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Lunar calendar of the gardenhouse for September. Favorable days for gardeners in September - calendar

Each dacket is asked about to plant in the garden in the fall, before leaving him. Answer this question Moon sowing calendar will help for 2018. It is clearly indicated that and when it should be planted.

Planting cultures at the beginning and late September 2018

The calendar of work in the garden and garden at the beginning of September recommends leading the harvest of broccoli, potatoes, cauliflower.

In the second half of the month, the harvest of parsley, carrots, celery, swables can be collected.

Urals and other regions of the country at the end of September can begin to grow cultures on the windowsill. Equip the mini-garden at home is quite simple. Greenery is taken from the garden along with a room of the earth and transplanted into the boxes that put indoors.

According to the Soviets of Lunny sowing calendarIn September, good results gives planting fruit-berry shrubs. You can make the landing of raspberries.

Another concern for the end of the month is a transplant and division of perennials. During this period, the gardener and garden calendar for 2018 recommends fissioning primroses, peonies, dolphiniums, phloxes. There is time and for landing lilies. At the same time, in Siberia, September will be the optimal month for planting the specified flower, and in the southern regions it is better to transfer work at the end of August.

Work in the garden in September 2018

During this period, in the context of the Moscow region and other regions should not be neglected by planting trees. At the same time, after the planting should be kept mulching of the priority circles so that the soil retains moisture. Feeding trees fertilizers with nitrogen content is not carried out, otherwise the plants will not stand low temperatures.

Lunar sowing calendar for September 2018 recommends processing trees from pests special means. It is necessary to avoid problems in the future.

Traditionally, in the first month of autumn, not only the day of planting trees is carried out, but also a few days of harvest. As a rule, at this time it is time for the collection of winter varieties of apples and their preparing for storage. If there are fruit on the site, they must be accurately assembled and sorted, and then put in wooden boxes With holes.

Unlike room colors to plant decorative plants in the vegetable garden in the fall, should be observed whole line rules. Basically, a tulip plant in the garden at the beginning of autumn (Túlipa)But that he bloomed, have to try.

First of all, the tulips love the sun, so the place they have to choose the appropriate. Among other things, the landing site should be well protected from the wind, and before starting landing, the soil should be swapped to the depth of the bayonet shovel.

Blowing bulbs in the soil should be extremely careful not to damage the roots. If the weather on the street is unstable, it is recommended to cover the flowers with a noodle. It is not only about tulips, but also about hyacinths (Hyacinthus), Narcissa (Narcissus).

Do not forget about a limp. In the Volga region and other parts of Russia, the presented flower is planted along with Lilyniki, Poppy, Dolphinium, Floxes. Recommended to plant such useful plantAs Physalis, blooming with funny orange "lanterns".

Using the lunar sowing calendar for September 2018, the equipment of the autumn flower garden will pass correctly, and to care for the landings will be easy. If you do not observe the technology of landing time, most of the plants will quickly dismiss. So the emptiness is formed, which looks completely ugly.

Works in the garden and garden in September (video)

Lunar sowing calendar for gardener and gardener for September 2018, taking into account the phases of the Moon and its position in the signs of the zodiac


Moon in the sign of the zodiac

Moon in the sign Taurus

Locking trips for rewrite, Sewing and landing

primary cultures and perennials of open soil

Sanitary or rejuvenating trimming, as well as the formation of the crown fruit trees

Moon in Gemini sign

Transplantation of plants having weak roots, as well as perennials wintering indoors

Indicators of the survival rate of the root system of plants are reduced, so the eyepiece is undesirable

Moon in Gemini sign

Heavyweight plowing, Pumping Grocery, loosening and dipping, Demolition of weighing plants and thinning of seedlings

Moon in Gemini sign

Watering and feeding, which can provoke the death of the plant

Moon in Cancer Sign

Sewing seeds, landing and transplanting any cultures, including vegetable, pumpkin and pastier plants

trimming garden plants

Moon in Cancer Sign

Space material landing decorative cultures and planting seed potatoes

Watering and feeding plants can cause the roots and the occurrence of fungal lesions

Moon in the lion sign

Sowing seeds or landing seedlings of decorative annuals and perennial flower cultures

Processing of the above-ground part of plants from pests and pathogenic microflora,

trimming garden plants

Moon in the lion sign

Performing plowing, poppings and loosenings, as well as the glue and replacement of the soil in flower pots

Sewing seeds and planting crops that are distinguished by a long vegetation

Moon in Virgin

Sular breaking, removal of weeds, sanitary trimming of the crown, removal of strawberry mustache and pores

Removal of steppers, picking, transplantation and rooting

Moon in Virgin

Moon in scale sign

Works on soaking and germination of seeds, Sewing for storage harvest collected

Any work related to soil looser and plants transplantation

Moon in scale sign

Spacelock and seed seeds of any ampel and decorative crops having hanging and sharpening or creeping stalks

Looking and transplanting any plants herbaceous view

Moon in Scorpio sign

Processing and spraying from pathogenic microflora and pests, removal of strawberry mustache and pores

It is impossible to carry out activities related to chipping or dive

Moon in Scorpio sign

Crops and landing of decorative and deciduous cultures, as well as carrying out loosenings, irrigation events

Moon in Sagittarius

Use for root feeding of mineral and organic fertilizers, harvesting of compost mass

Harvesting potatoes and other root crops for long-term storage

Moon in Sagittarius

Laying a crop gardening crops for long-term storage and canning

Abundant watering and fertilizer making can provoke diseases

Moon in Sagittarius

Fravel the bulbs and tubers of decorative and any beautiful culture cultures

Any activities related to the use of garden inventory

Moon in Capricorn sign

Mineral feeder I. organic fertilizers, as well as the introduction of potash compositions

Moon in Capricorn sign

Conducting root fission of perennials and transplanting blooming crops

Earthworks, including pumping, loosening and gluttony

Moon in Aquarius

Cannot drink and hardened garden plantings

Moon in Aquarius

Sowing and planting seedlings of blooming and curly plants, spicy and medicinal crops

Removal or shortening of branches of garden plantings and berry shrubs

Moon in Aquarius

Collection and harvesting of vegetable drug raw materials and seed material

Moon in the sign of the fish

Sowing, planting seedlings and transplantation of green and leafy garden crops

Peresanzing and root division of bulbous and tuber-bulbous decorative cultures

Moon in the sign of the fish

Performing vaccination, watering, making organic and mineral fertilizers

Sanitary and rejuvenating trimming, formation of crown of any garden culture

Moon in the sign of Aries

Sewing and planting seedlings of decorative and blooming perennials and annual plants

Any activities related to the use of garden and garden equipment

Moon in the sign of Aries

Dropping, loosening and gluttony, removal of weeds and steps, breaking shoots, trimming of strawberry mustache

Working with the soil and root system of plants, including transplants and loosening

Moon in the sign Taurus

Recycling of grocery and garden crops on winter

Boot nutrient substrate For growing seedlings

Moon in the sign Taurus

Conducting the shilling of fruit plantings and rooting of strawberry mustache

Sanitary and forming trimming, rejuvenation of crowns of garden trees

Moon in the sign Taurus

Pages and picking garden plants, seed collection

The exposure of the root system of diseases during this period does not allow violation

Moon in Gemini sign

Harvesting for long-term storage and seeds of any plants, cleaning of grain crops

Sowing landing and transplantation of any plants in order to receive seeds

Lunar sowing calendar, knowledgeable gardeners and gardeners enjoy a long time ago. It helps not only plant cultures in the most favorable days, but also to carry out activities on the care, on which the health of plants depends and, accordingly, the entire future harvest.

