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How to raise his wife under him. How to make a wife submissive. The husband is trying to raise his wife - how to be

Tradition regularly beat his wife appeared in Russia with the adoption of Christianity. In the pagan period, the woman was a more equal member of society than in Christian. Women until the XI century remained protected by their loved ones (father and brothers), even if married. And those mountain stood for her beloved daughter and sister. It was not only applied to stolen or purchased wives, which in the families of the spouses existed on the position of slaves.

Women who entered marriage according to their own consent or the contract between parents possessed many rights. They could even "divorce" - to get away from her husband, if not satisfied with the marriage. The role of women was reflected in the presence of the deities of the female family: Lada - Goddess of Love and Marriage, Makosh - Goddess of Spinning, Genzhalnica - Divine Messengers who have determined the fate of the child at birth.

After baptism of Russia

Together with the baptism of Rus accepted a new morality, which the most unprofitable way affected the fate of the Russian woman. With the adoption of monotheism and the establishment of the major role of a man, a woman in the family began to be perceived as a creature to some extent defective, unreasonable, like a child. The husband had to literally followed his wife, take care of her morality and the "salvation of the soul."

This concern was to be expressed in rigor and regular beatings. Children were similarly raised in the same way. In many ways, such a stereotype of behavior was inspired by the clergy, which in the Middle Ages saw the root of all angry, the devilish temptation and the source of the unclean. For the soul of a woman did not get into hell, the husband was simply obliged to regularly "teach" her "Bitia".

Body punishment was considered something like preventive work. They had to knock out from a woman all those vices, which she by definition was endowed with birth. If a man beat his spouse, then cared for the salvation of her soul from hellfire. Women themselves learned this lesson that the lack of beatings perceived as a sign of lack of manless love and care. Such laws of family life were reflected in the well-known literary monument "Domostroy".

How to beat my wife

"Domostroy" was created by unknown authors in approximately the XV-XVI centuries in the Novgorod Republic. According to Alexander Sergeevich Orlova, Sergey Mikhailovich Solovyov and other Russian literature and historians, "Domostroy" became the result of the work of many priests, "people's teachers", and at the same time quintestence of the society of the period of the period.

In this document, not one chapter is devoted to the creation of "Raising Wife". The anonymous adviser teaches good homes, how to beat his wife correctly, so as not to apply hard injury. The man was not recommended to beat a woman in the eyes, ears and other important parts of the body, so as not to make a spouse with cripples. Also did not follow to "upbringing" heavy and especially metal objects, since all this can lead to disability.

Physical methods of education on "Domostrole" was supposed to apply not only to wives, but also to children, servants and negligent workers. Regularly the pattage of all these people is sometimes just like that, in preventive purposes, was the holy responsibility of a man, as the head of the family. So he, as a diligent shepherd, cared for his "herd".

Does not hit - then does not love

That is how Russian women perceived a more loyal attitude towards themselves. Now it may seem strange and wild, but it is impossible to forget that the woman was brought up in a patriarchal society. All her life was regulated by the harsh laws of the family, the kind. Russian women in the overwhelming majority were uneducated, with a narrow horizon. They and the uncommon was that it is possible to live in the family somehow differently. Yes, and there were no examples.

If a woman happened - it is extremely rare - married to a foreigner, she quite naturally perceived the lack of beatings from her husband as a sign of his dislike. Over time, the original importance of bodily punishment was forgotten in society as a way of education "in fear of God." Men began to beat wives simply from jealousy or self. Worst of all that women themselves still perceive such behavior as the norm and years tolerate the manual attribution.

Opinion of psychologists

In Russian society, traditions are very strong. Even the wildest and absurd. The memory of the ancestors dictates Russian women silently to endure beatings and not to put the problem to the public. This is less accepted in intelligent families; More often found in the lower layers of the population. In the latter, regular beatings can be burdened with drunkenness and are often superimposed on other types of violence (moral, sexy).

As if women believed that "beats - it means, love", violence is only violence. Often, the desired man continues to live with the long-unloved woman and at the same time he continues her to beat it too. About any love in such families does not even go. In addition, in a huge amount of cases, the beatings ends with murder. Every year more than 10 thousand Russians die from their husbands.

