Repairs Design Furniture

Avocado - how to grow from the bone? The path from seeds to the tree in the home garden. Grow from bone - avocado at home how much avocado grow

Avocado is a thermal-loving plant, at home it is impossible to achieve fruiting, but as a decorative tree, this culture may well decorate any room. As when leaving everyone tropical cultures, Avocado's bedroom plant requires a lot of light, regular watering during the growing season and forming trimming to give a bustard a neat look.

What does an avocado plant and its fruit look like (with a photo)

Avocado (Perseus, Adligator Pear, Persea) refers to the Lavrovy family, this is a relative of Lavra.

The plant is common in Northern and South America, on the Canary Islands. Large evergreen tree. Avocado was cultivated in Central America in the VI-VIII centuries. But in Europe avocado only in the XVI century. Now it is bred in many warm countries: Argentina, Brazil, USA.

The tree has dark green as if lacquered leaves.

Pay attention to the photo - the fruit of avocado looks like a big pear:

The color of them is diverse - from green to purple. These fruits received another name "pear crocodile". They are edible and very nutritious. Their yellowish-green pulp contains a lot of fat and in taste somewhat resembles a butter. But she is "fresh." Sweets and acids are not fetal. They have no smell. It is rather vegetables than fruits. No wonder they are usually eating raw with pepper, vinegar and onions. Most often, salad is prepared from the fruits of avocado, sometimes used as mashed potatoes, and even make ice cream (with the addition of sugar and some other substances).

In Mexico, Central and partly in South America, avocado fruits are one of the most common foods. Avocado - Ancient cultural plant. Even before the discovery of America, it was grown by the local population of Central America and West Indies for many centuries.

Leaves up to 25 cm long, dark green, glossy.

As can be seen in the photo, the flowers of the plant Avocado are yellowish, collected in busy inflorescences:

The fruit is a large kitchen cabin, 10-15 cm long. Fruit coloring - dark green. Seeds are large - about 4.5-5.5 cm.

Avocado can reach a height of 20 m, but this is a very fragile tree, so during fruiting needs special care. He has long leathery leaves, similar to laurel leaves, and rather large fruits weighing up to 800 g. The roots of avocado are very sensitive to the lack of air in the soil. Avocado blooms at the end of winter. In culture, bloom is rarely observed

Fruit avocado begins in 4-5 years old. From each tree you can collect 150-200 fruits. Some sorts of skin rough and look like an alligator skin (hence the second name). Inside the fetus - yellow-green poisonous bone.

See what an avocado plant looks like on these photos:

Types and varieties. Most popular: A. American (R. Atepsap), A. Pleashenie (P. Gratissima.).

Using. IN winter Gardens, Food.

How to care for houseplant avocado at home

Avocado - a rather thermal-loving plant. Frost resistance is small. In this regard, it is equal to the orange and lemon. Therefore, it is possible to successfully grow it only in the warmest areas of our wet subtropics - where citrus is bred.

The plant is light-minded, however, in the summer it is afraid of direct sun ray.

When growing an avocado tree at home, it is placed in a well-lit by the sun, a warm place. Avocado is a thermo-loving plant, so even in the summer, if the weather is not very hot, it is better to keep it in the room. During rest, the plant is transferred to a light room with a temperature not lower than 15 ° C.

Soothes pinch to give the tree a whined shape. Watering is abundant, winter is moderate. In the summer, avocado is abundantly watered, additionally spend cross-pollination and fertilize two or three times a month. Care for an avocado plant at home need to be careful. In winter, it is significantly reduced, and the feeders do not spend. After winter rest during care during the cultivation of an avocado, the plant transplant and pinch the ends of the stems. The substrate for avocado can serve as a sale universal earth for flowers.

Plants up to 3-4 years have been transplanted annually, hereinafter - once every 3-4 years.

Avocado is subject to the attack of the web ticks and the shields. Insufficient air humidity leads to the drying of the tips of the leaves.

