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Decorative pond in the country of their own hands. How to arrange a pond on your own dacha how to make a small pond

Beautiful reservoir on garden plot Dreaming Many Dachnings. However, not everyone boasts a large plot of land, in vain trying to place the garden, fruit trees on it, and several flower beds with favorite flowers. In addition, the construction of the pond is associated with considerable costs that are not for everyone to pocket.

A small charming pond is not hard to build yourself

Several options for a small pond

In our photos are presented various options Artificial reservoirs in country sites. Among them you can find budget and you can stay at one of the simplest performed. In addition, the choice of option should be due to the composition of the soil, as well as the presence of a free place in the garden or in the yard. The mini pond is easy to build with your own hands, if there are relevant building materials at hand. Affordable materials Can serve as the main argument in finding a solution.

Water from the film - a universal solution

To water did not leave from homemade pond, It must be sealed. Good way It is considered to use the film. If there is a desire to save, you can use balance polyethylene filmwhich was purchased for greenhouses, but this reservoir will serve only a few years.

If there is an opportunity to purchase a button on a butyl rubber basis, which is designed specifically for the device of water bodies, the period of operation of the pond will increase significantly. A compromise option is a dense polyvinyl chloride film.

It happens that the remnants of the film are scattered pieces - in this case, they can be glued to get the coating desired size. To do this, it is desirable to use special glue, with which you can also make cuts and other material defects.

Pond from the film allows you to build a reservoir of any shape and size

In addition to the main material, you will need sand, geeking and stones. To arrange the reservoir, with their own hands, it should be proceeded according to plan:

  1. Place a place under the pond. Do not arrange it right in the garden next to fruit trees. It is advisable to choose a smooth surface so that the levels of the shores were the same height - otherwise the water from the pond will be poured on one side.
  2. Drop the pit, watching its walls to be gentle by gentle, which will allow the shores not to crumble during the operation. The angle of inclination of the pit walls must be up to 45˚. If there is a desire, the shores can be made by ledge.
  3. Next, it is necessary to carefully catch the bottom of the bottom of the pit, then fall asleep with sand at a height of 5 - 10 cm. On the sand to lay a cut of geoticani, some craftsmen replaced with her old blankets.
  4. Now the water can be wrapped in a film. You need to do it slowly, trying to immediately develop arising folds. The edges of the coating are put on the shore.
  5. It is necessary to pour water in the reservoir in parts, it will not give the coating to break. Between each stage it is recommended to make a two-hour break.
  6. Once again we check the level of shores and, if necessary, align, damping the earth. Fix the waterproofing along the entire coast with stones.

Important: Work with the film is best in summer, on a hot day. This will facilitate all manipulations with the material because it will be softer.

Little reservoir from plastic bowl under guard

Plastic bowl - quickly and just

If there is no desire to work with the film, work on the device of a small pond can be accelerated. To do this, it is worth picking up a ready-made bowl of PVC. Such containers are sold in construction stores and may vary in form and sizes. In addition, plastic liners differ significantly at the price and quality. Poor-quality plastic is rapidly destroyed under the influence of frosts and ultraviolet radiation Sun. The choice is yours. The following should be the instruction on the installation of the reservoir with your own hands:

  1. First you need to place a place under the pit. To do this, drive around the perimeter (corners) pegs and tie them with a rope. Markup Perform more sizes of the bowl of 20cm from all sides. Eat the cutting depth equal to the altitude of the bowl plus 20cm.
  2. Now it is necessary to fall asleep the bottom of the pit, seeking his smooth surface- This can be checked with a level. Sand moisturize and rub. Next to put a bowl in the pit, striving for its edges to be equal to the surface of the Earth.
  3. When the bowl is installed, you need to fall asleep the sand between its side parts and the walls of the pit (at that very stock in 20 cm). Sand should be filled and easily rubbed as the bowl of the bowl is filling. This will avoid the deformation of the walls of the tank.
  4. You need to pour water into the bowl immediately, but in small portions. A sharp load on plastic can lead to a violation of the shape and damage.

