the structure (decor element) or it will completely hide behind the ceilings;

  • Large sinks in the roof significantly increase the cost of the rafter system.
    If large unconditional spills are provided in the design of the last floor of the house, this is the rise in prices and complication of the design. In this case, depending on the distances, the solry system is performed using farms.

  • The presence in the project of large fireplace pipes, attic windows and other passing elements is significantly affected by both the complexity of manufacturing design and its price.

The design of the rafter system (especially complicated) should be engaged in a person having the appropriate experience. This design is always calculated under a specific building. A common approach - "I will make a sling, like a neighbor" leads to the deplorable results of construction. The rafter does not withstand the loads, which ultimately leads to expensive alterations.

Design starts from the collection of the intended load on the roof.

1. Permanent values, including the cumulative weight of roofing, thermal insulation material and fasteners;

2. Time values. These are loads that have climatic conditions on the roof, especially snow and wind.

Designers laid the estimated step of the rafted in accordance with the intended load. Let's see how true it is.

Pavel Orlov:

- In my opinion, the step of rafters for attic, well-insulated roofs is better to choose, based on the size of the insulation - so that the distance between the rafter was obtained by 1 cm less than the width of the insulation. It will simplify its laying.

The main burden on which the calculation of the rafter system is made - snow. Usually, all such designs are designed with a margin, but if there are doubts (it is supposed to be mounted heavy roofing - natural tile, etc.), you can slightly reduce the step of the rafted.

Although the snow load is inconstant, the rafter should be calculated taking into account the totality of all loads acting on it. Calculation It is necessary to maintain not "backdrop", but with some reserve in case of falling out of rich precipitation (protracted snow) or increased wind load.

On the "work" of the rafter system, the choice of material for the walls of the house has a significant impact.

Features of the rafter system in a wooden and stone house

The main difference between the stray house of the stone house from the wooden is that the stone walls have a structure that is not susceptible to shrinkage and deformations.

Pavel Orlov:

- the rafters of the stone house do not need deformation elements, as the stone house is practically not sitting. The main feature of the charter system of the stone house is the need for reliable consolidation of Mauerlat. In wooden houses, the role of Mauerlat performs the wall.

Mauerlat is a roof element (25x150 paired boards, 100x150 or 150x150 marks), which is stacked throughout the perimeter of the upper wall of the house. The bottom of the rafter optes on Mauerlat. Thus, Mauerlat redistributes a point load transmitted from rafted to the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe top of the wall.

Also, when designing a timing stone house, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls.

Pavel Orlov:

- The design requires the calculation of the permissible side load of the rafted on the wall with a fixed Mauerlat.

Thin and high wall withstands a smaller side load. This requires the application for the supporting structure of the rafted additional elements - retaining racks and runs.

Wooden houses also have their own nuances that need to be taken into account in the manufacture of the rafter system.

Vera Vavilova:

- The main feature is that the walls that are grounds for rafters are seated and change their geometry when changing weather, temperature and humidity outside and inside the house.

The main element compensating for the shrinkage of walls relative to the rafter is a sliding support (it is also called a sliding). The sliding support is necessary in order to compensate for the sinking structures resulting from the shrinkage of the wood of natural humidity.

The sliding support is a composite fastener, which includes a bent plate and a corner with a guide.

When the house shrink, the rafter slides on the guide, thus compensate for all the overcasts of the overall construction of the rafter system of the house. The sliding part of the support is attached to the rafting beam so that the gap remains between it and the rafter. A corner with a guide is screwed to the bruus.

The sliding should be installed strictly perpendicular to the rafters, with a marking in a bar for the installation of its base. In order to ensure the maximum sliding stroke when the wooden structures shrink, it is set to the most extreme position when it is installed.

The degree of shrinkage of the wooden house (and therefore the magnitude of the movement acting on the rafter) depends on the material used in the construction of the walls. The natural humidity bar gives a large shrinkage, the dry profiled seizhes less, and the glued bar gives the minimum shrinkage, etc.

