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Fortune telling on the floor of the child along the ring. The most accurate methods of fortune telling for the floor of the future child

Ring is not a simple decoration, but a mystical object endowed with a special force.

With the help of a ring, our great-grandmothers, being young, learned their future, gladly walked for children, certainly on the narrowed, on their own marriage and other exciting women questions.

Beautiful and ancient fortune telling on the ring does not lose their relevance. And its simplicity and accessibility makes this prediction popular.

The divination on the ring is a simple process that does not require any special materials, conditions and abilities. But that it was true, you need to spend everything right.

  1. On Monday, you should not guess - it's a bad day for predictions when the information is incorrect.
  2. The ritual is held in the evening, after sunset, or at night.
  3. Before fortunate, the girl should comb, remove all the decorations and accessories - hairpins, belt, rings. There should be no cosmetics. It is best to guess in a simple night shirt.
  4. Electric light interferes with the mystical process, so it is worth noting only the candles, putting them on the floor near yourself.
  5. The ring should be gold or silver, without stones, relief, pattern.
  6. Sit is better to the floor, and not guessing the desktop.
  7. Unmarried girls can guess on the wedding rings of their mother or grandmother. Married woman goes only on its own wedding rings.

The fortune telling on the ring has several types, and will help you know whether the marriage will be waiting for what the girl or children will be given, and whether it will be happy.

1. Very good fortune telling is carried out on the wedding or simple ring with a glass of water. You can learn any questions on "yes" or "no": find out if marriage is waiting for a marriage, to determine the floor of the future child, is it destined to fall in love and loves you a guy - whatever you want.

Take a glass of water, ring and your own hair. If the hair is too short, then the natural thread is suitable. On the hair (or thread) is hanging on the ring, and it turns out the pendulum, which will answer the questions.

Take the ends of the thread firmly, plunge the ring into the water and lift over the glass. Now you can ask questions: Do I pass the exam? Do I face a child? Will I marry?

The ring will become either rotating along the axis, or will begin to swing a little there. The circle clockwise, as well as horizontal swaying to the right and left mean "yes."

Circle reverse, or swaying forward-back - "No". When your ring freezes without movement, there is no answer to your question yet. Such a simple fortune telling on the gold ring with hair or thread gives more or less accurate answers, and will help make a decision.

2. Similarly, you can find out the floor of the future child. Take a glass of water and a ring, hanging on a thread. Slowly, calmly lower the ring into the water, and leave there.

If there will be a circular motion inside a glass with water, you will have a boy, and if it becomes moving there and here - wait for the girl. The ring, standing on the spot without movement, indicates that the next year there will be no children.

3. The divination on marriage can be carried out in a pair with the closest girlfriend or relative, which you trust. Take four identical plates or glasses, ring and four handkerchiefs.

Exit the room. The girlfriend should put a ring into one of the tanks, and cover all the plates (or glasses) with scarves. You should guess where the ring.

  • Guess from the first attempt? Be sure to marry this year.
  • With the second? Marriage is very likely.
  • Well, if you failed with the third, while you enjoy free life.

4. Beautiful, ancient fortune telling - on cute. Sit on the floor or by the table, lit candles, take a transparent, smooth glass with cold water. Throw the ring into it, go back and whisper: "Durable, appear."

Peer in the hole hole, without releasing the glance until you start to see. Many see the outline, someone - face, someone is visible only silhouette.

This fortune telling should be done at midnight, in complete silence and loneliness, without distracting anything. It can take a lot of time - do not rush, silent and focus, and everything will turn out.

5. Simple and interesting divination for the marriage and the birth of a child - with a ring and grain. Take a big, deep bowl, pour more than any grain, and scream back there. After that, you need to scoop the grain with your left hand. If the ring of grain turned out to be a ring - a quick marriage awaits you!

6. If you are interested, there will be a husband rich or poor, there is a way to find out. For fortune telling also need a friend. She should take a ring, a piece of white bread and a twist, and put on the table - so that you do not see. These items are covered with a large handkerchief.

