Repairs Design Furniture

Projects of small houses with an attic and garage. Projects of houses with attic and garage. Planning of mansard houses with garage: features

If it becomes necessary to expand the house, the developers tend to consider two options.

The first is an extension of additional rooms. But, rendered by the perimeter of the bearing walls, they can serve only as economic or utility.

The second option is more acceptable. We are talking about additional square meters due to the restructuring of the second floor. In this case, the project of the house with an attic is the most optimal option. Heated roof, you can get additional full-fledged residential and utility rooms.

How long is it functional and economically justified? We will try to impartially consider all the advantages and disadvantages.

Projects of houses with an attic: "For"

  • Such accommodation will save on the building area. That is, the house with the attic is logical to build on a small land plot.
  • In the matter of rational use of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building, projects of houses with an attic room wins compared to one-story and even two-story buildings in which the attic room is not used rationally.
  • The second floor of the house and attic differ from the point of view of financial costs. In the classic attitude of the attic option - the option is more economical. If brick, concrete, bar, insulation, materials for the outer decoration are needed for the arrangement of the full-fledged second floor, the attic equipment is limited to rafters, insulation and roofing material. And if the developer plans a warm attic, then insulation costs are added. Only in this case can also get a residential floor, and the roof. Therefore, we conclude that the cost of 1 m2 of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house with an attic is significantly lower compared to other projects.
  • In addition, warm air from the lower rooms rises up, which makes heating the attic floor less costly. You can confidently talk about reducing fuel and electricity consumption, and consequently, about saving during operation of the ready-made building.

Projects of houses with an attic: "against"

  • Some experts argue that the main disadvantage of projects of houses with an attic is their bad lighting. We are confident that this minus conditional. You can solve the problem very simply at the expense of the attic windows. In addition, through them, light in the room enters significantly more than through the vertical windows. Of course, mansard double glazed windows - the pleasure is not cheap. But the funds saved during the construction, you can afford a comfortable organization of everyday life. In addition, there is always the ability to design windows and, even, balconies in frontions.
  • The second drawback of projects of houses with an attic can also be considered as conditional. It is believed that the beveled ceilings cause depression at the residents at home. But the competent organization and design of the premises easily eliminate this contradiction.

We draw conclusions from the foregoing

The best way. Built-in technical premises have a number of advantages over a separate building. First, the cost of its construction is significantly less. Secondly, a garage, which is part of the house, is convenient in terms of everyday use especially during the cold season. No need to go out to get to the car.

Diverse projects of homes with attic and garage are offered by architectural bureaus and other specialized organizations. The main advantage of such housing is the most complete use of the entire internal space of the structure. With relatively small exterior sizes in houses such a layout, there is everything you need. Variants of accommodation of residential and office premises Great set.

Project of the house with a garage and an attic in the style of chalet

The garage box can be located in, located along one of the walls of the cottage under the same roof with it. Another option: The technical room can serve as the basis for the residential rooms of the attic floor. Common for all such projects is the distribution of premises by levels in accordance with their functions.

Plan of the first floor of a house with a garage and an attic

On the first floor it is usually a kitchen, a dining room, a living room, a sanitary node, on the second: bedrooms and bathrooms.

Mansard floor plan

Single-level residential buildings with garage boxes

Ready projects of single-storey houses with garage are extremely popular among the population of our country. Their main advantage: simplicity of implementation and as a result of a relatively low cost. One-story buildings have a smaller weight, which helps reduce the load on the foundation and soil. This circumstance allows them to be facilitated to a certain level of foundations.

When all rooms are located at one level, there is no need for expensive stair transitions. As a result, the entire useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house can be used more rationally. The accommodation scheme of various purposes is developed in such a way that kitchens and bathrooms are located between residential rooms and garage. Such an approach minimizes a negative effect from the neighborhood with the garage box.

An example of planning and location of rooms in a single-storey building with a garage

Multi-level houses with garage: execution options

The limited dimensions of land do not always allow to put housing, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich would be sufficient for a comfortable placement of the whole family. A variety of projects of two-storey houses with a garage is a great opportunity to resolve this problem. When preserving the external dimensions of the building, its internal space increases at least twice.

There are different layout diagrams of multi-level buildings. For the most part, they concern, first of all, the location of the garage box. The logic dictates the need to place the technical premises on the lower floors of the houses. Built-in garages can be located both at the ground level and below it in the basement. Such projects are extremely popular among the population, and make it possible to build worthy housing on a small platform.

Duplex houses with a garage in the basement - one of the most sought-after execution options.

