Repairs Design Furniture

3 Vegetative reproduction. Vegetative reproduction. What does the concept indicate? The value of vegetative reproduction. Reproduction root cuttings

\u003e\u003e Vegetative reproduction of plants shoots

1 - SENPOLIA (Uzambar violet); 2 - Brofillum; 3 - strawberries

§ 38. Vegetative reproduction of plants shoots

The ability to multiply is an important property of all living organisms. At a certain course of life, each plant is multiplied.

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The reproduction is one of the characteristic features of all living organisms along with breathing, nutrition, movement and others. It is difficult to overestimate it, because it provides what the very existence of life on the planet Earth itself.

In nature, the named process is carried out in different ways. One of them is an most powerful reproduction. It occurs mainly in plants. The value of vegetative reproduction and varieties will be considered in our publication.

What is a powerful reproduction

The school biology course determines the vegetative reproduction of plants (6th grade, section "Botany") as one of the types of cruel. This means that sex cells do not participate during its implementation. And, accordingly, the recombination of genetic information is impossible.

This is the most ancient way of reproduction, characteristic of plants, fungi, bacteria and some animals. His essence lies in the formation of subsidiaries from maternal.

In addition to vegetative, there are other methods of crucible reproduction. The most primitive of them is the division of the cell. So plants, as well as bacteria, are breeding.

The special form of the most of the disgrace is the formation of a dispute. Horsetails, ferns, mosses and planes multiply that way.

Miscellaneous vegetative reproduction

Often, with a bunch of reproduction, a new organism develops from a whole group of parental cells. Such a kind of insulted reproduction is called vegetative.

Reproduction of vegetative organs

The vegetative organs of plants are escape consisting of a stem and sheet, and the root is an underground authority. Uncovered from them a multicellular part or petiole, a person can carry out vegetative reproduction.

What is extension for example? This is a way of mentioned artificial vegetative reproduction. So, in order to increase the number of currant shrubs or gooseberry, you need to take part of their root system with the kidneys, of which the escape will be restored over time.

But for breeding grapes, stem cutters are suitable. From them after a while the root plant of the plant will be restored. A prerequisite is the presence of kidneys on any form of a pet.

But for the reproduction of many indoor plants, leaves often use. Surely, many were bred in such a way a Uzambar violet.

Reproduction of modified escapes

Many plants form the modifications of vegetative organs that allow them to perform additional functions. One of these functions is vegetative reproduction. What is special modifications of shoots, we will understand if we consider separately the rhizomes, bulbs and tubers.


This part of the plant is located underground and resembles the root, but, despite the name, is the modification of escape. It consists of elongated intersals, from which the apparent roots and leaves are departed.

Examples of plants that breed with rhizomes are the valley, iris, mint. Sometimes the named authority can be found in weed plants. Everyone knows how difficult it is to get rid of drinking. Throwing it out of the ground, a person, as a rule, leaves parts of the rapid root of dusty underground. And after a certain time they germinate again. Therefore, to get rid of the named weed, it must be diligently digging out.


Leek, garlic, Narcissus is also multiplied with the help of submembrability of shoots, which are called bulbs. Their flat stem is referred to as the Don. It contains juicy fleshy leaves, sparkling nutrients, and kidneys. It is they who give rise to new organisms. The bulb allows the plant to survive underground difficult for breeding period - drought or cold.

Tuber and mustache

To multiply potatoes, no need to sow seeds, despite the fact that it forms flowers and fruits. This plant breeds underground modifications of shoots - tubers. To multiply potatoes, it is not even necessary for the tuber to be integer. It is enough for its fragment containing the kidney, which will warm underground, restoring the entire plant entirely.

And strawberries and strawberries after flowering and fruiting forms landlands (mustache) on which new shoots appear. By the way, they cannot be confused with grapes, for example. At this plant, they perform another function - the ability to gain a foothold, for a more convenient position in relation to the Sun.


Not only plants are able to multiply by separating their multicellular parts. This phenomenon is observed in animals. Fragmentation as vegetative reproduction - what is? This process is based on the ability of organisms to regenerate - the restoration of lost or damaged parts of the body. For example, a whole part can recover from the body of a rainwater worm, including coverings and internal organs of the animal.


