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Signs and superstitions on the narrowed. Tarotaro wishes you success and prosperity. Light conspiracy at home on linen seed - to attract love

Each girl is interested to know about how future it is waiting for, who will be narrowed. Since the ancient times, people were guessing, predicted a meeting with a loved one. Today, the magic of witchcraft also did not lose their significance and strength. Young women still continue to guess and believe in what one day they life path Make a person who will be a spouse.

Meeting of love and mysterious fortune telling on the narrowed

There is a lot of techniques based on which you can get an answer to the exciting girls question: when will take place football meeting with a loved man?

Referring to this topic, you can consider several types of fortunes aimed at obtaining information about the first date with the narrowed. These may be predicting associated with different ways Laying cards, or some highly specialized options.

Conspiracy to meet with narrowed

This technique is old as the world. it ancient plotwhich reveals two directions: the ability to predict a meeting with a loved one and speed it up. The second conspiracy function also gives the performer of such a rite with the energy of love.

The fortune telling is carried out in the evening, being in full solitude. At this time, it is necessary to say the words of the conspiracy facing in the direction of a lit candle. Pronounced speeches must be operated in parallel.

The girl says about how she takes a sheet of paper, tears it into several pieces. After that, they get to her like hadal mapsFor which you can predict a meeting in the morning time. One half of the card will indicate a date, and the other part will prompt the date of the meeting with the beloved. Paper girl will hide in secret placewaiting for the night with closed eyes. Next, you should mix all the pieces of paper. After that, the lady will open sheets to know in advance about the meeting and say - Amen.

In the morning of the next day, it is necessary to go to the church, buy candles in the number of seven pieces. With the arrival of the night, a woman should stay in a closed dark room, light the bought candles, arrange them in a circle.

It is necessary to look closely at the light of burning candles, focus on the exciting issue. It is advisable to imagine this date, give the will imagination.

The subsequent step needs to take clean paper, divide it with hands into two halves. On one of the parts of the leaflet write words - a date will take place on the second - so far early. Paper lay on the table, while closing their eyes. Hands must be kept over both parts of the sheets. An index finger should be sent down and gradually lower it. A sheet of paper that will affect the finger will be prediction.

  1. If the finger touched the paper with the inscription about a date, the meeting with the narrowed will take place in the coming deadlines.
  2. If the finger pointed to the sheet with the words that it is too early, the meeting will not be soon.

Predictment with stone

To carry out this ritual, there will be an ordinary stone chosen on the street. Better decision In this case, sandstone will be, or limestone, although any stone is suitable, which is easy to smash.

It takes to go outside to find suitable stone. After his stay, you need to read a prayer, take a stone with you. It should be washed at home, postpone a couple of hours in a dark place.

At night, the stone is broken by hammer or sledgehammer. Based on how the miracle stone brokes, you can make certain predictions on the narrowed.

  1. The stone crashed into the same time - the answer to the question in the near future will not follow. It is advisable to repeat the rite the next day.
  2. During the strike, the stone broke up into two parts. It is worth looking at the magnitude of the churches obtained. If the left side of the stone is less than the right, then a date with the beloved will be very soon. Otherwise, you should not hope for a meeting in the next time.
  3. If the stone was covered with cracks and remained integer, then be a late date.

Beads will predict a meeting with the beloved

It is necessary to take beads, and the preference is to give the decoration from the grenade or coral, pearls. At night, the girl remains alone in a dark room with a burning white candle. In the hands of a young person should be beads. At the same time, the beauty directs his thoughts towards the narrowed, she dreams of a meeting with him, even a joint future life.

With closed eyes, the lady begins to sort out every bead with his fingers, passing many circles. Divorce can stop at that moment when he tells her own intuition. On the inner call of the soul, the young woman opens the eyes, looks after the Bead, which was stopped. The result of such divination is associated with the distance between the selected bead and the fastener decoration. The conclusion is done depending on the number of stones that remained before the clasp.

2 - a date with the beloved will be held soon, for the next month,
5 - the gadgetary feature itself prevents the meeting with the narrowed
7 - Young beauty is familiar with his chosen one, just does not guess that he is her future spouse,
10 - the lady is too independent and therefore does not notice lovers of views from the opposite sex,
15 - a date not to be in the next 3 months
20 - many chances of a young person stay alone over the coming year,
21 - the girl will have to spend a long time and night in full solitude.

