Repairs Design Furniture

High double beds. Bed height with a mattress from the floor which should be the height of the bed with a floor mattress

High bed - a bold solution. Not everyone will decide this furniture at home. But with competently thought-out design, high double beds can be not just decorating the interior, but also an incredibly functional thing.

Features and advantages

When people do not want to put a classic bed or a sofa in the bedroom, something "modern" like a low fucker comes to the mind, almost floss with a floor or stylized bed on wooden pallets. High beds are not so popular, although they have a huge functionality.

In particular:

  • This is an excellent solution for a small bedroom.Yes, a large and cumbersome bed under the sleeping place has drawers and lockers in which you can arrange many things. In fact, the bedroom does not have to buy and put the chest of drawers or wardrobe. There you can place bed linen, personal belongings. Often there is stored shoes or clothing items not for season.
  • It looks very pompous and "with a claim".Such furniture will make everyone think, inventing design, or hire a specialist at all. But everyone who, at least the edge of the eye, will see your bedroom, will be delighted.
  • A good solution for those who do not tolerate drafts, or when in the apartment "pulls" the wind on the bottom.

Most often, this furniture is made under the order. To do this, you need to carefully measure the room and decide how much of this space will take a sleeping place.

The high bed is great for creating a bedroom in a Turkish style or country.

It can be richer to decorated - a baldahin is perfectly suitable here, a lot of pillows, covered with brushes and ruffles.

If the bedroom is large enough and there is a place to store other things, then you can order a bed at high legs. She has its own charm. If you plan to create inside the storage system, then you will need to think in advance what and how you will store there.

From the disadvantages of such models, you can mark bulky, the inability to quickly move the bed. Such a model should not be purchased to people who like to do without the end of the permutation. The high bed can make the room with dark, so it is best to put it in the bedroom with a large window, light walls and high ceilings.

Subtleties of choice and arrange

The most important thing is the purpose of the bed - the rest and sleep of man. Therefore, no matter how beautiful it is, the most important thing is its convenience. The bed must "Test" - lie on it, try to climb and get drunk. If the model is really high, it may even need a small stepladder - such things look very beautifully in the interior.

Be sure to consider the rush bottom and thoughtfully treat the selection of the mattress.All this will make a sleeping place as comfortable as possible.

Fan-Shui fans from the idea of \u200b\u200ba bed with a storage system will have to refuse - according to the rules of this Chinese "science", the air should be freely circulated under the bed. Better to purchase a bed at high legs. It can be beautifully reeling the bedspread, but under the bottom still nothing needs to be stored.

If a bed for two, be sure to make it possible to approach it - in theory, it should be climbing on it from both sides. Accordingly, ideally, it should stand in the middle of the room so that there were free passes on the left, right and in the squat. It is allowed to put a bed closer to the window, but there should also be a passage.

If the high bed has down drawers, the places on both sides should be left quite a lot - the boxes must have space for nomination. Be sure to consider the presence of bedside tables. If the nightstand does not give the box, it is worth finding another bed model. Another option is to abandon the bedside tables and hang on the sides on the walls of small shelves. You can put an alarm clock, put the phone, clock, cream for hands, glasses and your favorite book. Very relevant in the presence of a high bed hang out on both sides, small sconces. This will create additional light sources and complement the interior.

For a backlord model, two options are good: put it back to the wall and sideways to the window or back to the window.

More about high double beds you will learn from the following video.

Stylistics interior

You can create a lot of styles with a high bed, but it is best to get a classic, oriental and american:

  • The classic involves predominantly blonde colors.The bed must have a back and squinting. The back can be rectangular, curly. Decorates intricate carvings or a carriage tie. If the bed is not in the bed, you can put a small bench in my feet. The furniture set will look very good, if you have a chest or locker in a single stylist together with the bed in the room.

  • You can try to create a bedroom in Olive Stylistics. To do this, it is worth picking up a high wrought bed (or with forged parts) on the legs. The head of such furniture is decorated with twisted metal patterns. Equally well look both black and white options.
  • The high bed in the American style looks thoroughly and solid. This is quite massive furniture (and is done, by the way, very often from the array). "American" bed always has a back - wooden or covered cloth. Very good on the headboard looks a carriage screed. The headboard can be very high - hardly on the wall. It is such models that best be ordered with drawers at the bottom - the stylistics allows it.

