Repairs Design Furniture

What to feed the pepper after the transplant to the greenhouse. When and what to feed the peppers after disembarking to the greenhouse. Proper feeding of sweet peppers in a greenhouse

Depending on the natural conditions, the appointment of vegetables, such as the soil on the site, you need to pick up a suitable variety. There are such plants that will feel good and on heavy clay soils, although peppers fits more soil with an admixture of sand or peat.

You can choose at the boom, color scheme, yield.

Some cultures constantly bloom and tie new fruits to the autumn itself. But to constantly receive a harvest you need to know what to bite peppers during fruiting. And not only know, but also hold regular events in the garden. All kinds of peppers are from America, where the air temperature is higher.

Therefore, the greatest results for the cultivation of pepper crops can be achieved only by the elaborate method in the conditions of greenhouse, where it is easier to control the process. Pepper feeding in the greenhouse is slightly different from the soil. Need to observe the mode of daylight: oddly enough, but plants are better fruiting when the day lasts less than 12 hours.

Features of care

Care should be attributed to:

  • formation of the crown of plants so that all branches receive the same amount of light;
  • cutting long stems;
  • mulching;
  • watering;
  • defrasting the soil before planting;
  • fighting pests and fungal diseases.

And, of course, feeding - root and extractive.


Seeds before landing need hold in warm water 5 - 6 hoursso that they are swollen. The water temperature is 50 degrees. Next is preparing a container, on the bottom of which the wet cotton fabric is placed.

Seeds must sneak 2 - 3 days For the formation of seedlings, after which they can be transferred to the ground - separate pots. Pepper seedls poorly tolerate pickup, so it is better to use the pots of medium size, 8 cm in diameter. It no longer makes sense, since the root system grows slowly and will not have time to fill the entire volume.

Preliminary germination allows you to get searches for 2 - 3 day after planting in pots. It is advisable to pour them and cover them. When the sprouts appear, you need to control the temperature: day It must be 26 - 28 degrees, at night 10 - 15.

Preparation of soil

To achieve a good absorption of nutrients, peppers must grow in a loose ground, which is mixed in the following proportions:

  • compost - 2 parts;
  • sand - 1 part;
  • soil - 1 part.

Such a mixture is usually added furnace ash to provide phosphorus and potassium seedlings to form the root system. Enough 1 spoons of wood ash per 1 kg of a mixture. With the advent of the first large sheet, you can make a little nitrogen feeding so that the plant gains green mass.

Transplant in soil

Based on the principles of crop rotation, pepper precursors should be:

  • bakhchy cultures - pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage.

Pepper feeding in the greenhouse should begin with the disinfection of the soil copper vitrios - 1 tablespoon on the water bucket. Another important point is regular ventilation over the entire period of flowering and fruiting. What to feed the pepper in the greenhouse - to solve the owner.

You can use both mineral mixtures and the organic, if it is available in sufficient quantity. Suitable manure, chicken litter, wood ash, various food waste with kitchen, green nettle.

After transplanting to an open soil or to a greenhouse, which should be carried out carefully, without damaging the roots, you need to wait two weeks before you begin to make nutrient mixtures. When plants adapt, the first thing can be done by watering the expectation of manure:

  • in bucket put dung on 1/3.;
  • to fill with water;
  • wait 5 - 7 days, sometimes stirring;
  • dilute All the amount of substance is still 10 buckets of water, that is - 1/10 .

Water under the root, watching the liquid does not hit the leaves. The soil must be wet. For young seedlings, 1 liter of the nutrient solution is enough.

Fertilizers for feeding peppers - dosages, folk recipes

In order for the ovary to have formed in large quantities, you need to make a sufficient number of potassium. But in order for potassium to be learned, phosphorus is needed, as it directly affects the formation of a strong root system.

These two trace elements are added simultaneously.

Pepper feeding during flowering and fruiting is made by any available substances - mineral or organic. You can combine - it is even better. Mineral mixtures apply complex, containing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

Dosages are calculated according to the instructions. It is impossible to exceed the norms, as this may cause damage to the roots and the death of the plant. The principle is always alone - it is better to underminate.

Organic fertilizers

The best organic fertilizer for feeding peppers during flowering and fruiting is all types of manure:

  • cattle;
  • horse;
  • sheep;
  • bird litter.

But the fresh substance is dangerous to add to the landing itself, since a large amount of ammonia can burn roots. Manure is added overwhelming or composed, which is even better.

Video: feeding peppers during fruiting

Experienced gardeners, who specializes in the cultivation of various varieties of peppers, are recommended to drag fresh manure with earth with autumn soil preparation. For the winter, soil bacteria managed to recycle the substance. By the spring, it enters the form available to power plants.

Pepper feeding during fruiting can be made of fresh manure or litter, provided that it will be presented a week on water and diluted:

  • manure cows 1/10;
  • chicken litter 1/20.

Chicken litter is very concentrated, so on the bucket of tincture you need to add 20 buckets of water.

The disadvantage of manure is the absence of phosphorus. It must be added separately in the form of superphosphate or ash. But ash can not always be found, as it should be burned to burn a lot of wood or coal.

A spare option may be the introduction of bone or fish flour, which is also very expensive if vegetables are grown for sale. Although the use of organic substances makes it possible to obtain environmentally friendly products that are not oversaturated with chemical components.

A simple tool than feeding peppers for ripening is a green infusion of grass-weeds or nettle. For this you need:

  • grind grass and pour water to insist. Approximately one third of the grass buckets, the rest of the water.
  • insist 3 - 4 days;
  • strain.

Water under the root 1 liter on one bush. You can also carry out extra-root spraying with green fertilizer, just follow so that there are no drafts in the greenhouse. In the open spraying, the spraying is carried out in the early morning or in the evening when the sun is completely sees.

Important! Pretty peppers during flowering and fruiting is carried out 2 - 3 times a month. If necessary, you can conduct therapeutic activities for bushes, so as not to hurt and did not drop flowers and maritime

When using the organic, it disappears the need to apply feeding microelements, as they are in the manure.

Mineral mixes

So that the fruits were fleshy and sweet (as far as possible with pepper), greenhouse plants and plants in open soil required potassium and phosphorus. You need to enter these elements before landing under the step and add during the flowering period to save the number of uncens.

