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Psychology of color: purple. Lilac color in the interior

Lilac is our favorite color for many of us, but few people know how it differs from purple. In violet, blue plays the main role, while lilac is an almost uniform combination of red and blue.

Lilac meaning

The lilac color, in fact, is quite lively, but in psychology it is believed that it is he who is able to create a persistent feeling of anxiety. In addition, if you do not like the lilac color, you can say that you are a person with business acumen, because the psychology of lilac is designed for those people who always go away from a direct answer, do not know how to conduct a specific conversation, and nostalgia is a favorite pastime. ...

For most people, the lilac color in psychology has a subtle aroma of mystery, enigma, it is he who can hint at the presence of some secret.

Characteristics of people who choose lilac color

If teenagers choose lilac, it means some immaturity, even vanity. In more mature age such a choice characterizes vigilance, sensitivity and love for art in a person. In addition, as psychologists note, the lilac color in psychology can mean an almost indissoluble love for one's things, for such people, parting is a kind of "little death." Usually this shade is chosen by sensitive, subtle natures. However, even considering all this, the lilac color means a certain resistance to the blows of fate. In addition, people who prefer this color always come to the aid of their neighbor, not counting on gratitude or a response at all.

The red component suggests that lovers of lilac are quite optimistic, but blue often leads them to depression.

Non-standard, eccentricity - this is what the lilac color means. Those who prefer this mysterious shade can easily find a balance between the "dark" and "light" sides of life.

And what does the lilac color mean, in the event that you choose future profession? Well, for you, the best areas of activity will be political and creative, since it is you who can bring completely opposite things into harmony. It is not in vain that the lilac color is the main shade that is chosen for meditation. This is the point at which hot and cold colors converge on equal terms.

To begin with, a psychological experiment.

Do you see this Circle? - Look at its center. Hold your gaze.

Stop your gaze in the center of the circle. Look at the crosshair. You will see that the Lilac dots have disappeared. There is a green marker running around the circle. Take your eyes off. Everything fell into place. This is the Psychology of Visual Thinking.

Lilac color in psychology

The color of a bright future, nostalgia and creativity. (In general, any shade of purple creates a sense of mystery and mystery). It is usually chosen during adolescence. This is due to the fact that the lilac color is a mixture of blue color and red (this mixture of two principles - the beginning of the male and female). Lilac color (like purple) is the basis of color therapy. It also denotes immaturity or vanity.

Lilac - the color of new beginnings and growth

It is like a long-awaited spring after a cold and long winter. Lilac is also the color of vigilance regarding untapped opportunities.

Psychologists say that lilac represents a strong attachment to things, people and lifestyles. It is for this reason that people who love this color find it very difficult to break up. For them, it is a "little death."

If you love this color, then you are a sensitive, creative, sophisticated, at times, infantile person. However, you are also distinguished by distrust, secrecy, patience and reticence. It is commendable that you can endure all the troubles presented by fate. You are always ready to help everyone without demanding anything in return. You are responsive and optimistic, but, nevertheless, prone to depression, from which, by the way, you get out without outside help... Your "plus" is that you, under no circumstances, do not blame fate for anything.

You strive to be non-standard, not at all like other people. Your goal is to be perfect. You adhere to the point of view that absolutely all the dark sides of life, if desired, can be ignored. The first impression of a person and his appearance is extremely important parameters For you. You are savvy, although you are not distinguished by a subtle mind. You are striving for complete independence. You have a talent for creating a cozy atmosphere and harmony. You are very susceptible to colds.

Since the lilac color is " close relative Purple, the people who prefer it are very talented and unique. They are drawn to what is unlimited and free. Lilac is their favorite color.

The lilac color is lively, however - joyless: it often causes a feeling of anxiety. If you absolutely do not like a given color, you - business man... You hate it when a person "walks away" from a direct, important conversation, because you yourself prefer to be straightforward. Nostalgia is not for you: you prefer to live only in the present. You do not favor superficiality as in appearance and in behavior. If you do not like something, you should definitely talk about it.

Lilac color in human psychology - the color of style

Piercing, mystical and powerful. However, it is quite easy to overdo it with it. This is all because, in nature and in household use, such a color is extremely rare (you can recall plums and grapes, but they are purple, and not just lilac). The lilac color has a significant impact on the spiritual human state: thanks to it, you can learn to "take" force (creative) from your consciousness and free yourself from deep fears.

Lilac is a kind of expression of identification, impressionability, enthusiasm and curiosity. (From the fact that it constantly fluctuates from blue to red, from "calm" sensitivity to impulsive desire).

Bleached lilac is the color of meditation. Here it means calmness and poise, but, at the same time, this color is distant, unearthly and aloof.

"Hiding" in its depths the red and blue color, it acts, depressingly, on the human nervous system.

Lilac color, like purple, is like a chilled red. In this regard, it "sounds" a little sad, extinguished and painful. He is loved by those who have a rather unstable character. Lilac affects the blood vessels, the psyche and the heart.

Lilac color in the interior

How can this color be used correctly in the apartment, or in the rooms in which you are? Below you will find some interesting information regarding this.