Locating a high bed in a small bedroom, you can get not only a comfortable space for sleep, but also combined with storage systems space. High Floor Option is suitable for almost everyone: Lonely living, young couples, families with children and the elderly.


Comfortable sleep is a pledge of good well-being and mood. Today in stores you can find the most different furniture for sleep, but most people still prefer various sofas, chairs, sun loungers. Traditional sleeping bed. True, different height. Manufacturers note that the standard distance from the floor to the bed surface can range from 45 cm to 175 cm. Most often there are models up to half a meter and a little more.

But, in addition to the usual most of us, high beds are quite common today. They are addressed not only to children, ready to turn such a bed into their toy, but also adults who are looking for their benefit in the use of original models.

High bed, as a rule, consists directly from the bed and base. This design allows you to place the boxes at thenime, thanks to which the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment will increase.

In other words, a sleeping place high on the floor compensates for the horizontal square, which the bed "eats".

Even if there are various lifting mechanisms in the design, there is enough space to organize storage systems. Their total volume can replace a fairly spacious cabinet, so that a significant space is released in the bedroom.

The podium under the bed can also become an excellent idea for saving space in a small room. A raised berth creates a lot of opportunities to accommodate on a large area of \u200b\u200bstorage systems. Library, bed linen and winter things - all this and much more successfully can be hidden in boxes built into the podium. And on the territories liberated as a result, it is not less necessary for the life of things and fixtures.


In order for the bed perfectly fit into the room, its features should be taken into account.

High beds are several types:

  • With drawers. This is the perfect option for small apartments - such storage systems in the bedroom are capable of becoming an excellent alternative chest or Chiffira. The only nuance: setting them, it is necessary to provide a distance around the sleeping bed so that the boxes can freely open.
  • Children's bunk. Wonderful family exit with children and small living space. The design intended for children, seriously saves the place, like the kids and allows you to place a full game or working corner in a niche under bed.
  • Air mattress.This option is rather "for every fireman." If you suddenly got the guests or there was a situation when there is no possibility to put a sofa or chair, then inflate such a bed is a matter of a few minutes. And after use, it must be simply blown away and remove into a special bag.

Every day they are not too comfortable to sleep on them, but from time to time they are perfectly cut down, and they are easy to store them. In addition, today they are made from hypoallergenic materials with orthopedic properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

The possibility of successful placement of drawers for things at the base of bed is the most tangible advantage of high beds. For this reason, they prefer their usual models.

Another advantage can be the use of such a design for the elderly. Due to the age and health status, many of them are difficult and inconvenient to get up from low surfaces, so the bed with a high base will be a good option for them.

The disadvantages include a noticeable bulky of such a bed. Although, if you use designer techniques, for example, the organization of the podium with steps, then this minus is easily turning into a plus.

What affects the price?

In some cases, the price may become a decisive condition when choosing in favor of a particular bed model. The cost, according to the laws of the market, is made up of many factors, among which the brand of the manufacturer, the quality and uniqueness of the materials, the unusual design of the model, dimensions. All this is worth considering when buying.

The high bed does not necessarily have insane money. Today, many domestic manufacturers can offer consumers no less worthy and high-quality copies than their foreign colleagues, and this can be safely saved.

In addition, the ability to quickly and efficiently perform the original model according to individual parameters, personally negotiating all the details with the customer, it advantageously distinguishes local masters from distant overseas.

Material for a good bed is unlikely to be cheap. Otherwise, such a sleeping place will be rather dangerous than comfortable or will serve much less than it was possible to hope when buying. It is important that the lifting mechanism for the mattress (if applicable to the design of the product) was made of reliable materials.

Who will fit?

The high bed will suit almost everyone, from Mala to Great. Especially rejoice in such designs in the bedroom, children who have the opportunity in a regular apartment to climb on the top floor, arranged its secluded corner there. And their parents are satisfied, as they can put the children's furniture in the room more compact and ergonomically.

And if a sleeping place is part of the whole furniture complex, then such a children's room will also look original, which will only strengthen the enthusiasm of her small tenant.

A bed with a higher basis than traditional models is suitable for high growth and elderly people. The latter often experience inconvenience, getting up from low beds, it is difficult for them to bend and blend legs. And if the distance to the floor is comparable to the length of their lower extremities, then the awakening and the beginning of each day will be more joyful for them.

Of course, here you also need to know the measure - too high bed will create more difficulties for older people than low and may be unsafe.

