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Salad chicory Coched vitamin growth cultivation. Growing a salad chicory. Chicory and Morne sauce with ham

Endive Belongs to the family of daisies and is a close relative of the dandelion. In the people, the plant is more famous called Salad Chicory. Endivium is a plant with light green kochan and green leaves. The characteristic curly of the leaves makes an endive look like a regular salad. In general, at first glance, it may seem that endive is and there is a curly salad, although in fact he is a salad vegetable.

The taste of endivium is bitter, so it is not so popular in comparison with other varieties of salad. For sale, it enters in dense kochets, which consist of smooth not dissected leaves. Cookies, painted in cream color with green splashes, can reach a length of about 12 cm (see photo).

Malaya Asia is considered to be Malaya Endivia, and today the plant is popular in America and Europe.

How to choose and store?

It is important to be able to choose the proper endiveness to be the most useful and tasty as possible. Prefer options with bright, juicy, crispy leaves. From the purchase it is worth refuse if there is sluggish, yellow, colorless or too hard leaves in the kuman. Do not buy imndivium if there are mucus, cracks and other damage in the kochene. If there are dents on the kochene, the salad of non-bank and from buying should also be refused.

Hard, discolored or yellow leaves do not contain beneficial substances in required quantity. When choosing an endive root, it is better to give preference to smooth white kernels.

Environmentally friendly endivium enough rinse with flowing water in order to remove dirt and sand. If you are not sure about the safety of plants, rinse the leaves with a solution apple vinegar, salt and water. A simple procedure will save you from pesticide poisoning.

Endivia must be stored in a place remote from fruits and vegetables. Before storage, the salad needs to rinse well and dry, and after wrapped in a wet fabric or put in a vacuum container. Storage time up to 1 week.

Growing and Motherland Endivia

The endive was opened by Belgian farmer in the distant 1830. Casual opening of the farmer and attention to the new plant of chefs of that time made a salad chicory known to the whole world.

Motherland of this surprisingly product is considered Northern India and Small Asia. Specially, the salad chicory began to grow, starting from the 18th century in Holland, in the countries of the Mediterranean, Baltic States, in England and France.

The plant is grown in a sunny place, because the shadow significantly increases the natural high content of nitrates. Sowing is held between mid-June until mid-July. This time is considered the most favorable for landing, because sown ahead of time As a result of low temperatures, the salad chicory will go into growth without forming kochanov. If you sow endivey later specified period, Cochanic will not be large enough.

Before the endive goes on sale, it must be carefully prepared. Plant leaves whiten by special technology, closing the pots of Salad Chico with large plastic tanks. Thanks to this technology, the plant loses its excessive bitterness and at the same time its leaves are very brightened.

Beneficial features

The benefits of the endivia is to chemical composition Product. The salad among many products in the content of vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, and also he takes an active part in the development of collagen, which is important for the skin. Fresh from this plant helps toning the muscular eye system. The benefits of receiving Salad Chicory is visible in a few weeks, and with regular use, you can achieve maximum recovery.

Recent experiments have shown that the Endivia enters a large number of Inulin, which reduces blood sugar levels, which is especially important for diabetics and people with obesity. Thus, the use of leaf vegetables is its sucroping properties. It is worth noting that the root of a salad chicory contains about 60 percent of Inulin. In general, thanks to a sucropping property plant must be present in the menu of a man suffering from diabetes.

Also the plant also contains a large number of group vitamins in, which are especially important for the work of the nervous system, for muscle tissue and for many metabolic processes.

The Endivia includes a large amount of dietary fibers that help to cope with a sense of hunger, as well as clean the intestine from the decay products and get rid of constipation. If you consider low calorieness, then you can declare that endive lovely product for weight loss.

The endivia includes inthibin - a substance that positively affects the activity of the digestive system, the liver and gallbladder. The plant favorably affects the process of blood formation and to work the cardiovascular system. A mixture of endivia juices, celery and parsley is an effective blood tonic that helps with anemia. It contains an endive ascorbic acid that increases the protective functions of the body. Thanks to the presence of potassium, the work of muscle tissue is improved, incl. and heart muscle. There are magnesium imndivia, which increases the number of "good" cholesterol, reduces the risk of rock formation of kidneys.

The beneficial properties of salad chicory are also used for cosmetics purposes. For example, with regular use of the plant juice, you can get rid of acne rashes on the skin.

Endivia for weight loss

Salad chicory promotes weight loss, as it derives excessive fluid from the body. The benefits of endivia for weight loss was marked by the famous French nutritionist Pierre Duucan. It recommends that the plant is used as a main dish at all stages of Dukean diet, except for the first ("attack"). Salad chicory will saturate the body useful vitamins and minerals. The caloric content of the plant is only 17 kcal per 100 grams. Thus, it can be recommended to obese people. In addition, the salad chicory contains a close 8% of the fluid norm of the fiber required for the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use in cooking

In cooking, the root and leaves of a salad chicory are used. European peoples retained traditional drinks from the root of the plant. The powder from the root of the endivia, resembling the grain of coffee, has long been used to prepare a diet drink. In addition to the root in the cooking, the leaves of a salad chicory are widely used.

So, very juicy and useful salads are obtained from vegetable leaves. Torn bitter leaves are filled with a mixture of lemon juice, olive oil and salt. Endivia light salads are perfectly combined with baked grilled or cooked meat cooked in foil. The tasty and useful combination will be the use of green leaves of the plant as a side dish to fish.

