Repairs Design Furniture

Fastening horizontal blinds to the wall. Installation of blinds on the windows. How to remove dimensions

If you decide to establish blinds yourself, then you should be prepared for the fact that it is quite difficult job.

For plastic windows, there is a special type of horizontal blinds of the cassette system - isolate (Isolite).

It will help to establish horizontal blinds (not to be confused with the concept of vertical) instruction - installation manual.

The first thing to be done is to choose the option of installing horizontal blinds, that is, choose the side on which the control mechanism will be (this rule applies to vertical).

Scheme measurement window

Next, the next step: measurements of window openings are made, which will be installed blinds, given the shape of window openings. It is recommended to be measured in the middle of the measured opening and at the edges. This will make compensate for the possible non-rectinity of the walls of the room. Measurements are advised to perform metal tape measure. The obtained values \u200b\u200bshould not be rounded.

When measurements of window openings, pay attention to whether there are a number of door or window handles, heating devices. Since they can become an obstacle to installing and rotating lamellae.

Blinds should hang freely and easily rotate around their axis. It is recommended that they do not touch the windowsill or other obstacles.

Mounting scheme brackets

To match the width of horizontal to the width of the openings, add 20 - 40 mm. To match the height, it is added to the height of the window opening of about 50 - 70 mm. This will take into account the fact that the side slope of the windows may not be completely vertical.

The next step is to purchase a product strictly for extinted sizes.

By purchasing blinds, open the packaging and find all the items required for installation. Namely:

  • screws;
  • two metal brackets;
  • horizontal blinds.

List of instruments

  • screwdriver or cross screwdriver;
  • pencil or marker;
  • self-tapping screws with dowels of 6-8 mm;
  • concrete drill - 6-8 mm;
  • rechargeable or electric drill.

Installation instructions

Installation scheme Blinds

  1. To mark the places of fastening, mark these places at a distance of about 60 cm from each other, and about 20 cm from the edges of the top plank. By marking, consider that the bracket should not fall on the caliper, the lock or control mechanism.
  2. Secure the brackets to the ceiling, a wall or sash window. If you are creating the product to the ceiling or wall, then attach both brackets (they are marked: left -lh / gh, right - RH / DH) to the top of the opening, retreating about 20-30 mm , Mark the pencil for two holes under the screws. Drill the hole drill with a depth of 30-40 mm.
  3. Secure the brackets with self-draws on the top of the window slop.
  4. Insert the profile into the left and right brackets. Rocking windows from PVC mounted brackets can be performed without drilling a window profile. Special brackets for plastic windows are used here.
  5. Turn the latches of the brackets counterclockwise until you stop.
  6. Insert the top cornese into the brackets and turn the latch clockwise until you stop.


Collect horizontal blinds must be strictly according to the scheme. Lamella should be placed on the rope ladder strictly at one distance from each other. With the help of the slave runners, attach to the eaves. At the bottom of the lamella are connected by a chain. Through the lifting mechanism inside the cornice passes the cord of the control, which connects the lamellas among themselves. Important! Make sure the runners move in the cornice without effort. The cord and rope should also move freely.

Installation is completed. Be sure to check the quality of the functioning of your blinds!

If you bought or ordered vertical or horizontal blinds, then we suggest you to install them with your own hands, because you can cope with this task, you can not even have experience, the main thing is to have a desire, 1 hour of free time and several tools.

Attention! Installation of blinds does not require special skills, but keep in mind that any breakdowns that have arisen in the process of independent work will exclude the possibility of warranty repair, exchange / refund of the curtains.

Depending on the type of curtains, your preferences and conditions, the blinds are installed:

  • In the window opening;
  • On the wall;
  • On the ceiling;
  • On the window itself.

We accounted for 3 step-by-step instructions and a selection of useful videos, with the help of which you can mount horizontal and vertical blinds of any kind in any way.

To install horizontal blinds on the wall or to the ceiling, as well as to install vertical blinds over the window, you need to prepare:

  1. Electrode with a drill along concrete 6-8 mm;
  2. Self-tapping screws and dowels 6-8 mm;
  3. Roulette or ruler and level;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Cross screwdriver or screwdriver;
  6. If you need to shorten and circumcise the curtains in width: hacksaw, scissors, threads, needles.

