Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a staircase for 2 floor. The staircase on the second floor with your own hands. There are normal requirements for them.

Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State Architectural University. 11 years of experience in the field of design and construction.

Two-storey houses or cottages should be equipped with reliable stairs. The material of the manufacture of these structures is most often choosing a tree. Wooden stairs on the second floor can be purchased ready or made yourself. Choosing a second option, you will reduce your material costs and make exactly what you really need

Types of designs

To build a staircase, you need to be able to use the tool, know the rules for building sketches and drawings. This will allow:

  • proceed all components of design elements;
  • take into account potentially weaknesses and remedy still at the project stage;
  • calculate the size of the steps in such a way that it is convenient to rise and go down.

For the manufacture of the stairs, it is best to use wood. This building material is environmentally friendly, practical, supple in work, which is especially important for beginner masters. With the help of a special tool, you can make a staircase of such a form that would ideally approached your interior:

  • direct or rounded;
  • simple or decorative;
  • heavy or easy.

The following popular types of wooden staircases are distinguished:

Selection of ladder scheme

For a private house or village cottage, it is suitable for both the route and a spiral staircase. However, we should not forget that spiral structures require very accurate installation, as well as special elements (for example, a railing of rounded shape). To make them, you need to master the professional installation technology.

This is especially true of more complex staircases, which at the initial stage can only be used as a sample for inspiration, and not imitation. Do not rely on ready-made schemes, as they do not take into account all the features of your situation.

As for the marching stairs, they make and install them much easier. They are different configurations:

  • P-shaped two-pages;

When placing a staircase for 2 floor with over 10 stages, it is recommended to divide it with a platform with a turn, after which it can go up along the wall at an angle of 90 or 180 degrees.

The choice of a particular model depends on your taste and planning features at home.

Preparation of materials

Before making a wooden staircase for the second floor, it is necessary to determine the choice of building material. The most popular wood species are pine and larch. According to the operational characteristics of the product from larch better, since less is less susceptible to rotting.

The larch is not afraid of moisture, moreover, when absorbing the liquid, the structure becomes stronger. This is a sufficiently significant advantage, since there will always be a small humidity in the house. For the construction of the stairs also fit: oak, cedar, beech and other wood breeds, but at cost it is not the cheapest pleasure.

The service life of the tree depends largely on how lumber is sucked. The maximum degree of moisture of wood should be no more than 12%.

Well dried boards are more expensive, but this is more compensated by the durability of the stairs.

If the sawn timber is quite wet, then you will have to dry yourself yourself. To do this, it is placed in a well-ventilated room with a constant temperature regime for a period of at least 3 months.

Calculation of the main parameters of the ladder


Standard staircase width - from 90 to 150 cm. But when calculating this indicator, the following points should be taken into account:

  • how convenient will be at the same time two people go towards each other;
  • lee allows you to transfer large-sized objects (furniture, equipment) chosen width (furniture, equipment).

Comfortable bandwidth range for a private house - 1100-1300 mm. Less - difficulty carrying furniture; More - an excess place occupied.


To calculate this indicator, you will need to take the size of the steps and calculate their quantity. Experience shows that, performing a drawing on its own on paper, errors are allowed. As a result, the staircase in reality becomes longer than in the figure. It is possible to exit such a situation as follows: Include in the staircase a few running steps.


Determining the overall height, inexperienced masters often allow mistakes. They take into account only the distance from the rough floor to the ceiling of the upper floor room. This is not entirely right. When drawing up the drawing, it is necessary to take into account the 1st floor mark and the thickness of the floor on the upper floor together with the finish finish.

Parameters opening in the overlap

It is important to leave enough space between the steps and overlapping the upper floor. As a rule, it equals the growth of the highest person and is approximately 190 - 200 cm.

Slope stairs

To build a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands, it is recommended to observe the slope of the staircase structure of 40-45 degrees. If this indicator exceeds, it will be hard to raise the people of old age, young children.

The optimal inclination angle of the staircase is in the range of 30 - 37 °

When choosing a color structure, building materials consumption increases and the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room is reduced. Therefore, when calculating this indicator should be processed from the available place.


Their components are coming and risers. When determining the size of the sticky, it is necessary to navigate 45 of the foot. Therefore, the optimal width of the steps is considered 30 cm.

The size of the risk, depending on the slope of the ladder, ranges from 15 to 20 cm.

When building drawings, it is important to consider the following:

  1. All steps should be the same in size.
  2. If there are over 18 steps in the design, it is advisable to make 2 march in the project and provide for a platform. It is called observation, swivel or intermediate. The location of its location can be the center of a span or a plot near the start of the stairs.

