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Garden Calendar April May

Inexperienced gardeners and gardeners are often asked about how to conduct work in the middle of spring. Credit with the tasks will help the lunar sowing calendar for April 2018. Of course, the climatic conditions of the terrain should also be taken into account, but the base will perfectly present a special table.

Why is the lunar calendar so important? If planting cultures are too early, there is a danger that they will be frozen if late - they will not go, and the crop will be small. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the rules and time of disembarking in advance.

Planting and other works in early April 2018

Never mind, climatic zone Urals or the Volga region, at the beginning of the month it is recommended to conduct preventive work against fungal diseases in the garden. For this follows the day of planting trees to treat them surveillance Circles Ammonium nitrate, urea and nitroammofoski solutions.

According to the councils of the calendar at the same time, it was recommended to plant shrubs and trees with an open root system, as well as to resist the rigging circles, because most pests prefer to winter in top layer Soil. As for shrubs, a gardener and gardery calendar for 2018 recommends processing their copper vigorous.

In early April, there should be not only the day of planting trees, but also the day of removal from the dried cherries, pears and other fruit species of plants. If you neglect this rule, problems will appear with the occurrence of fungal diseases.

Gardening calendar recommends and trimming black currant, honeysuckle and gooseberry. At the same time, the latter is cut out all young shoots from the middle. White currant is simply eliminated by old branches and branches going inside the crown. The honeysuckle remove broken branches.

In the first half of the month there are days favorable for sowing to a greenhouse or under the film cold-resistant greenery. You can keep sowing broccoli seedlings and white cabbage. At the same time, fitting room colors and growing seedlings:

  • cauliflower;
  • vegetable Physalis;
  • tomato hybrids;
  • eggplant.

What to plant in mid-April in the lunar landing calendar for 2018

The calendar of works in the garden and garden focuses on sowing into separate containers and growing Melissa, Issop, Basilica and other greenery. You can do the germination of gladiolus and dahlia.

The calendar for April reminds that you should not forget about the sowing of thermal-loving colors:

  • zinni (Zinnia);
  • ageratuma (Agerátum);
  • portulak (Portúlaca);
  • amaranth (Amaranthus) And other sections.

  • Increase the intensity of the lighting of plants, if it has become noticeable that they are pulled out.
  • Conduct loosening and mulching strawberries, save it from last year's foliage.
  • Process seedlings from pests by spraying.
  • Conduct vaccinations fruit plants.
  • Play seedlings.
  • Conduct feeder fruit trees.
  • Cover the beds with a film that provokes the growth of weeds, and remove them before landing the main crops.
  • Put traps on those beds where the wire was noticed.

Work at the end of April of the month

At the end of the month, the day of planting trees and carrots should be highlighted. Carrots are distinguished by stability to cold and can give germs even at low temperature. ambient. Special attention should be paid to both radish. It matures very quickly, after a month after landing, it will be possible to fall as a juicy root roof.

After the weather near Moscow and Siberia stand out, you can start landing in open sad The following greenery crops:

  • parsley;
  • leaf salad;
  • dill;
  • spinach;
  • sorry.

The remaining information about the work in the garden will give a gardener calendar.

Selection of seeds for landing in April (video)

Favorable and unfavorable days for work in the garden and garden


Moon in the sign of the zodiac

Moon in scale sign

Digging of bulbs and tubers, landing ampel and decorative long stem plants

Locking of grassy crops, crown formation and seedlings

Moon in Scorpio sign

Trimming mustache on strawberry and strawberry bushes, removal of frills and weed vegetation

Leding herbatous plants, generation of crown and seedlings

Moon in Scorpio sign

Using chemicals Plant protection from pathogenic microflora and pests

Moon in Sagittarius

The implementation of the billet of cuttings, as well as strawberry and strawberry mustache followed by rooting

Moon in Sagittarius

Moon in Sagittarius

Plant transplantation with a strong root system, plowing, loosening, dipping and removing weeds

It is forbidden to perform the execution of the crown and carrying out the formative crown