Location in the interior

An unusual bed design will help create a special interior of the bedroom. The high bed can be located on the podium with steps or be equipped with a staircase, which is easy to get to the place of sleep. It may differ from the habitual bed only the height of the base or be a crown of designer thought and become a real decoration of the bedroom.

For sleep quality affects many factors. This is a comfortable mattress with an orthopedic effect, and a high-quality base of the bed, and air purity in the bedroom, and the emotional and physical condition of a person. But it turns out, even correctly selected bed height has a value. What should be the standard height of the orthopedic bed with a floor mattress? How to correctly calculate the thickness of the mattress? And does the need to change the parameters with age?

What is the standard height of the bed

The height of the bed is determined by the model and can vary from 45 to 175 cm.

These models are usually produced in 45 cm high. A person of medium height, sitting on such a bed, you have to bend legs in the knees. If the growth is above average, then the knees can come to the chin.


The height of the most common models is usually 50-63.5 cm. On such a bed, most people in a sitting position do not have to be very flexing their feet. And if you select a bed with an orthopedic lifting mechanism, then get an even place to store bed linen and other accessories.


The height of stylized models stylized under the vintage beds can reach 90 cm. Includes special ladies or benches are usually available - with their help, a person is closed to bed and descends from it. Such an option finds distribution in palace styles, reminds the beds of the kings and emperors and is not used too often.

The distance from the floor to the top of the Bed-attic can reach 165-175 cm, but if the model is located in the loft or apartments with high ceilings, then this parameter is still increasing. At the same time, it is necessary to place the model so that the distance to the ceiling is not less than 70 cm.

Cots for the smallest

Many furniture models for children are equipped with a mechanism that helps adjust the height of the base. At the same time, for newborns, the height of the crib can be configured under parents so that they do not have to be very encouraged, getting or laying the baby. But for babies that have already learned to sit down, the height should not be less than 60 cm to eliminate the risk of injury.

Properly selected bed height with a mattress is a guarantee of your convenience.

Calculate the height of the mattress

If you like your old mattress, and the documents indicating its parameters are not preserved, you can measure the thickness yourself. For this, the mattress needs to be placed on the floor, put up a smooth sheet of any solid material and measure the distance from the lying line from the lying and slightly protruding sheet to the floor.

When selecting the thickness of the mattress focus on the height of the deepening, which is provided in bed for its placement. In order for your bed with a new mattress to look aesthetically, and it was convenient to sleep on it, use simple recommendations:

  • if the height of the deepening at the base of the bed does not exceed 5 cm, choose a mattress with a thickness of no more than 20 cm;
  • if the base is 5-10 cm, then the mattress is suitable with a thickness of 18-24 cm;
  • in the recess of 10-15 cm, the mattress is well located with a height of 22 cm and more;
  • if a place for the mattress has a height of more than 15 cm, then prefer the most thick mattresses - from 25 cm and thicker.

The height of flawless models is usually 16-20 cm, spring - 18-30 cm.

Which height should be a bed with a mattress

Most people will be convenient to use the bed, the height of which is 50 cm from the top of the mattress to the floor. This European standard is taken into account in most classic models..

Getting out of such a bed, you can safely put your feet on the floor, reducing the load on the spine. And this is especially important in old age when the rise with a too low bed can turn into a daily test for strength.

When you are offered in the cabin to consider a comprehensive purchase, that is, to buy a bed equipped with a mattress, do not be angry and do not blame the sellers in the roller. The fact is that the developers of the model took care in advance that the "Bed Plus Mattress" kit was perfect.

Manufacturers also often indicate which mattresses from their ruler are suitable for a particular bed made in their own factory.

If the consultant in the cabin is really competent, it will help you to decide on the right height of the mattress. All you need from you to report the parameters of your bed.


Most of the mattresses presented in the catalog - Russian production. In quality, they are not inferior to Western, since they are produced on the same technology. Russian mattresses have one important advantage - a lower price.

No matter Askon Mediflex Magniflex Serta Ormathosek Rayton Lonax Beautyson Sleepeezee Dreamline Promtex-Orient Everest Hilding Anders

Depends on the dimensions of the bed or orthopedic base. It is not recommended to repel from the size of the old mattress - it can be deformed with time. Do not buy a mattress "with a margin" or vice versa, less beds - manufacturers offer a fairly large selection of form factors to satisfy any user requests. If you still could not find the desired size, we are ready to make a mattress individually.