Important moment than feeding peppers in August. In the greenhouse plants be fruit to late autumn. When they scored a green mass and moved into the flowering stage, dosages of nitrogen mineral fertilizers should be reduced to a minimum in order not to stimulate the growth of shoots to the detriment of crop. From the middle of the summer and until the end of autumn, phosphorus and potassium will be the main mineral feeders.

Caution! Pepper does not endure potassium chloride - it is very toxic and causes a stop of the movement of juices in shoots

Potassium sulphate should be used (sulfate potassium), superphosphate. For watering on bucket of water need to:

  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

If the mineral fertilizers are not enough, the plants show it through.

Proper feeding of peppers will help grow a major harvest

Pepper (lat. Capsicum Annuum) is the annual representative of the family of Parenic. The plant is not suitable in care, it grows in conditions of moderately warm temperature (from 18 to 25 degrees of heat Celsius) and humidity 70-85%. In order for the pepper harvest to please the need timely and correctly selected feeding.

What to feed the pepper after landing in the ground

Before proceeding with seedlings, the soil is being prepared. On 1 m.kv. Poland compost, 100 grams of ash, 0.5 tbsp. Double superphosphate and 1 tsp. Potassium sulfate. After making fertilizers, the soil plow, shed heated to 50 degrees. Celsius with water, and is covered with film.

Pepper irrigation rules before feeding

Watering the pepper must be performed for a day or two before the feeding in a liquid form. This refers to both prepared solutions and complex fertilizers, but not to the organic. The soil during feeding should be wet, when using dry mineral fertilizers, repeated watering is carried out.

For the first time feeding peppers after planting 15-20 days for the development of the root system and adaptation. It is recommended to apply fertilizers in the composition of which the content of phosphates and nitrogen is increased. 2.5 g of double superphosphate and 10 g of carbamide on the water bucket. Make a liter for each pepper, in pre-moistened soil. After rooting plants, you can use the organic: bird litter or korovyan (dissolved in water 1 to 10).

If the soil is not fertile, additional feeding will be required to saturate minerals: 20 g of potassium sulfate and 35-40 g of ammonium nitrate and phosphate. Or replaced with a complex drug leafdrip.

Before you feed peppers in a greenhouse, it is important to take into account - how the ground under the landing was prepared. If the method specified above, then the feeding is used as the same as when growing in the open ground.

Pepper feeding during growth and development

During growth, the feeder is produced twice a month, applying mineral fertilizers and the organic. Growing peppers need a sufficient amount of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen. During this period, nitroammophosku or azophosu is used according to the instructions.

When peppers are poorly growing than to feed - you need to decide quickly. If signs of diseases, pests and lack of mineral substances are not observed, use the complex fertilizer in small doses: Kemira suite or a clean sheet.

Before starting the bootonization, the feeder is carried out with superphosphate and nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium sulfate, sodium saltier): in 10 liters of water dissolved according to 5 and 10 g of mineral fertilizers and insist. Previously, the beds are abundantly watered with sprinkling, and the solution will bring after that trying not to fall on the leaves, 100-150 g per bush.

Be careful when choosing a fertilizer

When feeding peppers, fertilizers containing chlorine (ammonium chloride) should be avoided, since it is "clogging" in the root system. This will not destroy the plant, but will slow down the access of minerals and its development, it may affect the size and taste of fruits.

A chicken litter is used from organic fertilizers (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 5), wood ashes (200 g per bucket of water), manure (1 kg per 10 liters of water).

Pepper Fertilizer Recipe: Green Tea

It has a positive effect on the growth of peppers feeding with herbs and dried flowers. To do this, the leaves and flowers of the plantain, dandelion, nettle, mother-and-stepmother and loft are harvested, folded in a bucket and poured with cold water. The solution is left to be 7-8 days, after being filled and poured under each bush of 1 l together with the feeding.

Than to feed pepper while flowering

A sufficient number of potassium in the soil is the key to the good flowering of peppers and the formation of the wound. Therefore, feeding pepper during flowering is carried out by potash fertilizers (dry potassium, carbamide): 1 teaspoon on the water bucket. Natural fertilizers, such as cluster infusion, also fruitfully affect peppers.

It is possible to feed peppers in a greenhouse during flowering by organic mineral fertilizer eco-inflammation or dacket to stimulate the development of the barriers. Apply them in a dry form, totting under each bush specified on the package. After such fertilizer is necessarily irrigated by pepper.

The introduction of organic improves the structure of the soil, increases fertility, helps to fight pests. For cooking, feeding a bucket of young leaves and poured with cold water to one and a half weeks until it starts to wander, and the leaves will not devourge on the bottom. After that, filter, and watered a tincture of every 10 days.

During flowering, the pepper feeder in the greenhouse is popular (diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2) and urea (25 g per 10 liters of cold water) or mineral fertilizers. 1 tablespoon of superphosphate is breeding on the water bucket, and 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate.

Before you feed peppers during fruiting pay attention to maturation. If the crop quickly matures, on it defects, and the bushes remain strong and do not fade - you can not make fertilizers at all.

To accelerate and more uniform aging, the feeder is carried out with superphosphate and potash salt (added 2 teaspoons on 10 liters of water) after ripening fruits. Pepper feeding in the greenhouse is carried out after collecting the first harvest. To do this, use manure or chicken litter - half ancara fertilizer is bred with cold water.

Mineral fertilizers use complex phosphorus-potash (tablespoons on a bucket of 10 liters of water). It is useful to fertilize urea peppers. To prepare a solution of 25 g of powder dissolved in water.

Pepper feeding when slowing growth

Slowing the growth of peppers, fading flowers, loss of rich color of leaves and stalks - the first signs of a shortage or excess mineral substances. In this case, an additional root is carried out (fertilizers are introduced into the soil) or extraxnealing (spray plants) feeding.

If pepper is poorly growing - than to feed the appearance of the appearance of the plant. Matte-gray leaves from the back - indicator of lack of nitrogen fertilizers. Spend the urea spraying (dig 1 teaspoon in 10 liters of water).

When falling off, fridge and flowers spray peppers with a boric acid solution (1 teaspoon on the water bucket).

The poor formation of fruit indicates an insufficient number of phosphates and an excess of nitrogen. Spend a spraying with a solution: 1 teaspoon of superphosphate on half a water, as well as reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers.


Fertilizers that can be filtered by peppers in the greenhouse and in the open ground a lot. Correctly addresses the minerals necessary for the development of plants, you will not only provide them with favorable conditions for growth, but also reduce the incidence of culture, as well as increase yields.

