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Minerals: Natural gas. Natural gas. Composition, properties, danger

Natural gas enters the chemical combustion reaction. Therefore, most often from it is obtained - electrical and thermal. But on the basis of gas, you can still make fertilizer, fuel, paint and more.

Green fuel

In Russia, about half of the supply of gas falls on energy companies and utilities. Even if there is no gas stove or gas water heater in the house, all the same, light and hot water are most likely obtained using natural gas.
Natural gas is the cleanest among the hydrocarbon fossil fuels. When it is burning, only water and carbon dioxide are formed, while when burning petroleum products and coal, soot and ash are formed. In addition, the emission of greenhouse carbon dioxide when burning natural gas is the lowest, for which it was called "green fuel". Due to its high environmental characteristics, natural gas takes a dominant place in the energy engineering of megacities.

On Gaza you can ride

Natural gas can be used as motor fuel. Compressed (or compressed) methane is two times cheaper than the 76th gasoline, prolongs the engine resource and is able to improve cities ecology. The natural gas engine corresponds to the Euro-4 environmental standard. Gas can be used for ordinary cars, agricultural, water, air and rail transport.

Compromated gas is obtained on automotive gas-filled compressor stations (AGNX) by compressing natural gas coming by gas pipelines, up to 20-25 MPa (200-250 atmospheres).

Another natural gas can produce liquid motor fuels using gas-in-liquid technology (GAS-TO-LIQUID, GTL). Since natural gas is a sufficiently inert product, almost always when processing it in the first stage, it is converted into a more reactive steam-gas mixture - the so-called synthesis gas (mixture of CO and H 2).
Next, it is directed to synthesis for the production of liquid fuel. It may be the so-called synthetic oil, diesel fuel, as well as lubricating oils and paraffins.

For the first time, liquid hydrocarbons from Synthesis Gaza received German chemists Franz Fisher and Hans Tropsh back in 1923. True, then as a source of hydrogen, they used coal. Currently, various options for the Fisher-Tropsch method are used in many gas transformation processes in liquid hydrocarbons.


Primary gas processing occurs on GPZ - gas processing plants.
Usually in natural gas, in addition to methane, a variety of impurities that must be separated are contained. It is nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, helium, water pairs.
Therefore, first of all, gas for GPZ passes special processing - cleaning and drying. Here the gas is compromised to the pressure necessary for processing. At the reinforcement plants, the gas is separated by unstable gas benzine and the reinforced gas - the product, which is subsequently injected into the main gas pipelines. The same purified gas goes to chemical plants, where methanol and ammonia are produced from it.

A nonstable gas gasoline after separation from gas is fed to gas phrase installations, where light hydrocarbons are released from this mixture: ethane, propane, butane, pentane. These products also become raw materials for further recycling. Of these, it is further obtained, for example, polymers and rubbers. A mixture of propane and butane itself is a finished product - it is pumped into cylinders and used as domestic fuel.

Paint, glue and vinegar

According to the scheme, similar to the Fischer-Tropsch process, methanol (CH 3 OH) is obtained from natural gas. It is used as a reagent to combat hydrate traffic jams, which are formed in pipelines at low temperatures. Methanol can become a raw material for the production of more complex chemicals: formaldehyde, insulating materials, varnishes, paints, adhesives, additives for fuel, acetic acid.

Mineral fertilizers are also obtained by several chemical transformations from natural gas. In the first stage it is ammonia. The process of obtaining ammonia from gas is similar to the GAS-TO-LIQUID process, but other catalysts, pressure and temperature are needed.

Ammonia itself is a fertilizer, and also used in refrigeration facilities as a refrigerant and as a raw material for the production of nitrogen-containing compounds: nitric acid, ammonium nitrate, carbamide.

