Repairs Design Furniture

How to build a threshold near the house with your own hands. Porch of the country house (62 photos): the main elements, rules of arrangement. Materials for fences and canopies

The porch country house is most often erected from metal, wood or concrete. The choice of a particular material depends mainly from the architectural features of the building itself. For each of the varieties of street stairs, there are its own construction technologies.

About them and the conversation will go in this article. You will learn not only about how to make a porch to the house from a particular material, but also how to tie it to the foundation at home and what should be his own foundation.

Choosing a material for the porch

The choice of material for the porch to the house mainly depends on which its walls are erected. So the facade of a wooden building is best built design from boards and timber. Concrete or metal design can be attached to a concrete or brick house. For decorations often use tiles, brick, wood or even plastic:

Wooden porches for cottage house

Woodcloths are distinguished by a number of undeniable advantages. They are beautiful and practically do not require additional finishes. Communicate such structures are somewhat cheaper than other varieties.

Construction of a porch to the house. Photo aesthetic and not difficult in manufacturing design

Wooden street ladders are usually attached to a chopped or paralleled building or to a bath. But there are exceptions from any rule. The simplicity of the design of such stairs makes them unusually popular and often carved or ordinary wooden porch can be seen in concrete or brick houses.

Wooden staircase can be attached, including, and to a concrete house.

Is it worth making a porch of concrete?

Concrete options for porchs can be filled. Build them and from blocks. This design can be made at the entrance to the concrete or brick building. The main advantage of the concrete ladder is the durability. How to fill the porch with your own hands and how to make it from blocks, will be discussed below.

Concrete marches look very beautiful and at the same time solid and thoroughly

Metal constructions

The metal porch in the country is best made from the corner or profiled pipe.

On a note: Very beautiful are the designs of galvanized material. However, the manufacture of them at home may hardly. In order to make such a ladder need significant experience in working with a welding machine. Therefore, in the entrances to private houses, you can more often see painted metal structures from ordinary steel.

Street ladder steps from metal better make wooden. In some cases, they are made of metal.

With the use of wooden steps you can build a very beautiful metal porch

Build a porch at the cottage or in a country residential building can be in different technologies. The choice of concrete depends on which material will be used for its manufacture:

Build wooden street ladder

First consider how to make a porch with your own hands to a wooden house. Build even the simplest porch from the tree so that it is reliable, you can only preliminarily drawn up the project. In this case, the calculation of the stairs, taking into account the following factors:

  1. The angle of inclination of a convenient march varies from 27 to 45gr;
  2. The width of the stage should be approximately 30cm, height 17cm;
  3. The height of the railing should not be less than 90cm.

How to build a porch with your own hands. Drawings of comfortable street stairs

To make the simplest wooden ladder, you will need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Cutting board for steps and cosomers;
  2. Bar minimum 80 * 80mm. From it it will be possible to make porch supports;
  3. 3cm board for a theater or cowear;
  4. Bar 50 * 50mm in order to make railing and frame visor;
  5. Board 2cm for trump cover.

Continue to build a wooden porch with your own hands installing supports. To make them durable, it is worth treating their ends by automobile oil. Under them in the ground at a distance from the wall equal to the width of the top platform, pits of a depth of about half a meter.

Durable porch can be built, only arranged reliable supports

At the next stage, the top platform is narrowed. Next, you will need to make a booster or a tutor. One end of the booster is attached to the top platform, and the other is based on a concrete pillow. Then proceed to stuffing coming and risers.

Wooden porch with your own hands. Photo of the installation of the steps on the boosters

Tip: Steps When building a wooden staircase of a private house, it is better to fix the screws on a screw, but on the bolts with nuts. Weak fasteners from constant load in the subsequent simply supar.

So, we looked at how to build a wooden porch with your own hands in stages. However, without railing and visor, the design will be unfinished. Balaasins are mounted on metal studs. Next to the bolts fasten the handrail. After that, you need to make a visor, trimming a wooden frame board.

Make reliable railing with your own hands when building a porch is not so difficult

How to build a welded metal porch

Now we will deal with how to build a porch to a home made of metal. The technology of the construction of such structures is slightly different from the method of assembling wooden. Install the pipes from the pipe, angle or from a profile at least 50 * 50mm. Next, you need to make the frame of the upper platform. The guide should be made from a channel or corner.

The porch to the house from the metal can be done using a welding machine

The steps during the construction of the porch are welded from a corner in the form of a frame, to which the racks are welded in the height of the riser. Next, the resulting elements are welded to the growths, to their upper edge. Then the edged board is screwed to the corner.

