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Divination in the old new year in detail. Why you guess for the old new year. Divination on comb

Our ancestors believed that fortune telling on the shields is characterized by special accuracy and reliability. And this means that it is expected to raise the veil into the future and find out what each person is waiting for it on an old new year and baptism, and quite independently.

And although the church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of burning and magic, people wondered and continue to guess. The unknown and mystery attracted people always, so many are in a hurry to these holidays Pay on the narrowed, for the future or hold a rite to attracting money and good luck.

The fortune telling for the future and on the narrowed, always caused the greatest interest among the girls who were eager to find out the name of the future spouse, or what else "cooler" - to see his reflection in the mirror or in the wedding ring.

Sputnik Georgia asked what rites and fortune telling on the narrowed and for the future were held on the old new year and baptism and which of them were most popular.

Fortune telling

Vorozhba and fortune telling in the old days were dedicated to the Sangered Evenings, respectively, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of ancestors, in their future, can do it before the baptism of the Lord, in any of the evenings, including on the night of the Old New Year.

Divination can choose any. The most popular divination on the fulfillment of desire for the future and, naturally, on the narrowed or narrowed.

They walked into the old days on everything that only at hand came across - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, bulbs, brooms, apples, and even on intamine boards, which is easy to perform in our time.

The girl, spreading his hands, tried to bite as much boards as possible in the fence, and then considered them - an even number indicated a rapid marriage, and odd - loneliness.

On narrowed

The name of the future husband find out is very easy - you just need to go outside and the first oncoming man ask to call his name.

On the old new year and baptism, the girls could not only find out the name of the narrowed, but even see his face in the mirror. For this, in the midnight darkness, they sat between two mirrors, lit the candles and began to look into the reflection, hoping to see the narrowed.

Walked with a girl with a mirror and on the street. Standing at the crossroads by the back of the back, looking in the mirror and makes it up: "Dailed, mounted, in the mirror show me." As some assure, the narrowed appears in the mirror after a while.

The people of fortune telling on the night for the old new year were considered the most truthful, and they rummed that it was at this time that you can see your future spouse in a dream.

In particular, the girl dismissed and combed her hair, then the comb put under the pillow, calling magic words Future spouse: "Daughty-rude, come to me comb."

And to find out what the narrowed it would be possible to go on the card kings. To do this, on the night before the old New Year before going to bed, you need to put cards with the image of the kings under the pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

People in the old days believed what the king would get, so there will be a husband: the tambourine - the narrowed will be desirable, worms - a young yes rich, Trefi - Military, and peaks - old and jealous.

Where to look for narrowed

During the shin, you can also find out the place where to look for the narrowed. This will help next divination: In an opaque bag, fold several multicolored buttons, preferably of the same size.

Tune in and ask a question: "My dear, where are you?" And then you get one of them from the bag. In accordance with the button, the answer will mean where you will meet your destiny.

The value of the buttons: Simple black - at work, green - in the store, brown - friends, white - on a journey, yellow - in transport, iron - it will be a military, with rhinestones - in cinema, theater or rural club, blue - by chance Street.

Vintage fortune telling

One of the most popular fortunes on the old New Year and the baptism for young girls who want to know their future was the "invitation to dinner".

Before proceeding with gadania maiden in empty room She covered the table with a tablecloth, put, besides the knife and forks, the device and sentenced: "Daughty-rude, come to dine me." Then the windows and the doors were locked and expected its narrowed alone.

Owning wind and blows in the windows and the door testified about the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her conversation. The girl, without moving, was supposed to notice the features of the face and clothes and not answer the questions.

Then suddenly fixed on the sort of stubcounted: "How to call?". The narrowed called the name and took out something out of his pocket. In this moment, the girl was supposed to say: "Chur me!" - And the groom just disappeared.

In the old days, the shock was wondering and with a candle. They took a deep bowl and up to half filled with water. At the edges of the bowl, the papers were fixed on which questions were previously written, such as "whether it will marry this year," "will be lucky" and so on.

Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plate and ignited, so that the flame takes to the edge of the secured pieces. On the water lowered a plank with a candle and watched. The prediction was the paper with a question that the candle will fall out.

Other fortune telling

From a canvas bag with beans Potential bride or groom with closed eyes Gets grains and considers it. If there are no specks and shcherbin on the grain, then a wedding will play soon. And if there are specks, then their number indicates how many years to wait until the wedding.