One of the most useful ways to use Salad chicory in cooking is the preparation of vegetarian soups and casserole from his leaves. For this purpose, a little rude upper leaves will be perfectly suitable, they better hold the form and smallers less.

Note that the most bitter is the external leaves, so use young leaflets for cooking. Endivia can be used to extinguish and steaming. Also, they are used for baking, for this, the leaves themselves put pieces of fish or meat. Even the endive is suitable for cooking litters and sauces.

Capture secrets

Like any food product, Eden has its own features of cooking. If you are sure as the selected product, it is enough to rinse it under running water to remove sand and other dirt. It should be borne in mind that some manufacturers can use during the cultivation of endivia chemicals. In this case, you need to take measures to remove them. To do this, dissolve in 100 ml of apple vinegar and 0.5 h. Salt spoons. The resulting solution is pretty rinse with endivia leaves.

There are several secrets that will be useful for all owners!

  • To remove bitterness of the leaves, it is recommended to rinse them in warm water for 20 minutes. Also, bitter taste leaves during thermal processing.
  • Leaves that are not juicy and not crispy is recommended to put in icewater For their refreshment.

The benefits of endivia and treatment

The benefits of Salad Chicory is determined by its special composition. It has a powerful choleretic and diuretic effect. The plant helps to improve the liver and kidneys, will remove the stagnation of bile. It is impossible not to mention the benefits of endivia in the prevention of cancer neoplasms. The anti-factor effect is due to the high content of vitamin A in this product.

Fresh leaves salads are especially recommended to use in spring, as the plant contains a lot of vitamin C. However, the leaves contain manganese and potassium. Manganese participates in the processes related to the development of many enzymes, and Potassium struggles with hypertension.

Salad chicory will help people whose lives are closely related to stress. Vitamin group B - good prevention Neurological diseases, it has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, restores mental balance.

Especially effective is the Endivia juice. It helps to forget about many problems associated with poor well-being. Juice eliminates skin rash, Malokrovia, helps with eye diseases, is effective in diseases of the gallbladder. The specific bitter taste of endivia is well combined with other vegetable juices, but it is quite difficult to drink it in its pure form. Salad chicory juice, celery and carrots, for example, reduces the number of asthmatic seizures.

Harm imndivia and contraindications

About the dangers of a plant, as a rule, is not mentioned anywhere. In moderate quantities, this vegetable brings one only benefits and does not cause side effects. In this regard, there are no direct contraindications to eat endivia, although it is never worth excluding the individual intolerance to the product. Individual reactions can manifest itself in the form food disorder or allergies.

High concentration of vitamin A is badly combined with tobacco or alcohol. In this regard, it is recommended to refrain from the use of strong alcoholic beverages and smoking at least 6 hours before and after eating endivia.

Increasingly, we have to try a little vegetable crops common in our territories - asparagus, artichoke, salad chicory. And how to grow them yourself? Seeds or seedlings? How to properly prepare the soil for escape and vegetable-inflorescence? He advises Okabrina Ganichkin.


Asparagus - perennialForms fleshy rhizome and thick white roots, in which nutrients accumulate. From the kidneys on the rhizome, powerful shoots are developing, giving bundles of thin, gentle stalks playing the role of leaves. Being in the soil, the shoots retain a white color, and leading to the light, become dark green, stubble and branched. Adults asparagus bushes reach a height of 2 m.

Asparagus - Plant Dwarm: Men's copies are more yields and rapidly than women.

From the shoots of asparagus prepare salads, side dishes, soups, they are consumed in boiled, stew, fried and canned form.

Asparagus also has medical properties: It serves, helps with kidney diseases, heart, rheumatism, gout, reduces blood pressure and relieves fatigue.

Adult plants are pretty cold-resistant, but the seeds germinate only at 20-25 ° C, and shoots suffer from frosts. The optimal temperature for shooting shoots is 10-12 ° C.

Asparagus moisture, with a lack of water, the shoots acquire bitterness, become fibrous, and, on the contrary, with an excess of its roots, they get root and die away. It is very demanding of fertility and soil structure, the plants grow well on the lungs, fertile, rich in organic substance soils. Asparagus does not tolerate acidic soils and a close standing of groundwater.

Plot under asparagus is prepared in autumn. The soil is drunk to a depth of 35-40 cm and contribute 10-12 kg / m 2 humidiation or compost. In the spring, it is reappeared again, Mineral Fertilizers are added: 1 tbsp. A spoon (25 g) "Agricks for rootepodes" or nitroposki per 1 m 2.

Growing. Asparagus grown mainly ensure. Under the nodentiary, a plot with loose fertile soil is removed under the people of 5-6 kg / m 2 humidage or compost and 1 tsp of urea, superphosphate, potassium sulfate per 1 m 2. The surface is smoothed, the grooves are made at a distance of 20-25 cm and are abundantly watered with a solution of an energy stimulator "Energy": 1 capsule is bred in 5 liters of water.

Seeds before sowing 2-3 days are kept in a warm solution (25 ° C) "Agricultural Vegeta", in 0.5 liters of water dissolve 1 tbsp. A spoon, they are kept in a fabric bag for 3 days. The swollen seeds are scattered on the fabric, cover with another damp cloth and put in a warm place (20-25 ° C). The closed seeds are sown to a depth of 3 cm with a distance in a row of 6-8 cm and mulched with a humid layer 1 cm. The landing is carried out in early June.

