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Strong prayers are escaped from the evil eye, damage and evil. Carrying from the evil eye and damage

Charm from the evil eye and damage is needed to each person for wishes or directed influences. Conspiracies, items or specially made amulets may become champions. Effective charging is considered minerals, protective plants and even specially selected aromas.

Schalz - the most common negative phenomenon. Can be smoothed by any person possessing strong energy. The reason for the evil eye can be unkind thoughts, envy or frank hostility towards another person. Negative energy filled with places of mass accumulation of people - queues in stores, public transport per hour of peak, pavilions and large shopping areas.

Amulets and chambers are specially conspired subjects or spoken words. The challenge of the overag is to accumulate negative energy aimed at the owner, or to remove it aside. Verbal chambers have short term Actions, about a day or week.

Conspiring items serve long: until they spoil or not lose. To verbal conspiracy acquired strength, it can be written on a sheet of paper and dip in wax. While the wax does not turn around, and words will not erase, the charm will protect against the negative.

So that good luck is not smoothed

In order for your happiness and good luck to be smoothed, spend a protective rite. You need to go to the river during the growth of the Moon or full moon. On the shore, find the stone, hold it in your hands for a few minutes - the stone will absorb your energy in yourself. Then throw a stone into the river and tell the protective words three times:

This wagon from envy and the evil eye must be done after the wedding or other meaningful eventTo protect yourself from envious looks. Minerals, bovine eyes, are effective overalls from the evil eye. These stones must be worn with me. If the stone from the evil eye is lost or cracked (it can lose the shine), he fulfilled his role defender. From such faces, you get rid of - bury in the ground.

If you go to the crowd - Charm

When a responsible event is to be needed, it is necessary with a strong energy. Before leaving home, read the special words on the water three times, and then work yourself and do not wipe:

Ring from Schalza

Good champion Ot negative energy A closed object is considered. When equipping a conspiracy ring, the biofield is closed, and the negative energy cannot harm the person. If you take off the ring, you need to re-pronounce protective words when equipped. Words to amulet from the evil eye Pronounce Naraspov:

Mirror defense

The mirror is an excellent wubble from the evil eye: it has a property to send a negative back. To protect yourself from unkind views and bad wishes, wear a small mirror on the chest near the heart. For women, the mirror must be round shapeFor men - square. The mirror is located on the reflective side.

Purchase the mirror is needed on the mother's birthday until noon, you need to pay a little over a purchase - just leave the store in the store. When you place a sirror on your chest, kiss the reflective surface three times, cross and ask to protect against everything unfaithful - from the evil eye and damage, secret thoughts and wishes.

Effective protection on the pin

How to make a wubble from the evil eye and damage with your own hands? Acute iron objects are well protected from negative effects and unclean power. If the house appeared to bring, you need to stick a knife or score a nail into the place where you watched the phenomenon - more than the ghost will not appear.

Whipping to the clothes, closes a man's biopol and does not miss the negative. On the growing moon, buy a new pin and church candle. Keep the pin pin above the flame and read:

Print the pin to the involving side of the clothes with the edge down, in the chest. While the charm does not unzip or not lost, he will defend its owner. The pin can not be detached from the clothes: you can speak a few pins for different things from your wardrobe.

After half a year it must be repeated with the same pin. If the guard unbuttoned, it is necessary to get rid of it - the pin accepted the astral blow. Just jump into the ground. If the pin is lost, make a new charm.

Protective bracelet.

In old days, the decorations were not decorative element Wardrobe - they defended the owner from unkind views and wishes. Decorations served to remove the eyes, attracting attention to themselves. Together with the attention of the evil strength of an envious person. Jewelry is a trap for negative energy, for example, a bracelet from the evil eye. The bracelet can be made of protective stones suitable for energy to its owner.

Protective force has a simple woolen thread, moistened by a saliva man. The wrist was tied up, and in the evening the candles were burned on the flame. In the saliva is the DNA of the human code, the thread itself is a container for saliva. Take the wrist with a thread of a red color, in a mixture of its saliva. In the evening, before bedtime, just burn the thread - along with her all the negative will burn. In the morning, make a new thread on the wrist.

