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Sainry Prince Petr and Princess Fevronia, Murom Wonderworkers. The history of the eternal love of Peter and Fevronia Murom

On July 8, since 2008, in all cities of Russia, the day of family, love and loyalty is widely celebrated. Many consider it a worthy alternative to the Day of Lovers, who came from abroad. Indeed, in the domestic holiday more spiritual love and worship before loyalty and devotion. And all because the holiday is closely connected with the Saints Peter and Fevronia - a couple, which is a model of ideal family relations.

History of difficult life and great love Peter and Fevronia

Prince Peter, having escaped the son of Murom Prince Yuri, struck a terrible leprosy. All attempts to cure the unfortunate diseases ended in deplorable, no one could return health to Peter. Almost bymitting with his fate, the man saw an unusual sleep, in which he discovered that there was a girl in the world, able to improve the affected body. In the meaning dream, Peter was openly the name of the Savior - Fevronia.

Fevronia was a peasant from the Ryazan village, a daughter of an ordinary beekeeper. The girl from ornamentary years studied herbs and possessed a healing gift, even wild animals listened to her and did not dare to show aggression. Surprisingly, kind and beautiful young features immediately liked the young prince, and he gave the floor that he marries beauty immediately after recovery. Fevronia put a man on his feet, but he did not restrain the promise and did not lead a rustic girl under the crown. Most likely, this was the reason that the leprosy collapsed on the princely head with a lot of power.

The deaths went for the second time for the healer, and Fevronia did not refuse to treat a deceiver and again gave him health. After that, Peter married the savory and before the end of his days did not regret his deed. According to legends, the spouses lived in love, harmony and respect, never deceived each other and always flatterly responded about their halves.

After the death of her older brother, Peter was destined to take city power in their hands. The boyars with approval reacted to the respected ruler, but a simple peasant did not give them peace - no one wanted to see a low-class representative in power. By Fevronia, Boyar wives were constantly slandering, sentencing their husbands to Self with the Light the cleverness and beauty. One day, the prince put an ultimatum - either to drive a favorite spouse from the house, or leave the ruler's post. Peter did not think for a long time, but chose a renunciation from power and decided to leave Murom at all.

In exile, the young wise princess strongly supported the sealing spouse. When there were difficulties in the house with food and money, she always found a wonderful way out. Peter still guarded his narrowed and never reproached the beloved in the fact that he had to leave a high post and live in deprivation.

However, the deprivation of the prince's pair lasted long, soon Murom boyars realized that without a competent ruler in the city it would be difficult to maintain order. Casting, they sent for the prince of the messengers and asked him to come back along with his wife in his native city and again take the post of the city charter again. Peter consulted from Fevronia and spouses, not becoming opposite, returned home.

In love and harmony, dedicated spouse Peter and Fevronia lived to old age, and lived to gray hair, they took monasticism under the names of Euphrosinia and David. Being monks, she gently loving each other's spouses prayed to God for death in one day. Dreaming to be together in heaven, they prepared themselves alone for two coffin, where two bodies had only a subtle partition.

The legend states that the elderly monks really moved into another world in one day - it happened on June 25, 1228 in the stroma style, which corresponds to July 8 on the current calendar. Living, as befits monks, in different cells, they died at one time.

The monks were afraid of the wrath of the Lord and did not put the departed in one coffin - never such burials were not in Christianity. The bodies of the deceased were in different temples, but some wonderful way they were near. After such a miracle was accomplished for the second time, the monks decided to get buried loving spouses together near the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Only after 300 years later, Prince Peter Muromsky and his spouse Fevronia were ranked sainted. The Orthodox Church declared them by the patrons of the family, and the relics of the saints found peace in the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery in the city of Murom. July 8 in the Orthodox calendar is considered the day of Peter and Fevronia.

Day of family, love and loyalty and its tradition

In the nineties, the inhabitants of Murom, where they always honored the saints of spouses, decided to unite the city day with the Orthodox holiday. So by chance a new Russian holiday, chanting love and devotion originated.

In 2008, the celebration of family day, love and loyalty was officially approved, and soon and approved by the Interreligious Council of Russia. The symbol of the holiday of pure and disinterested love was a chamomile - a flower, which is especially popular with all lovers. Later, the day of the family appeared his own medal, on one side of which the chamomile is depicted, and on the other - the face of Peter and Fevronia. The medal is traditionally awarded to married couples, in which love and mutual understanding reign.

