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How to build a coast house in Slavic rites. Planning a Russian hut. Wooden houses - they are on our site

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Our ancestors - Slavs had their own art of home arrangement, folded for thousands of years and consonant with our generic spirit. In the ancient Slavic Volkhov art of "Volarg" there was a whole section dedicated to the device and arrangement of the house, which was called "Lady House" or "House-Obereg".
If you turn to the world viewing of our ancestors, then we will see that all the universe for them was built on the principle of similarity, where small - Yar reflects the Great - Yarg. So the house was the likeness of the Universe, a kind of universe, the workplace owner and his binding with the outside world. But so that the house becomes like a living universe should be filled with his life force - a residential. To do this, it was necessary to observe a number of conditions, the first of which is the choice of the right place for future housing.

Places are strong, neutral and sleeves. On the latter, it is impossible to build housing, such places include cemeteries, places near the operating temples and sanctuations, or places where temples and sanctoes stood and were destroyed. Also to the places where the steep emitters of rivers should not be seen, the place where the road was held - it was believed that in such a place in the house will not be delayed happiness and wealth. The strong place is rich in underground keys, the trees and shrubs on it grow smooth and high.

There was a special rite to help determine whether the place was chosen for the construction of the house.

Lady house

The location of the house was also important, it was coordinated with the parties of light and, accordingly, with the so-called. geomagnetic network or, according to the old - Navi lines. The house itself was built in the traditional span system of measures, which was tied to the human body. So, it was originally sweet with his owner, was created exclusively for him. And the man in such a house felt free and cozy. The internal layout of the house was agreed with Kolovrats, generated by the elemental flows of heaven and land. The exterior decoration of the house was framed by the coated patterns to attract positive natural streams into the house and eliminate the effects of thin flows. In the houses of the house there were special items of power dedicated to the patrus of these parts of the houses.

When building a house, a mortgage was laid under his foundation - special chapters with rune symbols and conspiracies that had to attract, attracted to the house lived. The same charms and signs were placed or cheat on the floor under the top coating were laid in the corners, under the plinth and jamps of doors and windows.

The house itself was arranged on a certain principle, and each part of him was interconnected with the gods. Horizontally, the house was divided by a Perunov Cross into four sectors, correlated with four gods - the organizers of the house space. Moreover, each of these sectors could also be divided according to the principle of nestened spaces. Vertically, the house repeated the three-part structure of the world: the lower part is the foundation and an underground or cellar - Nav, the past, the basis; The middle part is residential - yawn, the place where the life of households passes; The attic and the roof are the heavenly arch, right - the abode of the higher strength. Through the roof in the house there are heavenly streams, which is why the roof of any house was with skates, so that the power from heaven was not stuffed and did not create an extra voltage, but washed the house, like the rain. The bartal roof was usually located in the direction of East-West, and horse heads, symbolizing the chariot or the lady of the djbog-sun, in which he floats through the sky.
The southern side of the house was considered the stronger, the party in which the elements ruled on the earthly colover of the Earth, and on Heavenly Kovovrat - Strib of Sun Fire. It is on the south side that the sun walks, the facade was located - the face of the house. From this side it was usually the most over the entire windows.