Instructions for installation of horizontal wall blinds / to the ceiling

To properly install blinds to the wall or ceiling, you need to make the following actions.

Step 1. Check the set of curtains and lay out all the parts on the working surface.

Make sure the curtain package includes: universal fasteners for blinds 2 pcs. (or standard brackets), screws, blinds themselves assembled. In case you set the blinds of a width of more than 2 m, the intermediate fastening should be attached to the set of fasteners, which will fix the channel in the middle without letting it be saved.

Step 2. Apply the curtains to the wall / ceiling, we determine the exact location of their installation and labeled the left and right edges of the blinds of the blinds using a roulette and a level. Next, from each mark (in the direction of the parties from the center), we make an indent to 2-3 cm and also put the labels - these are places to install fasteners-brackets.

Step 3. Now we apply right and left fasteners to these labels and mark the exact drives of drilling directly on the screws for the screws. Drill drill these tags. The depth of drilling must be 3-4 cm.

Step 5. If you mount the shutters width more than 2 m, then at this stage you need to install an intermediate fastener. To do this, we note the middle between the already installed fasteners and repeat the actions from steps 3 and 4.

Tip: For the reliability of the installation of heavy aluminum, bamboo and wooden curtains, the intermediate fasteners are installed and 10 cm from the adjusting thread, as it accounts for a large load.

Step 6. Insert and close the upper cornice blinds in the locks of brackets. If this is standard brackets, the eaves are simply screwed to them with screws.

Instructions for installing horizontal blinds in the window opening

To set horizontal blinds into the window opening, you need to make the following works.

Make sure that the blinds are attached: fasteners for blinds (brackets) 2 pcs., Screws, blinds themselves in the assembled form.

Step 2. Try to try the curtains to the desired place in the window niche and check whether the blinds do not interfere with the discovery.

Step 3. Now apply the right and left fasteners to the upper inner plane of the window niche, retreating from its walls by 2-3 cm towards the center, then make a mark in the places of fasteners. Thus, you will have 2 labels on the right and 2 labels on the left.

Step 4. Now, on these labels, drill drill holes. The depth of drilling must be 3-4 cm.

Step 5. Right and left fasteners (in accordance with the parties and labels) we screw to the upper plane of the window opening with the help of screws.

Step 6. Insert and close the upper cornice blinds in the locks of the brackets, simply turning and / or pressing the lever clockwise. If you use conventional brackets for fastening, then the chunks are simply screwed.

Instructions on how to install blinds directly on plastic windows Look in this video:

And how do you properly shorten the horizontal plastic or wooden blinds can be correctly shown here:

Installation instructions for vertical blinds to the ceiling / wall and in the window opening

Installing vertical blinds with your own hands suggests the following steps:

Step 1. Check the complete set and lay out all the details on the working surface.

The set of vertical blinds includes: fasteners for blinds (brackets) 2 pcs., Screws, eaves, curtains themselves in disassembled form (lamellas with weightlifiers, lower connecting chain).

Step 2. Before installing blinds, you need to make sure that their length suits you. To do this, attach one lamel to the desired place on the ceiling / wall / upper plane of the window opening. If the distance from the bottom of the curtain to the window sill or floor is less than 1-2 cm, then the slave is better to shorten. You can do it with your own hands: get weightlifiers, cut off the surplus and sunmate the edges back.

Step 3. Now you need to put the cornice to the ceiling / wall of the window opening, align and mark its right and left ends.

Then we do the following:

  • If you install vertical blinds to the ceiling, then from the previously set labels we make an indent 2 -3 cm towards the center and put the tags again;
  • If you want to establish blinds to the wall, then from previously set tags we make an indent 5-6 cm towards the center and also put the tags.

If you mount the curtains in the opening of the window, then the ends of the eaves do not need to note, it is enough to make a mark, retreating the walls of the opening 2-3 cm towards the center.

Further it is for these labels that apply fasteners for blinds and mark the place of drilling. Thus, you will have 2 labels on the right and 2 labels on the left. Do not forget to apply fastening the parties.

