Repair Design Furniture

How the attic roof is insulated and how to prepare the roof of a private house for winter living. How to insulate an attic from the inside - do it yourself thermal insulation of an attic roof How to insulate an attic floor with your own hands

In contrast to the thermal insulation of ordinary walls, it is much more difficult to insulate an attic, since its enclosing structures are partially or completely roof slopes. It turns out that one and the same inclined structure must perform several functions - to protect from precipitation, wind and cold. Therefore, in how to properly insulate the attic floor of a private house, it is worth understanding thoroughly so that every homeowner can do it with his own hands. The technology of carrying out thermal insulation works is described in this material.

The better to insulate the attic

Since we are talking about insulating a mansard roof over living quarters, the choice of material will also affect the way the work is done. In addition, various types of glass wool are immediately excluded from the list of possible heaters; it is prohibited for use inside residential buildings. The rest of the list is as follows:

  • mineral or ecowool in rolls and slabs;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam (PPU).

In fact, there is only one technology for insulating a sloped mansard roof and consists in laying a heater between the rafter boards. It's another matter how the overall pie will look like when using this or that material, there are differences. The most difficult thing is to make the correct insulation of the attic from the inside with mineral wool, because it has the unpleasant property of absorbing moisture. But because of its absolute incombustibility, mineral wool continues to be popular.

Ecowool or basalt fiber in slabs is convenient for installation, while roll materials need to be cut into separate mats in order to insert them obliquely between the rafters. But there is another point: of all the listed insulation materials, mineral wool has the worst thermal insulation properties, which automatically increases the thickness of its layer. But this parameter is limited by the width of the rafter board (it can be from 100 to 250 mm). Then the result of the work looks like this:

For reference. The discussion of materials for insulating the walls of the attic applies equally to both wooden and brick houses with a pitched roof.

While mineral wool needs to be protected from moisture when insulating, foamed polymers like polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam and polyurethane foam are practically impervious to water vapor. If the foam still somehow absorbs moisture in small proportions, then the rest of the listed polymers are airtight in this regard. This greatly simplifies the process of insulating the attic floor, which is useful for people who want to do it on their own. In addition, polystyrene and polystyrene foam retain their thermal insulation characteristics longer.

Of course, the best insulation is polyurethane foam, which is applied by spraying. It is absolutely not afraid of moisture, can withstand fire for some time and has the greatest thermal resistance. One thing is bad: although the application technology is simple, it is produced using special machines, so it will not be possible to insulate the attic with PPU on your own. You will have to pay a lot of money to a specialized firm. But only positive reviews sound about this material.

For reference. Polystyrene foamed in various ways is a poor sound insulator, this must be taken into account when using it. At the same time, mineral wool perfectly absorbs sounds and is more preferable in urban conditions.

Each of the materials has many supporters and opponents, who compose many fables, so it is not easy for an ignorant person to choose the best insulation for the roof of a residential attic. Therefore, it is worth first studying how to properly carry out the warming process, then a lot will become clear. More information can be obtained by watching the video:

How to calculate the thickness of the insulation

The roofing material of the attic does not protect against cold and has practically zero thermal resistance. In addition, all the heat from the house is collected under the ceiling of the attic floor, so the regulatory requirements for its insulation are as strict as for the roof itself. For example, for the Moscow region of Russia, roof insulation must have a heat transfer resistance of at least 5 m2 ° C / W.

For reference. The standard values ​​of thermal resistance are reference values, they are easy to find in the relevant documentation or on the Internet in relation to the region of residence.

For example, you want to insulate the attic of a house in the Moscow region with mineral wool. It is necessary to take its thermal conductivity coefficient (0.045 W / m2 ° C) and substitute it in the formula for calculating the thickness:

δ = R x λ, where:

  • δ is the thickness of the heat-insulating layer, m;
  • λ is the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation, W / m2 · ° C.

It turns out δ = 5 x 0.045 = 0.225 m or 225 mm. This is the minimum value, and it is better to lay the thickness of the mineral wool layer at 250 mm.

Insulation technology

As we have already said, the insulation of the pitched roof and walls of the attic is carried out from the inside by filling the gaps between the rafters with heat-insulating material. To better understand the scope of work, it is worth looking at the general scheme of the attic in a section:

Here, mineral wool is used as a heater, which is cut to a size 2-3 cm larger than the distance between the rafter boards. This is done so that the plates fit tightly and hold on their own. But before they are put in place, it is necessary to protect the cotton wool from moisture from the outside, for which a special film must be laid under the roofing - a diffusion membrane. The general "pie" of insulation is shown in the diagram:

What's the catch here. Between the waterproofing and the roofing (in this case, metal tiles), it is necessary to leave a ventilation opening - a duct with a width of 30 to 50 mm. It runs under the entire surface of the roof of a wooden house and serves to circulate air entering it from below from under the overhang. Air comes out from above, on the ridge, as shown in the figure:

The tasks of the ventilation opening:

  • remove moisture and condensate from the under-roof space;
  • prevent overheating of the attic in the summer, when the metal is very hot by the sun.

Below the opening is a special waterproofing film - a diffusion membrane, nailed to the rafters from the outside by counter-lattice strips. Its peculiarity is that the film does not allow water to pass through, but at the same time it is vapor permeable. That is, in the event of a leak, mineral wool is protected from water by a membrane, but it can release moisture through it into the ventilation opening. The insulation is also protected from below, only with a film impervious to steam. Thus, the cotton wool will not absorb moisture from the room.

All these troublesome measures are necessary so that the insulation of the attic with mineral wool, done by hand, can serve as long and efficiently as possible. Indeed, unlike a conventional roof, it will be difficult to track the state of the "pie" of thermal insulation, since it is hidden behind the interior decoration.