Protection against damage

To damage the damage to the Aure, you need to protect yourself with the help of the overag. In addition to the overag, precautions should be observed so that the negative force does not penetrate the aura:

  • do not raise money, wallets or valuable things at crossroads - with them take someone's illness or misfortune;
  • after sunset, anyone do nothing from the house, who would not ask;
  • do not solicate someone else's comb, especially, visiting;
  • constantly wear a silver cross under clothes - this is not a decoration, but protection;
  • remove the rug outside the entrance door - it is easy to damage it.

Permanent visit church services - effective remedy for of different types Negative influences. However, it is necessary to stand under the dome of the church during the service, and not at the door or the altar.

Protection on black feather

For this, the rite needs to be found on Vorona Pen Street. At home, put a pen into a bowl with water and read the protective spell three times. When you read, keep a bowl in your hands. Then go out into the street and pour water along with the pen on the ground. The charm will protect against negative impacts until the pen has elapsed. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Damage by phone

Completed phenomenon was damaged by phone. If you are with someone scandalous or feel unkind, fold the fig from the fingertips of your left hand. At the same time right hand, along with the phone, draw a cross in front of me and tell me:

Then turn off the phone, put it away from myself and read the prayer "Our Father" three or nine times. Damage will not stick.

Protection on a guest.

Pitch can pass through food, so it is necessary to apply security measures on banquets, weddings or anniversaries. Take a bubble with conspiracted water and drink before meals. Can be enjoyed in the corridor, as well as in toilet room. The words of the conspiracy should be pronounced three times, and the bottle is immediately closed.

See another kind of overag in video:

Simple but very strong protection against the evil eye and damage.

The wubbles are the items of force, not only the defending person from the evil eye, but also bringing the opposite blow to ill-wishers. Any item can be a charm.

It is advisable to charge a charm, charge. For this, on December 6 and 16, take the charm and tell it: "I stand on your knees, I pray. The wound is not to the body, the envy is not a matter, to attack the party, moan, tears are not to the eyes, the grief is not to the shoulders, blood is not to the flesh. Lord God, save! Amen".

Another way to charge the overama. Take the charm and spend them from top to bottom and left to right three crosses above the candle. Then dip the whale in holy water, then in salt and hold over the flame.

All actions are repeated three times: water - salt - fire. Take the charm, put it in left On the revealed palm, and spend the right hand on it from top to bottom and read at this time:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I didn't clean my power, I cleanse the power of the Lord God. It is not sanctified with its soul, the Holy Spirit is sanctified. I gave your power, Jesus strengthened by force and will be his own. Keep my house in the word and power of my own, Lord. Clean me will be your will, saint. Amen"

Cross in and bow. After that, overlapping three times.

A big magical, protective force has a "Thursday" salt. To cook it, for an honorary or in Maundy Thursday (Thursday by Personal week) During sunrise, put a salt in a linen bag for 10 minutes in the oven. While salt is in the oven, read the "Father Our" three times. After 10 minutes, remove it from the oven and keep in the bag in the bag secret place All year, gradually using.

So, if children often sick, we knew the usual salt yeast doughLittle unsweetened buns are baked at the dawn. They are served for breakfast in the morning one for seven days. Heavy patients should have them within 21 days or before recovery. Buns every morning should be fresh.

If children are naughty, "Three-" Salt pour on the part of the hallway at the threshold - a non-neuto, but the track, so that everyone who is entering it. Pour it also on the floor around the perimeter of cribs. Let it lie so three days and three nights. Then notice the entire salt of the broom and scream in the snow or in the ground (but do not throw in the garbage or in the toilet - everything will come back again).

To "Thursday" Sol served as a faith, worst a very small linen bag, pour salt there and squeeze it. Attach the bag from the inside to the child's clothes or linen.

Also use various plants.

♦ Hormoker grass associated with a bunch of red woolen thread, you need to hang over a cot.

♦ Wreath of nine carnation flowers - good protection for children of any age: it must be hung in a secluded corner, so that the child does not take out.

♦ Wreath made of elderber branches, reliably protect the baby from the evil eye and damage. To do this hang it above the cradle or a cot.

♦ Charple protects children. And alder is considered a patron saint of a family and at home. Therefore, it often makes charms for women and children.

