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What did Michurin leave us inheritance? Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin: The best varieties of fruit and berry crops, created by the Great Breakinger, remote hybridization in the works of Michurin

Michurin Ivan Vladimirovich Biography Brief The famous scientist, biologist, founder of the scientific selection of berry, fruit and other cultures in the USSR is set out in this article.

Ivan Michurin brief biography

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin Famous scientist Biologist breeder was born on October 27, 1855 in the Ryazan province in the family of the provincial retired secretary, a small nobleman.

At first, Michurin studied at home, later he entered the prison county school, which graduated from 1872. In the same year, he becomes a student of the 1st Ryazan classical gymnasium, but it was excluded from it for a disrespectful attitude towards bosses. Ivan Vladimirovich moves to the city of Kozlov, which in the Tambov province.

In the new city, he settled at the railway station, where he worked in the period from 1872 to 1876. At first he served a commercial office of the commercial office, later became a commodity cashier and assistant to the head of the station.

In 1874 he marries Petershina Alexander, a working daughter on a distinguished factory. In marriage, two children gave birth to her - Nicholas and Maria.

Testing a shortage of finance, Michurin in his apartment opened the workshop of hours. In his spare time, he was engaged in the creation of new types of berry-fruit crops. To this end, Ivan Vladimirovich in 1875 rents a plot of land in Kozlov and makes attempts to bring new varieties of berry and fruit crops, and also collects a collection of plants.

In 1888, Michurin acquires a new plot of land on the outskirts of the city, much more than the previous one - about 13 hectares, and moved there its plants, he works on his plantation to the end of life. From that time, its plot becomes the first selection of nursery in Russia.

Michurin became famous in 1906, when his first scientific works were published, which covered the problems of removing varieties of fruit trees. For his works, the scientist received the Order of St. Anna III degree and the sign "For Proceedings on Agriculture".

With the arrival of the Bolsheviks to power, he begins to cooperate with the new administration and takes part in consultations on breeding, raising the yield and fighting drought for specialists in the field of agriculture, and also visited agronomical meetings.

In 1923, Michurin's kennel became a statement institution. And in 1928 it was reorganized into the selection - the genetic station of fruit-berry crops (since 1934 - the central genetic laboratory, which serves the name of Michurin).

Michurin Ivan Vladimirovich Contribution to science

Ivan Vladimirovich made a huge contribution to the science of genetics, paying special attention to research on berry and fruit plants. It is considered the founder of the scientific selection of crops. He developed the theory and practical techniques in the field of remote hybridization.

Michurin was an experimenter, an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, who Vaschnil's actual member. He created more than 300 species of new plants.

For their achievements, he was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1931, the Order of the Labor Red Banner in 1932.

The beginning of organized breeding work in Russia refers to the end of the XIX century. In 1877 in St. Petersburg and in 1881. Moscow creates seed quality control stations. In 1884, a Poltava Experienced Field was founded, in 1886 - Neurgenskaya and inland-Lulinetsky experienced stations. In 1896 P.A. Kostichev founded the Shatilov (now Orlovsk) agricultural experimental station. In 1903 D.L. Rudzin organized a selection station at the Moscow Agricultural Institute (now the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva). In 1909-1912 A number of experimental stations are created with selection departments: Kharkov, Saratov, Krasnokutskaya, Odessa, Mironovskaya. In the Soviet period, zonal selection institutions (NIE agriculture, Northeast, Southeast, Siberia, Central regions of the Non-Black Zone, Central Districts of the Chernozem Zone, Belarus, Ukraine, and Specialized Institutes for Winter Wheat (Krasnodar), Sugar Beet (Kiev , Voronezh), for oilseeds (Krasnodar), on the corn (Dnepropetrovsk), gentlebobobic and cereal cultures (Eagle), in Prague (Uzbekistan). In the territory of Bryansk region there are centers for selection of potatoes, lupine, raspberries, strawberries, fruit crops.

Works I. V. Michurin

An invaluable contribution to the development of plant selection was made a domestic breeder, an outstanding converter of Nature Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin (1855-1935). The object of selection served a variety of fruit-berry cultures: seed, boneless; Total I.V. Over 300 varieties of cultivated plants were created by Michuryin, some of which are still exploited. Basic principles of works I.V. Michurina: hybridization, selection and impact of environmental conditions. I.V. Michurine owned the winged expression; "We can't wait for mercies from nature, to take them from her - our task."