Shoots thin, leaving the distance between them 10-15 cm. 15 days after the seasons, asparagus feed organic fertilizers: on 10 liters of water is bred 2 tbsp. Spoons of "Agrikolah Forward" or "Universal Rossi".

In order to get a bleached asparagus, during the loosenings of the rifle, the soil is raised first by 10 cm, then another 10-15, so that the layer of humus over the root is at least 25 cm.

In the next 2 years, the soil looser is necessary, watering and feeding fertilizer solutions.

In the fall, shoots are cut at the surface of the soil and burn them, the rows are covered with manure, peat or leaves.

Collect yield In May of the Third Year. For this, the soil can be careful from shoots and cut them out sharp knifeAnd the wells fall asleep again. Collection of bleached asparagus is carried out daily and only with cold cloudy weather in 2-3 days. Good shoots should have a length of 15-20 cm and a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. One plant on average gives 10-12 shoots, sometimes up to 30, weighing 20-30 g.

Sports asparagus. Argenteil Early - Hadazine; Saving large, low-fiber, white, have pink heads, overhead young shoots of green violet. Mary Washington - Medieval; Shoots are very large, thick, yellowish. Overhead shoots of green-purple. Good to get a green asparagus. Early Yellow - New Domestic Hader; Sleeps tender, white with a dense yellow head. Overhead shoots greenish-yellow. Resistant to disease. Yield-6-medieval; Top, large, white, pink heads. On the surface of the soil, they acquire a green-purple color.


Artichoke is a perennial plant, a valuable dietary product containing inulin, carotene, vitamin C. Food is used by a color (DC) and fleshy bases of external scales of large unacceptable inflorescences (baskets). The delicate flesh of the artichoke has a pleasant taste.

The artichoke is cultivated in the southern regions of Russia: in the Krasnodar Territory and in the North Caucasus.

The plant forms large leaves and highly developed vegetative mass. The stem reaches a height of 1.5-2 m.

The leaves are green, large, prickly, form a large roasting outlet. Flowers are bluish, are collected in large spherical inflorescences - baskets with a diameter of 10-25 cm. The roots are highly developed, long, rod. In the fall, the above-ground part of the plant is devouted, and it is cut. In spring, new stems develop from the wintering rhizomes.

The artichoke is thermally loving, only small freezing (up to -3 ° C) transfers. With careful insulation of the manure, straw or leaves, the roots can be turned in soil. In southern regions and in Middle lane It is cultivated as a long-term streaming culture, in the northern regions of the non-black-earth zone - only as an annolerary culture.

Accommodation. The artichokes are grown on fertile soils rich in organic matter and well-secured moisture. The plot dedicated to the artichoke should be protected from the northern winds.

We reproduce this culture with seeds or seedlings. Artichoke grows in one place to 10 years.

Sowing. Seeds in open soil are seeded only when the soil warms well. There are 2-3 seeds in each well. The distance between the rows is 70-90 cm, between the wells - 70 cm. Shoots thin, leaving no more than two plants in the well. For annole culture Artichokes are grown from seedlings. For this, the wet seeds germinate in sawdust 5-6 days at a temperature of 20-25 ° C and, when they stick, placed in wet sand and kept in the refrigerator at 0-2 ° C, not allowing freezing. The seeds prepared in this way are sown in drawers or a pot filled with fertile loose soil, optimum time Sowing in the southern and central regions of the Nechuro earth - the first half of March, in the Northern - the end of March - the beginning of April.

In the phase of the first real sheet, seedlings are pricted in pots and continue to grow them at temperatures on sunny days 20-22 ° C, in cloudy - not lower than 15-17 ° C. When the threat of frosts, the plants are planted with rows of rows at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other (with annual culture) and 50-70 cm (at many years).

Care. Ridges with artichoke are periodically loose, remove weeds and water the plants with small doses in the dry period, in the cold nights they are covered with observing material.

When sowing untreated seeds of plants, it is beginning to bloom only for the second year of life, vegetative reproduction And a seedliness with sowing union seeds in the first. So that the inflorescences are larger, on the plant leave two or three bloomrs, the rest of the shoots are removed.

Cleaning Inflorescences begin at the very beginning of flowering when scales are revealed in the central part. Heads are cut with a part of a blond. At reduced temperature, they can be saved for four weeks, at a temperature of 0-1 ° - two or three months.

Maicopsky, early, purple and laauy varieties are most famous.

Salad chicory

Salad chicory - a two-year plant. This is a valuable healing diet product. Its leaves contain ascorbic acid, carotene, mineral salts, valuable carbohydrate inulin, inthibin. The main advantage of the Salad Chicory is that it gives products throughout the winter, when there are no other fresh vegetables yet. In summer it is grown to obtain large root roots for winter landingFrom which the kochenians get in winter.

Kochangchikov are rich in vitamins of the group B, C, RR, carotine and other nutrients. Koraches are used in food, they prepare various salads, use for extinguishing, boiling.

Growing. Salad chicory is better grown on suglinted soil. 1.2 buckets of peat and 1 tbsp are introduced into the soil before sowing. Spoon nitroposki and superphosphate per 1 m 2. The beds are hampered, watered and make a scarlet in a distance of 16-18 cm across it, in the grooves sow seeds at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other and close them to a depth of 2-2.5 cm. In the phase of three to four leaves, the plants thinning, Leaving between them a distance of 5-6 cm.

During the summer, care for salad chicarium lies in watering, weeding, loosening.

