Repairs Design Furniture

What can be made of wooden window sills. How to make a windowsill desk with your urms: Consider in all details. After the foam dries well, excess must be cut off with a wallpaper knife

Not so long ago, the window sills made of high-strength plastic were specially popular, but recent years again there is a tendency to return to natural materials. If earlier they were not so attractive and comfortable, just stained in a boring white color, now the model range has become much wider.

Modern window sills are beautiful and extraordinary, they are covered with mournirls and varnish. Make a wooden window sill with their own hands is not so difficult, for this you only need to have some skills to work with tools and wood, to clearly follow all stages of instructions.

The advantages of using wood for the windowsill a lot, among them it should be noted:

  1. The material is environmentally friendly, completely safe. It does not emit harmful and toxic substances, is not allergenic.
  2. When the heating is turned on, heat from the batteries does not have any negative effect on wood, as it can occur when using plastic.
  3. Window sills made of natural wood are more reliable and durable, they are able to withstand various loads.
  4. The coating will look stylish and expensive, especially if it is not standard for finishing to apply not standard paint, and glossy varnish or matte, oils that are used for the impregnation of wood. It will make the surface of stylish and expensive, especially if the window frames are decorated in the same way.

How to make a presentable windowsill?

Make your own hands a wooden window sill is not as difficult as it may seem. Of particular importance is that the material will be used to work. It should be a perfectly dried board, which has no bitch, cracks, defects. The board should be carefully processed, give it the desired style, perform a sample of cailen, a tear.

Tears are small grooves whose width is 8-10 mm, while the sampling depth is 6-8 mm. This groove is made at the bottom of the board, about 1-2 cm away from the front part.

After such a pretreatment, it is necessary to cut the windowsill board to the desired length. It takes into account the width of the window opening and plus 4 cm for each side. This size for the window sill will be quite enough.

Often, the boards for the window sill is taken not solid, but composite. This ensures reliability and strength. For connecting the board, carbon blacks are used, braided and keypads. During the manufacture of the window sill, attention should be paid to what the dimensions of the structure will be.

The length of the windowsill, as already mentioned, should be at least 8 cm more than the width of the window opening. If there is a need for an additional strengthening, then it can be done about 10-15 cm more, but it will make a sample of the material of the walls more difficult, it is impossible to forget about it.

It is important to pay attention to the protrusion inside the room. You can make the width so that the windowsill walked the wall with the wall, but it is inconvenient for a variety of reasons. The optimal is the design, when the width is more about 6-7 cm. This windowsill will be convenient to use, it will serve as an excellent frame of the window opening. Too big protrusion is inconvenient from the point of view of using the window, open the flaps will be difficult. Wide boards can be put in the case when the windowsill is mounted in the kitchen. Here he can act as a comfortable tabletop, which is useful for the arrangement of utensils, seedlings, or as a compact table for eating. During the manufacture, it is necessary to remember that the tree needs excellent moisture protection. To do this, you need to handle the boards with an antiseptic. It will protect them from rotting, indulged insect activities.

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Montage of wood window sill: step-by-step instruction

To install a wooden window sill with your own hands, you must first clean the future place for mounting, after which it is cut from bottom with duch and felt. This will allow you to warm the design, eliminate the purge and loss of heat.

Installation itself is done using a solution based on lime and gypsum. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the window sill canvas be tilted about 3 degrees inside the room.

Wooden wedges are used for installation, after which the fill with lime-gypsum mortar is performed.. It must be poured at about 1 cm higher than the level of wedges. After that, all surplus are carefully removed.

The installation of the wooden window sill itself is carried out in this way:

  1. After the preparatory work on the installation of wedges and the fill of the solution is completed, it is necessary to start laying the board. It is mounted from the bottom of the window opening. From each end of the board, 4 cm is added. This distance is necessary for laying the window sill in the slope of the wall. Usually this quantity is enough so that the windowsill was installed firmly, not loosened, could not turn even with quite strong loads.
  2. For the windowsill, it is best to take the board with a thickness of 5-6 cm. If you need to connect several boards, you will have to use a quarter fastener. Boards are additionally fixed with transverse swords. On the inside, it is necessary to place a special gutter with a depth of about 6-8 cm.
  3. If the wall is stone, then you need to carefully clear the grooves, then adjust the board for installation. The ends of the board and the lower part should be chopped by felt. This will allow you to warm up the design is more reliable.
  4. With the help of a building level, the board is exhibited horizontally, the bias are unacceptable.
  5. After installing the board, it is necessary to accurately fill all the gaps with building plaster. It is pre-divorced in the necessary proportion. After mounting the walls that were damaged, it is necessary to gently fly in, then decorate according to the overall finish.