I.V. Michurin was not just a talented gardener amateur. He made an invaluable contribution to world science. In particular, Ivan Vladimirovich experimentally substantiated the effect of the change of dominance: depending on the soil-climatic conditions, the character of the stock and a lead and other factors, the genotype can manifest itself in the phenotype, and may not appear. I.V. Michurin used the method of a mentor, based on various combinations of vaccinations. To obtain hybrids I.V. Michurin widely used ecological and geographical crossing - if parents originate from different geographic areas or from different habitats, then heterosis manifests itself very much. This is due to the fact that these parents have the most highly distinguished genotypes that have formed during the natural selection in different conditions. I.V. Michurin found that the selection of varieties should be conducted in those conditions in which its further operation is planned.

Achievements of domestic breeders

It is impossible to list all outstanding domestic breeders.

We will call names and main achievements of only some of them:

Lukyanenko P.P. - winter wheat is snack-1; only more than 40 grades;

Craft V.N. - Mironovskaya-808 winter wheat;

LORA A.G., Bukasov S.M., Yuzpchuk S.V. - potatoes;

Empty V.S. - high-solid varieties of sunflower;

Zhdanov L.A. - Sunflower, resistant to infection;

Khadzhinov M.I., Galeyev G.S. - inter-linear corn hybrids based on CMS;

Tsitsin N.V. - wheat-pyrene hybrids;

Mazlumov A.L. - sugar beet.

"We cannot wait for mercies from nature; Take them with her - our task. But to nature it is necessary to treat respectfully and carefully and, if possible, to maintain it in the original form. "

(1855 - 1935) - a domestic breeder scientist (one of the pioneers of this area), in part genetics. Member of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after Lenin (Vaschnil), Honorary Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology.

And all this despite the fact that Michurin did not even receive a specialized education in its specialty. And in the specialty Ivan Vladimirovich began to study since childhood, when he helped his father with work in the garden. Gardening in Michurin was a family business, they had a large collection of agricultural books, a whole library.

At four years, the boy lost his mother. In a few years, his father is seriously ill. For the guardianship, aunt boy took up, who also loved gardening very much.

While science classes did not bring income, Ivan Vladimirovich earned the life repair of hours.

In 1872, Michurin moves to the city of Kozlov, which will later be called him name. Now goats are sciences Michurinsk. And he is the only city in Russia renamed a person in honor of which they rename.

In 1875, Ivan Vladimirovich rents the estate. And there organizes a nursery. In fact, this is the first laboratory of the scientist. There he begins his experiments, it makes the necessary tools itself. Several times he endured a nursery.

In 1918, the nursery was nationalized, and Ivan Vladimirovich was appointed head of him.

Michurin discovered that fruit cultures existing in those times "Outdated"They suffered from disease and gave low yields. Bridal southern varieties did not survive. Ivan Vladimirovich realized the need to remove new varieties.

  • In all his long work, Michurin brought around three hundred varieties of plants, Alongorally developing new methods.

Being an avid smokers, brought for myself a new grade of tobacco, which, with proper processing, according to a scientist, was less harmful than "counterparts".

  • The scientist conducted experiments with remote hybridization, polyploydia, overcoming undisguisedness. Moreover, Michurin showed perseverance: he could repeat the same experiment several times until the desired result achieves.
  • Michurin derived patterns: the further areas of growing plants selected for hybridization, the easier it is hybrid plants to adapt to the conditions of the environment. Herediced.
  • In the Michurin diaries in which he described his work, you can find a lot of guideline recommendations, some of which are used in our time.

Made a huge contribution to the selection. His name rarely not only with us, but also abroad. The scientist was even offered to immigrate in the United States, and buy his collection of plants. He refused, remaining faithful to his Fatherland.

As with most scientists, the scientist had disagreements with the church. Once, his nursery visited the priest, who after said that Michurin's experiences badly affect the miseles of Orthodox, which he turned the garden of God into the house of tolerance. The priest even demanded that Michurin stop his experiments on crossing. Naturally, the scientist did not obey him.

