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Working spells and conspiracy of the Old Believers. Ancient conspiracies of witches for money and good luck. Ritual on love

In ancient times, the Slavs had his gods, including the genus, the custodian of communication between generations. Thanks to the strength of nature and blessing ancestors, the life of the ancients was filled with all kinds of magic. They conducted mystical rituals and rites, read the conspiracies of Holy Referring to help the gods and in their execution. And inherited, vintage conspiracies and spells who work were inherited.

Folk vintage conspiracies who have passed the test of time

Ancient magic covered all spheres of life. With it, they were solved by cases of heart and merchant issues. Called the power of nature for abundant harvest and to protect the house and family. With the help of herbs and spells, various aids treated and put protection against enemies.

Folk conspiracies and rites are the witch rituals of the ancients, who over the centuries helped our ancestors and still continue to help, but we are already.

Even before coming to the world of a single God and Orthodox faith, many communities appeared, which were against the adoption of a new lifestyle and remained faithful to their faith. Therefore, they were named - antimonians. Old Believers were closely connected with magic and mystical rituals, using natural forces:

  • The Earth is a protector, who gave food, clothes and helped in sowing and harvesting;
  • Fire is a source of heat and light. With it, it was possible to heat the dwelling and cook food. Protection against wild animals and with it made weapons;
  • Water - moisture without which life is possible on Earth.
  • The air is not less than water.

These elements are the main components for the magic of older. The magic of the ancients was filled with the force of at once all four elements, which formed the basis of modern practice. Therefore, ancient conspiracies, very strong and effective.

To cure

One of the most severely considered ancient conspiracy, the magical actions of which are aimed at treating disease or illness.

In ancient magic, there are rituals who are aimed at improving well-being and for the general restoration of the body - they are considered universal. There are targeted rites that are able to cure a specific disease.

There are ancient spells aimed at the treatment of children's ailments. They healed not only leaders and sorcerers, but any mother knew them by heart.

In rituals for health, especially if it concerns the child, it is important to pronounce words correctly, because the entire power of the spell is in them. It is very important to believe in what you read, faith - the basis of recovery.

Positive and self-confidence, as well as purity of thoughts and lack of negative, another important component of the rite. Only with a clean soul and open-hearted, you can bring relief and recovery to a sick person.

From blood loss

Here are the old Slavonic conspiracies that will help when bleeding.

If the wound is present on the skin of a man, from which blood flows, and at hand there are no funds for its stop, clamp the wound with your finger and read the plot. You need to read three times and nothing to be distracted.

"The Earth is fixed, the grass is rushing, and (name) blood is stopped. Like the Matushka Earth, his wounds herself and aligns, and at (name) let the wound will heal. May it be so".

Another conspiracy:

"As from the birch in the fall, the leaves dry out and fall off, so let the (name), the wound dried, and the disease fell off. The word is my hard. Amen".

From drunkenness

Rite spend better on the birthday of a person who suffers from alcoholism. But there are cases when urgent help is needed, for this you need a glass with which a person drank on which the spell will be superimposed. A glass must wash the used, not soot. At dawn, until the sun climbed, pour a little alcohol in a glass and pour into the threshold with the following words:

"On you, the thistle is a brother, the potion goel. From (patient's name) spupid. Never drink him again, but to walk healthy and sober. "

Vintage rites for prosperity and well-being

If the family has problems with finance or the horizon of family happiness suddenly black clouds appeared, then the ancient conspiracies should be honored. Which helped restore prosperity and well-being before and will now help.

Sleeping spells and well-being are different, aimed at attracting money, for example. After this rite, a person could easily find a coin on Earth.

People's ritual for wealth

For this rite It will be necessary to buy apples on the market (12 pieces). You do not need to rent the seller. So, prepare a pre-approximate amount.

Rite to spend within three days. On the first day, take all the apples with you, but distribute only half. When meeting a beggar, give each second apple. The second half in the amount of six pieces to bring home. The next day, repeat everything as in the first. On the third day, apples that remained from the second day three things, attribute to the church and put on the memorial table, while saying the following words:

"I remember his poverty, I read it for her rest. Remember you people good poverty my (name) and read it for it. Let us arrive with me wealth and money and now, and confessed and forever. Amen".

So that the family came big money

Conspiracy make five rubles and five kopecks.

"Let the money large in the house come and bring good luck with them. Amen"

Vintage conspiracy

This conspiracy is read on food and drink.

"To her husband face, to the opponent's back. Let him only love me. Let him look only for me and do not look at me. Let him speak only with me, but will not speak. Let me kisses only me. How hungry about food suffers, so let my husband dries on me. My words let them be a zam. Key. Lock. Water. May it be so."

Strong rite for love

Conduct a rite of burning firewood. Open the door of the stove and speak:

"Smoke Dymovich, help to earth do not fall into the water do not look. Fall on (name) on the heart of his worn. How smoke goes into the oven, so let both (name) see me near me. My words are strong and sticky. Let it be".

Attract a girl

If you want to pay attention from a girl who really likes, with her whisper read the following:

"God created the father of a woman for a man. I want this girl, I love this girl and I attract. Amen".

Uncoordous vintage healing plots

To stop blood:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

I'm not saying, says true Christ

and mother herself Holy Mother of God!

Care is going on, the man goes old;

there is an old woman, leads an old dog;

the dog fell, at the slave of God (the name of the rivers)

(or in the slave of God, the name of the rivers) all the tights behind

and the hot blood rose in the eyelids!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

I will be blessing, I have blossoming and blunting in a purely field, green; I will stand blessing, I'll go around in a purely field, in a green Pomorie, I will see the eastern side: with the right, three vestments fly from the east side, three patives, carry three ethotot keys, three gold locks; They locked, they closed the water and rivers, and the blue of the sea, keys and springs; They locked them, they closed the wounds bloody, the blood is fuel; How does the blue rain come out of the sky, so the slave of God (the name of the rivers) blood did not go!

On the sea on the outstand, on the island on the Buyan lies bela fuzzy stone; On the stone stands the hut is standing, it is the prestinal table; The mane girl sits on the sect, the girl is not a girl, but the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God; she sews, embroiders the golden needle, Nitko Solkovoy; Thread, wrapping, blood, baked, so that blood is not worthy, and the body is not baivatic!

Some Amen, Amen, Amen.

Because of the thirteut hundreds of land, because of the thirty hundred people, Red Deviya came out, endured the needle with a silk nito and sewed at the servant of God (the name of the river) bloody wound; So that the bloody wound does not pour, blood, ore is not equipped from now and before the century and forever and centuries! Amen.

Good plot from hernia

I will stand blessing, I will go to cross out the doors in the door, from the gateway to the gate to the clean field.

In the pure field flows the river Media, the coast of gold; Flowing on this river Fish, and her name is pike: her teeth at its iron, cheeks copper, eyes are tin; And the pike of the iron teeth, the copper cheeks, tiny eyes climbs, bounces and stalls the side hernia, a kilov hernia and a water hernia, a navel hernia, a housing hernia, a blood herlit from the servant of God (the name of the rivers) from the Motherland and to the first Bayni, from the first Bayni And to the last Bauni and to the early death, dithimets and the cruisites, and any kind of fucking herrine and illness! Scarely, conspired by the servant of God (the name of the rivers) forever and ever! Amen.

What the master did not reassure or did not negotiate, then all in advance. Be my words strong and firm, key and in the castle forever and centuries!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Note: Baia (s) - to talk, tell, bike - a fairy tale, Bayun (BAYCON) - Govorun, Fairy talee, Krasnobay, Support, Baework (Bait) - Scold a child under the song, charm, (outbill, clothe) - SELECT, FIRPORT, Starin, Obaw (Oboyannic) - Enchanting, Charming Owner 2); Illar. Bajanie - conspiracy, sorceress, song, poetic fiction, Bajan - magician, Volkhv; Polish. Bajac - telling fairy tales, Bajacz (Bajarz) - Narrator, Baja - Fairy Tale, Bajeez Well - Basinal; Czech. Bag, Bagar, Bagec - Baleni, Bageni - Bass, speech; Serb. Bajati - Cold, Bajach - sorcerer, Bajaalitsa - Witch, Bajaibe - Magic. These expressions are explained and "Boyan" "Words about the regiment of Igor" is a singer, magician. From the verb "Bayat" takes Baly, the word explained in the "Azbukhukovnik": "Chalovenik, Gorodie", and in the Freyzingen manuscript used in the meaning of the doctor; Balstice - Vorozhba (Afanasyev).

Lord God bless!

I will become, the slave of God (the name of the rivers), blessing,

i will go crossing out of the huts by the door, out of the courtyard,

i will go to the pure field; There are in the pure field of the Okian-Sea,

and there is a white stone on the outstand-sea, and there is under the white stone

golden pike - and golden feather, and gold bones,

and the teeth are golden; And come, pike, to the slave of God (the name of the rivers),

and discrepays at the servant of God (the name of the rivers) with their gold teeth

herry with a chickenpie, hernia frightened,

grooming dwelling, hernia bone,

pillage hernia, red herriation,

wet herriation, from the father of the hernia, from Mother Hernia,

all exile; and go down, hernia, to the belt,

and go out and go and shulyat on the survivan stone,

and live in three hours

and go, hernia, from Dresser Kamen

on an empty place, in a dark place where the sun does not argue,

where people do not go and do not happen, where birds do not fly,

where the beasts do not go; and go, hernia, for quick rivers,

and go, hernia, for the rattles of streams,

and when the Second Coming will be the second coming

contact hernia, reversing!

"According to the words of centuries Amen!