Since the metal is a material that does not carry moisture, the canopy must be made. It is possible to equip the porch with your own hands, for example, a visor from the professional leaf. The frame is made from the steel corner.

Construction of a metal porch involves a mandatory visor device

If you like arched, dome or curved visors, polycarbonate can be used instead of metal profile. Make a curved frame independently, using the pipe bend. Polycarbonate sheets are attached to him on a self-tapping screw with thermoshabami.

From polycarbonate you can make a visor of a very interesting form

Important: Holes under the fasteners should be slightly more diameter than their rods. The screws themselves during the installation of the sheet are not tightened too much, since polycarbonate sheets are expanding with increasing temperature.

How to build a concrete march

To the stone building it is worth attaching a porch of concrete. With your own hands, it can be made filled or block.

Monolithic porch. How to build

During the construction of the porch made of monolith concrete, the formwork is used. Its form depends on the chosen form of the march itself. Make it easier from the board, and it represents a multi-tiered design (by the number of steps). All steps must be reinforced. The concrete mix is \u200b\u200bmanufactured from cement, sand and rubble in the proportion of 1 * 4 * 4.

To build a concrete porch, you need to make a multi-tier formwork

On a note: It looks very nice, a semicircular, a round or oval porch made of concrete. In this case, when building a formwork can be made of tin or plastic.

Look below, how can I build a porch with your own hands (video):

How to build a block porch

In order to make a neat porch of a country house from blocks or foam blocks, make markup. The foundation is suitable. The ladder is laid out with the dressing of the seams. The block design after the construction in the same way as the monolithic, be sure to be tiled or board. In this case, it turns out not just a good, but also a beautiful porch.

The porch can be built from concrete blocks

Approximately the same technology made a porch with their hands from a brick or stone.

How to tie a ladder to the house

In the event that the porch of the village house is arranged in the process of its construction, it is poured simultaneously with the foundation of the building.

Important: The foundation of the street ladder is laid on the same depth as the foundation of the house itself.

Build a porch best simultaneously with the building itself

However, it is more likely to bind the march to the building after it is erected. In this case, the rules for attaching the porch to the base, which will be discussed below.

Concrete ladder. How to build reliable

Adjusting the porch of the private house with their own hands, it is worth remembering that heavy designs are not recommended to be attached to the foundation and base rigidly. Between the march and the house in this case are packeroid or polyethylene. It may also be plywood or boards impregnated with bitumen. The fact is that the extension is usually produced by the already giving the house. A heavy concrete or brick staircase will definitely sit down.

Iron and wooden porch

In the event that you make a porch with your own hands from a tree or metal, you can attach it straight to the basement. At the same time, when building a bar or a metal corner nourishes the wall. To them with one edge and mounted wooden frame or iron frame of the upper platform.

Build a metal porch can be attached directly to the house.

What could be the foundation of the porch

How to properly attach the porch to the house with your own hands, we hope now you understand. Only one question remained not considered, namely, what should be his foundation. Under the street ladder, you can make the basis of different types.

Concrete pillow

Under the light wooden and metal stairs, with their construction, a small concrete pillow is usually suitable. Next, let's see how to pour such a support. It is not on all the width of the porch, but only under the first step of the march. Thus, it serves as a support for the kosomov or the taper. Mounting it is performed as follows:

  1. In the place where the ends of the cosomes will be located, the square bender is digging on the wing width. The depth of it depends on the weight of the street ladder design and is usually 30-40cm;
  2. A formwork is installed in the boobs. Next, on its bottom, sand or gravel layer in 10 cm is added;

Porch do it yourself. Photo of the process of the device concrete pillow under the march

  1. After that, the bottom is poured by a three-chamber layer of cement mortar;
  2. The resulting support establishes a reinforcement frame, which can be made from a rod 12mm;
  3. Next, the formwork is filled with a concrete mixture. At the same time, four parts of the sand and as many rubble are taken to one part of the cement of the brand 300-400.
Tip: In order to remove possible emptiness in the solution, you need to pierce it with a rod, a shovel or a wooden cooke in several places.
  1. At the last stage, the surface of the flooded pillow is thoroughly spilled. In this case, it will be possible to build the most stable porch.

If a wooden or metal staircase has a very wide or long march, it is worth building a pillow thoroughly. Wooden or concrete pillars of the upper platform should have thickening at the very bottom.

The concrete pillow under the porch can have quite large sizes. You can build it in the number and with steps

Column foundation under the porch to the house

Sometimes wooden ladders when building simply refrigerate to the poles. At the same time, besides the supports of the upper ground in the ground, two more wooden columns under the march are buried (instead of a concrete pillow). Similarly, it is also possible to make supports under the gauges of the metal staircase from pipe segments. Such a foundation costs cheaper pillows and erection easier, but it is less reliable.