Little pond easiest to make from plastic bowl

Concrete Drive - Reliable Option

The method of building an artificial reservoir from concrete is suitable for those who can work with concrete. Such a pond has an undoubted advantage over collections - it is reliable and durable. However, it will not be possible to transfer it to another place, in connection with this, before starting work, it is worth a well thought through its configuration and choose the most suitable place on the site. Consider in detail how to build a concrete pond hand:

  1. Drive under the reservoir should be done with the ledge. Let his walls be gentle, here also to accurately stick to an angle to 45˚. The pit needs to be good.
  2. Next, it is necessary to fall asleep sand, but it should be small to be small - enough 3 cm. On top of the sand you need to lay out a film of polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride, which is not very tensioning.
  3. We need to lay concrete, starting from the walls, and only then go to the bottom. It is important to perform this work within one day to avoid cracking the concrete in the places of its joints.
  4. Next, you need to wait for the moment, while the composition hardens a slightly, after which the metal grid for reinforcing concrete into it is shown. It is necessary to make it so that the edges of the mesh performed above the surface of the reservoir.
  5. After complete drying of the concrete, it is necessary to pour its next layer. Before starting to work on the second layer, the lower concrete must be sprinkled with water. Specialists recommend at this point to control the bottom surface on its horizontal.

As soon as upper layer Concrete will completely dry, you can pour water into the pool. After that, it starts to decorate - plant on the shores of the plant, run fish or shut down the backlight.

Miniature Pedus Plus Primary Materials

Budget options for creating water bodies in the country imply the use of all kinds of girlfriends, instead of buying a bowl or film. Some craftsmen build a pond from an old cast iron or children's bath, others were able to adjust the car tire or an old basique. The reservoir will be completely small, but to care for the mini pond is easy. Water is easier to change than in a large reservoir, and with the help of plants in the tubs and decorative stones It is easy to turn into a blooming oasis.

Preparation of a boiler for a pond from a bath

After many years of use, the bath loses its original appearance. If there are no through holes in the bowl, it can be used at the cottage under homemade reservoir. To build a small pond without large costs, it is necessary:

  1. First you need to place a place under the water, after which it is added to 10 centimeters on each side. Drop pitched, the depth of which will be greater than the height of the bath in 20cm.
  2. Now you need to mark the place at the bottom of the pit, where the plums of the bowl will be located. There must be pulled out with a yat with a diameter of 30cm, a half-meter depth. It will be drainage. In a cylindrical yam, you need to insert a metal sheet rolled into the roll and fill it with rubble. The edge of the metal should perform over the pit for 15-25 cm.
  3. After preparing drainage, you need to make a "pillow" for the bath, which will allow her not to suit with time. To do this, the crushed stone layer is poured onto the bottom of the bottom - sand. This pillow must have a height of about 20 cm. All this needs to be carefully tumped, after which the metal sheet should be removed.

For proper installation Baths Pond will serve for many years

Pitted under a two-tier pond

If it is decided to build a pond from old bath, it can be done quite unusual. We propose to create with your own hands a two-level reservoir, for the device of which you need to attach a little more effort. Work plan, step by step:

  1. Before chopping, the bath should be placed on the bath, adding half the meter on each side. The external outlines should be slightly modified - to make this line of wavy, giving it a contour, resembling the natural outlines of the lake.
  2. Now you can proceed to the roar of the kittle. To do this, you need to eat a hole, a depth of 30-40 cm, focusing on the external contours. Next, at the bottom of the dumped pit, it is necessary to place the contour under the bath and deepen the pit for the bowl as described above. That is, the general depth of the pit will be greater than in the first version on the same 30-40cm.
  3. When the bath will be installed, the outer contour of the reservoir should be limited by a slate from fiberglass. On the edge of the slate you need to wear a corrugated hose.
  4. Next, the place that was formed between the bathroom and the slate must be filled with sand and tamper, or pour concrete.
  5. The bowl needs to be covered with a film by forming a single pool for water. Film should be fixed by stones.

Two-level pond make it harder, but no one guess that a bath was used in the reservoir

Install the bath

After preparing a bathtub on the bottom of the bottom, it is necessary to lay bricks - several pieces in every corner, which is installed in the bath. Such a precaution will not allow the cumbersome capacity to suit. Next should be checked how exactly the bath is installed, and to control that its edge is to be closed with earth. There is empty space between the walls of the bath and the pit. It must be filled with sand, which must be moistened and carefully tumped.