Note: For mounting a curtain width of more than 1.6 m, you must additionally install an intermediate fastening of 10 cm from the regulating cord.

Step 4. Now, on these labels, drill drill holes. The depth of drilling must be 4-5 cm.

Step 5. Right and left fasteners (in accordance with the sides and labels) screw screwing to the ceiling / wall.

Step 6. Insert and close the cornice blinds in fasteners locks, turning and / or pressing the lever clockwise. If you use conventional brackets for fastening, then the eaves simply screwed to them.

Step 7. Adjusting the cord, turn the runners so that they turn out across the cornice (as shown below on the left photo) and proceed to fastening the lamellae, just snapping them in the slugaders.

Step 8. The bottom chain is fastened to weightlifiers of lamellas first from the external side of them, then cut the surplus and do the same on the reverse side of the lamellae, and then with the second part of the lamellae. Well, that's all, the installation of vertical blinds is completed, it remains only to check the operation of the mechanism and adjust the position of the lamellae.

Below is a video instruction on how to properly install vertical blinds with your own hands to the wall.

In order for blinds on the window for a long time, it is important to know how to install horizontal blinds correctly, in accordance with technology. Although this task at first glance does not seem like a difficult process, there are many nuances that need to be considered during installation work. If you are not fully confident that you can cope with the mount yourself, contact your specialists.

Required tools and preparation

The first thing you need to determine is the installation method. The installation of horizontal blinds can be performed in the window opening, on the frame, to the wall or ceiling. The attachment method depends on how measurements were performed. If the overall dimensions of the product are larger than the window opening, then it will be necessary to attach on the opening. In this case, you need to decide whether they will be attached to the wall or to the ceiling. If the product size is in the window opening.

Installation involves the presence of the following tools:

  • roulette;
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws, dowels and brackets.

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to carry out appropriate marking.

Marking requires special accuracy, since it is very important that the blinds do not interfere with the window work, and the work of the window's shutters - blinds.

Back to the category

Fastening technology

After preparatory work, you can move to the installation of the product. It is necessary to drill holes with a screwdriver and insert a dowel in them according to the markup made. After that, you can start the attachment of brackets by self-drawers.

It is necessary to deploy and collect the device, in accordance with the overall dimensions, mark the pencil location of the mounting brackets. It should be borne in mind that the bracket should not get to the place of attachment of the retainer or control system. The distance between the brackets should be about 60 cm.

As a rule, the product is attached to 2 brackets, but at large sizes for reliability and reduce the load, it is better to attach an additional bracket. It is worth installing and near the control mechanism, since it is in this place that the device is exposed to the greatest load.

The brackets are arranged in such a way that the upper cornice in them is simply snapped. The product should be fully assembled before starting it to the brackets. Tightly fixing the top bar in the bracket, turn it on the latch counterclockwise until it stops. Similarly, the product is attached to both the wall and to the ceiling or upper docks. The difference is only in the method of mounting brackets. They provide holes for both species, horizontally located holes for fastening to the wall and vertically located to the ceiling or upper disappearance. After installation, check the operation of the mechanism.

If you want to mount the product directly on the frame of the plastic window close to the glass, it is necessary to use fasteners specifically for PVC windows. In this case, the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe window and the windowsill is engaged. Blinds are tightly adjacent to the sash and open with it. For this option, the installation is best suited.

Good afternoon!

Today I would like to talk about installing blinds on a plastic window. The opinion that window openings in residential premises should be closed with textile curtains, goes into the past.

Blinds are diverse and functional so much that they will give odds to any Gardin and Tyu. Before buying a design of a specific color or size, you need to think about how it will be located on the window and how can I install it.

  • Vertical or horizontal lamellae,
  • rolled or pleated,
  • fabric or plastic - regardless of these indicators, blinds can be attached to the use of power tools and without it.

It is important to choose and options:

  1. in the window opening
  2. over it
  3. or directly on the window sash.

Each of these cases should be considered separately.

Blinds - the most practical way of designing windows. Simple installation and unpretentious blinds are very popular. Due to the variety of species and colors, they harmoniously fit into any room and complement the interior of the room. In this article, consider the types of blinds and the ways to install them on the windows. We will learn to independently mount the blinds in different ways.