Reproduction of home avocado bone and cuttings

Seeds and stalling. Avocado has very large bones. Seeds for germination sit down one in pots with soil mixture.

When sowing seeds should half oppose the soil. When the avocado is reproduced, the bone is placed in a blunt end to the ground, and sharp leave to stick over the surface of the soil. Before the appearance of the leaves, the pot with a plant contains in a warm place and occasionally watered, not allowing the drying of the earthly coma.

I should not germinate the seeds of avocado in water, as they do not tolerate the transplant.

The cuttings are rooted very badly, so they are better to treat growth stimulant.

What is useful to the fruit of an avocado plant

The vegetable fat of this tropical fetus consists mainly of mono-saturated fatty acids that reduce cholesterol levels and have a beneficial effect on the heart and vessels.

100% natural Avocado vegetable oil is obtained by cold pressing. The product is oil liquid A yellowish shade with a characteristic aroma. What is useful avocado fruit oil? Oil is rich in lecithine, histidine, polyunsaturated acids (oleinova - up to 82%, palmitic, linoleic, etc.), vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B9, D, as well as phosphoric acid salts, microelements. Avocado oil has a good penetrating ability, has a regenerating, moisturizing that improves the skin structure and the ability to reflect UV radiation.

Avocado - Smooth, cream, filled with nutrients fruits, which is important for such a dish, like guacamole (sauce), they can be grown from the bone, which remained after the fruit eaten. Although avocado grown from the bone occupies a rather long time to produce their own fruits (sometimes 7-15 years old), grown Avocado tree - it's fun standing projectWhich meanwhile will leave you with a perfectly looking tree. After your tree grows, you can wait for avocados to grow or start the process by vaccinating or eyepling productive members of the plants for your tree. Regardless of the selected method, find out how to grow your own avocado from scratch, starting from step 1 below!


Part 1

Choice good conditions For growing

    Find a warm place for growing with partial sun. Such subtropical plants like an avocado love the sun. Right from Central America, Mexico and West Indies, avocado evolved to grow well in warm, wet environments. Although avocados were removed for growth in places of such distant as California, they always require good sunlight for good height. However, as neither paradoxically, young avocados may be damaged by an excessive amount of direct sunlight (especially before they managed to develop extensive leaves). Because of this, if you grow avocado from one bone, you want to choose a place for growing, which is available good sun for some parts of the day, but not constantly under the right sunlight.

    • Solar window sills - excellent places For growing avocado. In addition to ensuring that the avocado receives sunlight over only part of the day, the window sills allow you to carefully monitor the temperature and humidity, the effects of which are subject to the plant.
  1. Avoid cold, wind and frost. Basically, avocado does not grow very well in rainy weather. Snow, cold winds and fast temperature differences that can be harmful even for hardy plants can directly kill avocado. If you live in a tropical or subtropical climate with pretty soft winteryou have to keep avocado outside round year. Nevertheless, if you live in an area where the temperature in winter is most likely falling below zero, you need to prepare, move the mature plant into a closed room for the winter to protect it from bad weather.

    • Various Avocado varieties have different exposure low temperatures. In general, ordinary Avocado varieties listed below receive significant damage to freezing at the specified temperatures:
      • West India - -2.2-1.7 ° C
      • Guatemalan - -2.8-1.7 ° C
      • Hass - -3.9-1.7 ° C
      • Mexican - -6.1-2.8 ° C
  2. Use saturated soil with good drainage. Like a plurality of other common garden plants, avocado is growing better in loose, saturated soil. These types of soil will provide a large nutrient content to help the plant grow, as well as reduce the danger of excessive irrigation and provide agenation. To achieve the best results of cultivation, try to put the stock of this type of soil (as, for example, the soil is rich in humus and organic substances) ready to use as a potted medium by the time your avocado roots and stem is well rooted.