Mini reservoir

If you can use old tireYou can easily and quickly build a miniature tire pond with your own hands. The tire from the KAMAZ or tractor wheel will give the opportunity to make a reservoir much more.

First, you need to dug a hobbin of this size so that the tire fits freely. Before installing it into the pit, you must cut the top of the rubber to the knife. There should be a bowl with opening from below. Next, you need to take the film, cover it the bottom and sides of the tire, releaseing the edges upstairs. They need to be subjected to the edges of the reservoir. It remains to pour water into the finished pool of the tire and decorate its edges with plants and stones. Similarly, you can build a pond from plastic basin.

Tire pond does not take much space and become an excellent garden decoration

Several ways to decorate a pond

Today there is a lot of ways to decorate a mini pond. Among them is the installation of gypsum figures on its shores, laying of decorative stones and tiles. Any reservoir will decorate green areas that can be placed around it right in the vases. In other cases, the soil poured on the shores of the lake, mocking it with stones. Forelated perennials are planted in the ground, which over time form beautiful thickets on the shore.

A small waterfall and beautiful lilies will decorate and revive with water

If there is a desire to plant aquatic plants, you need to strive for the fact that they are not too smashed. Otherwise, the surface of the pond completely closes her greens. In this capacity, experts recommend using water hyacinth.

Also, the pond can be made by a bridge, set the lanterns around it. Another way to revive the water of an artificial pond is a fountain or waterfall. All this can be constructed later, the main thing is to take into account the possibility of upgrading the pond at the stage of choosing a place under the water.

Many country owners, private, summer cottages dream of presence own pond. As practice shows, a decorative reservoir is quite possible to create with their own hands. In this article, we will talk about the main features of the manufacturer of the pond personally, pay attention to the recommendations of specialists regarding this topic, we define the main criteria for choosing a place for digging a kitty for artificial reservoir.

The main varieties of reservoirs on their plot

Have its own water oasis on the private site in last years became fashion trend. As a rule, each owner is trying to diversify this type of landscape structures with various original ideas. But, before talking about the specific species of artificial reservoirs, we consider what they are at all. The table indicates the main types of water bodies in the country areas:

The main varieties of water bodies
Waterfall It is artificially created by water, the feature of which is considered a falling, nowilling water from top to bottom. Such structures are working at the expense of a specially equipped pumping system. Properly chosen space for the arrangement of the waterfall is a territory with an inclined relief.
Fountain This type of artificial reservoirs are customary to divide into two groups: submersible and stationary. Stationary structures represent independent elements of the territory, submersible most often are additional element Pond.
Creek Requires a water supply system (for example, a small pond, etc.). Due to overflows, bends, stone barriers own production It looks not only original, beautiful, but also the most natural, naturally.
Pond This is a reservoir, the principle of which is considered to be overlapping watercourse. Usually predicts on small rivers or during the creation of the dam. The dimensions of such water bodies can vary from the smallest to significant dimensions.
Swamp Original creation Decorative swamp is considered on the site. On such artificial reservoirs, it is customary to breed attractive, rare waterfowl. To make it possible, the depth of such a water system should be insignificant.

Another criterion, pushing off from which the reservoirs are divided into species, is the purpose of this structure. So, they allocate the following:

  • small;
  • decorative;
  • for swimming;
  • for breeding fishes of reservoirs.

The creation of an artificial water structure on the plot does not require special financial investments. In this case, attention is important to details, rather than specialists, beginners should be familiar with the advice and recommendations of these professionals.

Proper location of the reservoir on the site

Choosing the appropriate territory for the construction of the reservoir with your own hands, you should be extremely attentive, in order to do not damage the battle gas system etc. Taking into account all the generally accepted rules artificial pond (or another type) should not occupy more than 3% on the site. In order for the design to become not only an ornament, but also practical at any time of the year should take into account the following recommendations:

  • there should be no trees in the territory around the reservoir: the leaves will fall out, it will require frequent cleaning, and durable roots can destroy structures from under the ground;
  • from the aesthetic side, the reservoir should be clearly visible from the house;
  • the correctly selected place implies a convenient approach to water building, the ability to equip any track;
  • evalnamed and hit sunlight On the reservoir, ideally, it should be covered about 7 hours a day;
  • it should be possible to hide, protect with water from strengths, cold winds.

