Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a film warm floor under the tile. Infrared warm floor under floor tile, as a modern type of heating system. Tile and floor heating systems

Updated: 06/19/2019

Many people think that the warm floors are the invention of recent years. This is not quite so. Already housing and baths of the ancient Romans were heated with hot air circulating under marble floors of the floor. Then this method was forgotten by giving way to cheaper in construction, compact and economical furnace systems, and then water heating.

But good ideas do not disappear without a trace. With the development of construction technologies, as well as improvement and cheapening of building materials, it's time to recall the forgotten technique. The systems first appeared with water warm floors, and then electrical were also developed.

The water warm flooring system is nothing more than the development and continuation of classical water heating. In the most traditional method of connecting, it is one of the circuits of the overall heating system, although it may also have their own autonomous sources of water heating. But in view of the complexity of the installation and an increased tendency to an accident, other models have expired lately.

  1. Cable - are a special high-level electric wire, which heats up under the action of the passing electric current. In the simplest case, they are made in the form of a single cable, but the thermal mats are most commonly used, which use a double wire attached to the fiberglass self-adhesive grid.
  2. Another options for thermal mats are rod warm floors, where instead of the wire, special rods from composite materials are used.
  3. Clear is a truly new word in heating systems. Despite the fact that, like all other types of warm floors, they give thermal energy by heat conduction, convection and infrared radiation, but possessing an increased radiating surface, they are calculated to more precisely to the last heat transfer method. And that is why they are in recent times more and more often called infrared floors

Film floors

In the form of heat-insulating material, warm floors are divided into two types.

  1. Carbonic. In the Lavsanovsky film layer, heating elements from carbon fiber or graphite layer are pressed, connected parallel to two copper-tires along the edges.
  2. Bimetallic. The polyurethane film is based on the heating elements in the form of thin copper-aluminum layers.

Such floors are produced depending on the power of 50 to 110 cm wide, which can be chopped in the marked places into pieces of the desired length.

Video - Infrared Warm Paul under Tile

Advantages and disadvantages of film floors

The main advantages of infrared floors are:

  • Small thickness in the share of a millimeter due to which they practically do not affect the level of finishing flooring and do not reduce the height of the room;
  • easy installation speed, especially in comparison with water floors. All electrical connections are performed by conventional terminal clamps. For installation, additional mounting and structural elements are not required;
  • absence of leaks in case of accident or refusal unlike water floors;
  • function safe offline work Unattended for a long time. Opportunity automatic switching on timer and control;
  • high fault tolerance. Thanks to the parallel combination of thermal elements during the damage to one of them, others remain workable;
  • 20% Higher thermal efficiencythan other types of electric floors. Increased energy efficiency;
  • durability;
  • exception of any maintenance during operation;
  • enough low cost.

The following points include disadvantages:

  • dependence on the cost of electricity, higher than other heating systems. Nevertheless, the increased energy estimation and the practical lack of service costs allow us to talk about the high operational efficiency of this type of heating systems;
  • a big sensitivity to the thermal conductivity of the finishing floor covering. They are almost unsuitable for laying under wooden floors, a little better parquet, best - linoleum, laminate, ceramic tile;
  • the possibility of mechanical damage under excessive loads and pressure.

infrared warm floor

The last reason causes special requirements when installing film warm floors, especially under thin finish coatings: laminate and linoleum. But even when installing warm floors under ceramic tiles, there are specific requirements for their installation that must be observed.

  1. That their effect is most effective styling should be produced either in a very thin cement tieat a thickness of 8 ~ 10 mm, either in a layer of tiled glue under the reinforcing plastic grid.
  2. Apply a metal reinforcing grid can not in no case.
  3. The laying should be made only on open and free from furniture or home equipment floor surface.


  1. Peak power consumption in heating mode - 100 ~ 250 W / m².
  2. Working power consumption in thermal management mode - 35 ~ 85 W / m².
  3. The maximum proportion of infrared radiation in the spectrum is 90%.
  4. Radiation wavelength - 5 ~ 20 MK.
  5. Operating voltage - 220 V, 50 Hz.
  6. The maximum operating temperature is 130 ° C.

Thanks to such high operational parameters, infrared warm floors are fully capable of applying not only as auxiliary, but also the main elements of heating systems.

Calculation of warm film

For normal heating of the room, the empirical meaning of thermal power is 100 W / m² area. Taking into account 90% of the efficiency of the film - 111.1 W / m². To compensate for the heat loss of the room, take a film floor with a capacity of 220 W / m².

For the greatest efficiency, it should take the size of the room as free of furniture. We will take it in 80%. Thus, for the room 25 m², the infrared area will be equal to 20 m².

In thermoregulation mode with a 35% coefficient, electric consumption will be 0.35 × 220 W / m² × 20 m² × 1 h \u003d 1,540 kWh.

As can be seen, for a small room, provided, of course, its good thermal insulation, the film warm floor can serve even the main element of heating.

Infrared Warm Floor Installation Guide

All work on the installation of film warm floor should be started with a detailed and thorough step-by-step work plan, calculating the number of required materials.

Materials and tools required for work

  1. Warm floor itself in the required quantity. For laying under the tile, a film with carbon heating elements is suitable. Bimetallic warm floors are not recommended for this purpose.
  2. Heat-reflective film. The reflective surface of the film should not be electrically conductive.
  3. Scotch.
  4. Bituminous tape.
  5. Mounting electrical wires.
  6. Connecting terminals.
  7. Termarpel with emergency protection.
  8. Plastic reinforcing grid.
  9. Polyethylene film.
  10. Mounting electrical instruments: nippers, passatia, etc.
  11. Multimeter, indicator electric screwdriver.
  12. Dry mix for self-leveling thin tile.
  13. Glue for ceramic tiles.
  14. Tile laying tools.
  15. Measuring tools: roulette, meter, square.