There is an opinion on the fact that magic beads should be constantly worn to attract love to their side.

Fortune telling to meet with narrowed in christmas

To predict the point of date with your future husband is possible in Christmas. In this case, the girl needs to wake up early in the morning of January 7, open the window, speak the magic words that the beloved came and took her with him.

Christmas fortune telling may also be connected with other people whom the beauty will be the first to see on January 7th.

  1. If this is a woman, for the whole year, young person will have to miss alone.
  2. If the lady of the first see a man, then this will look like a future spouse.
  3. If a child meets - it means all year will be held in troubles and care, and the time for a personal life will not remain.

Learn the name narrowed

Many girls are interested not only by the date of the meeting with the narrowed, but also his name. To do this, you need to collect so many pieces of paper how old you are gading individual. On each leaflet should write any male names. Next, pieces are mixed and put under the girl's pillow in the Christmas night. In the morning, lying in bed, the lady should pull at random any leaf from under the pillow and read the name. It will be answered.

Conspiracy of the Pechora Healer of Maria Fedorovskaya on love Independent and loyalty Pigeon-in-law Irina

To meet the narrowed

To meet the narrowed

First you need to take the ball of dark woolen thread, sprinkle, through your hands every centimeter of threads to skip, and then again wind in the ball do it yourself. Then put it under the pillow and three nights to sleep on it. And on the fourth night you need to pretend that they went to sleep, and in a few hours when the moon in the sky will shine brightly, take the tangle in left, quietly get out of the house, reach the wasteland, which the moon completely illuminates (you can just get enough in the courtyard, where the windows do not go out so that curious eyes do not interfere).

Get up straight, look at the sky, three times around yourself Wrap through the left shoulder and say:

In the sky of Isus Christ, Naznodelo Marie, Angels and Archangels, Cherubim and Serafima. The moon shines them, to see helps. Here they see all my thoughts, everything is in front of knowing, about all the sorrows and sorrows of my cries with me. Help me, the moon, my beloved to find among everyone, bring me to him, sleep on my way, point to him. As three nights, they will meet me with a narrow-minded one, let my tangle rolling to him. And the tangle does not rush yes the road will not light up - let the name knocks him with the mouth of the person, whom I in three days in my house in my house. Those of the words of the sky - the key, the land - the castle from now on and before the century forever. Amen.

Talking B. right hand, unwind a little, put on the ground and podtolanny slightly so that he rolled. Then shielded three times yes go home without looking around. And leave the tangle where it was. Come home, nine times read ours "Father".

Three days, turning place at that place: if the tangle worried himself or it is not visible at all, then you will soon meet the right person. If the tangle went out not far, then you will know your guests, who will come on this day. Well, if the tangle and lies, as it was, there was no help to you.

There may be two reasons for this: or in your life needed man And so already there, or in your life soon, such a fracture will happen that no cute you no longer need. For example, you get sick or die. It is so scary to know this, but it is better to know than not to know. Because when you know, you can still do something.

How to check why the plot does not work

For the same reasons, any conspiracy may not work. We must definitely find out the reason. Go home. On the four corners of the room are drunk thin wax candles. Sit in the middle of the room is prolonged, barefoot, on the floor. Take your favorite ring, better without a pebble, tie to him a thread from that tangle, which has stricken. Take a clay bowl with water. Above the water three times read ours "Father". Then take a ring on a thread in the right hand, the pendulum will turn out, the thread must be centimeters ten. Keep pendulum over the water, five centimeters from the bowl. Stop it with your left hand. Further hold it and ask questions:

I have no help, because it's nice and so near me, but I do not see him?

If there was no, ask further:

I have no help, because I will soon be sick?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes. Then ask more:

Can I take the disease from myself?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes.

If the pendulum answered not to the question of illness, ask further:

I have no help, because I will die soon?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes. Then ask:

Can I get death from myself?

If the pendulum stands or in a circle goes, it means there is no, if from the side it is injected, it means yes.

After you learned all you need, quickly blow all the candles and throw in a bowl of water, the cover of it with a clean flaxed towel, twice shifted and say:

"Isus Christ, you are for all the Mellets, in the sky our concern, forgive me sins and sins, I hope for your mercy and dowry, I wash your feet, I wash your feet, I'm sorry for my sinner (name) in Syrosti, and Stupidity , and my gods, let my sins. "

After that, herself twisted, take that bowl as there is barefoot and proliferately bring her to the street and pour over the house. The towel, which covered it, throw out. And the bowl itself is boiling and never eat out of it and do not prepare food in it.