How ammonia is obtained

Initially, natural gas is purified from sulfur, then it is mixed with heated water vapor and enters the reactor, where it passes through the catalyst layers. This stage is called primary reforming, or vapor-gas conversion. A gas mixture comes from the reactor, consisting of hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide (CO 2) and carbon monoxide (CO). Next, this mixture is sent to the secondary reforming (steam-air conversion), which is mixed with oxygen from air, ferry and nitrogen in the required ratio. At the next stage, CO and CO 2 are removed from the mixture. After that, a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen acts actually on the synthesis of ammonia.


Natural gas can fill gas lamps intended for lighting. Actually, methane is used as raw materials for the production of acetylene, ammonia, methanol and cyanide hydrogen.

At the same time, natural gas is the raw material base in the production of ammonia. Almost three quarters of all ammonia are used for the production of nitrogen fertilizers.

Hydrogen cyanide, obtained from ammonia, together with acetylene serves as the initial raw material for the production of various synthetic fibers. From acetylene, you can produce different layers, which are quite wide in industry and in everyday life. Also, with the help of it, acetate silk is produced.

In the chemical industry, methane is used not only to obtain various plastics, but also for production, organic acids and alcohol. It was using natural gas that it became possible to create many chemicals that are not in nature, for example, polyethylene.

Natural gas is one of the best types of fuels that are used for industrial and household needs. Its value as fuel is also the fact that this mineral fuel is quite clean eco. With its combustion, much less harmful substances appear if with other types of fuel. That is why natural gas is one of the main sources of energy in all human activity.

Hydrogen In its pure form on Earth, it is rare, but it is very common in the composition of the compounds: contained in water, in plant and animal organisms, in natural gases. In space, this is the most common element.

You will need

  • Edition for general chemistry or textbook for chemistry 8-9 class.


In order to determine hydrogen, you need to know some of it. Some of them will help to cope with the task of the task in a short time, and some require finding in chemical. You do not need to use all methods, grabs one or two.
Hydrogen - The easiest of all. For example, it may be a task - to determine hydrogen, having in stock several vessels with unknown gases. In this case, you need to pay attention to the vessel - hydrogen should be either in an inverted or closed (possibly glass that can be moved to further definition). Otherwise, hydrogen will fly away. Smell and colors does not have this gas.

In the ignition, hydrogen burns the unheoming flame, while water is formed. A good way to determine, but very dangerous, because A mixture of hydrogen and oxygen is called the rattle gas due to its ability to explode. Although it should be noted that at low temperatures this will not go. Only at 300? C is a small amount of water begins to form, at 500? C occurs, and at 700? C is an explosion.

If the gas is skipped over the anti-oxide of copper, then copper will be restored - the result is a reddish metal. To carry out this experience, security rules must be followed and is desirable in the appropriate (in the laboratory).

Price on natural gasfor the countries of the European Union revised. In 2016, 1,000 cubic meters of fuel asked 167 dollars. In 2017, by the February statements of the Chairman of Gazprom, about 180 conventional units will be requested.

At the same time, the share of the European market of the Russian corporation is growing. Last year, the indicator was 31%, in the current - already 34%. In particular, 12.5% \u200b\u200bincreased deliveries to far abroad.

In general, there is also demand, and prospects. The lack of competitors allows you to raise prices by leaving Europe a priority market. The scale of the need for fuel is not only the West, but also the volume of gas pipelines itself.

Their total length in the Federation, for example, is equal to 20 equator. And this is not enough. Plan to build new networks. So, it is notable to talk about promising fuel. We learn what it is, is different and how it turns out.

Properties of natural gas

The hero has a mixed composition. Volume of natural gasit consists of several. Main - methane. His B. composition of natural gasit includes more than 90%.

The remaining 10% falls on propane, butane, carbon dioxide, and. Combining them under the same name, experts put natural gas for the 3rd place in the prevalence on Earth. In fact, bronze gets methane.

Natural fuel is called, since it is not synthetic. The gas is born under the ground from the decomposition products of the organics. However, there are in the fuel and inorganic component, for example,.

The exact composition depends on the terrain present in its soil resources. Initially, natural gas reservesburned in the orst deposits of water bodies. They settled dead microorganisms and plants.