Kindling is another way of reproduction, but vegetative kidneys have nothing to do with it. Its essence is as follows: the body is formed on the body of the parent organism, it grows, acquires the features of an adult organism and splits, starting independent existence.

Such a rebel process occurs in freshwater hydra. But in other representatives of intestinal - - - the resulting protrusion does not split off, but remains on the mother body. As a result, bizarre forms of reef are formed.

An increase in the amount of a dough, which is prepared by yeast, by the way, is also the result of their vegetative reproduction, by rebeling.

The value of vegetative reproduction

As you can see, vegetative reproduction in nature is widespread quite wide. This method leads to a rapid increase in the number of individual species. In plants, there is even a number of devices, in the form and escape.

Using artificial vegetative reproduction (which such a concept has already been mentioned earlier), a person breeds plants that uses in its economic activity. It does not require an opposite sex. And for the germination of young plants or the development of new individuals, there are enough habitual conditions in which the maternal organism lives.

However, all varieties of insulted breeding, including vegetative, there is one feature. Its result is the emergence of genetically identical organisms, which are an accurate copy of the maternal. To preserve the biological species and hereditary features, this method of reproduction is ideal. But with variability, everything is much more complicated.

The useless reproduction, in general, deprives the organisms the possibility of the emergence of new signs, and therefore one of the ways to adapt to changing environmental conditions. Therefore, most wildlife species are capable of both sexual proceedings.

Despite this essential drawback, in the dilution of cultivated plants, the most valuable and widely used is still vegetative reproduction. This method suits a person due to a wide variety of opportunities small on the duration of the deadlines, and the number of organisms that multiply the method described.

Tasks: deepen and specify the concepts of the methods of vegetative reproduction; Learn practical skills to multiply plants and care for them; Educating love for work and careful attitude to plants.

Equipment: Indoor Plants Pelargonium (6-8 pcs.), Fuchsia (3-5 pcs.), Briefilulum (3 pcs.), Begonia-Rex (2-3 pcs.), Tradesska (5-6 pcs.), Clivia ( 1 pc.), Asparagus (1 pc.); Boxes with soil (10-12 pcs.); scalpels; line; planting sticks; Lakes.

Guidelines. It is better to spend the lesson in school greenhouse or greenhouse. If they are not, then the lesson is carried out in the biological office, they prepare pure crystal sand, humid soil, scalpels, planting boxes, sticks, plants. Before the lesson, two tables should be connected to a film or paper, to put the necessary equipment for working on the links. There is a conversation about the methods of vegetative reproduction. The teacher then determines the tasks of the participation of schoolchildren in the gardening of the school, in reproduction of houseplants and care for them. Before performing practical work, the teacher shows how the pelargonia is pile: 2-3 kidneys should be on the cutting, the cutting cutlery make an oblique (at an angle). The teacher makes all operations: marks the surface of the surface in the box to square 10 × 10 cm or 6 × 6 cm. Makes the watercard of a hole with a depth of 2-3 cm and plant a stalk at an angle of 45 °, compacts the soil and watering out of a small watering can. It also sequences all operations in reproduction sheet, it draws the attention of students to the fact that cuts are made in the junction of the central and lateral veins. On the sheet there can be up to ten cuts. To familiarize yourself with the reproduction of root siblings, the teacher demonstrates Clivia, bulbous plants (tulips, daffodils, amaryllis, crynums). When performing practical work, each link receives a task:

  1. Consider the pelargonium, calculate the number of kidneys on each stem. Determine how many cuttings can be chopping, given that at least two kidneys should be on each cutken, and the cutting length is 5-8 cm. The cuttings are part of the stem separated from the parent plant. Cut the cuttings at an angle. From the bottom of the cutter, remove the scalpel of the leaves.
  2. Prepare the wells in the box with the help of landing sticks. The distance between them should be 10 and 10 or 6 and 6 cm. Masse a pinch of sand into the well. Then put a cutlets at an angle of 45 °.
  3. Gently sprinkle the soil to the cutting. Pour and glue with glass or cellophane. You should also shine a tradescania.
  4. Cut one sheet of begonia-river with camp. Consider the veins with. bottom side. How best to cut them? Observe sterility. On the central alcohol, there are 2-3 ass, on the side - one by one.
  5. Prepare sand box. Sheet pets in the sand, and the bottom of the leaf plate is horizontally to the sand surface in the box: a sheet cover with a glass cap or glass. Moisten the soil.
  6. On the label, write the name of the plant, the landing date and list of link members. Remove the workplace. After performing the work, the boxes are put in an agreed place in the corner of the wildlife or the office. The teacher commented on the work of students, the participation of each in the link. Students are recorded in the notebook of the stalk monitor.