The fruits of such "love"

Children suffer from domestic violence. Not even being straight victims of beatings, they grow morally flawed. Psychologists call this deflection of Stockholm syndrome. It is expressed in the inability of a person who in childhood was in any kind of violence, to resist him in adulthood. This also applies to situations where the child regularly observes the beating of his mother.

Such a person becomes helpless in front of the aggressor. Sometimes he not only can not protect himself, but also falls into the moral dependence on the rapist. If violence was used to the child, as well as his mother, it grows in the same way as mental disabilities of one or another kind.

Depending on the type of personality and the force of inflicted injury, the victims of violence can develop a whole range of deviations: an alarming disorder, manico-depressive psychosis, etc. Girls who have grown in such families adopt the mother's behavior to the mother's behavior and grow up victims. Intuitively find themselves and the corresponding partner inclined to violence. So a very strong connection between the "victim - tyrant" is formed, which is often breaking only with the death of the victim.

It is still more difficult with the boys, because they can repeat the father's behavior model. This is not a 100% pattern, but very often boys who have grown in the atmosphere of cruelty and violence, become extremely cruel. If such a "education" is superimposed on certain psychological features of the person, society receives a ready-made maniac-killer. Hardly such people can be considered "fruits of love."

Women - creatures are very different: what is suitable one, the other is unacceptable. Although books, and tips on scientific care for women read, of course, need to expand their horizons and general education of women owners, especially wives. But never blindly use special wonderful literature, such as popular science Playboy and Penthouse. Let the recognized authorities do not determine the fate of your woman.

Decide why a wife needs in your life. As a companion and loyal friend, like domestic lovers, like a living toy, like a cook, like a nanny, like a brave hunter for things from sales, like a home doctor and psychotherapist, as a source of satisfaction of your sexual ambitions? This depends on the choice of rock, and more importantly - approaches to education. You can try to combine in one woman two and even three qualities. Just keep in mind that it will require the voltage of all moral and material forces.

At what age take a wife to the house? Opinions of husbands diverge. Many are advised to take the women intended and accustomed to the house. Such women may be unpretentious, accustomed to simple food, may not need special care ... But more and more practitioners talk about the benefits of very young women. They will require more attention and patience, but also chances to raise the favorite in the quality you need much higher.

Want to have a sociable and intelligent wife?
Always talk to her often and affectionately. Take care to watch cognitive films. After a while, women begins to respond to a person meaningful things. It can be funny to watch his wives call and look unfortunately, then suddenly a lashwasho mutter, they give out whole tirands. You will begin to better understand each other by setting your language of communication. Women are beautifully trapping the tone and mood of man. If you will be gently and with a leather warmth in the voice: "Oh, you are my eared bastard, Pi-Pi-Pi-Pi, scratching a bitch, I spent all the money again?" The wife will be very pleased and comes running for you for an additional amount.

Learn to distinguish the true needs of a woman from her whims. Do not give in with miserable or demanding requests, scratching without visible reasons. Do not run to perform her momentary desires; Otherwise, hesitates constant requests. The spoiled wife with a propulsioned paw will establish its unshakable rules, and you will fall into the quiet (at first) slavery.

Behind his wife, especially at first, need constant control and attention. What makes why not asking for shopping, who writes SMS, where is - these are questions that are worried about the far-sighted husband. Why? Keep my wife in sight is very important to work out the right and necessary habits for you. To do this, do not go for his wife on the heels, it is enough to give her a credit card, arrange a job to relatives and otherwise limit its space.

When you leave the house for a long time, you should not trust the young wife to manage in an apartment or house with unclosed outside the doors. The result may be a strongly crumped bed, suspiciously closed wardrobe, fresh flowers, new small gold items. And it will be your fault - you did not provide for the consequences of staying a lonely and a street woman at home. Pupil, adult wife may well be a full mistress of whole residential premises.

Protection of the territory.
Women, and especially wives are very zealous guard their territory. For this, they will be lined with its aromas, hair of their color and length. Similar marks will certainly be in your car and clothes. Finding the smell or label of another woman, wives can be very aggressive. Remember that women, in contrast to people, very vile and will not be promoted to remind you of "about sins" in the most difficult moment.