Modern trends require innovations in every sphere of life, including repair. With the development of technologies, new materials and products appear, which differ in much better indicators. If you had previously needed to mount two window frames to provide heat and sound insulation, now it is enough to put a metal-plastic thin window, which perfectly copes with the same functions, besides more efficiently. Instead of heavy concrete windowsill, PVC products are now used that it is important to be able to properly establish to achieve optimal performance indicators.


The installation of a plastic window sill in an apartment or house can be made for various reasons. The simplest of them is the wear of the old window and its full replacement, including all components. Already long-plastic windows have won credibility and are very popular, as they are easy to install, and the service life and operational characteristics are very high.

Due to the fact that the modern window is a universal product, you can choose a wide variety of window sills, which will respond to the stylistic task of the room and provide comfort.

The most universal option is the windowsill of PVC, which is ideally combined with the window itself, creating a single composition. In addition, the cost of such a product is much lower than that of more sophisticated variants by type of natural stone. To accurately decide which the windowsill is better to put in the room, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of this window element.

Among positive qualities can be noted:

  • resistance to moisture and different temperatures - PVC window sill does not change the form and appearance;
  • lack of need for serious care;
  • lightweight windowsill, in contrast to similar options;
  • does not need staining to refresh the appearance;
  • does not have shrinkage as wooden products;
  • the ability to install this item of any dimensions, forms and even colors, depending on the wishes of the owners.

If we talk about negative sides, then you should attribute to them:

  • The hpuminess of the product - with non-accurant operation on the windowsill, dents may appear and even holes.
  • If the upper layer has a gloss, then it is subject to scratches, which will quickly worsen the appearance of the product.
  • Weak resistance to very high temperatures. Do not put on the windowsill from PVC hot pots and kettles, because it can deform the surface forever spoiling it.

Options for materials from which you can make a window sill, quite a lot, but most often choose those that look good and have the desired characteristics. If we talk about PVC design, then an important advantage is that it is inexpensive, it does not need most of the additional work, which are inherent in other materials: processing from corrosion, rotting, painting.

In addition, thanks to excellent characteristics, these window sills correspond to GOST, because they are not harmful to humans and have parameters that ensure the safety of tenants.

Style and Design

Since metal-plastic windows often have white color, then PVC window sills were initially performed only in this version. With the growing popularity of this product, various color solutions for both windows and window sills began to appear. Most often, white variation is imitation under a tree, which is used in the bedrooms or in children's. In addition, this option allows you to establish modern designs in a wooden house, which externally will not stand out, fit into the structure of the structure.

To produce this kind of product, laminated PVC films under the tree are used. For the impregnation of the melamine resin, the impregnation of the melamine resin is additionally carried out.

Thus, you can give the surface the type of any wood, be it oak, alder or cherry.

In addition, the windowsills with a natural stone finish are popular, most often it is granite or marble. Thanks to this solution, you can avoid buying an expensive and heavy product, but get an equally beautiful version of the window design. If you need to somehow decorate the room, which is especially often in the case of a children's room, you can resort to the use of color options for windowsill.

They can have a different texture and shape that are selected taking into account the wishes of the client.

If we talk about convenience, then for each type of houses there are options for different lengths and widths so that you can easily dispose space. The laying of brick is different in width of the walls of the panel house, therefore the window sills are needed different. If we talk about the original design solutions, you can make a window sill-countertop that will perform two functions at once, thereby giving the opportunity to do without buying a table.

This option will look good in small-sized kitchens or bedrooms, where you need to place a lot of functional areas in a small space.

The use of a glossy or matte coating, original forms and sizes is all that can receive the owner of the PVC window sill. Often, such options are placed on order and they cost a little more expensive, but the appearance of the room with such an accessory will be inimitable. Each owner himself decides that it is to establish in its home based on taste preferences and financial capabilities.