They could neither oxidize, neither decomposed they could, because there were no microbes in the medium, and oxygen did not penetrate there. As a result, the deposition of the organicists waited for the movements of the earth's crust, for example, fault in it.

Il failed, turning out in a new trap. In the earth's depths of the organic, pressure and heat were affected. The scheme is similar to the formation of oil. But, for it is quite lower temperatures and less pressure.

In addition, large hydrocarbon molecules. Natural gas - methanelow molecular weight, like other fuel components. Its microscopic particles.

The interaction between natural gas molecules is weak. This is distinguished by the substance from other aggregate states, that is, liquids and stones. It is from the structure that the main properties depend natural gas. Combustible.

The substance is easily flammified, and at 600-700-degrees Celsius self-turn. At the same time, the octane number of fuel is 120-130. This parameter characterizes detonation resistance.

The ability to resist self-burning is important in compression. It is no secret that is used mainly liquefied natural gas. It is created from the usual at low temperatures and high pressure.

A octane number of gas is calculated by the ratio of flammable components to those that are difficult to compress with difficulty. In gasoline it, for example, n-heptane and isochatan. Hence, in fact, the name of the number.

The heterity of the article is close to 12,000 kilocalories on the cubic meter. I.e, combustion of natural gives 4 times more energy than burning and 2 times more than when working with.

Gas caloriness is equal to oil. At the same time, the hero of the article wins in front of a high molecular weight hydrocarbon. In particular, application of natural gassmoothly. And oil, and kopaty. In addition, the gas burns without a residue. At the coal, for example, there remains non-meraged ash.

Despite environmental friendliness, natural gas is dangerous. If you add 5-15% article hero to air, he is self-splashing. The process naturally proceeds in closed rooms. Houses Natural Gas, as in the shops, rises to the ceilings.

Flood starts from there. The reason is the ease of methane. The air is heavier almost 2 times. Here are the molecules of natural gas and rise to the ceilings. It is difficult to recognize the phenomenon, because neither the color, nor odor, no taste of natural gas.

From the chemical point of view, the hero of the article corresponds to the parameters of methane, that is, it enters into reactions of substitution, pyrolysis and dehydrogenation. The first are based on the exchange of two and more substances atoms. Pyrolysis is a decomposition when heated and in the absence of oxygen. Dehydrization is called the reactions of cleavage from hydrogen organics.

Already with a 4 percent content of heavy hydrocarbon impurities in the natural gas, the properties of the hero of the article are changing. The parameters specified in the article are averaged. However, practical value has any gas. What naturalthe material goes the entrance depends on the purposes.

The fuel let the compositions with a predominance of methane. Gas in which it is less than 90%, is considered technical, used in the chemical industry. Tell me the details of the process in a separate chapter. In the meantime, we will understand with places of gas dislocation in nature.

Natural gas mining and deposits

In nature, gas is gas. Lingering it after prey. Therefore, world fuel reserves are not calculated in kilograms or liters, but cubic meters. The divorces on the planet 200 trillion and 363 million.

Annual mining reached 3.6 billion cubic meters. They are supplied, Iran, Qatar, Turkmenistan, USA, Arabia, United Emirates and Venezuela. Countries are listed in descending order of gas reserves.

As the leader of the list, has the supergigant "Urengoy" field of Natural Gas. Named to deposit in honor of the village, next to which was found in the 1966th. According to the reserves of the fuel "Urengoyskoy", the field ranks 3rd on Earth.

In the depths are hidden 16 trillion cubic meters of gas. Develop them from 1978, since 1984 export to Europe. By 2017, 70% of reserves were developed, that is, from 16 trillion cubes there were about 5.

The gigantic is the "Yambourg" field. Located in the same Yamalo-German district, openly 2 years later "Urengoysky". Natural gas productionin an industrial scale is conducted from the 1980s. Initially, deposit reserves were estimated 8.2 trillion cubes. By 2017, pantry gas iled by 4 trillion cubic meters.