You become in front of the table, turn around around yourself exactly seven times, and put your hand on the handkerchief, covering the first thing with your palm.

  • If they will be bread - you are waiting for marriage with a rich man.
  • The twist means "paradise in a halary", the husband will be rich.
  • And the ring will indicate that you will marry big love, and it doesn't matter whether the husband will be rich or not very, he will wear you on his hands.

Divination with the rings is very simple, interesting, but it is worth it to be reasonable. They allow you to find out the likelihood of future events, but they do not predetermine your destiny. Everything can change, and only a person himself decides what his life will be.

We are responsible for your destiny yourself, do not shift it on mysticism - and let the fortune telling you to achieve your dreams, and only what you want with all my heart will come true!

Now thanks to new technologies, you can easily and quickly find out who will be born in the family - a boy or a girl. In the old days, people for this purpose used fortune telling to the sex of the child, and the result was no less accurate.

The most truthful prediction methods

Some of the vintage courtesy rites were distinguished by particular accuracy. It was also believed that the maximum truthful result is easy to achieve, combining several methods, including. Many of them are used now.

In the most popular methods apply underdiving household items -, wedding rings, buttons, threads. Sometimes more interesting attributes are used - the blood of the future mother or food.

Using needles

The most common way. We use women who have a pregnancy first on account. If someone has already done an abortion, this kind of fortune telling the child can not be applied. Manipulations are performed in the evening. Before burning, it is worth preparing a new needle and a white thread. The essence of the process is as follows:

  • turn the thread in the Ushko;
  • tips tie;
  • take the nodes;
  • pendulum hang over the palm of the left hand;
  • omit it 3 times between her and thumb;
  • leave to the center of the palm.

The result of divination is interpreted as follows:

  • the pendulum moves in a circle - by the birth of the girl;
  • forward-back - a boy will be born.

Actions can be repeated several times to learn the floor of future children, as well as their number. If at a certain point, the needle is lit over hand, then you need to stop the bill in the previous one.

On the ring

This method is used to determine the sex of the child European peoples, among them. For its embodiment, such manipulations are performed:

  • take a woolen thread;
  • take it into the wedding ring - it turns out a kind of pendulum;
  • hold it over the abdomen of the future mother.

The fortune telling on the floor of the child on the wedding ring will tell about the following:

  • movements from side to side - by the birth of a boy;
  • in a circle - you should expect a girl.

Vorozhba perform in another way. Pendulum lead over a woman's palm. But his movements are pushing on the contrary.

The fortune telling can be conducted and unmarried girls. Decoration take the mother, optionally wedding. This method can even suggest a man as his children.

The divination by the ring on the floor of the child also produce in winter with water. For this, it is filled with a glass. Throw to the vessel their own decoration - optionally wedding. Exhibit on the cold all night. In the morning inspect the frozen surface. If she is with a hillock, then a boy will be born, with a wpadin - a girl. The method is suitable not only for pregnant women, but also to representatives of weak gender, which.

On playing cards

When the woman did not perform layout before, you need to choose the easiest. For half a child, you will need a new deck. Before the process, concentrate thoughts on the question. Further tasuit cards and pull them alternately until the first does not fall:

  • 8 tambourine or worms - to the birth of a girl;
  • 8 Treph or Peak - says about the boy.

The divination on the playing cards on the sex of the child is carried out in this way:

  • touch the deck and put it with a shirt up;
  • shift the cards alternately;
  • the first king fell - a boy, a lady - a girl;
  • maps go one after another - it is worth waiting for twins.

The latter indicates the dies and the king in a row and the king. Single-sex children are called when 2 kings one after another or 2 ladies appeared in the scenario.

By blood

In women, the blood update occurs every 3 years, men - every 4. According to this fact, fortune telling on the floor of the child is performed as follows:

  • the age of pregnant is divided by 3, and her husband is 4;
  • analyze the numbers received - if the first less, then the girl will be born, when it is more, you should expect a boy.