What to install?

Usually window sills are made of standard sizes to approach the most common windows. But in view of the fact that often the frames may have atypical characteristics, it is very often in place to trim the product so that it is easily easily under the window. To approach the process correctly, the first thing you need to spend all the necessary measurements, and only then cut off the excess.

It is best to mark the markup with a pencil or a marker so that it was clearly visible.

Required tools and components

Any repair process requires the correct selection of tools to ensure maximum efficiency of work, and the right choice of components will make the product operation process by simple and non-causing any problems and care.

To install the windowsill from PVC, you need to have:

  • directly itself;
  • corner to determine the windowsill tilt;
  • level to verify the mechanism of the installation of the product;
  • marker with a tape measure for marking;
  • silicone sealant for sealing joints and seams;
  • mounting foam to eliminate cavities between the windowsill and the wall of the house itself;
  • electrolovka for cutting off unnecessary parts;
  • perforator to dismantle the old construction and provide the necessary conditions for the new;
  • screwdriver for mounting the windowsill;
  • screws with self-drawing;
  • cement mortar for alignment of the surface under the new window sill and sealing the installation locations;
  • stationery knife and clean rags to give the window design of the completed view.

In addition to the main tools and materials, you should not also forget about the additional to which the slopes include, thanks to which the window is transformed by creating a completely different perception of the room.

The laying on the window sill, which is worn on both sides of the product, is necessary in order to beautifully form it and close the cavities in which dust or moisture can get from where it will not just be removed. It usually has a view of a smooth strip with protrusions at the ends.

When installing it needs to be cut in half, and then refuse the required amount to be perfectly "sat down" to a new window sill.

In order to cut the windowsill, you can use multiple tools:

  • Hacksaw On the metal there is any owner at home. The process of cutting it will be long and will require considerable physical forces.
  • Electropolitanzikwhich is best suited for such a job, as it scans the extra parts quickly and without much difficulty. For a better result, it is important to set the stroke of the pendulum on zero, and to work, choose a pylon for metal with small teeth.
  • Bulgarianhelps to make a trimming of unnecessary parts very quickly and accurately, but at the same time it is very noisy and dusty.
  • Rechargeable sawsare wireless tools. With such an inventory, it is easy and convenient to work, but they are minus their high cost of the instrument.

When all tools are ready, you can proceed to work, in which it is important to adhere to all recommendations, otherwise the product can skew and the appearance of the window will suffer from this.

It is important to remember that the places that will need to be used must be filled for some time so as not to change your characteristics.

Preparatory work

In order to make the installation of a new PVC window sill, first of all need to dismantle the old construction. Depending on what material it was made, and certain works will be conducted. It is best to remove the old details gently so as not to damage the laying and did not have to restore it. If it did not work out to carry out effectively, then additional procedures will be needed.

The first thing is the surface where the windowsill will be installed, cleaned from garbage and unnecessary parts. Next, you need to calculate which dimensions have a new window element and whether the dimension should be changed. If both structures had approximately equal indicators, then the process will proceed faster. If there is an obvious difference, then it is required to carry out work on fitting the size of the window opening to install a new PVC product.

If the windowsill thinner is the former, then the difference is eliminated using a cement mortar, if thicker, then an extra part can be removed using a perforator, after which it will have to make a concrete tie.

Having calculated the height of the base to install a new element, it is important to take into account the gap for the foam to which the product will be attached. It should be at least 2 cm. If necessary, work is additionally carried out on fitting grooves in side slopes. In order for the window to not miss the cold, it is important to exclude any opportunity for this, which is why the place of the junction of the frame with a window sill is missing with silicone sealant, after which the installation itself is already.

Holding the width of the window sill, it is important to decide exactly where it will begin and end. You can make it in the width of the window or leave the stock into several centimeters so that the edges on each side go to the wall. Usually such gaps have a length of four to six centimeters.

In the slopes, it is initially necessary to make slides in which a new PVC window sill will be inserted.

Subtleties of mounting

In order to install a new PVC window sill with their own hands, you need to correctly install the design. The installation process of such parts can be carried out using:

  • mounting foam and special glue, which are used for mounting the windowsill;
  • brackets for fixation;
  • profile for installing PVC products.