Boxing and office space: boiler room, kitchen, bathroom, and the living room serves as the basis for the bedrooms located above the bedrooms, children's and bathrooms.

An example of a model layout of the house with a garage in the ground floor

Moving people between levels is carried out by. There are many options here: from simple straight marches installed in separate rooms to original screw structures.

Architectural solutions implemented in a set. As an option: the indoor terrace can be located on the garage box, which is used in the warm season. An open architectural element gives the house a specific charm and makes it easy and air. The terrace site is used mainly for recreation, feeding and tea drinking.

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Bath projects with a gazebo

A project of a two-story house with a garage and a terrace located above it

Specialized bureaus offer ready-made projects, and also engage in the development of individual projects. Usually, during the preliminary negotiations, the client shows typical developments that are most suitable according to the characteristics to the requirements of the customer. Serious organizations have dozens and even hundreds of ready-made projects that are reduced to catalogs or collections with sonorous names.

In multi-level residential buildings, garage boxes can be placed below the ground level in the basement.

The construction of such houses is usually produced in order to fully use the designated platform during limitations at a general height. The project of a separate dwelling with a garage located in the basement, perfectly fits into a complex land relief, for example, on a hillside.

Project of the house with a garage in the basement floor located on the slope

Special attention in the process of construction work it is necessary to pay waterproofing. The project is laid a set of measures aimed at creating a drainage system and applying coatings that prevent moisture penetration. In the shredded garage rooms it is necessary to provide an effective ventilation system. Maintaining the optimal temperature and humidity mode is necessary to ensure the safety of the car.

Specificity of houses equipped with a garage from different materials

Construction technologies involve the use of materials with different properties and characteristics. One of the most accessible and only attractive clients are wooden houses with a garage of a profiled bar or rounded log. Lumber of natural humidity create a special microclimate in the interior, which contributes to maintaining and maintaining health.

Services in the construction of houses from wood offer many companies. When choosing a contractor, preference is given to those enterprises that have their own modern production. With built-in garage boxes can be both typed and developed in accordance with the wishes of the customer. Building material allows the construction of a single-level or multi-storey well-maintained dwelling.

An example of a two-story wooden house project with a garage

Original projects of houses with a garage from a bar of whole or glitter diverse by architectural solutions. The choice can be made from the finished development or make an order for design individually. The technical task in this case is formed on the basis of the wishes of the customer and taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents.

It has a number of features. Production of a complete set of parts is carried out on a woodworking enterprise. Modern high-precision equipment allows elements with the necessary tolerances. In parallel with the production of the assembly kit, the base is prepared: a ribbon or slab. The assembly process on the finished foundation takes a little time.

Another option of using wood in individual housing construction :. This technology has long and successfully applied in developed countries Scandinavia, North America and Europe. In Russia, projects of frame houses with garage are becoming increasingly popular. Explanation Simple: In comparison with other methods of construction, this is the most inexpensive.

The frame structure comes in the form of an assembly set of industrial manufacture. The small weight of such buildings allows the use of lightweight, and, therefore, inexpensive bases. Widespread applications were obtained by columns and pile-scolded foundations. Bearing frames are made from a rectangular timber of different sections and amplified by steel linings in places of compounds. It is carried out by mats of mineral fiber or foam.

In addition to wood in the construction of private houses, traditional and innovative materials are used. We are talking about bricks and blocks produced in different ways. One- and two-storey houses with a garage of foam blocks perfectly proven themselves in our country, especially in northern latitudes. Energy saving in such buildings raised to a completely new level.

During the two-story house with a garage of foam blocks

Material has sufficient strength in combination with a relatively small specific weight. Foam block is used to build bearing walls and partitions as single and two-level houses. At the same time, the limit load on the foundations in such buildings is significantly lower. There is an opportunity for saving materials and a general reduction in financial and labor costs during construction.

Projects of brick houses and cottages with a garage can be attributed to the category of classic. Due to the characteristics of the technology and high costs of manual labor, such buildings are quite expensive. Architectural bureaus and other similar organizations offer from this material and develop documentation under the order. This process is quite complicated, however, the use of special software allows it to intensify it.

  • Thursday, March 19, 2015 7:15
  • romario.
  • It's no secret that the car requires a garage.

    However, at present, not every car owner can afford this room, to the same way to be not far from home.

    If the owner has a personal site or a private house, many are thinking about how can I build a garage attitudes in a private house?

    Garage with attic in a private house

    Many will have a question, why do you need a garage with an attic in a private house? The garage can be built inside the residential premises and do not complicate the task.

