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Prisushka to solve love problems. How to dry a girl from a distance

Prison is a powerful magical effect, which is more accurate than a love spell. The effect comes in a few days, and you can make the drying according to the photo or even without it. This ritual is often needed to make the person to whom its action is directed think about you, however, there are even options for dryness only to call sexual desire - sexual drying.

Drying - a very strong effect

What is a dryer

First of all, you need to understand that dryness is the work of witches and sorcerers, it is not harmless and can lead to a series of troubles. But this does not stop a woman who is eager to take revenge on her offender or abandoned lover, she is guided by revenge, the desire to inflict pain and cause suffering.

The most popular rite is dryness for melancholy. The evoked feeling is very strong, the dried one loses his appetite, he does not sleep, apathy for life appears, such a strong effect of the rite. It can be compared to a piece of fresh bread, which gradually turns into a stale cracker.

Drying can be divided into 2 types, depending on its effect:

  • Corruption
  • love damage

With classical damage, a person often becomes a victim of a ritual due to the offense caused to the customer. The offender simply dries up in a very short time, the reason cannot be understood. As a result of love damage, the object of the ritual is dried to the person. The conspired person cannot be physically or psychologically without the performer, and withers like an apple or some other thing - a conductor between the victim and the customer.

Depending on the strength of the impact on the beloved, there are:

  • simple drying
  • strong drying

The difference between a prisushka and a love spell and a love spell

Dryness is, in a sense, also a love spell, but with a milder effect. For example, a ritual can help if there is a discord in a relationship, if the feelings of a loved one have cooled down. Drying will intensify feelings and be able to rekindle the former fire, passion will return to the relationship, an irresistible desire to be near each other will appear. We must not forget that the effect cannot be one hundred percent and weakens over time.

You can bewitch once and for all, it is almost impossible to get rid of the effect of a love spell, there is no return. Therefore, it is not easy to carry out a love spell, and it is almost impossible to make it at home. A love spell controls a person completely and completely, the victim does not just miss and yearn for the one who ordered the love spell, longing dries him up like dryness. All his senses become heightened, he experiences an incredible sexual attraction, loses his mind during a long separation.

Both the ritual of drying and the love spell are all products of black magic, as if reprogramming a person and loading his brain with new files. Even having achieved the desired effect, your beloved or beloved will never be the same again. Prisukha changes the psyche of the victim, he becomes impulsive and nervous. A love spell, in addition to changing the psyche, entails the suppression of the will of the victim, worsens general state health, changes a person in all spheres of life. Even runic magic rejects spells, love spells, conspiracies and lapels as especially dangerous and unacceptable types of influence.

Varieties of dryers

Powerful dryers, as previously mentioned, are impossible without some kind of conductor object. It is by this criterion that they differ from each other. For the ceremony, the place and time are very important, perfect option- committing a dry spell in a cemetery, at night, on a waning moon. It is better not to perform the ritual during the day. Consider the strongest prisushki at a distance.

Drying on an apple.

This is the most common method due to the availability of the fruit. It should be said that you will achieve the maximum effect from the ceremony if the customer picks the fruit on his own.

To carry out the drying ritual, you need to choose the ripest, preferably red apple, then cut it in half and put a photo of the drying object between the two halves.

Important! The photo should not be old, its size should not be too different from the size of an apple.

Next, we tie the apple as tightly as possible with a scarlet thread and pronounce the plot. The fruit must be placed on the sunny side of your house and wait for the apple to dry. Then we carefully bury the charmed object near the house of the person being dried and wait for the result. The strength of the impact will depend on the degree of dryness of the apple.

Gypsy dry onion

Gypsy dryness is one of the most effective and quick options prisushki, helping to take even a married man out of the family, and with his help to eliminate his wife as a rival. All you need is an onion, a pot of earth, three candles and a blank white sheet. It is better to perform the ritual on a full moon or on a growing moon. Write the name of your loved one on the bow, and put it on the sheet.

Problem and solution - general alignment

A love spell on candles will help to get the love of a guy or girl, if you know how to spend it

love spell for money wealth good luck happiness

Arrange the candles around the bulb in the shape of a triangle. Say the following words as a prayer: “Let him come, let the dear (name of the man) come to the threshold, let him wish me, he will be exhausted without me.” Then bury the used leaf in a pot, and plant the bulb in the ground. If the onion begins to sprout, know that the ceremony was successful.

Drying on the wind

This ceremony must be carried out during the wind, in open space, moreover, than stronger wind the longer the dry time will last. The wind in this case plays the role of a conductor between you and your victim. In the text that is read during the rite, they ask that the victim bend as you need, just as the wind bends the trees with ease, so that there would be no life without your presence, but only sadness and longing. The rite, in which the forces of nature are involved, is a rather strong dryness.

Dryer for socks

Give your lover socks, there are never too many of them. Be sure to choose a plain pair, without a pattern, and say the phrase “I dress my legs, I weave a cute one” during the purchase. After turning the product inside out and discreetly embroider a small cross with a thread and a needle on each toe. Then take your socks in your hands and read the plot. Now a seemingly ordinary piece of clothing is endowed with a magical meaning, and every day will make your victim think of you.

Dry for a cigarette

The ceremony is performed at dawn, in complete silence, without witnesses. On a cigarette, you need to write the name of your beloved, smoke it from the flame of a church candle, then smoke it to the end, knocking the ashes into left hand. You also need to put out the cigarette butt on your left hand, while saying the phrase "as you collect all the ashes, then you will leave." Blow off the ashes and wait for the result.

Dryer on a coin

First of all, you need to find a silver coin. In the rituals of black magic, this is very often used. a precious metal due to its high magical conductivity. Put the coin in a transparent glass holy water and say the text of the dryer exactly nine times. Ask the chosen one to drink all the charmed water, and hide the coin under the carpet in the corner.

There are still a lot of options for dryers - for eggs, for milk, for a rope, for hair, for a mirror, and even for thunder.