The simplest and most convenient option for installation will be an option with foam. First of all, you need to prepare wooden wedges that will serve as a support for the new window sill. They are placed over the entire surface of the prepared base. It is important to check the settings of the installation using a level and mark the slope of the product. It is necessary that the SCOS be sent to the room to give the direction of condensate not to the stove, but to the room.

If some inconsistencies arise in these indicators, then wooden wedges can be increasing, or, on the contrary, reduce depending on the situation.

All work is carried out in stages to avoid mistakes in the installation and unsatisfactory result. Once the wedges will have suitable dimensions, the free space between the windowsill and the base is closed by foam. So that the angle of inclination does not change, it is important to set the weighing on the windowsill, which will give the necessary resistance, so the foam will freeze correctly. For complete pouring, no mee of two, and then three days later, which can be removed weighing and use the windowsill.

The installation process of the window and the windowsill is step by step, and it is important to take into account all the steps to get a decent result at the end. This process is inextricably linked to wall decoration, therefore, planning the installation option, we need to think about it in advance how further work will be carried out.

  • If you plan to put the windowsill before finishing with sandwich panels or drywall, then you do not need to stick down at the bottom. Increasing the thickness, the stove will be pressed using the finishing material.
  • If the slopes are lined with varnish or paint along putty, then in this case it is necessary to pull the surface.

If the windows finishes are planned to use massive elements in the form of wooden panels, lining, traffic jams, Venetian plaster, it is important to take into account the protector, taking into account the thickness of the coating. Otherwise, it will be recessed inside the opening, which will look not aesthetic.

Thus, the window replacement requires that the old concrete windowsill also has been dismantled and replaced with a new one. For convenience, further work it is desirable to remove the old design without much damage to the masonry.

It is possible to replace the heavy and outdated windowsill with a modern PVC product, which is not only easy and strong enough, but also has a diverse appearance, which can be selected to the style of the room, which is very convenient.

The work process is reduced to such steps:

  • Installing a new product, the establishment of it in advance prepared grooves.
  • Align the windowsill relative to the window with wooden wedges.
  • The process of fixing when the windowsill can be attached using a mounting foam, which for many years will provide excellent performance characteristics.
  • Using plugs that may have different shapes. Depending on the design features of the window sill, they can be without ears, if the thickness of the product is quite large and there is a desire to make it similar to the stone monolith, or with the ears with a minimum thickness and a simple version of the window element.

To change the windowsill quickly and correctly, it is important to perform all the steps that include the dismantling of old structures, the installation of new and finishing works. This is important, because the wrong disassembly of the old product will add optional work, inaccuracies in the installation of the new will lead to problems in operation, and incorrect finishing works will affect the final appearance.

To remove the foam, which will remain after installation, you need to first cut it with the help of a stationery knife, and then apply a layer of tiled glue, which is necessary to sharpen on drying. Only after that the surface can be painted or damned by wallpaper.


To make quality repairs, you need to properly select materials for it. When replacing windows and the windowsill, it is worth choosing the size of the latter. The standard width for it will be dimensions:

  • 50-60 cm if the installation will be carried out in a brick house;
  • 20-25 cm for panel houses.

The widest windowsill, which can be found in a free sale is 80 cm parameter, and the most narrow - 20 cm. If we talk about the length of the length, then it can be from 1.5 meters to 6.

All unnecessary parts are removed in the installation process so that the window obtained has aesthetic appearance.

If we talk about atypical windows, such as small structures in a bathroom or other room, then in this case there is no need to use a large windowsill, the best solution will be width of 10 cm. Almost all standard products have a thickness of 2 cm, which is enough for moderate loads and Full use of the window element. There are also thinner products, where the thickness is 1.8 cm, which implies lightweight load on the surface.

If the windowsill is planned to be used as a table, its width should be sufficient for this, so the width products from 60 cm to one meter are produced. You can use this option in almost any room where you need to minimize the number of furniture and increase functionality.


Due to the emergence of new materials for the manufacture of window sills, color solutions for such products have appeared. The easiest of these is the use of various colors and shades that can be passed on the window itself and go separately as a decorative element of the room.

Often such accents are made in the kitchen, bedroom, children's, where there is an opportunity to add paints to the interior.

