Repairs Design Furniture

Modern design of a private house. Modern Cottage Design Design Draft Unusual Country Houses

Design of a country house or cottage from design

We provide an exclusive comprehensive home interior design and turnkey repair. When designing a design project of the house, we will take into account all the features of the object - architecture, location, views from windows and illumination. The most important objectives of the design is not only aesthetics and style, as well as the convenience and functionality of the future at home.

Interior design will be based on the wishes and capabilities of the customer. We will create a unique object for your life, planning and interior of which long years Will be relevant. The main trend in the creation of a house design is the creation of a generic nest, reflecting the history of the family and the personal interests of each of its inhabitants.

For you, we:

  • 01 We make competent layout. This will make all the rooms spacious and cozy.
  • 02 Find optimal solutions for your budget
  • 03 Use only actually existing materials and furniture. You will not need to "run" shopping, we all find and show and show.
  • 04 Making cool cozy design interior. Create a unique object for life.
  • 05 Convenient phased payment for you.
  • 06 Calculate the estimate on repair work. We will make a schedule of work. Weekly will report on the progress.
  • 07 Make quality repairs on the project project "turnkey"
  • 08 We will give a documented guarantee for all types of work performed.

Scheme of our work

How cooperation is going on

We select furniture
and materials under
your budget

We rent you
design project

11-19 week

We buy materials
and furniture

Design of a country house or cottage from design

Design Houses from Design Master

Phased implementation on the example

How does the project work

We analyze the situation

Customers - a young family with 2 children, a 3-storey country house, the material of the outer walls - the monolith, the second light in the living room - the ceiling height is 6.7 meters, we have the need to make 2 children's rooms, 3 bathrooms, functional attic.

Before starting work on the project, our designers left for a measure of the object, performed a photo application of all rooms and nodes on communications. Directly at the facility includes a technical task with the customer, where we discuss in detail each room, we learn the preferences of the customer, his lifestyle to provide everything necessary when preparing a planning solution.

We work on the planning solution

Competent planning solution is a pledge comfortable life. Planning is a skeleton of the future interior, so at this stage it is necessary to consider everything to the smallest detail. Binding to communications largely determines the location of the rooms. As a result of redevelopment, on social floor There is a maid room, a sauna, a gym and a rest room. The layout turned out logical and very comfortable. Customers are satisfied.

We work on a conceptual solution

Before starting work on visualization, we select analogues in a given style direction. Which we deal with in detail at a personal meeting to determine which of the style and functional solutions are like the customer.

And already determining the concept of the interior, we proceed to the development of sketches.

In work on sketches, the whole studio takes part, everything is thoroughly thought out, discussed and then being finalized. Only after that the customer is shown ready 3D visualization.

We make drawings for builders, prepare the estimate

For builders, we make detailed drawings, sweeps and schemes necessary to implement the project.

Everything decoration Materials And the furniture used in the project, we enter into a statement with an indication of the articles, quantities, costs and address addresses, where they can be purchased.

The most difficult part is probably therefore the most interesting. Perfect repair No problem is myth! It is always necessary to come to a compromise in the struggle for space, aesthetics and price adequacy already in the process of construction.

In the process of implementation, it always arises, I always repeat the need to solve a bunch of tasks: make changes to the project, change the positions of custom materials and furniture removed from production, and another hundred other problems that will require an urgent solution. Not a prepared person simply will not be able to cope with such work. We do it professionally with proper enthusiasm and scrupulousness, which guarantees 100% accurate compliance with the implementation of the design project without participating in this customer.

Modern housing is not just a place for habitat, this is a whole world for its owners, reflected their views on comfort, aesthetics and functionality. When making your home, the owners can embody their designer ideasThis is how modern trends missed through the prism of our own ideas about beauty, harmony and practicality. And the fashion on the interior design does not stand still - new materials and their combinations, actual color palettes and furniture models, appear, household appliances. Of course, changing trends in the design of interiors is not so fast as a change in mainstreams in fashion on clothing, for example. But a certain change of trends can be traced with each new season. If you are planning to repair or a small alteration in your private house, if you wish to see the dwelling not only convenient, practical, attractive, but also modern, then our impressive selection of current design projects for you.