Examples of successful drying

The magical effect definitely deserves respect. There are a lot of cases when dryness helped and did not have any negative consequences. Such reviews can often be found on the Internet. A similar case is described on the Internet forum of the magician Natalia Stepanova, accessible to everyone. The mother turned to her for help, as her son had a craving for same-sex relationships, which is unacceptable for a Muslim man. The situation was helped by dry Egelet, which uses the famous alatyr stone. The guy has been married for three years, the couple are raising a wonderful daughter.

The second example of a positive dryness result is described on the same forum. The guy did not know how to win the attention of a girl who liked everyone, but no one reciprocated. He called the psychic using a video link, where she immediately performed a drying ritual on a string. Their relationship is developing rapidly, for two months they have been living together. In this case, payment should be made only upon the fact of the service rendered.

Why the dryer might not work

There are some reasons why drying a loved one may not be effective. Even if everything was done correctly, a strong dryness was chosen, all the necessary magic items found, the practitioner must have some qualities:

  • Iron will and faith in the result
  • The strength and will of the customer
  • Some ability to control your energy

On the one hand, all this is clear and simple, but for a person far from magic and spells, it still requires explanation. The fact is that the desire and will of the person performing the drying is connected with the feelings of the victim of the rite. Required condition- the conspiracy is read only on a truly loved one, it is love feelings that should guide a woman, and not a feeling of revenge. Otherwise, the action of the drying will be turned on the customer of the ritual.

The strength of the performer is all skill that can only be obtained as a result of many years of practice and experience passed down from generation to generation. The more powerful the strength and energy of the magician, the more abruptly he can turn fate in the direction you need.

You also need to be able to control the energy that is activated as a result of casting a spell. Even having enriched the energy flow with emotions and feelings, you need to have considerable skill in order to transfer the charge to the victim of the rite. If you contacted a charlatan or the magician is not experienced enough, then the dry will not work, and the beloved will not have love feelings.

It should also be remembered that the magician or sorcerer performing the drying must be able to protect himself from the consequences of the ritual, and from its reverse action. Consider an example, if the master did everything correctly, the victim turned out to be tied to the customer of the service, but then, the victim turned to a specialist and decided to clean her biofield. In this case, the reverse result of the ritual will affect the customer, and its strength is many times greater than the dryer itself. And important point- the stronger the sorcerer who let the magic pass through himself, the stronger the retaliatory blow. But this can be avoided by layering immediately after drying.

Possible negative consequences

It is important to understand that the magic of drying is not a toy and jokes with it are fraught. Therefore, for this reason, it is not worth doing drying on your own. But, despite all the warnings, there is a category of people who are ready to try to conduct the ceremony on their own. For example, these are young people who have experienced a feeling of love for the first time. They are still unable to cope with their emotions and their feelings take precedence over reason, so drying seems to be a great way to solve all love troubles, and young people do not have money to contact a specialist.

Also, the younger generation, due to age and, not understanding the true difference between prisushka and love spell, consider the first harmless, but as you already know, this is completely wrong. Relatively safe can be called magical rites which do not suppress the will of a person and do not take power over his feelings and emotions.

The non-professional does not fully realize that human life is in his inept hands, and it is he who, with the help of the dry spell, can change it.

What kind of disappointments can expect you and your victim after the wrong, or as they also call the “crooked” ritual of drying:

  • Diseases of the genital organs - since dryness is often done in order to increase sexual desire
  • Respiratory diseases
  • Cardiac diseases
  • Symptoms of mental disorders, neurosis, or vice versa, depressive states and others
  • Very rarely, instant death occurs after the rite.

The worst thing is that all these ailments will not respond to either traditional treatment or traditional medicine. Only in a magical way is it possible to help a person who has become the target of a crooked dry spell.

In conclusion, I would like to say that love should be mutual, and feelings should be mutual. Not a single magic, and even the strongest lust for melancholy, can glue a broken couple together if, by the will of fate, they are not destined to be together. But if you are determined to intervene in the will of God, turn the wheel of fate in the right direction and dry your loved one, use the services of a trusted specialist, do not practice magic at home, so as not to bring trouble on yourself and remember that the effect of dryness is not removed.

Most Full description in all details - to read a love spell call on a guy on your own with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Let it dry the same way for me

Thirteen winds, thirteen whirlwinds,

Come from behind the mountains, raise the mountain,

Find on the servant of God (name),

So that he misses, grieves, did not see the white light.

Call him to me in the afternoon with the sun, in the evening with the moon,

Find him the torment of the Lord for me, God's servant (name).

A good way to return a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will help this strong conspiracy- Prayer for return. This conspiracy is also customary to read if your husband left you, or the guy left you. I read this conspiracy several times - a prayer for the return of love and feelings from the one who left me young man while studying at the institute and always

This is the most powerful love spell to remove which is impossible and it is done in a cemetery and is called a black wedding love spell. Deciding to perform a rite of black magic for love and read love spell in the cemetery, know that you forever bewitch a person to yourself. This should be done only if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his

This conspiracy to meet your love and meet your betrothed will help speed up the meeting with your future husband. This is a rite of white magic and is completely safe, it will only help you speed up the time of meeting with your soul mate, and it’s up to you two to get married right away or wait a little. This rite is a love spell for a meeting true love already helped my friend meet a guy and

Magini has a black conspiracy for longing, after reading which you can quickly bring longing about yourself to any person. The conspiracy will make a person bored and longing and could not fall asleep until he calls or writes. In general, to force a person with a conspiracy black magic remember yourself and yearn for having lost all peace until the first one gets in touch with you. This strong and

New Year's rites in Russia and conspiracies for love to be read in New Year these are the most popular New Year's Eve rituals that are used by both old and young. Today, Maginey has collected a complete and most interesting selection of conspiracies of rituals and rites for love that need to be done on New Year's Eve, namely in new year's eve. There is a belief that if for the new year on your own

A good way to make a guy or a man write SMS first immediately after a quarrel and he called this conspiracy for melancholy that you need to read on your own is exactly what you need to do for this. The conspiracy will work instantly and the person will begin to get bored and yearn for lack of communication with you and, of course, decide to write a message or call. spell words

The strongest and most effective quarrel for lovers is done independently. Only in this case, the conspiracy on the opponent will instantly act and be able to make the lovers quarrel quickly and the beloved repent of his deed and return to you. Rassorka is done on salt in windy weather. To conduct a ritual for a quarrel between a mistress and her husband, coarse salt is required - not

Strong attachment to the love of a girl or woman to cause love anguish and attraction on their own

How to independently release love longing and love attraction on a person with the help of a dryer. A strong prisushka will tie a loved one to you for a long time, causing her a strong feeling of love for you. It is quite simple and very effective method love attachment to a girl or woman, which has been successfully used for centuries. Girls love dry for love for its quick action and ease of execution by any unprepared person. It is customary to read the text of the prisushka at a distance from the beloved early at dawn. To evoke love feelings of longing for yourself, a girl or woman needs to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn, read these three times conspiracy words - dry :

Zarya Marya, disintegrated, spread across the sky of God,

Take hold of the heart of the servant of God (name),

Servant of God (name), baked,

I was bored, I would look for meetings everywhere,

How the martyr suffered.

Yearn for her heart and for me,

Servant of God (name), tear,

At my word, submit to me century after century.

Holy water can't wash my words down,

Witch doctors can't wash my words off her.

And the other healer's word fell off.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

You don’t know how to bewitch a girl on your own so that she falls in love very much, read this prisushka in a whisper - a conspiracy at home, if you can see the dawn or on the street through the window. Love dryness will act instantly and on the same day you will see the consequences of drying on the behavior of a bewitched young girl or adult woman.

The conspiracy will make sure that the husband always hurries home, sits at home, does not drink and does not walk with friends, and hurries home after work. The conspiracy to bind the husband to the house should be done by the wife. If the wife does this simple rite on her own with the reading of a special conspiracy, the husband will forever stop drinking and walking with friends and will always pull him home and he will rush to his wife and children. For the ceremony, pour water into a bucket, and then dip your chest in this water: first the left, and then the right, saying the words

So that the young are not jinxed at the wedding: the bride and groom and do not spoil the divorce, before the wedding ceremony, you need to read a special conspiracy amulet for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to take her to the registry office or to the wedding, the groom's mother should pin a safety pin to the inside of her jacket at home, cross her son and say the wedding conspiracy amulet. No less important is the wedding amulet for the bride, which will protect her at the wedding from the evil eye and damage. The mother of the bride should perform this rite of passage. wedding dress three safety pins on a glass of water, a conspiracy amulet is read,

The conspiracy must be read to return the husband to his wife or the wife to her husband, even after a divorce, if the wife or husband has fallen out of love with each other. This is the most loyal and effective magical method that can be used not only by a husband to return his wife or a wife to return her husband, but also by people close to them (mother, father, sister, brother, children) who quarreled. A conspiracy to reunite a husband and wife after a quarrel, quarrel or divorce must be read 2 times: once at front door at home where the husband lives, the second time at the door of his wife's apartment. The text of the conspiracy to return a loved one to the family

You can put dryness on a person by conspiracy while being at a distance from him. To induce dryness, a photo of a person and knowledge of the words of a conspiracy are enough - a spell that will quickly bring severe dryness to a person. Take in your left hand a photo of the person you want to bring dryness to and covering it from above with your right hand, read the words of this conspiracy:

If the husband went to his mistress or is just about to leave you, this strong conspiracy against her husband's mistress will help, which will quickly make your husband hate his mistress and forget her. The conspiracy will help to quarrel them and completely cool their feelings for each other and make the lover oppose your loved one. Read the words of the conspiracy - spells need to be early in the morning at dawn. At the morning dawn, go outside, raise above your head right hand and say a conspiracy on her husband from

Falling out of love with a person after a breakup will help white magic and a simple conspiracy over water. It happens that people broke up and it doesn’t matter who was the reason for the separation, a man - a husband or a woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help relieve the burden of parting and stop loving a loved one and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you just need to change the words in it to a slave for a slave. To stop loving a person forever, you need a flowing cold water. It can be tap water, a river or a stream. At running water, say the words of a conspiracy of a cooling feeling of love seven times and helping you stop loving

A love stick made using this method is very strong and has a long lasting effect. The following spell on love is equated to the action of a light love spell, but it is very convenient that the magic words of the spell - the spell are spoken upon meeting with a person and do not require special preparation, except for memorizing a short text of a love spell. If you decide to dry your loved one to yourself so that he “dries for you”, yearns and falls in love with his ears, use this particular love drying after which the beloved on the same day will begin to dry and miss you, feeling craving for communication and meeting. To make a dryer yourself when meeting with a person, tell him in the next

The most powerful cemetery love spell is done during the day in the photo right in the cemetery and grave ground. This rite belongs to black magic and is done once and for life. Remember, a love spell cannot be removed either on your own or with the help of sorcerers. To conduct an independent rite of love, take a photo of the person you need to bewitch to yourself and, having found a grave with a similar name in the cemetery, enter the gate and leaning the photo against your heart (on bare skin) say the words of a black cemetery love spell on the eternal earth

This strong love spell with the help of a photograph of your girlfriend and church candles can be done independently at home. For a love spell, you need to purchase three candles in the church and bring them home to read the love spell. In the evening, when the moon appears in the sky, get ready for the ceremony. Before performing the love spell, put a photo of your girlfriend on the table and put a candle in front of her so that she does not fall. Twist the remaining 2 candles together, to do this, warm them up a little. Light the twisted candles by saying a love spell

You should read the black conspiracy for longing on your own if you need to quickly catch up with love longing for yourself on a person. The conspiracy will help to evoke a feeling of true love in a guy or a man who is at any distance from you - even in another city or another country, yearning for loneliness without communicating with you. If you need an easy and quick ritual that will make a person bored and bored, could not fall asleep until he calls or writes to you first, read this love spell that I will teach you now. By the way, you can also read this conspiracy on the husband with whom you are married or your ex-husband, having overtaken him with a strong and real feeling of love and desire for communication

This is perhaps the strongest and fastest active conspiracy on love which you can read on your own at home. To read a love plot, you need to have a photo of your loved one, which will be rendered unusable during the rite - a love spell, so keep this in mind when choosing a photo for a love plot. Rituals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read a variety of love conspiracies, but the one that conspiracies will tell today has the strongest and fastest impact on a loved one - a guy, a girl, a man or a woman. It is this love plot suitable for all occasions, because it can be read any day and at any time of the day

The call of a sweet and beloved person is a love conspiracy that needs to be done if, with the help of magic, it is necessary to return a person who has left you to yourself. The call of a sweet and beloved person (boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife) helps not only with the help of a strong call to force a person to come or call urgently. When they ask me “is it possible to return my husband if you make a strong call” - my answer is yes. This ancient rite helps restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring lost relationships. A strong call to meet your loved one is a whole magical rite that is performed independently by several

A love spell of a loved one with prayers is a very common rite of white magic for love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for themselves and they read him in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open for you the magic words how to fall in love with a loved one or meet your soul mate who marries you, for this you need to read the most powerful spell yourself - a prayer for love and quick marriage. This must be done in the church after reading all the most strong prayers for marriage. For a love spell in the church with the help of prayer, you need to buy 5 candles - 4 for prayers to the saints for marriage and love, and the fifth for your health from the icon of Pantelemon. Before

Very strong love words of a conspiracy spoken by water in a glass at the front door will bring great boredom to your beloved and make him always return home. They read a quick love spell on water any day and at any time - this easy rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife of treason. As soon as a person leaves the threshold of the house, put any bowl or glass of water at the threshold inside the apartment (house) and say a love spell on the water three times in a row

How to get your girlfriend or woman back if she left you? A strong and proven conspiracy will help in order to return your beloved after parting and awaken her love and interest in herself again. After parting, go to church and perform a ritual of white magic to return love from a loved one. Having bought any candle in the church, leave the change at the mercy (saying to put it on a common candle). Within 3 to 7 days after the action of the return conspiracy, your beloved will return to you and your relationship and love feelings will be fully restored. A conspiracy to return your beloved which you need to read in

A love spell for a man's love

The strongest suspense for love a married man will help to quickly bring love anguish to him and thereby to dry your loved one to yourself having said it yourself words of love spitting on his saliva after him. As soon as the saliva dries up, the person charmed to this land will begin to dry for you and will constantly be drawn to you. This is being done fast drying and in order to return a loved one if they broke up or he fell in love with a rival. A man experiencing a strong love attraction under the influence of love for love himself decides to come up to explain his love to you, and here you do not get lost. Now I will tell you how to make love spell :

  1. If you have already met a person, you can do the drying ceremony at home when your loved one is at any distance from you. In order to dry a friend on your own, spit on the door jamb in your house and say the drying spell (given below).
  2. If you have loved stranger and you need to quickly bewitch - make him fall in love with you as soon as a man passes by you, spit after him (on the ground, asphalt.) And say the text of the love spell 1 time:

Dry saliva, one saliva, my words will burst.

Let the servant of God (name) dry up now,

As soon as the door is dry.

On this drying is over and very soon, sometimes on the same day, a man bewitched to dry land will show his feelings for you.

You can quickly bewitch a husband or a man without harm to yourself and him if you make a quick and simple drying yourself. Prushka for love is done on a candy that you need to feed to the one you need to dry yourself. To speak candy for love, a love spell is read - a candy stick on which treat your loved one by kissing her before and after

Dry love spell on the wind through the window is a strong love ritual that is done independently at home if a woman needs to urgently bewitch - to dry her beloved man and husband who has cooled down in feelings. longing that will help dry your loved one

An eternal love spell made from a photo helps to enhance the effectiveness of a love spell for love and instantly bewitch a loved one very strongly. The lunar phase of the waning moon, like any other, directly affects the psychological and emotional state of a person, and if a woman made a love spell using a photograph of her beloved man, he will soon

Love rites are performed on Krasnaya Gorka and conspiracies and prayers for love and marriage are read. The ritual that I will talk about today is done on a husband who has cooled in feelings for his wife or on a man who does not dare to marry you and propose to you. Krasnaya Gorka is Fomin's week immediately after Easter Sunday, or the first Sunday after Easter. By

At midnight on Walpurgis Night, women make the most powerful love spell on their husband by performing a rite of love and reading a conspiracy against a man aimed at marriage. The rituals and conspiracies on Walpurgis Night, whose history goes back to the distant past, are very strong and often the result of a love spell made at night acts in the morning, affecting a man living at a distance of 1000

This is a working love spell for love and marriage. A strong love spell acts on a man instantly and the magic of love can make a man propose to you and marry you in a very short term. This plot for a rich and kind husband has already been tried by many women and everyone was able to quickly attract a rich man and quickly marry a rich groom after reading the plot

How to fall in love with a man and a husband, a conspiracy, he is a love spell of a beloved man to himself, this is very effective and fast way awaken in his heart strong love. This love spell acts on a man who is at any distance from you and a love spell is done at home. It is for these characteristics that a conspiracy to love can quickly fall in love with such a man

So that the husband loves only his wife, does not walk and does not change in the old days, the wife read a love spell on her beloved husband. The strongest conspiracy to love, obedience and respect by a husband to his wife has a long history and has saved more than one thousand families during its existence. This is white conspiracy which makes the husband an ideal man - the support of the family and acts immediately as soon as it is read

Calling a conspiracy on a loved one's thing so that he returns is a fairly simple and effective call that you can do yourself. On the growing moon, it is best to do love spells and conspiracies for love and the return of a person after a quarrel and even a divorce, but this rite of calling a person to himself is suitable for any phase of the moon. A conspiracy to challenge with the help of a thing is done only independently in

Rituals with reading a love spell help to instantly fall in love and bind a loved one to yourself by making a love spell on your own. Love spells cast on water act very quickly. Now you will learn how to make a love spell on your own and bewitch a person with the help of plain water. Water absorbs any word and under its influence changes

A strong gypsy love spell is done forever and is called the eternal love spell of a man. A gypsy love spell is done at home without leaving home using a photograph of a man and 2 church candles. A photo of a man during a love spell needs to be burned, so you can make a photocopy and use it if the photo of your beloved man is dear to you. Twist two candles together and light


There are many ways of magic love spells on a photo of a person. If in the old days they conjured on nominal icons, and there was also an odic look and visualization of the image of a person during the ceremony, today the work of magicians is simplified by the presence of such a wonderful thing as a photo. You can use not only traditional photos, but also digital format on the screen. An easy love spell for a man from a photo on the phone is simple and accessible, just for beginners who are at the very beginning of the magical path.

Such love rituals are not real love spells in the full sense. These are love spells that work on the mental strength of the performer, as a quick fulfillment of a desire for a guy to call is not a love spell, but a challenge. Here, in my opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is a good example of how you can independently bewitch a guy you like using his photo in digital format.

A simple home love spell for a guy from a photo on the phone

Look at the photo of the one you want to bewitch, and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

Rituals like this self love spell the guy on the phone, as a rule, work (if they work), on the personal strength of the magician - the performer. The result can manifest itself both as a light dryness, and as a love mess, well, and as a magical challenge, including.

What is the essence of a love spell call?

Under the influence of Forces - whatever, in witchcraft practices there are many of them, they are different, have a different nature and nature of manifestation, right person is to the performer personally, or in other ways gets in touch. So, what is commonly called strong on the Internet love spell on a call beloved man, is in fact a magical ritual of summoning. And now let's see what kind of love rites these are, and how to make them yourself.

For a loved one to call - a love spell or a magical challenge?

Like ways to bewitch your boyfriend, there are challenges different types. These magical rituals can be safely divided into demonic, cemetery, white, neutral, elemental. They make them before the main effective love spell of the beloved guy, and they can also be done after it. Depending on what kind of love spell for a man the performer chooses. So, for a love ritual with food, you first need to call for a person to come. If a magical effect is chosen at a distance, for example, a love spell by phone number, and according to the terms of the rite there is no reservation - not to see the beloved guy, and in no other way communicate with him for a certain number of days, then the magical call for the man to come is made after the main witch in the complex ritual.

The love ritual for a call is not tied to the moon (unless a specific lunar phase is indicated in the rite), and therefore you can independently read a love spell for a guy’s call at any moon phase, when there is an objective need for it. Ideally, it is necessary that the called loved one come to the performer in person. However social media email, sms or phone call can be considered as a positive result of a love spell on a challenge ex boyfriend. If the lover does not want contact, but he is forced to do so magical ways, he will most likely take the simplest path.

Well, of course, as always, a lot depends on the strength of the one who makes the call. For a guy to call, you need to choose a love spell call that you will read at home, and do it effectively.

The magical call of a guy so that he will call soon is a useful thing in love practices.

However, you need to understand that just making love calls to a man is of little use. It is necessary to follow up with a magical love spell that will make a man do what is required of him. It doesn't have to be super strong love spell made from a photo, but this program should form the concept of the behavior of a loved one, in respect of which complex magical work is being carried out. However, thinking that the call only makes the ex-boyfriend show up is also wrong. Magic love spells have a love effect - the guy comes to the performer, because it seems to him that he can’t do without this person. A love plot to call a guy can work in the morning, in a few days, or in an hour. It all depends on specific situation, and compatibility of people. Be that as it may, a love clouding of mind is observed in all victims of a witchcraft conspiracy to challenge a man to a woman who loves him.

A strong love spell challenge for a man to call or appear in person

This love spell is a call made on your own so that your beloved guy will soon call on the phone or come to the girl. To do on the waning moon, the impact on the lover goes through the power of black magic. The purpose of this home ritual for love is for a man to call quickly after a quarrel and parting. In order to make this love spell on a phone call yourself, you need to prepare:

If, as in this case, you want to summon a man by witchcraft, the mirror must be square, or rectangular shape. When they affect a woman, they take mirrors without corners - round or oval.

Set the photo of your beloved guy vertically. Place and light black candles on both sides of the photo. Put a mirror in front of the photo. It should reflect both the photo and the candles. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, I note, it is curious that the reviews of people practicing the rites of black magic, who did a love spell on a guy on a phone call, give an understanding that the lover does not just get in touch with some accessible way, he is personally.

Having put all this construction, take a knife in your right hand, and read a love spell 9 times so that the guy calls:

With a knife, lightly prick the reflection in the mirror 19 times. At each injection, read the words of a love plot:

After that, put the magic knife on the mirror with a point against the photograph of your beloved guy. Sprinkle salt on a knife, on a mirror. Then put the photo of the person called with the front side on the salt, while pronouncing the words of the strong love spell to the husband's call:

Leave everything overnight. Remove in the morning, sprinkle salt at the crossroads. Leave without looking back.

A witchcraft rite can be performed after a strong love spell to read so that the bewitched husband calls or appears. This magical challenge is very strong, but I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, want to note that the effectiveness of any rite of love magic is always individual. It all depends on the will and resistance of the victim of the conspiracy, and on the connection of the practicing magician with the Forces.

An independent simple love spell on the phone - to bewitch a loved one by voice

You can bewitch your beloved guy by talking to him on the phone. The phone in this case is an intermediary, a link between you and the guy you like. The phone conveys all the shades of voice and emotions of the person who is talking to you. Therefore, with the help mobile phone can be done effective love spell at a distance, affecting the energy centers of the lover and husband. There are many varieties of such bindings, but such love spells by phone number look like very simple things that are accessible even to beginners.

To make an easy love spell, you need to call a man and say words about love, set him on a romantic wave. Ask a man a question, and when he answers you, listening to him, read the plot to yourself three times:

An independent love spell by phone at home can be done in another way. Call a man, and in the process of talking, as you exhale, mentally say "love you" and as you inhale say: "do you love me".

How to make a spell

  • home
  • Collection of rites
  • Prisushki

Magic, mpgiya, witchcraft, dryness, dryness, love rites, love magic, dryness by photo

Inspire dreams about yourself

The plot is read three times at sunrise, at a time when the person of interest is supposedly still sleeping. It is better to pronounce it on the smoke - for example, set fire to an incense stick for this.