For a more exquisite appearance, you can use window sills with imitation of natural stone, under marble and granite or under a tree, which looks particularly beautiful in wooden buildings. The variety of window sills can include not only the color, but also the texture that is glossy and matte.

For the original style and giving the interior of an expensive appearance, it is better to use gloss, and in a more relaxed room there will be a matte version.

Window repair is always accompanied by nuances, which are desirable to know and skillfully use.

  • If you need to use the perforator, it is important to protect your face and hands with the help of glasses and gloves so that nothing fell on them.
  • Working on the basis for a new PVC product, it is necessary to clearly know its size so as not to turn the extra part of the wall, but also not to make a hole less than necessary.
  • The gap that is formed between the window sill, and the surface to which it falls should be embedded using foam. In order for this material better grabbing, it is important to moisten the surface before use.
  • Choosing a width of the product It is important to know that his ledge beyond the slope should not exceed 6 centimeters. If this is neglected, the circulation of air masses can be broken and the windows will be very fisted.
  • Repairing a balcony and producing windows replacement with access to it, the thickness of the standard window sill will be 20 cm, but even meter products can be applied with suitable dimensions. Fix the product on the balcony can also be used with foam or adhesive depending on the situation.

Useful tips on choosing and installing windowsill and slopes See next video.

Successful examples and options

  • You can install windows both in a wooden house and in a brick, and depending on this you can choose the color of the entire design, and the design features of certain parts.
  • The use of a wooden window sill in combination with a frame in the same color is harmoniously combined with the whole house, which is decorated with modern materials with imitation of wood.

The windowsill is not just a decorative element of the window design. It lies an important, multi-storey functionality. Make window sills on plastic windows - this is only half of the case, they still need to be made functional, reliable and safe.

  • Endurance must be inherent in a new design. Suddenly you want to put a big pot or you will need to get up on it to wash the windows, replace the curtains, and you never know what you still need to do. It is better to initially make a durable windowsill do it yourself.
  • Changes in the temperature regime on the windowsill have an impact throughout the year. In the summer he is heated, and in the winter it is exposed to the effect on one side of hot air from the side of the battery, and on the other - frosty air from an open window, which is open to ventilation. When choosing a material, this factor must be considered mandatory.
  • Humidity can appear from watering colors, condensate and other factors.
  • Beautiful appearance of the windowsill is a pledge of a cozy atmosphere indoors.

We found out what the window sills on the windows do it yourself. And now nothing prevents us from moving to the practical part of the conversation.

This design is usually a good basis and meets all the requirements described above. How to make window sills on the tile windows we will describe in the following instructions

  • If the old concrete window sill remained near the window, then the work is greatly simplified. In this case, you will need to remove the paint and putty. In this case, an ax, scrap, scrap, and other tools may be needed, because there are often many thick layers, to dismantle which will have to apply rude men's strength.
  • Free surface will need to be aligned with a solution. In the presence of the "ears" that come from the wall, you will need to make dismantling.
  • Wooden window sill for plastic windows with their own hands can also be litble with tiles. In this case, plasterboard is mounted on the tree and the damper layer is created. After these manipulations, you can move to the following steps.
  • On the prepared and primed surface, lay the tile. It is better to start from the middle and move towards the slopes. If necessary, the tile is cut according to the size of the structure.
  • On angular joints, the edge must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Decorative corners can go into move.
  • Separate attention should be paid to the inner part of the window sill, which hangs on the battery or floor. It is not visible and on aesthetics you can not bother. But it will be necessary to provide craziness. To do this, create an angle of inclination, which will be directed inside. The straight angle is impossible. The finish can be carried out using putty and paint, for example.
  • To mount the tile, any glue can be used, which is designed for these purposes. The seams should not be wide, as they tend to clog and crack. Yes, and in the future with them a lot of headaches.

Thus you can make window sills and slopes on the windows. And it is not necessary to use a whole tile. From multicolored pieces, an exclusive mosaic will be obtained, which will transform the entire window design.

Previously, this material was used very often for the production of windowsill. Time goes, everything changes, but this trend remains unchanged. Even the popularity of plastic does not huse a tree. We will tell you how to make a wooden window sill on plastic windows and you will see that this process is not difficult.

