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Waterproofing of the roof of liquid rubber: types, advantages. Liquid rubber for roof - Cruem roof Application of liquid rubber on the roof

waterproofing liquid rubber

The relevance of finding new solutions in the field of creating reliable systems of waterproofing roofs is not reduced, despite the presence of a large selection of rolled coatings. The main requirements that are presented to products used for roof isolation is highly efficient moisture protection, maintaining functionality even in difficult climates, environmental purity of building materials and an acceptable price. Liquid rubber corresponds to such characteristics, its use in waterproofing and operational qualities will look at further.

What types of, installation scheme photo and video instructions.

Advantages of liquid rubber for roof waterproofing

Liquid waterproofing today is very popular in the arrangement of reliable systems of waterproofing. There are several advantages that allocate building materials in comparison with others:

  • with any foundation material, its adhesive properties are at a high level;
  • any problems on the coating can be easily eliminated;
  • variability in terms of selecting isolation method;
  • the surface withstands any climatic loads, also liquid rubber is resistant to mechanical damage;
  • the possibility of using liquid rubber for waterproofing both inside buildings and outside, it is universal and is made of raw materials corresponding to sanitation.

Sphere of use and composition of liquid rubber

Manufacturers of building materials in this market continue to surprise the creation of new and improving existing solutions. Liquid rubber can be attributed to the new technology, but its prospects are noted both lovers and specialists.

In principle, this name is only associated with the convenience of consumer and external similarity with rubber: color, resistance to moisture, elasticity. However, the basis of "seamless sprayed waterproofing" is not rubber, but bitumen. Its properties are enriched with large quantities in latex. Emulsion from these components is modified.

The prospects for liquid waterproofing are quite wide, since the products of the group under consideration makes it possible to form a light, high-quality, seamless coating that are not subject to change in temperature. A complex surface relief, as well as a short time of work, is not a problem if you choose a coating of liquid rubber.

There are a number of areas in construction, where the use of such material is relevant:

  • liquid rubber produce waterproofing roofs, overlaps between floors, basements, foundations;
  • protection from the passage of moisture in ponds and pools, it repeats their contours, persistent with the damage to the mechanical plan;
  • in those objects where the use of rolled materials is impossible;
  • if vibration loads are foreseen, for example, on the roofs with the presence of vents outputs.

Classification of liquid rubber

Today, two varieties of seamless sprayed waterproofing are distinguished:

  • one-component, it is a liquid consistency, a small viscosity, with a significant choice of colors;
  • two-component, the composition of this liquid rubber includes not only the main components, but also a hardener.

Another method of differentiation of such rubber is a method for applying building materials. There are three varieties here.

  1. Sprayed waterproofing. It is considered the most promising, since the quality of the output layer is maximum, the work is performed in a short time, although it is necessary to special equipment. It is this option that is usually in the assortment of each construction hypermarket, is considered a classic in such a category of isolation and is most popular in the line of similar products.
  2. Picky. Such rubber can have a different structure - there are liquid options, as well as pastes, it is characterized by such a property as film formation. The coating is made by means of a manual tool.
  3. Bulk liquid rubber. It should be noted that this most economical option is made directly before creating the coating.

Pros and cons of liquid rubber by type

Let's start with the advantages of seamless sprayed waterproofing:

elasticity of liquid rubber coating

  1. The coating formed by liquid waterproofing, homogeneous and monolithic. It is seamless, which is obvious from the name offered by manufacturers, respectively, the joints in it are missing.
  2. With any surfaces - concrete, wood, metal, maximum adhesion.
  3. All defects of the base, such as small cracks, are easily filled with a sprayed liquid rubber, the maximum clutch is formed.
  4. Very important property - elasticity. The waterproofing coating of liquid rubber can be in size to both increase and return to the original sizes. This is relevant when changing the temperatures and time of the year. Neither in the winter, nor in summer it does not crack due to its elasticity.
  5. There are several options for applying seamless waterproofing. This is naturally a manual method, as well as mechanized. The second is just saving time to work on the construction of the waterproofing system. In addition, to process all sorts of convex objects, such as pipes, caps, antennas using special equipment you can better.
  6. The creation of a waterproofing system from liquid rubber is carried out faster than similar work with a rolled material. If there are two people on the facility and the necessary equipment, you can handle the roof of eight hundred square meters seven times faster.
  7. Environmental purity of liquid waterproofing is also its advantage. Toxic substances are not contained in its structure, it is most secure as possible.
  8. In principle, liquid rubber can be used in a variety of spheres, not limited to an emphasis on its excellent properties of protection against humidity. It is quite multifunctional, the waterproofing system is not the only vector of its use.
  9. It is possible to apply to waterproofing from the liquid rubber of the finish coating. It creates a kind of base area, which is used further.
  10. For the aesthetes and visual effects in construction, manufacturers of seamless sprayed waterproofing are all possible. Variations of shades that can be selected, a huge amount, especially if we are talking about one-component variety.
  11. Repair of the roof covered with liquid rubber is easy and simple. Without time and effort, it is possible to process a place that has been developed locally.