In a pure field, there is a crude oak, and in that cheese oak, an iron husband, and that iron husband can not be fed and feeding neither bread, nor salt, no vegetables, but to feed that iron husband from human alive: from the heart of her hernia, from under the breasts hernia, from pupa hernia; Well, in the blue sea-Okian, a white stone, and from that white stone there is a red maiden girl and comes to the slave of God (the name of the rivers), and takes out that the servant of God with a poup of herriation, from the heart of hernia, from under the poup of herriation, And having a silk tape, and demoloses the raw oak, to an iron husband; And that iron husband eats and devours from the slave of God from the heart of the sheroke, from under the boys, Gryryzh, from Pupa Gryzhu, and topics the iron husband is fastened!

As an old nurse, children do not sew, so the slave (the name of the rivers) did not have hernia!

From interior interry (abdominal tumors). It reads three times in the bath, and the same time soars the patient with a broom. Then the broom is thrown into the West field.

I will become, the slave of God (the name of the rivers),

discourage the servant of God (the name of the rivers),

interior interior, leave the servant of God (the name of the rivers),

from his white body, from his abdomen;

go out in a clean field where emptiness;

there are tables of oaks, tablecloths are painan,

money drink, sugar disorders; You're called you!

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When they say that it is necessary to use grandmother's conspiracies to solve certain problems, then it is implied that rituals should be used which reached our times from antiquity. Conspuses used in such rites, as a rule, were transmitted from generation to generation and in the process of this were rejected. This is explained by their high performance. Vintage grandmother's conspiracies can be worn both creative character and destructive. It is possible to use such rites to influence almost all life spheres.

Options of ancient rituals

Almost all the grandmother's plots should be read at midnight during the full moon period, it is believed that at this time it is easier to perform the sending of directional energy. Very common and in demand are conspiracies that are used for health and beauty. In ancient rituals, medicinal plants are often used as attributes, that is, Snagan knowledge and experience with magic are combined. And it has a very effective action.

Rite with plantain

A vivid example of such a rite is a ritual using the plantain. For him, you need to narrow the fresh leaves of the plantain and boil the water in a wide saucepan. Then you need to tear the leaves and throw in slow boiling water. At the same time, uttering such a plot:

"People's intercessors on the land of living, Heaven angels, I urge you. Help the slave (s) of God (s) ( given name) Get rid of the ailments and gods forever. Let I be beautiful (s), healthy (-A) and cheerful (-A). I ask you from all my heart and pray to protect me. Amen".

Conspiracy is repeated three times. After that, the water must be left to cool until the morning. And in the morning, throw it out onto the street and say:

"With water - all diseases and ailments. And with me - health and beauty. "

Photographic conspiracies are often used to protect the house. With their help, you can get rid of the negative, which is accumulating over the years, swears the dwelling, like a web and does not give positive energy to enter into the unit. It is carried out on the first Sunday of any month. To do this, you need to narrow thin aspen branches and fervent them in a bucket of hot water. After that, the bucket should be placed on fire. When water boils to utter twelve times such words:

"The Holy Mother of God, remember my dear house, where you were born where life lived, praying in the morning, got up. In that dwelling you eaten and drank, and there I waited. Mother of God, bless my housing in salvation, clean it from every bad bad. Amen".

After that, you need to wait until the water cools and wash all the windows, doors and floors it. Last but I need to wash the threshold and porch especially carefully. Then you need to dress in very modest clothes and go to the intersection, where to pour out conspiracy. On the road, it is impossible to talk to anyone. All the ancient conspiracies are tested by time and necessarily affect if you believe in their miraculous strength and perform all the rules.

Most full description In all details - the strongest vintage love spells with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Independent love spells on love Guy are the leitmotif of this material. Additionally, we will touch the Gypsy magic and, in particular, love spellots on a man. What associations come to your mind when you say the word "Gypsies"? Will, mystery and magic. The factory witchcraft in Gypsy is very strong. It is far from your loved one, does not mean losing a place in his heart, they say the shuvani, who cherished by intimate knowledge.

To a strong magic of Roma, I will come back in Sergey Artgrom, but I will start the article from the presentation of a strong old love speirst at the intersection of the tradition of black magic. How to pick up a man with the help of a demonic incredible strongly?

Black Love Guy At Crossroads - Russian Witchcraft

The text of the love conspiracy of this old love spearance of authentic, which have come down to our time without change. The rite refers to the old methods of the attitude of the guy's love committed at the intersection. Read the text of the conspiracy on love, standing at the crossroads, immediately leave the spill and leave. With the help of the words of the text of the love conspiracy, you can, and a guy, and a girl, with some changes in the text, of course.

Rustic love spells Guy - Strength of ancient witchcraft

Folk magic is very old. Ancient times known to the rustic witchcraft. Almost in every village, and in the village, exactly, was his sorcerer, or a witch. Rustic magicians could cure the patient, and often damaged, and ancient rustic love spells Deli.

The fact that today we call the village magic is the merger of people will accept, whispers and magic conspiracy With the treatment of nature, ancient witchcraft rites, Christian religious mysteries. Can an old rustic spell on his beloved man harm him? With the professional conduct of love rites, this will not happen. Only independently incorrectly made guy's love spells lay damage.

Witchcraft rituals need to be possessed, understanding what you are doing, plunging into the world of magic and transformations. Reviews Rustic Guy Lovers They have different from those who made the rites on their own, and from those who applied to the village sorcerers. Such impacts on love are very effective, and they directly depend on the force of the Contractor.

Rustic love spells on love husband can be found in different sources. There are many recipes of biological love spells of a guy and a fraction, rustic magicians work in cemeteries, and at intersections, it is known to them and cathedral witchcraft. In general, rustic witchcraft is a section of the Warfish practices, and there are a lot of really old magical rites. There are things like a guidance damage to death, when they make a person love the price of his own life. What quality will be such a life, it seems understandable.

In this material, I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, will not give examples of how to make a love spell to death. This is not for every magician, and even more so not for beginners, but such practices exist. Apply them, of course, not for love. It is a heavy, perverted, long-term revenge. The customer of the strongest love spell takes on the role of Mrs. or Mr., receiving another person in an absolute order, to his arbitrariness, forgetting his magic retribution.

The consequences of the attitude to the death of the victim for the customer can be extremely negative. I will not give you to such rituals from Sergei Artgrom, but I will be happy to share a worker conspiracy to female love.

This is a simple vintage rustic girl love spell, or rather, a snooze on food. Read a strong love plot on drinking or treating and offer your beloved girl. Do on the growing moon in a female day.

Who did a gypsy spell - real reviews

There is a lot about the Gypsy magic, there are even magicians, positioning themselves by the connoisseurs of gypsy witchcraft, but it is unlikely. Romale Gadzo, i.e. Not gypsies, the secrets of strong magic do not open, it is transmitted inside the genus. Yes, it is truth to say, truly own the units, purebred gypsies, "Black Blood" - Calo Ratti. A strong Gypsy Love Guy Love can be done in different ways to excite love in a young man, pick up his heart.

Gypsies know how to manage people how to make them do as the magician wishes. It is necessary to form your goal, have a clear awareness of what you need from a particular person. You need to be able to see and hear to understand what kind of man in front of you. This will help determine the types of love spell on the love of the guy, optimal for the personality of this type. Being observant, you will understand what a gypsy spell on love men should be read.

Charm - weapons of the real magician. Do so to charm and charm your beloved person who you need, no matter, is a man or a woman. Do not expect that the love situation itself will decide in your favor, lead people and circumstances, and do not be trapped until you get the desired with the help of an old love spell. Do everything to come out your way.

These are the conditions for the successful strong gypsy love spearance of a man.

After the witch probatory impact, it is necessary to wash and say the cleansing Gypsy spent:

Ancient Gypsy Magic - love spell on your beloved man

If the one you truly love, nothing knows about you, such a way to be perfected at a distance. It is necessary to find on a non-potable 13 white pebbles. On the first Friday, after the new moon, decompose these pebbles on the ground in the shape of a heart. Lie the breast on this figure so that your heart is inside this symbol of love. Close your eyes and think about your beloved man.

Then spread the pebbles in the form of its initials, and again go to the breast. But, now think about yourself, about your feelings for your favorite guy. Then collect pebbles, tie in a handkerchief, and wear with you to the full moon. By this time, the guy you dream about will pay attention to you. Now your task is to be able to interest it.

Who did the Gypsy spell on the girl - real reviews about strong magic

How to attract your favorite girl, how to excite the love and desire of sex in her heart? A man can self walking a girl at home. Make on Friday on a growing moon. For home execution of the love ritual you need to have:

  • soap that girl used
  • red ground pepper
  • a bowl with clean cold water
  • drop sweat men

Add a drop in the water, throw a pinch of pepper, put the soap to the bottom of the bowl, to read the words of a conspiracy for the love of the girl:

We need to visualize intimate relationships with your beloved girl. Soap after the rite must be imperceptibly put in place.

Conspiracies and rites that have come down to us through the century

Nowadays, vintage conspiracies that our ancestors used are very popular. Such rites may have several hundred years, but their magic is still effective. With their help, the ancient Slavs protected themselves and their family from evil, called for money and good luck, or solved personal problems on the love front. You may not doubt that if they decide to use and you, then success you are guaranteed.

Such spells existed in a huge amount, but time made their own adjustments and until many conspiracy should not get to us. Below are the most popular rituals that are preserved due to the fact that they were fixed on paper in magical treatises.

Ancient rite for women's beauty

The effect of this old conspiracy on love applies to the woman itself, increasing her attractiveness in the eyes of the people around us. In ancient times, unmarried girls often resorted to him, seeking to create their family happiness as soon as possible.

It is also popular in our days: such a love spell will offer you to spend any professional magician, as the result from this rite is guaranteed high. But to spend such a spell is easy and independently at home.