House of Slavs

In the south side of the house there was also a living room and a kitchen, since the south side is the side of fertility, good and health. And the living room was closed with the eastern side, for the Eastern side carries the streams of vagabond, nomadic - just the guests to tell. Pressing the living room Belobogo - the organizer of an explicit life and Streper - the owner of the space, the father of the winds. Therefore, all important family matters were solved in the living room, family councils were conducted and the guests came to the house. The kitchen was closed with a side of Western, since the West carries the streams of material wealth and stability. There is a kitchen under the control of the number of time custodian, numbers and deities of account and calculations and Macoshi - Heaven's straight, patroness of women. The kitchen space from the furnace to the southern wall was called a female kut - here the woman was a full mistress. The kitchen is also located one of the most significant points of the house - the furnace. According to the ancient Slavic legend, the first thing that the heavenly Koval Svarog was groaning - there was a stove. And the first words of him were: "May there be a fire in this focus!" And the light, already from the fire, in itself appeared. The first liver was God Svarog, because all the masters of the Choves - the Svords of the brothers. The furnace is the gate to the Nava - the ancient world of mankind. Behind each oven lives the God of the beginning, our first-enders. He now lives there, only people have forgotten about it, who is friends with the furnace, he can see him. Usually it appears in the flame in the form of a fire. Women's launo arranged in the image of the oven, inside which the weld placed the fire in the life-giving. Invest raw in it, and you get ready, with a spirit and soul. The furnace from death translates from last to the future. The hearth in the house is life in the house. The house without a hearth is not at all, even in a temporary house there is a hearth. Modern apartments in the kitchen are gas, electric, but ovens. Fire all can be nature. Any oven is the child of the Divine Card. Any fire that is warming up and on which food is preparing, the house in the temple turns. It is necessary to contact the hearth with an understanding, according to all the rules: keep clean, as you contain your body clean, wipe each day. If the furnace is well asked, she and the house will save from anything of uncleanness, and the disease rolongs, and sadness all. In the furnace, you can burn your sorrow, to run any trouble. And the firebed fire can be misunderstood, the premonitions are bad. The furnace is almost like God, Almighty! Prabogue lives in the world, called Nav, there live Navia - the souls of the ancestors, and we will leave there after death. From there, new souls come to the world. The furnace is the image of Mother Earth. The oven is praying for future children and straighten the premature and sick. In the furnace, the wild fire turns into manual and serves a person.

From the west to the south side, it is usually adjacent, an entrance hall or a veranda. With that, the entrance to the house should be from the west side so that we flow and stability flow into the house. The hallway and the entrance are under control of Perun - it rules streams flowing into the house. And standing on guard by mezh, separating the space of the house from a foreign world of the backyard, rules the flow in the house. From the outside, on the porch above the entrance door, it is usually horn by horseshoe, I have definitely visited the horse and found on your own. To attract happiness and wealth hang her horns up, this is how it symbolizes the full bowl in the house. But from the inside, the needle or knife usually stick to the platband to kill the course of thin flows and lean the intentions going to the house. The platbands themselves on the entrance door and the fronton of the porch are decorated with carved signs of Perun - gradines.
From the west side of the house should be located all material values, whether money, jewelry or storerooms with product reserves. Then the pros and well-being in the house will continuously dominate. In the West, you need to equip and business place, then any case will bring a tangible material result.

These are just some principles of arrangement of the root house by our ancestors capable of being an overlap and a real generic nest for those inhabiting it. The Slavic knowledge of the home arrangement itself is very extensive, and include including information on the creation of home overalls that distinguishes misfortunes and illness, and attracting the good, the ancient rites calling the strength and grace of gods and elements. And much more.

And even if you do not live in your own home, but in the apartment of a high-rise building, I can use the wisdom of our ancestors to turn it out of a gray sample cold crypt into a warming soul and a native corner.
On the image:
Perunov - Cross one of the variants of the wanted sign of the laid in the house.

Chariot or switter of the dazhboga. Ornament of the North - Russian embroidery.
Gradina - Perun sign, cut over the front door.

    A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but the fire that needs to be lit.

    The table is decorated with guests, and the house is children.

    He does not die who do not leave children.

    Be trust, even in relation to the child: to fulfill the promise, otherwise you teach him to lie.

    - L.N. Tough

    Children need to be learning to speak, and adults listen to children.

    Give childhood to mature in children.

    Life must be interfered more often so that it does not catch.

    - M. Gorky

    Children need to give not only life, but also the opportunity to live.

    Not that father-mother who gave birth, but the one who rejoiled, focused, and he taught good.

Internal arrangement of Russian huts

The hut was the most important keeper of family traditions for the Russian man, a large family lived here, and children were raised. Izba was a symbol of comfort and calm. The word "hut" occurred from the word "toasty". Istopka is heated part of the house, hence the word "Istiba."

The inner decoration of the traditional Russian hut was simple and comfortable: the table, shops, benches, soils (stools), chests, - everything was done in the hives, with their own hands, carefully and with love, and it was not only useful, beautiful, pleasing eyes, but carried their Coaned properties. Good owners in the hut all glittered cleanliness. On the walls - embroidered white towels; Paul, table, benches are scrambled.

There was no rooms in the house, so all the space was divided by zones according to functions and intended purpose. The separation was performed using a kind of tissue curtain. In this way, the economic part of the residential was separated.