Moon in Capricorn sign

Moon in Capricorn sign

Harvesting of cuttings of garden crops, prepaiming training seed material

Cleaning a barn vegetable crops, collection of foliage, performing chubby plowing

Moon in Aquarius

Conducting any crown manipulation garden treesincluding all kinds of trimming and shilling

Preparation of medicinal vegetable raw materials and vegetable canning for long-term storage

Moon in Aquarius

Soil processing events, watering and feeding mineral fertilizers

Trimming and formation, picking and caption, removal of steps gardening cropsoh

Moon in Aquarius

Shining, germination and rooting of cuttings, garden landing and decorative plants

Implementation of any events with root system of plants, including loosening

Moon in the sign of the fish

Planting spicy, floral, medicinal, grain, curly and plenty plants

Moon in the sign of the fish

Resetting, root division, reproduction bulbous plants and tuber-bulbous crops

Moon in the sign of Aries

Any activities aimed at preventing pathogenic microflora and pests

It is impossible to stop and bookmark on prolonged storage of potato tubers

Moon in the sign of Aries

Seeding seeds and plant seedlings for obtaining high-quality seeds

Prohibited operations that can provoke damage to the aboveground part or root system

Moon in the sign Taurus

Plant seedlings for high-quality seeds

Prohibited operations that can provoke damage to the aboveground part or roots

Moon in the sign Taurus

Locking provers for further rewriting, shilling, pruning sanitary

Too abundant irrigation events, root feeding with liquid fertilizers

Moon in the sign Taurus

Organic root feeding, trimming an aboveground to slow down growth processes

Conducting the seas and diving of seedlings of garden crops

Moon in Gemini sign

Boot harvest collected on the winter, Booking of vegetable products for storage

Too abundant watering and work aimed at loosening soil or its rescope

Moon in Gemini sign

Works on the formation of the crown, trimming of strawberries or strawberries, trimming of unnecessary shoots and flowers

Sowing or disembodied seedlings of almost any garden crops

Moon in Cancer Sign

Overhead part of plants folk remedies or chemicals

Sewing or transplanting ornamental and garden plants

Moon in Cancer Sign

You can not abundantly water and throw the culture fertilizers

Moon in the lion sign

Sewing, landing and transplantation of vegetable, pumpkin and passic crops

Blank of nutrient soil substrates for sowing seeds and growing seedlings

Moon in the lion sign

Collection and bookmark for long-term storage of all cultures, as well as breakout, weed removal

It is impossible to collect seeds from crops planted on this day due to the low germination

Moon in Virgin

Pumping and soil loosening on the plot, dips, as well as replacement of the soil in flower pots

It is necessary to extremely carefully implement irrigation events and fertilizer

Moon in Virgin

Pre-processing, soaking and germination of seeds in order to obtain seedlings

Moon in scale sign

Preparing for the winter period of grown garden and garden products

Prohibited operations that can provoke damage to the root system

Moon in scale sign

Blank bulbs and tubers, landing of ampel and ornamental plants

Landing of grassy crops, the formation of the crown and dive of seedlings

Moon in Scorpio sign

Preparation of medicinal vegetable raw materials, cleaning of grain crops

It is undesirable to transplanting garden and garden crops

Moon in Scorpio sign

Sewing and disemboding, to transplant most cultures in order to receive high yield

Forming, rejuvenating and sanitary crown of crown of garden plantings

The responsible for the summer residents occurred. Considering planting Days April 2019 spend sowing and others necessary work for the cultivation of vegetables and greenery.

After the snowy winter, the first thing to lower excess water from the garden. Purify the grooves in the slope of the site, if there is no slope, then dig a shallow groove gradually deepening it, and water as if to go from the site. Stagnation of water on the site is particularly dangerous for raspberries, strawberries and clematis.

Adopt the nitric fertilizer sorrel, raspberry, rhubarb (3 st. Supplies on 10 liters of water). During flowering mother-and-stepmother (late April - beginning of May), sit in the open soil seeds of carrots, radish, dill, parsley, leaf celery, cilantro, salad, i.e. cold-resistant crops. Sevings cover spanbond. At home you can sow leaf Parsushki and bush dill.