Even novice daches, having understood in his advice, begin to do everything according to the rules, which makes it possible to increase the chances of success in any business.

Any work in the garden and garden is easier to spend, relying on the favorable and unfavorable days of the month.

  • In September, the new moon has sunday, the 9th.
  • Full moon comes 25 numbers.
  • From July 1 to July 9, the moon is descended.
  • From 9 to 25 July, the moon grows.
  • From July 25, the moon again begins to decrease.

For works with any cultures there are certain days.

  • Favorable days for vegetable crops, trees and shrubs - 1, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 19, 27, September 29th.
  • Favorable days for flowers: bulbous, tuber, flowers; annuals; Two-bedrooms and perennials - 1, 5-6, 10, 12-13, 19, 27, September 29.
  • Favorable days for landing roots, colors and herbs with a strong root system:
    2-4, 26, September 30.

Unfavorable days for landing, crops: 4, 6-9, 14, 20-22, 24, 25, September 28.

In order to better navigate in the works carried out in the garden, the garden and the flower garden there is a lunar calendar.

Date, day of the weekPhases of the Moon, in

Zodiac signs

Types of jobs
September 1 Moon descending in Taurus

21 lunar day

Days root

Landing strawberries, strawberries, bulbous crops, fruit trees, shrubs. Transplanting of twilights, perennials. Support by organicaic, soil resistance, watering. Billets of vegetables, berries, fruit for the winter.
September 2


Moon descending in twins

22 lunar day

Days root

Landing of bulbous crops, roses, twilight and perennials. Sowing strawberry seeds, greenery on salad. Feeding, loosening and watering. Processing against diseases, pests. Harvesting for continuous storage. Collection medicinal herbal.
September 3


Moon descending in twins

23 lunar day

Flower days

Feeding, loosening and watering. Processing against diseases, pests, rodents. Harvesting for storage.

Planting bulbous crops, roses, twilights, perennials, fusing plants. Sowing and landing strawberries, strawberries, greens on salad.

Moon decreasing in cancer

24 lunar day

Flower days

Promotional planting. Planting bulbous crops, strawberries and roses. Feeding, loosening, watering. Processing from pests, disease. Harvesting for continuous storage.
Moon decreasing in cancer

25 lunar day

Leaf days

Landing, sowing and transplanting tomatoes, cucumbers, greenery, bulbous crops, any colors and roses. Promotional planting. Sowing mushrooms. Watering, soil looser. Making organic Preparation of vegetables, berries and fruits.
26 lunar day

Leaf days

Moon in a lion sign

Until 14:00 - landing, sowing, transplanting tomatoes, cucumbers, greenery and any colors. Making organic fertilizers. Swimming, watering, soil resistance. Harvesting for continuous storage. Preparation of vegetables, berries, fruits.

From 14:00, it is not suitable for sowing, landing.

September 7Moon descending in the sign of the lion

27 lunar day

Fruit days

An unfavorable day for crops, planting plants.

Trimming shrubs, trees. Processing against disease. Ruffle soil. Harvesting for continuous storage. Sending fruits on drying.

8 September Moon descending in Virgo

28 lunar day

Fruit days

Transplantation, planting plants is not held.

Trimming shrubs, trees. Processing against disease. Ruffle soil. Harvesting for continuous storage.


New Moon, Moon in the sign of the Virgin

29 Lunar day

Days root

Transplantation, vaccination and planting plants is not carried out.

Celery, asparagus, parsley, onions are produced. Palencing, plant cap. Processing against diseases, pests. Cabbage collection, potatoes, carrots, storage raids.


Moon growing, in the scale of the scales

1 lunar day

Days root

You can plant, replant, sow flowers, bulbous crops, decorative trees, shrubs, boys. Trimming shrubs. Processing against disease.

Moon growing in scales

2 lunar day

Flower days

Promination of parsley, carrots, celery, colors. Dry soil loosening, dipping, combating pests and diseases, mulching. Sular breaks, steaming, capita. The rooting of the mustache of strawberries, strawberries. Cutting down, unnecessary shoots. Billets for the winter.
Moon growing, in scorpion

3 lunar day

Flower days

Sowing in a greenhouse and on the windowsill spinach and cress lettuce, parsley. Landing of bulbous crops, winter garlic, trees and shrubs. Earth handling. Harvesting for continuous storage.
Moon growing, in scorpion

4 lunar day

Leaf days

Preparation of beds for primary landing. Making mineral feeding. Billets of vegetables, berries and fruits for the winter.

Sowing a greenhouse and onion windowsill, cress, salad, spinach, spicy herbs. Landing of bulbous crops, winter garlic. Sowing mushrooms.

September 14 Moon growing in


5 lunar day

Leaf days

You can deal with pests, weeds, diseases, watering plants, collect harvest.
Moon Growing in Sagittar

6 lunar day

Fruit days

Soil treatment. Trimming trees, shrubs. Pruning and dipping roses. Treatment of crops from diseases, protection against rodents.

Grinding soil, dip. Paco of the lawn, cutting dry branches, frosted, mulching. Billets for the winter.

16 of September


Moon Growing in Sagittar

7 lunar day

Fruit days

Landing, sowing greens, spicy herbs and vegetables. Soil treatment. Trimming trees, shrubs. Processing against disease. Bookmark collected crop for storage.
September 17


Moon growing in Capricorn

8 lunar day

Fruit days

Sowing and planting vegetables, root, bulbous crops, perennials, herbs and flowers with a strong root.

September 18 Moon growing in Capricorn

9 lunar day

Days root

Landing, transplanting trees, shrubs. Soil processing, watering. Making mineral feeding. Billets for the winter.

Sowing and planting vegetables, root crops, bulbous and green crops, perennials, herbs and flowers with a strong root.

September 19. Moon growing, in Capricorn Landing, transplanting trees, shrubs. Soil processing, watering. Making mineral feeding. Billets for the winter.

Sowing and planting vegetables, greenery, root crops, bulbous crops, perennials, herbs and flowers with a strong root.

September 20 Moon Growing in Aquarius

11 Lunar day

Flower days

Mulching is carried out, dip, feeding plants. Processing from pests. Cleaning a plot. Trimming trees, shrubs and perennials.

September 21 Moon growing in fish

13 Lunar day

Flower days

Sat and sow plants on this day undesirable.

Mulching is carried out, dip, feeding plants. Processing from pests. Trimming trees, shrubs and perennials.