    Answering this question, you need to pay attention to all the pros and cons of the garage with the attic.

    It is clear to everyone that the garage inside the residential premises is an excellent solution, and most importantly it is very convenient.

    There is no need to create separate heating for your garage: the price of the pressure pipe in this case will be quite acceptable.

    However, it is worth paying special attention to security during construction:

    • First, in any garage there are definitely flammable fuel and lubricants.
    • Secondly, when the engine is working, a large number of exhaust gases accumulates in the garage. In this case, it is possible that gases can penetrate the attendant at home and spread over it.
    • In order to avoid this problem, you can set the exhaust.
    • Finally, if you have a not a big one-storey house, then the garage inside the room will deliver a lot of noise, thereby deliver a number of inconvenience to your households.

    So you should decide whether to build a garage inside the residential premises or it is better to create it separately.

    The main advantages of the garage with the attic can be attributed to what is probably not one man will not give up recreation in the garage. Therefore, in the attic you can create, for example, billiard room.

    Also, the owner of the house can make his personal account or workshop there, where he will feel like a full owner, where there is no entry to female people.

    In this case, the garage with the attic will be separate from the residential premises, and this will not allow women to make any objections.

    Also beautiful garages with an attic perfectly suitable for children or adolescents, where they can spend time with their friends, while not interfering with adults.

    In the attic you can also arrange a room for guests where people or friends who have come to visit can be placed.

    To another plus of a garage with an attic can be attributed, the case when you are engaged in the construction of the main house. During this period, the hosts of the house may temporarily live in the attic.

    After solving the main issues, it is necessary to think about every detail of the draft garage with the attic. How well you will work out every trifle, your future structure will depend on.

    Usually, at the beginning of construction, it is necessary to determine the area, which will naturally depend on the number of transport, which will occupy the garage and also from its destination.

    Based on these parameters, the size of the doorways, the height of the ceilings and other characteristics will be different.

    Some people choose a house with a garage and an attic, which is built from a bar or choose. Others may not arrange the location of the stairs.

    Thus, each owner chooses a project that matches its preferences.

    A lot of an important point in the process of creating a garage with an attic is questions regarding the heating of the room.

    Also, many are interested in whether there is a balcony and how the men's windows are located. Do not forget about how to ensure water to your building, as well as solve questions with shower and bathroom.

    Once you have thought of these items, you can start creating a plan of the future garage, this is done with the purpose of you so that you can seek help at any time to specialists who will develop a standard or individual type of project.

    Be sure to decide on the choice of material from which the garage is planned.

    In the case of contacting specialists to develop a project, the cost, of course, will be high, but it is worth it. Since you will be given the entire step-by-step plan for the construction of the construction process.

    Thus, if you decide to build a garage with an attic, where there will be a basement, or create, then in the construction process there may be some questions where documents received from specialists will give you a detailed and solid response.

    During the preparation of these documents, designers must know the type of soil, where the construction is planned, whether there are any communications, groundwater and other, very important details.

    Usually the project must be coordinated with the project office. Otherwise, all claims or any questions will be presented to you, and only you will personally be responsible for the construction of a garage with an attic.

    One of the difficulties is to collect funds for the construction of the house. When they already have, then to choose a project for the future structure. It should take into account all the wishes of tenants, as well as additional needs. Instead of building a house in two floors, you can organize an attic under the roof. If there is a car, a good solution will be the construction of an adjacent garage. The article will consider the benefits of such a decision, as well as ready-made projects of buildings.

    What to take into account when designing

    Before making a house project with an attic, you need to decide on the following moments:

    • how many people will live in the house;
    • what number of bedrooms are planned;
    • will the guest room be;
    • how to use attic;
    • how the heating will be implemented;
    • what amount of bathrooms will be in the house;
    • whether the utility rooms will be;
    • will a separate room, where the washing machine will stand.

    Depending on the acquired site, you can choose the size for the future house in which the attic will and the garage will be. It is important that each family member would have their own personal room where he could relax well. If there are plans to receive guests, it is important that there is at least one bedroom for them. It can be placed not on the main floor, but on the attic. At the same time, it is important then to provide for the presence of a separate toilet on the attic. The utility rooms in the house with the attic necessarily need to be where to store various homemade utensils. It is also worth thinking about how heating will be implemented. For some types of boilers, it is important to have a separate room, and sometimes even buildings. It would be nice to make a separate room for the laundry room, where you can position the linen cabinet, as well as the washing machine and drying machine.