In construction stores, the eyes run away from the variety of coloring and textures of the window decor. How to choose suitable blinds and correctly install them? First of all, we will deal with what types of blinds exist.

  1. Horizontal blinds. Most practical, close the window and protect against light and extraneous eyes.
  2. Vertical blinds. Most often installed in offices or are drawn up with their help the deaf window, since they make it difficult to open windows.
  3. Rolled blinds. The window is very tightly closed. Can become an independent design of the window opening.
  4. Cassette blinds. Consist of a special box that is installed on the frame. Do not interfere with opening windows.

How to choose

Choosing blinds, repel from the functional purpose of the room and the overall stylistics of the room. Blinds can be tissue, plastic, aluminum, bamboo, etc.

The variety of colors and textures will allow you to choose a decor suitable for your room. Before buying, be sure to measure your window. This will make it possible to choose the product of the appropriate size.

How to install blinds yourself

So, the blinds are bought. Do not rush to call the installation wizard. You can easily cope with this task yourself. In addition to acquiring a useful skill, the installation of blinds can become an interesting family pastime.

Blinds are installed in three ways:

  1. In the lining. The product is attached at the top of the opening, and closes the entire window to the windowsill or lower.
  2. In the window opening. Blinds are mounted in the window opening closer to the window. Also closed the entire window to the windowsill.
  3. For each sash separately. The most practical way. Blinds are attached directly to the sash, thereby allowing you to open the sash or lead a window into the ventilation mode, without raising the blinds.


Making measurements, you need to make a break depending on the type of installation. You intend to mount the loudspeakers - add 10 cm to the width and height of the window opening. You will install blinds in the window opening - the height of the opening in pure form, the width is minus 1.5 cm. When mounting on each sash - the width of the sash - minus 2 cm, the height of the sash is minus 3 cm.

Each type of blinds has its own features of the installation. Next, we consider separately the principles of fastening of products of each type.

Install horizontal blinds

Usually, the kit with horizontal blinds includes all the necessary mounts. Armed with a screwdriver, proceed to the installation. They are installed in the window opening or each sash separately.

  1. To secure blinds on the Measurement window, measure the desired distance and mark the places where the top plank will be attached.
  2. Using a screwdriver, drill holes and attach the corners that will keep the top bar.
  3. Secure the bar on the corners. First on one, then on the second. When mounting, a click should be coming.
  4. Disappel the cloth down, tick the point where the bottom plank will be mounted.
  5. Install the bottom bar as well as the top with the help of the corners.

Installation of vertical blinds

Vertical blinds consist of cornice with clips regulating sliding / shift and lamellae - a closing window closet.

Includes all the necessary fasteners, as well as detailed installation instructions. This kind of binding is established.

  1. Attach the cornice with the clamping to the ceiling. You can use all the same screwdriver for fastening the cornice.
  2. Insert the lamellas in the cornice. Each part of the canvas must be mounted separately. To do this, insert each strip into the appropriate latch, wait for the characteristic click.

Install rolled blinds

Rolled blinds have the same mechanism as horizontal and are installed as well. It is most convenient to mount rolled blinds directly to the sash, then they will not interfere with opening windows. If you need to consolidate them in the window opening, it is better to use additional brackets, because the window handle performs several centimeters. Without brackets, the handle will fill out from under the canvas and spoil a general view.

Installation of cassette blinds

Blinds of cassette type are a ready-made box with a mechanism that is attached to the window frame. Installation is quite simple.

  1. Attach the top bar with the cloth with screws.
  2. Then the side guides (usually on the adhesive basis) are made to the sash vertically.
  3. Expand the cloth, adjust the boundaries of the upper and lower position of the web.
  4. Install all accessories.

Helpful advice!

The blinds have a clear geometric shape, so measure thoroughly and calculate the attachment points, in order to avoid asymmetry and unnecessary holes.

How to fix blinds on plastic windows

What if you need to fix blinds on the sash, but it is impossible to drill plastic windows? In this case, you can set the blinds using brackets. The devices are attached to the frame, and the bearing design of the blinds is mounted. Fasten the bracket on the window frame using:

  • bilateral scotch;
  • the hook on the top of the frame of the opening flap.