Vaschella established gold Medal named after Ivan Vladimirovich Michurinaawarded for work in the field of selection.

In honor of Michurin named biological view: Aria Michurin (ARNIA MITSCHURI NII).

The nursery became known The central genetic laboratory them. I.V. Michurina.

The name of Michurina also bears a false teaching of Michurin agrobiology. But Ivan Vladimirovich does not have a direct relationship. The chief figure and founder of Michurin agrobiology is a Soviet scientist, or rather falzing, it will be discussed in the next article.

michurin Selection Plant

I.V. Michurin is an outstanding scholar-breeder, one of the founders of science on the selection of fruit crops. He lived and worked in the county town of Kozlov (Tambov province), renamed in 1932 in Michurinsk. Working in the garden from the young age was his favorite thing. He set the goal of his life to enrich Russian gardens with new varieties and achieved the implementation of this dream, despite the incredible difficulties and deprivation. They developed original practical methods for obtaining hybrids with new, useful properties useful for humans, and highly important theoretical conclusions were made. After setting itself the task of promoting southern varieties of fruit trees in the middle band of Russia, Michurin first tried to solve it by acclimatizing the specified varieties in the new conditions. But the southern varieties grown in the winter surgested in winter. Only the change in the conditions of the body's existence cannot change the phylogenetically developed resistant genotype, moreover, in a certain direction. Making advantage of the unsuitability of the acclimatization method, Michurin dedicated his life to breeding work, in which the three main types of exposure to the nature of the plant were used: hybridization, education of a developing hybrid in various conditions and selection. Hybridization, i.e., obtaining a variety with new, improved features, was most often produced by crossing a local variety with southern, who had higher taste. At the same time, a negative phenomenon was observed - the dominance of the hybrid of the signs of the local variety. The reason for this was the historical fitness of the local grade to certain conditions of existence. One of the basic conditions that contribute to the success of hybridization, Michurin considered the selection of parental pairs. In some cases, he took to cross the parents remote in its geographical habitat. If the conditions of existence do not match them ordinary, he argued, then the hybrids obtained from them would be able to make it easier to adapt to new factors, as it does not happen one-sided domination. Then the breeder will be able to manage the development of a hybrid adapting to new conditions.

Such a method was derived from a variety of pears Bere Winter Michurina. As a mother, a Ussuri wild pear was taken, characterized by small fruits, but winter-hardy, as a father - the southern grade of Bere Piano with large juicy fruits. For both parents, the conditions of the average strip of Russia were unusual. The hybrid manifested themselves to the necessary breeders of the parents of parents: the fruits were large, fodder, possessed high taste qualities, and the hybrid plant itself transfers cold to - 36 °.

In other cases, Michurin selected local frost-resistant varieties and crossed them with southern thermal-loving, but with other excellent qualities. Michurin's carefully selected hybrids brought up in Spartan conditions, believing that otherwise they will appear the features of thermal liness. Thus, the apple tree grade was obtained from crossing Antonovka with a southern variety of Ranet Pineapple. In addition to crossing two forms belonging to one systematic category (apple tree with an apple tree, pears with a pear), Michurin also used the hybridization of remote forms: received interspecific and interdic fluid hybrids. They produced hybrids between cherries and cherry (cerapadus), between apricot and plum, plum and tern, rowan and Siberian hawthorn, etc.

In vivo, the alien pollen of another species is not perceived by the parent plant and the crossing does not occur. To overcome undisguisedness with a remote hybridization, Michurin used several methods.

Preliminary Vegetative Ramp

An annual cutlets of a hybrid village of rowan (cable) is given in the crown of a plant of another species or kind, for example, to a pear (dilt). After 5--6-year nutrition due to substances produced by a trip, a certain change occurs, rapprochement of the physiological and biochemical properties of the lead.

During the flowering of Ryabina, her flowers pollinated in dust. In this case, crossing is carried out.

Mediator method

It was used by Michuurin in the implementation of hybridization of cultural peach with wild Mongolian almond with a bobulk (in order to promote peach north). Since the direct crossing of these forms could not be able, Michurin crossed the bobulk with a half-industrial peach David. Their hybrid was crossed with a cultural peach, as the intermediary was named.