    • To make it clear, you do not need ready-made soil at the very beginning of the process of growing, since the bones of avocado grow in water before transplanting into the soil.
  3. Use the soil with a rather low pH. Like many other common garden plants, avocados are best growing in soils with low pH (in other words, on acidic soils, not alkaline or basic). To achieve the best results, try to plant avocados into the soil with pH 5-7. With higher pH levels, avocado ability to absorb vital nutrients Such as iron and zinc can significantly decrease by preventing its growth.

    • If the pH of the soil is too high, it is recommended to use the technique of pH decreases such as the addition of organic substances or the introduction into the garden of plants unresponsible to alkali. You can also achieve good results with such an additive to the soil as aluminum sulfate or sulfur.

Part 2

Landing avocado

Seed landing

  1. Remove and wash the bone. Remove the bone from ripe avocado - easy. Use the knife to cut avocados along half on both sides, and then capture and twist to separate the halves. Remove the bones of half the fetus in which it is stuck. Finally, we wash the extra pulp of avocado, which stuck to the bone until it is perfectly clean and smooth.

    • Do not throw away avocado fruits - try to cook guacamole, spreading it to a piece of toast or eating raw, like a delicious, nutritious snack.
  2. Touch the bone in the water. Avocado bones should not be planted directly into the ground - instead, they must be omitted in water until their roots and stems will dismake enough to support the plant. The easiest way to hang the bone into the water is to stick three toothpicks on the bone side and put a bone, so that it is on the rim of a cup or a big bowl. Do not worry - the plant does not hurt. Fill a cup or bowl with water until only the bottom of the bone is under water.

    • Make sure the bone is in water with the right side up. The upper part of the bone should be slightly rounded or pointed (like the upper part of the egg), and the bottom, which is in water, should be slightly flattered and can have discolored places compared to the rest of the bone.
  3. Put on sunny window And plot the water as needed. Next, put a bone with a water container to the place where it will get a random (but less than direct) sunlight, like the windowsill, where the sun is only a few hours a day. Observe your plant sometimes add fresh water every time the level falls below the bone niz. Within a few weeks before, about a month and a half, you must notice the roots, begin to leave the bottom of the bone, a small stem begins to appear from above.

    • The initial passivity stage can take from two to six weeks. It may seem that your bone does nothing, but be patient - ultimately, you will see the growing roots of the plant and germinating stem.
  4. When the stem is about 15 cm. In length, cut it. When the roots of avocado, and the stem begins to grow, continue to control their development and change water as needed. When the stem reaches a height of about 15 cm. Cut it up to 8 cm. Already a few weeks later, it should lead to the development of new roots and makes the stem, ultimately grow in a wider, more complete tree.

    Plant avocado bone. A few weeks after the first trimming, when the roots of avocado are thick and developed and new leaves have grown on the stem, you should finally transplant it in a pot. Remove the toothpicks and put a bone roots down into the soil saturated with organic matter with a good drainage. For best results, use a pot of about 25.4-30.5 centimeters with a diameter. Smaller pots can lead to the fact that the roots will begin to go beyond the borders of the pot, preventing avocado growth, if you do not transfer it to a new pot.

    • Do not fall asleep the bone completely soil - plump the roots, but leave the upper half open.
  5. Give a growing plant good sunlight and frequent watering. As soon as you planted an avocado in a pot, give him a good watering, biting the soil carefully, but carefully. In the future, water the soil is enough to keep it slightly wet, but so that it does not look like a wet or or or or or or it. Put an avocado in a place where it will get a lot of sunlight, but not constant, direct sunlight during the day, especially if you live in a very hot climate.

    Out off the leaves every 15 cm. Growth. After your plant was planted in a pot, continue the mode frequent irrigation and strong sunlight when it starts to grow. Periodically monitor its progress with a ruler or roulette. When the plants stem reaches a height of about 30 cm., Disconnect any new growth of the leaves. When the plant continues to grow, discharge the newest, the highest sets of leaves every time it grows by another 15 cm.

    • This stimulates the plant to grow new shoots, which leads to a more complete, healthy Avocado in the long run. Do not worry to harm your plant - avocado is quite enduring to recover from this routine trimming without problems.