Cleaning Salad chicory starts 20-25 October. The root roots are digging along with the barn, they are immediately on the spot in a small bunch of tops out and leave on the garden for 5-6 days. Before laying on storage, the tops are cut into 3 cm above the root root, so as not to damage the top kidney. Cornefodes are not cleaned from the ground, they are put on a basement or other rooms, where the temperature should be 1-2 ° C.

In the beginning of November, the roots plant in the boxes of 50 × 50 × 40 cm in the boxes. Soil is prepared from peat, humoring or derdy land With sawdust (1: 1), and you can also take some kind of sawdust or moss, etc. In the box, a moistened soil is poured with a layer of 10-12 cm. For landing, the roots are selected with a length of 12 cm, with a diameter of 2-3 cm. In the box with a bridge, up to 50 pieces of root plans are planted so that their tops are on the same level. Then the soil is packed to the top of the box - about 18-20 cm. From above, the drawer is covered with dark and wet material and put it in the room with a temperature of 12-14 ° C for 10-12 days.

The next 12 days, the salad chicory is grown at a temperature of 16-18 ° C. The entire period of cultivation in the box of Kochanchikov from roots lasts 22-24 days, and during this time they grow up weight until 150-180 g. Since Koraches grow in Earth without daylight (in the dark), they have a white color. Kochannels are cut from root and stored in polyethylene bags 15 or more days in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0-1 ° C.

Varieties. There are no domestic varieties of Salad chicory yet, therefore, foreign varieties are used: Extrema for early distortion, Vitlug Danish, Mitado - for autumn-winter, trivial - for late.


Thank you try to grow asparagus, I dream about her. I will add an article to bookmarks .. everything is so detailed

Comment Article "Asparagus, Artichoke, Salad Chicory - Growing and Care"

Cottage, garden and garden. Cottage and country households: buying, beautification, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruit tell me, please, how it grows with you, as the winter. What are the features of planting and growing. And whether it really is ...

Strawberry: How to grow from seeds? Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. ... in boxes of 50? 50? 40 cm. Soil is prepared from peat, humidia or squeezed earth with sawdust (1: 1), but can you get some asparagus to grow in the suburbs at the cottage?

Cottage, garden and garden. Cottage and country studies: buying, improvement, planting of trees and shrubs Theme created to discuss the list of asparagus, artichoke, Salad Chicory Thank you try to grow asparagus, I dream about it. I will add the article to bookmarks .. everything is so ...

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. The delicate flesh of the artichoke has a pleasant taste. The artichoke is cultivated in the southern regions of Russia: in the Krasnodar Territory and in the North Caucasus. Asparagus, which is eating :), really grows my neighbor in ...

Asparagus. Landscape design. Cottage, garden and garden. Cottage and country studies: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings and asparagus really grow in the suburbs at the cottage? Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care.

Asparagus, how?. Snacks. Cooking. Culinary recipes, help and cooking tips, festive menu and reception, selection of products. Asparagus - green and white (brushing rough stem) boiled in boiling water for a few minutes, slightly in a pan ...

Who was preparing a green asparague?. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Cooking. And asparagus really grow in the suburbs at the cottage? Favorite bubbles Christmas trees for bouquets, green fluffy, with red berries in the fall .... This is asparagus, a perennial, winter ...

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. Growing nasturtium, landing and care. When complying with the agrotechnical rules of growing nasturtium, the decorative beauty will be advantageous on the background of exotic colors.

And asparagus really grow in the suburbs at the cottage? Favorite bubbles Christmas trees for bouquets, green fluffy, with red berries in the fall .... This is asparagus and there is a perennial, winter is beautiful in the ground. Who was preparing a green asparagus?

Cottage, garden and garden. Cottage and country studies: buying, landscaping, planting trees and advise you to read: how to grow asparagus in the country. Games for birthday 14 years. We are preparing for the fence, tracks, flower beds in the country - how to fit everything. Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory ...

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. There are no domestic varieties of Salad chicory yet, therefore foreign varieties are used: Extrema for early distillation, Vitlug Danish, Mitado - for autumn-winter, trivially ... Cyclamen silence the word.

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. Asparagus - Plant Dwarm: Men's copies are more yields and rapidly than women. Salads, side dishes are prepared from the shoots of asparagus, they are consumed in boiled, stew, roasted and ...

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. Asparagus - Plant Dwarm: Men's copies are more yields and rapidly than women. About how not to pick up Rotovirus on vacation. Three times drove with children in ... Asparagus - where to buy in Moscow?

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. How to properly prepare the soil for escape and vegetable-inflorescence? He advises Okabrina Ganichkin. Vegetables for children at the cottage: What to plant? Excluded from the Institute. We advise you to read: how to grow asparagus in the country ...

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. There are no domestic varieties of Salad chicory yet, therefore foreign varieties are used: Extrema for early distillation, Vitlug Danish, Mitado - for autumn-winter, trivially ... Cyclamen silence the word.

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. Asparagus. Care houseplants: landing, watering, feeding, flowers, cacti. Asparagus.

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. Asparagus is a perennial plant, forms fleshy rhizome and thick white roots, in which nutrients accumulate. I grow with me fluffy asparagus. Same from seed raised.

Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - cultivation and care. There are no domestic varieties of Salad chicory yet, therefore foreign varieties are used: Extrema for early distillation, Vitlug Danish, Mitado - for autumn-winter, trivially ... Cyclamen silence the word.

Sick-shaped asparagus. Caring for flowers .. Asparagus, artichoke, Salad chicory - Growing and care. Asparagus is a perennial plant, forms fleshy rhizome and thick white roots, in which nutrients accumulate.