The central place in the house was assigned to the oven. The oven sometimes took almost a quarter of the hut, and the more massive it was, the more heat accumulated. The internal layout of the house depended on its location. Therefore, there was a saying: "dance from the oven." The furnace was an integral part of not only Russian huts, but also a Russian tradition. It served simultaneously and the source of heat and the place of cooking, and a place to sleep; Used in treating from a variety of diseases. In some areas in the oven wearing and batted. The oven, sometimes personified the whole housing, its presence or absence determined the nature of the building (without a furnace - non-residential). Cooking in the Russian oven was sacred action: raw, unauthorized turned into a boiled, mastered. The oven is the soul at home. A kind, honest mother-oven in the presence of which did not dare to say a laid word, under which, according to believing ancestors, the keeper of horses was inhabited. In the stove burned stump, since it could not be taken out of the hut.

The place of the furnace in a Russian house can be seen by what respect the people treat their hearth. Not every guest, and if they were allowed to sit on her furnace to someone, then such a person became especially close to the house.

The furnace was installed diagonally from the red angle. So called the most elegant part of the house. The word "red" means: "beautiful", "good", "light". The red angle was located opposite the entrance door so that each part could appreciate the beauty. The red angle was well lit, since both of the components of his walls had windows. The decoration of the red corner was particularly trembling and tried to keep it clean. He was the most honorable place in the house. There were particularly important family values, charms, idols. Everything was placed on the shelf or a table lined with an embroidered towel, in a special order. According to tradition, a person who came to the hut could only go there for a special invitation of the owners.

As a rule, there was a table everywhere in Russia in the Red Corner. In a number of places, it was put in the simplicity between the windows - against the angle of the furnace. The table was always a place where the unity of family members took place.

In the red corner, beside the table, two benches are docking, and on top - two shelves of the cliff. All significant marital life events were celebrated in the Red Corner. Here, at the table, both everyday meals and festive feasts were passed; Many calendar rites took place. In the wedding rite, the wedding of the bride, the redemption of her for girlfriends and brother was performed in the red corner; From the red corner of the depth of houses, it was held; They brought into the house of the groom and led too into a red angle.

Opposite the red corner was located a chimney or "Babi" angle (Kut). There women prepared food, rushed, tibes, sewed, embroidered, etc. Here, near the window, against the mouth of the furnace, in each house there were manual millstones, therefore the angle is called more. On the walls there were observables - shelves for dining rooms, lockers. Above, at the level of the climbers, there was a furnace bar, which was put on kitchen utensils, and a variety of economic accessories were stacked. A chicken corner closed by a female partition, formed a small room, which had the name "Chulad" or "Prilub". He was a kind of female space in the hut: here women were preparing food, rested after work.

A relatively small space of the hut was organized in such a way that in it with the greatest convenience there was a rather large family in seven or eight people. This was achieved due to the fact that each member of the family knew his place in the overall space. Men worked, rested in the afternoon on the male half of the hollows, which included the front corner and the bench near the entrance. Women and children were in the afternoon on the female half near the oven. Places for night sleep were also distributed. Sleeping places were located on benches and even on the floor. Under the very ceiling of the hut, between two adjacent walls and the furnace on a special beam was laid out a wide aging platform - "flaps". Especially loved to sit on the reaches of the children - and warm and everything can be seen. Children slept on the parads, and sometimes adults, they also folded here, they dried onions, garlic and peas. Under the ceiling, the children's cradle was fixed.

All home Skarb was kept in the chests. They were massive, hard, and sometimes they achieved such sizes that they could well sleep with an adult person. The chests were made on the century, therefore, they were strengthened from the corners forged metal, such furniture lived in families for decades, transmitting inheritance.

In the traditional Russian, the housing of the shop went along the walls in bulk, ranging from the entrance, and served for seating, spongas, storage of various economic trifles. In the ancient sacks, the shops were decorated with an "edge" - a board, nailed to the edge of the shop, who hung with her like a ruffle. Such benches were called "sowing" or "with a canopy", "with a pylon. Under the shops kept various items, which, if necessary, it was easy to get: axes, tools, shoes, etc. In traditional rituals and in the field of traditional behahl It acts as a place for which it is not allowed to sit down. So, entering the house, especially someone else's people, it was customary to stand at the threshold until the owners are invited to go and sit down. The same applies to the matchmaker - they went to the table and sat down On the shop only by invitation.