Many use the method of determining the floor under blood before conception. The probability of getting a reliable result is high. This is evidenced by numerous positive feedback.

There were assumptions that the blood group of mother and father has an effect on the gender of the baby. But the theory can be easily refuted if you consider that children of different floors are born in one family.

In urine

They only produce women waiting for the baby. The fortune telling on the definition of the sex of the child is unusual, so it is better to stay alone. The term of pregnancy should be approximately 10-11 weeks. The essence of the process is such actions:

  • take an old saucepan;
  • pour milk and urine women;
  • place on fire.

The interpretation of the result is determined by the state of the liquid:

  • curled - the floor of the future kid female;
  • left unchanged - a boy will appear on the world.

When the child is being to be reached, many apply fortune telling on its floor with urine of pregnant, barley and wheat. Fluid add to grain. If wheat is faster than sprouts, the girl will be born. If the barley is processed first - it is worth expecting a representative of a strong sex.

With the help of buttons

For burning you need to sew your own satin bag, as well as prepare:

  • 5 red buttons;
  • 5 blue;
  • 1 green;
  • 1 yellow.

They must have the same dimensions. The fortune telling for the floor of the future child is performed as follows:

  • buttons are stirred in the bag;
  • pull one at random;
  • put on the table;
  • manipulations repeat three times.

The result is interpreted as follows:

  • all buttons are red - a girl will be born;
  • all blue is a boy;
  • different colors - look, what color prevails.

In appearance and well-being of pregnant

There is a special divination for the birth of the future child and its floor. Watching the future mother, learns the following:

  1. The condition of the skin and hair worsened - you are waiting for the girl. The people believe that it takes the beauty of the mother. If a pregnant woman looks better than before, a boy will appear on the light. This fact is confirmed by science.
  2. If the waist looks up - by the birth of the girl. When the belly is very rounded and the waist is not visible, then the boy should be expected.

Toxicosis in the early pregnancy shows about the birth of a male representative. Everything else, a woman should feel good.

Other ways of divination

There are many methods to help determine the floor of the future child. You can pay out by following the following actions:

  • get out of the morning on the street;
  • when meeting passes, ask him to make one letter;
  • to interpret the result is an even literature in the alphabet says about the birth of a girl, an odd - boy.

Sometime, fortune-telling on the floor of the child was performed using fish. The method was popular in Siberia. For his implementation, pregnant caught fish in the water, the female name of which was thrown out the birth of a beautiful sex representative. Male - foreshadowed the birth of a boy. Today it is believed that the future mother should dreamed of a fish. It is worth remembering its name. It will tell about the field of the fetus.

The method is popular, which requires the help of the senior family member - grandmother. It should take 15 woolen threads of 3 colors: red, blue and yellow. They are cut with a length of 30 cm and glove free spit, without fixing the ends. Pregnant pulls one thread out of her closed eyes. The result of divination for the determination of the sex of the child is interpreted as follows:

  • in the hands turned out to be a thread of red - a girl will be born;
  • blue - boy;
  • yellow - twins.

Signs for determining the floor of the child

To find out who will be on the light will help such signs:

  1. Woman prefers to eat meat, sausages, salted cucumbers - a boy will be born. When it lifts on sweets, you should wait for the baby.
  2. Pregnant prefers to eat a clutch - a male child will be born, only the crumb is eaten - female.
  3. The mood of a pregnant woman when carrying a baby is predominantly bad - you should wait for the birthday of the girl. When a woman is calm and cheerful, a boy will appear on the world.
  4. Future mother sleeps on the right side - a female child, on the left - male.
  5. The fruit behaves actively - this is a boy, a little calm is a girl.
  6. If the future mom is asked to show hands and she turns them with his palms up, then you should expect a girl. The back side predicts the birth of a boy.
  7. When a woman is asked to take a key from some surface, and she takes him for a round part, then a boy will be born. Otherwise - a girl.

Each future mother is wondering who she will be born: a boy or a girl? To find out, I use.

Hello, dear reader of Lenormania!