How to clean up to get help if you are waiting for a disease or death

If a disease or death is waiting for you, but it is told to you that you can take them away from yourself, you need to clean up. It is necessary to do this:

1. To hang three days, then confess in the Church of the Batyushka and coming up.

2. Recall all people who have inflicted, and ask for forgiveness. If there are no them next, ask mentally. Write letters. For those who are near, also give small gifts.

3. Disassemble all debts if they are. If even someone's ruble took, remember, give this ruble.

4. Roll into metal money hundred rubles and distribute the poor.

5. Buy a variety of simple meals and foaming dogs and cats.

6. Buy a bunch of bread and foaming birds.

7. Cooking pies and treatments of all neighbors.

8. Observe your clothes, put everything unnecessary on the street and leave there, so that everyone needs to, can take it.

9. For a week, do not drink wine, do not smoke, do not eat meat, do not swear (it means not only the marrying brand, but also any clarification of relations, manifestations of discontent).

How to find out what to do after cleansing

As a week passed, I have to sleep and tell me before bedtime, looking at the burning church candle:

"Isus of Christ, the Son of God, the light of the wonderful, life of teaching, from the nonsense of the saved, repentance, appea, thoughts in the head, how to me the slave of God (name) from myself sadness-kolukhin-bitterness deathly divestly, what should I do, like trouble To pretend. Now and in the eyelids of the age of Amen. "

After that, drink a cup of herbal tea (zarvari in the mug of Valeriana, and a chabarm, and a branch of the basil, and three dried rose berries), lie on the right side, lay the right hand under the cheek and read our "Father", do not fall asleep. In a dream you will be the way to healing and assigning trouble.

What to do if you were told that the help would not be provided

If the pendulum answered you that you can't wait for help, clean and do the following. Take vacation at work, if you work, for a week or better for two and go to any monastery. Arriving there, from morning to night, pray and ask for monks to pray for the salvation of your soul and extending you life. And when you will hand out alms, all the poor ask for you to pray for you. And asking all their friends and relatives to put in the church for your health in the candle. Avosh and wake you up with the whole world.

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176. Bridge for narrowed before going to bed, make a bridge from a broom of a broom of a bridge and put it under a pillow with the words: "Daughty mine, moody, translate me across the bridge." A man who will dream and have your narrowed. Under the pillow also put a comb, not

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203. Dinner for the narrowed Put a piece of cake under the pillow and invite the future groom: "Daughty-rude! Come to me dinner! " The groom will come to you in

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The fortune telling on the narrowed echo running out of the hut on the street, the village girls of Aukali and listened - which part of the echo, from there and will be the groom. Other details were also noted. If echo responded quickly and sounds long, the wedding will be soon. If the echo toncooles,

Strictly follow the procedure defined below and all the established rules during the ritual. Make sure you really want to find your. If you simply decided to check, it will work or not, the ritual will not help you. We have a snow or rain, substitute any vessel (glass, cup) to rain so that the water directly from snow or rain immediately fell into the vessel. When the snow or rain stops, bring the vessel with a scaled water. If the street was snowing on the street, let him completely melt.

Go outside, find a fence from the boards. Passing along it, say: "Poor or rich, widower or bachelor." On what word the fence will end, so will future husband. You can judge the truthfulness of divination when you meet your narrowed.

Take the boot or boots, go out into the street. Rinted I wear through the right shoulder. Before that, tell me: "What side does my narrowed live in?" Which way will show the sock or boots, from there and the groom will come for you.

In another embodiment, the boot should be removed from the left leg, and not to take it with you in your hands on the street.

You can guess in the name of the future spouse. Bake damn, leave him on the street after 22 hours, but no later than midnight. Go and take a damn. Ask the first passerby, as his name. It is the name and will be your future husband. If you met a woman first on the street, then you will not get married in the coming year.

Love magic will be useful not only to those who have faced indifference and indifferent relationship chosen. Not complicated effective rituals Allowed to gain personal happiness, even if the satellite of life is not yet defined. Moreover, to use a conspiracy in order to find love, not only Esoteric experts can not, but also people unfamiliar with the subtleties of magical science.