Step-by-step instruction

Laying of ceramic tile is the topic of another article. Here we will look at the preparation and installation of the infrared warm floor system.

The surface of the base under the warm floor should be perfectly smooth, without protrusions, depressions and other notable defects. On the slabs of the overlap must be pre-made a high-quality concrete band screed.

Step 1. The base must be carefully cleaned, reciprocating all the garbage. On the floor should not be random screws, stones, pieces of reinforcement or wire, other foreign objects.

Step 2. Before laying, you need to make a detailed plan for the room with the estimated places of furniture arrangement, draw a scheme for placing a warm floor film. Outline on a concrete basis layout of a warm floor, retreating about 40 cm from the walls.

Step 3. Put the heat-power film by cutting it with the necessary pieces.

Step 4. All joints of the heat insulator should be glued with scotch, glue it along the edges to the floor.

Step 5.

Between the strips of the film floor should leave the gaps 5 ~ 10 mm. Strips should not in any case go to each other. Upon these gaps, the rolls of a warm floor should be glued with a tape to the foil thermal insulation film. At the edges of the tape of a warm floor where the copper tire passes, special terminal clamps should be installed in places of electrical connections.

Step 6. Clamps need to be firmly edged with passatages or special electrical ticks. The protrusions on the terminals must sell plastic, ensuring reliable contact with the copper strip. The stripped ends of the mounting wire should be inserted into the terminals and thoroughly enable them.

Step 7. It is necessary to perform a parallel electrical connection of all sliced \u200b\u200bslices of infrared floor. Slices of bitumen or special thick tolten tape tickle terminals on both sides, carefully closing the curtain ends of the wires and the terminals. The remaining free cable ends of the copper tire should also be inceed.

Step 8. In the location of the expected exit to the thermostat of the wire required length. Under the film of a warm floor at some distance to put the thermal sensor with the wire attached to it. From above, close everything with a dense polyethylene film also by sticking it with a scotch. On top of it to roll out the plastic army, so that the edges of it go beyond the dimensions of the warm floor for the ligament of a thin screed-leveling with a concrete base of the floor.

Step 9. Prepare a solution for a thin screed. Perform a tie to the tile, thoroughly dissolving the solution with a layer of 8 ~ 10 mm. After it dry well, you can take a tile from above in the usual way.

bulk floor

You can turn on the warm floor only after complete drying of the screed and tile glue, not earlier than 28 days after installation.

The film floor - the object is sufficiently gentle and requires careful circulation during the execution of all works. Shoes when working is better to wear with soft soles. After connecting the clamping terminals to the floor tape, check the electrical resistance of each piece in the absence of cliffs, then do the same after the electrical installation of all pieces into a single chain.

Before performing a cement screed, and after it, it is necessary to test the integrity of the chain once again so that you do not have to beat the tile. In the absence of the necessary knowledge, the connection of the thermostat and the temperature sensor is better to entrust the professional electrician, which should also check the entire system on isolation, no closens and short circuits.

Warm house is one of the conditions of a happy family life. Properly calculated and performed heating system is a pledge of heat and comfort in the house. Warm floors significantly increase the comfort of any housing, whether it is a small apartment or a country house. With competently made installation, they will serve for a long time and safely, pleaseing all family members with a cozy and warm home atmosphere.

Today, the warm floor firmly entered the life of a modern person, going from the stage of exotic and unusualness into the usual and accessible every comfort. The selection of warm floor is very large today, but it can be divided into two categories: water and electric. It is clear that water warm floors are mounted only with an autonomous heating system, it does not apply in typical urban apartments. In this case, cable or film warm floor comes to the rescue.

It is worth noting that technical progress in place is not worth it, and infrared film floors rightfully occupy leading positions in comparison with cable floors. The answer is simple - available, economically, comfortable.

To put the infrared warm floor under the tile can be independently, but still some skills on the electrical part must be, since this process differs significantly from the installation of the cable electric floor, especially if we consider that the floor coating will be a ceramic tile.

Originally checked for all components

List of components:

  • heating film;
  • clips with insulator;
  • two-housing cable (the cross section depends on the power and quadrature of the electric floor);
  • reflective heat resistant substrate;
  • polyethylene film of medium hardness (110-120 microns);
  • heat-resistant rigid sulfur mesh (not metallic);
  • corrugation;
  • thermostat;
  • outlook under the thermostat;
  • dowel;
  • scotch.

We put the film warm floor under the tile: connecting steps

A reflecting rigid substrate with a thickness of 2-4 cm is placed on a relatively smooth screed, it is joined using reflective scotch.

The substrate is placed film floors, which are fixed with the help of the Stationery Scotch.

Infrared film floors warm on both sides equally, so there is a fundamentally large difference in which side of them "to string" is not, but if the laminate or parquet board will be flooring, it is better to lay the floor with a copper strip down so that it does not be damaged when laying outdoor coating.

Clips are recorded to the copper strip to which the cable is supplied. Everything is carefully insulated with special bitumen insulators (coming in a set with clips).

Frightened opposite ends.

To protect the film from the effects of glue, it is covered with a polyethylene film.

And for the clutch with the surface, a special rigid sulfur grid is used, which is fixed to the floor using a medium-sized dowels.

Under the thermostat applies a special approach of larger size. For it, a hole is prepared in advance, as well as the canva under the gender sensor, which should be located in the corrugation. Manufacturers recommend the thermostat to mount in the range between 30 and 120 cm from the floor level.