Another variant of the forgeless reproduction is carried out by separating from the body of its part consisting of a larger or smaller number of cells. Of these, an adult develops. An example is the kinding of sponges and intestinal or reproduction of plants with shoots, cuttings, bulbs or tubers. Such a form of clarity reproduction is usually called vegetative reproduction. For its basis, it is similar to the process of regeneration. Vegetative reproduction plays an important role in the practice of crop production. So, it may happen that the extinguished plant (for example, an apple tree) has a certain successful combination of signs. In this plant seeds, this successful combination will almost certainly be impaired, since the seeds are formed as a result of sexual reproduction, and it is associated with the recombination of genes. Therefore, when diluted, the apple trees typically use vegetative reproduction - with drains, cuttings, or kidney vaccinations on other trees.

Miscellaneous reproduction, which reproduces identical individuals, does not contribute to the emergence of organisms with new features, and thereby limits the possibility of adapting species to new environmental conditions for them. A means of overcoming this limitity began to transition to sexual reproduction.

3. Sexual reproduction

The fundamental difference between sexual reproduction from the most punishable is that two parents are usually involved in it, the signs of which are recoming in the offspring. Sexual reproduction is characteristic of all eukaryotas, but it prevails in animals and higher plants.

The transition to this type of reproduction was of great importance for the evolution of life on Earth. Sexual reproduction creates an infinite variety of individuals, including those that are successfully adapted to changeable external conditions, "conquer the world", extending to new habitats, and leave offspring, transmitting his hereditary material. The descendants of the same successful parental individuals may be owners of an even more successful combination of hereditary signs, and accordingly, they will uncover the success of parents. Individuals with an unsuccessful combination of signs will be eliminated by natural selection. Thus, sexual reproduction creates a rich material for natural selection and evolution. Another thing is curious: the very emergence of individuals as an individuality, indivisible and mortal being, is the result of the transition to sexual reproduction. When the cell reproduction, the cell is infinitely divided, repeating itself: it is potentially immortal, but it can only be called individual, since it is not distinguishable from an indefinite multitude of subsidiaries. With sexual reproduction, on the contrary, all descendants differ among themselves and differ from their parents, and those over time die, carrying them with themselves the unique features. American zoologist R.hegegener, discussing the simplest, expressed it in this way: "They acquired the next innovation - the floor; The price of this acquisition is an inevitable natural death ... Is this price not great? "[Hormonal regulation of reproduction in mammals. M., 1987] We emphasize how to simultaneously opened opportunities for development and improvement, and they led to the emergence of a variety of living forms that are not comparable in terms of the organization's level with those organisms that stopped on the bunch of reproduction.

3.1. Sexual reproduction of animals

The transition to the sexual reproduction is associated with the advent of specialized sex cells - male and female hemes, as a result of the merger of which (fertilization) is formed by the zygote - a cell from which a new organism develops, which has a new combination of initial genetic signs. [Maynard Smith J. Evolution of sexual reproduction. M., 1981]

Sexual reproduction first appeared at the simplest, but the transition to it was not associated with the immediate loss of the ability to reproduce with an affordable way: a number of animals retained it, usually alternating a sexual reproduction with sex. Such an alternation of generations is observed in some simple, intestinal and shells.

3.2. Gameta and Gonada

The basis of the formation of Games (Gametogenesis) is the cellular division with a decrease in half a chromosome, as a result of which Gamet, unlike all other cells of the body, haploid. The merge merges restores the number of chromosomes in the zygote to the diploid. The subsequent division of the zygote is by mitosis. It should be noted that all multicellular organisms are divided by all body cells, except for the genital, occurs by mitosis. Consequently, the useless reproduction of cells by division is preserved in evolution as the main mechanism for the growth and development of the body, but not its reproduction.

Many simple sexual reproduction occurs with the participation of morphologically the same male and women's weights (in Foraminifer, for example, they are represented by very small cells formed in a haploid parental cell in the alternation cycle of generations). This phenomenon is called isochimia. It is only characteristic of unicellular.