Such an old conspiracy is comprehension that it should very carefully pick up time. It must necessarily comply with the following criteria:

  • You must have free access to only blooming pink bushes.
  • The ritual itself is held a sunny day, but at the new moon phase.

When all the conditions are taken into account, go to the chip of pink colors and stop near it, stroking the leaf gentle movements. Besides you, there should be no one there.

Making these actions, say these words of prayer:

"As you, the rose blooming, all the colors of the queen - so I will be the queen of beauty."

When you complete the spell, carefully cut down from the bush several of the most beautiful, already blooming flowers, and go home. There you need to convert petals from them and dry them on the sunlight.

When the procedure is completed, fill them with boiling water and let it be broken during the day in dark place. The resulting pink water can be resounded or left in this form. It should be used to wash the face, and each time performing it, these words of prayer should be pronounced:

"Pink color, there are no more beautiful. Rose me must, share my beauty so that there was a slave of God (call your name) a clear month of clear, more beautiful than the Sun of the Red! "

Infusion should be used all, its pouring is unacceptable. The longer you enjoy similar ancient magic, the more beautiful and more confident in yourself will become.

Ancient love spell

Love magic has always been popular, as it allowed to solve the problem to which traditional methods simply did not act: to bring a man to him and achieve mutual love.

The strongest spell of our great-grandmothers were considered such words of prayer:

"Lord, help me, Lord, bless the slave of God (the name of his beloved), the water of his saint. Herods daughters, stand RATE RATE, I first appeal, shake with your kids, yes from Likonov, yes from the elbow, feverish girl, the fever with a dense, burning. You shake you by the slave of God (the name of your loved one), shake his heart, blood, let his love flare up in his body. So that at night he did not sleep, so that the slave of God (name) suffered for one for me. What is said, will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Make such a ritual was followed solely during the period of the arriving month, so that he would reinforce with his force and a man's love-growing for you.

To achieve the greatest strength, the spell was carried out in absolutely secret from other people in an empty room after sunset for the horizon.

Vintage conspiracy

Special respect for our ancestors were tested to protective magic: in the go there were numerous charms and spells. They used them from damage, and from the love spell.

For example, if it was required to communicate with a person who could know how to harm you and bring love spells, then when leaving the house, our ancestors began to talk to a small pinch of salt with such words prayers:

"Dali the river flowed to Dali, the larger is donoyed, the increasing, he wanders me, from the Witchcraft, protects me, from any spell, from love conspiracy, from the love spells and Avdlov! "

Such a enchanted salt was put in his pocket and during communication with a crucible squeezed it into the palm. The words of the spell followed mentally to pronounce about herself and in the soul to donate himself with a godman.

Ancient rite for money

Humanity has always sought to have a steady financial situation, but not all have succeeded. In the event that the money was catastrophically lacked, any means went into the move, and not the bad of them were vintage conspiracies for money. With their help, it was possible to bring to themselves a certain amount of money, and improving their financial situation in general.

Ancient rites for money differed from modern terms used in spells and objects. For example, pronouncing the text of the prayer for money, the ancient Slavs necessarily used words denoting many in nature: fish in the sea, ants in an anthill, stars in the sky. They compared the level of future income to give him the infinity of understanding.

The same meanings also applied in conspiracy subjects: for example, yeast doughincreasing in the amount, or the plant stretched to the sun.

The most popular and simple performed was a ritual with the use of an anthill. For this, it was necessary to go to the deserted forest and find the biggest forming house there. There were several coins on it, which were then read by such words of prayer:

"As in this pile there are many ants, as in an anthill, residents or I have, and I, the servant of God (name) will be going to be money, never will be translated. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, it followed home and wait for the results.

In addition, once a year, the Great Holiday of the Nativity of Christ, every respectful believer had to donate the church some money. From such a sentence, it was also possible to make a ritual, allowing the whole next year not to know the needs.

"To whom the church is not a mother, the Father and I am."

It should not be missed for the amount, because in this case the rule is valid: the more give, the more you get.


Another important aspect of the life of our ancestors was a cure by conspiracy. It binds to the fact that the doctors in past times were very small, especially in the Russian outback. And if some kind of birth happened in the family, they treated it to the signs and healers who used a complete list of magical techniques. Such rites necessarily knew by heart in every family.

For example, if a large wound has happened with significant blood loss, it was uttered such a spell, heavily tightening the edges of the wound to the fabrics to be heal faster.:

"The Earth is flattened, Dern Turning, and the slave of God (name) should be the blood. As the earth falls asleep his wounds and aligns, so let the wound of the slave of God (name) will delay. May it be so. Amen".

This rite was known in each family, and he could spend him like a wounded man himself and his loved ones.

Ancient ritual for severe illness

If a person struck a serious ailment, who caught a patient to bed, he could only heal this conspiracy.

To read it and help the patient, usually called on a special meaning, which conducted a follower with prayers and spells. But somewhat often the family was and on their own.

In this case, a close relative became from the head of the bed and took in hand orthodox icon, which was called Troochitsa. For several days over the patients, such words of prayer were read over the patients:

"Pretending, the Most Holy Theotokos Virgo Mary, I fall, and bow before you, before the saint icon. Remembering the famous miracle is yours, as you healed the truncated land of St. John Damaskina, a miracle that you were revealed to people from your icon. The sign then to this day on the icon apparently, in the image of the third hand is depicted. Help and me, Troochitsy, help to heal the hand of your servant of God (name). Hear me, the Most Holy Mother of God, do not help me help her. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

They pronounced at dawn and with the sunset, while the patient did not become significantly better.

A strong conspiracy

Rituals for good luck have always been popular, they do not lose their positions they are in our day. The old rite below was carried out by our ancestors only once in his life, as it had exceptional strength and power. Therefore, this ritual should be approached very responsibly.

To correctly hold a conspiracy for good luck, you need to prepare three thick woolen threads in advance of different colors:

After sunset, remaining in complete loneliness, it was necessary to weave the threads of Kosh, talking on her with such words for good luck:

"I will stand at the dawn, pouring out of the house, crossing it, go down, calmly on the mountain high, I will take a bit down, the surroundings on all four sides far. Like yes eastern side On a green meadow, she grabbed the horse is the rusty, and a wild nor. Nobody has ever saddled him, no one has ever risen on him, either striving, nor the reached that horse did not know the century. I am the horse of dicoch troops, and the horse of the buynoga will force. It will be under me obedient to walk me, where I want to carry it obedient. Will my strong, like a stone. My word is faithful as prayer. Amen".

Such a craft for good luck should be worn with you constantly on my left hand a certain period of time. Upon its completion, the threads were filmed and indulged: it was considered the right ending of the conspiracy. After all, in the event that you lost or rupture a braid, you could begin to pursue failures.

Love spell at a distance without a photo

Love spell at a distance without a photo

We will teach how to wander the man who love, and he does not want to marry and will help in this strong love At a distance without a photo that you will do it yourself. The magic of love will help to shit a loved one, and he will not even know about it, but his feelings will wake up to you and will increase every day. This vintage love spell on the love of the girls used another ancient Russia And this method of Dobroves is a good job is actively used by knowledgeable girls and in our time. If you do not know how to shit a man to spend this not a complicated magic rite - a love spell and quickly get the desired. Each of us wants great and clean love, strong and necessarily mutual. If there is no response feelings from his beloved, then love magic comes to the aid, in the arsenal which is a huge number of such "chips" capable of having a beloved guy or an adult man. Love spell The presented in this article and carried out without photographs is done at home and can be used for a favorite girl or a wife who threw and decided to divorce, for this in the text of the love you need to change the name of the girl and the name of the guy in places.

To make a love spell forever to make a love spell without his photo at dawn while sitting in bed Read the words of the conspiracy on love:

Nobody unknown, the strength of the power is hidden

And there is no power to end, I let the power of the mighty on (the name of the man) of good one;

I plant the power of the mighty into all the compositions, half-pass, in all the bones and the bridge,

To all the veins and semi-shots, in his eyes are clear, in his cheeks of the blush, in his chest,

In his running heart, in the womb, in his arms and legs.

Whether you, the power of Magnich, in (the guy's name) is inexitious, the young man;

And you, the power of Mighty, its blood fuel,

His heart of potatoes for love for the (girl's name) of a lovely maiden.

And would be good well done (name of the affected) in all obedient

Pulp girl (girl's name) in all her life.

Would be a good one who would not be a conspiracy

Neither the verdict, and could neither old man nor Youth will dissuade him with his word.

The word mine is tough, like a fighter stone Alatyryr.

Which of the sea will drink all the water, who from the field all the grass is thrown off,

And this conspiracy does not overcome, the power of the mighty will not be injured.

In most cases, the spell also begins to act on the third day of reading.

Three ancient attributes that can be repeated at home

In love, as many believe, are good all means, including love spells. With these simple magical actions, you will be able to attract the attention of your loved one and cause genuine feelings.

Visigarov a lot and all of them are different. Black love spells are very strong, as, for example, a spell from Elena Golunova. But you need to be careful, because sometimes they only destroy the fate of people. We have chosen the most simple and least harmful of all love spells that you can easily use at home.

Love spell with spit

Pruts for this love spell must be either from a new broom, or two just torn birch twigs or aspen. You will also need threads. You can choose red or pink. The red color means passion, and, choosing it, you will attract the ardent feelings, passion in relationships. If you prefer more delicate and sublime feelings, it is better to choose pink.

The spell is made as follows. Two twigs put on top of each other and firmly tie up with strains. At the same time, constantly think about your beloved person so that the spell will affect. After that, say the following plot:

Probus I (name your name) and twig you (name the name of your beloved person): how treads are tightly tightly and our love bonds will be indispensable. Here is my word: so be, from now on and forever.

In order for the conspiracy to act, say these lines seven times. At midnight, this item must be put on the threshold of the person's house you want to be perish, so that he crossed it in the morning. As soon as he crosses the rods with you, the plot will begin to act.

Love spell on the drink

Not a gift they say that the path to the heart of a man lies through his stomach. Why not take advantage of this old admission?

The probative rite to spend quite easily: because there is nothing simpler than to talk a drink that will drink your favorite person. Very good if it is hot tea or coffee. By the way, it is also convenient, because you can repay on the coffee grounds. But even if the spell you will make a glass of the most simple water, the love rite will still work.

So, you have something to drink a person you are interested in. Turn the following words into fluid:

I don't drink water - you kiss my lips, you see yourself in reflection, but I imagine everything. As soon as he drinks (the name of your beloved person), this is not able to live without me anymore. May it be so.

Repeat these words from 3 to 7 times and wait. The magic of your love spell will soon begin to act.

Love spell with hair

This is a very effective method, as you will use the body part of your chosen / your chosen. It is best to get a curl, but even using one hairs, you can already hold a ritual. Take your hair and tie it with your beloved hair. While you will do it, say a plot:

You knit you with yourself, to myself, Walking, forever, wake up. So that now and forever we were together you yes me. The word is firmly like a stone, and firmly like steel. Now take and execute. May it be so.

Next, the tied hair is removed so that they are inseparable to anyone and no one would have found them. Think about a secret place in advance. Conspiracy is desirable to spend at night in silence and loneliness. You can accommodate in front of the mirror and light the candles. So magic will strengthen its action.

Some clairvoyant and psychics believe that the use of love spell is undesirable. For example, Elena Yasievich claims that the attoring person spoils his karma. We wish you good luck in love even without love spells, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

Vintage rustic spell

Rights of rustic magic came to the modern world of deep antiquity. They were developed by folk healers and the signs and passed the tests of time. The probitive rites were in pagan times an integral part of the national life. It was believed that with their help you can reach harmony in personal life.

Features of rustic rituals

Any rustic spell is based on the conjunction of folk adoption with natural attributes, Christian beliefs with pagan religious rites. All such impacts are very effective and, with competent conduct, cannot harm the person.

It should be understood that the effectiveness of a probivary rite relating to village magic largely depends on the energy force of the artist of the ritual.

Surprised ritual

This rite is notable for the fact that it does not roll back, therefore, can not harm the performer. Such an impact allows you to shock both a non-native and married man. Moreover, in the second case, the rite will be effective only if the feelings between her husband and his wife were cooled, but none of the partners have enough strength to make a decision on parting. This ritual smash a happy family will not succeed.

This rustic love spell is associated with those who are not capable associated with the selection attribute and creating conditions for its conduct.

The ritual should only be held on the third night after the new moon. As an attribute in the rite, a fresh egg, which is not more than two days. That is, in the store acquire an egg for the rite. In addition, it will be necessary to use three church candlesTo purchase in the Temple on Tuesday, and a photo of a loved one who is planned to be awesome.

After sunset, it is necessary to retire in a separate room. The table should be installed with a triangle candles, inside which to put a picture of your beloved, and put an egg on it.

After that, you need to light the candles and speak such a plot:

After that, you need to take the egg and strongly knock them on the photo to break. The snapshot should be completely covered with a broken egg. Then candles should be put out and collect all attributes in the package. It must be immediately taken out on the street and bury at the crossroads, you can cross two paths in the park. You need to bury the package to make anyone anyone accidentally excavated.

Despite the fact that the rite is quite complicated in execution, it begins to act immediately after the egg will be broken.

Strong black inherent

There is another strongness of a vigorous ritual belonging to the Black Rustic Magic. In connection with these, it follows it in strict accordance with the recommendations to exclude negative consequencesfor both the victim and the executor of the rite.

For such a strong rite you need to pre-prepare:

  • Volt from wax, which will symbolize your beloved;
  • Twelve new needles;
  • The cemetery land that needs to be gained on the grave of a person whose name coincides with the name of your beloved.

In the noving period in a separate room on the table, three church candles are installed in a triangle. The center puts the dish with the cemetery land, to the center of which is placed Volt.

After that read the following conspiracy:

After that, you need to stick in the left candle the needle vertically directly next to the phytylene. After that, you need to talk a plot again. Similar actions are repeated with other candles, while the latter should be a candle installed in the middle.

If the Dark Spirit agrees to help you, then he will manifest himself any action, for example, flucta flame candles.

After that, nine needles stick to Volt:

  • Three - in the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin;
  • Three - in the heart of the heart;
  • One - in the interbrass zone;
  • One - in the left temple;
  • One - in the theme.

This conspiracy must be known to know the shepherd by heart and read before leaving the pasture. Work on the street in the rain, in the field under the wind often takes care of human health. The one who knows this plot will be able to protect against sudden illness.
I will stand, bless the east, the eastern side. On me the cross of St. Jesus Christ everywhere with me the sky to me - the castle, the earth, I - the keys, and you have a birth-misfortune, do not knock for me. A stamp on a stone - blood-ore, not a drill, but it does not hurt anywhere in the body, does not hurt. Angels, ahead, angels, behind. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen at sea ocean, on the stone the church is worth. She is strong, she is stronger, she does not swear, pain, Kohl, does not know. So I would, the Slave of God (name), did not row, pain, Kolya, did not know. Around me stone mountain, she, she protects me, illness, does not let me. Iron, Tyne, Bogoroditsyn Castle. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Quickly gain strength

All sorts are circumstances: a person loses his strength after illness, childbirth, stress, etc. Go out to the street, lift your hands above your head, look at the stars and say:
Stars are not read, the sky is not merryano. Lord, my God, the strength of heaven with me. I speak the Virgin of the Virgin Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from forty fatal diseases

Conspiracy will help even with those diseases that no doctor can cure. They read it loudly, not stuffing and without being distracted.
Angels, heavenly, angels, saints. Take and take the Lord God, Jesus Christ, all my words all my request. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. People, sick, people, suffer, people, dying. Who are these, illness, believed who these, illnesses, for people, caught up, stand up, twigs, shake, go to hell. Ranish, drop away from the servant of God (name) so that his soul, soaked, and the body stopped hurting. Bless, Lord, all my words are all my healing things. And what I missed, what missed, the Lord will order and all the words for me an angel will say. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

With ailment

An unnamed finger touch the icon of Christ the Savior, then to his chela and tell me: there is no nameless finger name, and I have a slave of God (name) there is no illness. Amen. Soon you will feel relief, and there will be no-faceless malace.

What to do when decaying forces

If a person feels the decline, let him go to the field, will fall into a fresh furrow and says: Znisy You're supposedly, give me all your strength, the earth will give birth, the earth, revives the earth, I am awarded. Jesus Christ is risen and my forces will be resurrected. What said that she had no odds that was thought, everything in favor to go to me, God's servant (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And even forces correct herbs. (See the section "Herbs".) In full moon, at 00 o'clock, you can go outside, raise your hands up and shout, without thinking that you can hear power, heavenly invincible, is inexhaustible. Angel, my, whimsleting me with this force. In the name of. Father and Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. On an odd day, it is impossible to do this.

Than you can help with poor well-being

If you are boiled, exclude all meat out of meat. Give preference to fish, and even better fish Yushka (fish broth). Larken also in a bowl of butter with honey, sort out this mixture, warm up in the bath. You will see how fast forces will be returned to you.

Sleep returns health. Disconnect the doorbell, phone, close tightly curtains. When you go to bed, say: Angels strengthen my health. Amen.

If possible, eat less, drink more than a brushing sweat on honey and hot milk with foam. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - wipe the terry towel dipped in hot salted water. After this procedure, a dry waffle towel is treated.

If you have a bone lying, you look at a naked body in goat and, lying in bed, tell me: Curry take from dongogogo. Deske, Abu, Ali, Alla. Curry took, dongoga gave. Amen. The same should be done with a cold.

If your disease is pretty delayed, do it. Enter the river (if the rivers are not nearby, you can in a bath with water), take it from your head to the legs with water with the words: Mother waters, have moved, childbirth, mother, went. I am out of the water, and out of the water, came out. God gave me the soul, set me on the land. I will go into the water, I will find relief. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Easy the painful state helps the sacrificial blood just killed birds.
Chicken chicken, substitute left under warm blood. This blood is drawn on the bare body of forty crosses. For each drawn Cross say: you, a bird, dead, and I am live. Blood on the cross, and health in me. Amen. After that, your health will very quickly go to the amendment. The epidemic will break up the epidemic in advance, say yourself in advance so as not to get sick.
Put two mirrors. One front, and another behind. Look yourself in the back of the head and say: there is no eye on the back of the back, there is no nose on the back of the head, there is no mouth on the back. So that I did not have any illness: neither from people, nor from animals, nor from the birds, no from the wind, nor from the water, nor from the ground. Lord, save. Save, and relieve. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From an unknown disease

If doctors can not make a diagnosis, and you feel that you die, immediately proceed to the claims.
Read twelve evenings before bedtime.
Unserved keels, let go of my veins. Take your eyes, snakes uterine. From my body fly into the tube oven, find yourself a sacrifice for another. All the Saints Heavenly Assistants of God, wake me a slave of God (name), your help, crush my diseases! Now and in the eyelids. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy, protecting during flu epidemic

They inspire water, stirring it with a rachin, cleptized from the full. They interfere with only one direction clockwise. They interfere until they read three times. Then take the whole family with water. Slug dried and burned. Shield of the Lord, with me from all, kalv, earthly: from ulcers, seaside, from the plague, fire, from leprosy, Gnoeva, from tatriotry and shaking, firewits, Furnaces. Fences, Lord, his fence, my family. Amen.

Lampad Life

In order to learn how the patient will die or not, make a lamp of life. The oil is poured into the lamp, take the sweaty idle of the patient, raise the level of the lit lamp and read: the candle of life of the slave of God (name) burn. Angel his keeper, point. If this lamp does not burn, the slave of God die. Amen.
Then wait for the sick shirt. If the flame will weaken, but will not go out, it means that the patient will most like it, but will not die. If the fire goes out, it means that it will not rise.

How to talk yourself from diseases for the whole year

This is a very old and proven way. Grandma talked about him like this: "Defense, Spasushka." If you do everything correctly, avoid colds and truths during the year.
Get your left hand from pissed the woody corner. Insert the line on the floor, stand up to her back, step over it with my left foot back and forth and tell me: there is no trait, there is no cross. So there is no kolic, and the pain is neither the next day, nor on the day after tomorrow, nor for a week, nor for the month and for the whole year! Amen.

Bath conspiracy on good health and longevity

Try the words of this conspiracy during washing in the bath or if the baths are contraindicated to you with physicians in the bathroom. The words of the conspiracy say when you last water water.

With Gogl, water, I have thin, dry, lobster, wind turret, sprinkle with the slaves of God (name). As a duck from the sea, so with me a disease. Like with goose water, so with me a disease. Like with goose water, with (name) thin. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy at the beginning of the disease

As soon as you feel the first signs of malaise, read this plot - it will help to stop the disease at the very beginning.

Cherch, drawing from Beggar, red face, from the groove, from Kumchug, from chickenpox. With the wind came and left to the wind. Amen.

Conspiracy over a sick relative

Conspiracy is read over the patients three times.

Sowned with the (name), the disease, on the beast, on a piece of leaf, on dry tubes, on an empty barrel, on a swamp bump, clean the body y (name). Firmly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy in the treatment of wounds and bruises

Li injured, wound, inflammation - drive a hand around a sore place (you can simultaneously rub the ointment if she is spelled out) and read a plot three times:

As on the dry birch, the leaf dries out, falls off, so if (name) wounds healed b, the disease dried b, fell off. Firmly. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Morning plot for good health

This plot is good to start the day.

I get up, the servant of God (name), blessed, crossing, the saint in Doy I wonder, the rhiza-vesty will face, the Lord God will pour. I will leave the doors in the door, from the gateway to the goal under the morning I will zarya Maria, under the evening Issue Mareman, to the ocean to the sea. On the Okhene-Sea, the christian stone is not sinking and not whine, the slave of God did not rear, did not go, the tumor did not raise, squeezed from under the nails, from under the elbows, from under ribs, from under the steel vein, from -podnoye, there would be no borony, all gospev, would not have been all 12 herds, so it would have preserved, it would have disappeared at the slave of God (name), there would be no bones, nor in the joints or in The buoy head, nor in a ruddy face, or in clear eyes, nor in black eyebrows and from all its buildings, and from the whole member. Morning Zarya Maria, Evening Zarya Mareman, as you soon faded, got up, so that the slave of God (name) was confessed, all the grief and pain, herds, darling, wait to disappear, disappear all 12 herds. Who taught, did not know who knew the words - she read, who could see, knew-forgot, left, they would have rummaged and they would have worried that. And be, my words, strong and modeling, stronger than the stone, faster the buoy wind. Forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy when washing on health and beauty

Every morning and evening, washing, read these words conspired. They will not only get rid of the disease, but also to healthy person Harvest will not be subtracted. And besides, give you a healthy and fresh look.

Washed with water, wash it with a veil, walk on kind health. Amen.

Conspiracy to catch a disease

In order for the disease to catch and remove from themselves, it is necessary to outset the sick place in a circle with the index finger of the right hand and read a plot three times.

I will stand, the slave of God (name), blessing, go, cross; I wonder the morning dear, I buried with a thin white web and go out of the hut in the door, from the doors in the gateway, under the eastern side to the okaylan-sea. On the outskirts of God island, the island is on Tom Island lies Bel Gulfing Stone Alarm, and on Kamen's holy prophet Elijah with heavenly angels. Praying to you, the holy prophetic of God Elijah, went thirty angels in a cereal dress, from Luke and arrows, but beat off and shoot from (name) lessons and privy, and the trim, plump and lobs, and the windy ulcer, where the winged bird departs, On the black mud, on the topping of the swamps, and meet and transversely, Stamovo and Lomomovo - on the ram, in the dark and at the cross month.

Conspiracy over the medicine

This conspiracy will strengthen the healing effect of any medicine.

Shoot me thunder and Molasses; Choose and shoot and shoot from the servant of God (name) lessons and prize, plugs and lobs, pampering and reproach, and the windy ulcer, where the winged bird does not fly, and the well-disabled, the horse does not drive, counter and transverse, stamme and Lomomovo, internally, SPOO, SOLID AND ZELINNO. Like the dead man's dead, the hands and legs, teeth and lips, a spelling body, so would collies from (name) lessons and prize and proclamation, plumps and lobs, pampering and reputation, and windy ulcers, counter and transverse, stamme and Lomomovo, nouture , spooly, rolled and housing.

Such a plot is very well acting on therapeutic herbs, settings and decoctions of them.

Conspiracy for water to relieve the state of the patient

Pour in the bucket of warm water and read the conspiracy over it. After washing, take a patient with water.

The slave of God got up (name), blessing, went, cross, out of the hollows, out of the courtyard, yes came out in a purely field. In the pure field there is a blue sea, on the blue sea a quiet creek, on the so-called gray Gogol on the plant, on tom on gray on Gogol, neither water nor dew is held on Gogol. Also at the servant of God (name) neither lessons, nor proud, nor dashing reversals, no windy bare and nightprookhs. Forever of centuries, amen.

Conspiracy on red wine for strength and blood renewal

This conspiracy is updated and new forces are over the entire body. They read it over a glass of red wine, it is better to use Kahors - a church wine, the blood of Christ is symbolizing. Wine need to give a sick to bed before bedtime.

I will become blessing, go, cross, in a clean field; In a clean field, paths and roads runs the Oka River. And sheers the river Oka steep coast, and silk herbs, and small sands, and pebbles. It would be sudden and kneaded from the slave (name) all the skewers and the gatherings. And you, the slave of God (name), the dew in the wool, the stars satisfy, follow the month and the Red Sun of Osuda will continue, and from the metrarpender and proportion! And both the Cathedral Church closes and configrates, so I, the slave (name), I approve and strengthen all the words and sentences, Dyna Fegg, Amen. Mark Dressman, the slave of God (name) help and assumes that henceforth and feeding, there was no grief; And how you did not hurt and not tumor, so the slave of God (name) pain in the teeth was dead.

Conspiracy over water and salt for the return of consciousness

Pour into a cup of water, pour the pinch of the salt and put three coal.

Read the conspiracy over the water and sprinkle the patient on the arms, legs, chest and back.

Lord Jesus Christ, nice us, sinful, surviving the slave of God (name)! Mother of God, do not leave your challenge of God, forgive his great creaking, which sinned before you. Homes, Lord, His from all Sloga. Give him, Lord, Health and Salvation!

Then cross the patient and read these words:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, surf the slave of God (name). Lord, bless, Father! Archangel, Angelie of the Lord, Mikhail and Gabriel, Uriel and Rafail, and inequate in the door of the Lord, the village of Skipetra in his hands, hedgehog keep the bed of the Lord; The form of the forces are many, Archangel and Rivers: "Curse the response, and he will not touch the servant of God either on the day or in the nosta, nor on the path, in no way." But observance, Lord Jesus Christ, the prayers of the Mother of Mother and all the Holy Angel, always and now and are also connected and forever and the eyelids.

Conspiracy in arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and pain in the joints

It is necessary to pretrate the yard dog pretty well, necessarily such that does not live in the house, and in the cone, there is a wool, tie socks (if legs hurt) or a handkerchief (if pain in the back, hands). The resulting product should be taken close to the lips and told a plot on it. After that, the thing is used by purpose: the handkerchief is tied to the patient, socks wear and leave overnight.

The words are:

Bill, the Slave of God (name), in the morning and in the evening blessing, wondering the morning gourdes and evening, will bete white light; In the forehead bakes the Red Sun, in the nape a bright month, the briefs are frequent small stars fade; It will go out of the doors by the doors, from the Seine of Senmi, from the gate of the gate, will come out in the pure field, to four Rostani, will fall into the east by the face, west by the ridge: in the 19th, the Light of the True Christ; On the blue sea white stone, on a white stone white man in a white dress, light George brave; George's light Hproggo has two well done, two much removed, Great Sagittarius: One Son Simeon, the other - Gerasim, go with a tight bow, shoot a raw oak. Oh, you, Simeon, and Gerasim, do not shoot the raw oak, shoot at the inlet wounds, shoot, chickness from the servant of God (name) Prittsi, prize-winning, reversals, winds fractures, reversals. Amen.

Look at the cottage, in the village house where they hold the dog, ask for the owners of wool. You can, if you try, find and people who hide wool. Try to do everything as it is indicated here, because the tool is good, reliable.

Well, if it does not work, use other conspiracies.

Preparation of healing oils

Take vegetable oil And speak it to the future to lubricate them at any time.

There is a sea-oxian; There is a golden bridge on the sea, sitting on it a golden man, the jet of the arrow of the Gold and shoots from the slave of God (name) boszos, and the parable, and the scrupted, and hairstyle, the busty and day, noon, and urgent, and water, and trees, with hands and legs, and from the bone, and from the brain, and from all his d Give God, the slave of God (name) on health and salvation.

Conspiracy on the ash from bone diseases

Read the conspiracy over the ash nine times, then pour sick place it.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hair You, Hair, Walk to Rye Colos from the servant of God (name) either on the ashitsa, or on the warm water!

Plot when stretching back

As soon as they pulled the back, you need immediately, without going from the place, to say a plot:

Mother Dawn-Zarnitsa, Red Maiden, Mother of Cheese Earth, take off with me, with a slave of God, jump - stretch, pecked; Denn, midwhate; wear, half-one. Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracies from pressure surges, pain in the heart

Naturally, a physician must be observed with heart disease. But the conspiracy will also come in handy: the pill accepted - and that the attack passed faster, read the conspiracy.

1. Conspiracy during an attack.

Conspiracy pronounce three times and, after everyone, jump three times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Heaven from Heaven from Heaven on the Golden Staircase, blowings from the heavens of Thirtist onions of the Zlatavota, three hundred arrows of zlatoprochy and three hundred the tales of gold and shoots, and shoots at the servant of God (name) lessons, bonds, pain heartings: "And Poni, black beast bear, in Dark forests, and floods, black beast bear, in the short swamps; So that the century has never been, no day, nor on the night ... "forever and the ages, Amen.

2. How to talk heart medicine.

If you regularly take the medicine, then read the conspiracy word before admission:

There is a slave (name) from the courtyard in the baptized faith from the Spirit of the Slando, from the seal of Christ. He has a degree of unrigue in Christ, they go to the Union of Luka, Marco and the third Nikita Martyr, what Christ was tormented by Christ, and for us God pray. In the hands of the Virgin Key, the castle, where Christ himself worship. Angel my keeper, save my soul, scrape my body from damage, heart from pain. The enemy of Satan, a dashing person, push me out of me, the servant of God (name), like a beast from the beast, snake from the snake, heretic from heretic, sorcerer from the sorcerer. Bless, Lord, in good health to live, and the parents of our kingdom of heaven.

Conspiracy with ulcer of the stomach or guts

This conspiracy makes water, which is drunk.
The Lord is our forever, the king of the Heaven and the Creator. A multi-sized slave is drawn to you (name), about mercy praits your age. My sins are punished for sins, ulcerated, sick. Everything is nutrooted, I was treated, I was silent. I pray for for forgiveness, before the throne red if I wonder. Getting rid of your slave (name) from the torment, from the ulcers of Zhugay, from silent to Luta. We went to the slave of yours (name) Relief with the Angel Holy Guardian, with the sacred of the Virgin, with the healer Pantelemon, your ashist. Amen.

Coclared drops drink in a special way: in the morning, on an empty stomach, drink one droplet, the next day - two, then three and bring it to twelve, then reverse side - First eleven, then ten, etc.

Conspiracy from diarrhea and vomiting

Pour in a cup boiled water, Pass the pinch of salt and speak a plot. This water is drinking in a spoon during the day.

I will stand, the slave of God (name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the gateway to the gates, by dear to the blue, the sea. This ilosine-sea has a car baricist; On this tree, the carcolic hangs: goat and Demyan, Luke and Paul, great helpers. I resort to you, the slave of God (name), I ask, great assistants, goat and Demyan, Luka and Paul, tell me: For what, de go out of the sea, the woman is prolonged, for which he goes, serving from sleep, from Food, suck blood, pull the veins, like a worm, come with a black liver, saw yellow bones and joints? Here you do not live, housing, not a coolness; You go to the swamps, in the deep lakes, for quick rivers and dark borse: there for you the beds are made, perina down, pillows, recreation; There are sugar yams, honey drinks; There will be you live, housing, coolness - to this hour, to this day; The word mine, the slave of the Bogjarey (name), firmly, tight, firmly.

Conspiracy from jaundice

Read the conspiracy over the patient three times.

Fences, Lord, the strength of an honest and life-giving cross of yours and save from any evil to Viva, Lord, I pretend my spirit, you will save me and bless the living eternal giving me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from abdominal tumors

This conspiracy is read on a birch broom. But to perform a conspiracy need an assistant.

Invite a person who is optimistic about life, in everything he sees good, believes in the best outcome of the case, and instruct him to say this plot.

The broom must be unpiring, talking on it words, and then applied to the stomach. After pouring the patient with water, in which the broom was sparkled.

I will become, the slave of God (the name of the one who treats), discourage the Slave of God (name): Interior interior, leave the servant of God (name), from his Belago body, from his abdomen. Go out in a clean field where emptiness; There are tables of oak, tablecloths are painful, drinking honey, sugar dishes. You're called you!

Take a glass with boiling water and a piece of gauze. In the gauze, pour a teaspoon of grass holly. Turn the gauze and tie the red thread. Then omit it into the glass with boiling water and keep all the time until the conspiracy says. Then rose herbs, cool water and drink on a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.

I will become, the Slave of God (name), blessing and crossing, I wonder and I will fall, and the Lord God will pour, I will go in the distance, in the eastern side; East side has a green garden; In the Green Garden of George Brave, Christ Strupp, protects and cuts from Sherry Worms, from White Wormi, from Lesna, Bolotnyy, Route, Korennovy. Goy Esi You, Gray Worm, White Worm, Forest, Bolotnaya, Sheet, Kingnica, Look for the Sea, to the ass Ploil, Many Popper Perfille Cabbage Fields, Honey, Honey, Dinner is exhausted; Here is the way and the road, under the count, under the transfer, under the mortgage pole. Amen.

Conspiracy from kidney colic and kidney stones

Put the right hand to the kidney area and senten:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Not from the wind, not from the roactor came by this boom in the servant of God; And come out, this arrow, from the servant of God (name) on the way, on the iron and on the oil, shade, do not break and do not go. Always, now and dream and forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from warts

Bringing the wart is a simple thing.

Consider warts on hand. Take woolen thread, Keep your hands behind your back and tie so many knots on the thread as you have warts. Thread groan to the ground (you can flower pot). Read the plot:

As this rope is rotting, so that all warts are rotten.

Conspiracy from gold

The gold in the old days was called ordinary diathesis - the disease, more often appearing in children, but often amazing and adults. It seems like nonsense, but it happens that man before the blood combs sickening skin. This conspiracy will help with such a disease, and both adults and children.

Zarya-Zarnitsa, Red Maiden, come to help me; help me, Lord, from the slave of God (name) Zolotokha to say, obsolen, a red-free, penny, semidal, brown-buinovitz, yellow-shine, blue-sinyavitsa, red-beauty and squeezing; Golden-Krasuha, behold from a slave (name), from a riveted head, from clear eyes, in the field of the field, in the blue of the sea, on the rostbine, turns, on the deep swamps; As a horse of water does not drink, the grass does not eat, Okol, Onemal, so the slave (name) chalk, numb at the buoy head, in clear eyes; As a frequency of the stars from the sky, they will roll out the slave (name) the gold rolled out of a riveted head, from clear eyes.

Conspiracy from Chiri on cream

Pour into the clay cup of cream and read the conspiracy over them. After that, smear the sore spot cream.

The slave of God (name) got up, blessing, and went, crossing, from the hollow by the doors, with the courtyard stink, came into a clean field. There are dry chalga dry field; On that chalga, the grass does not grow and flowers do not bloom; And also at the servant of God (name) there would be no Chiri, nor the Veday, nor the Bar Nightness. Cleaned slave (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Burrying Naja

Drive the lower finger right hand on the mooring with cruciform movements and read the conspiracy:

The baby's father is a month, there are no sobbers, nor's reels, so that the slave of God (name) was not on the chirie or the sobs, nor's reels.

Evening plot

In the evening, before bedtime, read a plumb:

Niza, Nuritsa, Queen, here you can not be, here you can not live, here you don't have a nest, live to be in a clean field, on a white birch. There you live, there you should be, there you have a nest.

Conspiracy from the corrosion - scabies

To quickly cope with the tick and get rid of itch, use a conspiracy word.

Go to the river bank (lake or pond in this case are not suitable - we need running water) with a piece of bread and salt. Salt the bread and throw it into the water with the words:

Bread, honest salt, swim, where you want, you good way, and I leave good health!

Conspiracies from burns

1. As soon as they burned down (not very much, not to bubbles), immediately pour salt on the burn, and then pronounce a conspiracy three times:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Light up to dawn, and dawn to light, and burn before words. Forever of centuries, amen.

2. Conspiracy with a burn on the smoke.

Light a match or candle, hide it to go smoke. Hand drive smoke towards the patient and say:

Smoke dynamic, take the fire of flying with slaves (name). Lord, bless.

3. On the ring finger from the burn.

As soon as you dense, you need to take a ring finger on that hand, from which burn. Three times read the conspiracy, after every time they blow on the burned place and spit through the left shoulder:

Fox went behind the forest, where the fox will pass, there the burn will smell, he dunet three times, it plot three times - everything will pass. Amen.

Conspiracy from injections and inflammation

Read the sick place like this:

I will become, the Rabita of God, crossing, I will go, blessing, out of doors in the door, from the goal to the gate, in the rude side, under the sun, under the bright month, under the morning I will give Mary, under the evening Mareman, Keanu Sea, in Kiean, the sea Zallahir Stone, Holy Apostolsk Church, in the Apostolic Church, will holy the throne, Mikhailo Archangel is sitting in the Holy Prestol, and Herry Brave with tough arrings, with the east knuts; I, the Rabita of God, go closer, conquer and pumped up: "In Yes, you, Pathushka, Mikhail Archangel and Hiring Brave, Beit and quit the tough arrow, the east of whips twelve nails of Ryzhova Horse, steal him on the ears and by caution, in the eyes and by Zaglosham, on the skin and on beaten, in the bones and at the instigators, by messenger and in terms of the tail, on the tail, on the hooves, and on the swaps, on the joints of the sissors, from the blood and from the heart; The father of Mikhailo Archangel and Georgy Brave, jump out the unclean spirit, twelve nails.

