Repairs Design Furniture

Bedroom design with Italian wallpaper. Bedrooms in Italian style. Create a light script

Italian bedrooms can increasingly be seen in urban apartments. What do they attract the inhabitants of megacities? Why do real estate owners are ready to spend their time and material resources on similar masterpieces? Let's try to understand what is the difference between the Italian style bedroom from other interior design options. First, it should be noted that it is in the bedroom that it is important to create a complete harmony, a favorable setting for a full sleep and rest after a hard working day. Due to the functional purpose of this room, its design is important to pay special attention.

Characteristic features of an Italian style

There is not enough words or banal phrases in order to fully describe amazing beauty, heat, harmony, characteristic of Italian style.

Tip! Fans of true home comfort and harmony, modern Italian bedrooms will fit perfectly in all respects.

Let's try to identify some important features of the Italian style, which all owners of the real estate should know, which have conceived the design of their bedrooms in the Italian direction:

  • application in the style of natural finishing materials;
  • the choice of light colors and natural shades, combined with bright contrast tones characteristic of Italian style;
  • beautiful wooden furniture, decorated with wrought-iron elements or unusual carvings - a mandatory attribute of the Italian style;
  • the use of unusual accessories that will complement the invented design.

The photo shows the finished bedrooms of Italy. The main focus in style is made on bright shades, but also cream, yellow, red, brown tones are also allowed in a similar interior.

Tip! For the design of walls in the bedroom, you can choose decorative terracotta plaster, beige tone.

If you wish, you can choose textile wallpapers with vegetable ornaments to create an association of a cozy Italian mansion.

When choosing a material to decorate the floor, it is desirable to make a choice in favor of natural wood.

Tip! In order to make an additional charm in the Italian bedroom created, it is better to pick up a raw tree. It will look great in such a room.

The Italian style is primarily characterized by the game of textures, so in this interior it will quite harmoniously look like a plastered wall either stucco on the ceiling surface.

Selection of Italian style furniture

In Italian furniture a special place belongs to the bed. It must be made of natural wood, have elegant legs, a wrought bed is allowed. The bed in such a bedroom is rather similar to the real work of art, and not on the usual piece of furniture. Interesting design solutions regarding the creation in an ordinary urban apartment, a luxurious Italian bedroom, you can see in a video device

In order to create an original ensemble in the room, you can pick up a wooden elegant chest in a luxurious bed. If the room has enough free space, one combination can be supplemented with two beautiful bedside tables. They are quite appropriate to be small lamps, the lampshades of which are made of beautiful textiles.

Tip! As an additional elements, which are also suitable for the Italian bedroom, we note soft puffs and a small coffee table.

For true fans of unique, luxury interiors, professional designers recommend picking real antique Italian furniture.

Interesting Italian Style Accessories

Of course, every little thing is important in the real Italian style. It is minor elements that allow interior designers to create a complete and harmonious image typical of Italian bedrooms. What can be added to such a room as additional elements?

A good option will be fastening on the walls of paintings, where excellent rural landscapes, olive groves are depicted, a variety of still lifes.

It will also be harmoniously fit into the corner of Italy. Delicate textiles: air curtains with unusual ornaments, decorative pillows, as well as bed linen.

Recently, numerous bronze figures appear in Italian style.

The bedroom into Italian manner implies the embodiment of a great taste and grace in reality. The room decorated with all the canons of this interior direction will become a favorite place for its owner. In such a room, her owner will be able to fully relax, enjoy solitude, think over the plans for the next day.

Briefly about style features

What is the Italian style in the interior? Professionals are convinced that a combination of classical architecture and design with a simple rustic style is supposed. Selecting examples for a similar direction, one can consider the ancient Italian villas, which embodied both country and loft, and Provence.

In the modern Italian decor in priority, calm and harmony in the design room. To implement in reality all the ideas, it is desirable that the premises have impressive sizes, illuminated by a sufficient amount of sunlight. A genuine Italian style involves a minor amount of decor and textiles to focus on luxurious furniture.

Attention! This area is available to people with various material sufficiency.

The living room performing the function of the bedroom decorated in Italian style

First of all, it is important to pay attention to the decoration of the walls. An interesting decision of professional designers consider the use of wallpaper with a large pattern, allowed and stucco. The living room will be relevant paintings with various landscapes. In one corner of the living room you can install a massive live plant planted in a clay pot.