Online calculator for calculating

For your convenience, all the calculations you can make using a convenient one. As a result, you will receive ready-made drawings and specification of materials.

Mounting Wooden Stairs

The installation of a wooden inter-storey staircase begins with the manufacture of cososov (or the tents), coming and risers.

Scan of stairs on the wall indicating the size

Slots are cut from the board on a previously harvested pattern. The standard thickness varies from 30 to 40 cm. If you do more, it will be an unjustified consumption of materials and weighting design. The risers are performed in the construction decorative function. Therefore, they can be saved using a 10-15 mm board.

Kosomers are made from a solid board, on which there are no defects. Both Kosher must be identical to the staircase does not turn out asymmetric and overwhelmed.

Marking Kowra

Assembly of rigidity tie

Assembly of the carcass

The installation of the cososov begins with the removal of propilov on the ceiling beam, located at the top of the staircase. Sometimes, the propellants are replaced by the resistance from the metal, which should be attached to the vertical of the overlapping by anchors. No matter what method you select, the boosters must be firmly fixed to the overlap.

On the lower floor along the first stage itself, the support timber is installed in the floor. Anchors use as fasteners.

Cowra mount to the floor

Installation of composite parts

Set the steps will not be much difficulty. Course cuts are missing with glue and attack them, which then need to be aligned and secured with screws.

Mounting risers to Kosomers

On top lay down the sticky and fix them to the risers, kosoera. They are recommended to put polymer strips in the form of ribbons. This will prevent the appearance of a violep as a result of friction on a friend of wooden parts.

The fencing function is performed by balusters, mounting which is important to fully observe correctly. To this end, the upper and lower column is installed and connect them with a strained thread. It serves as a reference when installing other elements. Balaasins can be attached with screws or screws that are masked by grouting or plugs.

The handrail is installed and fixed on the bassines. It can be wooden, iron or from another material.

Finish treatment

After installation, all surfaces need to be seized, including hard-to-reach places, ends, butts. Then the design is processed by protective means, or paint.

Features of the manufacture of screw staircase

The manufacture and installation of the wooden stairs of the screw type on the second floor is much more complicated than the route. But, on the other hand, they allow you to save a useful area and are placed where there would be insufficient place for the march design.

Screw structures save residential space

The most optimal option is the installation of a spiral design with a central support. In this case, the stage in the form of a triangle or trapezium is attached directly to it. To give the design of reliability, the support pillar with a specially attached fifth is vertically and concreted at the base.

In steps from a narrower edge, the holes are done, with the help of which they are riveted on the supporting pipe. Between the steps are installed inserts in the form of a cylinder, which determine the height of the structural elements. The last step on the upper tier is installed flush through the overlap on the second floor and acts as an additional reference element.

To conveniently go down and climb, the vertical interval between the rows of steps should be at least two meters. And the width of the staircase is clean in purity - at least 90 cm.

Often resort to more compact models of screw stairs. It is permissible only when it does not plan to use it often. This concerns, for example, country stairs or for lifting in the attic.

The most comfortable depth of the sticky is considered from 15 cm at the central pillar and from 35 cm from the outer edge. The height of the riser is on average about 20 cm. However, it is sometimes possible to refuse them at all. This will make the design more convenient, reduce its weight, as well as reduce the costs of building materials.

The second floor allows you to significantly increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe house without increasing the space occupied by them, but without the stairs it is impossible to get on the second floor. In this article we will tell about the various variants of stairs, which are used in brick, stone, block or wooden houses, as well as describe the sequence of actions for the construction of a simple, but beautiful single-sighted staircase with decorative railings.

Types of stairs

All stairs connecting the first and second floors can be divided into:

  1. Type of spans:
    • single-sample;
    • multi-hour.
  2. Form:
    • straight;
    • screw;
    • corner;
    • figured.
  3. Material:
    • wooden;
    • metal;
    • combined.

Choosing a staircase type

Many factors, such as the height of the floor, are influenced by the choice of the staircase, the ability to create complex structures from various materials, the presence of free space around the future staircase and many others. If you decide to independently make a staircase, then first of all should evaluate your skills of a carpenter and a welder, it will help choose the material from which the staircase will be made. If you are a good welder, you can make a staircase of any complexity of metal and any other materials. If you are a good carpenter, you can build a wooden staircase of any complexity. Not all people have such talents, so do not despair, if you do not know how to make it possible to cook or carpent, it does not prevent you from creating even a simple, but, beautiful and reliable staircase connecting the first and second floor.