The rest of the enclosing structures of the attic - the floors and vertical walls of the pediments - are insulated using traditional methods. The gables of stone houses should be sheathed with insulation on the outside using a dry or wet method, and wooden ones can also be inside by stuffing bars on the walls. Cotton wool is laid between them using the same technology, using protective films.

Advice. Since the foam still tends to absorb moisture in small quantities, the correct solution would be to lay it using the same technology as mineral wool. Although in practice it is often used without any vapor barrier, inserting plates between the rafters and fixing with foam.

Thermal insulation of the attic with expanded polystyrene

Taking advantage of the fact that penoplex and extruded polystyrene foam repel water by 100%, when insulating the attic, the film or foil from the inside can not be used. It is optimal to lay the insulation in 2 layers, for which they take ordinary plates and with a selected quarter. The first ones are tightly inserted between the rafters, flush with the inner surface of the board. The second is laid on top, fixing it to the rafters and the first layer with self-tapping screws.

When installing the first layer of insulation, remember that you need to provide a ventilation gap and lay a diffusion membrane. By the way, it is necessary in any case, even if the insulation is placed on the floors of the attic, and the roof is not insulated at all. Waterproofing always protects the interior from wind blowing and water ingress.

Two layers of expanded polystyrene not only insulate the attic well, but also protect wooden structures from moisture that occurs inside the room. The best way to do this is shown in the video:


When insulating the attic floor, it is necessary to remember all the nuances and strictly observe the technology. It is especially important to scrupulously treat the laying of hydro and vapor barrier, carefully sealing all joints with double-sided construction tape. Not only the service life of the insulation depends on this, but also of all wooden structures, which can also suffer from constant exposure to moisture.

In a harsh winter, you really want home warmth and comfort. This has become a real problem for those who live in country houses in winter. An uninsulated roof of a house creates a lot of heat loss, and heating is not cheap nowadays. A reasonable question arises, which everyone decides in his own way - how and how to insulate the attic for winter living.

The attic space was first proposed to be used as a residential space by François Mansart, after whom it later got its name. Since 1630, roofs have been safely used as living space, and the owners of the houses tried in every possible way to improve it.

And in our time, this issue remains as relevant. The cold season lasts a long time and the heating season, respectively, too. Insulation of the attic is the best solution, as it will significantly reduce heating costs.

Selection of materials for work

To maintain warmth and create a cozy atmosphere at any time of the year, the attic roof should be insulated. This can be done both with your own hands and with the help of specialists.

Many experts on the insulation of premises recommend insulating the attic, regardless of whether someone will live there in the winter or not. As a rule, the attic space is very voluminous, and a significant amount of heat escapes through it. This is a significant disadvantage, since you have to spend more money on heating. In addition, an uninsulated roof is a favorable place for the development of mold and mildew, because moisture and condensation will actively accumulate there. In the future, this will lead to irreversible consequences, and the roof will be hopelessly damaged, and the wood will rot.

The degree of insulation of the attic depends on how harsh the climate is in a certain region of residence. Accordingly, the colder the winters, the stronger the level of insulation should be. In the northern regions, it would be rational to use double insulation, and the thickness of the insulation should be more than 200 mm.

Today there is a wide range of materials for roof insulation. However, out of all this variety, it is necessary to choose the most suitable one, respectively, you need to know the features of each of them. After all, the material must have a long service life. It is inappropriate to save on the insulation of the attic room, since it will not work to achieve the desired result using the cheapest heaters.

The most popular materials for roof insulation from the inside:

Seal selection

Let's figure out which seal is suitable for insulation.

Calculation of the amount of material

Material selection is only the first step. The next important step will be to calculate the consumption of materials for further insulation work. To avoid the appearance of cold bridges, it is necessary to correctly calculate the thickness of the thermal insulation applicable to a specific structure. In this case, it is necessary to take into account various factors and their influence on the future thickness of the insulation. This can be expressed by the following formula:

Rreq = (1 / A1) + (L / K) + (1 / A2), where

L is the thickness of the heat-shielding material, m;

K is the thermal conductivity of the heat-shielding material;

A 1 - heat transfer index for the inner surface of the wall: 8.7 W / m * ° С;

A 2 - heat transfer index for the outer surface of the wall: 23 W / m * ° C.

It is also necessary to know the thermal conductivity of the insulation, which can be seen in the certificate.

Using this formula, you can calculate the thickness of the insulation not only of the attic, but also of other rooms in the house. But before doing this, you need to choose the type of insulation for the improvement of the attic roof. To determine the appropriate thickness of the insulation used, you need to know that when insulating the roof and gable of a brick attic, an insulating layer of various widths is used.

To calculate the area that will be insulated, it is necessary from the common space subtract the area of ​​all windows. Then it will become known exactly how many materials are needed for insulation. If you insulate the attic on your own, you will need the following materials: foam, vapor barrier film, dowel, fungi and knowledge of the thermal conductivity of the heaters.

Attic insulation methods

In order to figure out how to insulate a mansard roof for winter living, you need to know that there are several insulation options: internal and external.

Insulating the roof from the outside is an ideal option, insofar as such a structure will not let heat through from the inside thanks to the warm circuit and will be reliably protected from freezing. This prevents the formation of condensation, respectively, the risk of mold and mildew is minimized. However, if the roof of the attic is already covered with roofing material, then it will be extremely difficult to insulate it, and the roofing material will have to be removed.

Most often attic heating for further stay it is produced from the inside. For this purpose, a wooden frame is being erected in the attic, which will serve as a niche for laying insulation. There are various technologies for thermal insulation.

External insulation of the attic takes place during the construction of the building. The gable roof is insulated. Internal thermal insulation is carried out with the already covered roofing material (if it becomes necessary to make this room comfortable for living at any time of the year).