The floor sensor is shortened to the desired length and is located in the corrugation under the floor and the substrates so that in the case of its breakdown, it is easily replaced.

Tilenik tightens the film floors with a thin layer of tiled glue (2-3 mm), and after its complete drying, the tile is stitched under the comb, so that there are no air suits. It is worth remembering that the exploitation of the floors will be possible only after complete drying of the tile glue. Otherwise, the likelihood that the tile will go away.

The presence of warm infrared flooring in the room creates a special cozy atmosphere. The advantages of IR coatings are that the floor heat transfer is noticeably increasing, the cash costs for electricity are reduced. The installation of a warm floor under the tile is not easy, it has a number of features. In this material, consider the technologies that are used in this area.


Iphracen radiation of the warm floor is evenly distributed on the walls, ceiling, indoor items, heating them. The technology works without the use of wires and is suitable for floors:

  • Laminate;
  • Linoleum;
  • Carpet.

Infrared warm floor under the tile most often needed in such premises:

  • Greenhouses;
  • Pools;
  • Kitchen;
  • Bathrooms;
  • Technical rooms.

There are two types of infrared floors that are applied under the tile:

  • Rod;
  • Film

The second is notable in that it is used in its production. Flat elements are used in which a carboxylic suspension is present. On both sides of it, film polymer coatings with a thickness of 0.5 millimeters are mounted, the bandwidth can be from 30 to 120 centimeters.

When installing the floor, you must comply with the safety rules and use grounding. A similar design creates comfort and comfort in the room, which cannot but affect the mental and emotional state of the person.

Pros and cons

The advantage of the heating IR floor system:

  • Lack of electromagnetic radiation;
  • Ease of work;
  • Economy;
  • Does not dry air;
  • There is no risk of fire;
  • Does not provoke the accumulation of dust;
  • Universality - IR film can be mounted even on the wall or ceiling.

The height of the IR design does not exceed three centimeters, and even indoors, where the ceilings are height only two and a half meters, the film is almost imperceptible.

The advantage of IR film can also be called the fact that it does not dry the air in the room. The traditional technology of radiator heating does not possess such advantages.


  • For installation of IR equipment high qualifications required. The master without solid practical experience for such projects is better not to take;
  • It is raised to mount similar devices under the furniture.Tile should be carefully checked for defects, since infrared radiation can provoke the separation of this material. It is better to buy a ceramic floor covering of famous trademarks, since, for example, the Chinese tile - poor quality and does not withstand even small loads.

When installing equipment and tiles, all technological prescriptions should be observed. This is the main rule of this type of work.

Scheme of work

The floor with infrared film under the tile is an option that is found quite often. Connect the film IR Paul to electricity is quite realistic, it will work normally, if you pour the screed on top, and put the tile on it. These works are simple, they can be done if not independently, then with the involvement of the master.

There are two ways to lay tiles on the film:

  • A painting mesh is mounted on top of the film to zoom in adhesion. A screed or a special self-splashing mixture is poured on it. Layer thickness - no more than 10 mm.
  • Gvl sheets are put on the film, they are fixed with self-draws that pass between the strips of heating elements; From the master, great accuracy is required, since it is easy to damage fragile designs.
  • Next, the tile is mounted according to standard technology using glue for warm floors.

At the beginning of work, you should draw a diagram with dimensions in which all cables and heating elements will be reflected.

The rod floor is specially invented for tile coating, so There is no need to do in this case. For ceramic tiles, rod infrared heaters are created, which are connected to the thermostat. They are mounted ceramic coating.

There are rods between two conductors (they are similar to the steps), which are made of graphite and carbon silver. Dimensions of cloths:

  • Width - 82 cm;
  • The space between the rods is up to 10 cm.
  • Length - up to 20 meters.

When the current is passed from the rods, IR radiation is distinguished, it has a wavelength from 8 to 14 microns. This technology saves a significant amount of funds. Electroscheme is designed in such a way that the minimum amount of energy is spent during operation.

How to connect?

Before starting work on the installation of film infrared gender, follows:

  • Prepare the basis;
  • Location throughout the plane, the heat transfer material;
  • Prepare a place for the thermostat.

The installation begins with the fact that the material is distributed throughout the room. It is necessary to fix it with a tape or scotch, close the joints.

It is possible to reduce the consumption of wires, if the contacts are sent towards the regulator. A clamp is fixed on the copper strip, its side is located inside the coating, the second is on top of the copper strip. Cut lines are isolated by bitumen. The film is fixed using the tape. This requires to equalize the base, put the heat transfer material on the floor.

Stages of work:

  1. Installation of heat transfer material;
  2. Installation of the film;
  3. Connecting blocks, connecting them to the thermostat;
  4. The temperature sensor is installed between the first and second layers of the screed in the corrugated pipe.
  5. Laying layers, fixing them with self-draws
  6. Poured a screed, it can be done with your own hands
  7. Tile mounted on the screed.

When working should take into account the following:

  1. Install an IR system under furniture can be possible only when it is located on the legs at a minimum of three centimeters;
  2. It is necessary to put the thermal insulation correctly, it will protect it from the overpower of electricity;
  3. It is impossible to use isolation in which foil is present, it is subject to corrosion;
  4. To cover the desired side, carefully examine the memo instruction.

Use of films based isolation:

  • Lavsanova;
  • Polypropylene.

The thermostat is installed on the wall, electrical wiring is connected to it.

Wires should be treated by the floor, they should be put into the plastic box. Wires should not create irregularities. You must do the following:

  • Cut for wires of recess in heat transfer insulation;
  • Clear wires on the tips before assessing them;
  • The tip of the wire is inserted into the pin clip, secured;
  • Connection location is isolated with bitumen mastic.

