Repairs Design Furniture

Determination of the characteristic humidity of dust-clay soil. Clay soil definition of the border of fluidity

Building a house on a dustless-clay soil has its own characteristics and requirements. In this article, you will learn about the types of dust-clay soil, their features and types of foundations that can be put on such a type of soil.

Dustless-clay soils belong to bunched soils and can accumulate moisture. At low moisture temperature freezes (crystallized) and turns into ice, increasing in volume. This process is called a powered power, which lifts at home, gives voltage to the lower and side walls of the structure, destroys low-quality brickwork and base blocks. In the sultry period, the bumping soil settles.

Types of dust-clay soils:

  • rough and fine-fucked sues (loose rocks).
  • sugglock (soil with predominant clay content and considerable amount of sand).
No. p / p Types of soil Contains particles% Number of plasticity, jp The diameter of the rolled cord from the soil, mm
1 Clay >30 >0,17 <1
2 Loam <10% From 0.07 to 0.17 1-3
3 Spring from 10-30 From 0.01 to 0.07 >3
4 Sand <30 Not plastic Do not roll

Note: JR (number of plasticity) is determined in the laboratory.

Clay particles are active ingredients with a scaly form. They give the soil connectedness, plasticity, swellability, stickiness, waterproof.

The main differences of connected and incoherent soils

Properties of soils Silent dust-clay soils Sands (non-empty materials)
W (natural soil humidity) fluctuate from 3 to 600% from 0 to 40%
Soil states Solid, soft, testicular Syrose
Soil with increasing w Change their properties gradually, there is time to prevent an accident Instant deterioration of properties
As drying Sets Does not decrease in volume and cracks
Murbs of soil Slowly settles (up to 3 years) Deform immediately after application load
Passenger Practically impenetrable Move moisture in all states

Erecting structures on dust-clay soil

Dust-clay soil is moisture-containing, exposed to low temperature, increases in volume and raises the foundation structures. Uneven lifting accumulates. Then, the designs are exposed to deformities and destroy. Light low-rise premises on such a soil suffer the most.

Possess foundations (deep monolithic structures) are not profitable for building low-rise buildings. It is possible to resolve the issue of the construction of the foundation on the bunchedness of the soil using finely brewed grounds (the immersion in the soil is 0.2-0.5 m) or unheld foundations (on the surface).

Unlike a swallowed foundation laid in pouffructuring soil, small-brewed bases are less susceptible to the touch of soil. Unfoliated foundations are completely protected from swelling.

Construction of low-boiled foundations

  • Ribbon foundations of bearing walls and partitions are combined into a solid horizontal frame that distributes the load.
  • The columnar structures involve the formation of a frame of concrete beams that are rigidly interconnected on the supports.

If the dust-clay soil does not imply a high degree of swelling, then the foundation parts are installed freely without connecting each other.

Having cheap building materials (sand, gravel, rubbank, ballast) or rocky soils near the construction of the foundation, under the base it is advisable to make a sealing layer with a thickness of 2/3 of the regulatory height of freezing.

On the soil with a depth of freezing to 1.7, small buildings of the following building materials can be built on the light-wide foundations:

  • tree;
  • brick and stone;
  • monolithic panels;
  • reinforced concrete blocks.

The use of small-breeding structures reduces concrete consumption by 50-80%, labor costs - by 40-70%.

1. Mainland primer

2. Concrete Game

3. Layer of waterproofing (runner)

4. Capillary waterproofing (PE film)

5. Humy layer

6. Reverse backfilling

7. Zavutovka from PGS (Pescograbby mixture)

8. R / B Fondament Tape

9. Armature

Drainage design

  • Spot or linear drainage, directional in the sewer. In the period of rain or thaw from the surface, the water surrounding the building will not accumulate on the plot.
  • Deep drainage. Installation of underground depth construction includes an electric receiver, drainage well. Then they dig a trench under the closed collector, transmitting water from the pipes to the water receiver.
  • On the perimeter of the object, concrete or asphalt breakdowns, Tolina 1 m and a slope of 0.03 are installed.

In the process of waterproofing the foundation, it should not be installed in the input of the water supply system from the main side of the room. When operating the structures, do not change the conditions, the design of the faster-free foundations.