Order. Most wives are very clean. Try to give your suitable rag, a sponge, brush and some cleaning agent. Most likely, she will hob with passion, wash, rearrange and fold. It looks funny, but be relaxed. Often, women are very slyly hiding your desired things, seeking to make the absolute dependence on them. I recommend you to highlight your office / garage / angle, where a woman will be forbidden to play with rags.

Arrangement of the nest. Assembly to have children, the wife begins to reinforcedly equip the nest. You guess about it when it starts without a visible reason to actively arrange furniture, buy cheerful curtains and soft toys. At the same time, the behavior of the wife becomes more diverse. She can face alternately, then scratch, then go to the legs, then rushing around the apartment. Refer to this with understanding.

Small children.
This is the source of your headache, injuring, stolen love and disagreement. Who will like when they come to Golly Your Songs, jerk for the mustache, poke something in the eye. But wives love children very much and insist on them. The fact is that grown children are the best friends of women, comrades in games. The wife brings themselves a sense of responsibility, care, teaches their disinterested love, relieves stress, soothes and relaxes after heavy schooling everyday life.

Restroom. Playing a wife, you will come across at once with several difficulties. Now you have to close the toilet door, lift the seat and even aim. Wives are unusually sensitive to the state of the toilet and you will have to put up with their requirements.

Wardrobe. It is better to have, as in the best houses of Paris, two huge cabinets nearby. You can not think about their contents. As soon as the wife was in the house and received a closet, it wakes up difficult to understand the man and the ancient instinct of "shopping". Any wife independently, quickly and expensive with its help will build a wardrobe. You will be required quite a bit - leave extra money in a prominent place. The main thing is that the wardrobe must be updated once in the season, otherwise the wives show strong discontent, known as the syndrome "Againstone" ..

Money.Young wives often do not need money. All the time they can spend in bed games, pretty Murcha and scratching. But over time, the habits change somewhat. Wives will learn the taste of money and begin to be interested in them. Everything is separate here, but my advice to you - access to the bedside table - should be provided to my wife regularly, as a last resort on a certain day of the month. Depending on your opportunities and goals of your wife. Without finding money, the wife begins to concern to rush, in every way to express its discontent. It may even come to bites and scandals.

Need. The situation when a wife cannot walk around restaurants and satisfy the shopping instinct, called the need. Smart and educated women can still endure need, but they are pretty persistently trying to make it clear what they want. Listen to your wife, you will die to read the signals that she serves you. During needs try to distract your wife's attention to games, care and caress. At a certain time, you will distract her attention, then you will have a little free time, not busy work.

What to give food?It is easier and more convenient to give special female food (muesli, yogurt, vegetables, fruits, fish and other nonsense). Food from your table is better not to give or give only a little bit. If you are constrained in the means, you should not teach my wife to expensive feeds in restaurants. Wife is better to drink dry wine, you can give sweet beer, sometimes champagne, but you do not need to offer brandy wives - there may be problems.

About coercion. Women, creatures proud, freedom-loving and self-sufficient, they do not tolerate coarse coercion. They themselves say about themselves: we are not malicious, we are sometimes evil and our memory is very good. To achieve from wives of voluntary desired behavior, you must have a mind, cunning and calculate the situation for at least a few years ahead.

About punishment.
Wife can not be hit, the wives have a low threshold of sensitivity. Also beating they perceive as unfair violence and chauvinism. Especially if the punishment should not immediately for the misdemeanor (not caught - not the thief, and what was an hour ago - their boil). Use verbal punishment, understandable to the woman's censure (long and tripping long). In the most extreme case, you can deprive the wives of the shopping or a beloved walk (in Nice, Cannes, Canaras). You should always give my wife to understand why she was punished.

About promotion.Wives need to encourage more than punish. They greatly appreciate the attention and approval of behavior. Be sure to need to notice the correct behavior of the woman and give to understand that you are satisfied: a gentle-stitching tone say "clever, well done, well," to give yummy (Rafaelka, Strawberry), to invite to the theater. This is especially important when you secure the habit you need.