Pollination method with pollen mixture

I. V. Michurin applied various variants of pollen mixture. Mixed a small amount of pollen of the maternal plant with Father's Dilza. In this case, his pollen irritated a pistil straight, which became able to perceive and alien pollen. Under pollination of the flowers of the apple pear, a little apple trees added to the latter. Some of the seeds fertilized by its pollen, the other part is someone else's (pears). Overcoming the insistentness and in pollution of the flowers of the parent plant with a mixture of pollen of different types without adding pollen of its variety.

Essential oils and other secrets highlighted by someone else's pollen, irritated to the maternal plant, and contributed to her perception.

All of its many years of work to remove new varieties of plants I. V. Michurin showed the importance of the subsequent crossing of the upbringing of young hybrids.

When upbringing the developing hybrid, Michurin paid attention to the composition of the soil, the method of storing hybrid seeds, frequent transplant, nature and degree of seedlings and other factors.

Mentor's method

In addition, Michurin widely used the method developed by him. For education in the hybrid seedlings of the desired qualities, a seedman is given to the plant, which has these qualities. Further development of a hybrid is under the influence of substances produced by a plant-tutor (mentor); The hybrid has desired qualities. In this case, during the development of hybrids, the dominance properties change occurs. The mentor can be both inhibition and a lead. In this way, Michurin brought two varieties - Candille-Chinese and Belfleer-Chinese.

Candil-China is the result of the crossing of the Chinese with the Crimean variety of candidal-synap. At first, the hybrid began to shy towards the southern parent, which could develop insufficient coolness in it. To develop and consolidate the sign of frost resistance, Michurin instilled a hybrid in the crown of the Mother of Mother of China, which possessed these qualities. Nutrition in its main substances has brought the right quality in the hybrid. The removal of the second variety of beltleler-Chinese was conjugate with some deviation of the hybrid toward the frost-resistant and early chinese. The hybrid fruits could not withstand long storage.

To raise in a hybrid, the property of a henchman, Michurin instilled in the crown of the hybrid seedlings of Belfleer-Chinese, several cuttings of latebed varieties. The result turned out to be good - the fruits of the Belfleer-Chinese acquired the desired qualities - late dealer and the burn. The method of the mentor is convenient because its action can be adjusted by the following techniques: 1) by the ratio of the age of the mentor and the hybrid; 2) the duration of the mentor; 3) the quantitative ratio of the foliage of the mentor and hybrid.

For example, the intensity of the mentor will be the higher, the older its age, Crown is richer by foliage and the longer it acts. In the breeding work, Michurin attached essential importance to the selection, which was made many times and very rigidly. Hybrid seeds were selected by their size and roundness: hybrids - on the configuration and thickness of the sheet plate and a stuff, the form of escape, the location of the side kidneys, in the winter hardiness and resistance to fungal diseases, pests and many other features and, finally, in terms of the quality of the fetus.

The results of the work of I. V. Michurin are amazing. They created hundreds of new varieties of plants. A number of varieties of apple trees and berry crops will be promoted far to the north. They possess high taste and at the same time perfectly adapted to local conditions. The new grade of Antonovka Sixis-gram gives a crop from one tree to 350 kg. Michurinsky grapes kept the winter without sprinkling a lot, which is done even in the Crimea, and at the same time did not reduce its commodity indicators. Michurin showed his works that the creative possibilities of a person are endless.

Before the anniversary (in June-July 1934), I. V. complained about gastric pains, but then in his health was a temporary improvement that coincided with the period of the anniversary celebration in September 1934

However, by the winter of 1934/35, he again felt worsening and complained about the disease. Nevertheless, I. V. worked without breaking the usual regime. He took his employees and gave instructions on work, led a greater correspondence.

In the winter of 1934/35, I. V. was no longer out of the room, feeling increasing ailment. In February 1935, threatening symptoms from the intestine appeared; I. V. Lost appetite, his strength was noticeably weakened. However, he did not cease to lead the work of his employees and was interested in all affairs and news.