September 22nd Moon growing in fish

14 lunar day

Leaf days

23 September


Moon growing in fish

14 lunar day

Leaf days

In the open ground seed sowing sorrel. In the winter greenhouse, on the windowsill sowing seeds of spinach, pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, parsley, bow, swables. Cutting blanks for winter vaccination. Planting trees, shrubs.
September 24


Moon growing in fish

15 lunar day

In the open ground seed sowing sorrel. In the winter greenhouse, on the windowsill sowing seeds of spinach, pepper, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, parsley, bow, swables. Cutting blanks for winter vaccination. Planting trees, shrubs.
September 25 Full moon, moon in the sign of the Aries

16 lunar day

Fruit days

Sowing, planting and plants transplants are not held. Popple soil is performed. Making mineral feeding. Trimming trees, shrubs and perennials. Processing against disease. Billets for the winter.
September 26 Moon descending in aiety

17 lunar day

Fruit days

Sowing, planting and plants transplants are not held.

Popple soil is performed. Making mineral feeding. Trimming trees, shrubs and perennials. Processing against disease. Billets for the winter.

September 27 Moon descending in Taurus

18 lunar day

Days root

A favorable day. Planting bulbous crops, trees, shrubs. Sowing greens. Division, transplanting perennials. Promotional planting of greenery, carrots, swables.
September 28 Moon descending in Taurus

19 lunar day

Days root

A favorable day. Planting bulbous crops, trees, shrubs. Sowing greens, mushrooms. Division, transplanting perennials. Preparation of soil for undercurrent landings. Promotional planting of greenery, carrots, swables. Making organic Pumping and soil loosening.

September 29th Moon descending in twins

20 lunar day

Days root

A favorable day. Planting bulbous crops, trees, shrubs. Sowing greens, mushrooms. Division, transplanting perennials. Promotional landing and landing in greenhouse of greenery, carrots, swables. Preparation of soil for undercurrent landings. Making organic Pumping and soil loosening.
September 30th


Moon descending in twins

21 lunar day

Flower days

Sowing seed strawberries, grasses for salad. Landing bulbous plants. Landing, trimming and dipping roses.

Making feed. Ruffle soil. Preparation of pits for planting trees in spring. Trimming trees, shrubs, perennials and cleaning of trunks.

September is the most active autumn month. At this time you need to have time to collect a harvest, send it to storage or recycle. Also prepare the soil for winter, sow and plant many cultures, both in the open ground and to the greenhouse, on the windowsill. Prepare plants to winter and much more.

It is time for harvesting cabbage, carrots, turnips, swables and potatoes.
The harvesting of tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, patissons, pumpkins, peppers, eggplants continues.

Cleaning vegetable crops primarily begins with root crops (swables, turnips, trousers and carrots). Having finished cleaning, rooted root after dried to storage.

In September, sowing of radish, dill, parsley, cress and salad, sorrel, spinach, onion.

From the second half of September, it is possible to start planting winter garlic. Siderates are evicted for the garden recovery.

Two-bedrooms and perennials are separated in flower beds.

On the permanent place Seedlings of biennium and perennial colors are planted. At the end of the month, dahlias, gladioluses dig up. The dried bulbs and tubers are laid for storage.

Sowing and landing strawberries, and strawberries.

In warm weather, a removable maturity of medium-varied and late varieties of seed crops may occur.

Collected fruits, berries and nuts are processed or deposited.

Apples and pears who need to go for long-term storage, you need to carefully examine, detecting fruits with possible mechanical damage.

Sanitary trimming of fruit trees is carried out. Dry and sore branches are cut out, cuts are processed by a garden harr.

Currant, gooseberry, raspberry, blackberry are fitted. With high-yielding bushes, shoots are cut off on the cuttings and planted in the prepared land or go to the cold place for storage until spring.

On shrubs that dropped the leaves are trimmed and burned branches.

Lunar gardery calendar for September 2018: video

Relying on the advice of the lunar calendar, and combining them with their weather characteristics of the region, even inexperienced gardeners and gardeners get good harvest Fruit and vegetables.

Useful advice

In September, autumn was already close to us closely, and although summer can continue in more southern regions,autumn weather Already makes itself felt. The day is noticeably shortened, and the difference in day and night temperatures is much larger than last month.

For gardeners and gardeners September - enough uploaded monthBecause it is necessary to collect a ripe crop, cook it for winter storage, to make twists, cut shrubs and trees, throw lawns, water, make fertilizers and perform other works.

To receive you need to maximum positive The result, adjust your work in accordance with the lunar rhythms. This moon calendar Give you a lot of tips when it is best to do this or that it is, and when it is better to relax.

Lunar Calendar Ogorodnik 2018 Landing Days in September:

If your plans include landing, remember the golden rule of the lunar calendar: Plants that give terrestrial fruits, it is better to plant in the days of the growing moon ( September 9-23, 2018.); Roots - in the days of decreasing moon ( 1-8, 25-30 September 2018). Here is a list of plants that are usually put on the first autumn month:

Fruit trees and shrubs (1, 2-year seedlings): gooseberry, raspberry, currant, apple tree, cherry, pear, winter-hard-resistant cherry - 15, September 17-19, 2018;

Greens and spicy herbs (lettuce, spinach, arugula, salad mustard, cress, dill, basil, parsley, coriander, green onions and others) - 13-15, 22, 23 September 2018;

Flowers (landing and transplant): Lilies, Clematis, Peonies, Flox, Primulus - 11, 20, September 21, 2018;

Lukovichny (landing of bulbs in the soil): Muskari, Szillla, Pushkin, Crocos, Narcissy, Hyacinths, Tulips - 11, 20, September 21, 2018;

If you can not plant certain plants on the specified days, squeeze into others, but only not in dangerous daysWhen the risks of death or infection with diseases and pests increase: 2, 8, 9, 12, 16, 24 September 2018.All work for gardeners, gardeners and flowerflowers with the best days for them in September 2018 you will find in .

Others useful articles Categories Lunar Calendar for September 2018:


♉ 1 September, Saturday. 21st, 22nd lunar day from 21:47.CALF

The first third of September will be held under the moon in a decreasing phase, which means that now is the time to remove harvests and send them to storage or do homemade canned food for the winter. Today is also a good day to collect medicinal plants, more precisely, their roots and rhizomes ( papers Pretty, Dandelion Medicinal, Valerian Dosage, Dyagil Medicinal, Snake Highlander, Supull Konsky other).

Day is good for planting rootpodes.

Houseplants : Good day to work with soils. You can prepare soils for future landings and transfers (with a growing moon).

Watering : Allowed, but observe the sense of measure! All further recommendations for watering depend on the weather. In September, it is often rained, so watering as needed, given the lunar days.

What is better not to do? Important purchases for the garden (there is a risk of buying something not that).

♉♊ 2 September, Sunday. 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 22:17.CALF , TWINS from 11:02.

Moon without a course from 08:56 to 11:01

You can do soils. For example, you can drag surveillance Circles in trees. Apple can be pulled to depth 10-20 cm, drain and cherry - not more 8 cmnot to damage the roots.

