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If you need a lion. Man Lion: how easy it is to understand that he is in love with you

Merchant and Balagen, but at the same time a narcissistic and arrogant egoist - so you can briefly characterize a man born under the auspices of a lion. This is a real festival person, luggling with his artistism and humor. Deal with him - or pleasure, or terrible flour. Golden middle just does not exist. Wounded and sensitive, he can have a bunch of complexes that are rooted in deep childhood. Sometimes offended by the whole world. The reasons for such behavior are often incomprehensible to others.

Leo-man: characteristic

What women do he like? What can you attract it? How to keep? It seems that it will be difficult to conquer the heart of such an authority egoist. Yes, light paths are not looking for. But, overcoming all the obstacles, you will get a humble kitten. Interestingly, but, according to statistics, people lions occupy the first place in the rating of beauty, substantially overtaking representatives of all other signs of the zodiac. They are very attractive, bright, possess special charm and charm. It is not surprising that such a young man is trying to find among the crowd not similar to other girl.

Perfect elect

If you are trying to understand, look close to himself. The thing is that the young man is looking for an accurate mirror copy of his own person. It is not surprising that his chosen must be well-groomed by a beauty, bright, extraordinary, a little extravagant special. The girl should be able to wisely and competently build relationships with him, amazing, to strive. Otherwise, he will quickly bother with monotony.

Being excessively emotional from nature, the lion requires the same from others. It is extremely important for him not only to see, but also feel all the cells of the body, which is attached to him, they love him, they need it. The girl should demonstrate his love constantly so that the man does not feel impelled and abandoned. If the woman is ready for permanent emotional splashes, the representative is strongly born under this zodiac constellation, is the ideal option for it.


Discussing which women like a man-lion, the basic prefers of this person should first of all pay attention to this character line. Yes, the lady must be a "lighter", while remaining unobtrusive and modest. How to save such a balance, it is not clear. But his chosen should guess. After all, it was not for nothing that he chose it among thousands of others! Accustomed to rule. It is he who is the central special everywhere and everywhere. If someone tries to pull the blanket on itself, the lion will be hung! No one has the right to overshadow it - even a beloved woman. She is obliged to be a continuation, the bright radion of the sun, which is the lion itself. Give your man to play the emperor, and it will be grateful to a coffin board.


If you want to like a lion, in no case do not tell such a man as he must behave. Remember one simple truth: everything that your chosen one does, a priori is right and good. Therefore, you need to accept and silence. All the most serious lion problems solves independently. Do not be surprised that he is not interested in your opinion, it is better to deal with your homework. This is the only sphere in which a man voluntarily gives you the championship. To help the farm, he, of course, can. For example, the lion is able to prepare a delicious dinner and pay bills. This is the only thing that brings him pleasure. By the way, do not forget to praise him, otherwise it will be offended.

On the same wave...

What women like a man-lion? Most of all, he appreciates the support that the chosen is provided to him. It should be not just his wife and mistress, but also a faithful companion, like-minded person, a companion in all endeavors and affairs. Women's eyes are simply obliged to glow approval and admiration. It should be the "Pink", which will always trigger a man to achieve new peaks. Remember that the Lion's motto: Thank you for what I have! Therefore, get used to the fact that you will always play the role of a second violin. At the same time, false in your solo party will not be patient.

Stress tolerance

The girl who met such a young man, often for a long time cannot determine which women like a man-lion. Of course, exclusively stress-resistant young ladies are attracted. The representative of this is often offended by trifles. At the same time, he never swallows silent offense. On the contrary, shouts, keeps his legs, beats the dishes. Therefore, if the lady has a strong psyche, it is not inclined to neurosis and breakdown, it can safely live with him a soul in the soul until the end of the days.

Cooking skills

Oh, this is a real gourmet! Therefore, forget about the fruitful hand of Macarona and sausages. Meat - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For dessert - corporate cakes. The lion is not only meat, but also a sweet tooth to the bone's brain. There is no speech about any healthy nutrition and diet, while he himself does not solve a little to play the right lifestyle. In the meantime, this bright hour of insight has come, examine 1001 recipe for making pork and veal. Cook also a cookbook specializing in pastries. And prepare him his favorite tender soufflies, cream rolls and cottage cheese cakes.

The most important thing!

So, the chief of the lion should be ready for the fact that she is obliged to adhere to certain lines of behavior until the end of life. The girl needs to learn to talk compliments to her spouse, give him gifts. It should simultaneously combine aristocracy and modesty. What women like men lions on a horoscope? First of all, these are the same as he, fiery signs: bright and outstanding archers, sensual and sexy Aries. The young lions are categorically not suitable for him: he will not stand one more royal person in his palace. The remaining signs of the zodiac are also difficult to find a common language with him. They lack brightness, energetic, sensuality and originality.

Beautiful and representative, interesting and impressive, gallant and pious is just a few words that perfectly characterize a man's man. Little woman is able to resist this "king of animals", but how to conquer his sympathy? How do you feel about him in the heart and make him children? About all this and not only let's talk today.

Characteristic Men Lion.

A man who was lucky to be born under the sign of the lion, simply demands due attention. The surroundings should admire them, to affect its exclusivity, while not even expressing the droplets of doubt. He will not be afraid to be in the shade of someone, to give up in intelligence and beauty. In the life of a man-lion a born player, a desire to take all the best in his blood. He needs first-class women, big money, branded things - all this allows lion to feel in line.

Want to find the shortest way to heart lion? Then make him more often sincere compliments - it is sincere, in no case flatter! That they do not tolerate and feel flattery.