Then it is necessary to secure the thermostat, to do it is recommended inside the corrugations; The device is then connected to the temperature regulator. Its upper part is mounted from below to the black silicon strip of blocks that are heated, the bitumen mastic is used. At the point where the installation occurred, you should make a cut, it will be a guarantee that deformations will not appear.

The sensor may fail, so it is necessary to put it in such a way that it is possible to easily remove it.

Installation work should be entrusted to an experienced specialist.

Properly selected material is the key to the normal operation of the equipment. It is recommended to know its basic specifications:

  • The film is capable of heating less and give more heat;
  • Film standard can withstand temperatures up to 80 degrees Celsius;
  • Silver and copper tires can be combined, due to this, it is possible to reduce the thickness of the layer, and therefore, to prolong the operation of the device;
  • Conducting bands are made from alloys in which silver is present. On the film, they clearly appear, and the more silver, the better the film will be. If the main base is white, it confirms that there is a quality durable polymer as part.

  • There should not be traces of oxidation on the bands;
  • The bad is the film, where the width of the copper strip is less than 14 mm.
  • The system consumes power from 125 to 440 W / m2. If the film will lie under the carpet, then it will be enough power up to 160 W / m2. If the film is located under the tile or porcelain stoneware, then the power of at least 215 W / m2 will be required. If the warm floor is in the sauna, then the power will be required more than 220 W / m2;
  • The minimum film thickness is 0.3 mm. The thicker coating, the longer it will serve, so it is necessary to navigate when choosing it is necessary to film, which is thicker 0.3 mm
  • The film is installed in such a way that the adjacent sheets fit tightly to each other, but they are not superimposed on another. If you choose the width of the roll with this calculation, it will reduce the amount of waste and save money.

Increased power models are operated in paint and varnishes, saunas, etc. In such devices, graphite rods are sealed in superproof coating.

It should be known that carbon and graphite have a similar molecular structure, but their properties differ significantly. Carbon is more resistant to loads, and graphite is not so durable.

Connect an IR device is recommended using a specialist with practical experience. You can put the tile with your own hands, especially if it is a small area, such as in the bathroom or on the balcony. If the most difficult work entrust to professionals, and more simple to do on your own, then you can equip an apartment without spending extra funds.


Heat Life film is popular all over the world. Heat Life is a manufacturer who invented a carbon coating film.There are many of its analogues on the market, but they are all inferior in the quality of the products of the South Korean company. Heat Life also produces a unique IR film that can be laid directly into the screed. The film maintains the temperature above two hundred degrees Celsius, its manufacturing technology is the company's know-how.

Heat Plus. - This is another South Korean company, which has been confidently present for the Russian market for a decade. Heat Plus has opened a lot of service centers throughout the country and makes both striped and solid film whose power ranges from 85 to 460 W

Firm Caleo (South Korea)produces IR film since 2006. It is considered one of the best, in the account of the company a lot of developments and innovative know-how. For example, it is Caleo that invented the floors with a grid that prevents the appearance of sparks.

The company has production facilities on three continents (Europe, America and Asia) and confidently continues to conquer the market. Using CALEO film saves up to 20% of electricity compared to the familiar heating devices.

The range of IR films from the company is very wide: from cheap models to very expensive. The warranty is provided by Caleo to 15 years, which in itself is already talking about the quality of goods. Also, the South Korean firm produces a variety of components and systems that ensure the heating of pipes and roofs.

The average price for the purchase and installation of the film will cost 5 to 10 US dollars. Infrared film from the US Carolique also takes great popularity in Russia and is suitable for almost any coverage.

The film is inexpensive and is an innovative generation of IR heating systems. Infrared energy is evenly and quickly distributed throughout the room. Manufacturers argue that this kind of technology makes it possible to reduce electricity bills at least fifty percent. Reviews about IR film from Carolique only positive.

By purchasing an IR film, it is recommended to pay attention to the availability of quality certificates, because very often the products of famous trademarks are forged. It is better to overpay a little, acquiring a corporate product than to spend big money for repairs.

Teplotex. - Another South Korean manufacturer, which produces high-quality products with a thickness of 0.36 mm. Roll width - 0.5 and 1 meter. The film can work normally for three decades.

Rexva.- This company is more known in his homeland, in South Korea, it takes more than 50% of the market. In Russia, a little known about the film from this manufacturer. This company is leading in the industry in the number of scientific developments. The company applies special lamination, which guarantees 100% insulation from moisture.

Eastec. - This is a company that has developed and implemented IR Floor Technology. It continues to offer new original models that enjoy consuming demand. The power of the film is from 60 W, width - from 30 cm.

Monocrystal (Ukraine)- A company that positions its products as the best in Europe. The company really has unique developments, such as a film with a reduced silver paste content, but a more massive carbon layer. There is an interesting model that is designed specifically for ceramic tiles. Such a film has a high coefficient of adhesion.

The company produces both striped film and solid. Roll thickness - 30 and 64 cm. Power - from 130 to 620 W. Such a film is good to use for the insulation of loggias, mount the perimeter of windows and doors.

Manufacturers of heating systems moved away from traditional systems by selecting a new installation scheme. The most comfortable for the body of a person is considered if heat comes from the floor, and not from batteries. The upper part of the room remains cool, which is considered optimal.

In order to choose the right source of heating, it is worth familiar with all the features, views and characteristics of warm floors.

There are 2 types of warm IR floors: rod and film. Each has its own features of use, installation methods and characteristics.

It consists of graphite-silver rods located in a copper shell serving to protect. Connect them with wires. Cases systems with electric current. The rods located inside the copper are heated due to the carboxylic material contained in them. It highlights thermal infrared radiation, which is directed, like all heat, up. The room is heated.