This method will allow reliably to fix the product, and will retain the integrity of the metal-plastic profile.

To correctly install the blinds with your own hands, it is important:

  • decide with the type of blinds that you want to purchase;
  • select the optimal installation option;
  • do window measurements, take into account the necessary stock;
  • when installing, it is clear to observe the size of the product;
  • carefully place the points of drilling;
  • adhere to the instructions included in the kit.

How to remove dimensions

How to install blinds

Use dowels and screws corresponding to fasteners, as well as the material of the walls or the ceiling to which the blinds will be attached.


Before installing fasteners, check if folded blinds are prevented by opening the window.

We advise you to carefully see if there will be a window handles, flower pots (and other "outsiders" items on the windowsill) interfere with the opening-closing of the blinds and turning the lamellas (windowsill, batteries, etc.)

How to install horizontal blinds

  1. Measure the same distance from each edge of the window.
  2. Drill the wall and insert a dowel into it, corresponding to the material of the wall (concrete, plaster, etc.), then screw the fixing screws.
  3. Using the level and ruler, mark the location of the second fastening. Screw the second fastening similarly to the first.
  4. When installing horizontal blinds, it is necessary to use an additional intermediate fastening if the width of the blinds exceeds a certain distance. For mounting to the ceiling of vertical blinds, more than 1.6 m wide must be installed 3 fasteners.
  5. Place an extra mount at a distance of 10 cm from the regulatory cord (in this place the blind mechanism is experiencing the greatest load).
  6. Secure blinds on fasteners

Cutting horizontal shutters width

  1. Put folded blinds on the horizontal surface and measure the part that needs to be cut on each side. It is necessary to cut off the equal parts of the blinds on the left and right.
  2. Cut the cornice and rail. Do not forget to cover the lamella in order not to damage them.

Cutting Blinds in height:

  1. Remove the items that are under the lower eaves at the bottom of the blinds in such a way as to free the cord.
  2. Unleash the nodes in order to free the lamellas.
  3. Remove the extra slats to achieve the necessary louver height.
  4. Align the blinds by inserting the lower cornice in the last link.
  5. Cut the free ends of the cord, tie the nodes and put the details of the lower cornice.

Cutting rolled curtains

  1. With the help of hacksaw for metal, cut the tube and lower cornice.
  2. Cut the fabric with scissors. If the drawing is applied to the curtains, it is necessary to cut the equal parts of the curtain to the left and right.
  3. Installation of rolled curtains on the tube is carried out with the help of two-sided adhesive located on it. (Make sure that you do not deploy the curtains to the end: always leave a little cloth on the tube).

Cutting vertical blinds

Cutting control rail of vertical blinds.

The lamellas are easily cut and mounted. Throw the lamella with scissors to the desired height, following the instructions on the package. Cut the controlling rail with a metal hacksaw.

Choosing the material of the blinds, you need to take into account, in which room they will hang. Plastic blinds are best suited for the bathroom and kitchen - they are not afraid of moisture and easily clean. For the kitchen, you can also recommend aluminum blinds that do not support burning.


Why do you need blinds?

Their main characteristics are: the ability to easily be attached to the windows, ease of operation and excellent performance of its main function - regulation of light in the room. With constant work at the computer, it is also impossible to do without the use of blinds.

The only question in this case is to understand how you can hang blinds on plastic windows to extract the maximum effect from their use.

Step-by-step instructions for installing blinds

Determine Size

So, the first thing remains the purchase of the blinds of the selected production corresponding to the size and other individual characteristics. It is required to note that before going to purchase, it is necessary to determine the size of the glass: taking into account this value you need to know that the blinds are required to fully cover the glass (in width), slightly entering the frame limits.


After buying the initial case, it is necessary to unpack and unravel the cord, and also see fasteners.

From what is attached in the package you can postpone the dowels, because in this case the blinds will be attached directly to the window.

We define with fasteners

We find the mount for which we will be attached to our blinds. The second action on the installation of blinds is the found of two metal brackets with latches. This will be required to subsequently consolidate a container with "blinds" on them.