The yield of most garden crops depends on the supply that the person will provide them. Bulgarian peppers - no exception. Like other vegetables, they need certain nutrients, so every gardener will use it to know how to feed peppers in the greenhouse and open soil, ranging from seedlings and ending with adult plants.

It is possible to properly feed pepper as mineral fertilizers of industrial production and organic, but homemade manufacturer. It is necessary to use them the more often than the meager soil on which these delicious vegetables grow, because they are distinguished by enviable "appetite".

Mineral fertilizers

Those gardeners who have long grown sweet pepper in their beds, actively use ready-made mineral mixtures for feeding, including certain components. It is very convenient, because at every stage of development of this culture, it needs different chemical elements. For example, in the initial stage of growth in Bulgarian pepper, nitrogen and potassium are especially required, so the first time take the following mixes to feed the seedlings:

  • Kemira-suite (20 g of fertilizer on 10 liters of water);
  • Gumi Kuznetsova (2 h. Dilute in 10 liters of water).

During this period, a mixture of potassium sulfate can be used (3 hours l), nitrate ammonia (2 h. L.) And superphosphate (3 tbsp.). Dissolve it in 10 liters of water. For the 2nd and 3rd feeders, use such complex fertilizers for pepper as: crystal (20 g of powder on 10 liters of water), agricola, Gomel, unifloor growth, nitroammofoska.

Organic fertilizers

It is possible to feed the sweet pepper and organichawic collected in your home. Below you will find recipes for the use of organic fertilizers.

Manure or bird litter

If you have pets, use fresh manure diluted in warm water in proportions 1 to 10 and a bird litter - 1 to 20. Leave it to the day and water the plant obtained by the liquid during their intensive growth.


Wood ash is another organic fertilizer, without which it is impossible to do with the cultivation of Bulgarian pepper. She will need young plants already when landing on a garden or to a greenhouse, therefore, when you transplant seedlings, put in every well on the ash handlers. In the future, water them with an aqueous solution of this fertilizer, which is preparing in the ratio: 5 tbsp. l. ash on a bucket of warm water.

Conducting the pepper of the pepper as a stake with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, both mineral nature and organic, as they are mutually exclusive.

Kitchen Waste

In addition to traditional manure and ash, for feeding the Bulgarian peppers boldly use kitchen waste: a stale bread, egg shell, dried banana skins, unsuitable for use of dairy products.

  • There are a lot of potassium in bananas, so you can add powder from dry skins already at the planting stage of seedlings, and then water adult plants with a tincture of fresh shkins (insistant 3 days 2-3 pcs. In 3 l of water).
  • Milk and egg shell contain calcium in easily digested by plants form, so make a nutrient tincture of them for your pets. Take 3 or 4 egg shells, throw them into powder, pour it into a 3-l jar, fill with hot water and leave on the 3rd day. Water the seedlings with the resulting solution.
  • Facely peppers can be fresh in the art of herbs that is easy to find on any garden: nettle, wets, dandelion and plantain. Cut them into small pieces, pour the bucket of warm water, insist the week, and then water this liquid peppers (1 l for each pepper bus).


The feeding of peppers Iodine pursues several goals at once: stimulates growth, increases yield, improves the taste of fruits, prevents diseases. For feeding peppers, there are enough 1-2 drops of an ordinary alcohol tincture of iodine dissolved in 1 liter of water. This liquid can add 0.1 liters of fresh milk serum.


Peppercup of the pepper yeast - an agroprite, familiar yet not yet to all gardens, but very useful for the sweet peppers themselves, since yeast contains a lot of useful substances: nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, minerals and especially vitamins.

The tincture of yeast has a double effect: perfectly stimulates the development of root and overhead parts of these vegetables, and also activates the reproduction of beneficial soil bacteria.

For feeding peppers are suitable as fresh and dry yeast. Prepare fertilizer as follows:

  1. Take 1 kg of fresh yeast.
  2. Fill their 5 l of heated water.
  3. Leave it to approximately 1 day.
  4. Divide infusion in 5 buckets of water and use it for watering.

Cooking from dry yeast prepare about the same. Take 1 bag and dissolve it in 1 bucket of warm water. Add 2 tbsp. l. Sugar and leave for 2 hours. Then 0.5 liters of yeast fluid add to 10 liters of warm water. Such a vitamin feeding is not so much, it is enough to help peppers 2 times for the entire season of vegetation.

It should be noted that it is necessary to prepare yeast feeding with the addition of ash, as the yeast contributes to the fact that potassium in the soil becomes inaccessible for absorbing plants.

How to determine what lack peppers in appearance

Peppers will successfully grow and develop only if in the soil they will be those nutritional elements that they need and if they are balanced. It is possible to determine the shortage or oversupply of chemical elements in the appearance of plants. If peppers:
  1. The leaves became pale-green, they had a yellowness on them, and there were few colors on the plants themselves, it means that they lack nitrogen. Pour them with a cow's solution.
  2. On the leaves there were yellow-gray specks, and they began to curl into the tube - calcium deficiency. Stop feeding them with nitrogen and potassium.
  3. The leaves are yellow, wither and fall out, and the ripening fruits are too small - this means that there is a lot of calcium in the ground. Put in the soil of nitrogen.
  4. Pale green leaves are a lack of nitrogen. Pour the plants with urea or cow.
  5. Dark green, with a reddish or bluish tinge of the leaves - phosphorus deficiency. Put superphosphate into the soil.

Do not forget to follow your wards and be careful to their needs, and for it they will delight you with the excellent harvest of delicious and juicy fruits.

Schemes Undercaming

Bulgarian pepper feed the following scheme:

  1. In the phase of the first real leaves.
  2. When the 3rd pair of leaves appear.
  3. 1 week before it landing into the ground.
  4. 10 days after landing.
  5. In the bootonization phase.
  6. During fruiting.

These are the main steps of pepper feeding at home. Consider in more detail than to fertilize peppers in different periods of vegetation.

Seedlings after picking

Many young peppers in highly concentrated fertilizer do not need, they are still enough of a weak solution. Therefore, to feed peppers after picking, which is carried out 1 week after this procedure, use the following mixture:

  • ammonium and potash nitrate - 1 g;
  • superphosphate - 3 g

Dissolve it in 1 l of heated water and carefully paint for each bush. Spend 2 more such stimulating feeders with an interval of 1 week, but in this case, the share of potassium will increase to 8 g. Also at this time, it is possible to fertilize the culture with liquid mineral complexes or ordinary black tea. Take 1 tbsp. l. Speed \u200b\u200bwelding and pour it 3 l hot water. Insist it at least 5 days, and then proceed to watering.

