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When to guess: auspicious days. What days can you guess? New Year's fortune telling on mirror patterns

Who hasn't wondered at least once? Who was not interested in looking into the future, opening the veil of secrets and mysteries? Goes now Christmas week, so we decided to tell you how to tell fortunes on Christmastide. Having previously googled, asked our grandmothers, we armed ourselves with all kinds of "sacred" gizmos in order to try on ourselves the ancient rites of fortune-telling. What can I say, people are arranged this way, they want to know what will happen. For a long time, mankind has been trying in every possible way to look into the future, to find out what awaits us for sure is impossible, but it is possible to reveal a little secrets with the help of fortune-telling.

When can you guess in January?

With the onset, the desire to find out what lies ahead becomes even greater, which is why it is customary to guess during the holidays. The most favorable days for this:
- Night from December 31 to January 1 ( New Year)
- Night from 6 to 7 January (Christmas)
- Night from 13 to 14 January (Old New Year)
- January 17 (Feklistov day)
- January 18 (Epiphany).

At first, only prophets and psychics managed to look into the future, now everyone can tell fortunes.

Divination on New Year's Eve

On the main night of the year, an incredible atmosphere reigns around, and most importantly, a powerful energy that favors fortune-telling. How can you look into the future?

  • An unmarried girl should put the first piece of food at the head of the festive table and invite the betrothed to taste it. The groom will come in a dream.
  • The bride-to-be can still put kings from card deck, if the betrothed did not come in a dream, you need to get the card at random in the morning.

Divination at Christmas

They say they dream on Christmas night prophetic dreams, therefore, their interpretation is the most reliable way predict the future. In order not to forget the dream, it is better to write it down on a piece of paper immediately after waking up.

The most popular way of fortune telling on Christmas is fortune telling by the shadows, this method does not require special preparation, you only need to connect your imagination. To do this, take a large plate, set fire to a crumpled sheet of paper on it and move it all to the wall. Further, it remains only to interpret the shadows seen on the wall. The main attribute of this kind of fortune telling is intuition, you just need to trust it.

Coffee magic

Surely you have heard sometime about fortune telling on coffee grounds. In order to look into the future with the help of this drink, you do not need special skills. Just drink a cup of ground coffee, and then throw all the leftovers on a plate so that the mass is distributed over the dishes, and you get patterns. It is them that should be deciphered. The most popular silhouettes are interpreted as follows:
- animal silhouettes - to concern
- man - goodbye
- buildings - to prosperity
- plants - to quarrels or travel

The most mysterious fortune-telling

Fortune-telling with a mirror evokes some fear, because it is intended for unmarried girls, and you need to guess at midnight alone.

To start with large mirror two candles are placed for lighting and a smaller mirror, so that the illusion of an endless corridor is created, while saying "The betrothed, disguised, show yourself!" When a man's silhouette appears in the reflection from behind, you need to consider it, and then say: “Keep away from this place!”.

You can tell fortunes with the help of a ring, you need to place it on the bottom of a glass filled with ¾ water, and then peer into the center by the light of candles, there the narrowed face will appear. When doing fortune-telling, remember that symbols can have many interpretations. You make your own destiny, the main thing is to believe in a bright future.

Christmas divination

There are a great many Christmas fortune-telling, in every corner of Russia and other states of the Slavic people there were their own ways of predicting fate. For you, the most interesting and not requiring special preparations for fortune-telling on Christmastide. Christmastide lasts from Christmas (January 7th) to Epiphany (January 19th).

Fortune telling with threads. It is necessary to cut off the threads of the same length according to the number of fortunetellers and set them on fire at once from one candle. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest will be the first to marry. If the thread, without burning out and half, goes out from someone, this means that this girl will never marry.

Fortune telling by matches. In the sides matchbox you need to insert two matches, identified with a guy and a girl, and then set them on fire. If the matches turned their heads towards each other, this meant that this pair would be together.

Snow fortune-telling. At midnight you need to go outside and walk through the freshly fallen snow. If no one crosses the tracks before dawn, life in marriage will be free, if the tracks are trampled, you will have to live with your husband in quarrels all your life.

At midnight you need to go outside and throw a handful of snow in the direction opposite to the wind. If the snowflakes fall right on you, it means that the husband will be young and beautiful, if the snowflakes fly to the sides, the husband will be old.

Girls throw, through any obstacle (fence, gate, threshold of the house) a shoe or any other footwear. By which way the sock points, they judge the place of residence of the future husband.

Divination by the betrothed. At night before going to bed, you need to pour a small amount of water into a glass and dissolve a decent amount of salt (within reason) in it, then drink water and say the following: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, give me a drink!" In a dream, the future spouse should appear and give you a drink.

Before going to bed on one of the Christmas evenings, put four card kings under your pillow and say the following: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I will dream in my dream!" In a dream, the betrothed will appear in the form of a king.