First technique The most simple. In order to start the fortune telling, drag the cards and let it shift once with your left hand. Now turn over the top card of the deck and put on the table. It is on it that we will define the floor of the child.

Example: Cart 14 (Fox) dropped. According to the card value there will be a girl.

Second technique. He is a little more difficult. For him, you need to know the date of birth of the future mother. To begin with, fold all the numbers of the date of birth and get a number from 1 to 36. If the amount of numbers turned out more than 36, then take a number from it 36 \u200b\u200buntil you receive a number from 1 to 36.

Example: a woman was born on April 15, 1984. We fold all the numbers: 1 + 5 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 \u003d 32. We see that we immediately got the number up to 36. We count the 32 card. Raised Map 20 (garden). There will be a boy.

AND third technique. You need to know how many full years has been fulfilled by the future mother at the time of fortune telling. As in the second way, you need to get a number from 1 to 36.

Now count the cards on one, starting with the first until you reach the desired card.

Example: At the time of fortune telling a woman turned 37 years old. We see that the resulting number is greater than 36. Taken 36. We get 1. Send 1 card. Raised Map 9 (Bouquet). So there will be a boy.


Card cards are very simple. If the picture depicted on the map, the male race will be a boy if female - there will be a girl if there is a twin or twins.

If the multiple number, then we make it in the singular and determine the genus. For example, a list of storks. In the singular stork. So there will be a boy.

The value of cards.

1. Boy

2. Boy

3. Boy

4. Boy

5. Double or twins

6. Girl

7. Girl

8. Boy

9. Boy

10. Girl

11. Girl

12. Girl

13. Boy

14. Girl

15. Boy

16. Girl

17. Boy

18. Girl

19. Girl

20. Boy

21. Girl

22. Girl

23. Girl

24. Double or twins

25. Double or twins

26. Girl

27. Double or twins

28. Boy

29. Girl

30. Girl

31. Double or twins

32. Girl

33. Boy

34. Girl

35. Boy

36. Boy

If you calculate the ratio of boys and cards, then we will see that girls are a little more. But, if you believe our statistics, girls and are born more often. Also, twins and twins are also born. There are five such cards in the deck.

I hope you enjoy it.

Pregnancy and birth of a child - meaningful events for a married couple. The waiting time of the child is filled with joy, anxiety and curiosity. Since ancient times, women wondered about how to determine who would be born. For this, they appealed to folk signs and fortune telling. Today, these ways of determining the floor of the child are more entertainment. Although many women note that these forecasts sometimes give more accurate results than the ultrasound procedure.

Folk signs

According to folk signs, which are based on the observation of women's behavior during pregnancy, quite often definitely define what sex the kid will be born. Usually pay attention to such signs:

Effect of pregnancy

Most of the people will accept associated with observations of changes in the appearance of pregnant women. From generation to generation, characteristic signs were noted, which in the end and became signs.

Girl "Eats" Beauty

One of the most reliable signs that the girl will be born are negative changes in the appearance of the mother. Pigment spots appear on her face, the condition of the skin and hair is worse. This observation is confirmed by modern doctors: the girls take part of the hormones from the mother, the lack of which affects the appearance of a woman in the position.

Waiting for the appearance of the heir makes a pregnant lady outwardly more attractive. The people say that her female beauty flourishes.

The boy saves mom

Back in ancient times, the boy will be born or the girl people were determined by the form of the abdomen. The tummy small, neat, sharp shape most often talking about the birth of a male baby. The heir is hiding in the stomach large, round, clearly visible from the back.

The belly of a pregnant woman is always asymmetrical. People's sign argues that the belly, enlarged on the right side, appears in the Mothers boys. Girls shifted on the left side of the belly of a pregnant woman.

Dark Stripe - To Daughter, Big Breast - To Son

The strip appears on the belly of a woman during pregnancy, also prescribe a certain meaning. The hair track indicates the rapid appearance of the boy. A pigmented brown strip appears due to the effects of hormones during the girl's waiting.