Deciding with the material from which you will build a staircase, proceed to choosing its design. Below we will provide a list of basic requirements that need to be taken into account when choosing the type and size of the ladder, this will allow not only to build it, but also make a staircase comfortable and safe:

  • the angle of lifting the stairs 30-45 degrees;
  • if there is a lid over the staircase, then the distance from any stage to it should be the same and form 2-2.2 meters, if there are no covers, then the distance to any obstacle should not be less than 2 meters at any point;
  • the railings must be rigidly fixed, and their height is 80-100 cm;
  • the optimal width of the staircase is 1 meter;
  • the optimal depth of the stage is 30 cm;
  • the optimal height of the stage is 15 cm;
  • before the lower and upper steps, the stairs should be sufficient free space (at least 2 m²).

One of the main parameters that affects the choice of the type of stairs is the angle of its lift, which is 30-45 degrees (optimally 40 degrees). At an angle of 45 degrees, the length of the space occupied by the staircase will be equal to the height of the floor plus 1-2 meters. An additional distance is necessary so that the staircase is convenient to use, because it will have to be not only walking, but also to put furniture. If there is such a free space - the optimal choice is a single staircase. Its advantage in a small width - with a width of stage 1 meter, the width of the staircase along the outside of the railings does not exceed 120 cm. If there is no free space of such a length, you will have to build a multi-hour, screw or angular staircase that are much more difficult in the manufacture. In addition, the width of the free space for screw or multi-particle stairs is approximately 2.5 width of the steps, and the length of each march with spans reaches the height of the floor. The width of the spiral staircase is 2.5-3.5 meters, this is due to the need to use wider steps, besides, it is the most complex and expensive in the manufacture.

Construction of a wooden single-meal staircase

Below we describe the construction of the stairs with the widths of 1 meter, the angle of elevation of 45 degrees and the floor height of the first floor to the floor of the second floor of 3 meters. Such a staircase provides a comfortable and safe rise to the second floor, it looks very beautiful and relatively simple in the manufacture. It can be installed both in a brick or stone and in a wooden house with wooden floors of the first and second floors. All materials for its manufacture can you buy in the nearest construction or economic store, there you can buy the entire necessary tool.

Tools and materials

To work, you will need the following materials:

  • planed board 50x250 mm (two segments of 5 meters);
  • bar 50x50 mm (12-15 meters);
  • bolts with a length of 11-13 cm, a diameter of 5-8 mm, nuts and 2 washers to them (108 pieces of bolts and nuts, 216 washers);
  • planed board 35x150 mm (40 meters);
  • planed board 35x115 mm (22 meters);
  • accurate balasins with a height of 100-110 cm and a diameter of 50 mm (26-32 pcs);
  • reference pillars cross section 10x10 cm and a length of 100-110 cm, you can use the corresponding balaasins (4 pieces);
  • railings direct embossed width 50-80 mm (15 meters);
  • steel corners with 10 cm shelves (12 pcs);
  • anchor bolts, nails and screws of various sizes;
  • putty on a tree;
  • parquet varnish;
  • acetone or solvent;
  • carpentry glue.

You will also need the following tools:

  • electrolovik;
  • schlifmashinka;
  • screwdriver with a cross-shaped bat;
  • wood hacksaw;
  • drill with perforation mode and drill set;
  • feather drill with a diameter of 20mm;
  • manual milling cutter or milling machine;
  • a set of chisels;
  • keys corresponding to bolts and nuts;
  • corolnic;
  • protractor;
  • pencil;
  • roulette,
  • hammer and cizyanka;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • rubber gloves, respirator and safety glasses.

Making and installing stairs

When going to put the stairs, make sure that the first and second floor floors do not require repair, because otherwise they may not withstand loads and collapse, resulting in not only the staircase, but also a person on it. Then measure the exact distance between the floor of the first floor and the second floor of the second floor, then along the Pythagore Theorem, find the length of the Kooowar (carrier board) of the stairs. At an altitude of exactly 300 cm, the cow length is 424 cm. If you do not like an angle of 45 degrees, then make calculations yourself, for this, sufficient school knowledge. After all, the staircase forms a rectangular triangle, where the vertical catt is height, horizontal catt - the space occupied by the stairs, and the hypotenuse - the length of the Kouryer.

After that, calculate the number of steps.

RememberIf there are more than 18 steps, it is desirable to use another design of the staircase, because Kosur without a backup cannot provide the desired stiffness.