    Material for construction

    Already at the stage of designing a house with a garage and an attic, it is important to determine which material will be used. For a one-story house in which there will be a garage and attic, an excellent solution will be the use of foam blocks. This material has many advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

    • low weight;
    • high vehicle construction rate;
    • minimum thermal conductivity;
    • easy finish;
    • environmental Safety.

    Foam blocks are of size, which is several times the size of one brick, so work on the pasture of walls is significantly reduced. In addition, the weight of one block is not too big, so you do not have to tear the back when erected. Although the blocks also need external decoration with the installation of the insulation, but they themselves have the minimum thermal conductivity. Foam blocks consist of environmentally friendly materials, so do not have to worry about the dangers for households. Of the disadvantages of the material it is worth noting the exposure to moisture, so it is necessary to perform an external finish in a short time.


    The basis of the structure with an attic and garage is very important, since it is from the foundation that the reliability and service life of the house will depend on. It is worth understanding that if the walls are expensing from foam block or a gas block, then the presence of a tape foundation will be mandatory. Attic will have an additional burden, so the foundation should pay due attention. With the slightest deformation of the foundation on the walls, cracks will go, which cannot be sealing anything. It is advisable to deepen it below the mark, which is freezing. Such a move will reduce the impact of bunching soils and will prolong the service life. In addition, heat loss through the floor will also be smaller.


    Mansard is a multifunctional design. It can be said that her structure is the best solution to how to use an attic space. Some did not want to construct the attic before, since normal insulating materials were not developed. Today, this question can be considered solved. The advantages of the presence of attic can be considered:

    • additional area;
    • additional insulation;
    • completeness of the design;
    • construction without appliances;
    • the possibility of a variety of use.

    Mansard provides almost the same area as on the first floor. Of course, everything will depend on what form of the roof will be chosen. Thanks to the nuclear flood, heat loss is reduced. This is due to the fact that under the roof there is always warm air, which is a protective pillow. When erecting the attic no need for heavy machinery. If the two-storey house will initially stop, it may be necessary to use a lifting crane for the delivery of building materials. Mansard can be used as:

    • gym;
    • sleeping floor;
    • billiard room;
    • big lounge room;
    • flower garden.

    These are just some possible applications for the attic. It can not make partitions in it and then it will serve as a large room for joint pastime. It is worth understanding that the attic has an additional burden on the walls. If they are erected from foam block or gas block, then there is a need for an armpoca for attic. It will be possible to double the basis of the roof. At the same time, the pressure on the walls of the house will be distributed evenly, which will exclude the drawdown and the appearance of cracks.

    When designing a one-story house in which the attic and garage will be, it is necessary to correctly calculate its height. For comfortable movement within the distance from the ceiling to the floor should be at least 2.4 meters. Above it was said that much depends on the form of the roof. If it is bounce, then you can count on 67 percent of the useful space. The broken roof is more difficult in the construction, but it can increase this indicator to 90 percent. If there is a need and the desire to achieve the same residential area as at the main level, then the roof will be required to raise at least 1.5 meters.

    Note!For fire safety in the project it would be nice to envisage the possibility of additional output. For this, a fire staircase outside the window is installed.

    Some complexity can be in carrying out communications on the attic, so if there is no false-brake on the first floor, then you can place similar rooms exactly above the same below. This, for example, can be a bathroom or kitchen. Then you will not have to make the boxes in which the pipes will be hidden. The disadvantage of the attic is the lack of thick walls, as is the main building. By virtue of this state of affairs, it is necessary to properly approach the selection of insulation. As options, you can consider:

    • stone Wat;
    • extruded polystyrene foam.

    Some time ago, glazed was widespread, but she has several significant drawbacks. Firstly, it absorbs moisture quite well, secondly, it is not very nice to work with her, since contact with skin leads to itching and irritation. In addition, with time, particles of glass, which irritate light and mucous membranes begin to enter the air. The polystyrene foam is an excellent insulator and has a minimal heat transfer, so many choose it. The manufacturer "Penopeleks" has a separate model range specifically for the roof.

    It is worth understanding that by virtue of its density, the polystyrene foam does not have vapor permeability. This may lead to the fact that the steam will be condensed on the insulation in the attic. The consequence of the development of mold, which will definitely affect building materials. It will be impossible to live on such an attic. When installing polystyolistromol, it is important to provide good ventilation, which will contribute to the rapid replacement of air masses. One of the best solutions is the mineral wool for the insulation of the attic.