A ventilation hole with a diameter of at least 2 centimeters should be laid through the layers of insulation. It is necessary to remove steam and condensate from the vapor barrier membrane. These holes are made both in the upper and lower parts of the roof slope. Thus, the air flows from the bottom up along the hole, collecting excess moisture from the vapor barrier film along the way and taking it out through the upper hole.

However, all work on the external insulation of the attic is carried out exclusively in the warm season with dry sunny weather. All surfaces are carefully examined for any flaws before directly thermal insulation. All areas must be dry. Wood must be impregnated with antiseptics. Metal surfaces in order to prevent the appearance of corrosion, they are treated with botim mastic.

External insulation of the attic is as follows:

  1. The lathing of boards is stuffed from the bottom of the rafters
  2. Vapor barrier film covers the battens and rafters
  3. Insulation is laid between the rafters
  4. Heat-insulating material is covered on top with vapor-waterproofing
  5. The lathing of boards is stuffed over the insulation
  6. The roofing material is attached with self-tapping screws to the lathing.

When choosing a material for thermal insulation, you need to pay close attention to its characteristics. It should be relatively light and easy to install without overloading the attic floor. It is also advisable to use an environmentally friendly and fire-resistant material.

It is best to use basalt insulation, it fits without the formation of cracks and voids. If insulation in the form of slabs is used, then the gaps must be blown out with polyurethane foam. When covering the vapor barrier membrane, remember that that the sheets of insulation should go with an overlap of at least 20-30 mm.

With internal insulation of a room, the order of work is as follows:

  1. The lathing is stuffed onto rafters or a specially prepared frame.
  2. To prevent the penetration of wind, the building is covered with a protective film.
  3. A layer of thermal insulation is laid between the rafters and the frame.
  4. A vapor barrier membrane is placed on top of the insulation.
  5. The lathing for the ventilation opening is stuffed over this structure.
  6. The lathing is sheathed from above with plasterboard sheets or OSB boards.

When deciding to insulate a room with your own hands, you need to see how to insulate an attic for winter living. The video will help with this. It covers in detail all stages of the work.

Today, many people are in a hurry to leave the noisy metropolis and find themselves in the bosom of nature, which energizes and gives cheerfulness and new strength. A rare person does not dream of living outside the city and enjoying the fresh air every day. Nevertheless, at the same time, he faces some difficulties, because the climatic conditions do not allow him to carefree living alone with nature all year round.

Creating favorable conditions for living in a country house is not an easy task, and this article aims to help in overcoming difficulties. Create coziness in the house, and may a warm and comfortable atmosphere always reign in it!

When choosing insulation for the attic, it is important to consider several factors that determine its safe and effective service:

  1. Thermal conductivity. A key indicator that determines the choice of thermal insulation material. Shows how much heat the material can pass per unit of time. The unit of measurement is W / (m × ° K).
  2. The ability of a material to pass moisture or water vapor through itself. The maximum "breathable material" is required for the attic.
  3. Security. Considering that the attic is insulated from the inside, the moment of material safety comes to the fore. An unpleasant odor should not emanate from it or substances that negatively affect the human mucous membrane are released into the air.
  4. Ease of installation. When insulating the attic floor at home, it is necessary that the material itself be convenient and easy to install, which does not require special or expensive equipment.
  5. Lifetime. Most insulating materials are designed to last up to 50 years. It suits us.
  6. Fire safety. Again, given the design features of the attic, it is important that the material for insulation is as non-combustible as possible - it does not support combustion and releases a minimum of toxic substances when melted.
  7. Density. Material with a higher density has more weight. Weighting the rafter system in the attic does not lead to anything good. It is better to pay attention to insulation with a lower density. Although, almost all insulation materials on the market are light and airy, so this factor is in the last place when choosing.

Choosing how to insulate the attic from the inside and going to a hardware store, you will see an incredible picture. The choice is simply huge - there is a great variety of materials, firms, sizes, shapes. How to find the right one among them to insulate the attic with high quality, relatively inexpensively and for a long time? Let's figure it out together. Consider separately each type of material and weigh its positive and negative sides in relation to the insulation of the attic.

We will not provide detailed specifications for these materials. Our goal is to determine how suitable they are for attic insulation. So, we make a choice of insulation for the attic from the most popular.

Mineral wool

She can rightfully be called the "queen" among other materials. It is common in all regions of Russia and the CIS. Why is it so widespread? It is easy to manufacture, transport and install. Non-flammable and has high thermal performance.

Minvata can be divided into several main types that are found on sale today:

  • slag;
  • stone (or basalt) wool;
  • glass wool (glass).

Although on average their characteristics are similar, there are still some that will help us choose among them the one that is more suitable for thermal insulation of the attic.

To make it easier to determine how to insulate the attic from the inside, we will follow the sequence of characteristics defined above that each of the given material possesses.

Slag wool (slag wool)

Manufactured from blast-furnace waste. Has an airy structure. The fibers are held together between the binder.

Thermal conductivity. It fluctuates in the range of 0.046 - 0.048 W / (m × ° K). This indicator is accurate in the case of high-quality slag waterproofing.

Hygroscopic and vapor permeable. Due to its structure, slag wool has high vapor permeability and hygroscopicity. Needs high-quality steam and waterproofing.

Security. The material itself is safe. Under normal conditions, it does not emit harmful substances. Installation requires protective clothing and protective equipment for the eyes and respiratory tract. The fibers are short and can cause irritation.

Ease of installation. It is mounted as simply as possible due to its flexibility and uniform thickness.

Lifetime. Manufacturers declare 50 years old. This figure strongly depends on the quality of installation, water protection and the quality of the slag itself.

Fire safety. The maximum permissible temperature is 300 ° C. It is quite acceptable for a mansard roof, given the fact that the ignition temperature of a tree is from 320 ° C. Does not support combustion.

Density. Low, airy structure. Good air permeability. Lightweight, will not create stress on the roof structure.