Basic materials and tools for making a pond with their own hands

For the manufacture of a pond on the plot with your own hands, as practice shows, choose the most various materials. Hard plastic, PVC film, concrete and other building matter initially laid the basis for the time required, and the budget of the process. Often, the owners are used to build a small manpower in the yard in order to build a small manner in the yard. This series includes various fiberglass bowls, old shells and baths, barrels, etc.

To create an artificial reservoir use also liquid rubber, butyl rubber film, EPDM membrane, etc.

To work with different types of materials, as a rule, are required different toolsBut still for some works there are a number of an indispensable toolkit:

  • copal shovel;
  • roulette;
  • gloves;
  • bucket;
  • pegs and rope;
  • master OK;
  • a hammer;
  • rake and forks;
  • scissors of different types;
  • copper pipes, Bulgarian, etc.

Pond from hard plastic with their own hands

The basis for creating a pond in the garden may already be finished design From hard plastic. The advantages of this option can be called at least time mounting work (in comparison with others), the reliability of use at any time of the year, the ability to create a reservoir of any form, etc. At the same time, one of the main deficiencies is the financial cost of qualitative materialSince cheap, not durable material can soon be the cause of brokenness and unsuitable pond. Creating a rigid plastic pond can be characterized by several stages.

1. The markup of the selected territory is prepared.

2. Drives the pit, is determined, with a margin of at least 8-10 cm.

3. In the finished pit, the tank of hard plastic is placed, necessary form and sizes.

4. Using building level Checked horizontal installation Capacity.

5. The vessel is filled with water. Then, bowl fixes begins with sand, which falls asleep from the side.

If there is already a finished bowl, not large sizes, no more than 3-4 days will go to work. Pond from hard plastic with their own hands a good alternative to a row with other options.

PRR from PVC film do it yourself

No less known the creation of private ponds based on various types of construction film, including PVC. The durability of this type of structures directly depends on the strength, thickness and quality of the selected material.

Polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) is the most optimal option For the production of a small pond with their own hands on the plot. It is known in the following characteristics:

  • as a rule, does not contain malicious substances;
  • sold in rolls of various thicknesses and widths;
  • resistant to temperature drops, has good frost-resistant qualities;
  • with a properly selected PVC thickness of the film, the durability of the pond will be more than 10 years.

Choosing PVC Material To work, attention should be paid to such characteristics such as moisture resistance, resistance to soil salts, resistance to ultraviolet, etc.

Reinforced concrete bowl with your own hands

One of the most difficult technical characteristics, options for creating a reservoir on the site is considered concrete construction. First, it is quite time-consuming, temporarily and financially costly. Secondly, this case requires certain construction skills. However, reservoirs from reinforced concrete material are distinguished by durability, durability and reliability. Creating this type of ponds, you can maximize any original ideas And create a water structure of any dimensions.

Using this material in the production of its own pond on the site it is necessary to further take care of:

  • waterproofing design;
  • additional processing of the structure by a frost-resistant means;
  • strengthening the design with reinforcement, etc.

This type of water bodies requires such building materials Like sand, cement, primer for cement, crushed stone, etc.

The main work on the manufacture of a pond with your own hands. Sketch

The main work on the manufacture of the pond with their own hands is based on the finished, created individually sketch. This building document allows you to graphically display all the nuances of the future design and work on it. At home Master, newcomers rely on ready-made drawings and ideas with which the Internet is richer. Builders' specialists write that creating a sketch for the construction of a pond It is important to pay attention to the presence of steps (soil drops) in the reservoir. Detail in the drawing will avoid the huge number of building problems and inaccuracies.

We have already mentioned the main stages of work on the manufacture of a pond, but it is worth considering the preparation of the pit for the laying of a substrate and film.

Drying butt, laying the substrate and films

Physical work, regarding the manufacture of a pond with their own hands, begins with digging a pit. But before proceeding to the spray of the pit, it is necessary to first clean the territory from possible garbage, foliage. Next place the selected area and only then delete the turf. Experts recommend digging from the edge to the center, while constantly adjust the irregularities and observe the edge of the territory marked. Do not forget about the stock of the Earth 10 cm (even such minor errors in the process can be very weighty).