Deciding with the calculations, mark the boards of the rower, the angles of which must correspond to the corner of the ladder installation, taking into account the total length of these parts. Do not mistaken, because in case of error you have to either increase the angle of lifting the stairs, or buy new boards of the Kouryer. Having placing and recovering everything, cut off the ends of the boards and apply them to the place of installation of the future staircase to make sure that you did not confuse anything. Both boards must stand under the necessary angle and lay down to the surface of the floor of the first floor and the end of the second floor floor without cracks.

Remove the boards of the Kouryer and proceed to the markup of the steps. We offer the easiest way to attach steps that does not reduce the strength of the Kourow and does not require special carpentry skills, fair attention, caution and diligence. Steps made of two boards 35x150 mm will support bars 50x50 mm attached to the Kosouer, and in front of the stage will close the risers - vertical boards with a size of 35x115 mm. Steps will be attached with self-tapping screws, and risers with nails. If you do not feel sorry for self-tapping screws with a length of 70-80 mm, then the risers can be attached to the platter with their help. As a result, the steps are obtained by a depth of 26.5 cm and a height of 15 cm, which provides high comfort while lifting or descent from the stairs.

Before you begin marking, imagine the device of each stage, then sketch it. If you were able to imagine and draw them, proceed to markup. Determine the length of the bars so that they do not interfere with the risers and did not oppose the back of the Kourow. Then place the position of the bars, taking into account the height of the steps. Remember, the first step should begin with a riser based on the floor. Having completed with the markup, make a template for drilling holes in the Kosoo and Brukes, or mark all the holes manually both on the Kooker and on the bars. Postpone all the work with the staircase for 1-2 days, then recheck all the marking, if there are no errors, drill holes for installing bolts in crocks and bars. When all the holes are ready, from the outer surface of the cosomers, drill holes for the washers so that the bolts are not sticking over the surface of the board. It will not only increase the safety of the stairs, because no one scratches the protruding bolts, but will make it more beautiful.

Despite the fact that many carpenters are a staircase of such a design on nails, we recommend using bolts and nuts. The nails of the required size (120-150 mm) during inept circulation often split the bars, because of which they are often changing. This is especially often happening during the bending of the nails from the side of the bars. If you beat the nails on the side of the bars, bending them on a koser, the latter will have to schoon or plywood, which increases the complexity and cost of the work, because, unlike smooth round holes, the nails are very difficult to sharpen. Having finished with the installation of bars, start placing the boards of steps and risers. The length of the risk and rear board is 100 mm, the length of the front board is 110 mm. This is necessary so that the steps look embedded in Kosor, because such a design looks more beautiful and reliable. All boards must be cut at an angle of 90 degrees.

Having finished with cutting, milling machine or manual cutter, process the upper front edge of the front board to give it a rounded or curly shape, because the step with a clearly pronounced front angle looks ugly. If you can not fulfill this work yourself, contact the nearest carpentry workshop or furniture workshop, for a small fee you can easily and quickly process all the necessary boards. After that, mark and cut out the outdoor boards so that they evenly performed over Kosourg. The next stage of the work will be the installation on Kosouris Baalian and railings, for this, round spikes with a diameter of 20 mm and a depth of 3-5 cm are cut on the ends and a depth of 3-5 cm, and the rings will be drilled in the boom and the bottom side. All holes and spikes must be made taking into account the angle of inclination of the Kourow. When everything is ready, Kosur, balasins and railing is collected in one design first on dry, then, if everything is fine, collected on glue. The next stage is the installation of cosomers and adjacent to them end bassine. For fastening to lags and floor surfaces, metal corners and powerful self-tapping screws are used. Then installed and fasten the risers and steps. When the whole staircase is ready, set horizontal parts of the railil, then the whole design is grinning, purified from dust and lacquered in several layers.

To date, the construction of a private house is not limited to one floor, so it is necessary to perform a staircase to the second floor to be able to get convenient access. It is possible to build a staircase from various materials yourself, the most important thing is to carefully carry out all the required calculations, since otherwise this design can become dangerous and unreliable.

The construction of the inner staircase in a private country house - the process is quite difficult, but quite fulfilled.

When erecting the stairs, it is necessary:

  • Take into account the interior of the house;
  • Make all the required calculations;
  • Pick up the design that will approach all the parameters.

To easily choose the most acceptable option, it is necessary to preliminarily draw a staircase that should be in the house or find a ready-made option that is most suitable on all requests and already adapt to your requests. Before selecting a staircase model for a private house, it is important to correctly calculate all the available design parameters. Many wonder what better the staircase is to do.