Major trends in the design of cottages in 2017

Light and spacious rooms

Spaciousness and abundance of light - a key to success in creating any interior design. If your home has spacious premises with big windowsthen equip it in modern style Will not work. Fortunately, things with large squares in private homes are much more worse than in the apartments of the standard building. In its home ownership, you can expand the doorways and replace panoramic windows by desire. But it happens that the rooms do not differ in private houses in large volumes. If physically the space cannot be increased, then it remains only to achieve a visual increase in the parameters of the rooms. Everything is well-known designer techniques - the use of light tones for finishing surfaces, mirror, glass and glossy planes, enhancing the lighting system and the distribution of light sources along zones, the application of the planning that will allow natural lighting spread freely, refusal to drape windows or the use of thin, translucent fabrics.

Combining functional zones

Combine the kitchen, dining room and living room within one big room Actually not only in apartments, but also private households. Not losing popularity to use open planning when combining functional segments. For many owners of private apartments, it is more convenient to use space in which all the most important zones are combined for the whole family - a kitchen, dining room and a living room. Often the hallway zone is added to the combined space or general corridor. At the same time, the bedrooms of parents and children are highlighted in separate rooms, bathrooms and bathrooms are also isolated.

When designing a common room, in which the kitchen zones, dining room and living room smoothly flow one to another, it is important to withstand general concept, But at the same time it is impressive zoning space. As a rule, such a multifunctional room is performed in a single finish, furniture models in different segments have one stylistic performance, but may differ in color and texture. Only in the kitchen zone can be found a retreat from the general selection of finishing materials - kitchen apron and floor covering in work zone Can be performed using ceramic (stone) tiles. In this case, each functional area has its own light sources - point or in the form of tape light.

But the combination of functional zones touched not only the connection of the living room with a kitchen and dining room. IN modern houses Rarely you can find a home office as separate room. The exception is only the owners working at home and conducting written or computer table Most of the day. In other cases, a small home office is located within the framework of premises with another functional purpose. For example, in the bedroom, the desktop may follow the role and toilet table. Most often workplace Located at the window, but it all depends on the size, layout and quantity window Operactions premises.

Also, the workplace can be placed in the dining room, if it is isolated in a separate room of a large area ...

The introduction of a home mini-office in the living room space is not less popular ...

Use of eco-motives

The introduction of eco-style motifs in modern interior - The trend is not new. But in the coming season, she does not lose its relevance. After all, many of us would like to feel the proximity to nature in a noisy and dusty city, and the easiest way to do this in a cozy and quiet harbor - your own home. Via natural materials And living plants can not be easy to bring warmer notes into a modern interior, but also to create a truly exclusive design. For example, wooden ceiling beams in rough processing They will look contrasting in a minimalist interior or among the glossy and metal shine of the room decorated in the style of High-tech.

Features of finishing

Modern style puts in the chapter angle of decoration of residential premises. Personal Comfort. Even in the finishing of surfaces, the convenience and practicality, durability and environmental friendliness of materials becomes more important than aesthetics. Therefore, one-photon surfaces that do not harm human and environmentBeing easy to care for and can be operated for a long time become mainstream. Very popular indoor introduction with ordinary imitation finish concrete surfaces. Create a "concrete" wall or part of it can be using liquid wallpaper, decorative plaster or fliselinic cloths. Cleaings for walls or their sites are not less popular. High ecology, ability to "breathe", excellent sound and thermal insulation properties are put in priority.

One of the trends that appeared a couple of seasons ago was the use of textured finishing materials for the design of the accent wall in bedrooms, living rooms, cabinets, canteens and even children's rooms. The use of textile wallpapers, wall-mounted panels made of various raw materials, allows not easy to create a variety in the finishing of the vertical surfaces of the room, but to perform a truly unique interior design.

Another equally popular trend in the design of accent walls is the use of brickwork. This can be a real brick wall, left in its natural colors and only treated with necessary antiseptics, may be imitation with wallpaper or wall panels, tiles. Tools also painting brick walls White color (or any light, pastel tone - depending on the color Gamma. interior), the focus of the surface is not color, but as a textured.