There were many kids in the Russian hives, and the cradle - the cradle was as the necessary attribute of the Russian hut, like a table or oven. Welded materials for the manufacture of cradle was Lob, Ramysh, Pine Dranca, Linden Bark. More often the cradle was hanging in the back of the hut, next to the subtop. In a thick ceiling log, the ring was hampered, "Kuccach" hung on it, which was attached to the ropes of the cradle. You could swing such a cradle with a special hand strap, and in case of employment of hands, foot. In some regions, the cradle suspended on the severity - wooden, rather long stupid. Most often, a well-bent and spring birch was used for obese. Tightening the cradle to the ceiling was not accidental: the ceiling accumulated the warmer air, which ensured heated by the child. There was a belief that heavenly forces guard the diet raised above the floor, so it grows better and accumulates vital energy. The floor was perceived by the border between the world of people and the world, where the evil spirits live: the souls of the dead, ghosts, houses. To protect the child from them, under the cradle necessarily clashed over. And on the headboard cradle cut out the sun, in the legs - a month and stars, a colorful rag was mounted, wooden painted spoons. The cradle itself was decorated with carvings or painting. The mandatory attribute was a canopy. For the canol, the most beautiful fabric was chosen, he was decorated with lace and ribbons. If the family was poor, the old Saratan was allowed into the case, which, despite the summer, looked elegant.

In the evenings, when it was dark, Russian huts lit by mud. The beanus was the only source of lighting in the Russian isa over the centuries. Usually, the bereza was used as rauchin, which was burning brightly and did not smoke. The beam of Lucin was inserted into special forged siets, which could be fixed anywhere. Sometimes oil lamps were used - small plates with bent up the edges.

Curtains on the windows were monophonic or with a pattern. They were tetaled from natural fabrics, decorated with the coated embroidery. White handmade lacers were decorated with all textile items: both tablecloths, and curtains and sheets of sheets.

On the festive day, the hut was transformed: the table was put forward in the middle, covered with a tablecloth, the festive utensils were exhibited on the shelves, stored before that in the casions.

As the main color gamut, golden-ocher, with the addition of red and white colors was used. Furniture, walls, dishes, painted in golden-ocher tones, successfully complemented white towels, red flowers, as well as beautiful painting.

The ceiling could also be painted in the form of plant ornaments.

Through the use of exclusively natural materials during construction and inner decoration, in the outstanding was always cool in the summer, and in the winter heat.

There was no excess random item in the surroundings of the hut, each thing had its own strictly defined destination and the place lit by tradition, which is a distinctive feature of the nature of the Russian dwelling.

Russian hut has always been a bad, kind and distinctive. Its architecture testifies to the loyalty to centuries-old traditions, their durability and uniqueness. Its layout, design and interior decoration were created over the years. Not so many traditional Russian houses have been preserved to this day, but still in some regions you can meet.

Initially, the huts in Russia were built from a tree, partially blocking their foundation under the ground. It ensured greater reliability and durability of the structure. Most often, it was only one room, which the owners were divided into several separate parts. A mandatory part of the Russian hut was a furnace corner, to separate the curtain. In addition, individual zones were distinguished for men and women. All corners in the house were built in accordance with the parties of the world and the most important among them were East (red), where the family organized the iconostasis. It was on the icons that guests had to pay attention immediately after the entrance to the Izbu.

The porch of the Russian isob

The architecture of the porch has always been thoroughly thought out, her house owners paid enough time. It combined with excellent artistic taste, centuries-old traditions and ingenuity of architects. It was the porch that combined the hut with the street and opened all guests or passersby. Interestingly, on the porch in the evenings after heavy work, the whole family often gathered, as well as neighbors. Here, guests and owners of the house danced, sang songs, and the children ran and smelling.

In different regions of Russia, the shape and sizes of the porch were significantly different. So, in the north of the country it was high enough and large, and the southern facade of the house was chosen for installation. Thanks to this asymmetric placement and unique architecture of the facade, the whole house looked very peculiar and beautiful. Also quite often it was possible to meet the porch, set on the pillars and decorated with openwork wooden columns. They were a real decoration at home, making his facade even more serious and good.