Bituminous liquid waterproofing is inherent, as well as any of the analogues, certain disadvantages. We listed a huge number of its advantages, but for the sake of objectivity, you need to designate cons. Among them is one point: to make a mechanized way to arrange the system of waterproofing, a special technique is needed, which costs a lot.

Everything! On this, in principle, flaws and ended, you can start the installation of the roof of the building from this universal coating.

Technology of applying liquid rubber when arranged roof

There is specialized equipment that is used for spraying liquid seamless waterproofing.

applying liquid rubber

His preparation is the first thing to do before starting work. Typically, a mobile pulverizer is used for these purposes. A special dispenser, as well as a mixing device, is included in its mechanism. Engines in such equipment are most often functioning on gasoline, and not on electricity. This causes its maximum mobility. There is no need for the device necessarily in a state of connection to the network. In addition, the pulverizer is compact enough. These characteristics allow deposition even in those places where access is difficult. Another advantage - the configuration of the device has a special hose, the maximum length of which is up to one hundred fifty meters. This option makes it possible to arrange a roof spraying without long and complex transportation on the equipment object.

Important moment: Liquid rubber is made of environmentally friendly materials, it does not contain harmful and toxic additives. This causes the ability to produce even internal work without special funds provided for to protect the respiratory organs.

Main stages of mounting waterproofing roofs from liquid rubber

The first rule that needs to be taken into account before the start of work. They need to be done only in summer or early in autumn, late spring, in general, in warm time.

Moreover, it is important that you need to choose a dry period. Fire and temperature regime are contraindicated below five degrees of heat.

application of finished mass of liquid rubber

The first stage is to prepare the basis for which the waterproofing layer is planned. To do this, you need to carefully clean the working surface from all kinds of pollution: dust, stains: oily, fatty, foreign deposits. The optimal option is to rinse it using a hydraulic installation. Powerful water pressure under good pressure as much as possible improves the efficiency of the preparatory work work. The base should dry at least twenty-four hours. This method like burning is most suitable for eliminating fatty spots.

Next, the so-called priming is carried out. For such a step of installation of the seamless system, it is important to finish the preparation of the base, and in itself it consists in creating the primary layer of waterproofing on this surface. All further work, the quality of the final coating of the roof, its technical indicators are directly dependent on how well the priming is performed. It should finally deliver the field of activity from dust fractions, other contaminants and guarantee the maximum clutch of the layer of liquid rubber with the base.

The extreme step in the algorithm is actually a layer spraying that protects against humidity. It is important that it is applied as uniform as possible. A good technique to achieve this indicator is the perpendicular arrangement of spraying liquid rubber and the base on which the waterproofing system is mounted. It is necessary to strictly observe the mark in the range from forty centimeters between the edge of the mobile pulverizer, or its hose, and the working surface, the distance should remain free. The elements of the solution composition are mixed precisely during such spraying. 1-1.5 m - the optimal width of the strips that need to be placed coating from liquid rubber. Transitions must be made in a cruciform direction.

Traditionally, the material under consideration on flat roofs is mounted in two, or even three layers. It is important not to forget about the reinforcement, geotextiles are suitable for this function. Similarly, you can use fiberglass.

Important nuances when repairing the roof with liquid rubber

It has already been said that liquid rubber is polyfunctional and its use is not limited to the creation of waterproofing systems on its basis. With the help of the material, you can repair roofing coatings created earlier. Immediately note - the complete dismantling of the already existing coating will not need. There are two main directions in this repair:

  • full, if when it is fulfilled, the surface of the roof is completely "poured" rubber completely;
  • truck or partial, in the case when the coating is removed on the defective area and a layer of liquid rubber is sprayed on them.

Trembling problems in the form of a bubble surface of waterproofing. Where the maximum bloody is observed, it is necessary to reveal and coat seamless sprayed waterproofing.