Fashionable color solutions

White color will never come out of fashion. And not only because it perfectly contributes to visual expansion of space in small rooms. It is not less used in spacious premises as the main background. With the help of white, you can create a lightweight, air, almost weightless image of the interior. In addition, it is perfectly combined with any color decisions of the rest of the design of the room, which is important for homeowners who have decided to draw up a housing repair project on their own. On a snow-white background, even non-soldered items look contrast, expressive, effectively

Contrast combinations do not come out of fashion for several seasons. Dynamic, expressive and externally attractive images of premises, which can be created, alternating snow white surfaces With dark spots, loved and designers, and their customers. Black and white interior Diluted with various shades graya, the introduction of wood surfaces. As a result, fresh, but at the same time strict, modern, but cozy images of the premises.

The last trend was the integration of bright interior items into a light image of the room. Against the background of snow-white or pastel surfaces, any color furnishings or decor will look impressive, expressive. But this season, designers offer not "modest" in choosing an accent and acquire really bright, colorful interior design elements. It can be deep dark tones, and bright saturated shades.

This season is incredibly popular with complex shades. of blue color. Ultramarine and turquoise, malachite-blue and indigo, blue with an admixture of white or gray, the color of "shabby jeans" or pure sky - all these variations can be used as the main background of the room (it all depends on its size and location relative to the parties to the light), So in the form of accent spots in the light image of space.

Combination of blue I. blue shades With mustard, sandy, golden and lemon tones becomes mainstream of modern design projects. The combinations are quite courageous, they require the intervention of specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to finishing materials, and the furniture must be chosen, which is called "live". Do not rely on the photo on the Internet - shades should be harmonized, contribute to creating a positive, easy, but at the same time the exclusive setting of the room.

Actual choice of furniture

In fashion, simplicity and conciseness, convenience and comfort. In modern design projects, it is less and less likely to see complex furnishing items, which are acquired solely because of the famous name of the designer. Comfortable and simple solutions in their genius - the key to creating a comfortable, functional and cozy interior. If we talk about upholstered furniture for the living room and bedrooms, then it is mostly simple and laconic, but is made of good-quality materials that can serve for many years. Upholstered furniture is often equipped with folding mechanisms, capable of transforming, has cavities that serve as storage systems - functionality, practicality and ease of operation are placed at the head of the corner.

As for the choice of furniture used as storage systems, the fashion is still smooth facades. Laconicity and simplicity, even some rigor of such execution harmoniously fits into any of the variations of the modern style. In the kitchen space, smooth facades are used to perform the top and bottom tier of the cabinets (or are combined with doors equipped with accessories), the living rooms use low storage systems, in some cases hinged modules, in the bedrooms, laconium execution is most often present in the image of built-in wardrobes.

Decoration and lighting of a modern house

Minimalism is less affected by the preparation of design projects in the modern style. The main trends remained the same - the desire for maximum comfort due to the distribution of the existing space between the necessary items. It is necessary to get rid of all too much and leave only functional items capable of acting as decor. In the new season, this thesis is softened, designers offer more opportunities to decorate their homes. But any decoration should not be harmful to the holistic perception of the image of space - it should not litter it, crushing the surface, visually reduce the volume.

The lighting system plays an important role in the formation of rooms of any functional purpose. But in private homes, the choice and distribution of lamps is sharper, because many rooms have a really large area, contain various life segments, each of which needs individual illumination. If several zones are combined in space, then, as a rule, the lighting system acts as the main central chandelier (or two), point light sources in each zone and a possible backlight embedded in furniture (most often in kitchen spaces).

Features of room design with different appointments

Living room

There is a great influence on the formation of modern stylistics scandinavian style. Its simplicity, adjacent to comfort and elegance, attract their availability and versatility. The motives of Northern Europe countries can be used not only in apartments, but also within the framework of urban or country houses. Snow-white walls, comfortable soft furnitureMandatory availability wooden surfaces (Whether the floor covering, the execution of storage or workplace systems), textiles made of natural raw materials and live plants - in such an environment, most of us are easy to feel comfortably and comfortable.


The bedroom in a modern private house is a bright and comfortable room. Not always spacious, but necessarily decorated with the maximum level of personal comfort for the owners space. Light finish allows you to create a perfect tone for the main "character" of the interior - beds. Exactly sleeping place It becomes the main accent and can be performed with a certain luxury share - expensive headboard, natural fabrics in textile design.