Attention! A large decor is not suitable for the living room. Since the furniture will be sufficiently massive, it is undesirable not to overload a room with diverse small decorative elements.

Limit the selection for a lounge vase from dark opaque glass, which can be put on a small coffee table.

The bright decor covered, the light plaids of one tone, which hang from the bed or from the sofa, supplemented by a set of pillows, characterize the real Italian design. When selecting decorative pillows, they must repeat the color range of walls, beds, doors, ceiling surfaces. Selection of contrasting colors is allowed, in this case, bright shades should be located in the center of the room. To complete the image created in the room, you need to pick up mirrors, wall decorations, to pay attention and decorating window opening textiles.

Features of lighting in this style

In the classic Italian style, special attention is paid to the selection of the light source. If the room is located on the dark side, it is important to think over its additional lighting. In addition to suspended lamps with original wrought-iron elements, you can pick up a ceiling lamp with a decoration of metal in the form of a bunch of grapes, a decorative rose.

Tip! In order to emphasize the uniqueness of the interior, you can purchase chandeliers made of white metal, or buy lamps with unusual flames in the form of an ellipse.

Selecting the main and additional lighting for this style, try to pick up chandeliers and lamps in a single style solution. For example, it is possible to make both the main lighting in the room, and think over the extra backlight in the room. An interesting design move will be applied as a secondary version of the lighting of the kerosene lamp.

Bedroom in Italian

Due to the difficult economic situation, many people try to acquire apartments - a small area studio, affordable by cost. Thinking the style of style for such premises, you can also stop on Italian style. For example, one wall to arrange venetian plaster, bringing it into the country. Opposite the decorated wall, you can put a bed, highlighting a sleeping corner in the studio. On both sides of the bed, wrinkled lamps with unusual in the form of glass lamps are perfectly looking great.

In addition, the room you need to find a place for the design of the active zone. For example, a working area or a corner with a fireplace can be made by mosaic or decorative hand painted.

For classic decorative painting, acrylic paints are selected. The plot of murals can be chosen as desired, but patterned elements and rounded figures should be present.

To decorate the surface of the ceiling, you can select any finishing materials. In addition to the liquid wallpapers of white or beige color, tension matte or glossy ceilings are allowed. If desired, you can choose to repair the ceiling in the Italian bedroom and the ceiling tile of light shades.

Wooden beams on the ceiling will be appropriate in Italian style. With proper zoning, they will become a genuine decoration of the interior created in the indoor.

The bedroom on Italian Pad choose romantic and artistic natures. In order for the room in the room is a genuine Italian atmosphere, you can use Roman antiquity, country, Renaissance. In modern Mediterranean style, simplicity and pompousness, nobility and luxury were mixed. The basis of the style is a classic, but restrained, which does not recognize excessive shown luxury. Still, interior designers try to include during decorating bedrooms, some elements from ancient times resembling the traditions of Italian style. For example, in a spacious room you can see natural stone, arched openings, majestic columns. To neutralize their pathetic environment, the floor in the room decorated with ceramic tiles or natural stone. For the walls, the Venetian plaster, imitating marble divorces, is selected. Warm shades characteristic of this style helps to create an atmosphere of harmony in the room, home comfort.


Recently, the Italian style appears new fans. What is primarily attracting in a similar interior? Snow white or tender-beige walls, beautiful paintings with landscapes, natural material on the floor, high-quality textiles on the window openings have become a "business card" of this style. For lovers of painting, professionals are advised to pick up a mosaic composition for decorating walls.

With the correct placement of accents, the choice of color gamut, the selection of furniture, you will not just create an Italian corner in the room, but also be able to enjoy the result obtained for a long time interval.

The Italian-style interior is best to create with the help of finishes from natural stone and Venetian plaster, and you can paint the walls in the genre of scenic bending. The main thing is that everything is withstanding in a noble monochrome of warm tones.