Most often in a residential building, stairs make materials like:

  • Wood;
  • Concrete;
  • Metal.

By configuration, the staircase can be straight, screw or swivel. In addition, there are also combined options. Products from concrete are the most durable and durable, however, it takes quite a long time to prepare a solid base and the manufacture of the design. Metal design can be made enough simply, it is only necessary to know the rules for working with welding, and the wooden staircase can be very easy to make it very much, the most important thing to get acquainted with the step-by-step instruction of its manufacture.

The easiest way to make a straight marching staircase, as it has a small number of details and takes absolutely a bit of space. Screw structures are characterized by the fact that they need a small area, they look very exquisite, however, not always convenient in operation.

A staircase of several spans is considered a rather complex structure, to build which is problematic. Such a design is perfect for home, where there is a significant distance between the floors.

Simple Wood Staircase Manufacturing Instructions

The simplest one is the device of a simple single-sighted staircase.

It consists of:

  • Kosomov;
  • Railing;
  • Disposable;
  • Precons.

To calculate the height you need to take the distance between the floors and add the thickness of the overlaps. To quite quickly calculate what the length of the span and the base should be, initially determine the parameters of the steps. If small children live in the house, the optimal height of the steps will be 15 centimeters, and in all other cases it should be equated with 20 centimeters. Doing the risers are no longer worth it, as the rise will be less comfortable.

The optimal width of the steps should be 20-30 centimeters, as if they are wider, the whole design will occupy much more space, which may not be quite comfortable.

There is a step-by-step instruction of the ladder manufacturing, which must be adhere to, as this will allow you to perform a rather high-quality and durable design. For the manufacture of the ladder, it is necessary to select durable and strong wood, since all the elements of the stairs must withstand not only the overall weight of the design, but also people. From durable cardboard, it is necessary to cut a pattern that will correspond to all parameters of the future staircase, and then on this template to make wooden elements for the staircase. Then it is necessary to collect all the elements of the stairs and treat them with antiseptic solutions, cover with paint or varnish.

How to make a staircase quickly and easily from concrete

If the house has concrete overlaps of the second floor, then you can equip a concrete simple staircase, which will be durable, and with proper processing it will look very beautiful. You can make a completely concrete staircase in the house, or pour the concrete only Kosur, and everything else is made from other materials.

For the production of such a staircase will be required:

  • Waterproof plywood;
  • Durable timber;
  • Armature;
  • Self-tapping screw;
  • Concrete solution.

The construction of the concrete ladder requires special attention, so everything must be carefully calculated, since the base should be very durable. It is necessary to start with the assembly of the formwork, which must be done according to all the available drawings and considering what should not be completely no cracks.

The finished formwork must be placed between the floors and fasten with the help of wooden bars. After that, inside the frame, it is necessary to put the reinforcement and pour the prepared base of the concrete solution.

Fill the frame with the solution immediately, otherwise the monolith of the finished design can be broken. When concrete freezes well, the formwork can be removed, and the steps periodically water water to avoid cracking concrete. The design should be carefully dry and then you can start finishing the stairs. You can arrange the finished design with various materials, in particular, you can use wood, stone, tile and many other materials.

Quickly and simple: Building stairs in a private rustic metal house

It is quite interesting and originally looked homemade, however, for their manufacture, it is necessary to make a little effort and take into account all the features of working with this material. To put a metal staircase, it is necessary to pre-prepare some materials and tools.

In particular:

  • Steel chaserler;
  • Metal corners;
  • Welding machine;
  • Sheet metal;
  • File.

Forged staircases have excellent aesthetic and operational properties. More about forged stairs in the material on our website :.

Build a staircase must begin with the fact that the channel cuts into parts and the framework is collected from them. To the side faces of the frame to weld the corners through equal gaps that will be equal to the height of the steps. All corners must be placed strictly parallel to one to another. The upper ends of the frame firmly fix and attach to the overlapping of the upper floor, and the lower fasten on the floor. Then the steps of sheet iron are welded, as well as the railing. At the final stage, the finished design is processed by special anti-corrosion mixtures. In order not to redo the design, all the steps must be carried out consistently and strictly observe all the rules of its construction.

Tips, how to make the staircase itself in a private country house: the construction of a screw type

A spiral staircase, which takes absolutely a bit of free space looks rather interesting and originally. This is a compact design that can be placed even on a small area. A spiral staircase can go from the first floor or from the garage, which is very convenient. The most famous and common way to install screw staircases is a step-by-step riding steps on the central basis. Steps can be a triangular or trapezoidal form.