  1. Grow your seedling to a height of 0.6-0.9 m. As noted above, the cultivation of avocado from the bone, does not necessarily mean that you can raise your own avocado for the present period of time. Some avocado trees can take several years to start producing fruits, while others can fight to be fruit up much longer or may never even bring good fruits. To speed up this process and provide a tree with the production of excellent fruits, use the technique that professional gardeners use - eyepling. In order for the tree to bloom, you must have an avocado tree that already brings good fruits and an avocado seedling, which, at least 60-75 centimeters in height.

    • If you can, try to find the manufacturer's tree, hardy and without disease, in addition to the production good fruits. Successful eyepage physically connects your two plants together, so use the most healthy plants so that you can avoid health problems in the future.
  2. Make a T-shaped incision on a sapling. Using a sharp knife, make a T-shaped cutout on a plant stem about 20-30 centimeters from the ground. Cut horizontally about a third of the stalk thickness, then turn the knife and cut around 2.54 cm. Stem down to the ground. Use the knife to clean the bark from the trunk.

    • Obviously, you want to avoid cutting too far into the stem. Your goal, "Open" Cora along the side of the stem, so that you can attach a new branch to it without damaging the seedling.
  3. Cut the kidney from the producer tree. Next, find a healthy kidney on a tree producing fruit that you chose. Remove it from the tree by making a diagonal slice that starts at 1.2 cm. Below the kidney and ends at 2.5 cm. Under it. If the kidney is in the middle of the branch or twig, and not at the end, make a cut by 2.54 cm. Above the kidney to remove it.

    Connect the kidney to a seedling. Then shove the cut-off kidney, which you removed from the tree - "manufacturer" in a T-shaped incision on a sapling. You want the green material under the crust of each plant in contact - if this does not happen, the eyepiece may not have success. After the sliced \u200b\u200bkidney sits in the slot of the seedlings, secure it on the site with rubber stripes or rubber for the eyepiece (a special substance can be bought in most garden stores).

    Wait until the kidney hits. If an attempt is successful, cut the kidney and a seedling should ultimately grow up, forming one seamless plant. In the spring, it can occur within a month or less, but in slowly growing months, it can take up to two months. After the plant is completely healed, you can remove rubber bands or rubber for eyepling. If you wish, you can also carefully cut the stalk of the initial plant by 2.54 cm. Or 5 cm. Above the new branch to make it a new "main" branch.

    • After the branch you entered on the plant grows to sufficient size, it should start producing high-quality fruits just as if it was on the old tree. Using this technique, professional gardeners are able to maintain stable results of all their avocado trees.

Part 3.

Avocado care
  1. Water often, but avoid excessive irrigation. Compared to other plants in the garden, avocado may require a lot of water. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that excessive watering is a potential problem for almost all plants, including avocado. Try to avoid watering such frequent or careful so that the soil of the Avocado tree looks like a liquid or dirty. Use the soil with good drainage (soil rich in organic matter, as a rule, is a good bet). If the tree is in a pot, be sure that there is a pot drainage holes At the bottom to allow water to leave. Follow it simple adviceAnd your plant should not be afraid of excessive irrigation.

    • If the leaves of your plant begin to turn yellow, and you often water, it may be a sign of excessive irrigation. Immediately stop watering and start again only after the soil dries.
  2. Feature only occasionally. You do not need fertilizer in general to grow a strong, healthy avocado tree. However, if used to be reasonably, fertilizers may noticeably stimulate the growth of the young plant. After the tree is well rooted, add a balanced fertilizer to the citrus to the soil during the growing season in accordance with the instructions on the fertilizer. Do not overdo it - when it comes to commercial fertilizers, as a rule, it is better to be somewhat conservative. Always water after feeding so that the fertilizer absorbed into the soil and delivered directly to the roots of the plant.