Consumption of natural gagafrom the field, where Buryat's wells in permafrost, indicates the importance of the resource. To extract Yambourg fuel, overcome from the 1st to the 3rd kilometers of the soil. 50 meters of them come on a marrow.

On the Peninsula Yamal there is another Northern Gaza deposit - Bovanenkovskoye. Its reserves are 4.9 trillion cubes. They opened them back in 1971, but mined began only in the 2012th. Therefore, according to current reserves, the deposit is comparable to Yambourg and Urengoy, fields.

On the "Bovanenkovsky" fishery annually produce about 90s billion cubes natural gas. For the populationpeninsula Enterprise - income and place of employment. Although some are leaving for fishing beyond the continent.

Natural gas in Russiafound and on her maritime expanses. So, the "shtokman" field is developed between Murmansk and the new land. In other words, gas reserves are based on the bottom of the Barents Sea.

The depth at the gas production site does not exceed 400-meters. In full, the deposit is not developed. So far, the process is postponed until 2019. The volume of deposits are calculated by almost 4 trillion cubic meters of gas.

Another natural gas deposit is located in the south of the Kara Sea. For the proximity to St. Petersburg, "Leningradsky" is called, openly during the time of the USSR. Fuel reserves The deposits are estimated at 3 trillion cubic meters.

On the Continental Shelf of the Kara Sea found "Rusanovskoye" field of natural gas. So far, we are talking about 779 billion cubic fuel meters. Forecasts are an increase in the figure to the 3rd trillion cubes. Complete production depth of gas. It comes from 1.5 to kilometers.

Supply of natural gas from subsoilthe well is carried out naturally. Easy substance simply seeps through the pores in the breed. The well creates a low pressure region.

Where natural gas is based, it is high. Naturally, the fuel is striving for a hole bored by man. The deepest well in goes on a 6-kilometer depth, is located on the "Urengoy" field.

There are several wells for major gas deposits. They are brought at the same distance from each other, make equivors. Otherwise pressure of natural gasin the formations of the earth's crust is unevenly distributed.

Part of the wells will simply remain unfilled. If only one hole in the soil is made, it is quickly rolled, that is, filled with water. Moisture rushes into the pores of breeds previously occupied by fuel, in general, goes to him.

Application of natural gas

The obvious use of the hero of the article is fuel. To transport gas through pipes, it is dried. The moisture in the composition of the gas causes corrosion of pipes, and at minus temperatures, it forms ice tubes, clogging passages.

Release the hero of the article and from hydrogen sulfide with carbon dioxide. The latter is not regulated, but is not far enough. Hydrogen must be no more than 2 grams per 100 cubic meters.

To prevent accidents, natural gas is odoring. In other words, the fuel is saturated with fragile components. They signage the gas leakage. Since the smell fuel itself does not have, without processing you can lose millions of cubic meters.

In addition to fuel in machines and boiler rooms, gas serves fuel. It employs heating boilers, kitchen stoves. Some are visited by gas lamps, covering them at home and yards.

Natural gas mining at sea

In the chemical industry, natural gas, more precisely, methane from it serves as raw materials for obtaining a number of plasticizers. Acetylene, methanol and cyanide hydrogen - also synthesized from natural gas. From acetylene, for example, make acetate silk. Hydrogen cyanide, too, is largely on synthetic fibers.

They mined gas without wells. The fossil stumbled into the search for underground solutions of the cooking. I was looking for it using bamboo stems. Metal spears were attached to their ends. So replace the drills.

The solution of salt was rejected by valves from. They resembled blacksmiths. Gas came to the surface with the solution. The Chinese came down to burn him, in order to evaporate the mineral.

After drying the salt, they decided to carry fuel on the pipes from the bamboo in their huts. In general, the simplest version of the gas pipeline existed another 8th centuries ago. In those pors, no natural fuel was paid. In modern times, every cubic meter is. Read the price tags.