It has long been known for the defendant from the Schalza - Cross. Another charm is a red thread on the wrist of the right hand.

There are also wanted words. They are put on children on the day of their angel or the holiday of the patroness icon gain. Charm for Son:

Guardian Angel, Saint Patron, My Son, the Slave of God (Name), from the enemies of enviable and from arrogant arrows, and from Braga Khmel, and from the girl evil. Save it, sokolika my. To evil the eye to look - not to see the sorcerer-ravel, the Leni-Evrepester of the soul of the slave of God (name) do not touch, do not mock the body. The sovereign of the Cross. my. Amen".

Charm for daughter:

"Oh Mother Christ, about the guardian angel, you are the intercessors of my daughter, the slaves of God (name). The servant of God as a zarry, not spoil her enemy and sorcerer, nor evil charnice. Fresh the same slave of God (name) in all matters, in all paths, with the sun and on the night, save, Lord, my daughter. Three crosses put: Jesus Christ ahead, the Most Holy Mother of God behind. Guardian angel over his head, save your daughter. Amen.

If your child is tormented by sadness and longing, read such a faith over the water:

The Lord created the slave of God (name) happy and called the despondency to sin. Satan tempts grief. Closed the enemy of the slave of God (name) with a black veil, bitter fog, the joy of life killed the Lord God, help, the slave of God from grief is free. Save his body, soul, consecrate the mind. Amen".

This charm is read in the premonition of the trouble: once out loud, once with a whisper and once to ourselves: In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I'm at the cross. Cross - Church Beauty. Cross - martyrs praise, and the sufferer - help. I approach the cross closer, worship him down. Protect and relieve from enemies and enemies, from their languages, their batuals, from their fire and sword, from sweeping. Lord, went blessings, so I stood unshakable and disadvantaged as the Holy Cross. Amen".

There are both word-chambers, for example, "Chur". Therefore, it is not necessary to hear such a phrase: "Chur me." Keep in the house churochki from the evil eye and damage. And at sight poor man Mentally utterings: "Not touch", "Salt to your eyes, salt to your tongue," "all your own". So you protect your child from him.

  • Triple protection against the evil

    Triple protection against the evil eye! Simple conspiracy. I have two classic Russian overall - horseshoe over entrance door And broom, truth, decorative. But I…

Seeking success and wandering life victories, you can be a victim envious people. Give and save yourself from negative influence will help prayer-overlap.

Alien envy can greatly harm your personal happiness and success in matters. If you smiles good luck, then be sure that people already whisper at your back - perhaps even close friends. Unconsciously or purposefully each of them can send to you to curse or damage, which will spoil your life.

The talismans made by their own hands will help protect against the negative energy of the energy sector. Happy man Be sure to keep your luck from the evil intervention of people with the help of protective words. Health problems, troubles, monetary losses will be able to bypass you. You can also find out who exactly wishes you evil, and protect yourself from communicating with such personalities.

How to find out about the presence of a declamation and damage

Often, damage and evil eye can impact irreparable harm. The main features indicating a negative magical impact include a series of failures, problems in personal life, various diseases, a sharp deterioration in the psychological state. The person who was smoothed, can suddenly change his attitude to loved ones; His immunity is able to decline dramatically, which will lead to the exacerbation of all diseases, and church attributes will cause fear and horror.

If you feel negative changes In life, you should find out by contacting people's methods and diagnostic rites. But it will be much better if you can protect your energy with a powerful force that will not allow damage to settle in your biofield. Psychics recommend pre-taking measures against negative impact and build impenetrable protection with the help of prayer faiths, the daily reading of which will save you from all sorts of misfortunes. You can also rewrite them on leaflets and carry with them that will scare away from you evil views and angry words.

Strong prayer-wubble

To enhance the effectiveness of sacred words, it will be necessary to hold a rite. This will require holy water and a small container. Filling the circle with water, turn around three times and start it with the following words:

"God, I call for your strength. Water that was dubbed and sanctified by your followers, let him help me. Let it protect the slave / the slave of yours (name) from all the views of alien and acts of evil people. Your help will tell me and save me from all knowingly predicted by you, My Lord, misdemeanor. Do not live damage, Schalu and evil in my soul! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Such water should be served immediately and hold the rite until you feel easy malaise, drowsiness. If the yawning and weakness will observe you, know - damage comes out of the body.