After 11:00 - Good time to make a flower bed. It should be trimmed by flashing perennials, including dolphinium, astranition, phlox, irises, loyal, dicentro other. Some plants ( cereals, badgers, purple, chamber, carnations, echination) do not cut yet: Let them still be delighted with autumn colors.

Houseplants : Transfer of plants from balconies and terraces, if the weather conditions are already too severe for them. If it is still warm, then you can leave plants longer.

Watering : Allowed to 11:00. After 11:00 it is better to refrain from the irrigation. Remember that wrong poliva (inexpressive or in insufficient quantity), plants can grow lazy and give bad crops or scarce flowering!

What is better not to do? Watering plants after 11:00; Plant any plants.

Old moon from 05:37

♊ 3 September, Monday. 23rd, 24th lunar day from 22:54.TWINS

III quarter, fourth moon phase from 05:37

After noon, after 14:00- Good time to buy various inventory, as well as seedlings. In the first half of the day there is a risk of deception. Saplings should carefully examine when buying. You can not take with dry or prompted horses. If you do not immediately plant a plant, the roots must be tied with a wet cloth, and then send it to storage in a cool room.

Houseplants : Do not let the processing of plants against diseases and pests. This should be done in preventive purposes. But it is especially good to deal with pests today!

Watering : It is better to postpone.

What is better not to do? Water plants, especially too abundantly and not remove excess water. This is especially dangerous for indoor plants, as the roots can bend.

♊♋ 4 September, Tuesday. 24th, 25th lunar day at 23:41.TWINS , CANCER from 15:03.

Moon without a course from 09:37 to 15:02

Good remove all weeds that seemed to this time. Although in the fall, their growth slows down somewhat, it is possible that they will still grow the whole month. Also try to delete everything fallen fruitsnot to attract pests. Today, especially a favorable time to combat pests and diseases. If you do not collect Padalitsa on time, it will attract pests, which will then hide under the ground, and in the spring they will show themselves with a new force.

Houseplants : If you carry the plants from open balconies and terraces, we advise immediately rinse them with soapy water to wash off dust and possible pests.

Watering : Watering plants well after 15:00, when the moon will be in a watermark. Remember that it is impossible to use very cold water For watering not only home plants, but also those growing in the soil.

What is better not to do? Plant plants that should be high; engage in trimming trees and shrubs; Collect the harvest for the production of canned or send it to storage.

♋ 5 September, Wednesday. 25th lunar day from 00:00.CANCER

Good time for trimming of vibrant hedgeIf you did not have time to trim it before. This is the last time you can give it the desired shape before in winter.

Houseplants : Watering the plants is less and less with the arrival of colder weather. If the plants bloom, irrigation modes are better not to change.

Watering : Good time for watering. Plants should be watered so that the water can leak on 3 centimeters deep into. Too scarce watering is absolutely useless, as the moisture does not reach the roots, which, she, actually, is needed!

What is better not to do? Plant plants that should be high; engage in cropping fruit trees and shrubs; Collect the harvest for the production of canned or send it to storage.

♋♌ 6 September, Thursday. 25th, 26th lunar day from 00:43.CANCER , A LION from 16:54

Moon without a course from 15:43 to 16:53

In the afternoon well pinch Strong growing shoots in young non-pronomous trees. This will allow the plant to spend the forces on the wood seal, so the tree is easier to survive the winter. After 17:00 It is also good to make fertilizers for trees and shrubs.

After 17:00 you can collect potatoes, beets, carrots And send them to storage. After 17:00 you can cut fruit shrubs.

Houseplants : You can make fertilizers together with irrigation, but in September fertilize plants should be less likely, as they gradually go to the state of rest.

Watering : The day is suitable for watering (especially its first part), if you did not have time to pour plants in previous days. Remember that in September the weather is already much cooler, so watering is worth a slightly cut, especially this applies to room plants. If it is still warm in your area, then watering plants should also be as often as in the summer.

What is better not to do? Collect fruits and vegetables until 5:00 pm, if you are going to make them canned them or post it; Make important purchases for the garden / garden / flower bed.

Replacing plants in the lunar calendar 2018

♌ 7 September, Friday. 26th, 27th lunar day from 01:57.A LION

Good day to collect fruits and vegetables and send them to storage (short). You can also do homemade canned. The farther, the greater the risks that seasonal rains or freezing will begin, so apples And other fruits worth removing on time. If today is good weather is the time to collect fruits.

There are several signs that apples and pears Already matured and they can be collected: the fruits are easily separated from the frozen, they are easily drunk from the tree, and seeds inside brown color.

Now also well delete torn pigs W. plums, cherries, alchi, sea buckthorn and hawthorn.

Good time to land on Luke-Sevka, winter garlic, but garlic is better to plant at the end of the month, when the temperature is held in the afternoon about +5. ° С, and at night below 0 ° С.

Houseplants : It is possible to carry out plants for further reproduction.

Watering : Neutral day, the September sun can be still quite hot, especially when the moon goes on the sign of the lion, so watering the plants as needed.

What is better not to do? Holding indoor plants under the right sunlight and not shading them (the sun is very accuming a lot).

♌♍ 8 September, Saturday. 27th, 28th lunar day from 20:10.A LION , VIRGO at 17:29

Moon without a course from 16:31 to 17:28

Today still good to collect apples, pears other fruits and rootfields. In the evening, after collecting, you can send fruits to sorting. Apples can be folded in wooden boxes or boxes from cardboard, wrap in paper and shield sawdust. If apples are rotten, they can not be put next to good fruits. It is better to get rid of them right away. Today, you can also remove the subs after removing the fruit.

Good day to collect berries ( cranberries, arony, hawthorn, rowan, viburnum and rosehip) and send it to storage or production of canned food.

Today you can also collect the fruits of medicinal plants, including krshshina laxative, hidden juniper, coys of alder gray.

Houseplants : You can make fertilizers for home fruit shrubs (lemons, tangerines, pomegranates, avocado and others). You can enjoy stalling plants for future landings (in the days of the growing moon).

Watering : Neutral day.

What is better not to do? Do homemade preservation after 17:30; plant any plants; Make important purchases for the garden / garden / flower bed.

Young moon from 21:01

♍ 9 September, Sunday. 28th, 29th lunar day from 04:48,1st lunar day from 21:01.VIRGO

New Moon at 21:01

Day not suitable for complex workBut you can make training a hole for future seedlings ( best time For this will arise 15, September 17-19, 2018). The soil must be a little settle down.


Watering : Watering is allowed.

What is better not to do? Do homemade preservation; plant and transplant plants; Crop the trees and shrubs, as well as alive hedges.

See also:

♍♎ 10 September, Monday. 1st, 2nd lunar day from 06:15.VIRGO , LIBRA from 18:20

Moon without a course from 18:12 to 18:19

Today it is good to make up cleaning and cleaning the plot. If you notice in the bone trees moniliosis, It is worth removing the affected fruits and branches and burn them.

You can make a garden cleaning, decompose everything in places, make an audit of the inventory, remove what is no longer needed. Also this is a good day for working with soils. Wake up the soil around the trees and shrubs, given the peculiarities of the plants. Some bushes (for example, raspberries And others) require very shallow loosenings.