You can build a porch with different types of columns

Ribbon foundation

Pretty complex technologically is the porch device in the event that it is built into the veranda. At the same time, most often when building under the entire design is completely poured with a ribbon foundation.

Porch do it yourself. Stock Foto Cover for ribbon foundation

Event This consists of several stages:

  1. After the markup is made, a trench is digging around the veranda;
  2. On her bottom, sand is poured;
  3. Further, the formwork is installed on the edges, which can be made from the board;
  4. Then the bottom of the trench is stacked with a thickness of 5 cm (support of fittings);
  5. The reinforcement knits from a rod in 12mm;
  6. After it is installed in the formwork, the latter is poured with a concrete mixture of the same composition as for a simple concrete pillow;
  7. Formwork can be removed every other day after filling.

How to build a porch. Filling of belt foundation

Important: The veranda and the march itself are upgraded not earlier than two weeks after the foundation device.

How to build a slab foundation

Next, let's see how to make a slab foundation under a street staircase. This type of base is arranged under heavy structures - concrete and bricks. It represents a monolithic plate under the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe stairs. It poured around the same as the pillow. The depth of the embedding depends on the depth of the establishment of the foundation of the building. It is usually 50-70cm.

Slab foundation under the porch is not very difficult

On a note: The thickness of the sand or gravel layer on SNiP should be at least 10 cm.

So now you know how to build a porch with your own hands. Depending on its variety, different techniques can be applied. Under the light street ladders you can make the foundation of cheaper and easier. Heavy structures require reason to hopefully.

(2 estimates, average: 4,50 out of 5)

Beautiful, reliable, comfortable, durable porch cannot be noticed. And enter the house, and get out of it is possible only along a stepwise extension outside. Porch is a homeowner business card. From stone, wood or metal - it complements the exterior of the house and gives the building a finished look. Providing a convenient passage to the dwelling, it is also intended to protect the doorway from sunlight, rainflows and plentiful snowfall.

As a rule, when developing a project of a new country house or cottage, the construction of a porch is envisaged. But sometimes for any reason the building is erected without the improvement of the porch, and after some time there is a need to attach it with his own hands. At first glance, the extension of steps to the entrance door is a rather troublesome and complex occupation. However, it can even cope with the construction of the porch beginner Builder-Lover.

Preparation and selection of material

A beautiful and practical porch to the door is built of stone and brick, made of concrete and wood. The original combinations of any material with wrought elements are harmoniously fit into the design of any country house. A novice builder or homeowner without construction skills is easier to build a porch in the country from the tree, as the wood is easily led by any processing, it costs relatively inexpensive and does not require complex skills and skills. Wooden railing and canopy, if desired, can be decorated with an exclusive carved pattern. Correctly make a porch project For your home, recommendations and drawings from the Internet are helping.

Gallery: Wooden porch in a private house (25 photos)

Varieties of wooden structures

Starting the construction of a wooden porch, it is necessary to understand that the design should be durable and reliable. In the process of daily operation, the ladder to the entrance is exhausted much faster than the building itself. Most often for the construction of the porch use a timber and a plaque from larch, ate or wood of other conifers.

Constructively distinguish between several porch species:

Properly chosen design of the wooden porch emphasizes the integrity of the architectural style and the attractiveness of the private structure.

Bookmark Fundament

The laying of a solid and reliable foundation for any structure is required. The design installed without a high-quality base is thrown, cracks and destroyed. The choice of the foundation under the porch is caused by several factors: the depth of groundwater, soil density, climatic conditions. The main aspect is the size and weight of the design. The massive heavy porch of brick or stone involves the construction of a ribbon or tiled foundation, or a concrete pillow. Light wooden porch is enough to install on piles.

No problems arise when the foundation for the manufacture of the porch is cast simultaneously with the construction of the house. Otherwise, before building a porch, it is necessary to decide how to make the basis and to associate it with the house. When drawing up an extension project, its form is determined: trapezoidal, radial, triangular or rectangular. As well as direction of steps. Ladder march can be alone, taking off to the front door from two opposite or adjacent sides (angle) or have several spans.

Easy wooden staircase from several steps is enough to install on simple and inexpensive foundation column.For the manufacture of a wooden staircase support, screw piles, concrete, monolithic or brick blocks, as well as asbestos-cement pipes, reinforced by reinforcement and concrete, are used. Wooden piles, even soaked with oil and antiseptic, will serve much less. On any supports opened below the level of ground freezing, the horizontal strapping from the bar is mounted.