    • Like many plants, avocado, do not need to fertilize when they are very young, as they can be very sensitive to "burn", which can be the result of excessive fertilizer. Try to wait at least a year before the feeding.
  3. Watch out for signs of salting accumulation. Compared to other plants, avocado can be particularly vulnerable to salts accumulation in the soil. Avocado suffering from high level Salts, may be a little faded leaves with "burnt", brown tips, where excess salt accumulates. To reduce the salinity (salinity) of the soil, change the practice of watering. At least once a month, try to water strongly, impregnating the soil. The stream of heavy water will take out the extensive salts deep into the soil, under the roots, where it will be less harmful to plants.

  4. You know how to defeat the general pests of avocado and ailments. Like any agricultural culture, avocado may suffer from different pests and diseases that can threaten the quality of plant fruits or even jeopardize a whole plant. Knowledge, how to recognize and solve these issues are crucial to maintain a healthy, productive avocado tree. Below are only some of the most common pests and avocado diseases - for more information, contact the Botanical Resource:

    • Cancer plants - "rusty", settled ulcers on the plants that can allocate gum. Cut ulcers from the affected branches. Ulcers on a tree trunk can kill the plant.
    • Root rot - usually due to excessive irrigation. The reasons for the yellowing of the leaves, withering and possible decomposition even when all other conditions are satisfied. Immediately stop excessive watering, with a severe current, dig roots to put them on the air. Sometimes fatally for the plant.
    • Wilts and diseases of plants - "dead" sections on the tree. Fruits and leaves in these areas are wither and dying. Remove the victims from the tree immediately and wash the tools that you use, do it before using them again.
    • Lace is the reason for yellow spots on the leaves that quickly dry out. Damaged leaves die and fall from the branch. Use commercial pesticide or natural substances to destroy insects, for example, pyrethrine.
    • Woodworks - sharpening a tree, creating small holes, of which juice can be cooked. Preventive treatment is better - keeping trees healthy and well-filled, which makes it more difficult for trees that will be amazed. If the vertices are present, delete and destroy any affected branches to reduce their distribution.
  • Fertilizers are suitable, which are specifically designed for avocado. Used according to the instructions, they will almost always be useful. Other fertilizers may also be useful, especially if the overall soil is somehow not optimal for avocado growth. As you will have a result, think about buying organic fertilizers, not synthetics.


  • If the leaves are racing and brown on the tips, too much salt has accumulated in the soil. Give water to flow freely in a pot and drain within a few minutes.
  • Although it is true that you can grow a tree from an avocado seed, keep in mind that a tree that grown out of the seed will be very different from his parenting variety and he can take 7-15 years to start producing fruits. Fruits from a tree grown from seeds, as a rule, have different characteristics of taste than their parental variety.
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3 Delicious Sandwich - Sandwich with Cucumber, Sandwich with Chicken, Sandwich with Cabbage and Meat - great idea For quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. In these sandwiches, there is no Luka, if you wish, you can add pickled on the balsamic vinegar in any of the sandwiches, this taste will not spoil. Quickly cooking snacks, it will stay to gather a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietary group, the age of seedlings suitable for landing in open sadThe following: For early tomatoes - 45-50 days, the average time of ripening - 55-60 and later deadlines - at least 70 days. When planting tomatoes seedlings in a younger age, its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But the success in obtaining high-quality yields of tomatoes also depends on the thorough fulfillment of the basic rules for disembarking seedlings in open ground.

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Many tropical fruits can be grown at home, most importantly, comply with all requirements. There are two ways to get avocado from bone at home, with their nuances and requirements. Immediately it is worth saying that not all people have to achieve the formation of fruits.

Is it possible to put a bone of avocado?

Since the plant develops well, get a bone tree simply, most importantly, to follow the rules. It is observed that significant growth is observed in spring time. As a result of the cultivation of avocado from the bone at home, you can get a tree no higher than two meters. To grow fruits, you will have to carry out additional procedures and in some cases need to be vaccinated. Even without fruit, an adult avocado will become an excellent decoration of the interior, and the plant well cleans the air well.

