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Alpine - bright foliage and magnificent inflorescences. Favorable days of the lunar calendar for planting vegetables and colors Favorable days of planting vegetables for June

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Lunar Calendar for Ogorodnik 2017 - Care for tomatoes, cucumbers, repeated crops

June 2017.

Led on this page Table lunar calendar is a thematic sample from the universal made for the convenience of planning works related to work on the beds, garden strawberry Present both in the Garden section and in this section, since it is more convenient for us to view work related to it in the "Garden" section of the calendar.

In June, the dawn with the dawn converges.

In June, the first harvest is assembled: radishes and early green cultures, by the end of the month strawberries sleep, early cucumbers appear.
In the middle of the month, potatoes are plunged. Under the curly plants put supports. Cucumber shoots should be switched. It is not recommended to loose cucumber beds, as the roots of these vegetables are located close to the surface, so it is not necessary to do without quite frequent weeping. Particular attention in June should be given to the formation of the stem of tomatoes and regularly conduct steaming of tall varieties - otherwise it is possible to not be credited to a significant amount of tomatoes.
In June, it is possible to repeated crops of dill, lettuce, kervel, broccoli cabbage.

ATTENTION! Our lunar gardery calendar is conducted by Moscow time. (Calendar can be used throughout Russia, given the difference between Moscow and local time *)

Work in the vegetable garden, vegetable and strawberry care activities

from June 01, 2017 00:00 (Thu)
on June 3, 2017 03:03 (Sat)

Growing moon in the sign of the Virgin

Mineral fertilizers feeding. Strawberry treatment. Best time for transplanting vegetable plants grown in room conditions And on the balcony.
We still have a Dacha and Garden blog, the entrance is only from the moon calendar
from June 03, 2017 03:03 (Sat)
On June 05, 2017 13:46 (PN)

Growing Moon in Sign Sign

June 3 (23.05 Art. Style) - Elena and Konstantin (Olenin Day)
"Olenin day - Sadi cucumbers. If at deer bad weather, then autumn will be rainy"

From June 05, 2017 13:46 (PN)
On June 08, 2017 01:59 (Thu)

Growing Moon in Scorpion Sign

Care of vegetable and other crops are strictly prohibited. Favorable watering and soil looser. Sowing perennialions, dill, lettuce, kerwell. Collection early harvest Salad, spinach, early cucumbers and cauliflower. Rooting strawberry sockets. Conducting looser and mulching of the soil, work with a compost. Possible feeders with complex fertilizers with the infusion of a cow. Extra cornering subcortex Tomatoes and cucumbers.
from June 08, 2017 01:59 (Thu)
On June 08, 2017 19:39 (Thu)

Growing moon in the sign

Swimming and mulching of the soil, work with a compost. Cleaning early vegetables and greenery and their recycling. Sowing perennial bows. Making inorganic feeding, dip. Fighting diseases and pests.

In June, the dumping of tomatoes remains an urgent topic. For readers who visiting our calendar for the first time, I transfer the link to the video: C May page of the calendar. How the formation of tomatoes and video of their steaming can also look at the picture on the picture (new window opens).

For meating the tomatoes, it is not necessary to wait for favorable days. Palecking tomatoes begin not earlier than two weeks after transplanting seedlings on permanent placeBut then, the sooner you remove the stepsok, the better - the plant will not waste your strength in vain ...
from June 08, 2017 19:39 (Thu)
on June 10, 2017 21:32 (Sat)


Forbidden days to work with plants. Adverse days for salting (do not pick up, for example, cucumbers in full moon). Collection of flowers, leaves and grass medicinal plants. It is possible to join and mulch the soil.
June 9, 2017 16:09 MSK - Astronomical Full Moon (Middle moon month- until June 10, 2017 14:36 \u200b\u200bMoon in Sagittarius, then in the sign of Capricorn
on June 10, 2017 21:32 (Sat)
On June 13, 2017 02:44 (W)

Descending moon in the sign of Capricorn

Fighting weeds, loosening and mulching of the soil. Sowing radish for winter storage, the second sowing of the turnip. Summary of the soil from the bulbs of the onions-repka, the dipping of the bow-sowing. Making fertilizers under root and potatoes. Undercalinking tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, patissons, phizalis, cabbage.
From June 13, 2017 02:44 (W)
On June 15, 2017 13:17 (Thu)