Vitluf CICKORIUM (Cichorium Intybus L.) - a perennial plant from the Astrovy family. Culturally cultivated as a twentieth bowl. By the end of the first season, the Vitluff is increasing the powerful outlet of the leaves and the root plant, which is further used to tramplifted Kochanchors or eat. Large plate plates, with wide cutters. Kornemploda extended conical shape, white color. Tubers are used to prepare a coffee beverage, and the leaves are the useful component of the salad in the fresh form, they are also boosted, extinguished.

For the second year there is flowering. A straight color-free stem with a height of 1.2-1.3 meters appears. Small flowers of blue or white shade are collected in the inflorescence-basket. Fruit - ribbed seed. Seed germination is preserved for 3-4 years.

Culture was bred in late XIX. century from chicory rooted. From the Flemish language, the name of the plant (Witloof) is translated as "white sheet". Other names are found: white head, white sheet salad, Brussels chicory, Salad chicory.

Vitlug Cycor Salad

Yield is quite high. Using the distillation from 1 m² of the area, you can get up to 1.5 kg of root. And when growing on a plot from the same unit of Square - about 4.5 kg. For distortions, the roots of medium sizes are best suited (diameter 3-5 cm). Small let me on the preparation of a coffee drink: Cut with circles, dry in the oven, move into powder.

Beneficial features

Due to the presence of Intin's glycositis in the Kochliki, the introduction into the diet contributes to improving the work of the digestive organs, establishes the metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the work of the liver, kidneys, pancreas, hematopoietic organs, cardiovascular and central uneven systems. Vitlug is very useful for people suffering from diabetes, is a valuable dietary product, has a choleretic, diuretic, laxative action.

Suitable place for cultivation of cycling salad


For cultivation of the cycling salad, Vitlf will need a well-lit plot, purified from weeds (especially malicious - odds, drinking).


The soil is nutritious (with a deep humus layer containing a large amount of humus) with a reaction of pH 6.5 and higher. Too light or heavy soil must be improved by the contribution of the cop module or peat crumb. Contraindicated heavy clay soils With close grounding groundwater.

It is important not to make fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen, since it will provoke the active extension of the green mass to the detriment of the formation of high-quality root plates.


Do not be cultivated on the site after growing salad, parsley, tomatoes, carrots, potatoes. Best predecessors are cabbage, cucumbers, legumes.

Timing of seeding Vitlfa

Salad chicory grown with a reckless way. For the formation of normal root roots, it will take 3-4 months. Seyard seed in late February-early March.

You can soar as soon as the soil warms up to 7-9 ° C (depending on the region, this is the end of April-beginning of May, you can soak until the beginning of summer).

The optimal sowing period for the consumption of Vitlf in the summer is the first decade of May, and for the preparation of the corrupt modes for the past issue - the third decade of the same month.

Cultivation of seed cycling salad in open ground

Agrotechnology of sowing and cultivation of cycor salad of seed reminds the rules of sowing and care. Sow Vitlug rows (in the aisle a distance of 30-45 cm) or double-line tapes (20 cm between the lines and 45 cm between ribbons).

The seed seed depth should be 1-1.5 cm.

The appearance of shoots expect about 8 days. Warm the soil and spend the first thinning, leaving a distance of 7-8 cm between individual plants. Repeated to closed the leaves (when there is a sufficient large leaf outlet), increasing the distance to 15-16 cm.

First of all, remove those plants whose leaf plates are tightly pressed against the ground - they have a tendency to the premature bookmark of the color-free stem.

Growing Vitluga from seed seedlings

Plant Vitlug in late February - early March. It is advisable to plant one seed into a cassette cell to avoid picking, but you can also in seedlings with subsequent picking in separate cups.

Seedlings aged 30-35 days are transplanted by the method of transshipment into open ground, observing the distance between the plants of 30 cm.

Preparation of the site

Preparation of the site should be taken in the fall. At first we will feel good to cause gerby grass germination - remove it, protect it with a special preparation. After 10 days, redo the depth of 25-30 cm and make fertilizers. On 1 m² it will be necessary: \u200b\u200babout 2 kg of manure or overworked compost, 2 tablespoons of dolomite flour, 1 tablespoon of potash salts and superphosphate, 1 cup of ash; For heavy drum soils, 1 bucket of peat will additionally need.

Early spring, when it appears, it is possible to enter the site, reap the depth of the bayonet shovel and make 1 teaspoon ammonia Selitra At the rate of 1 m².

How to care for cycor salad vitlug

Care for Brussels chicory will not be much difficulty. Watering will be required, soil looser, making feeding.

Watering and soil looser

Water regularly, but moderately, with a strong drought - is rich. With a lack of moisture, the leaves are griste, acquire a bitter taste. It is preferable to carry water in the morning hours, avoid water from the leaves.

Throughout the soil should be carried out in the aisles of approximately 3-4 times, if the soil is heavy - loose after each watering or precipitation. It is especially important to jumble well soil (at a depth of about 15 cm) before closing the leaves.


Fuck enough a couple of times per season. Be sure to make feeding in early August. Use the solution: 10 liters of water 1.5 tablespoon nitroposki (consumption of 3 m²).

Harvesting preparation

Three weeks before harvesting the leaves of the cycling salad, it is necessary to whiten if you plan to use them into food. The outer leaves are connected at the top, bind and bed with a vitlug are covered with black loyal until the harvest is cleaning. If the leaves do not whiten, they will be very bitter.