In the south of Russia, the porch was installed on the front side of the house, attracting the attention of passersby and neighbors in openwork threads. They could be both two steps and with a whole staircase. Some home owners adorned their porch canopy, while others left open.


In order to preserve in the house the maximum amount of heat from the furnace owners separated the living area from the street. Seni is exactly the space that immediately saw the guests at the entrance to the hut. In addition to conservation of heat, the Seni was also used to store the rocker and other necessary things, it was here that many did chulaans for products.

For the separation of hay and heated residential zone, a high threshold was also made. It was made to prevent the cold penetration into the house. In addition, for centuries-old traditions, each guest was supposed to walked at the entrance to the hut, and it was impossible to go inside before the high threshold. Otherwise, the guest just hit the bare naked.

Russian oven.

The life of Russian huts rotated around the furnace. It served as a place to cook, rest, heating and even bath procedures. The top led the steps, there were niches in the walls for different utensils. The furnace has always been with iron departments. The device of the Russian oven - the hearts of any hut is surprisingly functional.

The furnace in the traditional Russian skeins has always been placed in the main area, to the right or left of the entrance. It was her who was considered the main element of the house, because the furnaces were preparing food, slept, she heated the whole house. It is proved that the food cooked in the oven is the most useful, since it retains all useful vitamins.

Since ancient times, many believes associated with the stove. Our ancestors believed that it was on the furnace to live in houses. The garbage was never endured from the hut, and burned in the oven. People believed that so all the energy remains in the house, which contributes to an increase in family wealth. Interestingly, in some regions of Russia, the furnace was batted and washed, and also used to treat serious diseases. Lekari of that time claimed to cure the disease, simply leaving for the furnace for several hours.


He was also called "Babi Angle", because it was exactly the whole kitchen utensils. It was separated by a curtain or even a wooden partition. Men from their family almost never came here. The huge insult of the owners of the house was the arrival of someone else's man for the curtain in a furnace corner.

Here women were erased and dried things, they prepared food, treated children and gadal. Almost every woman was engaged in needlework, and the most calm and convenient place for this was the chimney. Embroidery, sewing, painting is the most popular types of needlework girls and women of that time.

Claws in the hut

There were mobile and fixed shops in Russian, and from the 19th century chairs began to appear. Along the walls of the house, the owners installed fixed beats that were attached by supplying or legs with carved elements. The stand could be flat or narrowed by the middle, in its decor, carved patterns and traditional ornaments were often present.

Also in every home there were mobile shops. Such benches had four legs or installed on the deaf boards. The backs were often done so that they could be shifted to the opposite edge of the bench, and a carved decor was used to decorate. The bench has always been done longer than the table, and also often covered with a dense cloth.

Male angle (Konics)

He was on the right of the entrance. Here it was sure to stood a wide bench, which was fencing with wooden boards on both sides. They were cut in the form of a horse head, so the male corner is often called "Konik". Under the bench men kept their tools intended for repair and other male works. In this corner, men repaired shoes and utensils, as well as splashed baskets and other products from the vine.

All guests who came to the owners of the house for a short time were embarrassed on the bench in the male corner. It was here that the man slept and rested.

Women's Corner (Head)

It was an important space in the female fate, because it was because of the chimney curtain that the girl went out during a glance in an elegant attire, and waited for the groom on the wedding day. Here women gave birth to children and fed them away from prying eyes, hiding behind the curtain.

Also in the female corner of the guy you liked the girl had to hide the magazine to get married soon. They believed that such a magazine would help the daughter-in-law to make friends with mother-in-law and become a good mistress in a new house.

Red corner

This is the brightest and important corner, since it was he who was considered a sacred place in the house. By tradition, during the construction, it was highlighted on the eastern side, where two adjacent windows form an angle, so the light drops, making the corner with the brightest place in the hollow. Here I necessarily hung icons and embroidered towers, as well as in some sprues - the faces of ancestors. Be sure to put a large table in the red corner and took food. Under the icons and towels, freshly baked bread always stored.

To this day, some traditions associated with the table are known. So, young people are not desirable to sit at the corner to create a family in the future. The bad sign leave dirty dishes on the table or sit on it.

