Repairs Design Furniture

Country house design: ideas and photos of design. Bright and modern interiors cottages The most beautiful design of the country house

There is nothing more pleasant than to furnish your own home. All dreams, plans and personal designer finds can be realized here. Combined kitchen living room in a private house will envelop you with comfort, please feel a beautiful setting and will surprise the functionality if you listen to the portal advice ...

August 20, 2017.

Of course, the design of a private house is radically different from the design of a city apartment. A private house is almost always a large space, which means directly in the design of the house you can afford much more. Along with a large space, such problems appear as: the inability to use ...

July 26, 2017.

Modern interior of a private house is a mixture of various styles and directions in one space. The main goal of such mixing is to obtain the most comfortable and convenient home for the owners. Properly selected interior design Allows you to visually expand the space, and will also add comfort ...

June 29, 2017.

The house with panoramic windows photo below, it looks really beautiful and fascinates those who surround their unusual appearance. In this you will be helped to make sure examples of such houses selected by Dekorin. It is also important to take into account that the installations of large windows pay some nuances in themselves, ...

July 17, 2018.

It often happens that during the construction of a private house, the area area does not allow to allocate a separate place for the car garage. Build a house with a garage under one roof will be the most convenient and a practical decision For this problem. This option has like ...

June 4, 2017.

What is the design of the living room in the house make a focus on comfort and practicality? The living room is the main and largest room, the design of which should harmoniously fit into the shared style of the house. The hall is designed for a cozy holiday of the hosts in the evenings, as well as for receiving a cheerful ...

May 31, 2017.

Arrangement of the living room is an interesting and responsible process. The interior of the living room in a private house should be unique, beautiful, relaxing and original. How to realize all this and remain satisfied? Dekorin knows the answer to this question! Just look at these ideas and photos, ...

May 23, 2017.

It is the hallway that creates the first impressions of the house and indirectly tells guests that they can see in other rooms. Of course, not only important beautiful design Hallway in a private house, but also its functionality. Today we will tell you how to equip the hallway so that ...

28.03.2017 Read for 11 minutes.

If the design of the design of the apartment can be figuratively compared with a short trip to the neighboring country, the interior design process country house - it's almost trip around the world. To prepare a design project, and then hold repair work, purchase the necessary equipment, furniture, accessories for a private residence can leave for a single year. But all these efforts are standing, because as a result you will get comfortable and cozy house, in which everything is thought out: from the location of the coffee maker to point lamps in the dressing room.

In the photo: living room interior design in a country house

In the photo: Interior design of a country house in the classic style with ar-deco elements

In the photo: living room interior design in a country house in a modern classic style

In the photo: Modern classic in the interior design of a country house in the KP "Europe"

In the photo: interior design of living room with a tiled oven in a country house

Any interior of a country house in a classic style is extremely rare without a real fireplace. Sometimes the usual English focus is replaced with a Russian oven with tiles, which adds a few national flavor of the residence. In the interior ended, the living room fireplace, decorated with tiles, perfectly fit into the space decorated with columns, wallpaper with damasters and gold-plated elements.

5. Classic Cabinet in a country house

In the photo: Interior design of the cabinet in a country house in the style of the classic

The respectable classic is especially appropriate in the design of the office in a country house. Built-in furniture shade of milk chocolate, wood carving, pilasters and damasters in the finish - that's all that you need to form a classic cabinet space. In such a respectable interior, you can safely take even the most high-ranking guests.

6. Design kitchen living room with fireplace

In the photo: Modern classic in kitchen living room interior design with fireplace

In country houses, the kitchen and living room are combined as often as in the apartments. When creating such studio spaces in lately It is customary to avoid some kind of obvious ways of zoning. Such, such as the combination of two types of flooring. On the contrary, the interior designers are trying to create the illusion of the unity of functional zones. In the example presented, the living room seems to go into the kitchen-dining room. And make such a transition more smoothly helps the classic fireplace in a white portal in a seaspless.