Will the avocado be froning from the bone?

It is noted that even if flowers appear on the tree, it is not a fact that fruit will be born after them. This is explained by the fact that this plant has a complex mechanism for transferaging flowers. Studies have shown that the fruit is tied at the site of only one of 5 thousand flowers. Grow avocado from bone at home, which will be fruitful, you can try using pollination. To do this, use the following instructions:

  1. Each flower is revealed twice and on the first day of flowering, they only function pestles. It is necessary to choose several flowers and mark them.
  2. The next day they will open again, and will already function like men's flowers. Thanks to the tags, it will be possible to transfer pollen on their own at home female flowers And try to get a fruit as a result.

How to plant an avocado bone?

There are two ways, thanks to which you can germinate a tree at home, and everyone can choose the most suitable option.

Which side to plant an avocado bone?

The result from germination depends on which side of the bone was lowered into water or land. Omit seed need a stupid part down. Another compulsory rule concerns that the seed should be on 1/3 of the part is immersed in water or land. Please note that in hot time water evaporates quickly, so its level should be supported. If you want to put a bone of avocado at home, then another advice will be useful - to create good level humidity, you can close the container with a plastic bottle.

How does an avocado bone germinate?

There are several symptoms for which it is possible to determine that the bone was good and she will germinate. At first, small roots will appear on it, and then after some time the shell will crack and the root is formed on the kernel, and in the top of the sprout. If you are interested in how many days you need, so that the house sprout a bone of avocado, then it leaves three weeks to two months. After that, it is possible to plant a landing in the ground (if it has been germinated in water). Do it carefully, so as not to damage the root.

  1. For landing, use a medium-sized pot. Soil mix can be bought in the store or make it yourself.
  2. It is important to take into account that avocado does not tolerate drought, so watch the moisture content of the Earth. It is impossible to dry out and stagnation of water.

How to grow avocado from the bone?

After a transplant when the tree starts to actively grow, there should be no problems with the departure. There are several tips how to grow avocado from bone at home:

  1. Adult plant does not require large number Light, so you can put a pot on the windowsill with the northern, eastern or western side. Wrap a tree from direct sunlight, but in winter it is necessary to provide additional lighting.
  2. Avocado is heat-loving plant, so it will feel good at home at 14-21 ° C. An indicator at 10 ° C is already considered unacceptable.
  3. In order to get in the end beautiful tree, It is necessary to hold the sepitude. The first time the procedure is recommended after the appearance of the eighth leaf. When the sixth leaf appears from new young shoots, then the tailor is repeated.
  4. Avocado from bone at home is recommended to transplant every year in the spring, using more spacious tanks. When the tree of the tree is 3-4 years, then you can transfer a transplant to the PCD and not disturbing it for about three years.

Avocado bone - soil

It is important to use the soil, which should be loose and moisture, it should in no case be lifted and compact. The reproduction of avocado bone at home can not be carried out in acidic soil. Best for this tree is suitable soil mixtureFor which in equal proportions, garden land, humus (raw peat) and coarse sand are mixed. In addition, it is recommended to add lime. For better aeration of the soil, put a little clay, moss or peat in the mixture.

Growing avocado from the bone - watering

Tropical plant requires regular and abundant irrigation, but it is important to take into account the temperature indicators. When making a large amount of water, the roots can be contlected, and the plant will have to be thrown away. Care at home for avocado from the bone implies the irrigation of the plant in a couple of days after drying upper layer Soil. The humidity of the air is of great importance, so during a dry climate, spend a spraying every day. Note that it is not a plant to moisturize, and the air is near him. You can set a pallet under the pot with a moistened clay.

Avocado from bone at home - feeding

So that the plant grew well, be sure to make fertilizers, and it is better to do it in the period from March to April. Each month is about 2-3 feeding. You can use both mineral and organic fertilizers. Another suitable optionuniversal mixes For decorative deciduous plants. Finding out how to care for avocado from the bone, you must specify that the fertilizer presented is important to alternate. They can be made directly to the ground and sprayed on the leaves. Methods of feeding also better alternate.