Before going to bed, you need to put a comb under the pillow and say the following: “Bridegroom, mummer! Comb my head! " In a dream, the betrothed will appear and comb your hair.

Fortune telling on paper. For this fortune-telling, you will need strips of paper of the same size, on which you need to write questions of interest, your desires. All strips are randomly placed in a wide bowl, into which water is poured. The strips of paper will first swirl in a whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. The strip that pops up first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Confidence in the future instills peace and harmony in the human heart. Know for sure about what tomorrow is preparing or coming year impossible. However, there is a way that helps to open the veil of secrecy and look through time - fortune-telling. What days are they guessing in January 2018? Completion and renewal of the calendar cycle, when the subtle matters of the world are renewed, changed and allowed sensitive people to catch the echoes of future events, the most favorable for mystical mysteries.

In Russia, January was called "prosinets", because at that time in the sky one could see the blue sky between gloomy clouds. Other names for this month describe its harsh and cold weather - "sechenets", "ice", "zimets". The first of January begins the New Year, when people wish each other happiness and fulfillment of all desires. During the winter holidays, they look closely at the signs, predict what life and health will be like, whether there will be changes and achievements.

The most favorable time for fortune-telling:

  • New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1;
  • Christmas - the night from 6 to 7 January;
  • Old New Year - night from 13 to 14 January;
  • Feklists' day - January 17;
  • Epiphany - January 18 evening.

Since the earliest times, people have guessed, determined the future by the flight of birds, the movement of clouds and smoke, by the entrails of animals and bones. Wise and respected people - shamans, priests, oracles - were engaged in predictions. Now anyone can try to predict their future.

Fortune-telling on New Year's Eve

The end and beginning of the year is an important time for predictions. There are several simple ways learn about your destiny. Most often, women are guessing, but there are universal ways learn about the future.

  • The girl puts card kings under the pillow. What the dream is - this will be the groom. If there is no sleep, then the card is taken out at random in the morning.
  • An unmarried girl puts the first piece of the festive dish at the head of the bed and invites her betrothed to taste. The groom must dream.
  • Another way to divine from dreams is to put feathers, chips, twigs under the pillow, and then interpret the visions. This method is suitable for both men and women.

All predictions and fortune-telling in January 2018 are individual, unique in details. The fortuneteller independently determines the circle of meaningful symbolism and trusts intuition. It is mystical instinct that makes it possible to predict the future most accurately.

Christmas and Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is a special holiday, fun and mysterious at the same time. From January 6 to January 7, prophetic dreams are dreamed. To find out about the future or find an answer to a question, a sheet of paper, a pencil and a dream book are placed at the head of the bed. It is better to write down a "fresh" dream and immediately interpret it from the book.

Even before Christmas, they read the shadows. This is a legendary way of predicting the future, it is quite accurate and does not require special knowledge, you do not need to understand complex symbols.

  • An unevenly crumpled sheet of paper is placed on a large heat-resistant plate and set on fire.
  • When the paper burns out, a candle is lit in front of the ashes so that it casts a shadow on the wall. The plate can be gently rotated to see all the shadows.
  • The silhouette is interpreted (for example, an airplane - to marry a pilot, a boot - to travel).

It is not at all necessary to perform "magic rituals" to see the signs. A sensitive person sees symbols in everything - in the leaves, in the starry sky, in his own feelings. To anticipate and divine, you need to trust your intuition.

The art of interpreting natural symbols and silhouettes

Historically, many divination systems evolved from popular signs, observations. The signs of the elements were interpreted and comprehended. That is why divination is so closely related to the natural world. Natural materials are often used as props.

For example, to predict the future using coffee grounds, you need to drink a cup of natural ground coffee, and then tip it over on a saucer so that the mass spreads along the walls and forms patterns. The resulting images are then interpreted. Most popular characters:

  • silhouette of a man - date;
  • tree and plants - obstacles, quarrels, longing and travel;
  • animals and birds - anxiety and backbiting;
  • houses and buildings - profit and wealth.

Fortune telling on eggs is another way associated with the interpretation of symbols. Only homemade eggs are taken. To find out the future, protein is poured into warm water, and then the shadows, signs and movement of matter are interpreted.

  • protein sinks to the bottom - trouble, loneliness;
  • the squirrel remains in the center and takes the shape of figures (the church is for the wedding, the ship is the journey and return of a person, as well as other symbols and meanings).
  • if a pregnant woman pulls out from under the hen and breaks an egg, the sex of the embryo will match the sex of the baby.

Unusual, scary and beautiful fortune-telling

Fortune telling with a mirror is the most mysterious and terrible kind of predicting the future for unmarried girls, it requires courage. They tell fortunes at midnight, alone, in front of a large mirror, stripping naked.

  • Two candles are placed in front of the mirror to illuminate and cast shadows, as well as a smaller mirror to form an endless "corridor".
  • When the girl sets up the mirrors, you need to say: "The betrothed, the disguised, Show yourself!"
  • When the image of the groom appears behind his back in the reflection, then one should discern all the details of his appearance and shout: "Out of this place!" The vision will disappear and the fortune-telling will end.