Let the fantasies go

With the help of this rite, you can evoke sexual fantasies in a person, with you in the lead role. Spend it only on the full moon. At midnight, put a photograph of your loved one in front of you, followed by a thin church candle. On a sheet of white paper, write a plot in ink, to which three drops of your blood are added. Say it out loud, trying to feel every word.

An old conspiracy for melancholy

Breath dryer

When your loved one falls asleep, lie down next to him and adjust to his breathing. Very quietly, in this rhythm, whisper:

Red ribbon tie

For this ceremony, you will need a red silk ribbon. The size of the tape should match the size of your partner's erect "dignity". Look for a way to figure out this size in advance.

During lovemaking, the ribbon (cut strictly to the size found) should be under the sheet, then, after the man falls asleep, you need to pull it out and tie seven knots on it. For each node say:

awaken attraction

This magical rite allows you to cause a passionate attraction in a loved one. It is performed on Friday - the day of the goddess of love Venus, at exactly three in the morning. Ideally, if this day coincides with the new moon, which is considered best time to send magical spells.

evoke passion

The plot is intended for both men and women. Read at open fire: campfire, candles, fireplace.

Whisper in the back

This short conspiracy needs to be whispered in the back of a loved one who has begun to be interested in another girl. If this conspiracy is whispered in his back for three days in a row, the darling will come to his senses and return to you, and completely forget the lover:

A conspiracy to the wind in the field

On a warm windy day, go out into the field (to a wasteland, to a park in which there are few people). Make sure there are no curious people around. Take a pinch of semolina and throw it over your right shoulder. Throw the second pinch up and forward so that the wind can pick it up. And throw the third in the direction where the house of a loved one is located. Turn around three times over your right shoulder, close your eyes, clasp your hands, raise your head to the sky and say three times:

To melancholy through salt and water

Speak on the salt and blow it into the wind or put it under the door where your loved one lives.

Any woman who does not practice magical rites can return former love and refresh feelings. After drying, the beloved will not show interest in his mistress and family relations will be strengthened.

How to make self-drying at a distance: for a man or a guy? To perform the ritual, you do not even need to leave the house, but simply follow the basic rules.

For drying, you can use:

  • Monthly blood.
  • Personal items.
  • Photos of a loved one.

Drying on blood is the strongest, as it uses the strongest biomaterial - blood. The dryness in the photo is no less strong, and in this case the photo acts as a phantom of a married man.

The main thing is that there is no one else in the photo except him. Personal things are connected with their owner, they store energy information about a person - this is enough to use the thing as a phantom.

note! After the ritual on menstrual blood, you cannot leave a man or a guy, and the connection with him will be forever. You need to think about whether it makes sense to change your fate, the fate of your loved one, future children.

The time for drying must be selected based on the type of ritual. If done on blood, then 3-4 days of menstruation will do, on the waxing moon, and suitable days for photo work - Monday and Friday.

The prisushka held for Easter will work carefully, help you get to know each other, on the other hand.

Strong dryness, so that it turns out exactly on an apple

The apple is a rather symbolic fruit and is used not only in love magic. The ritual is effective and the result comes in a few days.

For the ceremony you need an apple and a photograph of a man big enough to fit in it easily.

The knife with which the apple will be cut must be new. This is a strong drying, therefore it is carried out on any day, additional paraphernalia for the ceremony is not needed.

Cut the apple, then put a photo of a boyfriend or husband between the halves. All thoughts at this moment should be focused on close person, there should be no anger and negativity in the soul.

To get it exactly right, bury the apple only in the ground, and place the knife with which it was cut nearby. When the first worm eats the apple and the photograph, the lover will leave his past passion and return.

Important! At the time of the drying and in the near future after the ritual, you need to be at least in the same city with the guy in order to be able to see each other.

Powerful prisushka on the girl

It is not difficult to carry out a love spell ritual on a girl you like, it is enough to follow the rules and be sure of the need for drying.

This is a full-fledged magical ritual, and any magical manipulations with another person entail a change not only in his fate, but also in the customer.

To influence girls, you can use a love spell of light and medium strength., because the female sex is distinguished by high suggestibility.

A powerful crush on a woman is an extreme measure when it is necessary to achieve the location of the chosen one in a short time or return the departed wife.

To carry out the dry, you will need three components:

  1. Coffee beans.
  2. Church candle.
  3. Linen bag.

Pour coffee into right palm, introduce your beloved and read a prayer with a lit candle. After that, pour the coffee beans into a bag and carry it everywhere with you until the girl begins to show attention.

The second option is a cigarette stick. To do this, the name is written on the cigarette with blood, then it is smoked. The remaining filter is extinguished in the palm of your hand and, together with the ashes, is wrapped in a sheet of paper.

As soon as the burn on the arm heals, the beloved will return. If you believe in the reviews, this method works very quickly.

We must not forget about the consequences of the love spell. Life priorities changeable and there will be no feelings for the bewitched girl, but the effect on her will continue.

In such a situation, only drying or a lapel will help remove the love spell, and if this does not help, then turn to an experienced magician.

How to dry at home in the wind?

In order to return the love of a dear person, they have long resorted to the help of higher powers, used occult objects and magic spells.

Love spells are quite powerful if interpreted and performed correctly.

How to dry at home in the wind? Love spell on the wind is one of the simplest and most ancient rituals that do not require special knowledge.

For the ceremony you need:

  1. Know in which direction the chosen one lives.
  2. Go outside on a full moon with your hair down.
  3. Having well imagined the image of a beloved man, a prayer is read three times: “My narrowed (his name and surname), let this wind guide you on the true path.

    Will lead you to my eternal and voluptuous love. You will be inspired by my love, and then our hearts will never part in life.

Advice: rituals performed at night work more powerfully, because higher power and the forces of nature at this time of day at their peak.

How to dry in other ways yourself?

There are a great many love spells, spells and conspiracies, you can bewitch even with the help of an object and a natural phenomenon, turning to white or black magic.