For this work it is worth choosing solid wood, coniferous or deciduous materials. The planed board is not worth choosing, but the set glued factory elements can be used. Creating a high-quality board house, which will consist of various wood, and the coating of its durable plastic is an unreal task. It is quite another thing to prepare the usual, alloy-tree board. Any can cope with it.

For the manufacture of the board fit carefully dried wood. The thickness of the board should be within 4-5 cm. It rarely comes across the board of the required width, spending time on its search is not worth it. You need to take two or even three boards of the overall width of which will be equal to the dimensional dimensions. For the connection of the boards, glue is suitable, and its action is enhanced and fixed with anticipation. Hair boards must have a different direction. Such a trick will avoid the formation of voltage from excess moisture or uneven heating.

In this case, the workshop is used for work. Laminated stove. This material has a large number of colors and textures, designers here are where to roast. Sheet of chipboard is saved by PVC film on both sides. The film is pressed with the main material, which allows to achieve monolith. Moisture does not harm this material.

All the work comes down to pruning the workpiece according to the layout of the future design and the salary of the ends. After that, the windowsill can be installed in place.

This material, as well as the tree, was used earlier and applied to this day. So it is not surprising that many modern users are interested in how to make a windowsill from concrete with their own hands. The use of decorative compositions with a crumb of natural stone is welcomed. You can also use a special kind of cement - decorative, it has a beautiful white color.

This design can be made immediately in the opening window or create in another place, and then transport to the working surface. In the first case, the windowsill will not need to be installed, but the processes of polishing and grinding will be complicated. The hand tool will be difficult to achieve the desired result, it will take a lot of time, forces and nerves. It is quite another thing - grinding or Bulgarian with a suitable disk. How to make a window sill on windows from concrete - in the opening or elsewhere - this is your case and for you to make such a decision no one can.

For formwork forming, it is convenient to use a board or sheet materials with sufficient strength. The edge of the board can be decorated with a curly profile. So that the windowsill turned out to be durable, it is necessary to carry out reinforcement. The frozen surface must be pasted.

When polishing is completed, you can do impregnation. These compositions will give strength and make a durable design. You know how to make a window sill of concrete with your own hands, now everything is in your power.

No one will describe the process of creating a plastic profile, as it is absolutely impractical. Usually the finished profile is bought, which is cropped by the desired. The ends are closed with plugs. On this work is completed.

This method is the easiest and rapid. But plastic is undesirable to the wooden windows. In addition, this material is not as strong as a tree or concrete. In any case, you know how to make the windowsill to the plastic window.

This material found many applications, including in the field of the creation of window sills. Now the windowsill are created in the form of a table or a multifunctional shelf. Create such a design can be just using drywall. A practical guide that is located below can be used by a person who is interested in how to make a window sill on the balcony with his own hands.

Work begins with mounting frame:

  • We remove the mounting foam that remains after installing the window.
  • Fix the skeleton scams under the window frame. Under it should be the gaps that will allow you to install GLK without problems.
  • To fix the upper part of the windowsill, you need to attach small profiles to the old window sill.
  • Now you can mount the upper profile on the windowsill, pre-started it in horizontal elements. The location of the parts must be checked.
  • On short products it is necessary to place the guide profiles.
  • For mounting the guide, the windowsill is selected. In this case, the design will be tough and even acquire an unusual look.
  • From the end is a secreted additional profile. This will make the design volume and increase the safety margin.
  • All parts of each other connect self-stakes.
  • Vertical guides are needed to increase the thickness of the structure. The point of their attachment will be the top profile.
  • Below, we have a long profile and fix it with the help of short, which are already installed.

After this stage, you can move to the installation of plasterboard. This work is performed as follows:

  • Remove the measurements from the frame and mark the location of the guide profiles. In this case, it turns out to accurately place the screws and save the integrity of the trim.
  • The seams between the sheets and the opening carefully fill the sealant.
  • After completing the cover of the lower part of the frame, you can fill the distance between the foam profiles. Such actions will make the design warm.
  • From above, fix the upper part and fasten the sheets by self-draws.

So it is still possible to reflect plastic windows, slopes and window sills with their own hands from drywall are created easy.

We told out of what window sills for plastic windows and considered each option. In the next conversation will be studied slopes. So very soon you will know how to make window sills and slopes on the windows. And if it is also practiced, you can consider you a specialist in this area.