Pay attention to the ratio between the roof area and the flow rate of liquid rubber. On the meter in the square of the surface there are three liters of insulation, the thickness of two millimeters. If the air temperature is held in twenty degrees, and its humidity does not exceed 50%, the complete frozen of the finished roof covering should come through three days after spraying. Drops of fluid on waterproofing after polymerization is a normal phenomenon resulting from the operation of the catalyst.

In recent years, a liquid rubber is becoming increasingly popular for waterproofing work, or seamless isolation.

It is used to create waterproof, chemically, atmospheric and heat-resistant waterproofing coatings on a variety of surfaces, regardless of the geometric shape and angle of inclination.

Roof waterproofing

Most often, the material is used for flat surfaces. This is due to the large area of \u200b\u200bfacilities with a flat roof - up to several thousand square meters. Similar scales complicate the waterproofing process.

When using liquid rubber, the picture is fundamentally changing: with the growth of the workpiece of the area, work is simplified, since this material easily covers even the most complex roof relief details: pipes, visors, different parapets, protrusions.

A large plus of liquid rubber is the possibility of better and quickly implementing the necessary work than when using rolled waterproofing materials.

Types of roofing mastic, general characteristic of liquid rubber

To date, a huge variety of roof mastic is produced. In composition they are divided into two main categories:

  • single-component;
  • multicomponent.

The first group includes materials that are arranged in the proportion required for applying and further solidification.

Multicomponent mastic It can be represented by several components. It should include at least two ingredients: the basic element and curing catalyst.

Consisting of two elements of mastic are called two-component. Liquid rubber is one of the varieties of materials of this group.

It should be noted that the name of the material does not transmit its essence. The term is erroneous and selected for only one reason: it is most convenient for consumers.

In appearance, this coating resembles rubber: it is black, the duct consistency, waterproof. The resemblance to rubber is limited by external signs. The basis of this material is not rubber, like rubber, but bituminous.

Israeli manufacturers - the creators of this substance - are categorically against the term "liquid rubber" and propose to call this type of coating seamless sprayed waterproofing. The proposal is not accepted, since the name is quite complicated for the average consumer: most of the potential buyers it causes bewilderment. This is the cause of the use of a little incompetent, but completely understandable designation "Liquid Rubber".

By the way, the material of this type was created in the seventies in the USSR, however, due to the poor quality of the bitumen used, it was not received.

Technical properties of liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a cold apparent mastic. The basis of the substance is the water emulsion of polymer-bitumen type.

A distinctive feature of rubber is instant curing. Since it is produced on a water basis, the evaporation of toxic substances is reduced to a minimum.

Waterproofing seamless coating "Liquid rubber" is not only characterized by a high degree of security in terms of ecology, but also allows you to cope with construction work as soon as possible and provide a durable coating with a long service life.

Some varieties of mastic are applied by spraying. This does not appear joints and seams. Spraying makes it possible to use rubber for structures of any form. Since the substance has low fluidity, it can be applied to process even vertically spaced surfaces.

The material does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation, retains its qualities in an elevated temperature.

Depending on the polymer additives used, the concrete brand and the manufacturer, the smallest value of the bending temperature on the timber can be 20 degrees. There are special varieties of liquid rubber, designed for highly cold regions (for example, Yakutia), they can be used at temperatures up to minus 60 degrees.

Since the bitumen contains essential oils, with time they can evaporate. In this case, a special reaction is observed - the effect of aging bitumen. This process can be avoided due to the polymer contained in mastic, which creates the film preventing evaporation and prevents the aging of the bitumen in it. As a result, the operational period of this coverage is 20 years or more.

Liquid rubber is very elastic (its KPU is more than 1000%) and at the same time durable. Thanks to these qualities, it does not exfoliate even after sharp changes in temperature, humidity level, pressure, surface vibration.

The membrane surface retains its properties and after complete rejection and does not lose them for a long time.

When using liquid rubber, you can do without further maintenance of the treated surface. If necessary, the material can easily restore and repair.

The created coating is characterized by resistance to mechanical effects, it is fireproof, does not deteriorate under the influence of the majority of chemicals used in the construction work.

Rubber is perfectly combined with water-based (without solvents) paints. This quality allows you to choose a color according to the customer's desire.

Types of liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is three types:

  • Bulk

- It is manufactured and formed right at the site of waterproofing work.

  • Color

- Installation of waterproofing is carried out by applying liquid and pasty film-forming materials using conventional painting brushes, brushes and spatulas. Work is carried out manually.

  • Sprayed

- Application is carried out by cold spraying, while special equipment RX-27 is used. This method is characterized by the possibility of rapid performance of all works and the high quality characteristics of the resulting coating.