Next, the finished kitty should be equipped with high-quality waterproofing. This is done so that water from the pond does not go into the ground. In construction there are several options, how to form a so-called substrate in the pit:

1. Using different kinds stones to put and tamper the pita;

2. Apply geotextiles to float sand;

3. Use film.

The most common way listed methods is considered the last.

The pillow inside a PVC film requires special attention, since incorrectly conducted installation works can be the result of damage to the film layer, such as roots of trees, etc.

Putting this material on the bottom of the pit It is important to follow some rules:

  • usually relief of water bodies are characterized by folding, so professionals are advised to make one big fold, and avoid the appearance of many small;
  • in order to secure the film in the pit, it is better to create an additional trench;
  • it is necessary to trace the fact that the film material is stretched in the pit, in this moment it is important that PVC material lay freely, otherwise after filling the pond with water, it can be broken;
  • in order to lay out the film by stones, it is best to use small species. One more thing good option will become small rounded stones, without ribbed surfaces;
  • the edges of the film are recommended to cut after the recovery stands for more than 2 days.

Pond care with your own hands

In order for the pond to turn into a multifunctional system additionally install filtering systems, pumps and other techniques. Several methods of care for the pond in different time of the year:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • uV.

The mechanical method is to use special filter containers, which are purified by reservoir from small particles. Choosing a system with small nozzles, you can neutralize even the most tiny particles.

For normalization biological indicators Water in the pond use the biological method. Its principle of operation is to use filters that can neutralize biological residues, etc.

The chemical method of purification allows to normalize the acidity of water into the pond, saturate with oxygen, etc. However, if fish live in the reservoir, this method can only harm.

The latter method is to apply ultraviolet lamps, the main function of which, in this case, is to disinfection of water. Ultraviolet copes perfectly with malicious viruses and bacteria.

To the above methods, you can add the most elementary physical work that will allow you to keep water clean. From the owners requires careful water purification from leaves, regular water change, cleaning from yals and algae, etc. Specialists recommend breeding a number of waterfowl plants that are considered natural filters. It is not only useful, but also very beautiful.

For for more information About how to make a pond on the site with your own hands. Watch the video:


If you are going to make a pond from the film, it is worth spending more effort than when creating a decorative reservoir from an old bath.

Required tools and materials

ArmatureConcrete mixerBituminous masticBulgarianRollerBucketWaterNailsNail-holderClayPrimerPlaned boardDrillA rockPencilCeramzitBrushKuvetteShovelMaster OKPolyethylene filmRouletteExtensionLevelCement



If you are going to make a pond from the film, it is worth spending more effort than when creating a decorative reservoir from an old bath. First, you will need to build a pit, and secondly, it is necessary to make a break. But the result is worth it - such a pond is not limited to the area and forms of capacity, and therefore, when it is created and the subsequent design, you can show more fantasy.

How to build a pond from the film do-it-yourself: Tools and materials

No matter what kind of coating is applied to create a pond from the film with their own hands, the principle of operation will be the same. Only small exceptions are possible.

The following tools will be required to work:

  • waterpas (construction level);
  • motor cord or twine (for marking);
  • wooden pegs;
  • garden hose;
  • shovel.

Before building a pond from the film with your own hands, purchase the following materials:

  • film;
  • geotextile or concrete (to protect the reservoir from the roots of trees, teeth and claws of animals, sharp stones, etc.);
  • sand (for the underlying layer);
  • submersible pump (its power will depend on the size of the reservoir);
  • cleaning filter (better pressure with reverse purification system);
  • decorative stones;
  • water plants.

How to calculate the amount of film and how to choose a place and shape of a pond

How to calculate the amount of film for the pond on cottage plot? When choosing the size of the waterproofing material, it is necessary to take into account all possible circumstances, so the reserve is always required. The calculation of the film coating can be done like this: The size of the width and the length of the future reservoir must be folded, add double-size depth and add 600 mm for the allowance - this film will be fixed along the edges of the pond.

Before you choose a place for the device of the pond from the film, you need to consider the requirements defined by the standards on the device of all reservoirs: the place should be sufficiently lit, in the immediate vicinity there should be no trees and shrubs, the pond is better closer to the house and the water source and the power point etc.