Descending Moon in Aquarius

Adverse days for planting and planting plants. Conducting spraying vegetable crops Growth stimulants. Mulching soil by humus, overworked, compost, weeds.
from June 15, 2017 13:17 (Thu)
on June 17, 2017 20:55 (Sat)

Decreasing moon in fish sign

Watering and feeding organic fertilizers Vegetable crops. A favorable time for repeated crops for greens. Potato glue. Sleeping of carrots crops.
from June 17, 2017 20:55 (Sat)
On June 20, 2017 00:53 (W)

Descending Moon in the Sign of Aries

Spraying of all thermo-loving crops growth stimulants and fruits. Conducting feeding of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, patissons, phizalis, cabbage, etc. Palecking of tomatoes. A favorable time for loosening, mulching, weeds and pests. Deleting mustache at strawberries. Plugging early planting potatoes. Sular of shoots. Compost blank.
From June 20, 2017 00:53 (W)
On June 22, 2017 01:44 (Thu)

Decreasing moon in the sign of the Taurus

Radish sowing for winter storage, dike, turnips, radishes sowing. Summary of the soil from the bulbs of the onions-repka, the dipping of the bow-sowing. Making fertilizers under root and potatoes, processing their growth stimulants. Fighting weeds, removal of strawberry mustache. Measking tomatoes. A favorable period to combat pests. Hay blank for autumn refueling of greenhouses and greenhouses, add to compost and for mulching.

June 21 (08.06 Art. Style) - Fedor Summer (Stratilat)
"If there is a large dew, summer, though dry, give a good crop"

from June 22, 2017 01:44 (Thu)
On June 23, 2017 03:34 (PT)

Descending Moon in the sign of the twins

Weed weeding, breaking shoots on vegetable beds. Measking tomatoes and peppers, formation of a weaves of cucumbers, a sepper whipping at Pumpkins and Melon. Removal of yellowed leaves on cucumbers and zucchini, tomatoes. Removal of unnecessary strawberry mustache.
from June 23, 2017 03:34 (PT)
on June 25, 2017 05:29 (Sun)


It is not recommended to plant anything, replant. Anyone possible household works, work with soil, composting, spraying from pests and diseases of trees and shrubs.
June 24, 2017 05:30 Moscow time - the beginning of the lunar month. Zodiac sign: - until June 24, 2017 01:06 Moon in the Taurus sign, then in the sign of the twins.
from June 25, 2017 05:29 (Sun)
On June 26, 2017 01:06 (PN)

Growing moon in cancer

Adverse days for steaming, chipquarters of vegetable crops. Favorable watering and feeding of thermal-loving crops and cabbage with increasing dose of potash fertilizers during rainy cold weather. Spraying vegetable crops growth stimulants and development and fruiting preparations. Sowing green and spicy crops. Good period for salting.
From June 26, 2017 01:06 (PN)
On June 28, 2017 03:41 (cf)

Growing moon in a lion sign

An unfavorable time for watering, liquid root feeding and other works with vegetable plants. Useful spraying against diseases and pests. Harvest We must immediately process.
(from 27 to 30 June - in Russian folk signsassociated with the phase of the moon, the most favorable days month For salting cucumbers)
From June 28, 2017 03:41 (cf)
On June 30, 2017 10:02 (PT)

Growing moon in the sign of the Virgin

Fertilizers can not be made. Good time For loosening, dipping, mulching, composting, weeding and watering. The collected harvest must be recycled immediately.

"In Tikhon, the sun goes quieter" - an amazing fact forcing the folk observation - at that time the land is in the Aplia zone of his orbit and really slows down his movement around the sun, it would be possible to think that this coincidence associated with rhymes, but the next day - "Manuel" and again statement: "The sun is stared at Manuil." Nowadays, the date of passage of the Earth through the point of Afhelia - July 4, but 250-300 years ago, the Earth passed the Aflims at the end of June!

from June 30, 2017 10:02 (PT)
On June 30, 2017 23:59 (PT)

Growing Moon in Sign Sign

A favorable time for repeated crops of dill, salad, kerwell, broccoli cabbage. Sowing perennial onions, grain, forage and pall crops. Loosening, composting, mulching, weeding, watering. You can cut and dry green vegetable cultures.