Love magic

Features of conspiracies to gain love

Features of conspiracies

Even strong plot may be ineffective if a person is not configured to create serious relationships. First of all, it is necessary to fully desire to find love and arrange a personal life. If the need for relationships is a fleeting whim, a forced decision against the condemnation of others, then a positive result will be obtained very difficult.

Only a person who really wishes to find love will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of rituals. To guarantee to attract strong feelings in your life, it is necessary to clearly follow the recommendations and believe in the effectiveness of the chosen rite. If these conditions are not observed, the risk of frustration is quite high.

Ancient conspiracy to gain love

Vintage Methods of magic

This plot was actively practiced in the old days. He did not lose the relevance and now. An important advantage - it can be used any month. Nevertheless, it is recommended to pay attention to the lunar cycle. The most effective will be a ritual conducted in the phase of the growing moon.

All rites need to repeat \u003d daily for three days. Bring to the first session follows Friday. Then duplicate the ritual on Saturday and on Sunday. The ideal time of day - dawn, morning dawn. Conspire text:

"Lord, bless! God help me! Zarya Maryan comes, the sun rises to the sky. So I would, the slave of God (the name of the one who spends the ritual), married, was squeezed. Bless, God, and me for marriage too. The crown of Velchae, the narrowed-rude me, the servant of God (the name of the one who spends the ritual), give. The word is my hard. Case my lopko. Key. Lock. Language. Amen (3 times). "

Conspiracy for exploring life satellite

We are looking for your companion

This rite will help to speed up the acquaintance with a potential satellite of life. To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to fit into a white shirt and dissolve the hair. All gum, hairpins and clips need to be removed. Conspiracy will have three days at dawn or during twilight.

It is necessary to concentrate and pronounce the text of an effective conspiracy:

"My Light, Dawn Alaya, my desire for you is a lot of way - enjoy and bring me well done for a crown. You bring his heart, his eyes. Put us under the image with him. "

Conspiracy on a rose

Use rose

For this rite will need a rose. Ideally, the flower should be freshly cut, pink or red color. It is very important: if the rose had to buy, in no case can not be bargained, trying to reduce the price. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the ritual will noticeably decrease. In addition, you should carefully choose a flower. You need to buy that rose that seems the most beautiful and fresh on the background of other colors.

Before the session should be removed from the room all that can interfere with the maximum concentration during the ritual. The rite begins with the preparation, psychological attitude. It is necessary to be either sitting in front of the mirror and take a rose. Carefully look at the flower and reproduce the desired result in the subconscious.

Now you can proceed to pronunciation:

"I feel love, I see love, I inhale love."

The flower should always be near the face. It is necessary to admire them, inhale a fragrant fragrance, touch the gentle petals. During a session, it should be represented as a powerful wave of love energy penetrates into the body.

The last stage - take a look in the mirror and quickly pronounce:

"Love around me, inside me, proceed from me. She goes to me. I am loved!".

Repeat three times. After the session, the rose does not throw away. Three days wearing it always with me as a talisman.

Clean water conspiracy

Power of water

So that the ritual was as efficient as possible, it is necessary to get clean water. From the crane - not the best way. Ideally, gain running water from the stream, spring, river. It should not be muddy. Only crystal clear "live" water is suitable. Session should be spent in the evening.

Slap a candle of red. Put a tank with water and pronounce:

"On the water, purely except, I urge your narrowed. Let him find out about me rather. I hurry to me, time does not lose. I am waiting for all your heart, for him his love shore. "

After they pronounced last words, the candle must be blown away. Water container do not touch. It should stay on the table until the morning. You can only pour out after dawn and only in natural reservoirs. At the same time, it must be said:

"To my squeezed, I will swim, my sadness is ignition."

Plot on Pear

We use a pear

Apply this conspiracy to find love, it is only necessary in the phase of the growing moon. It was during this period that the ritual will be most effective. For a session, you should buy a ripe juicy pear. It is better large, but you can do and the fruit of medium sizes. In addition to pears, there will be three aspen sprigs (or ordinary matches).

Fruit neatly cut into two halves and disconnect. Pronounce:

"As a single whole was divided, as a single whole disconnected, so I still have one sad, one sit."

After that, the halves fold together, fixing in several places with aspen sprigs (or matches). To tell:

"As two halves reiterated again, we swallowed in a single whole, and I will find my halm, loneliness run. May it be so!".

Final stage - wrap pear with pure piece of tissue or sheet of paper. Attributed to a deserted place and put under any tree. It is very important to make this so that no one has seen.