    The material has some vapor permeability, absolute environmental purity and easy to install. Under the roofing flooring of the attic laid waterproofing, which, in turn, is attached to the insulation. Additionally, the insulation is covered with a parisodynamic barrier. There is another embodiment of the insulation of the roof of the attic foamed polyurethane. This is a fairly fast and efficient procedure, but its cost is quite high. In case of such a choice for the attic, a good ventilation system is also important.

    An important factor in the project of a single-storey house with an attic is the choice of space for the placement of the stairs. She must allow free to climb and descend all family members. Someone found an ideal solution to put a screw staircase.


    The size of the garage in the project of the house with an attic will depend on how many cars are in the family. If there are two and more of them, then it is necessary to choose the right to choose the location of the entrance and its size for the garage. If the house is on some elevation, then it will be necessary to build a small ramp for lifting in the garage. It can be trimmed with tiles, paving or asphalt.

    Ready projects

    Above is a great example of the project of the house to one floor, in which there is a attic and a garage. There is a large living room, which is combined with the dining room. From the dining room there is an unobstructed access to the kitchen kitchen has a second exit to the corridor. It has a staircase on attic and entrances to other rooms. It can be noted that the bathroom in this house with attic and the garage has a small area. If desired, it can be expanded due to the utility room. Convenient is the fact that the exit to the garage is directly from the house, which is especially convenient in winter.

    Here is an excellent example of a compact house on one floor with an attic and garage. The garage does not have the entrance from the house, which made it possible to eliminate additional heat loss and place through the wall from the garage the living room and the bathroom. The latter is realized in an interesting way. The entrance to the bathroom is carried out through the toilet, and they are separated by partition, which is very convenient. Ladder span on the attic is in the corner of the living room, which saves space. The area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen allows you to dinner right in it with a small family. At the attic there are sleeping rooms.

    The above is an excellent project of the house with an attic and a garage to one floor. The area at both levels is used in the best possible way. The house with such a layout will allow you to take a lot of friends. On the attic there are three large bedrooms. Two of them have separate dressing rooms. These bedrooms can be hosty. Also on the attic there is a separate bathroom, which is very convenient. The lifting on the attic is carried out from the hall, which makes it possible to place a hanger on the staircase for outerwear or cabinet for tools. In the video below, you can see another project of the house with a garage and an attic.


    As can be seen, the attic makes it possible to maximize the area of \u200b\u200bone-story house. In addition, the adjacent garage guarantees constant vehicle control, as well as ease of service in winter. In the garage, you can make a separate heating branch, which is included for a time when maintenance will be made.

    The house with the attic allows you to effectively use a small area area. In addition to rationality, the attic decorates a private country house. Quite often on the attic floor there are bedrooms and recreation areas.

    The lower floor can be re-posted in such a way that on one foundation with the house there is also a garage for the car, and even for two.

    The advantage of the garage combined with the house is that:

    • the car is in a warmer room, because at least one of his wall is adjacent to the house;
    • it is more convenient to bring / endure things from the car;
    • an additional place to store the necessary car owner affiliation is appeared;
    • savings on the fill of the foundation and material for the walls.

    The above factors indicate the demand of such layouts, therefore various projects of the house with an attic and a garage are offered.

    You can classify projects in different ways, but they all include 3 partitions.

    1. architectural;
    2. Engineering;
    3. constructive.

    We offer to familiarize yourself with some of the projects.

    The size of the plot for the construction of such a house.

    Draft single-storey house with attic and garage for two cars

    If there are guests in the house, or the family owns not one car, then for them there are projects of single-storey houses with an attic and a garage for two cars, the photos of which are presented below.

    The plan and dimensions of the land plot, and the location scheme on it at home.

    Material prepared for WWW.Site site

    The proposed projects are designed to meet all the requirements and standards of construction and communications.

    Naturally, each of them provides changes in accordance with the proposals of a specific customer.

    • minor changes. May include changes in the size of windows, doors or location location. In this case, in any of the proposed projects you can make adjustments and proceed to construction;
    • significant changes. Relate to redevelopment, type overlap, room height. Here the project will act as a reference point. If you do it yourself, you will need to get acquainted with additional regulatory literature, which regulates certain decisions;
    • significant changes. Affect the transfer of supporting structures and change engineering solutions. This entails the development of a new project.

    The projects presented on this page are examples, we do not develop and do not make changes to existing projects. Materials are informational.

    Designing a house with an attic and garage must be studied as many projects as possible. This will provide an opportunity to develop a detailed project, as well as to take into account all the nuances so that the stage of construction does not arise or problems that will affect the operation of the structure or even make it impossible to build it.