The second system is film, in the installation is easier. The conductor of thermal radiation is also carbon, but it is not in the rods, but in the film from polymers. Elements that are heated when the electricity is supplied, is well closed from external influences. They are not afraid of moisture, punctures, other external influences.

The total thickness of the elements does not exceed 40 mm. There are carbon strips at a distance of about 1 cm one from another. The step is designed in such a way that the optimal heating of the surface without excessive waste of energy.

A film is found in which carbon inserts are located not stripes, as in old versions. By spraying the heating material covers all the space of polyethylene. Thermal conductivity, due to the absence of an empty space between laid sheets, rises. The cost of such systems is higher than the previous ones.

The difference between IR from electric floors lies in a different warp principle. The first during work contribute to the spread of infrared rays to the surrounding items. They are warm due to the natural circulation of air. Electrical systems warm the air indoors, without interacting with the surrounding elements.

The cost of 1 m 2 IR Paul is approximately 800-1200 rubles. Depending on the manufacturer.

Comparison of IR warm floors

Each warm floors have their advantages and disadvantages. They should be taken into account when selecting a heating system for a certain room.

Floor comparison:

  • warm floor is heated faster than the second option, but the space heats the space worse;
  • film is less durable than cable systems. Official suppliers establish the service life of film systems for 8-10 years. Then the heating elements warm worse. For the rod IR floors, the service life is at least 10 years;
  • repair is easier at the film floor. If one link ceased to warm the surface, it faintly affects heat in the room, since the step between the heating channels is minimal. When the rod breakdown, it will be necessary to change, open the floor;
  • film floor to mount faster. The duration of work, usually, does not exceed 7-8 hours;
  • setting cable floors, it is important to take into account the laying distance. In case of incorrect installation, the floor may weakly warm the room, or overheat the surface of the coating. The film is initially created with the correct parameters;
  • warming up the laminate or linoleum requires minimal so that the coating does not become unusable. Systems IR heating here should not serve as the main source of heat.

Pros and cons of IR Warm floors

IR Warm floors - Modern options for heating systems. They have indisputable advantages over the past elements of heating devices. There are also disadvantages with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves before making a purchase decision.

The advantages of IR floors:

  • Capable to heat hard spaces. Heating elements can be placed where it is convenient: it is possible to warm only a place to rest, pass. During the use of the system, it is possible to significantly save on electricity by choosing the right heating zones.
  • IR floors affect air as any other systems, but on the items located in the room. Those are heated by giving heat into space. The air is not dried, the microclimate is not disturbed.
  • The total cost of IR floors with all components is lower than the price for a water or other outdoor heating system. Installation is also cheaper.
  • The performance of the systems does not deteriorate under the action of frosts. With long-term non-use, the performance will remain the same.
  • There is no need for preliminary work after installing floors (plum / water set, installation of additional coatings). To the system you just need to use electricity to work.
  • After switching on the system, the room temperature almost immediately comes to normal. The perfect solution for periodically heated objects.
  • The efficiency is 80%. Specialists have established that electricity compared with convection systems is consumed by 20% less.
  • Fast installation and disassembly. Work is performed within one day. Installation is performed without the help of specialists, personally.
  • Experts found that IR energy emitted by systems is identical to solar. In the room, heated warm floors, is very comfortable.
  • The room warms up all over. The bottom of the room remains the warmest.

Disadvantages of IR floors:

  • The system runs from electric current, there is an electric shock. The system includes emergency shutdown, grounding, but these measures do not guarantee 100% security.
  • According to the efficiency of the IR gender, heavily loses gas heating and water semi.
  • There is a dependence on electric current. In case of disconnection, the room is cooled.
  • Heating elements should not be under the objects of furniture. If you want to change the situation, you will need to reinstall the heating elements.
  • Installation under mild floor coatings requires laying an intermediate layer having high strength. Support is required, drywall.

It is believed that IC Heating is the best option for the house, although it uses a lot of energy. The advantages of use are much more than flaws.

Features of laying IR Paul under the tile

Heating elements do not fall into place where low furniture will be installed. At least 3 cm free space is required. To direct the heat up, the installation under the heat transfer isolation system is necessary. You can not install foil-based elements, which is discharged over time.

Important moments:

  • threatening the place for the thermostat in advance. Wiring is supplied there;
  • determine the zones where the warm floor system will be laid;
  • the surface for laying must be clean, smooth;
  • it is better to lay material to reflect heat throughout the room, not only in places where the system lies. It is fixed with tape to the floor, the joints must be even.

Installation of IR warm floors

Installation is made in the following sequence:

  • The roll with the film rolls along the floor. In the noted strips, you can cut the film by defining the required size. Copper contacts are stacked down. Cut preferably as little as possible.
  • The clamp is fixed on the copper strip. One side is in the thermal film, the second is at the top of the copper strip. Fixed by passage.
  • The section lines are sealed with bitumen insulation. If the cuts were made not by the planned strips, the entire surface of the cut should isolate.
  • Thermal film is fixed with scotch, so that no displacement occurred.

  • The thermostat is installed on the wall. It is advisable to put it near the outlet.
  • In accordance with the scheme, the wires are laid from heating sections to the thermostat. Do not have them along one wall. It is possible to stretch under plinths.
  • In order not to be irregularities, you can cut the grooves in the heat transfer layer under the wires.
  • To connect the wires to the heating elements, isolation on their ends is cut. It is installed in the clime and is fixed by the passage. The wire should not be fused in the installed space.
  • On the space where the end of the wire was fixed, bitumen isolation passes. Size should be such that completely isolated the surface.