Popular among girls was fortune-telling on future life on things. They took the boots and put several different items there. For example, a piece of sugar meaning a happy and peaceful life, a ring - marriage, a handkerchief - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor man, a bulb - tears, a coin - a rich man and so on.

The boots shake and, without looking, got the subject, the first to go under his arm, and they were predicted by fate.

Gadal girls with girlfriends on thread. Cut off the same thread length and set fire to them at the same time. Whose thread is faster than others burn, she will marry the first. And if the thread will immediately go out or burn only to half, then marry leave, alas, not destined.

Wondered and on the book. They took a book and, before revealing it, they made a page number and string from above or from below. Then the book was revealed and read in the crowded place. The read was interpreted in accordance with the mandated desire for marriage, wealth, the future, and so on.

In the old new year we wondered and desire. January 13, before going to bed, wrote 12 desires on individual packs, folded the sheets carefully and put under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning stretched three of them, which were fulfilled in the new year.

Some belong to the fortune telling very seriously, others - with a tolik of humor, as one of the types of time on the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the upcoming old new year.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

On NG and Christmas, you can guess the cards and find out when I marry. Only easy option for love, the magic of numbers, on the narrowed bed, with the comb, for children, examples of fortunes from psychics, according to the book on shadows, with a candle and simple tarot, which describes the forum.

You will learn that putting under the pillow to dreamed of the narrowed, there are comic divination, for wealth in the company, presented different types ghostas on the night of the old new Year, with the ridge, on the groom, for the fulfillment of desires, with the names (in the name) on the numbers on the rich. Dom to the question of whether it is possible to guess, magic is described and effective conspiracies are proposed.

Sin or not to guess for the old new year?

The night for the old new year falls on the shields, so guessing this night is not considered a sin. Moreover, it is believed that it is on this day that you can get the most reliable and truthful result of fortunes.

Fortune telling on the old new year Alyona Kurilov, for the future, will the child

Alena Kurilova believes that it is impossible to guess on the old new year on mirrors or maps. By this you will attract dark forces. You can find out your future ... in dumplings.

Add to ordinary dumplings beans, and those who will get this dumplings, expects replenishment in the family, buttons - will acquire a long-awaited update, salt - waiting for tests and difficulties, sugar is to have a life filled with pleasures. In one of the dumplings, put a coin - it will symbolize wealth.

Before the meal, be sure to warn guests and households that dumplings with a "surprise" so that somebody did not break the teeth about them.

Fortune telling for the old new year at home on paper, marriage

The old new year is considered the most favorable time for divination. This is the time when you know about the upcoming marriage, you can not refer to the magicians and sorcerers, but by visiting them.

That's how it can be done using the usual handle and paper.

At midnight for the old new year you need to take two paper leaves. On one of them put a cross. Then throw leaves on the floor. If the first leaf will fall, marked with a cross, then this year you will get married.

For girls and men, fortune telling on the old new year at home at the wax (the value of wax figurines)

On the old new year is considered to be illexed to learn your future or girls nor men. For fortune telling a bowl with water and a candle. Fit the candle, wait until the wax starts to melt and flick, tilt it above the water and try to pour out any shape. According to it and judge the results of divination. If there are doubts how to interpret one or another animal, poured out of wax - look into any dream book and you will find the right answer.

Fortune telling for old new year for married, for family, for children, desire for pillow

The best and harmless way of divination for the whole family, including children, is fortune-telling on the cereal. Push into a glass of any cereals, for example, a barley or buckwheat. Guess in turns of desire and take yourself a handful of cereals from a glass. It remains to recalculate the amount of grains taken. If it is an even number - your desire will come true.

You can also find out about the execution of desire if you put the same number of paper sheets labeled with a cross and without it. In the morning you need to pull the first leaflet. If the cross is on it - the desire will surely come true.

Fortune telling on the old new year with a mirror, on dumplings, ring, well made of matches

You can see the victims of your narrowed by peering on the old new year in the tunnel, built from mirrors aimed at each other. But. It is better not to risk, because if you are confused and close the tunnel on time, then the evil spirits can get out of the mirror and harm you.

Take advantage more fun, and suitable for the holiday in a way, - fortune-money on dumplings. Prepare ordinary dumplings, putting in them, instead of stuffing, coin, salt, sugar and pepper. Those who will get a dumpling with a coin, will have to live the next year in wealth and honor, the rest of the year will bring emotions, according to their taste.