Cleaning and storage of rootlodes Vitlug Corner Salad

On the maturity of rootes of rooting of the leaves - this is the first signal to the fact that the cleaning time has come. However, if it is warm weather, it is possible to wait, then the rootes are still a little bit and gain weight.

During the harvesting of roots, it is very important not to damage the roots so as not to provoke diseases and rot the roots during storage. Before trimming the leaves and laying a storage in the root root in the cellar, it is necessary to dry, leaving on the field for several days covered with straw or in the roar of the leaves. The leaves are cut at a height of 3-5 cm above the top of the root. To obtain a uniform landing level, the roots are also cut, adhering to the length of the root of the root of approximately 20 cm.

If the roots are twisted, do not be mistaken: they can also be used to distilse, although the volume of the crop can be somewhat reduced.

When and how to dig vitlug

The dig of the roots of Brussels Chicory should be held in autumn before the onset of strong frosts (approximately at the end of September). Choose a ride day. Drop not a shovel, but garden pods. The tops are immediately cut. Spend an inspection: from bothering and damaged root root should be rid of, too large are also not suitable for storage. High-quality placed in the Bourge leaves outside and stored for 7-8 days. This is done in order to have an outflow of nutrients from the leaves in the roots.

How to dry and trim

But if the root crops are damaged by autumn frosts after digging, they will continue to be stored badly. It is better to hold in a dry cool room with good ventilation until the leaf plates are bother. Then cut the tops on 3-5 centimeters above the cervical root to avoid damage to the top kidneys. Sort the roots in size: large (with a diameter of over 5 cm), medium (3-5 cm), small (diameter up to 3 cm).

How to store

Korneflodes of Vitlf, prepared for storage

Then save horizontally into the boxes, pour out dry sand, sawdust or peat. You can use bags from sugar or flour, while the top put open for ventilation. Optimal temperature Witluff storage air is a range from 0 to +1 ° C. Alternatively, place the refrigerator in the vegetable department (although there is a temperature above).

Wintering in the open soil

Vitlug is a cold-resistant plant: the root of some varieties are successfully winter in the open soil, withstanding frosts up to -30 ° C.

Diseases and pests

From the convergence of soil and high humidity The soil is possible damage to rot, malievable dew.

Ever of the cycor salad

Before about a week, trials are carried out: rooted roots are stored at a temperature of 32-34 degrees and high humidity. It will wake up Vitlug and will allow you to quickly get fresh juicy leaves heads. If planted immediately from the repository, the crop of greenery will be much smaller. For the surveillance, disable suitable roots: without horizontal rosettes of leaves and flowers.

We will also need:

  • a lightproof container with a height of 40-50 cm (a wooden drawer is perfect, but in room conditions Capacity should be waterproof - plastic container, bucket);
  • nonwoven black covering material or lightproof lid;
  • peat or sand to fill the tank.

Pour the soil to the bottom, set the roots close to each other, gaps and emptiness to fill in the same substrate. The tops should be on the same level - you can cut too long.

Having reached the middle of the container in height, paint the roots, after which I split the ground to the top.

Above the non-woven material or lid from above - the trampling should pass in the dark so that the kocheans remain bellish. If they warm up, taste will become bitter.

Support the air temperature within 7-8 ° C, after 10 days, move to a warmer place - the air temperature in the range of 14-18 ° C. Thus, the surveillance process will accelerate, but the kochannels will be more loose. Casting lasts about 15-20 days. Cut ready-made kocheans with the top of the root so that they do not crumble. When stored in the refrigerator, they remain fresh about 3 weeks.

Another distillation method. Wooden box cheer in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The tubers are placed close to each other, water and fall asleep on top of the soil layer about 25 cm (sand, peat, ordinary garden earth, sawdust) or covered with film. The air temperature should be about 10 ° C. Kochangchikov reached the surface of the shelter layer in 25-30 days.

To get fresh vitlf leaves in early spring, Cut is carried out in the open soil. The roots in the middle of the autumn are planted on the bed and fall asleep with a layer of peat about 20 cm.

Vitlf cycor salad varieties with photos and names

Varieties of domestic selection:

The variety is grown as a reckless and ever-shaped way. Seyd seed in February-March. In the ground seeds plant in April-June. Before harvesting for 3 weeks, the leaves are binding and covered with an opaque agrofrix for whitening. If this is not done, the leaves will be very proud.

Cone - white roots, 15-20 cm long, diameter - about 3.5 cm. Cochan ellipseed shape with juicy flesh. The term from the emergence of bulk shoots to technical maturity is 98-114 days. The period of distill is 17-30 days. The surveillance is carried out in December-January in a dark room with a shelter by soil substrate or without it. When you distortion, maintain a constant air temperature at least 7 ° C and not higher than 16 ° C. Cleaning kochannels are carried out to achieve a height of 15 cm.

Rocket - the shape of the root stretched-conical, gains weight to 250 g. Kochan in the form of the elongated-egg-shaped, up to 12 cm high, diameter - 5 cm, dense. Massage mass is 85-100 g. It has a longer ripening time: the period from the appearance of sprouts to technical maturity is 130-155 days, the distillation period is about 30 days.

Foreign varieties:

  • For early distortion: Exterlela, Express.
  • For autumn-winter: Mitado, Vitlug Danish.
  • For late: trivial, blank, forming.

By hybridization, a vitlug with red and yellow namanchiki was removed.