How to make a window sill on plastic windows with your own hands: video

Any repair work in the house requires material costs for the owner. Buy the necessary material, to pay for the installation and the work of the specialist is not always and not for everyone on the pocket. In such cases, some types of work can be made independently. If a person has minimal masterful abilities, then he will be under the power to create a window sill with their own hands.

Types of window sills and what they need in the house

Almost no window is required without installing the windowsill, which provides a safe condensate assembly on the window in the cold period of the year. The appointment of the windowsill is not only purely protective, but also aesthetic. The main functions of the surface can be divided into three groups:

  • protective;
  • aesthetic;
  • decorative.

The decorative function of the window sill provides a gradual transition from the space inside and the walls actually to the way in the window. In addition, often window sills are used as shelves for room colors.

With the help of modern design solutions, different types of surface surfaces are used as: a kitchen countertop, a bench for seating and just like a shelf.

The window sills are of different species, since materials for their production are the most diverse:

  • wooden;
  • from natural stone;
  • from artificial stone;
  • Chipboard and MDF window sills;
  • PVC, etc.

Varieties of window sills are also classified by their composition. If the product consists of one component (wood, stone), then such window sills are called monamaterial. When there are two and more components in the composition, then such window sills are customary called as composite.

A tree is considered to be a traditional material for the production of surfaces under the windows. To preserve the quality of the material for many years, the tree is opened with special oils and varnishes, waxes. Most often used wood for window sills. For savings, glued beams often use, which has good performance indicators.

Natural materials are always expensive and not all available on the family budget. But not given the minus of expensive cost, the windowsill from natural stone have absolute ecology and have a pretty good presentable view.

Often a natural stone for the production of windowsill is replaced with artificial material, which allows the product of the product affordable price. The window sills made of artificial stone look no worse than the original. In addition, the advantage of acrylic stone is the complete opposition of moisture and various bacteria.

Window sills from such wood materials as chipboard and MDF are characterized by excellent strength and moisture resistance. Often they are covered with varnish, which adds a glitter product.

The windowsides from PVC are famous for good operational characteristics. This material is resistant to sunlight and moisture. In addition, PVC does not require much care. Due to the surface on which there are no pores, microbes and bacteria do not accumulate on PVC.

Wooden windowsill do it yourself

Before you begin work, you need to choose materials and methods for making the windowsill do it yourself. Since wood materials are very popular, we will consider one of the options for the manufacture of a submap board from the tree. As the masters write to do it yourself, the design of the window sill is not so difficult, the main thing is to clearly follow the instructions for work and have elementary skills to use tools. Wooden windowsill do it yourself how to make and install in detail more detailed below in the article.

Choosing a work chalkboard, you need to pay attention to the presence of bitch and various defects. The selected wood should be well dried, and in no case should not be saturated with moisture. After all, the quality and suitability of the future windowsill will depend on the selected material. If the process uses not a solid board, and their pieces are connected by gluing method. If you make the windows chamber for the kitchen window, experts recommend to take a solid board, as the humidity is always increased in this room.

The start in the work on the windowsill does it take a standard action - accurate measurements for the future design. It is recommended to make a detailed drawing on which you carefully paint all the data on size.

Next, using the plans for work on a tree, give the board the necessary forms. In the process of processing, it is necessary to maintain accurate proportions: the protrusion protrusion must be approximately 6-8 cm, and the length should be 10-15 cm exceeding the width of the opening.

In order to neutralize the emptiness in the process of installing the window sill on the bottom of the board felt felt. This material must be treated with antiseptic solution. Next, the finished design is created in the window box and fixed with screws or nails. To bring the windows to the perfect look, it is opened with varnish, it will allow to protect the condition of wood from the effects of external factors.

Concrete window sill do it yourself

Such material is like concrete, is considered excellent, breathable material for the production of windowsill in the house with their own hands. Good performance of this material, allow you to easily decorate the designs of it. It is easy to paint, finishing and grinding, which makes the concrete leader in the production of window sills. How to make a windowsill do it yourself and what installation rules need to be observed, we describe in detail below.

The organic view of the future design directly depends on the first stage - work on the drawings. In order for all the stages of the window sill installation with their own hands, it is successfully necessary to make measurements on such items:

  • the width of the slopes;
  • base length;
  • distance between slopes;
  • width of protrusions and swells;
  • depth of the windowsill;
  • length and thickness of the windowsill.