We make markup and install mounting brackets

The next step is the markup. For its proper execution, first of all, you must carefully read the instructions. After all, you need to place fixing brackets so that it is easy to insert container in them.

In other words, it will be necessary to find the optimal distance from the end of the markup. An important point in this step is the complete exclusion of amateur in this step: on the window everything should be drawn with a pencil in terms of level, but not to the eye.

Otherwise, the curvature of the landing will immediately be brought into the eyes when the plates will be raised, and it looks not very aesthetic. It is also required to pay attention to the fact that the barns do not move beyond the glass, since the container adjustment will be broken during the presence.

Helpful advice!

Brackets need to be attached to latches up. However, before that, it is necessary to sew the window with a drill (thin) window, and after sending the screws towards the plastic.

If everything is neat, then nothing terrible with the window will not happen, because the remaining drilled holes are removed using acrylic sealant. However, with the accuracy and care of the execution of this step, they will not be at all.

Wear container

After the container is put on. We cover the latches and determine the correctness of the landing. In case the brackets are firmly located on the window, and the container is easily removed or dressed, it is necessary to say that the work is performed on "excellent." However, it is not fully completed.

The last thing remains is to establish the lower holders. Their role is to fix the canvas from the planks and fasten it to protect against free movement. When climbing the lower edge of the canvas is required to extract from holders.

Install lower mounts

In order to place the bottom holders, it is required to lower the cloth down. Then you need to estimate their position in the case of a tightly stretched canvase.

With a chatting canvase, it is impossible to accurately measure the lower holders. After properly performed measurement, it is necessary to sear the holes and fasten the screw holder.

Fastening holders

At this stage, the question be disturbed: how do you need to turn the holder - out either inside?

The answer is quite simple: and when screwing inside, as well as the outward result remains the same, in any case, the screws are not visible. Therefore, it is already required to rely on its convenience and principles.

On this came to an end the process of attaching blinds on the window.

First of all, consider it precisely the installation of horizontal blinds, as it is most difficult to install the blinds on plastic windows in this case:

  • spend measurements of the same distance from each edge;
  • drill a hole in the wall, then insert a dowel into it, which will fit the material of the wall. Now it will be possible to screw the fastening with screws;
  • using a ruler and level, measure the location of the second fastening and screw it. In the case of horizontal blinds, you will also need to use another mount in the event that the product exceeds the specified distance by its width. Also, if it is necessary to mount vertical blinds to the ceiling, the width of which exceeds one and a half meters, three fasteners should be used;
  • now you can consolidate the blinds on the placed mounts.

The dowels are best used to use those that will fit the fasteners, as well as the material of the walls or the ceiling, depending on where exactly you are going to mount the blinds.

Before installing fasteners, you will need to check in advance whether there will be folded blinds to impede the normal opening of the window.

Installation without drilling

As mentioned above, in this technology, specialized brackets will be used as the basis. They can be fixed in many ways, and already on them can be snapped or bolted the carrying design of the blinds. The use of such an installation option is popular for the reason that after that it will be possible without any work to turn off the blinds for overhaul or even completely remove them from the window. At the same time, there will not be any extra holes, and the tightness of the window profile will not be disturbed.

Installation of the brackets themselves in this case can be carried out using screws or other methods such as:

  • fastening to the top of the sash profile. The use of such a method is relevant only when the installation of the blinds is carried out on the opening sash;
  • fastening with standard double-sided tape.

The first option allows you to easily remove everything, together with the brackets, almost immediately without the need to perform any additional manipulations with holes and screwdrivers. The second option is similar to how the screws are installed, but instead of screwing the blinds, they are simply glued to the surface.

Instead of holes for holding fishing line, you can use standard fasteners that can easily be glued at the bottom of the frame with double-sided tape.

If you do not understand how to install blinds on the windows, the video below you should help:

Installation of fasteners

Despite the fact that over the past few years there has been a huge number of the most diverse interesting options for fasteners, the most relevant is the installation technology using a standard drill. Almost every homemade master knows how to drill, so it will be enough to see how the blinds are installed on plastic windows on the video:

This installation option will allow you not only to hang blinds normally, but also enough to secure them in such a way that they for a long time could serve you faithfully, not overlooking and without losing their operational advantages.