Kitchen and dining room

In private householdings, the kitchen, as a rule, is a fairly spacious room, in which it is not necessary to paint every centimeter of the useful space. That is why in the allocation of a separate room for the dining room most often no need. The kitchen decorated in a modern style is technologically and multifunctional, concisely in its execution of the finish, but multitasked in terms of the integration of household appliances in the framework of the furniture ensemble. All the principles of ergonomics for the correct and safe location of the instruments, storage systems, work surfaces and places for the trapes are respected by default - the area allows you to save.

Children's room

Children's rooms are a space for which it is difficult to create trends in artificially. All children are different, with their preferences in the kinds of games and creativity, favorite heroes, fairy tales, cartoons. The child's age becomes not unavailable and the approximate temporary so talk about the motives of the design projects for children does not have to. One can only say that the materials will never come out of fashion that do not harm the child's health, can be easily cleaned and do not lose their freight look.


If all the space of the private house is drawn up in a modern style, then the utilitarian premises will look suitable. Practicality and functionality are put at the head of the corner. Easy in choosing color solutions allows you to create visually spacious images even within the room with a modest area. Pastel shades in the finishing of surfaces and the execution of storage systems are perfectly harmonized with whiteness of sanitary devices, creating a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere.

Https: //www..jpg 937 1437 DIX. https: //www..png.DIX.2017-01-25 07:29:32 2018-11-30 11:15:54 Modern design Cottage

The interiors of country houses and cottages today are striking the variety of interesting layouts, unusual style mixes and non-standard color combinations. At the same time, in private residences there are still a place for traditional solutions. Thus, the living rooms here are almost always equipped with fireplaces, often attached to them with Volterian chairs, and Baldakhins often meet in the decoration of bedside zones. Wall panels, moldings and elements of natural wood are very common in the decoration. Want to know what other ideas and techniques are now found in the interiors of country houses and cottages? Then see the selection of photos and sketches below.

Interiors of country houses in classic style: photo

When it comes to style for the interior of a country house and a cottage, the classic is almost always the first thing that comes to mind. Classic style is characteristic of calm, respectability and restraint. This direction is optimally suitable for those who dream of turning their cottage in the family residence with history. Of course, if you want to get an interior class of economy, then the photo of the country houses in the classic style is unlikely to be relevant for you. The fact is that the classic is considered quite expensive to embody the direction. But u classic interior There is practically no service life.

1. Interior of classic billiard room

In the photo: the design of a classic billiard room in the house

34. Light shades in the design of the living room in the staircase hall

In the photo: living room design in the stairs resolved in bright colors

The living room design in the staircase hall of the country house is made on the basis of white. The light brown floor and the mini-rack consonant in shade gives the contrast of the light composition. This technique, as the use of a dark flooring with white walls, contributes to the fact that the ceiling seems more high than it is in reality. Of course, there was no Olga Kondratova studio design project and without the use of color accents. In this case, such an accent served as a purple sofa.

35. Shades of chocolate and boiled condensed milk

Figure: In the interior of the living room in country house Dominance chocolate tints

We all love sweet, and therefore shades causing associations with desserts usually cause very warm emotions. Chocolate, turquoise mint lollipops, vanilla, caramel, cream-brule - all these tones in lately Find widespread use in the interiors of country houses and cottages. And the design of the living room shown in the figure above serves the best thing confirmation. Here, the color base composed of the shades of milk chocolate and beige tones is diluted with bright turquoise accents in the form of sofa pillows.

36. Pistachio accents on a beige background

In the photo: In the design of a cabinet in the attic of a country house, an emphasis is used as a pistachio chair

And in the design of this attic room in the country house, the colorsistic basis was all the same shades of beige. The paint space of the room is saturated purple flowers On the wallpaper and the chair of the pistachio shade. They, like a blueberry and lime pieces in a dairy cocktail, are well refreshing a beige basis.

Living rooms in cottages are drawn up in different styles, taking into account the preferences of the customer. In the examples you will find with photos showing the design of B, as well as using modern trends.