What you need to feed the seedlings of peppers for growth at home

During the intensive growth of peppers, feed them 2 times every month, using synthetic industrial production of fertilizer and the organic. At this time, they should be provided with enough nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. For the first feeding of peppers, which in the phase of 2 leaves, use the azophosku and nitroammophos in the amount specified in the instructions. An aqueous solution of chicken litter is well accelerated from organic fertilizers (in concentration 1 to 20), the manure (1 to 10), ash (1 to 50). Second the second feeder after 2 weeks. At this time, the peppers should already appear 3 pairs of leaves.

The best you to get the peppers after disembarking in the ground or greenhouse

Making fertilizers during the landing is the first stage of the feeding of young plants of peppers. Before planting seedlings, put a little wood ash into each well so that the plants are quickly rooted. The first feeding of pepper after disembarking to a permanent place should be carried out after 10-14 days pass. The rooted seedlings in order to grow, first of all, nitrogen is needed, so feed it with an ammonia nitrate, a cowboy, a bird litter, which has been boring the grass according to the recipes described above.

You can use ready-made mineral mixtures:

  • Gumi Kuznetsova;
  • Ideal;
  • Crystal;
  • Sudarushka;
  • Orton micro FE.

The following pencil feeds in the open ground also spend the intervals in 2 weeks. For feeding peppers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate, use the same compositions.

Than to feed pepper while flowering

Potassium is the element that stimulates the formation of flowers and wounds, because when feeding already blooming peppers, it is necessary to focus on potash fertilizers. Use carbamide, as well as dry potassium. Divide the urea for feeding in 1 bucket of water (1 tsp).

Also suitable solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Take 1 tbsp. l. first fertilizer and 1 tsp. Second and stir in the bucket of water. Excellent stimulate the formation of uncess and dry mixes:

  1. Ecalogum;
  2. Summer resident.

Lower them near each bustle in the amount indicated on their packaging and immediately sprinkle the plants.

During the fruiting of pepper and for rapid ripening of fruits

Especially very much Bulgarian peppers need food during the period of fruiting, as they spend a lot of strength to form and aging fruits. Fertilizers for peppers need to be made even in order to make the ripening process of fruits faster and uniform. Fruit peppers require phosphorus and potassium, so to obtain a good harvest, feed them with superphosphate with a potash salt with an interval of 2 weeks. In August, adopt the culture of the infusion of a cowber (1 to 20).

Basic rules of subcord

Some gardeners, not very sophisticated in the cultivation of peppers, believe that the more fertilizers will be entered into the soil, the abundance will eventually be a crop. But it's not always the case. If the ground is fat, rich in humus, and peppers growing normally grow normally, do not feel good and well, then fertilizers do not need to make, because the oversupply of nutrient elements is also harmful, as well as their deficit.

Use any fertilizers for peppers in the open soil and greenhouse, only if the plants are sluggish, lag behind in growth, there are few flowers on them, and the fruits are small. Especially do not abuse the fresh manure and bird litter - the oversupply of nitrogen will lead to the fact that the pepper will increase the magnificent green mass, and the fruits on it will be very small.

Divide all fertilizers in heated stretching water. Cold and chlorinated is not suitable. Observe the sequence: first paint the earth, and then make fertilizers. After each, the soil loosened to break the resulting crust.

Cake plants no more than 1 time in 10 days, but also at least 1 time per month. Alternate mineral fertilizers and feeding peppers by folk remedies.

When making fertilizers, try not to fall on the leaves, since because of the too concentrated solution, the peppers leaves can get a burn.

In the same way, you can feed the room pepper on the windowsill, which is no different from Bulgarian. Feed it with the same fertilizers and in the same volumes as its sweet fellow.

Fruits on the plant appear 2 weeks earlier than in the open soil. In addition, such a result can be achieved even when using the unheated design. In addition, tomatoes in the greenhouse are less susceptible to such a common disease as phytoofer.

Therefore, the overall harvest is obtained better and more. At the same time, it is necessary to solve questions with drip irrigations in advance.

Tomatoes in Teplice: landing, steaming, garter, feeding

However, it is easy to organize it. The test of competent recommendations and careful care, complete confidence in the professional and courage in experiments - all this will lead to ripe fruits. Grow tomatoes in their greenhouse or in the open soil - the case is simple, if you know the basic requirements for the cultivation of this vegetable.

The cultivation of tomatoes in the greenhouse is somewhat different from the cultivation of them in the open soil. It is necessary that the tomatoes in the greenhouse are in a closed space, without getting anything except, except sunlight. They need to water and ventilate them in a timely manner.

And the right feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse will be the key to a good and abundant harvest. Having a tomato to the greenhouse is best when the seedlings are growing enough, it will reach 20-30 centimeters in a height, and the leaves on each plant will appear by 10-12 pieces. In terms of the seedlings, Tomato seedlings are planted in the first decade of May.

Fertilizer beds

It is necessary to add 1 bucket of peat, wood sawdust or humus to each sq. Milk for each bed of a loamy or clay soil. meter. If the peat is already in beds, it is placed on the bucket of humus, the delicate earth, sawdust or shallow shavings.

Also put in half a grain sand. On top of all this is added a spoonful of potassium sulfate and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate. Then everything is well drunk.

Vegetative subordinate

The soil for tomatoes must be properly prepared by making the necessary fertilizers. In terms of 1 square meter of the Earth, it should be paid: 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate, as well as half-grained sand.

The soil is good to overoperate and prepare the wells. Next feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse do 20 days later. It is carried out by organic or mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizers are best used liquid, watering plants at the rate of 1 liter of water per plant. The pressing of tomatoes grown in the greenhouse is carried out 10 days after the first feeding. It is carried out by complex fertilizers, such as "ideal" or "fertility". Spent 12 days can be carried out another fertilizer.

This time you can use special means that improve the fruit marking, and you can use such a composition of the fertilizer: 2 tablespoons of wood ash and 1 tablespoon of superphosphate for 10 liters of water. Each plant is poured into such a solution at the rate of 2 liters for the root. When tomatoes enter the phase of active fruiting, they are fed by the humate of sodium and nitroposka.