However, already in some simplest, such as disputes, and all multicellular organisms have differentiated Games: they began to differ in shape and function - heterogamia appeared, i.e. Separation of sex cells on eggs (female grounds) and spermatozoa (men's gameh).

Most animals are characterized by the so-called. Ookamiya: a large fixed egg (egg) and a small moving sperm, due to the active movements of which its contact with an egg leading to fertilization occurs.

The sponges and some cilly worms, sex cells are scattered in the body and are output through the body walls or through the oral hole, but many flat worms (and in the rudiment - and the hydraulic gland) appeared gonads - special glands, producing gemnets. Men's gonads are the seeds, women's ovaries. True, in such hermaphroditic animals, like a bryukhemium mollusks, male and female sex cells ripen in the same gonade, but usually at different times, so the gonada functions as a seed, as the ovary, and self-exploitation does not occur. In other hermaphroditic animals, such as flat worms or leeches, one individual also contains ovaries, and seeds; However, even in the case of the simultaneous maturation of eggs and spermatozoa, the animal avoids self-exploitation and usually pairing with another individual (the exception is, for example, solvents (chain), single living in the intestines). Hermaphroditism is most common in worms and mollusks and is rarely found in more highly organized forms - iglojrock, arthropods and vertebrates; On the other hand, it is quite rare and in such ancient multicellular, as intestinal and in particular jellyfish.

Already in some worms and mollusks, in addition to gonadam, sex ducts were formed - seeds and eggs. Gonads and sex ducts constitute the main functional parts of the internal genital organs, and they are available in all higher-organized animals.

In previous articles, we talked about the seed reproduction of vegetable crops and flower sections by and through. Today we will talk about the vegetative reproduction (rhizomes, bulbs, clubnellukov, cornklubs, grain and cuttings) - the most common method of reproduction of floral perennials.

Vegetative reproduction

Vegetative reproduction has a number of advantages: it allows you to obtain plants identical to the maternal (with a seed method, the characteristic features of the variety are often not preserved at all or are not fully maintained), reduces the juvenile (young) period of plant development. Some perennials preferably propagate only in vegetative way, because It significantly reduces the deadline for entering new plants in the most decorative phase - flowering. With seed reproduction, such plants like saffron, peony, a dress, and others. She often comes on 4-6 years of life.
Vegetative reproduction can be carried out. rhizomes, bulbs, tubers, roots, grains and cuttingsused to obtain a new plant. Methods of reproduction for some plants are listed below.

Decision root

The most common method of vegetative reproduction is decision root. Rhizome is an elongated underground part of the plant, carrying the remains of leaves, kidneys and apparent roots. For reproduction of plants, the deceives are used **, obtained from the periphery of the old bush. To obtain high-quality planting material of irises, peonies, leafers, etc. It is better to multiply the plants aged 3-4 years. With age, the rhizome develops a large number of renewal kidneys, which eventually begin to compete for living space. As a result, the kidney bush is weak, and on the periphery are stronger and viable. Therefore, when dividing old bushes is better to use the material from the outer part of the root, and the central - delete. Some gardeners are the central part of the old bush, and after a while re-divide.

Most rhizuy plants have a loose rhizome, which is divided by hand or sharp knife. A very old plant or plant with a dense root system is cut in a shovel.

If you do not need the task of getting as much planting material as possible, it is better to share a bush by 3-5 decene. Plants from such decene can bloom in the first year, from the second year they form powerful, well-developed and normally flowering bushes. If you need to get many plants from one mother's bush, it can be divided into smaller decenes (with one kidney), but in this case, in the first two years after dividing the plants will develop slowly and bloom only on the second or third year. In order for such a plant, it is better to go, it does not give to bloom in the second year, rushing color pains. In case of fine division, a complete renewal of the root system occurs and in the future this plant will be stronger and more durable to multiply by a standard defense.

Plant division is better to carry out in a cool, shaded place
. In order to stimulate the growth of young side roots in the roots obtained, the roots are cut by approximately 1/3 of their length. Long, uncircumcised roots when landing is difficult evenly distributed in the landing point, which can lead to their twisting, reinforcement and death of the entire plant.