Price of Natural Gas

Gas, largely determines the political factor. As a monopolist of the market, dictates the rules. From the objective factors on fuel affects the form of its transportation. Liquefaction and carriage in cylinders costly. The supply of gas in its natural form directly by pipes is more profitable.

Sometimes, nature affects the cost of gas. After a hurricane "Catherine", for example, in the US, reduced fuel mining. Accordingly, the price tag jumped on it. Hurricane walked on gas producing localities.

Gas, as a rule, is divided into costs for strangers and their own. Thus, the cost of a cubic meter of Russian gas inside the country does not exceed 8 80 kopecks. Such is the rate of 2017 in the Saratov region.

In Pskov, for comparison, 5 rubles 46 kopeck pay. This tariff is close to the active regions in most gasified regions. Accordingly, 1,000 cubic meters costs no more than 8,800 rubles, and usually about 5,500 s.

The minimum price tag for the current year for Europeans is about 11,000 rubles. This is the purchase price from Russians. For fuel in their homes, the inhabitants of the West will naturally pay more.

Humanity knows about the existence of natural gas for a long time. According to the worst estimates, natural gas was used in China for heating and lighting already to the IV century BC. To obtain it, the boreholes are drilled, and the pipelines were made from bamboo. In addition, a long time, a bright flame, not leaving ash, was the subject of a mystical and religious cult for some nations. For example, on the Absheron Peninsula (modern territory of Azerbaijan) in the VII century was erected by the Temple of Fireplates of Ateshgi, the ministry in which they took up to the XIX century.

The word "gas" was invented at the beginning of the XVII century by the Flemish naturalist, Jan Helmont's Baptist, to designate the "dead air" (carbon dioxide). Helmont wrote: "I called such a couple, because it is almost no different from the chaos of the ancients." But in this case, we are dealing with one of the forms of the existence of a substance.

Regarding the origin of natural gas among scientists, there is still no uniform opinion. Two main concepts - biogenic and mineral - approve the various reasons for the formation of hydrocarbon minerals in the depths of the Earth.

  • Mineral theory. The formation of minerals in the formations of rocks - part of the process of degassing the Earth. Due to the internal dynamics of the Earth, the hydrocarbons located at high depths rise to the low pressure zone, forming gas deposits as a result.
  • Biogenic theory. Living organisms, dead and lowering on the bottom of the reservoirs, decomposed in airless space. Ring everything deeper due to geological movements, the remains of the decomposed organic organics turned under the influence of thermobaric factors (temperature and pressure) into hydrocarbon minerals, including in natural gas.

Regarding recently, a group of scientists from the Institute for Oil and Gas RAS Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, under the direction of Dr. Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Azaria Barenbaum has developed a new concept of origin of oil and gas. According to this theory, major deposits of hydrocarbons may arise not for millions of years, as previously thought, but only over decades.

Natural gas can exist in the form of gas deposits that are in the formations of some rocks, as a gas cap (over oil), as well as in a dissolved or crystalline form. Also, natural gas may be in the form of gas hydrates (hydrates of natural gases are gas hydrates or clathrates - crystalline compounds formed under certain thermobaric conditions from water and gas).

Natural gas has a number of advantages compared to other types of fuel and raw materials.:

  • the cost of extraction of natural gas is significantly lower than other types of fuel; labor productivity during its production is higher than during oil and coal mining;
  • the absence of carbon oxide in natural gases prevents the possibility of poisoning people when gas leaks;
  • with gas heating of cities and settlements, the air pool is much less polluted;
  • when working on natural gas, the possibility of automating combustion processes is ensured, high efficiency is achieved;
  • high temperatures in the process of burning (more than 2000 ° C) and the specific heat of the combustion make it possible to effectively apply natural gas as an energy and technological fuel.

Gas - younger fuel than oil. The era of natural gas, in fact, began with the discovery of the Groningen field in 1959 in the Netherlands and followed by the discoveries of the Gas reserves of the United Kingdom in the southern pool of the North Sea in the mid-60s.