Culinary tricks of cooking cycling salad

If the cycor salad is grieved

To remove bitterness, the Vitlf leaves are placed in boiling water or for 2-3 hours they are soaked in salted water.

Preparation of Vitlf in boiled and stewed form

Cocheans are cut, sprinkled with grated cheese and extinguished in butter or milk; Water with meat sauce and bake with ham and cheese.

Witlug Flemish

Clean the apples and cut down the slices, add raisins and drive in oil. Next, lie the salad chicory, place the first layer in the baking container, then the layer - apples with raisins, span with white wine, then - slices of boiled meat or ham. Cover the lid and bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

It is believed that the birthplace of plants - Asian and African countries, from where culture has spread through Egypt and Mediterranean. IN western Europe The plant began to acquire popularity only in the 16th and 16th century.

Unlike the usual, the leaves of the cycling salad are distinguished by the increased content of bitterness, due to the presence of the substance under the name of inthibin, which supports the body in a tone, helps to improve appetite and digestion. Culture is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, in connection with which it has a positive impact on nervous system, promotes the exchange of substances, the work of the liver and the circulatory and choleretic system. Actively used in diet of diabetics. Food consumes fresh green parts of the plant, which are also suitable for extinguishing and cooking. Some varieties of cycor lettuce form roots, which are used to prepare a coffee substitute - chicory.

Corigor Salad: Characteristics and varieties

The cycor salad belongs to the Astera family from the genus of wild chicarium (Cycorium). There are several forms related to one botanical form that form a developed leaf outlet:

  • Escarian (Cyrconium Endivia Latifolia) - a socket is formed from whole, cuff leaves with straight or wave-like edges. Salad Escarian (white chicory) is a two-year culture that forms a large loose head of the leaves, the amount of which reaches 85 or more. The shape of the leaves round is wide, solid plate with smooth or wavy edges. What is interesting, the leaves of large sizes are formed in late satisfied. The color of the salad leaves depends on the varietary group and varies from pale yellow to saturated green. The roots are not large branched and branched. After 2-3 months after the appearance of the first sprouts, a high smooth bloomon is formed, and after another month, the salad begins to bloom with pink or blue.
  • Endivia (Cyrconium Endivia CRISPA) - has strongly strong-widged couch leaves.
  • Vitlug (Cyrconium Intybus) is a long-term culture, which by the end of the first year of life is formed not only the magnificent sockets of edible leaves, but also fleshy white root roots suitable for the distortion of winter bleached salad leaves. Next year, the plant blooms bluish flowers, releasing long floral arrows. Vitlf's varietal groups have differences in pastures and color of leaves, which varies from white to red and yellow shades.

The cycor salad is considered a two-year or many years of culture, however, it is often grown as an annual. The plant forms a developed root rosette of leaves and branched. The stem leaf is sedentary with ears, covers the stem. Castor salads have upright stalks reaching a meter height. Flowers with light blue flower, which are collected in basket inflorescences. Escario has enlarged, and Eden is small.

Plants form fruit having a type of silver-gray ribbed elongated seeds.

Culture is characterized by resistance to freezers and is able to withstand a decrease in temperature to three degrees. But it should be remembered that the low temperature in the early spring landing provokes early emission of color. A varieties that have pronounced red pigmentation of the leaves are more resistant to frozen.

Castor salads are recommended to grow in spring or autumn, when the day is short enough. In an elongated summer lighting day, the formation of color is accelerated. For suitable fertile soil with high water pipes.

Salad cultivation: reproduction and landing

Sowing seeds to seedlings:

  • The seedlings begin to sow late winter or early spring. And placed in a dark place with a temperature not lower than 10 degrees so that the salad does not bloom ahead of time.
  • With the advent of the first pair of leaves, it is necessary to break down, leaving the interval between the shoots of about 10 cm. And when the dymeter of sheet sockets will shoot up to 24-30 cm, the landing should be continuously proper.
  • The time of cultivation of seedlings is approximately 1-1.5 months.
  • You can sow seeds with ribbon and rigid methods, adhering to the inter-robe and an interventic interval of 0.5 meters, and the firmware - 35 cm.

High-quality seedlings should have 2-3 couples of healthy leaves. It is worth remembering that when you do not need to deepen the seedlings - the base of the deciduous socket must be left on the surface. After landing, the salad watered well. The landing care is to loosen, which must be carried out with marginal caution so as not to damage the roots. The best option There will be seedlings and in as needed.

The cycor salads are quite demanding to, it is suitable for a lightweight, well-fertilized by humus.

Preparatory excavation Start in autumn. The soil must be switched to the depth of the bayonet shovel, in parallel making each square meter Compost (4-5 kg), superphosphate and lime (60 g). If the soil is heavy additionally it is necessary to add sawdust or sand (500 g per m2), which are subjected to urea treatment. Before planting culture, the soil is again drunk and make an ammonary sulfur (10-15 g per 1 m2).

When irrigated, it is necessary to ensure that the moisture does not get into the center of the leaves, otherwise the posture may begin. After irrigative events and rains, the soil needs loosening so that the crust is not formed. Plants are rare. Usually basically basically, provided that the preparation of the soil was carried out in all the rules.

The whitening of the leaf of the cycor salad is carried out in order to eliminate bitterness:

  • 3 months after sowing or landing, the leaves of culture are neatly collected in the bundle and tied with a twine or ribbon, so that the lower sheets do not come into contact with the soil, otherwise the rotation process can begin.
  • From above, it is necessary to build a shadowing shelter - stretch the dark film or cover with a drawer. The main thing is that the plant does not fall sunlightbut remained holes for ventilation.
  • Manipulations should be carried out in dry weather and must be examined by the leaves for the presence of wet droplets. The bleaching process takes about two weeks.
  • The preservation of bleached leaves is quite low, therefore it is recommended to carry out procedures with stages, as needed.
  • Watering in the bleaching process is carried out extremely careful - moisture should not fall on the leaves.