Outdoor vertical and horizontal insulation of small-breeding foundation

  • Tangential (lateral) insulation

The scene (a strip around the perimeter of the structure, which has a solid waterproof surface) with a heater improves the temperature regime in the foundation zone, protecting the building from the temperature drop.

Thermal insulation provides sheets of extruded polystyrene foam (EPP) or spraying polyurethane foam.

  • Horizontal insulation

Under the foundations organized sealing pillows with a thickness of 20-30 cm from large grave sand, crushed stone or slag. They replace the clay soil on non-empty. The last option affects the reduction of uneven deformations of the building. The depth and height of the layer is calculated by formulas known to the experimental technologists.

Dustless-clay soils belong to bunched soils. Therefore, during seasonal changes, they affect the base of the building - raise the foundation or settle, destroying the structure. For the structure on this form of soil, poorly discharged tape and columnar foundations are used.

Consider in more detail the characteristic of clay soils:

  • Their composition includes the smallest clay particles (less than 0.01 mm in size, having the form of plates or scales) and sand particles.
  • Have a big porosity, in connection with this have the ability to freely absorb and hold water. Even with partial drying, hold moisture.
  • When freezing, the liquid turns into ice, while increasing the total amount of soil. All breeds that contain particles of clay are subject to this negative effect, and the more it is, the stronger the property is manifested.
  • Due to the consistency of clay soils, the breed has binding properties that are expressed in the ability to maintain their form.
  • In accordance with the content of clay particles, there is a classification of clay soils: clay, loam and sandy.
  • The ability to deform the rock without breaks under the influence of external loads, and the preservation of the form after its termination is called plasticity of clay soils. The degree of plasticity determines the construction properties of clay rocks: humidity, density, compression resistance. With increasing moisture, the density decreases and the compression resistance occurs.

Granulometric composition and plasticity

Classification of clay soils in more detail:

  • The content in the sandy of clay particles is about 10%, the remaining volume occupy sandy particles.
  • In terms of its characteristics, almost no sand. It happens two types: light (part of up to 6% of clay particles) and heavy (up to 10%).
  • Rasty soup in wet palms, the sand particles are clearly noticeable.
  • The lumps in a dry condition have a crumbly structure and easily crumble when hitting.
  • The ball formed from the moistened peeper is easily scattered at pressure.
  • It has a relatively low porosity (0.5-0.7), due to the high content of sand.
  • The carrying ability of the Sack has a direct dependence on the humidity of clay soils.

In Suglink, the content of clay particles can reach 30% of the total weight. As in the sandy, the loam contains most of the sand, so it can be called sandy-clay soil.

  • Compared to soup, it is highly connected, under certain conditions it can keep the shape without falling into small pieces.
  • Heavy loams contain up to 30% of clay particles, and light up to 20%.
  • Dry chunks are not so firm, like clay, when stamps are scattered into small pieces.
  • With moisturizing the loams little plastic.
  • When rubbing, sandy particles are clearly noticeable in the palms.
  • The lumps are easily crushed.
  • The ball formed from the moistened loam, when pressing turns into a cake, with characteristic cracks around the edges.
  • The porosity of the loam is somewhat higher than the sandy (0.5-1).

The clay contains more than 30% of clay particles. Among the soils, it has the greatest connectedness.

  • In the dry state, the clay is solid, when moisturized becomes plastic, viscous, sticks to the fingers.
  • When rubbing in the palms of sandy particles, practical is not felt, lumps crushing quite difficult.
  • When cutting the reservoir of the raw clay, the sand-cut is not visible on the smooth cut.
  • The rolled ball of moisturized clay when pressed turns into a cake without cracks.
  • It has the greatest porosity (up to 1.1).

Formulations with various impurities

Dust-clay soils are a composition that contains an admixture of organic substances (0.05-0.1). According to the degree of salinity, they are divided:

  • sloated - the content of salts in the composition exceeds 5%;
  • undue;

Dustless-clay soils include specific species that show adverse properties when soaking:

  • swelling - soils that, when soaking with chemical solutions or water, are able to increase in volume.
  • celebration - rocks that are under the influence of external pressure or their own weight, as well as with significant moistening with water capable of presenting.

Among the dust-clay rocks should separately allocate ils and forests.