The division and transplant of perennials spend early in the spring (April-beginning of May) or at the end of summer (the end of August is the beginning of September). With the spring duration of the division, the kidney did not move into growth, only trimming the roots is enough. With summer-autumn transplants, it is necessary to cut and overhead part of the plants, leaving about 15-20 cm, because The roots will not yet be able to provide plants with everything necessary, which can lead to illness and tightening flowering time.

The division of certain cultures often has its own characteristics. So, for example, when the peony is reproduced, you should not use large deteen with a large number of kidneys and many long roots, as it will hurt long and weakly bloom.
For faster, a large Iris bush was formed, the decene sit down around the circumference or rows, taking into account the area necessary for the adult plant, etc.

In the division of the loyal, the old roots are cut, leaving no more than 7-8 cm, the sections of the sections are sprinkled with ashes.

Before boarding the deceit, it is desirable to dip in the clay tank. For its preparation on 10 liters of water, a small amount of clay is added (so that after foaming to the chattering on the hand, a thin layer of clay remained), 1 tablet of heteroacexin or Packet Korevin (you can any other stimulant of the root formation, according to the instructions) and 1 kg of fresh manure. Components add in the specified order. The root-processed roots are necessary for 30 minutes to dry outdoors, and then plant the decens into prepared, moistened pit.

Division bush

Some Perennials (Priorices, Carnation, Perennial Lukes, Budrut Plude, Veronica, Oils, Ordinary, Bell, Pharmaceutical, Lily, Geranium, Major, Major, Margish, Medicinal Medicine, MEDODED Roofing, Customs Common, Peony Escape, Timyan, Sage, etc.) , forming subsidiaries, determine the division of the bush. If the bush is loose, then the rhizome is cut to the shovel, if a dense is, then all the plant is digging, inspecting, removing all dubious places, then sedient plants are separated by a sharp knife. When landing a decene in the landing pits add a compost or fertilizer of a long action. Dellets are planted immediately, on the same depth as before, but for a longer distance.

Terms of workpiece Chenkov

It is very important for success. the term of the billet Chenkov. It is determined by the nature of the growth and development of the uterine plant. According to these features perennials divide into two groups.

TO first group Types of active growing of young shoots over most of the growing season. These include:

  • all perennials with winter overhead escapes,
  • plants forming pillows and turns;
  • rhizopy, corneupry, columnar plants with grassy shoots, blooming late in autumn or flowing early in spring, but differ in prolonged vegetation, the ability to form summer sockets of leaves and shoots.
This group of plants during stalling easily forms the apparent roots, it is possible to harvest the cuttings for a long time - from the end of April to mid-August.

Second group Combines views with active future formation at the beginning of the growing season, sometimes continuing before flowering.

Soothes for cuttings are harvested with healthy, well developed, pretty young (3-4-year-old) plants.

At species first group Long shoots can be cut on a cutting of 3 cm in size and more (2-4 interstices). In this case, the lower cut is made at a distance of 3 mm from the leaf node, the top is higher than the sheet node by 6-10 mm.

At species second group Not all of the escape is cut on the cuttings, but only the top of a young escape with concentrated interstices and weakly developed leaves when the escape has not yet become a hollow. Such cuttings give a higher percentage of rooting compared to more weighing cuttings from the bottom of the escape. An exception is peonywhich take the bottom of the escape with the heel. In moisture-loving plants with large or small, but strongly evaporated moisture leaves, part of the sheet plate is shortened by 1/2 or 1/3.

Reproduction with stable or green cuttings

Many spicy-taste plants (wormwoods, sage, mint, lavender, cottberry, etc.) are breeding by shuffling (wormwood, and dr.). Pruning is carried out in June-July, cutting up the tops of the shoots over the stubby kidney. The end of such a cutting should be slightly weed. All leaves, with the exception of two or three top, remove. The cuttings are planted into the sandy substrate, which should always be moderately humid, and are covered with a glass can or plastic bag. They are rooted for 3-4 weeks.

In some cases, the cuttings are not cut, but climb from the parent plant. In May, nyondyarn is so breed. When his shoots reached a length of 5-7 cm, they are climbed or cut off with a heel, leaving at least half of the shoots on the plant. The cuttings are planted in greenhouses or greenhouses, on the ridges, powered by a layer of pure river sand, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm; It is plenty and covered with glass or film. The cuttings are rooted, as a rule, quickly, for 10-15 days. About a month later, they can be planted in an open ground.