Pollination of Tomatov flowers

Fruits appear due to the fact that the bees are pollinated. But in the closed system, the greenhouse is no bees. Therefore, it is necessary to solve this problem.

In solar warm weather, floral brushes need to shake slightly. The main thing to do it neatly. For the germination of pollen on the pestle, after pollination it is necessary to believe in the flowers in small spruple and pour the soil.

After a couple of hours, you can reduce the humidity of the air, opening the door and the window in the greenhouse. Easy attention to the ventilation. It is of great importance in the tomato flowering phase. It is important to prevent the condensate appear on the film.

Due to the oveurgement of the soil, the maintenance of dry substances and sugar is reduced. Because of this, they become acidic and watery, such as on the market. Thanks to the correct watering of Tomatoes Teplice, the crop will not be just high. You will also get high-quality fruits. Use the following raising scheme of tomatoes in the greenhouse:

  • Before the flowering of plants begins, water the seedlings of 4-5 liters of water for each square. Meter every 5-7 days. The start of fruit formation during flowering is needed a more abundant watering. It will take 10-15 liters of water to square. meter.

At the same time, you must take into account that water should have a temperature ranging from +20 to +22 degrees. This is a very important point. You can only water in the morning watches.

At another time, watering is harmful. So you can prevent the appearance of harmful excessive moisture. In fact, it is important for the successful cultivation of tomatoes in greenhouse conditions, watering and competent feeding of plants.

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More articles about the country and garden

Pepper, as well as tomatoes, eggplants, belongs to the family of the Polenic. All these vegetable crops speak very well on Mineral fertilizers introduced into the soil, especially for potassium and nitrogen, and only the pepper needs in them are somewhat higher than that of tomatoes.

Pepper chlorine is bad, due to this, the fertilizer should use fertilizers with minimal chlorine content, and even better, without it without it. The minimum fertilizer, which makes it in the ground, is highly dependent on both the varieties of seedlings and its age, Weather conditions and quantities and quantities of shaped strings. It is used to understand, for what purpose are those or other mineral fertilizers. So for normal growth and development, since the appearance of the first sprouts and before the start of fruit, pepper needs phosphoric fertilizers.

During the whole time of growth, development and fruiting, peppers need nitrogen and calcium. In the period when the plants actively form the ovary, so that they normally develop, it is necessary to feed the plants with potash fertilizers. So if there is a long time on the street, there is a cloudy, little sunny weather, then you need to increase the number of potash fertilizers by about 20%. In case of constant solar weather, the number of potash fertilizers is reduced by 20%.

Spring Preparing Earth in Teplice

Before starting the planting of pepper seedlings in beds, they must be prepared in a special way and easily. To the greenhouse soil must be made, at the rate of 1m2, the following fertilizers:

  • 1h. Spoon of potassium sulfate; 1 Wood ash ;? Pouring buckets or compost (last year's).

Mineral fertilizers listed above can be replaced by complex mineral fertilizer, it is desirable specialized, introducing, approximately 1-2 tbsp. Spoons on each m2. Before making carefully read the composition specified on the package.

If the fertilizer contains a large amount of chlorine, it is better not to use it, since the pepper is very poorly tolerates this substance. (See Tomato Fertilizer in Teplice) After the fertilizer has been made to carry out the shakes of a shallow ridge, then shed it with warm water and covered with a clean transparent film. In this state, the prepared ridge is left for several days, up to the time of plant landing.

Basic Rules of Peppers

  1. Feed peppers every two weeks. Dissolve organic and mineral substances in warm, stretched water. Its temperature should be close to the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse (approximately + 250s.). Read more than making feeding, each plant should be wrapped with warm water, and only then make fertilizers. After being done, the soil around each plantingly shamelessly sharpened, if it is not inspired. It is necessary to alternate the feeding of organic mineral fertilizers. Love feeders must be carried out Only on wet soil. Therefore, a couple of days before the feeding, plants need to be shedding.

It is important: not to give peppers excess nitrous fertilizers, as this will lead to increasing by plants with a large green mass, to the detriment of the tying and the development of fruits.

Organization of feeding during the season

When to feed?

The deadlines for the start of the feeding depends on what time and in what volume, as well as, the ridge was filled, on which pepper is planted. If the compost or humidiation was laid in the soil, and in the spring, the earth was fertilized in the spring, then the fertilizers need less and the feeding can be carried out somewhat later. Peppers landed in small greenhouses can be picked up somewhat less often - once every 15-20 days. We will consider in more detail than to feed the pepper in the greenhouse. (See also feeding tomato)

First subordinate

Planting pepper seedlings to the greenhouse are carried out when the height of the plant reaches 15-25 cmIt has at least 8 real leaves and buds are already laid. Thus, approximately through 14-15 days After the transplantation of peppers to a permanent place, the plants begin to bloom. At this time, the first feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is held.

You can use a solution of any bird litter in water, in proportion 1:15, which has been renowned at least 5 days, or a liquid korlard in a ratio of 1:10, has been felt during the week. In the case, if there are no organic fertilizers, then you can dissolve 40 g superphosphate And ammonium nitrate, add 20 g of potassium sulfate, in 10 liters of warm and outstanding water. Soviet: very good fertilizer containing all the micro and macroelements necessary for plants, is the so-called "herbal tea". Make it yourself very very simple: nettle, moc., Dandelion, plantain or mother-and-stepmother, that is, any weeds that you remove from your site, finely choke or cut down. It is important that there are no seeds and roots on the plants.

All this green "Kashitsa", the weight of which should be about 6-7 kg, will interfere with 100 liters of barrel. There are 1stand of any ash and a bucket of a cowboat. In rocked water, and then all its contents are thoroughly mixed. The composition becomes the composition must flow at least a week.

The first feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse, and any other crops, including pepper, is carried out by 1-2l per plant. All two weeks after the first feeding, during the formation of the uncess and the development of fruits, the second feeding is held.

Second subcord

In the event that the first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse was carried out with mineral fertilizers, the second should contain organic matter. For this, you can in 100 liters of barrel to dilute 1 cup of urea ,? Buckets of any avian litter, 1 bucket of last year's manure.