It does not matter 60 x 120 60 x 160 60 x 186 60 x 190 x 195 60 x 200 65 x 125 70 x 160 x 190 x 195 70 x 2000 x 160 x 186 80 x 190 x 195 80 x 2000 x 210 x 2000 x 186 90 x 190 x 186 90 x 2000 x 210 x 2000 x 210 x 190 x 186 x 1950 x 2000 x 195 120 x 200 120 x 210 x 190 x 2000 x 210 x 2000 x 220 140 x 186 140 x 190 x 190 x 195 140 x 200 140 x 210 x 190 x 190 x 180 x 290 x 190 x 195 160 x 200 160 x 210 x 190 x 190 x 180 x 195 180 x 200 180 x 195 180 x 200 180 x 210 180 x 220 Ø 200 200 x 186 200 x 190 200 x 195 200 x 200 200 x 210 200 x 220 Ø 210 Ø 220 Ø 230

High mattresses are recommended for heavy people - they are withstanding higher load and better cope with the support of the spine. The height is defined as the distance from the base of the bed to the top edge of the mattress. It may differ from the manufacturer in the manufacturer within 15 mm - this is not a factory marriage, this is a consequence of the difference in the depth of the stitch covers.

It does not matter to 10 cm 10 cm 11 cm 12 cm 13 cm 14 cm 15 cm 16 cm 17 cm 18 cm 19 cm 20 cm 21 cm 22 cm 23 cm 24 cm 25 cm 26 cm 27 cm 28 cm 29 cm 30 cm from 31 cm

The greater the springs, the higher the orthopedic properties of the mattress. With an increase in the number of springs, the durability of the product and its cost increases. In the standard classification of mattresses, this parameter is specified per 1 m², but some manufacturers intend to go to the cunning, replacing square meters by bedrooms. One bed is similar to 2 m² - consider this when choosing a spring block.

No matterless dependent dependent (Bonnell) independent prug.blok

Speech about the upper side of the mattress. The dependence is simple - the more your weight, the tougher there should be a mattress. If you are not sure about choosing - the optimal choice will be the purchase of a double-sided mattress with a different degree of rigidity.

It does not matter low below medium average above average high

This parameter indicates the weight of the sleeping, which can withstand the mattress without the risk of deformation in the process of long-term operation. It is about one person. When choosing a double mattress, do not fold the weight of two people. If you buy a bilateral product, focus on a mass of a heaver.

It does not matter up to 80 kg to 90 kg to 100 kg to 110 kg to 120 kg to 130 kg to 140 kg more than 140 kg

Varies from two to three to several tens of thousand rubles. Depends on many factors: filler, spring block, manufacturer. The cost of the mattress significantly affects additional effects: orthopedic, micro-mass, aerator, memory effect.

Not important 5000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000 13000 14000 15000 16000 17000 18000 19000 20000 21000 26000 23000 24000 25000 26000 27000 28000 29000 30000 31000 36000 33000 34000 36000 44000 44000 44000 44000 44000 49000 43000 48000 52000 53000 56000 52000 55000 56000 57000 58000 59000 60000 61000 64000 60000 61000 62000 63000 64000 65000 66000 64000 68000 69000 7000 71000 75000 73000 74000 75000 73000 74000 75000 79000 80000 81000 82000 83000 84000 85000 89000 83000 84000 85000 89000 90000 95000 92000 93000 94000 95000 96000 97000 98000 99000

In the Middle Ages, the sleeping place was highlighted. It was a necessity, since the castles were cool enough. But now the high bed is popular, however, the purpose of the height has changed. For what you need a high bed and how to fit such a bed into the bedroom interior, let's try to figure it out.


Installation of a high bed is not as popular as, say, podium, but has its fans. To use such an attribute you need to have a certain courage. It should be noted that the height of the bed at which the bed is considered high, there must be at least 80 centimeters.

The high bed has a number of features that should be taken into account when installing this furniture attribute:

  • For small bedrooms it is very important to have Additional storage locationsAnd the high bed is allowed. A large space from below allows you to accommodate there various boxes not only for bedding, but also much more. But at the same time, it should be remembered that by installing such a bed with a sleeping place for one person, you visually reduce the room.
  • High bed adds pompous interior, Therefore, the surrounding items should also correspond.
  • It does not allow draftwhich usually pulls on the bottom, getting to a sleeping place, which makes sleep with cold nights more comfortable.