Now the Orthodox holiday is already celebrated in forty countries of the world, but the main celebrations take place in the city of Murom of the Vladimir region.

When asked as a question, as in ancient Russia, they belonged to the topic of love, then immediately recall the story of Peter and Fevronia, the history of the two saints, now the patrons of family, love and loyalty. In the story itself, as she reached us from the times of Yermolaya-Yerasm, the words "love" is not. And in general, we, accustomed to tearful Hollywood plots, the geometry of the relationship of the heroes and their "Love-Story" would seem very unusual.

Which goats build the characters to the Devil?

According to the plot, Prince Peter saves his brother Pavel from the devilish attack: the serpent "on the Blud" began to fly to his wife. Peter manages to fight the snake sword. But snake blood hits its skin, and it is covered with ulcers. The serpent "victures" the prince, and not only from his body, in addition to the ulcers and stakes "Pride on Hy Disease of Zelika" - some other, the second disease for which you need a special doctor, and not those to which he applied to Murom. Fevronia is the very doctor who can help. On the other hand, how can a girl help, far from healing? Nothing is known to us about her belonging to heal. In addition, how do they meet: to him - the Murom Prince and her - the daughter of the Bortnik from the Ryazan land? Is it then Petro is sent to Peter bodily and mental suffering, so that he began to look for his "chosen" doctor, so that the meeting of the two opposites became possible?

What do Fe Fevronia mean?

Prince bring to Ryazan land. Patterns, trying to find a doctor, comes into one of the houses and sees a wonderful picture: a girl is sitting behind a weaving machine, and the hare jumps in front of it. Seeing the guest, she exclaimed: "It's not good to be a house without ears, but a doctrine without eyes!" The young man did not understand anything from her words and asked the man in charge, is there a man in the house. What the girl is responsible for him: "My father and mother went missing, my brother went through the legs of death to look." Again, the ladies lost to the maiden in wisdom, but replaced surprisingly. For a mind that is not yet Doros to such things, Fevronia explains: the tags came to the house, went to the hubby and found the girl in a non-shared form, and if the dog had been in the house ("ears" at home), he would begin to bark. And if there was a child in the hubber ("the eyes" of the house), he would tell her about the approach of the guest. As for the Father and Mother, they went to mourge the dead to the funeral. When death comes with them, others will mourn them: this is crying loose. Her brother was a Bortnik - when he clings up onto a tree, it will look through the legs to the ground so as not to break from the height. As can be seen, the girl has some kind of special intelligence. And not only. The hare that grew nearby is an ancient symbol of Christianity, sometimes depicted on icons. Fevronia, it became a sensitive to the glory of the Most High.

Why Fevronia treats Peter?

Often they say that Prince Peter promised to marry Fevronia, if she healed it. It is enough to look into the story to understand that everything was wrong. Fevronia, not yet seeing the prince in his face, he says him to the servants: "It's not to the imam of the life of the wife, do not require him to have to do it." ("If I do not become my wife, he does not fit it to treat him"). The words of the wise girl are not an ultimatum prince and not fee for healing. She says themselves: if she can become a spouse prince, then she should heal him. Fevronia is going to save not the prince, but his half (if, of course, the prince agree to become her). In fact, the words of the girl are a classic Christian thought that the wife must escape her husband, and her husband is a wife. But the prince believes that the daughter of Bortnik him is not a couple and decides to deceive her. Fevronia seems to know what it will be. It gives the princess to the plant, miraculously delivering from an ulcer. Proud Peter after healing does not restrain the promise to marry and decides to pay off with gifts. Soon the old attack returns ... When the prince comes to Fevronia for the second time, she says quite differently: "Those who will be a married marital, and it will be wrong." Now the prince is put in tougher conditions: Once some power again satisfies his heel, then he would be time to think about his arrogance. In order for the disease to retrete, it is necessary to become humble and restrained the promise.

That is, not from the first attempt and overcoming yourself, Peter becomes the path of salvation, where there will still be a lot of tests and, together with his narrowed Fevronia, the glory of the Saint is pleased. Hardly "Tale of Peter and Fevronia" the story of love in our present romantic understanding. Rather, it is a parable about worldly salvation. You can only escape together - and for this you need to sacrifice. So the Heroes of the story turn out to be together without thanks to, but in spite of: Fevronia, it is necessary to show sacrificial love, save the near, and Peter - to become humble and accept the salvation of the girl, who is clearly inferior to him in origin. Is it not the ancient everyday wisdom of lovers?

Probably, each of us heard the names of Peter and Fevronia, Murom Wonderworkers, who became a symbol of married life with their history of eternal love. . They were able to embody the ideals of Christian virtues in it: meekness, humility, love and loyalty.

Murom has been kept a legend of the life and death of the Wi-Miracles Peter and Fevronia for several centuries. They spent their entire lives on the Murom Earth. And there are also stored now.

The story of their unusual life, over time, was embellished with fabulous events, and the names became a symbol of married devotion and genuine love.

The legend of Peter and Fevronia, was immortalized in the sixteenth century, the ink of Erasm, known in the worldly life under the name of the Ermola's simplest. He created an excellent story dedicated to the real eternal love, forgiveness, wisdom and true faith in God.

After the church decided to canonize the princes, Metropolitan Macarius ordered to perpetuate their names on paper. As a result, "Tale of Peter and Fevronia" was written.

This happened in 1547, when the Holy Murom spouses were canonized on the church cathedral.

Peter was a smaller brother of the Blessed Paul, who was reigning at the time in Murom. Once trouble, the trouble happened in their family: a prodigal snake, wrapped by Paul, having sought to go to the spouse of the prince. And puzzling it lasted long.

A poor woman could not confront the power of a demon and gave him down. After that, she told the prince about dates with the snake. Paul ordered his wife to find out the secret of his death from the Devil's Messenger. It turned out that the demon will die from the shoulder of Peter and Agrikova.

Paul shared with his brother a secret snake, after which Peter was thinking how to destroy the sobostat. And only one stopped him: he did not know what sword was speech.

Peter always loved to walk alone on churches. And once, he decided to go to the church, which was outside the city, in the women's monastery. During the prayer, the matters appeared to him and suggested showing the agricultural sword. Prince, wanting to kill the snake, replied that he wanted to know where the sword was kept and followed. The traps led the prince to the altar and pointed to a crack in the wall, where weapons lay.

The delightful Peter took the sword, and after went to his brother to tell him about the miracle, which happened to him. From that day he was waiting for a suitable moment to pay with the snake.

Once upon a time, Peter went to the crowd to the wife of Paul and found a snake there who took the appearances of his brother. Making sure that it was not Paul, Peter looked into him the sword. Snake died, having accepted his true image, but his blood fell on the body and clothing of Peter. Since then, he began to hurt the prince, and his body was covered with wounds and ulcers. He tried to heal from different doctors on his land, but no one had to save the prince from the disease.

Life of Saint Fevronia

Peter has come to accept his illness, giving his fate in the hands of the Most High. The Lord, loving his slave, sent him to the land of Ryazan.

Once, the dentition of the prince was in the village of Laskovo. He came to one of the houses, but no one came out to meet him. He walked into the house, but again did not see the owners. Having passed on, in the hubby, the tags were struck by an unusual spectacle: the girl worked on the cloth, and before he jumped the hare.

Seeing the entered young man, she posted that he was bad if there were no ears in the house, but in the Horny's Horse. Patches, did not understand the mysterious speeches of the girl, and asked her about the owner of the house. Her answer struck him even more, she said that the mother and father left to cry off, and his brother went to the death of the death. The young man again did not understand the words of the girl and told her about it, asking to clarify the mysterious speeches.

I was surprised that he could not understand so ordinary words, the girl explained to him that if she had a dog, he would hear that someone goes and warned about it, because the dog is the ears of the house. Ocho, she called a child who could see the guest and also to warn the girl. My father and mother, as it turned out, went to the funeral to mourn the dead man, so that when they die, they came to mourn them. So there is a crying loach. And brother, being a tree, went to collect honey. He will have to climb on high trees and look at his feet so as not to fall. So it turns out that he takes death in his face.

Moved the tarts of the girl's wisdom and asked her name. Fevronia, "answered the girl.

The young man told her about the trouble, comprehended Prince Peter, saying that he sent him the Lord to these lands to seek healing. So he came on the orders of the prince to learn about the doctors of the localities to find the one who prince to cure takes.

After listening to the hotel, the girl ordered to bring the prince to her, warning that he could heal, only if she was faithful to his words and kind heart.

Acquaintance saints

Peter could no longer walk herself. Therefore, when they brought him to the house, he asked for a servant to find out who would take for treatment. One who heal him promised he to reward generously.

Fevronia said she herself wants to treat him, and she doesn't need award. But if he wants to heal, he should marry her, and otherwise she will not help him. Prince decided to deceive Fevronia, promising to marry, and after healing to refuse his promise.

The girl took a break from bread, rebuilt on her and gave the prince, Welly go to the bath, and after lubricate all the ulcers to this mixture, and one left.

The prince decided to check the wisdom of the girl. He handed her a little ligament of flax, Velél during the time he will be in the bath, weaving his handkerchief and shirt. The servant gave the girl this bundle with the princely order.

Fevronia asked the servant to bring a little climbing, after which he cut off his chips and handed the prince. Together with a sinner, she gave Peter Agava, make a machine from this tree and all the equipment, so that she can stall clothes on this machine. And you need to do it for the time that she is lynen will be dear.

The servant gave the shrink from the polenant to the prince, passing the girl's answer. Peter also sent a servant back to the girl, saying that it was impossible to make a slicer of the machine from a piece. After hearing the answer of the prince, Fevronia replied: "How can you make a small amount of flax for such a short time, make clothes for a man?"

The servant handed over the answer of the girl to the prince, Peter was surprised at her wisdom.

Listen to Akathist Peter and Fevronia

Wonderful healing of Peter

Prince fulfilled everything as the girl punished him: he washed at first, then he smeared all the stakes besides one goawal of bread. Coming out of the bath, he no longer felt pain, and his skin was free from Strips.

The wise of Fevronia, who followed the experience of His ancestors, did not accidentally appoint him such treatment. The Savior also, healing the sick, doctor's wounds, treated the soul. So the girl, knowing that the diseases are given to the Almighty as a punishment for some sins, prescribed treatment for the body, healing in reality, the soul of the prince. And since Fevronia foresaw that Peter would deceive her, driven by his pride, she told him to leave one ulcer.

The prince was amazed so fast healing and sent rich gifts in gratitude. To take the same time in his wife, Peter refused, because he prevented pride and princess origin. Fevronia did not take anything from the gifts.

Peter returned in Murom recovered, and only one Strip remained on his body, recalling the recent illness. But it was worth it to return to his victob, as a disease again shelted him: from the strategy remaining on the body, new ulcers went. And after a while, the prince was again covered with ulcers and stakes.

Repeated healing and wedding

And again I had to go back to the girl for healing. Going to her house, he sent a servant to her with the words of forgiveness and a plea about healing. Fevronia, without anger and resentment, simply answered that the prince could heal, only if it became for her husband. Peter decided to take her to his wife and promised this time it was sincere.

Then Fevronia, as the first time, prescribed the princess exactly the same treatment. Now, healing, the prince immediately married the girl by making the princess.

Returning to Murom, they healed happily and honestly, in everything by following the Word of God.

After Paul died, Peter took his place, heading Murom. All the boyars loved and respected Peter, the arrogant wives did not accept them by Fevronia. They did not want them to rule the usual peasant, and therefore persuaded their husbands to dishonest acts.

According to the naval wives, the boyars slandered by Fevronia, trying to defame her, and even raised the riot, offering the girl to leave the city, picking everything she wants. But Fevronia wanted to pick up only his beloved, which was very pleased with the boyar, since each of them methyl into the place of Peter.

Sophisticated loyalty

Saint Peter did not disturb God's commandments and part with his wife. Then he decided to leave the principality and all the treasures available and go along with her to voluntary expulsion.

Peter and Fevronia went on the river on two ships.

One young man who was with his wife in one vessel with the princess, loved by Fevronia. The girl immediately understood what he dreamed about and asked to pour into the bucket and drink the water first with one, then on the other side of the ship.

The man fulfilled her request, and Fevronia asked whether the water was distinguished from two buckets. The man replied that one water was no different from the other. To which Fevronia said that the female nature is also no different and conquered him for the fact that he dreams about her, forgetting his own spouse. A dilated man understood everything and repented in the shower.

When evening came, they went ashore. Peter was very worried about what would be with them. Fevronia, as she could, comforted her husband, speaking of the grace of God, forcing him to believe in a happy outcome.

At this very time, the cook broke a couple of small trees, in order to make food with them. When dinner ended, Fevronia blessed these twigs, wishing them to turn into adult trees to the morning. In the morning, all that happened. She wanted seeing this miracle, her spouse had strengthened in faith.

The next day, the ambassadors arrived from Murom to persuade the princes to return back. It turned out that after their departure, the boyars could not share power, shed a lot of blood, and now they want to live calmly.

Life of faithful spouses

Holy Spouses without any malice and resentment took an invitation to return and managed Murom for a long time and honestly, in everything by following the laws of God and creating good deeds. They helped everyone in need of people, with care, treating their subjects, as delicate parents relate to their children.

In independence from the situation, they applied to everyone with the same love, stopped all kinds and cruelty, did not strive for wealth of the worldly and rejoiced by the love of God. And they loved their people, as they did not refuse to help anyone, fed hungry and dressed Nagih, healed from diseases and instructed the true loud.

Blessed Cum

When the spouses were aged, at the same time they took a monk by choosing the names of David and Effrosion. They pulled the grace from God to appear to him together, and people ordered, to bury them in a common coffin, separated by a thin wall.

On that day, when the Lord decided to call for David, the pious Efrosiny embroidered the saints of the saints in the air to sacrifice his needlework to the temple of the Blessed Virgin.

David sent a messenger to her with news that he came to his hour and promised to wait for her to move to the Almighty together. Eposhini asked her time to finish her work for the Holy Temple.

Prince sent the race for the second time to say that he could not wait for her for a long time.

When, for the third time, David sent a message to his beloved wife, that he had already dying, Efrosinia left unfinished work, wrapped the needle a thread and stuck it into the air. And the blessed spouse has sent his news that he will die with him.

Spouses prayed and moved to God. This happened on June 25 at the old calendar (or July 8 for a new style).

Love is stronger than death

After the spouses died, people decided that since they took a pallet at the end of life, it would be wrong to bury them together. Peter was decided to bury in Murom, Fevronia was drunk in the women's monastery, which was outside the city.

For them they made two coffins and left overnight for the funeral in different temples. The coffin carved from the stone slab, made by their desire during the lifetime of the spouses, remained empty.

But coming to the temples the next morning, people discovered that the stocks are empty. The bodies of Peter and Fevronia were found in the coffin, which they prepared in advance.

Unreasonable people who have not understood what happened miracle, again tried to separate them, but also the next morning Peter and Fevronia were together.

After the miracle happened, no one began to try to bury them separately. Princes buried in a single coffin, near the church of the Holy Virgin.

Since then, people who need healing are constantly coming there. And if they seek help with faith in the heart, the saints give them health and family well-being. And the history of the eternal love of Peter and Fevronia Murom is transferred from generation to generation.

Initially, the coffin of Saints was in the Virgin-Christmas Cathedral of the city of Murom. Then, when the Communists came to power, they gave the remains of the princes to the local museum. The cathedral temple in the 1930s was destroyed.

But in the late eighties, the shrine was returned to the Church.

In 1989, the relics returned the church. And since 1993, cancer with the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia is located in the Trinity Cathedral of the Murom Holy Trinity Monastery.

Day July 8 - Holiday Peter and Fevronia

The memory of the blessed princes Peter and Fevronia is celebrated on June 25 (July 8 for a new style). Every summer, this number (July 8), believers celebrate an amazing holiday dedicated to unlimited love and eternal devotion.

In 2008 Day of Family, Love and Fidelityofficially approved as a national holiday. Orthodox churches on this day hold a service dedicated to holy spouses and once again remind all believers their lives, which is an eternal model of loyalty and love for all families.

That is why this holiday is called the day of Peter and Fevronia Murom.

To learn more about the Holy Trinity Monastery, where the miraculous relics of the princes of Peter and Fevronia are currently being kept, you can find out.

And one more amazing holiday is celebrated on the Murom Earth. On August 23, 2004, a day of charity and mercy was held for the first time. He took place on the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, Alescia II in the Murom men's diocesan monastery (Murom Vladimir region).

In 1604 (400 years ago), Holy Righteous Juliania Lazarevskaya (Osorien), famous for amazing mercy and ascetic life in the world died. And ten years later, it was on this day on this day 10/23 of August 1614, the relics of the Holy were acquired. In the same year, righteous Juliani was ranked sainted.

Therefore, it is not by chance that the choice of the day for the establishment of a new social and church holiday fell on August 23 - the day of acquiring the relics of Holy Righteous Julia Learn more about these sights!

HISTORY OF LIFE STB. The wonderworkers, the wonderful and reverend spouses of Peter and Fevronia, many centuries existed in the legends of the Murom land, where they lived and where their honest relics were preserved. Over time, genuine events have acquired fabulous features, sprinkling in folk memory with the legends and parables of this edge. Now researchers are arguing about the com from historical personalities. Life is written: some are inclined to the fact that it was the prince of David and his wife Euphrosinia, in the ancestry Peter and Fevronia, who died in 1228, others see the spouses of Peter and Euphrosy in them. XIV V.SVV. BLG. Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, Muromers Murom († 1228) - "Sobating and Prechilant Two." In the life of these saints, not to find no feats of monastic self-denial, nor martyrs for faith of Christ. They pleased God with good deeds, piety and mercy to the poor, they showed the truth of chaste love among themselves and to the neighbor; And the church glorified them as a sample of the Christian marriage. In Murom in the Holy Trinity Women's Monastery there is a cancer with the relics of Murom Saints Peter and Fevronia.

The pilgrims are constantly arriving here to worship the relics of the most famous Russian holy marriage couple, patrons of family and marriage.

Recorded the story about the BLGV. Peter and Fevronia in the XVI century. Sacra. Ermolay is more simple (in the atocacy of ERASM), a talented writer, widely known in the era of John of Grozny. Saving folklore features in life, he created a surprisingly poetic story about wisdom and love - gifts of the Holy Spirit with a pure heart and humble in God.

PS Peter was the younger brother of the printed in Murom Blgv. Paul. One day the trouble happened in the family of Paul - on the naval of the devil to his wife began to fly snakes. The sorrowful woman who gave way to the Demon's force, told her husband about everything. Prince punished the spouse to bring the secret of his death from the villain. It turned out that the destruction of the sacuate "destined from Petrov shoulder and Agrikova of the sword." Specifically about it, kN. Peter immediately decided to kill the rapist, relying on the help of God. Soon on prayer in the temple, it was opened, where the agriculturals sword are stored, and, having stopped the snake, Peter struck him. But before the death of snakes sprayed the winner with poisonous blood, and the body of the prince was covered with stakes and ulcers.

No one could heal Peter from a gravily disease. With humility transferring torment, the prince looked away to God. And the Lord, industrial about his servant, sent it to Ryazan land. One of the young men sent in search of Lekarya accidentally went to the house, where he found a lonely girl named Fevronia at work, the daughter of the tree, having had a gift of belliness and healing. After all the questions, Fevronia punished the servant: "Bring your prince here. If he is comprehensive and humble in his words, it will be healthy!"

The prince, who he himself could no longer be brought to the house, and he sent to ask who wants to cure him. And he promised if he cured, - a big reward. "I want to cure him," Fevronia answered without the darkens, "but I don't demand any rewards from him. That's my word to him: if I do not become a spouse, it does not fit him to treat him." Peter promised to marry, but he was listening to the soul: the pride of the princely family prevented him to agree to such a marriage. Fevronia burned the bread breakdown, rebuilt on her and told the prince to wash in the bath and lubricate all the strateps, except for one.

The gracious girl had the wisdom of St. Fathers and appointed such treatment is not by chance. As the Lord and the Savior, healing the lepers, blind and relaxed, through the bodily illness of the healing soul, and Fevronia, knowing that the diseases are populated by God into the test and for sins, prescribed treatment for the flesh, implying spiritual meaning. Bath, by holy. Scripture, the image of the baptism and cleansing of sins (Eph. 5:26), the Lord himself liked the kingdom of heaven, which inherit the souls, rooted baptism Bay (Luke 13: 21). Since Fevronia was transparent to the desertion and pride of Peter, she ordered him to leave the one stamp as a testimony of sin. Soon the whole disease resumed all the scope, and the prince returned to Fevronia. For the second time he kept his word. "And they arrived in the winner of their own, the city of Murom, and began to live a pious, never putting the commandment of God."

After the death of Brother Peter became a self-container in the city. The boyars respected their prince, but the arrogant boyar wives did not believe Fevronia, not wanting to have a partner on themselves the peasant, they threw their husbands with a unkind. All sorts of Navate tried to raise the princess of the boyars, and once rebelled and, having lost shame, offered Fevronia, taking that she would like to leave the city. Princess nothing but his spouse did not want. A boyars were delighted, because every secretly methyl place on the princess, and said all his princes. Blessed Peter, having learned that he would like to lie with his beloved wife, preferred to voluntarily refuse power and wealth and retire with her to exile.

Spouses floated on the river on two courts. A certain man who sailed with his family along with Fevronia, looked at the princess. The Holy Wife immediately solved his minded and softly wocker: "Finding the water from the same side of the boat," the princess asked. - The same water or one sweeter than the other? " "The same", "the one answered. "So the nature of feminine is the same, - Fevronia. - Why are you, forgetting your wife, think about someone else?" Dilapidated and repented in the soul.

In the evening they moored to the shore and began to get overnight. "What will happen to us now?" - Peter ponded with sadness, and Fevronia, the wise and a kind wife, gently comforted him: "Not sorrow, prince, gracious God, the Creator and the intercessor of everyone, will not leave us in trouble!" At this time, the cook began to cook dinner and to hang boilers, quit two small trees. When the meal ended, the princess blessed these hard words: "Let they be in the morning big trees." So it happened. This miracle she wanted to strengthen the spouse, providing their fate. After all, if "for the tree there is hope that it is, if it is cut, will revive again" (Job. 14: 7), then a person who hoping and relieved on the Lord will have a blessing in this life, and in the future.

They did not have time to wake up, the ambassadors from Murom came, begging Peter to return to the prince. The boyars quarreled because of power, shed blood and now they were looking for peace and calm. BLI. Peter and Fevronia with humility returned to their city and ruled for a long time and happily, creating alms with a prayer in the heart.

In Murom, the reign of Prince Peter was beloved, but without harsh rigor, gracious, but without weakness. Smart and piety princess helped his spouse with advice and charity affairs. Both lived on the commandments of the Lord, everyone loved, but did not love pride, nor unrighteous korear; We left the wanderers, facilitated the fate of the unfortunate, honed the inhang and priestly chin, fencing him from needs.

When old age came, they took a monasticism with the names of David and Euphrosinia and dismisted God to die at one time. To bury yourself together in a specially cooked coffin with a thin partition in the middle.

They died on one day and an hour each in their cell. People considered the wicked to bury in one coffin of the monks and dreamed to break the will of the deceased. Twice their bodies were broadening in different temples, but twice they miraculously turned out to be nearby. So buried holy spouses together near the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and every believer did generous healing here.

"When you have a love to each other throughout life, they agreed to die in one day and an hour. When Peter felt that he was dying, he sent a novice to the next monastery to his wife. At that time, Fevronia was embroidered with golden sewing (bedspread the bowls for communion). "Let it be waiting, I need to finish ...", "Fevronia asked. After some time, a novice came running again with a message that she dies her spouse. And again, Fevronia was waiting for him ... And when the messenger said for the third time, Fevronia did the prince. The last stitch, stuck a needle in the sewing and "dropped forever". They put them in the coffins for the funeral, and in the morning they found the bodies in the general coffin, which spouses before death were taken to do. Bodies shifted into different coffins according to monastic canons, but Peter and Fevronia were again Together. It happened three times. I buried the spouses together. "

Reverend Peter and Fevronia Murom. Icon with life. Icon, 1618 from the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mr. Murom

At the Moscow Cathedral of 1547, it was necessary to locally their glorify them. Subsequently (probably from 1552) this celebration was widespread.

Today, the honest relics of the saints rest in the Holy Trinity Novodevichy Monastery in Murom and make in the glory of God's miracles to those who appeals to them. In his life, they were a model of Christian marriage, ready for all deprivation for the Gospel Commandment of the Independent Union. And now they are prayer with their own heavenly blessing on marriage.

In the city of Murom Rules Prince Paul. To his wife, the devil sent a flying serpent on a blob. She was in his form, and other people seemed prince Paul. The princess in everything confessed to her husband, but he did not know what to do. He ordered his wife to question Zmia, from which death could come. Zmiy told Prinjune that his death would be "from Petrova shoulder, from Agrikova Might."

Prince had a brother named Peter. He began to think how to kill Zmia, but did not know where to take the agricultural sword. Once in the Church of the Vozdvizhensky Monastery, the child showed him the agricultural sword, who lay in the gap between the stones of the altar wall. Prince took the sword.

Once Peter came to his brother. He was at home, in his room. Then Peter went to Snokha and saw that the brother was already sitting at her. Paul explained that Zmey knows how to take his appearance. Then Peter ordered his brother to leave anywhere, took the agricultural sword, came to Snow and killed Zmia. Zmey appeared in his nature and, dying, sprayed Peter Blood.

The body of Peter was covered with ulcers, he was seriously ill, and no one could cure him. The patient was brought to Ryazan land and began to look for doctors there. His servant came in gentle. Going into one house, he saw the girl who put the canvas. It was Fevronia, the daughter of the tree, mining honey. The young man, seeing the wisdom of the maiden, told her about the trouble, comprehended by his Mr.

Fevronia replied that he knew the doctor who could cure the prince, and offered to bring Peter to her house. When it was fulfilled, Fevronia volunteered to take care herself, if Peter take her to his wife. The prince did not take seriously her words, for he did not consider it possible to marry herdolla daughter, but promised to do it in the case of healing.

She gave him a vessel of her bread breakdown and ordered to go to the bath, to anoint there all ulcers, except one. Peter, wanting to experience her wisdom, sent her a bunch of flax and ordered her shirt, ports and a towel from him, while he was in the bath. In response, Fevronia sent him a stubborn to him so that the prince made a weaving machine during this time. Peter told her that it was impossible. And Fevronia replied that it was also impossible to fulfill his commandment. Peter was woven her wisdom.

On the next morning he woke up healthy - only one ulcer was on the body, "but did not fulfill the promises to marry Fevronia, but sent her gifts. She did not accept them. The prince went to the city of Murom, but his ulcers multiplied him and he was forced to return to Fevronia with his shame. The girl healed the prince, and he took her to his wife.

Paul died, and Peter began to rule Murom. The boyars did not like Princess Fevronia because of her origin and told Peter on her. One person told, for example, that Fevronia, getting up because of the table, collects crumbs in the hand, like hungry. Prince ordered his wife to lunch with him. After dinner, the princess collected crumbs from the table. Peter opened her hand and saw incense in her.

Then the boyars directly told the prince that they would not want to see Fevronia Princess: Let him take what wealth wants and leaves Murom. They were repeated the same on the feast of Fevronia. She agreed, but he wanted to take with me only the spouse. The prince followed God's commandments and therefore did not part with his wife, although it had to abandon the principality. And the boyars were satisfied with this decision, because each of them wanted to be the ruler himself.

Peter and Fevronia sailed from the city along the Oka. On that ship, where Fevronia was, there was another person with his wife. He looked at Fevronia with some thoughtless. And she ordered him to cry out the water on the right and on the left side of the boat and squat. And then asked what kind of water is tastier. Hearing that the same, Fevronia explained: the same and female nature, so there is nothing to think about someone else's wife.

On the shore was cooked food, and the cook saddled the little trees to hang boilers on them. And Fevronia blessed these trees, and the next morning they became big trees. Peter and Fevronia were going to go further. But here they came Velmazbi from Murom and began to ask Prince and Princess to return to rule the city.

Peter and Fevronia, returned, ruled meekly and fairly.

Spouses begged God to die at the same time. They wanted to be buried together and ordered two coffins in one stone, which had only partition among them. At the same time, the prince and the princess took a monk. Peter received the name of David in Socyath, and Fevronia became Efrosius.

Effrosion embroidered air for the temple. And David sent a letter to it: he waited for her to die together. The nun asked him to wait until she finished the air. In the second letter, David wrote that he could wait for a long time, and in the third - which could no longer wait. Then Effrosion, having finished embroidered the face of the last saint, without finishing clothes, sent to say David that he was ready for death. And, prayer, they both died on June 25th.

They were put in different places in different places: Davida - at the Cathedral Church of the Virgin, and Efrosia - in the Vozdvizhensky Women's Monastery. And their total coffin, which they themselves commanded themselves to outstrett, put in the church of the Virgin.

The next morning their individual coffins were empty, and the bodies of the saints rested "in a single coffin." People moved them as before. And the next morning, they again found them in the general coffin. Then people did not dare to touch the bodies of the saints and, fulfilling them, buried together, in the Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. Those who come to their relics with faith are healing.