Fortune telling with a ring also helps to see the shape of the future husband. The wedding ring is placed in a glass with a smooth bottom, ¾ of water is poured, and then one looks at the center of the jewelry by candlelight. The face of the betrothed should appear there.

Fortune telling with a boat is very simple and beautiful. Various predictions are written on pieces of paper, then they are attached to the basin, water is poured and an empty shell is thrown walnut... What wish the "boat" will swim up to will come true.

When guessing, it must be remembered that any symbol has many interpretations. Focus on positive values and believe in your lucky star, then all adversity will bypass you, and bright predictions will certainly come true.

Christmastide in 2016 - from January 7 (Christmas) to January 19 (Baptism of the Lord)

Let's dive for a while into the magical world of New Year's and Christmas holidays. To begin with, it was necessary to prepare for fortune-telling.

Preparing for fortune telling

  • Take off your belt, rings, bracelets. All closed objects prevent contact with the other world.
  • Dissolve the hair. They are like antennas picking up the vibrations of the astral world.
  • Remove the icons, remove the cross.
  • Turn off electricity, light candles.
  • Prepare the necessary attributes in advance.
  • It is better that the clothes are loose: a long shirt, a loose-fitting dress. Particularly courageous natures divined the naked.
  • Internal attitude. The spirits will joke with jokers, or they may joke badly. Fortune-telling is a serious matter. Leave the excitement and fear outside the door.

Christmas divination alone

The most correct predictions were considered those that were obtained by fortune-telling alone. But only the most daring girls dared to do this. Previously, similar actions were carried out in the bathhouse, since it was considered a "unclean" place where the dirt was washed off. In a civilized city, a bath can be replaced by a bathroom or kitchen. But it's best not to do this in your bedroom. Inexperienced communication with the other world can be harmful, and the negative will linger in the room for a long time.

Fortune telling performed on the old new year from January 13 to January 14

On the evening of January 13, you need to put two candles in front of the mirror and sit opposite. Say 7 times: "Fate is destiny, open the picture." For a long time, almost without blinking, peer into your own reflection, look into your eyes. Gradually, your reflection will begin to blur, familiar facial features will begin to replace others. Gradually, you will see that another person is looking at you from the mirror - your betrothed. But do not expect that he has now appeared with goodness. After all, it is not he himself, but someone or something showing him to you. Therefore, at the first recognition of a man's face, have time to shout 3 times: "Chur me!" After that, it is advisable to extinguish the candles and throw a handkerchief over the mirror.

Divination by the ring and water

You will need a glass without edges and an absolutely flat bottom without inscriptions and drawings. Fill it up with water, put it on the bottom wedding ring... The decoration must be cleaned first. Having gained patience, peer into the center of the ring at the bottom of the glass. Some argue that they see the face of the future spouse.

Fortune telling: how to see the betrothed in a dream

In a dream, our subconscious mind opens up for new information, for communication with the world of the dead. On Christmastide days, without even guessing, you can receive signs through a dream from your guardian angel or deceased loved ones. But fortune-telling can also be carried out, which will reveal the picture of the future.

Locking water. Before going to bed, take a bucket of running water, lock it, that is, hang a lock on the handle of the bucket. Not a word can be said to anyone else. Put the bucket by the bed, put the key by the pillow and say in a whisper: "The betrothed-mummer, come to unlock the lock for the key, give the horse a drink." Go to sleep. If you see a person's face in a dream, then you do not know him at the moment. If the face is hidden, then you are familiar with it.

For salty. Eat something salty before bed or drink very salty water, without saying a word to anyone, take a glass of ordinary water and put it at the head of the bed. Say on the water: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink."

To the bridge. Fold something that looks like a bridge from thin twigs of a broom or matches, cover it with a pillow and whisper: "The bridegroom-mummer, take me across the bridge."

Fortune telling on card kings. Four kings from the deck should be put under the pillow and told to everyone: "The betrothed-mummer, dream, show yourself in a dream!" The groom will appear in a dream in the form of some king. The king of spades means that the groom will be jealous and middle-aged, hearts - young and rich, clubs - a man in uniform, an official or an entrepreneur, and a tambourine - beloved.

Fortune telling on Tuesday. On the night of Christmas Tuesday, you need to stand by the window and say: “From Monday to Tuesday I will look at the windowsill. Let me dream in a dream who dreams of me. "

Fortune telling by the moon. Leave a mirror on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in it. They say in a whisper: "The betrothed-mummer, show me in the mirror!" In a dream, you will see your beloved.

Memorize all the details of such dreams. Everything is important: what he was wearing, stood with his back to you or his face, said something or not, where they met, accompanying sounds, images, objects. Waking up, from all this, you can collect a more complete picture of the prediction. When inducing a dream about the future, you should also not have knots, encircling parts of clothing and hairpins.