Reproduction of leaf cuttings

Some perennials, in which the apparent or sleeping kidneys are formed not on the stem in the leaf sinus, and on the basis of the extended end of the stuff or on the basis of the leaf plate of the sedental sheet (as, for example, at nyonday), can be multiplied sheet cuttings.For rooting, only fully formed leaves with normally developed cutters are suitable. Depending on the size of leafy stiffs, they are planted at a depth of 0.6-1.5 cm, having a slope in one direction. Ridges make in shaded places. For normal root formation, they support the constant humidity of the substrate at the expense of regular irrigation and spraying.

Reproduction root cuttings

Perennials, which in places injuries roots are formed by pressing kidneys, you can breed root cuttings. When separating part of the root from the motherboard, the kidneys develop new shoots with a new root system. Root cuttings are the most reliable way of breeding in primroses. They are digging no later than the first numbers of May. The roots are laundered and somewhat healthy are cut off with a knife directly under a sheet rosette. The separated roots are cut into pieces of 5 cm, and the lower cut is made oblique. The cuttings are planted one in a loose substrate oblique cut down. The straight cut should be at the substrate surface level. In the spring of next year they are planted for a permanent place. For the breeding of the shine, it is preferable to use long root cuttings (30-40 cm). They are digged in autumn, stored in the sand until spring, then planted, burrowing into the soil with a lower end by 10 cm, and the upper, thickened - by 5 cm.

In principle, the technology of reproduction with root cuttings provides for digging of the sumps with the preservation of all roots. Then, the selection of the roots with a thickness of 0.3 to 2 cm, which cut on a part with a length of 5-7 cm lay down with horizontal rows on a predetermined shaded bed. From above, we fall asleep with a layer of sand with a thickness of 0.5 cm and Earth -2 cm, and then weave and watered. As practice shows, cuttings, harvested in August, are rooted within a month, prepared in September it is better to maintain for spring rooting to avoid posting during autumn landing.

Reproduction of bulbs

Among decorative perennials, vegetable crops, there are enough bulbous plants that can be multiplicated by bulbs.

Bulb - This is a long-term underground body that serves to preserve the basic nutrients and renewing plants after the rest period. According to the structure, this is a modified shortened escape consisting of a diagonal stem and scales - modified leaves. At the top of the Donets, an upheat kidney is formed, from which there is an overhead stem, leaves and flowers, on the bottom of the Donets - roots. The bulb may be a different structure:

  • tiled (lilies) consisting of individual scales;
  • concentric with closed internal juicy scales and with a covering fine outdoor scales (most bully);
The bulb can be many years or annually replaced by a new one.
The bulbous plants are planted at a depth, 3-4 times the superior diameter of the bulbs, and with such a calculation so that there are no empty space under the bulb. It is important to correctly arrange a bulb when landing: kidneys up, and roots or donings down. After landing - it is plenty.

Reproduction of tubers, clubnellukov, root, gods

Some perennials (crocosmia, crocus) are equipped with nutrients in clubneelukovitsa, which also serve as material for breeding. Clubneelukovitsa appearance looks like a bulb, but has another building. This is the scorched bottom of the stem. It can be covered with a dense shell or have residues of lower leaves in the form of dry scales. For the vegetative period, the clubnevukovitsa uses nutrients and dies with roots (for some exception). Top above it grows by replacing the clubnelukovitsa, and from the sides - kids. Due to the large number of club workers, the clubnelaukovitsa can be cut into several parts that form a normal clubnelluca, sometimes blooming in the same year.


Everyone knows that Georgina, potatoes breed with tubers. Tuber - stocking underground organ. According to the structure, this is a modified escape, but he has neither the Donette nor the only point of height of the stem; The renewal kidney ("eyes") are scattered throughout the surface of the tuber. Tolls are thick, stuck, of different shapes; As it grows, it may increase or decrease in size. For reproduction, whole tubers are used or cut them into parts with one or more "eyes".

Corneelectric and root
(for example, Topinambur) - Powerful substances are formed in the resulting powerful roots. They depart from the base of the old stem from one point. During the growing season, thin roots grow from them.
For reproduction of plants rootfields (All well-known carrots, beets, radishes, etc.) leaves in the rootfolds-royaltics are cut into so as to leave stiffs with a length of 1-2 cm and the top kidney.

you can breed the plants whose shoots lying on Earth give appreciative roots, and new plants develop from the kidneys. Such a rooted escape is cut into parts by the number of new shoots formed and sear as independent plants - weapons. Landing material can serve adult plants (mint, basil, chamber, lavender, etc.), which before the onset of frosts are transplanted into the greenhouses, greenhouses or pots.