When choosing a companion, lions are always in search of a decent option. ABO who is not suitable, he needs a woman from the highest society. There is no doubt that he can win the "queen" he has no, because he is always irresistible and increased women's attention to that confirmation.

Despite the greater love for money - the lions are not at all there, on the contrary, they can only learn more generosity. In order not to lose its dignity, if he himself will not be money, but at the same time he will be asked for a debt, he will reboot himself and gives.

The first thing you have to come to humble, it is with jealousy, which the lion is abuse. It is only his choices to throw a careless look aside, quarrels are guaranteed.

However, if you can give a man confidence in his irresistible, inspire him that he is the best, strong, beautiful and beloved for you - it will be at your feet. That's just keeping the fire constantly. From the lack of admiration, the lions are accurate.

Do not think to criticize the lion, at least straight. It will gradually shoot down in the heart of your love. But the lions love to joke, only humor must be soft, without insults and drawing the flaws.

But the men-lions are extroverts. They are the soul of the company, igniting even the most boring atmosphere. In addition, they are kind and lubricants. Lviv can often be seen among the benefactors and patrons.

Such a man is not able to betray. His friendship and love is difficult to conquer, but having achieved you can be sure that on occasion, it will stand the mountain as a real knight for you. Moreover, he should not take anything to risk his life for the rescue of others.

If you solve lion riddles, find the key to its heart, then it will be a model husband and a loving father.

How to like a man lion

Ambitions at the lion a lot, and it helps him to seek unprecedented heights both in his career and in its own business. Therefore, and the lady of the heart he needs a suitable that the light is not ashamed to go out.

To like the lion, you need to love dear and prestigious places of the city. In addition, you should be able to behave correctly and beautifully teach your own person. But it is not necessary to diligently, as he is not ready to be superior to something.

Now a few secrets about how to like a man Lion:

  • Give him love and care, but do not choke him. In general, lions are so much like to be from someone addicted that they can very rarely see weak and sick. To like the lion, you need to have a fine and sensitive nature.
  • Do not make lions jealous, they don't like it. And in general, it is a waste of time. And intrigue will go to his heart and. And even more so they are not capable.
  • Despite the fact that the lions of jealous, they demand absolute confidence in themselves. The hysterics and scandals on this soil do not endure, so in order to preserve harmony with him - try to keep emotions with you.
  • You should always be at the height, even at home, when no one sees you besides him. Lions like living, smart women who followed themselves. With you should always be talking about, you must have your own interests. One reverence of a man will not be enough, you must and be a respected personality.
  • Never do, lions feel very well and can not tolerate it.
  • Do not regret it and do not make a reason to doubt your own significance. Otherwise, you can forget about relationships with him.

How to behave with a male lions

If the stage of the conquest of the heart has already approached the end, the next logical question is - how to behave with a man with a lion? Knowing the secrets of behavior, you "risk" becoming the happiest woman in the world, as a generous not only for money, but also on love Lion is able to deliver his chosen the best.

Such a man is ready to quit the whole world with his beloved, but it will be necessary to do the same. For you, he must be # 1, and day after day he needs to show it. Choosing a Leo must be a queen, he will not even pay attention to the unspoken gray mouse, so always follow yourself: no blurred nails or luxury lacquer, etc.

Be bright and noticeable, develop your intelligence, have interests. In a word, with a real lion should be only a lioness who caresses and excites the minds, but inaccessible to anyone except him.

Do not relax with the lion and after the wedding, it can not be disappointed. Make it easily, but it is much more difficult to recover in his eyes.

Do not try to take the place of the leader - it is already employed, they. And this means smaller argue (and it is better not to do this at all), more asking advice, but do not turn into a weak. Moreover, even forget about the equality. If you want to ask him about something, then do it with tenderness and caress.

Most likely, your lion wishes you to leave your career and take up family and house. It does not say at all that you will turn into a scaled housewife. As a rule, such a man can afford to hire a housekeeper and other household staff, you just need to get up at the head of the hearth and bring up children. In gratitude for not a punching rear, the man-lion will be a reliable wall, support, faithful and loving husband and father.

However, at the time of the appearance of children, you will have to be disadvantaged. Since the man will begin to jealous you to them. Here you should apply your own and then everything will go smoothly.

How to win a man lion

As difficult and almost impossible to tame wild lions, it is evenly as problematic to tame men born under the "royal" sunny sign. The lion, who already picked up the elect, becomes true to her 100% (of course, if he was pleasant and warm with her), but nevertheless his halanery disappears anywhere. This means that he continues to communicate with the opposite sex. But in no case do not arrange His hysteria about this.

Yes, what is there to say that the lion will determine with the companion must pass a lot of time. Since even in the presence of a woman of all positive qualities, he will doubt and weigh all the "for" and "against". Yaraya attempt to conquer the lion's heart can sigh it and destroy everything that was built for so long.

In general, the conquest of Lion's love is very thin, and not suitable for everyone. Here you need to possess knowledge of psychology and be a real actress. But on the other hand, it is better to just be yourself. As soon as he decides - you can be sure that it is for a long time. Otherwise, in an attempt to adjust and smash yourself, you risk either pretend to the end of your family life, or accidentally open in deception.

How to understand a man lion

To understand a man of a lion - you need to understand its nature. After all, with all his goodness - it is better not to joke with him.

Lviv has congenital traction to power, which they seek to implement from day to day. Pride and vanity is added to this. Any resistance to his majestic punishment, an attempt to infringe the magnitude of his greatness is punishable by anger, and he is terrible in anger.

Even if the lion is not rich, it applies the Will's Iron Power and enviable perseverance to take a worthy position in society.

In fairness it is worth noting that his love applies not only to himself, but also on others. He is like a sun, which heats all worthy of all worthy. Lions romance and in order to win the love of the girls you like will go on a lot.

If you do not touch the pride of the lion and do not strive to take a dominant position, do not criticize it and not argue, then you can be sure that harmony will reign in the relationship.

Man lion in love

Lerl's man needs stable, but regularly updated relationships. Life, which soon eats all the beauty of the Union leads to the fact that he is sent to search for something more interesting.

First of all, this is due to the fact that before the beginning of a serious relationship, and especially before marriage, women tend to teach themselves, attributing no qualities of themselves. As a result, everything is revealed that the lion disappoints.

However, with the positive development of events, such a man, as a few of the entire zodiac circle, can harmoniously distribute himself for both the beloved family and for business or career. Do it only the best attitude, attention and care, love and sincere compliments - for all this, he will answer you loyalty, stability, financial supply and will be the best husband!

Man lion in sex

For a man-lion sex, this is not just a process for getting pleasure. This is a tool for emotional discharge and the opportunity to assert. Partner can not be surprised that her lion will at all unexpectedly want the proximity of "here and now", even in the most inappropriate place and in an inconvenient time. For example, immediately after the scandal, at the time of lunch at work, etc.

Lions tend to dominate the more weak partners. That is why in pairs where there is an explicit age or status advantage can most often meet for Lviv.

However, a significant part of the sexual energy of the lions is directed to the workflow that gives them even greater excitement and bring success and financial well-being.

The negative side of Lviv is that some of their representatives do not scribble to achieve "positions" through the bed (in this case, if the boss is a woman). The same technique can be used in order to conclude a profitable contract.

But with their halves of lions, as a rule, gentle exclusively during the period of the bouquet-candy period. As soon as the relationships develop into something more, the prelude is paid much less time.

The content of the article:

To understand how a man-lion behaves, just look at the same name of the representative of the animal world. Lions proud and self-confident, noble and courageous. These are gentlemen, which, at the same time, very easy to offend. But the man-lion will never tell about his offended feelings, considering it below his dignity, so you have to learn to apologize to your man. How to understand a man's man? It needs to be simply loved, respect and even slightly wondering. To see how a male is a woman conquering a woman, it means to see the real knight of the 21st century, who seeks his lady of the heart. The man-lion is a very selfish person, but won him, the woman will never go without attention and love from his man. In addition, like all the real representatives of the strong sex, the Lions are freedom-loving, and from their own women are waiting for exceptional loyalty and devotion.

How does the lion love?

So, how does a man-lion behave? Like a ram. And simply speaking, as a truly fascinated man - recklessly, with full return and passion, shares of madness and stupidity. Lions are able to love like no one else, compelling their own woman, but also demanding complete returns. If a man does not receive what, in his opinion, deserves - cold will come incredibly quickly. Nevertheless, how to understand what you like a man-lion and do not miss your chance? You just need to open your eyes. As a rule, lions are straightforward and asserts. It happens, sometimes it is extremely difficult, but if you were lucky enough to fall in love with him, then you should not wait for free and easy relationships. To worry about how to understand that a man is not indifferent, not a single woman will have a single woman, because the weak sex is intuition, especially in the matters of heart, is incredibly developed. The man-lion (how to understand that he has already been said to be said) - first of all, the monochief, who is seriously experiencing quarrels and disagreements and remains faithful to the end with his beloved.

Man Leo: how to behave with him?

The question of how to attract a man's man, worry many representatives of weak gender, which crave to be with a real man. But the answer here is extremely simple - you need to be slightly lioness, devoted, sincere, passionate and loving. The rule that this is attracted to this, there is incredibly strong. We ask questions how to conquer a man-lion and how he likes, you need to explore his views on life and tastes, values \u200b\u200band hobbies. Lions are looking for equal to themselves worthy of women with whom they will be able to feel like a real man, king. How to interest a male lion? Show all the multifaceted nature of your nature. Such men are equal to the appearance and intellect of women. If you are ready to become a faithful and devoted companion, for which a man will always be in the first place, the question of how to win a man-lion finds a simple answer and a solution.

How to keep?

Lions, in contrast, for example, from men of Aries, extremely not conflicting people and often they become initiators of reconciliation with their own woman. But if the lion was offended, offended, again conquer his confidence and forgiveness will be extremely difficult. There should be equally both rational arguments and emotional. The question of how to return a male-lion has only one good answer - to be sincere in my desire to reunite with your loved one. But most often, such men tend to make a decision once and forever.

Horoscope compatibility

Lion + Aries - A good union where both partners will understand each other well. But there is a danger that excessive emotionality will often provoke scandals, in addition, a woman-Aries is difficult to imagine a simple housewife who was able to suppress their ambitions, but attraction in this pair is so great that they will certainly be able to find a common language.

Lion + Taurus - Relations will be full of conflicts and contradictions, sometimes irresistible. But if the marriage is concluded, then, most likely, both partners will strive to keep the family to the latter.

Lion + Gemini - It is sympathy and mutual understanding, one of the most successful unions. Their relationship will always be bright, with a shade of novelty. In addition, they have excellent sexual compatibility.

Lion + cancer - Union is rather heavy, especially for Lion. Woman cancer is too complicated for him, he will always try to disrupt the cover of mystery from her. She, in turn, will constantly play on his nerves, not wanting to completely shake his mysterious soul.