To find out whether this year you can be narrowed using wedding RingBorrowed from a woman who is happy in marriage. It is put in a deep vessel with grain. Then every unmarried girl takes the grain handustrian. What a ring comes - the very first to get married.

Under the old new year dreams prophetic dreams. You can use this, and see your narrowed by divination on matches. Of these, you should lay out the likeness of the well, near which to put a thimble, filled with water, symbolizing bucket. Then you should take a new towel, put it under the pillow with the words: "Daughty-rude! Come wink, flipped with a towel! ", - And go to bed. Your future husband It will definitely visit you in Night Gresses and asks the towel.

Fortune telling on the old new year on playing cards January 13, bridge, from Lilia Khgai, on a chain

You can pay on the old new year narrowed on the old year using any deck of playing cards. Remove the kings from it, and go to bed, put them in a pillow. In the morning you will get at random one any map. If the king is the master of "worms" - your narrowed will be beautiful and rich, "tambourine" - good and gentle, "Tref" - military, "peak" - jealous and old.

IN new Year's Eve You can lure your narrowed to sleep. For this, several twigs are rewinding with their hair and put them under the pillow with the words: "Daughty-rude! Come! Through the walking of me translate. " Go to bed and do not give a word anymore, but then the dream swung.

Lilia Khgay gave a few tips, using which you can attract wealth for a whole year. To do this, take your wallet, put several coins or bills and a pinch of cinnamon in it. Close the wallet and put it on the night on the windowsill in such a way that the Moonlight fell on him - he charges the wallet of the energy of wealth and will not give to the money.

Among the girls are popular fortune telling on the chain. To find out your future with the help of this divination, you simply need to hold in your hand, and then throw a gold or silver chain on a solid surface. If she lay down a bow - to the wedding, the ring - the year will not bring anything new, he was hampered by the knot - the coming year will be difficult. Sometimes the chain falls, reminding the outlines of the letter. If you managed to see this, then the name of the narrowed will begin with it.

Fortune telling on the old new year from January 13-14 with comb, with glasses, with egg, ring and thread, water

There is a belief that if the girl on the night of January 13-14 will put a comb's comb cover under the pillow and says: "Cute narrowed! Come! My hair is taking! ", I will dream of her future husband.

You can see the future, if you pour into a glass, filled with warm water, the protein from the egg. It forms an intricate figure, in the outlines of which and judge that they will bring with them the New Year. If the protein just falls on the bottom of the glass - nothing good in the new year is expected.

Under the old new year, you can reliably find out the answer to the question that torments you. For this you just need to hold the weight on the weight on the thread ring. If it starts rotating clockwise - the answer to the question is positive, against - negative.

Some girls argue that they can even see their future to see their future even if they will simply and closely look into the glass filled with clean water.

Fortune telling for the old new year at the church 12 times to circumvent money to be found, four kings

On the night of the old New Year, you can remove the "crown of celibacy" himself. For this you need at midnight to come to the church and bypass it 12 times in a row. On the way to the church and home, read about yourself the prayer "Our Father" and do not talk to anyone.

The girl on granting this night will be able to know whether it will be happy in marriage. For this, before going to bed, she needs to put four king under the pillow new deck Maps, and in the morning get one of the cards. If it is a tambourine or worm king - her husband will be young, handsome and rich. The trephic king foreshadows marriage for the military. The king of peak suit is a bad husband or an unhappy marriage.

To make all the year you have money for the old new year, they cannot do anything to anyone, no matter how they asked you.

Effective fortune telling on the old new year for pregnancy, on a newspaper, with a castle, with a towel, on the street, on a plate, for good luck, on champagne

If you have children at all, or what gender your baby will appear, you can use fortune-telling on the needle. To do this, in a white thread in a needle and take it in right hand. Throw the thumb left and lower the thread several times with a needle between your fingers. Then keep the thread so that the needle is located above the center of the palm. If she breaks like a pendulum - you will have a boy, rotate in a circle - a girl. The needle that frozen in the same position indicates the absence of children in the next few years.

You can find out the future you can guess on the newspaper. Squeeze and twist it as you will tell you your fantasy. Then put on the plate and install it. Now turn off the light, burn the candle and place it in such a way that the plate with the newspaper discarded the shadow. According to the outlines, the shadows are judged about the upcoming events that are waiting for you this year. If you can't disassemble any silhouette, you can brighten the plate until you seen something defined.

