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Read a conspiracy to love a woman. A strong conspiracy to love a girl or woman. Conspiracies to love a woman using white magic

Very often there are situations when men become victims of love magic. Girls actively use magic for their own purposes in order to attract the attention of a male. But sometimes there are moments when a man begins to turn to the help of magic in order to return or bewitch a woman. Many centuries ago, esotericism included in its list a conspiracy to love a woman. Such prayers a large number of and each man will be able to find the option that best suits his situation.

In love feelings, white magic helps more. It is easy to perform rituals on your own at home. No need to seek help from specialists.

Elementary method of love spell for a woman

In magic, there are several types of rituals, which are divided into subcategories. They are usually divided according to the level of difficulty. This option is one of the most simple methods and do not require special efforts or knowledge in the field of esotericism. Despite its simplicity, it is quite effective and always brings a positive result.

The main condition for achieving results is regularity. Read strong conspiracy for the love of a woman you need every day, for a week. If you ever missed reading a prayer, you must return to the beginning. A conspiracy to love a woman should be read exclusively before you go to bed.

The ritual does not require any preparation. You just need to read the following words every day:

“I ask the Angels of heaven to help me in a love situation. All couples have excellent relationships and only I have unrequited feelings. I, the servant of God (name), have long loved a girl, but she does not have reciprocal feelings for me. I ask you to make love feelings flare up in her heart and we can be together. Only with her I imagine my life. Without it, they cannot sleep, cannot eat, cannot live. May the servant of God (name) ignite feelings for me and become a companion of my life. No one can hold the lapel and no one is destined to violate my life plans. Amen".

Ritual with hair

If you think that biological material is used only in black rituals, then you are mistaken. Very often such methods are used by white magic. In order for love conspiracies for a woman to work, you need to complete all the tasks. In this method, you will need your favorite hair. In principle, this is the most difficult part of the ritual, because love plot even a person who has never had anything to do with magic can read a woman. Also, a man should take a comb and find a special prayer. It must be learned by heart and not used hints. There is no specific time for reading the plot. You can spend it at any time convenient for you.

At the moment when you wind your hair around the teeth of the comb, you need to say the following love plot for a woman:

“I, the servant of God (name), turn to nature for help to help me attract the attention of my beloved girl. Let the swamp of my love drag her into my life. I hope that the existing web of my feelings will make the girls stay with me. Our hair on the comb will be intertwined, but not tangled. Let our destinies unite together and no one can separate us. My love burns from within and asks for an answer. No one can remove this strong conspiracy, since I backed it up with feelings. Amen".

Rite in which the photo should be used

In magic, there are a large number of rituals that use a photo of the victim. And they are considered the most effective. Therefore, conspiracies for the love of a woman have the same property. You need to carefully approach the choice of a magical attribute. There are several basic rules.

  1. Pay attention to the fact that in the photo the girl should be alone.
  2. You should choose a photo where there are fewer foreign objects or people in the background. Only in this case, conspiracies for the love of a woman will be able to give a result.
  3. Sometimes shared photos are allowed. That is, it must have a victim and a performer.

Experienced sorcerers are sure that best time to read the prayer, is the morning. That is until the moment when the sun came out from under the horizon. If you need to achieve a quick result, then you need to write the words of the prayer on the photo itself. In principle, its size is quite suitable for a regular photo.

Very strong white conspiracy for the love of a man, woman, girl, guy - read on the growing moon!

Conspiracies and rituals for love Energy of a man and a woman

Ritual for female attractiveness.

A conspiracy for a woman's love is as follows:

“I read the cherished words before the sun rises. I turn to higher powers in order to make the feelings of the servant of God (name) flare up and she loves me very much. Let with the awakening of the sun, the love in her heart will wake up. The soul wants to shine, but without love it is impossible. All living things stretch their hands to the heavenly body, so let my love reach out to me. My magic words sound from the depths of my soul and no one can turn them against me. Amen".

After all the steps are completed, put the photo under the place where you sleep. Let it stay there until you notice a positive result.

Ritual with a red candle

Choose a time when there will be a waxing moon in the sky. If you don't know when this will happen, you can help moon calendar. Next, you need to go to the church and buy a red candle. It is the red candle that personifies surprisingly strong feelings and a manifestation of passion.

On the candle you need to engrave the name of the chosen one and read the following conspiracy on the woman you love:

“I light the fire, and I burn with love. I wish my chosen one to love me and surround me with a sense of passion. Only with her I imagine my future life, no one else is needed. Only the two of us will be happy and no one can separate us. Only death can separate our destinies. Although, even in heaven we will be together. Lord, only you can help in this difficult situation. I ask you to direct the heart of my beloved in the right direction and show her love in my direction. I take responsibility and take responsibility for my actions. Amen".