7. Design of beige cuisine in classic style

In the photo: classic interior design beige cuisine in a country house

Classic kitchens You can take for real receiving or front halls in the palaces. In the decoration of such premises are used as wall panelsAnd moldings, and expensive wallpapers. Furniture can be restrained in the spirit of neoclassics or more lush, as in the palaces of time Louis Xiv.. In the presented in the photo interior of the kitchen in the country house, an area for relaxation with an elegant pearl sofa and a coffee table was organized. After dinner, it will be possible to move here in order to slowly drink a cup of fragrant tea.

8. Classic Living Room with Erker

In the photo: living room interior design with a terror in a country house

Erker in a country house provides designers additional features For creative solutions. Most often in the plastic zone, the area for recreation and reading is organized. In the Erker zone in the living room in the photo, the designers of the Fundam Group of Companies decided to organize a colonnade that gives the space an additional symmetry. White curtains with the edge of the lambrequins, decorated with golden brushes, gently dispel the light, and they are soak on the manner of theatrical curtains the texture emphasizes the classical composition of the composition. The furniture in the style of Louis XV with its curved lines is reminded of the Epoch of Enlightenment.

9. Classic bathroom with curtains

In the photo: Bathroom design in classic style in a country house

The interior design of the classic bathroom in a country house usually pursues the goal to create a very cozy space. The bathrooms solved in the spirit of the classics, at their setting, the set of furniture and decor resemble residential spaces. Therefore, classic bathrooms are often attributed to Bauramas. To furnishings such a bathroom, baths on lion paws are excellent, resembling the first half of the last century. Do not forget also about the cabinet with storage boxes and curtains.

10. Neoclassical Bedroom in Lilac Tones

In the photo: interior design of a lilac bedroom in a country house

In the photo: living room interior design in country house in country style

The interior design of this country house in the country style appeals to a very simple and affordable solutions. The project uses a minimum finishing materials. Bet - on naturalness and rustic simplicity.

12. Country style living room in a house from a bar

In the photo: living room interior design in country style in a bar

Hearth with chimney, closed stone, narrow shelves Under the decor, a classic chandelier with lampshades, natural light shades, modern upholstered furniture and an abundance of a tree - this set is enough to create an interior design of a cozy living room in the country style. In such a room will always dominate the homely atmosphere, which will attract to your vacation home many guests.

Interior design of the country house in the style of Provence

In the photo: Interior design in the style of Provence in a country house

Narrow white boards in finishing the Provence Living room form in the room atmosphere sea resort. After all, we can often meet such rails in the facade of the facades of neat, drowning in colors and greens, houses in quiet coastal towns. Also white boards often decorated embankments and pontoons.

14. Caminet area in olive interior

In the photo: design of the interior of the fireplace zone in the style of Provence in a country house

The style of Provence in the interior design of a country house, like a country, relies on the comfort, which is formed using a real hearth. In some cases, the fireplace can be replaced with the bubzhuyk furnace. Just do not forget that the real focus is created not so much for heating the room, as so that you can enjoy the flame game. Therefore, it is important that a soft furniture for reading and recreation has been installed next to the fireplace.

15. Curtains with floral pattern in the kitchen

In the photo: Interior design of the kitchen in the style of Provence in a country house

The cuisine in the country house in the style of Provence is a real holy grail for all households. Friendly, as if buried in the sun, shades of pastels, bouquets of dried herbs, white dishes with a floral pattern, rustic rustic, but also more cute decor on the walls - all these details of olive interior always promise pleasant memories. In the kitchen-dining room with pistashkova wooden furniture And the curtains with the stovery of "pink buds" you want to be as long as possible. To have breakfast with fragrant croissants and coffee with cream in such a sun interior - one pleasure.

16. Cozy bedroom

In the photo: Interior design of Provence style in a country house

Provence Bedroom in a country house is a combination of a village comfort and French manners. Therefore, such interiors never seem simple. We perceive them more like a royal person who occurred to try on the image of a rustic hat. In the bedroom in the style of Provence, there must be a place for toilet table in the form of an elegant console. Interior Design olive room To sleep in the photo above it turned out to be particularly charming at the expense of bright pink bedspreads and wallpapers with a floral pattern.