According to the IEA, from the first 70s. Gas share in the world energy balance increased from 16 to 21% in 2008. According to BP Statistical Review of World Energy, this share in 2008-2010. In global energy consumption, it turned out to be even higher - about 24%. In the forecast study of BP on the development of world energy until 2030, it is said that natural gas will be the fastest growing type of fuel in the next 25 years. At the same time, experts of the International Energy Agency believe that the share of gas in the world energy balance will increase from 21% to 25%, gas will be the second after oil energy carrier, shifting coal to third place.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of natural gas is quite simple. The bulk of this type of gas is methane (CH4) - the simplest hydrocarbon (organic compound consisting of carbon and hydrogen atoms), its share exceeds 92%.

Depending on the content of methane, two main groups of natural gas are distinguished:

  • Natural gas group H (H gas, i.e. high-calorie gas) due to the high content of methane (from 87% to 99%) is the highest quality. Russian natural gas refers to a group H and differs by high calorific value. Due to the high content of methane (~ 98%), it is the highest quality natural gas of the world.
  • Natural gas group L (L-Gas, i.e. low-calorie gas) is natural gas with a less high methane content - from 80% to 87%. If quality requirements are not fulfilled (11.1 kW / cubic meters), then often gas cannot be delivered directly to the final consumer without additional processing.

In addition to methane, heavier hydrocarbons, methane homologs may include: ethane (C2H6), propane (C3H8), butane (C4H10) and some inconspicuous impurities. At the same time, it is important that the composition of natural gas is not constant and varies from the deposit to the field.

Physical properties

Approximate physical characteristics (depend on the composition):

  • Density: from 0.7 to 1.0 kg / m3 (dry gaseous, under normal conditions) or 400 kg / m3 (liquid).
  • Separation temperature: T \u003d 650 ° C.
  • The heat of combustion of one m3 of natural gas in a gaseous state at N.P.: 28-46 MJ, or 6.7-11.0 μal.
  • Octane number when used in internal combustion engines: 120-130.
  • Easier air is 1.8 times, so when leakage is not going to lowers, but rises up.


Possessing such advantages over other energy carriers, such as economics and environmental friendliness, natural gas is becoming increasingly important in industry and households.

Natural gas as a fossil energy is mainly used for the heating of residential and industrial premises, for cooking, generating electricity, as well as in the industrial production sector to generate thermal energy.

In a small amount, natural gas is used as a motor fuel. In connection with the increase in gasoline prices in recent years and months have increased the number of private transport repaid on gas engines. In addition, the re-equipment of trucks and buses to work on natural gas is carried out. Along with the cost factor, an important argument in favor of natural gas is the lower level of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

20 leading countries of the world on proven gas reserves (according to 2010)

Country Stocks

(trillion cubic meters)

Share from global (%)
1 RF 44,76 23,9
2 Iran 29,61 15,8
3 Qatar 25,32 13,5
4 Turkmenistan 8,03 4,3
5 Saudi Arabia 8,01 4,3
6 USA 7,71 4,1
7 UAE 6,43 3,4
8 Venezuela 5,45 2,9
9 Nigeria 5,29 2,8
10 Algeria 4,50 2,4
11 Iraq 3,16 1,7
12 Indonesia 3,06 1,6
13 Australia 2,92 1,6
14 China 2,80 1,5
15 Malazia 2,39 1,3
16 Egypt 2,21 1,2
17 Norway 2,04 1,1
18 Kazakhstan 1,84 1
19 Kuwait 1,78 1
20 Canada 1,72 0,9

A source

20 leading countries of the world on gas consumption (according to 2010)