As for the flower garden, in the middle of April you can sow velvets, marigolds, qesya.

Home seedlings of tomatoes and pepper water moderately so as not to dismisse the soil. And also do not forget that the seedlings need good lighting.

In early April, prepare seed potatoes for sowing. Closer to the end of the month, the fruit trees should be sprayed, whose kidney flakes spread and a green cone appeared, because the first pests lay eggs into the green cone sheet at this time.

Favorable days for landing in April 2019

Culture A good day
Basil, major, rosemary 4
Brubva, Repa 12-13, 17-18
Eggplant, zucchini, patissons, pumpkin 4, 9-10
Peas, beans 9-10
Melon 2-4, 9-10, 30
Strawberry, Strawberry Garden, Rewal 12-13
Cabbage, asparagus 2, 27, 30
Potato, Topinambur 12-18
Onions on Rust 12-18
Leek 2-4, 28-30
Carrots, Pasternak on the root 12-13
Cucumbers 2, 30
Sweet pepper, tomatoes 4
Parsley on greens 2, 30
Parsley on the root 12-13, 17-18
Sunflower 2-6, 10, 30
Radish 12-18
Radish 12-13
Salad, spinach 2, 27, 30
Beet 12-13, 21-23
Celery 2, 21-23, 27, 30
Dill, Fennel 1-4, 7-8, 29-30
Hop 2-4, 12-13, 30
Horseradish 12-13, 17-18
Chicory 4, 12-16
Garlic 12-16
Flowers from seeds 2-4, 7-10, 30
Flowers from Lukovitz 12-13, 17-18

Adverse days for landing and resetting cultures - 19-20, 26

Favorable days for planting trees and shrubs

Lunar landing calendar for April 2019

April 1 - decreasing moon in zn. Libra. Good to engage in a transplant, a piece of cucumbers, a pausing of tomatoes. With good weather you can land stalks of grapes. You can also plant the spring raspberry. Landing strawberries can also be held in early spring - A good period: mid-April-beginning of May.

April 2 - descending. l. in sn. Scorpio. Continue to work in the garden. Turn the trees, spend spraying of trees and shrubs, inspect the stans and treat cracks and damage to the crust. Do not forget about seedlings - Faulty nitrogen fertilizers. Dry rippers regularly. Destroy weeds.

April 3 - descending order in sn. Scorpio. You can sow Cabbage Seeds Kohlrabi, Carrots, Luke, Radrate, Beets.

Rast. l. in sn. Cancer. Good day to make fertilizers in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. And also do trimming, whitewash, fighting pests.

April, 4 - descending in sn. Sagittarius. In the evening, do fetching bulbous colors in the evening. On this day, the feeders are well absorbed.

April 6. - descending in sn. Sagittarius. Good day for cooking brazers, tinctures, infusions. It is good to help the plants in the greenhouse.

April 7. - descending in sn. Capricorn. It is good today to sow celery, parsley, salad and spicy herbs - mayoran, basil, plant onions on the feather. You can sow and cabbage seeds early grades For the cultivation of seedlings in a greenhouse or on the windowsill and seeds of cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse. Saplings will need to be preventing nitrogen fertilizers. Regularly loose the rich circles, destroy weeds.

April 8. - descending in sn. Capricorn. Set on the outline onions, parsley, celery. Get involved in transplant and feeding. Good day for landing kochan salat, Luke of the Republic, Basilica, Leaf Celery, Parsley and other green crops, as well as decorative plants.

April 9.- descending in sn. Capricorn. Dovely what started yesterday. A favorable day to complete previously started and unfavorable for any undertakings.

April 10th - descending in sn. Aquarius. Horo today to deal with a transplant, irrigating and feeding plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. You can sow seeds of roots, spicy and medicinal plants. Denb is like watering and feeding indoor plants. Take care of health.

11 April- descending in sn. Aquarius. A suitable day for planting seeds of a naochante salad, leaf celery, onion of the replist, basil, parsley and other green crops can be planted seedlings early cabbage, cucumbers under the film.