The film base of the bowl of the reservoir allows you to achieve the most different sizes and forms. Therefore, choosing all these parameters for a pond from the film on the cottage built with your own hands, you need to take into account ordinary requirementswhich are presented for garden ponds. And, of course, by own willing. But it is better that the pond have rounded lines without sharp corners - such a reservoir will look good, and it is more convenient when laying the film, as well as in the further purification of the reservoir, because more garbage will always be accumulated in sharp corners.

In any case, the reservoir needs to be equipped with terraski - for plants. If it is planned to be breeding in the reservoir of fish, then its depth should be at least 50-60 cm. Some aquatic plants, such as large nymphy, require a landing depth to 70 cm.

On the photo "Pond, with their own hands from the film", all options forms and sizes of garden reservoirs are presented:

Choosing the design style, you can focus on some separate element In the overall composition - it can be an original stone, tree, sculpture or alpine slide.

Construction of a pond for a pond under the laying of the film

Before making a pond from the film, you need to draw a reservoir plan with the depth of all the steps of the reservoir (the terraces for planting plants) and the placement of the main elements of the arrangement.

All work with the film should be carried out on a warm sunny day, because with an increase in temperature, the coefficient of the film elasticity increases, it will be better reaching and easily rich all the ledges of the pit.

Before the construction of the kittlement you need to find out what the level groundwater: If they locate pretty close to the surface of the Earth, it will be necessary to arrange an intact valve, otherwise the rising level of groundwater will be squeezed part of the bottom, damaged by water.

Before the construction of a row with the help of coastal modules, fastened with metal brackets, you need to mark the contours of the pond. It is also necessary to mark all the planned zones: coastal, shallow and deep - terraces for landing water plants. It can be limited to only one terrace.

It is important to give right shape Potted walls: under chernozem and clay soil You can make vertical walls, and with sandy - inclined.

It is more convenient to start digging from the top terrace, then passing to the second level, and the bottom it is necessary to dig a bottom. Working on the terraces, you should constantly check their horizontality.

The process of digging the pond is quite difficult, especially if the reservoir is very large, therefore, if there is an opportunity, it is better to use a mini-excavator (renting).

If water will accumulate during the digging of the pit at the bottom of the pit, you will have to remove the last with a pump specifically adapted for pumping water with impurities and solid inclusions. For pumping water, it is possible to pull the auxiliary pit nearby.

With small sizes of the reservoir, such problems are unlikely to have such problems, but in any case, a lot of land will be taken out when digging, which will have to be removed somewhere. You need to think about it in advance. You can endure it outside the dacha or scatter around the site, raising the level, or to use the Earth as an embankment under alpine hill.

How to put the film and fill the pond with water

When dripped, you need to pay attention to the state of the bottom, and if there are sharp stones or the roots of trees, then it is better to remove them. Before putting a film for a pond, it should be poured onto the bottom and on the terraces of a bed of sand from a thickness of 5-10 cm. Next, geotextiles are lifted - a special synthetic nonwoven material. Instead of geotextiles, you can use cement screed 3-5 cm thick and leave it for 1 week until complete grapplation. Such waterproofing will keep the sandy pillow from the blurring of underground waters and protects with water from various mechanical damage.

Next, it is necessary to strip the file with a film with a film, leaving it in a free position, with folds to avoid excessive tension when filling with water water. When laying a film on the bottom of the pond, it is better to leave big folds than a lot of small.

On top of the film should be put a cobblestone material and large pebbles to press the film to the base and fix in the right places. The stock of the film on the edges must be left.

Now you should connect the garden hose to the water source and serve it in the center of the film laid over the pit. The jet should be sprinkling - this will help reduce the chlorine content in water. The film will be gradually smoothed by taking the form of the structure.

In the process of how to fill the pond with water, you need to follow the drawdown of the film, if necessary, moving its stones while necessary.

After full filling of the pond with water, it should be left for a day, and then cut down an excessive film, leaving the reserve at its edges at 25-30 cm, which will be laid in the breakfast.

Watch the video "Pond from the film with your own hands" to better understand how this work is performed:

Pond from the film at the dacha with their own hands: Gamestek and decoration

Along the edge of the pond, you will need to make a ditch wide with a width of at least 60 cm and at least 30 cm depth. On the bottom of the ditches you need to pour sand, put the edge of the geotextile and the edge of the film by exposing them. Then the deepening should be covered with a thin layer of rubble and strengthen the edging of the pond with stones, securing them with each other with a concrete.