Late varieties of cycor salads are able to preserve in beds before the onset of frosts. If this option is not suitable for various reasons, then the plants dig together with the root and a lump of land. The dug salad is placed in a humid cool room, deepening into wet sand.

The cycor salad for storage is optional to bleach, in the dark storage it will do it yourself.

During storage, it is necessary to conduct ventilation and inspection of leaves that are regularly assembled and removed coughing. Salad sheets are cut as close to the ground.

Diseases and pests

Like all representatives of the flora, cystic salads are also susceptible to various diseases and attacks of malicious insects. Salad diseases:

  • Gray and white rotes are able to hit all parts of the plant that are above the ground. Signs of infection serves the appearance of brown or water-white spots on sheets. Under the damage to the gray rot, the infection falls into the leaf pockets (sinuses) and causes dropping. And with white rot, the leaves are covered with a white bloom from the argument of the mushroom. In order to prevent the disease should be observed, not to plant a salad into severe acidic soil and not overdo it with the introduction of nitrogen.
  • May hit any parts of the plant, which are covered with a terry flare. The development of a salad cooking is suspended. Especially hard, the plant transfers infection during the period and aging. It is necessary to adhere to the correct shift of cultures. Affected loose leaves are removed and destroyed. Vegetable remnants after cleaning are removed from the field and destroy.
  • The regional burn is the defeat of the plant by rot, which rapidly applies to neighboring plants and is able to ruin half the harvest. The disease provokes the oversaturation of the soil with nutritional trace elements.

From on the cycling salads can attack, stem and satellite rills, lightweight flies and cabbage sheets, to combat system insecticides.

More information can be found from the video:

Salad chicory - a small vegetable plant in Russia. Nevertheless, in some countries of Europe and North America, a salad chicory is gaining popularity and is even considered a delicacy. It is found in both natural and cultural form. Corneal Cultural Salad Cicochi Cycicaries in the dark form the elongated creamy-white numors, isolated from juicy leaves, are unusually tasty and useful.

It is clear from the name that this plant is a kind of chicory. But what else do we know about him?


Salad chicory is a two-year plant of the astrova family, which generates in the first year of growth of the juicy leaves and root (from which the delicious kochenants are expelled in winter), for the second year (if the root crops do not dig) - flowers and seeds.

The most common varieties of Salad Chicory: Vitlug, Mitado, Express.


Being a dietary product, a salad chicory has an amazingly rich set of vitamins (groups B, RR, C), mineral salts, other biologically active substances. It is especially necessary to take into account that the cultivation of this culture provides for the use of beneficial demise in the autumn-winter period, when we are not enough fresh healthy vegetables.

Use in food.

Delicate, somewhat sweet, with an admixture of spicy bitterness, salad chicory kochenants differ surprisingly pleasant taste. They are used to prepare salads, for frying, extinguishing, preparation of complex multicomponent dishes and even for salting. Requests for "Salad Chicory Dishes" are currently search engines give out a huge variety of delicious recipes.


To obtain delicious kochangs from seeds, the rooted chicory roots are grown in the summer period, and in the fall, in winter or spring with the help of pastures, the final useful and delicious product is obtained.

1. Growing roots.

The soil.

The plant prefers fertile loose soil with neutral (either close to it) reaction.


Seeds of the plant in the second decade of May in the grooves depth 1.5-2 cm. The distance between the grooves is left about 30 cm, between seedlings 4-5 cm. Watering.


The plant's care does not differ from the care of other roots and includes the main: weeding, loosening and watering.

If the first two real leaves appear, the sprouts are thinned, leaving a distance of 15-25 cm between them.

Cleaning and storage of rootepodes.

The harvest of roots is removed normally in October, sometimes in early November (at the late landing).

The best root roots have a length of 23-26 cm and the diameter of 3-4 cm. They are best to leave for pastures. And non-standard root roots use for the manufacture of coffee substitute. It is done very simply: the roots are cut into thin plates, dry and slightly roasted in the oven, become brittle and fragrant, crushed with hands.

Store them in containers, drawers, embankment at a temperature of + 1 ... + 4º C.

2. Celling of a salad chicory.

Creating the necessary conditions.

Most often, the surveillance is produced in dark cool cellars, basements.

In the light, the leaves are green, they appear bitterness, they become not suitable for use in food. Therefore, trampling and produce only in dark rooms.

At elevated temperatures, the leaves appear faster, but the kochang is formed too loose. For low temperatures (Below + 10º C) The leaves appear too slowly and the Kochka is formed soft and loose. The optimal temperature for pastures is + 14 ... + 17º C.

Landing and care.

For distortions, boxes are used or containers in a depth of about 50 cm. The soil soil is poured into them and root root so that their heads are in the surface of a covered soil.

After landing, the roots are watered and then fall asleep with fertile ground layer 25-30 cm.


After 25-30 days, Kochangchikov reaches a height of 18-25 cm and the mass of 150 gr.

The shelter layer is unscrewed, the kochannels are cut with part of the head of the root plant so that they do not crumble. After removing the first harvesting heads on the root, several small shoots may form. They are expelled in the same way.