To build a screw staircase, you need to take:

  • Steel pipe;
  • Wooden rails;
  • Welding machine;
  • Corners for steps;
  • File;
  • Primer.

The pipe will act as a central rack, so its length must fully correspond to the existing distance between the floors. For greater stability, it is necessary to conclude a pipe near the base. For the manufacture of steps, you must use templates made of wooden plates. They must be glued in such a way that they form steps with specified parameters. Each step must be attached to its own pre-prepared cylinder, carefully pollute, treat primer and paint.

If necessary and for greater convenience, the screw staircase can be converted to a straight design. Before mounting a constant staircase, a temporary design is installed.

What kind of design

If we solidically decide, we make a staircase in a private country house, it is necessary to initially determine which design should be.

In particular, it is quite possible to distinguish such types of structures as:

  • On cosos;
  • At the bits;
  • Print.

The ladders on the cososters are most popular, as they are suitable for various areas and stylistic solutions of the premises. Such a device is very durable and guarantees safety during its operation. Many prefer to make a staircase at the Bolshes, the peculiarity of which is that all elements of the design are bonded with each other with special bolts and pins. If necessary, you can very just perform its repair and fully disassemble.

Staircase with your own hands on the second floor (video)

Make a staircase in a private country house independently possible, the most important thing is to clearly follow all the rules and requirements.

Details: Staircase on the second floor with your own hands (photo examples)

Modern cottages and private homes assume the presence of 2 or more floors, and the top of them can be both residential and not a residential premises. In any case, a staircase is necessary.

Alone to make a reliable inter-storey or an attic staircase from concrete or metal structures hard enough, which cannot be said about Wooden.

Collect her for even the novice master.

From this article, you will learn what kinds of wooden stairs are that their differences, which material is used for the manufacture of spans. In addition, each of you can make the ladder from the tree to the second floor - in the article we will give exemplary calculations and photos.

Types and types of structures

There are several species Designs of wood stairs:

  • Marsey stairs. Simple in manufacture and easy to use, but require a large area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The staircase of the march design can be positioned along the wall or mount the middle of the room;
  • . Usually have in conditions of limited space. Since the bandwidth of the design is very small, it is better to move along it one by one. A spiral staircase (if you build it yourself) will cost much cheaper than the rest of the structures, and will last about the same;
  • Combined stairs. You can use in the construction of a private house if the layout allows you to. Most often marching stairs with a screw element are made.

Types of structureswooden stairs highlight the following:

  • Stairs at Bolzakh - Steps are attached to huge attached bolts (bassins);
  • stairs on the growth - the staircase is mounted to the beam with special cutouts on the inside of the online approach;
  • stairs on Kowras. Kosur - an inclined beam, topped with steps.

What tree you can make a staircase

Selection of material It depends on the preferences of the owner of the house or apartment, the characteristics of the tree and the cost of it. Various breed Have advantages and disadvantages:

  1. Maple. The staircase from this breed will be the most durable and durable. Color - brown brown. Lack of maple staircase - high price.
  2. Larch. Design color - golden yellow or dark yellow with brown streaks. Excellenttransfers the effects of external factors. The ladder from larch will be solid and solid.
  3. Oak. The feature of the stairs from oak - than they are older, the darker of shade.
  4. Spruce. The most popular material due to its low cost. Spouse wood has a homogeneous structure and a bright shade.
  5. Pine. Due to the low density of wood, it is very easy to handle. Additional advantage of pine is low cost material. The lack of a pine staircase should take a short life. The staircase from pine is best installed in the country where it will be used. seasonally.

Pros and cons of wood stairs

Wooden The stairs have their advantages and their drawbacks. We will get acquainted with them in more detail.

Positive sides:

  • Low cost of building materials;
  • wood environmental friendliness;
  • simplicity processing;
  • the possibility of mounting with your own hands;
  • low weight;
  • aesthetic appearance.

Negative wood sides:

  • Low strength in comparison with concrete or metal stairs;
  • the tree is a natural material and it is taught to deteriorate and modify. Therefore, after a while, preventive work may be needed;
  • fire hazard material.

Materials for the manufacture of the ladder

For mounting stairs to the second floor You need:

  • Bruks for steps;
  • beams for risers (leg support);
  • boards;
  • width beams 30 - 40 mm;
  • courtyer Bar - 50 * 240 mm;
  • screws, screws;
  • carpentry glue;
  • construction level, square, roulette;
  • handrails and, but better to purchase them in a construction store.