More complex and massive wooden porches are installed on concrete pillow. To do this, in size, the porch is digging with a depth of 30 to 40 cm and a wooden formwork is installed. The bottom is covered with a 10 centimeter sand layer, gravel or broken brick and is poured with a cement solution of 3 cm. Then the reinforcement frame is installed and the concrete mixture is mounted from 1 part of the cement and 4 parts of sand and rubble. The formation of voids will prevent punishing a thin rod in several places. The surface is leveled and left until it is for 7-10 days.

Main elements

Today, country houses are most often elevated from a bar, glued wood, a rounded log, boilers. A durable and durable porch to a wooden house can be built completely from wood or emphasize its naturalness of stone finish.

The porch of any design consists of a horizontal platform and stairs:

Staircases are installed on lateral oblique boards, taitives. Steps to assets are fastened with shoes, screws, studs or installed in specially cutting grooves. More durable and reliable structures with steps laid in special triangular drank on the sidewalls. Such a kind of theater, kosource, Used more often.

Kosur is simple and more durable with "lumps". All sizes of the Kooower must be measured with special care. For the correct cutting of this most complex design element, it is recommended to make a stencil from dense cardboard or plywood. Boards for the tents are taken without cracks and bitch not thinner than 60 mm, with a width of 30 cm. With a width of the span more than 1 meter, it is recommended to install 3 tents or a cowra.

Assembling the porch

The wooden porch will serve longer when complying with some rules:

  1. Wood must be properly sucked. After sawing, all design elements are recommended to polish or open;
  2. All parts before installation require impregnation with an antiseptic, protective agent on insects and moisture-repellent solution.

Ladder march can be open, without the installation of the riser, and closed. To flow off the rainwater, the sticking can be installed with a bias of 1-2 °. Kosur for a porch of timber can be made of metal.

Stairs assembly stages:

The assembly on the principle of "Ship-Groove" with the use of waterproof glue is considered the most reliable.

Regular renewal of paintwork retains an attractive look.

Beginner builders, "kettles" it is easier to establish a sticking on the lining bars (sucking).

The roof of the attached porch can be installed as a canopy on the columns or attached to a visor to the wall of the building.

The main function of the porch for the country house is the protection of the main building from atmospheric precipitation, wind and the scorching sun. The porch can be built and constructed at the stage of the building of the house, and it is possible after, if such a need arises.

Since there are considerable loads, the base is made as reliable as possible.

With the help of the porch, you can revive the appearance of any home, the main thing is to make a harmonious combination. What kind of appearance of this building depends only on your preferences and financial capabilities.

If we talk about the options of the porch for giving, then they are closed and open. The last material only with handrails and fence, steps may not be at all, or only two - three. These designs refer to primitive types, and in turn are divided into attachments and capital. The first type can be added in winter inside the house.

Puffs with a canopy

It is manufactured from any suitable material called closed, and serve to protect the entrance to the house from the wind, snow and rain. With the help of such a design, you can expand the space and store, for example, the desired inventory or personal belongings.


Stages of work

Make a wooden porch in the country with your own hands is quite real, if you hold the following steps:

  • Preparation of a pocket of the depth of half the meter;
  • Installing support pillars;
  • Preparation of the site for the porch, cosomov and theetics.
  • Fasteners steps with nuts and bolts;
  • Installation of the railing begins with the fastener of the baluster and handrails.
  • Installing a visor.

Porch in the cottage from concrete

It is not afraid of neither heat or cold, if you build it in all the rules.

For this you need:

Brick porch

A beautiful porch at the cottage can be placed from bricks. Such material is more suitable for large buildings, against the background of small brick porch will look too cumbersome.

For the construction of such a design you need:

  • Install strong and pour it with concrete.
  • After drying, the concrete is put on the base.
  • To install the steps, you need to put a brick inside, and the facial separated the outdoor part.
  • At the end, the railing is installed, the visor, conduct the construction finish.


Use a ceramic brick for facing the porch, since it is characterized by high strength and durability. Do not take the material used for work, because when operating, the brick is destroyed.

For classic style, the option of design of the porch of a dacha house with a duct roof and graceful railings is suitable. With the help of backlighting and pots with flowers, you can refresh the appearance of the building.

For the style of the country, a tree with a skillful carvings is suitable. European style is guessed in laconism and clear lines.

To give the porch of the mounted mood of the Mediterranean or Latin countries, you can equip it in the form of a patio. Decorate the walls of Ivy, Clematis, maiden grapes, lemongrass.

Agriculture will help create furniture from rattan, wood. Pick the decor from bamboo and stone, creating the eastern style.