The future can be found in a dream. To do this, construct an improvised well from the matches and put a thimble with water near it (it symbolizes the bucket). Then take the padlock, put it near the well and closed the key. In the evening, before going to bed, the key is removed from the castle and shifted under the pillow with the words: "Dailed! Come, cough well help! ". If there is no lock with the key, then you can put a new towel under the pillow, saying: "Daughty-oxid, well-keeped water, and come out to me!". In both cases, the person intended to you must appear in your dream.

You can guess not only at home, but also on the street. If in the old new year, when the clock is trying 12, go out into the street and at the first oncoming thing to ask, as his name is, the same name will be worn and your narrowed.

If you hang on new Year tree, for good luck, own a symbol of your desire, it will certainly come true. So wishes to visit the distant corners of our planet can make an airplane planning to start a child - a stork or a doll, get rich - draw a fake cash bill. For the guaranteed performance of the desire, the masterpieces created by your creativity must be preserved until next year.

We publish groaning information to the old New Year. In Vasilyev, in the evening, according to the following person, the witches steal from heaven a month to forever restore the kingdom of the night. But their plan fails, under the power of a gradually growing day, the darkness is scattered and the sun comes to the sky, which shortens a long winter night.

In the midst of the shin, the eighth day is celebrated by Vasily. In the people of this day they said: "The mahogany of the Red Bidding on the old New Year will fuss - everything will come true, and what will come true - it does not happen!" The expected and favorite entertainment of unmarried maids under the Old New Year has always been a fortune telling on the old new year.

To create a mysterious, magical atmosphere, the girls gathered in a dark room, which was covered with a candle. In her and wondered using the sinic attributes and for fortune telling under the old new year, the generous evening on January 13th.

Divination on ring, bread and hook

Three items - hook, ring and bread - put in a bowl with pieces white bread, coal, stones and other small things on the night of January 13-14, 2018. A bowl is covered with a towel, then the girls take turns pull out the first thing from the bowl, which got into her hand (every time before the next girl is returning to a bowl). If you got a piece of bread - the rich hubby will be rich, stretched the ring - the handsome will get, well, and the key is not good: the poor or poor one.


Take three wands - red, white, blue - put in the box. Pull sticks three times. For the first time you can see how rich will the future husband be. A red wand means a rich, white - middle aged, blue - poor man. The second time you can see the appearance: red - handsome, white - cute, blue - unattractive.

Fortune telling January 13 by dogs

In the room, where the fortunelist sits alone, the dog is imparted. According to the dog's behavior, they judge the fate of the girl: if the dog will run away immediately to her - the girl will be happy in marriage, he will first sniff - angry and harsh will be a husband, and married life It will not be glanced, well, if the Pesk will immediately caress, wag the tail - the hubby fell awesome.

Fortune telling on shoe

Traditional fortune telling, in which girls threw on the road any subject of shoes. Sock of the shoe that fell on the ground showed. Which way the girl marries. If the shoe turned to the toe to the house - not see the Virgin Vental this year.

Fortune telling on conversations

The girls went on the village where the conversation was heard, came to the hut and listened - what they say, they will turn out: in the house there is fun - to a fun life, in the house of Branch - to the swearing, etc.

Divination: When you want to marry

In the old days could easily find out when the girl is time to marry go. We had to pour a Christmas tree into a glass. And near the glass - on both opposite sides, there were two candles near the walls. With the help of a mother's or grandma wrap, which was tied up on the maiden's hair, learned the future. It was necessary to lower the ring into the glass so that the water surface does not concern. The ring began to swollen quietly, and the girl listened. They used to say that the ring could rush the name of the future husband and catching up the wedding date. Of course, they could not solve the name of the narrowed, but then they thought how many times the ring would knock on the wall of the glass: then and married a girl to go.

Divination on comb

Before you go to bed, the girl combs her hair, senoming: "Dailed, rich, come and make me hair," after which the comb under the pillow puts. A dreaming man will be sudden. If he combs her, either himself combed this comb - to get married this year.

Other fortune telling for old new year 2018

  • The fortunemen put each other onion root part into a glass with water and watch whose sprouts faster. That, by chain, the first will marry.
  • The unmarried girls highlighted the towel outside the window, if it turned out to be wet in the morning. Get the girl married this year.
  • Coming out of the house, it was supposed to ask the name of the first oncoming. His name coincides with the name of the future husband.