Folk challenges about the weather in June:
June will show how to be December, and December - June.
Sultry June - Spin on Boroviki.
June - Summer in the heat, and the sun for the winter.

Based on one rather interesting folk signs, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of the lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours ... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

The lunar sowing calendar appeared a long time ago. Man always tried to prepare in advance for the new season. People noticed that the moon affects the processes occurring in nature. As an example, these are tides and flow, the impact on biorhythms in the human body and planting plant cultures.

The moon satellite land, the closest body to the planet, so the processes have affected all the processes around us. The greatest influence of the moon has on the water.

The main periods of moon motion affecting the life of all living on the planet: new moon, full moon, periods of growing and decreasing moon. Scientists managed to learn, favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants in the garden and in the garden.

The moon acts on the water due to the strength of attraction.

All plants for the most part consist of water, so contacting help sowing calendar For 2017, you will learn when the moon can favorably "attract" plants to him, increasing the growth, and when to "push", leading to illness and even death.

Maximum attraction force during the full moon. This is a period of aggravation of diseases, change in the work of technology, aggressive splashes of mood in humans.

Gardener is important not to land planting material On this day, with a strong energy impact, the plants are badly coming up during transplantation.

The minimum activity of the moon during new moon. A person feels a decrease in activity, the plants lose most of the forces necessary for growth, and therefore almost never strengthen in the ground.

Sowing lunar calendar 2017 Formed specialists from different directions, and can help modern manworking on the garden and in the garden, save resources and time, get a big and high-quality harvest.

Favorable and unfavorable days for planting plants

Plants like wheat, cucumbers, flowers - there are growing up, it is necessary to trust in favorable days on a growing moon. And plants with tubers - potatoes, beets, parsley - growing under the ground, planted in a period of decreasing moon.

Favorable days sowing and planting plants in 2017

Many are confident that our lives in outer space, where everything is interconnected, astronomical bodies affect. The well-being and behavior of most people, the outcome of the most important events, the flow of ocean waters and favorable days for planting determines the lunar rhythm. This in the moon - the crop of plants will be doubly, the Russian peasants rumored.

Divine world of plants

The full lunar cycle, which lasts an average of 29.5 days, represent 8 phases of the lighting of the moon by the Sun:

  1. new Moon (the moon is not visible);
  2. young (sickle, horns are directed to the left, connecting them imaginary straight to get the letter "P");
  3. I-I am a quarter of the moon (covered by a quarter);
  4. arriving;
  5. phase of the full moon;
  6. decreasing;
  7. II quarter of the moon;
  8. an aging moon (thin crescent horn to the right, similar to the letter "C").

Each phase is reflected in its own way on plants. How the lunar rhythm affects, has been established for a long time. Still confusions said: "Since we live in didnote worldWe need a lunar calendar. " But many today doubt these knowledge. Rarely who use the lunar calendar.

Good to know

American scientist Clark Timmens confirmed the influence of the Moon with experiments over vegetables.

Astrologers argue: on the day of the new moon the plants are alone and the juices fill the roots. In the days of the arriving moon, there is a coating from the roots to the fruits developing above the Earth. Maximum accumulation is achieved in the full moon nutrients In the fruits, thickening the color and aroma of flowers. With an aging moon, the sludge is directed from top to bottom to the roots, the accumulation of nutrients in tubers and root plans occurs.
Three rules exist on the lunar calendar for gardened gardens.

  1. And the new moon - prohibited days for all sowing and landing work.
  2. Rightproof plants need to be planted on a decreasing moon.
  3. For lush colors, good harvesting fruits, vegetables, giving edible tops (fruits above the surface of the earth), the best phase will be the best on the lunar calendar.

Following these rules, the farmers are enough to take into account the new moon, a full moon, growing and decreasing moon.

Planetary impact

The moon is constantly influenced by some of the 12 zodiac signs. And this influence on the plants is transmitted by various energies (the power of the magnetic field, light pulses, other influences, including unexplored).
Astrologers are determined by the lunar calendar the favorable days for planting plants, depending on how the sign of the zodiac is the night shone. Productive moon days - Those when the moon is in cooperation with "prolonged" constellations.

Malcreic signs for plants: Earthwood - Virgo (wet and cold), Fire - Sagittarius (Male, moderately dry and warm).
Unfavorable (fruitless) signs: Fiery - Aries (dry, moderately hot), lion (the hottest, arid); Air - Aquarius (Dry, Cold), Gemini (dry, warm).
Fire signs (Fruits) are unfavorable for sowing and planting plants.