In order for love conspiracies to love a woman to always work, you must carefully fulfill all the conditions prescribed in the instructions. This is the only way to be sure that the result will not keep you waiting and you can find your happiness.

Most Full description in all details - a conspiracy to love a woman to read with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

Love is never easy, problems in the amorous area can inspire the strongest melancholy. Any experienced family man will attest to the fact that the amount of effort put into a love relationship is proportional to the effect.

In the modern world, the most active users of love conspiracies are the representatives of the weaker sex. To achieve what she wants, a woman is capable of doing amazing, incredible, and sometimes frightening things.

Men also fall in love, sometimes they find themselves lonely, even when the heart breaks out of their chest at the sight of their beloved.

When most of the usual ways to find a soul mate, to return it, have been exhausted, a conspiracy to love a girl comes to the aid of men. Fortunately, there are a huge number of conspiracies, problem solving helping to disperse longing, to find a beloved woman. There are an incredible number of conspiracies, so everyone will be able to choose the ritual they like the most.

Compliance with the rules - one hundred percent result

Rituals designed to attract a sweetheart are ideal for modest, indecisive men. Usually, to start, the male sex needs only an initial push in order to quickly establish a personal life, get rid of longing. Experience in amorous affairs is a unique tool that allows you to win hearts.

First, a conspiracy to love a girl will come in handy. Remember the rules, non-observance of which leads to backfire. It is worth resorting to conspiracies, magic, witchcraft, only when it is really necessary. Not counting on the future long-term relationship, forget about the help of heavenly forces. You need to make a conspiracy on a girl with one hundred percent certainty that she is your muse, a reason to wake up in the morning.

Eliminating the consequences of an unsuccessful conspiracy often turns an already joyless life into a real nightmare, try to follow the instructions exactly. Trying to return your beloved, be sure to be alone, otherwise you will go astray.

When reading a conspiracy, concentration on the image of a loved one is important, negative emotions, like melancholy and sadness, it is better to drive away.

A few days before the conspiracy, it is recommended to fast, do not take alcohol, it will interfere with concentration. Perform one conspiracy per girl, stop. It is quite possible that the result of the work will not be noticeable immediately. The most important thing is to keep acting, you are unlikely to be able to fall in love with a girl who barely knows you. Also, conspiracies are great to return your beloved.

Powerful forces will help to find love

The first conspiracy is recommended to be read at dawn, during the period of the growing moon. If you want to achieve the location of a girl, then this is one of the most popular rituals. You need to read the plot in a whisper, while on the street. However, it is better for residents of large cities to carry out the procedure at home, by an open window. The plot is repeated 12 times within 12 days.

After some, perhaps quite a long period of time, your significant other will begin to think about you. This method will allow you to return the girl, or, if love bypassed you, find a new one.

A beloved woman can be won with the help of other conspiracies. For example, this ritual is best performed on days suitable for male witchcraft.

The most important thing is to clearly pronounce every word, including the “tail”, since each part of the plot is of great importance. If something distracts you, put a candle in front of you, it will allow you to focus.

The hair of a beloved is a powerful tool for a successful conspiracy, able to attract the attention of a loved one, to return her.

The only difficulty of the ritual is the procedure for obtaining hair. However, if you already have it, you can quickly dispel the longing.

First of all, learn a small text of the conspiracy, which should “bounce off your teeth” with you. Then the girl's hair is wound on a comb and the words of the conspiracy are pronounced several times.

After you are sure of the effectiveness of the work, you need to comb your hair with this comb.

The result will amaze you

Correct observance of the rules of the conspiracy, its exact reading is already 90% of the result. It doesn’t matter what exactly you thought of, you wanted to return your old lover, find a new one, in any case, you will succeed. Communication with a potential soulmate will help dispel longing, overpower yourself and try to talk to her. Higher power will be on your side, so start with a small suggestion, like going to the cinema or a cafe.

Conspiracies for the love of a woman with the help of white magic.

Conspiracies and love spells using white magic are the safest, and easy to read at home. When conspiring to love a woman, you will not make her fall in love with you, but you can awaken her desire and interest in you. Naturally, the use of white conspiracies and love spells helps to establish love relationship and improve your personal life.

A magical ritual, carried out correctly, will awaken both a reciprocal passion and interest in a person, to keep close to you. Magical rites are capable of both saving a family and repairing a deteriorated relationship. But you should always remember that if you are doing love magic, it is always violence against another person. In order for a woman to fall in love with you, a white love conspiracy will help. They read this plot for ten days in a row at sunset, sunrise and noon three times a day. Read the words of the conspiracy in a quiet voice, while there should be no outsiders.