Fortune telling in the company

Guessing with your girlfriends is fun and not so scary. You can take turns pouring wax into a basin with cold water, and then come up with interpretations of the resulting bizarre figures. Or you can stare in fascination at the shadows on the wall from the paper burnt on the tray. Let us recall a few more old fortune-telling who will entertain a group of girlfriends.

Fortune-telling "Ship". All the girls write predictions on strips of paper, then mix and attach to the edge of the pelvis with the inscription down in random order. A boat is launched into the center: a walnut shell with a candle fixed in it. The girls take turns making circular movements with their hands on the water around the boat three times clockwise. What piece of paper a candle lights up, then it will come true.

Spiritual seance. A circle is drawn on a piece of paper. Letters are put down along the entire circle, and below them are numbers from 0 to 9. A needle and thread are placed in the center. Holding the thread slightly, the girls take turns asking questions. The needle will rotate to indicate letters or numbers.

Fortune telling on the ring. You will need a glass half filled with water and a wedding ring with a thread or chain threaded through it. The girl asks the question so that the answer is "yes" or "no", and lowers the ring into the water. If it sways in a circle, then the answer is yes. If from side to side, then the answer is no. The same question cannot be asked twice, nor can it be paraphrased. After each question, the ring must be removed from the water. First the question, then we lower the ring into the water. First one girl asks all her questions, then the second, then the third.

Fortune telling on strings. Each girl ties her own thread and then sets them on fire at the same time. Whose thread is the first to burn, she will be the first to marry.

Fortune telling on objects. One girl leaves the room or turns away. The rest hide four different objects under glasses or cups: a ring - for marriage, a key - for moving, a toy - for the birth of a child, a comb - to sit “in girls”. The girl picks up any mug. What he finds will come true.

Fortune telling on the egg. Take a raw egg, make a hole in the shell and pour the protein into a glass hot water... After waiting a little, the future is guessed by the shapes of the curled squirrel:

  • ring - wedding;
  • church - wedding;
  • ship, train - travel,
  • dog - new friend;
  • cat - to be careful;
  • the squirrel sank to the bottom - don't expect a change.

A girl who has long dreamed of love, but cannot meet her in any way, must go around the church 12 times on Epiphany Christmas Eve at midnight. It is believed that this simple ritual will break the ring of her loneliness.

We have given examples of simple, but rather strong, centuries-old rituals. In conclusion, it is worth recalling that Orthodoxy condemns fortune-telling, considering them superstition and assistance evil spirits... But young girls have wondered and will continue to do so in all ages. Do not forget that by frequent fortune telling you can lose your happiness, attract evil spirits, which, with a little joke, will change your fate not in better side... Be careful not to take bad predictions too seriously.

The offensive of December 31st is always associated with summing up. But you should not limit yourself to looking back in attempts to evaluate what has been achieved - it is much more important to know your future. Fortune-telling for the New Year 2019 will show what the next twelve months will be like.

Numerological divination from a book for love

A predictive ritual will tell you what awaits the fortuneteller on the personal front. It is necessary to take a book from the shelf that matches ordinal number month of birth of the person. For example, someone who was born in August takes the eighth book in a row. Then you need to open it on the eighteenth page, randomly poke your finger into some word and count the number of letters in it. This number contains the answer to fortune-telling:

  • 1 - loneliness;
  • 2 - happy love;
  • 3 - third extra, competition;
  • 4 - marriage;
  • 5 - the birth of a child;
  • 6 - quarrels with a loved one;
  • 7 - parting;
  • 8 - romantic adventures, trips, dates, new acquaintances;
  • 9 - the beginning of a passionate relationship that will last more than one year.

If the number is two-digit, it must be reduced to one-digit. For example, there are thirteen letters in a word. So the result is four (1 + 3).

Divination with a teaspoon "Yes or no?"

The ceremony allows you to find out if your plan will come true. You need to retire in a room at a time when other people will be present in other parts of the house / apartment. You should mentally say the question and throw a teaspoon in front of you. If others react to the sound and ask what happened, the answer is yes. Ignoring the incident indicates no.

Card fortune telling "Twelve months"

The ritual gives a prediction for all months of the coming year, revealing information about the main topic every thirty days.

You will need:

  • abbreviated playing deck(for 36 cards);
  • yellow candle;
  • needle.

“The year goes by, the round dance leads the months, and each of them has a sack full of worries and sorrows, joys of all stripes, loves and deceptions, hassles and fogs, sun and rain, crossroads and crossroads, partings and meetings. All that comes to me, but what will fall on my lot? "

The cards are laid out around the candle in a clockwise direction, imagining that these are "falling" months - from the first to the twelfth. Take a deep breath. Flip the cards over. The results are interpreted for each month separately, taking into account the "intersection" of the digital value and the suit:

Six. Worms are a romantic trip. Tambourines - a business trip, a trip to solve material problems or for the purpose of treatment. Clubs - a trip with friends. The peaks are an unpleasant ride.