Country Consumption (billion cubic meters) Share from global (%)
1 USA 683,4 21,7
2 RF 414,1 13
3 Iran 136,9 4,3
4 China 109,0 3,4
5 Japan 94,5 3
6 Great Britain 93,8 3
7 Canada 93,8 3
8 Saudi Arabia 83,9 2,6
9 Germany 81,3 2,6
10 Italy 76,1 2,4
11 Mexico 68,9 2,2
12 India 61,9 1,9
13 UAE 60,5 1,9
14 Ukraine 52,1 1,6
15 France 46,9 1,5
16 Uzbekistan 45,5 1,4
17 Egypt 45,1 1,4
18 Thailand 45,1 1,4
19 Netherlands 43,6 1,4
20 Argentina 43,3 1,4

A source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011

20 leading countries in the world's production (according to 2010)

Country Prey

(billion cubic meters)

Share from global (%)
1 USA 611 19,3
2 Russia 588,9 18,4
3 Canada 159,8 5
4 Iran 138,5 4,3
5 Qatar 116,7 3,6
6 Norway 106,4 3,3
7 China 96,8 3
8 Saudi Arabia 83,9 2,6
9 Indonesia 82 2,6
10 Algeria 80,4 2,5
11 Netherlands 70,5 2,2
12 Malaysia 66,5 2,1
13 Egypt 61,3 1,9
14 Uzbekistan 59,1 1,8
15 Great Britain 57,1 1,8
16 Mexico 55,3 1,7
17 UAE 51 1,6
18 India 50,9 1,6
19 Australia 50,4 1,6
20 Trinidad and Tobago 42,4 1,3

A source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2011

Burning natural gas

Natural gas - This is a mineral in a gaseous state. It is used in very wide limits as fuel. But natural gas itself is not used as fuel, it is distinguished from it components for individual use. Often is a passing gas in oil mining. Natural gas in reservoir conditions (conditions of occurring in earthly depths) is in a gas state in the form of individual clusters (gas deposits) or in the form of gas caps of oil and gas fields - this free gas; either in a dissolved state in oil or water (in reservoir conditions), and under standard conditions - only in the gas state. Also, natural gas may be in the form of gas hydrates.

Almost 90% it consists of hydrocarbons, mainly methane (CH 4). Contains more heavy hydrocarbons - ethane, propane, butane, as well as mercaptans and hydrogen sulfide (usually these impurities are harmful), nitrogen and carbon dioxide (they are in principle useless, but not harmful), water pairs, useful impurities helium and other inert gases.

Chemical composition

The bulk of natural gas is methane (CH 4) - up to 98%. The composition of natural gas may also include more heavy hydrocarbons - methane homologs:

  • ethane (C 2 H 6),
  • propane (C 3 H 8),
  • bhutan (C 4 H 10),
  • and other alkanes - from 5 and above

As well as other inconspicuous substances:

  • a more thorough analysis made it possible to detect in natural gas and small amounts of helium (not).

Physical properties

Approximate physical characteristics (depend on the composition):

  • Density:
    • from 0.7 to 1.0 kg / m 3 - dry gaseous, with n. y
    • 400 kg / m 3 -zhidy.
  • The heat of combustion of one m 3 of natural gas in a gaseous state at N.Ph.: 28-46 MJ, or 6.7-11.0 μal.
  • Octane number when used in internal combustion engines: 120-130.
  • The concentration boundaries of ignition (explosion) of natural gas (methane) are in the range from 5 to 15%. Outside of these borders, the gas-air mixture is not capable of spreading the flame. In the explosion, the pressure in the closed volume increases to 0.8 ... 1 MPa.
  • Pure natural gas has no color and smell. In order to determine the leak on the smell, a small number of odorants add to the gas (ethyl-mercaptan), which have a strong unpleasant smell, are used as an odorant, which have a strong unpleasant odor.
  • Natural gas quickly disappears and dissipates in the atmosphere, which is important in terms of security.

Natural gas reserves

Natural gas reserves map in the world

Methane and some other hydrocarbons are widespread in space. Methane - The third prevalence of the gas of the universe, after hydrogen and helium. In the form of methane ice, it participates in the structure of many planets and asteroids removed from the Sun, however, such clusters, as a rule, do not belong to the deposits of natural gas, and they have not yet found practical applications. A significant amount of hydrocarbons is present in the land mantle, but they also do not represent interest.