Houseplants : Work well with soils. If necessary, you can transplant indoor plants or replace the top layer of the soil.

Watering : Watering is allowed (better until 18:20).

What is better not to do? Do homemade preservation; Crop the live fence.

♎ 11 September, Tuesday. 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 07:40.LIBRA

September well to plant in a flower bed different flowers: floxes, Primulus, Peonies other. You can also do transplants lilies and Clematis. You can plant seedlings of two-year-old colors, which was sown in the early summer months.

Today it is good to collect medicinal herbs, especially their flowers and inflorescence. For example, still color chamomile.

Houseplants : A good day for various purchases related to color breeding. You can also buy indoor flowers. Before buying, carefully inspect the plants, whether pests are wrong.

Watering : It is better not to water the plants. While you can go back the lag for watering.

What is better not to do? Easy to water the plants, even the most moisture. It is better to postpone watering on the days of the moon in a watermark.

Moon Calendar Home Plant

12 September, Wednesday. 3rd, 4th lunar day from 09:03.LIBRA , SCORPIO from 21:15

Moon without a course from 01:58 to 21:15

Day is suitable for collecting colors and inflorescence Medicinal plants: calendula medicinal and chamomile medicinal, Daisy, Forest Malva.

Houseplants : Carefully watch the irradiation modes depending on the type of plant. Cacti With the arrival of autumn, it is necessary to water very little, but keep them on well-lit window sills.

Watering : You can water the plants after 21:15.

What is better not to do? Plant any plants; Make important purchases for the garden / garden / flower bed.

13 September, Thursday. 4th, 5th lunar day at 10:23.SCORPIO

On this day, it is good to collect the leaves of medicinal plants. For example, you can cook brushing sheet. The leaves assembled at this time will not darken. Also gather grass and leaves of such plants now as horsetail field, tricolor violet, Tsmina ordinary, millennian ordinary, shepherd bag, wormwood bitterother.

Good day for planting greens, eg, salad. At this time, salad leaves need to hang those that withstand a shorter light day. They normally tolerate the conditions of September and are not even afraid of frosts. You can plant cress Salad, spinach, various spicy herbs.

Houseplants : Some plants will require large irrigation, for example calla. Since they grow on the swamps, they should be watered very plentifully. Also, do not disregard other moisture-loving flowers.

Watering : Excellent day for watering. Water vegetate or homemade garden It is followed by stealing water or heated water from wells. When water is dismissed at least a day, the precipitate will fall on the bottom of the tank. Even if the precipitate is not noticeable with a naked eye, it is worth not water from the bottom.

What is better not to do?

See also: The most simple ways to put flowers, keeping their beauty

14 September, Friday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 11:40.SCORPIO

Moon without a course from 11:54

Good time for haircuts a lawn. It should not only take a halter, but also to walk on it with rabls as a comb. It is also nice to conduct aeration of the lawn (pierced it for the forks so that the moisture is easier to penetrate the soil and was not stood on the surface).

You can continue salad landing And spicy herbs, but it is better to plant plants until 12:00, while the moon did not go to the "idle course."

Houseplants : Get on with watering, spraying or bathing plants under the shower. Bathing is important to do at least once every two weeks so that the plants are less infected with pests.

Watering : Good time for watering. You can also plant greens on the windowsill.

What is better not to do? Engage in trimming fruit trees and shrubs, chop trees; Making the pieces of young shoots of trees.

15 September, Saturday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 12:52.SCORPIO , SAGITTARIUS with 03:45

Moon without a course until 03:44

Good time for planting seedlings trees and shrubnikov. Pits were to be prepared at least a week before. So that the tree did not fall during windy weather, leak and tie a seedling towards him. It is good to pour the pit before landing.

You can plant not only fruit trees and shrubs ( blackberry, honeysuckle, gooseberry, currants), but also coniferous plants to decorate your site.

Houseplants : Good for planting indoor shrubs.


What is better not to do? Hold plants under straight sunshine.

16 September, Sunday, 7th, 8th lunar day from 14:00.SAGITTARIUS

Good day for collecting mushrooms, especially if you are not going to store them for a long time, but send it to the freezer or eat right away. September is a rich month per mushrooms, so you can easily find in the forest olter, Honey, Black Slide, White Mushrooms, Boosynoviki, Podbrazoviki, Oyster, Chanterelles, Rogues, Porks, Garlices And other, less common mushrooms.

Houseplants : A bad day to work with plants.

Watering : Watering let's say a neutral day.

What is better not to do? Plant any plants; Hold plants under straight sunshine.

Arriving moon from 02:14

♑ 17 September, Monday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 15:00.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 14:08.

I quarter, the second moon phase from 02:14

Moon without a course from 02:15 to 14:07

The second half of the day is suitable for planting seedlings or shrub transplants. It is better not to deal with these works when Moon without a courseSince there are risks that the plant does not fit. During this period, the shrubs reset very well: they will have time to grow to winter.

Houseplants : Take yourself soils today. You can remove the upper layers and replace them with new ones. It is also important to loosen the upper layers of the soil in the pots so that it is not stored and not tampering.

Watering : Watering allowed.

What is better not to do? Crop the live fence.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2018

♑ 18 September, Tuesday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 15:52.CAPRICORN

Good day to work with soils, as well as landing seedlings of trees, shrubs and their transplants. Currant and gooseberry sazing deep and here malina not required big depth: Leave the roots at the depth 2-3 cmsince they are located burnt kidney. If they are buried too deep, you will not get a crop of them for a few more years.

Houseplants : A good day for landing, transplanting or transshipment of indoor plants, if there is a need. In general, it is better not to transplant plants in the fall, since their livelihoods decrease.

Watering : Waterings are allowed, but remember that if the roots were formed on the roots, they must heal that the water would not aggravate the situation and did not cause healing.

What is better not to do? Crop the live fence.

♑ 19 September, Wednesday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 16:35.CAPRICORN

Moon without a course from 20:10

On this day, it is good to collect the bark of medicinal plants, for example, crara Valina Ordinary. She has heal standing properties. It is drinking in gastric, uterine, hemorrhoid bleeding.

Houseplants : change and landing of indoor plants if necessary.

Watering : Watering allowed.

What is better not to do? Crop the live fence.

♑♒ 20 September, Thursday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 17:10,CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 02:52

Moon without a course until 02:51

It's not too late to plant bulbous and meltelukovic,if you allow weather conditions. For example, this day can be planted muskari, crocuses, scilla, Pushkin, daffodils and tulips.Tulips and daffodils are better to plant them later (until mid-October).

Houseplants : You can plant bulbs for winter surveillance. They should be selected and put in pots to be placed in a cool room. november-December.


What is better not to do? Water plants; Make important purchases for the garden / garden / flower bed until 17:00.

♒ 21 September, Friday. 12th, 13th lunar day at 17:38.AQUARIUS

Moon without a course from 20:13

This day you can use for any simple work that you consider it necessary, with the exception of irrigation. You can continue planting colors, as well as make a division of bushes.

Houseplants : Today is also allowed to land on bulbs for winter surveys.

Watering : an unsuccessful day for watering, it is better to postpone.