Seven. Worms - treason, divorce, separation. Tambourines - marriage serious relationship of any nature. Clubs are a win. Peaks - loss, unjustified risk, accident.

Eight. Worms - pregnancy, marriage proposal. Tambourines - business letter or call. Clubs - confusion, litigation. Peaks - a conflict with a loved one.

Nine. Worms are love. Tambourines - new job... Clubs - interaction with documents, bureaucracy. Peaks are a sudden illness.

Ten. Worms are serious conversation. Tambourines are the achievement of material stability. Clubs - gathering by a large friendly company, a family celebration. Peaks are a deception on the part of a loved one.

Jack. Worms - meeting with a lover, flirting, romantic acquaintance. Tambourines are a business proposal. Clubs - a new friend or a "man from the past." Spades - the appearance of the enemy.

Lady. Worms - close communication with beautiful woman... Tambourines - bossy boss, promotion. Clubs - gossip, intrigue, backbiting. Spades are a rival.

King. Worms - meeting a promising man. Tambourines - moving. Clubs - contact with bailiffs or tax officials. Spades are an unscrupulous and highly influential enemy.

Ace. Worms are good luck in love. Tambourines - luck in money. Clubs are a favorable change of scenery. Peaks - degradation, deterioration of the existing situation.

If a card accidentally ends up in an inverted position, then this month one should expect stagnation and lack of development: there will be no important events (or, for some reason, information about them is hidden). To complete the fortune-telling, it is recommended to burn the candle to the end. If this is not done, you can get yourself into trouble due to the incomplete study of the energies of the ritual.

Fortune-telling for luck in the new year

The rite is used to find out how happy the coming year will be. On December 31st, they take a little meat prepared especially for the festive table. This treat is slandered:

"Year of the dog and what - good or dashing, rich or poor, affectionate or evil?"

With the meat they go out into the street and throw it to the first dog they come across. If the animal eats the treat, you should expect a happy and well-fed year. The dog's reluctance to treat itself speaks of serious problems that the fortuneteller will have to face. It happens that the animal does not finish the meat and throws it away, having tasted it a little: this is due to the fact that the year will be "average" - not bad, but not good either.

Fortune-telling for wealth and material well-being in the new year

Anyone who wants to know how much money will love him in 2019 can conduct a simple ritual.

You will need:

  • twelve coins;
  • yellow or green cloth;
  • pouch.

They spread the cloth in front of them and throw the coins into the bag. Stir them, repeating:

“For money or for ordeals, for feasts, or for poverty? The year will come - the coin will bring: a straight line - to money, a curve - to debts. "

Coins are taken out of the bag one by one and laid out on the fabric. The first result is assessed by how the money was laid:

  1. Straight (number up) - to material well-being.
  2. Inverted (coat of arms up) - to financial difficulties.

There should be twelve coins on the fabric - for each of the months. Already at this stage, you can see the dynamics of the year: when financial position it will be better, and when it will be worse. You should also count the total number of straight and inverted coins. If there are more of the first ones, then on the whole the year will turn out to be successful from a material point of view. The predominance of “shape-shifters” portends a difficult time, accompanied by a stable lack of money.

To "bribe" a year, you should spend these twelve coins on some food, which you then need to feed to a stray dog ​​with the proviso: "This is a treat for you, so that my year goes by in a fur coat, and not in a flaw." Thus, you can somewhat smooth out the negative result of fortune-telling.

New Year's divination for the betrothed

The ritual is performed by girls who are not in a relationship. From the point of view of the universe, even a "frivolous" novel is seen as a kind of marriage, which means that the betrothed has already been met and the ceremony becomes meaningless.

On December 31, the fortuneteller must bake a cake to her liking. But while kneading the dough, a special conspiracy should be pronounced:

“Martha baked pies not for herself, not for her mother, not for her father, but for her betrothed. What kind of cake turned out, so well done and ugly, Martha the maiden came in handy. "

Then you need to get feedback on your "creation". You need to ask relatives or friends to evaluate external and taste qualities pirogue. All of them will characterize the girl's betrothed. The main thing is to adequately interpret the answers. While the characteristics “beautiful” and “sophisticated” are good enough to describe a person, the words “salty” or “lush” can be confusing. But you just need to show a little imagination. And then “salty” will turn into “sharp, unpleasant”, and “lush” - into “plump”.

By the way, it was noticed: the more the girl herself likes the resulting cake, the better her relationship with her betrothed will develop.

Fortune telling with wax for next year

The ritual is performed after ten in the evening.

You will need:

  • melted wax;
  • a bowl of cold water;
  • three wax candles.