How to dry in other ways yourself? To do this, you need at least a little understanding of magic and understand what mistakes are fraught with during the ritual.

By the nature of the impact on a person, the dryers also differ:

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Having decided at all costs to be close to their beloved girl, many men, using magic at home, seek to bewitch a girl at a distance. But having decided to take such a step, before choosing a magical ritual, you need to familiarize yourself with the possible negative consequences. They can be very dangerous not only for the victim, but also for the perpetrator.

Any rite that can bewitch a girl from a distance should be carried out in a secluded place. In the room chosen for the ceremony, you must first clean and create a special atmosphere. You need to close or remove all mirrors in advance, as they are conductors of third-party energy. The second rule is that during the ceremony it is necessary to fully focus on the purpose of the ceremony. Before the ceremony, it is recommended to take a shower and put on clean clothes, preferably light shades.

Love spell with knots

Interested in how to bewitch a girl from a distance, you should pay attention to the ceremony, which involves the use of a long thread. The ritual is very strong, so you can not experiment with it. In addition, in order to avoid negative consequences, you need to be confident in your own feelings. You can strengthen the energy message if you follow a strict diet for one day before the ceremony, you can drink water and eat black bread.

For the ritual you will need to use:

  • Three church candles.
  • A long, strong red thread, approximately one and a half meters long.

This love spell is performed after sunset. In the room chosen for the ritual, you need to draw the curtains tightly. Neither the light of the moon nor the light of street lamps should penetrate into the room.

Candles must be placed on the floor of the room at the vertices of an imaginary triangle. They need to be set on fire and sit in the center of an impromptu geometric figure. You need to turn your face to one of the candles. After that, you need to pick up the thread and tie the first knot on it.

In the process of this, you need to pronounce the following magic spell:

"I, the Servant of God ( given name) I will tie a knot tightly and with them I will tie the Servant of God (the name of the chosen one) to me forever. She will be attached to me, and after that she will be obliged only to me. Until the knot is untied, her passion for me will not subside! Amen!"

Having spoken the magic words and tying one knot, you should turn to face the next candle. After that, repeat the spell again and tie the next knot. As a result of magical actions, three knots should be obtained on the thread.

Upon completion of such actions, the candles should be extinguished, and the thread should be placed under the pillow. This completes the ritual. After the ceremony, you can’t talk to anyone and you need to immediately go to bed. The next day, the thread should be put in the pocket of clothes and carried constantly with you. After a certain time, you will notice that the attitude of the chosen one towards you has changed and this must be taken advantage of.

Spelling a gift

A love spell is very strong, in which a certain thing is spoken. It will subsequently need to be presented to your girlfriend. It is important to present a present in such a way that your chosen one does not suspect anything. A ceremony in which an expensive gift is spoken will be more effective. But at the same time, in any case, it should be remembered that the gift should be appropriate. It is advisable to select it in such a way that it is useful, and your girlfriend uses it as often as possible.

You can speak a gift item in the following words:

“Holy God, I ask you, the Servant of God (proper name), instill love for me in the Servant of God (name of the chosen one). Kindle the blood in her veins with her passionate passion. Let her think only of me and let no one else into her mind. And day and night, let him think only of me. Let the desire to see me not let her go. That she could neither eat nor drink. And when she goes to bed, her thoughts will only be about me. So that there would be neither joy nor fun in her life without me. May the Servant of God (the name of the chosen one) come to me and stay with me forever. Amen".

Very often the question arises of how to bewitch a girl at a distance, with whom they parted due to a misunderstanding. There is a strong love ritual, but its effectiveness entirely depends on how long your beloved left you. Moreover, it is important to remember that you can use this love spell only when you are sure that your girlfriend has not appeared in her life. new love. It is strictly forbidden to destroy the relationship of two people with the help of magic.

For the ceremony, you will need to use the following attributes:

  • A piece of new natural tissue;
  • Noble metal ring;
  • Some red wine.

Please note that the ceremony uses a new ring made of silver, gold or platinum. Wedding ring cannot be used, as it contains a strong marriage energy, which can interfere with the love spell.

The ritual is performed during the growing moon. It is necessary after sunset to wrap it in a piece of cloth and bury it in a shallow hole under an oak tree.

From above, the earth must be poured with red wine, pronouncing in a whisper, but the following words are very distinct:

“Holy Mother Earth, accept this gift from me, give it your strength and put your wisdom into it. May my beloved, the Servant of God, always be with me. Amen".

The words must be whispered emotionally, emphasizing your desire. The ring should lie in the ground for three weeks. After that, you need to dig it out and always carry it with you. The piece of cloth in which it was wrapped should be burned. The charmed ring will work like a magnet and attract your chosen one to you. Against this background, it will be possible to gradually build harmonious relationships.

Even with the correct conduct of the ceremony, it is not always possible to guarantee that the impact will be successful. And if this happened, think about whether you really fit with your chosen one to each other.

Many believe that magic is an exclusively female occupation. However, this is not the case. The fact is that men make very good magicians, since they have a fairly powerful inner strength.

In order for a man to use magic, he does not need to have extensive experience in magic or deep knowledge. For example, every man can quite successfully make a love spell, because all that is needed to get a positive result is attentiveness and faith.

Who is suitable for a love spell on a photo card

A woman's sling in the photo is suitable for a man who:

  1. Broke up with his lover. But only if after some time he had a great desire to return it.
  2. He is in love with a woman who does not have reciprocal feelings for him.

How to properly prepare for the ritual

Before proceeding directly to the ceremony, it is necessary to properly prepare. The most important thing is the right attitude. It is recommended that a few hours before the ritual, start thinking about the girl whose love you want to get. Try to imagine it as if it were real. Think about how you will live together, what a wonderful family you will have. Remember that all your thoughts should be only positive, no negativity.

It is also equally important to choose the right rite. In this case, you must take into account not only the complexity of the ritual, but also how close you communicate with your beloved. For example, if you are unfamiliar or do not support friendly relations, then a love spell on a photo card is perfect for you, which you can do at home on your own.