On March 14, I. V. adopted one of the scientific cooperations of the Timiryazevsky Agricultural Academy, who came to him for advice and help. March 19 advised the film plan about his work. March 29, all day was advised by the letter. Maintenance of the Georgian SSR on the use of a new design garden instrument. Carefully following the newspapers and magazines, I. V. I learned about the anniversary V. R. Williams and on April 3 sent him a welcoming telegram: "On the day of the fiftieth anniversary of your outstanding scientific activity, I cordially congratulate you, dear Vasily Robertovich, I sincerely wish you with the sum Work for the benefit of socialist society. "

In April, the health of Ivan Vladimirovich had a sharp deterioration, and he began to quickly weaken. His famous biographer A. N. Baharev, all the time who was in communicating with the sick, describes this period of his life: "Disease disgusted the once mighty body of Ivan Vladimirovich ... The patient's face was laughed, his hands were shaking, and he barely moved around the room. Only still burned his dark brown eyes. Appetite disappeared at all ... Michurin was fed only by milk and tea. On the morning of April 22, we, who lived and worked with Michurin for many years, was last breakfast with Ivan Vladimirovich. The next day, complaining of general weakness and sharp stomach pains, he could not climb from bed. " The consultation that took place on April 24, found a small curvature of the stomach in a sick cancer.

The end of April, the whole May and the beginning of June I. V. was already on artificial nutrition. He was tormented by bloody vomiting and strong gastric pains, but he, without getting up from bed, continued to work, courageously carrying suffering.

He often caused his employees to himself into a small bedroom, gave them instructions, made amendments to their work plans, was vividly interested in the course of work in the garden, he looked through all the correspondence and read the newspaper. Having received the seeds of watermelon from Saratov (up to 4 years old) from Saratov, and a letter from one of the commanders of the Red Army, which was randomly at the village of Tominalka Oranienbaum district of the Leningrad region, a large-scale red currants, I. V. Now sent researchers to collect material and information on these interesting plants.

In connection with the continuing impairment of I.V., on May 10, a second consilium was held, confirmed the diagnosis of the first. With a patient, the doctors were on duty all the time, his daughter Maria Ivanovna, the niece of Alexander Semenovna Tikhonov and the nearest helpers - P. N. Yakovlev, I. S. Gorshkov, A. N. Baharev and some others were located in the house. It was clear to everyone that the junction approaches and that everyone needs to be ready forever to say goodbye to his favorite teacher and a friend ...

Until June 4, I. V. still continued to be interested in the work and took the relatives and guests who came to spend it. He arrived from Leningrad and his son Nikolai - Designer Engineer.

The fourth of June was the last day before the deadly Agonye I.V. On this day, the third medical consultation was held, which set: "Diagnosis - cancer. Heavy condition. Sharp cachexia (exhaustion), weakening of cardiac activity. "

"June 5. The state of health I. V. Michurin got worse every hour. On the night of June 5, the patient was almost all the time in forgetting, a lot of fright, rarely came into consciousness. Pulse 108, weak filling. Today, at 12 o'clock in the afternoon, the consultation of doctors stated a sharp deterioration in the state of the patient, the growing of cardiac weakness "(Izvestia, June 6, 1935).

"June 6. By evening, I. V. Michurin deteriorated sharply. Pulse 90-100. Catching pain in the abdomen area. For the first time in all the time I. V. began to moan. From time to time he spoke a single-stroke word "(True, June 7, 1935).

At 9:30 am, on June 7, I. V. died. The next day, a mourning government announced the whole world about the death of a great biologist:

"The Council of People's Commissars of the Union of the SSR and the Central Committee of the WCP (b) with the regret notify the death of Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin, an outstanding Soviet scientist, a bold converter of nature, which created hundreds of new beautiful varieties of fruit trees, all his life to the service of the workers' masses."

SCS of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) made a decision on the funeral of I. V. Michurin at the expense of the state. At the same time, it was decided to convey the house in which I. V. lived, in the life use of his family, to oblige the NKZ of the USSR to establish 10 scholarships named after Michurin in agricultural universities, organize the publication of a meeting of his scientific papers, to provide members of the I.V. Personal Pension. Kozlovsky district was renamed Michurinsky district, Kozlov Station - to the station Michurinsk.