White and pastel gamma will postpone you mentally to Mediterranean countries, and a beautiful mosaic in Morocco.

Porch of pallets

Porch for giving with your own hands can be made of pallets. It is very simple and does not require a large investment of funds.

Before starting the installation, pallets must be seized, covered with primer and paint.

The base under the porch should be aligned, the geotextiles are put into order to avoid contact with. Pallets are mounted tight, fasten with screws and attach to base.

Porch for cottage house

Natural stone is a classic, but it is not different cheaper, besides, it is not suitable for all types of structures. The advantages should include durability and practicality. Such can stand almost by centuries. The porch in the monumental style is perfectly fitted, which can be highlighted by columns.

An forged porch for a country house, except for external beauty, such structures are distinguished by external strength and reliability. Forged elements will harmoniously fit into a general view of the construction, giving it a special highlight.

The porch with a canopy of polycarbonate to the cottage is a great option for those who want to save and make construction functional. Polycarbonate passes the sun rays by 88%, can be hidden under it from rain, and even put the car.

Also, instead of a canopy, you can install a visor over the porch, if you require a feature of style and design. Of course, he has a purely decorative role, but if other from it is not required, then this is an excellent inexpensive option.

Terrace with a porch for the country house

In the event that there is plenty of space in the area in front of the house, you can equip the terrace for recreation.

Here are furniture from rattan, pots with plants, lanterns, creating the atmosphere of comfort. If the foundation of the house is high, then you need to make stages.

If there is a high foundation in the structure, it is necessary to make a porch using steps. They can be out or. Also, you can build with glazing and hiding in it from the cold and rain.

The porch is the design that we see first, coming to the entrance to the house. In this case, absolutely no matter the country households we mean or urban. The porch needs a building not only for communication with the street, but also ensuring a smooth transition from the ground level on the site to the level of floors in the house. The porch performs a sanitary role - dust and dirt that we carry on the soles does not fall directly in our home, but a certain hygienic zone goes - steps and a platform before entering. If the porch is connected to a terrace or veranda, then it ceases to be only the dominant of the main entrance to the dwelling and can be a place to relax, making food, organizing a barbecue and even a second living room. But how to organize the registration of the main entrance to the house so that the appearance of the facade of the structure is transformed and the functional component of the designs replenish? We hope that the impressive selection of design projects of various platform execution options before entering, will help you correctly plan the construction of the porch or transform the existing structure.

Architectural features and embodiments of the porch

As a rule, the design of the porch is planned initially, during the preparation of the entire project of the building. But its expansion and possible transformations can occur significantly later when during the operation of the house it turns out that an open veranda is needed in front of the house for evening tea drinking or a terrace for enchanting air baths, and maybe at all - an additional all-season room that increases the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire country house .

Depending on the scales of country households and the needs of the owners, the porch can be a normal two-or-single visor, a small platform in front of the entrance door and several steps (weight depends on the foundation height of the house). But even such a simple design should be sustained in one style with the execution of the facade of the entire building. Even if the visor in front of the entrance door was decided to make an accent element of the facade, the material of the execution and the overall design of the design should be uniform.

Even the most small porch is capable of performing not only the intermediary functions between the street and the house. In addition to the fact that the roof of the porch reliably closes the platform in front of the inlet door from precipitation, in this zone you can equip a compact segment for recreation. After all, the charm of country life is exactly what can be in nature without losing at the level of comfort. A pair of compact garden chairs and a small coffee table - everything you need to organize a comfortable place to relax in the fresh air.

Porch combined with terrace - recreation area, place for meals and not only

The logical desire of the host of the private house is to expand the area of \u200b\u200bown dwellings and the creation of the most smooth transition from the land plot to the interior of the household. That is why most of the owners of the country apartments (be it a small garden house or a big size mansion) do not stop on the construction of a small visor over the entrance door and the compact area. The construction of the terrace or not glazed veranda is a logical continuation of the improvement of the country household.

Outdoor living room

Recreation area in nature, but at the same time, under a reliable canopy, protecting against any precipitation and almost completely from the wind, is an excellent opportunity to increase the level of comfort of stay in a country house or a summer cottage. Moreover, for the organization of a comfortable and beautiful living room on the terrace there is enough comfortable garden furniture (sofa or pairs of seats) and a small table stand.

It is impossible to introduce more organic integration than wicker furniture installed on the covered terrace of a country house. It is the woven furniture that creates a special charm at furnishings of a country rest. Easy and mobile, diverse design and color solutions, aesthetic and practical furniture with a wicker frame will be an indisputable decoration of the recreation area of \u200b\u200byour terrace connected to the porch.