Sprayed liquid rubber is a classic variant of liquid material for carrying out waterproofing work, and it takes one of the first positions among the materials used for the waterproofing device.

Features and advantages of the application process

When applying a substance, a special pulverizer is used to the treated surface. The material solidifies almost instantly. There is no need for preheating surface - it means that the process is completely fireproof.

Application by spraying allows to spend the substance economically and receive a uniform layer. The thickness of the coating should be 2 mm.

When applying a layer, a special mobile dosing and mixing device on a gasoline engine weighing 68 kg is used. The equipment is very convenient to use, since there is no need for electricity. It can be operated in hard-to-reach places, since it is equipped with 150-meter hoses, allowing to do without moving the entire instrument.

Liquid rubber has been tested for compliance with the safety regulations.

When working with the material both in the open and indoors, there is no need to use personal protective equipment, since it is deprived of the smell and does not release toxic substances.

Liquid rubber can be applied even on a wet surface, although it is still recommended to pre-dry it.

Applying mastic - the process is very light and fast. Thanks to exceptional qualities, you can process up to 2000 square meters. Surface meters per day.

Pluses of material

Liquid rubber has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • the material is stored in barrels in a liquid state;
  • method of application - spraying by cold sprouting - allows the substance to use a substance on the surface of any geometric shape;
  • rubber has a high degree of adhesion to most building materials;
  • when repairing the roof, liquid rubber can be sprayed directly on the old waterproofing coating;
  • after applying this material, even the most complex surfaces do not have seams;
  • the material provides a high level of strength and elasticity of waterproofing;
  • the roof becomes absolutely moistureproof;
  • after surface treatment, all holes and holes are tightened;
  • the substance is not subject to corrosion;
  • it is completely safe in terms of ecology;
  • the material is very economical: on the processing of 1 square. meter leaves about 1 to 3 kg of liquid rubber;
  • when working on waterproofing, there is no need to use fire, electricity, water;
  • created with liquid rubber coating has a high degree of resistance to temperature drops, very low and high temperature regime;
  • the material does not deteriorate under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation and chemicals;
  • it has a long service life.


Among the disadvantages of the material, the following can be called:

  • if necessary, the coating can be removed only by mechanical path;
  • liquid rubber has high sensitivity to petroleum products containing substances and solvents;
  • the price of material is relatively high.

Use of use

Liquid rubber can be used to apply to the following materials:

  • monolithic and precast concrete;
  • metal;
  • cement strainer;
  • slate;
  • wood;
  • rolled materials;
  • tile.

Liquid rubber is more practical and convenient to use compared to membrane and rolled coatings due to the cold method of applying. It is the most modern method of surface protection. The material is used both in the construction of new objects and during the repair and reconstruction of old buildings.

The main advantage of liquid rubber is versatility: since its clutch with the material occurs at the molecular level, a strong fixation of any quality and texture on the material is provided.

When applying a coating on an old waterproofing is provided with an output accumulated over the period of use of an old moisture coating with special deflectors. If there is a need, you can conduct geotextile coating reinforcement.
The use of liquid rubber is very convenient when processing surfaces with a large number of adjoins. For such roofs, rolled materials are simply useless. The high degree of vibration resistance makes it possible to apply liquid rubber for roofs with exits for ventilation.

The material provides protection against vibrating the ventilation system, and it does not affect the properties of the insulating material. In addition, rubber reliably isolates joints and adjustment from moisture.

A low level of sensitivity to temperature changes makes it appropriate to use this mastic both in very cold and in extremely hot weather conditions.

Liquid rubber is used on any kind of buildings: during the construction or repair of private houses, industrial facilities, etc.

Due to its universal properties, rubber is applied not only as a protective coating, but also as an independent roofing.

Spraying technology

When applying liquid roofing rubber, as already mentioned, use an airless dual-channel dosing and mixing element.

Works should be carried out at a temperature at least plus 5 degrees and dry weather. It is better to apply rubber on a clean and dry surface, although it can be sprayed onto a wet.

Before applying the roof material should be thoroughly washed with detergent water apparatus operating under high pressure. After that, the surface must be dried. If there are fat spots from them, it is necessary to get rid of the burning.

Prior to the start of waterproofing, it is necessary to carry out the following activities:

  • check the correctness and quality of the device of the roofing base;
  • carry out the preparation of the root base for further coating with a layer of liquid rubber;
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bwork, install the necessary equipment and tools;
  • prepare to work a bitumen-polymer mixture.