Orthodox prayer from the evil eye and damage

Any famous prayers will help you to protect your body and soul from negative influence. The sacred text "Father Our" has a special force, which should be read every morning and before bedtime. It is desirable that you have a red corner in your house. Prayer-charm charges your energy and will help you fight with a slogony and negative during the day. but orthodox prayers They can only protect you from the evil intentions of people, but it will not be possible to remove damage with their help. It is worth asking for his guardian angel with the following words:

"I (name) appeal to you, my intercession and defender. You, the servant of the Heavenly, attached to me by God, fence me from attack. Clelling languages \u200b\u200bevil sent to my soul, it torments me day every day. I pray you, the guardian angel, defend and drive this evil spirits from my life and my deeds. All the grief sent to me let him return to the envious. Amen".

Prayer against evil and damage: for yourself and relatives

Very effective prayer-charm, convenient to read in any situations and at any time. It is capable of towing from you and your loved ones the bad intervention of envious and point out the person who wants an evil. This text should always keep with you and contact him every time you felt negative energy. Prayer sounds as follows:

"Lord God, Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of GodAll Angels, accept my bow. Forgive me and my acts, let my sins and direct the righteous and happy life. Envious wish evil to me, my house, close to mine. Eupy, Most High, from damage, evil eye, diseases, death and problems. Answer evil plea from my heart and my heart. Direct a person who envies my happiness, on the way true. I pray you, God, you say for your power. Amen".

During the day, we interact with the energy of many people, and know in advance what kind of person can wish for evil, we are unable. To preserve your personal happiness and success, you should defend yourself every day from a possible negative. But send damage can not only on you, but also to your home. Therefore, it should be secure it with strong faiths or protective conspiracies. I wish you success, And do not forget to click on the buttons and

07.05.2017 06:41

The strongest weapon in the fight against negative influence are protective conspiracy. With their help you ...

Conspiracy of the Siberian healer. Issue 15 Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Washer from Schalza

Washer from Schalza

If you have to be in a crowded place, before getting out of the house, read the special corporate words Above the water that will be worked out. Conspiracy Next:

God in the sky, God on Earth, God everywhere.

And my faith for me, God's slave (name).

Like living people dead bone not gnaw

So I will not take any evil eyes.

Words my key

The key to the sea, the castle on the constipation.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

You can seek to protect against the evil eye and damage to the saint Great Nikita, reading such a prayer:

From the book the strongest conspiracies and spells for love, sex, family relationships Author Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

The removal of the evil eye of the human envy and the evil eye can be the reason for the deterioration of relationships in the family or between in love. Evil and envious people are a lot. They will always find a reason for something to cling. This plot removes the evil eye that can damage relationships.

From the book of the conspiracy of the Altai healer for water Author Krasnova Alevtina

Whether from the evil eye and damage to take a jashere for the most black, better without spots, and a cup epiphany water. Read full moon at the very midnight. At first, three times "our own", then - the angel's prayer? The keeper, then the words: my angel, the servant of God (name), Birth, went to me

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Conspiracies from the troubles and the evil from dangers in a dark midnight to go to the field and read the conspiracy three times: they dragged the sky with the starry clouds of black, grumbling clouds. Yes rolled wheel fiery with high heights On those clouds are black. The wheel is malicious, the brilliance of an unprecedented, with eight "gold spokes,

From the book 7777. the best conspiracy from the best healers of Russia The author Astapova M.

From the evil eye to the glass, pour water for three quarters, lower the three any clean spoons into it. Each spoon in turn is hindered the water, jump up, lift the spoon with a wide part so that the water is stuck in a glass. All this must be done clean handshowever wash

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Release 02. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

From the troubles and the evil eye to redeem in running water, wrapped with a new towel, three times reading a plot: Saban white, grave, braid is acute, impregnable, incorruptible, unfortunate, non-relative. Skom, braid, my colleges, pick up a grave in rot! I will dwell by a stone of the ulota,

From the book plot of the Siberian healer. Release 15. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Signs of the evil eye from the evil eye signs are not such obvious, like damage, but it is possible to detect them. The burning in the eyes, as if the Sorinka fell into the eye, while there is nothing in the eye. Eyes will be watered, the fear of bright light appears. Series of small troubles and small ailments

From the book of 7000 seizures of the Siberian Healer Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Shephotok-guard from the evil eye look at me, but do not hide. You do not see me.