The walls of the house, folded from the dry timber, can be seen by 6% of their general height. If we are talking about the walls of the house, folded from a cluster of natural humidity, then the shrinkage may be even more. Our article tells in detail Those, what advantages and cons .

Building roof on a log house

In addition to timber, wooden houses build from the so-called log cabin. Practice shows that the rafting system of such a house has its own characteristics.

Dmitry Filippov, Specialist of the company "Traditional carpentry technology":

- In log houses based on a chub, a male-running system of the roof device plus "sliding" solid part is used.

Roofing in a house of a log, device.

The roof for a log house has its own design features. Early - horizontal logs, closed in a log filton (the top of them is a horse) - sit down with a log cabin. After on the logs (blind) stacked by a board from the board (it is the ceiling). Further mounted rafters (in double-tight roofs, they are attached to each other on a skate with sliding fasteners). Then a roofing pie is formed - vaporizolation, insulation, waterproofing, a controlling, a doomer, the roofing material is stacked on top.

Dmitry Filippov:

- Thus, the rafting part with roofing pie is not tied to a cut, and no matter how "lying" on it, which allows the roof with a shrink shrink to preserve its shape and integrity.

From our article you will learn about the types of structure and shapes of roofs of log houses.

Materials going on rafters

In addition to taking into account the peculiarities of wooden and stone houses, when constructing a rafter system, it is necessary to deal with the requirements for lumber.

Vera Vavilova:

- Pine and fir fit. These are inexpensive and corresponding to the main strength characteristics of the tree species.

It is important to trace and make sure that the sawn timber responded to 0-2 graters according to GOST 8486. Elements of the rafter should not contain large drop-down knots, rot, conversion and cracks. These vices weaken the carrying capacity of the rafter system.

Pavel Orlov:

- The cutting wood of coniferous moisture breeds up to 20% is used on the rafter system. The entire sawn timber must be processed by certified flame protection impregnations.

If you put freshly fresh, crude wood, then during the drying process already mounted rafters will behave. This will cause roof deformation and roofing.

To avoid this, it is better to make rafters from a calibrated chamber drying lumber.

Another option of materials used for the manufacture of a rafter can be a farm and glued beams.

The use of these materials is determined by the project, based on the magnitude of the flights and the alleged load on the design.

Vera Vavilova:

In this case, the elements of the rafter system are manufactured at the factory and brought to a plot in the form of parts ready for assembly.

This levels the so-called "human factor". It also saves time, because Such a design is going faster than the one that is done on a plot with the inevitable sawing and fitting parts in place.

Factory rafting systems are made strictly on the project and specifications. Due to this, the high quality of the founding of the future roof is achieved, because Wood has already been processed by antiseptic means, and the entire rafter system is assembled on the principle of the constructor.

Another material used in the construction of rapid systems of a stone or wooden house can become light steel thin-walled structures (LSTK). Such a sling is not necessary to process with antisepting means, it has a small weight, long service life and high fire resistance. Consider the main features of the rafter system embodied on this technology.

Deputy Commercial Director of the Company Polymetal-M Andrei Usachev:

- In the rafter system of the roof, made using the LSTK technology, includes galvanized rack and guide profiles. If it is necessary, the thermofield is used for a warm roof device (profile with perforation over the entire length), which will remove the cold bridge and will avoid heat loss.

The thickness and section used in the profile design depends on the load, which is assumed to the rafter system.

Each system element has strictly specified in the project.

This significantly reduces the assembly time, and also avoids waste at the construction site.

Each profile is marked in accordance with the drawings and instructions for assembly.

Andrei Usachev:

Thanks to the marking, the assembly is simplified. On each profile is powels (sampling). Because Metal frame is bonded between themselves with self-draws, then thanks to the extrusion, it is clear where the connection should be. Powlevka increases the rigidity of the assembled assembly, reducing the force acting on the slice on the self-tapping screw.

In the subject, forumhouse you can find out what it also begins with us you will find all the information about. Read how to build with your own hands, tells.

Watch our video about roof in Russian wooden architecture.