If in the lunar calendar of the moon today under fruitless signs, set aside seeds of vegetables, colors and transplant seedlings. During this period, the benefit is small - both for plants and for the gardener. You can do other garden matters.
Moon Sowing Calendar for May 2017

Forbidden days in May:

    • 11 (full moon - the beginning of the phase at 00:42; here and then indicated Moscow time);

25 (New Moon - begins at 22:45).

Lunar sowing calendar for June 2017

Forbidden days in June:

  • 9 (full moon - comes at 16:11);
  • 24 (New Moon - Phase begins at 05:33).

When sowing the lunar calendar, use the specialized publications, which showcase the exact time:

  • moon transition to full moon;
  • transition to new moon;

12 hours before and after that time it is not recommended to plant.

Moon days

The ancient Russian calendar "Moonnik" defined the days for vegetables, colors, when what can be sowned. The first lunar day begins with new moon. 1,2,6, from 8 to 12, 20,21,23, 24th, from the 26th to 28th, are considered favorable. moon day. For flowers, the 27th day is especially favorable. It is impossible to sow and plant on 3, 5, 15, 16, 29th lunar day.

Folk signs

Are considered bad (rot) 1st and 3rd week of the month, 2nd and 4th weeks - good, favorable not only for sowing gardening crops and colors, but also for all new cases.

From the days of the week Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - the best for landing of all vegetables, colors, trees. But if we plant cucumbers on Fridays, they will be bitter.

Landmark on May and June served as a calendar of Flora. Oak blooms -. Flower aspen, violets - it's time to sow, carrots, onions,. Earrings appeared on Maple - Seita beets. Feed the flower petals of viburnum - you can search for the beds of beans, cucumbers. Daricissians were blocked - Seita in the ground salad, radish, colors seeds (phlox, daisies). Fractional of peony colors (end of May, June) - Pumpkin, cucumbers, beans.

Russian calendar of the farmer

In May and June church calendar Days are the name of the saints. Orthodox people, having the memory of martyrs using the centuries-old observations of the ancestors, knew what day what work can be carried out.

The month of May. From 6 to 21 - the height of spring. Maja came in the garden in the garden: lay on time the basics of growth, fruiting, flowering plants. Maja ends, and from the 22nd the pretext begins. Since June 11, summer comes.

In May, you can sow:

  • 2 (Ivan) - Carrot Crichery Singing;
  • 5 - onions, planted, early peas;
  • 6 (sighting free) - you can sow cabbage to the rampant board, beets for the beds, continue sowing carrots;
  • 7 (EVSEY) - OSSI OXEV, planting early potatoes;
  • 9 (Glafira-pea) - Late pea landing;
  • 10 (Semyon) -;
  • 12 (martyrs) - sow dill, mustard, basil, coriander (nectarial plants attracting bumblebees, bees);
  • 15 (Seatheli Boris and Gleb) - It's time to transplant in the greenhouses;
  • 18 (Arina-shotgun) - Seat cabbage for ridges, cucumbers (under the shelter);
  • 20 (Ivan Brazhnik) - Sowing late carrots;
  • 22 (Nicola Sprint) -; Onions, peas late;
  • 24 (moka) - transferred seedlings of cucumbers to the ridge;
  • A special day in May - the 23th number (Simon Zvytot) - the peasants were revered on this day by the birthday man, did not plow and did not sow.

In June, from 1 to 3 and 5 numbers, the cucumbers were planted. They did not sow, did not plow on June 4 (Vasilisk) - they have lost this day so that the fields of bread did not climb the cornflower. Beans (valued peasants culture can be searched by the 12th (Isaic) and the 13th (Eremeze). Last - 25 numbers (Petrov Day). At Akulin (in June, this is 26 numbers) to plant cucumbers - the curves are frightened.

Orthodox calendar

In 2017, believers celebrate the two-month holidays:

  • may, 25 numbers - the Ascension of the Lord;
  • june, 4 numbers - Trinity,
  • june, 5th number - perfumes day.

These holidays refrain from landing.

You can check in fact, favorable or no days of planting colors, garden crops, fruit trees along the lunar and church calendar or folk signs. As Plato said, who himself does not see, not to convince.