So, let's start with your personal account. The eggplant color is perfect here (the one that is, rather, closer to purple). The lilac color is very suitable for your bathroom: it will remind you of lavender and lilac bouquets. This color brings warmth, creates comfort and real coziness.

In the nursery (for girls), it is best to use lavender, as this is the favorite color of the Barbie doll. In the dining room and living room, purple is much more suitable than lilac.

By the way, it is useful to know that lilac goes very well with white (in large quantities), with yellow, orange and gold (but even here, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the room, simply, can easily turn into clownery).

There was a time when, in America, the lilac (and purple) color, in America, was completely unpopular and was worn only by elderly ladies.

Anyone who rejects purple is prone to eroticism, afraid of losing his own self. These people are rational, they know how to control their sensitivity.

"Lilac" - unique and unaffected

He is an attractive and charming psychic. It surprises with its ability to quickly make all dreams come true. He is patient, playful, perceives people as they are. His "goal" is to charm those around him. He often hovers in the clouds and loves to build "castles in the air". In people, first of all, a lover of lilac, appreciates kindness, tenderness and sincerity. If a person prefers dark lilac, it means that this speaks of the need to manage his life.

Purple is one of the most mysterious and controversial shades. Since ancient times, people have noted its mystical influence on the psyche, including those expressed in the magical attractiveness of this color. Isn't that why all the great wizards and magicians from children's fairy tales and ancient legends were dressed in purple robes? The importance of the purple color in psychology, as well as how it affects the human psyche, will be discussed further.

Purple: the value of the purple hue

The main meaning of the purple hue is veiling. Being a combination of two strong and simultaneously opposite colors - red and blue, purple primarily expresses repressed arousal. Combining in purple, red () and blue (the color of peace and serenity) literally stay in eternal opposition, and their contrasting meanings give rise to the secrecy of the violet hue. For this reason, the purple color is often preferred by pregnant women (especially at small stages of pregnancy), as well as homosexuals who want to hide their

In addition, the duality of purple is a symbol of abstinence and willpower. Like blue restrains the passion of red, purple is associated with humility, limitation, and curbing carnal desires. That is why, for example, representatives of the higher clergy in catholic church be sure to wear rings with purple amethyst - a kind of symbol of celibacy.

It is also customary to associate purple with mysticism and phenomena that defy logical explanation. It is also the color of intuition and instinctive desires. In addition, purple is considered the color of idealism, eccentricity, individuality and creativity.

Purple in psychology

In psychology, purple is primarily associated with sensuality and strong emotionality. Quite often, purple expresses psychological immaturity and instability. nervous system... For this reason, purple is loved by people with an unstable psyche and adolescents.

But it is more correct to consider the value of purple based on its specific shade. So, for example, a dark purple color, in which, symbolizes brute strength and imperiousness. The dominance of red, manifested, for example, in lilac color, psychologists associate with emotional immaturity, impulsivity and infantilism. But the light purple shade has a mild calming effect and is associated with tenderness and delicacy.

By itself, the purple color in psychology is considered quite "heavy", so it is not recommended to wear it to young children, whose vital activity it can oppress. In color therapy, purple is used in the treatment of headaches, high pressure, eye diseases, insomnia, syndrome chronic fatigue... In psychotherapy, purple helps when working with depressive and neurotic clients.

If we talk about people who prefer purple, then they are usually quite secretive natures. “Violets” are critical of themselves and others, therefore they often achieve high goals in life. There are many pedants and formalists among them. They are emotionally reserved in society, but rather passionate individuals on the inside. In life, they prefer to focus on their feelings and intuition, which is well developed in the "violet". By the way, good intuition very often becomes the cause of arrogance and vanity, which, in turn, only repels others from them.

Light lilac, violet, lilac, light lilac, pinkish lilac, lilac, pale lilac, lilac Dictionary of Russian synonyms. lilac see lilac Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M .: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

Lilac, oh, oh. 1.see lilac. 2. Light purple, lilac color. | noun lilac, and, wives. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

See amber V.V. Vinogradov. History of Words, 2010 ... History of Words

Adj. 1.rel. with noun lilac associated with it 2. Inherent to lilac, characteristic of her. 3. Owned by lilacs. 4. Made from lilac. 5. Having the color of lilac; light purple. Efremova's Explanatory Dictionary. T.F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language Efremova

Lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac, lilac ... Forms of words

lilac- lilac … Russian spelling dictionary

lilac - … orthographic dictionary Russian language

Aya, oh. 1. to Lilac. C. bush. Scented brushes. C. smell. C th water (toilet water with the smell of lilac). C. extract, with oil (made from lilac). 2. Lavender, lilac-colored. I threw it over my shoulders with. scarf. Lightweight dress. S. fog ... encyclopedic Dictionary

lilac- oh, oh. see also. lilac, lilac 1) to lilac Sire / nevy bush. Scented brushes. Sire / nevy smell ... Dictionary of many expressions

lilac- lilac … Morphemic-spelling dictionary


  • ,. Lilac Mist is a kind of anthology of a popular song. Valery Gavrilin wrote: "The song is the first to take the blows of time." The songs collected here have been checked by time and by ...
  • Purple Haze. Favorite songs and romances for voice and guitar. Reader,. "Lilac Mist" is a kind of anthology of a popular song. Valery Gavrilin wrote: "The song is the first to take the blows of time." The songs collected here have been checked by time and by ...