Liquid rubber is applied to the roof with stripes width from 1 to 1.5 meters. The layer must be uniform, with cruciform transitions. There should be no passage on the surface of the roof. In those areas where the roof is flat, it is necessary to turn on the sliding layer. It is placed between the protective layer and the membrane. It is obtained by laying two layers, including geotextiles, fiberglass and polyethylene film.

Features of applying liquid rubber on flat roof

Liquid rubber is often used to carry out a plane roof waterproofing. Features of the work are determined by the specific type of roof.

To get a waterproofing coating of good quality, liquid rubber should be applied to a fairly smooth base. Perhaps the surface will not be perfectly smooth - the main thing is the absence of extra objects and significant defects.

Only at the same time, during the spraying of the material, the layer is distributed evenly and is approximately the same height. The degree of smoothness created by the liquid roof depends on which the device was used.

When using a high pressure installed and sufficient smoothness of the surface on which the coating is applied, a seamless membrane is obtained. It uses a method of spraying.

When applying devices under low pressure, the likelihood of obtaining a smooth surface is low. Most likely, it will appear differently in the height of the hillock, which will largely spoil the appearance of the roof. If it is impossible to align the surface before the start of spraying, it is necessary to fill it with a screed.

When applying liquid rubber on roofing plates, the amount of consumed polymer-bitumen emulsion can increase. If there is a layer of primer, it is necessary as far as possible to dispose of all connections in the intervals between insulating plates. They need to put geotextiles strips.

The best way to apply liquid rubber is the coating composition of the already applied layer of the screed. In this case, it is guaranteed to obtain a smooth surface and an attractive appearance of the roof.


Several factors are influenced by the cost of liquid roofing rubber, the main of which are the specific type of material, its qualitative characteristics, the pricing policy of the manufacturer and the seller.

It is possible to navigate in prices based on specific examples.

Liquid roofing rubber CBS for mounting and waterproofing roofs on a concrete base, the repair of a soft type roofing from the welded rolled materials and PVC membranes and the restoration of the pitched roof based on metal sheets, soft tiles and slate can be purchased for 97 rubles per kilogram.

Rubber Arctic Roofing CBS, which has increased frost resistance, is suitable for waterproofing roofing in the conditions of the Far North. With this material, it is possible to install and waterproofing the soft roofs along a concrete base, as well as waterproofing and repair work of the roof of PVC membranes and the weapons of rolled materials; Repair and waterproofing of the pitched roof based on slate, metal sheets, soft roofing tiles. It can be bought at a price of 108 rubles per kilogram.

Universal liquid rubber gi used for waterproofing vertical and horizontal retaining walls on a concrete base, as well as to protect against corrosion of metal structures for sale for 89 rubles per kilogram.


  • Liquid rubber is a new word in construction. The material is used to carry out waterproofing.
  • The substance is most often used for flat surfaces.
  • The name does not correspond to its composition of the material, since the basis of liquid rubber is the bitumen, and not rubber.
  • The main advantage of liquid rubber is the possibility of using on the surfaces of any shape and any roofing material.
  • Liquid rubber is bulk, painting and sprayed.
  • The sprayed variety is applied by the method of cold spraying.
  • When spraying, use a special device.
  • To obtain high-quality waterproofing, the surfaced surface should be smooth, clean and dry.
  • When applying liquid rubber, you must follow the instructions.
  • Prices for liquid rubber depend on its type, technical characteristics and some other factors.

How does the process of applying liquid rubber on the roof can be found on the video.

The company "Technoprock" proposes to carry out with the help of liquid waterproofing technology for the production of seamless roofing. The bitumen-polymeric material TechnoProcks is universal, suitable for the production of new roofing coatings on a concrete screed directly on the object under construction, for repairing the roof waterproofing along the old coating with rolled bitumen materials, for seams and adjoins.

Production of roofing waterproofing coating

The production technology of a soft flat roof from the technology - 100% seamless horizontal waterproofing, at the same time vaporizolation and sound insulation of the roof, which avoids additional costs in the production of roofing and waterproofing work.

The professional device of the soft roof by spraying allows not only in a short time at a temperature of from + 5ºС to produce roofing works of any scale, but also to quickly repair the roof, including the production of waterproofing works and production of a new roofing coating over and without removing the old one.

In Technoprots, you can buy equipment for waterproofing necessary for applying liquid rubber, most convenient for the production of roofing work directly on the soft roof of the object under construction or to perform waterproofing.