They are left alone and light candles on the table. The electric lights are turned off. Pour the wax into the water and allow it to harden. After that, they begin to interpret the result. The answer lies in the symbols reflected on the wax:

  1. Horseshoe - good time, many pleasant and interesting incidents.
  2. Horse - hard work, travel.
  3. Bird - a feeling of freedom, frequent flights, constant change of activity.
  4. The heart is love.
  5. The cross is a serious problem.
  6. A circle, a ring - a proposal (not necessarily a marriage proposal).
  7. The bed is a serious illness.
  8. Rabbit - flight, cowardice.
  9. Snake - enemies, negative magical effects.
  10. Line, needle, road - parting, parting.
  11. The square is a prison, restrictions.
  12. The figure of a man is a fateful acquaintance.
  13. Tree, roots - communication with relatives.
  14. A leg, arm or other part of the body is a corresponding disease.
  15. Dishes, food - material wealth.
  16. Flower - flowering, positive development of events.
  17. Coffin, grave - death.
  18. Horns - infidelity, betrayal.
  19. A terrible face, "mug" - a mortal danger.
  20. Car or any other form of transport - travel.

Often, other symbols are also formed: it is impossible to list all of them. Therefore, when interpreting, one should trust intuition. By the way, you can pour out the wax not immediately for a year, but for each month separately. Then the results will be more accurate and detailed.

Fortune-telling for the New Year 2019 is not only interesting, but also useful way spend the holiday time. Information about the future is never superfluous: forewarned is forearmed.

Even in the old days in Russia, it was believed that on the eve of Christmas and on the so-called Yuletide days from January 8 to January 18, 2019, people can, by fortune telling, find out their fate. Fortune-telling on the "prophetic" days becomes the most accurate - Vasilyev's evening, January 13, and Epiphany, January 18. We will tell you how to correctly conduct fortune-telling on Christmastide and Christmas for the future, husband, family and children, money, wealth and good luck this year for married and single.

If it so happened that you could not tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, do not worry: there will still be time for fortune-telling in January. Christmastide begins in 2019 right after Christmas, this is an auspicious time when everyone is guessing and predicting their future on Christmastide. Even in the old days in Russia, on the eve of Christmas, on the so-called Christmas days from January 8 to January 18, people could predict their fate and look into the future with the help of fortune-telling.

Christmastide lasts from January 8 to the very Epiphany eve... This is the time for fortune-telling and fortune-telling you can spend whole nights and perform rituals and ceremonies.

They also highlighted the most important Christmas nights, which were the most powerful for fortune-telling: the first was on Vasilyev's Day (from January 13 to 14, 2019 or Old New Year), the second - on Epiphany (from January 18 to 19, 2019).

Fortune-telling on Christmas Eve is called “Christmastide” for a reason. It is on Christmas Eve on January 6 that the so-called Christmastide begins, which last until the night of Epiphany, January 19. In ancient times in Russia, people believed that this was a magical period at the beginning of the year, when higher power willingly contact with a person, and if you ask the spirits well, you can get a variety of answers and you can open the door of your future.

In order to predict your fate and see what lies ahead, how life will turn out and what events can happen, it is important to know not only when fortune-telling at Christmas, but what is needed for fortune-telling. Traditional fortune telling in January using cards or wax, on mirrors and logs, coffee grounds and many other improvised materials.

It has already been noted that fortune-telling on Christmastide very often comes true and is accurate. Because these days angels and good spirits help.

Preparation for divination on Christmastide

It is better to guess closer to midnight. During these night hours, everyone is getting ready for bed and no one around will make any noise, such a calm atmosphere is good for fortune-telling;

It is very important to bathe before ritual fortune-telling, dress in clean nightgown clothes, loosen and comb your hair, and remove all jewelry from yourself.

Christmas fortune-telling and fortune-telling

Fortune telling by the book

They took a book at random and asked a question. After that, they called the page number and the line number on it - what was written in this place in the book, and served as the answer.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

You need to drink a cup of coffee, cover it with a saucer and tilt it up and down three times. At the same time, the thicket will creep along the bottom, forming various figures by which you need to guess. For example, the outline of a dog will symbolize friendship, the outline of the forest - wealth.

The cross means patience. The wreath is glory. A ladder is the achievement of a desired and long-awaited goal. The shadow of a person predicts a pleasant date, the shadow of a house when fortune-telling on coffee grounds is a symbol of abundance. The contours of the church or bell tower signifies the return home. A deer can portend a fast road.

Divination by hair

Fortune telling on hair has always been especially popular among girls. It is generally accepted that it should not be used more often than once a year. This predictive technique will help when a person has to make an important decision, and the choice will entail important consequences.

On a calm moonlit night, you should cut off a strand of your own hair, and then burn it on the fire and watch how it burns:

  • if everyone lights up at once, then soon expect changes for the better, in any planned business you will be successful;
  • if they burn, but smoke, then there will soon be changes in your life;
  • if they burn brightly and for a long time, it means that large acquisitions await you;
  • if they smolder and do not light up for a long time, then this is a warning of a major trouble or illness.