Peculiarities. It is mainly used for insulation of production halls and premises where there is good ventilation. The blast furnace slag and harmful binders that are part of the composition pose a danger to human health. May react with metal in the roof structure. Although for the attic, this is usually irrelevant.

Output. For insulation of the attic, slag is not the best choice because of its composition and effect on human health.

Stone wool (basalt)

It is made from basalt or similar stone rocks. Has an airy structure. Available in rolls or mats.

Thermal conductivity. It is in the range from 0.076 to 0.12 W / (m × ° K).

Hygroscopic and vapor permeable. Indicators are akin to slag. Like any kind of mineral wool, it has a high steam conductivity. Needs protection from water, otherwise it loses its properties.

Security. The safest of all the types of mineral wool considered. Fibers up to 16 mm long and up to 12 microns thick. However, when working with it, it is advisable to wear a protective suit, respirator, goggles and gloves. The higher the density, the less it disintegrates during operation and the dusting of the room with fine fibers of cotton wool decreases.

Ease of installation. Installation is convenient, given the density. The denser it is, the easier it is to mount on vertical or sloping surfaces. Particularly useful for pitched skylights.

Lifetime. Up to 50 years old. Much depends on the correct installation and, most importantly, on the waterproofing and vapor barrier.

Fire safety. The maximum permissible heating temperature is 600 ° C. Very well suited for the wooden roof truss system. If you carry out a high-quality installation in 2 layers with an overlap, you can completely protect the wooden elements of the roof from fire.

Density. It fluctuates from extremely low, for installation in walls, to the most dense for use in thermal insulation of building facades from the outside. For attic insulation, medium density is suitable.

Peculiarities. A relatively expensive type of insulation. The price is due to the high indicators of health safety. The denser, the more expensive. Has high sound insulation performance.

Output. Insulating the attic with stone wool is an excellent solution. In all respects, it is ideal for the role of insulation for a residential attic floor from the inside. The only thing is that the material is more expensive than the rest.

Glass wool (glass wool)

The most common of all types of cotton wool. Often this is what they mean when they talk about mineral wool. It is made from waste of the glass-blowing industry, glass broken and silicon. Cheaper than stone wool.

Thermal conductivity. In the range from 0.029 to 0.050 W / (m × ° K). This low figure is due to the structure. The thinnest fibers, from 4 microns thick.

Hygroscopic and vapor permeable. It is hygroscopic when moisture from the air gets inside. If just water gets from the roof, it flows down without penetrating into the material due to special hydrophobic additives. High vapor permeability, which makes it a suitable insulation for the attic.

Security. During installation, extreme care is required to ensure that brittle, glass fibers do not come into contact with the skin, respiratory tract and eyes. The best protection will be a special suit that covers the whole body, goggles, tight-fitting eyes (like swimming) and rubber gloves.

If glass wool gets on the skin, it should be washed off only with cold water. Hot water expands the pores of the skin and the fibers penetrate deeper, causing even more itching.

Ease of installation. The material is produced in rolls and mats. To insulate the attic, it is more convenient to install mats, because one person can do this. Rolls are more suitable for horizontal surfaces, for example, for insulating a technological attic above the ceiling of an attic room.

Lifetime. 50 years. May decrease sharply with poor waterproofing. Especially if the cotton wool is installed in vertical or inclined planes, where it can slide under its own weight.

Fire safety. The permissible heating temperature is 450 ° C. An acceptable indicator for use in mansard roof insulation.

Density. The density is similar to slag. Thicker mats are used for outdoor insulation.

Peculiarities. It is made of glass, so correct installation is the key to safe living in the attic. Correctly glued joints of the vapor barrier will protect residents from small fibers, which will inevitably separate from the bulk of the insulation. Minwata is loved by mice, although in most cases poison is added to its composition.

Output. Many professional builders recommend using mineral wool to insulate the attic. The combination of price, quality, ease of installation and thermal performance makes mineral wool the No. 1 choice for many owners of houses with an attic floor.

Other materials

The rest we include ecowool, sprayed polyurethane foam, foam and extruded foam. These materials are not bad in themselves. But do-it-yourself attic insulation is not suitable. Why?

Ecowool - special equipment is required;

Sprayed Polyurethane Foam - Requires special equipment, although can be used;

Extruded foam is even less suitable for internal insulation of the attic floor than foam. The main reason is the low vapor permeability.

Summing up

In short, stone or glass wool is more suitable for insulating the attic. It is vapor-permeable, easy to install and has high performance. The thickness of the insulation for the attic must be at least 200mm. In some cold regions of Russia, this figure is brought to 350 mm, i.e. 7 layers of insulation.

Now, understanding the better to insulate the attic from the inside, what materials to use, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

The size of suburban areas and the desire of their owners to use the fertile soil layer to the maximum convinces them to make decisions about expanding useful areas in a vertical, not horizontal direction. It is easier and more profitable to equip an attic above the bathhouse than to attach an additional rest room to it or build a separate house. True, this option will be acceptable only if there are more than 50% of the useful under-roof space with a height of 2.5 m, and if the ceiling above the bath is designed in such a way that you can walk on the upper plane without fear. In the presence of the listed prerequisites, insulation of the attic will make it possible to turn it into an excellent living compartment.

  • To begin with, the roof configuration is far from the shape of a classic cube. The insulation will have to be mounted on inclined surfaces. And since we are considering the insulation of the attic from the inside, it is impossible not to take into account the complexity of installing soft and flexible roll materials.
  • Recall that the overwhelming majority of the top fencing area is a roof structure with a rafter system. Its coating is made of extremely lightweight materials with high waterproofing qualities, but also with considerable thermal conductivity. Wooden elements of the truss structure are laid with gaps that do not form a thermal barrier.
  • Let's take into account that in the attic floor there is not only a roof surface, but also at least two pediments and a valley. To leave without insulation or to insulate them poorly means to nullify all efforts in general.
  • Let's not forget that the roofing material, which does not allow atmospheric moisture to pass through, at the same time prevents the escape of vapors that are natural for the bath and not only for it.
  • We will ensure the safety of using the dwelling by insulating the attic roof with materials with the environmental and hygienic characteristics required for home furnishing.