Liquid rubber for the production of waterproofing roofing works

Liquid rubber TechnoProcks is non-toxic, fireproof, environmentally friendly material, which significantly reduces the temporary and financial costs of roofing and waterproofing work. The bitumen-polymer coating is absolutely waterproof, has high resistance to chemical and atmospheric influences, to sharp temperature drops.

However, many more souls, a soft roofing device according to the old technology from the flooded materials and the rolled waterproofing of the floor under the "green roofs". If your choice fell on rolled roofing and welded waterproofing materials, be sure to follow how, with what quality rolls are brewed.

Modern technology for the production of seamless roofing of a soft roof is based solely on the use of high-quality liquid waterproofing materials and professional design of waterproofing roofing works.

Always available in stock in Moscow Unique roofing material Polymer acrylic mastic Master Roof production "Pazkar" (Israel). Two-layer waterproofing roofing mastic - white acrylic material, heat-resistant and frost-resistant in a Russian climate, resistant to UV. The thick paste, ready for use, is applied by airless spraying of high-pressure installations or simply a rubber scraper, ensures reliable high-quality production of the upper layer of the roofing coating of a soft roof professionally and with a guarantee.

Any building needs waterproofing, which is used for the base, walls, roofs and other elements. It is the roof that requires special protection, for which liquid rubber is increasingly used.


Liquid rubber is a modern material that has excellent waterproofing characteristics. It creates such material based on latex and bitumen emulsion. Liquid rubber can be used for roofs as protection or self-coating.

After applying the rubber in a short time begins to stick, turning from the liquid material into a solid, elastic membrane without seams and joints. Such material can be applied on various areas and roofs with complex structures. Liquid rubber does not matter any comparison with other types of waterproofing. This can be easily verified by examining its advantages.

Pros and cons

Roofing liquid rubber has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Acquaintance with this material will not be full, if not learning the two sides.

The plus list consists of the following moments:

  • homogeneity and monolithic coating, no seams and joints;
  • achieving maximum adhesion characteristics regardless of coating material: concreted surface, wood or metal;
  • filling with a liquid material of small surface defects simplifies the preparation stage;

  • elasticity allows the coating of liquid rubber to increase in size and return to the initial parameters. Such an advantage becomes relevant when the temperature differences and the change of the seasons. On such a coating, cracks are not formed, which allows you to call it durable and hardy;
  • the use of a mechanized application method allows to reduce installation time and improves the quality of application. Fast and high-quality installation is particularly relevant in the processing of convex and complex elements;

  • environmental safety and absence in the composition of toxic substances;
  • the extensive scope of application includes residential facilities, industrial and trading complexes;
  • the possibility of using finishing and creating an area of \u200b\u200bbase, which can be used for further operation;
  • a large number of shades and textures opens up huge opportunities for aesthetes and designers;
  • easy repair, requiring a minimum of time and finance. The ability to repair in a small area without affecting the main area.

The following flaws are added to such an impressive list of advantages:

  • the need to use special techniques to apply liquid rubber on the roof;
  • high requirements for the surface preparation process;
  • availability of requirements for the conditions of the external environment that should be maintained throughout the installation work;
  • the complexity of dismantling the coating created from liquid rubber.


The liquid rubber market for the roof is actively developing. Already, there are many varieties of this material, which makes rolled materials already irrelevant.

Classification can be based on various principles.

  • One-component material has a liquid consistency, a slight viscosity. The color palette is diverse, which opens up great opportunities for choice.
  • A two-component mastic liquid roof, except for the main components, includes a hardener in its composition. Components are mixed immediately before applying to the surface.

  • Sprayed material is still recognized as the most promising due to high quality and quick installation. Be sure to require the use of special techniques.
  • Painting rubber is available in a large assortment. It can be liquid and pasty. After frosting, forms a film on the surface. Installation is carried out using a manual tool.

  • Bulk roof is an economical option and is usually used before mounting the coating. The material is simply poured onto the prepared surface and is leveled with a special hand tool resembling a mop.
  • Hot rubber is more suitable for a bituminous surface. Seamless surface provides reliable protection for roofing and building as a whole.

  • The cold material in the composition has a solvent, is more movable and convenient when installing. With such material you can work yourself. At hand you need to have gasoline or kerosene, which may be required to dilute rubber.
  • Refined was developed recently by the military-industrial complex. Initially, such material was used exclusively for military and defense industries, so its characteristics are at a high level. It can be used equally on a flat and inclined roof.
  • Liquid rubber can have a different base, most often used bitumen and polyurethane foam. The second option is more innovative, durable and hardy. Although bitumen is not going to go to the background, since it is a proven, affordable and qualitative option.