April 12th - descending in sn. Fish. Sugar strawberries and strawberries begins in April. Black and red currants, gooseberries, raspberry plant on the plots prepared in autumn.

April 13. - descending in sn. Fish. Be careful to your health - this day is not favorable for well-being. Do not save, do not reset and do not dive today.

14th of April - descending in sn. Fish. Do not engage in sowing and planting plants - an unfavorable day.

April 16. - New Moon in ZN. Aries. No more favorable day to work with plants. Try to rest more, eliminate physical exertion. This lunar day is considered dangerous to health.

April 17. - Rast.L. in sn. Calf. Good day, for planting trees, sunflower, corn. You can post the seeds of zabachkov, patissons, pumpkins, cucumbers. Spend a transplant, thinning. With good weather, draw trees and shrubs.

April 18th - Rast.L. in sn. Calf. In the afternoon, sit in the open soil seeds of spinach, leaf salad, leaf celery. Press the seeds of dill, mayoran, fennel, coriander, cucumber grass. Get involved in transplantation.

Today you can make fertilizers for plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill. Feed the bulbous room flowers. Also, Hroids also prepare brazers, infusions.

April 19. - Growing moon in the Gemini sign. On this day, it is good to sow seeded the seeds of tomatoes of early varieties. Seedlings of early sorts of cabbage to open ground can be planted at the end of March - early April. Raspberry and gooseberry need to trim the ends of the shoots affected muced dew. Plants that planted in spring or autumn should also be treated - remove weakened, dry or broken branches before the renal dissipation.

20 April - Rast.L. in sn. Twins. Favorable time for sowing and planting plants. The landing of shrubs and trees begins. A good period for landing of bone fruit trees (cherry, apricot, sweet cherry, peach, korarisha). Terms can be shifted depending on climatic conditions, temperature and weather. But it is impossible to be late for fruit trees, it can lead to death due to lack of moisture.

The 21st of April - Rast.L. in sn. Cancer. It will be useful to help the plants growing in the greenhouse. The day is good for cooking brazers, tinctures, tinctures. Take care of whitening, pruning, fighting pests.

April 22. - Rast.L. in sn. Cancer. It is recommended to deal with the transplantation of plants that need it. Swipe the plants in the greenhouse. Good today to arrange a struggle with pests. Treat the ground, spend. Work in the garden. Good day for physical activity.

April 23. - Rast.L. in sn. Lev. High Tells of Georgins in pots in a greenhouse for germination and pavement. Put the begonoli tubers on the germination or lay the seeds in the boxes. Treat plants and beds. - Pick up vegetables, remove weak plants.

April 24th - Rast.L. in sn. Lion .. Pose Salad, Parsley, Celery, Spicy herbs - Basil, Majora, Rock onions on the feather. You can sow seeds of early sorts of cabbage to grow seedlings in a greenhouse and on the windowsill, seeds of cucumbers for growing in a greenhouse. Continue further care For seedlings - to help them with nitrogen fertilizers, regularly loose the rich circles, remove weeds.

25th of April - Rast.L. in sn. Virgo. Today you can sow leek leek, root celery. Site onion On the feather for fresh greenery. In the greenhouse, land in pots of dahlias for germination and shilling. Put the begonia tubers for germination.

26 April - Rast.L. in sn. Virgo. A good landing period for sowing Parsley, Selbder, Spicy herbs - Basilica, Majorana, fall out onions on the feather. Seed seeds of early cabbage for growing seedlings in the greenhouse and on the windowsill, seeds of cucumbers sit for cultivation in teeping.

April 27. - Rast.L. in sn. Libra. Today, treat plants, beds - spend the chipping of vegetables, remove weak and sick plants. If necessary - adopt the plants. A favorable day to start affairs, which can be completed during the day.

April 28. - Rast.L. in sn. Libra. Continue work in the greenhouse. Take yourself with a change, cucumber seas, tomato pausing. Press the seeds of cucumbers, peas, beans, cauliflowers, broccoli. Press the seeds of colors - Petunia, Portulak, Chrysanthemum annual, hybrid dolphinium.