Cereals, flour and other products Our ancestors were kept in the hannels. Thanks to this, the mistress could always quickly cook food from fresh products. In addition, additional buildings were provided: a cellar for storing vegetables and fruits in winter, hlev for livestock and individual structures for the hay.

The interior of Russians is mostly very similar and includes a number of elements that can be found in any house. If we talk about the hut device, then it consists of:

  • 1-2 residential premises
  • gorny.
  • lumber room
  • terrace

The first one came across the guest, going to the house - this is Songy. This is a kind of zone between the heated room and the street. All the cold was delayed in the Seine and did not enter the main room. Seni was used by the Slavs on economic purposes. In this room kept the rocker and other things. In the Seine placed lumber room. This room, which was separated from the Seine partition. It was located stalls with flour, eggs and other products.

Heated premises and canopies separated the door and high threshold. Such a threshold was done in order to make it harder to penetrate the warm room. In addition, there was a tradition according to which guest, entering the room, was supposed to bow, welcome the owners and the house. High threshold Just "forced" guests to bow, entering the main part of the house. Since the entrance without admixing provided the head of the head of the jamb. With the arrival of Christianity on Russia, the houses and owners bowing was supplemented with the assignment of himself with the godmond sign and a bow to icons in the red corner.

Failure through the threshold, the guest fell into the main placement of the hut. The first thing that came to the eyes is a furnace. It was located immediately left or right from the door.. Russian oven is the main element of the hut. The absence of a furnace suggests that the structure is non-residential. Yes, and the Russian hut received its name precisely thanks to the furnace, which allows you to stir the room. Another important feature of this device - cooking food. There is still no more useful way to cook food than in the oven. Currently, there are various double boards that allow you to maintain maximum useful elements in food. But all this is not comparable to the cooked food from the stove. Many believes are connected with the furnace. For example, it was believed that she was a favorite holiday destination for the house. Or, when the child lost milk tooth, he was taught to throw a tooth under the stove and say:

"Mouse, mouse, on you a repaint tooth, and you give me a bone tooth"

It was also believed that garbage from the house should be burned in the furnace so that the energy does not leave outside, but remained indoors.

Red angle in russian

Red angle - an integral component of the internal decoration of the Russian hut
. He was located diagonally from the furnace (most often this place fell to the eastern part of the house - note to those who do not know where to set the red angle in a modern dwelling). It was a sacred place where the towers were, icons, faces of ancestors and divine books. The required part of the red corner was the table. It was in this corner that our ancestors were knocked out. The table was considered a certain altar, where the bread was always located:

"Bread on the table, so the table is the throne, and the bread is neither a piece - both the board"

Therefore, even today, the tradition does not allow sitting on the table. And leave knives and spoons is considered a bad admission. Until today, another belief is preserved: youth forbidden to sit on the corner of the table, in order to avoid the fate of celibacy.

Shop with chest in the hut

Household items in Russian horses played every role. Hidden or chest for clothes was important elements of the house. Hidden moved to her mother inheritance to her daughter. It was the granted girl she received after marriage. It was located this element of the interior of the Russian hut most often next to the stove.

The shops were also important elements of the interior of the Russian hut. Conditionally, they were divided into several types:

  • long - differs from the other length. Considered a female place where they were engaged in embroidery, knitting, etc.
  • short - during the meal on her men were sitting.
  • kutno - installed near the oven. It was put on a veser with water, shelves for dishes, pots.
  • threshold - walked along the wall where the door is located. Used as a kitchen table.
  • the vessel is the shop higher than others. It was intended for storing shelves with dishes and pots.
  • konik - Men's Square Shape Base with Cutted Howhead Side. Located near the door. On her, men were engaged in small craft, so the tools were kept under the bench.
  • "Beggar" also located at the door. She could sit at her any guest who was in the hut without the permission of the owners. This is due to the fact that the guest cannot go into the hut next to the MATITS (log, serving the base for the ceiling). Visually Matitsa looks like a protruding log across the main stacked boards on the ceiling.

Tornynya is another residential premises in the hut. It was in the prosperous peasants, because such a premises could not afford not everyone. The barn is most often arranged on the second floor.. Hence her name Tornynaya - "Mountain". There was in it another furnace called Dutch. This is a rope of rounded shape. In many rustic houses, they still stand, being decoration. Although even today you can find the huts that are heated by these old appliances.