Avocado bone tree - Diseases

The plant does not often suffer from pests and diseases, but in some cases the troubles are still found.

  1. Fungus striking root system, leads to its destruction. It is possible to determine its presence by the appearance of ulcers on the trunk and leaves. Be sure to insulate the plant from others and remove the infected area.
  2. The problem occurs at low humidity. As a result, they begin to yellow and fall leaves. If you do not start the treatment, then the grown avocado from the bone will die at home. It is important to ensure the required humidity and treat the plant with soap solution, and highly affected spaces are better removed.
  3. Finding out how at home to grow a healthy avocado from the bone, it is necessary to know about this disease, which is manifested by a whitewash on a tree trunk. The plant begins to wither and save it with the help of a fungicide solution.
  4. At home Avocado can, like other plants, to attack the shield and custom tick. You can cope with pests with the help of folk remedies and.

Avocado (lat. Avocado) - the fruit of evergreen plants kind PERSEY (PERSEA) Family Lavra (LauraCeae). The flesh of avocado is rich in vitamins and important minerals.

English commonly used plant name and fruit - Alligator Pearthat translated means - "Alligator pear".

Avocado - fast-growing tree, reaching a height of 10 - 20 m. The barrel is usually straight, very branched. Elliptical leaves, up to 20 cm long. Feed all year round. Flowers are nondescript, small, greenish, two-fallen, are in the sinuses of the leaves. The fruit is pear, oval or ball-shaped, 5-10 cm long, weighs 0.05-1.8 kg. The skin of the fetus is rigid, in immature fruits - dark green, after some time after ripening the blackness. The pulp of the mature fetus of green or yellow-green, oily, contains a lot of fat. In the center of the fetus there is a large seed.

There are about 400 avocado varieties: from small (sizing), up to large - weighing up to one kilogram. Avocado bring out Latin America, BUT B. lately They began to grow in Africa and in Israel. Among the new varieties can be found fruit avocado light green, and it is possible to dark purple. Various and the form of fruits - from the apple to the shape of a pear. The surface of the fruit can be a mirror-smooth or very wrinkled. In India, avocado is called the "Cow Poor". Avocado's fruits contain up to 45% oily oil, up to 30% unsaturated fatty acids, the amount of proteins is 2-3 times higher than the protein content in apples, pears, citrus, bananas and other fruits.

Avocado's fruits are one of the most fat-and-mending fruits, yielding the palm of the championship only , moreover, the lion's share of fats included in their composition relate to useful and easily dismissed monon-saturated fatty acids. Therefore, despite the high calorie content, this fruit is a useful dietary product.

Avocado is used to prepare salads, sauces and soups, it can be added to dairy cocktails and children's mixtures for nutrition. There are many ways to separate avocado, but the simplest following: Cut the avocado along, turning the knife around the bone, expand the hollows in the opposite sides - the fruit is divided into two halves, and the bone will remain in one of them. The bone is easy to remove, hiding it with a spoon, the pulp is also easily separated from the skin with a spoon.

The flesh of ripe avocado can simply smear on bread and slightly satisfying, ice cream is made in South America, and in Indonesia mixed with coffee, milk and rum in a cocktail!

Due to its neutral taste, avocado is easily combined with many products: ham, shrimp, crab sticks, boiled eggs, etc.

The pulp of mature avocado is used in cooking in cold dishes: salads, for example, in combination with red fish, cold snacks, sandwiches. Supply of lemon or lime juice is usually added - to avoid oxidation, sprinkling appearance and avocado taste.

One of the most popular dishes from Avocado - the Mexican appetizer of Guacamole, consisting mainly of avocado purrician pulp with the addition of salt, linomed juice, sometimes seasonings, vegetables.

Avocado is used in vegetarian cuisine as a filling for vegetarian sushi, as well as replacing meat and eggs in some cold dishes.