White conspiracy for passionate love on a girl's hair.

Men who want to engage in conspiracies, frankly, do not really trust themselves. Although the best sorcerers are just men. In the modern world there is a large assortment conspiracies and spells. Each person has his own case in life, but everyone can find an option suitable only for him. There are complex and not very difficult conspiracies to perform, but the fact that they will definitely help you to improve your own life and find happiness, that's for sure. Well, now, how to perform and most importantly conduct the ritual itself correctly:

For this love plot, you will need hair from the head of your girlfriend. I think that it is not very difficult, especially since one or two hairs are required. Any man who is not engaged in magic can carry out such a ritual. Be sure to purchase a new comb, and memorize the text of the plot. You need to read the plot without witnesses, preferably before midnight. The hair of a beloved girl is wound on a new comb, fully concentrates on the image of her beloved, mentally imagining her next to him and in a quiet voice cast a spell:

After reading the plot, comb your hair with this comb and put it in a place where no one will find it.

White conspiracy to love his wife.

Every family has its joys and disappointments. It seems that everything is going well, and the house is in order, and the children have grown up, and love has gone away. What to do? Break up or leave things as they are? You give her signs of your attention, you want closeness with her, and she excuses herself either with fatigue, or - the most classic case - with a headache. But sexual relations play an important role in family life. Reading the conspiracies will help restore peace and love to the family, and most importantly, help to save it! For magical rite you need to mix the following spices: a mixture of dry herbs that you put in food, white pepper and salt. We mix all this and add it to the cooked food, reading the words of the conspiracy:

Cooked food feed your wife, try not to eat yourself.

The result will appear in three days.

Conspiracy for mutual love.

Many people know the pain of unrequited love. The person you love with all your soul does not even look in your direction, but you really want to see her constantly next to you. Here, too, jealousy does not give rest. In this case, a love plot on fire will help. A very powerful conspiracy. Fire at all times was considered a conductor to magical energy. Therefore, those who read conspiracies on fire have the right to expect an excellent result. To perform the ritual, you will need to build a fire. It should be bred after sunset with a growing moon. After you have lit the fire, go around it clockwise, right hand hold over the flame, and read the words of such a conspiracy.

After reading the plot, put out the fire and go home, do not talk to anyone along the way.

Conspiracy for true love.

Not everyone believes in true love. And she is strong, and strong, and disinterested. How to make a girl love you? Sometimes love has to be achieved, to put a lot of effort in order for the girl to turn her attention to you. But it's worth it. Well, if the girl does not have any feelings for you, then you can try a strong love plot. You need to act with extreme caution so that she does not experience any discomfort being next to you.

How to talk a girl into a love relationship.

Conspiracies for any person, especially conspiracies for a girl, are considered very effective and strong! The ritual should symbolize strong love! You need to do the following: Spread a red scarf on the table. On this handkerchief, before lighting the candles, read the Our Father prayer. Then light the candles, and mark the outline of the heart with the wax of the lit candle. After that, fill the entire wax heart with wax, while thinking about your beloved. On this heart, write the name of your beloved. Start reading the plot, while believing that she is your most beloved and only one.

After reading the plot, try to hide the scarf in a secluded place away from prying eyes. Do not tell anyone about the performed magic ritual,

A conspiracy to love a woman

You need to read the most powerful conspiracy for the love and longing of a woman that cannot be removed on her photo and the effect of such a love spell comes in 1 day. The white magic of love will open a good Orthodox conspiracy for strong love women to a man who will have to read on their own.

What you need to read a love spell:

  • a photograph of a beloved woman on paper, her photo from a phone printed on a printer is suitable for a love spell;
  • yellow church candle;
  • wait for the new moon;

If you already have these items and the new moon has come, put a photo of a woman on the windowsill and light a church candle, start read a conspiracy to kindle love from a woman you like :

Far away on a stump, sadness sits, the photo looks and screams.

The light of a candle in his window will show me the quick way.

Enter longing into the body of God's servant (name),

He sealed the conspiracy with a word, filled it with the seal of a wax candle.

No one and never my conspiracy can not be removed, not broken,

A woman beloved of me only think and yearn.

The coldness is gone, love brought by the wind. Amen.

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Conspiracies for the love of a girl

Win a girl with magic

The objects of conspiracies for love are most often men. It is the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who tend to look for easy ways to achieve their cherished goal. Therefore, rituals aimed at winning the heart of a man are more famous. But also effective conspiracies for love, girls are also represented in the world of esotericism in a decent assortment. Therefore, everyone will be able to find an acceptable option that will be understandable and easy to implement.