  • Other wiring ends are attached to the thermostat in accordance with the connection scheme on the instructions.
  • The temperature sensor is connected to the thermostat. Its end is fixed using bitumen insulation on the black strip of the heating element. In order not to be irregularities, a deepening is done in the heat-reflecting layer.

  • The performance of each heating band is checked.
  • Polyethylene waterproofing is stacked.

Preliminary work is needed before laying tiles. It can be placed on top of polyethylene. A painting mesh is laid on the waterproofing to increase the adhesion with the surface.

Poured a screed. In thickness, the solution is approximately 1 cm.

The second version of the laying is to sew the surface of the waterproofing layer with gypsum fiber sheets. They are installed on the self-tapping screw to the base, screwing between heating elements. The tile is further stacked.

Choosing materials

So that the heating elements serve as long as possible, the use of electricity was minimal, it is worth understanding the features of the film and the rod floor.

Select film

All IR films are similar in structure. Differ, mainly heating temperature.

Popular manufacturers: Rexva, Power Plus, Caleo, single crystal, skinhead.

It is worth distinguishing the types of film.

Suitable for laminate parkt, should have a maximum heating temperature to 27 ° C. Such models are offered by Rexva Xica and Heat-Plus manufacturers.

Choosing a film under the grainsite or tileThe permissible temperature of heating increases to 50 o C.

Materials are considered universal From manufacturers HEAT Life, Eco Heat, Excel, skinhead. They can be fixed on the wall, floor or ceiling.

Product prices within 1000 rubles per 1 m 2.

Criteria for selecting materials:

  • the polymer at the base of the film should be non-flammable. Usually it has a white, not a transparent shade. The second option is cheaper, but it is able to change the form with a strong heating, to deform;

  • copper strip conducting current should not be damaged. Must necessarily have characteristic copper color and width more than 15 mm;

  • the silver strip should not be shifted. The silver content in the element is higher, the better the conductivity of the current and reliability. The best are the models where silver contains more than 70%;
  • copper and silver elements are connected to each other in two ways: "wet" and "dry". The first - with the help of glue. The second - under pressure and high temperature, is considered more reliable;
  • optimally, if carbon fibers are located stripes or solid. All drawings on the surface of the material - a marketing course that does not bring benefits less efficient;
  • adhesions for connecting can be used high temperature or ordinary. The first to withstand up to 110 o C, the second - up to 80 o C;
  • it is recommended to use the material only from professional manufacturers who do not allow the deformation of the goods to operation. Low quality product is able to spoil outdoor coating;
  • film should be heated in about 5 seconds, heat is distributed evenly over the entire surface. The product is checked when buying;
  • elements having a small width overheat are overheated. It is better to choose a wider film as wide as possible.

Selection of rod warm floor

Popular product manufacturers of core type from Korea are popular. In the market, the "UNIMAT Rail" and "Unimat Boost" systems occupy the leading positions. The first is mounted under the tile or a thin screed, fixed with the use of adhesive composition. Installation is simple, does not require hiring workers. The second type of gender has a small distance between the heating lines. Usually it is placed on the balconies or rooms under which the cold lower floor is located.

The cost of products is different, usually sets higher than 2000 rubles per m 2 coatings.

One of the popular manufacturers is Felix Ltd. It is cheaper: from 1500 rubles. Sometimes manufacturers do not comply with all the elements needed to install. They have to buy themselves.

Choose a high-quality rod floor in the following features:

  • When heating elements up to 60 o C can be felt by an unpleasant smell of plastic plastic, indicating fake. It overheats and melt mat, not withstanding the supplied load.
  • The fake system does not have branded labeling (on the product itself, not a box).
  • Original products use copper brackets for connecting the cable and rods. Fake materials, for savings, replace the fasteners with self-draws. The formation of sparks is possible during operation.
  • The original Unimat Rail has a width of the material for heating 83 cm. Fake is made with a width of no more than 80 cm. The difference at first glance is small, but it affects the performance of the entire system: the starting current increases, the reliability of the elements is increasing.

Important! Stop carbon tubes is better under the tile. During facing work, glue must be used, suitable according to the characteristics for heated floors.

Calculation of IR film floor

Film floors must be laid according to certain rules. You can install them in places free from furniture. The distance from the walls or parts of the furniture should be above 20 cm. Laying is performed only by the "dry" way.

Flooring should be appropriate: carpet, linoleum, laminate.

It is possible to lay under the tile, but it will be necessary to install additional waterproofing on top of the heating elements. The ultimate cost of the film floor under the tile will be higher than with cables.

Cut the elements can be with a certain multiplicity. Typically, the indicator is 25 cm (cut only at 25, 50, 75 ... cm) so that the specific power does not change.

The calculation is performed taking into account the steps:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bthe room is calculated. It is recommended to make a plan, apply all sizes, deduct the furniture and interior items from the total number. The required indents from the borders and walls are taken into account.
  • The part of the room is calculated, which is required to heat. Read in percent. If a share above 60%, the power of the films is selected 160 W / m 2. In the opposite case, the indicator is 220 W / m 2.
  • If the room has additional heat losses (located on the 2nd floor, there is no heat insulating layer), the floor is selected with an indicator of 220 W / m 2.
  • When you guide the room plan: you need to use as few pieces of product, choose as much as possible.

A connector is installed on each piece of film. The entire system is selected the thermostat recommended by the manufacturer.

Calculation of IR core floor

The main feature of the rod gender is the ability to automatically select the temperature. Power can decrease, increase 1.5 times, depending on the temperature of the external environment. You can use them without crawling furniture.