In relationship with his wife, the main thing is voluntary. It is impossible to force his wife forcibly sitting on the houses, do not torture caresses, squeeze, hold next to them, it is worthwhile to avoid aggressive games - it will be a nonlaskaya, dyed or clogging. WHO will definitely want to communicate with you, and she sacrifies themselves to you, and maybe just sit next. Divide these wonderful moments together.

A cometologist and a hairdresser are specialists necessary to care for his wife. You will be surprised how your petith will be grateful for the opportunity to visit them at least a couple of times a month! But do not try to choose them yourself. It is important that the wife show independence here. A person who does not have female vision and silent is not able to make the right choice. Maximum what you can do is to highlight a little more means.

Plastic surgeon is kind, attentive and very necessary doctor with angelic eyes, which earns money on his wives. He has an important and necessary profession. It is sometimes necessary to ride it, especially when the wife is designed for exhibitions. If for some reason it is scary, you can give a little drink or give Valerian - and on the procedures, then the sea is knee-deep.

Toys. Women, especially young, very love toys. This can be not only store toys, but also made to order: silver, amber, gold, with diamonds, fragrant, fur, from Dius, Gucci, Prada, small red with a machine gun. It is important that the toy liked his wife, and then it could be safely hidden. But women are quickly losing interest in new toys, so do not let everyone at once, two or three per month, no more. By the way, adult wives love toys no less. True, at this age, their attention is more scattered and they notice only major and valuable items.

Relationship. Respect wives, treat us as equal, but periodically sometimes remind someone in the house of the owner and who is a feedman and other goods. Although, as many wives are recognized in blogs, in the depths of the soul, they are still confident that the world belongs to them, and men are subject to people who need love, care and protection.

In conclusion, I will say: the main thing is love, respect, care and order. Raise your wife for yourself. But remember that every wife has its own inimible character, women like people are all very and very different.

Wife-housewife causes negative associations: this is something eternally shaggy, in a fairy-haired bathrobe and hundreds of shoffers. Let us dwell on the option - a working wife. If your salary is not too big, then additional money that the wife can bring to the house will be alike.

3. Responsibilities of his wife's free time from the main work will be to wash things and clean the apartment. Washing is not a problem.

How to raise a wife

The woman is inclined to give up at some point. But not immediately, she will fight until the last for the right to be a man in the family. Vedas say that a woman is so raising her husband, she saws the bitches, on which it sits until he becomes iron, strong, so that it is not to repeat it, then she calms down, or - while she does not repent it, and falls with these Skom in the puchin of his sufferings. Woman blurs the shore.

How to raise my wife?

Say what others condemn her for this, and pronounce their court and opinion, and more often remind her that you not only do not like this decoration of the face, but, on the contrary, it is very unpleasant. Assure her that it is very much upset you; What and the most well-like women lost their beauty. Doing her in such a way as to destroy her passion, but say nothing to her about Geenne, neither the kingdom (for you will talk about this), but you believe that she and you like it in this form, in what kind of God created it, and Other people do not find her beautiful and fraud, when she runs out and spread his face.

How to raise a wife

After the marriage, there are situations when the wife, habitual for her husband, no longer loves to fulfill his requests and orders. It happens not in all families, many do not change, and mutual understanding is still in their house. But the inverse examples are enough.

At first, she tries to do everything perfectly, looks like the most beautiful, striving to handle her husband in everything. This applies not only to women. Men also become not ideal as they seemed before the wedding.

How a man from beloved to raise a great wife

She will agree to change herself, if she understands and feel that not only something refuses, but also how much she acquires. And most importantly, she acquires - for many years! - A decent man who really loves her.

Male love to love. He raises her not just for her convenience, and caring for her, about her future and her happiness. Women sometimes tend to scold themselves - he will stop her in this and teach himself to respect and appreciate.

How to make a wife submissive

Any disobedience in the family speaks only that the spouse does not respect the opinion of the beloved man and is not ready to perceive him as a leader in a relationship. To achieve the desired result, start respectful to your second half, then you will notice the response to its part. All your common problems should vide you directly, and not becoming subtle hints. If you want your wife to become a duplicate, listen and her opinion about any things.

Mom Tanya

We think: "I will marry and make an excellence from it at your discretion."

Men, unlike a woman, if they decided to marry, then perceive their chief as an image as a whole, and not as a set with pluses and minuses.

This problem is quite frequent, when a man is trying to tell his companion, that this is right, but so do wrong. At the same time, he tries to teach her to his point of view.

The husband is trying to raise his wife - how to be?

Dear girls! Before you begin to analyze inadequate men's actions, pay attention first to your actions. Because the hopes to re-educate the husband only after marriage are characteristic of us, women.

After all, women most often fall in love with the appearance, idealize the lover and do not pay attention to the fact that their "ideal" is the eternal mess in the apartment, most of the time he spends lying on the couch, it is quite suitable for getting a meager salary.

Science and sex

And the third type is a woman perverted, which does not listen to her husband as long as he does not force her to obey, applying force and beating.

A woman should be hit by something easy, such as a toothbrush or hand. Husband hitting his wife gives her to understand: Woman, you went too far. Strokes in the face are not allowed, since the bruises can make a woman ugly. "

"The woman does not need to beat the sensitive parts of the body - face, chest, stomach, head, etc.

Cute ladies, this article is written only for men. Do not waste your precious time on her reading, since the topic discussed will be completely uninteresting for you and can cause indignation or even indignation.

So, dear gentlemen, let's start, perhaps, while women are engaged in their affairs. Probably some of you think, do not make me a family, imagining a cozy homemade nest, caring beautiful wife and chali kids who frolic in the nursery. It is necessary to dream, because each dream can become a reality. But for this you have to make some efforts.

Take paper and pencil and sketch with large smears, as you can imagine an ideal wife.

1. It must be attractive and well-groomed at any time of the day. How it will do it - this is not your care.

2. Immediately need to consider the question: whether it will work or just do household. Wife-housewife causes negative associations: this is something eternally shaggy, in a fairy-haired bathrobe and hundreds of shoffers. Let us dwell on the option - a working wife. If your salary is not too big, then additional money that the wife can bring to the house will be alike.

3. The responsibilities of the wife in their free from the main work time will be washing and cleaning the apartment. Washing is not a problem. While she will wipe the dust and vacuuming, the Belish will already be postponed and pressed. An indispensable cleaning condition is to produce it when you are not at home. The noise of the vacuum cleaner and the flashes of the wife before the eyes will not add romanticism to your relationship.

4. An important point is the purchase of products and cooking. Products Wife can bother in a nearby supermarket on the way home. Bring a couple of bags will not make much difficulty. To your return from work, she is obliged to cook for dinner your favorite dish, beautifully cover the table and at the same time on her face should be a friendly smile and no signs of fatigue. You worked for a whole day and deserved right, relax and relax in the home environment.

5. The wife should not ask you stupid questions like: how are you at work at work; What did you do today; When you go on a business trip. Discussion of your business affairs with my wife is a taboo for her. She should remember this once and forever.

6. Rising an ideal wife, you need to wean her from any girlfriends. She needs to inspire the idea that her best friend is your mom. If she wants to talk about something or get a wise council, she can call mother-in-law and discuss everything with it.

7. You need to love to agree with my wife so that it never touches your things. For example, on the eve of the evening you returned from a corporate party in a state of "being being", in the morning you must find our things in those places where they were left. Nothing that one boot remained in the hallway, the other in the bathroom, and the socks were on the kitchen table. All things must remain in their places until you opened your eyes and have not remembered where you scattered them while they tried to undress.

8. The next paragraph follows from the previous one. An ideal wife, nor under any pretext, should not find out where you were lying yesterday, and came home for midnight. This is not her business.

9. Holidays and gifts. The wife should never even hint to you that she has a birthday tomorrow or March 8. You yourself determine when and what to give her, or invite it to the restaurant. It should be explained from the very beginning of your dating.

10. If your holidays with my wife do not match, then you do not need to do from this tragedy. For example, you have a vacation in May. You want to relax in the full program, behind the heavy winter, depression, and you deserve your holiday. You can go to some exotic country, let's say, in Thailand. In May, there is warm, a lot of sun, greens. To strengthen health - Thai massage, beautiful girls ... The perfect wife should not even become a story, having learned about your vacation plans. If she has a vacation at the end of summer, then she can well hold it in the country with your mother, engaged in harvesting and twigs for the winter. On weekends you will help women to carry heavy jars and boxes in the city. The wife in the fresh air is pushed, and the smallest friend is always nearby.