Features of love conspiracies for men

Features of love magic

Rituals designed to achieve the location of a particular girl, in the first place, will be useful to modest and indecisive men. They are perfect in situations where there is not enough courage to get to know each other better or try to establish a personal life. A simple ritual will be a real salvation for those who have already tried to make contact with a girl, but were defeated.

An effective conspiracy will help attract attention, interest and even fall in love with the fair sex. But it is worth remembering that the use of a conspiracy can result in serious consequences. Many rituals are powerful. Therefore, they should be used only if you are firmly convinced that the chosen one will become perfect companion life. After all, the elimination of the consequences of the conspiracy can turn into a huge problem if feelings for the girl disappear.

The effect of the ritual may not appear immediately. Therefore, do not despair if the girl you like at first will continue to show indifference or hostility. Perhaps she will not immediately hang around her neck and show signs of attention. But it will take a little time, and the result will be obvious. The object of dreams will change its behavior, become more friendly and affectionate.

The easiest love spell for men

The easiest way

This ritual belongs to the category of the most understandable and uncomplicated. It can be used even by a person far from the world of esotericism and magic. But this feature does not detract from the effectiveness of the conspiracy. With the right attitude and seriousness of intentions, the result will appear in the near future.

It is important to follow the procedure for the implementation of the ceremony. It should be done every evening for seven days. And, of course, before bed. The essence of the ritual comes down to reading a special conspiracy:

“Michael, Gabriel, Rafael! Make sure that (name of your beloved girl) loves me the same way that I love her. Amen".

A conspiracy on the hair of a beloved girl

Using the girl's hair

To perform this ritual, you will need to get a hair from the head of your beloved. But this is the only difficulty. Even a man who does not have any experience in esotericism can perform the ritual. In addition to the hair, you need to stock up on a comb and learn the simple text of the plot. You can perform the ceremony at any time of the day.

Wind the hair on the comb. Focus on your desire to fall in love with a girl and say:

“I call the swamp mud, thick cobwebs, forest twigs. I wind hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Just as the hair of a slave (the name of a beloved girl) with the hair of a slave (her name) is intertwined tightly, but not tangled, so the love of a slave (the name of a beloved girl) for a slave (her name) stretches, winds and grows.

After that, comb your hair with a comb.

A conspiracy in the photo of a beloved

Conspiracy for photography

Rituals in which photographs are used can achieve the greatest effect. And conspiracies for the love of a girl are no exception. It is important to choose the right photo for the ceremony. The photo should only show the beloved. The presence of foreign objects, animals or people is highly undesirable. Only the image of the person who performs the ritual is allowed.

Experts advise to carry out this effective rite in the morning, at sunrise. To increase efficiency, place on reverse side photograph text of the plot. It is not long, so it will easily fit on a standard picture:

“As the sun rises in the morning, so love flares up in the heart of the slave (the name of the beloved). As the sun shines, so may your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. As the sun dries the earth, so you will dry and yearn without me. As people are drawn to the red sun, so you will be drawn to me. You will not have life without me, just as people do not have life without the sun. My word is strong and firm. Amen".

The ritual does not end there. It is necessary before dusk to carefully pack the photograph in a dark cloth and put it under the bed or under the mattress. Here it should be stored until the moment when the conspiracy does not give the desired result.

Red candle spell

For this ritual, you will need to prepare a red candle, a box of matches and a knife with a white handle. It is desirable to perform the procedure during the growing moon. Before you start the ritual, you need to carefully tune in, mentally recreate the image of your beloved girl.

On the surface of the candle with the tip of a knife, scratch the name of the object of dreams. Light the wick and clearly pronounce the following conspiracy:

“Let the fire of love burn in the heart of the slave (name of the chosen one), flare up. In her soul, reciprocal feelings are born. Let these feelings turn into passion and love, to me, a slave (his name), let him turn his face. May it be so!".

Wait until the candle is completely melted. You can't blow out the fire.

Conspiracy on two candles

Conspiracy with two candles

To perform this ceremony, you will need to visit the church on Friday morning. There you should buy two thin candles. Conduct the ceremony immediately, on the same day. The words of the conspiracy can be chosen arbitrarily. The main thing is that they reflect the essence of the desire to achieve the location of your beloved girl.

On the surface of one candle, scratch your name with a needle, on the other - the name of the object of dreams. Tie with a strong thread and set on fire. While the candles are melting, it is necessary to look continuously at the flame and mentally pronounce the words of the conspiracy. To increase efficiency, it is worth recreating in your mind a picture of the desired joint future with the girl you like.