Summarizing the above criteria, we will compose a kind of formula from the requirements that the thermal insulation system under construction must meet. According to the tasks set for the insulation, we will select the material and find out all the technological nuances. For the effective operation of thermal insulation, it is necessary that:

  • a layer of insulation completely covered the inner surfaces without "gaps" in a kind of carpet, so that there were no weak points in the thermal insulation system in the form of an unprotected ridge and gables not covered with an insulator;
  • the insulating material that resists the attacks of a cold atmospheric front from the outside and a warm moist front from the inside was protected from condensation formed as a result of their confrontation;
  • no moisture accumulated on the outer surface of the heat-insulating layer, which was not passed outside by the waterproofing roofing, so that excess moisture is removed through the ventilation ducts;
  • lightweight roofing insulation was equipped with a windscreen, which prevents heat from blowing out of the attic on windy days;
  • the material is suitable for technical, technological and sanitary-hygienic parameters.

The listed requirements are a detailed answer to the question "how to properly insulate the attic." If the thermal insulation system meets all the conditions, then it will serve for a long time and work effectively.

Choosing the right insulation

From a technological point of view, slabs are best suited to create a thermal insulation system from the inside. Using the material that holds the shape is easier, faster and more convenient to do the insulation of the attic with your own hands with a minimum number of additional fixing devices. For their correct installation, longitudinal bars are nailed to the rafters with dimensions that allow for a ventilation gap. The outer plane of the bars must coincide with the outer plane of the elements of the rafter system, the inner plane of the heat-insulating material must coincide with the inner plane of the rafters.

Note. If the power of the selected insulation is greater than the width of the rafter, an additional beam will have to be nailed to each of the elements of the rafter system or installed on the screws. Wooden additions must be treated with an antiseptic before installation.

In any case, both with sufficient and with insufficient width of the rafters, the ventilation space between the insulation and the roofing material must be left.

The indicators of the heat engineering qualities of the material determine the climatic features of the region. The collection of building standards under the number 23-02-2003 will help to find out them. According to the indicator specified in SNiP, you need to select material.

  • Polyfoam is a budget material and a convenient way of insulation. Lightweight slabs will be easy to install, the thermal insulation system will insignificantly increase the weight of the roof. However, the weak ability to conduct steam and the attractiveness as a tasty dish for mice make one think about whether it is worth insulating the attic with foam.
  • Minvata is also a convenient and democratic option. Slabs cut to fit a couple of cm larger than the gap between the rafters are easy to install. Before installation, the insulation element must be slightly squeezed and positioned in the required place. Having straightened out, elastic mineral wool will firmly "sit" in its nest. Glass wool can be used as a practically equivalent alternative.
  • Expanded polystyrene is usually laid on top of the rafter system, forming a ventilation gap by installing a counter batten between the insulation plates and the roof covering. It is not suitable for insulating the roofing system from the inside, but it can be used to insulate the gables.
  • Polyurethane foam - easily applied to a surface of any complexity by spraying. A contractor with a portable installation supplying a foam insulating substance under pressure is subject to planes with any slope. Insulation of the attic with polyurethane foam will allow you to create a monolithic layer without the slightest gaps. In addition, a vapor barrier will not be needed to protect the interior from the effects of condensation.
  • Ecowool is a heat insulator from the category of sprayed materials. Its properties are similar to wood, it contains an antiseptic that prevents deterioration of the insulating layer and wood in contact with it. Just like the previous analogue, it creates a continuous cover that does not sag in the process of many years of use. For thermal insulation with ecowool, it will be necessary to mount a false ceiling and install a crate for attaching a vapor barrier material to it.
  • Foil materials that work not only as insulation, but also as a mirror reflector of the heat tending to come out. In order for the foil-clad heat insulator to perform excellently, it is necessary to unfold it during installation with an aluminum layer inside the room and leave a distance of 5 cm between it and the vapor barrier layer.

The list is quite sufficient to have something to focus on, but mineral wool is recognized as the most popular materials for insulation from the inside. Spraying with polyurethane foam is popular, but not everyone is available due to the lack of a device, which, however, can be rented for a while at a construction company. It remains only to figure out how to insulate the attic with your own hands and get an excellent result.

What should be the correct constructive pie?

An exaggerated thermal insulation system is the following constructive pie, if you start listing the layers from the side of the space being equipped:

  • Plasterboard cladding.
  • A vapor barrier layer, preferably a variant of the membrane type. It is a continuous casing created from strips of rolled material laid with a 10-cm overlap. The canvases are fastened along horizontal and vertical joints with special adhesive tape.
  • The lathing has three functions. The slats attached across the rafters hold the insulation, serve as the basis for fixing the vapor barrier and form a ventilation space, which is especially necessary when using foil-clad material.
  • Insulation, laid in one or more layers, depending on the generated thermal effect. When insulating the attic from the side of the room, it is mounted between the rafters.
  • A waterproofing layer that protects the insulation from getting wet, which results in a decrease in thermal properties.

Note. Builders who thoroughly know how to insulate an attic are strongly advised to leave a ventilation gap between the thermal insulation material and the waterproofing. According to technological standards, its absence is considered a gross mistake.