Lev + Lev. - Frequently common union, but not always successful. The desire to rule can provoke conflicts and mutual resentment, but the novelty of feelings will continue for a long time. These people live among interests and feelings, and if desired, they will be able to overcome all trouble.

Lion + Deva. - Relationships do not differ, sometimes become tedious and petty. Often together, they become non-darling, and then the marriage breaks down. Although in the business sphere they can be excellent partners.

Lion + Scales - One of the most successful unions. Interest in each other in partners arises from the moment of the first meeting, and the joint life is full of mutual understanding and tenderness. The scales are perfectly able to adapt and please, and the lion only it is necessary.

Lion + Scorpio - In this union, both will strive for power, and none will be able to retreat, although in sexual terms the union is very attractive for both. In marriage, everyone will live their lives, to pour and save the resentment, which can not bring anything good.

Lion + Sagittarius - Excellent mutual understanding, both in life and sex. Two active and business people found each other, but the omnipresence of the women-Sagittarius can over time boring a lion, he wants more sincere heat and comfort.

Lion + Capricorn. - This is a heavy and even gloomy union, where both partners are deeply unhappy. They are incompatible not only in life, but also in bed. Sooner or later, the female Capricorn loosen all his insults on Lion, and he in turn will quickly start looking for mutual understanding on the side.

Lion + Aquarius - An interesting and frequently found union, both in marriage and in the business sphere. Partners are good together, but the ideological and spiritual disconnection is gradually begin to be felt. However, divorces in such Arah are rare, it means that they still keep them together.

Lion + Fish - This union is characterized by a complete lack of mutual understanding due to different views on life. The lion will hurt the sensitive fish strongly, its complex inner world will be incomprehensible. It is too cold for him, too mysterious and complicated.

See also:

Orthodox calendar

Monday, March 18, 2019(March 5, Art.)
Sedmian 2nd Great Post
MCH. Conona Isavria (I)
Finding the relics of BLGV. Princes of Theodore Smolensky and Chad His David and Konstantin, Yaroslavl Wonderworkers (1463)
Holy Memory Day:
MCH. Onions (I). MCH. Keonon Graduate (III). PS Mark Postnote (V). PS Isicia postnote (approx. 790). Prmch. Adriana Poshekhonsky, Yaroslavsky (1550). MC. Iradays. MCH. Energia, in Palestine. MCH. Evlampia. The acquisition of the relics of SVT. Luki isp., Archipe. Simferopolsky (1996).
Day of the memory of the confessors and new martyrs of the Church of the Russian:
Schishmch. Nikolai Pokrovsky Prester (1919); schishmch. John the Mini Homemaker Presbytera and PRMCH. Mardaria Isaev and Feofan Grafova (1938).
Day of reverence Icons of the Mother of God:
The icons of the Mother of God, called "Education".
Great post.
The brain is not committed in the continuation of the Great Post.
Reading a day
Gospel and Apostle:
At verse: -Genesis.3: 21-4: 7; Proverbs 3: 34-4: 22 On the 6th hour: -IS.4: 2-5: 7
On the morning: -PS.24-31; PS.32-36; PS.37-45 At verse: -PS.119-133

With any signs of the zodiac, it is not easy to achieve harmony in family life. But if your man is a lion, you will need to know a few of his secret secrets so that your love is happier. You need to learn to see the world through the eyes of the men of this sign.

Most of the representatives of other signs of the zodiac do so know that with lions it is not easy, but a couple of obvious facts can be supported by the fact that you most likely did not know.

You should not neglece as the desire of Lviv to power over the surrounding and the fact that the lions from childhood are accustomed to thinking that they are best in everything. There is no need to consider it as egoism or as a different vice - simply these people are as they made nature and stars.

5 secrets of this lion

Secret First: Men-lions love to be in all the best. This is almost a well-known fact, but should not overestimate your knowledge. First, the lions appreciate the final result, but they are almost never cheating and not played by the rules. Secondly, representatives of this zodiacal constellation dream of being the first only where their road passes. For example, if they never played bowling with friends, it is unlikely that they will hardly work hard on it, but at work, among colleagues, they are important to them only the best result. In love, this is also manifested in 99 percent of cases - a woman must match him so that he knows: his lady is better than the rest in everything. He will demand this from you, do not doubt.

Secret two: Lions Panks on flattery. Yes, yes, it is so, but you should not neglect their mind. You can exaggerate a little, but we do not advise you to beat the stick, since you risks losing this person forever. They are sincerely upset when their results are worse than the rest - it hits self-esteem and in ambition, introduces depressed. Help your man - tell me something encouraging at such moments, but not a banal "everything will be fine." Building statements so that your Leo man knows that, even despite failure, he is still better than everyone: "Well, that, but you were the most beautiful - it is more important."

Secret Third: Male Lviv annoy lies and pretense. Of course, anyone does not like when he was lying, but these people despise doubles. We recommend to avoid these vices that can change your favorite men about you forever.

The secret of the fourth: For this sign of the zodiac family above all. Know what you look like a cliff. He will not be offended by his love and his relatives. It may also serve as a good advice to you - do not offend him close. If there is a mutual hostility between you, then the lion will understand everything, but if you will just be offended by his father, mother, brothers or sisters, the relationship will not be collapsed. This should be feared even in the case of a long life together.

Secret Fifth: The latest recommendation is attentiveness. Always show attention to a lard man, as they are very offended when their second half even loses interest in them even for a minute. The same applies to their words and requests. Appreciate them because all this is vital for such a man.