Here you can also use flooring, resembling the color of the stone, which is necessary to firmly fix the person, putting on the edge of the reservoir, did not move onto the bottom with sand and film.

Such strengthening is done in order to prevent the sinking of the Earth from the coastal zone in the pond bowl. To strengthen the scene, you can still apply plastic pipesBy navigating them to spicks that are firmly installed along the coastline.

Now you need to install the submersible pump at the bottom of the pond, stretch the hose to the source of water and connect to the water purification filter. Hoses and pump cable can be hidden in film folds.

After installing the pump it needs to be connected, check the work.

At the stage of decoration you can plant pond plants using pots and baskets. Since the reservoir is equipped with a filter pump, you can launch real gold fish.

If you wish, you can install lamps to illuminate the pond by placing the wires in a moisture protection box along the coastline, putting onto the linoleum and falling asleep on top of the sand.

The coastal zone can be decorated with gravel, pebbles, plant the coastal plants, and you can build an alpine slide, especially since it will be possible to use the Earth from the pit.

Alpine slide is decorated with stones, various solubular colors and plants.

Decided to do on their panstone Artificial reservoir do it yourself? Then you need to learn a few secrets, allowing you to create not just a reservoir, and the present product of landscape art.

To create a beautiful artificial reservoir, first of all it is necessary to decide what exactly you want to see on your site:

  • bulk reservoir of an arbitrary form from PVC film,
  • reservoir of hard capacity from fiberglass or plastic,
  • artificial water of a large volume with a reinforced concrete bowl.

By choosing a reservoir version, you should schedule a place for it on your household site. The territory under the trees will create some difficulties in leaving the reservoir - will have to more often remove the foliage into it. Fully open solar plots can cause too fast water blooming. If you are planning to install a small fountain in the reservoir or, for example, an oxygen compressor, get drunk in advance about the vehicle to the future water reservoir of the electrical cable.

  • If you plan to arrange a broken water, on the selected land plot it is necessary to dug the appropriate form. Initially, the curvilinear shape of the reservoir can be outlined with metal spills and ropes.
  • Do not make sudden descents. It is better when in a reservoir several steps-terraces located on 25-30 below each other. The optimal width of such a terrace is 30-35 cm. The recommended depth of the artificial reservoir is at least 60 centimeters.
  • Sucks between terraces are performed at an angle of 45 degrees. When digging, remove all roots of plants and stones, which are in the zone of the future reservoir.

  • If you decide to make a reservoir with a raised outer edge above the ground level, then after you completely disappear, put out of the stones on the cement-sandy solution along the perimeter of the reservoir side of the required height. Be sure to wait for a complete solidification of the solution before starting to the next step to create an artificial reservoir.
  • Now we take clean sand and a smooth layer put it throughout the entire inner surface of the water branch of a layer of 3-4 centimeters. Sand must be carefully loosen and tamped.
  • The next step is the layout of the bowl of the reservoir from the film. Polyethylene (two layers) is suitable for time reservoirs for 2-3 years. If you need a reservoir with a service life of at least 10 years - use PVC film for "long-lived" reservoirs (20-25 years) a film from butyl rubber is suitable. Freely spread the film along the bottom of the reservoir so that its edges appear beyond the boundaries of not less than 50 centimeters. If necessary, glue with each other two canvas with a special glue and ribbon.

With hard capacity

  1. Purchase the container of plastic or fiberglass of the desired form.
  2. Put it on the ground in the place where are going to make an artificial reservoir.
  3. Shovel Recote the contour of the bowl.
  4. Remove the container and hide the kitty the necessary shape and depth. Do not forget to make a careful bowl of about 3-4 centimeters.
  5. Put the sand along the bottom of the bottom of the thickness of 3-4 centimeters, scatter and confuse it.
  6. Set the container to the place, gently press it out and make sure that there are no emptiness under the bowl.
  7. Fill the container with water so that it finally wishhed. Make sure the horizontal of the upper edges of the bowl.
  8. Put the break around the bowls of stones or tiles on the cement-sandy solution.