17. Interior bathroom on the attic

In the photo: interior design of the bathroom in the country house in the style of Provence

In the photo: Interior design of turquoise bedroom in the country house in the style of Provence

Interiors of country houses in modern style

Geometrically verified lines, minimalism in the decor, traction for monochrome solutions and open spaces - a modern style for the interior design of the country house will suit to everyone who is chaos and creative unrest prefers organizedness and asceticism. In country houses, minimalistic white interiors look especially effectively due to panoramic windows, which add the inner space of paints and poetry.

19. Living room in the style of minimalism

In the photo: living room interior design in modern style in a country house

Modern minimalism living room with streamlined chairs made in the spirit of time. Such an interior fully complies with the requests of a person of the 21st century, which, being attacked by countless information flows, seeks to live in minimalist, non-overloaded interior details. An unusual effect in the interior creates through partitions that allow you to see a piece of landscape outside the window.

20. Kitchen-dining room in modern style

In the photo: Interior design kitchen-dining room in a rustic house in a modern style

In the design of the interior of this country house in a modern style, attention is focused on the surrounding landscape. Thanks to the panoramic windows, the terrain becomes part of the interior composition. Monochrome beige gamma allows you to attract an even more sun ray. Studio space zoning helps bar rack with minimalist chairs.

21. Minimalistic kitchen

In the photo: kitchen design in a country house in a modern style

In the photo: interior design of a bedroom in a modern style in a country house

Waking up in the mornings in such a bedroom, you will feel yourself the hero of Canadian or American Movie. After all, the design of the interior of this country house in a modern style fully reflects the popular approach to the arrangement of a private residence in North America: the maximum openness of the inner space from the courtyard side, the rate on the functionality and the minimum of parts.

23. Minimalistic kitchen

In the photo: The design of the kitchen interior in a modern style in the country house KP "Park Avenue"

Modern minimalistic kitchen with an island serves as an excellent example of functional space. The laconic facades of the built-in wardrobes with the texture of a tree hides a whole system of storage. Here we can build all the household appliances, including the refrigerator. Kitchen Island continues wood table. Modern white chair with a bright upholstery of a salad shade serves as a colorish accent.

Interiors of premises in a country house from a bar

The interior design of the country house from the bar borrow a lot of ideas in hunting houses, the finish of which in the past was given due attention. In these launch in the forests, high-ranking specialists stopped during the hunt. Most often for wooden country houses Country style is selected. Although B. last years Designers of interiors are increasingly betting on contrasts. Therefore, in houses from a bar with their rustic finish, it is often possible to meet a pompous classic, diluted with art deco elements.

24. "Hunting" house

In the photo: Interior design of a country house from a bar in der. Aleksino, Tver region

The interior design of this suburban residence is inspired by hunter houses from the last century. Stone finished fireplace area decorated with a bowl of deer. Massive chandeliers themselves, focusing on the area of \u200b\u200bthe living room and dining room, seem to be created from deer horns. Thus, literally everything in this house suggests that the owner of the residence is not alien to Hunting Azart.

25. Kitchen-living room in shades of light wood

In the photo: living room interior design in a country house from a bar

Panoramic windows Give the interior design of a country house from a bar more colorful appearance. A rural landscape in the summer will add some green shades in the inner space, and in the winter will fill the room with white tones. Due to such "openness", the interior composition seems even more natural and natural.

26. Bedroom in a bar

In the photo: interior design of a bedroom in a country house from a bar

And this bedroom in a bar is furnished with very plain furniture: bed and carved back, berger chairs, a round coffee table and a pair of wooden Tumb. A certain asceticism is also traced in the tree decoration. But with all its modesty, which, by the way, always characterizes the style of country, the interior design of the room has a certain spirit of adventurism and hunting audacity. We owe such an unusual effect, above all, decoration in the form of imitation of the skin of the beast.

27. Children's room with wooden finish

In the photo: The interior of the children's room in a country house from a bar

Children's rooms in country houses from a bar are often equipped on mansard floors. After all, any kid will like in the evenings to study the stars. In the example of the interior of the children's room for two children, protruding logs, fastening seams help for two children zoning space. Thus, each of the children has its own place to relax. The independence of functional zones allow you to emphasize the chandeliers.