The overall area of \u200b\u200bthe room is calculated, as in the previous version. Laying line of rods occurs at a distance of 10 cm. The indicator is taken into account for the selection of the required strip length. Manufacturers install a bar (room footage), exceeding the floors will heat the room worse. Then the number of additional elements is determined, the thermostat is selected.

Important! Cut the rods is prohibited. You can cut cables anywhere.

Installation of floors

To install an IR floor correctly, you need to work in accordance with the manual given.

Installation of film floor

Work tools are needed standard, each owner: nippers, pliers, knife, scissors, test tube.

Additionally, you must purchase the following items:

  • Building level.
  • IR film, connecting elements.
  • Clamps.
  • Wire stranded.
  • Temperature controller with temperature sensors.
  • Construction Scotch.
  • Insulation from Vinyl.
  • Heat insulation, not consisting of foil.

Consider the type of flooring. Chipboard or plywood are added to the list of materials, if. Reinforcing grid if. The work is made in several stages: the base is prepared, the thermal insulation layer is installed, the territory is placed, the system is mounted, the heating elements are connected.

Preparation of the foundation

The surface for mounting the IR film floor should be dry and smooth. The old coating is completely removed before the concrete base or wooden bars appear. Checked by a horizontal building level. Deviations must be less than 3 mm. Floor floor beaten, concrete - pollute. Everything is cleaned too much, the garbage is not stored, the dust is removed.

A polyethylene film is stacked with a thickness above 50 μm - a waterproofing layer. Masted thermal insulation. If the surface of the floor is soft, you can use a heat-insulating material having a soft layer. All joints are closed by construction scotch.

Surface markup

The place of installation of the thermal sensor is determined (15 cm from the floor), the temperature regulator, the places of connection of the IR floor. If you plan to install an IR field as the main source of heating, it is covered by at least 75% of the surface of the room. As an additional, it is enough to cover 40% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

During laying on the walls, indents are made of 10-30 cm. The film is cut according to the outlined lines.

They are noticeable in the drawing of the coating.


It is desirable to work along the room so that the film should have accounted for. The film falls into the copper strip inside. It should not exceed 5 cm between the distance strips. You can not leave the gaps at all to ensure uniform heating of the room. Strips are attached to the lower layer of scotch, so that there are no shifts.

The lines for which heaters had to cut are processed by bitumen. Then they are processed all the contacts that are left bare. Copper strips are installed clamps. In one end, they are part of the film, the second - protrude out. You can clamp them with passats.

Connecting IR Pole

The thermostat is connected to the network using a conventional wire. It is advisable to choose the cable length so that it does not interfere with the installation of interior items. The temperature sensor is set close to the thermostat under the IR film. You can secure scotch. After fixing the clips, the wires for nutrition are connected to them. Connections are processed by bitumen.

The system is included in the network, a comfortable temperature is installed. It should be checked with the performance of all elements (a test tube), the uniformity of the warm-up of all sections. Further mounted flooring. If it is a linoleum, additionally stacked a plywood sheet. If there is a tile, a reinforcing grid is installed with small cells. Fix with dowels. There is a screed (for tiles).

Installation of rod warm floor

In addition to the standard tools available in each house, it is additionally necessary to purchase the thermostat, the temperature sensor, thermal insulation (any), tape and bitumen isolation is allowed.

As in the previous installation option, the base is prepared. The floor must be aligned, a deviation is allowed not more than 3 mm. Any surface defects are stitched. To deepen the thermostat into the wall, it is advisable to stamp it.

Work is undergoing in compliance with the sequence:

  • Stacked thermal insulation. The insulation will not allow the loss of thermal energy. Place at a distance of 50 mm from the wall, fasten with scotch. The heat-reflecting layer should be top.
  • Carbon bands in which the required distance is installed in advance are stacked on the finished surface. Neighboring strips are 50-60 mm one from another. One bar is not with a length of 25 m. To prevent displacement, the layer is to fix the scotch.
  • The thermostat is installed on the wall. Wires are thrown into it. Connection diagram is different in various thermostators.
  • The temperature sensor is installed. It should be placed in the corrugation to be easier to replace when breakdown. From the open side of the corrugation closes with a plug, so that the screed does not get there. If the insulation is thicker than the instrument, you can install the sensor directly in the insulation layer. Connect the sensor with the thermostat.

  • The system connects to the network to test the performance. Recommended for the first time limit to 15 minutes of use.
  • Poured a screed. Recommended using dry adhesives. The screed in thickness does not exceed 2-3 cm. If the tile falls, the screed is not needed.

After doing all the listed actions, the rod floor is ready to operate.

Proper operation of IR warm floors

To enhance the safety of use, you must follow a few simple rules.

The equipment will serve longer if the listed recommendations will be followed:

  • do not experiment with the maximum temperature. Typically, devices are designed to maintain comfortable conditions within 20-30 o C. No need to seek the heating of the room to +50 ° C;
  • do not close the places where a warm floor is installed, low-leg furniture or without them;
  • the coating should not be damaged: it is forbidden to drive into the floor of the nails, screw the screws, lift the parquet;
  • if any malfunction is detected, the floor should be disconnected from the network, to deal with the reasons independently or with the help of a specialist;
  • installation of warm floors in the baths, saunas, requires the installation of an additional waterproofing layer. If it is not, any fluid getting dangerous. Water needs to be quickly removed from the surface, pre-disabling the equipment.

Do not forget that compliance with the rules of operation is the key to health safety.

Frequently asked Questions

Is it possible to put the infrared warm floor under PVC tile, under the tile, a quartzinyl tile?

IR Film Type Floors are designed for "dry" installation. It is better to lay them under laminate, parquet, linoleum. Film has low adhesion. When pouring the screed right on it, the surface will be saved, and not solid. Concrete over time, most likely cracks.