Calculations of the stair construction

If you decide to make a wooden staircase do it yourself, Consider the nuances of the structure: Determine its dimensions, calculate the number of steps and supports. It is important to represent initially what functionwill perform a staircase: connect the floors or lead to the top of the attic. (Information about independent insulation of the attic can be found).

Draw scheme Itself is also easy. Most often make a straight route staircase. It connects the first floor with the second, and height reaches several meters. For convenience, the angle of inclination of the structure should be equal to the value in 30-40 degrees.

Note! Wooden houses give a significant shrinkage in the first two years after construction, so the angle of inclination may change.

So for your convenience, we will give main calculationselements of the stairs (on the example of a wooden) standard Constructions:

  • Base length - 3.5-4 M.;
  • ladder span - 2.5 M.;
  • width steps - 30 cm;
  • height steps - 15-20 cm.

Required calculations

    1. Determine height of stairs. The average value of the ceiling to the floor - 250 cm. This value must be added to the thickness of the inter-storey overlap. Its average value 35 cm. We get:
      250 + 35 \u003d 285 cm
    1. calculate number of steps: The height of the stairs is divided to the height of the stage. Last value (i.e., the height of the steps) is better to take averaged - 17 cm. We get:
      285 cm / 17 cm \u003d 16.76

The value is rounded into the biggest. Total receiving 17 steps.

    1. determine width of steps. It is believed that the permissible width of the sticking (flat facing of the stage) can be in the range of 22-40 cm. In Russian practice, the formula is used to calculate the width and lift (risers): a + b \u003d 47 cmwhere but - the height of the riser, b. - Stage width. We get:
      47-16,67 \u003d 30.3 cm

The value is rounded to 30 cm. - This is the width of the stage.

    1. the width of the march staircase must be a multiple of the width of the stage. In our case, this value can be equal to 60 cm, 90 cm, 120 cm. etc.
    2. calculate length of stairs. The length of the staircase is equal to the product of the steps on their width. We get:
      17 * 30 \u003d 480 cm
  • calculate the length of the Kowra. Calculations produce according to Pythagora theorem: The sum of the squares of the cathets is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. I.e A² + c² \u003d C². In this formula:
    BUT - Height of the Kourow,
    IN - the length of the staircase march,
    FROM - Courty-old length. We get:

230400 + 81225 = 311625
The root of this number is equal 558.23 cm. You can round up 560 cm.

Tip! If making geometric calculations is difficult, you can draw a staircase on paper on the appropriate scale and measure the angle and the length of the base.

Assembling stairs

Before proceeding with the assembly of the stairs to the second floor, you need to decide on place installation Kosoerov (carrier design of the staircase march). Installation stairs (in our case, marching design) includes several stages:

    1. Installation of Kosoury. The lower part of the Kourow is secure a support bar. From above, Kosouris is driving in the ceiling overlap beam.
  1. grindingstairs, protective coating.
  2. lakovka and painting. To do this, use a roller or brush. Cry The staircase is needed in 2-3 layers, Each next layer needs to be applied after a while so that the previous layer can dry.

The cost of the finished stairs

Those who decided to buy ready Wooden staircase or make it order, We must know that the cost will depend on the complexity of the design and wood.

For example, the most common design of the march staircase with a turn to 90 degrees of pine will cost 60-80000 rubles., from birch - 100,000 rubles., from oak - 150000 rubles.

You can order a wooden staircase in a specialized store or on the websites of companies. Manufacture stairs on average takes 5-10 working days.

Make a wooden staircase or order from experts yourself - to solve you. Self installationnot a quick process, but it also has its advantages. First of all, it saving cash and visual quality controlbuilding materials.

About how to make a wooden staircase with your own hands tells it video.

Detailed and simple scheme for standard staircase on the second floor.

Planning the construction of a private house for two floors or more? We recommend planning immediately, what a staircase will be. And we will help in this - in this material it is described in detail about species for cottages, cottages and private houses, design requirements. Also, with the help of diagrams and drawings, we will tell you how the staircase is calculated and built. The design is quite simple - it is not compared with the roof, so the owner can make it, which has only minimal construction skills. We will tell how to make so that instead of a wooden staircase did not work like a ladder. After studying the drawings and schemes, you can make a high-quality design.