We give a detailed conclusion about the disease I. V. Michurin, who led him to death. This conclusion was composed by a representative of the Sanitary Management of the Kremlin and the attending physicians.

"Medical bulletin

Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin enjoyed all his life with good health. In the spring of 1934, he suffered a few attacks of malaria, accompanied by an intestinal activity disorder. After that, there was a deterioration in the general state of health. Last year, Ivan Vladimirovich was under the systematic observation of local doctors, periodically was inspected by the best specialists in Moscow and Voronezh.

During the winter of 1934/35, there is a progression of general ailment, a drop in performance. All winter, the patient did not come out of the room, continuing to lead the work of his closest employees. In February 1935, the intestinal activity disorder again appeared. The appetite dropped sharply, up to a complete disgust for food, vomiting was joined, often with an admixture of blood. From this point on, the phenomena of the power decline began especially quickly. On the advice of treating doctors, the patient was established bedding and diethical nutrition.

The above dyspeptic phenomena and the associated drop in nutrition still continued to grow. During April-May, a number of concernes took place with the participation of professors: Muller, Leporsky, Russian, Bruskina, Associate Professor Kogan and a number of others. A stomach tumor was diagnosed, apparently malignant. Clarification of the diagnosis was difficult due to the impossibility of a patient to produce a number of necessary laboratory, radiological and other studies. The progression of a painful process, indomitable vomiting, complete disgust for food led to a sharp exhaustion, which could not be prevented by artificial nutrition, on which the patient was in the last one and a half months.

The exceptional individual resistance and features of the body allowed the patient so long to carry almost complete starvation. It is necessary to note the striking preservation of intelligence and interest in working until the last days of life.

On June 7, 1935, at 9:00 am 30 minutes, with an increase in the decline of cardiac activity, Ivan Vladimirovich died "(Izvestia, June 8, 1935).

On the night of June 7-28, an opening of the body of I. V. Michurin was performed in Michurinsk. The opening establishes that the deceased suffered from stomach cancer, common arteriosclerosis, aortic aneurysm and cardiosclerosis. The brain was seized and sent to the Moscow Institute of Brain.

Ivan Vladimirovich's funeral took place on June 9 in the evening. I buried him on the square at the training fruit and vegetable institution of his name, at the highest location of the city. It offers a beautiful view of the neighborhood of the city with typical paintings of Russian nature, and Michurin institutions are clearly visible from here: the central genetic fruit and berry laboratory and the research fruit and vegetable institute.

Shortly before his death I. V. wrote: "I admit quite appropriate organization at a special area near the university building (i.e., the fruit and vegetable educational institute. I. V. Michurin) of the Educational and Experimental Forms Garden."

This position was completed: the grave of the Great Gardener was spreading the most interesting garden Square - the living museum of Michurin varieties of fruit and berry plants. In the frame of the mass of still young, blooming, full forces of the trees and shrubs there is a grave of Ivan Vladimirovich. Strict black marble tombs. On her side facing the entrance to Square, read:

Michurin I. V. 1855-1935

On the opposite side:

"A person can and should create new plants of plants better than nature."

I. V. Michurin.

From the head of the words expressing the idea of \u200b\u200ball the lives of the Great Natural Score:

"We cannot wait for mercies from nature; Take them with her - our task. "

I. V. Michurin.

Death I. V. Michurin caused a huge number of responses from both us and in the medium of progressive figures of foreign countries. On June 8, a necrologist, compiled by N. I. Vavilov, was published in the Pravda newspaper. Numerous appeals were obtained in Kozlov from a wide variety of institutions and organizations that expressed sorrow on the death of I. V.

Mass of letters, telegrams from people who knew Ivan Vladimirovich, who heard about him who studied from him or who used his classic works was from all over our immense country. Heavy loss of government, party and public organizations, gardeners, workers, agronomists, scientists, and miners - gardeners and gardeners, which, I. V., had a lot of help, teachers and students, as well as land, teachers and students, as well as land Authorities, agricultural and scientific organizations and institutions, etc.