All components are poured with water and left for insistence for 5-7 days. Then it is used at the rate of 5-6 liters of solution for each 1m2. In the case if you notice the fragility of the stems or pepper shoots, as well as saturated dark green leaves, speaking over the amount of nitrogen in the soil, can be filled with plants, dissolving 1 hour . A spoonful of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. spoon of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Extra-green subcords

Throughout the term of growth and development of peppers, plants need to be in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, as well as in such trace elements, such as iodine, molybdenum, zinc, boron, manganese. Higher way to convey all these necessary and important substances to the plant It is an extractive feeder, simply speaking, spraying the entire plant with a solution of fertilizers. If plants grow poorly, an extractive feeding will help to stimulate the processes of growth and development. To do this, it is necessary to dilute in 10 liters of water 1 t. A spoonful of urea. In the case if the plants began to drop flowers and zeroze, it can help an extraordinary feeding of peppers with a solution of boric acid (solution of 1 h. Looping 10 liters of water). When the fruits are poorly formed, you can spray with a solution of 1C. Superphosphate Spoons B. 5 liters of waterMore than to proceed with spraying, cooked solutions should be strain, and then sprayed by means of a sprayer. In order to protect the pepper in the greenhouse from pests as a web tick and a word, as well as to increase the stability of this culture to various diseases, it is recommended to periodically carry out extra-corne An aqueous solution of ash, in which all the necessary elements are contained.

For each person, it is obvious that not always, even with the maximum of their efforts, it is possible to get a decent harvest. The point is not in the amount and total weight of the fruit, although it is also an extremely important indicator.

But after all, you can collect the mountain of vegetables, the taste of which will be not at the height. Why depends on? In the cultivation of vegetables there are no little things, everything is important here: the timing of landing into the ground or the greenhouse of seedlings, the scruption schedule, proper steaming.

But nothing affects the taste of fruits like fertilizer. Therefore, in this article, we will tell about how to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse and in the open soil. Schuham of tomatoes in the greenhouse conditions and in the conditions of open soil almost the same, the only difference is that there is no one-time fertilization application immediately after planting seedlings.

general informationSome inexperienced gardeners ask themselves the question: "Why do you invent, what to feed tomatoes for growth?" A certain part of people has a clearly formed opinion: fertilizer is bad. For such an assertion there are grounds: if there are many fertilizers, they not only badly affect plants, but also laid in the fruits, making them tasteless, inedible or unsafe for human health.

Therefore, it is extremely important to adhere to the recommended concentration. However, think about how to feed the tomatoes, still have to. After all, in order for one centner of tomatoes formed, the plant should recycle about 0.25 kg of nitrogen, 0.15 kg of phosphorus and up to a potassium alkylogram.

Non-believersWhen the question arises about how to feed tomatoes, most people choose only root feeding. However, there is a way to make all the beneficial substances, bypassing the root system.

By analogy with a person, it looks like this: drugs introduced through the stomach (in the soil) act slowly than those that have fallen into the body through blood (absorbed from the surface of the leaves). The root feeders are carried out with special preparations, for example, the "master" or "Plantafol ", Ordinary mineral or organic blends for this are not suitable. Such feedstocks are very conveniently combined with spraying from different pests and diseases. Why do the tomatoes: the classic fertilizer making scheme is compiled individually for each specific case, however, you must comply with several general rules: - Tomatoes feather 4-5 times per season; - Very Important watering: Useful substances should not lie in a dead cargo in dry ground, and flow to plants with water; - the abundance of moisture leads to the flushing of fertilizers, so the amount of feeder increases in a rainy summer or on poor soils, but at the same time introduced substances decreases by about a third; - root feeders can be carried out both with special mineral mixtures, and independently made of manganese, crumbs of eggshell, wood ash, humor, chicken litter, etc., etc., you got complete information about how Fuck tomatoes. It remains only to apply these knowledge in practice and grow rich, tasty and healthy harvest.

Undercalinking tomatoes in open soil and greenhouse

Tomatoes grade EvpatorSo, two weeks passed, as you landed tomato seedlings to a greenhouse or an open soil. It's time to feed the plants. Undercalinking tomatoes in the open soil or greenice - is there any difference? What types of feeding are at all?

Recent years, gardeners (those that I know) give preference to the organcient, trying to use mineral fertilizers less. Highly popular is the homemade cheap, but very effective "green fertilizer". But about him, just below.

Types of feeding tomatoes

There are two types of feeding. Root and extractive. Most girodnikov uses the root feeder. It feeds plants through the root system, that is, it is watering a nutritious mineral or organic solution under the root.

Many know about the extraxorna, but they use it less often, and in vain. Extra-corner is when we are the same nutrient solution directly on the leaves of plants. Such a type of cudders of tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers has several advantages.

First, it saves fertilizers. Because when we bring them under plants, a significant part of the nutrients is washed off with watering, during the rain, not all nutrients get a plant.

And when we make a solution on the surface of the sheet, all nutrients pass through the leaf inside the plant. And this happens very quickly. Therefore, there is an extraordinary feeder significantly faster than the root.

Secondly, it enjoys it to promptly help the plant suffering from a shortage of a particular trace element. I try more often to use an extractive feeder for seedlings, for plants recently planted in an open soil or greenhouse, that is, for younger seedlings. For some extraxornal feeding, lower solutions are used than for root, so as not to cause a burn burn.

It uses fertilizers that are completely dissolved without precipitate, which do not contain chlorine. Usually it is liquid forms of female mixtures, no matter what are mineral or organic.

Try to prepare nutrient solutions to use non-chlorized water - rain or at least auxiliary water supply. The root and extractive feeding are equally useful, both for tomatoes that grow in open ground and for greenhouses. In the first half of the vegetation, the plants are better to alternate.

In the second - go to the root feeding. A greenhouse with high humidity should be more often ventilated, especially after spraying. In order for the plant to receive a maximum of benefit from any feeding, you need to know when - in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening - it is better to spend them.

When should you feed tomatoes

Very important point: if you make an extraordinated feeder or root, then it follows in the morning or in the evening. Why is that? If we are talking about extraxorno, the nutrient solution should be on the surface of the leaves as long as possible, so that he can do.

And with a bright sun spraying leaves can cause a burn. This is, first. And secondly, the sun quickly dries the droplets of the nutrient solution, he will not have time to absorb the leaves.

With an extraxiner feeder, it should be monitored that the solution gets not only on the outer side of the sheet, but the inner too. The root of water to water the plants with a mineral or organic solution too early in the morning or in the evening. I prefer evening irrigation, and my neighbor in the country waters his cucumbers, tomatoes in a greenhouse or open ground only early in the morning.