1. Golden geometry on a cream background

This interior is striking the clarity of lines and their geometricality. It manifests itself in curly finish and wall panels, Mirrored ceiling fragments, baguetas for paintings of equal size and mirror panel with facet over the fireplace. The listed parts helped the designers to create a luxury palace atmosphere indoors.

2. Living room interior in Russian style

Country house interior with rustic style motifs

The project in the photo above is intended for interiors of country houses and cottages in Russian style. Here elements of style are expressed brick masonry and a fireplace made in the spirit of rustic traditions. In addition, a bright outdoor carpet emphasizes family comfort and a warm homemade atmosphere.

3. Compact living room in a small townhouse

7. Burgundy motifs in the golden-sand bedroom

Cream bedroom design with burgundy accents. Photo 2016.

In that light interior You can see several components burgundy color, juicy standing out on a bright background and attracting attention. They are represented by the father-in-law, pillows on bed and lush brushes for curtains.

8. Live plants in turquoise bedroom

Turquoise Bedroom Design in Townhouse

The light-turquoise finish of the room brings thoughts about nature. This topic can be emphasized by alive plants. For example, establish a few neat bonsayev on toilet table. They will become the final stroke in the interior design and will effectively stand out on a neutral background.

9. Stained glass windows in bed

Modern bedroom design idea with stained glass windows. Photo 2016.

Another of the successful additions to your can be stained glass windows on the sides of the head of the bed. Similar stained glass windows look like additional windows In the room, creating the illusion of high-quality day lighting.

Children's in the interior of a country house

I must like the baby, as well as to be convenient for games and school studies. Therefore, its design requires a special approach.

10. Room for two sons

Children's design in bright colors

This room is decorated in light blue colors. It contains illustrations of marine orientation and other attributes associated with sea and adventures. The room has everything you need for children, namely: sofa, bed, table and chairs for studying, as well as spacious wardrobe for clothes.

11. Bedroom design in pink tones for a girl

Pink bedroom for girl on attic. Photo interior

The following photo displays one of the options for children in the interior of country houses and cottages. The room is in the attic, so the designers were able to successfully highlight the study area using a natural roof slope.

12. Children's in turquoise-pink colors

Design White Blue Baby For Girl

This room is also designed for the girl. It combines tender and pink shades, and the overall impression is complemented by floral patterns and drawings on stained glass with illuminated.

13. Children's for a little princess

Pink Baby Design with Round Bed

This interior is able to form a sense of style from your little daughter and love for sophisticated things. After all, here are carefully selected with gentle shades of pink tones, against the background of which the bed looks profitable round shape and elegant lamps with hanging crystal suspensions.

Bathroom interiors in cottages and country houses: photos and descriptions

Bathroom, like any other room, needs a thorough choice of furniture, plumbing and finishing materials.

14. Tubes with a toilet table

Design beige bathroom. Photo 2016.

If you want to install two sinks in your bathroom, use the cabinets with a built-in toilet table. They will help save free space indoors.

15. Classic bathroom: Interior design methods

Bathroom design in beige colors

To create a classic interior it is better to use plumbing in retro style. It can be supplemented with thematic photographic windows corresponding to the interior with luminaires and lush curtains on the windows.

16. Luxury Jacuzzi Bath

Photo Interior Bathroom in Modern Style

17. Bright bathroom for girls

And, of course, do not forget about the children's bathroom. After all, grafting the child of the rules of hygiene is possible only subject to the interest of the kid. So the bathroom for the girl should be issued in bright tones, taking into account the safety and environmental friendliness of the materials used.

All examples of interiors of country houses and cottages in the photo were performed by designers of our studio, taking into account the wishes of customers.

Text: Rimma Alexandrova

The construction of cottages increases every year at times. The same trend is traced in the construction of cottage settlements. Minus in a large-scale construction is a typical project that buildings are built. Therefore, its interior and design becomes a distinctive feature of each cottage.

The unity of the stylistic idea is expressed in the community of the interior of all the premises of the private house: bedrooms, living room, dining room, cabinet, etc. However, it is not necessary to arrange the rooms of the cottage in a single style. Quality design The interior of the house you will receive if the decoration of each room will be harmoniously interrelated.