In the process of work, we will need the following necessary tools for installing the windowsill do it yourself:

  • fasteners;
  • bulgarian;
  • lobzik;
  • putty knife;
  • building vacuum cleaner;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • grinding machine and nozzles to her, etc.

To produce the future window device, a concrete solution is needed, which is prepared from: cement M 500, sand, plasticizer based on polymer, pigment to create marble crumbs and decorative material. It is important to add all the ingredients gradually so that the solution does not turn out liquid.

You can create the form of the future windowsill, using one of two ways. The first way, assumes to prepare in advance the sub-circuit board separately. The second method is in the position of the construction in place. It is more convenient to consider the second option that allows you to create a formwork much faster.

The process of preparing a concrete solution for the windowsill

In the work on the concrete window sill, the most important process is considered to prepare a solution, from which the integrity and quality of the design directly depends. If the material consistency does not respond to the standard (will be too thick or vice versa), during drying, cracks will be formed on the surface. For excellent clutch of all components, a plasticizer is added to the solution. With it, the concrete porridge will become flexible, which speeds up work.

In solution, it is necessary to add sand and cement in the proportion of 2: 1. 50 grams of plasticizer is customary to add dry blanks to each kilogram. The next step is to add pigment. His choice varies from the desire of the owner to get a specific color. Also, water is added to the solution, in an amount of 200 ml per kilogram of the mixture. It is not necessary to harvest in advance, it is prepared immediately before the windowsill with the sump.

Final stages of work on concrete window sill

The penultimate stage in the work on the concrete window board is grinding the surface. It is carried out after the solution is completely dry. With the help of coarse discs, it is necessary to remove all the irregularities and the roughness of the top. Then use discs on grinding by 50 and 100 units.

Finally, the surface polishing the surface gives the appearance of natural stone and apply a protective coating.

Features of plastic windowsill

Products and PVC are very popular in the construction. Plastic window sills are manufactured in production on a separate system, which includes several stages.

Various additives are connected to PVC powder, the method of homogenized the mass will become homogeneous. Next, plastic is calibrated, and it receives its true form. The process is cooled and cut.

The features of the plastic windowsill are due to such characteristics:

1. PVC designs are distinguished by durability and wear resistance.

2. They have a rather warm and presentable view.

3. Another advantages of this material is the fact that plastic does not require additional processing.

Installation of the windowsill of plastic

Installation of a plastic window sill consists of several processes that require care of care, accuracy and endurance. Construction installation can be carried out by three methods.

1. Using foam. With the help of foam and pistol, the plastic plate is attached to the base under the windowsill. If the foam hit the outer surface, it must be wiped immediately, as it has a property to quickly dry. If it happened that the foam dried, it can be derived using a special solvent.

2. Using the bracket. On the surface for installation, metal brackets are fixed to which the windowsill is put on. The disadvantage of such an installation is its minimum strength.

To successfully carry out all installation work, it is necessary to comply with all the rules of installation with your own hands.

Standard sizes of windowsill and their advantages

The main dimensions of plastic window sills vary: from 4 to 6 meters length and from 10 cm to 1 m width. The thickness of plastic products of this purpose is usually 2 cm.

For wooden window sills, such numbers are called standard: width - from 15 cm to 1 m; Length from 70 cm to 3 m. Wooden materials are distinguished by their long, as there are veneered and scrambled.

Following detailed instructions, create and install the windowsill do it yourself, as it turned out, is not at all difficult. What it will be and from which material to solve individually to each owner individually. In your choice, follow the well-known advantages of each product.

PVC window sills are able to serve faithfully until 25 years, due to its durable surface. In addition, this material in comparison with a stone or wood has a fairly low price.

Wooden window sills It is worth combining with wooden windows, so the entire window design will look harmonious and expensive. Wood is capable of serving for many years, only if it is properly treated with protective equipment (varnishes, oils).

In the production of concrete windowsill, do not forget to monitor the quality of the solution. And yet, if everything is done correctly, this kind of product will not give way to its beauty the positions of window sills made of natural stone.

If you have any questions during the work, you can learn more about the installation of a wooden window sill you can watch this video: