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Strong woman love spells at a distance. Love spell on your favorite woman - a selection of effective conspiracy

Not only girls resort to the help of magical rituals for the attitude of a loved one. Representatives of the strong floor also turn to white magic to learn how to shock a woman. Most of these plots for love can be read independently at home.

Love spell helps to awaken a response feeling

Features of conspiracy for men

The conspiracy on the love spell is a kind of energy promise directed towards the object of desire, and may cause an interest in the performer of the ritual. Almost all love spells are carried out at a distance using elementary attributes.

A man who wants to chase a girl should know several rules of this rite:

  1. His chosen must be free.
  2. If this former girl, then parting, laughing more than a yearwill prevent the desired result.
  3. It is necessary to contact the woman more often, to know it personally.
  4. We must sincerely relate to the girl.
  5. It is impossible to make a spell for the sake of entertainment.
  6. It depends on the force of the will of the object. Energy of some women can withstand imposed desires. In this case, the positive result will have to wait a long time, or it will not be followed at all.
  7. You need to read words clearly without distracting anything.
  8. The text is better to know by heart. You can rewrite it onto a white sheet, but not print.

Experienced magicians are advised to hold a rite on Friday. On this day, the result will be more effective. All the actions of rituals need to be carried out strictly according to the rules in order to avoid unnecessary consequences.

Old ritual

This strong love Use since ancient times. It is necessary to pronounce a plot of love in 12 nights, for each side of the world. Total will be 4 reading. The ritual is carried out in clean clothing, after taking the soul.

Ritual must be carried out after the soul

The spell will work stronger if there is some kind of beloved thing. A little bowing, I should say on it:

"On the lands of the Basurman and Russian, the flame prince dried rivers, the sea and small sources, so would dry in the slave of God (name), the servant of God (name), on the pussy and constantly, so as not to live, not be without me, in seventy Sustaines, in 77 veins and in secret core. In the pure field black-black falcon. I will fly to him to fly into a purely field, in the dark forest, in blue the sea, in the steep mountains, and ask the prince, to give him help to go to a slave, the girl in Terem, sit on the white chest, on the Retivo Heart, on the hot liver and invested Would a maiden (name), so that she could not live without a slave (name) not to live, do not eat.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy in the photo

Photography is a frequent attribute in carrying out such rituals that are carried out at home. You need to take a fresh picture of a girl, two candles and a red ribbon. Waiting for the growing moon, close one night in the room and light the candle.

Sitting at the table, you need to write on the back of the snapshot of your name and the name of your beloved. Around the names to draw a heart, how would bring them there. Then the photo is tied up with a ribbon crosswise, forming a node. After these actions, we need to speak:

"Like me, the slave of God ( given name) This red ribbon totals firmly and the fate of his beloved slave of God (chosen name) forever tie. Love will be with us and nothing will destroy a strong mental connection. As a node does not unleash ever, so my beloved will be with me forever. Amen!".

After that, the photograph is cleaned in a secret place. While another person does not take him, the spell will act. Already soon the results will appear. A photo should be taken such that the girl is on it is depicted alone. If there is her girlfriends in the picture, it may cause unexpected consequences.

Sweet Love

The following conspiracy is pronounced by any sweets. Usually use candy.

With a sweet spell, candy is usually stipulated

Need to pronounce words:

"This sweet and tasty sweetie, it is pleasant to you my chosen (chosen name). So I (my own name) will become pleasant to you and you like you very much. Amen".

Then you should treat a woman with this sweetness. Conspiracy on love will affect the candy will be eaten by the chosen.

Another conspiracy is pronounced over the products and drinks. After you treat the object of desire for food or drink. The words are as follows:

"I will become, the slave of God (his name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the goal to the gate, and go out into the clean field. Sits in this pure field Mother of God, Holy Mother of God. As it creaks and hurts on their own son, and the slave of God (the name of the beloved) creaked and sick, and burned on fire, could neither be nor live, nor there or drink. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with candles

This love spell is one of the effective rites. Its effectiveness is due to the presence of a unique force church candles And their fire. Thanks to this, a man can attract a lady at a distance of pretty short term At home.

It is necessary to buy three church candles in the temple. One of them needs to be put for health to reduce the amount negative consequences. Then at 12 nights on the growing moon, you need to stay alone in the room, light the remaining candles and sit a little in silence, thinking about your beloved girl, presenting it. This should take about 10 minutes. Then you should clearly say the words:

"I, the slave of God (own name) Candles of church inland. Fire holy burning and brightly flares. How the flame flared up, so let the love of God's slaves (chosen name) flare up in the heart. Let her feelings do not eat her, let her thank about me and misses me. So that the servant of God (the name of the chosen) could not eat without me, and did not dare, and without me without me. The flames of candles are bright, and my words are strong. It will only be that otherwise, I spell. Amen".

After the ritual it is necessary to go to bed

Candles to put out and go to bed. In the morning, the flashes wrapped in a white sheet and cleaned into a secluded place to nobody ever found them.

Simple conspiracies

There are attributes that act at a distance and does not require complex manipulations. They are carried out independently at home. To return your favorite girl, you need to talk during the week every day before bedtime:

"Michael, Gabrielle, Rafael! Make so that (the girl's name) loved me as I love her. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Walking a girl at a distance can help strong plot on love. It is necessary to read the following text:

"At sea, on the opaire, on the island on Buyan, there is a longing, beats melancholy, longing to the longing. From the shore to the water, from the water to the floor, Satanina ran out of the hollow and shouted loudly:

"Poavushka Romana, run as soon as possible, in the ears, in the eyes, in the white body, in Aluu Blood, in the heart of the robust, in the liver and in a slightly, so that she, slave (name), sozing and grief Any minute, and during the day and night, I would eat - did not leave, I would have drank - I would not drink, I would not sleep - I did not sleep, but I would have gone about me, good well done (my name); So that I was for her any better than any other well done, closer to his native father, the sweeter of his mother, better than the genus of the tribe. "

I close your conspiracy with seven-day seven strong castles, seven-day family of rattles chains, throwing keys to the ocean-sea, under Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr. Who is begging me too much, who drags sand from all over the sea, he will teach me. "

Conspiracy on clothes

To return the love of his wife or girl, you need to pronounce a special conspiracy on her favorite thing from clothes.

Ritual can be held on any beloved thing beloved

It can be a dress, jacket and even slippers. Beloved should not know about the ritual. It is necessary to put a thing in front of yourself and say:

"As this thing is loved and my way (girl, wife) (name) So let me love for my wife (the name of the girl) I will love forever, infinitely, as a child without maternal milk can not, crying, and my wife (girl's name ) Without me, it will not be able to suffer from me without me, I missed, I didn't know the white light, I loved, wanted, hugged, kissed. As it will be this dress (or the thing you are speaking a plot) to wear, so it will be immediately remembering me. From now on forever. May I want, since I want. "

Then the clothes are tightly pressed and pronounce:

"Maybe it will be so, so it will be so!".

The thing will need to imperceptibly put back.


For this, the rite will need to get hair from the head of the beloved woman.

To hold the rite you will need to take the hair of your beloved

It is checked on a comb and say:

"Calling Tina Bolotnaya, a poodle thick, forest bars. I wonder hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Like hair slaves (the name of the girl's beloved) with the hair of the slave (his name) will go firmly, but they are not confused and love slaves (the name of the beloved girl) to the slave (his name) stretches, wounds and grows. "

When reading, you need to focus on the desired goal, and after combing this comb your hair. The ritual is carried out at home, regardless of time.

Powerful spell

To fall in love with a woman or return the old feelings in a short time, a young man can take advantage of a strong conspiracy for love. At 12 nights on a decreasing moon should be turned to face to the side where the beloved girl lives, and pronounce:

"There was an evening dawn through the dark gate, led me, the slave of God (his name), to the bank of the river is wide and deep. In the midst of that river there is a white stone, the slave of God sits on it (the name of the girl's beloved) and tears is poured. On the shore of that river there is a father, but does not see his daughter. Mother goes along the shore, but does not see a cute child. As a month-moon decreases, so let the love of the faithful slaves of God (the name of the beloved girl) decreases to parents. And to me, the slave of God (his name), let her love griest and arrive. As with the stone, the girl will take off and I will do-comfort, so let her heart turn back to me. Amen".

The consequences of the attitude of a woman

Any spell on a woman has its own consequences for both the performer and the object, be it helping the mage or conspiracy to love at home.

This is due to the fact that the ritual is committed against the will of the victim. If the rite was carried out through the magician, then the customer will suffer. The artist may have the following consequences:

  • problems with potency (the most common phenomenon);
  • deterioration of the physical condition;
  • psyche disorders.

The object of the attitude also arises negative consequences:

Subsequently, the love of the health of women can significantly deteriorate

  • bad state of health;
  • psyche violation;
  • change of consciousness;
  • social degradation;
  • dusty aggression.

There are cases when a wary woman begins to behave immoral. This is due to the suppression of its will. It can find a way out in alcohol or drugs to drown out what is happening in the shower. Woman stops controlling himself. The use of black magic leads to even more serious consequences:

  • psychical deviations;
  • serious diseases;
  • violation of social connections.

The effect of strong attractiveness can spread to children and close customers, as well as those who were stuck. If suddenly want to remove it, then it will be almost impossible to do it.

The artist and the victim of the love spell will not be able to meet a real love anymore. After all, both will depend on each other and will not be able to sincerely love a worthy person. Therefore, before you make a spell, you need to think about what consequences may be, what price will have to pay for a person's love.

Sometimes it is worth thinking about starting new lifewill get acquainted with a good girlfriend and let go old love and relationships. A love spell is a good lesson and an extreme case to which you should not resort to not to answer the terrible consequences in the future.

In any case, if a man is unrequited in love, can not return the lover and suffers greatly, he himself has the right to choose what to do with these feelings, how to shook a woman and whether it needs him.

Many believe that the girlfriend is this is the same spell. In fact, it is not. In its effectiveness, this technique practically does not give way to a spell, but it acts otherwise. There is no need to undermine light and dark forces. In the performance of the desired person helps nature itself.

What is a dull?

Soul is not a variety of love spell. Sometimes magicians can apply some stagnation elements in conspiracies to strengthen their action. This species Magic impact is independent view of magic. I would like to note that white magicians are never engaged in similar practices. Inside a girl or a guy can only a black magician.

This type of impact is divided into two varieties:

  • Sneake with damage elements;
  • Soul, in order to cause lord.

In the first case, the rite is carried out in order to cause longing and printing according to person, but it is done to punish or revenge the object of magical impact. In the second case, the session is carried out to tie a person. A strong snicker on the girl will make it get to miss the Magu, wander around him, do not find a place without it. The girl will experience peace, just being close to this man.

How does it work and what does the result depend on?

In the abundance, uttered words, for example, " like this fruit dries, so you will dry in me ..." During the magic process, energy flows are transferred from the subject to person.

In order for the ritual to go as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to concentrate as much as possible on the process and repeat all actions accurately. Otherwise, even the strongest dust will not affect. Girl's love will remain inaccessible.

Strong, effective inherent in the girl depend on the following factors:

  • Volitional mood;
  • Mage strength;
  • The ability to manage internal energy.

Before conducting a rite, you need to clearly understand why this ritual is held, to whom it is going on, and whether it makes sense in this magical practice. The mage strength depends on how often it conducts similar sessions. Internal energy of the magician, the ability to share energy, transmit it to other people or subjects to control its streams to other people, has an important meaning.

The main mistake of the beginner magicians is that most of them choose not the type of magical impact. For example, a man wants to spend an effective snack on the girl to fall in love with her, but instead, damage damage. As a result, the magician makes the girl wander, not to find a place, but attachment and misleading thus do not achieve.

The consequences of the souce

Unfortunately, the inherent is to a greater extent refer to black magic, and if the ritual is wrong, the magician may experience the negative consequences of the session, up to the formation of heart diseases, diseases nervous system and mental disorders.

If the magician belonged to the process, the data of the disease will be difficult to succumb to treatment. The disease will only take place if all errors are eliminated. I would like to note that such consequences arise very rarely. If the inherent on the love of the girl is carried out easily and quickly, such results can not be afraid.

Therefore, rituals are better to order experienced masterswho will not allow mistakes and everything for you and your beloved person without consequences.

Sonce on the hair

Hair is not only a biological material, but also an excellent conductor of magical energy, with which you can influence the person. Soul on a woman the strongest at a distance can be spent having only one hair.

You can spend a quick and simple ritual. It is necessary to take one or more hair out, folded in doubly and pronounce we with them the following words:

"Just like the hairs, these firmly clutched and our fate let them go over to the same way."

Hair must be drunk. It uses a red candle. After that, they are put in the left pocket and are stored there exactly seven days. They need to either drop into the house of the beloved, or put them on her threshold.

You can act in a different way. From the molten wax, the girl's figure is pushed and attached to her hair beloved. After that, it must be pierced with a needle and pronounce loud: "I order you to inflate with love and desire. Let you feel the melancholy and sadness for me until you are with me. "

Sneake with blood and apple

Previously need to prepare some things:

  • Ripe juicy apple;
  • Napkins;
  • Red candles;
  • Red thread.

How to make a snack on a girl in this way? It is necessary to drop on a napkin some of its own blood. After that, the fruit turns the napkin. The apple is impregnated with human biological material, and charges the magnitude of the magician. In a similar condition, the apple must be only a few seconds.

The candle is put on the table, ignite, and the fruit turn the red thread, after which the following words should be pronounced:

"Red, bulk apple, my love will enter you and through you to (name) will go. She will think about me constantly, to sink and grieve for me, it will not stop thinking about me. And no one will take these bonds. Amen".

The effectiveness of the ritual may occur almost immediately after the ritual. If the rite needs to be touched a little, the words are not immediately pronounced, and after some time. To keep the relationship even more, it is necessary to turn the fruit with a tail down and spend it 3 times over a burning candle.

Soul in the photo

Soul on the girl in the photo is considered the most effective ritual, thanks to which you can quickly achieve the desired result. If there is a need to make such a session, you must remember several nuances:

  1. A photograph that will be applied to magical practice should be relatively new, made no more than five years ago. Remember than the fresh photo, the better, the more emotions and energy in it concentrated;
  2. It is desirable that the object in the photo smiles, was in a good location of the Spirit. Well if this is a snapshot from a holiday or another happy and an important point Girl's life. This will help to influence the object so that in addition to longing, he experienced bright and clear feelings to the MAG;
  3. It is best that only one girl is depicted in the photo. The more the body is open, the better. In this case, more zones will be observed for exposure. It is desirable to be clearly visible to the face and zone of the heart;
  4. No need to use too old photos, torn, deformed or darling. In this case, there is a big risk of failure;
  5. Effective inans on a girl to do the day are not recommended. Most often they are useless.

When will the ritual help, and when will not be able to give a result?

This inherent on a woman is the most efficient. The main advantage this rite The fact that it can be done, even being with the object of adoration at the far distance. In addition, the session can be easily held at home. Help professional magical practice will not need. Soul of the girl on the candle is carried out in a similar way.

The rites will be effective in the following cases:

By applying a conspiracy to the girl's soup, it should be taken into account that in some situations, the ritual may not work:

  • If there is a powerful magic defense on the girl, especially if this protection provided an experienced magical practitioner;
  • If the object of magical impact is in love with another person;
  • If your favorite girl has a strong spirit, knows how to manage personal energy, direct and control it, or itself is a fairly strong magician.

In other cases, it makes sense to experience good luck. The most important thing is to pay a report in the fact that the inherent is still black magic. The introduction into the energy and will of another person without his consent rarely passes without consequences.

Possible consequences

After carrying out such a ritual, you can expect the development of the following events:

  • As a result of your actions, the girl really began to miss you and wander, it cannot exist without you. However, this does not mean that next to you is really good. Perhaps during these moments it does not feel happiness, and one is only the fear of losing you, and nothing more. The behavior of such a person more reminds the behavior of a child who is afraid of losing his mother;
  • If the object of magical impact is weak spirit, it may be so looked at the mage that it is he will be the meaning of his life. Unfortunately, in most such cases, people refuse close and friends, throw work and study, just to be so necessary for him by a man. In the greatest cases, the girl can switch to another dependence - alcohol or drug;
  • If you and the girl are not destined to be together, but you decided to go around the world and change the fate, most likely it will be a very heavy relationship filled with quarrels, scandals, resentment and misunderstanding.

It is best not to hold a rite yourself. In most similar practices, it is desirable that the session conducts an experienced magician.

Making a sprout yourself

For effective ritual Pictures will need:

  • Photo of a girl and your picture;
  • Red rose bud;
  • Red thread;
  • Candle;
  • Needle.

The procedure conducted at home is simple, fast and effective. The ritual is carried out only on the increasing moon. The rite is driven at night. There should be no one in the room. All sources of electrical lighting must be disabled, the doors are closed, only candles are burning. It is worthwhile to take into account that it is not recommended to use white or black candles, they must be either red or green.

First, the girl is put on the table. For some time you need to look at it, remember that good that it is connected with it, feel those emotions that are connected with your beloved. It is necessary to imagine what happy you can be together, how much joy can be brought to each other. It is necessary to fully enjoy these feelings. After that, the photo should put a rose, and on the flower a photo of the magician down face.

On top of his photos, the magician is putting his hand and says the following words out loud:

"I am inviting your hand with your hand. Rose between us like the heart. You start breathing with me, live with me, in thoughts and bodily, everywhere and always. "

Then the magician takes the needle and red thread sews two photos, between which flower lies. At the same time, it is necessary to say loud:

"Our images of our image, our souls and fate in one unite, forever you are mine (name)".

Stitched photos are placed in the book and hide her away from foreign explosions. The inherent will actually take effect when the flower becomes completely dry, but the first results can be noticed much earlier.

The most important thing in the ritual of the inherent is not to conduct it due to negative feelings, such as jealousy, envy or revenge. In this way of love do not achieve. Not enough of this, you can turn the conspiracy on yourself. Otherwise, if you repeat all the actions in the desired sequence, all the nuances take into account, and the ritual is positive, no negative consequences will cause it.

The most important thing is to correctly tune in, try to throw out the extraneous thoughts from the head, focus on your loved one, and then you will definitely work out!


Despite the generally accepted opinion, such a ritual, like a dull, is very different from the usual attitude and other types of magic creating love. Of course, an externally, the effect can be completely identical, but the impliss acts quite differently - it is not addressed to light or dark power, and to nature itself, which does not require any pay for their help, nor perform certain rituals that allow it to draw it.

The main difference concludes that such strong magic almost does not allow the process to give the process - if you read the spell, it is unlikely to restore the original position in your relationship. At the same time, some types of dust affect not only a guy, but also a girl - their use will manifest itself in strengthening the feelings of both partners.

Simple enough, and at the same time effective ritual The dull is performed using candy or other sweets.

So that love flares very much and quickly, it is worth taking the specified object and put it on a white saucer with a silver cut or without a border at all. There is an infrared in the event that the candy will lie on it in your home at least 3-4 hours, during which it will penetrate it strong energy. Closer to the night sit at the table, carefully look at the candy and say the words of the inherent:

"My sweets are lost,
Yes, my kisses
If you try them, my beloved (name)
Then never want
Neither honey, nor sweethearts
And you will wish only me
And only I will be sweet for you!

After that, the candy is better to hide away - the effect of this will not deteriorate, but the likelihood that another person can take it from the table, very high. Of course, the inherent will not act on the one you did not imagine, reading such a spell, but a few unpleasant days will be provided to him.

Conspirated candy can cause not only physical, but also mental ailments, which will very seriously affect well-being.

In the morning, invite your lover and treat this candy. While he will eat it, you must awaken in it love, trying the words three times:

"How sweet candy will I am for you how honey will be sweet my mouth! Amen!"

The inherent will act within a few days, and the period during which the positive effect will be observed, it will be approximately equal to the month. During this time you have to make every effort so that love is completely attached.

If you need to inhabit a man for a longer period, it is worth using alternative methods.

Magic blood

Do not be afraid, in contrast to current rituals, a strong blood inherent on blood does not have pronounced negative consequences. In addition, it is safe for the girl - despite Molve, the chances of the fact that it will develop strong bleeding, which requires medical intervention, is minimal.

The only thing that is worthwhile is the fact that love created by the help of a ritual will be very strong almost until the end of life and cannot be destroyed without the help of a professional magician.

Therefore, similar strong dusties are used only in the existence of serious intentions after long-term detailed reflection.

In order for the effect to be as strong as possible, the ritual is carried out during the second day of menstruation - such a solution will help you achieve maximum effectiveness. Soul will require you to prepare the following items in advance:

Insuate a man possible if you make a paper napkin to your intimate Moz during abundant discharge - It must be completely soaked with blood. If the girl has insufficiently severe monthly, you can take the day before warm bath - It acts as a means of increasing their intensity.

Next, the ritual of the dull requires to wrap the apple with a napkin with blood - it should get a part of your biological material containing the strongest energy charges. Hold the fruit in such a state for a few seconds - during this time I will have time to act, and the napkin will not stick to it.

After that, the dull to love suggests that you set a large thickness on the table a large thickness and light it, and the apple wrap the red ribbon. In addition, it is necessary to say a spell that acts on your beloved, forcing him to perceive your energy:

"Red Apple, yes Apple Self
My love will come in you, yes, after you, the slave of God (name) will go
And he will never be calm, everything about me, desirable, think will be
And it will not destroy the municipality of either the Virgin nor a husband nor a child small!

Such an inherent on love will allow the effect immediately after the end of the ritual. If you want to inhabit a person after a while, you can skip the step with reading a conspiracy.

Next, the soup also assumes that you will turn the apple to the tail down, and spend it three times over the candle flame - such an action will help to warm the feelings and speed up the achievement of a positive result. Having finished all the steps, remove the ribbon and again wrap the apple into the napkin to remove the blood remnants - it is impossible to wash it.

Incense to love will begin to manifest himself when your favorite is bissing a fruit feeding in your hands. Try to behave naturally and not to show unrest - it is enough that a man can feel changes in taste. If he suspects something and refuses to eat an apple, the dull does not work definitely.

Using the photo

Enough strong dusts require the use of an exact image of a person who is photography. However, it is worth being careful - such magic acts on both partners, forcing and the girl in love more in love with the guy.

So that there is an effective impression, you will need:

  • your photo;
  • photo of a loved one;
  • red thread;
  • thin needle;
  • unpainted rose bud.

To hold the dust at midnight, sit at the table, spread all the components and read the prayer "Our Father" three times. Then put a guy on the table, on it - a rose bud, and on top of your image. Incello will need to sew a similar stack with a red thread, carefully following the people who do not hurt people. The thread at the end of sewing can not be broken or cut - it is required to move in a candle flame.

After you finish, put the received magic amulet At the table and spend three times:

"Love forever! May it be so!"

Store photos stitched with each other, it is necessary in a dry place so that the rose bud does not rot, and dry. In this case, the ritual of the inherent will help you to achieve a significant improvement in relations for a long time.

Consider in detail the strong love spells of a woman at a distance - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Not only girls resort to the help of magical rituals for the attitude of a loved one. Representatives of the strong floor also turn to white magic to learn how to shock a woman. Most of these plots for love can be read independently at home.

Love spell helps to awaken a response feeling

Features of conspiracy for men

The conspiracy on the love spell is a kind of energy promise directed towards the object of desire, and may cause an interest in the performer of the ritual. Almost all love spells are carried out at a distance using elementary attributes.

A man who wants to chase a girl should know several rules of this rite:

  1. His chosen must be free.
  2. If this is a former girl, then parting, which lasted more than a year, will prevent the desired result.
  3. It is necessary to contact the woman more often, to know it personally.
  4. We must sincerely relate to the girl.
  5. It is impossible to make a spell for the sake of entertainment.
  6. It depends on the force of the will of the object. Energy of some women can withstand imposed desires. In this case, the positive result will have to wait a long time, or it will not be followed at all.
  7. You need to read words clearly without distracting anything.
  8. The text is better to know by heart. You can rewrite it onto a white sheet, but not print.

Experienced magicians are advised to hold a rite on Friday. On this day, the result will be more effective. All the actions of rituals need to be carried out strictly according to the rules in order to avoid unnecessary consequences.

Old ritual

This strong spell is used since ancient times. It is necessary to pronounce a plot of love in 12 nights, for each side of the world. Total will be 4 reading. The ritual is carried out in clean clothing, after taking the soul.

Ritual must be carried out after the soul

The spell will work stronger if there is some kind of beloved thing. A little bowing, I should say on it:

"On the lands of the Basurman and Russian, the flame prince dried rivers, the sea and small sources, so would dry in the slave of God (name), the servant of God (name), on the pussy and constantly, so as not to live, not be without me, in seventy Sustaines, in 77 veins and in secret core. In the pure field black-black falcon. I will fly to him to fly into a purely field, in the dark forest, in blue the sea, in the steep mountains, and ask the prince, to give him help to go to a slave, the girl in Terem, sit on the white chest, on the Retivo Heart, on the hot liver and invested Would a maiden (name), so that she could not live without a slave (name) not to live, do not eat.

Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy in the photo

Photography is a frequent attribute in carrying out such rituals that are carried out at home. You need to take a fresh picture of a girl, two candles and a red ribbon. Waiting for the growing moon, close one night in the room and light the candle.

Sitting at the table, you need to write on the back of the snapshot of your name and the name of your beloved. Around the names to draw a heart, how would bring them there. Then the photo is tied up with a ribbon crosswise, forming a node. After these actions, we need to speak:

"Like me, the slave of God (own name) this red ribbon totals firmly, and the fate of his beloved servant of God (chosen name) is forever tie. Love will be with us and nothing will destroy a strong mental connection. As a node does not unleash ever, so my beloved will be with me forever. Amen!".

After that, the photograph is cleaned in a secret place. While another person does not take him, the spell will act. Already soon the results will appear. A photo should be taken such that the girl is on it is depicted alone. If there is her girlfriends in the picture, it may cause unexpected consequences.

Sweet Love

The following conspiracy is pronounced by any sweets. Usually use candy.

With a sweet spell, candy is usually stipulated

Need to pronounce words:

"This sweet and tasty sweetie, it is pleasant to you my chosen (chosen name). So I (my own name) will become pleasant to you and you like you very much. Amen".

Then you should treat a woman with this sweetness. Conspiracy on love will affect the candy will be eaten by the chosen.

Another conspiracy is pronounced over the products and drinks. After you treat the object of desire for food or drink. The words are as follows:

"I will become, the slave of God (his name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the goal to the gate, and go out into the clean field. Sits in this clean field Mother of God, Most Holy Mother of God. As it creaks and hurts on their own son, and the slave of God (the name of the beloved) creaked and sick, and burned on fire, could neither be nor live, nor there or drink. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with candles

This love spell is one of the effective rites. Its effectiveness is due to the presence of a unique power of church candles and their fire. Thanks to this, a man can attract a lady at a distance for a rather short term at home.

It is necessary to buy three church candles in the temple. One of them needs to be put on health to reduce the number of negative consequences. Then at 12 nights on the growing moon, you need to stay alone in the room, light the remaining candles and sit a little in silence, thinking about your beloved girl, presenting it. This should take about 10 minutes. Then you should clearly say the words:

"I, the slave of God (own name) Candles of church inland. Fire holy burning and brightly flares. How the flame flared up, so let the love of God's slaves (chosen name) flare up in the heart. Let her feelings do not eat her, let her thank about me and misses me. So that the servant of God (the name of the chosen) could not eat without me, and did not dare, and without me without me. The flames of candles are bright, and my words are strong. It will only be that otherwise, I spell. Amen".

After the ritual it is necessary to go to bed

Candles to put out and go to bed. In the morning, the flashes wrapped in a white sheet and cleaned into a secluded place to nobody ever found them.

Simple conspiracies

There are attributes that act at a distance and does not require complex manipulations. They are carried out independently at home. To return your favorite girl, you need to talk during the week every day before bedtime:

"Michael, Gabrielle, Rafael! Make so that (the girl's name) loved me as I love her. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Walking a girl at a distance can help a strong conspiracy to love. It is necessary to read the following text:

"At sea, on the opaire, on the island on Buyan, there is a longing, beats melancholy, longing to the longing. From the shore to the water, from the water to the floor, Satanina ran out of the hollow and shouted loudly:

"Poavushka Romana, run as soon as possible, in the ears, in the eyes, in the white body, in Aluu Blood, in the heart of the robust, in the liver and in a slightly, so that she, slave (name), sozing and grief Any minute, and during the day and night, I would eat - did not leave, I would have drank - I would not drink, I would not sleep - I did not sleep, but I would have gone about me, good well done (my name); So that I was for her any better than any other well done, closer to his native father, the sweeter of his mother, better than the genus of the tribe. "

I close your conspiracy with seven-day seven strong castles, seven-day family of rattles chains, throwing keys to the ocean-sea, under Bel-Gulching Stone Alatyr. Who is begging me too much, who drags sand from all over the sea, he will teach me. "

Conspiracy on clothes

To return the love of his wife or girl, you need to pronounce a special conspiracy on her favorite thing from clothes.

Ritual can be held on any beloved thing beloved

It can be a dress, jacket and even slippers. Beloved should not know about the ritual. It is necessary to put a thing in front of yourself and say:

"As this thing is loved and my way (girl, wife) (name) So let me love for my wife (the name of the girl) I will love forever, infinitely, as a child without maternal milk can not, crying, and my wife (girl's name ) Without me, it will not be able to suffer from me without me, I missed, I didn't know the white light, I loved, wanted, hugged, kissed. As it will be this dress (or the thing you are speaking a plot) to wear, so it will be immediately remembering me. From now on forever. May I want, since I want. "

Then the clothes are tightly pressed and pronounce:

"Maybe it will be so, so it will be so!".

The thing will need to imperceptibly put back.


For this, the rite will need to get hair from the head of the beloved woman.

To hold the rite you will need to take the hair of your beloved

It is checked on a comb and say:

"Calling Tina Bolotnaya, a poodle thick, forest bars. I wonder hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Like hair slaves (the name of the girl's beloved) with the hair of the slave (his name) will go firmly, but they are not confused and love slaves (the name of the beloved girl) to the slave (his name) stretches, wounds and grows. "

When reading, you need to focus on the desired goal, and after combing this comb your hair. The ritual is carried out at home, regardless of time.

Powerful spell

To fall in love with a woman or return the old feelings in a short time, a young man can take advantage of a strong conspiracy for love. At 12 nights on a decreasing moon should be turned to face to the side where the beloved girl lives, and pronounce:

"There was an evening dawn through the dark gate, led me, the slave of God (his name), to the bank of the river is wide and deep. In the midst of that river there is a white stone, the slave of God sits on it (the name of the girl's beloved) and tears is poured. On the shore of that river there is a father, but does not see his daughter. Mother goes along the shore, but does not see a cute child. As a month-moon decreases, so let the love of the faithful slaves of God (the name of the beloved girl) decreases to parents. And to me, the slave of God (his name), let her love griest and arrive. As with the stone, the girl will take off and I will do-comfort, so let her heart turn back to me. Amen".

The consequences of the attitude of a woman

Any spell on a woman has its own consequences for both the performer and the object, be it helping the mage or conspiracy to love at home.

This is due to the fact that the ritual is committed against the will of the victim. If the rite was carried out through the magician, then the customer will suffer. The artist may have the following consequences:

  • problems with potency (the most common phenomenon);
  • deterioration of the physical condition;
  • psyche disorders.

The object of the attitude also arises negative consequences:

Subsequently, the love of the health of women can significantly deteriorate

  • bad state of health;
  • psyche violation;
  • change of consciousness;
  • social degradation;
  • dusty aggression.

There are cases when a wary woman begins to behave immoral. This is due to the suppression of its will. It can find a way out in alcohol or drugs to drown out what is happening in the shower. Woman stops controlling himself. The use of black magic leads to even more serious consequences:

  • psychical deviations;
  • serious diseases;
  • violation of social connections.

The effect of strong attractiveness can spread to children and close customers, as well as those who were stuck. If suddenly want to remove it, then it will be almost impossible to do it.

The artist and the victim of the love spell will not be able to meet a real love anymore. After all, both will depend on each other and will not be able to sincerely love a worthy person. Therefore, before you make a spell, you need to think about what consequences may be, what price will have to pay for a person's love.

Sometimes it is worth thinking about starting a new life, getting acquainted with a good girl and let go of the old love and relationship. A love spell is a good lesson and an extreme case to which you should not resort to not to answer the terrible consequences in the future.

In any case, if a man is unrequited in love, can not return the lover and suffers greatly, he himself has the right to choose what to do with these feelings, how to shook a woman and whether it needs him.

Walking a girl at any distance

Deciding in order to be, to be next to his girlfriend, many men using magic at home, seek to shyly the girl at a distance. But deciding on such a step before choosing a magic ritual, you need to familiarize yourself with possible negative consequences. They can be very dangerous not only for the victim, but also for the artist.

Features of remote rites

Any rite that can be perished by a girl at a distance must be carried out in a secluded place. In the room selected for the rite, you need to pre-remove and create a special atmosphere. In advance, you need to close or remove all mirrors, as they are conductors of third-party energy. The second rule lies in the fact that during the rite it is necessary to fully focus on the goal of the rite. Before ritual, it is recommended to take a shower and dress clean clothes, preferably bright shades.

Love spell with nodules

Interested in how to shock a girl at a distance, you should pay attention to the rite in which the use of a long thread is supposed. The ritual is very strong, so it is impossible to experiment with it. In addition, in order to avoid negative consequences, you need to be confident in your own feelings. Strengthen the energy promise can be if within one day before the rite observe a strict diet, it is allowed to drink water and there is black bread.

For ritual, you will need to use:

  • Three church candles.
  • Long durable thread of red color of approximately one and a half meter length.

This probimal rite is carried out after sunset. In the room selected for the ritual you need to delay the curtains tightly. The room should not penetrate the moon, nor the light of street lamps.

Candles need to be put on the floor of the rooms in the vertices of the imaginary triangle. They need to set fire and sit down in the center of improvised geometric Figure. Face must be turned on one of the candles. After that, you need to take the thread and tie the first node on it.

In the process of this, you need to prove the following magic spell:

Signing the magic words and toting one nodule, you should turn the face to the next candle. After that, repeat the spell and tie the next knot. As a result of magical actions, three nodes should turn out on the thread.

Upon completion of such actions, candles should be aligned, and put the thread under the pillow. On this ritual can be considered completed. After the rite, it is impossible to talk to anyone and you need to go to bed immediately. The next day the thread must be put in the pocket of clothes and wear with you. After a certain time, you will notice that the elect ratio has changed to you and you need to use it.

Gift spoken

Very strong is a probitive rite in which a certain thing is stiped. It will later need to give a favorite girl. It is important to present the present, so that your chosen one does not suspect anything. More effective will be the rite in which the expensive gift is replaced. But at the same time, in any case, it should be remembered that the gift should be appropriate. It is desirable to pick it up, so that it is useful, and your girl used them as often as possible.

You can talk the gift thing in the following words:

Ritual to return favorite

Very often there is a question about how to shock the girl at a distance from which they broke up. There is a strong defense rite, but its effectiveness is entirely depends on how your beloved has left you long ago. Moreover, it is important to remember that you can use this spell only when you are sure that your girlfriend has no new love in life. Destroy the relationship of two people with magic is strictly prohibited.

For the rite you will need to use the following attributes:

  • The flap of the new natural fabric;
  • Ring of noble metal;
  • Little red wine.

Please note that the rite uses a new ring of silver, gold or platinum. Wedding ring It is impossible to use, as it contains a strong marriage energy that can prevent a susceptory effect.

The ritual is carried out during the growing moon. It is necessary after sunset to wrap in the flap of the fabric and bury in a shallow jam under the oak.

From above the earth you need to pour red wine, pronouncing a whisper, but very clearly such words:

Words need to whisper emotionally, emphasizing his wish the ring in the ground should go to three weeks. After that, it needs to be dug and worn with me. Fabric flap, in which it was wrapped, should be burned. The conspiracy ring will work like a magnet, and attract your parent to you. Against this, it will be possible to gradually build a harmonious relationship.

Even with the right runtime, it is not always possible to guarantee that the impact will be successful. And if it happened, think about you really come to each other with your chosen.

Strong inherent on the love of a girl or a woman to bring up a love longing and attraction on their own

How to independently impose a love longing and love attraction on yourself with the help of a dust. A strong dull will give a loved one for a long sense of love with her for a long time. It is quite simple and very effective method Love binding to yourself a girl or a woman who is successfully used by centuries. Incend to the love of the girl love for its rapid action and ease of fulfillment by anyone not prepared by a person. The text of the dusty is customary to read from the beloved early at the dawn. To invoke love feelings, longing the girl or a woman need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn three times read these conspiracy words - bonuses :

Zarya Marya, broke, rushing around the sky,

Take over the heart of the slaves of God (name),

Slave God (name), baked,

I missed, I looked for meetings everywhere,

As a martyr suffered.

Tosp her heart and to me

Slava of God (name), go,

In my word, I will conquer a century on the century.

Water Saint My words are not soaked

The signs of my words from it are not laundering.

And the whole sign of the word was falling off.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids.

We do not know how to delete the girl to yourself to yourself so that she really fell in love, read this slander with a whisper - a conspiracy at home, if you see the window or on the street. The love of the infrared will not be instantly and on the same day you will see the consequences of the sneezing on the behavior of an awesome young girl or an adult woman.

Conspiracy will make her husband always rushing home, sat at home, did not drink and did not walk with friends, and after work home was in a hurry. Conspiracy to binding a husband to the house should make a wife. If the wife independently does this simple rite with reading a special conspiracy, the husband will forever stop drinking and walking with friends and always pull it home and he will rush to his wife and children. For the rite, pour water into the bucket, and then dip the chest into this water: first left, and then right, sentencing words

So that at the wedding did not smooth young: the bride and the bride and did not bring damage to the divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special plot of the charm for young bride and groom. Before the redemption, before the young man - the groom will go to the house of the bride to pick it up in the registry office or on a wedding, the groom's mother should have a jacket to the inside of the jacket to cross the English pin, cross the son and say wedding conspiracy. No less important wedding charm for the bride who will protect it at the wedding from the evil eye and damage. To fulfill this rite the guard should the mother of the bride jokes to wedding dress Three English pins on a glass of water read a plot of the charm,

Conspiracy needs to be read to return her husband to his wife or wife to her husband even after the divorce if a wife or husband sworn each other. It is the most loyal and efficient magic method It can use not only husband to return a wife or wife to return her husband, but also their people (mother, father, sister, brother, children) quarreled. Conspiracy on the reunification of her husband and wife after a quarrel, tapping or divorce, you need to read 2 times: once entrance door Houses where husband lives, the second time at the door of the apartment's wife. The text of the conspiracy to return a loved one in the family

You can contact a person with a plot of a plot from it at a distance. For drying dry, enough photo of a person and knowledge of the words of conspiracy - spells that will quickly bring strong dry car. Take B. left Photo of a man on whom you want to bring dry shock and cover it from above right hand Read the words of this conspiracy:

If the husband went to his mistress or just going to quit you will help this strong plot against the mistress of her husband who will quickly make that your husband will hate and forget her. The conspiracy will help to embroil them and completely cool their feelings to each other and will make it so that the delibery has extended to your beloved. Read the words of conspiracy - spells need early in the morning at dawn. On the morning dawn, go out into the street, lift your right hand over your head and tell the conspiracy to her husband from

Estate a person after parting will help white Magic And a simple conspiracy over water. It happens that people broke up and no matter who was the cause of parting a man - a husband or woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help withdraw the severity of parting and pour out once a native person and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you only need to change the words in it in the slave. To break the person forever, you need a running cold water. It can be water from the crane, river or stream. In running water seven times, say the words of the conspiracy of the cooling sense of love and helps you break out

Soul on love made by this method very strong and has a long effect. The following impression on love is equal to the action of light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magical spells of spells - the bonuses say at a meeting with a person and do not require special training besides memorizing a short text love Sustka. If you decide to inherent to your loved one, so that he is "shrouded to you," to wake and fell in love with the ears, use this love snack after which the beloved on the same day starts to dry and miss you feeling craving for communication and meeting. To independently make a knife at a meeting with a person tell him next

The strongest cemetery love spell is done in the afternoon in the photo right on the cemetery and gravestone. This rite refers to black magic and is made once and for life. Remember, the spell cannot be removed by either independently with the help of sorcerers. To carry out an independent rite for love Take a photo of a person whose person needs to be awesome and finding a grave at the cemetery with a similar name Log in to the gate and leaning a photo to her heart (to naked skin) tell the words of the black cemetery love spell on the eternal earth

This strong spell with the help of the photo of the beloved girl and church candles can be independently done at home. For the love spell, you need to purchase three candles in the church and bring them home to read a deliberate conspiracy. In the evening when the moon appears in the sky, prepare for the rite. Before performing a newsworthy rite, put a photo of your beloved girl on the table and putting a candle in front of it so that it does not fall. The remaining 2 candles twist together, for this some of them will warm them. Light twisted candles saying a guidance

Alone to read a black conspiracy to the longing should if you need to quickly catch up a love longguard about myself on a person. Conspiracy will help cause a guy or a man who is from you at any distance - even in another city or another country of real love Thank you from loneliness without communicating with you. If you need an easy and fast rite that will do so that the person gets bored and squeezed, could not sleep until he calls or he will not write to you first read this guidance plot that I will teach you now. By the way, you can read this conspiracy and to your husband with whom you are married or your former man, narrowing it a strong and real feeling of love and the desire to communicate

It's probably the strongest and fast conspiracy For love that you can read on your own at home. For reading love conspiracy It is necessary to have a photo of a beloved, which during the rite - the love spell will be in disrepair, so consider this when choosing a photo for a love conspiracy. Ritals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read a variety of conspiracies for love, but the one that today will tell plot on has the strongest and rapid effect on your loved one - a guy, a girl, a man or a woman. It is this love plot that is suitable for all occasions, because it can be read on any day and at any time of the day

The call of a cute and beloved person is a love plot that you need to do if with the help of magic you need to return to yourself a person who has left you. The calling of a cute and beloved person (guy, girls, husband or wife) helps not only with a strong zoom to force a person to come or urgently called. When I ask me "Is it possible to return the husband if you make a strong call" - my answer, yes. This old rite contributes to restoring relations after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring the relationship lost once. A strong call for a meeting with a loved one is a whole magic ritual which is performed by several

A love spell of your favorite prayers is a very common rite of white magic on love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for himself and read it in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you magical words how to fall in love with your beloved person or meet your half that marries you, for this you need to read the strongest spell yourself - prayer for love and fast marriage. Do it need to be required in the church reading all the most strong prayers on marriage. For the love spell on love in the church with the help of prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 on the prayers of the Holy Week about marriage and love, and the fifth to the health of the icon of Pantekemon. Before

Very strong guidelines of the conspiracy said Water in a glass at the entrance door hook a strong boredom and make it always come back home. They read a quick affirmative conspiracy on water on any day and at any time - this is a light rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife in treason. As soon as a person comes out for the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass with water at the threshold inside the apartment (at home) and tell the water to the water

All material contains exceptionally introductory character provided by our visitors! The administration does not check the phone numbers and email addresses, be careful and do not get on the fishing rods.

How to independently impose a love longing and love attraction on yourself with the help of a dust. Strong Snower will give a loved one for you to bring you a strong sense of love for you . This is a fairly simple and very effective way of love binding to yourself a girl or a woman who is successfully used by centuries. Incend to the love of the girl love for its rapid action and ease of fulfillment by anyone not prepared by a person. The text of the dusty is customary to read from the beloved early at the dawn. To call love feelings forgings in their own girl or woman You need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn three times read these conspiracy words - bonuses :

Zarya Marya, broke, rushing around the sky,
Take over the heart of the slaves of God (name),
So that she for me
Slave God (name), baked,
I missed, I looked for meetings everywhere,
As a martyr suffered.
Tosp her heart and to me
Slava of God (name), go,
In my word, I will conquer a century on the century.
Water Saint My words are not soaked
The signs of my words from it are not laundering.
Soft, my word,
And the whole sign of the word was falling off.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids.


We do not know how to delete the girl to yourself to yourself so that she really fell in love, read this slander with a whisper - a conspiracy at home, if you see the window or on the street. The love of the infrared will not be instantly and on the same day you will see the consequences of the sneezing on the behavior of an awesome young girl or an adult woman.

© Copyright: Magina

  • Conspiracy will make her husband always rushing home, sat at home, did not drink and did not walk with friends, and after work home was in a hurry. Conspiracy to binding a husband to the house should make a wife. If the wife independently does this simple rite with reading a special conspiracy, the husband will forever stop drinking and walking with friends and always pull it home and he will rush to his wife and children.

  • So that at the wedding did not smooth young: the bride and the bride and did not bring damage to the divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special plot of the charm for young bride and groom. Before the redemption, before the young man - the groom will go to the house of the bride to pick it up in the registry office or on a wedding, the mother of the groom should be at home to the inside of the jacket jacket

  • Conspiracy needs to be read to return her husband to his wife or wife to her husband even after the divorce if a wife or husband sworn each other. This is the most loyal and effective magic way to use not only husband for returning a wife or wife to return her husband, but also their relatives (mother, father, sister, brother, children) quarreled. Conspiracy on the reunification of her husband and wife after a quarrel, waving

  • You can contact a person with a plot of a plot from it at a distance. For drying dry, enough photo of a person and knowledge of the words of conspiracy - spells that will quickly bring strong dry car. Take a photo of a person on whom you want to bring dry shock and cover it from top-hand to read the words of this

  • If the husband went to his mistress or just going to quit you will help this strong plot against the mistress of her husband who will quickly make that your husband will hate and forget her. The conspiracy will help to embroil them and completely cool their feelings to each other and will make it so that the delibery has extended to your beloved. Reading words of conspiracy - spells need early in the morning

  • Estate a person after parting will help white magic and simple conspiracy over water. It happens that people broke up and no matter who was the cause of parting a man - a husband or woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help withdraw the severity of parting and pour out once a native person and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you only need to change words in it.

  • Soul on love made by this method very strong and has a long effect. The following impression on love is equal to the action of light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magical spells of spells - there are no bonuses at a meeting with a person and do not require special training besides memorizing a short text of the love sprinkler. If you decide

  • The strongest cemetery love spell is done in the afternoon in the photo right on the cemetery and gravestone. This rite refers to black magic and is made once and for life. Remember, the spell cannot be removed by either independently with the help of sorcerers. To carry out an independent rite for love, take a photo of which you need to be awesome and found in the cemetery

    This is probably the strongest and fast acting conspiracy on love that you can read on your own at home. To read a love conspiracy, you need to have a photo of a loved one, which during the rite - the love spell will be in disrepair, so consider this when choosing a photo for a love conspiracy. Ritals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read

  • A love spell of your favorite prayers is a very common rite of white magic on love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for himself and read it in the temple. Conspiracy on, will open magic words for you how to fall in love with your beloved person or meet your half that marries you, for this you need to read the strongest spell on your own -