People's sign, the validity of which recognize the doctors argues that a pregnant woman of a woman, a woman, AREOLA nipples remain blond. During the waiting for the girl, the Arega is rapidly darker in the first months of pregnancy.

If the breast increases in the first months of the child's waiting, then a boy will appear soon. During the waiting for the girl, the woman's breasts increases closer to the date of delivery.

Divination for the birth of children

In the past, fortune telling on the floor of the child could with great accuracy to predict the birth of a boy or a girl. Not only pregnant women, but also girls who wanted to find out the number and sex of future children.

Fortune telling for future mothers

Curiosity is characterized by representatives of an excellent half of humanity of any age. How to determine who will be born? To help this can be simple fortune telling on the ring or needle.

Divination by ringIt is rooted in a distant past. Conduct divination in the evening day. At this time, nothing distracts from the process that requires maximum concentration. For his conduct you will need

  • smooth Gold Ring;
  • woolen thread.

A gadget girl should wear a ring without removing the finger at least seven days. This is an important condition, since the decoration should be entrenched a part of the energy extinguishing. Through the ring, they make a thick thread and tie her ends. The thread should be 25 centimeters long, so that the ring on it can move freely.

The ring is necessary for a few seconds to press the palm and focuses on the desire to find out the number of your future children. It is started to guess after the ring becomes warm.

The pendulum from the ring is located for a few seconds above the center of the left palm, deployed up. The thumb should be very diverted to the side. In the space formed between the palm and the thumb, three times lower the ring. Then the ring is returned to the center of the palm and carefully observe its behavior. If the ring rotates in a circle, then the girl will have a boy. Movements from side to the side mean that the home assistant will appear in the family first. Similarly, fortune telling on the floor of the child along the wedding ring.

To determine the number of children who appear in the future, it is necessary to wait for the complete cessation of the rings movements. The number of children is determined by how many times the nature of the rings movements will be changed.

Sometimes it happens that the ring is not moving and remains in place. This means that the girl does not have children. But this is not a reason to despair. Perhaps the calm ring is a hint of the need to change your lifestyle.

Rituals with needle and food

Rituals with needle and water are carried out in winter, during the density. It will take a ring and a glass with clean water. It is necessary to take a smooth gold ring belonging to a gadget girl. It is put in a glass filled with clean water, and put in a frost place for the night. In the morning they evaluate the result. The irregularities protruding over the surface of frozen water, talk about the birth of a male firstborn. The appearance of holes and bubbles on the ice is a sign of the appearance of a little beauty.

Foreign on needleReminds fortune telling along the ring, only as a pendulum use the needle. To carry out the rite, you will need an unused sewing needle, a red or white thin thread.

In the needle, they make a thread and tie her ends. A gadget girl clamps a needle in the palm of his hand, filling it with its energy. The pendulum from the needle hold a few seconds over the center of the palm opened, and then they lower three times between the big and index finger. Then the pendulum move again to the class of palm and is observed for its movement. Important! The assistant of the gadget girl should try not to move the hand in order not to influence the movements of the thread with the needle. The results are evaluated in the same way as in despusting with a ring on a thread.

Fortune telling by stones - This is a very interesting way to predict how many children will appear at a young woman. This divination can identify a boy or a girl to wait for her first pregnancy. For this type of prediction, you need to take a basin with clean water and smooth stones. They write female and male names. Stones throw in water. Names will begin to wear it in some time. How many children give birth to a girl in the future determine the number of readable inscriptions. And the name that will start the latter will tell her who she will be born first.

FROM Simple fortune telling Began to predict the gentle of the baby almost all the fortune tellers. They asked to show a pregnant woman's hands. Woman showing hands with palms up, waited for assistant for himself. If the woman directed the palm to the floor, then she wore a boy under his heart.

Divination on the wedding ring or needle You can spend on your palm and above the apparent tummy. The pendulum from the ring or needle is clamped into the palm of palm, then hold over the belly of a pregnant woman and watch his movements. In fortunate on the definition of the floor on the stomach, the movement of the ring in a circle means that the kid will be female. Longitudinal rings movements predict the appearance of a male baby. These types of divination scored the largest number of positive feedback.