Italian style bedrooms are designed for nators of romantic and artistic. To create an atmosphere of the Italian home worth playing Association with Roman antiquity, Renaissance and Country style. Indeed, modern Italian or Mediterranean style is involved in these components. At the heart of everything, of course, there is an eternal classic, but the classic of a special kind: a restrained, noble, who does not recognize any showful luxury and screaming pomp. On the contrary, simplicity and loyalty to the traditions are welcome here. And despite the fact that in Italian interiors, you can often find memories of the great antique past in the form of majestic columns and arched openings, the pathos of these elements is neutralized by the use of traditional natural materials: natural wood and stone. So, the floors are most often separated by a stone or ceramic tiles, and the walls are simply whiten or covered by the "Venetian plaster" imitating marble divorces. One of the main distinguishing features of the Italian style is a noble monochrome, and mostly warm shades that give the house special comfort. That is, the color scheme includes beige, yellowish and pale pink tones. Walls, however, can be snow-white or dirty white. Of course, the main element of the bedroom is a bed. And it can be both wooden with a beautiful curly back, and metal with openwork wrought-iron details. As for textiles, it is not very welcome in Italian style. Of course, on the windows there should be light curtains better monophonic and in bright colors, and the bed can be a soft rug, too, better in the beige gamma. And wall mosaic compositions, pictures with Italian species or wall painting in the genre of pictorial deception, which was widespread in the Baroque Epoch for entertainment, will be fitted as interior decorations. Examples of the design of the bedroom in Italian style can be selected in our photo selection.

    Warm light beige gamma - the favorite interior palette in Italian style. Light gamma excellent background for elegant openwork forms: back bed, chandelier and sconce.

    An excellent decoration of the interior of the Italian style bedroom was a picturesque copy of the classic Venetian's leaders.

    Soft gray-beige gamut, furniture of classic forms, elegant ornamental lamps - everything speaks about the preferences of the hosts of the bedroom to the noble style of Italian classics.

    White painted furniture, white and blue wallpapers and textiles are rather reminiscent of the Scandinavian style, but the drawing of the bed backing of the bed gives rise to associations with Italian classics.

    The bedroom is decorated in the style of modern classics, where the elements of the Scandinavian and Italian traditions are connected.

    The bedroom is framed in the style of neo-modern with elements of a classic palace style. Such luxurious ornamental fabrics in the curtains and the upholstery of the walls could be found in the Italian Palazzo Baroque era.

    The Italian style of this bedroom is expressed in the purity of the lines and the noble monochrome range.

    In the bedroom interior, the features of the palace luxury and the noble restraint of the color were connected. This mixture is based on Italian style.

    The main color dominant white bedroom was the figure back of the bed of olive color - the favorite paint of Italian painters.

There should be harmony in the rest room, so it is so important to create a setting that customizes on relaxation that allows you to donate from everyday worries.

That is why the bedrooms decorated in Italian style are popular with many apartments owners.

Among the owners of urban real estate, a lot of those who make the choice of such a design, spending time and considerable finances for its creation.

We will try to figure out what the differences between the bedroom are concluded with such a decor from other interior solutions.

The main characteristics of the Italian style

The inhabitants of Italy are perfectly dealt with aesthetics and design issues, so their homes have an attractive interior decoration.

Italian style is characterized by extraordinary beauty, which is impossible to describe several words and standard definitions. This design is characterized by warmth and harmony.

Council. If you appreciate home comfort and strive for harmony, a rest room with Italian décor will fully satisfy your wishes.

Consider the main features of this direction - they need to know those who have conceived to issue a bedroom on the Italian manner:

  • use in the finishing of materials of natural origin;
  • selection of bright and natural shades, harmonizing with motley contrasting colors;
  • presentable furnishings made of wood, decorated with forged details or original carvings;
  • the use of non-standard accessories complementing design.

Color spectrum

When creating modern Italian interiors, preference is given to the shades of light gamut.

The most popular color of the ivory, underlining the aristocraticity of the situation.

Make sure that the selected shades are harmonized with each other. Include in the room design light blue, saturated emerald, red, brown, yellow, sunny orange and lavender shades.


Before taking on the creation of Italian decor, consider photos of ready-made interiors bedrooms decorated in this direction.

A bright color palette should prevail in the wall decoration. An excellent choice will be yellow, chocolate and cream shades - they will fill the room with warmth and make it more comfortable.

Most often, decorative plastering of a noble beige color or a tint of terracotta is used.

Walls can also be covered with fabric-based fabric based on vegetable prints or damasters. This design causes associations with aristocratic Italian mansions.

If you like painting, you can separate the surface with a multi-colored mosaic.

The floor is better to make wooden, but this goal is used real wood. The coating of a natural tree, although it will be hidden, but it will look awesome.

For Italian design, a textured game is characterized, so the walls in such a room are desirable to follow, and in the ceiling decoration to use stucco.

In the ceiling decor, you can use different materials. We use the liquid wallpaper of a snow-white or nonsense beige shade. Many owners design stretch ceiling designs in bedrooms with a matte or shiny surface, more often in white or pastel column.