The reasons also seem to be clear: water or nutritional solution, which fell during the day on the leaves can cause sunny foliage burn. Do not force the plant to spend the forces on the restoration or healing of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

How often do feeding

Usually ask a question, how often do you need to hold the tomatoes with mineral or organic fertilizers? A brief answer is not very often. And, if more precisely, I spend them like root and extraxnealing in 10-15 days. That is, about 2-3 times in a month. Alternate them.

Once - the extraordinary feeder, next time - feeding my tomatoes under the root. Evgery feeding (spraying) I do in the first half of the growing season, that is, as soon as I noticed that the first fruits were flooded, began to feel it, it stopped. And the root continue to make the entire period of vegetation (development) of tomatoes. The first time should be filing tomatoes in 10-12 days after the seedlings landing.

When the bloom of tomatoes begins, do not miss the deadlines - it will depend on the number of umbrellas and the harvest. In the greenhouse or open soil, the feeder is carried out as follows. You need to feed individually every plant.

If the soil under the plants is dry, then before the dressing it is necessary to moisten the soil. Pour the tomatoes with clean water, the temperature of which is not lower than 20-22? P. When watering in the greenhouse, try so that the water does not fall on the leaves - an extra moisture there is nothing.

Water in the morning - after that, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. And after irrigation, pour under each tomato bush Paul liters of nutritional solution. In the corner of tomatoes in the greenhouse, I try to do in the morning so that in the evening the nutritional solution has absorbed. At night, the plants should be dry.

Than to feed tomatoes in the greenhouse or open soil

For the first feeding after transplanting seedlings I use liquid fertilizer based on Gumatov. This year is the guise of Kuznetsov (natural elixir fertility). On 10 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of the elixir. But you can proceed from the range of your stores for gardeners and gardeners.

It is not bad to use Gumat-80, Gumat + 7, Gumat-Universal, Emerald, Ideal. On 10 liters of water, there are 1-2 tablespoons of fertilizer.

Here, add 1 tablespoon of instant mineral fertilizer (for example, a wagon fertility). On each plant is enough a 0.5 liter solution. Therefore, when planting seedlings from mineral fertilizers I use only ash and compost.

After disembarking - fertilizer based on humate with fantic versatile. And that's it. The following feeders are only organic.

How to cook organic "green fertilizer"

I like the positive reaction of my tomatoes to the "green fertilizer". How do I cook it? Very simple. Recipes such a "green fertilizer" are a lot. The basis of it is a beveled green weed grass. I have an old metallic 200-liter barrel.

But the metal barrel is not advised to use for the preparation of this fertilizer, apparently, the metal oxidation process is negatively affected by quality. I have no plastic barrel. You yourself know, there are almost no hopeless situations.

Bought huge 300-liter plastic bags. Invested one bag in another (for strength), placed them inside the barrel. Filled 1/3 water so that it straightened them.

Polyethylene Sun blew a little bit, became elastic, stretched, bags tightly dressed outside on the edge of the barrels. I got my metallic barrel with a plastic insert. And so, I already had a little water in the barrel, I add a bevelous grass there.

Experienced gardeners advise to fill the barrel of bevelled nettle. But I didn't have so much nettle, so I sketched almost complete (2/3) barrel of different weeds, the nettle was also there.

From above, she threw approximately 1 kg of wood ash, half a chicken litter, a liter of 2 dairy "shopping" serum (natural, they say, is enough of 1 liter), a pack of yeast of the bakery (100 g). Water added almost to the top. This will take this time from the book "Reasonable Agriculture" Yu. I. Slogan.

He calls this solution with the infusion of microbial organisms. Instead of yeast, the author recommends adding BRGG - 3 liters of non-chlorized water, 150 g of sugar insist 2-3 days. There is very actively and stench in a barrel, sorry for the details, not the most pleasant one.

And to mix the fertilizer at least once a day. All this week is 1.5-2. Then we take out the catching grass. When she dries, I put it under the zucchini. Why under the zucchini - I do not know.

Somehow, so from the very beginning he was heard. Zucchini are very grateful. You can try to use such a mulch on other plants. Plugged infusion in the barrel is a little more than half.

Pulling the barrel to the top. I take a ready-made infusion (500 ml), I add to wateringternally with water (6 liters), watering tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplants, pumpkins - floor liters of a bush. Yes, I almost forgot. The effect will be better if the soil under the plants will be wet.

That is, before the root feeder, be sure to span the tomatoes in the open ground or greenice. Very likes the result of such an organic feeding - plants are always green, the view of them is healthy, well tolerate bad weather, grow very quickly, the fruits are tied a lot and, it seems to be less , that is, their immunity increased. The solution can be carried out root and extractive feeding. Extra-corner usually spend on young plants planted in an open soil or greenhouse.

Watering under the root - every 10-12 days. I miss this solution for a long time. But everything, of course, depends on the number of plants planted. If I feel that the "green fertilizer" is not enough, then after it remains less than half in the barrel, filling the barrel of the new grass.

Nothing else, except for the water there I do not add. Waiting for 10-15 days - a new nutrient solution is ready. This "green fertilizer" works well against phytoofluorosis.

At least, it seems to me that after I began to use it, the appearance of phytoophulas on the leaves, the fruits almost did not. Last year (2013), only a few fruits of tomatoes (pieces 5), growing in the open soil, threw out from one bush.

On the rest of the bushes, the phostrals did not notice any signs. But this garden year (2014) began with rainy weather. Humidity, which is in the greenhouse, which is increased in the garden.

I am to prevent the appearance of phytoofluorosis on tomatoes, milder or false mildew on cucumbers, zucchini, additionally I still process the plant with a solution of brew whey (1 liter per 10 liters of water), which add 10 drops of iodine. This solution acts especially beneficially on tomatoes.

The iodine contributes to an increase in the number of strings, and the dairy serum in oppressively acts on pathogenic fungi. For the prophylaxis of phytoofluorosis on tomatoes. Once with a solution of breast serum, and the other is a phytosporin solution.

This drug not only protects tomatoes from phytoofluorosis development, it also feeds plants with bioactivated trace elements, especially its new modification - phytoosporin-m. Sometimes I miss the milk-acid treatment, but I will definitely replace it with a phytosporin solution, which is well suppresses the development of mushroom and bacterial diseases on plants. Do not forget that moisture, increased humidity in greenhouses or in the garden on the rainy period - have a beneficial effect on the development of phytoophulas, others fungal, bacterial diseases.