In private houses, for centuries, two types are used, which we briefly consider:

  • Movie. This option is the easiest performed, while the design is distinguished by reliability. If a newcomer is taken for business, then the wage wooden staircase will be an excellent solution. Also, the design can be divided into single-hour and two-hours. Despite the differences between these species, their complexity is the same.
  • Screw. Work for professionals, as it requires careful measurements and calculations. One miscalculation can spoil the whole design, so it can only make it a master. The main advantage of such a design is compactness, because the design takes the minimum number of spaces in the house. Often the screw wooden staircase is the center of the interior composition. The only minus is a rather steep rise that adversely affects safety.

Of course, we will disassemble the marching staircase, although we recommend familiar with the screw options. It is easier to carry out the marching version to which there are drawings.
Another lack of a screw staircase is that it will be uncomfortable to carry overall objects from one floor to another.

Preparation of materials and work features

Before thinking about the construction with your own hands, you need to create or take ready-made drawings, as well as prepare tools and materials for the stairs connecting the second floor with the first.

Let's start with materials for building construction to the second floor:

  • screws;
  • thick boards, which will continue to move into the steps;
  • bruks - the cross section should be at least 40 millimeters.

Without a drawing, it is impossible to perform work, in the image below it is shown in detail what you need to measure so that in the end it was possible to calculate the dimensions of the future design.

Also cost to take into account the following sizes when planning the design to the second floor from the first:

  • the angle of inclination of the stairs;
  • width;
  • height of the whole design;
  • number of steps.

If there are skills in working with a 3D editor, you can make a detailed scheme. For example, the project will demonstrate whether the ladder will not work. It is also recommended to study the drawings.


The simplest drawing of the marching staircase on the second floor, which the owner will be able to make it yourself. The drawing is demonstrated quite large design, but sometimes such a staircase leads to the second floor.

Knowing the distance between the floors, you can calculate the number of steps. For example, the floor height from the floor is 290 centimeters, the steps are selected by 20 cm. After simple computations, 14.5 steps are obtained. It is necessary to round up to 14 or 15. In the first case, the height of each step should be 20.71 cm, and in the second - 19.33 cm.

In the example, integers are used - the height of the stairs to the second floor is 260 cm, each step goes 20 cm, as a result, it turns out 13. With regard to the size of the staircase march, its width should not be less than 70 centimeters. In the large side, the bias can be any. In the example, considered in this article, the stair march has a width of 1 meter.

It is also worth thinking about the platforms that will be at the bottom and above. Dimensions should correspond to the dimensions of the staircase march. An ideal form will be a rectangle or square.
These are the simplest schemes for the manufacture of a wooden staircase to the second floor. The main thing is to choose a convenient angle of inclination so that in the end there is no stepladder.

The most reliable option is the direct staircase. The P-shaped option is suitable for private houses where a large area. M-shaped newbie design is unlikely to master.

Selection of installation method

The design of the future staircase may present:

  • Taitives. This word is called beams that support structures on both sides.
  • Kosoury. The second option is the beams that keep the stairs from the bottom.


When the steps, platforms and beams are ready, you can move to the installation of the stairs with your own hands. The example describes the option with Kosomers. You need to make a note for the place of installation in advance. On the floor of the first floor, the boosters are installed on the support timber. In a place where the staircase moves to the second floor, the support elements are placed in the gaps in the ceiling beam. In some cases, metal supports apply to the same goals. The attachment of the cososov is performed using anchor bolts.

In the process of installation at hand, there should always be a construction level, it is also possible to determine the position by body kit so that the ladder does not work. Wooden design elements must be installed perfectly smoothly. The panels of the appearance must be consolidated from the top of the cosome, to do this is the most convenient self-drawing.

Steps are ready? So you can start the installation of the baluster on the floor. Upstairs and downstairs are mounted support racks that limit the handrails. They are also decorative and supporting elements.

Now installing:

  1. Ready balasins need to cover with handrails (railings), which are mounted on support racks. If the design is large, then the stairs will not interfere with the additional support.
  2. Sometimes it takes 3-4 racks. In this case, it is not worth spending the forces on the balusters, as the smooth boards will be a more rational solution.
  3. After completing the assembly, the wooden surface must be carefully polished. You can do it with your own hands or with the help of the power tool.
  4. Next is preparing before painting: all the garbage and dust are removed, it must completely dry. If necessary, a putty is performed after grinding. Of course, for this work, we need coatings for wood.
  5. When the preparatory work is completed, you can paint elements from wood. Primer is applied, and then 1-2 layers of paint. After drying, it is necessary to cover the design of varnish. Alternatively, you can take a veil.

As a result, it turns out a convenient staircase, with which you can use comfort and safety to the second floor. If the angle is calculated correctly, then the stepladders will not.