Conspiracy for food and drink

Food and drink to help

These conspiracies for the love of a girl are suitable only if the man is familiar with the person he likes. After all, their distinguishing feature- the need to treat the object of dreams with a treat or a drink. Although, you can show your imagination and find a way to “slip” the charmed products on your beloved.

First you need to prepare food or drinks. To do this, bend over them and say:

“I, the servant of God (my name), will become blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate, and go out into an open field. The Mother of God sits in this open field, Holy Mother of God. As she creaks and hurts for Her Son, so the servant of God (the name of her beloved) creaked and hurt, and burned in the fire, she could neither be, nor live, nor eat, nor drink. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Strong conspiracy for men

This method allows you to quickly fall in love with a girl you like or return faded feelings between partners. Although simple to perform, the ritual is very powerful and effective. To achieve the fastest effect, you must strictly follow the instructions and observe important rules: focus on the goal as much as possible, remove from the room all objects that can distract from the sacrament of the rite. The ideal time for a conspiracy is midnight during the waning moon. During the ritual, you should turn your face in the direction where the beloved's house is located.

“The evening dawn came through the dark gate, brought me, the servant of God (my name), to the bank of the wide and deep river. In the middle of that river there is a white stone, a servant of God (the name of the beloved girl) sits on it and sheds tears. A father is walking along the bank of that river, but he does not see his daughter. A mother walks along the shore, but does not see her dear child. As the month-moon wanes, so let the love of the faithful servant of God (the name of the beloved girl) for the parents wanes. And to me, the servant of God (her name), let her love grow and arrive. As I take off a girl from a stone and caress her, comfort her, so let her heart immediately turn to me. Amen".

Using a strong conspiracy to love a girl, you need to weigh and think everything over. Such a decision must be really necessary. After all strong rituals able to forever bewitch the object of dreams. And, if, as a result, feelings for the girl fade away, it will be very difficult to get rid of her signs of attention.

Mister 28.11.2013 09:39

Hello, I tried to make a plot with a photograph, everything went as expected, at dawn I read it, put it in a black T-shirt and put it under the mattress, but this morning the boards in the bed holding the mattress fell to the floor and the picture fell out of the fabric, so I had to take the fabric with the picture when I brought the bed in order. Without hesitation, I read the rite again, nothing bad will happen to me? Does the conspiracy have the same power?

Nikolay 08.12.2014 11:08

Hello! Please tell me, when should the ritual with the comb and hair of your girlfriend be performed? Waxing or waning moon? At night or at any time of the day. How many times to repeat and how often to perform this ritual?

Eugene 01/05/2015 14:17

during a strong conspiracy, do you need to be baptized? Do you need to learn the text or can you read it? Is a regular room okay?

rodion 05.05.2015 10:34

and you can take a photo on a tablet and not paper

Kadrbek 28.04.2016 16:43

A printed photo on A4 can be either

Valentine 18.05.2016 14:45

Will it be possible to cancel the love spell (the last one, which is strong)? And what are the consequences after the love spell.

Gennady 10.10.2016 02:29

Doesn't work at all. I did the very first one, read it for 7 days ... and nothing. What to do?

Ayat 14.10.2016 19:25

I want to seduce a girl. I love strongly. They broke up with her. Feelings are gone. I want to return. Once and for all. I want to be with her for the rest of my life

ALEXEY 10.11.2016 12:28

I want to return the girl ... I love her, but she says that all feelings have faded .. how to make everything come back again .. I know ... that in the depths of her soul she loves me very much ....

Denis 03/18/2017 10:31

Tried to do the last plot, it doesn't work



Independent conspiracies for the love of a girl will allow you to see reciprocity in the eyes of your beloved and realize all your dreams. How to win the reciprocity of your girlfriend? This question sooner or later visits most of the stronger sex. What to do when your love is strong, and her feelings are far from yours.

Here is the first free conspiracy to love a girl:

“On the sea, on the ocean, there is an island-Buyan, but on that island there is longing; Longing breaks, longing is killed, from the tree into the blue water, from the water into the red flame, the black devil ran out of the flame and shouted: “Pavushka Romanea, hurry up, inflate the slave (such and such) in red lips, in white teeth, in joints and her bones and flesh, into her young body, into her strong heart, into her black, so that the slave (such and such) would be tormented by longing every time, every minute, every noon, every midnight; I would eat and not eat up, I would drink and not get drunk, I would sleep and not get enough sleep, but I would still yearn for me, so that I would be better than other people's fellows, better than my own father and mother, better than all kind. I secure my plot with seventy-seven locks, I wrap it with seventy-seven chains, I throw the keys into the sea-ocean, under the white-flammable stone, the wise Alatyr. The wisest will be punished for me, whoever takes out all the sand from the whole sea-ocean, he will drive away melancholy ”