It is worth remembering that it is impossible to resort to using a love spell if:

  1. There is no love for a girl. Some men, just for the sake of interest, conduct a drying ceremony, while not having serious intentions. This is highly undesirable.
  2. A woman loves another. If a girl is not in love yet, then you can get her heart using even a medium-strength love spell. However, if a woman already loves someone, then it will be much more difficult to achieve her location. In this case, more serious rituals, certain knowledge and experience will be needed.
  3. It has been 1 year or more since the breakup. If you broke up with your beloved, then try to get her back as soon as possible. The fact is that the less time passes after the break, the stronger the effect of the love spell will be.
  4. Someone knows about your intention. Remember that only you should know about your decision to conduct a ritual. The fact is that if you tell someone about your intentions, then the power of the conspiracy will become much weaker.

Features of the ceremony with a photo card

Men most often choose a love spell, which is carried out using a photo card. However, it should be remembered that the first photo that comes across for these purposes will not work. So, when choosing a photo card, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • on the photograph, the woman should be alone, no friends, relatives, or even passers-by;
  • the quality of the photograph must be very high;
  • this photo must have been taken no more than 12 months ago;
  • the girl's eyes should be fully open and clearly visible;
  • it is better if the woman is filmed in full growth.

Remember also that you should never cut a photo card. The fact is that magic and scissors are incompatible.

Love spell on a photo card at midnight

You can conduct such a ceremony on any day of the week, but this must be done at midnight. The plot must be memorized in advance. All you need is just a photo. It must be held with both hands, while you will need to look directly into the eyes of the image, not looking up from them for a second. The words of the conspiracy must be repeated exactly 7 times. Text:

“Just as I have strong feelings for you, the servant of God (the name of the woman), so let your soul have the same feelings for the servant of God (proper name). So be it. My word is strong as a stone. Amen."

Then the photo card should be placed in a place where no one but you can find it. The result of such a love spell will be noticed by you quickly enough. As a rule, the first positive changes will become noticeable after only 7 days. But in the event that the beloved is unfamiliar with you, then in order for her to have feelings for you, you will need large quantity time.

Strong love spell on a photo card

The more fortitude a man possesses, the more tangible the result will be. After some time after the ritual, the beloved will begin to think and dream about you, and you will also become a frequent guest of her dreams.

This rite should be performed only when the moon is growing, and it is best to choose the morning time (at dawn). You should also definitely choose Women's Day. If a man is not yet strong in magic, then the ceremony must be performed daily for 3-7 days. It is necessary to repeat the text of the conspiracy at least 3 times (the more repetitions there are, the stronger the result).

The words of the conspiracy must be pronounced, looking at the photo of the girl:

“I’ll get up early in the morning, and go on a long journey, let the maiden (name of the woman) not close her eyes, thinking about me (own name), remembering me and yearning. Let food and water without me (proper name) seem bitter to her, and sleep would not come to her, but only dreams of me. A clear falcon is flying, knocking on a closed window. Beautiful girl (name of woman), think with your heart, listen to it. Day and night are connected, leaf with leaf is intertwined, the soul is filled with sadness and sadness. May all your dreams be filled with me (proper name). My word is strong as a stone. Amen."

Love spell using church candles

You need to prepare church candles (exactly 9 pieces), as well as a photograph of your beloved of the proper quality. The ritual is performed at dawn. On a clean floor, you need to arrange the candles in such a way that a circle forms, and then light them all with the help of matches. A photo card should be placed inside the circle (face up). Then the right heel must be placed on the photo, after which the words of the conspiracy are pronounced 3 times:

“How strongly my heel presses you (the name of the woman), so strong may your craving for me be. With me - joy and light, without me - sadness and darkness. My word is law. Amen!"

Such a ritual should be carried out daily for 3 days.

Love spell on a candle

In order to carry out such a ritual, you need to prepare a photograph of your beloved, as well as an ordinary candle and a box of matches. It should be done after midnight.

Place a photo of a woman on an empty table, and place a pre-lit candle in front of it. Sit on a stool or chair in front of the photo. It is worth considering that you should look into the eyes of the girl in the picture through the flame of a candle. You will need to pronounce the words of the conspiracy 7 times in a row, while it is recommended to learn them very well so as not to stray:

“Let the bright flame burn more strongly, sadness-longing for the servant of God (the name of the woman) catches up. Let her heart melt like silver candle wax. Let the servant of God (proper name) enter your thoughts. As there is no fire without smoke, so you girl (the name of the woman) cannot live without me. Let your heart melt like the wax of a burning candle without me. The heart cries, the soul yearns. Let the beautiful girl (name of the woman) know why her life is not sweet. Grass does not grow without sun and heat. Let the servant of God (name of the woman) dry without the love and warmth of the servant of God (proper name). Amen."

The next morning after the ceremony, you must try to see your beloved, otherwise the love spell will lose its power. If, nevertheless, the girl cannot be seen, then the ritual must be repeated.

Love spell on a red candle

To carry out such a ritual, you need to prepare 1 regular red candle, as well as 2 thin church candles. You will also need a photo card of your beloved woman of suitable quality.

It is necessary to carry out the ritual at night on the full moon and best of all at midnight. With help regular matches light the red candle. Then take thin candles and support them over the tribe of the lit candle.

After they become soft and supple, they will need to be woven together in the form of a spiral. After that, you should light them. Place the photo card on the table next to the red candle and move the lit candles over it. church candles. When the wax begins to drip onto the photo card, begin to pronounce the words of the conspiracy (repeat 3 times):

“Just as this pair of candles is woven together, so may the servant of God (proper name) be firmly connected with the servant of God (name of the woman). As these candles melt together from the flame, so let (proper name) and (name of the woman) melt from tender feelings and passion for each other. My word is stronger than stone. Amen."

This ceremony should be completed only after the entire surface of the image is covered with wax. This photo card should be placed under your pillow, and it should lie there until the results of the love spell are noticed.

Remember that how strong the result of your ritual will be depends largely on you. Believe that everything will work out for you, and that's the way it will be!