Conspiracy on twelve candles

Candles and their power of magic

For this ritual is necessary church candles. Others do not fit. The rite should begin from the morning. Go to church and acquire a dozen candles. Only two of them need to take home. The rest are left near the icons. Four posting faith faith, hopes, love and their mother Sofia. Three candles put near the Icons of the Virgin and the Crucifixion of the Savior.

Come home, wait for the sunset. Now it is necessary to light the brought a pair of candles. Concentrate on the desire to meet the satellite of life and twelve times to pronounce a plot:

"Smoy, Lord. Smoom, mother of God. How these two candles are burning, so let the heart of male ignite. "

Any of the listed conspiracies will help to meet love. But this will only happen if the ritual is not entertaining, but a serious rite. It is impossible to laugh and neglect to refer to the texts of the conspiracies and the procedure of the session. Just so you can get guaranteed effect from ritual.

Back from our ancestors, rites reached us, attracting love for women. The plot for the attraction of the narrowed was used for many years and never failed. Self accurate fortune telling On the narrowed softy. It is during this period of time that the highest energy activity is observed. The correct redirection of energy makes it possible to determine exactly how soon changes in your fate will occur.

Magic rite with a mirror

To carry out the rite you need to get the mirror in which the beloved watched. It is possible to conduct a magical impact on any even day of the month, at noon. To implement the conceived you will need:

From the proposed ingredients make a mixture, at the rate of 1: 1: 1. After the mixture is ready, the finger is macked into it and applied to the energy centers located in the field of solar plexus, buttocks, and on all bends. A burning light is installed on the floor and put it on a finger three times, half a finger in the prepared mixture. Then they put the mirror onto the tank with the ointment and, leaning toward the flame, the name of the man is as follows three times.

After that, the candle should be extinguished, and put the vessel with the mixture on the windowsill, where to leave it all for a day. The next day, the light flashes again, and the fire is quenched in a bowl of ointment. On the second day above the light, read the plot for the attraction of the narrowed:

"In the mirror looked, instead I saw me there. I went to sleep - I saw me in a dream. I went out on the street, I found me. "

Maternal spell on issuing a daughter marry

If the mother is stirred about the well-being of his daughter, and that can not get married, you can use the conspiracy to bring the girl narrowed into the life. To fulfill the ritual, you will need pure key water scored at dawn at the first rays of the sun. Most suitable time To carry out this Ritual New Moon, when the moon is in the Constellation of the Taurus.

"As the Zarnitsa red burns, the beauty of his all manitis, and the slave of God (name) to everyone Mila. Amen".

Honey is put in conspiracted water, they sing her daughter, and then wash. The remaining water you need to lubricate all the brackets and handles on the doors in the house.

To get married after divorce

A person can not be lonely. So that after the divorce your life has developed successfully, you can use the help higher Forces. The ritual is held on any even Thursday. It will take:

  • tansy;
  • pair of rowan branches;
  • big pelvis;
  • spring water;
  • bucket.

From Ryabina with Pijm, you need to make a decoction. Pour it in the pelvis and dilute with key water. The bucket also needs to dial water and add sea salt to it. Next, you need to remove all the clothes and naked to wash the floors in the entire apartment, especially carefully rubbing in the corners. Then wate yourself, pre-conspired water, from the pelvis. The entire procedure should be done three times. It is impossible to wipe, it is necessary only to wait when the body can dry itself. After all this, it is necessary to go to the temple where you put 12 lights for health yourself. Upon exit from the temple, you need to file alms to three in need.

To speak water for ablution, use these words:

"By sea, the ship rushes, on that ship the young king is saved. There is and sleep, he can't, longing sadness is gnawing it. In my direction, he can only look, yes hurry, herself waving the paddle. You, my fate, fate, show the way to my threshold, on my bed. Let it go back the ring on my finger to wear "

Spell on women's happiness

Attract happiness, mutual understanding and love will help one simple ritual. For the rite to attract your narrowed, you will need:

  • icon "unfading color";
  • holy water;
  • 7 pink candle.

Pour the water in the basin. Arrange the candles at the same distance from each other. Sit down at the table and start reading a plot:

"Roadside stone, Alatyr lies, behind him in the darkness of Lada, Mother sits, maidens waiting for young. She helps them generously female happiness Putting. Lada, Mother, your favor and I hope, hear my plea. Do that the narrowed rummy found me, so that my house did not pass. Female happiness and put me on. All sadness and adversity to drive help. I went to me a generous husband, and the children of strong ".