How to choose?

During the purchase, it is necessary to carefully study the liquid material. In its composition, large elements cannot be present, waterproofing should be uniform, homogeneous and smooth. Otherwise, when laying the surface will not be smooth and high quality. On the packaging label must be a stamp corresponding to GOST. It is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life and integrity of the packaging. In the presence of at least the slightest doubts it is necessary to refuse to buy.

Different materials can be applied in various ways. Each manufacturer affects the packaging recommendations for use and the necessary thickness at which the material will ensure proper protection. It is not necessary to deviate from these recommendations.

To decide which rubber is the best, it is worth studying the supply of the market. Preference is better to give to famous companies that have managed to deserve respect and recognition of the consumer.


Many companies are engaged in the production of liquid rubber. There are among them and domestic, and foreign representatives. In such an assortment it is easy to get lost, so it is worth paying attention to the most popular and decent manufacturers, the products of which will not be disappointment.

  • It should be started with the Russian manufacturer, or rather, with a whole group of companies "Participation". She supplies several products to the market: Euromast, Euromast Plus and Euromast Color. This product is chosen for high quality, an acceptable cost and a large range.

  • At the production facilities of the company "Climbing" Available high-quality liquid single-component rubber "Blockade". Such material fully complies with world standards, which are presented to waterproofing materials of this type. Pleases the acceptable cost, which moves the products of many manufacturers to the back plan. The company offers discounts when typing wholesale orders.

  • Another worthy domestic manufacturer is the company "LKM USSR". It is engaged in the release of a large range of polymer protective materials, including liquid rubber. This product is widely used in the construction of the industrial and civilian sector of Russia. Waterproofing is based on the developments that were created for the USSR military-industrial complex, and for a long time remained classified. The basis of liquid rubber lies bitumen, which is ideal for waterproofing protection of various types of surfaces.

  • Organization "Synthetic Polymer"included in the company Nippon Ace.which is engaged in the release, development, promotion and sale of polymer compounds. These materials are incoming water-resistant compositions that have a wide range of applications. There are no analogues of this product, none of the existing manufacturers still produces such a material.

Equipment for application

For high-quality application, it is necessary to use special equipment. Mobile pulverizer is mainly used as such equipment. Its preparation is the first stage from which the spraying of rubber begins. The pulverizer mechanism consists of a dispenser and a mixing device. As fuel in most cases, gasoline is used, and not electricity. Such a feature provides mobility, compactness, autonomy and ease of operation. With such a set of features, work is possible even in hard-to-reach places.

And also the mechanism includes a long hose, the length of which can reach 150 meters. Due to this, during the installation process there is no need to constantly move the device through the roof territory. The environmental friendliness of the material allows you to do without individual protective equipment even when performing work indoors.

Instructions for use

When processing the roof of liquid rubber, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the technique of applying.

Otherwise, the final result may disappoint.

  • For work, you need to choose dry weather with air temperature above +5 degrees.
  • The basis should be carefully prepared for further work. The essence of this phase is to clean the working surface. There should be no pollution, not to mention the garbage. In the process of purification, a powerful water pressure or burning can be used. The last method is applicable for fatty and other complex spots.

  • The priming is the next stage, the essence of which is to create a primary layer on the prepared surface of waterproofing. The device of the future roof is directly dependent on the quality of the intestine, so it is necessary to approach this stage. The result of this stage will eliminate the smallest particles of dust, inconspicuous to the eye of pollution and ensuring maximum adhesion between the surface and liquid rubber.

  • Installation technology is completed by applying liquid rubber by spraying. It is necessary to strive for the uniform of the layer. Make it will be easy if you follow the corner between the base and the sprayer. And also need to stick to the same distance, which will be saved between the base and the extreme point of the sprayer.
  • Composite materials of the solution are mixed directly during spraying. For this, there is a special compartment in the equipment. The width of each strip must be within 1-1.5 m. Transitions must be cruciform.

  • On flat roofs, several layers are sprayed, their number can reach three.
  • Must be attended by fittings. For this purpose, you can use geotextiles or fiberglass.

The flow rate of 1 m² with a layer thickness is 2 mm is 3 liters of liquid rubber. Frozening material depends on external conditions. At air temperature +20 degrees and humidity, no more than 50% of the three days are leaving. Drops of fluid may appear on the surface, which is the norm. The cause of such a phenomenon is the work of the catalyst.