Fortune telling with candles and wax for the future

It is one of the most popular and interesting ways fortune-telling on Christmastide. To tell fortunes on wax on Christmastide days, take cool water in a bowl or bowl, a deep plate and pick up a wax candle. Light the candle and wait until a little wax melts.

Of course, in this matter you cannot do without a share of imagination, it is advisable that during fortune-telling you are not alone in order to correctly read and interpret the signs of fate from all sides.

Of course, there are certain shapes that appear more often than others. For example, a ring or a wreath is a sign of an imminent marriage.

A bad omen is a snake or a coffin. The swan and the mushroom are good forms that promise only prosperity and success in the new year.

If, in addition to a large figure, many small figures appear on the water, this is great sign... He points out that in 2016 everything will be excellent financially for you, you can expect good income... Often the main figure is large and round, resembling an apple in outline. This is also a great sign that indicates prosperity, success in 2019. The egg is a symbol of unfounded fears.

The meaning of the candle flame during divination:

  • If you lit a candle and you succeeded the first time and it burns steadily, this is good sign.
  • If a candle sparks, hisses, whistles or makes some noise, it means that some important news or message is waiting for you.
  • A wax candle that is badly lit and barely burns is not a good sign.
  • If, during fortune-telling, the candle does not want to light up, this is a sign that it is better not to guess today, but to transfer the ritual of fortune-telling on candles to another day.

The meanings of wax figures in wax divination:

If the wax is poured out in the shape of a horse, your life will change for the better.
Home for unmarried girl means an early marriage, in Russia this symbol has always meant economy.

Apple, pear - means wisdom and good health.
A wax figure that resembles a ball or a round ball correct shape- the birth of a child.

An egg made of wax promises some kind of change in life.
If during fortune-telling you saw a deep hole, this is a sign of a serious illness or death.

Wax figures resembling stripes are roads, 2017 you are destined to spend in constant moving.
If the wax did not make up some kind of large figure, but was divided into small droplets, this indicates a monetary period.

Wax Mushroom Indicates Longevity
The wax figure resembling a tree with branches upward is a symbol of joy and well-being.

The figure in the shape of a ring is a matter for the wedding.
If you see the shape of a pancake, this is a sign of late marriage.

The dragon will tell about the work, which promises a successful completion big project.
Bell-shaped figures are a time of anxiety.

Flowers and berries are signs of love and marriage.
Figures from the cross are a symbol of anxiety and ailments.

Divination by the mirror

it ancient fortune telling at all times it was considered the most faithful. However, it also carried danger. Often, impressionable young ladies fainted. And the thing is that, according to ancient legends, a mirror is nothing more than the line between the real and the otherworldly.

Many signs and customs are associated with this belief. Earlier, when mirrors were made with the help of silver, it was believed that in addition to their connection with the world of spirits, they have a long memory that could harm people. Therefore, almost all signs regarding the mirror refer to bad omens.

Everyone knows that broken mirror promises misfortunes and troubles. In the old days, women could not look in the mirror during pregnancy and immediately after childbirth, because it was believed that this could destroy the shaky line between the two worlds and harm the baby and mother. At the same time, the mirror served and strong amulet: it was believed that evil spirits, reflected in the mirror, instantly and forever lost their power.

But back to the divination itself. They wondered with a mirror in an "unclean" place (for example, in a bathhouse, where they washed off all the dirt), at midnight on Christmas Eve, when the border between reality and the other world became thinner.

The girl who made the fortune-telling was supposed to be in the room alone. She had to take off her belt, loose her hair, and put two cutlery and a candle on the table.

Having prepared everything necessary, the girl sat down facing the mirror and said: "The betrothed, mummer, come to me for supper." At exactly midnight, in the mirror, she saw the face of a man leaning over her shoulder towards her.

At this moment, peering into the face of her future groom, she had to utter words that drove away the image: "Out of this place!" From that moment on, the danger went away.

It was believed that if this is not said, the betrothed can leave the mirror, and then misfortune will occur.

Fortune telling

Pour water into a glass and pour protein into it raw egg... Place the glass in a heated oven to curl the protein. After that, take out the glass and carefully look at the formed figure.

Interpretation of figures:

  1. Church dome or ring - fast wedding.
  2. A rectangle or square is a serious illness, death.
  3. Ship - moving after marriage to another city or country.
  4. A pancake that sank to the bottom is a series of hardships and troubles, a long girlhood.

Fortune-telling on paper for the future

Take a blank sheet of paper and crumple it, then place it on the bottom of an inverted plate and light it. When the paper burns out, bring the saucer with ashes to the wall and carefully turn the plate until a shadow appears on the wall, the outlines of which will be the result of fortune-telling. How to interpret the shadow? Connect your imagination!