How to fasten the disappearance

Assemble your fingers in a chinful and baptize inflamed place:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. I will become, the slave of God (name), blessing, go, cross, from the hollows of the door, from the gate to grind, in a clean field, to the eastern side. There is in a clean field, in the east side, it is chanting gold the throne, in the holy gold the throne sits saved. Major Mati, Help and Help! I have, the slave of God, to even lick and dying. Major Mati sends his servants to heaven all the power of heavenly, and the whole power of heaven is not destroyed: Flor and Lavra travels, for Frol and Lavra - Mikhail Arkhangel, for Mikhail Arkhangel - Kozma and Damian, for Kozma and Damiyan - Georgy Brave; And come to me, referred and gate all the knockers, evil, dear and dying and dust. Flor and Lavra are removed from their heads the Scepter before me, drive the evil, dear knocked out of three guards, to the ground, under grass pore. And God passed by the evil, debris on all the days, hours, forever and centuries, Amen.

Conspiracies from the face

In order for the grimy inflammation faster and infection did not go further, this conspiracy will help you.

Take a stick with a bitch. Sharp knife S. wooden handle Circuit the bitch three times clockwise, three times - against reading the conspiracy. After the name of each mare and during the listing of rye each time, adjust:

Rynzh rifle on a white mare, the mare fell, and the face disappeared. Roman bone, the face of the windy, the face of the Schalu, face from the lesson, the face of the cold, from the vortex, from the wind, from the worst thin, from his mother-in-law.

I rode a face on a red mare, the mare fell, and the face disappeared. Ryzh Kostya Naya, Roman Windy, Ryzh Schaluz, Rynzh from lessons, face from a cold, from the vortex, from the wind, from the worst thin, from his mother-in-law.

I rode a face on a black mare, the mare fell, and the face disappeared. Roman bone, the face of the windy, the face of the Schalu, face from the lesson, the face of the cold, from the vortex, from the wind, from the worst thin, from his mother-in-law. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from eczema

Take a new needle and dry bitch. Pull with a needle in the bitches and read a plot. After dunge on the inflamed place and split three times through the left shoulder:

As this bitch is not standing on the root, the leaves are not chatting, dry-stroke and no longer rest, so you, eczema, dry-stroke and no longer rest.

Conspiracy from linga

Cut the plantain, rinse it boiled water, read the plot above the sheet and bring it to the sore spot for the night. Repeat three to five days in a row:

From God is good, benefit from me. As a saliva dries on the stove, let the (name) dry dries. Fly for the dense forests, for the shafts of the swamps, where the beast does not go, where the bird's bird is not wearing. Fly longer than a bustling knife, acute sharp saber. Lucky closed, key in the sea, language in the mouth. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from the city

Lubricate the place in which the occasion was covered, and read the conspiracy over it - the herself will come out:

Duck from the sea, bird from a tree. Leave, zanozoz, from the body. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy from Socinets in the eye

If the Sorinka fell into the eye, cross it and read the plot:

How I'm from the road Chashkinka, so with the eye Socinka. Lord, bless.

Conspiracy from Belma

Read the plot three times, after splitting through the left shoulder:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy on us! Amen. And the holy neighrics were walked through the iron bridge, and three PSA flew behind him: one gray, the other white, the third black. Gray dog \u200b\u200bLamo slipped, the white dog Lamo slipped, the black dog of Belo lied in Bornallo, at the prayer channel, the Kresthenago Slave of God (name).

Conspiracies from barley

1. Conspiracy for adults.

Water the index finger of the right hand saliva and wipe the sick eye. Read a plot three times:

Lord, bless! The sun west, the day on the outcome, the bitch on the eye to the exerts, will disappear, as the man in turning. The key and castle words are mine.

2. Conspiracy for children.

If the barley begins in a child, then show closed eye Kukish. Read the plot three times, every time the cross of the eyes is Cook:

So you, barley, Cushion, and slave (name) Healthy eye.

Conspuses in colds

1. Conspiracy with a starting cold.

Take three coal and drive them in turn around the nose, ears and neck of the patient. Separate each time:

As the corner burns and burns, goes well and burns, burning and burning, tunny and bumps, toad and gorusta, and hassiness.

2. Conspiracy from the inflammation of the throat - from the toad.

Toad in Starin called angina, the inflammation of the throat or pharynx. In order for the patient to make it easier, you need to be confused with your hands, saying:

Loaded (name) sleep, pour and bless it. In Kiyan-Sea lies the Latin stone; Near the Latin stone stands the throne of the Blizzard of the Virgin; Near the throne there is a tree of Suchoverocho; A bird sits on this tree in this tree - iron noses, cogging boulats, pinch, pulls the toad dry and wet, dreamily, forever.

After having to smell hands towards the door and say:

Go, dry and wet toad, dry!

3. Conspiring rinsing with sore throat.

Pour boiled water into the clay cup, cross it with a ring finger with the right hand and read the conspiracy over it. We have a throat, and remove water to drink.

Bless, Lord, and save, Lord, a slave or a slave (name) from the troubles and from the misfortunes, and from a person, and from hatering, surviving and save his slave (name) in a clean field, in Green Dubrov; Pina Oak and on a dry tree, on which there are no eversions; From now on and trick and forever and centuries; Amen.

Oak, Oak, Warning His Duboglot, and the Music, and Wet Toad, Dry Duboglot, and the HLL from the servant of God (name)! I do not recover your Duboglot, he will swallow you with the branches and with the roots.

5. From pain in the ears.

Patient put in the corner and senten your back:

Corner Rubel and Cross Oaks. That the cross did not hurt, not a pinch and ear not a spinner; And so that the slave of God (name) did not hurt, not a pinch and ear, not a spinner, nor on the day, nor on the night, nor in the morning, nor in the evening, nor to Novu, nor in the Old and Ever the Month. Forever of centuries, amen.

6. Conspiracy from Otita.

If ears got sick, take a twig from a broom and touch them the ear of the ear, as if tingling the disease. Separate:

I will become, the slave of God (name), discourage the apparent disease to the baptism. I came to the habit of good and get away with good, and you will not go good, both in the Berezov of Napti, in the belt, obstacles and broke under the birches of the bush, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not squeeze and sleep at the slave (name).

7. How to talk fraction.

In the old days, when reading this conspiracy, the patient was sazing under Matitsa - beam at the base of the roof of the house. It is clear that now most people live in modern housesin which there are no beams. Just sat down the crown under any crossbar - for example, in the doorway. Drive over his head scissors, as if we distribute the disease, while reading a plot:

Lord, bless, Lord Christ. As this Matita Navel is planted at forty places, so I will put this twig forever; Like these scissors, pure sharpening, so this twig will cut out forever; As a rust bar, I shoot a rust from Spit, I remove this twice from the servant of God (the name of the patient). Amen.

8. Conspiracy on the temperature during the sore, otitis and other inflammatory diseases.

Put next to the sick icon of the Virgin and the Savior and read a plot:

Holy prayer from the Lord Jesus Christ, the king of heaven. Created the Lord Heaven and Earth, and the whole Lental; The fiery river flowed, the power of the Lord, Peter and Paul, Mikhail Arkhangel, Jesus Christ himself was baptized in the same fiery river. Near their temple settled Satan; He, Mikhail Arkhangel, in the rear he was launched. Oh, the Most Holy Mother of God, close the slave of God (name) with his veil and ram and get rid of him from a scrupted, from the lobes, from the rocks of Kumuhi, from twelve pain and twelve cumuuukhrushunitz: from Daunitsa, Liaganic, from the tyrtary, housing, bone, brain, Diary, night, midday, midnight, from the morning and evening.

Conspiracy from Scarlay

Read the plot three times over the three coals, after which you turn coals into the ground.

Mocra toad, dry toad, scarletten, spectacular fever, dry tearing.

Conspiracy from Stomatitis

You can turn on the bitch, which then you need to put into the water and leave for twelve hours. And then this water should be ringed mouth.

Suk, bitches, take your bumps from the corrosive, from the affected, this bitterness is drying, so that these bunches are withered at the slave of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from herpes.

You need to speak like this:

Fire, fire, take your fire, give a slave of God (name) purity, whitewash. Amen.

Conspiracy at high temperature during cold

Read the conspiracy over the patients with high temperatures:

I will become, the slave of God (name), blessing, and go, cross, in blue sea; On the blue sea lies white a stone stone, on this stone there is God's throne, on this throne there is a Most Holy Mother, in white hand holds Belago swan, breaks, plucks the White Feather; As I fucked, the white feather donounced, so fade, jump, push away from the servant of God (name), the goddamya firing and the rimming of hot, with a riveted head, with clear eyes, with black eyebrows, with Belago Taurus, with a heart ride, with black and liver , with Belanda Legago, with Rumen, with a windows. With the wind came - go to the wind; From the water came - go into the water; With the forest came - go to the forest, from now on and finish.

Conspiracy over a person who fell from fever in unconsciousness

Read the conspiracy over the lying sick, the kreat of it all the time:

On the mountain of Favorus, under the oak of the Mamvrian, Tu Sikhail, Mikhail, and that gathered all the strength of heavenly, Angelie and Archangel, Cherubi and Seraphi, and seven virgins are prostromati and without a belt, and they are shared by them: "Who are you, Virgin?" They are a robosh: "Dshchi Est Tsar Herod." - "Where are you going?" "We go to the world of bones of human lomit and body of their tomati." And they gave them in the thousands of Russian wounds of Zhele Dubtsy da wriggle them to the fiery sea. "God forbid you to be from the fire of the sea or in the family or in the tribe." Collecting the strength of heaven, Angelie and Arhagheli, Cherubi and Seraphim, thank the slave of God (name).