In the Donbass, mourning meetings took place in many mines. In many cases, these appeals were accompanied by obligations aimed at the development of the Green Book by I. V. Michurin, - grow thousands and millions of fruit seedlings, ornamental plants, etc. Scientists-nerds of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR headed by Acad. V. L. Komarov and Acad. B. A. Keller published a letter in which it was said: "Death broke out of our rows of the great gardener, plants converter, the Honored Worker of Science, Honorary Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Ivan Vladimirovich Michurina. He was an outstanding experimental, naturalist and artist in horticulture. His motto was: "We cannot wait for mercies from nature; Take them with her - our task. And he took a huge number of new varieties of fruit and berry plants and transferred these new varieties to its Socialist Fatherland "(True, June 9, 1935).

The letter ended the call to transfer breeding work from the cabinets to the fields.

Personal friend I. V. Michurina Acad. B. A. Keller, expressing the sorrow of wide circles of scientists of the Soviet Union, wrote:

"Refused to serve the old body of Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin of his young, strong creative thought. The feeling of huge grief covers the hearts of workers and peasants-collective farmers, our Soviet community ... "Craid", in the view of the town man, I. V. Michurin was presented by the old Tsarist Russia, when he broke his great creative way alone - without diplomas and professions, on his Labor penns, among the stuffy police atmosphere, through the thick bark of the provincial bureaucracy in the deaf goat.

"With the masses of Rodnil Ivan Vladimirovich, his heroic struggle alone before the revolution; All his life research path is bold, far from templates, is the specificity of his scientific creativity, the uniform thought of art has found an expression on the joy of fruits and flowers. And the main thing is that Ivan Vladimirovich, from the very beginning of the October Revolution, completely gave her all his work, sensitively, with extreme accessibility it was going to meet and woke up requests to him from the masses.

"AND. V. Michurin in his creative work has long appreciated with his characteristic insightfulness of V. I. Lenin.

"This high grade of V. I. Lenin found a joyful response and wide support for the multi-million massologies of the Soviet Union. I. V. Michurin soon became one of the favorite heroes of our Great, new socialist culture.

"Dear teacher and friend! We all want to decorate our hotly favorite socialist homeland lace greenery, bright colors colors, lighting the life with the joy of lush fruits. For all of us - from the gardener-academician and gardener-worker and collective farmers to the young pioneer - the courage will be shining on it; Ways, bright courage of your dank, will serve our weapons of research methods.

"Cute teacher and friend! The rich fruits of your exceptional creative life, you completely gave a new, great socialist human culture. Vintage your creative thoughts and your wonderful varieties are seized millions.

"Your vital work disappeared. He picked up and multiplied by millions, he goes forward, to the great future of new humanity "(True, June 9, 1935).

In Czechoslovakia, in Prague, many newspapers placed a detailed biography of I. V. Michurin - an honorary member of the Czechoslovaksky Agricultural Academy, with an expression of a deep sympathy about the death of a great scientist, which brought a huge benefit of nations not only the USSR, but also from the world.

The responses of progressive scientists of foreign countries to death I. V. Michurin are given on materials published in connection with this mourning event in our central newspapers ("True" and Izvestia for June 9-10, 1935).

On October 12, 1935, a detailed report on the life and activities of I. V. Michurin was read in Prague at the meeting of the Academy of Czechoslovak scientists. In Austria, F. Tswegelt made the following statement in connection with the death of I. V. Michurina: "The death of a famous researcher Michurina means a unacceptable loss for all world breeding science in the field of fruit crops ... The death of this person is especially regretting Austria, which was with Michuryin in close contact ... But I hope that the inheritance of this great person will continue as a living testament and impulse for offspring. "

Deep sorrow expressed French scientists: prof. Riva, prof. Lanzhen. Director of the National Agronomical Museum in France Lemoan wrote: "From the bottom of my heart I join the trarawe, comprehending the USSR. I had no honor to personally know the great scientist Michurin. But his scientific work is known and enjoys high assessment in France. " Professor of Biology Prennie wrote: "The name of Michurina is now famous for all over the world. It is a symbol of an reviving influence provided by the Soviet authority to science. Before the revolution, Michurin hardly spent his experiments. Only the victory of the workers and the peasants gave him the means to realize the great case conceived by him. " Director of the colonial agronomic laboratory prof. Chevalé stated: "I am with all my heart I join the Soviet scientist in the Great Touré, who fell into science. Professor Michurin is well known to the French scientist. He until the death was a man of action, who gave a lot of nerd. His hybridization experiments are of great scientific importance. "

In England and the United States, the news of the death of I. V. Michurin also caused a wide response, and many newspapers published a message about its work and about the opportunities for its development, which he was provided to the Soviet government.