Christmas nut shell fortune telling

Pour water into a basin. At the edges of the basin, attach strips of paper on which events are written, for example, a wedding, a trip, receiving money, a new job, etc. (if there is only one fortuneteller), or the names of all those present who want to know their future.

In the second case, one event is thought of, in particular, a wedding, an engagement, an acquaintance with a future spouse, etc.
Take a half of a walnut shell and fix the stub of a church or birthday candle in it. Light a candle and push the "boat" to the middle of the pelvis. From there, the shell itself should swim up to one of the notes.

But the enigma will come true only if the paper, upon contact with the boat, “lights up from the flame of a candle.

Divination by the ring

Take a bowl with clean water, throw a wedding ring into it and put it in the cold. In the morning, watch the water freeze. If the surface of the water is flat, the fortune-telling woman will not have children in the near future.

If the surface is uneven, examine it very carefully, because the bumps are boys, and the dimples are girls. Accordingly, how many bumps and dimples you count, how many children you will have.

Fortune telling on a knife

For this type of fortune telling, the gypsies use a round wooden board a diameter of about 30 centimeters for cutting bread. If a board of this size is not at hand, then you can take a tray or cut a circle out of cardboard. Around the edges
circle to write answers to the most frequently asked questions:


"Be patient",
"Caution: next to you is an enemy hiding under the guise of a friend",

Good News
"Love Message"

"Good luck in the undertaken business",
"Unwanted guest"

"Today's tears will turn into joy tomorrow",

"Unexpected news"
"New love",

"Unexpected meeting",
"Important letter".

In the center of the circle, put the usual kitchen knife and mentally formulate a question. Rotate the knife around its axis three times. One of the three messages that the knife edge will point to, and will be the answer to the question asked.

The other two can be the cause or effect of the predicted event. If, after rotation, the knife edge stops at an equal distance from the two messages, the fortune-telling must be repeated.

Fortune telling with a needle

Take a needle and white thread. Thread the thread into the eyelet. Take the thread by the end right hand, and point the tip of the needle to the center of the palm of your left hand at a short distance from it.

Watch the needle. If she began to sway across the palm, then you will have a girl, if along - a boy. After the needle stops, it can start swinging again, which means that it notifies you about the sex of the next child.

Wait until the needle stops making any movements at all, and until now, count the number of your children and do not forget to remember their gender.

Christmas divination by barking dogs

At midnight, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife, saying: "Damn, damn, don't be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I get, will you have to laugh or cry?"

Having uttered the words of the spell, shut up and listen carefully to the barking of dogs.

  • If there is an angry, abrupt barking, it means that future husband will be stern and sullen.
  • If the dogs bark cheerfully and barkingly, then the husband will be caught cheerful and kind.
  • It is very bad if during the fortune-telling you hear a dog's howl. This suggests that the marriage will be short-lived and the young wife will become a widow very quickly.

Fortune telling on the future husband

Fortune-telling on Christmas for the future husband is the most popular type of fortune-telling among girls. There are many divinations for the future husband. One of the simplest is to go outside and ask the first passer-by of a man for his name - this will be the name of the future spouse. Also, the appearance of this person will tell you how beautiful and rich your groom will be.

You can find out how the groom will look in own dream... This dream should be prophetic. To call it, take a clean comb before going to bed, slowly comb it through your hair, while saying: "The bridegroom-mummer, come to me dressed up." Then put the comb under your pillow and go to bed.

In the old days, they used to guess on a piece of wood. The girl had to leave the house at night and in complete darkness select one piece of wood from the woodpile, without looking at it or changing it for another, if it is difficult to stretch. Arriving at the house, you need to properly examine the log, because it can tell a lot about the future spouse.

  1. Smooth and even log - good and handsome groom.
  2. Rough Log - an ugly but hard-working husband.
  3. Thick and good bark - rich tapering.
  4. The peeled bark is the poor groom.
  5. A thick log is a large and strong future husband.
  6. A log with knots is a big family.
  7. A crooked log is an old groom or physically handicapped.

Christmas divination for love

This is a fortune-telling for the lonely, but eager to meet true love... At midnight, go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times. It is believed that this ritual destroys loneliness and promotes the appearance new love.

Divination by desire

Divination by desires is as different as others. We suggest that you try to tell fortunes on the grains, a handful of which must be taken in left hand, clench your hand into a fist and say your wish out loud.

Then count the number of grains. If you have an even number of seeds in your hand, your wish will come true, an odd number - not now.

You can guess at a desire by a cat, if there is one in your house. Make a wish and call a cat to you. If he crosses the threshold of the room with his right paw, the wish will come true, with the left one - no.

During Christmas fortune telling, you need to look for only good meaning in all predictions. Bad omens should not be given importance, otherwise you will set yourself up in advance for failure in the new year. If you didn't have time to tell fortunes for Christmas - don't be discouraged! Christmastide awaits you ahead, and this is almost 2 weeks of exciting and fun fortune-telling!

Video: the simplest Christmas tea fortune-telling