Huge deposits of natural gas are concentrated in the sedimentary shell of the earth's crust. According to the theory of biogenic (organic) origin of the oil, they are formed as a result of the decomposition of the remains of living organisms. It is believed that natural gas is formed in a sedimentary shell at high temperatures and pressures than oil. This is consistent with this fact that gas fields are often located deeper than oil fields.

Russia (Urengoyaskoe field), USA, Canada has huge reserves of natural gas. From other European countries it is worth noting Norway, but its reserves are small. Among the former republics of the Soviet Union, Turkmenistan owns large gas reserves, as well as Kazakhstan (Karachaganak deposit).

In the second half of the XX century at the university. I. M. Gubkin was discovered natural gas hydrates (or methane hydrates). Later it turned out that the reserves of natural gas in this state are huge. They are located both under the ground and at a slight deepening under the seabed.

The largest world gas producers
Country 2010 2006
billion cubic meters
Share of world
market (%)
billion cubic meters
Share of world
market (%)
the Russian Federation647 673,46 18
United States of America619 667 18
Iran152 170 5
Norway110 143 4
Netherlands89 77,67 2,1
Indonesia82 88,1 2,4
Saudi Arabia77 85,7 2,3
Algeria68 171,3 5
Turkmenistan 66,2 1,8
Great Britain60
Malaysia59 69,9 1,9
Azerbaijan 41 1,1
Other countries 1440,17 38,4
World Gas mining 100 3646 100

Mining and processing of natural gas

Gas fields

The deposit of oil or gas is the accumulation of hydrocarbons that fill the pores of permeable rocks. If the accumulation of great and its operation is economically advisable, the deposit is considered industrial. The deposits occupying significant areas form deposits.

Gas dryer

The content of moisture in Gaza during its transportation often causes serious operational difficulties. With certain external conditions (temperature and pressure), the moisture can be condensed, form ice tubes and crystallohydrates, and in the presence of hydrogen sulfide and oxygen, cause corrosion of pipelines and equipment. In order to avoid listed difficulties, the gas is dried by reducing the temperature of the dew point by 5 ... 7 ° C below the operating temperature in the gas pipeline.

Gas cleaning from hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide

In combustible gases used for gas supply cities, the hydrogen sulfide content should not exceed 2 g per 100 m 3 of gas. The content of carbon dioxide norms do not limit, but according to technical and economic considerations in the transported gas, it should not exceed 2%.

Odorated Gaza

Natural gas does not smell. Therefore, for the timely detection of gas leaks, he is smelling - gas odor. Ethyl-mercaptan is used as an odor (with 2 H 5 SN). For toxicity, it is qualitative and quantitatively identical to hydrogen sulfide, has a sharp unpleasant smell.


The main type of gas transport, is currently pipeline. Gas moves along the pipes of large diameter under pressure 75 atmospheres (7.5 MPa). Moving on the pipeline gas, loses energy, it is spent on overcoming the friction force both between the wall of the pipe and the gas and between the layers of the gas itself. So that the pressure in the pipeline was maintained at a given level, at a certain distance, it is necessary to preserve compressor stations (COP), which must maintain pressure in the pipeline at 75 atmospheres. The maintenance and construction of the pipeline is not small money, but, nevertheless, the pipeline is the cheapest way to transport oil and gas.

Another way to transport gas is the use of special tankers - gas carriers. These are specially equipped ships, for the transport of gas in a liquefied state under certain conditions. For gas transportation, this method is necessary other than the tankers themselves to hold a number of preparatory activities for the possibility of using them. You need to stretch the gas pipeline to the seashore, build a port for tankers, a plant for liquefying gas, and the tankers themselves. Nevertheless, this type of gas transportation is economically justified with the remoteness of the consumer from more than 3000 km mining.

Synthesis of natural gas

There are many ways to produce natural gas from other organic substances, such as agricultural waste, woodworking and food industries, etc.