With reinforced concrete bowl

Large in volume, artificial reservoir is best made from reinforced concrete:

In the future, the bowl of such a reservoir should be treated with waterproofing composition and lay out tiles.


Video instructions for the arrangement of the PVC pond pond:


The pond is better away from the trees - in the fall you only and you will do that pull out the leaves from the water, besides, the roots of the plants are able to damage the bottom cover of the pond. An ideal place For a home reservoir, a quiet, inaccessible windows without slopes, with medium illumination, is considered. Before building a natural pond, keep in mind that in a large water reservoir it will be much easier to equip the ecosystem, component of plants and care for the inhabitants.

First of all, creating a pond in the country and the household plot with your own hands, you should understand that the water in it will not need to chlorine or expose the treatment - on the contrary, it will be necessary to strive for creating a biological balance between water, plants and livestock if it You will be. That is, water should be self-cleaning as much as possible, and on your part, in this case, only a rare cleaning of bottom garbage will be needed. The smaller the reservoir - the more difficult it is to establish a balance.

Reservoirs can be like strict geometric shapesand imitating natural reservoirs - the first case is suitable for the classic landscape design, cutting gardens and straight tracks, the second will fit into the landscape imitating wildlife. If you have conceived to make water with lighting or fountains, choosing a place, refer to the proximity of the power supply.

So that the water has not flowed - materials

Whatever materials you have chosen, dig still to dig! Exceptions are perhaps that raised reservoirs that are fenced with a stone border. Options for the bottom coating are quite a lot - it is a polyvinyl chloride, and butyl acoustic film, as well as ready-made containers of enhanced plastic or fiberglass. Immediately it is not possible to fully comply with the usual polyethylene - its service life is not more than 1-2 years.

Polyvinyl chloride coating will serve all 15 years old, and butyl rubber rubber - more than 50! True, the cost of the last type of coating will not be small. Another durable, dear and labor-intensive way - This is the reinforced concrete bowl of the pond. Most fast way Get the desired is to buy a finished tank of fiberglass or plastic. True, in most cases it is a container small size, about 4 m 2 with a depth of meter. Larger containers are already intended for pools, so they will cost they will be expensive.

The finished tanks are strong enough, in the winter they are not afraid of frosts, but they don't stand at the bottom of the bottom, and when transporting caution to avoid the appearance of cracks. Plastic baths Serve less - up to 10 years, capacity from reinforced plastic will serve up to 20 years, and fiberglass products are all 30! Minus such ponds - they will only be the form you asked the manufacturer. Film coatings allow you to experiment with shapes, as your heart.

How to arrange a pond - stage behind the stage

To begin with, notice the contours of the future pit - if the pond device on the plot will occur with the film, then the contours will be arbitrary, if you bought a ready-made container, then put it on your chosen place and circle a shovel on the contour. Then take this shovel and dig! The depth of the pit must be 4 cm more depth The tank itself, since you still need to lay the sand layer for drainage. When the pit is ready, the drainage is covered and tamped, place the bath in place and shield with water.

Try to avoid emptiness between the walls of the reservoir and the soil, because in winter frosts they can serve as a cracked.

After installing the reservoir of its edge, it is necessary to put a brick, artificial or natural stone. It is much more difficult to work with fiberglass bathrooms of large sizes - just in their case the slightest emptiness between the walls will cause a practically mandatory crack in winter time. Therefore, their installation is best to entrust specialists.

How to arrange a natural pond on the plot with your own hands - to dug out correctly!

An independent creation of a water branch from 5 m 2 is possible only with flexible film coatings. Observe the pattern - the more your reservoir, the thicker should be a bottom coating. Pay attention to the color of the film you want to use for work. The black film forms a real mirror from the pond, which will reflect the clouds and a blue sky. If you are striving for natural color, choose brown. Cream or blue shades are best applied in the event that the water will dwell fish in the water - in this background they will be much better distinguishable.

Now, how to improve the water - for this there is a huge range of plants, which are not terrible constant humidity. Especially spectacularly on the water stroit will look guy. Plants are planted on a special fabric, which better keeps them at the bottom of the reservoir. Decorate your reservoir and a small murmur, for example, from natural stone.

* The article is prepared with the assistance of the pond fish and equipment for the MARLIN-SHOP pond.