Corporate decoction for influenza

Prepare a patient a healing drink and read magic words over it.

Take a handful of dry raspberry fruits and a handful of dry linden flowers, mix and fill with one liter of boiling water. Speech in the infusion plot, cover the lid and let it stand for 20 minutes. Patients with infusion during the day.

I will become, the slave of God, blessing, and I will go, peeling; I remember neither white, nor black, duck neither dry nor wet; I wash with fresh milk, caring in a poppy color; I will go from the door to the door, from the gate to the gate; To meet me Tikhon Saint, I bow to Tikhona Holy: "Take you, Batyushko, twelve rods of tin, iron, and you are twelve by the heroid daughters, so that they are not cowardly, my bones did not break - from now on and before."

Conspiracy from temperature during sunlight

If you overheated in the sun, get crazy by half, moistened in cold water. Waving, read the conspiracy, sleeping through the left shoulder:

Okayayana Satan, a shaking and firing, giving birth to me, the servant of God (name); Create Four Evangelical: John theologian, Luke, Marco, Matvius, Crying Miracle Miracles, Deemian, Cyril, Ion, Pantels, Yermolai, will take you, the punk Satan, a rock and firing, from me, the slave of God, will bring and plunge into the cave Fire And they will be fenced with the name of the Lord always, now and confessed and forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from Kojti (sharp staring pain)

By the tip of a sharp knife, circle the place where Kolotier feel, and cross this place with a knife. Say a conspiracy. After that, plunge the knife into the water cup. Part of the water you need to drink, part of lubricate the sore place.

SEU, I SKE, ROUND, RUBN, SECE, ROUND, RUBLIMER SCALE NOW. As the bar disappears from the embezzle, from the makeup, from iron, so the disappearance and isochni, the bombed colotier, in the white bone, in black meat, in the White Taurus, from now on.

Conspiracy in abdominal pain

Capture belly and read a plot:

Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the survival of the slave of God (name), the controversial, bless, will be! There is a sea of \u200b\u200bgold, on Golden Sea Golden ship, the holy ship rides the holy Nikolaya, helps the servant of God (name) from the mustache; There is a sea Gold on the Gold Sea Gold Tree, on Gold Tree Gold Birds - Iron Noses and Iron Nails, Druit, Wollective from the servant of God (name) on the MAY, on the swamp; There is a sea of \u200b\u200bgold, on Golden Sea is a white stone, on Belya Kamen, she will sew a red maiden with a flice of iron, warm, defends, takes away from the servant of God (name) dons on the MAY, on the swamp; There is a sea of \u200b\u200bgold, on Golden Sea Gold ship, the ship is going on thirty kings on gold and seventy tsaritsa, help the servant of God (name) from the mustache; There is a sea of \u200b\u200bgold, on Golden Sea Golden ship, the Saint Nikolay is going on the golden ship, it raises the sea depth, raises the iron gates, and she lifts from the servant of God (name) Adu in jaws.


Take two cups - one with water, the other is empty. Pour water from a cup into a cup, reading a plot, then pour water to the ground.

Lying, temexiste and lobster, from a rainy head, from the rival of the heart, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers, from joints and sleeved; I'll throw you on the quick river. Mother Fast water, you go to the sea - I will believe Izechia and Lobschide with the slave of God (name) in the sea and the sea bunch, on the most end.

Dental pain conspiracy

This conspiracy is read at any time when a tooth burns.

Oak oaks, worm of teeth, not so far and no sheroy in the slaves of God (name) tooth, and soak and hernia dry oak.

And when you treat your teeth, repeat yourself a short conspiracy:

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with us. Amen. Antipa Savior, Batyushka, dental healer, healed, Lord, this slave of his (name) from tightness, dental lobs. Not from the stone of a fruit, but from the dental illness. Amen, Amen, Amen king heavenly.

Conspiracies for blood stop

Of course, it is necessary to impose a harness to a big wound, but you can simply speak small cuts.

Read this conspiracy over the bleeding wound three times:

From the ocean-sea ran the horse of the car, broke the stone of the stone. You, blood, do not kan the slaves of God (name).

On opening wound

If the wound periodically opens and bleeds, we must twelve once again in the wound:

I will become a stone, my blood does not roll, my blood will never kick. Chur, my thoughts, chur, my Duma.

Conspuses in accidents

1. From the bites with a mad dog.

Tsar Bread, I do not force you, I discharge from all the rest, from a bad impurity, from a crazy dog \u200b\u200b(such a wool); Iproof, disconnect (name) from the bones, from the relics, from the veins, from the capitals, from the composition, from the half-suite, from the buoy head, from the rib bone, from the combustible blood, from Tusko's belly, from fractional intestines. At sea-okayne, on the field of sown, on a high mound there is an iron house, the copper of the mild, the silver gate, the gold locks, the locks do not wash the lock, shawls did not disgust.

2. From snake bites.

At the sea, on Okian, on the island on Buyan there is an oak, under the oak, a rikilan bush, under the bush lies white stone, on that stone lies Runzo, under that Runa is a snake of the screech. It has sisters of Marya, Marina and Katerina. And we pray for you, we will bow on everything on four sides: "I will scold your vastness from the slave of God (name)."

3. Corporate ointment from any bites.

Take cottage cheese, turpentine or fish oil and read a plot over it. Bite the bite three times in a circle with the index finger of the right hand and attach it to it.

I will become, the slave of God (name), in the morning, wounded, I go smoothly, I hate Bellenko, God pursued; I will go, the slave of God, from the hollows of the door, blessing, from the courtyard in the gates, crossing, under the morning dawn, to the ocean-sea. On the ocean-sea lies Zalekar Stone, at Zlagna Stone stands the Cathedral of Church, in that church there is a throne in the church, and behind the throne there are three hundred horses of iron and three-story husbands. I will come, pray, worship and perturbed: "In the ESI, you, three hundred horses of iron and three-story husbands of iron, take the iron onions iron and three hundred arrows of iron, drive you soon, and shoot a black cowhole to the udder, in Uzhevo sting and Snakeno. As Motherland, the Earth stands on three cedars, will not shine and will not worry, "so stand, Izzhevo sting and snakeno, do not shake and do not worry. Amen.

4. From dislocation.

Capture sick place and say:

The Lord himself went to intelligently, went on the trails, did not sharply, did not breathe. Also, the slaves of God do not catchy, do not bother and lived in the custody, and the joint to the joint. Lord, Lord, the slaves of God (there) All the eternal proud, all fractures, unclean came out forever, Amen.

5. Conspiracy from the fracture.

Read the sick place three times:

Fire, and a blow, and the Duma: here is a smoking, famously, came, - there, famously, appear, - heat, and blow, and quiet. Here is the VSI, the tisshers, the prize, human talks, and the whole Duma is strong, here will come back with a white body, from the Rule-to-Five Sech, from the hands and with the feet, and with the Wsyih joints, from the rouse head, with countless hair, with white brows, with clear ocea, from all over the slave of God. Forever of centuries, amen.

6. Conspiracy from the bruise.

I will become a slave, poring, I will cross, cross, from the hut in the hut, from Seine in Song, from the doors to the door, from the gate to the gate. I will go out in a purely field, I will stand on the east face, to the west of the ridge, I pour worship to worship the Lord myself, the Jesus Christ - the king of the Heavenly, the most famous Madames of the Virgin. I will ask and pray for the slave of God's Lord Jesus Christ - the Tsang of Heaven to the Help to help, the Merry mercy was led to the Lord. We will beat, beat, tende from the servant of the DSI Prutians, VSI proud, all the human spokes, Huh do their duma, bad thinking; And you will shoot with the servant of God, the annoying wounds, spinning wounds, longing, that would not have hurt, did not sneak, did not have a painful of God's slave, would not give the heart of Tosca-pinch, on the body of the tumor, from all the bones, with all sorts of sides And from all thirty joints. From the girl's Kolotovka, from women-husks, from Mu hairy, from heretic, from any evil, dear person. Amen.

Conspiracy from longing

Diseases may not only be bodily, but also spiritual, and sometimes the second most tormented. This plot can be treated from longing both yourself and any other person.

At the sea, on the ocean, on the island on the Buyan, on the Half Polyana, under the oak moking sits the slave of God (name), the longing, twisted in the longing of the unknown and in sadness of the abnormal, in the crash inadequate. There are 8 elders with older, uninvited, unborn; Goy you, for what you sit like this on the floor of the glade, on the coolest Buyan, on the sea-ocean! And Ryeks Slave of God (name) 8 elders with the old man: found the trouble among the godfather, lay down in the Retivo; Skimit, hurts a head, not a clear light clear. Having got up to all the elders with the older Grozny, they began to break longing, throw longing for the Ocean, Kidm's thump was thrown, from the east to the West, from the river to the sea, from the road to the confusion, from the village to Pisseli; Nowhere forgotten, they did not take a long time, no longer covered; Round on the island on Buyan, at sea, on the ocean, under the oak mokrezkiy. I speak the slave (name) from unscrewing, to this day, to this hour, by this minute, the Word of my nobody exhibits neither by the air nor the Spirit.

Conspiracy from drunkenness

Alcoholism is a severe disease. There are ways to speak this disease.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen. Hop and wine, aughing from the slave of God into dark forests, where people do not go and horses do not roam, and the bird does not fly.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (twice), Hop and Wine, go on fast water, on which people do not go to water; From the servant of God, hops and wine, and drove on the brown winds, which the wind is walking for the range. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, learn to the Lyochny man, who is on (name) famously thinks, to that, bother, which will not make a good, will turn off from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.