Working out the interior design of country houses and cottages, specialists of the Fundam Group of Companies are always focused on the type of building itself, and on the preferences of households. We take into account the lifestyle, and the habits of every resident of the residence. At the same time, our designers will always be able to explain to you that is now in the trend, as well as orient about the innovations of the finishing materials and furniture market.

Text: Natalia Nikiforova

The interior of the cottage should be as comfortable as possible and cozy so that his tenants can really relax and relax from noise and everyday life. The possibility of arranging a large area, the presence of high ceilings, as well as proximity to natural beauty - all this contributes to the use of a creative approach to creating a truly ergonomic space. To issue the interior of the cottage or country house, you need to comply with a number of recommendations that we will describe below.

If the interiors of apartments in the city are not always dependent on the features of the construction, then the design of private houses will depend directly on the construction of the building. For example, the design in the modern style is unlikely to harmoniously look inside wooden sruba from traditional elements. In other words, the first recommendation consists in compliance with harmony between the interior and the exterior of the country house.

As for the internal design of the premises, it can be said about the following nuances:

- Choose a single style for interior design;
- Provide the necessary color gamut;
- Choose high-quality modern finishing materials;
- Choose the appropriate style furniture objects;
- Competently use decorative elements And artificial lighting.

All these factors must be taken into account to create beautiful interior Cottage.

Color solutions

When making any interior, including a country house, it is important to correctly pick up color solutions. Incorrectly chosen palette can worsen well-being and reduce productivity. Of course, it all depends on individual preferences, but there are general patterns.

The arrangement of a private house involves the use of several basic (more than four) shades of those colors that the owner seems most attractive. But only one color for wall design should prevail. It is recommended to give preference to neutral calm colors, while colorful shades should be applied as accents. Remember that in the cozy cottage there is no excessive reztrut, but it all depends on the style you chose, so they can be various options Color solutions.

One way to create an original interior will be the combination of smooth and embossed surfaces with a different texture. In such a situation, even one-photon design looks contrast and attractive.

It must be borne in mind that even only one textured part will be able to significantly revive the space. For example, in the house in scandinavian style You can combine unspecifying curtains from monochrome tissue and the same upholstery of furniture with wicker seats, covers with a large viscous, and the like.


In cottages or country houses it is better not to clutter space large quantity Furniture. Especially since modern tendencies Dictate the fashion to minimalism. This is especially true for small houseswhere it is best to choose multifunctional furniture items, possibly - folding. Large furniture looks better in spacious country houses.

It must be remembered that the harmonious thing will look a combination of objects large size and small details. If you place in the rooms extremely large structures, they will not be perceived expressive. But too many small elements sooner or later will begin to irritate tenants and guests at home.


Lamps choose, focusing on their appearance. It is important that in the afternoon they fit into the overall stylist. Depending on the background, the chandeliers, lamps or sconces are selected, they may be dark, light, golden - the main thing is that the atmosphere of the country house is stylistically holistic.

It is important to correctly choose the lampshade, so I define in advance what style you prefer - Country, classic or minimalism. IN large rooms It is recommended to install large chandeliers, and for rooms small size Suitable compact lamps.

Interior style for country house

IN country cottages You can embody any designer sizes. However, in addition to fashion trends, it is necessary to take into account the individual preferences of the owners of the house. Consider the main characteristics of the most popular styles for designing the interiors of cottages: Country, Provence, Chale, as well as Scandinavian and modern style.

Country Cottage

This style will suit lovers of rustic romance and family traditions. Country - optimal option For owners of wooden houses.

In such interiors, there is an existence of modern materials, namely, metal, glass or plastic. For decoration, it is often used with floral motifs or striped, decorative plaster or stone, imitation of a wooden bar.

Color solutions must be as natural as possible. For the living room, the main accent can serve as a fireplace, the furniture is recommended to choose not high. In the kitchen, put an ancient buffet with shelves, a massive table made of wood, linen or stem curtains, dishes with painting.

Provence Cottage

This style is considered the ideal solution To create a cozy dacha atmosphere. Obligatory style attributes of Provence is considered to use natural materials and floristic motives.

This fashionable French direction assumes the presence of an important role in furniture and decorative elements. Choose good quality furniture, possibly vintage or aged. It is best if it is bright shades.