  • Another counter-lattice that creates a ventilated space between the waterproofing and the roofing material. Ventilation in this case is necessary to remove moisture accumulating on the waterproofing membrane. To drain moisture, holes are provided in the area of ​​the base of the slopes and in the area of ​​the valley. The width of the ventilation gap is determined by the roofing material. If the roof is covered with tiles, slate, corrugated board or corrugated ondulin, it is enough to leave 25 mm, if you need to leave 50 mm with a flat material without a profile relief.
  • Windproof vapor barrier equipping the ventilation space. It is needed to preserve heat in the case of active ventilation in the ventilation gap. It is laid over the rafter legs, fastened with slats, on top of which the roofing is mounted.

Carrying out the insulation of the attic with your own hands, observing all the subtleties, the owner of a bath with an attic will provide himself with a comfortable living space, eliminating the need to build a house on a summer cottage. To equip an attic roof for housing, you do not need to obtain permits and seek the consent of neighbors. But the benefits and economic effect are obvious.

Foreword... Most owners of private houses try to carry out small repairs on their own. This also applies when the owner of a country house wants to insulate the attic for winter living with his own hands. Various heat-insulating and finishing materials can be used for work. Consider how to achieve the result yourself, when the attic will be suitable for living at any time of the year. We will tell you how to insulate the attic for winter living with foam and mineral wool.

In winter, in most of Russia, a lot of money is spent on heating a private house. But thanks to high-quality insulation of the strip foundation and other building structures, including the attic and interfloor floors, heating costs can be significantly reduced. Before starting work, it is important to choose insulation, determine the thickness of the attic insulation and calculate the required amount of material.

How to insulate the attic for winter living

Photo. Attic insulation with foam

The choice of insulation and the thickness of the thermal insulation layer for converting an attic into a living space is determined by how severe frosts are in winter in your region. If it is very cold in your area in winter, then you will need to install insulation with good thermal insulation characteristics, at least 200 mm thick. In northern latitudes, thermal insulation has to be laid in several layers.

Be that as it may, it is not worth saving when buying dormers and basalt thermal insulation, otherwise living conditions in the attic of a private house in winter will not be ideal. Many people choose polystyrene for work, because of the ease of installation of expanded polystyrene plates and their low cost. But the choice in favor of extruded polystyrene foam would be more deliberate.

Like foam, extruded polystyrene foam is produced in the form of plates. But, extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex, technoplex or URSA XPS) is distinguished by the best thermal insulation characteristics and high strength. Basalt wool, for example, Izorok mineral wool, despite the need to protect against moisture with vapor barrier films, is environmentally friendly, low thermal conductivity and fire resistance.

Calculation of materials for insulation step by step

As you understand for successful work, it is not enough to choose the right material. To ensure high-quality insulation of the attic for living in winter without cold bridges, it is extremely important to calculate the thickness of the thermal insulation for this structure. Many factors should be taken into account, the dependence of the thickness of the insulation of a building structure on all factors can be represented by the following formula:

L is the thickness of the heat-insulating material, in meters;

K is the thermal conductivity of the heat-insulating material;

A1 - heat transfer index for the inner surface of the wall: 8.7 W / m * ° С;

A2 - heat transfer index for the outer surface of the wall: 23 W / m * ° C.

Comparison of heaters by thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity of the insulation can be found in the manufacturer's certificate. Using the formula presented above, you can easily calculate the thickness of the insulation of any room in the house. In this case, you should determine exactly what kind of insulation you will use to equip the attic. When determining the thickness of the insulation, take into account that the insulation of the gable of the attic made of bricks and the roof requires different thicknesses of the heat-insulating layer.

It is also important to know, in order to calculate the amount of thermal insulation, what area will be processed. The area of ​​the windows in the attic should be subtracted from this area. As a result, you will receive the amount of material that will be enough to carry out the work. When self-insulating the attic for winter living, additional materials will be required: vapor barrier, foam, dowel-fungi, as well as a comparison of heaters in terms of thermal conductivity.

How to insulate an attic for winter living

Photo. Insulation of the attic of the house with mineral wool from the inside

If basalt wool or glass wool is used, which, when wet, lose their thermal insulation characteristics, then the insulation should be protected with vapor barrier on the right side from the side of the warm room. The need to use vapor barrier films is due to the fact that warm air contains moisture, and when it passes through the thermal insulation, it cools down and the moisture falls into condensate.

When using extruded polystyrene foam, additional waterproofing is not required, since this insulation does not absorb moisture and retains its original characteristics at any humidity. Therefore, penoplex, like any other extruded polystyrene foam, is popular for insulating the columnar foundation of a house.

Outdoor insulation is always considered the best option. With this option, the insulated structure is in a warm circuit and is not subject to freezing. This reduces the risk of mold and mildew due to condensation. But when arranging the attic of an already built house, it is very difficult to place thermal insulation under the roof, since this is due to the removal of the roof from the roof.

Most owners of private houses resort to internal insulation of the attic when converting it into a living space. For this, a frame made of timber for future rooms is being built in the attic, which is subject to thermal insulation. How is the work carried out for external and internal insulation? Let's take a closer look at all the technologies and give step-by-step instructions on how to insulate the attic of a residential building with our own hands.

Photo. How and what to insulate the attic in a private house

How to insulate an attic: step by step instructions

The attic can be insulated with two methods from the inside and outside. Thermal insulation of the attic for winter living outside is carried out even at the stage of building a house - this is nothing more than insulation of a gable roof. Self-insulation of the attic from the inside is carried out when the roof is already covered, when deciding to convert the attic into a living space. Let's take a closer look at both approaches to understand the difference between them.

Carrying out work with external thermal insulation

Insulation of the attic of the house with mineral wool outside

In the “pie” of insulation, a ventilation gap of at least 2 centimeters should be provided for the weathering of vapors and condensate from the vapor barrier. Ventilation openings are created in the lower and upper parts of the roof slope, so that air flows from below along the ventilation gap in the roof, collects excess moisture from the surface of the vapor barrier membrane and leaves through the upper openings in the roof.