About the furnace is already said enough. But it is impossible not to mention the tools that were used in working with Russian furnaces. Poker - The most famous subject. It is an iron rod with a curved end. Applied a kocherga for stirring and coal. The insertion was used to purify the furnace from coal..

With the help of grasp, it was possible to drag or move the pots and cast iron. He was a metal arc that allowed to capture the pot and transfer it from place to place. Ghost allowed to put pig-iron into the oven without fear of burning.

Another object used in working with the stove is bread shovel. With her bread, it is placed in the oven and pull out after cooking. But the word " chapel"Not many know. This tool is different called a frying ground. It was used to capture the frying pan.

The cradle in Russia had various forms. There were hollowed, and wicker, and suspended, and "Vanki-standing". The names were surprisingly diverse: the cradle, Sybka, the scrambled, rocking schools, a taucle. But the cradle is associated with a number of traditions, which remained unchanged. For example, it was considered necessary to install the cradle in the place where the baby can observe the dawn. Swing an empty cradle was considered a bad admission. We believe in these and many other beliefs today. After all, all the traditions of the ancestors were based on their personal experience, which the new generation took from his great-grandparents.

"The house leveled - the fate of light,
In a dark house, do not look for good. "
With distant times, when a person lived in unity with nature, the instructions were preserved how to build a house to gain comfort and peace of mind.

For the ancient Slavs, the construction of the house was fulfilled the deepest sense, because at the same time a person was likened to the gods created by the Universe. Great importance was attached to the choice of building materials, the time of starting work and place of construction.
Orientation of the house on the sides of the world
Our ancestors considered it very important to correctly arrange their dwelling regarding the Earth's Poles. Ancient architects worshiped the laws of nature and built, obeying them.
No wonder Russian villages are always located in picturesque places. An ideal for construction was considered a gentle hill on the banks of the river or lake. The natural source of water, considered our ancestors, brings vital energy to the house.
"Become a face north. Look through the right shoulder - this is a view from your porch. Extinguish your right hand - your bed your bed will stand. Look over the left shoulder - an overview opens from the kitchen window. On your left hand, the pantry will be equipped with and behind the cat's wall should live. " In simple lines, the advice of the ancient masters is briefly transmitted.
The Russian peasant put the hut so that the rays of the sun, getting into the windows, were given as much heat and light as possible, and a wide view of the surrounding nature opened from the windows. Free streams of air are washed by energy jets located on the house hill, bringing good and taking negative energy.
Orientation of the house on the sides of the world
Waking up early in the morning, with the first rays of the Sun, a person gets energy and heat, charges for the whole day. According to the ancient building canons, the porch should go to the southeast. But the western wall of the house was "deaf", without doors and windows. According to the ancient beliefs, it is the West Wind that begins an unexpected change in human life and "blows out" the cost. As a rule, from this side there were economic buildings and kept livestock.
According to the advice of the ancient Slavic masters, children's and sleeping rooms in the house better orient to the east or southeast, towards the rising sun. Kitchen - north or northwest. Conveniently, if the courtyard is visible from the kitchen window to, not distracting from home affairs, watch the playing children.
The house itself is better to position in the north-western sector of the yard. It will give the opportunity to beautifully arrange the central entrance with the porch and the veranda, protect yourself from the curious views of the neighbors with a wall without windows.

The rose of the winds at the construction site attached great importance. Large fruit gardens in the courtyards had not only food meaning, but also carried the protection function. "All that stops the wind stops energy." The wind was deified. It is with them that the Vine Slavic beliefs about wealth and well-being or, on the contrary, about poverty, pursuing tenants of the wrong arched house. From the south and eastern side on the windows of the house could not be. But from the north or west - shutters, decorated with intricate carvings, protected not only from the cold, but also from adversity.
It is important a good approach and an entrance to the house. The road should be straight and not hosted - then life in the house will be calm, measured, without unpleasant turns.
In no case cannot be built housing on the site of the old road. The space of a former lively route is permeated with blowing flows and in the house the energy of life will not accumulate, and will go through it through the old way.
Necessarily clean, well-kept courtyard. Clicking the space around him, a man brings chaos to his life.

Compliance with such simple rules, proven in centuries, will give the residents of the new home world and comfort.