  • Livestores have a characteristic macroporosis, they contain calcium carbonate, and when soaking, a large amount of water under load gives drawdown, it is easy to twice and blur.
  • It is called the precipitate of water bodies, which was formed as a result of various microbiological processes having humidity bordering fluidity.

All of the above breeds from the soup to clay, when creating certain hydrodynamic conditions, are capable of receiving a floating state, turning into a thick, viscous liquid.

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]: Rock (stuffing with rigid bonds) and unknown (soils without rigid ties).

GOST 25100-95 Soils. Classification

In the class of rocking soils, magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are isolated, which are divided by strength, softenness and solubility in accordance with Table. 1.4. For rocking soils, the strength of which in a water-saturated state of less than 5 MPa (semi-flux) includes clay shale, sandstones with clay cement, aleurolite, argillitis, mergels, chalk. When water satisfaction, the strength of these soils can decrease by 2-3 times. In addition, artificial, fascinated rock and unknown soils are also highlighted in the class of rock soils - fascinated rock and unknown soils.

Table 1.4. Classification of rocking soils

Priming Indicator
On the limit of strength to uniaxial compression in a water-saturated state, MPa
Very durable R C. > 120
Lasting 120 ≥ R C. > 50
Middle Strength 50 ≥ R C. > 15
Lyoprochny 15 ≥ R C. > 5
Reduced strength 5 ≥ R C. > 3
Low strength 3 ≥ R C. ≥ 1
Extremely low strength R C. < 1
By the coefficient of softeness in water
Nerazzzazynaya K Saf. ≥ 0,75
Softening K Saf. < 0,75
According to the degree of solubility in water (sedimentary sampled), g / l
Insoluble Solubility less than 0.01
Painty-soluble Solubility 0.01-1
Messentiorate - || - 1—10
Inseparable - || - more than 10

These soils are divided according to the consolidation method (cementation, silicate, bituminization, consumption, roasting, etc.) and on the limit of the strength to uniaxial compression after consolidation, as well as rock soils (see Table 1.4).

Unknown soils are divided into large-graft, sandy, dust-clay, biogenic and soil.

Large-grass include non-cemented soils, in which the mass of the fragments is larger than 2 mm is 50% or more. Sands are soils containing less than 50% of particles larger than 2 mm and not possessing the property of plasticity (the number of plasticity I R. < 1 %).

Table 1.5. Classification of large-chip and sandy soils according to particle size distribution

Large-grass and sandy soils are classified according to the particle size distribution (Table 1.5) and by the degree of humidity (Table 1.6).

Table 1.6. Division of large-grass and sandy soils according to the degree of humidity S R.

The properties of large-grass soil when the sand filler content of more than 40% and dust-clay more than 30% is determined by the properties of the aggregate and can be installed on the test of the filler. With a smaller placeholder content, the properties of large-grade soil are set to the soil test as a whole. When determining the properties of the sandy placeholder, the following characteristics are taken into account - humidity, density, porosity coefficient, and dust-clay aggregate - an additional number of plasticity and a consistency.

The main indicator of sandy soils that determine their strength and deformation properties is the density of addition. By the density of the embedding of sands are divided by the coefficient of porosity e. , resistivity of soil with static probing q S. and conditional soil resistance during dynamic sensing q D. (Table 1.7).

With the relative content of organic matter 0.03< I OT ≤ 0.1 The sandy soils is called soils with an admixture of organic substances. By the degree of salinity, large-chip and sandy soils are divided into unexpected and saline. Large-grade soils belong to saline, if the total content of easily and medioral salts (% of the mass of absolutely dry soil) is equal to or more:

  • - 2% - with the content of sand aggregate less than 40% or dust-clay aggregate less than 30%;
  • - 0.5% - when the content of sand aggregate is 40% or more;
  • - 5% - with the content of a dust-clay aggregate 30% or more.

Sanding soils belong to saline, if the total content of these salts is 0.5% or more.

Dust-clay soils are divided according to the number of plasticity I P. (Table 1.8) and consistency characterized by the flow rate I L. (Table 1.9).