For the ceiling in the bedroom with the interior weathered in Italian style, the beam overlaps are used. Upon the condition of competent zoning of the room, they will turn into an original interior decoration.

Attention! It is desirable that the ceiling coating is white. It is possible to make the decor more elegant at the expense of stucco elements on the edges.

Choose furniture

The main subject of furniture in the rest room is a bed. We advise you to choose a wooden model with elegant legs and wrought-iron. The furniture should remind the work of art, so do not skimp when it is purchased.

In addition to the bed in the bedroom, there must be a chest of drawers from a similar material. If the room is spacious, man's presentable stands, setting them on both sides. On the bedside tables you can place small lamps with fabric lampshairs.

From additional furniture involved in the situation of the Italian bedroom, you can mark soft deputies and small, on elegant legs, coffee table.

If the budget allows you to finish the room with genuine antique furnishings. With it, it is easy to create a luxurious bedroom decoration, make sure the interior.

Original accessories and gentle textiles

In traditional Italian style, every detail has a value. Small elements make it possible to create solid interior images characteristic of premises in Italian style.

Carefully go to the selection of bedroom accessories. On the walls hang pictures with the image of rural landscapes, olive groves and fruit trees.

Create an Italian corner in the bedroom will help tender textiles: aircraft curtains with original pattern, pillows with decorative embroidery, bedding.

Modern Italian bedrooms are often decorated with figurines, cast out of bronze, and use them in large quantities.

The lounge, decorated in such a stylist, reflects the impeccable taste of apartment owners; In such premises, it reigns a comfortable, setting the atmosphere on vacation and it creates due to the competent selection of finishing, furniture and accessories.

The room decorated with compliance with all the requirements of this style will be the perfect place to relax.

In such a bedroom, residents will be able to enjoy solitude, build plans and just relax.

The subtleties of the recreation of Italian style

Genuine English Decor suggests a combination of traditional architectural solutions and original exquisite design. Creating such a design in the rest room, you can explore and watch photo-catalogs with projects of Italian mansions.

Considering the interiors of such villas, you will notice that the Italian style has imagined the features of other areas: elegant classics, French Provence, a rustic country and industrial loft.

In the modern interpretation of Italian design, the priority is given to calm and harmony.

For the embodiment of all the ideas, sufficient space requires, so it is desirable that the bedroom is spacious and well covered with sunlight. But this does not mean that this style will not work in a small area of \u200b\u200bthe room - with the right approach, any task becomes executable.

In real Italian interiors, a small amount of accessories and textile elements is used, attention is focused on luxurious furnishings.

Italian-style bedroom can be arranged by people with different levels of material wealth.

Read about what should be: varieties and variants of beds in different versions - with photo examples.

What curtains in the bedroom should be preferred? Reply read.

Create a light script

In traditional Italian interiors, maximum attention is paid to choosing light sources. If the bedroom is located in the north side of the building, it is necessary to take care of additional lighting.

In addition to suspended models of lamps that attract the attention of unusual forged details, you can use a ceiling light device, for example, a metal chandelier with plafoughs in the form of grape closes or rose buds.

When creating the main and additional lighting in the Italian bedroom, choose the lighting devices in a single style. For example, wallpaper can be used not only as basic lighting sources, but also for additional backlight.

Registration of a small room

Most people live in small apartments. In recent years, housing with studio planning has been popular. When choosing a style for decoring a studio apartment, you can prefer Italian design.

In a small bedroom or in the bedroom located in the same room with a living room, one wall can be decorated with Venetian plaster, giving the decor similarity to the country style.

Opposite the accent wall, set the bed and check it with a delicate coloring. Thus, you can form a sleeping corner in the studio apartment or in a private house.

On the wall on the right and on the left of the bed hang wrought light instruments with lamps of the original shape glass.

The Italian bedroom is easy to divide the functional zones. The work part of the room or the fireplace can be decorated with mosaic or use manual painting.

On a note! To create a decorative painting, paints on an acrylic basis are needed. The plot choose at your discretion, but it must certainly be rounded forms and patterns.

Main advantages

Italian design won popularity due to its comfort and versatility. Professionals offer a lot of options for ready-made interior solutions in this direction.

The most significant advantage is the provision of housing owners opportunities for self-realization. You can, for example, show a fantasy in choosing accessories, decorate the room with unusual decorative elements that will become an interior highlight.