Liquid Rubber Recently conquers increasing popularity as a material for waterproofing roofs. Most often, liquid rubber is used to apply a coating on a flat surface. The use of liquid rubber on surfaces with a significant area is one of the most convenient options, since working in this material, it is very easy to apply a coating even for complex roof relief details.

What are the benefits of liquid rubber

It is worth noting that liquid rubber has a whole range of indisputable advantages. To them, in particular, belong:

  • simplicity of application at high labor productivity;
  • himostability and environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • reliable roofing;
  • high elasticity;
  • lack of seams;
  • resistance to different kind of atmospheric effects and to ultraviolet rays;
  • full protection against moisture;
  • durability.

It is more convenient to use, rather than rolled and membrane coatings. Currently, this is one of the most modern types of roof waterproofing. You can use liquid rubber both with the reconstruction of old buildings and in the construction of new construction objects. The most important advantage of this material is versatility. The compound with the base occurs at the molecular level, due to which the very high reliability of the fixation is achieved, regardless of the texture or on the roof material.

However, the sake of justice should also indicate its disadvantages. First, the cost of liquid rubber is quite solid. Secondly, it has a rather high sensitivity to solvents and to substances, which include petroleum products. Thirdly, remove liquid rubber already applied to the surface, if such a need suddenly occurs, it will be possible only mechanically.

Performing roofing of liquid rubber, should consider the features of the use of this material

The most clearly coating of the roof of liquid rubber can be seen when applying such a coating on the roofs having a complex structure of the skate, or when working on large areas. The peculiarity of liquid rubber is a very wide sphere of its application, and to apply this material really even on the old coating: it only needs to be cleaned of garbage.

The coating of the roof of liquid rubber is carried out in one of three ways:

  • bulk;
  • staining;
  • cold spraying.

However, regardless of which method is used before proceeding to work, it should be carefully cleaned the base on which the coating of liquid rubber will be applied. Remember that the preparatory stage is very important because the final result depends on it, so the old coating should be able to clean the grainy sprinkle and completely remove the detached runner. It is necessary to remove all the dirt, all the garbage, and then get rid of dust. The application of liquid rubber on top of the old rubberoid requires the mandatory installation of deflectors, pulling out moisture from roofing cake. In addition, in some cases, the waterproofing layer is recommended to strengthen geotextiles.

Let us turn to a more detailed consideration of how to apply a coating of liquid rubber on the roof.

  1. One way to apply it is a bulk method. Cleaning the surface from garbage, it is necessary to impregnate the base with a bitumen emulsion. The thickness of this layer (it is also called primer) should be from 1 to 2 millimeters. After that, liquid rubber is immediately superimposed on the base. It should be applied with certain portions, evenly distributing on the surface with special rollers.

The thickness of this layer should be from 2 to 3 millimeters. It should be noted that the bitumen-latex mastic you need only a few seconds so that it starts to be captured, but in order for the work to be performed a qualitatively, the printed layer should be made to stand at least 5 minutes. After the required time, you can proceed to apply the following layer - in most cases it is already a finishing layer. A liquid method is used for smooth surfaces, helping to align the roof itself. For the pitched roofs, the use of this option is usually not practiced.

  1. The next step is to apply the main layer - at this stage, rubber mastic is no longer divorced by water. The spatula is applied to the surface to the surface in the end, it turns out a layer with a thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters - a wide brush will also be used for this work. The layer applied is finally dried at least after 48 hours. In order for the uniformity of application of the second layer as high as possible, it is recommended to apply it perpendicular to the direction in which you applied primer - with such a procedure for performing the operation, the liquid rubber will fully comply with all declared characteristics. It should be noted that this method is best suited for shelter roofs and small surface areas when, from a financial point of view, mechanical equipment is simply unprofitable.
  1. And finally, the last of the methods is a deposition method. As mentioned above, primarily the base is thoroughly prepared, after which it is possible to proceed to direct surface treatment with liquid rubber by spraying. To do this, the special machine should be connected to the 2nd containers. In one of them there is a polymer-bitumen emulsion, in the second - calcium chloride, which performs the functions of the hardener. Both of these components must be supplied to the nozzle at the same time, they are mixed before spraying over the surface.

The surface treatment with liquid rubber by spraying in most cases is used on significant areas or on roofs having a slope. The advantages of this method should include primarily the speed of performance and the quality of the application of the rubber layer. The applied material hardens almost immediately, that is, it disappears the need to wait until the rubber will find it. In addition, it is possible to use the deposition method on any surfaces. The material is applied here with a sprayer, which means that you do not need even the most bizarre designs without problems.