As for the decor, the braided elements, vases with lavender, porcelain and baskets look good in the interiors in the style of Provence. All this contributes to the house a unique atmosphere and makes stay in it comfortable, which is very important for cottages or country buildings.

Chalet Cottage

For wooden cottages The style of the chalet, which will create a fabulous cozy interior With minimal finish. As a rule, the floor and the ceiling in such buildings wooden, and ceiling beams remain in sight.

The main characteristics of the style is the laconicity, the use of natural materials with a minimum processing, as well as environmental friendliness. Mandatory detail is a fireplace that occupies a central place in the living room.

The decor implies the use of wool, leather and fur skins. Household appliances The kitchen hides behind the cabinets so that the older's atmosphere is saved in the house. Flames made in the form of a candle are ideal as a chandelier.

Scandinavian style cottage

This direction is distinguished by restraint, the minimum inclusion of the decor and the use of high-quality natural materials. If you do not want to spend a lot of money for housing, but prefer modern trends and want to create a spacious light interior, pay attention to the Scandinavian style.

It is enough to align the walls in the house and pick up a neutral background - most often it is just white paint. The finish uses a tree. If necessary, the interior may be bright accents.

As for the furniture, it should be soft and comfortable, but in the form as simple as possible. Scandinavian style is welcome natural tree. You can dilute the strict atmosphere with pleasant smallest things, for example, unusual curtains or plants in Kashpo.

Cottage in modern style

In the interiors, decorated in a modern style, often use furniture from inexpensive materials - wood, glass, plastic. However, all items are important to choose carefully so that they are reliable. In practice, modern style is suitable for those who are used to changing the interior of a country house once a few years.

Designers advise to avoid any decorative elements, then space will remain light and air, nothing will interfere with residents and distract them. The ceiling is often left concrete, and the floor is performed from grinded neutral boards, laminate with a simple texture. Point lamps are installed in the rooms.

Interior of the cottage or country house - Photo

No matter what style is chosen for the interior design of the cottage, comfort and the presence of a cozy atmosphere are the main elements. Those who are engaged in the arrangement of their own home "from scratch", it is difficult to determine the choice of color palette, finishing materials, furniture and accessories. Therefore, we recommend that you look at how different country houses look like in reality. Inspire our selection of photos and experiment!

Beautiful inner design Private houses today can be inspired by any motives, current trends or historical traditions. Modern style It does not put any restrictions in front of you: it can combine elements from different eras and cultures, but together they should create something 100% harmonious and unique.

In this article, we have collected a photo of 10 private houses, whose interiors were performed in completely different styles - from classics to minimalism, including Asian motifs, fashionable Loft styles, Eco and others. All of them combines only one common feature - it is a strict style despusting Even when it comes to eclectics. How is this possible? See for yourself!

Interior design of private houses (selection)

Why not start with classic design? Despite all fashionable modern technologiesMany people still attract the inner design of private houses in the style of vintage castles, which creates a delightful atmosphere of romance and greatness in the interior.

This interior style is extremely popular and for, classic she is a classic. It is easy to make sure that you can find the most classic interiors in the network. Today we picked up for you the most worthy examples of houses with such an interior, see and choose the appropriate.

So, our first photo series ...

This historical home of the eighteenth century has repeatedly passed through a thorough restoration and reconstruction, but its internal design has retained the past charm of antiquity through the use of expensive materials, elegant classic furnitureBeautiful lamps and paintings in gilded frames. With all this, all over the house was established new Plumbingas well as a complex system outdoor heating With computer control, which reduces the cost of heating at home for two thirds. What is unusual for a large country house - ultrafine Wi-Fi works everywhere here.

2. Interior design of a private house, combining classics and modernity

Judging by the beautiful ceiling stucco, a wrought staircase and separate elements of the decor, the owners of this Victorian villa admire classic styleBut at the same time are too modern people to live in an atmosphere of an old castle. The inner design of this private house has a completely unique, majestic and bohemian appearance, starting with a soft color palette, shiny silk wallpapers and light oak floors, and ending with glamorous tables and lamps from the middle of the twentieth century, as well as powerful works of art on the walls.