Here is another love plot to achieve the love of a girl:

“I will lie down, servant of God (name), pray, get up, cross myself, and I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, into an open field, under the bright stars, under the moon of God. Before me lie three roads: I will not stand on the right, and I will not stand on the left; I will get up and go along the middle road, and that road runs through a dark forest. Therein dark forest there is a yearning tree; longing and grieving longing, sad, and I give that longing to the servant of God (name); longing will ascend into her white body and into a strong heart, and into red braids, into hot blood, so that she will yearn for the servant of God (name) and everything would be, but she would grieve about me and think; so that drinking does not quench her thirst, so that food does not drive away her hunger, so that sleep does not lull her to sleep, but she would always keep me, a servant of God (name), in her mind. As the sun and moon are eternal and reliable, so would my conspiracy be eternal and reliable. Amen, amen, amen."

There is an independent conspiracy for a beloved girl is also this:

“I will get up early, without praying, I will go quickly, without blessing, I will head into the open field, like a whirlwind. In that field stands a willow bush, and in that bush sits a fat woman, a servant of Satan, a human sinner. I will bow to this fat woman, I will depart from my parents, from my kind. Come on, fat woman, kindle a hot flame in the red maiden (name) in my heart for me, good fellow (name).

Topic: I have become more money and opportunities, thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries .... and a constant lack of money. You won’t buy toys for children, you won’t buy new clothes, you won’t please yourself beautiful dress. My husband also does not have a job.

In general, every month you only think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, we in the family have learned to live with our finances. But in my heart there was always a constant feeling of resentment and pity for myself. Why is that, I asked myself. Won, others have money, bought new car, the dacha was built, it is clear that there is prosperity.

I have already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I stumbled across the internet.

You will be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just a trifle, pocket coins, but a really normal income!

Per Last year we made a great renovation in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But none of this would have happened if I hadn't found this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

But, there is one condition. You yourself must give her what reflects your desire. If from afar you begin to hypnotize the cola she drinks without paying attention to you, then you will have to wait several years (or centuries) for the result.

"Gabriel! Raphael! Michael! My blood brothers! I need your help! I appeal to you, I appeal! Do it the way you dream! Let (name) love me. Let her soul catch fire with a return fire, the most cherished! Amen!".

Do not forget: at this moment you need to think (described above).

Strong conspiracy at a distance

You will need her photo. A strong conspiracy to love a woman for a man is pronounced, which must necessarily pass into her hands.

If this is not possible, then you will have to borrow her thing (any) for one night. But it's best to use new silver ring. This attribute is best in harmony with male feelings.

When you decide on an attribute (gift), then go to the Temple. Buy a wax candle there (mandatory). Bring her home.

The ceremony is held on men's day (Thursday, Tuesday, for example). Before the first roosters (from two to three in the morning).

  1. Put a photo of your loved one in front of you. There should be a candle flame between you (right between the eyes).
  2. Take the gift in your right hand, press it to your heart and read the words:

“I call the mud dark, marsh, the web is sticky, thick, the twigs are forest, hard. As a cherished gift, all come in together. As he turns out to be in the hands of a sweet (name), braid her soul. Let him yearn and suffer, he does not know fun. Without my gentle words, without my clear eyes, without passionate embraces. Let the heart beat like a bird, afraid to get lost in the dark without my hands. Let her body be engulfed in flames. Only in my arms will find delight! The word is strong, the deed is stucco. Amen!".

A conspiracy that can't be broken

Similar rituals also exist. It is necessary to approach them responsibly so as not to spoil the life of either yourself or your loved one. For one important reason: they are not removed.

If the thought comes to you to part with a charmed woman, then you will go to real hell. She will torment you, you yourself will get tired of suffering. In general, it's a serious matter.

And for the ritual you will need perfume. Her favorite toilet water or other perfume. If you know what she prefers, then get it. The ceremony is held in.

  1. The bubble must be carefully uncorked.
  2. Drip your blood into it. It is “extracted only from the little toe of the left foot! It only takes a drop.
  3. As it mixes with perfume, say:

“The evening dawn through the dark gates passed me, good fellow, woke me up. She led me over the distant mountains, to the bank of the fast, wide, sparkling river. In the middle of the river a white stone rose. The night wolf climbed on him. He howls from anguish, my heart and whiskey are crushing. You are a wolf beloved girl (name) enter the soul. Wake up the flame of passion in her. So that it never stops, just as the water in the river never ends! Her rapids are stormy, not to get out of the cobweb beloved of love! Amen!".

That's all. It remains to carefully seal the bottle and give it to the woman.