What is better not to do? Water plants.

♒♓ 22 September, Saturday. 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:01.AQUARIUS , FISH from 15:27

Moon without a course until 15:26

Still you can collect medicinal plants, especially their flowers, leaves or stems. It is better to do this in dry weather so that the plants are easier to dry after collecting. You can go shopping (but after 15:30When the moon goes into fish).

Signs: Day of autumn equinox.

See also: in

Houseplants : You can water the plants after 15:30. In the morning - unsuccessful time for watering. Some plants that give arrows should water more.

Watering : Good time for watering will begin at 15:30.

What is better not to do? Engage in trimming fruit trees and shrubs; Do home canned, especially after 15:30.

The best days for transplanting houseplants

September 23, Sunday. 14th, 15th lunar day from 18:21.FISH

You can go on this day to mowing lawns and their aeration. You can also plant greens. For example, now sow dill, Kinzu, Parsley, Basil. Some plants will not go this year, but the seeds will perfectly lay down to spring and in the spring will delight early harvesters.

Houseplants : Get on with watering and spraying. You can arrange shower plants.

Watering : Excellent day for watering. Remember that watering plants in September are very important in order to strengthen the plants, give them the opportunity to turn well. Especially good watering plants after dry summer.

What is better not to do? Do homemade preservation; trim fruit trees and berry shrubs.

Our calendar summer ended, although astrological continues until September 22. We all tired of heat and related endless irrigation, weeding, loosening.

But it is impossible to relax, there is still a lot of work ahead. Our lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners for September 2018 will help you easily plan work in the garden and garden at the beginning of this autumn.

Phases of the Moon in September 2018

  • Moon decreases from 1 to 8 September
  • New moon - 9th of September
  • The moon grows from September 10 to September 24
  • Full moon - September 25
  • Moon decreases from September 26 to September 30

Favorable days in September 2018 for planting seedlings

  • Gooseberry, Croorodina — 1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24,
  • Raspberry, blackberry — 5, 6, 13, 14, 18, 19, 23, 24
  • Strawberry wild-strawberry — 1, 5, 6, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 23, 24

Adverse days for planting and sowing seeds.

Forbidden for landing days in September 2018 - 8, 9, 10, 25

Moon Sowing Calendar for September 2018 Gardening and Gardener

The table shows the phases of the moon, its position in the signs of the zodiac and the recommended work for gardeners - gardens - flowerfields for every day of the month.

September 12018 Saturday

Decreasing moon in the caller

Fertile zodiac sign

(Days root)

  • In the garden - sowing of radish, harvesting rootfodes, replenishment of beds, organic feeding perennial vegetables, compost bookmark plant residues.
  • Flower garden - A favorable day for planting perennial and bulbous colors, as well as Clematis and Roses.
  • In the garden - landing strawberries, berry shrubs. Reproduction with cuttings and godded shrubs. Removal of the extra branches in trees and shrubs, the fight against pests and diseases.
  • Not recommended - injury plant roots
  • Billets - The roots of the medicinal herbs, serving cabbage freezing, canning.

2, 3, 4 September 2018




Decreasing moon in twins

A low product zodiac sign

(Flower days)

  • In the garden - removal of dried leaves in tomatoes, flower brushes. Pumping beds, dipping, loosening dry soil, mulching, growth point of growth in pumpkins, pepper, tomato, eggplant, harvesting and cleaning root for storage, weeding.
  • Flower garden - A nice day for landing clematis and other curly plants.
  • In the garden - Fighting pests and diseases, cutting of dry and unnecessary shoots of trees and shrubs, trimming of the mustache at strawberries, the removal of the frightened, the treatment of hupel, cleaning the crust of the cortex, the mowing of the grass.
  • Billets - Canning, salting, cabbage, drying, billets of juices and wine.

5, September 6, 2018



Decreasing moon in cancer

The most fertile zodiac sign

(Leaf days)

The lunar calendar of gardeners and gardeners recommends:

  • In the garden - You can still sow radishes, salad, dill. Ruffle onion-sowing. Remove floral brushes at tomatoes. Water and loosen the beds with vegetables. Drop the liberated, sow their sites.
  • Flower garden - landing clematis, roses, perennials, ornamental shrubs. Not recommended landing and transplanting bulbous.
  • In the garden - landing raspberries, strawberries, grapes, berry shrubs. Feeding fruit trees and berry bushes with organic fertilizers.
  • Not recommended - Application of pesticides, remove the fruit for storage, dig potatoes and root.
  • Billets - Solving, Cabbage Popper, Wine Cooking, Juices. Preparation of medicinal plant leaves.

September 7, 2018


Descending moon in lion

Unfurred zodiac sign

(Fruit days)

  • In the garden - Collection of seeds and crop for storage. Schopling Schitt-Luke, Battle, Roots for autumn-winter pastures of greenery. Pumping beds, loosening, cleaning of potatoes and other root plates for storage, mulching, fighting pests and diseases.
  • In the garden - Sanitary trimming of trees, shrubs, strawberry mustache, preparation of pit for planting trees in October. Harvesting for storage.
  • Not recommended - Water and feed the plants.
  • Billets - drying, canning, freezing, salting, pickup. Collection of seeds and fruits of medicinal plants.

8, 9, September 10 2018


sunday New moon


The lunar sowing calendar of gardeners and gardeners does not recommend working with plants during the New Moon

11, September 12 2018



Growing moon in scales

(Flower days)

  • In the garden - Cleaning root for storage, preparation of beds for centers, garlic. Watering, loosening. A good day for transplanting root parsley, mangold, basilica, bustle pepper pepper cocus on the windowsill. The tip of the tops of tomatoes, pepper to suspend growth.
  • Flower garden - A favorable day for landing clematis, roses, tuber and bulbous flowers, rooting cuttings.
  • In the garden - planting berry shrubs, container trees. Waterfronts are watering, watering, chopped, reproached raspberries, drying branches of trees and shrubs. Organization of messengers. Watering moderate.
  • Not recommended - spraying plants by pesticides.
  • Billets - Flowers of medicinal plants

13, September 14 2018



Growing Moon in Scorpio

Fertile zodiac sign

(Leaf days)

The lunar sowing calendar for September 2018 recommends:

  • In the garden - cleaning plant residues, preparing beds for centers and landing garlic. Watering, loosening. Mineral feeding of perennials. In greenhouse - sowing beijing cabbage Immediately at a permanent place, cauliflower, tomatoes, green.
  • Flower garden - landing of perennials, clematis and roses. Not recommended landing and division of tuberukovic plants.
  • In the garden - landing raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, currants. Trees are not recommended. Potash-phosphorian feeding. Grooming lawn, sowing siturates. Preparation of pits for planting trees.
  • Not recommended - Pruning plants, digging potatoes.
  • Billets - Collection of leaves of medicinal plants, cooking emphasis.