Be sure to handle your seedlings, do not wait for the appearance of the first signs of the disease. If the disease began to manifest itself, then it is too long and practically useless to fight it. And the answer to the main question.

Pepper, as well as tomatoes, eggplants, belongs to the family of the Polenic. All these vegetable crops speak very well on Mineral fertilizers introduced into the soil, especially for potassium and nitrogen, and only the pepper needs in them are somewhat higher than that of tomatoes. Poor tolerate chlorine pepper. By virtue of this, the fertilizer should use components with minimal chlorine content, and even better, without it.

The composition of mineral fertilizers, which contribute to the ground, is highly dependent on both the varieties of the seedlings and its age, weather conditions and the size and quantity of the shaped strings.

It should be understood, for what purpose are those or other fertilizers. So for normal growth and development, since the appearance of the first sprouts and before the start of fruit, pepper needs phosphoric fertilizers. Throughout the growth time, development and fruiting, he needs nitrogen and calcium. In the period when plants actively form the ovary, so that they normally develop, it is necessary to feed the potash fertilizers.

So, if there is a long time on the street, there is a cloudy, little sunny weather, then you need to increase the number of potash fertilizers by about 20%. In case of constant solar weather, the number of potash fertilizers is reduced by 20%.

Before proceeding with the seedlings falling into beds, they must be prepared in a special way and easily. To the greenhouse soil must be made, at the rate of 1M 2, the following fertilizers:

  • 1h. spoon of potassium sulfate;
  • 1st. spoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 Woody ash;
  • ½ bucket by humus or compost (last year's).

Mineral fertilizers listed above can be replaced with complex, preferably specialized, introducing, approximately 1-2 tbsp. Spoons for each m 2. Before making carefully read the composition specified on the package. If the fertilizer contains a large amount of chlorine, it is better not to use it, since the pepper is very poorly tolerates this substance. (See Fertilizer Tomato in Teplice)

After the fertilizers have been made to carry out the loosely shameful people of the ridge, and then shed it with warm water and covered with a clean transparent film. In this state, the prepared ridge is left for several days, up to the time of plant landing.

Fundamental rules

  1. Feed peppers every two weeks. Dissolve organic and mineral substances in warm, stretched water. Its temperature should be close to the temperature of the soil in the greenhouse (approximately +25 0 s).
  2. Before making feeding, each plant should be wedged with warm water, and only then make fertilizers.
  3. After the procedure was carried out, the soil around each plantingly shamelessly shame, if it is not insured.
  4. It is necessary to alternate feeders organic mineral fertilizers.
  5. Any feeding should be carried out only by wet soil. Therefore, a couple of days before, the plants need to be shedding.

It is important: not to give peppers excess nitrous fertilizers, as this will lead to increasing by plants with a large green mass, to the detriment of the tying and the development of fruits.

Organization of the procedure during the season

When to feed?

The deadlines for the start of the feeding depends on what time and in what volume, as well as, the ridge was filled, on which pepper is planted. If the compost or humidiation was laid in the soil, and in the spring, the earth was fertilized in the spring, then the fertilizers need less and the feeding can be carried out somewhat later.

Peppers landed in small greenhouses can be fed somewhat less frequent in 15-20 days.

First subordinate

The planting of pepper seedlings into the greenhouse is carried out when the height of the plant reaches 15-25 cm, it has at least 8 real leaves and buds are already laid. Thus, about 14-15 days after the transplantation of peppers to a permanent place, the plants begin to bloom.

It is at this time that the first feeding of peppers in the greenhouse is held. You can use a solution of any bird litter in water, in proportion 1:15, which has been fed no less than 5 days, or liquid korovyat in the ratio of 1:10, has been blown during the week.

In the event that there are no organic fertilizers, then 40 g of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate can be dissolved, add 20 g of potassium sulfate, in 10 liters of warm and rescued water.

Tip: Very good fertilizer containing all the micro-elements necessary for plants, is the so-called "herbal tea". Make it yourself very very simple: nettle, moc., Dandelion, plantain or mother-and-stepmother, that is, any weeds that you delete from your site, finely fuse or cut.

It is important that there are no seeds and roots on the plants. All this green "Kashitsa", the weight of which should be about 6-7 kg, will interfere with 100 liters of barrel. There are 1stand of any ash and a bucket of a cowboat. In rocked water, and then all its contents are thoroughly mixed.

The resulting composition should flow at least a week. The first feeding of tomatoes in the greenhouse, and any other crops, including pepper, is carried out by 1-2l per plant.

Two weeks after the first feeding, during the formation of the barrows and the development of fruits, the second feeding is carried out.

Second subcord

In the event that the first feeding of pepper in the greenhouse was carried out with mineral fertilizers, the second should contain organic matter. To do this, you can dilute 1 glass of urea, ½ bucket of any bird litter, 1 bucket of last year's manure. All components are poured with water and left for insistence for 5-7 days. Then it is used at the rate of 5-6 liters of the solution for each 1M 2.

In the event that you have noticed the fragility of the stems or pepper shoots, as well as saturated dark green leaves, speaking about the excess amount of nitrogen in the soil, can be filing the plants, dissolving 1 t. Spoon of potassium sulfate and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

Extra-green subcords

Throughout the term of growth and development of peppers, plants need both in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, as well as in such trace elements, such as iodine, molybdenum, zinc, boron, manganese.

It is a good way to convey all these necessary and important substances to the plant is an extraordinary feeder, simply put, spraying the entire plant with a solution of fertilizers.

If the plants are poorly growing, the extractive feeding will help to stimulate the processes of growth and development. For this you need to dilute in 10 liters of water 1 h. Spoon of urea.

In the event that plants began to drop flowers and wounds, it can help an extraordinary feeding of peppers with a solution of boric acid (solution of 1 h. Looping 10 liters of water). When the fruits are poorly formed, you can spray with a solution of 1C. Spoons of superphosphate in 5 liters of water.

Before proceeding with spraying, the prepared solutions should be strain, and then sprayed by means of a spray.

In order to protect the pepper in a greenhouse from pests such as a web tick and a wave, as well as to increase the stability of this culture to various diseases, it is recommended to periodically carry out extraxnealing plant feeding with an aqueous ash solution in which all the necessary elements are contained.