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Conspiracies for love men - white magic. Return the love of her husband. For love guy

Passion arises far from always in natural reasons. Black magic for love was practiced long. In previous times, the rulers of rich people were brought. Now information about the witchcraft rites has become publicly available. They are used independently people most of different ages, social status, education. The object of exposure can also be any.

Black magic on the love of a girl, men at home allows you to quickly bring the subject of passion to themselves. It falls into full dependence on the customer. Get rid of love spell almost impossible psychological reasons. The dependence becomes more and more over time. The ritual entangle the hity, deprivates his will.

Rite with a mirror

Black magic for love men can solve many problems. The dear person will forever lose interest in rollers, will become obedient, affectionate, generous. Ritual with an ancient mirror. The spell has been preserved thanks to the books written by the sorcerers. Dark forces are attracted different ways. Previously, magicians were configured to contact, initiated ritual. Now this is not necessary. Forces are always near, at the ready, waiting for the order.

To read black spell For love you need at midnight. Preparation does not take much time. Six black candles should be purchased. It is even better to buy church, paint them with ink or ink. Then the witchcraft on love will work faster.

Do the following:

1. Load candles, putting them on the table.

2. Pour in a glass of water.

3. Take into the hands a small square mirror.

4. Wipe it with water (use black fabric).

5. View the reflective surface, present the image of your loved one.

6. Focus that the thought form is bright, clear, detailed.

"Black forces stood out of the grave. The soul, sick, blood (name) is soaked. Love to me (name) fill. He will be my slave. Next will be at night, during the day. Do not break the union by fire! "

8. Sit in silence of five minutes, rubbing the mirror with water.

Hint: Strengthen the spell effect will help the photo of the object of exposure. It should be attached to the mirror face. Tie a black thread design. Seal with wax.

Conspiracy for a gift

Call the love of the girl at home helps another kind of witchcraft. It uses a conspiracy gift. Read the black spell should be at midnight, but to give a thing - until the next day. Any item from the spirits is suitable for a bouquet of flowers. There is practically instant witchcraft for love.

Preparation for ritual is simple. Need to buy:

· Black candle;

· Pack of poppy.

A rite is held in any of the women's days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). Do not need:

1. Redee the light, close the windows, doors.

2. Loop the candle by installing it on the table.

"I fill the dark forces of the gift. Body and thoughts (the name of the girl) attract to themselves. Dara will touched the hand - love will break on the century! ".

5. Carefully put a drop of wax for a gift. To be confused so that it is not noticeable.

Attention: if it did not work out to give a thing until noon, you will have to repeat the witchcraft.

Strong spell on love guy

Young magicians are better to use white probimative conspiracies. They act for a while, then allow you to change the decision, abandon the love spell. But if you need witchcraft, then you should perform a simple ritual with a towel. Time is chosen on the growing moon.

Do the following:

1. Purchase a new towel, a thick red candle, two roses: burgundy, black.

2. Fill with water with water. Slash the candle by placing it in the legs.

3. Tear from colors of six petals. Throw into the water.

4. Immerse yourself in the bathroom.

5. Fully relax. Present proximity with a crazy person.

6. The picture must be a clear, tangible.

"How the water from the skin is erased, so the coldness of the heart (name) breaks. Higher strength urge. Fill the soul with a passionate love. Let it be for (name) the finest! ".

Candle to put out, wrap in a towel, hide. She will need when relationships will be trapped. It should be lit to create a magic atmosphere on the first date of the house. On the same day, to offer a towel guy to wipe hands. Witchcraft action is noticeable for a month. The term is associated with the power of the magician who conducted a ritual.

Gypsy way

The ancient people tied a passion with fire. Witchcraft is carried out in nature. It is necessary to ignite the fire, to rip the three small branches from the birch. Around the fire should be coated three times. Read this plot:

"The bright heat of the fire heart (the name of the person) lights, the passion will break, tie to himself. The branch birch drains all the tears. Together we will be short. Mrs. and Mr! "

· Sweep under the threshold;

· Add to food;

· Immediately placed in the pocket.

Black magic will begin to act as soon as a person gets in touch with ash. Results will appear in a few days. You can use ash repeated to enhance the effect. Gypsy witchcraft is very strong. They create the strongest bindings. It is almost impossible to destroy them.

Conspiracies are known for a very long time and are often used in a variety of situations. One of the most popular, this is a conspiracy on the love of a man. After all, such a ritual really works and often in antiquity was seduced as wise and rich men. After all, the sacrifice itself cannot understand what happens to him. With the help of the infection, you can call both light sympathy and crazy love, it all depends on the correctness of the execution of the conspiracy. For many years, these secret knowledge is already well from studied and now to apply them every girl, regardless of the gift and abilities. It suffices to follow all the rules described below.

Attention! Making a conspiracy on a man, be sure that they are ready to associate life with him. After all, if you are patent it, he can spend his life, to achieve you. Also first time under the action of a conspiracy, a man becomes rather aggressive, because it finds strong feelings that he cannot explain.

There are hundreds of conspiracy on your beloved one, some act strongly, others do not work at all. In this material, we led all the strongest and effective conspiracies for a man.

Where did it come from

Different conspiracies came to us from the forgotten foreign times. Then, when the people believed in various wonders in the bulk. Among the simple Luda there were those who, according to others, had magical knowledge of the abilities. Basically it was women of old age.

They were treated in order to, in order to return or perish the groom and even turned to cure from the ailments. The main tool of labor of such witches was a conspiracy, which they were accepted every time to read as soon as they had to save someone from the problem. Maybe something coincided or really plots acted and could awaken in a man's love, but people believed and resorted to this way again and again.

Below is a plot that it is worth applying when I want to light the fire of passion and love again in the heart of a lost man. It is advisable to read it on who already had some kind of relationship.

On the image of the belonging object

Reading these words, you need to realistically realistically present the face of your loved one.

"Love in the heart (name) urge the fire of passion in his soul toggave! Go love to the heart (name) and stay there, forever! Let a hot flame break up his feelings for me (name), let him stretch to me and seeks, let him want to unite with me for his whole life! To all of their own

Conspiracy for Device

"As a person does not live without water and food, and God's slave (name) does not live and not be a day or night, without God's slaves (name) of their half."

The following example is suitable for mature ladies or at least for the age of adult age. With this probing spell in a man, you can tell the desire and passion for such power that he will not be able to take these feelings.

Conspiracy to increase sex attention

"All women are fools. They have manners thin. On all dresses of worship. I entered, Pavlitsa, Red Maiden. Loved - all the men gathered. Wherever I go - they are followed me. And my favorite (name) will be all! "

Attention! Such a spell is very powerful, so it is necessary to very carefully choose the object, whose you need to turn to your side.

Strong, strong conspiracy

"You are one bed. We are with the slave of God (name) two, and with you - three! Like God Father, God Son, God the Holy Spirit is inseparable and one, so let and we will all three! Bed, you are soft and even, the rest in our life bring, treason to believe! May it be so. May it be so! May it be so!"

These words allow to shock the heart of a man tight and forever. To read them in the early morning at the dawn.

The power of a word

It is not by chance that it is always worth thinking before saying something. After all, words undoubtedly have their own effect on what is happening around. Words create certain sound vibrations in the atmosphere. And it cannot be wasted.

Simply not everyone is given to understand these subtlecases that allow us to program certain progress of certain events using verbal plexuses. It is at such principle that a conspiracy is based. Having learned to pronounce words in a certain way, you can produce a guidance ritual yourself.

But in order for the words to work, they are not always necessary to read out loud. It is worth remembering at least prayers. Many believers them repeat them. And it works. You always need to create your thoughts correctly. No wonder they say that they are material. In some way, we can assume that the most correctly formed mental algorithm is a kind of conspiracy. For Love Lee, for good luck or on the accomplishment of some events, it all depends on the desires and needs of each particular individual.

It is worth remembering that at the time of reading spells you need to closely close your thoughts. Pronouncing magic words aimed at love spell, you need to think about "it" at this point and about the love you want to get from it.

Reading rules

To fall in love with a man with conspiracies or prayers - the matter is quite real. The main thing is responsibly referring to the choice of ritual. "Black" conspiracies for love facing dark forces help to achieve a more noticeable effect in relatively short termBut they are dangerous to those who submit a conspiracy will of the performer and he, subconsciously feeling it, will show aggression, not fully understanding what happens to him.

A man involved in such a plot may behave inadequately, start drinking and use drugs, express suicidal thoughts and, in the end, to be in a psychiatric clinic. Usually black magicians to avoid consequences, offer customers to designate that price that they are willing to pay for a positive result of the conspiracy, at the initial stage, when only take a photo of a potential victim.

Performing a black ritual at home, on your own, you can also try to agree with dark powerHowever, the chances of the performer-novice are small. White or gray (neutral) conspiracies are read on the growing moon, black - in full moon or 19, 29 moon daysWhen dark forces are most active. Prophoving text need to visualize the desired man in love, drawn to a woman. For this purpose, practice is needed - it is possible to practice within a few days before the date of execution of the ritual, which is prescribed in advance using the photo of the beloved one.

Does it work?

To date, some women continue to use conspiracies to achieve love harmony with the chosen one. In order for this to affect, you need to concentrate, be sure to believe the success of the upcoming action and submit an object to which the conspiracy rhyme will be read.

To better remember the image of your beloved, you can first look at his photo. After that you need to start reading. It should be done with all the soul and from the bottom of my heart and try to not flashed at this moment at this moment.

The following example is suitable for young maidens that have not yet known the joy of motherhood and marriage. With this conspiracy, the young young lady can be perished to her groom once and forever.

When you can, and when it is not worth

Before studying the methods of influencing the descendant of Adam, let's understand with goaling.

The introduction was not in vain concerned the happiness and extension of the genus. The fact is that the conspiracy affecting the ideological aspects of a different personality can be like a blessing and sin. The difference is your attitude to the ritual. Why did you decide to hold it, what do you want to achieve?

If you wish you happiness to yourself, a man and future kind, it is clear that you can understand you. And when a woman comes from purely selfish interests, believing that this "subject" will ensure it is good, then a little good. In such respects, love is not lacking (even to itself), pure consumerism.

Conspiracy should be used for creation, in the deepest sense of the word. That is, to create universal harmony and happiness. Although, the information is open, the result from goal-setting is not much dependent, only karma enriches in different ways.

Rite with three candles

The conspiracy into three church candles is read if the relationship with a man has just begun and, there are suspicions that they do not quite suit him and he is looking for other options. He is suitable for both women who want to strengthen a long relationship, fall in love with a man finally. For the rite you will need: a new white tablecloth, a red natural thread, three separate candlesticks and matches. It is also necessary to buy three church candles, you can small, most importantly, so that they are good quality, that is, they fused completely, without a residue.

At sunset on an empty clean table, it is necessary to spread a new white tablecloth made of natural cotton or flax material. Candles light alternately using a separate match for each of them. Conspiracy, which can be attributed to prayers, read three times, each time covering the fire of one of the candles with a wooden object to put out it:

Creator Most High, I ask you to
Rise a high stalk, deep yamo,
Grats are deaf, forests impassable,
Moving cardiac, tormenting
Turn around in the heart of the slave of God (the name of a man you want to fall in love with)
Closens yes, so that the slave of God (name) did not leave me,
Turn seven times the key Yes, with him,
So that the lock he does not open,
Yes, I, the slave of God (name) do not obey.
May it be so!

After reading the conspiracy for the third time, the candles bind together with a red thread and ignite again from one match. Now you need to give them completely, and smoke to release into the open window.

Magic in the morning dawn

To spend this conspiracy on love, men will need a smooth golden ring, the simplest thing to find in the jewelry shop. In the morning, waking up for minutes ten to the onset of dawn, you need to take a small mirror in your hands and approach the window if it goes to the east, or go out into the street. It is desirable that the morning was cloudless and the sun was clearly visible. Putting the mirror so that the Sun in it reflects, you need to say the following text, referring to the luminaire:

Clear, red and beautiful!
Dry you trees dry,
Out of the leaves are green.
So dried away you are the heart of the slave of God (the name of the man),
Yes, it was frohard with fire.
So that he can live without me, nor, nor sleep, smoo
But only giable yes burn.
How do you warm with rays warm,
Yes illuminate light gentle
So I would warb the slave of God (name),
Yes, with his love to his way illuminated.
So he called me for me
To heart pressed,
Yes, I did not forget.
My word is honest, my word is firmly.

Having finished conspiracy, it is necessary to bow the sun three times, and in the mirror, charged sunlight, you need to look at the next forty days immediately after awakening.

Conspiracy on the photo

When using the photo during conspiracy on love, you need to choose the image that meets certain requirements: a man in the photo should be alone and in a good mood, in any case not to look dedicated or upset. It is better to choose a photo in full growth. Eyes and glances should be visible good, clearly.

In addition to the photo of a man for the performance of the ritual, you will need your own photo that meets a similar requirement, two wax candles, white threads and a red large apple. Photos will need to cut so that they are one size and less apple. Candles light up, the image of a man you want to fall in love between them. Looking into the eyes depicted in the photo, they read a plot:

In the pure field of the apple tree stood
Branches before the earth
I, the servant of God (name), at the dawn in the field walked,
Red apple from the branch shot,
Yes, from the morning to the evening he played with him.
So with your heart, the slave of God (name) was played,
From dawn to Zoronya did not help.
Neither to sleep, nor there, nor drinking you did not give you.
Your age your all love me
Neither forget nor change.
Like an apple in the earth the worm sharpening
So and sadness your heart sharpened
Distened yes, she did not give.
How we will live with you
So the longing will pass!
Key, castle, language,

The photos are folded together face to each other and put inside the apple cut on the halves. An apple is wrapped with white thread an odd number of times and buried into the ground in a secret place deeper. This conspiracy is considered one of the strongest conspiractions to fall in love with a man in itself: the result may appear on the second day - usually a man, on whose love he was made, makes itself felt in one way or another.

Collection of love plots

These love conspiracy Very effective, as the conspira goes on the smoke, on ash or on the needle - which contributes to a more rapid transmission of information to the object of your love. Also, these conspiracies are absolutely universal - they can be used both for men and for women - only the words corresponding to your semi should be changed. but the right plot We have to learn by heart - the result is worth it.

Love plot on smoke

Write on a pure sheet of paper with his hand of the love conspiracy:

"I will stand Ranhonko, my face is white, coming out of the doors yes in the field clean and turn your eyes to the east. And there are three stoves: copper, iron and brick. And how those stoves grow up and breathe heat from the sky to the ground, so would the heart, the soul and the body of the slaves of God (the name of the beloved) of God (the name of the beloved) is about me. And my words are strong - stronger iron, tight copper and harder bricks. "

Then roll the paper into the tube and put a dry twig in it. Next, begite from one end and span on the smoke written on it plot.

Love conspiracy

Write the following words on a clean piece of paper:

"I will stand up to sunrise, come out of the house and go to the dark forests, and in the rotten swamps. And in those swamps there is a black bath, and a grandmother-pionery lives in it. And she has a stone stove, and in the stove of the bowl of copper, and in the bowl, everything boils, it burns, it burns yes. So it would be a slave of God (the name of his beloved) about me with my heart, soul and body, boiled, burned, yes, quiet. My word is strong and solid. Amen".

Light church candle. Then set fire from it a note with a plot and throw in some container (bowl, bowl). When the paper fully burns - move the bowl to yourself and scroll the ashes between the palms, while the words of the conspiracy previously written on paper should be chipping.

Love plot on the needle

Speech on the newly purchased needle of the word conspiracy:

"I will stand on a dawn, let it go into the field clean and looked into the sky clear - and an acute arrow flies across the sky. So in the same way, you are an arrow sharp in the heart of the robust, in the blood hot, in the eyes of the clear slaves of God (the name of the beloved). So that she for me to the slave of God (his name) sued Yes, always and everywhere. Wola was solid, my word will be fulfilled. "

It is imperceptible to hide this needle in the house or in your beloved things.

Strong conspiracy on love husband

Conspiracies for love husband are used in the event that it seems to you that the husband cooled to you. Such conspiracies are particularly well, if the couple is Vieden in the Church. A strong conspiracy on the love of a husband will even if you are not married!

This strong conspiracy to love her husband is read three times, looking at the growing moon:

"I will stand on the threshold of the church and the creative family of my own behalf. My dear is my husband (husband's name), give me your peace. I stand in front of you, and behind my holy icon is protective. I worship her and stand to the altar. I gave a slave (my husband's name) my heart, my soul. So now he was jealous of me, he did not let anywhere. I would love me, shore and caressed. As a mother on children suffers from their own, you will suffer from me, love and wait for me, and never change. My word is strong, faithful. Amen."

Another strong conspiracy for the love of her husband should do so. In the morning, when you wash, look in the mirror and tame to a piece of soap:

"How people in the mirror look, so would have looked at his wife, but did not see how quickly soap washed off, so quickly and husband will love his wife, what a shirt on the body is, so would her husband be clean and leveled."

Next, you need to take a husband's shirt (you can unnecessary, old, but it is necessary that he wore at least several times) and completely burn the shirt collar. While you will burn, say three times: "What was the shirt on the body, this and the husband to his wife was." Thus, the dislike and indifference of the husband to his wife should go along with the old garment. Shirt then you should throw away.

Conspiracy on love guy independently

This very simple and effective plot You can make a guy on love yourself! It is recommended to use young girls in the following cases: 1. To attract the guy you like, if he does not pay attention at all; 2. If it seems to you that your relationship is on the verge of rupture; 3. If your favorite began paying attention to another girl. Just first think if you need it - sometimes it is better to stop complex confusing relationships than to suffer further. Defined? Still needed? Then read on!

Performing this conspiracy to love the guy alone, the girl should slightly bonach himself behind the tongue and then looking at the growing moon, say the following words:

"I bite myself for the tongue, the slave (the name of the beloved) I embraced myself, I bite, screw. So that the slave (the name of his beloved) missed, he did not know a bright afternoon day, nor black at night. All so that I thought about me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

At the same time, it should mentally keep the image of a loved one in the head.

You can also pronounce this plot to yourself, looking at the guy in the eyes, or simply - looking at the object of his desire. Of course, you will get the greatest effect from this conspiracy if the first time will deliver it on my own on the growing moon, the second - looking from the side, and the third - looking at him straight in the eye (you can chat any nonsense, the most importantly mentally scrolling the necessary words in my head) .

Strong conspiracy on love guy

A strong conspiracy on love guy, men are recommended only if other conspiracies for love helped you, that is, only in the most extreme case! To a strong conspiracy on love, it is necessary to take it extremely responsibly - it is advisable to seek help to a professional, but if there is no such possibility - try to make a plot yourself.


To perform this strong conspiracy on the guy's love, you will need to get three hairs from the head of your loved one. Then it is done like this: fold together three hair of your loved one and five hair from your head. It is necessary to sharply throw the hair into the fire (it can be divorced at home in some old dishes), you need to say three times:

"Lord, the fire of the Holy Spirit burn our hearts. Amen!".

After that, the relationship with the beloved should be returned to normal - the first passion will return.

Strong plot on blind love men

There is another strong plot for the love of a man who can be made independently. To perform it, you need to get a white tablecloth and sash on the table. Then you will need three thin church candles. They should be put on the table, to do this. low part Each candle and secure their three small sauces or candlesticks. After that burn the candle. You will need to read the conspiracy on the love of men three times - after each reading, it is trembled on one candle. When all the candles are repaid, twist them together and strengthen in the scenery. Then they burn again and wait until they burn completely, to the very end. The naggored smoke should be released in the window and thoroughly ventilate the room.

Conspiracy words:

"On the Almighty Lord, I pray you about a deep request. Scoat a high wall, coordinate a deep pit and a barbed fence, longing the fatal death. Close there, Lord Slave (the name of your loved one) so that he does not leave me and the woman did not find another. It is close to the key, yes the key is the pickle. Help me Lord, God's faithful slave (your name). And while the lock does not open, the slave (the name of the beloved) does not break me out. Amen!"

Strong conspiracy on the love of the girl

This strong conspiracy of the girl's love is quite effective! It is recommended to use guys to attract the girl you like, or in the event that the relationship with the girl is not treated.

A strong conspiracy for the love of a girl is pronounced at midnight to a decreasing moon. You need to turn the face in the one way, where it is (living) your favorite and say the words of the conspiracy:

"There was a dark evening through the dark gate, and led me to the back of the river in the deep and wide. In the middle of that river there is a white stone, the faithful slave of God sits on it (the name of his beloved) and tears is poured. On the banks of the river there is a father - yes he does not see his daughter native. Mother goes along the shore, but does not see a cute child. As a month-moon decreases, so let the love of the faithful slaves of God (the name of his beloved) decreases to the parents, and to me, the slave of God (your name) let her love arrive and grow up. As with the stone, the girl will take off yes, I will do-comfort, so let her heart turn to me. Amen."

There is one more good plot On the love of a woman. It is pronounced on a growing moon: "At sea in okayne, on the island of Buyan is longing. Beats melancholy, he suffers and killed longing, yes shouts: "Poavushka dear, run faster, go to God's slave (the name of your beloved) on the lips yes to your teeth, in the body of her white, in the heart of her regulatory. So that the slave (the name of his beloved) gave me every hour and every minute, so that I was better than another well done for her, better than my father's father. My word is faithful, the conspiracy is closed. Amen."

Conspiracy for love men alone

This effective conspiracy for men's love is recommended to use women and girls to preserve relationships with your beloved man. If it seems to you that your man began to pay attention less to you, or, God forbid you appeared, try the following two conspiracy on the love of a man!

To perform this conspiracy, you must get a photo of your loved one and put it on the floor. Next, stand up the heel right legs directly on the photo and tell me three times:

"As my body gives you to you and your love gives me to me. As your body is hard from my heel, and your heart is hard without me. "

There is one more good way A conspiracy on the love of a man. It is done during sexual intercourse. You need to whisper the following words three times:

"I am the most beautiful woman in the world. You love me and you touch my caress. Other women are nothing compared to me and flexible in your eyes. Love me more than myself. Amen".

The fact is that in the class of love mercy, not only body merge, but also thoughts - a man will consider your words for their own.

Remember that these conspiracies are applied if you are already in some kind of relationship with a man, for example, you meet with him, or you are married to him. That is, they are well suited for improving the crewing relationship with her husband.

Make a sense of photo

The conspiracy for love in the photo is valid better than without a photo, as the photo is a clear image of a loved one, through which it is much easier to transfer information, that is, the words of conspiracy, the object of your love. If your favorite is shown in the photo not one - cut it out. And if you are depicted together, together - it is not necessary to cut off - such a photo is quite suitable for a conspiracy for love by photo!

Conspiracy to love in the photo is read in a whisper, early in the morning - at sunrise. It is desirable to write a conspiracy from hand on the back of the photo, but at the same time to learn them by heart (although you can simply read):

"As the sun rises in the morning, and love in the heart of the slave of God (the name of his beloved) flared up. As the sun shines, so let your love for me (your name) brighter in your heart shines. As the sun, the earth is dried, so you will disappear without me, but you want. As people stretch to the Red Sun, so you pull to me, and there will be no life to you without me, like people there is no life without the sun. My word is solid and strong. Amen."

Then, in the evening, before sunset, you should complete the photo into the black fabric, and hide under the mattress or under the bed - it should lie there until the conspiracy works.

Love magic - conspiracies for free

The rituals presented below and the plots of love magic are not much common, and therefore are very valuable! However, we decided to provide our readers with the opportunity to take advantage of love magic for free! The big plus of this method is the lack of need to memorize the long texts of conspiracies - in these rituals of love magic, the main role is given to your actions, concentration, psycho-energy background, that is, it is even something like meditation. When conducting these rituals, a person relaxes, soothes the nerves - and this is in addition to a good practical result!

Love magic - plot on three nodes

To carry out this free loving magic conspiracy, you will need a thick red wool thread (or rope), a red candle and aromatic rose oils, lavender and jasmine. If you can not find oils - use your best spirits for this purpose, but then the result will be less strong.

Z. squeeze the candle, relax. Then take the rope and tie an ordinary knot on it. When you do this, imagine that you concentrate your desires and the will to the point of tying. At this moment tell words magic conspiracy: "The strength of my desire will be filled with this node!" Moisten the tips of the fingers in pink oil and feed them the knot you. At this point, it should be represented as a small light of your desires and hopes broke out in his place.

"The Light of My Love will illuminate the Secret Union!"

This time, imagine that all your feelings are compressed into the knot. Moisten it with several drops of lavender oil.

The third knot will personify all your secret dreams. Tell me a love spell: "How strong these nodes and our love will be strong!" Soak it with jasmine oil. Having finished the conspiracy of love magic, hide the rope with a triple knot tied on it nearby from the dwelling of your favorite or jump it in the place where your chosen one usually passes. You need to do it on the night from Thursday to Friday - and soon all your love wishes will come true.

Love magic - Candle ritual

To fulfill this ritual of love magic, you need to purchase two thin church wax candles on Friday morning. The ritual must be done on the same day, before the start of Saturday. Take a needle and scratch your name on one candle, and on the second - the name of your loved one. Then twist them together, install both wicks and give candles to burn until the end.

While candles are burning - look at them and imagine how your feelings, hearts and bodies are combined and intertwined into one. Imagine what you see and feel it all not with your own eyes and heart, but with my beloved eyes and soul.

When the candles go out - collect the remaining wax and take a heart from it - it will be your personal love talisman.

Conspiracy to attract love. Ritual to attract love

If you have in life in this moment No love, a special conspiracy to attract love will help you! It is used if you have no man for a long time, and the relationship with the opposite sex recently does not work out - but it is so nice, feel love, harmony and the joy of relationship with a partner! And so, in order to attract this feeling in your life and start building new, the excellent relationship is a special ritual for attracting love!

First you need to get a rose, preferably red or pink. To carry out this ritual, it is best for you to personally cut with a flower bed. In extreme cases, it can be bought, but in this case, go to this very carefully: choose the most beautiful and fresh rose, and buy without trading.

Immediately, the conspiracy itself needs to be held in full solitude so that no one bothers you - turn off the phone's call. Sit in front of the mirror, relax, Think of love, about the beautiful feeling, inhale the aroma of roses, enjoy it. Spend a flower in your hair, eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, chin ... Pronounce words: "I feel love, I see love, I inhale love." At the same time, try to feel how the energy of love penetrates into you along with the flavor of the flower. Then, looking in the mirror itself, tell me three times:

"Love around me, inside me, comes from me. She goes to me. I am loved!"

Over the next three days after the ritual to attract love, wear the flower with you as a talisman.

Conspiracy on sympathy (strong)

It should be immediately said that the ritual described below is based on the forces supporting only love. This is its power and weakness at the same time.

Using words, you call for free, impassive energies. Reply or not, they choose themselves. This can be represented in this way: the child cries, facing the ice cream in mommy. It still cannot analyze circumstances, there is not enough experience. Only mom is able to decide whether it is possible to him a delicacy, based on the state of his health, weather on the street and other circumstances.

Approximately so works a strong conspiracy.

A woman, as if a stupid child, appeals on the provision of happiness, not intelligent, it should be supposed to her or not, whether it will not turn into trouble after a certain time and so on.

A hidden "mechanism" of women's protection is embedded in a strong conspiracy. If a man does not fit her, then there will be no result. And when according to the highest laws, they will be able to create strong genus, will not slow down to manifest.

It is necessary to approach its implementation with a complete confidence of the one who you give the decision of your destiny at this stage. " Let it be what should .... " - This is the motto in this case.

"How not to live on earth without light, how not to wander in an emptiness without legs, so that the slave of God (name) without slave of God (name) could not! How the fish without water is not splashing, as the bird does not fly without a wing, so do not live the fish of God (name) without loving me (name)! Become me half, looking apart with tears, burning with soul and televisions, ascended together over heaven! Amen!"

Conspiracy-Sustice for Men's Love

In order for your man to stop looking around, looking for an opponent's rival and perfect, you can use a plot.

Its impact will destroy the frivolous head of bad thoughts. A man will only think about what he read a plot. Without it will not represent its existence. It will be true, only jealous (depending on the nature).

Another negative consequence of the exposure of the conspiracy is recognized by the "non-free" of women. The fact is that the ritual acts on both. Once we decided to inherent in him, then we will shine to the side. Will no other to interest.

Go outside, look at the moon.

It is recommended to take into the hands of any wooden subject with which the man will continue to contact. Someone wearing a spoon with me, others - the rolling pin, for example. And you can buy a souvenir of wood, and after the ritual to present it to his beloved. Conspiracy Six times:

"The light and darkness will not come together, the slave (name) with the slave (name) will not disperse. Luna I spell, catching up. Slave (name) Fear Ignure. So that I am sick and suffered in a slave (name), so that I did not know sleep, I didn't take food in the mouth, I released the work from the hands, only the sick and suffered! Amen!"

Conspiracy on a married man

To rotate the face of a man who has other obligations should think.

We will not consider the moral side of the issue. Apparently, the case is individual and not always bad. Just keep in mind that by contacting a married man, you take part of his obligations on yourself. Do you forces? Then we spend a plot.

"Falcon is clear (name), the world flies, a nest of Skil, and I did not find happiness! Fly Sokolik, cover a table, I will become a faithful girlfriend, we will be joy for each other! Vedenya slave (name) slave (name) is not for the day, but by a century! Black - to black, light - to me! Get the slave (name) to me, not my wife! Amen!"

How does this plot work?

At all times, all nations have existed many conspiracies for men's love, this is due to the constant desire to be close to the object of their adoration. Love is a wonderful illness of all centuries and peoples, for which great madness was made.

This plot is a set of certain combinations, sound oscillations skillfully selected in the age of practice. They came to you from the depths of the centuries to give the happiness of mutual love. As is known, the energy field of the Earth enters into interaction with different kind of sound oscillations and changes under their impact. As a result, under the influence of the read-reading conspiracy, the site of the Earth's energy field, which interacts directly with the subject of your adoration. As a result, gradually the attitude of her beloved to you will change to a positive. He will experience a passionate desire to see you, talk to you. In his thoughts you will only. He will not even think about another girl. As a result, this person will be completely yours and body and soul.

This plot is very good for those who want to build in the future family relationships With the object of adoration. Remember, the plot is very strong, it is not worth playing with the feelings of other people. After all, if you then realize that this is not your person and leave him, a man will suffer and try to achieve your love. If you definitely decided to link your life with this person, then reading a conspiracy is your faithful way to achieve the goal.

ATTENTION: Be sure to write these conspiracies on a sheet, better if it is a clean sheet. Explore conspiracies already from the sheet, and not from the monitor.

As a person does not live without water and food, and God's slave (name) does not live and not be a day or night, without God's slaves (name) of their half.

The women's manners are thin, humps, like a camel at all bad persons, and I am Krasno Girl. Guys gathered, only led to the look.

Chamomile Happiness

Everyone knows the daisy flower - garden and wild. This plant perfectly affects the most important thing in human relations - love. I suggest you a wonderful way to restore relationships, gain mutual love or cause sympathy in man. Lovely, this rite is not: it acts if a person is experiencing or once experienced any feelings for you. Lost will return - this is, by the way, the main goal of the rite.
Cut the odd number of flowers (optimally five pieces), bring all the petals from them and put them in a bag of natural fabric - linen or cotton. Then shake it and nine times read this plot:

"Chamomile, chamomile, give me love (name). While the petals are withering, there will be (name) to dry for me, think about me, to wake, not sleep at night. Be, my words, strong and hard. As I said (-A) (name), so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the case when you need to attract love to your life, which is not yet, then instead of the word "Verney" say "Help to find". If you do not know what the name of a person who would like to see next to them, then in those areas of the conspiracy where the name should be called, just do not call anyone. After that, put the bag for ten days under your pillow, to the eleventh, remove from there and stay at home for a year somewhere in a secluded place. The rite can be held for a month three times, but not more often, and from June to August - this is a summer ritual!

How to attract love

If you are unrequited in love or want to love, find reciprocity, return the dear person to you, then this rite is just for you. Write the name of your favorite on a small sheet of paper with a red handle, just ass in advance (for example, instead of Alexey "YESCEL"). Now look at the inscription and nineteen times in a row, pronounce the words of a special spell, at the same time slowly drawing around the name of the circle. They sound like this:
"Apas - Agni - Waiy - Akasha - Ikosahedron - Pyramid - Octahedron - Cube - Dodecahedron."
After that, tie leafles with the name of the Red woolen thread And always wear with you. For a maximum of month, love will be revived even in the most difficult case.

Rite for love

This rite helps to find their second half, to reconcile when weeping and treasure. You need the seventeenth number of any month at five o'clock in the evening to take a white thread with a length of three of your elbows (the length is measured from the tips of the fingers to the elbow bend) and, slowly winding it on the index finger, seventeen in a row to read the following conspiracy:

"Wahargetic God, Key Moshi in support. Waed Kolo Vosh, you are being taken leading. You are ours if the progenitor, your mistake - the truth is the abode, you are a light sun, send to law on days and nights. Creit in the truth of the divine Trislaven Buda, Goy.

Thread must be burned in three receptions in three days. The result of the rite will manifest itself within nine days.

Fast marriage conspiracy

Buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday. Having calculated with the seller, do not take delivery.
Bring a broom home. On the way, think about what your new broom is folding and naiga, how great you will sweep it home, putting order. When the new moon comes, this broom need to focus all the litter in the yard (or in the entrance), while all the dust should be collected in a yellow scoop. It can be plastic or tree painted with yellow paint.
While you are revenge, say:

I chase in my home of the Well done. Not lazy, not a soul, not thieves. Come to me, groom. From their own and other people's yards. A rock. Scissors. Paper. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This plot needs to pronounce an odd number of times. The cleaner you will get out the courtyard (entrance), the more grooms you will have. When you collect all the litas, take it to my home, carefully pushed in a small canvas bag, put it on the far corner and keep there before the new moon. Understatell, read the nine times of ours on it. Soon wait for the grooms, they will appear, and you will choose from them. And Cray, as you can become, put out the house away and scroll into the hole so that no one has seen.

Conspiracy to learn this man narrowed to you or not

Wash hair in a bowl. Water leave overnight on the street. In the morning to lean over this pelvis with water and say:

On the sea - Oxine, on the island of Buyan
There is a big oak,
On it hangs a strik, zloty.
The book is planted in the string,
In it, my fate is written and read.
Book, Open,
My heart, calm down.
Tell me, the servant of God (your name),
Is it written in the nature of the eyelid
With the slave of God (name).

Dramatically pour water out of the pelase.
At home at the first oncoming to ask something neutral. It does not matter what your question is, the main thing is that the meeting you could answer this question or "yes" or "no."
If he responds in the affirmative - this is your person on fate, if they answer negatively - it is better to forget about him.

Subject: I became more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(SV ****** [Email Protected])

To whom: Responsible site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: a house, work, children, concerns .... and a constant lack of money. Neither children once again toys, not buy new things, you will not please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also has no money.

In general, every month just think-planning how to stretch the budget to make money for current needs.

Of course, we learned to live in the family to live in our finances. But in the shower there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for themselves. Why, I asked myself a question. Won, others have money, bought new carThe cottage was built, it can be seen that there are wealth.

I have already started losing hope for a good life. But one day came across on the Internet.

You just wonder how much positive changes happened to me! I did not suspect that the article would change my life so!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, and really normal income!

Per last year We made great repairs in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent children to the sea!

But all this was not, if I did not get on this site.

Do not scroll by. Find a couple of minutes for of this information.

It would be nice to have a photo of the victim or his thing. And even better, any treat that he will eat tomorrow or drink. Most often in the ritual applies red wine or ground coffee.

All rituals of black magic are carried out in deep at night. Most suitable time from midnight to three in the morning.

  1. Collect the altar. Put candles on it, near the mirror, the icon turn up the legs.
  2. Place the altar, for example, a bottle of wine. Undress Donag.
  3. Read the cooked, inverted "Our Father". Speak in the voice, clearly pronouncing sounds.
  4. After you repeat six times: "I worship you, Satan!".

Now the spell time has come. He is pronounced, at the same time dripping in wine into wine (other disorder, on the subject - spell carrier).

Say these words:

"The darkness of the night, the forces of stycles and the gate of the admin spell: from underground, climb, the owner of the Earth, Satan! In the world, I am correcting to me with a gaze! Vedi in (the name of the victim) blood to me frantic love! It will be empty that under the hot sun grass, let him hurt him, blood and head! Blood spell. To Satan I call! Wishes to fulfill VMY! About my current cry! "

Spell pronounce exactly six times. Then you should get on your knees and wait until the candles go out. All this time, repeat the inverted prayer with which the ritual began.

The carrier of the love program transmit the victim is very popular. Pick up the right case so that the person does not suspect anything. It is not necessary to do it right in the morning. You can wait a bit.

On the love of the girl

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are easier to agree with the devil. Somehow they understand each other better. However, they should also be treated seriously.

Men should be called to the Devil in a semi-naked form. Therefore, it should be removed from the upper half of the body. Altar Create the same as described above. But nearby be sure to place the knife.

The ring should be put in the black bowl read the inverted prayer (described above).

Now say these words:

"I will pay blood, I will get the beauty! Devil causing, hang out! Enter my world from another! We are both bonded! Love Women (Name) Give! As a reward, the life takes! There is no collapse by my plans. Together we defeat courage and deception! "

With the final words it is necessary to pierce or cut a finger and release blood into the bowl. She must get a gift.

Spell also pronounce six times. Blood is released only once. Bowl with a ring in place to the first rays of the sun.

Then, a soft cloth erase with a gift residual blood. You can present his victim your spell.

Do not worry, the rite does not give failures. It will surely fall in love with you if you take into account all the exceptions that are described above.

Most full description In all details - Black Magic Love Love men read with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Love is not always mutual. To make the desired man Pay attention to yourself, use the spell. Do not forget that magic words are not able to create true love. They only temporarily affect the object of your love. The guy begins to experience the need to be near the brought his girlfriend. However, over time, the spells dispel, and if during this time you will not be able to truly fall in love with your chosen one, you can lose it.

Ritual "Love Despair"

This spell is suitable in the case when you don't just like the guy. You must be in love with madness. If a woman intends to shit a man only from mercenary considerations, for example, because of his wealth, it will not work anything. To the menager below, the men's love turned out to be as efficient as possible, it is necessary to wait for another desperation attack. It may arise when you see your beloved man with a rival.

Return and read the conspiracy loudly and emotionally:

This spell relates to black. If the plot will work, it will be very difficult to remove the spell. Men with a weak will are very easy to influence these charms and can remain awesome for a long time. A black love spell on love Men Assume only if you really have serious intentions. Women, prone to fall in love easily and also easily forget the subject of their passion, do not use similar spells.

The first signs that the spell has affected, can be seen after 13 days. However, your despair may not be strong enough, and the plot does not work. In this case, you need to wait for another desperation attack and read the spell more emotionally.

Love spell on the thing

The spell is suitable when you have the opportunity to get a personal thing of your loved one. It can be a toothbrush, razor, calcination. It is likely that a man will get rid of the conspiracy subject over time. Toothbrush, for example, sooner or later will be thrown away. The main thing is that the thing is active for some time.

To implement the conceived, you should retire in the room at midnight. Light light. Candles are optional, you can use a conventional desktop lamp or a turntable. The light must be muffled. Love love men to read yourself, without witnesses. Do not devote into your work or loved ones, nor even relatives. Sit at the table and imagine pictures life together with a loved man. You need to read quietly, calmly, but at the same time confidently and with inspiration, putting a personal thing in your lover.

The words of conspiracy sound like this:

As this thing is always with you, and me, the slave (name) is always with you, a slave (name). As you, the slave (name), without (to call the thing) you can not live the day, so you can't live a single minute without me, slaves (name). May I have according to my word. Amen.

After the ritual, return the thing to your beloved man. Important: And take, and return the thing you need without a person's knowledge. He should not notice that he had something lost. It is believed that this ritual is valid instantly, it is worth only the guy to start using the thing again.

Very powerful rites

Love spell for married man

For a loved woman, there is nothing worse than you know that a man is not free. You can try to wander it. But before going to this, it is worth thinking. Do you really need this person? If you have not met him while he was a single, maybe he is not your fate, but only a temporary passion? Think about children who are always hard to transfer parents' divorce. With your actions you will apply great harm. On someone else's mountain you can not build your happiness.

But this situation is possible when marriage exists only in the passport. Formal husband and wife have long lived every life and are not bred by one or another considerations, for example, so as not to share the property. If the spouses have no children, and they have been cooled to each other for a long time, try to shit a man.

Close in the room and burn 13 candles. Imagine how beloved leaves his wife. It is advisable to submit in a positive way. Do not imagine scandals, noisy scenes, hysterics and tears. Better imagine how spouses inform each other that everyone met his perfect partner. Both are happy that they can break up calmly and start life anew with a loved one. Look at the flame of the candle.

The rite is carried out 3 times in the full moon. After reading the candle spell, you must align and throw it away.

Gypsy ritual

The ritual is very strong. A woman who solved it to use should be ready for the spell to turn into a reverse strike. This is possible if the man chosen to her is protected from the love spells. It is likely that another woman has already brought his stronger spell. Gypsies never received a reverse strike from their witchcraft. They can not only be sent to those surrounding certain spells, but also to reflect the reverse blow if the selected object of exposure is protected.

To fulfill the rite you will need a photo of your beloved, something from his personal belongings and his hair or nails. It is desirable that all 3 components participate in the ceremony. However, if it is impossible, try to find at least a photo. Nowadays it is not difficult. Surely your beloved has pages in social networks, where he puts out his pictures.

At midnight it is necessary to retire in the room. Put a photo on the table. On top of the snapshot there are hair (nails) and personal item of a man. The subject must be small: lighter, calcination, etc.

Night spirits, full moon and all the power of the Gypsy nomadic people,

Go and find a slave (name of a man)!

See him to me, drag it to me,

Do not give him peace nor night.

Let he be worn, does not eat, does not sleep, the white light is not rejoiced.

Hear me, Slave (Men's name)!

Be to you mine in the Gypsy Word

To be my gypsy punishment,

To be mine at the Gypsy order!

Do not remake, do not dismiss, do not destroy, let it be so!

You need to read 13 times. After that, the photos and personal item should be hidden in a secluded place so that no one has found them. Hair or nails need to burn and dispel in the wind on the same night. When a man becomes yours, do not forget to periodically fake a spell, otherwise his strength will weaken, and the beloved will lose interest to you.

Life spell

If this ritual works, a man will become yours forever. However, think if you want to stay with this person for life. Perhaps after a year you love the other. But Walking forever will not give you peace, will chase you and your new beloved. You will spoil life not only to two men, but also yourself.

To carry out a ritual, you need to get any of my personal belonging, photograph and his nails or hair. It is necessary to work in full solitude in fulllan night. It is necessary to start at exactly 12 nights. You can freeze the lack of light or one candle. If the hair and nails did not succeed, it is permissible to work with one personal thing men. The subject you received must be put on the table. Before you start reading a strong love spell on the love of a man, imagine it in the background of the full moon. This is one of the most important elements Work.

The plot sounds like this:

All the objects participating in the spell, besides the photo, it is necessary immediately after the rite to take out of the house and, by moving away from their home, throw them in eastern side. A photo should be kept at home in an inaccessible place for random people. The result of the love spell you can notice 13 days later. If a man still does not pay attention to you, try repeating the ritual. However, the absence of a visible result cannot be evidence that your actions have not achieved a goal. Many men avoid women in which they are madly in love. Try to take the initiative.

Dark Dealer

The danger of this ritual is that you will have to conclude a deal with dark forces. If it doesn't scare you, and you are confident, try to shock your beloved man using this rite.

The spell is suitable for women who are really in love. If you are trying to get a guy by calculation, the consequences can be unpredictable. For ritual, you will need an image of a fallen angel and 13 candles. The cemetery should come early in the morning. Find the grave with the name of your loved one. Stick candles to the grave hill. In the center you need to put the image of the fallen angel. It can be bought in the store specializing in the sale of occult accessories. You can simply draw a small drawback paper on a clean piece of paper. Stand on your knees, raise your hands to the sky.

Spell read 13 times in a row. Candles need to be alone. Then bury them together with the image of the fallen angel in the grave hill, slightly excavating it. As soon as the ritual is over, leaving the cemetery immediately. You need to leave without looking around. The rite should affect 13 days. If there are no visible results, repeat the ritual to the full moon.

Love spell on blood

You will need enough courage to perform this black ritual. The love spells made on the blood are considered one of the strongest. However, inept actions may result in serious problems.

Providence of the rite will require the presence of a photo of a beloved man, needles and 13 candles. In a fullwall night, install candles with a semicircle on the table and burn them. Put in front of yourself a photo and read the conspiracy with a calm even, but intelligible voice. While reading you need to prick the needle your fingers before the blood appearance. Shred finger touch the snapshot in different places. In the photo, a man must be depicted alone. The complexity is to prick itself strongly and at the same time do not shrink.

Candles blend and jump out where no one goes. The needle can leave yourself and use for destination. Blood in the photo should dry. Then the snapshot must be hidden.

Getting Started to some kind of spell, remember that a man can be well protected from any impact of a strong overeating. Your actions will be useless.

Effective white love spells: how to conduct and what are the consequences

Sometimes lovers are young people who for a long time They were together for some reason diverge. However, strong feelings can not just disappear! Therefore, the couple is trying to find a way out and return to the former love, but it does not always work out. In this case, a white spell will come to the residue for love. Exactly white Magic It will help to establish a personal life.

With the help of white love spell you can return former love

With the help of magical rites will return a favorite man (woman), an interest or a response passion will awaken, a mutual understanding and harmony of relations will return. How white love spell works at home, what is his power, how to properly perform a rite and read spells?

What is the difference between white magic from black

Most people are confident that any magical rites and rituals deliver a lot of problems and negatively act on the subconscious of the person. But all the same white magic differs significantly from black.

When a person spends a black spell, it absorbs negative energy, which may later cause serious damage to the health and mental state of the artist. Very often, fragments of lovers, who do not fully understand that the black spell can intervene in the life of another person, to break the will, change thoughts and character as a whole.

The white spell does not subordinate to the mind of a person, but only brings the loving pair with a light shock, removes barriers that interfere with, reunited by hearts.

Features of white love spell

The purpose of White Magic is not the submission of a man at any cost. If the black rite is forcibly forcing a person to manifest gentle feelings, directly zombing his mind, then a white love spell is the first step towards a loved one. White love spells are distinguished by a number of features:

Walking man will need to communicate with the performer

  1. The rite acts as sending positive information the second half. As a result, a man will be sure that happiness and love he will find only with those who make a rite.
  2. A wary man needs to communicate with the performer, dreams of a meeting and bodily communications. Regularly arises an insurmountable need to be with your beloved.
  3. Reading conspiracies at home must necessarily apply the personal belongings of the object. They possess memory and strongest energy. In black magic, blood is used, land (from the cemetery) and other things. White spell implies the use of the photo card, bed linen, candle, fruit.
  4. A man who has hatred for the performer never loves love, dealing with dislike it makes no sense, reading conspiracies is meaningless.
  5. If the rite is performed from the feeling of revenge, then the positive result can not be expected.
  6. The spell actively acts when a person wants to get love, without evil intent.

White love spell acts only true love

What kind of white love spellors exist

Cause a response feeling in a man can be different magic methods. The artist must choose the most comfortable, effective and affordable. White love spells can be carried out at a distance, contact rite, transfer of intentions with the help of media.

One of the most effective ways is a direct impact on the mind consciousness. When his own will and the desire is imposed by a man without leaving him the right to choose from. Such rites relate to black magic and can carry irreparable consequences for the artist.

White Present Sequence

The most common magic rite is a white spell. It is simple, but also at the same time effective. The ritual is carried out independently, does not apply to black magic, thereby not hurt anyone.

To get the expected result, you need to adhere to some recommendations for carrying out a white love spell:

Implement a white spell need during sunset

  1. Cut a white spell when the sun comes in the days of a growing month.
  2. The rite acts if there is no malice, hatred and offense. You must surround light, silence and calm.
  3. Reading the conspiracy, put the joyful dreams of happiness with your beloved man. Immerse yourself in dreams, mentally presenting the image of the second half.
  4. When you read magic words, then remove all items that can distract you, the same phone, alarm clock, radio.

Love spell in the photo

This rite At the distance will help to connect in love with the hearts forever. Take a photo card of your beloved man, on the back of the photo write his name and date of birth. After sunset, burn the candle and carefully look into the features of the object, remembering appearance in the details.

Take the hands to the snapshot, mentally reunited with the way. Then ledge your photos (face side). Each corners of the pictures are cut by a needle in which a red thread is driving. During this procedure, read magic words:

"I associate you (the name of your loved one) with your own (your name) is also tough as a thread strong."

Stitched photos are placed in an envelope, seal with wax and hide in an inaccessible place. Do not tell anyone about holding a rite, no one should see and touch the conspiracy envelope.

Despite the fact that this is a white spell not black, still subordination of the will, the thoughts of another person are present. Therefore, without observing clear instructions, the consequences for the girl can be the most unexpected and sad. If the rite is performed correctly, then in a few days you will see change in your close person.

Love spell on wine

The love spell is performed at home and has nothing to do with black magic. If you adhere to all recommendations, observing step-by-step instructions, the rite will work very quickly!

During the conspiracy, you must pour red wine into a new glass

"The power of red wine, you are full of love spell, as soon as I add wine, let my desire for mine."

Using wine, it is very important not to spill a single drop to the floor. The remaining alcohol is closed with a plug and remove in a safe place. Literally a few days later, a white spell, spent at a distance, will begin to act. When the time comes for a romantic dinner with his beloved, treat it the remaining magic wine.

Effective spell on the moon

This rite is very old at a distance, it is described in many magical books and popular among the magicians and sorcerers. The white spell is performed on the growing month, the performer must clear it clearly. If the month is not visible in the window, you must go outside.

After twelve at night, you need to kneel, touch the floor with your hands, look at the month and read:

"You're a mighty moon, in the darkness of the night you light up, and you endow love with everyone, I ask you to help you, in love with a mutual help, and your loved one."

Speaking magic words, think about your sweetheart. This rite can be carried out only once. Therefore, that the spell is at the distance to make sure that the night sun is really growing. Magic speeches learn by heart, do not read the text from the leaf! Believe in the power of magic!

Candles will return love

A simple rite of distance involves the use of candles. This spell is quite simple, so it will not work at home at home.

Early in the morning, go to the temple and purchase two candles. Come home, wait for the evening. Take the candles in your hands and wait for them to become soft and easily curved. Press them to each other and carefully bind (philitol too). Skysk items in the candlestick light and read:

"Let the heart of cute melts, how to melt candles from fire. My warmth of you heats you, and you love me soon. "

Words to read until half of the candles remain. After that, climb the wick with your hands and intently look at the wax (five minutes). At this time, all your thoughts should be near your beloved. Imagine its image, your meetings and kisses.

If during the ritual at a distance, at least one candle was extinct, then being not destined to be with this person. In this situation, magic is powerless both white and black. The above-presented white love spells act quickly and efficiently. In a short period of time, you reunite with your beloved. You need to believe in the power of magic, adhere to all recommendations and advice.

Strong spell on a man

Deciding to make a strong spell on the love of a man, you will have to agree with certain risks. After all, such a rite imposes shackles per person.

He, of course, can not live without you. Only independence will lose. And this will lead to the time that it will have to make decisions for it.

The essence of the rite

Do you need to think, do you agree with such changes in life?

If so, then read carefully what a strong love spell on the love of a man. This is a rite in which black forces participate. Although, like, not always bad.

If you pay off, you do not have to suffer. But everyone should be performed exactly as described. Otherwise, the consequences will not please.

The next thing is: a strong rite for love affects several participants in relations. First of all, of course, for sacrifice. But it also imposes some restrictions on the customer.

The girl who solved him to spend his commitment for this man. Part of the tasks of his soul moves to it. We will have to internally work for two. At the level and quality of life, this is usually reflected.

For example, if a man has children, then they will need to take care of them, as if about their own.

Parents will also have to adopt other relatives.

Men may have other tasks from Higher Forces. They are not guess. We will have to act in terms of the situation.

In addition, a strong spell changes the fate of the woman who was intended to him (if not you). And such - already interference with the plans of the Higher Forces.

In order not to feel the whole bitterness of the paying for this, first wish the happy change to the rival (even if it is currently not). Let her all go well. Especially this should be done, if you wish to shock married.

The strongest spell

Very ancient rite. His and now some witches are offered to hold in love with the devotees in love. And you try, if you are not afraid.

It is necessary to borrow from the sacrifice of any bauble, which he enjoys. Facefpiece, cufflink, tie, nasal handkerchief, etc.

  1. With that little thing in a moonless night, go to the graveyard.
  2. There find the intersection of roads between the graves.
  3. Throw there a thing and say:

"The cross is lying. They do not value the dead. They are knitted, the eyes of forever are tied. So the Lord Slave (name) is tied to me, forever fate is tied. Stop dead deaders from coffins, go to wander between houses. Lord Slave (name) Look for. I will inspire for me for me. Leave you a gift. Spill in the heart of his love to me a fire! Said - not to tear. Possibility to translate! "

It is impossible to talk with anyone, even about the phone.

In the morning, be sure to meet the victim of the love spell and say hello to him. Think yourself from whom. It is important to mentally convey hello from those whose graves disturbed.

Black Love

This ritual refers to black. To perform, it will be necessary:

They spend on the third day of the growth of the Moon (according to the calendar, please. Time choose after midnight, but before dawn.

  1. Free the center of the room.
  2. Arrange twelve candles on the floor in the form of a circle.
  3. Undress Donag.
  4. On a sheet of paper, glue your blood photo, face to yourself.
  5. You write the name of the person on top of the coal.
  6. Taking the remaining candle and a sheet with a photo, enter the circle.
  7. Put the image on the floor in front of yourself.
  8. Candle lit from any already flaming.
  9. Read three times plot:

"My devil brothers! Reform. Thirteen on my call, turn around! Enter my circle, my longtime friend! Go to the long-range edges, where the Earth ends. There is a hollow curve. It lies mudaya board. She covers the coffin, the longing is pledged. That longing sculits, spits, the board breaks away. Damn, brothers, remove the board. Tooch the world. Right to the house of Lord Slave (name), so that he always for me. Let him in the heart of his longing yelling, he strengthened into the body, in blood. Let burn love in it for me! The cross of the Lord Slave (name) close, longing to him into the blood and pouring the soul. So be it!"

Photo Fill with wax cruciform. Wait until it dries.

On the love of a married man

The ritual is also held with the photo. Take a picture of the victim and print.

Full moon Close all windows and doors.

  1. Light extinguish.
  2. Put a snapshot to the floor.
  3. You yourself get up on it with your left foot.
  4. Take:
"Moon the devil is glad. From her the reward. The light pours, the passage to the ground gives. Dance devils from joy, going to make nasty. Do not dance insert, do my will! As under the fifth lies the gentlemen slave (name) Portrait, so he will never tell me! Fly to him into the house, let him be empty in it. Take my heart and carry me! Amen!"

Say these words follows six times. Then the photo wrap in black paper sheet (place in the envelope).