  • In addition, it will become an ideal sleeping place for the elderly.To lie on it or get up, you will have to make a minimum effort. But such a bed is hardly suitable for people who like to move freewar furniture. This is due to the fact that this product has a lot of weight and move it very problematic.
  • Also a high bed can make a room darker, so it is better to install it in the bedroom with a large window or with light walls, giving preference to the bright color of this furniture attribute.


High bed can be made of different materials:

  • Array of wood.Perhaps this is the highest priority material for the manufacture of beds, including high. This is due to the fact that this material is warm and always gives the comfort of the interior in which it is established. In addition, it is environmentally friendly, it does not use harmful substances in its production. A tree, whatever breed it was, completely hypoallergenically. Wooden products are quite large. They are not afraid of moisture, with ease of restoration. The cost of products from natural wood is not small, not everyone can afford to purchase a high bed from this material.

  • LDSP (laminated wood chipboard). This is a cheaper equivalent of natural wood. They are made from the remnants of the woodworking industry in small dispersion. Using formaldehyde resins, the sawdust glued together and is pressed into the stove. Such material is much cheaper than the array of wood. But he is very afraid of moisture. It is impossible to make carved products from it. In addition, unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality resins, and over time, this material begins to distinguish toxic substances, which can lead to an allergic reaction or other health problems.

  • Wood veneer. This material is also imitating natural wood, but in contrast to the previous sample, toxic substances are not used in production. Products from this material can also be restored if such a need arises.

  • Metal. High beds from this material also exist. At high legs, with all kinds of wrought vensels, they become an accent of the interior. Metal is also an eco-friendly material, allows you to make a unique design of the head of the head. In addition, it is not demanding to the level of humidity and ambient temperature, durable. But he is cold. Not everyone will sleep comfortably on such a bed.

There are samples of beds where the materials listed here are combined. So, the combination of wood and metal array makes high beds even more original. And the replacement of some parts of the wooden bed on veneer or chipboard significantly reduces the cost of construction.

What styles come to?

High bed is an attribute around which the corresponding interior must be:

  • Most often this bed is installed when room design In Turkish style. For this, the bed is supplied with high racks with a canopy, the headboard is decorated with carvings. It is also good if there will be a lot of pillows on the bed, and the bedspreads are decorated with brushes.

  • For room decorated in the American stylehigh beds are suitable with solid design. Strict shapes of the head of wood, skin upholstery without use of boutonnieres - these are the main features of the bed for this style.

  • In classicism You can also apply a high bed. By choosing the size of the King Size bed, and the frame made of natural wood, you will create a real royal bed in your bedroom.


Models of high beds in the domestic market presented a lot. Here are some of the most original of them:

  • One of the types of high beds for children is a attic. Such a model allows you to place not only boxes under the sleeping place, but also hide the desk or organize a house for games.

  • Chrome bed In a modern style, it will be a decoration of your bedroom: a high leather headboard with a carriage tie, brilliant supports for the canopy, not reversed with a cloth - all this will give the interior of novelty and extravagance in the good sense of this word.

  • High bed of natural wood with untreated texture. Downstairs there is a fairly large storage system with drawers and shelves. Excellent option for bedroom equipment in country style

  • Metal headboard and popping the bed Covered with matte silver, gives the high bedroom places of lightness and weightlessness. Great bedroom option in high-tech style.

How to choose?

When choosing a high bed, the most important thing is not to forget that this furnishing attribute is primarily intended to provide comfortable sleep. Try to lie on the bed, check if you get up with such a bed and go to her.

If you are fans of a hair dryer, then buy a bed with drawers below according to this "science", it is not worth it. It is better to give preference to the furniture at high legs so that the air is easily circulated at the bottom of the bed. At the same time, the distance from the floor to the frame of the bed can be hidden using a suitable bedspread.

If, on the contrary, you are considering choosing this furnishing attribute with additional storage systems, it is worth not to forget about the selection of the place to open the boxes. If it is impossible, it is worth considering the models where places for the placement of things are under the base for sleep, and the mattress easily folds down with the help of a gas lift.

If you chose the model too high, then immediately acquire a stepladder, which will not only facilitate your lifting on the bed, but will also become an original accessory in the interior of the room.