There is such a stereotype that only girls and women perform ritual ceremonies, but this is far from being the case. Many men also resort to them and at the same time achieve significant results. For example, if a man unsuccessfully tries to achieve the location of a girl, then he can apply a conspiracy to her love. All you need is confidence in your abilities and faith in what you are doing.

Important information

Before resorting to such conspiracies, you need to think carefully. The fact is that if a young man does not truly love a girl, then after a successfully completed ritual, his feelings will subside more and more every day. At the same time, his “beloved”, on the contrary, love and affection will become stronger day by day. Therefore, in order not to suffer from remorse, you need to think everything over very well before the ritual.

If you are a beginner, then do not expect instant positive results. As a rule, in this case, in order to succeed, you will have to repeat the ritual at least 3 times.

A simple conspiracy to love a girl

Such a rite will be understandable and accessible to everyone, even to those who first got acquainted with the world of magic. However, despite its simplicity and ease of implementation, such a conspiracy has a very great strength. If your intentions are really serious, and you can tune in correctly, then a positive result from this rite will be noticeable soon enough.

It should be remembered that how strong the result will be depends on how correctly the ceremony will be performed. It will need to be carried out throughout the week daily in the evening. This should be done a few minutes before you go to bed. All you have to do is read the text:

"Gabriel, Michael, Rafael! Help me, let (name of beloved) love me with all my heart, as I love her. My word is strong as a stone! Amen!"

Strong conspiracy

The best time for this conspiracy will be Monday or Thursday. The ceremony must be performed during sunset on the growing moon. It will be necessary to prepare, namely: remember the plot, because it should be read exclusively from memory; focus your thoughts on what you want; to prepare the room in which the ritual will be performed. It should be remembered that when a conspiracy is pronounced, there should not be a single person in the room where this is done, as well as animals and even flowers.

When sunset begins, you can begin the ceremony. In the process of reading the conspiracy, it is necessary to turn your gaze in the direction in which the apartment (house) of your beloved is located, where she lives. Text:

"Dawn-lightning through the black gates will come, me, a servant of God ( given name), will lead you to the river bank. You can’t see the banks and the bottom near the river, and there is a large stone in it, and on this stone the servant of God (the name of the girl) sits, drops her tears into the water. Her heart is shackled with sadness and longing. I will take the girl (name) in my arms. I will console her, disperse sadness and sadness. The servant of God (name of the girl) will love me and kiss me. My word is strong as a stone! Amen!"

Lover's hair conspiracy

To carry out such a ritual, you need to find 1 hair belonging to the one you love. Having taken out the hair, you will need to buy a comb. There is nothing difficult or incomprehensible in the rite itself. You can spend it on any day of the week, while it will be morning or evening, it also does not really matter. Do not forget to memorize the text well.

Take a comb and wind a hair around it. Next, focusing on own desire, read the text:

“I ask for help from swamp mud, strong cobwebs, forest twigs. wind up strong love, great passion, pure soul. Just as the hair of the servant of God (name of the girl) with the hair of the servant of God (proper name) is intertwined firmly and not tangled, so the love of the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (name) may increase, wind and grow stronger. My word is strong! Amen!"

After the ceremony is completed, you need to comb it with the same comb.

Conspiracy for water

Such a ritual is quite easy and simple to perform, but for this you will need to meet your beloved. You can speak any liquid (water, juice, tea, coffee, etc.), only it should be noted that it should not contain alcohol. In order for the ceremony to succeed, a small sip will be enough. You need to read the text of the plot 3 times in a loud whisper, while it should be very quiet around.

It should also be noted that it is necessary to clearly pronounce each word, fully concentrating on what you want. Text:

“Key water, let it be so that (the name of the beloved) the girl yearned for me, dreamed day and night, didn’t say a word, didn’t look around, ignited with passion, couldn’t imagine life without me. Amen!"

At the same time, do not forget that only this girl should drink the charmed liquid. If someone else drinks it, then the conspiracy will be broken and lose its power.

Red candle spell

Before proceeding with the ritual, you need to prepare everything you need. You will need a red candle, a knife (its handle must be white color) and a box filled with matches. In order for the ritual to have greater power, this rite it is recommended to carry out on the growing moon. Before starting the ceremony, you need to calm down and try to imagine the image of your beloved.

Take a knife and use it to scratch the name of your beloved on the candle. From the match, light the wick of the candle. After that, you need to read the text, while each word must be pronounced clearly:

“Let the fire of love in the soul of the servant of God (name of the girl) ignite. Feelings will suddenly appear in her chest. Let such feelings turn into tenderness and affection for me (name). My word is strong! Amen!"

When this is done, you need to wait until the candle burns out and goes out on its own. Please note that you cannot extinguish the fire yourself.