15, 16, 17 September 2018




Growing Moon in Sagittar

A low product zodiac sign

(Fruit days)

  • In the garden - Collection of seeds and seeds. Battle's digita, Schitt-Luke, rootfolds for winter surveillance on the windowsill. Harvesting vegetables not for storage.
  • Flower garden - planting decorative shrubs and clematis.
  • In the garden - You can plant strawberries, berry shrubs. Pumping of priority circles, treatment from pests and diseases. Removal of fuses and patients
  • Not recommended - Trim, pinch and water.
  • Billets - Collection of fruits and seeds of medicinal plants, cooking juices, jam, jam.

18, September 19 2018



Growing moon in Capricorn

Mean fertility zodiac sign

(Days root)

  • In the garden - landing in the greenhouse seedlings of the coastal salad, cucumbers, cauliflower. Sowing Peking cabbage. Transplanting from open soil seedling celery, parsley, basil for growing in winter on the windowsill. Root and non-rooting fantastic plants. Sowing Sideratov for freed beds. Cleaning root storage.
  • Flower garden - planting decorative shrubs, roses and perennial colors.
  • In the garden - landing of raspberries, blackberries, berry shrubs. Preparation of pits for planting trees, treatments from diseases and pests.
  • Not recommended - To disturb the roots of plants.
  • Billets - Juices, jam, jam, freezing, canning, boiled cabbage. Preparation of roots medicinal plants.

20, 21, September 22 2018




Growing moon in aquare

Unfurred zodiac sign

(Flower days)

  • In the garden - harvesting for storage. Fragrance of a perennial bow, rootfodes for winter surveillance of greenery. Collection of seeds, plowing, loosening, weeding, purchase.
  • In the garden - Repair of trunks, sanitary trimming of trees and shrubs, forming a crown. Spraying from pests and diseases
  • Not recommended - soak seeds, water, feed, produce crops and landing any cultures.
  • Billets - Juices, jam, jam, canning. Collection of flowers of medicinal plants.

23, September 24 2018



Growing Moon in Fish

Fertile zodiac sign (leaf days)

  • In the garden - Frames of Luke Batuna, Schitt, root crops for winter pastures. Mineral feeding, watering, harvesting fruit is not for storage. Preparation of beds for centers, sowing siters.
  • Flower garden - A favorable day for landing all decorative shrubs, perennials and domestic flowers.
  • In the garden - planting gooseberry, blackberry, strawberries, currants, raspberries. Sowing Sideratov, Popple of Surgery Circles.
  • Not recommended - engage in pruning plants and process them from diseases and pests.
  • Billets - Juices, jam, jam, salting, collection of leaves of medicinal plants. Do not be preserved with a hermetic capping.

September 25 2018

tuesday Full moon

Lunar calendar of gardeners, gardens and flowerflowers for September 2018 does not recommend working with plants in full moon.

September 26 2018


Decreasing moon in a ram

Unfurred zodiac sign

(Fruit days)

  • In the garden - Collection of seeds, replenishment of beds, cleaning for storing all cultures. Fighting pests, diseases, weeds (cut overhead part).
  • In the garden - Phosphorian feeding, loosening, weeding, mowing of lawn, cutting of strawberries, dry branches, sworn.
  • Not recommended - Water, feed, plant, replant, root, form, dive.
  • Billets - Drying, marination, jam, freezing, collection of leaves of medicinal plants. You should not be preserved with hermetic capping.

27, 28, September 29, September 29 2018




Decreasing moon in the caller

Fertile zodiac sign

(Days root)

The lunar calendar for September 2018 gardeners and gardeners recommends:

  • In the garden - Luke-Batuna landing, Soon - to the greenhouse. Cleaning vegetable roots not for storage. Fertilizing garden beds. Pumping soil, loosening dry ground.
  • Flower garden - landing roses, clematis, bulbous colors. Digging clubnellukovits.
  • In the garden - Planting the honeysuckle, raspberries Blackberries, berry shrubs. Organic feeding of trees and shrubs. Sanitary trimming, mowing of lawn.
  • Not recommended - Replant plants.
  • Billets - collecting the roots of medicinal plants. Drying, freezing, canning.

The beginning of autumn is the transition period between harvesting and explosive wintering, in addition, at this time, shrubs and shrubs should be trimmed to be systematically prepare them to the cold. Intensively continues to fight pests and diseases, especially since the latter in the autumn season are especially sharpened in ripening fruits. The only thing you can stop doing is to put fertilizer on the beds, as well as spray those cultures, the harvest from which to collect in 3 weeks.

The calendar for September is very convenient in that literally one days later paints all the works that are recommended at one or another moment of time. This is especially suitable for those who love all the order and plans their actions in advance. In addition, it will be more concerned and planting material, the development of the above-ground and root part of which is directly related to lunar phases. The growing month has a beneficial effect on stems and leaves, and decorating - on the roots, bulbs and tubers, it can be noticed by watching the gardener's gardener calendar for September.

Number of month Phase Moon Recommended work in the garden and garden
September 1Waning moonThe period of active harvest and preparation of freed beds under winter begins. Drop, loose, choose from the ground of the root of weed herbs, lay the compost and humus in the soil. Abundant watering is useful, which will provoke the growth of weeds and will remove a significant part of them in the fall, alleviating you spring work. In addition, this is a good day for landing clematis and roses, as well as perennials.

On the garden plot Works that are not affected by the roots of plants are allowed, so focus on the sanitary trimming of damaged branches and the fight against pests, postponing landing to more suitable times.

But the room flowers can be freely transplanted, multiply, carrying out trimming, fighting diseases and pests.

September 2Earthworks are still relevant: pumping, loosening, cultivation, dip and ass. In the greenhouse, make it possible to remove the growth points of tomatoes, pepper and eggplant. In the flower garden, in addition to roses and clematis, you can plant curly plants.

In the garden plot, arrange " general cleaning" Remove the dry branches and consider the seamless of the bark from the trees, cut out the extra shoots of shrubs, wrap the mustache of strawberries and strawberries, send the crushed grass.

Home colors are shown by watering and spraying, feeding, soil loosening.

September 3
4 September
September 5Although the time of landing and is nearing completion, it has not passed. Sipe Redish, Radon, Daikon, Luk-Batun, Dill, and on the remaining empty beds - Siderats to improve the quality of the soil. Since the same purpose, it is possible to scatter in the alarms not yet collected potatoes woodwood, after which it is pretty breaking and pouring the earth. On the flower beds it is not recommended to engage in only bulbous flowers, everything else is at your discretion.

In the garden, plan and transplane berry and decorative shrubs, make a feeder with organic fertilizers, collect a crop.

Indoor plants water, handle from pests and diseases, remove dry and faded leaves.

6 September
September 7Do not make sowing and transplantation. Instead, collect harvest and seeds, leaving the beds, loose ground, lay compost and put into the soil mineral fertilizers.

In the garden plot, cut the dry and damaged branches, cut out extra piggings in berry bushes, Out mustache at strawberries. You can begin to prepare pits for planting trees, mowing the grass, torturing the priests with hay, fine chips and bark.

Home colors show delicate loosening and spraying.