The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter shints, which are celebrated from Christmas Eve and Baptism. The people were believed that at this time the extinction could take a little and stalk, which is why there were a few days in the go of different kind Fun, including fortune telling.

Among the girls walked Mol Polva, that fortune-telling on the old New Year, the night from January 13-14, the most faithful.

"KP in Ukraine" prepared a selection of the simplest and truthful gadasSuppose to girls to brighten a generous evening and just have fun.

Fortune telling for old new year before bed

Fortune telling on kings

On the night of January 13-14 before going to bed, girls need to put under the pillow playing cards With the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, it is worth pulling out one card. What a king of the girl will get, so the husband will be: the peak king is old and jealous, the trephic king is a military, the king of worms is young and rich, and the tambourine is desirable.

Divination on bread and scissors

According to reference, if before bedtime to the old new year, put bread and scissors under the pillow, the girl will certainly dream of her narrowed.

Fair for a love dream

Before beding a gadget girl, it is necessary to eat anything salty and in no case can not be powered by water. Looking at bedtime, you need to speak: "Daissed, rude, come to me and drink me"! According to the reference, who will come to send you, you will marry you.

Fortune telling

To this fortunate, girls will have to prepare in advance - buy stockings. Before bedtime, one leg needs to wear a new stocking and lie down in bed. At the same time, the girl must be sentenced: "Durable, rich, come to sort me." Muck, which in a dream will remove with a gadget girl stocking - will be her husband.

Fortune telling on love

Under the bed you need to put a small bowl with water, and put a small one on it wooden stick. And to say before bedtime: "Dailed, come through the bridge to translate." Who in a dream through the bridge will translate - it will be married.

Fortune telling on the narrowed

Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune telling is not suitable for each, but rather lovers to ripped nerves. In the people, it is considered one of the most dangerous.

For divination, two mirrors are taken (quite large and if possible equal to the quantity), they are installed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to keep one mirror opposite the highlighted wall mirror, so that a long corridor, illuminated by lights. From the room you need to remove all animals and outsiders. If it is very scary, you can leave a couple of modest specimens, however, they should not make no sound, not to look into the mirror and not approach to gadget.

At the end of the corridor formed between two mirrors and should appear narrowed. True, sometimes to look for a very long time, and you can see not only narrowed, but also any evil ...

Divination for the character of the groom and marriage

And a bowl or saucer folds different items that gadget girls should be drawn without looking. The main condition - items should clearly display the character line or quality of life.

For example, sugar - sweet life, good fitness of the groom, ring - marriage, glass - fun life, golden ring - Wealth.

Fortune telling on matches

For this divination must prepare in advance matchbox And a few matches.

Boxes are installed on the sides: one is a gadget girl, the other is the man who likes. Matches set on fire and wait until they completely store. If the heads are addressed to each other - it means the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune telling on dumplings

One of the most traditional fortunes on the old new year.

The hostess of the house inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and some puts the filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will fall, and it is precisely that the dumplings are determined that a person is waiting next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bills - you are waiting for big money;
  • Thread - to a long road or travel;
  • Dragee type candies - family replenishment;
  • Black pepper pea - denotes life with a peppercorn;
  • Buttons - a lot of interesting new things.

The fortune telling on the water will prompt the character of the groom. Photo: Sotsset.

Simple fortune telling

Fortune telling

In order to find out the name of the future husband, the girl is enough to go out and ask for the first oncoming man to call his name.

Divination on the ring

Gadget girls in turn ride on the floor of the ring. If it rides the door, the girl will soon marry.

Fortune telling on egg

You need to prepare fresh egg in advance. It makes a small hole and carefully pour the contents into a glass with water. After some time, the protein will come, by what form he will take and judge the future.

For example, if the church will be seen in the figure - to be wedding, the ring is the engagement. Machine, ship or aircraft - to travel, business trip, ambulance.

Divination by book

In advance, it is necessary to prepare a book with a suitable content. Without revealing the book, the girls make the page number and string from above or below. Then reveal the book on the desired page and read the necessary lines. Depending on the fact that the gadget girl worries most and interpret the selected paragraph.

Fortune telling at wish

Food at the grains

This fortune-telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into the bank, the question is asked, after which there is a handful of cereals from the tank with an left hand, and grains are recalculated.

An even number symbolizes a positive response to the assigned question, and an odd is negative, respectively.