Another equally popular way to create an atmosphere, as close as possible to nature - the use of wood furniture. In order to get the maximum level of comfort in the surrounding area in the fresh air, you can use furniture with wooden frame and soft pillows in the seats and backs. You can add a composition of such seats or sofas with a table in any design - wood is perfectly combined with other materials.

Often on an open veranda, the space from the roof to the railil is closed with mosquito nets so that it is possible not only to relax in the fresh air in the afternoon, but also to enjoy cool in the evening, and maybe even sleeping in a safe place ...

You can also use light translucent fabrics. They will help not only to protect against insects (at least 100% result is not guaranteed), but also create a special, romantic situation for maximum relaxation.

Do not forget to decorate your living room outdoor. The perfect version of live plants that can be located in the floor large pots and ads, grow in wall caspo or located on special lattices, creating a "green wall".

Zone for trapes on an open veranda

Any food seems tastier if you enjoy it outdoors. Having a country housing and it would be strange to refuse to themselves in such a pleasure. That is why most country house owners try to organize a segment for outdoor trapes, but with protection against possible precipitation. Covered terrace or dub with a canopy, an elongated porch - any option is good for placement of the dining table with chairs.

In order to equip the zone, the trapes on the open veranda most often used garden furniture. It can be made of the following materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • rattan (natural or artificial), vines, bamboo or feast of nuts;
  • combining materials to create original models and increase strength and durability of structures.

The selection of the execution material for the dining group will depend on the coating of the terrace of the terrace (not all floor covering will withstand the pressure of the metal legs and chairs), the maximum weight of households (plastic and woven furniture has a sufficiently low threshold of extremely permissible weight), stylistic design of the porch and the financial capabilities of the owners .

Metal garden furniture is durable and durable, withstands the highest loads - this is an investment for many years. But it is important to understand that the platform for such a furnishing is needed an appropriate (ceramic or stone tile, only solid, dense varieties of wood). Another nuance - metal chairs are very cold, without fabric, soft seats can not do.

Garden furniture from wood - Trend for all times. Wood is able to fit perfectly in any environment - it all depends on the style of furniture execution. If you like simple, laconic solutions - choose a rectangular dining table and shops to it. This is a durable, reliable and sustainable kit, ready for any tests - from the usual family lunch before receiving guests in the fresh air with a meal.

Wicker furniture can be used to organize a dining area. Only for the design of the table It is necessary to use combination with other materials - glass, wooden and even acrylic countertop will look great on a wicker frame. But such models have certain weight limits - it swings and chairs, and the frame for the table top.

Plastic garden furniture is incredibly mobile, democratic for the price and extremely easy to care. Plastic chairs are easy to transfer and hide in case of severe weather. And the medium size plastic table will be able to raise one person. But plastic has its drawbacks - weight limits and low life. Therefore, often manufacturers use techniques that allow you to increase the strength and durability of garden furniture - have seats and plastic backs on metal or wooden frames, legs.

For some large-sized buildings, it is possible to organize such a spacious terrace under the roof that there is enough space for its arrangement to the recreation area, and the segment for the trapes, also for a set for barbecue space remains. The advantage of such open sites is that the platform can also be placed along the adjacent walls of the building (the main thing is that one side in length does not exceed 7-7.5 m).

Swing on the terrace - the benefits of a country life

The location of the suspended swings under a canopy or on the terrace is a wonderful opportunity to arrange the most comfortable surrounding area in the fresh air. After all, it is with a country life that many of us are associated with the joy of easy skewing on the swing - on the garden or the country's garden, the suspended structures have long become an integral attribute of a comfortable stay. Spacious pendant swings on the terrace can perform the sofa function in the recreation area and even combine the bedroom options for those who like to take out in the fresh air.

Unlike swing, which can be suspended on a plot to a solid tree branch, models for location under the roof have a high plank for weight limitations - several people can sit on such a sofa-swing. Suspended structures on ropes or metal chains can be chosen in size to the terrace or veranda of any modification.

Porch with a glazed veranda - Additional living area

Most often attachment of a full-fledged out-arrangement room to the porch of the house occurs after some time of operation of the countryside. When it becomes clear that the owners would not mind to equip a place to relax or carrying out the trapez with an excellent view of his own site or its surrounding nature. That's just doing it, I want to year-round, in any weather. The veranda or terrace will require not only glazing, but also carrying out work on the installation of waterproofing systems and ventilation.

You can even glacify even a completely small space (by the roof visor value). Modern panoramic windows make it easy to create a light space, but also reliably protect the room from any manifestations of bad weather. The resulting room can be used to organize a rest space, a greenhouse or a reading corner - sunlight will be more than enough.