Selection and treatment of planting material, landing

  • No matter how much the way it is elected for breeding and landing, it is necessary to remember that the seating material should be healthy, free from diseases and pests: various root rot, nematodes, phon. Therefore, during the billet of planting material, the plants will be examined for infection and conduct special processing to avoid the spread of infection or pests.
  • The quality of the planting material directly depends on how your plants will look like: a thickness of the pins, the size of flowers, fruits, and the like. If the rhizomes are to divide too small, planting underdeveloped annual seedlings, small bulbs or green cuttings of the first year of rooting, then you will have to reap the fruits of failure: the plants of the first year, and some species and in the second year there will be weakly blossom.
  • It is not recommended to transplanted non-small old bushes of perennials. As a result of a long stay in one place, shoots become crowded, the stems are thinned and are made weakly designer, and the flowers and inflorescences are very small. Therefore, old bushes need to be rejuvenated by dividing or thinning, i.e. By cutting part of the stems.
  • All perennials breeded by seeds or vegetatively (except in cases where rhizomes are divided into large parts), it is necessary before landing for permanent sites to grow for 1-2 years on well-processed, fertilous ridges.
  • Landing perennials is as follows. In the intended place, the pit is digging, the value of which allows you to freely place the root system of the plant. In the pit makes humus. Pre-viewed roots (broken, drowned removed with a sharp knife, slices are sprinkled with coal powder) are evenly distributed in the pit, fall asleep with the soil, they are frumped tightly and pour.
  • The depth of planting depends on the size and type of plant. The landmark can be the root neck of the old escape, which should be at the same level, on which it was before landing.
  • Plants with a roasting rosette of the leaves are planted so that the center of the socket is not broken into the ground.

Methods of reproduction of some floral annuals, perennials and vegetable crops

Bulk Creeping, Drug Pepper, Gusina

Bows, garlic, saffron, goose onion yellow, crocosmia

Tubers, cornklubs, root
Topinambur, Potatoes, Stainless, Batat, Batat, Zelenets, Zelenets, Tladynaya, Koznenik, Tladiant, Radest Floating, Flying Edible, Clean

Chrysanthemum, Rosemary, Sage, Major, Halfweight Estragon, Clover Creeping, Lavender Non-Talted, Halfweight, Gorgeous, Rabbard, Veronica, Dubrovnik White-felt, Establishment, Ordinous

Seed from seeds
Garden : artichoke, basil, cabbage, eggplant, zucchini, patisson, melon, tomato, pepper, leek, onion Schitt, Physalis, Bummy, Celery, Cappers, Amaranth, Mayran, Lagenaria, Momordik, Tladyiant, Anguria, Kotovnik, Beninkaz
Garden : Velhets, Margarist, Issop, Calendula, Nather, Perill, Lufa, Badan

Garden: artichoke, sour, mint, asparagus, oregano ordinary, thyme
Garden : Geranium Largenevarian, Rapunzois-shaped bell, coltsfoot, Pijm, Halfweight Estragon, Flashing Flaper, Cane, Yarrow, Hop, Rhodiola Pink, Aiir Ordinary, Altea Medicinal, Badan, Tolstive, Vassilnicker Small, Veronica, River Gravel, Nather Dudnik, Libraner Creeping, Establishment Big, Canorouper, Heel Drug, Coupling, Laboratory, Gusina, Rogoz, Meadow Core, Susak Umbrella, Hammerion Nickname, Cmin, Roll

Dividing bush
Garden: onion tubular, shallow onion, bow drooping, shallot bow, bowstock, lovers, marjorane, rhubarb, rosemary, asparagus, thyme, oregano ordinary, sage
Garden : Daisy, bell, Gardening carnation, Peony evaded, wormwood Bitter, Lily, Veronica, Medication Medicine, Plusheliste, Granki, Dubrovnik White-felt, Issop, Pheckle, Swan Garden, Multicrees, Fennelhele, Molded, Orchard, Orly , Primrose, root fragrant.