I have two children. At the beginning of each pregnancy, the gender was determined by gadas. I really wanted to understand the boy or wait for a girl! Both times the fortune telling with the help of the wedding ring was not mistaken and predicted exactly the gender.

In my childhood, I dreamed that my first child would be a girl. But at the ultrasound procedure, the doctor saw a boy. I even upset a little. But my girlfriends offered to go on the floor of the child. For all folk signs, I waited for a daughter. We walked along the wedding ring, a needle and stones with names. All three divorities promised me a daughter. As a result, the predictions of gadas came true. I became a happy mom of a beautiful princess. Divination is not always in line, and the ultrasound is often mistaken.

Fortune telling for milk and urine Suitable exceptionally pregnant women. Conduct it better, staying at home alone. Some of his stages wearing intimate character may be incomprehensible to households. For divination is necessary:

  • zhazaya tank, which will not mind throw out;
  • milk;
  • urine.

Capacity put on fire. Poured into her milk and urine. If the milk rushes and remind a kefir, then the woman is waiting for a girl. The liquid remaining in the constant state, talks about the appearance of the heir.

Fish fortune tellingIt is traditional for the peoples of Siberia. The woman went to the river and caught the fish with his hands. By the name of the first caught fish, the toddler was determined.

Nowadays, this divination has undergone some changes. The people say that a dream in which a woman catches fish, always dreams of a pregnant woman. Some moms claim that by the name of the fish caught in a dream, the sex of the future kid learned.

Another girl wondered with a needle to the number and half of future children. Several times the needle predicted one baby. For a long time I could not get pregnant, so the prophetic dream about the fish crashed into memory to the smallest details. The dream did not lie, predicting the pregnancy of the long-awaited girl. Everything came true and coincided.

How to find out who will be born soon in happy parents can be in different ways. Walk to a boy or a girl is a good way to have fun. Unconditionally trusted the results of fortunes do not need, because even modern techniques can be mistaken in this matter. The birth of a healthy and strong kid is happiness. Is it important for the boy, or the girl?

ATTENTION, only today!

It is believed that different fortune telling makes it possible to determine how sex a child is born. For a long time, women knew how to find out who would be born, because there were no modern technologies before. Now there is an ultrasound that unmistakably defines who will be among the parents, a boy or a girl, but many prefer to enjoy old, proven people's ways.

External manifestations

External manifestations and signs are helping to learn about the field of the future kid. These include the following:

  1. Barley and wheat. This method was used by the ancient Egyptians. The priests put two sudins, and poured into one barley, and in the second wheat. Then they were poured by the urine of a woman who was in the position, and watched which they would germinate before. In the case when the sprouts give a barley faster, it means that the male kid will be born, and, accordingly, if wheat is a baby.
  2. Palm. Some of the fortune-telling tells the future mother to show your palms if they are located up, there will be a girl. Palm, filed with the rear, testifies to the birth of a boy.
  3. Change of appearance. It is believed that the gender floor can be predicted by changing the appearance of a woman. When the future mother is waiting for the girl, she may have problems with leather, in the form of acne and the appearance of pigmentation. Also quickly fat and fall out hair. There is an opinion that the daughter takes her beautiful appearance from his mother. When a woman, on the contrary, becomes more beautiful and feminine, she is waiting for a male baby. Such modifications in appearance are associated with a change in the hormonal background. Girls are able to take a certain part of the hormones necessary for development.
  4. The shape of the abdomen. As practice shows, if a woman has a small stomach and has an acute form, boys are born. When the abdomen is rounded and there is no waist line (it is "floating"), you can count on the fact that girls will appear.
  5. General well-being. When toxicosis appears during the extension of the fetus, but after the first trimester it passes, and the entire remaining period flows without problems, there will be a boy. With the baby, pregnancy proceeds more hard.