Conspiracy for photography

Not everyone can do the rite in the photo, but only those who have a good imagination, because you need to imagine yourself next to your beloved or, as if in reality, see how love energy flows into the girl’s heart in streams. It is best if the photo of your beloved will be in full growth.

If there is no such photo, then you should choose the one where it is depicted at least to the waist. It should also be noted that the beloved must be alone on the photo card (that is, no more person should be present on it). The plot must be read early in the morning at dawn. Text:

“The hot sun will appear at dawn, rise and flare up. So in the breast of the servant of God (the name of the beloved), love will appear and burn. sunshine the earth is illuminated, so let the love in the heart of the servant of God (name) be strengthened and grow, rejoice and pour out with pure light. As anyone strives for the sun, so you would strive for me. May it be so! Amen!"

When the ceremony is completed, the photo card must be removed away, to a place where no one will find it. It will be possible to get it only after you notice a positive result from the conspiracy.

Conspiracy with two candles

To perform this ritual, you will need to go to church on Friday morning. You need to buy 2 thin candles in it. The ceremony must be carried out on the same day, without delay. There is no special text of the conspiracy for this rite. It is recommended that you choose the words yourself, but you must also take into account that they should reflect the essence of what you want.

Take an ordinary sewing needle and use it to scratch your name on one of the candles, and the name of your girlfriend on the second. Take a strong thread and tie candles to it. Then they must be set on fire, using for this ordinary matches. Without taking your eyes off the candles, you need to mentally slowly read the plot.

It is necessary to repeat the words of the conspiracy until the candles completely melt and go out. In order for the result of the ceremony to be more effective, it is necessary to imagine how you live in love and harmony with your beloved.

The strongest conspiracy to love a girl

This conspiracy will certainly help a man in love to attract the attention of the girl from whom he is crazy. The words of the conspiracy must be read for 9 days 3 times a day. If you want a faster result, then the text of the conspiracy must be read for three days, 3 times a day. It is worth considering that the text of the conspiracy must be repeated 3 times. Text:

"How longing mother of God according to Jesus, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) would yearn for the servant of God (her name). Let not seeing (her name), she would yearn and be sick, she could not find a place for herself day and night. Everyone would cry and suffer, she did not know peace, but she yearned and (her name) called. May the servant of God (the name of the beloved) and the servant of God (his name) not be able to live separately and live forever. May it be so! Amen!"

It should be remembered that how quickly you can see the result of the ceremony, the character of the girl also affects. For example, if a girl is proud or shy, then at first she may not betray the feelings that have flared up in her heart. The main thing is to be patient and believe that everything will work out!

Lapel-cold is a magical effect that is aimed at cooling feelings between people or from one person to another. Most often, this method is used in order to get rid of one's own feelings for a person who does not reciprocate. This effective way allows you to eliminate the suffering from unrequited love. Also, a lapel-cold can be applied to another person when their own feelings for him have cooled down.

Lapel-cold to cool your own feelings

All rituals aimed at cooling the senses should be carried out during the waning moon. If the ritual is performed by a woman with the aim of falling out of love, then women's days should be preferred: Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

You can get rid of love addiction with the help of a ritual involving the use of natural properties water. The ceremony must be performed in private room as isolated as possible from external noise, that is, doors and windows must be tightly closed. Cold water is used for the ritual. It can be collected from the tap, but it is better to use a spring or well. For best effect It is recommended to pre-cool the water in the refrigerator.

The following magic words are pronounced three times over water poured into a glass:

“In the blue and deep sea-ocean, on the green island, a huge red oak grows. Next to him lies a large stone, and on it is a pike. She eats my longing, and I, the Servant of God (proper name), cease to grieve for the Servant of God (name) from now on. The irresistible torment is leaving, and with it, my heart leaves the pain. My soul is freed for other bright feelings. My word is strong and stucco, there is no one's power to remove it. All come true".

Immediately after reading the plot, you need to drink half of the water, and rinse your face with the rest and sprinkle around you. The ceremony is simple, but very effective. Waking up the next morning, you can immediately notice that the world around seemed to be transformed.

A popular lapel-cold is considered a ritual with a nail, candles and water. As in the previous case, the ceremony is carried out in complete seclusion. You need to sit down at the table and focus on thoughts about the person you need to get rid of longing for.

Then you need to light candles and hold the tip of the nail over the flame of one of them until it heats up.

After that, the nail should be lowered into a glass with cold water and say:

“Natural water-water, my longing for the servant of God (the name of the man) will cool. As the iron cools, so my viscous torment disappears.

After the ceremony, you should immediately go to bed and not think about anything. If everything was done correctly, then relief will come very quickly.