Table 1.7. Division of sandy soils on the density of addition

Sand Additional Density Division
dense middle density loose
By the coefficient of porosity
Gravel, large and medium size e. < 0,55 0,55 ≤ e. ≤ 0,7 e. > 0,7
Small e. < 0,6 0,6 ≤ e. ≤ 0,75 e. > 0,75
Dusty e. < 0,6 0,6 ≤ e. ≤ 0,8 e. > 0,8
Under the resistivity of the soil, MPa, under the tip (cone) of the probe during static probing
q C. > 15 15 ≥ q C. ≥ 5 q C. < 5
Fine independent of humidity q C. > 12 12 ≥ q C. ≥ 4 q C. < 4
Alignment and moist

q C. > 10
q C. > 7

10 ≥ q C. ≥ 3
7 ≥ q C. ≥ 2

q C. < 3
q C. < 2
According to the conditional dynamic resistance of the soil of MPa, the immersion of the probe during dynamic sensing
Large and medium size independently of humidity q D. > 12,5 12,5 ≥ q D. ≥ 3,5 q D. < 3,5
Alignment and moist

q D. > 11
q D. > 8,5

11 ≥ q D. ≥ 3
8,5 ≥ q D. ≥ 2

q D. < 3
q D. < 2
Dustless low-voltage and wet q D. > 8,8 8,5 ≥ q D. ≥ 2 q D. < 2

Table 1.8. Division of dust-clay soils in terms of plasticity

Among the dustless-clay soils it is necessary to highlight alloy soils and ils. Luxury soils are macropurnal soils containing calcium carbonates and capable when soaking with water to produce under load drawing, easy to twist and blur. IL - a water-saturated modern reservoir precipitate formed by the flow of microbiological processes having a humidity exceeding humidity at the yield boundary, and the coefficient of porosity, the values \u200b\u200bof which are shown in Table. 1.10.

Table 1.9. Division of dust-clay soils in terms of fluidity

Table 1.10. Division of Ilov by the coefficient of porosity

Dustless-clay soils (sues, loam and clay) are called soils with an admixture of organic substances with the relative content of these substances 0.05< I OT ≤ 0.1. According to the degree of salinity of the sandy, Suglink and clays are divided into unnecessary and saline. The saline includes soils in which the total content of easily and meduensive salts is 5% or more.

Among the dustless-clay soils it is necessary to allocate soils that show specific adverse properties when soaring: sediments and swelling. The sediments include soils that, under the action of external load or their own weight, when soaking with water, give a precipitate (drawdown), and at the same time relative impliness ε SL. ≥ 0.01. The swelling includes soils, which, when soaking with water or chemical solutions, increase in volume, and at the same time relative swelling without load ε SW. ≥ 0,04.

In a special group, soils characterized by a significant content of organic matter are isolated: biogenic (lake, swamp, allyuvial-marsh). These soil includes barbed soils, peat and sapropels. Bathered with sandy and dust-clay soils containing 10-50% (by weight) of organic substances in their composition. When the content of organic substances is 50% and more soil is called peat. Sappropels (Table 1.11) - freshwater yers containing more than 10% organic substances and having a coefficient of porosity, as a rule, more than 3, and the flow rate is more than 1.

Table 1.11. Sapropel division for relative content of organic matter

Soil is natural formations, alkalizing the surface layer of the earth's crust and fertility possessing. The soils on the granulometric composition are also divided as large-graft and sandy soils, and by the number of plasticity, like dust-clay soils.

Unknown artificial soils include soils compacted in natural lounges by various methods (rubbing, radiot, vibration, explosions, drains, etc.), bulk and wicked. These soils are divided depending on the composition and characteristics of the state as well as natural unknown soils.

Rock and unknown soils having a negative temperature and containing ice contained in their composition belong to frozen soils, and if they are in a murzed state of 3 years and more, then to the perpetrators.

5. Sandy the soils consist of particles of quartz grains and other minerals with a size of 0.1 to 2 mm, containing clays no more than 3% and do not have a plasticity property. Sands are separated by the grain composition and the size of the prevailing fractions on grave leaks D\u003e 2 mm, large D\u003e 0.5 mm, middle size D\u003e 0.25 mm, small D\u003e 0.1 mm and dusty d \u003d 0.05 - 0.005 mm.

Ground particles with d \u003d 0.05 - 0.005 mm called dusty . If in the sand of such particles from 15 to 50%, then they are classified dusty . When in the soil of dust particles more than sandy, soil is called dusty .