So, with Lvom, everything is simple - contrary to the point of opinion, this man does not represent problems for a lady, which really loves him. He will see it and never hurt you. Astrologers argue that if you are not sure of your feelings, it is better not to try to fall in love. They do not like falsehood, and everything should be the best in you - even your love.

All of the above shows that the man-lion will teach you to love truly. He will make your life filled with light and warmth. The main thing is mutual sincerity. Love each other, be honest with yourself and others and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.12.2015 00:50

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about the sign of the zodiac of your man, you ...

Men lions are characterized by their unsurpassed charisma and volitional character. Crowds of fans who claim to be considered from the side of the lion are constantly trampled around them. Brutality and decisiveness, activity and energy - it is these character traits that are so tied by representatives of weak gender. If you also fell victim to the lovely char of a Male Leo, then our article will help you find an approach to such a non-standard and extraordinary cavalier.

Surely you attended the class in the class, the boy who enjoyed an authority among the peers and was a soul of the company is a typical representative of the constellation of Lev. They love attention very much and strongly strive to provoke it. All Lion's life is a way to assert. But, in any case, it looks very much. Like all representatives of the fiery elements, the lions are very energetic and nonsense. But what is hiding under the fervor, which we are masterfully put into the eyes? After all, the lion is not only a banging hooligan and a Kompaniya merchant, it is a very interesting cocktail from a set of contradictory qualities:

  • Lions - very ambitious personalities, many historical figures had the honor to be born under the lion's constellation: Napoleon Bonaparte, Louis Armstrong, Barack Obama, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc. But often, to achieve their goal prevents them from their own laziness. Lions are very energy saving, so often this behavior prevents them from self-development.
  • The same can be said about the changeability of the lion. This is a non-permanent sign, and often, holding something, quickly burns out.
  • But to say that they are completely ineperable - it is impossible. The fact is that their fire, like they are changeable. In the nature of the lion, then a bright flame is raging when he is ready to minimize the mountains on his way to his goal, then a dull corner who imposes a feeling of carelessness and stability.
  • Even finding the matter of his life, they can succeed only by attaching considerable efforts. But, as a rule, the desire to self-esteem takes the top.
  • Lions really need approval and attention from others, so their unprecedented successes are often predicted by the desire to acquire supporters who will admire their exploits.

The reason for the zeal of lion to its own self-affirmation lies in the legend of the origin of the constellation. The lion is the symbol of the first feat of Hercules, when he struck the beast, tortured peaceful people, bare hands. After that, I sorted the skin from Lion and threw his body to the legs of Zeus, who raised him into the sky in the form of constellation, as the sacrifice attribute of the gods and the eternal defeat of the beast. The lion came to this land to win the location of others and restore its leadership over them.

  • Lions - True Egoists. There are few of them that interests, except for them, therefore business, and friendly, and romantic relations are built on a mutually beneficial partnership. It may even be a moral need for a flattery. The lion will never associate itself with relations if they do not bring him good or satisfaction.
  • Therefore, there are not very good friends from Lviv. When the time comes to pull the burden to one, the representatives of this sign are rapidly eliminated until better times. But a friendly help await always. In this regard, they are very demanding, but ungrateful.

Man lion in love and relationships

Men lions are very selfish in a relationship with their second half, so not every woman will be able to endure such a demanding and power satellite. But, nevertheless, if you were able to conquer the lion's heart, then be sure that it is a very reliable and faithful companion that will provide you with everything necessary for a comfortable living together. Lions are very tied to their companions, which looks very cute and carefully. If you intend to conquer the heart of your favorite, then you will be useful for you to know the characteristic in love Men Lion:

  • To the question: "How to win the love of a man's men?" - You can answer that it takes a bright, spectacular and intelligent woman with traditional views and established family values. The lion with discontent will be reacted to ambitions and career plans of their chosen.
  • This is due to selfish lion nature. He will never allow his choices to have hobbies, plans and interests in addition to himself, therefore, having accepted the status of even a civil wife, be prepared to wash your shirts and cook soups - this is the whole role that the lion takes you.
  • The lion will not tolerate any manifestation of humor or intelligence in his friends in his girlfriend. Such a gesture will be considered as a personal insult and neglect of its leadership. A woman for a lion should serve as a beautiful and status supplement, as the approval of the personal ego.
  • Despite its absolute, and sometimes, stupid authoritarianism, the man lion values \u200b\u200blove in life. With such a man you should learn to get out. But, if you are wise and pokes, then your joint life can be characterized by the proverb: "As behind a stone wall". You will be able to feel weak and feminine with such a courageous partner as a lion.

  • Be prepared for the fact that at the dawn of your relationship lion will flirt and, even, can raise dangerous connections with other representatives of the weak gender. What do you say? This is another step towards your own self-affirmation, which is required by a man of Leo.
  • In fact, the lions are absolutely not a change in their nature, just the opposite - these are very loyal and reliable satellites that are trying to remove attention from this world and admire all available ways. But few people can appreciate their devotion, many leave the Men Leo, and without waiting for confessions in love.
  • The submissive and patient companions of the Men Leo, leave their invaluable experience in loving relationships. For example, many complain about its excessive despotic, which is expressed in decision-making. The lion without any constraint can take on the right to choose you clothes and makeup, and sometimes his praised pride crosses the edge so that he will dictate to you who should be friends with.

Man Leo in Love and Marriage

Lion's man in love and family life can be described as a husband of traditional views. He will definitely take on the responsibility of financial support and education of children, but will require you to be educated and submissive wife with all the attached qualities. For example, we have already talked about the duties of the faithful companion on household, but there are things to be washing, ironing and cleaning, which have a significant meaning for a lion:

  • First of all, lions fall in love with women who are tesching their pride. It is very important for them to hear the words of support and praise. Smart women learn to receive advantages with affectionate manner of communication. This is a light and relaxed way, as you can manipulate your man with praise and flattery.
  • As if cruel and cynically, it did not sound, but the lions themselves accept such an attitude in their family. If you need a lion to fix the crane, then praise his abilities and sweeten his pride of the owner of the house, and then wait for the result. Although it is possible that he will find it necessary not to confirm your praise, because it is too crazy about the sense of own irresistible, to repair the cranes and make the rest of the small home.

  • It is likely that the lion will take responsibility for the upbringing of children. But do not rush to rejoice! All the duties associated with your offspring will remain hanging on your shoulders, and the spouse will only sometimes have to teach them.
  • In the raising of children, as in the rest, he is better not to reap. By doubtfully, his tactics and manner of upbringing, you undermine his authority - the most valuable thing that he has. Especially - it is better not to do this for children. Please accept the fact that your husband from now on will always be right, no matter how absurd and stupid is his actions.
  • If you dream of becoming a lion's wife, then try to get used to constant interrogations on the soil of jealousy. It is possible that your messages will be revised, and calls to listen. He can also give you a reason, but solely only when there is little attention from you.

Man lion in sex

Sex is an integral part of the life of a healthy adult, so the compatibility in sex is given a separate role. As you can see, sexual preferences are important, and sometimes play a leading role in the development of relations. With the help of good high-quality sex and ability to deliver pleasure, you can conquer and tie a potential one, so pay special attention to this section, because we will go about what sex a man lion loves:

  • Lions - Table fans of all sorts of new products. They are pretty ingenious, so the list of sophisticated fantasies is generated in their head. Be prepared to try out even the most meaningless and uncomfortable postures, because you don't try yet - you will not know, and in the case of Lvom: until I tried - it will not calm down.
  • The representative of this sign will appreciate if you follow the initiative very carefully and in female. For example, make it an erotic massage or begin with oral affection, without requiring nothing in return. Your attention and the desire to deliver his pleasure will incredibly the man lion.
  • As for the preludes in relation to you, it is unlikely that you will smile something. The lion will continue in the concept of what he does everything right. He is so sexy that in his sense you should always want it.

  • As mentioned above, the lion is always open for the new, so his beloved should always be ready for unpredictable sex - always and everywhere.
  • The lion loves to criticize, to this you need to treat with understanding. Of course, you will not like to hear the comparison with his former, but the lion is completely not tacty in this regard. Although myself will not tolerate such criticism in your address.
  • Also, representatives of this sign can consider sex, as a weapon of reconciliation or emotional discharge, so the lion is suitable for hot-tempered, but quickly removable women.

Compatibility in Love Men Lion

The lion is a rather difficult nature, so finding a reliable companion of life may seem an unsolvable task. It will be reasonable in this regard to repel from the elements. Ideally, air representatives are suitable for Lion - this is a very favorable alliance, which cannot be said about the rest of the elements.

Water in a tandem with fire is pre-programmed in advance on mutual destruction, the Earth - will extinguish the restless flame of the lion, and as for the compatibility of the two elements of fire - this is a very interesting phenomenon, contrary to well-minded opinions, the union with some signs may be more than favorable:

Ove woman

Aries woman is a typical representative of a fiery element. The entire set of qualities of this sign is in excess. They are overly overtaken, very quick-tempered and emotionally unstable. It would seem that Lerl should walk by and stay away from this flame sign, but, nevertheless, the marriage union of these two non-standard persons can be very strong:

  • Aries are very straightforward and very categorical. This can cause serious disputes and conflicts, but the deserved praise from the mouth of the Aries woman will be the most worthy remuneration for the Men Leo.
  • The lion finds himself in this pair - his dedication and stiffness of decision-making, so as not to fall as a face in the dirt before such a capricious half, the lion is ready to "gnaw" the earth. We can say that women of Aries perform in the life of a lion, as a powerful incentive to success.
  • Aries are rather jealous, and this is very flattered by the pride of the lion. This selfish sign loves attention in all its manifestations, even in the most sophisticated, so jealousy is not a minus, in this case, this is another way of self-affirmation of the lion.
  • Aries is also very important attention to his person, as well as lion. This is a very non-standard union, which literally sweats in the wilds of the mysterious soul of each other, so, despite the steep temper of both signs, such steam has a very strong marriage.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Oda 95%

Woman Taurus

The love of the Men Leo and Women of the Taurus is distinguished by the special passion and ruininess of feelings. This is a very active couple, which is ready to walk around the world, just to satisfy your sincere desire to differ from the gray mass. Lion finds support and faithful comrades in the face of a woman's woman, but, unfortunately, in this pair, not everything is smooth:

  • Woman Taurus is pretty emotional and dubbed nature. She really does not like when someone undertakes to indicate how to live her. Taurus, by its nature, is an unsurpassed leader who will not give up his place to a partner. When the struggle for power begins in the family, love is moving into the background.
  • Woman Taurus shows her love with loyalty and actions. Many would appreciate such a gesture, but only no lion. Such a man needs to constantly confirm their love. He is one of those who need to talk about their feelings every minute, confirming it with its humility and emotions.
  • Taurus are very insightful and hate people who scatter a lot about themselves. If a woman of this sign falls unreasonable lion, she will have a colossal difference between an individual and his idea of \u200b\u200bthemselves. As practice shows, Tales in such cases are very quickly eliminated from the life of their partner.

Male Compatibility Lion with Woman Taurus 45%

Woman twins

Twins are very deep people who do not fall under the framework of a standard average person. They, as the owners of their own small hearth, which they carefully stored in the heart. Lions are unlikely to be ready to reveal their interesting little world, but the attraction that the twins create cannot be disregarded even such a man as a lion. What can be expected twin in a pair with lion?

  • Gemini do not like the rules. From birth, they live in their code, time and morality. If we take into account the dictatorial nature of the lion, then the twins are unlikely to endure such an attitude, and the belonging of themselves and go for concessions will not allow their own nature.
  • A twin woman is a deep nature that needs permanent self-development, interesting communication and the embodiment of his changeal plans. Lion will definitely not be delighted by such a future. Not only is it categorically not a female ambitions and deep reasoning, he is unlikely to be able to support.
  • And the most important aspect of a family understanding of a twin woman who will not give this pair and a chance of a happy marriage: it is not attached to the family at all. It is inhibited by the grayness of the birth of family life, where she is obliged to play the same role every day. This is a very troubled and windy sign that came to this world to be ather and play all available roles in this world.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Gemini 49%

Woman cancer

Women crayfish are very vulnerable and romantic nature, but to make a decision got used to a cold mind than a hot heart. They very carefully choose their partner, because they are serious about their family. They pay attention literally to all, because they usually do not accept divorces and come with a nest for life. Men Lion Cancers are rarely chosen in husbands, there are a number of reasons for this:

  • For cancers there are always many different hobbies and reflections, which he wants to share with the whole world. Among this sign, there are a lot of scientists whose discoveries have changed the life of a whole earthly population. Despite their family and a quiet lifestyle, they are surprisingly smart in their inventions. Often, cancers have an analytical mindset of the mind and are of great success in the exact sciences.
  • As mentioned earlier, the lion does not regret the ambition of his second half. He will in every way to prevent the self-development of his wife, which, in the end, can lead to a breaking of relations.
  • But still such couples exist and perfectly get along with each other. Cracks are family women and custodians of the family hearth, and the lions are the prospectons of traditional family values, which speaks about the common interests of this couple.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Cancer 64%

Woman Lev.

Their relationship is built on strong friendship and ideal sexual compatibility. Such couples always look very impressive and bright than the common crowds are distinguished. They understand each other with a half-clow and do not need long clarification of relationships, because they know exactly what is happening on the heart of their second half. But, if you think that their marriage is deprived of problems and troubles, then you are deeply mistaken. Disagreements in their family more than enough:

  • Lions - leaders in their nature, so the championship in any question is a tight piece for both partners. Each of them will strive to drag the blanket on themselves, putting his relationship at risk. The union between the two egoists is a very interesting process for which it is interesting to observe from the part. But it is unlikely that someone will voluntarily want to attend with the mutual struggle for the power of two lions.
  • In the impulse of emotional voltage, they do not control their tongue at all. Sometimes from their mouths, very unpleasant accusations are departed, which may be destroying for narcissistic perfect natures.
  • Often, a man of Lion managed to subordinate to the lioness, so such an alliance is still possible. But whether a representative of this sign will live under authoritarian control of the powerful spouse - this is another question that is unlikely to be able to close.

Men's compatibility Lion with a woman with a lioness 45%

Woman Deva.

Virgo and Lion are two opposites that successfully complement each other. Their relationship can be put as an example to many other couples. They understand each other perfectly and walk in the life of a leg in foot. Such a union has a lot of advantages, but there are some drawbacks that can be solved by attaching mutual efforts:

  • Woman Virgo is a typical custodian of the hearth. From such companion, exemplary and caring mothers are obtained, as well as loyal and priest wives. All the qualities that the lion appreciates in a woman is above all, finds in the virgin.
  • Of these steam, very strong families are obtained, where the chapter, as it should be, is the father of the family. The lion, as a true getter, provides a family financially and controls the process of the education of "Young", and Virgo, in turn, fulfills the role of obedient wife, a sensitive mother and organized housewife.
  • Virgo is absolutely not emotional, albeit rather vanis. They keep everything in themselves and are guided by mind. Such a coldness disappoints lion a little, because he, as the embodiment of a restless fire, requires the highest attention as much as possible, which is expressed for him not only in the actions, but also in emotions. After working on yourself, the lion can change its attitude and accept the coldness of the virgins. But this happens only if a man will find a matter of his life and will leave excess energy there.

Compatibility Men Lion with Woman Virgin 61%

Woman scales

Scales are a rather indulgent sign, so many actions of the lion are closing their eyes. Thanks to such tactics of behavior, they are able to conquer the hot heart of the lion. This is a rather bright and interesting union. Lion can suffer a lot of weights and no other signs. Their relationship is based on mutual understanding and support. Scales are able to conquer the lion's heart for a number of reasons:

  • Scales - owners of iron nerves and discreet temperament. They are able to abstract at the time of the quarrel and many words of the lion will miss, without taking on their own expense. This is very useful quality, because the lion has a completely in-no language that he, sometimes, is unable to control.
  • Lion, like a match: Quickly flashes, but also quickly goes away. Realizing their mistakes, the lion will not stop asking for forgiveness from his companion, and he will gladly take his repentance, because the scales are also quickly departed and do not like to spend time off.
  • Scales are good housewives and beautiful mothers. Such women in the house always purely and harmony reigns. Lions are very attached to such women, because they treasure him with pride and let go of the leadership qualities.