April 29. - Full moon. In sn. Scorpio. Well today to sow in an open soil sheet salad, sheet celery, spinach. Place dill, coriander, fennel, cucumber grass. It is recommended to plant peas, beans. Get involved in transplantation.

April 30 - descending. Moon in zn. Scorpio. A favorable day to sow seeds of cucumbers, beans, peas, cauliflowers, broccoli. Press the seeds of colors - Petunia, Portulak, Chrysanthemum annual, hybrid dolphinium.

26.03.2019 5 566

Moon Sowing Calendar for April 2019

The weather in April pleases the abundance of warm and sunny days. Despite the noticeable warming in the night and morning hours, frosts are still possible, so with crop transfers to open soil you need to be careful. The Lunar Sowing Calendar of Gardener and Gardener for April 2019 will help you organize the workflow on the site as correct as possible.

What works in April need to produce in the garden and garden?

In the middle of spring, summer houses and gardeners are more and more spending on their sites. No wonder April is considered the most time-consuming season. First of all, it is necessary to finish the works that did not have time in March. Only then can be proceeding with the following tasks:

  • after the snow comes down, you should take the entire extracting garbage. From the trees you need to remove the old foliage and cut off the dry branches. Most the best way disposal of similar waste - burning;
  • under the bushes of raspberries, gooseberry and currants it is necessary to make fertilizers on the talom snow. Also, it is also necessary to clue them by humus, manure or peat;
  • i can breathable soil and make a bed, as well as braid it and make fertilizers;
  • after driving snow and strawberries. Cut the dried leaves and twigs, make fertilizers and wipe the mustache. For more more early harvest Circling with strawberries can be covered with a film;
  • do not forget to rent cultures that have risen badly.

in the photo - the prevention of tomato seedlings wood ash Against Diseases

If the earth after melting snow on the site is still very wet, try to walk on it as much as possible. Otherwise, you simply lose it, which will complicate further processing and looping the beds. When the street is already warm enough, you can begin to make seedlings into greenhouses for hardening.

Favorable days for country work in April 2019

The separation for favorable and unfavorable days allows you to organize the workflow in the garden and in the country more competently. Not necessarily strictly observe the specified time frames, however, sticking to them, you will get a healthy and rich harvest. Such distribution relies on the observations of our ancestors and the influence of the Moon on the Earth.

In April 2019, you can allocate the following days:

  1. favorable - 2, 3, 12, 13, 20, 21;
  2. unfavorable days -9, 10, 11, 14, 23, 24;
  3. forbidden days - 15, 16, 17.

Adhere to the specified dates or select your own work schedule - the solution of each individual. If you want to do everything according to the rules and provide a full harvest and the friendly shootout, you can stick to the numbers specified in the table.

The gardener and garden calendar can be very useful for novice dacities who make their first steps in difficult growing vegetable crops. It will help to determine the landing time and will avoid a number of common errors.

Lunar sowing calendar of gardener and gardenhouse for April 2019

moon Sowing Calendar for April - Table

Enjoy Lunar calendar very simple. You can strictly follow the dates specified in it or take them as a basis, when drawing up your own gardens garden work.

Lunar gardener calendar for April - video

To avoid a number of problems and provide yourself good harvest finishing dacha seasonExperienced gardeners are recommended to adhere to the following advice:

  • in early April, the snow is still actively melting. If your site is in lowland, ensure a waste of melt water with drainage grooves. If the plot is on the hillock, see the residues of the snow to avoid drying the soil;
  • with the melting of ice on the river you can proceed to sowing cabbage. it folk signwhich is used by very many gardeners;
  • spraying and processing strawberries, shrubs and trees held in April is considered the safest, as it does not cause harm to the plants themselves, nor a person;
  • at the peroxide of the beds, add to the soil manure, ash, peat or humus. Such a measure will allow you to get a rich harvest and reduce the costs of fertilizer and feeding in the future.

In the middle of spring, you need to have time to prepare a plot to disembark cultures in the ground, switch the bed and get rid of garbage. To manage to cope with all the tasks set, you can make a list of cases a month ahead or look into the gardener and garden calendar.