You wanted to buy the house of your dreams, but you do not understand modern trends Design of houses and cottages, then contact professionals for help. In construction or design companies you will provide a photo of a cottage design in different stylistics.

And to begin with, consider the characteristic features of popular styles of cottages design.

Classic style

Ancient Greek round columns, a terrace with fences, decorated with flowers with flowers, a two-sided door at the entrance, calm frontoth - elements of the design of cottages in a classic style.

The aristocratic environment prevailing inside and outside the house supports forged fence.

Baroque style

Luxury italian style It is expressed in the facade of the cottage: windows in arched design, a central porch with a wide staircase and a balcony from above, statues, a marble base.

Modern style. Minimalism

A distinctive feature is the ease of design of a country house, which is created using a glass facade.

For outdoor decoration Houses use natural materials: stone, wood. There is no decor of the cottage walls. At the heart of the house design - simple geometric shapes.

Modern style

Country cottage B. english style It looks sophisticated thanks to the main entrance with three march-wings, which is decorated with a chic forged fence. The romance of the style is supported by columns that are located symmetrically on the facade of the building, and a balcony of a semicircular shape.

The interior design of the cottage does not have to correspond to an external style decision. Road houses can be supplemented in a single style or each room can be the embodiment of your imagination and originality.

Classic design characterize expensive hours, picture sheets, antiques, porcelain figurines. The interior of the rooms decorate chandeliers, imitating candles, oak parquet, traditional white fireplace, Furniture of beige and olive shades with a golden framing.

For example, the design of the living room in the classic style cottage is distinguished by its luxury, the maximum effect of which is complemented by the parts of Rococo and Baroque. Mandatory element - staircase. But if you compare the classic modern design with his twenty-year predecessor, then this is the sky and the earth. They will completely and completely differ from each other.

The fact is that in the distant past in the interior of the premises used simple finishing fittings. Progress stepped far away, so modern classic style The interior of the room is the use of new materials, multifunctional furniture. For example, the living room 20 years ago is a real fireplace, today is an element of decoration.

Thinking the future style orientation of the cottage room, its functionality and practicality remains the main criterion. This task greatly solves the style of minimalism to which young and energetic people are prone.

Minimalism in the design of the houses of the house involves an empty space that beats well-thought-out illumination. Accents in the interior serve: brickwork, ribbed plaster, fabric, wooden details. Color solution - pastel colors with bright accents In the form of accessories.

Minimalism - functional and concise furniture, in the case of which you can hide extra objects, clothing, utensils. However, in this style decision can be issued as separate roomand corner to her. In each cottage, there will be a small room, which without much difficulty can turn into a minimalist masterpiece.

It is only worth making the walls in light color, floor - wooden and put supermodic furniture.

The most universal style of decorating cottages is Country, due to its ability to combine with other styles. Country decor uses the maximum number natural materials. If you want to use the details of the country style when the room is cleaned, then decorate it partially with a stone or wood.

Because of the popularity of environmentally friendly materials for finishing the premises, which are famous for the country style, Russians are increasingly becoming a demanded decor of cottages in this style.

Our compatriots are also prone to Modern style in the decoration of the interior of the cottage, which is considered optimal. This is expressed in small financial expenditures on its implementation. For modernity characteristic soft colors, Natural shades, bright details. Most often, the bedrooms and living rooms decorate in such a style.

Decoration is a whole discipline, science that has its own rules and laws. However, it will not prevent the use of non-standard ideas.

Today, priority is given not only to the beauty of the interior, but also its comfort and functionality, in which the exquisite taste and space are the perfect combination with advanced engineering idea. Cottages are a product of modern new time.

Deciding with the style of his cottage, the owner arises about the financial costs of its implementation. The desire to make your stay in the country house is beautiful, ideal, may be difficult for large material investments due to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe country house.

Experts, designers, who, with the smallest error, will calculate the budget of the future interior will be avoided. Available in finance is currently considered such styles as: Provence, Ecosel, Loft, Fusion, Bungalow.

According to the result, whatever style you have chosen for the decor inside or outside the cottage, the main thing is that the atmosphere of the house causes positive sensations, feelings of comfort and harmony.

Stock Foto Cottage design