Male Lion Compatibility with Woman Scales 70%

Scorpion woman

Woman Scorpio is an inexhaustible energy supply in a small feminine dress. They are much stronger than the Men Leo and Men in principle. These are active motors and talented business ideas generators. Such women need a special approach. How two such strong signs are well rolled together:

  • Scorpions will not endure the explosive and commander's character of the lion. Such women are much stronger than their elect, and lions feel it. This is the only case when they are able to drain their cool temper on the brakes and accept the ambitions of their companion.
  • Scorpions with their inner rod are able to cause respect even with such a hole and, sometimes, a stupid sign, like a lion. This is an exceptional case when the lion is ready to change to be close to such a unique woman like Scorpio.
  • In their pair, there are always talk about prospects and general affairs. Responsibilities They divide equally and are ready to make compromises. Their relationship is more like a partnership. Probably, therefore, the lion is ready to endure a sharp temperament of Scorpion, because men of this sign are always looking for mutually beneficial relationships. From such steam, reliable business partners are obtained.

Compatibility Men Lion with a scorpion woman 81%

Woman Sagittarius

Sagittarius - very good family mans, however, it comes to them too late. They aware of a very long time aware of their marital status, already in marriage, and do not seek it to start. Who knows, perhaps, the desire to arrange a woman of the Sagittarius and serves such a lion's attachment in a joint future. Families for such couples are obtained strong, because they are much among themselves.

  • Sagittarius - purposeful by their nature and often fue their Lion's energy, because, despite his perseverance, the representative of this sign often lacks the incentive and organizedness.
  • Woman Sagittarius will never be tied to something. These are very versatile personalities who have many interests and classes. It is impossible to say that the lion is delighted with the versatility and the removal of the woman Sagittarius, but he can accept it if she attaches a little effort.
  • Lions and Archers are very suitable for a friend in sexual terms. They both love experiments that adorn their intimate life with bright emotions. Woman Sagittarius always happily takes the initiative of the Men Lion, wherever it was.

Compatibility Men Lion with Female Square 82%

Woman Capricorn.

Capricorn woman's relationship with a male lion add up very hard. These are two strong volitional persons who are not inferior to each other in anything. And this is not surprising, after all, to ensure that Capricorn goes on a compromise is not so difficult, just need to listen to a little, but the lion is not capable of this. In this pair, there are a lot of disagreement, the reason for which is a huge abyss in lifestyles:

  • Lions in such respects feel undervalued and unhappy. They are very demanding admiration and praise, but do not get it from the woman of Capricorn. Oddly enough, but a lion can even develop a complex of inferiority, because the representative of this sign is completely devoid of feelings of pity.
  • The lion will not be able to build a woman born under this constellation. It must be said that in many ways the leadership qualities of the lion are imposed and decisive. The representative of this sign often comes foolishly and unproval. Capricorn woman feels it, so it does not trust the solution of the problems of the lion.
  • Capricorns are very volitional and strong women. In many ways, they are able to give odds not only to the lion, but also Scorpio. A strong inner rod of Capricorn scares the lion. In marriage, such pairs are very unhappy, and the divorce statistics exceeds any other indicators.

Male Lion Compatibility with Capricorn Woman 37%

Woman Aquarius

Aquarius woman is a real mystery that Lion persistently tries to solve. Representatives of this sign are easily able to attract the attention of any man, thanks to its company quality and society skills. Lviv very attracts their originality in aquities, extravagant and incorrect with other signs. For Lion Aquarius, like a fresh breath of air. But in such pairs is not all smoothly:

  • Aquarius woman can be described as independent, deep and creative nature. She was not used to falling into the pool with her head, as that, no matter. Such women will never be tied to their chosen one with all your heart.
  • Aquarius - terrible mistresses. They are absolutely not adapted to home obligations. Representatives of this sign there is one very remarkable feature that is able to instantly unwind anger in Lev - they will never be done what they do not like.
  • Aquarius is very freedom and can go away at any time of the day and night, if they are pleased and ask permission from the lion will not definitely not. All attempts to hp the frame of the Aquarius can end with a grand scandal, or even the rupture of relationships.

Male lion compatibility with Water Water 66%

Fish woman

Lviv very attracts femininity and inaccessibility of fish. Hearing a challenge, they will immediately begin to conquer the unshakable vertex of representatives of this sign. Such relationship is quite possible, but until a certain point. Fishes are very overdoor in choosing a partner with whom they plan to share a joint future, and in Leing they risk seeing a lot of unpleasant moments:

  • Lions can ugly lead themselves in the company of friends, because the most important thing for them is to show their indisputable superiority and power over the charming companion. They can say something in an orderly tone or sharply cutting them around them in the middle of the conversation, which is rather unpleasant for any woman, which is already talking about wounded fish.
  • Fish is not from those who open their feelings entirely and completely, so they need a strong and wise satellite, which will understand them and take, seeking location from time to time.
  • Lviv is a little depressing their closure, which they spoke on the community. They will definitely not play the winner of an impregnable peak, so as soon as they see that "the mountain does not go to Magomed," they will leave in the opposite direction.

Male Lion Compatibility With Fish Fish 24%

A man lion is a very interesting and difficult sign, with which not every woman will be able to cope. For such a plump and volitional sign, it is required to find an individual and accurate approach. If you are pretty wise to become a duplicate, loyal and caring companion for a Male Leo, then most likely you do not miss such a man, he collapsed his lion heart.

Video: "How to charm a man of a lion?"