According to the lunar gardener gardener calendar for June 2017, we consider that at this time the sun is pretty intensively, the soil dries quickly, and all plants require moisture. You should also make feeding to help plants intensively grow.

In the first decade of the month, you can proceed to the green grafs of grapes.

Work in the garden in June fruit trees Conducted as needed. During this period, they are engaged in the formation of crowns, the removal of gingerbread shoots, is carried out pinching and flexion. Conducting these procedures contributes to the speedy ripening of fruits and berries. Continue measures to combat diseases and pests. Branches affected muced dew It is necessary to cut and burn.

In June, there is an intense growth of trees, therefore it is recommended to conduct regular abundant watering, especially if there is dry weather. A generous watering protects from premature fetuses.

In June, post-harvesting works on strawberry beds (weeding, watering, loosening, removal of extra musty, feeding).

In the garden, continue to land on the seedlings started in May. Free from seedlings, greenhouses and greenhouses planted with cucumbers and pepper. In June, the fallout seedlings of late cabbage and tomatoes end. On the cucumbers, the first flowers break, giving the opportunity to dial plants good growth. Watering is carried out with warm water, while the water in no case should fall on the leaves. In June, parsley, carrots and beets are thinned. Sanding tomatoes, pepper and cabbage make up and watered, format tomato bushes, if necessary, pumped steps. Spend spraying ash against cruciferous flesh. If the plot will be empty before winter, it can be seeded with legs and grain, they are excellent green fertilizer.

At the end of the month, carrots, dykon and radish (for the northern regions) for winter storage, as well as a salad, a roller dill, spinach are re-evinted. Estragon planted.

June is most favorable month For collecting medicinal herbal Such as: flowers of cornflower, valley and daisies, strawberry fruits, nettle leaves and plantain, hormour grass.

June 1, 2017, 7-8 lunar day. Growing moon in Virgo (root day). Thursday. We carry out the landing of bulbous flower cultures, seedlings of vegetables.

June 2, 2017, 8-9 lunar day. Growing moon in Virgo (root day). Friday. We take care of the bushes of the gooseberry, raspberries, currants.

June 3, 2017, 9-10 lunar day. Growing moon in scales (flower day). Saturday. We harvest vegetable raw materials for therapeutic purposes.

June 4, 2017, 10-11 lunar day. Growing moon in scales (flower day). Sunday. Favorable work with strawberries. We carry out the landing, the transplant of shrubs.

June 5, 2017, 11-12 lunar day. Growing moon in scales (flower day). Monday. We carry out the rooting of the cuttings, water, mulch, feed the l plunge.

June 6, 2017, 12-13 lunar day. Growing moon in scorpion (leaf day). Tuesday. We take sowing on seedlings of cauliflower, broccoli for late use.

June 7, 2017, 13-14 lunar day. Growing moon in scorpion (leaf day). Wednesday. Sowing Sideratov in the garden. Watering.

June 8, 2017, 14-15 lunar day. Growing moon in Sagittarius (fruit day). Thursday. We carry out a prophylactic spraying from pests.

June 9, 2017, 15-16 lunar day. Moon in Sagittarius (fruit day). Full moon at 9:07. Friday. Holiday!

June 10, 2017, 16-17 lunar day. Descending Moon in Sagittarius (fruit day). Saturday. I thin the thickened shoots, we remove excessive fruits.

June 11, 2017, 17-18 lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn (day root). Sunday. We carry out the soil application of fertilizers, as well as extractive feeding.

June 12, 2017, 18-19 lunar day. Descending moon in Capricorn (day root). Monday. We are wearing weeds and send vegetable residues in a compost bunch.

June 13, 2017, 19-20 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aquarius (flower day). Tuesday. Weeding.

June 14, 2017, 20 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aquarius (flower day). Wednesday. Making herbicides from weeds.

June 15, 2017, 20-21 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aquarius (flower day). Thursday. We continue the work of the previous two days.

June 16, 2017, 21-22 lunar day. Descending moon in fish (sheet day). Friday. We carry out repeated crops and planting vegetable crops.

June 17, 2017, 22-23 lunar day. Descending moon in fish (sheet day). Saturday. Watering, haircut lawn.

June 18, 2017, 23-24 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aries (Fruit Day). Sunday. We are engaged in step-in tomatoes, pinch the points of growth in cucumbers.