It is worthwhile to insulate the roof and attic of the house outside only in sunny, warm weather. Before installing thermal insulation, it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the walls. The wood is covered with antiseptics, and the metal with bitumen mastic to protect it from corrosion. All wet areas should be dried. A step-by-step instruction for insulating an attic for living in winter looks like this:

  1. From the bottom of the rafters, a crate of boards is stuffed;
  2. The rafters and lathing are covered with a vapor barrier;
  3. Thermal insulation material is laid between the rafters;
  4. The insulation is covered with a roll vapor-waterproofing;
  5. A crate of boards is stuffed on top of the "pie" of insulation;
  6. The roofing material is attached to the crate with self-tapping screws.

Carrying out work with internal thermal insulation

Photo. Sheathing of the attic frame with plasterboard

It is necessary to carefully select thermal insulation. The material should be lightweight so as not to load the attic floors, be easy to install, environmentally friendly and fireproof.

To achieve the best result, basalt insulation should be installed without cracks and gaps. When laying slab insulation, the gaps should be filled with polyurethane foam. When laying the vapor barrier, make sure that the sheets of material go with an overlap of at least 20-30 mm.

When carrying out work from the inside, the insulation is carried out in a slightly different way. The step-by-step instruction looks like this:

1. A crate is stuffed onto the rafters or a prepared frame;

2. The structure is covered with a film that provides wind protection;

3. A layer of insulation is placed between the frame or rafters;

4. The insulation is closed from the inside with a vapor barrier film;

5. A crate for the ventilation gap is stuffed onto the structure;

6. The lathing is closed with drywall sheets or OSB boards.

How to insulate an attic for winter living: video, photo, DIY insulation

Consider how to achieve good insulation of the attic in the house, what materials and technologies to use so that the attic is suitable for winter living.

How to insulate the attic for winter living?

An attic is an attic space that can be used for permanent residence. Its peculiarity is that the roof of the house in it is both walls and a ceiling. If the insulation was not carried out at the stage of arranging the roof of the house, then the thermal insulation system can be organized from the inside in an already finished house.

This is a rather difficult event, because it is required to equip multilayer insulation in order to avoid the formation of condensation associated with the fact of direct contact of the roof with cold outside air and the penetration of warm air from the inside of the room. In this regard, the question of how to insulate the attic for winter living is not easy. First of all, it should be understood that in order to independently carry out work, it is imperative to study the technology of insulation and have certain construction skills, as well as the ability to handle construction tools.

The structure of the attic thermal insulation system and the choice of insulation

An effective attic insulation system should consist of the following layers:

The figure below shows a diagram of the roof insulation system.

In connection with the large assortment of heaters on the modern market, the question always arises, which material is better to choose. Perhaps we can say with confidence that to equip the attic thermal insulation system with your own hands, you should give preference to environmentally friendly mineral wool slabs made of basalt fiber (see Basalt insulation: Dimensions). Their main advantages are low thermal conductivity and good soundproofing qualities. It is extremely easy to lay them. The only thing that is needed when installing mineral wool slabs is to reliably protect them from moisture from the outside and from steam from the inside.

The sequence of work when insulating the attic

First of all, before starting work, you should check the roof for possible leaks and, if found, eliminate them.

After preventive measures, it is necessary to perform work in the following sequence:

  • Installation of a waterproofing layer. For this, special membranes are used. As a rule, the waterproofing material is laid directly on the battens during the construction of the mansard roof. But, if this has not been done, then the moisture-proof membrane is installed from the inside between the rafters at a distance of approximately 5 cm from the batten. This air gap will provide good ventilation. The moisture-proof material is attached to the rafters with a construction stapler.

By far the largest heat loss occurs through the roof of the attic. But at the same time, you should also take care of the insulation of the gable walls and the floor of the living quarters.

How to insulate the attic for winter living?

An attic is an attic space that can be used for permanent residence. Its peculiarity is that the roof of the house in it

How to insulate an attic for winter living: useful tips

To make a reliable and long-term roofing threshold, you need to properly insulate the attic roof, and then you can feel comfortable indoors during the winter.

Today we will tell you how to insulate an attic roof for a country house, what heaters exist for attic roofs and how to install them correctly. The article also includes a training video on this topic.

Features of the structure of the insulating layer of the roof: video

The microclimate in the house during winter living in the attic depends on how correctly the insulation of the attic roof was carried out. If you have correctly insulated the roof, in winter, the attic will keep warm, and in summer, thermal insulation will prevent the air from overheating under the attic roof.

Attic roofs can be insulated in the same way as other roof structures, however, more stringent requirements are imposed on attic roofs due to the specific design of the attic. As a rule, walls in attics are formed by gables and roof slopes. For this reason, it is hot here in summer, and winter living is almost impossible due to low temperatures.

The mansard roof cake consists of several layers:

Each of these layers must be present in the construction of a mansard roof, since it plays a very important role. Particular attention should be paid to the ventilation and thermal insulation layer, since the comfort of living in the attic floor directly depends on their quality.

When choosing a suitable insulation for the roof under the attic it is imperative to pay special attention to the thermal conductivity of the insulation material... This figure should be as low as possible to protect the room from heat leaks.

In a room with heating, the largest heat loss occurs through the roof, as warm air rises upward, it passes through the roof cake and goes to the final roof covering, which is covered with a layer of snow in winter. The porosity of snow and its inner pockets at ambient temperatures below two degrees of frost become an external heat insulator for the roof.

If the roofing heat loss is too large, the roof heats up, and the snow begins to melt, forming an ice crust, which is very dangerous for the roofing material, in addition, ice increases the load on the attic roof... Proper internal insulation will prevent snow from melting in winter.