The larger and cleaner the sands, the greater the load can withstand the base layer of it. The compressibility of the dense sand is small, but the sealing speed under load is significant, so the precipitate of structures on such bases is stopped quickly. Sands do not have the property of plasticity.

Grave, large and middle size Sands are significantly compacted under load, insignificantly freezed.

The type of large-chip and sandy soils is mounted according to a granulometric composition, a variety - according to the degree of humidity.

Clay - Connected soils consisting of particles of less than 0.005 mm, which have mainly scaly shape, with a small impurity of small sandy particles. Unlike sands, clay have thin capillaries and a large specific surface area of \u200b\u200bcontact between particles. Since the pores of clay soils in most cases are filled with water, then when the clay is freezing, it takes place.

Clay soils are divided depending on the number of plasticity on clay (with the content of clay particles more than 30%), suglinka (10 ... 30%) and success (S ... 10%).

The bearing capacity of clay bases depends on humidity, which determines the consistency of clay soils. Dry clay can withstand a fairly load.

The type of clay soil depends on the number of plasticity, a variety - from the flow rate.

Classification of soils by particle size.

6. According to the size of mineral particles of the soil, their mutual communications and mechanical strength, the soil is divided into five classes: rock, semi-flux, large-chip, sandy (incoherent) and clay (connected).

TO rock Soils. These include expressive waterproof and practically incompressible rocks (granites, sandstones, limestone, etc.), which are usually increasing in the form of solid or fractured arrays.

TO semi-merts Claimed breeds that are capable of sealing (mergels, aleurolites, argillitis, etc.) and non-wear (gypsum, gypsum conglomerates).

Large-grained soils consist of non-ceated pieces of rock and semi-flods; Typically contain more than 50% of fragments of rocks in size over 2 mm.

Sandy soils consist of non-cemented particles of rocks of 0.05 ... 2 mm; They are usually naturally destroyed and transformed into differently rocking soils; Do not possess plasticity.

Clay soils It is also a product of natural destruction and transformation of primary rocks that make up rock soils, but with a predominant particle size of less than 0.005 mm.

Classification of sandy soils according to the degree of humidity.

7. The large-chip and sandy soils according to the degree of humidity are divided.

Classification of sandy and clay soil

To assess the construction properties of the soils, their classification is made according to STB 943-2007, which includes the following taxonomic units allocated by signs of signs:

Class - by the nature of structural connections;

Group - by origin;

Subgroup - under the condition of education;

Type - on petrographic and particle size composition, the number of plasticity;

The type of structure, texture, the composition of cement and impurities, the content of aggregate and inclusions, the particle size and the degree of its inhomogeneity, porosity, relative content of organic matter, the degree of ash content, by the method of transformation, the degree of sealing of its own weight, the limitation of the naming;

A variety - on physical, mechanical, chemical properties and state.

Sandy - unrelated soils, isolated by angular and oakful minerals in size from 2 to 0.05 mm. The bulk consists of quartz and field spatts. Sand soils are divided:

According to the granulometric composition (grave, large, medium, small, dusty);

In terms of maximum heterogeneity U Max (homogeneous (u max? 4), the average (4< U max ? 20), неоднородный (20 < U max ?40), повышенной неоднородности (U max > 40));

Humidity degrees (low-voltage (0< S r ?0,5); влажные (0,5 < S r ?0,8); водонасыщенные (0,8 < S r ?1));

Strength (ground resistance during probing) (durable, average strength, low-term).

To determine the classification of sandy soil, we calculate the degree of humidity S R by the formula

where W is natural humidity in the shares of units;

Density of soil particles;

e is the coefficient of porosity;

Density of water.

We also define the coefficient of porosity e by formula

p is the density of the soil;

w - humidity.

Substituting the values \u200b\u200bin formula (1.2)

at: \u003d 2.67 g / cm 3

2.14 g / cm 3

Also substitute the values \u200b\u200bin formula (1.1)

at: E \u003d 0.46

2.67 g / cm 3

Having calculated the degree of humidity of the sandy soil, we define the classification of sandy soil on a water saturation using a table 1.1

Table 1.1 - Classification of sandy soil on water saturation

According to Table 1.1, it can be concluded that this sand refers to the water-saturated class.