In a glazed room, the use of which is assumed during the entire year, it is necessary to create a heating source. An ideal option for creating not only heat source, but also a special atmosphere of a country house - installation of the fireplace. At the same time, it is not necessary to build a full-fledged hearth with chimney - a fairly electrical instrument, which perfectly copes with the imitation of live fire. It may be an electrical appliance and is not able to transfer the entire atmosphere of rest of the living fire, with the smell of mannings, but from the point of view of security, including a fire industry, such a way is exactly better for the glazed veranda.

The organization of the dining area in a closed all-season room is an equally popular option to arrange a glazed veranda. You can enjoy delicious food all year round, admiring the surrounding nature - modern windows with panoramic overview will help.

In some cases, after an extension of the veranda to the porch, the owners do not even have to separate the surfaces that were given to a new room from the facade of the building. The walls are laid out, decorated with siding or wood, will give a special charm to the interior of the glazed veranda.

But in some cases the room needs to be finished. For example, for a very narrow veranda, it is necessary to use light tones for a visual increase in space. Of course, the abundance of glass surfaces reduces the risk of the fear of a closed space of small sizes, but the support of white will not hurt.

Https: //www..jpg 941 1254 DIX. https: //www..png.DIX.2017-05-01 09:26:58 2018-11-30 11:15:29 100 ideas of the porch of a country house


Entrance to a private house without a porch is very rare. Even if there is no high base and the door is located at the ground level, can provide a small canopy or fencing, which indicate the input group.

A beautiful porch in a private house is not just a functional element that facilitates the entrance and protecting the door from precipitation, this design plays an important role in creating a single architectural appearance of the building. It is the materials of the base, the facade and roof most often serve as a determining factor in the arrangement of the porch.

Porch for a private house: tree

A wooden porch in a private house is one of the most common options. It is well suited for wooden houses, and for stone. A tree is a universal material that can be used independently and in combination with a stone or brick. It combines well with any facing panels and stoves, has high decorative qualities in its natural form and being painted.

This classic-style country house, with simple and laconic lines in the trim, has an absolutely identical porch. The same color, the same pillars-columns (like a side gallery), a double symmetric roof of the house and the roof of the indoor with the same tile, even repeats the geometry of the front. A short span in two steps and the playground are completely made of wood and only lined out of the brick, as well as the base of the house and a fencing border of gravel scene.

Porch for a private house

The following example of a wooden house has another porch design.

The high base, implies the presence of a semi-base room, so the stair march has a greater number of steps. A wide long platform (able to place a pair of chairs and a small table) and the second floor windows above the porch require another shape of the canopy - single one. It differs from the base the base finish - to ensure the natural ventilation of the wooden structure, vertical lattices are provided in its walls.

Porch in a private house

In this case, a tree is used with its natural texture. Flooring, steps and risers are made entirely of wood, but such a "proximity" to the ground will require special protection of the tree. The porch in a private house is very effectively combining the combined roof - a copper sheet plus a tile that repeats the laying of wooden siding.

Even such a tiny house in the forest could not do without a porch. Porch for a private house, and this is not a separate extension, but a part of the overall design with a single roof and base. And only three point-made steps are allocated by their "independence".

The presence of two descents from the porch allows them to use to go to the wicket or to the courtyard.

The porch for the house, attracts not only functionality, the project designer was able to harmoniously combine the elements of traditional style and modern. Classic doors, windows and columns are successfully combined with decorative platform fence and unusual wall color. Against this background, the texture of a wooden tail ceiling and .

Porch with a canopy

Porch in a private house in modern design. Its feature is a transparent roof that gives a special ease of construction. The heat-treated tree is used for the site, steps and lining of the vase, which has water resistance not worse than a terrace board of exotic rocks.

Porch in a private house photo

In this case, it is interesting to unite into one piece of a small porch and the terrace in front of the house - the upper step and the shop around the open decorative focus lie in the same plane. The use of the same type of board emphasizes this unity.

Porch for a private house combined with a terrace.

On this photo, the porch is not on the street or to the courtyard, but in the covered gallery.

His design resembles a short staircase span of an apartment building, and exactly the same staircase leading to the basement, this feeling enhances. And only the view into the courtyard and on the street shows that this is the same private house as standing nearby.

And this example is what a closed porch can. In the previous case, the entrance was located inside a glazed indoor gallery, here a different protection principle is used - a special "tambour", which is not only a roof, but also full walls with a window.

Porch for a private house: tree and stone

The combination of wood and stone allows you to fully exploit the features of each material, creating original structures. A light and durable tree is well-processed and attractive both in painted form and in natural. The stone is not afraid of moisture and resistant to abrasion, and its texture is equally good and in a polished plate, and in the unprocessed, "cooler" of the surface.