I. V. Michurin died. Not a great teacher of Soviet biology ... But it lives it and develops. Our biological science associated with thousands of threads with the practice of the USSR national economy is successfully developing along the path specified by Darwin and Michuryin.

"Michurin," wrote Acad. V. R. Williams (True, June 5, 1937), - belongs to the category of happy figures. Happy because the results of his work will remain living in the centuries, many generations will turn out and will bloom and fron. "

Organized in 1921 in Michurinsk at the Central Selection and Genetic Station Michurin Museum of Achievements is the best monument and Ivan Vladimirovich himself. I. V. Grushvitsky and L. I. Ivanina (1949) in his compressed, but at the same time, a very detailed description of this museum report: "It is at least fluid to briefly review the book of reviews and wishes to make sure of its extraordinary popularity. Where else, as not here, in the city, the name I. V. Michurin, where for many years he lived and worked, where the work was first widely set by the transformation of nature, where Michurina's talented students continue to get the deepest , bright and vital idea about I. V. Michurine. "

On October 27, 1955, the Soviet people, all progressive humanity widely celebrated the century since the birth of the great converter of Nature, an outstanding biologist Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin.

On October 27, a solemn meeting of the USSR Academy of Sciences of the USSR, the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named after V. I. Lenin, was held in the Bolshoi USSR Academy of Sciences, together with representatives of ministries, scientific institutions. The Presidium of the meeting contained representatives of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the members of the Government of the Soviet Union.

At the anniversary meeting, the largest Soviet scientists, agronomists, zootechnics, innovators and edge of the collective farm and state-owned production, which came from all over the country, guests from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, German Democratic Republic, Korean People's Democratic Republic, Democratic Republic Vietnam, France, Yugoslavia, Japan, Pakistan, Switzerland, Belgium and other countries.

The solemn meeting was opened by the introductory word of the President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Academician A. N. Nesmeyanova.

"The Great Lenin opened Michurin," said Academician A. N. Nedmeyanov. "So I. V. Michurin entered the history of modern natural science, he became due to the care and generous help of the Communist Party, the Soviet state," due to the conditions that the socialist system created for the development of scientific thought.

"Century since the birth of I. V. Michurin, scientists of our country are noted as a significant date in the history of natural science, as a bright milestone on the path of scientific curses in the knowledge of the laws of life, in their use to transform wildlife for the benefit of humanity."

From October 28 to November 2, a scientific session of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences named V. I. Lenin took place in Moscow with the participation of the Institute of Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the All-Union Institute of Livestock and other scientific institutions, universities and revenues of agriculture dedicated to the century from V. Michurin.

About two thousand people took part in the plenary and sectional sessions, there were scientists, crust of agriculture, trails, as well as foreign scientists. In total, more than 250 reports were made.

A group of participants in the session and foreign guests traveled to Michurinsk, where he looked at scientific institutions and laid a wreath on the grave of the Great Scientist.

Century from the birthday of I. V. Michurin was devoted to the meeting of the Biological Department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR F Scientific sessions of the Academies of the Union Republics, solemn meetings of scientific councils of research institutions and higher educational institutions. Throughout the country in enterprises, in collective farms, state farms were read and lectures about Michuchin. Michurinsky evenings took place in schools, district houses of culture, at experienced stations, variety of expectancy.

Century from the birth of I. V. Michurin resulted in a nationwide demonstration of the achievements of Soviet biology.

I. V. All Life worked for the prosperity of the science that V. I. Lenin (1953) said: "The human mind opened a lot of outlines in nature and reveals even more, strengthening his power over her."

There will be centuries, but the memory of the outstanding Russian naturalist, the grateful converter of nature, a great worker, a public figure and patriot of their homeland will always live in the happy future generations of humanity.

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