When this internal design of a private house was created in West London, the designer's task was to create a glamorous effect with elements of modernity from the middle of the last century. Use such things, and at the same time keep the modern appearance of space, quite not easy, so the dark color palette with random splashes was chosen for this dwelling. bright shades. Most furniture and antiques were bought in Milan, while extensive bookshelves Created by individual project. In general, this design of a private house combines elements of modernity from Scandinavia and Europe, as well as separate glamorous details from the 70s and modernity.

4. Modern design of private houses in the style of Industrial

Industrial or industrial style Appeared in the middle of the last century, when under housing began to remove the abandoned buildings of old factories and warehouses. Brick walls and concrete floors, industrial lamps and wooden beams on the ceiling - all these details, as it turned out, can be perfectly combined with modern furniture and exquisite decor. One of the manifestations of industrial style - today is at the peak of its popularity.

We present to your attention the interior design of a private house, in which the red brick surprisingly harmonizes with white walls as well wooden floors and furniture.

5. Interior design of private house with elements Industrial

The house presented in the following photos is different industrial styleboth inside and outside. The facade of the house has a new metal trim From the sheets of steel with bright red inserts, which are also present in the interior and are perfectly combined with red brick walls. Divided into three levels, this a private house It consists of the lower floor, which is rented, as well as two upper, components of the owner's duplex.

Our next internal house design can serve as a model for designing your country house or cottage. After all, when you want to take a break from urban noise and bustle, what can be pleasant to the soul than a cozy rustic atmosphere?

As you can see, this house is quite small, but light walls and furniture allow you to feel pretty spacious in it. In the interior design, there are nottes of a refreshing Scandinavian style, as well as Provence and minimalism. The kitchen is tiny, but at the same time very comfortable, both for cooking, and for feeding food. Open shelves around the house do not steal the volume in space, but they make the dwelling very cozy and spiritualized.

7. Creative internal design of private houses

You do not have clear preferences regarding the interior style? You love bright colors And creativity in everything? In this case, this inner design of the private house you will definitely have to taste! Here in each room mixed up the most diverse styles of furniture and decor, and in order for this wild mix that looks harmoniously, the designer decided to use not dark or neutral, and the brightest colors and patterns. That's what means "wow effect"!

8. Eclecticism and retro in the interior design of a private house

During the reconstruction of this old private house, his owners wished the interior to become more open and free. To this end, the designer decided to remove part brick walls From the front side, replacing them on large glass doors and windows. In addition, the interior also lost part inland partitions and doors, and separate dwelling zones became separated by various flooring.

As for the decor, it is absolutely different here for all rooms. Natural shades I. natural materials combined with bright and glamorous decor, english furniture Standing next to Chinese on Tibetan carpet, and antique bathroom details come to life under a disco mirror ball on the ceiling. As a result, this house is an amazing mix of practical and bohemian, open and cozy, brightly colorful and soothing neutral.

9. Interior design of the private house in Eco style

Eco style can have different manifestations. For some - this is such a house design that brings minimum harm environment: solar panels, Low water consumption plumbing, thermal insulation and wood from renewable forests. For others is exclusively natural materials and eco-friendly paints that are safe for the health of living organisms. Finally, the Eco style in the interior can assume just such a design that most reminds us of nature: natural shades and shapes, natural motifs in the decor, large windows and abundance of houseplants.

The inner design of the private house presented in the following photos, took something from each of these directions. Neutral color palette, which is revived only by bright green plants, good daylight due to large windows, unpainted wooden and wicker furniture - All this creates a feeling that you are at the same time at the same time, and outside it.

10. Luxury interior design of private houses

The latter on our list of private house has a truly unique design of the interior, which combines Chinese style, Gothic, Modern and Luxury. Appearance Buildings have modern gothic style, With inherent in him various levels sticking together in all directions. Inside the house, these levels form beautiful decadent spaces with high ceilings. As for the decor, first of all, the abundance of stone, as well as Asian flower motifs, is thrown into the eyes. As it should be spacious interiors, there are mainly obbiotic objects: screen, sofas, heavy coffee tables, shiny satin pillows, etc.

Interior design of private houses in different styles Updated: November 4, 2016 by the author: Margarita Glushko