Fortune telling on water

Two identical glasses are preparing. One of them is filled with water. Fucking the desire, a gadget girl begins to overflow the liquid from one glass to another. Puts it several times. After that, it is necessary to look at the surface where the glasses were stood. If there are no more than two or three drops on it, the desire will come true. If the drops are more - an embodiment of it is difficult.

Divination by shadows

It is necessary to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of pure paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper needs to squeeze and put on a plate, carefully set up a lump. When the sheet is completely burns, it is necessary with the help of a candle to make it reflected on the wall. After that, it is time to connect all your fantasy - considering the shadows, you can learn about your future.

Although religious people are categorically advocated against this. But the coming holiday will learn their future for many reason and predict fate. By old tradition, on the night of January 13-14, 2019, the people celebrate the holiday. This holiday is called still "rich" or generous Vasilyev evening. Why generous? It was believed this evening to generously cover the table, treat everyone who enters the house. But what is especially interesting for unmarried girls- This evening could be guessing on fate! Popular marriage divinations are able to predict the future and tell about the narrowed-ripped. In our material, look for topical information on how to guess on the night of January 13-14, on the night of the old new year.

While our readers are discussed, we publish information about. In Vasilyev, in the evening, according to the following person, the witches steal from heaven a month to forever restore the kingdom of the night. But their plan fails, under the power of a gradually growing day, the darkness is scattered and the sun comes to the sky, which shortens a long winter night.

In the midst of the shield, the eighth day is celebrated. In the people of this day they said: "The mane girl falsits - everything will come true, and what will come true - it does not happen!" The expected and favorite entertainment of unmarried maids under the Old New Year has always been a fortune telling on the old new year.

To create a mysterious, magical atmosphere, the girls gathered in a dark room, which was covered with a candle. In it, we wondered using the sinic attributes and for fortunes under January 13.

Divination on ring, bread and hook

Three items - hook, ring and bread - put in a bowl with pieces of white bread, coal, stones and other small things on the night of January 13-14, 2019. A bowl is covered with a towel, then the girls take turns pull out the first thing from the bowl, which got into her hand (every time before the next girl is returning to a bowl). If you got a piece of bread - the rich hubby will be rich, stretched the ring - the handsome will get, well, and the key is not good: the poor or poor one.


Take three wands - red, white, blue - put in the box. Pull sticks three times. For the first time you can see how rich will the future husband be. A red wand means a rich, white - middle aged, blue - poor man. The second time you can see the appearance: red - handsome, white - cute, blue - unattractive.

Fortune telling January 13 by dogs

In the room, where the fortunelist sits alone, the dog is imparted. According to the behavior of the dog, judge the fate of the girl: if the dog comes back to her - the girl will be happy in marriage, he will first sniff - angry and harsh will be a husband, and the married life will not be glad, well, if the Pesk will get immediately caress, wag the tail Fit gentle.

Fortune telling on shoe

Traditional fortune telling, in which girls threw on the road any subject of shoes. Sock of the shoe that fell on the ground showed which direction the girl would marry. If the shoe turned to the toe to the house - not see the Virgin Vental this year.

Fortune telling on conversations

The girls went on the village where the conversation was heard, came to the hut and listened - what they say, they will turn out: in the house there is fun - to a fun life, in the house of Branch - to the swearing, etc.

Divination: When you want to marry

In the old days could easily find out when the girl is time to marry go. We had to pour a Christmas tree into a glass. And near the glass - on both opposite sides, there were two candles near the walls. With the help of a mother's or grandma wrap, which was tied up on the maiden's hair, learned the future. It was necessary to lower the ring into the glass so that the water surface does not concern. The ring began to swollen quietly, and the girl listened. They used to say that the ring could rush the name of the future husband and catching up the wedding date. Of course, they could not solve the name of the narrowed, but then they thought how many times the ring would knock on the wall of the glass: then and married a girl to go.

Divination on comb

Before you go to bed, the girl combs her hair, senoming: "Dailed, rude, come and make me hair," after which it puts a comb under the pillow. A dreaming man will be sudden. If he combs her, either himself combed this comb - to get married this year.

Other fortune telling for old new year 2019

  • The fortunemen put each other onion root part into a glass with water and watch whose sprouts faster. That, by chain, the first will marry.
  • The unmarried girls highlighted the towel outside the window, if it turned out to be wet in the morning. Get the girl married this year.
  • Coming out of the house, it was supposed to ask the name of the first oncoming. His name coincides with the name of the future husband.

Photo:, open sources online