As you can see, even by the appearance of a woman and some features in its behavior, sometimes with a large share of probability, you can sometimes determine the baby of what gender will appear.

Fortune telling with a needle and ring

The fortune telling on the floor of the child is several varieties. One of the common needles is to carry out the procedure, the following actions are performed:

  • It is necessary to take a new sewing object and white thread.
  • With the help of these two elements, a special pendulum is made. The tip of the thread is taken and is located above the palm area. Then this "device" should be left three times and lift.
  • After such actions, the pendulum is set in the middle of the palm and you need to observe his movement.
  • If the needle begins to swing on one side to another, a male baby will appear on the light soon. In the event that the needle performs circular rotations, there will be a girl. This method is relevant when the girl is first pregnant and before that did not interrupt pregnancy.
  • If the needle is fully fixed, and mom already has born children, it says that she will no longer have other children.

There is also another kind of ancient rite with a ring. It is carried out as follows:

  • You need to take a ring (better wedding) and put a woolen thread in it.
  • Move the pendulum over the scope of a woman's abdomen and watch movements.
  • In the event that the pendulum begins to hear forward, then a boy will appear on the light when the movements are circular - the girl.
  • You can also keep the pendulum over the palm area, but the movement in this case is interpreted on the contrary.

Such a way of divination is known for a long time and practiced both the Europeans and Slavs. If you believe in stories, then it is truthful enough.

Divination by the date of conception and blood group

Fortune telling to the sex of the child, you can also perform two more popular ways. As everyone knows, conception can occur only during the period of ovulation. If you know your physiological features well, you can not only get pregnant without any problems, but also to determine the baby who will be born.

How to do it? Everything is very simple. Modern medicine is known that spermatozoa responsible for the male floor has a short period of activity, unlike those that give the opportunity to give birth to the girl. It is at the moment of ovulation, the percentage of the probability of the boy conception is high as much as possible. You can only find out the child's sexuality of the child only in case of knowledge of the exact date of conception and the beginning of ovulation.

Another interesting way is the blood type. From the moment the method of determining the blood group was available, scientists noticed the pattern that it is possible to determine the sexuality of the infant with it. However, as practice shows, this method does not have one hundred percent confirmation. There are often cases when one couples are born babies of different sexes. There is such a fact that women's blood is able to change once every three years, and men - every four.

The method provides for the division of the age of the mother to three, and the Father is four. If the figure obtained by a woman is less, a baby will appear on the light, and if more, respectively, the kid. According to statistics, this method is quite relevant and has a high coincidence indicator.

Special signs

You can not only use calculations and fortune telling on the floor of the future child. There are many accepts that will tell about who will be born. The main one can be attributed to:

  1. In the event that a woman in the period of tooling the fetus constantly wants meat, salted cucumbers and sausages, most likely, she awaits the appearance of a boy. If it pulls it on sweet products, she will be a mom's mom.
  2. When a girl begins, there is bread or a bun from a crust, she has a boy in his stomach. If she prefers more meakish, a girl will appear.
  3. If, during pregnancy, the skin in the field of hands becomes turning, up to the appearance of cracks, the kid of male is likely to be born. If your hands, on the contrary, become gentle and soft, there is a probability of the appearance of babies.
  4. Also about the Baby field can tell the mood of mom. If she behaves nervously and irritable, many things are touching it, most likely there will be a girl. In the event that the girl feels very good and she is always a wonderful mood - she will have a boy.
  5. Another sign of determining the sexuality of the baby is the heartbeat. As a rule, in male babies it is a rapid.
  6. When the future mother shelters the girl, most often she sleeps on the right side, if she is waiting for a boy on the left.

You can use different options for gadas and calculations, but how true they are and believing in them or not, to solve you. According to statistics, some theories are confirmed, and some of them are completely unfounded.

The most reliable way to determine how sex you will have children is to do ultrasound. An experienced specialist can consider the floor of the baby in the early deadlines. As a rule, divination on the floor of the child is more interest, the truthfulness of which is confirmed, or is refuted only after delivery.