Several recipes using avocado

120 g rice, 200 ml of vegetable broth, 1 jar of canned corn, 150 g of boiled or canned beans, 1 avocado, 2 tbsp. Lemon juice, 2 tomatoes. Sauce: 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (corn), parsley greens, ½ chili peppers, salt, pepper.

Rice pour boiling broth, let's get drunk for a few minutes, mix, cover with a lid and reduce the fire to a minimum. Leave rice to boil 20 minutes without opening the lids. After 20 minutes, turn off the fire, open the lid and gently mix rice for a fork to evaporate an extra moisture. Main to cool. Beans and corn rinse with cold water and give a track. Pickpit chili and parsley greenery finely chop and mix with the other ingredients for the sauce. Avocado clean, cut into cubes and immediately mix with lemon juice. Tomatoes cut into small cubes. Carefully mix all the ingredients of lettuce.

1 green salad, 2 avocado, 2 tbsp. Lemon juice, 4 medium tomatoes, 1 bulbs, 175 g of canned beans from the can. Sauce: 4 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. Wine vinegar, 1 garlic teeth (crushing), salt, pinching sugar and sharp red pepper, parsley for decoration.

Salad leaves decompose in a salad bowl. Avocado cut into thin slices and immediately pour lemon juice. Tomatoes cut into circles, onion with thin rings. Salad the sliced \u200b\u200bavocado, tomatoes and rings, and put the beans in the edges of the salad bowl. Ingredients for sauce slightly whipped with a fork and pour this sauce salad, decorate with parsley from above.

Mexican sauce "Guacamole". 2 ripe avocado, 1 bulb (finely cut), 1 clove of garlic, 1 tbsp. Lemon juice, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt, pepper, tobasco.

This is an adapted recipe for a traditional Mexican sauce, which dates back to its history for the times of Aztecs. Guacamole can be used as seasoning to corn chips, smeared on bread, etc.

Flash for sauce rubbed garlic. The pulp of avocado takes a teaspoon from the peel and lay out into the toss, put the chopped onions and mix it to a homogeneous mass. Then add lemon juice, butter, salt, pepper and tobasco and mix well again. Sauce can be stored in the refrigerator a few days. Instead of lemon, you can use Lyme juice, you can also add finely chopped tomato and cilantro.

2 ripe avocado, 2 tbsp. Lyme or lemon juice, 350 ml of cooled chicken broth, 250 ml of cream (can be replaced by milk), salt and pepper to taste.

Drink the flesh avocado fork and mix with lemon juice. Mix in a blender flesh avocado and broth, then pour cream or milk and sweat the soup again. Sung and pepper.

In 100 g of flesh, avocado contains:

Calorie - 118-167 kcal

Water - 73 g
Fat. - 15-30 g
Proteins - 1.6 g-2.1 g
Carbohydrates - 6 g (including mono- and disaccharides - 5 g)
Food fibers (fiber) - 0.6 g
Balaset substances - 3.65 mg
Organic acids - 0.1 g
Potassium - 437.27 mg
Copper - 0.19 mg
Salts of folic acid - 45.19 μg
Vitamin K. - 14.6 mg
Vitamin C - 5.77 mg
Vitamin B6. - 0.2 mg

Vitamins in avocado:

Macroelements in avocado:

2nd option: 1 tbsp. A spoonful of unrefined avocado oil mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoon of oil from the bones (or oil from peach bones) and add 2 drops to this mixture essential oils Fennel, orange and mint.

To obtain a supply and moisturizing lip balm. Mix 1 tsp of unrefined avocado oil with 1 h. Spoon of jojoba oil.

Nail care. To strengthen the nails and eliminate their fragility, it is necessary to massage the nail roller before applying the nails for 15-20 minutes. For massage, the means is perfect, prepared as follows: to 2 tbsp. Avocado oil spoons should add 5 drops of lemon, and 5 drops of essential oils of rosemary, lavender and patchouli.