We define the density of the addition of sand using the porosity coefficient on Table 1.2

Table 1.2 - Division of sandy soils by the coefficient of porosity

Since the porosity coefficient is 0.46 and small sand, this sand is dense. Based on all calculations, we define the conditional calculation resistance R 0 of sandy soils using Table 1.3

Table 1.3 - Conditional estimated resistance R 0 sandy soils

Since sand is small and water saturated, and the porosity coefficient E is 0.46, then the calculated resistance will be equal to 300 kPa.

1 Building a geological column

Medium-, large-scale and detailed geological maps are usually accompanied by geological cuts and stratigraphic column.

Sedimentary, volcanic and metamorphic rocks usually lie with layers, or reservoirs. The layer is called more or less homogeneous, primary separated precipitate (or rock), limited to the layering surface. In addition to the term "layer", the term "reservoir" is often used in practice, which is usually used in relation to minerals, such as coal, limestone, etc. The reservoir can enter into several layers. The homogeneity of the layers can be expressed in the composition, coloring, textural signs, the presence of the same inclusions or fossils. When they talk about layered strata, they mean alternation of layers. The transition from one layer to another can be sharp or gradual. The surfaces, distinctive layers or layers, are usually uneven. They are called layering surfaces. The top of them is called the roof of the layer, the bottom - the sole. The distance between the roof and the sole layer (or layer) characterizes its power.

There are three types of facilities: true, visible and incomplete

Figure 1.1 - Plaster Power Detection Scheme

A - various types of layer power (reservoir): AA - True, BB, VV - Visible, GG, DD - incomplete; B - determination of the power of the horizontally occurring layer: H - true power; a - visible power; b - the width of the outlet of the layer; b - angle of inclination of the surface; Numbers - absolute marks of the roof and soles of the layer.

Example: True power H \u003d 187m - 163m \u003d 14m or H \u003d SIN B

The true power is called the shortest distance between the roof and the sole. Any other distance between the roof and the sole is visible. If the distance from the roof is measured or from the sole layer (or reservoir) to any surface located inside the layer (or reservoir), they are talking about incomplete power. With horizontal occurrence and aligned terrestrial terrestrial surface to determine the power of rocks, the wells are carried out or the wells are placed. If the relief is uneven, then the true power of the horizontal layer can be obtained by calculating: by setting the absolute high-altitude elevations of the roof and soles of the formation, calculate the difference between them, which will be true power (187m-163m \u003d 14m). You can also determine the true power, measuring the pre-visible power (the distance along the slope between the roof and the sole) and the angle of the slope. True power will be equal to the visible power multiplied by the sine angle of the slope (H \u003d A SINB). The shortest distance between the roof and sole layer on the geological map is called the width of the output of the layer.

Before the design of any building or structure, it is necessary:

Explore the local construction experience;

According to the engineering and geological research report, familiarize himself with the adjustment of the soils and the position of the level of underground (ground) waters at the construction site and expected during the construction and operation of the structure;

Establish the regulatory and calculated characteristics of the soils of each layer for calculating the limit states;

Taking into account the simplification of the soils, it is necessary to outline the most rational placement (if it is not specified) structures on the construction site.

According to the research data, engineering and geological conditions referred to in the report or conclusion are evaluated. Slipping of soils is estimated by the cuts and columns of wells.

Characteristic underlishes of soils are:

The homogeneous layer of soil within the large depth;

Layered underlineation when the soil layers are relative to the horizontal and each underlying layer less compressing than carrier;

Complex when the soil layers are seeded, linseed lens or there are highly compressible soils.

Special attention should be paid to the assessment of the level of groundwater, its seasonal fluctuations, possible changes due to the construction of the construction, their aggressiveness in relation to the materials of the foundations. Scale geological column accept 1: 100. The absolute mark of the mouth of the well (point intersection of the wellbore with the surface of the earth) is +135.6 m. The power of the first layer is equal to the depth of its sole. The absolute marks of the layers of layers are determined as the difference in the absolute mark of the mouth of the well and the depth of the sole of the corresponding layer. In the middle of the graph, two lines denote the wellbore and on both sides of the trunk, the lithological composition of the rocks of each layer is indicated by symbols. Well barrels in the development intervals of aquifer darkened. Source data (Tables 1-2).