8 SeptemberUnwanted any types of works with plants. Give yourself a couple of days of rest or put in order a garden tool.
9th of SeptemberNew moon
10 SeptemberWaxing Crescent
11 SeptemberThe period is suitable for pinching the tops of tomatoes and pepper, feeding the cucumbers of the urea, the transplant of some plants - the mangold, root parsley, the basilica - in containers for growing on the windowsill. Recommended loosening and pumping, generous watering, harvesting root. For example, beets that should be removed from beds to the first frosts, while carrots and dycon can be left in the garden for a long time, as they should be enhanced. At the flower bed, the landing of tuber and bulbous colors is recommended, rooting rose cuttings.

If planting of trees is planned in the garden, first of all, do the fruit bone, if not, put in order berry shrubs and strawberries with strawberries. Successful promises to be the creation of chains.

Any care is welcome. houseplants, except for processing against pests and diseases.

12-th of September
September 13On the open soil Prepare beds for winter landings, and in the greenhouse, proceed to sowing cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet peppers, lettuce, Luca Batuna, greenery, colored and peking cabbage. Previously made landing will not hurt to feed the infusion of a cowboy or bird's face. The flower bed is allowed to plant bulwing and tuberflowers, clematis, roses and dividing perennials.

In garden sites, too, there are a lot of reasons for work: it is recommended to plant raspberries, gooseberry, currants, blackberries, pears and plum trees, feed plants with mineral fertilizers, create lawn ornaments or simply cut grass.

Home plants transplanted during this period will begin and please the owners with active growth and lush flowering.

September 14
September 15thSuitable time for earthworks - Dropping, loosening, cultivation. Layout compost into seeds prepared for winter beds, dig root and shtitt-bow. You can cut and cabbage, but only for eating food, it is too early to send it for storage.

The garden is allowed to plant fruit trees, berry and decorative shrubs, strawberries and strawberries. If you have not yet completed the treatment of priority circles, do it now, and at the same time take measures against pests and diseases affecting plants. But the sanitary and forming trimming, pinching and other damage of branches and shoots are undesirable.

Indoor plants will easily accept transplantation, reproduction of division, treatment against pests, removal of dry leaves and soil looser in pots.

16 of September
September 17
September 18Pain in the greenhouse of Beijing and cauliflower, coched salad, tomatoes, cucumbers, patissons, bell pepper. On the outdoor ground, sow free beds to the sadrates to improve the quality of the soil. Transfer to the seedlings of celery and parsley seedlings for growing on the windowsill. On the flower bed in the priority of perennials and roses.

In the garden plot, as before, continue planting trees and shrubs.

Flowers can be propagated by division or transplant in new containers of large sizes.

September 19.
September 20Landing is not recommended. Dedicate these days a harvest and seeds, soil looser, weeding and feeding phosphoric-potassium fertilizers left under the winter of cultures.

In the garden plot, once again inspect the trees for damage to the bark, cut dry branches. You can treat plants from pests, but from abundant irrigation it is better to refuse.

Room colors will benefit feeding. Transplantation and moderate watering are allowed.

September 21
September 22nd
23 SeptemberContinue to care for plants in the greenhouse and cook the beds on the outdoor ground by winter. You can still have time to plant and grow sediates - amarantic, legumes, cereals. The mineral feeding of the cultures planted earlier will not hurt.

In the garden, put the missing berry and decorative shrubs and make fertilizers in the soil.

For home plants, the period of rest begins, only moderate watering and spraying are allowed.

September 24
September 25Full moonDuring the full moon, refrain from any types of work in the garden and in the garden.
September 26Waning moonContinue to act in the same spirit as to the full moon: Collect seeds, send a ripened crop, leaving, cultivate, loosen the soil under the beds. Still relevant to the struggle against pests and feeding plants in the greenhouses.

In the garden plot, focus on the sanitary trimming of trees and bushes, the removal of the mustache of strawberries, the fight against pests. If the trees are found in the trees, work out them from deadwood, treat Fugaint and grasp the garden smear.

Home plants can be blocked slightly, but overall the day is unfavorable for care.

September 27Salves onion And garlic under winter, and sometimes Batun - to the greenhouse. Drop the beds, loosen the soil, make organic and mineral fertilizers. In a warm autumn on the flower beds, you can still plant roses and clematis.

The garden will be appropriate for the formative and sanitary trimming of trees and shrubs, organic feeding of those and others, making grass, mulching of the soil, watering.

Break up the ground and in flower pots, but without too much zeal. Moderate watering and spraying is possible.

September 28
September 29th
September 30thIn the garden collect seeds and vegetables for storage, lay compost, pinch plants in a greenhouse.

In the flower bed, dig tubers and bulbs, squeeze Clematis.

In the garden plot, prepare the trees for winter, considering the bodied bark from the trunks, close the hollow and cutting dry branches. Dispostest and inspirate the priests, make treatment against pests, let the lawn.

Home Plants Free from dry leaves and pruning in front of the approaching rest period.

Summer change in the fall is almost unnoticed, except for the beginner of the foliage. The priority, of course, will be a harvest, in particular, in the first half of the month you need to complete the cleaning of tomatoes, zucchini and patissons.

Also, they will join in the barn, waiting for sorting, pumpkins and cucumbers. It is actively stored in the same period of cabbage, and in the boxes gently puts the onions to prepare for the winter. September can be performed autumn landing Saplings of trees in the garden, preparing and supporting humus pit. If you make a blank derdy land, the optimal time for this is mid-September, while you still have clear days, at the same time you need to assemble spring garlic, so that in the second half of the month, sow winter landing material.

Then it is time to remove the crop of potatoes from the land, which will take at least a week. In the garden, it is time to collect leaves, dry and pack them in bags so that in October it was what to cover from frosts perennial plants. Under the bark of trees it is worthwhile to look for cocoons of frozhors, which should be removed and burn. From watering gradually you can refuse.

In many cases, you can help the gardenland calendar for September, but he cannot predict the weather. But this successfully copes the signs seen by the people. For example, the main forecast is considered to monitor the weather in the first month of autumn: what he land is, the later you can expect the arrival of winter. On September 1, once dedicated to the seed of the annonean, this date begins the Indian summer, which will end in 2 weeks.

It is said that if this period is dry, then the autumn will be wet, if it is rainy, then October and November will be more pleased with clear days. Also follow the amount of web - its abundance predicts autumn without rains and a very cold winter.

On September 6, the people of Mikhailovsky frost, and in fact, at night this date can sharply get cold. Only the 11th, on Fyodor, the summer is considered to be completely left. September 18 is dedicated to Arina, they say that if the cranes will be seen on this day, then further on the cover, that is, on October 1, the frosts should be expected. The most accurate weather forecast can always be done by signs of the 20th, to Athanasius. If the fog appears on this day, and warm on the street, and between the houses you can see the flying web, the autumn will be clear, and the first snow can not be expected soon.

However, basic predictions are made in the direction of wind: if it blows from the West - to rain, from the south - days will be warm, from the north - close frosts, and from the east - to good weather. On the 25th day there is a day dedicated to Sergey - it is especially important to follow the weather, if it is clear, there will be such a three weeks, and the precipitation will last if it is raining. It is logical that in bad weather on the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener, you can not navigate.