A film of components interacting (with long-term use) with adhesive solutions consists. They are able to erode the surface, regardless of the layer thickness. It is possible short circuit, disruption of isolation.

The rod system is mounted under the tile without feet. Components are made in such a way as to prevent closures. The equipment allows you to perform "wet" installation. "

Is it possible to put in the bathroom?

In the bathroom, as in any other wet room, the installation of warm floors is allowed. To achieve the necessary quality of insulation from the external environment, the addition of an additional waterproofing layer on the surface of the heating material will be required.

What is better to put under the tile of a film or rod warm floor?

A rod floor is placed under the tile. The film floor is not intended for the "wet" installation.

Laying infrared warm floor under the tile in residential or utility rooms, you can solve the issue of heating not only in an apartment or house. Thin film elements allow you to mount the system without lifting the floor and fill a concrete screed.

Is it possible to lay a film floor under the tile?

When buying thin heating elements, the following questions often arise:

  • what film-IR to lay;
  • laying infrared warm floor under the tile seems unrealized or too complicated.

Builders use 2 lungs and fast installation methods:

  • dry, using GVL or glass adhesive sheet (SML);
  • wet, i.e., a thin tie of concrete.

For the installation of infrared warm floor under porcelain stoneware or tile, it is worth choosing the floor with carbon elements. The details of the finish coating will not be able to damage thin carbon strips, since the film will be closed. Installing a film warm floor under the tile can be even indoors with high humidity, but still for the tile it will be more correct to use a resistive cable.

Necessary materials

Before work, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • heat insulating substrate (technical cushion, EPPS, isolon or other);
  • depending on the installation method - self-leveling liquid composition or moisture resistant GVL / CML;
  • liquid nails or dowels;
  • scotch and bitumen tape;
  • polyethylene film;
  • plastic reinforcing grid;
  • film floor under the tile and components for it (clamps, wires, etc.);
  • thermostat;
  • tile glue and ceramics depending on the choice of finishing coating;
  • multimeter or screwdriver;
  • passatia, drill with nozzles, scissors and roulette.

Stages of mounting

The calculation of the cost of heating is carried out along with the preparation of the installation plan. Heaters are placed only on free from furniture area, so on the plan it is required to note its location, and from the free walls to make indent 5-7 cm. The rest of the space is divided into strips equal to the width of the heaters and calculate the desired amount in meters.

Stop infrared warm floors under the tile fall in several techniques:

  • prepare the basis for IR heaters;
  • mount the heating system;
  • connect and check it;
  • place the base for the tile and stick the material.


The base must be cleaned of garbage and close the potholes. The technology of installation of infrared warm sex provides for laying insulation from heat-saving materials. For this, coatings with a small shrinkage and without a foil layer (cork, eppt, etc.) are used. You can attach them to a rough base with liquid nails, and to concrete dowels with self-draws. Thermal insulation is preferably stacked throughout the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. On the floor to mark the markup according to the plan, indicating the boundaries of the installation of elements and the material strips.

Installation of thermal blinds

Before laying the infrared warm floor film, the roll material must be cut into stripes according to the markup. You need to cut the material only in specially designated places where scissors are depicted. The tapes of IR heaters should not overlap each other, to leave the gap of 5-7 mm between the strips of the film floor. Fix the tape to the floor can be liquid nails.


Collect the infrared warm floor system in the following sequence:

  1. Install terminal clips in the fields of copper tires, press them with passats.
  2. Determine the place of installation of the thermostat on the wall.
  3. Cut the mounting wires of sufficient length to connect the warm floor to the network.
  4. To connect the wire to the clips, insert them into the terminals and enhance the pliers or a special tool. Connecting adjacent tapes to perform in parallel.
  5. The jokes and edges around the perimeter should be glued with scotch, the terminals and edges of the tires isolate with a bitumen ribbon.
  6. Place a thermal sensor under the film. Wires from film strips Test to the place of inclusion in the network and perform them. Check the performance of the system with a tester, determining the absence of a circuit break on each tape, and then throughout the system.

Installation of roughing

Depending on the choice of a dry or wet way to prepare materials: mix with water self-leveling composition or cut GWL. For moisture insulation, the installed TP system is covered with polyethylene, leaving at least 5 cm around the edges. Depending on the characteristics of the styling of the film under the tile on a concrete base, this is followed.

  1. Dry method. Sliced \u200b\u200bHBL or CML plates close the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Fasten the elements on liquid nails or self-tapping screws with dowels. Threaded fasteners are neatly screwed into between TP ribbons or in places intended for cutting parts. It is impossible to drive the screw into the bus or carbon strips. If necessary, the black coating is performed in 2 layers, overlapping the lower level seams.
  2. Wet method. On top of moisture insulation, decompose the reinforcing plastic grid (metallic not applied). Its edges should go out for the perimeter of TP and polyethylene by 20 cm, the grid is fixed with self-draws. Pour the base and film IR system by self-oriented composition. Layer thickness - 8-10 mm. The coating should be captured within 24 hours.

Laying tiles

Before laying a ceramic coating, the base surface must be treated with a concrete contact in 2 layers. Install the insulation on the perimeter of the wall to create a thermoshva. Prepare a tile makeup. Glue applied toothed spatula, separate areas that can be fill in a tile in 30 minutes.

Ceramic elements are aligning in height, adding them to the adhesive composition. Give glue to froze, fill the seams by grouting, pressing it into the gaps with a rubber spatula. Remove the residues to remove with ceramics with a wet rag, not allowing them to dry. After laying care for ceramics to produce in general rules.