This is an example when the house is practically worth "on earth." The absence of the base does not mean that the porch can be neglected. He has no steps, and the entrance is a plain stone plate, which serves as a continuation of the track. But canopy over the porch, based on a wooden structure with a decorative ornament and a patterned grille, compensates for this "disadvantage".

Porch for a private house photo

Such a house in the forest can be called an illustration for an old fairy tale. The style itself (Shebbi-Shik), accurate subways, a canopy and an openwork icy ornament fit into the harmony of this "miniature". Laying base Adds the charm of the house, and its location on the hillside hill (the porch level is lower than at the house) make it look at it from the bottom up, making it visually higher.

Porch in a private house photo

Another house in the forest, but already in the style of Rustic.

The porch for the house, on the pillars, the railing and the fencing of the terrace went wood from the surrounding thickets. From there, the railing and bales of the stairs of the porch. Yes, and behind the stone for the foundation and steps, apparently did not have to ride. Full harmony with nature.

Porch in a private house in harmony with nature

The traditional style of this house will emphasize every detail of the porch: a beautiful tiled roof with a tump and drainage; Arched joint of wooden columns with a classic capital; Laconic fence and railing; Facing a wild stone wall and clinker paving on the site and steps. Everything is made thoroughly and securely.

The porch of the modern house can be separated from the usual canons. Massive columns, trimmed with wood and support long visor, create a prospects for the front door. There are no steps and differences in the height of the entrance to the surface of the Earth, and therefore there is no fence. The inlet zone is underlined by a small elevation of the site over the adjoining track.

Glazed gallery or veranda is standard extensions to the house.

The glazed porch for the house is much less common, but it is essentially the same execution, only it usually has a smaller area. Although in this case the owner of the house decided in his own way, and not only glazed the porch, but made a fully closed transition to the next building (Flygel or guest house).

Porch for a private house photo

Porch for a private house: stone

Stone can be used in the arrangement of the porch and without attracting a tree. This allows you to achieve solidity, which is especially welcome in classic styles. Massive brick columns, plastered and painted with white paint, granite steps and staircase finish the same tile - typical English entrance style.

An antique portico, based on the arch on the columns, the lace lung of the furnace of the doorway, vases with plants (as a living hedge of the porch pad) and granite steps. This is another classic direction - a colonial style.

The following example can be used as a sample of conciseness, which is not alien and classic style (in this case, Mediterranean). The granite plate lying at the entrance to the house is essentially the only detail that can be attributed to the porch. Together with the arched opening (decorated the same in the texture of the granite tiles) and the "drowning" in the inlet door, it creates a very effective ensemble.

Such a "two-storey" monumental structure probably would be more a palace. But this is the design of the porch of a country house, albeit big. The presence of a facade accent backlight indicates that it is given to the main role in the entire architectural ensemble.

Here the scale is much more modest.

But as in the previous example, the Kolotaya Limestone texture plays a significant role in the decorative finish. "Chain" looks very attractive, hanging along the column - in fact, it acts as a drain pipe, which departs from the funnel of the catchment gutter.

The combination of metal and stone is no less effective, even in such a relatively small format. A canopy, based on the wall with two beams of a square metal profile, has a symmetric continuation of two stone Tumb, which are crowned with flowers with flowers.

Here also carrying a carp design is made of metal, but it is fixed by two cables. And in the finishing of the porch is used wild stone. But this is a modern style - simple and functional.

Porch for a private house: brick

Another building material that can act as one of the main ones in the design of the house.

It can be a completely modest brick porch with a wooden canopy for home by siding. For steps it is not suitable ordinary or , only clinker tiles or pavers can withstand long-term mechanical loads and exposure to high humidity.

This house has a porch a little more. Here the brick is assigned the function of the fencing and base, which is based on a canopy of wooden beams with a tiled roof. The lighting system is interesting - except the upper lamp, there is a lower backlight located under a bench.

Another option of a closed porch with your door. In this case, the brick acts as the main building material and the porch, and the two-storey house.

And this is a brick porch in a private house, turning into an open gallery at home in three floors. The light ivory grout emphasizes the texture of the material and different laying methods.

Porch for a private house: concrete

Usually this artificial stone is hidden under decorative trim, but for modern architectural style it can be left open.

As in this case, when the path of concrete is organically proceeds to the monolithic porch. Of course, this is not the usual brands of concrete, used in the construction of the walls, and the compositions reinforced by microfiber or surface treated with topping.

A porch for a private house has a more complex design that goes into the lower level of the house standing on the hillside.