It is not necessary to adhere to the strict instructions of specialists in this area - designers. An excellent idea will decorate windows with white curtains, and the bed is causing a gently green or pale blue bedspread.

The Italian direction provides many opportunities to implement their own ideas, the main thing is to maintain the main concept.

Another plus Italian style is that it can be used for the design of the bedroom of any area. Adhering to the basic rules, it is easy to create an appropriate room decoration and in a small apartment, and in a spacious country house.

The versatility of such a design is also manifested in the fact that it can be used in the bedroom finishing and for the newlyweds, and for people aged.

Council. Do not be afraid to make customized adjustments in the design, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in the created interior.

Italian-style bedrooms are mostly romantic people and creative nature. It is possible to create an atmosphere of this Italy in the room at the expense of Roman antiquity, decor elements inherent in the country direction and Renaissance.

In the modern version of Italian style, simplicity is combined with pompousness, and aristocracy - with luxury. This design is based on a classic, but a laconic, not accepting a wealth demonstration.

Interior design specialists seek to include bedrooms in the decor on Italian manner antique parts, causing associations with long-standing traditions of Italians.

In spacious bedrooms there are often door and window openings in the form of arches, massive columns, finishing from natural stone. Neutralizing the pathos decoration helps the floor, trimmed with tiles, or stone coating.

The walls often separate the Venetian plaster with the texture that imitates marble divorces. Shades of warm gamut characteristic of this style contribute to the creation of a harmonious, homely cozy atmosphere.

The number of fans of Italian design is rapidly increasing. Such interiors are attracted by presentable trim and comfort. In bedrooms with a similar decor, the walls have gentle clearance, the extra comfort of the premises give the flooring from natural material, high-quality textile elements and original accessories.

Show scrupulous in the matter related to the decoration of the interior of the rest room, study the key features of the Italian style and recreate them in the setting of the bedroom in their home or apartment.


Gallery photo

Modern Italian-style bedroom from Mann Group and Money Manini is not just sleeping furniture, it is also a combination of grace and proper proportions with functionality and reliability. Designer bedrooms will undoubtedly give you comfort, beautiful well-being and comfort during sleep.

Furniture for bedroom in the Italian style Mann Group and Manini Mobili- impeccable quality and exclusive style

Mann Groups and Mobile Manini provide a high level of all their furniture products, the choice of raw materials is determined based on the quality and technological fitness. Carefully selected materials provide natural color and smooth perfect furniture forms. The main material for the bedroom serves an array of valuable wood - beech and ash, in combination with high-class LDSP and MDF. Fittings are used exclusively from leading Italian and German manufacturers, is characterized by their strength and durability.

Mann Group Trade is the official dealer of the MANN Group and Manini Mobili factories and offers the entire range of exquisite bedrooms for the price of the manufacturer. In the catalog of our furniture, you can find the bedrooms of various color solutions and styles - from Florentine classics to modern modern. Their beauty and sophisticated design is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

If you are interested in our italian style bedroom, you have the opportunity to buy a bedroom in Moscow, both the whole collection, and select individual components, see photos. For example, a beautiful bed can be purchased with elegant bedside tables and a spacious cabinet, or buy a bed with comfortable drawers, different tables, consoles and dressers are purchased. It all depends on your preferences and size of the room.

You can buy a bedroom furniture in Italian style in our online store. To do this, you only need to place an order online or by phone indicated on the site. If necessary, it is possible to design assembly and delivery in Moscow and Russia.

What can be more cozy and more beautiful than an Italian classic bedroom, with its harmonious composition, soft color scheme, the magty of the woody textures and the art of decorative finish? Salon Mobilcasa offers you our extensive and diverse collection of classic bedrooms from Italy from the leading brands of the elite segment.

Features of furniture

Stylish classic bedrooms from Italy distinguish features:

  • Harmonious design. Classic style is an eternal direction, unqualified fashion trends. The bedrooms of Italy in the classics are the perfect balance of forms, colors. In such an interior, each detail is adjusted.
  • Imaginary quality. Italian bedroom furniture in classic style combines the best natural materials, expensive wood and textile varieties. Its production uses advanced technological capabilities and the skillful manual work of Italian masters, which ensures consistently impeccable result.
  • Rich finish. Decorative design is performed manually. For this purpose, unique techniques of the composition, thread, inlaid, patination, etc. are used.

The classic bedrooms from Italy will become a luxurious home interior decoration and create a unique atmosphere of comfort.