Eugenia martin

Nika Seliverstova

Olga Gorelova "Lilac Physalis"

Vladimirova-Lavrova Anna Valerievna "Purple tulips"

Marilyn Yates "Lilacs and apples"

Dmitry Kustanovich "Purple asters"

Dovbenko Victor

O. Kalashnikova

Violets were admired by knights and beautiful ladies, kings and favorites, nobles and peasants ... beautiful flower v different time and in different countries sung in their poems by Shakespeare, Shelley and Goethe. But it is unlikely that violets played such a significant role in someone's life as in the life of Josephine Beauharnais and Napoleon Bonaparte. After, during her imprisonment in the Conciergerie at the beginning of the French Revolution, the jailer's daughter gave Josephine, who was awaiting a terrible execution on the guillotine, a bouquet of violets, the next day Madame Beauharnais was released. Josephine perceived violets as a symbol of happiness and life itself. She gave violets to all the unfortunate, trying to give them hope. Violets were embroidered on her dresses, all of her outfits were dyed purple and lilac. Instead of jewelry, she adorned herself with violets.

It was the violets and the simplicity of the dress that captivated Napoleon, who met her at one of the balls. And during the wedding with Bonaparte, Josephine was in a lilac dress, woven with violets, and her bridal bouquet also consisted of violets. Every wedding anniversary Napoleon did not forget to send his beloved a bouquet of violets, this was for her the most coveted and expensive gift.

When the emperor separated from her and married an Austrian princess, Josephine retired from the court, did not receive anyone and devoted all her time to planting flowers. The only flowers she didn't have were violets. She could no longer see them without horror, could not even hear their name.


Naiomi Ije "Northern Lights Panel"

Caterina Benois "Tapestry"

And, of course, lilacs, lilacs, a lot of lilacs ...

Anton Gortsevich

Lazareva Maria

Agranat Vladimir "The smell of lilac"

Oh, how beautiful I am! Look - beautiful

Amid this lilac, lilac blue,

And I am tiny among her and unhappy

My eyes are blue, they are not blue

Blooming lilac, lilac blue.

With a lilac mouth, I dare not laugh

Amid this lilac, lilac blue.

And my face is not white, but blue shadows

Smoke on it from the lilac blue,

And all of me shrink like a lilac bush

Amid this lilac, lilac blue.

Lilacs and lilacs! Even the sun is not here

Amid this lilac, lilac blue.

I am a lilac bush in the midst of a dim light

Made of blue lilacs. lilac blue.

Eduardas Mezhelaitis

Zundalev Victor "Lilac"

Khariton Kuprashvili


Violets bloom magnificently
In purple
In a pale green meadow

Emperor Kokaku

Darbishire Stephen "The First Bluebells"

Darbishire Stephen "Narcissi"

Olga Boznanska

Reid Robert "Purple Kimono"

In the 19th century, it was considered indecent to give a purple amethyst stone to a lady or girl, since this would be the greatest insult to her. After all, amethyst is a stone of hardened bachelors. At the beginning of the 20th century, this stone became a favorite attribute of decadent poets. As you know, Art Nouveau, the leading style of the time, was characterized by a combination of purple and yellow tones. Later, Daniil Kharms wore a huge amethyst on his chest.

Ancher Anna "Sonnenschein in der blauen Stube"

Frederick Carl Frieseke "Mrs Frieseke at the Kitchen Windows"


Purple combines the energy of red with the elegance of blue. That is why purple and violet have always been associated with royalty.

In large quantities, purple looks unnatural, artificial and frilly.
It is easily overpowered by other colors, but the purple itself is deep and expressive and gives clothes a solemn and luxurious look. It looks great on accessories such as gloves, bags and scarves.

Richard Johnson "For Dinner"

Anna Yakovleva "Lady with a glass"

Maria Milner, Dowager Duchess of Strathmore

The mysterious purple color goes well with silver, white, yellow, pink and orange.

Klimt Gustav "The Portrait of Emilie Floege"

P Orlov "Woman in a lilac dress"

If you love me
You keep love deep in your heart:
Violets dyed dress
Don't show the color! / Japanese poetry /

In E Borisov - Musatov "Autumn motive"

XI PAN "Woman on Yellow Background"

V modern culture violet, sensual identification, is not widespread. The place of the cordial community is occupied by the claim to influence and the pursuit of excellence in all forms of snobbery and rivalry. Aesthetic perception often replaced by simple fashion imitation.
Between the opposite red and blue, between fanaticism and fatalism, between merciless power and blind love, stands the reconciling violet: the harmony of contradictions.

And tomorrow I would like so ...

Howard Behrens artist