June 19, 2017, 24-25 lunar day. Descending Moon in Aries (Fruit Day). Monday. We spend the summer vaccination of fruit trees.

June 20, 2017, 25-26 lunar day. Descending Moon in Taurus (day root). Tuesday. Weeding, making mineral fertilizers in compost piles.

June 21, 2017, 26-27 lunar day. Descending Moon in Taurus (day root). Wednesday. Do not put plants and water them.

June 22, 2017, 27-28 lunar day. Descending Moon in the twins (flower day). Thursday. We work in a flower bed.

June 23, 2017, 28-29 lunar day. Descending Moon in the twins (flower day). Friday. We harvest vegetable raw materials for therapeutic purposes.

June 24, 2017, 29, 30, 1 lunar day. Moon in cancer (leaf day). New Moon at 05:27. Saturday. Holiday!

June 25, 2017, 1-2 lunar day. Growing moon in cancer (leaf day). Sunday. Watering all plants in the garden and garden.

June 26, 2017, 2-3 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev (fruit day). Monday. We carry out the pausing of tomatoes, pour the growth points in vegetable plants.

June 27, 2017, 3-4 lunar day. Growing moon in Lev (fruit day). Tuesday. We continue the work of the previous day.

June 28, 2017, 4-5 lunar day. Growing moon in Virgo (root day). Wednesday. Slore and dive seedlings of perennial herbs.

June 29, 2017, 5-6 lunar day. Growing moon in Virgo (root day). Thursday. We carry out green shrubs of berry shrubs.

June 30, 2017, 6-7 lunar day. Growing moon in scales (flower day). Friday. We collect seeds from the wondered perennial flowers.

Moon and its influence: view on the lunar sowing calendar of gardener gardener from a scientific point of view

Now a little about how affecting veatery flora The lunar phases themselves. In the period of the new moon, the growth and development of plants is somewhat suspected, all life juices focus on the root system. To the new moon it is better to abandon seed landing or crop transplantation.

In the next growing phase, there is an active movement of juices from roots up the stems to leaves, fruits and top. At this moment, the development and growth is activated. The period is favorable for transplanting and initial landing of crops having an edible above-ground part. However, the closer to the full moon it will happen, the less the stalk will stretch up. At the same time, minor damage to the root system will not harm the plant itself.

At the time of the full moon, life juices focus in ground-based parts, leaves and fruits. But immediately after it starts to move in the opposite direction, that is, to the roots. At the descending moon, the root crust is best suited, the trimming of trees is effectively passed.

It is important to consider that the full moon and the new moon are crisis moments of each month. During this period, it is worth abandoning active work (weeding, loosening, trimming) in the garden and garden, since all plants are most vulnerable to damage.

Calendar of the gardener and gardener June 12, 2017, today, or on the date of interest to you on the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener. What is the phase of the moon, visibility, sunrise, sunset and the entry of the moon in the zodiac you can look at this page, and all about planting plants and care for them for the entire month in the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener for June 2017. As well as favorable and unfavorable days for planting and transplanting plants, including indoor and care for them today or any other date.

Characteristics of the Moon on June 12, 2017

On the date 12.06.2017 in 12:00 The moon is in phase "Waning moon". it 18 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in the sign of the zodiac Capricorn ♑. Percentage of light The moon is 93%. Sunrise Moon at 22:59, and sunset at 06:29.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 18 Lunar day C 22:19 11.06.2017 at 22:59 12.06.2017
  • 19 lunar day C 22:59 06/12/2017 and until next

The influence of the moon on planting plants and care for them on the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener June 12, 2017

Moon in the sign of the Zodiac Capricorn (+)

Moon in the sign Capricorn. This is an average fertility sign. Provides good harvestwhich is long and well stored, however, fruits are medium sized.

Seed material is very high QualityThe seeds retain the germination for a long time. Plants, sowned and planted these days, shoot slowly, but friendly. Have powerful root system, strong stem and although grow slowly, acquire endurance, resistance to various damage, diseases, temperature drops, drought, frozen.

Trees and perennial shrubs will be fruitful for a long time, especially those cultures that will have to grow and fruit in arid or very cold conditions. Perennial and annual floral plants Have a strong stem and small, but beautiful shape flowers.