Tabelle1.1- Physical characteristics of sandy soil (layer number 1)

Table1.2- Physical characteristics of clay soil (layer number 2)

Classification of clay soil

Dustless-clay soils are a group of sedimentary rocks with a predominance of subtle fractions (<0,01 мм). Состоят из глинистых минералов, а также минералов обломочного(слюда, кварц, полевые шпаты) и химического(карбонаты, сульфаты) происхождения. Занимают около 60% объёма осадочных пород. Происхождение- обломочно-химическое.

Dustless-clay soils are divided:

By the number of plasticity I P:

spro- 1? I p? 7; Suglok- 7.< I p ?17; глина- I p >17;

By the flow rate I L:

supses are:

b hard, i l< 0;

b plastic, 0? I l? one;

b flowable, I l? one;

suglinki and clays are:

b hard, i l< 0;

b semi-solid, 0< I l ? 0,25;

b Togoplastic, 0.25< I l ?0,5;

ь soft plastic, 0.5< I l ?0,75;

b teycristeful, 0.75< I l ? 0,1

b flowable, I l? one;

By strength (very durable, durable, average strength and weak)

To determine the characteristics of the clay soil, we define the number of plasticity and yield indicator.

Determine the number of plasticity by the formula

I P \u003d W L - W P (3.1)

Substitute the values \u200b\u200bin formula (3.1)

at w p \u003d 18%

we obtain i p \u003d 35 - 18 \u003d 17

Knowing percentage of plasticity can be defined to which classification of soils include our clay soil. Because I p \u003d 17 That ground consists of a sublinka.

Determine the flow rate by the formula

where W l is humidity on the border of the yield,%;

w p - humidity on the border of rolling,%;

w is natural humidity,%.

at w p \u003d 18%

we get something

Knowing the yield indicator Determine the classification of clay soil according to the consistency, because I L \u003d 0.29, then the loams refers to a stagnastic.

To determine the calculated resistance R 0, it is also necessary to know the coefficient of porosity E:

ground Sand Sandy Porosity

where - the density of soil particles;

p is the density of the soil;

w - humidity.

Substitute meanings:

2.71 g / cm 3

p \u003d 1.95 g / cm 3

The calculated resistance R 0 is for the value of E \u003d 0.71 by interpolation first by the coefficient of porosity E between E \u003d 0.7 and E \u003d 1 at i l \u003d 2.5, then the interpolation according to the flow rate I L between i L \u003d 0 and I L \u003d 1 for value i L \u003d 0.29. Data for determining the calculated pressure of clay soil is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Conditional estimated resistance of clay soils (only for Suglinka).

Interpolation by e at i l \u003d 0:

change? E \u003d 1 - 0.7 \u003d 0.3 corresponds to a change

R 0 \u003d 25 - 20 \u003d 5;

change? E \u003d 0.71 - 0.7 \u003d 0.01 corresponds to a change

R 0 \u003d 25 - 0.17 \u003d 24.83 MPa.

Interpolation on E with i L \u003d 1: Change? E \u003d 1 - 0.7 \u003d 0.3 corresponds to the change? R 0 \u003d 18 - 10 \u003d 8; Change? E \u003d 0.71 - 0.7 \u003d 0.01 corresponds to a change

R 0 \u003d 18 - 0.27 \u003d 17.73 MPa.

Interpolation according to Il \u003d 1 at e \u003d 0.71? Il \u003d 1 - 0 corresponds to 24.83 - 17.73 \u003d 7.1.

R 0 \u003d R 0 \u003d 24.83 - 2,059? 22,771 MPa.

Make Table (3.2).

Table 3.2 - Interpolation results R 0

We define the strength and deformation characteristics of the thincotic loam. According to the initial data, I L \u003d 2.9 and E \u003d 0.71 from table (3.3) we find the normative value of the internal friction angle of C n \u003d 21 degrees, the specific grip of the soil with n \u003d 23 kPa and the regulatory value of the deformation module e n \u003d 14 module.

Table 3.3 - Regulatory values \u200b\u200bof specific clutches, internal friction angles, values \u200b\u200bof deformation modules (for a looglinka).