In summer, excess heat passes from the roof into the attic, which is why sometimes even the air conditioner cannot cope with the task of maintaining a comfortable temperature level in the attic. As in the previous case, proper insulation will not allow the room to overheat in the heat. Of course, it will still be hotter in the attic than in other rooms, but it will not be too hot either.

Mansard roof ventilation and its features

Unlike other types of roofs you need to insulate the attic roof in a slightly different way due to the peculiarities of its design and ventilation. If we compare the roof of the attic and the usual one, it can be noted that the dimensions of the ventilation space between the space from the inside and the roof will differ:

  • on a regular roof, ventilation takes place through an attic with dormer windows;
  • The ventilation space on the attic roof is very small and takes up about 15 cm.

In order to properly equip and insulate the attic roof, it is important to properly build and ventilation.

How to insulate the roof in the attic: the choice of insulation

Even at the stage of preparation for the installation of the roof structure for the attic, you should decide how you will insulate it. Remember that the correct type of insulation and its correct technical characteristics are the key to high-quality insulation of the premises and comfort at any time of the year. Today on the market there are a lot of materials for roof insulation. The most common among them are:

  • glass wool;
  • mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • foamed glass;
  • thermal insulation with natural raw materials (wood chips, granulated paper, seaweed, etc.).

The criteria for choosing a heater are as follows:

  • moisture resistance;
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • fire resistance;
  • environmental friendliness of the material.

Remember also that the attic roof should be insulated with insulation, the thermal conductivity coefficient is at the level of 0.05 W / m * K and below.

The moisture resistance of the insulation should be as high as possible, so it will serve as long as possible. You also need to pay attention to the fire resistance of the insulation material in order to protect the attic from fire.

Description of mineral wool and glass wool

Many people insulate the roof with mineral wool, which is made on the basis of molten rocks. The advantages of mineral wool are:

  • keeps warm well;
  • does not rot over time;
  • resistant to temperature fluctuations;
  • resistant to aggressive substances;
  • almost does not absorb moisture.

Structures of different thicknesses based on mineral wool are very suitable for roof insulation, when the width of the rafter pitch does not differ from the mineral wool mat.

Another material for insulating roofs - glass wool is made from glass melt, its properties are close to those of mineral wool, then it has a lower temperature threshold, which is 450 degrees with a minus. Other properties of glass wool include the following:

  • good heat and sound insulation performance;
  • frost resistance.
  • When using glass wool, waterproofing must be done correctly.

Like mineral wool, glass wool belongs to budget materials. for insulation of the attic roof. However, both materials have a drawback: you need to create a thick layer of insulation and several layers of hydro and vapor barrier.

Roof insulation with polymeric materials

Inside the roof of the attic can be insulated with polymeric materials such as expanded polystyrene or polyurethane foam... The latter has such properties;

  • excellent heat preservation ability;
  • ease;
  • duration of operation;
  • does not let steam through;
  • not exposed to moisture.

And the second material, expanded polystyrene, allows you to insulate roofs with maximum efficiency, since it has a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.05 W / m * K. In addition, it does not allow steam to pass through, and has a flammability class from G1 to G4, depending on the model.

Polymer insulation is more expensive than mineral wool and glass wool, in addition, they are of artificial origin.

If you want to insulate the roof with environmentally friendly materials, then you can use foam glass, granulated paper, mats based on natural materials. They are environmentally friendly, but the glass is too fragile, and other heaters are extremely difficult to install and have high flammability.

It is also extremely important not only to choose the right material for insulating the attic roof, but also to calculate its thickness. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the climate in your region., since the thickness of the insulation also depends on the average air temperature at a particular time of the year, as well as how long the heating season lasts. In addition, special formulas will allow you to calculate this indicator yourself, they can be quickly found on specialized construction resources. Also, the calculation work includes the calculation of the cultivated area in the attic, excluding the area of ​​doors and hatches with windows.

How to install insulation for a mansard roof with your own hands

To insulate the roof of the attic, you need to carry out the following work in the following sequence:

  • prepare the attic space for the installation of insulation;
  • lay an insulating layer;
  • fix the material.

During preparation, you need to decide what will be the step of installing the rafters. Wherein the rafter system must be reliable, that is, the step should not exceed the recommended parameters. If you have prepared this or that material in advance in order to insulate the roof, the rafters must be placed so that the insulation plates or mats fit tightly between them from the inside. it will simplify the technology of insulation and significantly reduce waste from insulation.

Above the level of thermal insulation, between the rafters and the battens, a waterproofing layer should be overlapped, starting from the lower edge of the ramp. After that, install the counter-rails made of wood. Their thickness should create the desired ventilation gap. The slats can be attached to the rafters with nails or self-tapping screws. Insulation must be laid and fastened to the previously prepared structure between the rafters.

When insulating an attic, it is not necessary to stop only at installing a heat-insulating layer between the rafters, but it is better to additionally lay a continuous layer of heat-insulating material on top of the laid insulation mats or slabs. For laying out a solid layer it is recommended to choose thin insulation, this will significantly improve the quality of insulation of your attic.

But this method also has its drawbacks. For example, the rafters are hidden and in the future it will be extremely difficult to use them to fasten other structural elements. It is advisable when working to correctly mark where the rafters are located.

A vapor-permeable film must be laid on top of the thermal insulation to remove excess moisture. Further, the structure must be equipped with a crate, and in conclusion, the ceiling must be sheathed from the inside.

Of course, our advice is not a complete instruction on how to insulate a roof in an attic. Re-read special training manuals, watch the training video, consult with friends about this, and only then get to work.

We have introduced you to the recommendations regarding the insulation of mansard roofs, and how to choose the right insulation material and install it. Your comfort during your stay in the attic at any time of the year depends on how well you do it.

How to insulate the attic roof for winter and summer living, insulation for the attic: video installation

Types of insulation for mansard roofs and which ones are better to use for insulating an attic for winter living, a video on the topic of insulating a roof in an attic.