11. Of course, the perfect wife should be charming, attractive, sensitive and sexy. And in bed - she is an insatiable lioness.

If you feel that an educator and trainer lives inside you, then boldly begin typing my wife so that it becomes really, perfect. Your requirements for the ideality of the spouse can vary, so the first step is to compile a list - is of great importance.

But, keep in mind that the ideal woman, over the creation of which you worked so much, one fine may leave you and go to another. This means that you are in vain spent time and strength to upbringing an ungrateful woman.

Maybe it is worth come down from the skies to the ground and look at the one that is next to you. No, she is far from ideal, but she is so cute, caring, and you with her so good and comfortable!

Dr. Muhammad Al-Arifi (Muhammad Al-'arifi), author of instructing to young Muslims during a family life show on the TV channel LBC TV:

"There are three types of women, with which it is impossible to talk without preparing a whipper rod. The first type is a girl who was so raised. Her parents told her: "Eat!" - She answered "I do not want!" - And they beat her for it. With such a wife, you can establish relationships, only using corporal punishment. The second type is a woman who ignores her husband or refers to it condescending. With such a help can only knut. And the third type is a woman perverted, which does not listen to her husband as long as he does not force her to obey, applying force and beating.

A woman should be hit by something easy, such as a toothbrush or hand. Husband hitting his wife gives her to understand: Woman, you went too far. Strokes in the face are not allowed, since the bruises can make a woman ugly. "

Mohamed Kamal Mustafa (Mohamed Kamal Mustafa), author of the book "Woman in Islam":

"The woman does not need to beat the sensitive parts of the body - face, chest, stomach, head, etc. Stroks need to be directed to specific parts of the body, such as legs and hands.

No need to use too thick twig. The rod must be thin and light and should not leave scratches or hematoma on the skin.

Strokes should not be strong and rigid, since your ultimate goal is to cause a woman's soul suffering, but not physical. "

Dr. Ghazi Al-Shimari (Ghazi Al-Shimari), Family Expert, Saudi Arabia:

"Never beat a woman in the face, your blows should be soft.

The husband must warn his wife about the number of blows: one blow, two, three, four, ten.

If the husband tells his wife: "Be careful, the children play next to the stove or" led children from the electrical outlet ", and she replies:" I'm busy ", then your wife can be powered by a toothbrush or something similar. Never beat it with a bottle with water, a plate or a knife - it is forbidden.

You need to beat women with caution, because to cause pain - not your goal. When we beat animals, the goal is to cause pain and make it obey, because the animal will not understand if you say to him: "Oh, camel, come on, move forward!" Camel and Donkey will not understand what you want from them while you do not hit them. But the woman is primarily affected by emotions, and not pain or some other sensations. "

"Women should be beaten, yes, but there are many ways to do this: if the woman is thin, then beat the cane, if it has a powerful physique, - a fist, a chubby woman - opened palm. Thus, the one who beats will not cause damage to itself. "

Weekly "Sharia and Life" program, Al-Jazeera TV channel

"Beating is not suitable for every wife. Some wives perceive beating as humiliation, while others are satisfied with the fact that they are beaten, and it is precisely on the latter whipping can be influenced in cases if they rebel against their husbands. "

Abdul-Latif Mushtahiri (Abdul-Latif Mushtahiri), author of the book "You Ask, and Islam answers":

"If the expanding wife from bed does not give results and your wife continues to behave disobedient, it means that it belongs to the type of cold and stubborn women - its character can be corrected by punishment, that is, beating. You need to beat so as not to break the bones and not provoke bleeding. Many wives possess a similar character, and only such a way can lead them to feeling. "

"The husband has the right to make corporal punishment against his wife in cases if she:
- refuses to do everything to look attractive for her husband.
- refuses to satisfy his sexual needs.
- leaves the house without permission.
- neglects its religious duties.

The gun of punishment (rod) should be kept in plain, so that your wife can always see it. "