Put under the mattress in the bed legs. It is impossible to get it until you sleep on this bed along with the victim of the love spell.

Strong white spell

There are less risky ways to bind a man liked to themselves. For example, such.

Go to the temple at any festival church.

  1. Put from the candle to each of the twelve archangels. Everyone ask for blessings.
  2. Pray for the receipt of the desired. Take the holy water.
  3. As you will leave the temple, you will stop on the threshold for a short time.
  4. Touch door box left hand.
  5. Mentally say:
"The temple is the Father People, and the Lord Slave (name) is now non-free. I will captivate, the century is in the sun. Amen!".

Water, which in the church was taken (can not buy), you need to pour the victim into tea.

Love spells and conspiracies for love. Strong love spells and conspiracies for strong love

The strongest love spell for eternal love

Eternal spell The photo taken across the photo helps strengthen the effectiveness of the newsworthy rite for love and instantly very strongly to be a loved one. The lunar phase of the decreasing moon as any other directly affects the psychological and emotional state of the person and if the woman did love spell using photo A beloved man, he will soon be sure to love you much and starts to carefully care for you. Many are interested in whether it is possible to make a love spell on a decreasing moon. Yes, at a decrest moon, you can burn and spend love rituals. All of them are perfectly suitable to repel the man from the rival, to lead a man from the family or return former husband After a divorce, even if the man began to live with a deliberate. Energy of the moon strengthens all magic rituals: conspiracies for love and love spells which are aimed at suppressing, weakening and destroying someone else's will, which means that this strong lifestyle performed on a decreasing moon allows not only to tie a lover, but also to break all his connections with other women and get rid of the rival forever wondering a man in Himself. When carrying out such rituals of love magic on their own, you need to be extremely careful. In love magic there safe white love spells using guidance prayers who will not harm you or you can do strong black love spell Impact on the will and consciousness of a person being trained. Should say that black spell will not cost without consequences . White love which will be discussed pretty strong guidance rite using photos of beloved and church wedding candles . This spell in its strength is no less inferior to the black spell, but is completely safe for both of both and does not carry any negative. About how the most chassion to yourself a loved one: a man or boyfriend I will tell you very detailed.

How to make a love spell

With the onset of midnight on a decreasing moon, get ready alone to make a spell . To do this, you must have the following items:

  • a photo of a loved one who needs to make a love spell;
  • 2 clean saucers;
  • 2 Wedding Candles;
  • Pure towel.

Estate a clean towel on the table and put a 2 saucer on it. Light the wedding candles putting them on different sauces, and so that they stood steadily to melt in the candle the back side of the wax. Now take a photo with two hands and as many times as you read full years lovely conspiracy :

Moon Maiden, sweet sister.

You walk around the sky, you can't get enough of my eyes.

Candles of the LGGU, I want to get married.

You moon help me, (the name of your beloved) in me, love.

Candle burns - eternal love To be ordered.

Nobody spell on the moon to remove and our love does not take away.

Candle will progrit, the love of the slaves of God (names) will strengthen.

Extinguish the candles and disconnecting them from the saucer to remove along with the photo in a secluded place at home. Store candles and photos together need a lifetime. This love spell using wedding candles and photos Usually begins to work as the next morning.

Love spell on apple

Love apple alone Made on a beloved really works and very quickly acts on the consciousness of a person living at any distance from you. Read apple Conspiracy And independently done love spell on apple love The consequences of this attitude can be seen the next day. Song with an apple It is done to force a man to warm up to you from you at a distance and send a love longing to make cute think only about you. Walking conspiracy to the apple behind the man's icon will begin greatly to you. So there is a conspiracy for longing and love made on an apple . If you need alone to shyly to yourself a beloved or liked person, this simple and very effective love spell with an apple exactly what needs to be done.

How is the spell of the apple

This spell on the apple is very simple but a strong rite for love that can be done at home . To make a love spell you need to take a knife and cut the apple strictly in the middle. Having postponing the knife and two halves of the apple aside. Write on a white sheet of paper names of your and beloved person. Insert a note with the names between the halves of the apple and connecting them to connect the apple with a red ribbon. After the apple is tied with a ribbon, it must be put on a white sieve and read a plot - love spell for love :

How it dries this apple

So let the slave of God (name) dry for me.

Century from the century misses me

Always remembers with love.

To end love spell with an apple You need to remove a saucer with an apple to the icon "Virgin" and read before the icon prayer for marriage. 7 days Apple can not be touched.

Love spell without photos without candles and without things

Walking a man at a distance in words, by saying a plot of love can be alone. To do this, it is enough to make a simple and very strong spell that is done without a candle without a photo and without things being trapped. Everything privors without photos Very interesting rites and for ease of execution are very common in love magic. The spell about which I will now tell in the old days, and now it is done only on your own and strictly on a familiar and beloved person who you know. The spell in the name is done without a photo and without things. A triggeted, but works this spell at any distance from your beloved. To perform a strong attitude, a clean piece of paper is needed. Please note that the leaflet in the cell or in Lineskka does not fit! On the one hand, write the name of your beloved, and will repeat on the reverse side words of probing prayer :

And we are your faithful slaves to ourselves that tightly linked

Create your commandments and each other

Love Nelfieceryno Schatvari

Prayers of the Virgin, one humating.

Flame of LUVE TURN for you, our hearts,

Christ God, yes, dodged, heart, thoughts and soul,

And all the fortress our eyes love

And sincerenyago his own

And your commands stored by Slavima, all the benefits of the dot.

With the slave of God (name) from the eye of the evil

From intent unkind, from the cold season.

No one in the eyelids can not be separated and not to redo.

Love spell on the candle

You can attract love and fall in love with a man by reading a guidance plot on the candle . Now you will learn how to shock a person to yourself and independently make a love spell by completing a simple rite of church candles. To make a love spell itself only 1 church candle need, well if the candle is red, but not in every church so rich color selection Candles and if there is no such possibility, buy any cheapest candle it will go up to make a home spell. Having bought a candle in the church, do not take the surrender - this is a spill for a spell. Leave the trifle in the temple when you give money for the candle, saying the seller of candles: (Cutting on a shared candle) and taking a purchased candle come back home. Love spell with the use of church candle Must be at home.

How to make a love spell on church candle

After 18 o'clock in the evening you can start answar ritual for a candle . To independently make a love spell on candles Put on the table the mirror and adjacent in front of the mirror so that you can see your reflection litter a church candle saying protranscription Railing love in the heart of a person's favorite man, men and her husband who cooled in feelings or a guy whose guy you need to fall in love with yourself or beat off the opponent:

Love strong and like wax smearing,

For me, slave (name), forever.

From love to me a slave (name) forever.

Love slave (name) I turn to myself, I light the church candle.

Be with me at an hour day and hour night,

Rap candle, the heart of the slave (name) to me alone.

Wax seal the word fasten

Cut church candle.

Love spell in the photo

Love spell in the photo do to quickly fall in love and tie a person to read love plot and executing ritual love spell alone . Strong love Wakes up for a man or husband at any distance from him and its presence during the rite is not required. For the love spell just need a photo of a traveled person, a coin, a piece of red cloth and a red thread. Ideally, if the spell is made on Friday, but this is not at all a prerequisite and is suitable for any day including the weekend after 20 pm. Powerful spell photo Will affect the consciousness of her beloved in the same hour.

How to shock a person by photo

Many magicians choose this visigar ritual with photo Because the consequences of a probitive conspiracy on the loudo love comes instantly and the spell acts at any distance from the one who is directed by a guidance rite. Choosing a suitable day of conspiracy to prepare a photo of your loved one. Perform love spell can be at home, but in the room where it will be held ritual Magic for Love There should be no one, only you. Put a photo into a piece of red cloth along with any coin. Fabric and photo fold and wrap up with red threads so as not to unwind. When preparing for the ritual of the love spell, barely hear tell love spell - love spell :

i was looking for, I was looking for, but just went.

I did not find anything yes it was shook:

Hands, legs are not bent, bones are shaking.

Humors Shalyat, eat-drink not veil.

Let my Milk will be Milk.

Without me - in a shaking, with me - in the dance,

Without me, the food - the Swan, with me - Honey is sweeter,

Without me - a headache, the light is not visible,

With me - the sun is clear, the works are beautiful.

Who will find a knot, that words will break,

Many people do not quite understand where the face between Black and White Magic. She, in principle, is so thin and imperceptible that it is unlikely that someone can really describe it. Although, there are such nuances that make it clear that black magic applies. No exception spells are. If you are offered to use in a rite with monthly blood or alcohol, then be sure there is nothing light in it.

But the black magic spell on love offers so strong that people go to risk without thinking about the consequences. And not always what is written about the ruin, Verne. It is quite possible to shock a person without any terrible consequences. Only it is necessary to follow some rules, but do not expect a lot. Let's discuss it.

In this article

Black Magic: What are the restrictions for a spell on love

Restrictions act on the identity of the magician. If, for example, a married lady will be burned, then it will be punished. It is impossible to try to take possession of another soul. First you need to abandon previous relationships. And in this order. And not how now you can argue. People think, I will first fall into myself another person, and this will let go "just in case." So it will not work. Rather, it will come out, of course, but. Most often, such a greedy lady loses the first and second, and it will be at the broken trough.

The second condition is a serious attitude towards the rite. Do not indulge black magic. That certainly dark forces will not be formed. They do not like disrespect. Be sure to find the opportunity to punish Hama. If you decide that your way is black magic, read spells with full faith and respect forces. Then everything will pass normally. Get the desired without problems.

The third condition is to limit the sacrifice of the rite. It is impossible to try to be awesome a person who about fate is a different marriage. Understand this easy. If he does not look into your strand, completely indifferent to other girls (guys), to know, feels fate. Such even black magic will not take. Only break. Get a classic result with scandals, alcohol, treason, and so on.

Black magic and spell on love at home

It is proposed to use black altar in rites. Make it from a regular box or an item. It should be covered with a black tablecloth. Do not save on magic attributes. You are trying to contact quite powerful, cunning, inspiring, insidious forces. Get ready for rituals very seriously. Purchase a fabric of good quality. Preferably black pass. You will also need candles, bowls, dishes of the same color.

Buy in the temple icons of his angel - the keeper. It is recommended to cross the black cross. She will help you in witchcraft. You still need to write the prayer "Our Father" on the contrary. This text is used in almost all rituals. Do not tell anyone what are going to do. Otherwise, nothing will come. And the last mandatory attribute is a mirror in a black frame.

Guy Love Spells

Girls are recommended to assign time. We will use blood. It would be nice to have a photo of the victim or his thing. And even better, any treat that he will eat tomorrow or drink. Most often in the ritual applies red wine or ground coffee.

All rituals of black magic are carried out in deep at night. The most suitable time from midnight to three in the morning. Collect the altar. Put candles on it, near the mirror, the icon turn up the legs. Place the altar, for example, a bottle of wine. Undress Donag.

Read the cooked, inverted "Our Father". Speak in the voice, clearly pronouncing sounds. After you repeat six times: "I worship you, Satan!". Now the spell time has come. He is pronounced, at the same time dripping in wine into wine (other disorder, on the subject - spell carrier). Say these words:

"The darkness of the night, the forces of stycles and the gate of the admin spell: from underground, climb, the owner of the Earth, Satan! In the world, I am correcting to me with a gaze! Vedi in (the name of the victim) blood to me frantic love! It will be empty that under the hot sun grass, let him hurt him, blood and head! Blood spell. To Satan I call! Wishes to fulfill VMY! About my current cry! "

Spell pronounce exactly six times. Then you should get on your knees and wait until the candles go out. All this time, repeat the inverted prayer with which the ritual began. The carrier of the love program transmit the victim is very popular. Pick up the right case so that the person does not suspect anything. It is not necessary to do it right in the morning. You can wait a bit.

Black Magic and Spells on Love Girls

Representatives of the strong half of humanity are easier to agree with the devil. Somehow they understand each other better. However, they should also be treated seriously. It is advisable to read a spell for a gift. He must have, for example. Do not use chains only. It is impossible for the circle to open. You understood, probably.

Men should be called to the Devil in a semi-naked form. Therefore, it should be removed from the upper half of the body. Altar Create the same as described above. But nearby be sure to place the knife. The ring should be put in the black bowl read the inverted prayer (described above).

Now say these words:

"I will pay blood, I will get the beauty! Devil causing, hang out! Enter my world from another! We are both bonded! Love Women (Name) Give! As a reward, the life takes! There is no collapse by my plans. Together we defeat courage and deception! "

With the final words it is necessary to pierce or cut a finger and release blood into the bowl. She should fall out for a gift.

Spell also pronounce six times. Blood is released only once. Bowl with a ring in place to the first rays of the sun. Then, a soft cloth erase with a gift residual blood. You can present his victim your spell. Do not worry, the rite does not give failures. It will surely fall in love with you if you take into account all the exceptions that are described above.

Feeling of love

Only a person may experience such a feeling like love. However, it should not be thought that it allows only to enjoy them. As a rule, with retaliatory love, two people fall in love with each other and begin to build relationships. Subsequently, it is possible to create a family. But there are less successful scenarios for the development of love and maybe everyone experienced them in his life. They are connected with the fact that the object to which the feelings are directed does not want to meet reciprocity. It is ignored, which can lead to negative consequences.

Since love feeling can be warm for a long time, it has to suffer a lot. Most often suffer from female representatives. By virtue of their nature, they are extremely strongly worried about the lack of attention from who their feelings are directed. In this case, there are no ways that would help establish relations in the traditional way.

However, you can pay attention to the help of white magic. Many will refuse, as they consider it a non-serious way, or they will not want to communicate with the fact that it is impossible to explain in a simple language. In any case, the guy's love spell will help solve the problem, and the unsuccessful unrequited situation will instantly change to the opposite.

Conspiracy on the thing

Use the thing

Anyone has its own field. It is reflected in all things that the guy wears. If he even ceases to wear it, then there is a connection between them for a long time. In addition to things you can apply and hair, it contains all biological information about the object. A minus in this conspiracy should be noted what will be required in any way to take a thing from the guy.

So that it does not cause any suspicions to pay attention to the items whose disappearance he was not strongly noticed, or would not be disappointed. As soon as the thing is mined, you can move to the main process. It is necessary to spend the whole conspiracy on the third day of the month, on the other day its strength will be low and ineffective. Next things:

  • your hair or several;
  • red fabric;
  • wax. It can be taken from the candle;
  • warm water;
  • plate or saucer;
  • threads.

It will be necessary to become towards the moon. Put in front of a saucer. Eliminate all the necessary items. After that, light the candle. Through its flames to skip red tissue. And skip so that it does not ignite, but it was noticeable to dry fire.

Tilt the candle and pour on the bottom of the saucer. The wax must pour the bottom. If it fails, the surface area should allow you to place a guy and your own. After that, take two main things and tie them with threads. The relationship between them should be very strong. Pump on top of wax and roll everything into a small ball. After tie with a red cloth and put in warm water. Do not forget to say the following words:

Let's wake up to me feelings at (guy's name), if I experience them to him;
- Things together and we are together and not separated while they will be so.

The laid ball in warm water will be able to enjoy energy and improve conspiracy strength. The next morning to hide him and not give anyone in hand. The guy to which he was facing will feel attractive and, despite everything, will soon experience interest no less than a girl who is in love with him. There are other guy's love spells and no less effective will be a water spell.

Spell on love guy on water

Magic power of water

Water is a powerful energy transmitter that has not yet been studied. A lot of texts are written about the strength of water, and this force can be applied in white magic, when I want love to be replied. The whole point is that the guy drank water, which was previously conspired. Naturally, this method is suitable for those who are constantly next to the person.

After all, those who are just familiar with the object of their love will not be able to pour it water, or give him. So be attentive, choosing such a way and understand that its application causes some difficulties. This spell is held at home. From the most difficult substances that will need - it will be water only from the spring. In no case do not apply flow or under the tap. It has a low degree of cleansing and will not allow to convey the necessary information to man. Pour fluids into a glass and put it on the palm of the left hand, right to put over the glass. Thus, it will be charged with positive energy. Sign the following words:

Love you (guy's name) and you love me;

The more words will be told, the higher they will remember the water. From these same time, the liquid must be isolated. It will be possible to pour it into a bottle, or put a place that is removed from the locations of communication. Non-information will cause interference in the established links. At any convenient case, add a conspiracted water guy. It should be noted a big plus that in this case white magic will be used and negative consequences will be absent.

Strong spell on love guy

Very strong magic

It happens that all used spells have no strength. The guy does not pay any attention. Immediately the question arises - what is the reason? After all, everything was produced exactly as it was necessary. There is only one way out here is an appeal to white magic professionals. Only he can say what cause. As a rule, it is caused by the protection against the spell, or the conversion of the rival. To change everything, and this circumstance did not become a barrier. It will be necessary to find another subject - this is a photo of a guy.

Her age should be no more than one month. A specialist in white magic will produce the ceremony of purification and after installing the castle. Unfortunately, in this case there is no possibility to produce all this. Some experience and skills are required. When cleansing is made, you can immediately ask for a spell, or spend it yourself.

Since ancient times, people have tried to look into their future and change fate using magical rituals and words. In all the epochs, there were their magicians, sorcerers and shamans that communicated with dead soulsThose who read spells for love and good luck in affairs and propheted wars and cataclysms. And in our time, interest in practical magic does not subside. Special curiosity in humans cause rituals using special love conspiracies.

What is white magic?

It should be understood that not all conspiracies and spells are equivalent. Some of them are committed with the help of dark forces, and some call in support are bright. And people in humans may also be different. Therefore, magic is conditionally divided into black and white. Bright forces helping the person to gain joy and peace, build relationships with other people and keep everything good that he has creed. They use white magic. It is laid in us from nature. You only need to be able to awaken it. Most often, white magic practiced healers, predictors of the Fate.

Love spells in white magic

Is healers only use this science? No, there are so-called white magicians who make their mysterious rituals, read plots, spells for love. White magic always pursues good goals. It is unlikely that there is such a sorcerer here, which will help the mistress to carry her husband from the family. But if you refer to the White Magu with a request to assume to wean your chosen one from betraying, return it to the house for children, he will be happy to support you.

The concept of black magic

Higher dark forces destroying the will of a man have long been attracted as assistants to the magicians and sorcerers. They carry evil and negative, pursue the unkind goals. Use their black magic. Love spells in it are often pronounced with sacrifices. Aims to suppress the will of a person, impose some unusual action to him, subordinate to the will of the Black Magician. In some rituals, the so-called sacrifice depicting is used to apply evil.

Love spells and rituals in black magic

This science has appeared for a long time. People have long been afraid of black magicians and sorcerers, they were awaited and hated. Not in vain in the Middle Ages, there was a custom to burn people seen in the commission of magical rituals, on a fire. Religion to this day does not approve this science. Spells for love in black magic are very strong. But they have more devastating strength than creating. "The victim" after the ritual becomes as if herself is not his own. The man forgets the mother, father, and all friends. For him, there is now only his "Lord" or "Lady". He is ready to follow the object of his lust anywhere. He goes to commit any actions, only to be close to his love.

The main conditions for the successful ritual

There are many different spells and conspiracies that can return her husband to the house, repel it from the rival, "inherent" the young man and so on. But those magicians are made at all that are not the words located in a certain sequence, but our faith in what conspiracy will work. That is, essentially, it's like you to talk, the main thing is that you clearly understand what you want, and have been tuned to achieve your goal. Even psychologists agree that thoughts are sooner or later materialized. Several aspects of the successful magic love ritual can be distinguished:

  1. Clear formulation of your goal.
  2. Vera in their strength and action of the ritual.
  3. A mental representation of what is said in the spell.
  4. The logicality and clarity of the text of the conspiracy.
  5. Will to achieve the goal.

Classification of spells

Conspiracies can be different. Some of them are very long. And there are also short, so-called whispers. They can be classified as follows:

Acting short time. Such conspiracies need to be "faked", that is, repeat the ritual after a certain period of time. Some spells operate 1 year, some - 5 years. And there are among them and those that act only until the moment will be achieved.

Continuous action. There are spells that do not require "fakes". They act, they are usually all life. Typically, such rituals with conspiracies spend on the cemetery at midnight.

The object of exposure is divided into: managed by elements (land, air, water, fire), crucial on drinking and food, and spells that are making things or personal sacrifices.

Spells, depending on which forces are used in magic and what purpose is prosecuted, can be divided into the following types:

Please (prayer). Often used by religious people who do not speak the art of magic. They raise praise to the Lord, Angels, Holy and ask for their help.

Listing. Used when creating amulets and other magic items. As a rule, ingredients or means used in the conduct of ritual are listed.

Meszanin. This is a set of incomprehensible for the nonstarting person of the words (the names of the gods, Spells on forgotten languages).

Order. Spell came from the Middle Ages. The sorcerers of those times communicated with the demons, giving them instructions on a particular situation. Read by an order tone. Nowadays are found in Kabbalistic teaching.

Association. This is Spella B. orthodox traditions. In them, as a rule, pictures are created, personifying the processes of our earthly life. A fragile matches, such as, for example, spells for husband's love, often has this form.

Spells using photo

The strongest conspiracies are usually those in which the image of a person is used. For this, take a photo of the object of the lust, on which he is one where there are no other people. As well as its similar photo. The venue of this rite is a cemetery, time is midnight. Of course, it is terrible to go at night on the graveyard one. But what can you just do in order to attract your soul mate. You need to find two graves with your name and the name of your loved one. No need to be afraid. But also joke, laugh to remove the nervous voltage forbidden. You need to purchase 6 candles in advance: 3 red and 3 black. You still need to buy in the esoteric store the lampadny (sacred) oil and grass chilibuhi, which will need to be understood in the powder. Photographs are decorated on the graves: their burial with their name, the other - with the name of the being involved. Set the candles: on the left are red, on the right black. We light them, read the spell on memory. After that, I sprinkle the photos of chilibuhi grass and water with lamp oil. We read the spell the second time, take into the right red and set on the picture. Candles put back and wait when images will run full. We read the spell for the third time and go from the cemetery, the last action is very important. At this point, some noise or okhriches may be heard. But you do not need to pay attention to this and turn around. Strong spell on love:

I will come to the big city, the city on the graveyard. There are bones here.

I go around the rows, I look at home, house-graves. Crosses stand, the dead are sleeping.

Brother, raise, sisters, wake up,

Help me, God's slave (name).

Take the heart of the slave of God (name), take, schoronite from all people baptized and unresolved,

From the women and girls, from the dark, from the bright, from Sineglas and Chernezok.

Everything would have risen and rushed to me, I would look for my sight.

I would be a mile Sun of red, sweeter MEDA MEDA. Amen.

The spell is valid all my life. It is not necessary to fake.

The simplest rite and spell on love men

What a girl does not dream to conquer her like young man? And what only the funds it does not use it. Everything goes to move: seductive clothes, beautiful words, magic ... There are a lot of different conspiracies for women who want to be wary of their man. Here is the easiest rite to achieve the desired: take a ripe apple, cut it in half, cut out the middle and put a note with the name of your loved one. Then they say the spell on love: "As in the sun, this apple dries, so let the slave of God (name) will dry." FROM last word Bind the threads both halves and leave in a sunny place to make the fruit faster drying. But the place it should be a secret, with spinning eyes. As soon as the apple is covered, love will wake up in the heart of the Uhager. There are other spells for love. For this, the ritual will require an ordinary rod, torn from the tree to the twig under the threshold of his beloved with the words: "How does this rod dries, so let the servant of God (name) dries. May it be so! Amen!" As soon as the object of the rehabilitation crosses the threshold, the twig can be removed and put it where people do not go. As soon as he wures off, a response feeling in the heart of the young man will wake up.

Rite and spell on love girls

Most often, love magicians are interested in fair sex. But sometimes there are both men who wish to shock one or another woman are resorted to it. There are special conspiracies and spells for love for strong sex. In the old days, our ancestors often fed and pierced their second halves. In many cases, they simply spoke food or drink and treatedly derelated. This is the easiest way to "inherent" to your maiden: read the conspiracy over drink and treat them your favorite. The plot should be the following:

I, the slave of God (name), the mother is not searched, the church is shorted,

I urge to myself love slaves (name).

In the pure field, where the fire wall, fiery windows, hot oven.

There are all sorts of firewood: pine, spruce, aspen.

They are burned and split.

So that the slaves of God (name) dyed and split the heart,

So as she could not live without me, nor to be, nor, nor drink

Neither one comes, not a minute.

Age on the century, from now on and dr. Amen.

Drinking a conspiracy drink from your hands, the girl soon worst to you with love.

How to strengthen love spells?

The sorcerers and shamans have such a thing as "to remember" so that "the case comes out." In other words, you need to eat something so that the effect of the ritual is maximum. You can drink a cup of tea or milk with a bun or something else in this way. At the same time, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. Perform such an "completion" of the rite is needed every time. This is a guarantee that it will be efficient and successful. There are several other ways to enhance the effect of conspiracies and spells. Among the set of rites on love, you need to choose those in which the personal thing is used to be attached. It is believed that the energetics of man stones and wooden craftsas well as photos. You can explain the use in some rituals of nails, hair and clothing with then being trapped, and sometimes its blood. However, the sorcerers warn people who are weakly owned by such magic that these rites are very strong, and any mistake can cost a person life. And there is also an opinion that the strongest effect of love spells and conspiracy happens when they are pronounced unmarried young people and unmarried girls.

If you do not notice a young man who likes, or a husband has gone, with which a lot of things experienced, do not need to despair. Magic will help. Spells for love are very strong. They give a good result. You just need to believe that everything desired will come true.

To attract the second half in your life, you can use the spell on love. It is very important to comply with the sequence of the ritual, an important point is considered to have the high energy of love and faith in their forces. You must definitely be confident in everything you do.

Guy Love Spell

This conspiracy is pronounced in cloud weather. Going out on the street and choosing the most beautiful cloud, say the following words "Gentlemen, I ask miraculously to give feelings and thoughts to touch with the cloud of heaven to make my aspirations, and my heart will tell him the way to meet him with those who suffer. I feel feelings and words the power of the Lord call shed rain from the cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gave him a desire and the road, the desire to meet me and the road to me. Let the cloud of the heavenly way acquire, the power of the Lord led, where (name) now, and the drops of moisture of the Heavenly heart will be revived, and his soul will take his soul of my. I know that the Lord heard me, and thank him for the help. Amen".

Magic Spell on Love

This ritual is carried out alone. When spell pronunciation, you need to iron yourself on your head:

"Lord! How people are waiting for spring waiting,

How Red Sun is dying,

So it would be me, God's slave (name),

Muddy, young and old men rejoiced.

Looked, admired, I saw me

Old old mans, mature peasants,

Young wellms and cacific ends.

Honored with honor, respected with honor,

On the legs, everyone got up with me,

In the conversations, the word was given,

Would climb me to be migrating

The dream was kept kissed.

All words are keys.

All cases - castles.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Spell on attracting love

To attract warm feelings, you can use special words that will help in a difficult situation. They will attract a man to help feel harmony and joy in relationships. Conduct a ritual, you need to completely release the previous situation and opening your heart to new relationships. The main attribute will be a rose, the most beautiful you can find. Better if it is cut in person personally. The color of the bud should be red or pink. It reads in front of the mirror in full silence and loneliness. To begin with, sit in front of the mirror and, inhaling the aroma of roses, think about the beautiful. Start led by a flower through the hair, smoothly moving to the face. Splash the following words "I feel love, I see love, I inhale love"At the same time try to feel how energy penetrates you. Fill out, love say the following words three times: "Love around me, inside me, comes from me. She goes to me. I am loved". After the ritual, the flower should be with you for 3 days. Thereafter hide it to a remote place.

The strongest spell on love

The ritual is held in the evening to the new moon. You must be alone and without objects that are "sour". In the center of the table should be white candle In a candlestick on a red napkin. After burning the candle, feel the flame energy and say a strong spell on: "How in the field of birch to birch stretches, as in the water, fish feels like in the sky the bird bird wing smears, so let my narrowed come to me, go to me with a cold with water, touches me with a hand, I will touch my hand. Now and donated, and before the century ". Conspiracy is read slowly, and better learn him by heart. Sit down a little, looking at the candle to fill it with energy. The candle needs to be hung only with your fingers, we always wear a napkin.

Many believe that the fate of a person before his birth is recorded in the book of destinies, and nothing can be changed in it. These people believe that it is just necessary to accept and live life as prepared by over. Is it worth saying that such people are very unhappy for mostly? Especially often their misfortunes come from unrequited love. It seems to them that if the favorite does not look at them, it means that it is not destiny to be with him and need to retrece. But there is another philosophy of life in which the man himself is the owner of his fate and independently makes decisions regarding his life and happiness. Spells on love guy or a girl in order to and exist so that we love those whom we love. Do not treat magic negatively, because it is aimed at good. Love magic and created so that people were happy.

Want to build a harmonious relationship with a man you love with all your heart?

Want to make it happy and all your life go to them hand in hand? Dream to revive relationships and again become a cute husband? Or maybe you had trouble, and your loved one left you, sobbing? Do not despair! If the thoughts are your clean and benefit from magic, you not only dream of getting you to get, then magic will help you. Perhaps, let's start with the aid to the youngest readers: it is very important when the first strong feeling is born, because the first love people remember all their lives.

But before you give advice and spells, I want to warn (as youthful maximalism - the thing is common and more often dangerous): resorting to magic, reading magic spells on attachment and love guy or girls, remember that if you do it out of your whim, then There will be trouble, because with magic jokes are bad, and you need to seriously think how dear to you, can you live with him all my life, do not unlose it yourself at the very first opportunity. Try to wisely and responsibly approach the solution of this issue, think about your attitude towards the object of love and decide whether you are ready to bring it to yourself with the help of magic for a long time. To commit the ritual of love magic on his own and at home, get a photo of your loved one (now there are social networks, otherwise people have suffered, getting a photo), print it and read the following words on it:

The main condition for such rituals - focus on the object of love and think only about him. These conspiracies will also help you if the crack formed in your relationship with your favorite.

Stronger spells and rituals

But if you feel that the husband does not like you more or she holds to you, and even more so that someone has a one who has his thoughts from you leads, then it is time to use the following means. You need to buy white threads, and not once, but on Wednesday to the arriving moon. The next day go to the same store and buy a needle. On Friday, ingesting a thread in a needle and make a lot of stitches in one of the corners, in the process, in the process, imagine your husband's face as clearly and try so that no one disturbs you at this time, otherwise in a month everyone will have to repeat. If all the conditions do, everything will be just great. When sew, read the following spell:

Naturally, he must sleep together with you on this soot. Often, black magic is engaged in love questions. For example, you can bind a person through the photo, but this method of magical impact has its own conditions: first of all, the object of the spell should know you well, besides, you should have the opportunity to contact him when you need.

Spells using photos

Of course, you can try to bind to my photos of an unfamiliar person, but it's hardly to do it. Remember that in magical intervention, especially with the help of black magic, in the fate of a person, you are impact on his behavior. He can always be alarmed and annoyed - perhaps he will not have feelings for you, he will not be able to get away from you, but it will be all forces to try to get away from you. That is, magic magic, and if you feel feelings to him and do not deserve his natural good attitude, then the magic will only torment you. Think about it and only with complete confidence that he will not be with you only on binding, start spending"Black wedding."

We take two photos of the same size and in full growth. There should be no foreign people in the photo, only the objects of the ritual. Cracked and referring to the photo should not be, not to mention the tears and other things. The venue of the ritual is a cemetery, time is midnight in full moon or a growing moon. The graves need to choose with the names of those who are crowned. During the ritual, it is impossible to say (only words), it is forbidden to laugh and look around. You need to buy six fianitic candles in advance, three black and red. On the grave we put the photos, to the left of them we put the red candles, on the right - black. From the match we will first red, then black candles and read by heart a wedding spell. It will be necessary to buy in advance the leaves of chilibuhi (30-40 pieces) and chop them into powder, as well as half-liter lamp oil (consecrated) - candles, grass and oil can be bought in an esoteric store. After reading the spell, we sprinkle the photo of the grass, then generously pour them with the lamp oil. After drying the vessel with the oil, read the "black wedding" spells again, take a black candle in the left hand from the grave, in the right - red and set fire to the photo on both sides. Candles return to the place and wait until the photos are burned down. Then read the spell for the last time and go. Do not turn around, do not pay attention to the strange noise.

Text Spell "Black Wedding"

You can only by heart! Are you afraid to go to the cemetery at night? You can spend a black wedding and at home, but the result will not be so fast and strong.

Home version of black wedding

We take the same consecrated and crushed chilibuch, there is a lamp oil into it, you also need to add hair, nails, saliva of ritual objects, if you tie to yourself a guy - it would be nice to get it sperm. They put six wedding candles on the sides of photographs and pour the prepared mixture in the photo, then the photos are put face to face and wrapped in black paper, then the bundle tied up with a beautiful ribbon, preferably red, a black wedding spell is read on a bundle. Candles, bundle and vessel from under the mass Put in the box and hide so that no one except you to find and did not know what you did. If thus return a husband, then two candles on the opposite sides are one and its own wedding rings. After the ritual ritual, the rings should return to the owners. And they need to wear without removing.