From the book, the removal of damage and the evil eye of the philantal. Prayers and conspiracies Author Vinogradova Ekaterina A.

Wheel from the evil eye if you have to be in a crowded place, before getting out of the house, read the special conspiracy words over the water that will be worked out. Consultation Next: God in the sky, God on Earth, God everywhere. And my faith for me, God's slave (name). Like live people dead

From the book, water teaches managing people and achieve the desired. Aspects on water Author Stephanie Sister

From the evil eye in the bath in the bath there is no moon, in my bath there is no red sun. There are aspen logs in my bath. Who will disperse these logs, only he will take me with his silence. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen.

From the book plots, charms, rituals by Luzina Lada

From the evil eye of someone else if on the street who was woven that the child is calm, beautiful, etc., and after that the child at home goes with a scream, throw a pinch of salt into the water, pass the knife, saying: who eats salt with a knife, he swallows with a knife, that child takes away. Amen.

From the book is the golden allowance of a folk sign. Book 2. Author Stepanova Natalia Ivanovna

Conspiracies from the evil eye there are situations that cannot be called just a coincidence. Without visible reasons Power quickly go; Established relationships with close rushes in an instant; Heavy illness unexpectedly falls on his head ... in the eyes of a person it can be seen, good

From the book how to get rid of damage and the evil eye. Signs, charms, conspiracies, rites, prayers Author Yazzhin Vladimir Ivanovich

Conspiracy from the evil eye will be needed: water, container with wide edges, handkerchief, candlestone of the ritual: placed: from 0 hours to 2 hours of the moon: the third, the fourth day of the week: Tuesday, a quarter-to-step condition: you can not make a conspiracy in critical

From the book will return a husband in a family Author Nevsky Dmitry.

From the evil eye, the true Christ washed, rinsed. Nothing was afraid, so you would, the slave of God's baby (name) washed, rinsed, was afraid of nothing. From now on, and forever. Amen. * * * If anyone who praises a child, you need to lick the right handle after this, to spit three times

From the book of the author

From the Gypsy Schalza there are people who do not carry a gypsy look, begin to yawning and root. If this happens, tell the water and will be worked out. Rod Roma on horseback, on Safyanov Sadl, the horse stuck, the evil eye turned over. Do not pour me from Gypsy

From the book of the author

The type of evil eye - ICOT IKOT is traditionally described in the scientific literature as a species of damage saturated by the sorcerers. IN scientific research Icota is characterized as a nervous disease (along with the cliking and Paduch), manifested in the attacks of an extero-epileptic nature.

From the book of the author

Diagnostics of the evil eye big account, the presence of the evil eye does not make sense to confirm - it is eliminated simply (see below). But, nevertheless, the very understanding of the fact that a person has a evil eye, may be quite important. After all, if such a trifle was able to distort

When everything is not laid in life and goes not as planned, minor troubles are replaced by large, and their number is surprising, many people are wondering if it was all the cause of the evil eye or damage. And quite often the answer will be positive. After all, not even resorting to the witchcraft rites and black magic, a person with a strong surge of envy or anger can send to another person negative impact. And this impact is the most unfavorable will affect health, success or other sides of life. In such situations, prayers and conspiracies from the evil eye and damage are used to remove the negative.

A rather light negative impact is the evil eye, and the phrase "of this person's evil eye" can be understood in the literal sense. Here this is speech about people who can collect a big charge negative emotions and negative.

And if such a person experiences a feeling of envy to someone, then on this person and the evil eye lies. Usually the one who is directed envy begins to live with bad luck and fail.

It is believed that a pinching pin to the inner side of the clothing can be used as a strong protection against such impacts. And if it turned out so that you are already under the action of "bad eyes", then conspiracies from the evil eye will help you to return our own circles.