Fateful thread

The red thread of fate binds two people intended to each other. To draw in your life narrowed, you need to make an amulet. To do this, you should buy motok red woolen thread And there is a small segment of the thread on the ankle. Tied the nodules, so that the thread kept on the leg, but at the same time it could easily unlease, if you make some efforts.

In the evening you need to go to the place where people occasionally appear. The thread should be tied to a living tree and return home, in this way that you never went. On the way home it is necessary to unwind the motok, setting up the lighthouse for the future husband, according to which he can find you, perhaps even in the coming days. It is important that the thread did not break.

Storge on shints

One of the most common methods to attract a man to his life was saty fortune telling. During this period, the highest activity is observed. The souls of the dead come to the ground on the night from the sixth to the seventh of January, to spend their relatives. It's time to ask for help. Many girls start burning in a couple of week.

One of the most accurate, but at the same time dangerous methods, find out who is treated with fate, a rite with two mirrors and a candle. For the rite, an oval mirror is suitable, in a metal frame. Preferably so that the mirrors were old. They spend a ritual in a dark room, closer to midnight.

On the table should be sacred clean, white tablet. Put the mirrors by placing them so that a mirror corridor formed. Nearby put a candle and, looking at this corridor, begin to read a plot:

"Who is designed to appear - appear. Mim's narrowed, muddy - show. The bride was released. "

Exactly at midnight in the mirror corridor you will see a quick approaching silhouette. This rite is very dangerous, because you need to have time to turn the mirrors in time.

The evil spirits of the castorical can penetrate our world if you are taking place for a split second. To cope with these spirits, even the most experienced Mago may sometimes be under power. Strust with mirrors, it is necessary only when you are completely confident in your abilities.

How to eliminate negative impact

Very often, women cannot marry, because they brought damage to loneliness or left the crown of celibacy. To begin with, it should be diagnosed to understand whether there is negative impact or not. If it was discovered, you need to start the ceremony of purification. To carry out a ritual action you need to buy a seven-story icon, put it on the table, and next to the circle, at the same distance from each other, set seven candles.

Holy face pray to soften evil hearts And romate enemies. Conspiring prayer:

"The long-suffering Mother of God, you, much in our century, was prevented by the troubles, sorrows and seals. Accept our painful sighs, we must cover us with their cover, and the screens from the misfortune and the bad. Do not let go wrong, yes help to avoid temptation. "

"The enemy was evil sent me an arrow that struck me with loneliness. His thin words struck me. I will be like a shield, the cover of the Virgin to hurt. He will find in the face of the Lord of our powerful protection. "

How to get married widow

Even in the bright time of the day, it is necessary to find a place where the hops go along the long fence. At midnight you need to return and disrupt it. Hop branches are put on the chest and carry home. While overcoming the distance in both ends, it is impossible to talk to anyone.

Final part

People have long been used magic ritesTo find out when happiness comes in their lives when they can get a family. There are many ritual actions that allow you to attract love and narrowed in your life. It also happens that people go constantly in the same places, but just do not notice each other. Such conspiracies and fortune tells only to awaken interest, no more, everything else will have to do it yourself.

Among all sorts of species, the extension is considered to be fortune-telling for a shield. Strong ritual With mirrors, it allows you to find out exactly who is prepared by fate for you. It is held on the night of the sixth to the seventh of January. The rites are preparing in advance. In addition to the wizard rituals, all sorts of amulets can be used, which will store a person from the misfortune and will indicate the right way in life. Such a talisman is a red thread, which symbolizes an invisible connection between a man and a woman prepared by each other's fate.

The time of rites attracting the opposite sex play a major role. If the instructions describe a certain time, you need to perform this requirement, and otherwise the Kara will overtake you. Often the cause of loneliness becomes damage. It can even hurt close relativewho does not want your life to be happy. Before carrying out the deduction from damage, you need to pray before the seven-styled icon. If you can, you can do it in the temple. After reading the special prayers, go to the calculation of loneliness.

Before each ritual is recommended to clean their aura. This is a very simple procedure. In the shower, soda the sea salt, and then rinse it with water. In this process, the main visualization. Imagine that drops of water literally knock out of your body, spacked the negative per day.