Positive in Capricorn:

  • soaking seeds;
  • sowing, landing for long storage and for seeds, also transplanting vegetable plants, especially potatoes, root and onion;
  • sowing and planting trees and shrubs, legumes, grain;
  • landing troves for further rewrite;
  • sowing and landing Promination and perennial plantswintering in the open soil;
  • you can transfer plants with a weakened root system, as well as those flowers to be able to winter on cold window sills;
  • root and non-rooting feet of plants;
  • trimming, quirk, grafting and harvesting of cuttings;
  • hay preparation;
  • protection against disease and pests;
  • cleaning for long-term storage and for seeds;
  • harvesting of the roots of medicinal plants;
  • the preparation of grown products is possible: canning, salting, cabbage, drying, billets of juices and wine.

Possible in Capricorn sowing and landing the following crops:

  • vegetable: Peanuts, Bean, Daikon, Cabbage (White, Broccoli, Kohlrabi, Color), Potatoes, Onions (Batun, Side, Stage, Schitt), Mangold, Carrot, Pepper Gorky, Radish, Radish, Rope, Beet, Topinambur, Pumpkin , garlic;
  • spicy green: basil, mint, parsley, celery, dill, horseradish, spinach, sorrel;
  • fruit-berry: apricot, cherry, pear, strawberry, gooseberry, peach, plum, currant, apple tree;
  • field: buckwheat, barley;
  • colors: Iris;
  • indoor Plants: Drazena (Derian, Easy), Conofitum Friedrich, Laurel Noble, Lapidaria Margaret, Largiroderma Easual, Palves Ferry (Hamero Pochitty, Trachikarpus Fordu, Washington Nitty), Fuss (Silver, Sickle, Lirectual) , Ficus Elastic (rubbing), coniferous plants, Ivory yukka.

Not favorably in Capricorn:

  • work with roots of plants.

18 lunar day (±)

June 12, 2017 at 12:00 - 18 lunar day. A rather passive day, activity is allowed, but not recommended. On this lunar day there is active nutrition of the lower part of the plants, the active growth of the roots and their saturation begins.

  • sowing and planting plants from which the underground part is edible: potatoes, carrots, trouser, onions, beets, peanuts, turnip;
  • spraying bulbs and tubers for storage;
  • transplantation, vaccination, trimming trees;
  • weeding, thinning, spraying from diseases and pests.
  • watering, it should be moderate;
  • work with roots of plants, as this can lead to their death;
  • loose soil.

Descending Moon (±)

The moon is in phase Waning moon. activity vital energy And the juices are directed from the leaves to the center, as well as the pressure in the underground part of the plants.

Roots are more fragile and sensitive compared to the stalk of plants, so there may be a detrimental damage during this period on plants.

On a decreasing moon, an active growth of the roots and underground parts of plants occurs, and the growth of the above-ground suspended. The above-ground part during this period weakly responds to damage.

At this time, it is necessary to water much less often, because Plants drink less water.

On a decreasing moon is favorable:

  • sowing and planting rootepodes, bulbous, legumes, potatoes;
  • sular of shoots, the destruction of weeds and pests;
  • pruning plants to slow down the growth of shoots;
  • trimming mustache strawberries;
  • flying of flower bulbs, clubnellukovits and tubers for storage;
  • cutting colors intended for long shipments and storage;
  • harvesting for long-term storage;
  • billets of the future: drying of vegetables and fruits, cooking jam, canning with heat treatment;
  • organic feeding is allowed, but only root.

Influence of the Day of the Week (±)

Day of the week - monday, this day is managed by the moon. It is called a hard afternoon at all because it should be immediately at a free output. On this day, good luck alternate with failures, progress - with defeats. Everything becomes unreliable and relative.

On Monday, astrologers advise to rely only on their intuition, since the arguments of the reason on this day do not work. Plants planted on this day can grow weak or give little fruit.

However, all traps and the obstacles of Monday can get around those who "heart feel", what to do. Trusting your intuition, as a rule, on this day everything is done successfully and in the garden and in the garden.

And those who postponed some things on Monday on their plot, are forced to redo everything, since the mind over Monday is not authorular.

Remember that the zodiac sign is the most important in determining the influence of the moon, then the lunar day, and then the moon phase and the day of the week. Do not forget that the lunar calendar has a recommendatory character. When making important decisions, we rely more on specialists and on yourself.

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