Varieties of damage

A very terrible word even for a person who does not believe in magic and witchcraft, the word "damage" is considered. Under it means a strong negative impact that becomes cause of different kind problems and misfortunes. The most common types of damage:

  • Damage to health;
  • Damage to death;
  • Damage for money;
  • Damage to good luck.

Damage to health. The impact on human health is manifested by the weakening of human immunity and the appearance serious diseases. This species Magic is often used on former beloved from revenge. Special conspiracy or person's claim in the church takes out such an effect.

Damage to death. The strongest impact is magic that leads to a fatal outcome. Such a rite is, firstly, scary sin, and secondly, the ritual, which should be removed only by an experienced magician and is accompanied by a number of events, where one plot or the person will not help.

Damage for money. This type of damage is used relatively more successful business partners, competitors or ill-wishers and affects one sphere - economic. Conspuses aimed at rollback of this type of magic will remove such an impact.

Damage to luck Made most often from envy and on people who are lucky in all endeavors in life. Conspiracy from damage will help return the former position of things.

Different types of damage and evil eye "are treated" various methods. For some, it is enough to read conspiracies, to get rid of others, the certificate of prayers in the church will suit, but versatile method The influence on the dark magic of this nature is considered to be Cyprian's prayer.

Rite for removing damage

Very popular and effective from any witch rituals is the prayer of Cyprian. If you have known that evil people Wrague and prophesy to you misfortune, read the prayer of Cyprian every day. Adults should read it on their own, and for a child you can read a prayer for a close person right above his head. Also read it can be over the water, which then gives "thowning".

Prayer is read at any time of the day and night:

"Lord God mighty,
The king of the reigning, hear the prayer of the slave Cyprian.
You have a thousand days of fighting forces dark,
Carrying the heart of the slave of God (name), help him to pass the test everything.
Protect, save and implicit this prayer.
Bless, Lord, my house and living in it,
Protect against every goatiness and community.
Yes, the devilish mind will be resolved and their deed.
Lord, you are one and omnipotent, save the holy fellow of your Cyprian,
Sweet slave (name). I speak three times, I bow three times.

Prayer reads three times, and after each time you need to bow in the floor. Such a rite will help protect you and your loved ones, and will be a faith for all occasions.

Rite of disease

Conspiracy from damage is considered an excellent way to remove the negative, which affects human health. This rite is done when you and close man Pursuing constantly illness and it seems that they do not stop.

"Take, birds flying, a handful of land.
Take the beasts and you are in hand.
Eat pit yes, the move is direct to it.
Help to go exactly the slave of God (name)
So that the pits can get around everything.
Four sides, four forces, help!
Save and remove from the pit deep and save.
The pit is dark, light in life.
Further from the pit, closer to the sun.
Chur me. The word is my hard. My strength is big.
Darkness come out, help me help me.

Prayer is read from damage and the evil eye daily for nine days. The claim is thus considered very effective methodand can be used even against a very strong impact.

Conspiracy from induced damage

This conspiracy from induced damage is a ritual, which is carried out in the church using all of us the well-known prayer "Father Our". Prayers must occur on Sunday. To do this, you need to go to the church on Sunday day and buy one wax candle. Holding this burning candle in right hand, It should be read nine times "Our Father", three times in the sceress after each reading.

In conclusion, repeat twelve times:

"Health, happiness, cleanliness, well-being, love, good luck.

This prayer from damage begins to act immediately after reading it. But, full solution Your problem will have to wait a few weeks: light conspiracies act gradually, removing and reducing the dark forces from you. If the results are not at all noticeable - repeat the rite twice twice, in every subsequent Sunday. The ritual is repeated, as a rule, when rituals used against you are very strong.

Solving problems with prayers and conspiracies

Various life situations suggest miscellaneous methods problem solution. The same applies to magic. If there are suspicions of use regarding you or your loved ones dark forces, the problem will solve prayers and conspiracies from the evil eye and damage.

Conspiracies, the claim or prayer of Cyprian make it possible to remove the entire negative, which accompanies you in life and return everything to the circles. It is very important to believe in your strength and pray, concentrating positive emotions. Only in this case everything will turn out.